News Letter
News Letter
News and Views Newsletter of the Divine Providence Province January 2011 Volume 4 Number 1 A New Call to Holiness Province that has started in Saigon, Vietnam. Around the first pioneer Guanellian in that land, a little flock of energetic and enthusiastic young men has started gathering together to begin their vocation discernment and experience the beauty of our Guanellian charism. The work has just begun and we are committed to give special attention to this new branch blossoming on the tree of our Congregation. I am sending my New Year wishes, recalling with deep gratitude the many blessings that our Province has experienced and shared during 2010. Among the special signs of God’s graciousness to our Province and Congregation, I would like to single out the growing number of new “Shepherds and Servants” ordained during 2010: Eleven new priests and seven deacons. What a gift and responsibility! At the closing of my visit to our Vietnamese brothers, we went on a Pilgrimage to a mountain three hours north of Saigon, where a huge statue of Mary is venerated. We literally had to climb the mountain to reach the place where we celebrated the Eucharist, entrusting to the Mother of God our vocation and mission in the different corners of the world. May Mary, under whose protection we start the New Year, accompany us on the daily climbing of the mountain of Holiness, reminding us with her example that we can’t really follow Jesus without sharing with Him, the journey of the Cross that leads us daily to the experience of God’s total self – giving and all embracing compassion. To each and everyone a blessed and grace filled New Year. The upcoming event of the canonization of Don Guanella is for these new ministers of the Gospels as well as for all of us, a challenge to aim high and aspire to holiness, that is total, wholehearted response to God’s call and to the service of His people. I am writing to you after landing again in Manila, coming from a fruitful visit to the youngest and very promising portion of the Divine Providence Fr. Luigi “ Then they opened their treasures and offered Him gifts. Matthew 2, 11 “ Beginning a new year is an invitation for we Christians to start our journey with the Lord afresh. We do not simply turn another page of the calendar; we are all gently and firmly called to turn over our whole life with new generosity and trust to the loving God so that He may continue to use us this 2011 as instruments and channels of His grace and compassion to build His kingdom and renew the face of the earth. World Disability Day in India CHENNAI - December 5th was a long awaited day at DGRC. It was a special Sunday, graced with many visitors December 3rd was an important day for the 70 million to the DGRC campus. The preparation for the program people with disabilities in India. Some progress has been began long ago with the assistance of the Confreres, staff made in the area of disabilities in India especially in the and students of DGRC. past year; however, implementing change is a different thing. Even the basic rights of education, employment The day began with Holy Mass celebrated and access are not available to people with disabilities. by Fr. Soosai Rathinam. Guanellian communities celebrated in a grand manner, Good children from to encourage people to respect human life, especially institutions like Prema the lives of the disabled in their homes. Vasam, Satyalok, the BANGALORE - Under the guidance of Fr. Visuwasam, Little Flower School Guanella Preethi Nivas celebrated World Disability Day and Sisters from many congregations, parents, on December 5, 2010. Differently-abled and aged people youth, benefactors, collaborators and friends were in were brought from ten institutes and from the local area. attendance. The Good Children served Mass as the Around five choir, lectors, at the offertory, and Anjali, a way of hundred praising God. people were After Mass, Good Children danced and sang to welcomed entertain the gathering; showcasing their many talents. and served The chief guest was Mr. Joseph T. Ravi, the District tea and Disabled Rehabilitation Officer of Thiruvallur. In his tiffen. speech, he said that he is happy with the success of our Mr. Muni Center and promised to help in anyway possible. VIP’s Rathinam, from the Christian Fellowship of Secretariat joined a resident the celebration and gave financial support. They were of Don honored with ponnadai and memento. Games were Guanella Home for the Aged, welcomed Archbishop played; and prizes awarded to the winners. Parents Bernard Moras with a garland; Fr. Ronald welcomed and youth from surrounding parishes the archbishop and the gathering at the performed various cultural items. All opening of Mass. Archbishop Moras lit were invited for