Annual Report PDF - United Way of Miami-Dade
Annual Report PDF - United Way of Miami-Dade
united Way OF MIAMI-DADE 2013 REPORT to the community United Way of Miami-Dade: At-a-glance At United Way, we are focused on creating opportunities for a better life for all right here in Miami-Dade County. We work in three key areas – education, financial stability and health – which are the building blocks for a good quality of life. We invest in quality programs, we advocate for policies that improve lives, we partner with individuals and organizations to find solutions to emerging community issues. Most importantly, we offer help and hope to tens of thousands of people each and every year. Vision We will have a caring community strengthened by its diversity and compassion. United Way will be seen as a catalyst in building community by bringing hearts, minds and resources together. Mission Building community by helping people care for one another. Fast Facts •Founded as Community Chest of Dade County in 1924 •One of 1,300 United Ways in the country •All United Ways are local, independent and autonomous organizations •Largest private, not-for-profit funder of health and human services in Miami-Dade •2011-2012 total revenues: $46.5 million •Professional staff of 140; volunteer corps of 2,000+ About us Innovative National reputation as a leader in innovation. Two recent examples: the United Way Center for Excellence in Early Education and the United Way Center for Financial Stability with the bold goals of changing the system of early childhood education and helping our neighbors pave a path to financial independence. Responsive Time and again, our United Way has demonstrated its ability to react quickly in response to challenges whether in our own backyard, in a neighboring community or country. Helping newly arrived immigrants begin a new life, our community recover after a category five hurricane or the people of Haiti rebuild following the 2010 earthquake are just some examples. Results-driven Among the ways we help make Miami a more educated, prosperous and healthy community is by investing in 119 programs at 58 impact partner agencies that achieve real and measurable results. Trained community volunteers make program investment decisions as well as monitor their performance to ensure outcomes are delivered. Return on investment In an ever-changing environment of limited funding, maximizing the return on each and every dollar is a top priority. By leveraging all of our assets – securing matching grants, engaging volunteers, influencing public policy, generating grants and in-kind support – our United Way turns every $1 to the community plan into $2.17 worth of help to people in Miami-Dade. Community leader As a respected community consensus-builder, our United Way is frequently asked to assume a leadership role on important issues. Many staff and volunteers hold key positions with various community organizations and provide expertise on a broad range of subject matters including early education, social services, philanthropy, advocacy and community engagement. Trustworthy We take our role as stewards of contributor dollars seriously. There is nothing more important than the trust our contributors place in us. That’s why we’ve institutionalize strict governance practices. They include volunteer oversight at every level – from our own financial statements and annual independent audit to those of the programs we fund. Each and every day, we are working to strengthen our community by improving the education, financial stability and health of our residents. In this report, you’ll learn about much of our work undertaken this past year – work that was made possible thanks to the generosity of our donors and the outstanding commitment of our partners. Together, we are preparing children and youth for success in school and life, we are helping families become financially secure and we are improving people’s health. As a community, we have many reasons to be proud and even more to be hopeful. We thank you for joining us in this work and, for LIVING UNITED. Sincerely, Jayne Harris Abess Board Chair Harve A. Mogul President and CEO 1 Education HELPING CHILDREN AND YOUTH FULFILL THEIR POTENTIAL What we invest in: High-quality early care and education | Training for early education providers | Advocacy | After-school tutoring | Test preparation | Mentoring | After-school enrichment activities | Pregnancy prevention courses | Substance abuse prevention activities | Crime prevention services Key outcomes: 19,000 youth and children received services to increase academic performance and good decision-making, improving their chances for success in school and in life Nearly 20,000 early care educators and administrators attended trainings since 2007 through the United Way Center for Excellence in Early Education More than 3,600 children and their families attended high-quality early education programs throughout Miami-Dade County 1 Florida First Lady Ann Scott participates in United Way’s VIP Reader series 1 2 United Way supports early learning programs 3 Miami Heat Mascot Bernie congratulates students at Ludlam Elementary on their United Way campaign 2 3 Cutlines for photos go here. Cutlines for photos go here. Cutlines for photos go here. Cutlines for photos go here. Cutlines for photos go here. Cutlines for photos go 2 Making strides by promoting quality early care and education Focusing on professional development for early childhood professionals is central to the United Way Center for Excellence in Early Education’s mission of making high-quality early education a reality for all children in Miami-Dade and beyond. In December 2012, a 3-year, $3.5 million early reading federal grant from the U.S. Department of Education, which resulted in the innovative Literacy Enhancement for Early Readers, or Project LEER, came to an end. With knowledge gained through this initiative, the Center partnered with The Children’s Trust to develop a new early reading program called MAESTRO (Mentoring All Educators, Supporting Teachers, Raising Outcomes). Through a combination of group training and one-on-one coaching, MAESTRO works with teachers in “low-performing voluntary prekindergarten classrooms” to improve their literacy instruction skills and, in turn, helps students enter kindergarten ready to learn and achieve long-term academic success. Now in its sixth year, the Center’s professional development program, Early Childhood Program Administrator’s Institute (ECPAI) – a partnership with The Children’s Trust, The Early Childhood Initiative Foundation, Wells Fargo Foundation, Quality Counts Career Center, and Miami Dade College – has provided more than 300 early care and education administrators the opportunity to expand their knowledge of current philosophies, build leadership skills, and receive higher credentials through a series of collegelevel courses and mentoring. A first-ever South Florida Early Literacy Conference, hosted by the Center, brought together more than 300 early childhood education administrators, specialists and teachers from across the U.S. and Latin America. A LIFE CHANGED: Keyshawn Keyshawn is a bright young boy with an even brighter future. Helping him along that path is The Barnyard, a United Way-funded after-school and summer program at Coconut Grove Cares that provides at-risk children with educational, recreational and cultural activities year-round. Keyshawn is one of four siblings, and attends G.W. Carver Elementary. At The Barnyard, he enjoys a safe studying environment, where he can complete his homework while his mother is at work. Keyshawn says he has big dreams – he wants to become “a lawyer, then a judge and then, president.” 3 Financial Stability HELPING INDIVIDUALS AND FAMILIES PAVE A PATH TO FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE 1 United Way supports programs that train and employ disabled individuals 2 Wells Fargo presents a check to United Way in support of the Center for Financial Stability. Pictured are Leo Toca, Harve Mogul, Jane Gilbert, Jose Sanchez and Lars Gilbert What we invest in: Basic needs assistance | Job training and placement | Financial education | Free tax preparation | Credit counseling and debt management | Foreclosure prevention | First-time homebuyer training | Financial counseling and coaching Key outcomes: Nearly 5,700 individuals received financial education and counseling on basic budgeting, credit card management, first-home purchasing assistance and foreclosure prevention Nearly 5,000 individuals with disabilities received job training and employment through a United Way-funded program at Goodwill Industries that generated $29,029,845 in wages Helped 7,719 tax filers receive more than $10.8 million in tax refunds and credits through the EITC (earned income tax credit), in a public awareness campaign partnership with Bank of America, Walmart and Branches as well as services provided at the United Way Center for Financial Stability More than 4,000 individuals and families benefited from financial services provided at the United Way Center for Financial Stability 1 2 4 linking financial stability to academic success Can improving one’s financial stability improve their academic success? Philanthropists Al and Barbara Siemer believe it can . . . and they are putting their resources behind it to prove the case. When the United Way Center for Financial Stability opened in 2009, our United Way was one of 10 in the country to receive a 3-year $150,000 grant from the Siemer Institute for Family Stability (SIFS) to focus on reducing student mobility by improving a family’s financial stability. Students who frequently change schools do not perform as well as those who do not. One of the primary reasons families move is because of their financial situation – which is what led the Siemers to create the Family Stability Initiative. This past year, the Center received a second, 3-year $225,000 grant from SIFS to not only continue the program in Miami but to become part of a national network helping to expand the program in other communities with the intent of creating national change. The Siemer Institute for Family Stability is a key partner of our United Way Center for Financial Stability, providing financial support for our work in helping working families pave a path to financial independence. The Siemers were presented with the 2012 National Tocqueville Society Award by United Way Worldwide. A LIFE CHANGED: debra When Debra’s marriage fell apart, she was left with five children to raise, a mountain of debt and no money. With an imminent eviction looming in her horizon, she was referred to the United Way Center for Financial Stability by Jewish Community Services. Debra had a good idea of all the things she wanted to accomplish and with the help of her financial coach, she was able to create a sound plan. As a result, Debra resolved a tax issue, set up a budget, started paying down all her debts and registered for classes at Miami Dade College. 5 HEALTH IMPROVING PEOPLE’S HEALTH What we invest in: Access to the health care system | Preventive health screenings | HIV/AIDS education and testing | Help with daily living and nutritious meals for older adults | Caregiver respite and support | Counseling for families | Parent education | Child abuse and neglect prevention | Support for children in foster care | Services for domestic violence victims Key outcomes: More than 10,600 individuals, including children, received hearing, dental, breast, HIV/AIDS and heart screenings through United Way-funded programs 9,430 older adults were provided with community-based home care services, personal care, emergency and basic care services that allowed them to remain living indepenently Miami-Dade residents saved more than $5 million on prescription launch of the United Way/FamilyWize partnership in 2008 medication since the United Way programs provided 10,586 seniors with hot, nutritious meals; more than 70% of them improved their nutritional risk status 1 United Way funds programs that help people overcome hearing and speech impairments 1 2 Through United Way support, older adults are healthy and active 3 Young people adopt healthy lifestyles through United Way supported programs 4 Community Investment Co-Chair Matt Gorson speaks at the Community Impact Symposium 5 Community Impact volunteers learn about issues facing our community 6 2 3 A NEW APPROACH TO ACHIEVING OUTCOMES Committed to improving the education, financial stability and health of Miami-Dade residents, United Way embarked on an in-depth 12-month process to determine how to achieve the best outcomes in light of today’s environment of increased needs and limited resources. Over the past 18 months staff and volunteers invested hundreds of hours visiting other United Ways, gathering best practices from across the country, meeting with local subject matter experts and other community organizations and rolling up their sleeves to tackle tough questions: How bold should United Way be in setting community goals? How can all of United Way assets 4 be more strategically integrated to achieve community goals? How can United Way financial investments more strategically support community goals? 