May 2014 - Servants of Charity
NEWSBITS OF THE GUANELLIANS IN THE PHILIPPINES The Servant of Charity CELEBRATING LIFE AND LOVE MAY 2014 “GO IN HASTE AND SET OUT TO WORK” AND MOVING UP!!! “God worked six days creating the world and on the seventh day God finished the work that he had done and he rested on the seventh day from all the work that he had done” (Gen 2:2). “Is not this the carpenter’s son? Is not his mother called Mary?” (Mt13:55) We begin this month by celebrating St. Joseph, the worker, as St. Joseph, foster father of Jesus Christ, earned his livelihood through his hard work. He too was a silent man fulfilling God’s plan through his absolute co–operation in the redemptive plan of salvation. Run, run to Mary...with affection too great to be described, she gives us Jesus, she gives us Jesus who saves us ST. LUIGI GUANELLA As we are going to celebrate solemnly the founder’s 148 th ordination anniversary, he had taken as a theme of his ordination Make me a fiery Sword. St. Louis Guanella said that “Work, Work until you rest in heaven.” “Our penance was working, working, and more working; we were supposed to go to bed tired like a donkey”. He also said that “Providence gave me virtuous parents, who instilled in me a spirit of work and sacrifice.” As a seminarian, as a priest, as a founder, he never stopped working; he never enjoyed a moment of relaxation. “He worked truly a lot and made us work a lot too” said Sr. Ghidoni. Therefore the Servants of Charity must be great in the exercise of mortification by taking on their shoulders the sweet yet continual work which is assigned to them. The work is a jewel worn by the Servants; it is a delight/duty which beautifies the Servants; it is a treasure and must be accepted with pleasure. As our founder has taken a great motto, Pray and Suffer, so the Servants have to be ready warriors with arms out-stretched to work in the vineyard of the Lord. The founder loved to work and spread the devotion of Our Lady of Workers. The whole world celebrated the workers day on May 1st. To celebrate this day, many have struggled and gave their lives in order to minimize the working hours and to claim a just salary for their livelihood. Our Blessed Mother set out and went with haste to help Elizabeth in her old age (Lk. 1:39). Our founder also at his old age set out and went with haste to help people who were affected by earthquakes in Marsica. We too need to inculcate the virtues of our blessed Mother while celebrating the Feast of Visitation in visiting the sick, the suffering, the “good children”, persons with handicaps and all our recipients of our mission. May our love be the charism! May our service be the mission! May our mortification be the program! May our work be our only motto! Then only “we can be always like little chicks under the wings of providence. It is God who does” Fr. Soosai Rathinam, SdC St. Louis Guanella as Provincial Superior a young priest CELEBRATING LIFE AND LOVE Page 2 SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM The Summer Enrichment Program is part of the Servants of Charity and Guanella Center summer enrichment strategy for our Sponsored Children under the ministry of Servants of Charity. The objective of this Summer Enrichment Program is to have initiative to expand and improve their difficulties especially in those subjects that they need to improve. In the thirteen days of my teaching I found that the children made very good improvements in their vocabulary skills, spelling, and reading comprehensions and even in mathematics. They strengthened their connections to peers and to us teachers, and sustained their academic habits and attitudes. The summer enrichment program started on April 9, 2014, with a roughly estimated of 80 students attended the program. Then it followed by orientation that was given to the children who would undergo the said program. On April 29, 2014, the said activity ended with a simple yet meaningful graduation rite and each of them received a certificate and ribbon that symbolizes their efforts and achievements in the lessons that they finished. Snacks after the graduation were served. Personally, I realized the importance of teaching especially those who are in need and cannot afford by their parents to send them in schools. I feel blessed also to be a part of the program. I hope and pray that for the next Summer Enrichment Program, I would be again part of the team. BUTCH MENDONES GUANELLIAN ELDERLY MINISTRY PILGRIMAGE Last March 21, 2014 the Guanellian Elderly Ministry went to Our Lady of Piat in Doña Remedios Trinidad, Bulacan. It is also known as Tahanan ng Mahal na Birhen ng Pagdalaw (Our Lady of Visitation). The image venerated is a replica of the original Our Lady of Piat (Our Lady of the Holy Rosary) in Cagayan Valley. This pilgrimage site in Bulacan has been known for its numerous devotees because of their testimonies of cure and answered prayers. The Community is rapidly expanding because of Mama Mary’s image visiting various homes and groups. The group attended the Mass which was presided over by Fr. Edgardo de Jesus, a healing priest. His homily stressed the importance of forgiveness and healing. Unforgiveness breeds bitterness and resentment and destroys our relationship with God. Unforgiveness is analogous to a big stone that blocks God’s continuous blessings flowing upon us. It also blocks our relationship with God and with our neighbors. If we have unforgiveness in our heart, our prayer will not reach God for in Psalm 66:18 says “Had I cherished evil in my heart, the Lord would not have heard.” Moreover unforgiveness prevent us from obeying God for St. Paul in his letter to the Col. 3:12-13 he urges us to “Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience, bearing with one another and forgiving one another, if one has a grievance against another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” It was tiring for the most of the elderly yet it was an experience to remember. “The Lord never tires of forgiving. It is we who tire of asking for forgiveness.” (First Angelus as Pope, March 17, 2013) Pope Francis CELEBRATING LIFE AND LOVE Page 3 IMMERSION 2014: OUR JOURNEY WITH THE LORD “If our heart burns with God’s love then it is likewise burns to love others” (Blessed Charles de Foucauld) We are on the road of the world to meet Christ and to seek the meaning of our life and vocation. Our journey started when we entered the door of Servants of Charity Seminary. We were eight participants in this experience. We come from different places: Bicol, Metro Manila, Mindoro, Aklan, Mindanao and Cavite. Though we are from different provinces, family background, status in life and languages, we still tried our best to be one. “UNITY IN DIVERSITY” is the mentality we are trying to live in the group. Immersionist 2014; our Journey with the Lord reminds us about our goal to meet and encounter the Lord of Vocation in our journey. For almost one month of seminary experience from April 7 to May 3, we actively tried to have a foretaste of community life. We have lived with the priests, seminarians, special children and lay partners of the community. We prayed the liturgy of the hours, we had recreation with the community, ate and worked with them. We have experienced the presence of God not only during prayers but also through our apostolate with the poor. Some of us were assigned to assist the youth, teaching dynamic catechism to the small children and to the elders. Some of us were also assigned to the ministry of bringing the body of Christ to the bedridden and those who do not have the capacity to attend Holy Mass. We experienced bringing Christ to the poor and marginalized of our society. We carry the people in our hearts and in our untiring prayers for them. Each day is filled with the presence of God every time we encounter the beautiful smiles of the children and the people around us. We learned from our experiences inside the seminary. We realized that when we give something, we also receive something. When we give love, we also receive love. We also realized the concept and thought of Cardinal Suennens in his book titled “The Hidden Life” that the world needs love and appreciation rather than money. These are the gifts they want to receive from us. Everywhere we go we are witnesses to cries of the needy and the poor. As we go on farther in our journey, our spiritual life deepens and our sincere relationship with the Lord thus established well. This immersion program has been an opportunity for us to respond to the call of God to each one of us. It is to experience the love of Christ and to bring this love to other people. This program will not just end in saying “GOODBYE” to one another rather the learning we gained will continue to abide in our hearts forever. ALFIE ALCOY SC at 25 Join us as we celebrate our Silver Anniversary in the Philippines JUNE 12, 2014 Thursday 10:00 AM San Isidro Labrador Parish Church Philand Drive, Tandang Sora, Q.C. NEWSBITS OF THE GUANELLIANS IN THE PHILIPPINES SAINT JOHN PAUL II’S VISIT TO SERVANTS OF CHARITY It is good to remember the visit of Pope John Paul II who was canonized last April 27, 2014 to the Mother House of Servants of Charity in Como, Italy on May 5, 1996. It was originally planned as a 15-minute visit, but when the Pope was leaving, he greeted many of our elderly and persons with disabilities, and he ended up in staying for almost an hour. The following are excerpts from his speech to the crowd who enthusiastically welcomed the Pope: The Superior Servants of Charity Centerville Subdivision, Pingkian Road, Bgy. Pasong Tamo, Tandang Sora, 1107, Quezon City Telefax: 931-5549 456-8550 E-mail: We’re on the Web! SERVANTS OF CHARITY PHILIPPINES Celebrating God’s love in the footsteps of St. Louis Guanella Dear sons and daughters of Father Guanella, thank you for all that you do in the service of the Church and the poor: continue to walk faithful to the spirit of your founder and the glowing example of Sr. Clare Bosatta. As your founder loved to say “Give bread and Paradise to those entrusted to your care.” I know that many volunteers work in the institutes of Father Guanella. Dear ones, I desire to convey to you also my true appreciation for the genuine evangelical witness, which you offer through your service. The gratuitousness of your dedication to the least makes you particularly sensible to the needs of the neighbor and open to the suggestion of the Sprit. And you, dear disabled and aged, your suffering and your praying are greatly useful for the life of the Church and the world. Implore the Lord and offer your trials particularly in favor of men and women who are against or indifferent to the call of the grace. With generous offering of your spiritual contribution you can obtain from the Lord the inner conversion of the hearts, which is a miracle not less significant of the miracles concerning the health of the body. FREE VOCATION SEMINAR For male graduating high school students, college students, or young professionals The growing number of indigent and children Every Seconddisabled Weekend of entrusted by the Lord to our care make us seek the Month and welcome any help and expression of solidarity. Saturday 9:00 am to If you5:00 arepm interested in sharing our Sunday mission as a cooperator or benefactor, you may write, call or visit our address. For more information: 0915-648-0362
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