the festive dinner. A the kutthuvizhaku and presided over the meeting was held for the benefactors, Holy Eucharist. The special people of the Guanellian Lay Movement and Friends day were honored by the gift of grace. of DGRC led by Fr. Ligory. They were Differently-abled people and the oratory asked to join the Servants of Charity children gave cultural programs, organized in serving these Good Children. by aspirants Santhosh and Francis. After Throughout the day, candles, greeting the cultural programs, everyone shared a fellowship cards, incense sticks and blocks, and Agal vilakku, meal. made by Good Children of DGRC, were available for CHENNAI - As the whole world celebrated World Disability Day, the children of Don Guanella Evening School, also gave their little hands to celebrate. They contributed what they could; saving the little amount they received from their parents or buying candies for the celebration at Don Guanella Rehabilitation Center. Thus their contribution became larger, for they contributed from the little they had. We are happy that charity is rooted in the hearts of the children and they are happy to have done something good. purchase. The special children were offered a towel as a token of love from the DGRC family. Thank you to all who worked hard to make this celebration successful, especially God, for his powerful guidance. 2 REACT Extends Charity at Yesuvanam SIVAGANGAI - From the land of John de Britto, a group of people inspired by his life formed an organization called REACT, Rural Education And Charitable Trust. The 25 members of REACT are from different places, races, and religions, they are rich and poor but for a common good, they were united as one family. REACT was touched by our service to the physically and mentally challenged children and they wanted to do something for our Good Children. Anniversary of the birth of Blessed Louis Guanella. Mass was offered to the church and the congregation with many of the confreres serving the Lord as lectors and acolytes. Fr. Alphonso Crippa accepted the intentions of the first year theology students and conferred the ministry of the Lector and the Acolyte for the second and third year theology students. After Mass, the The ‘Garden of community gathered for a small dinner and presented Jesus’ was filled with REACT members on the Feast of gifts for all. Christ the King. They came with their families in order to teach good values to their children. They organized Christmas Gifts to Oratory Children the cultural program. They presented a Physio-therapy machine for the Anbagam program and promised BANGALORE- A group of people came forward and to help us in extending our mission in the future. Fr. extended their supportive hands to the Guanella Preethi Gnanaraj, the Superior of Yeusvanam community, gave Nivas community by providing gift bags to Don Guanella an address to the gathering about the real suffering of oratory children and youth. Oratory children performed a short program for the guests. Fr. Ronald conferred a the Good Children, which brought people to tears. Christmas message to the children and benefactors. The Members prepared a meal and brought it here to serve guests were honored with gifts and sang carols to the our Good Children. The help of REACT is a blessing of children. Divine Providence, which is always with us. Bro. Sachin expressed Lay Co-Operators Meeting thanks to all the BANGALORE - To show gratitude to all those who guests offered contributions for the success of the world’s for their special people, a Lay Co-Operators meeting was generous held on December 19. Fr. Visuwasam led an hour of help to the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament during which Bro. children. Arivazhagan presented a slideshow on the spirituality After the and Mission of the Founder. After the spiritual program, they distributed gifts, sweets and a bit of food nourishment a meal was shared with the cooperators. to all the children. International Theological Seminary ROME, ITALY December 19th was a significant day for the Guanellian community of the International Theological Seminary in Rome. The congregation celebrated the 168th Annual Sports Day Meet CUDDALORE - Don Guanella Boys Home was happy to celebrate the Annual Sport Meet for the 2010 –11 school year. The boys were divided into four groups led by their captains and confreres and they led a parade. The purpose of the meet is to encourage health awareness, team spirit and unity among the boys. The event was held October 24th. 3 Regents Gather in Yesuvanam SIVAGANGAI- After a challenging half-year ministry, the brothers in regency reconvened at Yesuvanam to recollect their experiences and reflect on their future. They all shared their experiences, feelings, success and difficulties. Fr. John