5 In December 2012, the board approved a new collective impact approach that will better utilize all United Way’s assets and share accountability with other key community institutions and partners in the achievement of community-level goals going forward. Following the board’s approval, volunteers and staff spent the spring hosting listening sessions to hear concerns and aspirations from people in the community and writing research briefs that painted the current landscape for education, financial stability and health in Miami-Dade. A May symposium brought together volunteers where they heard from various community partners about the needs, trends, policy issues and best practices in each of the three areas. This was an initial step in the planning work that will continue over the next few months. A LIFE CHANGED: Claudia Shortly after Claudia’s father passed away, her mother Leila was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Claudia’s life took a dramatic turn, where she found she had to divide her time among her children, her husband and her rapidly declining mother. Finding it difficult to meet her mother’s growing needs and spend time with her family, Claudia reached out to United HomeCare Services. The agency provided Claudia with an in-home caregiver who spends time with her mother, feeds her and caters to her needs a few hours a week. This gives Claudia some peace of mind and extra time to dedicate to her family. 7 GIVE Across Miami-Dade County, residents opened their hearts, and as a result, total revenues for United Way reached $46.5 million. Publix Super Markets maintained its spot as United Way of Miami-Dade’s top campaign, exceeding the $2 million mark in giving for the first time. Miami-Dade County Public Schools, its students and bargaining units, are again the leading public school campaign in the country. Rounding out the exclusive group of million dollar-plus campaigns are Baptist Health System; Florida Power & Light and IBEW Local 359; Miami-Dade County and its bargaining units; and University of Miami. (See page 20 for more campaign highlights) 1 Leslie Miller Saiontz, Sue Miller, Goldie Hawn and Jean Scheinman 1 2 2 Stephanie Gaywood and Darin Laing 3 Jeff and Yolanda Berkowitz with Lourdes and Mayor Carlos Gimenez 4 Victor and Lisa Mendelson, Sue and Chuck Cobb and Jayne and Leonard Abess 5 Larry Silverman of Akerman Senterfitt, Bryan Hawks of Bilzin Sumberg, Harve Mogul of United Way of Miami-Dade, Daniel Marinberg of Greenberg Traurig and Adam Miller of Carlton Fields Goldie Hawn delivered the keynote address at the 12th Annual Women’s Leadership Breakfast which brought together more than 1,200 women in a celebration of philanthropy and service to community. Hawn, who founded The Hawn Foundation noted, “The private sector is an extraordinary group to belong to, because we have the power to change.” Young Leaders put in a full year of volunteering, networking and just having some plain fun while doing good for the community. Among the many activities was an evening cruise along Biscayne Bay that raised money in support of United Way’s work in the community and a hands-on volunteer experience at Paul Laurence Dunbar K – 8 Center. 3 4 6 Chef Daniel Boulud 7 Andres Garcia, Jr., Lady Monica Heftler and Juan del Busto 8 Students from Johnson & Wales University 9 Colleen and Richard Fain with Margarita and Armando Codina 8 The 18th Annual Mayor’s Ball hosted by Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez and his wife Lourdes was a great success, generating more than $1.1 million. On one night more than 1,000 of Miami’s business and community leaders came together in the spirit of philanthropy and community. Lisa and Victor Mendelson opened up their historic Coconut Grove home to host the Tocqueville Society Grand Reception. Ambassador Sue and Ambassador Chuck Cobb received United Way’s Tocqueville Award for Outstanding Philanthropy in recognition of long careers of service both on a local and national level. 5 Partners and associates for four of Miami-Dade’s top law firms – Akerman Senterfitt, Bilzin Sumberg, Carlton Fields and Greenberg Traurig – made their case not in court, but on the court – challenging each other in a best-of-three series dodge ball tournament. Akerman Senterfitt reigned supreme, walking away with the first place trophy. 6 8 9 7 A two-night charity cruise aboard Celebrity Cruises’ Reflection offered a unique and funfilled experience, including the ship’s naming ceremony, for 500 United Way guests and raised more than $550,000. More than 3,500 guests experienced the very best of Miami’s wine and food scene at VeritageMiami (formerly known as the United Way Miami Wine & Food Festival). The four-day gathering featured a Craft Beer Tasting at Wynwood Walls, a Fine Wine Tasting at Village of Merrick Park, an Interactive Dinner at the JW Marriott Marquis Miami and an Auction & Wine Dinner at the Orion Jet Center. “In rebranding our annual wine and food festival to VeritageMiami, we wanted to create a more engaging experience for our guests that really brought together the wine, food and philanthropic communities,” His Royal Corkscrew Richard Fain, chair of VeritageMiami, said. A Lifetime of Giving At 90 years of age, Jay Kislak is the senior statesman of United Way’s Tocqueville Society. His involvement with United Way of Miami-Dade, both as a contributor and volunteer, dates back some 60 years when the organization was known as the Community Chest. In 1962, Jay chaired what was then called the United Fund campaign. Today, he and his wife Jean, continue their philanthropy, both in Miami and beyond. For them, giving to others comes naturally, and seeing the results of their generosity is an immeasurable reward. They are proud of the expansive reach that United Way of Miami-Dade has and how inclusive the organization remains. 9 ADVOCATE When the state legislative session concluded this spring, our United Way, together with the statewide United Way network, had reason to be proud as three of our four priorities scored successful outcomes. This past fall, United Way teamed up with The Children’s Movement to encourage voter registration and turn out. Information on United Way’s website and other social media channels made it easy for local residents to sign up to vote, find out about voting times and locations, and learn more about key ballot issues. 10 Top on the list was the passage of a comprehensive early learning bill that included a $5.1 million increase in funding – the first increase in a decade – to address the waiting list of nearly 70,000 children statewide. In Miami-Dade, that translates to an increase of $2.2 million to serve an additional 700 children. Other wins included an increase in funding for programs that help the frail elderly and the homeless. United Way’s public policy director was on the ground in Tallahassee for eight weeks, meeting with education and appropriations committee chairs and staff during the development of the early learning bill and budget request, testifying at committee hearings and providing weekly blogs and legislative summaries to keep us informed on the key issues. With our partners at the Health Foundation of South Florida and the Health Council of South Florida, along with State Senator Rene Garcia and State Representative Eddy Gonzalez, United Way hosted a legislative forum on Medicaid Expansion. The purpose was to inform Florida policy makers about the fiscal impact of Medicaid expansion under federal healthcare reforms and to discuss a Georgetown Health Policy Institute study that indicates Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Health Care Act could save the state money. Dr. Jack Hoadley, senior researcher at Georgetown Health Policy Institute and national expert on state Medicaid budget issues, presented some of the findings from the Georgetown study. As a preview to the legislative session, United Way hosted an informational session for volunteers, community partners, impact partner agencies and their boards. United Way of Florida President Ted Granger and Bob Levy, a political consultant, shared their insights on some of the key issues before the legislature as well as some of the key players. 1 In May, a group of United Way Women Leaders traveled to Washington, D.C. to advocate on behalf of quality early care and education. Over the course of two days, the group met with U.S. Representatives Joe Garcia, Patrick Murphy, Nita Lowey, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and Frederica 2 Wilson and Senator Bill Nelson to encourage increased funding for early education initiatives. The highlight of the trip: breakfast with Second Lady Dr. Jill Biden at the Washington, D.C. home of philanthropist Adrienne Arsht. 3 4 1 Jo Sumberg and Toni Randolph with Congresswoman Frederica Wilson 2 Laura Kaplan, Judy Zeder and Leslie Miller Saiontz 3 Adrienne Arsht and Second Lady Jill Biden 4 On the streets of Washington, D.C. with the U.S. Capitol in the background Head Start parents reach out to legislators How important is Head Start to young children? Three parents, whose children attend the United Way Center for Excellence in Early Education Demonstration School, Educare of Miami-Dade, through Head Start funding, visited the district offices of their United States Representatives and Senators to tell them their stories. Luis, a single father of two: “Head Start provided a lifeline for me after my wife passed away. I was unemployed and felt like I didn’t have the resources to care for my family. Not only did Head Start provide the funding so my daughters could attend United Way’s early learning center, but it also helped me find a trade school so I could learn auto mechanics and get therapy for my son.” Deveni, a mother of two: “I placed my children in the Early Head Start program since I was unemployed. While in the program, I was able to look for employment and the teachers and staff in the program helped my daughter, who has special needs, get the necessary therapy.” Jessica, a mother of a son: “I had been told that because my son had Asperger’s and low muscle tone, he would never walk or be able to participate in a regular classroom. I enrolled at United Way through Head Start and there the staff and teachers worked with us to provide him with all the therapies he needed and accommodations in the classroom. Today, my son walks, runs, plays with his peers and this fall will go to a gifted classroom for kindergarten.” 11 VOLUNTEER Engaging volunteers in the community and the work of United Way continues to be a top priority and this past year that engagement took on many different forms and fashions – from employee volunteer projects, to community listening sessions, to 5K runs and much more. 1 Volunteers from FPL 1 2 2 Volunteers from Amadeus 3 Volunteers from Lennar 4 Volunters from Bilzin Sumberg United Way impact partners and other community organizations were the beneficiaries of a number of community work projects as employee teams came together to paint murals, plant gardens, decorate residential facilities and revitalize tired buildings. Nearly 20 different work projects provided much needed renovations to community facilities and engaged hundreds of volunteers in doing good. 4 12 3 The tenants at the 1450 Brickell building held a week’s worth of events that gave them an opportunity to connect with their neighbors while learning more about United Way. Among the activities was a food drive for low-income families who children attend the United Way Center for Excellence in Early Education, a speed networking session and a women’s leadership luncheon. 