Baptist, a Salesian Priest, presented some practical uses of the preventive system. Then Rev. Fr. Soosai Rathinam, Provincial Vicar, taught the Fr. Piero Lippoli serving the ‘Good Children’ during his Guanellian Educational Style in which charity must recent visit to India. always prevail. The gathering Formation Meeting finished with a DINDIGUL - The Indian formators of the Divine visit to our lands Providence Province gathered at the Bishop’s House, in Madurai and Dindigul, for a two day meeting December 14-15th. on the way The presenter was Rev. Fr. Arul Shivan, an experienced back to their Jesuit priest, who spoke about relevant issues and communities challenges in Formation and Ministry today. Fr. Arul they stopped taught that formators should be persons of integration, at Vaigai Dam having a strong educational background and experience for some in the pastoral field. They need to reference their own relaxation. lives, showing consistency between their ideals and Parents Meeting, GPN their practices, particularly in community life and ministry. They should be rooted in generosity, patience, commitment and sacrifice, ready to adjust their lifestyle BANGALORE To explain the educational statues of and relationship to others so that they actually model brothers, to build up a good relationship and to inform the realities they wish to convey. He emphasized the them of the formative structure of our congregation, a importance of the mentoring process, an experience of meeting was held on December 17th for the parents of integrating interpersonal human relationships which aspirants at Guanella Preethi Nivas. Fr. Samson met has as its objective learning and growth. A mentor the parents of aspirants individually and had a dialogue is expected to be mature and motivated, with an with them about their son. Fr. Visuvasam delivered a empathetic intelligence. In our work, compassionate concluding talk in the evening. After the meeting, Holy and therapeutic listening skills play a major role and a Mass was celebrated by Fr. Ronald for the intentions of certain amount of inner freedom is necessary to nurture the aspirants. The meeting ended with a grand dinner. maturity. Meeting for Mission Animators and Parish The second day Fr. Rathinam, tutelage coordinator, Priests gave the sources on Ratio - the human maturity for an effective Gospel witness. He listed the sources to equip CHENNAI - The meeting was held at Don Guanella the formators in India. He offered suggestions on how Major Seminary. All the mission animators and Parish Priests that participated benefited. Fr. Soosai Rathinam to be an adequate formator for young aspirants. said, “Learn more to earn more because we live in a Suppose Christmas at Boys Home digital and divided culture.” All the CUDDALORE - On the evening of Dec 23rd, the confreres shared Suppose Christmas and New Years were celebrated their mission at Don Guanella Boys Home. Fr. Sebastian blessed experience from the crib that was set up in the Portico. Seminarians, tuition teachers, benefactors and workers participated their respective in the joy of the boys. Mr. Pughalendhi, former MLA places. Overall, it of Cuddalore, presided over the celebrations. The boys was a fruitful, and and seminarians performed a colorful Christmas drama uplifting day. with songs and dances. A joyous meal was shared by Fr. Piero Lippoli sharing leisure time with the all. ‘Good Children’ during his recent visit to India. 4 News from Germany Despite many difficulties, last month was very eventful, rich with emotion and filled with rewarding news. On December 4th, we celebrated the 50th anniversary of our Italian parish at Pforzheim where Inge and I are active members of the pastoral council. In the presence of Monsignor Bertolone and many German parish priests, we thanked God for the long and fruitful presence of almost 200 Guanellian alumni. During the celebration, we realized that our project to have a Guanellian structure in Germany has become reality. Our assistant bishop, Mons. R. Klug, has shown his interest and readiness to permit a Guanellian parish in our country. This presence will be a blessing to increase the promising activity of our small Procura. Our General House has given a formal commitment to send a young priest to assist this Italian community of 7000. Let’s hope and pray that Fr. Guanella appears in Germany! After this joyous news, we had another sign of the benevolence of Divine Providence and fatherly intervention from our blessed Founder; the Catholic solidarity agency, Sternsinger Pueri Cantores of Cologne, has pledged to fund our disabled center, Harong Kan Sagrada Familia, in Legazpi, Philippines. A substantial amount was granted to Fr. Battista. Confirmation was given on the birthday of Fr. Luigi Guanella! More