5 United Way Tocqueville Society members got an inside look at the face of poverty in our community and how our work in education, financial stability and health helps to improve people’s lives during a half-day “A Tale of Two Cities” tour and roundtable discussion. Miami was selected by Deloitte as the site of its 2013 Alternative Spring Break project. For the course of one week, 48 college students from around the country and 12 Deloitte executives worked side-by-side, providing direct service to five local nonprofit agencies. In total, they contributed 2,000 hours of service to the Miami-Dade community. 6 5 Tocqueville Society members at United Way-funded New Life Family Shelter 6 College students participating in Deloitte’s Alternative Spring Break project ReadingPals helps build literacy skills in young children ReadingPals Sharon Fine and Cindy McCall-Talbert with students from Cherry Blossom Academy In 2011, United Way launched a volunteer reader program, and Sharon Fine and Cindy McCall-Talbert were among the first to become involved. Two years later, they are joined by more than 200 readers across Miami-Dade County. The program, now called ReadingPals, is made possible by a grant from Carol Jenkins Barnett and Barney Barnett from Publix Super Market Charities, and is designed to enhance literacy opportunities for young children, instill the love of reading at a young age, and to educate volunteers about the needs in our community. 13 Celebrating service and philanthropy This past year, United Way celebrated the remarkable contributions of several key community leaders and human service professionals. Tocqueville Award for Outstanding Philanthropy: The Honorable Sue and the Honorable Charles “Chuck” Cobb Monsignor Walsh Outstanding Human Service Professional: Judith Lieber Judith Lieber’s skills as a therapist and her unwavering dedication throughout her 37year in the nonprofit sector has afforded hundreds of people an opportunity for a healthy, productive life. Public Service Leadership Award: State Representative Erik Fresen The Cobbs are global citizens who have defined their lives through service to their community, to their state and to their country. Both extraordinarily successful in their professional careers, each has served with distinction as U.S. ambassadors and through numerous community leadership positions. The award was presented during a private reception at the home of Lisa and Victor Mendelson. Dorothy Shula Award for Volunteerism: Dr. Rudolph “Rudy” Moise Dr. Moise has never forgotten his Haitian roots and continues to give back to the Haitian community in South Florida and throughout the nation through his own achievements and advocacy for the Caribbean nation. Essie Silva Community Builder Award: Dr. Eduardo Padrón Dr. Padrón, as president of Miami Dade College since 1995, has worked to make the college a national model of student achievement and the largest institution of higher education in The U.S., with more than 175,000 students. 14 Rep. Fresen’s strong leadership during Florida’s 2013 Legislative session led to a $5.1 million increase in Florida’s “School Readiness” program, the first such increase in a decade. As a result, Miami-Dade will receive an additional $2.1 million to provide child care services for hundreds of young children of working, low-income families. Outstanding Youth Award: Sophia Pereira Sophia Pereira is an outstanding young woman who’s involved in clubs and societies at her K-8 Center and a volunteer at Friendship Circle, where she assists families who have children with special needs through a series of social and respite programs. 2012-2013 United Way program funding Among the ways our United Way helps make Miami a more educated, prosperous and healthy community is by investing in 119 programs at 58 impact partners that achieve measurable results. Program investment decisions are made by trained community volunteers from a variety of professional backgrounds, based on community needs, strategic objectives, programmatic outcomes, and agency governance and stewardship practices. See page 38 for more information on agency and program accountability measures. In addition to the investments listed below, some individuals chose to direct their gifts to a single agency. More than 1,600 nonprofits received support through the 2012 United Way campaign, bringing additional services to the people of Miami-Dade as well as in other communities. American Red Cross of Greater Miami & the Keys Emergency Services: Provides immediate emergency needs to victims of disaster. Funding: $259,250 developmentally disabled adult clients by improving their daily living, communication, mobility, prevocational, nutrition, socialization, and computer skills. Funding: $23,519 AMIkids Miami-Dade Employability Skills Development Program: Provides youth who have been referred through the juvenile justice system a wide range of educational opportunities to help them complete their education and secure employment. Funding: $95,435 ASPIRA of Florida After School Program: Focuses on math and reading and activities such as chess, music and art specifically designed to reinforce reading, math and critical thinking. Funding: $52,020 Pathway for Life: Uses a structured behavior modification system and an educational component to improve student academic achievement for youth, ages 14-18, that have been referred through the juvenile justice system. Funding: $76,489 Apprisen Financial Advocates South Florida Financial Literacy Project: Teaches money management skills to help adults manage their finances more responsibly. Funding: $42,500 The Arc of South Florida Guardianship Program: Provides adults with developmental disabilities, who have been determined to be incompetent by a court, with guardianship services. Funding: $32,338 Learning Enhancement Acquisition Program (LEAP): Serves adults with severe/profound mental retardation and other physical disabilities. Funding: $23,519 Project Thrive: Provides high quality early educational experiences to children with special needs, ages 6 weeks to five years. Funding: $100,857 Project Thrive Summer Program: An eight week summer camp that functions as a seamless extension of The Arc’s accredited early intervention program. Funding: $32,534 Robert T. Knight Centers: Assists Belafonte Tacolcy Center Sports Development: Promotes healthy lifestyles through team and individual sports, recreational activities and nutrition education. Funding: $25,075 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Miami Bigs in Schools and Sites (BISS): Improves academic success for at-risk students in Miami-Dade County. Funding: $85,000 Community Based Mentoring: Provides struggling youth with crucial guidance and support through quality, safe mentoring friendships that positively impact academic achievement, school attendance, behavior and social relationships, while reducing risky behaviors. Funding: $235,450 Reach for Success Program: Serves youth ages 10-15 who are waiting to be placed with a mentor with safe, structured after-school and weekend activities focused on skill-building. Funding: $22,185 School to Work Program: Provides students at-risk of not graduating with exposure to workplace environments and matches them with mentors to help them stay in school and make a successful transition to the workforce Funding: $28,050 Branches ASSETS Small Business Program: Supports small business owners in their efforts to achieve success and stability. Funding: $42,500 Early learning programs help children succeed in school and life Boys & Girls Clubs of Miami Project Learn: Out-of-school Academic Program: Addresses challenges faced by youth and equips them to overcome their obstacles and succeed academically by providing homework help, literacy and recreational activities. Funding: $93,500 Summer Enrichment Program: Equips youth to overcome obstacles and succeed both academically and socially through literacy and leisure activities. Funding: $61,306 Care Resource Reducing Rates of Sexually Transmitted Infections and HIV: Educates youth between the ages of 14 and 18 about HIV and other Sexually-Transmitted Infections (STI) to reduce rates of infection amongst youth. Funding: $32,398 Short Term Intervention: Serves populations at high risk for HIV/AIDS via community outreach, testing, and behavior modification workshops. Funding: $124,917 Catholic Charities Behavioral Health Services at St. Luke’s Center Residential Treatment: Provides access to residential substance abuse treatment for adult males and females who are indigent/ homeless and have a history of chronic substance abuse and cooccurring mental disorders. Funding: $64,677 Catholic Charities Centro Hispano Católico Child Care Center Preschool Program: Provides highquality NAEYC accredited early care and educational experiences for children 3 to 5 years old, including those with special needs. Funding: $38,755 Catholic Charities Emergency Services Haitian Family Stabilization: Provides Haitian families with the resources needed to adapt to life in the United States and provide their family a safe and secure environment. Funding: $55,014 Strengthening Families Program: Provides high-risk families with a 14-session parenting skills, children’s life skills, and family life skills training. Funding: $55,366 Catholic Charities New Life Family Shelter Getting Ahead Program: Helps individuals experiencing an interruption of income due to loss of employment or illness to pave a path to financial independence by providing rent, mortgage, utility and food assistance. Funding: $23,800 Catholic Charities New Life Family Shelter: Serves as a transitional facility for homeless families. Funding: $41,160 15 Catholic Charities Notre Dame D’Haiti Child Care Center Preschool Program: Provides comprehensive early care and educational services to socially and economically disadvantaged children and their families residing in the Little River/Little Haiti community. Funding: $96,050 Catholic Charities Sagrada Familia Child Care Center Preschool Program: Provides socially and economically disadvantaged children ages 3 to 5 years with high-quality early educational experiences. Funding: $65,068 Catholic Charities Services for the Elderly Nutrition and Social Support: Helps maintain and improve the physical and emotional health of the elderly by providing nutritional meals, educational workshops, social and recreational activities. 2012-2013 Funding: $61,487 activities to children 5 -12 years old. Funding: $32,470 Infant & Toddler Program: Provides high-quality, developmentally appropriate learning experiences to disadvantaged children. Funding: $47,600 Preschool Program: Provides high-quality, developmentally appropriate learning experiences to disadvantaged children. Funding: $106,250 CHARLEE of Dade County Health Care Management Program: Utilizes medically trained staff to oversee the health care of children in the foster care system. Funding: $42,500 Independent Living Program: Prepares young people in foster care, ages 13 to 17, for their transition to independence through Life Skills trainings. Funding: $33,840 Reunification Services: Works closely with families who have and educational skill building activities to elementary aged children in West Coconut Grove. Funding: $68,000 assigning volunteers to supervise and provide companionship and assistance to elders in their home. Funding: $25,500 Community Smiles Creating Smiles: Provides oral health screenings, cleanings, and treatment of any cavities and fluoride/sealant applications to elementary school children in Overtown. Funding: $22,100 Respite Services Saturday Facility: Encourages and strengthens family caregiver efforts and mitigates caregiver’s strain by offering on-site respite to caregivers of frail seniors or people with dementia on Saturdays. Funding: $28,050 Cool Kids Learn Achievers: A Saturday and summer program for under-privileged youth transitioning to middle school. Funding: $34,000 Decision CKL: Improves the decision-making skills of 4th and 5th graders to help them avoid risky behaviors. Funding: $21,152 Steps to Success: Increases student academic success via innovative year-long, out-of– school tutoring that emphasizes reading comprehension and technology skills. Funding: $31,946 Cuban American National Council Economic Independence Program: Provides financial literacy training and case management to low/ moderate income Hispanic residents in Little Havana and Hialeah. Funding: $30,600 Dave and Mary Alper Jewish Community Center Early Childhood Development: Provides an enriching educational experience for children, ages 0 to 5. Funding: $15,679 Play helps young children develop math skills CCDH Economic Independence for Persons with Disabilities: Advocates, coordinates, and provides supports and services to individuals with disabilities who are experiencing economic emergencies. 2012-2013 Funding: $31,104 Centro Campesino Farmworker Center Surviving the Foreclosure Epidemic: Provides free foreclosure prevention services and access to tools and resources for low to moderate income homeowners in distress. 2012-2013 Funding: $51,000 YouthPride: Serves students at high risk of academic failure in the Florida City/ Homestead area in 2nd through 8th grades. 2012-2013 Funding: $95,625 Centro Mater Child Care Center Centro Mater After-School: Offers socially, intellectually, culturally, and developmentally appropriate after school and summer camp had their children removed from their home to safely reunify with their children. Funding: $42,500 Children’s Home Society of Florida Healthy Families Miami-Dade: Offers an intensive homevisitation program for at-risk families while the mother is pregnant and immediately postpartum. Funding: $78,082 Citrus Health Network Assessment and Emergency Services: Serves severely mentally ill persons in crisis. Funding: $98,956 Special Needs: Offers summer camp and “no school” holiday programs to children with special needs. Funding: $20,400 Summer Camp: Provides supervised activities including water safety and swim instruction for children during the summer. Funding: $27,826 Youth Obesity Program: Provides teens in underserved communities with skills, physical training, nutritional knowledge and behavior modification to help them lead a healthy life and to prevent adult obesity. Funding: $18,347 South Florida Child Development Center: Offers an inclusive, high quality child care and educational environment serving children ages 2 months to 5 years both with and without special needs. Funding: $34,562 Empower U HIV Care Connection Program: Utilizes strategies that are specifically designed to engage and test individuals at high risk for HIV and link those who test positive to health and support services. Funding: $62,050 Epilepsy Foundation of Florida Medical Case Management: Provides a continuum of epilepsy care to minority and indigent clients with seizure disorders or epilepsy. Funding: $23,800 Psychological Services: Provides cognitive and personality assessment, individual and family counseling, and consultation to individuals with epilepsy and their families. Funding: $22,883 Family Christian Association of America Sports Program: Promotes healthy lifestyles by promoting physical activity and good nutrition amongst youth in underserved neighborhoods through afterschool programs and sports leagues. Funding: $57,800 Walking Tall Youth Development: Prepares youth to meet the challenges of adolescence and adulthood through a structured series of activities and experiences that help them obtain social, emotional, ethical, physical, and cognitive competencies. Funding: $38,250 Family Refuge for Adolescents in Transition (FRAT House): Provides young adults, 18 to 23 years old, who are exiting the foster care system with transitional housing and other support. Funding: $35,278 Douglas Gardens Community Mental Health Center Outpatient Domestic Violence: Works with victims of domestic violence to help them establish a selfsupporting, independent lifestyle which is safe, secure and free from abuse. Funding: $54,136 Family Counseling Services of Greater Miami Behavioral Health Services: Helps individuals and families explore and resolve sources of conflict in their lives and restore or improve their level of functioning, through family therapy and individual therapy for adults and children. Funding: $117,594 Coconut Grove Cares Barnyard After-School and Summer Program: Provides homework assistance, computer labs, Easter Seals South Florida Respite Program for Caregivers: Assists caregivers caring for an older adult family member by Children’s Case Management: Provides quality case management services and counseling to children and their families helping them to remain together. Funding: $103,961 Girls Empowerment Initiative: Assists girls between the ages of 12 to 14 who are remanded to Girl Power by the Department of Juvenile Justice because of criminal arrests with coping strategies, conflict resolution skills, anger management, and mentoring. Funding: $59,254 GLBTQ Youth: Aims to reduce the negative effects that cumulative risk factors can have on sexual minority youth by utilizing strengths-based counseling and care coordination services. Funding: $42,500 Infant and Early Childhood Program: Promotes healthy relationships and secure attachments in families to reduce and prevent emotional and physical maltreatment of children. Funding: $55,250 The Journey Institute: Empowers survivors of sexual abuse to heal and grow toward fuller and more satisfying lives by providing neighborhood based treatment for survivors and their families Funding: $95,643 Family Resource Center of South Florida Parenting Education: Utilizes an evidence-based intervention proven to lower the reoccurrence rate of child abuse and neglect. Funding: $44,506 Florida Heart Research Institute Living for Health: Screens the underserved adults of South Miami-Dade County to identify those at risk for heart disease, stroke, and diabetes and connects them to necessary treatment and assists them in making healthy lifestyle changes to reduce their risk. Funding: $17,000 Foster Care Review Foster Care Citizen Review: Utilizes trained volunteers to monitor the safety, well-being, and permanency of children in the child welfare system in MiamiDade. Funding: $55,250 Girl Scout Council of Tropical Florida Cooperative Learning & Experiential Groups: Prepares young girls and teens to be responsible citizens by organizing over 650 troops, led by trained, screened adult volunteers and advisors, in locations across Miami. Funding: $201,086 Decisions for Your Life: Offers comprehensive teen pregnancy prevention programming for pre-adolescent and adolescent girls in grades K-12. Funding: $59,188 Daily Academic After-School Program: Encourages academic interests and increases social competencies amongst the children served. Funding: $68,000 Goodwill Industries of South Florida Vocational Rehabilitation: Employs people with disabilities with a skill level appropriate job, maximizing their earnings and benefits. Funding: $370,600 Haitian Neighborhood Center, Sant La Employment Services: Works with the Haitian community to improve their employment and financial stability. Funding: $42,500 Hearing & Speech Center of Florida Health Screening: Provides early childhood speech, language, hearing, and vision interventions. Funding: $65,068 Hear Again: Provides audiological evaluations and rehabilitative services, including the selection and fitting of hearing aids/ accessories to individuals 55 years and older. Funding: $25,500 Speech-Language and Occupational Therapy: Identifies and serves the communicatively impaired of all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds. Funding: $78,317 Institute for Child and Family Health Functional Family Therapy: Works with families with adolescents involved in the criminal justice system, or at risk for such involvement to end or prevent such behavior. Funding: $51,741 Outpatient Mental Health Services for Children: Provides comprehensive mental health services for children with serious emotional disturbances, children incompetent to proceed to juvenile justice, and children in violent homes, including victims or witnesses of domestic and community violence who lack insurance. Funding: $161,691 designed to help them maintain an independent lifestyle. Funding: $25,494 Family Counseling: Promotes the quality of life and the maximum achievement of the potential of a family by providing individual, couples and family therapy. Funding: $205,740 behaviors and to promote the long-term benefit of ensuring family unit integrity. Funding: $47,061 Residential Emergency Youth Shelters: Provides a safe haven and emergency shelter services for high-risk youth. Funding: $129,038 Mental Health Services: Provides intensive individual, couples, and family therapy to adults and children, to address the range of mental health issues. Funding: $111,289 Michael-Ann Russell Jewish Community Center Early Childhood Development: Serves children ages 0 to 5 years in the North Miami Beach area. Funding: $15,725 Older Adult Case Management Program: Provides home visits, assessments, education, referrals and case coordination to the elderly living in isolation to enhance their well-being and independence. Funding: $40,000 Kid Konnection: Provides tutoring and homework assistance to children 6 to 18 years of age during the summer and nonschool hours. Funding: $31,448 Senior Meals on Wheels Program: Provides older adults with either a meal delivered daily or a package of frozen meals delivered once a week. Funding: $64,995 Sexual Minority Youth: Serves gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth (GLBTQ), to reduce risk factors of cognitive, social and emotional isolation and address the unique issues faced by this population. Funding: $159,140 Shalom Bayit Domestic Violence Prevention Program: Provides information, support, care and guidance for survivors of domestic abuse. Funding: $76,000 Little Havana Activities and Nutrition Centers of Dade County Elderly Meals Program: Provides congregate and home-delivered meals for adults aged 60 years and older. Funding: $215,551 Miami Bridge Youth & Family Services First Stop for Families: An early intervention program for families of adolescents experiencing crisis precipitated by their inability to adequately respond to high-risk Senior Wellness - Quality of Life: Provides seniors, ages 60 and above, living in the North Dade area with a wide variety of fitness classes, daily educational courses, intergenerational events, social and cultural activities, nutrition advice, and transportation services. Funding: $17,850 Special Needs Program: Offers appropriate enrichment programming for children with special needs, ages 6 to 18, residing in North Miami. Funding: $22,950 Open Door Health Center Elder Program: Utilizes the Enhanced Fitness program to maximize the social, cognitive and physical well-being of older adults. Funding: $25,500 Health Care Access Program: Increases access to health care for the poor and uninsured in Deep South Miami-Dade. Funding: $21,250 Prescription for Health Diabetes Program: Provides outreach and diabetes education and screening to low income, uninsured patients. Funding: $38,250 Overtown Youth Center Youth Program: Provides in- Zero - Five Population, Prevention and Treatment: Offers prevention and treatment for children, ages 0 to 5, with emotional/attachment/ behavioral difficulties and their parents. Funding: $66,112 Jewish Community Services of South Florida Community Based Wellness Program for Seniors: Provides older adults, ages 60 years and over, with access to information, recreation, socialization, education, planned wellness, exercise and health support Dr. Elizabeth Leight, Scott Poulin and Michael Joblore 17 school, after-school, and summer services focused on achievements in attendance, grades, behavior, academic skills, test scores, character building and motivation to learn. Funding: $63,750 Redlands Christian Migrant Association Early Childhood Development: Provides high quality early care and education to children, ages 0 to 5 years, from migrant and other low-income rural communities. Funding: $168,010 Richmond Perrine Optimist Club Naranja Youth Enterprises South (YES): Provides youth in the Naranja community with selfesteem counseling, tutoring to address academic problems, school visits to monitor school progress, home visits to monitor the progress of youth at home, and job readiness training to expose youth to the world of work. Funding: $34,000 Summer Youth Employment Program: Provides disadvantaged youth who reside in high risk neighborhoods with paid work experience during the summer months. Funding: $54,094 Salvation Army Miami Area Command Family Services: Focuses on homeless prevention by providing individuals with rent, utilities, and food assistance. Funding: $195,990 Here’s Hope: Provides a safe haven for homeless men, women and families infected or affected by HIV/AIDS while they work toward their primary goal of stabilizing their physical and mental health. Funding: $19,138 Men’s Lodge: Provides a safe haven for homeless men who need temporary shelter while they work toward