important news comes from Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The secretary of Bishop Hinder, the Capuchin Fr. Gandolf, reported that the Ministry of Social Affairs is ready for a detailed presentation of our charismatic method in dealing with disabled children. He asked us to confirm our next visit in early March 2011 with Fr. Joe Rinaldo. Another request for a new Guanellian facility came from South Africa where, since 2003, we have been in contact with Bishop Tutu and the archbishop of Pretoria for a shelter for abused and disabled children. My friend and good advisor Mr. Frik Solms, who has known our Congregation since 1998 and has visited our structures in Rome, Como and Perugia, is working with me to open a door! Fr. Gandolf of Abu Dhabi, who spent many years in Tanzania, asked if the Guanellians are present there. My friend Makundi, a rich businessman in Dar es Salam and relative of the current President of Tanzania, would support our arrival there. The Vicariate of the Archdiocese of Cologne has pledged to finance part of the costs for building the new church at Kumbokonam in India. The Catholic solidarity agency Misereor is seriously considering our project for the disabled center in Mexico City. We continue our work for opening new ways of fundraising in Germany and neighboring countries. From the bottom of our heart we thank God and Holy Mary for the grace granted to me personally and to our young procura. We need further spiritual support from our readers. May God accompany all of us in the new year knowing that even one hour with God brings much more than a long life far away from him. Let Him give us an appointment in Rome for the canonization proclamation of our Founder and show the World that his charism is still alive through our work. Gero Lombardo, Procurator of the Guanellian Entity in Germany GLM Takes Root in Rhode Island EAST PROVIDENCE - On December 5, a group of parishioners of the Sacred Heart Church met to solidify plans for starting the GLM and making contact with different catholic and social organizations working throughout the city. During the meeting, members agreed to promote activities to raise awareness of our Founder, targeting the pastoral group of the parish, students and alumni of the parish school and their parents. They are planning some social, formative and cultural activities for the months of March, May and September. In the next five years, there will be many events that offer the opportunity to spread the charism of Fr. Guanella and the work of the Servants of Charity and Daughters of St. Mary of Providence worldwide. The calendar of this new GLM group is marked with centennial anniversaries to be celebrated in the coming years. 5 Fr. Paul Celebrates 40th Anniversary GRASS LAKE - On the evening of December 10th, a reception was held for Fr. Paul Oggioni in the Holy Family Pastoral Center at the Shrine of St. Joseph/ Pious Union of St. Joseph. Drs. Paco & Millie Lopez, Guanellian Lay Movement organizers, arranged the surprise reception and provided food for the gathering. A communication went out to the Shrine community in Grass Lake and the Latino community in Jackson and a big crowd gathered to decorate the building for a generous celebration of Fr. Paul’s 40th Anniversary as a Guanellian Priest. The Latino community sang as Father entered the building and with his usual missionary grace and good cheer he greeted everyone, he blessed them and offered a prayer over the food. The Pastoral Center was warmed by the fellowship of the people and several of Fr. Paul’s brother priests: Fr. Fortunato Turati, Fr. Dennis Weber and Fr. Satheesh, who added a special blessing to the celebration. Tocco Family Continues Christmas Tradition CHELSEA - With an ever expanding group of family and friends, Jack and Toni Tocco continued their tradition of providing gifts for every St. Louis Center resident on Sunday, December 19, 2010. This year’s Tocco group from the Eastside of Detroit, numbered twenty people, and included several professional musicians, Big Band trumpet player Johnny Trudell, and opera singers Eva Evola and Dino Valle. As Jack Tocco wished our residents Merry Christmas on behalf of his family and friends, Santa Claus made one more trip to St. Louis Center to pass out more gifts to our “Good Children.” As Santa met with each resident, Jack Jr. passed out dollar bills to each resident, as they also enjoyed apple cider and fresh donuts during the visit. Ms. Evola provided a beautiful solo rendition of “Oh Holy Night,” and before they left, an accordion was left behind for the residents to learn to play until the group returns next year. SLC Residents Benefit from Marine Toys for Tots CHELSEA - The night of Monday December 13th was very special for the residents of