stabilizing their lives. Funding: $122,298 Southwest Social Services Program Enhanced Nutrition and Wellness: Provides congregate meals, homedelivered meals, transportation and supportive services including nutrition education, recreation and health support to low-income elderly living in southwest MiamiDade. Funding: $52,211 Switchboard of Miami With over 13 specialty helplines, Switchboard offers counseling, crisis intervention, suicide prevention, and information and referral services to every caller, chatter or texter. Free, confidential, and open 24/7 every day, Switchboard’s Contact Center services are offered in English, Spanish and Creole and other 18 languages are available as well. With over 5,000 entries, they maintain the most comprehensive database of social services for the county. Switchboard answers nearly 180,000 calls a year and makes over 170,000 referrals to help individuals get connected to local organizations. Funding: $108,185 United HomeCare Services Caregiver Counseling, Education and Support Program: Provides individual in-home counseling that targets high-risk caregivers and those caregivers with frail elderly currently on the waiting list for homecare services. Funding: $57,375 Community Based Home Care Services for Disabled Adults: Serves disabled adults who are unable to meet their own basic needs due to significant debilitating injuries and health conditions. Funding: $108,775 Community Based Home Care Services for Frail Elderly: Serves poor, frail older adults, ages 60 and above, with significant chronic conditions who are at high risk for nursing home placement. Funding: $416,900 Urban League of Greater Miami Achievement Matters: Improves student achievement levels, test taking skills, and strengthens the social skills of Black American and other youth of color, in the Miami Dade-County Public School system. Funding: $157,250 YMCA of Greater Miami After-School Care: Provides literacy enhancement, physical fitness, social skills building, and family involvement activities in public housing sites, schools, neighborhood centers, and YMCAs. Funding: $72,250 Early Childhood Development: Provides children, ages 0 to 5, with high quality early care and education in Allapattah, Little Haiti, Liberty City/Model City and Homestead. Funding: $85,000 School Recess: Provides youth with opportunities for peer interaction, providing positive reinforcement, increasing interest level and self-esteem and making activities meaningful through recreation, arts and crafts, swimming, field trips and other group activities during school holidays and the summer. Funding: $51,000 Youth Co-Op Academic Success Program: Provides FCAT tutoring and skill building for students attending schools in the Opa-Locka area. Funding: $51,444 Early Self Sufficiency Program: Helps refugees, asylees, and new arrivals to the U.S. with educational and employment opportunities. Funding: $87,365 Youth Crime Prevention: Teaches positive decision making skills to promising youth with risk factors linked to criminal behavior. Funding: $29,790 YWCA of Greater Miami Early Childhood Development: Provides high-quality early care and education to children ages 0 to 5 years from multicultural and socioeconomically diverse communities. Funding: $144,500 Economic Empowerment Program: Provides financial education and other money management skills to help individuals and families improve their financial stability. Funding: $47,600 Family Wellness: Provides under and uninsured women in MiamiDade County with breast and cervical cancer educational activities and referrals with a specific emphasis on reaching women from the African American, Haitian, Caribbean, and Hispanic communities. Funding: $56,950 Youth Program: Helps youth develop vital skills and enhance their personal character through positive social interactions, anger management, conflict resolution, self-esteem enhancement, basic life skills preparation, community and multi-cultural projects, and positive family activities. Funding: $18,530 COMMUNITY PROGRAM PARTNERS United Way is proud to partner with a broad range of community organizations that share our vision for a stronger community and embody the spirit of collaboration. Many are listed below. Together, we can accomplish much more than individually. ABC Grow Little Haiti Housing Association ACCION USA – Florida Mayor’s Initiative on Aging Allegany Franciscan Ministries Miami Art Museum Alliance for Aging Miami Children’s Hospital Barry University Miami Dade College The Beacon Council The Miami Foundation, Inc. Children in Motion Miami-Dade County Children’s Health & Educational Management Miami-Dade County Public Schools The Children’s Movement The Children’s Trust Community Based Care Alliance Consolidated Credit Counseling Services Consortium for a Healthier Miami Dade The Early Childhood Initiative Foundation Early Learning Coalition of Miami-Dade/Monroe Educare Learning Network Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden FamilyWize Family Central, Inc. Fatherhood Task Force of South Florida Financial Planning Association Florida Department of Children and Families Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning Neighborhood Housing Services of South Florida North Miami Foundation Nova Southeastern University Ounce of Prevention Fund Partners for Self-Employment ReServe Miami SAMH Planning Council Seniority Matters Southeastern Community Mental Health Center St. Alban’s Child Enrichment Center United Way of Florida United Way Worldwide University of Miami WorkSquare Florida International University Florida State University Fundación Cisneros Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce Health Council of South Florida Health Foundation of South Florida Healthy Start Coalition Independent Living Systems The Joy of Learning L’Atelier Pre-School Lakeview Elementary School Legal Services of Greater Miami 19 CAMPAIGN RECOGNITION MILLION DOLLAR ORGANIZATIONS TOTAL GIVING OF $2 MILLION OR MORE Publix Super Markets, Inc. TOTAL GIVING OF $1 MILLION OR MORE Baptist Health South Florida Florida Power & Light Company/ FPL FiberNet • International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 359 Miami-Dade County • AFSCME Local 199 • AFSCME Local 3292 • AFSCME Local 121 • AFSCME Local 1542 • GSAF/OPEIU Local 100 • MDC International Association of Fire Fighters Local 1403 • Police Benevolent Association • TWU Local 291 Miami-Dade County Public Schools • AFSCME Local 1184 • Dade County Public School Maintenance Employees Committee • Dade County School Administrators Association Local 77 • Dade Association of School Administrators • Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 133 • Teamsters 769 • United Teachers of Dade Local 1974 Royal Caribbean/Celebrity Cruises University of Miami TOTAL GIVING BETWEEN $500,000 AND $999,999 Assurant Carnival Cruise Lines Ferraro Family Foundation, Inc. Greenberg Traurig, LLP Lennar Corporation The Northern Trust Company Ryder System, Inc. UPS • Americas Region • Cartage • Florida District • Freight • Teamsters Local 769 Wells Fargo TOTAL GIVING BETWEEN $250,000 AND $499,999 Akerman Senterfitt American Airlines • Allied Pilots Association • Association of Flight Attendants Council 33 • Association of Flight Attendants Council 59 • TWU Local 561 • TWU Local 568 • TWU Local 570 AT&T • CWA Local 3121 • CWA Local 3122 • Sign, Display and Allied Trades Local Union 1175 Bank of America Bilzin Sumberg Baena Price & Axelrod LLP Carlton Fields, PA Ernst & Young LLP Jackson Health System • AFSCME Local 1363 • GSAF/OPEIU Local 100 • SEIU Florida Healthcare Union 1199 • SEIU Local 1991 Royal Caribbean employees get into United Way spirit 20 Labor Lives United Golf Tournament • Committee of Interns and Residents Macy’s Morrison, Brown, Argiz & Farra, LLC Ocean Bank WSVN-TV Channel 7 TOTAL GIVING BETWEEN $100,000 AND $249,999 Applebaum Foundation, Inc. Berkowitz Pollack Brant Advisors and Accountants City National Bank of Florida The Continental Companies Cordis Corporation Deloitte LLP Dolphin Digital Media The Easton Group Enterprise Rent-A-Car FedEx Express Latin America and Caribbean • Ground • Ramp • South Florida District • Florida Blue Florida International University • AFSCME Local 3346 • FIU Faculty Senate • SEIU Local 11 • United Faculty of Florida • USPS Senate Holland & Knight LLP Interval International, Inc. ISACO International Hall, Lamb & Hall, P.A. JPMorgan Chase LNR Property LLC MCM Corporation MasTec, Inc. Miami Dade College Miami Herald/el Nuevo Herald Nordstrom Noven Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Perry Ellis International Regions Bank United Way of Miami-Dade William R. Watts Foundation, Inc. TOTAL GIVING BETWEEN $25,000 AND $99,999 Aetna Inc. The Allen Morris Foundation AvMed Health Plans AXA Advisors, LLC BankUnited BB&T Broad & Cassel Brown & Heller, P.A. Caterpillar, Inc. CFC Atlantic Coast The Cisneros Foundation and Cisneros Group Citibank, N.A. Citrus Health Network, Inc. City of Miami • AFSCME Local 871 • AFSCME Local 1907 • Miami Firefighters Local 1587 • Miami Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 20 Costco Wholesale Eli Lilly & Company Esslinger-Wooten-Maxwell Realtors Flagler Real Estate Services LLC Genovese, Joblove & Battista, PA Goldman, Sachs & Co. Goodwill Industries of South Florida The Graham Companies Great Florida Bank Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau Hampton Inn & Suites International Business Machines J.C. Penney Company John S. & James L. Knight Foundation Johnson & Wales University KPMG LLP Landstar Development Group Magic City Casino McDermott Will & Emery LLP Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, LLC Podhurst Orseck, PA PricewaterhouseCoopers Raymond James & Associates, Inc. Related Cervera Realty Services Sabadell United Bank The Siemer Family Foundation Southern Wine & Spirits of South Florida SunTrust Bank Taplin, Canida & Habacht Target TD Bank United Health Group United HomeCare Services, Inc. Univision, Inc. Urban League of Greater Miami, Inc. White & Case LLP Williamson Cadillac-Buick-GMC Zubi Advertising Services, Inc. TOTAL GIVING BETWEEN $10,000 AND $24,999 Accenture Allen, Norton & Blue, PA Applerouth, Farah, & Co. Automated HealthCare Solutions Aventura Hospital and Medical Center Avila Rodriguez Hernandez Mena & Ferri LLP BDO USA, LLP Becker & Poliakoff, P.A. Blanca Commercial Real Estate, Inc. Blank Charitable Foundation, Inc. Bloomingdale’s BNY Mellon Capital Realty Services, Inc. Cargill, Inc. CBIZ City of Hialeah • AFSCME 161 • Fraternal Order of Police Hialeah • Hialeah Fire Firefighters Local 1102 City of Miami Beach • AFSCME Local 1554 • CWA Local 3178 • Miami Beach Firefighters Local 1510 • Miami Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 8 Cole, Scott & Kissane, P.A. Comcast Communications Continental Real Estate Companies DLA Piper Dosal Tobacco Corporation Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Miami Branch FirstBank Florida Florida City Gas Fortun Insurance The Futernick Foundation Gannett Fleming Harper Meyer Perez Hagen O’Connor Albert Hobart Corporation HSBC Bank USA Hunton & Williams Irvin Stern Foundation Jewish Community Services Kaufman Rossin & Co. Korge & Korge, PA Little Havana Activities and Nutrition Littler Mendelson Lockton Companies, LLC Marsh & McLennan Agency/ Seitlin & Company Michael S. Olin, P.A. MasTec employees visit Goodwill Industries Moore & Company Patricia M. and Emanuel M. Papper The Dr. M. Lee Pearce Foundation, Inc. Procter & Gamble Distribution Company Richman Greer Weil Brumbaugh Mirabito Robert Russell Memorial Foundation SAP International Seven-Up/Snapple SF Partners, Inc. State Farm Insurance Company Stearns Weaver Miller Weissler Alhadeff & Sitterson Techton Hospitality Turnberry Associates United Health Group Univision Radio USI Insurance Services, LLC Verdeja & de Armas, LLP WGC Cadillac Championships WLTV-TV Channel 23 Wometco Enterprises, Inc. Youth Co-op, Inc. (2012-2013 campaign results as of 6/1/13) 2012 Campaign Chairs Gene Schaefer and Peter Dolara 21 2013-2014 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2013-2014 BOARD OF DIRECTORS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Jayne Harris Abess thinkLAB Ventures Maria C. Alonso Bank of America Steven J. Brodie Carlton Fields, P.A. Steve Danner CBIZ Miguel G. Farra Morrison, Brown, Argiz, & Farra Gerald C. Grant Jr. AXA Advisors, LLC Jorge Hernandez-Toraño Holland & Knight, LLP David Landsberg Miami Herald/el Nuevo Herald Jack Lowell Flagler Real Estate Services Juan N. Cento FedEx Express Latin America & Caribbean ADVISORY COUNCIL Loreen Chant Johnson & Wales University Cesar L. Alvarez Greenberg Traurig, LLP Peter J. Dolara Air Travel Management Sheldon T. Anderson Carolyn Donaldson Altegra Health, Inc. Robert D. Fatovic Ryder System, Inc. Rodolfo Fernandez University of Miami Frank Gonzalez Morrison, Brown, Argiz, & Farra Peggy M. Hollander The Succession Group Edward Joyce The Northern Trust Company Jess Lawhorn City National Bank Elizabeth Leight, PSY. D. Harve A. Mogul United Way of Miami-Dade Jason Liberty Royal Caribbean Cruises, LTD Susan Potter Norton Allen Norton & Blue, P.A. Agostinho Alfonso Macedo Ocean Bank Peter Pruitt Deloitte LLP Lisa Mendelson Madeline Pumariega Miami Dade College Eugene Schaefer* Bank of America Carlos Migoya Jackson Health System Rudolph G. Moise, D.O. Comprehensive Health Center Michael C. Aller City of Miami Beach George F. Knox, II, Esq. Florida International University Joseph P. Lacher David Lawrence Jr. Early Childhood Initiative Foundation Antonio L. Argiz Morrison, Brown, Argiz & Farra, LLC Michael S. Meredith Publix Super Markets, Inc. Jose R. Arriola John Randolph Millian Diageo Hilarie Bass, Esq., Greenberg Traurig, LLP Jonathan Batchelor, The Batchelor Foundation, Inc Sister Linda M. Bevilacqua, OP, Ph.D., Barry University Gabriel A. Bottazzi, Bijoux Terner LLC William Bullard Diageo George M. Burgess Becker & Poliakoff, P.A. Rev. Monsignor Franklyn M. Casale St. Thomas University Hon. Sue M. Cobb Cobb Family Foundation Marshall M. Criser, III AT&T Juan A. del Busto Del Busto Capital Partners Susan Miller Hector S. Mojena KPMG LLP Deborah P. Morrison Kaufman Rossin & Co. Natacha Munilla Thunder Electrical Contractors Eduardo J. Padron, Ph.D. Miami Dade College Toni Randolph Mark B. Rosenberg, Ph.D. Florida International University Donna E. Shalala, Ph.D. University of Miami Tim R. Smith Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Miami Branch Merrett R. Stierheim Trae Williamson Williamson Cadillac-Buick-GMC Allen Morris The Allen Morris Foundation Albert E. Dotson, Jr. Bilzin Sumberg Baena Price & Axelrod LLP Phillis I. Oeters Baptist Health South Florida Richard D. Fain Royal Caribbean Cruises, Ltd. Jose A. Sanchez Well’s Fargo Michael B. Fernandez MBF Health Partners, LLC Colley Billie Miccosukee Tribe of Indians of Florida directors Romaine M. Seguin UPS Americas Luis I. Fernandez-Rocha Univision Communications Maria Blet KR Financial Services, Inc. Jeffrey S. Bartel Hamptons Group LLC Andrew M. Smulian Akerman Senterfitt James L. Ferraro, Esq. Ferraro Family Foundation Hon. Carlos Gimenez Miami-Dade County Manuel Becerra Assurant John C. Sumberg Bilzin Sumberg Baena Price & Axelrod LLP Jorge J. Gonzalez City National Bank of Florida Franklin Rodriguez Miami-Dade County Public Schools Penelope Shaffer Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida Oscar Suarez Ernst & Young LLP Marielena Villamil Washington Economics Group Yolanda C. Berkowitz Peter L. Bermont The Bermont Advisory Group Darlene Boytell-Perez Michele P. Burger Bugs Burger Bug Killers Alberto M. Carvalho Miami-Dade County Public Schools Guillermo Castillo JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. 22 Arthur J. Torno American Airlines Kathleen B. Woods-Richardson Miami-Dade County Judy Zeder EWM Realtors Josh Zivalich AFL-CIO Teamsters Union Local 769 Matthew B. Gorson Greenberg Traurig, LLP Adolfo Henriques Gibraltar Private Bank & Trust Jose M. Hevia HFF Laurie B. Jennings WPLG-TV Channel 10 John Adam Kanas BankUnited Mary M. Young University of Miami EX-OFFICIO 2012-2013 VOLUNTEERS 2012-2013 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Guillermo G. Castillo JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Juan N. Cento FedEx Express Latin American & Caribbean Jayne Harris Abess* thinkLAB Ventures Sheldon T. Anderson Northern Trust Jeffrey S. Bartel Hamptons Group LLC Peter J. Dolara Air Travel Management Robert D. Fatovic Ryder System, Inc. Frank Gonzalez Morrison, Brown, Argiz & Farra, LLC Miguel A. Cervoni Ocean Bank Loreen M. Chant Johnson & Wales University Stephen G. Danner CBIZ Juan A. del Busto Del Busto Capital Partners Carolyn Donaldson Altegra Health, Inc. Miguel G. Farra Morrison, Brown, Argiz, & Farra, LLC Jorge J. Gonzalez City National Bank of Florida Rodolfo Fernandez University of Miami Matthew B. Gorson Greenberg Traurig, LLP Gerald C. Grant, Jr. AXA Advisors, LLC H. Allan Shore Andrew M. Smulian Akerman Senterfitt John C. Sumberg Bilzin Sumberg Baena Price & Axelrod LLP Kathleen B. Woods-Richardson Miami-Dade County Jose M. Hevia HFF Josh M. Zivalich AFL-CIO, Teamsters Local 769 Laurie B. Jennings WPLG-TV Channel 10 ADVISORY COUNCIL John Adam Kanas BankUnited Michael C. Aller City of Miami Beach George F. Knox, III, Esq. Florida International University Cesar L. Alvarez Greenberg Traurig, LLP Joseph P. Lacher Antonio L. Argiz Morrison, Brown, Argiz & Farra, LLC Susan Miller Rudolph Moise, D.O. Comprehensive Health Center Hector S. Mojena KPMG LLP Natacha Munilla Thunder Electrical Contractors Eduardo J. Padron, Ph.D. Miami Dade College Susan Potter Norton Allen, Norton & Blue, PA Peter T. Pruitt Deloitte LLP Carmen M. Perez FPL, FiberNet Jose A. Abreu Miami-Dade Aviation Department David Lawrence Jr. Early Childhood Initiative Foundation John Randolph Millian Diageo Harve A. Mogul United Way of Miami-Dade DIRECTORS James L. Ferraro, Esq. Ferraro Family Foundation Adolfo Henriques Gibraltar Private Bank & Trust Jack Lowell, Jr. Flagler Real Estate Services LLC Penelope S. Shaffer, Ph.D. Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Florida Luis T. Fernandez-Rocha Univision Communications Arthur J. Torno American Airlines Jorge Hernandez-Toraño Holland & Knight LLP Eugene M. Schaefer Bank of America Miguel B. Fernandez MBF Health Partners, LLC Toni Randolph Tocqueville members visit New Life Family Shelter Peggy M. Hollander The Succession Group Karen B. Aronowitz United Teachers of Dade Local 1974 David A. Landsberg The Miami Herald/ el Nuevo Herald Jose R. Arriola Elizabeth Leight, Psy.D. Hilarie Bass, Esq. Greenberg Traurig, LLP Mark D. Rosenberg, Ph. D. Florida International University Donna E. Shalala, Ph.D. University of Miami Merrett R. Stierheim Gregory T. Swienton Ryder System, Inc. Trae Williamson Williamson Cadillac Michael S. Meredith Publix Super Markets, Inc. Sester. Linda M. Bevilacqua, OP, Ph.D. Barry University Deborah P. Morrison Kaufman Rossin & Co. George M. Burgess Becker & Poliakoff, P.A. EX-OFFICIO Phillis I. Oeters Baptist Health South Florida Msgr. Franklyn M. Casale St. Thomas University Darlene Boytell- Pérez Ann E. Pope Ann Pope Consulting, Inc. Steven J. Brodie Carlton Fields, PA Madeline M. Pumariega Miami Dade College Marshall M. Criser, III AT&T Colley Billie Miccosukee Tribe of Indians of Florida Michele P. Burger Bugs Burger Bug Killers Jose A. Sanchez Wells Fargo Alberto M. Carvalho Miami-Dade County Public Schools Romaine M. Seguin UPS Jonathan Batchelor The Batchelor Foundation Manuel J. Becerra Assurant Yolanda C. Berkowitz Peter L. Bermont The Bermont Advisory Group * denotes chair or co-chair Albert E. Dotson, Jr. Bilzin Sumberg Baena Price & Axelrod LLP Richard D. Fain Royal Caribbean Cruises, Ltd. Mary M. Young University of Miami Hon. Carlos Gimenez Miami-Dade County Kailani P. Montane Miami-Dade County Public Schools 23 TRUSTEES Robert T. Barlick, Jr. Representative Phillip Brutus Luis A. Consuegra Ignacio J. Abella Ben Barrocas Castell V. Bryant, Ed.D. Diane M. Cook Jose A. Abrante, Jr. Maria C. Barros William W Bryson Clark M. Cook, Jr. Lianne Acebo Mary J. Bastian George M. Burgess Suzanne Cooke Alexander P. Adams Felipe F. Basulto Modesto W. Burgos Robert H. Coords Nelson L. Adams, M.D. Clifford J. Bauer Pamela E. Burns Miguel E. Corco Alejandro Aguirre Bob Beamon The Honorable John E. Bush Carol R. Cortes Jose I. Aguirre J. Anthony Beard Oscar Bustillo, Jr. Jose Antonio Costa Ralph A. Aleman Sr. Rosemary F. Bearss Nicholas G. Bustle Bonnie Crabtree Margarita M. Alemany-Moreno Robert G. Beatty, Esq. Jennifer Stearns Buttrick Rudolph F. Crew, Ed.D. William Alexander Stephen M. Beatus Carolina Calderin Marshall M. Criser, III Emeline C. Alexis Victor Benitez Jacque Calixte Douglas G. Cueny Matt Allen Willy A. Bermello Juan Carlos Campuzano Christina M. Cuervo William Howard Allen, Jr. Peter R. Bernal Jose C. Cancela Rogelio C. Cuevas Maria C. Alonso Ronald Bilbao Jose Canseco, Jr. William O. Cullom Jennifer Altman Brian L. Bilzin Jorge Carbajal Paul Cummings Aramis Alvarez Major General Robert D. Bishop, Jr. Adam E. Carlin Cynthia W. Curry Michael Anthony Carricarte, Sr. Bruce A. Davidson Michael H. Bittel Missy Carricarte Steven E. Dawson Stephen H. Bittel Paula Carter Pedro M. De Armas Elaine H. Black Xiomara A. Casado Carlos M. De la Cruz, Sr. Dionne W. Blake James S. Cassel, Esq. Laurence A. Deets Andrew S. Blank Alvaro Castillo Margarita R. Delgado Joaquin F. Blaya Haydee Ceballos-Vazquez Clara M. Del Valle Rita L. Bligh Jose L. Cela Jesus Diaz, Jr. Gil Bonwitt Beverly P. Chambers Manuel Diaz Ronald L. Book, Esq. The Honorable Michael B. Chavies Victor M. Diaz, Jr. Elise K. Boston Catherine Christen Clarence Dickson Janelle Braverman John G. Clarkson, M.D. Gwendolyn Dickson Tyronne Brewster Cesar A. Clavero Albert E. Dotson, Jr. Aida Briele Dana L. Clay Gong Ellen Downey Margaret A. Brisbane Anthony J. Clemente Chuck Downs, Jr. Richard E. Brodsky The Honorable Sue M. Cobb Karen Dreyer Bob Bromberg Armando M. Codina Alfredo Duran, Jr. Carol Greenberg Brooks L. Trey Coleman, Ph.D. Rich Duszynski Mark A. Brooks Linda M. Coll H. Michael Dye David L. Brown Jorge H. Coloma Yvonne Edwards Josie Romano Brown Dean C. Colson Marisel Elias Linda D. Brown Norman Congdon Ann Elson Carlos Alvarez Pablo Alvarez Suzet Alvarez-Cleary Betty Amos Dick Anderson Carlos J. Arboleya Roberto Arguello William Armstrong Eduardo J. Arriola Ricky Arriola Jorge L. Arrizurieta Betsy Atkins Wayman Atkins Susan Atwater Antoine Auguste Alberto A. Ayala, M.D. Ana Babcock Beverly S. Bachrach Phil Bakes Gregory A. Baldwin, Esq. Carlos Barba Jose P. Bared Sharon A. Brown How susan AND RUSH NORTON LIVE UNITED 24 An accomplished attorney, Susan Potter Norton has been a trailblazer in Miami-Dade, serving our community with distinction as chair of the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce, as president of the Orange Bowl Committee and as chair of the first $50 million United Way campaign. “I became involved because I thought I should give something back, I stayed involved because I received so much more than I gave,” Susan said. Over the years, she introduced her son, Robert, better known as Rush, to the work of United Way. He now serves on the United Way Young Leaders Executive Committee, focused on engaging more young professionals in volunteerism and service. “Seeing how Young Leaders continues to become a more impactful and premiere young professional organization gives me quite a bit of satisfaction. The stronger we are, the more we can do for others and, in the end that is the name of the game,” Rush said. John T. Ermer Sergio M. Gonzalez Jeronimo Esteve Maureen Goodly Cynthia A. Everett William E. Graham Clarence W. Ewell Myron Gray Vanessa Fabien Barrett N. Green Charles R. Fairbank Bruce W. Greer, Esq. Bill Fauerbach Pedro J. Greer, Jr., M.D. Vivian O. Feinberg Lynne Grossman Oscar Feldenkreis Mario O. Gutierrez Barbara Nogueiras Fernandez John A. Hall Constance Fernandez Douglas M. Halsey, Esq. Frank R. Fernandez William W. Hamilton Gerardo B. Fernandez Richard D. Hancock Ted A. Fernandez Larry R. Handfield, Esq. Virgil Fernandez Barbara Havenick Ana Maria Fernandez-Haar Richard Henneforth James L. Ferraro, Esq. Adolfo Henriques Elizabeth J. Ferrer Sara B. Herald Bernard J. Fogel, M.D. Leonie M. Hermantin Edward T. Foote, II Elizabeth M. Hernandez, Esq. George W. Foyo Javier Hernandez-Lichtl Howard S. Frank Matilde Herrera Bower Robert A. Franklin Arthur H. Hertz Regina Jollivette Frazier Dwight L. Hill Victoria L. Freed Marlon Hill Fred Frost Stanley Hills Patricia O. Frost Robert E. Hilson Leon Fuller William Ho James V. Galgano Lilia Pardo Hogges Sue Gallagher Daniel M. Holtz Jesus Galvez Frednell E. Honeywell Barbara F. Garrett James L. Horan Jose R. Garrigo Ann L. House Maria C. Garza Elsie Sterling Howard Manny Gelabert Alina T. Hudak Dan Gelber Robert C. Hudson Peter S. Gelbwaks Sherrill W. Hudson Mehdi Ghomeshi P. Jan Hughey Thelma V. Gibson Claude H. Hurst, Jr. Charles