St. Louis Center, as they had the privilege of rubbing elbows with some of America’s finest soldiers; a detachment of Marine Reserves. This crisply dressed group of 25 men and women came to put a smile on everyone’s face and warm the gymnasium with Christmas Carols and gifts from the Toys for Tots program for all of our “Good Children.” Santa Claus also came along for a visit, and the singing was led by Fr. Fortunato Turati as everyone waited for Santa’s arrival. According to Captain Rodney Sapp, the Toys for Tots program is administered throughout the State of Michigan, and provides the Marine Reserves with an opportunity to visit deserving children in the area who may otherwise go without a decent Christmas. “We love what we do, and going out into the community gives us a positive way of interacting with underprivileged families. It reminds us of who we are protecting in service to our nation.” 6 World Disabled Day MANILA The Diocese of Novaliches in Manila celebrated World Disabled Day on Saturday, December 11. Almost 1500 differently abled persons participated in this program. The day started with the Holy Eucharist. It was full of different activities for the special people that made them realize that they can do many things, differently. We had a lot of fun entertaining our special people. They gave each institution one plastic mask and asked us to paint it differently. In this contest, we were surprised to win 3rd prize. The day was worth spending with the special people. was a priest except a few Christians. He was not afraid of the nurse and his heart refused to be consoled after seeing the suffering of the cancer children. Let us pray for them and their families. They obtained permission to share milk powder and money with fifty very poor children. During the visit, the group started praying in two rooms and when they reached the third room, the head nurse asked them to stop praying and she was very harsh. Nobody at the hospital knew that Fr. Felicks Christmas Party Fr. Luigi Visits Vietnam MANILA -The birth of Christ brought Good News to the poor, joy to Mother Mary and redemption to humanity. We also feel the same when we celebrated our Suppose Christmas party with our staff. It brought Good News, Joy and made us believe in our redemption too. This is the day on which all the teachers became students, and grown ups became small babies. We played party games, danced, sang and shared gifts with our staff. It made us feel that we are all one family under the guidance and protection of Bl. Louis Guanella. SAIGON -Fr. Luigi traveled to Vietnam, December 26th-30th, in order to meet the first batch of students undergoing the discernment process. He enjoyed meeting the young men and teaching them about Fr. Guanella and our congregation. Not Allowed to Pray SAIGON - A group of Christian families invited Fr. Felicks Micheals, SdC, to come and pray over the children in the government cancer hospital in Saigon. On the last day of his visit, they went on a pilgrimage to Our Lady of Tha Pau Mount to celebrate Mass and give a good start to the New Year. 7 January Calendar of Fr. Provincial 1-7 Home Visit 10-16 Rome: Gathering of Provincials with General Council 17-18 Rome: Dialogue with Theology Students in the International Seminary 19 Return to Philippines January Schedule of Events 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 12 16 19 21 22 25 30 31 Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God Manila: Seminarians return from Holidays Manila: Classes resume at Guanella Center Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord Grass Lake: Holy Hour for Vocations Manila: Adoration Chelsea: Vocation Retreat for Boys Grass Lake: Prayer and Pizza Girls group Springfield: Day of Recollection Feast of the Baptism of the Lord Manila: Staff Meeting at Guanella Center Grass Lake: GLM Monthly Meeting Manila: Adoration for Vocations Episcopal Consecration of Mons. Bacciarini Manila: Day of Recollection Day of Penance for Violations to the Dignity of the Human Person Conversion of St. Paul Chelsea: Italian American Club of Livonia Honors St. Louis Center Feast of St. John Bosco Best Wishes and Prayers to: 3 5 6 7 11 14 22 23 Fr. Kurikose: feast day Fr. Paul Arockiaraj: birthday Nov. Paul Dhinagaran: birthday Bro. Charles: birthday Bro. Jegan: birthday Fr. Selvaraj: birthday Dcn. A. Perianayaga Samy: birthday; Fr. Vincent S., Bro. Vincent M.: feast day Fr. S. Periyanayaga Samy, Dcn. A. Perianayaga Samy, Bro. A. Periyanayaga Samy, Bro. Periyanayagam M.: feast day Have questions or comments about this newsletter? Contact the Communications and Community Relations Office at: 16195 Old US 12 Chelsea, MI 48118 USA Telephone: 734-475-8430 St. John Bosco Email: Website: 8
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