A. Gibson, Esq. Maria Elena Ibanez Donna L. Ginn Federick C. Ingram Jill R. Ginsberg Paul G. Jennings Odalys Girado Louise T. Jeroslow Angela Gittens Thomas T. Johansen Susan F. Gold, Ed.D. Barry E. Johnson Barton S. Goldberg Glendon E. Johnson Barry Goldin Herbert C. Johnson Armando I. Gonzalez Maria E. Johnson Beatriz R. Junco Gonzalez Shirley B. Johnson, Ph.D. Francisco Gonzalez Cyrus M. Jollivette Jorge M. Gonzalez Daryl L. Jones, Esq. Mireille Chancy Gonzalez Hebert Jules * denotes chair or co-chair Jorge and Melinda Gonzalez with their children and Keyshawn of The Barnyard Soledad Juncadella Frantz Jean Louis Antonio Junior Juan P. Loumiet Manuel Kadre Jeffrey D. Lukenbill, Ed.D. Richard Kaminsky Ann P. Machado Brian E. Keeley Gus Machado Maurice L. Kemp Waynewright Malcolm Jonathan Kislak Steven E. Marcus, Ed.D. Claudia C. Kitchens Hank Klein Judith M. Margulies-Simonpietr, Ed.D. Joseph P. Klock, Jr. Nan A. Markowitz Gordon Eric Knowles David A. Marley, Sr. Willie I. Knowles, Jr. Edward Marquez Terri Kay Bennett Kopec James Martin Michael Kosnitzky Elda S. Martinez Rudy Kranys Raul Martinez, Jr. David Kraslow Pedro J. Martinez-Fraga Michael M. Krop, D.D.S. Raul P. Masvidal Jennifer J. LaMont Rochelle S. Matza, C.P.A. Edie Laquer Andres D. Mayobre Jan M. Larson Pamela L. McGrath Nancy B. Lash Manuel D. Medina Aldo Lastra Joseph A. Mesa, III, Esq. Jess S. Lawhorn, Jr. Fred M. Messing Donald E. Lefton Carlos A. Migoya Maria Camila Leiva James S. Milford Penny Leiva Alison W. Miller, Esq. Carmen R. Lemos Kimberly T. Miller Francisco J. Leon Alesia C. Mogul Woody Lesesne Elliott C. Mogul Salvador Lew Jose F. Montes De Oca Clinton Lewis Maritza Gomez Montiel Jerry Lewis Alvin D. Moore, Jr. David A. Lieberman Michael T. Moore Lourdes M. Little James E. Morgan, III Barbara E. Locke Patrick G. Morris John Lombardo Stacy L. Morris Filemon Lopez Tracy Mourning Jorge Luis Lopez Mirtha O. Muller Juan Lopez Pedro M. Munilla Rene V. Murai 25 Thomas F. Murrill Luis J. Perez Alejandro E. Roca Harry B. Smith, Esq. Jorge Mursuli Wilfredo A. Perez Lula Rodriguez Frank Soler Carlos M. Musibay Carlos Perez-Abreu, C.P.A. M. J. Rodriguez General Gary D. Speer Alex Muxo, Jr. Christopher C. Perks Marisol Rodriguez Rachelle Spivack William R. Myers Paul R. Philip Raquel A. Rodriguez Eugene E. Stearns Joseph T. Natoli Rosalia Picot Raul L. Rodriguez, AIA Dwight Stephenson Corliss J. Nelson Clarence Pittman Ray Rodriguez Craig Stevens Delores F. Neuman Otis Pitts, Jr. Neil S. Rollnick William M. Stokes, Ph.D. Alfred J. Novak Carlos Planas Mark J. Romzick Robert C. Strauss George A. Nunez Jorge A. Plasencia Sara Rosenberg-Bittorf Theodore C. Street, Ph.D. Marvin O’Quinn Dorothy Podhurst Stephen F. Rosenthal Amelia F. Stringer-Gowdy John Offerdahl Aaron S. Podhurst, Esq. Calvin Ross Oscar Suarez Eusebio Ojeda Ricardo Porven Carl D. Roston Rosa Sugrañes Alfredo Oliva Jerrold Posner Eric S. Roth William D. Talbert, III, C.D Remedios Diaz Oliver Claudia Potamkin Peter W. Roulhac Stanley G. Tate Nedra Oren Linda Potash The Honorable Marco Rubio Dean M. Taylor, Sr. Ramiro A. Ortiz Norman Powell Fernando Ruiz Fred F. Taylor Michael J. Osborn Daniel G. Prinzing Stephen D. Taylor Gregory C. Owens Luis Puello The Honorable Katherine Fernandez Rundle Mike Ozegovich Roger R. Puerto Carlos A. Sabater M. Lewis Temares, Ph.D. Laura Padron Claudia Puig Leslie Miller Saiontz Bruce R. Thomas Kimberly C. Palmer Victor J. Pujals Carlos A. Saladrigas, Sr. Bettie H. Thompson Leslie Pantin, Jr. Miguel Pumariega Patricia San Pedro Edward P. Tietjen Gerald W. Rainey, Jr. Herminio San Roman William R. Tillett Damian J. Pardo Julio A. Ramirez Maria A. Sastre James T. Timmons Dipak M. Parekh Yvonne Ramos Richard B. Schinoff, Ph.D. Arthur J. Torno Kishor M. Parekh, CGFM Kerry L. Rapport Sheldon D. Schneider Mercedes Toural Prashant K. Parekh Rose Readigos-Steadman Charles A. Schuette Keith R. Tribble Evan T. Rees Elizabeth M. Schwabedissen, Esq. Joan B. Tukey David R. Parker Rachel Reeves Gerald K. Schwartz P.A. Jesse J. Tyson Marshall R. Pasternack Garth C. Reeves, Sr. Sandra A. Sears Sherry L. Ulsh James Peacock Homer Reid Douglas Seaton Christian Ulvert Katrina Peebles Robin Reiter-Faragalli David M. Seifer Charles D. Umberger Juan C. Rey Ana Sejeck John W. Uribe, M.D. Thomas J. Pelham, Jr. Walter E. Reyes Kenneth G. Sellers Felipe Valls Andrea J. Pelt Eliseo (Tito) Riera-Gomez Ruth Shack Jonathan Vasquez Alexander Penelas Bill Riley Darryl Sharpton Denise D. Veitch Lilliam Penelas Peter T. Ripich Scott D. Sheftall Nilsa Velazquez Jessie M. Rivera Walter R. Shikany, Jr. Diana A. Venturini Arnaldo Perez Janet L. Robbie Barbara L. Shrut Sam Verdeja Luis E. Perez Timothy Robbie John K. Shubin Victoria E. Villalba Peter L. Sibley Carlos Villanueva Renuka Siddharthan Alexandra Villoch Elaine Silverstein Octavio J. Visiedo Joan Silverstein Armando Vizcaino Leah Simms Susan S. Vodicka Jose E. Sirven William Walker, Jr. Stuart J. Sisisky Sylviane Ward Rick Sisser Lynn C. Washington Kevin Smith Dorothy Weaver Manville Smith Teresa Weintraub Rhonda Smith Jack L. Williams Fara Pardina Beverly Parker Allan J. Pekor Cristina Pereyra, Esq. Shannon Hori and Judy Zeder at a Stella McCartney event to benefit United Way 26 Anthony G. Tegnelia How Nelly and Mike Farra LIVE UNITED Nelly and Mike Farra are long-standing Miami residents who care deeply about the education and health of their neighbors. Within their own family, they have created a culture that places a high value on education and they each volunteer time in support of educationrelated causes. Nelly and Mike are particularly passionate about the work of the United Way Center for Excellence in Early Education. Nelly envisions a future where the education system, from start to finish, is more imaginative and where more of our neighbors, those with school-aged children and those without, take a more active role. “It takes a village,” says Nelly, acknowledging that every person in our community can and should play a part — from helping in the classroom, assisting teachers to be more prepared for the challenges they face each day, and just talking about education as an issue in our community. G. Ed Williamson, II City National Bank of Florida Karl Wright, Ph.D. Vanessa Mills, LPN, BSN Empower U, Inc. Susan Yarosz Stephen N. Zack Isaac Zelcer Richard Montes de Oca MDO Partners Octavio Zubizarreta Norka Munilla Thunder Electrical Contractors, Inc. COMMUNITY IMPACT Yolanda R. Nader, C.P.A Dosal Tobacco Corporation COMMUNITY IMPACT COMMITTEE Carlos Noble The Northern Trust Company Michelle A. Zubizarreta Ileana Alvarez Vizcaino, Gitlin & Zomerfeld, LLP Rebecca Priegues Sproul KPMG LLP Gabriel A. Bottazzi Bijoux Terner Toni Randolph Michele P Burger* Bugs Burger Bug Killers George M. Burgess Becker & Poliakoff, P.A. Michael A. Cabanas BNY Mellon Wealth Management Bevone Ritchie The Children’s Trust Gancedo Accounting Solutions, Inc. Veronica Fernandez University of Miami Adam Horowitz QuarterCompany Alexander Formoso AT&T Darwish Kaiyal Pinchasik, Strongin, Muskat, Stein & Co. Yvette F. Garcia Morrison, Brown, Argiz & Farra, LLC Marlon Kilgour Kilgour & Associates, LLC Amy Hollub Cristina M. Lasaga Wells Fargo Brian Misiunas Pinchasik, Strongin, Muskat, Stein & Co. Evan S. Morgan Kaufman Rossin & Co. Yolanda R. Nader, C.P.A Dosal Tobacco Corporation Elissa J. Vanaver Breakthrough Miami, Inc. Cristian N. Nieto Levenson, Katzin & Ballotta, PA Tab Verdeja Verdeja & De Armas LLP Sara S. Orellana Josefina B. Oteiza Ocariz, Garrastacho, Hevia and Mercer Vincent Carrodeguas Goldstein Schechter Koch Victoria E. Villalba Victoria & Associates Career Services Jacqui B. Colyer The Children’s Trust Sondra Wallace Miami-Dade County Belen Cristino One To One Eleven AGENCY AUDIT COMMITTEE Rebecca Priegues Sproul KPMG LLP Ileana Alvarez* Vizcaino, Gitlin & Zomerfeld, LLP Alejandro M. Trujillo Verdeja & De Armas LLP Beatriz C. Anazco Goodwill Industries of South Florida, Inc. Tab Verdeja* Verdeja & De Armas LLP Lucia Davis-Raiford Miami-Dade County Tabitha Fazzino County Public Schools Donna L. Ginn Crossroad Consulting Group Matthew B. Gorson* Greenberg Traurig, LLP Kim Greene Dr. John T. MacDonald Foundation, Inc. Isabel Pena MBF Healthcare Partners, LP Allison Kernisky Holland & Knight LLP Dana P. Newman McDermott Will & Emery LLP Emma Pacetti Citibank, N.A. Lia Picard UM Linda Ray Intervention Center Bevone Ritchie The Children’s Trust Michael Scher Gregory M. Viejo, C.F.A. Wells Fargo Private Bank Sondra Wallace Miami-Dade County Charles V. West Berkowitz Pollack Brant Advisors and Accountants EDUCATION II IMPACT COUNCIL EDUCATION I IMPACT COUNCIL Luis Almodovar Tech Data Corporation Nancy L. Barrios Betty M. Alonso Alonso, Callejas & Associates Suzanne M. Armstrong Alexander Binelo Morrison, Brown, Argiz & Farra, LLC Aaron S. Blynn Genovese, Joblove & Battista, PA Chaney Block QuarterCompany Iraida M. Bottazzi Jorge L. Balcazar Citrus Health Network, Inc. William Ho Florida Power & Light Company Vincent Carrodeguas Goldstein Schechter Koch Javier A. Camacho Institute for Child & Family Health Michael Douglas Joblove Genovese, Joblove & Battista, PA Ronald Evans FTI Consulting Adriana Maria Diaz Kendrella The Northern Trust Company Jess S. Lawhorn, Jr. Jose Gancedo Bunny Feinberg * denotes chair or co-chair Alice L. Keller Florida Power & Light Company IBEW Local 359 Gabriel A. Bottazzi Bijoux Terner Omar Bradford George M. Burgess Becker & Poliakoff, P.A. Gemma I. Carrillo Miami-Dade County Public Schools Melissa J. Davis JP Morgan Chase 27 Jorge Diago BB&T Orbus Neich Medical Fellowship House Todd G. Feinberg City National Bank of Florida Dominique Diambois Nicole Covone Johnson & Wales University Francisco X. Santeiro FedEx Express Latin America & Caribbean Salvador Ferradas US Trust Bank of America Private Wealth Lauren M. Harper Samine Jernigan Power Forward, LLC Jodie Knofsky Alicia Lamadrid Related Cervera Realty Services Mark Englestead Royal Caribbean Cruises, Ltd. Norlan Fernandez Ryder System, Inc. William Ho Florida Power & Light Company Rebecca Larancuente-Hernandez Wells Fargo Mark A. McKenzie Sarah Ball Mason Angela P. Miller Miami-Dade CAA Head Start Lesline J. McKenzie Royal Caribbean Cruises, Ltd. Ana Milton J. Milton & Associates Kevin J. Morris Richard Montes de Oca MDO Partners Littler Mendelson Darrell W. Payne Stearns Weaver Miller Weissler Alhadeff & Sitterson, P.A. Andrew Pompa Bilzin Sumberg Baena Price & Axelrod LLP Anita L. Sandler David Schubauer Bilzin Sumberg Baena Price & Axelrod LLP Patricia Serantes Suastegui Deborah R. Viera Miami-Dade County FINANCIAL STABILITY IMPACT COUNCIL Ivonne Anton Epilepsy Foundation of Florida, Inc. Estrella Zayas Bazan Florida Realty of Miami Michael Brodie AON Risk Services, Inc. of Florida Sharif Bula Eleven Trust Michael A. Cabanas BNY Mellon Wealth Management Michael G. Nettles A-1 Lock & Key Jonathan Perez MasTec, Inc. Bindu Rammohan Karen Salas-Morales K & L Gates Up Jessica Marie Santis Deloitte LLP Arjune A. Singh Christopher Snider Deloitte LLP Carlos A. Suastegui M. Belen Cristino One To One Eleven Steven B. Dandes Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Miami Branch Drista DeCastro Bilzin Sumberg Baena Price & Axelrod LLP Vivian O. Feinberg Bank Leumi USA Ana C. Fernandez Tracfone Wireless, Inc. Melissa Fernandez-Stiers Miami Legal Corps Jeannette Garcia Amodeo Miami-Dade Juvenile Services Michael Douglas Joblove Genovese, Joblove & Battista, PA Jess S. Lawhorn, Jr. City National Bank of Florida Luis F. Martinez Jackson Health System Raisa Martinez Miami Dade College, School of Justice Norka Munilla Thunder Electrical Contractors, Inc. A.J. Shah IRT Michelle A. Simmons Miami-Dade County Islara Souto Tieesha N. Taylor Elderly Care Law Firm of Tieesha Taylor Cherie L. Weinstein Jessica Elizabeth Wendorf Robert Wilkerson Joan Zimmer Ryder System, Inc. PUBLIC POLICY COMMITTEE Karen Aronowitz United Teachers of Dade Local 1974 Jeffrey S. Bartel* Michele P. Burger Bugs Burger Bug Killers Jeffrey F. Eisenberg Noven Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Rodolfo Fernandez University of Miami Kay Hancock-Apfel Maria N. Johnston AT&T Victoria E. Villalba Victoria & Associates Carreer Services Carlos Noble The Northern Trust Company Barry R. Vogel, J.D. Johnson & Wales University Thomas H. Obermeier Noven Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Steven E. Marcus Health Foundation of South Florida HEALTH IMPACT COUNCIL Nathaniel Ortiz Baptist Hospital Lisa M. Martinez Miami-Dade County John Payne Miami-Dade County Iraida Mendez Miami-Dade County Public Schools Imran Ali Christian Armstrong Life’s Next Step, Inc. Diane M. Barrett Nancy L. Barrios Eugenio Cano Ivelisse Bueno Baptist Outpatient Services Alexander Castellanos James Clossick Carol Novak Doreen Ruggiero Miami-Dade County Elizabeth B. Leight Frank P. Sanabria The Doug Williams Group Michael E. Messer The ARC of South Florida, Inc. Marta Sanchez PsychoSocial Rehab. Ctr. dba Phillis I. Oeters Baptist Health South Florida How Maria Blet LIVES UNITED While working at her first job at Northern Trust, Maria saw a United Way campaign poster and committed to give a dollar a day. Every year since, she has committed to increasing her gift. In late 2002, Maria became a leadership giver and attended her first Women’s Leadership Breakfast. While attending the event, she realized that it was more than just a breakfast — it was an organized women’s movement. After serving in a variety of roles and recruiting legions of women to participate locally, Maria was recruited into national service. Today, she is the incoming chair of United Way Worldwide’s Women’s Leadership Council, a position she assumes with great “honor, pride and respect. I’m excited about helping to lead a movement of engaged women who are passionate about improving their communities,” Maria said. 28 Marielena A. Villamil Kaufman, Rossin Juan C. Zapata Colombian American Service Association CASA Carlos Noble The Northern Trust Company REDESIGN TASK FORCE Betty Alonso Alonso, Callejas & Assoc. Maria C. Alonso* Bank of America Imran Ali Sheldon Anderson Northern Trust Gabriel A. Bottazzi Bijoux Terner Michele P. Burger Bugs Burger Bug Killers Michael Cabanas BNY Mellon Wealth Richard L. Chisholm The Family Christian Association of America, Inc. Lourdes Oroza Miami Dade College Tessa Painson Catholic Charities New Life Family Shelter Thomas J. Pelham Gibraltar Private Bank Madeline Pumariega Miami Dade College Toni Randolph Fred M. Stock Jewish Community Services of South Florida Elissa J. Vanaver Breakthrough Miami Peter Wood Health Foundation of South Florida The UPS 5K Peter Dolara* Air Travel Management Suzanne Montgomery AT&T Juan Enjamio Hunton & Williams LLP Gustavo F. Pego State of Florida, Department of Transportation Mike Farra Morrison, Brown, Argiz & Farra, LLC Robert D. Fatovic Ryder System, Inc. Jacquie Colyer The Children’s Trust Oren Wunderman, Ph.D. Family Resource Center of South Florida Lucia Davis-Raiford Miami-Dade County DEVELOPMENT Carolyn Donaldson Altegra Health Rick Fernandez Northern Trust CAMPAIGN CABINET Gilda P. Ferradaz The Florida Department of Children and Families Tabitha Fazzino Miami-Dade County Public Schools Melissa Gracey Berkowitz Pollack Brant Advisors & Accountants Sergio Abreu TECO Energy Inc. Gonzalo Acevedo City National Bank Alexander Adams Northern Trust Edward Feenane Duane Morris LLP Ricardo Garbati Gibraltar Private Bank & Trust Company Carlos Perez-Abreu Perez-Abreu, Aguerrebere, Sueiro & Torres P.L. Randy Peters Wells Fargo Obdulio Piedra Great Florida Bank Scott Poulin Wescott Financial Advisory Group LLC Tim Redding Publix Super Markets, Inc. William Rohrer Carlton Fields, PA Mike E. Garcia Holland & Knight, LLP Joseph Roisman Perry Ellis International Jill Granat Burger King Corp. Gregory Santin BNY Mellon / MUNB Loan Holdings LLC Matt Haggman John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Ed Andujar FedEx Express Latin America & Caribbean Adam Horowitz Quarter Company Juan Carlos Barreto FirstBank Florida Gerald C. Grant AXA Equitable Saif Ishoof City Year Jeffrey Bartel Hamptons Group LLC Kate Griffith Paychex-Miami Michelle Labgold Greater Miami Jewish Federation, Inc. Heileen Bell Burger King Corp. Geoffrey Horst Deloitte LLP Erbi Blanco-True Great Florida Bank Bradley H. Houser Akerman Senterfitt Tammi Calvo-Sanchez Regions Bank Joseph Hovancak Comcast Business Class Alicia Cervera Lamadrid Related Cervera Realty Services Michael Jankowski American Airlines Andre Chammas Morrison, Brown, Argiz & Farra, LLC Adolfo Jimenez Holland & Knight Adam Spiegel Morrison, Brown, Argiz & Farra, LLC Maria Johnston AT&T Jeffrey Starr BankUnited Stephen G. Danner CBIZ Al Lichtman Sign, Display & Allied Trades Local Union #1175 Bradley H. Stein Royal Caribbean Cruises, Ltd. Albert De Cardenas MasTec, Inc. Lisa Martinez Miami-Dade County Viviene Dixon-Shim AFSCME 1363 Marion Mathes BMG Money, Inc. Jess S. Lawhorn, Jr. City National Bank of Florida Eileen Maloney-Simon YWCA of Greater Miami Brent McLaughlin Branches, Inc. Gepsie Metellus Haitian Neighborhood Center, Sant La Hector Mojena KPMG LLP Richard Montes de Oca MDO Partners Stacy Morris Baptist Health Deborah Morrison * denotes chair or co-chair Loreen M. Chant Johnson & Wales University Michael Schwartz RBA Capital, LLC Tracy Seaton Douglas Seaton D. Seaton & Associates Romaine Seguin UPS - Americas Gene Schaefer Bank of America Penny Shaffer Florida Blue Debra Tyler SunTrust Bank Diana Rizikow Venturini Miami-Dade County Public Schools 29 Charles West Berkowitz Pollack Brant Juana Vazquez Miami-Dade County Steven J. Brodie Carlton Fields, PA Julie Williamson Akerman Senterfitt Kathleen B. Woods-Richardson Miami-Dade County George White Florida Power & Light Company Anthony J. Burns iStar Financial Inc. Judy Zeder EWM Realtors, Inc. Laurie Zapletal BB&T LOANED EXECUTIVES Daniela Alvarado Humberto Amador Allison Bishop-Cooper Miami-Dade County Daniel Buggs Miami-Dade County Gorki Carrillo Miami-Dade County Andrew Clarke Miami-Dade County Lindsey Davis AT&T Melissa Endara Miami-Dade County NEW BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Robert D. Fatovic Ryder System, Inc. Sergio Abreu Teco Energy Jeff Bartel Hamptons Group, LLC Tammi Calvo-Sanchez Regions Bank Luis Consuegra Chevron Bradley Houser Akerman Senterfitt Penny Shaffer Florida Blue Hugo Castro, Jr., CFP, CLU AXA Equitable Alicia Cervera Lamadrid* Related Cervera Realty Services Robert Chisholm Chisholm Architects Leo De La Peña De La Peña Group Miguel G. Farra, CPA, JD* Morrison Brown Argiz & Farra, LLP Pedro A. Fernandez Bernstein Global Wealth Management Hector Fortun Fortun Insurance Frank Gonzalez Morrison Brown Argiz & Farra, LLP UNITED WAY CENTER FOR FINANCIAL STABILITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Gonzalo Acevedo City National Bank of Florida Alex Adams* The Northern Trust Company Andre Chammas Morrison, Brown, Argiz & Farra, LLC Juan Enjamio Hunton & Williams LLP Rick Fernandez The Northern Trust Company Ricardo Garbati Gibraltar Private Bank & Trust Co. Mike Garcia Holland & Knight LLP Tania Escobar AT&T Adam Spiegel Morrison, Brown, Argiz & Farra, LLC Katheline Jackson Miami-Dade County REVENUE DIVERSIFICATION COMMITTEE Kevin Kacer KPMG Edward J. Joyce* The Northern Trust Company Kem Mayo Miami-Dade County Susan Amat The Launch Pad at Toppel Karla Pascua Sponsored by Sabadell David A. Barkus Greenberg Traurig Narda Rodriguez FedEx Ramp Zena Dickstein Capital Z Consulting Group Mike Rodriguez UPS Americas Jack Lowell Flagler Real Estate Services LLC Jose Hevia Hevia Co. Mike Marquez Bessemer Trust Co. of Florida Andrew J. Parsons McKinsey and Company Inc. Rochelle Matza Automated HealthCare Solutions Shelly Rubin Ben Mollere Baptist Health South Florida Michael Schwartz RBA Capital, LLC Adriana Pinto-Torres Related Cervera Realty Services UNITED WAY EMPLOYEE CAMPAIGN MANAGERS Peter Pruitt Deloitte LLP Aimee Ariola Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Miam Jeff Rosenberg Miami-Dade County Lasheena Smith FedEx South Florida District Page Stribling Miami-Dade County TOCQUEVILLE SOCIETY CABINET Wanda Suarez Miami-Dade County Sheldon T. Anderson The Northern Trust Company Jennifer Troncoso Publix Carlos J. Arboleda COIaccess Gerald C. Grant, Jr., MBA AXA Equitable Kate Griffith Paychex - Miami Harvey Hernandez Newgard Development Group Marion Mathes BMG Money, Inc. Edward J. Joyce The Northern Trust Company Carlos Perez-Abreu Perez-Abreu, Aguerrebere, Sueiro & Torres P.L Laura Kaplan U.S. Trust, Bank of America Private Wealth Management Joe Lacher Oti Roberts JPMorgan Chase William Rohrer Carlton Fields, PA Gregory M. Santin Bank of New York Mellon Angela M. Arista The Miami Herald /el Nuevo Herald Alfred J. Saikali Shook, Hardy & Bacon LLP Maria Yvette Arzuaga Costco Wholesale-Kendall #89 Tadd Schwartz Schwartz Media Strategies Lois A. Auerbach Girl Scout Council of Tropical Florida, Inc. Andrew Smulian Akerman Senterfitt 30 Scott A. Poulin* Wescott Financial Advisory Group LLC Fernando Ruiz JPMorgan Chase Ron Shuffield EWM Realtors Young Leaders volunteer to make their community a better place Obdulio Piedra Great Florida Bank Tom Whitehurst Raymond James & Associates, Inc. Josue Avila J.C. Penney Company - Aventura #2071-9 Ian M. Bailey Royal Caribbean Cruises, Ltd. Prescott A. Barkow How Bettie Thompson LIVES UNITED When Bettie Thompson decided to move to Miami with her daughter Stefanie, she was looking to raise her in a more diverse cultural environment. And that’s what Bettie found in the place she has called home for more than 20 years and where she, too, found her place at the culturally diverse Miami Dade College (MDC). Bettie has served as MDC’s campaign coordinator for the past 15 years, and her love for our community continues to grow and the impact of her work, raising a total of more than $1.2 million for United Way, will surely be felt for years to come. Passing on the same values to her daughter Stefanie, an MDC and Barry University graduate, that she learned from her mother is how Bettie Thompson LIVES UNITED. Raymond James & Associates, Inc. Natalie J. Carlos Carlton Fields, PA Ana Der-Kutil Citrus Health Network, Inc. Augusta A. Flynn YWCA of Greater Miami Felipe F. Basulto TD Bank Sydney C. Carpel Greater Miami Jewish Federation, Inc. Adriana Maria Diaz Kendrella The Northern Trust Company Kelly Frazier Shook, Hardy & Bacon L.L.P. Lilian M. Castellanos Morgan Lewis & Bockius Marycela Diaz-Unzalu Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Miami Branch Heather M. Freeland Kaufman Rossin & Co. Guillermo G. Castillo JPMorgan Chase Maria Diez UPS Florida District Erbi Blanco-True Great Florida Bank Victoria L. Champion Barry University Marianne A. Divita AvMed Health Plans Maria M. Blet Goldstein Schechter Koch Salil P. Chari FedEx Express Latin America & Caribbean Roichelle Doliner Aventura Hospital and Medical Center Lumane P. Claude City of North Miami Eddie Dominguez City National Bank of Florida Tijuania Coleman Costco Wholesale - Miami Lakes #181 Lissette U. Dow Enterprise Rent-A-Car Airport Diana L. Bernal Univision Radio Deoranie Devika Bhikham Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Miami Jeanelle D. Boscan Ocean Bank Alina G. Bowman Noven Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Gina Brooks Center for Family and Child Enrichment Mary A. Brown Macy’s - Miami Beach Terrence L. Brown Great Florida Bank Marilyn Collazo McDermott Will & Emery LLP Mary Collins J.C. Penney Company - Southland #2660 Arlene Drexler Akerman Senterfitt Maria Dume Regions Bank Cathy Elizer Macy’s - Downtown Store Jose A. Garcia UPS - Americas Region Leslie G. Gardos WLTV-TV Channel 23 Gina Gianino Target - North Miami #1038 Jane Gilbert Wells Fargo Colleen Goedert Flagler Real Estate Services LLC Christian Gomez Bloomingdale’s - The Falls Luis F. Gomez Ernst & Young LLP Aimee R. Gonzalez Regions Bank Alexandria Gonzalez UPS - Americas Region Alicia Coloma-Butkowski Carnival Cruise Lines Patti Evers American Airlines David Concepcion City of Hialeah Edith Febles UPS Cartage Services Michael Connor FedEx Ramp Alejandro R. Fernandez City of Miami Kim Cagiano SunTrust Bank Chip Coughlin State Farm Insurance Company Andrea Fernandez The Graham Companies Martha E. Calderon Pacific National Bank Donna A. Crump-Butler BankUnited Isabel L. Fernandez City National Bank of Florida Tammi Calvo-Sanchez Regions Bank Esperanza Cruz FedEx Ground Karen K. Fernandez Hall, Lamb & Hall, P.A. Diane M. Cantor Centro Campesino Farmworker Center Maria E. Cuervo Cordis Corporation Nicole S. Fernandez Ryder System, Inc. Richard Cuming Jackson Health System Rachel Fernandez Boys & Girls Clubs of Miami-Dade Ida Danao Macy’s - Dadeland Rodolfo Fernandez University of Miami Paul Greggory Haller The Northern Trust Company Martha L. De la Pena Rojas Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida Jackie F. Fleites Bilzin Sumberg Baena Price & Axelrod LLP H. Bruce Hayden Maraleen Browne South Florida Sports Foundation, Inc. Ana Cabezas Nordstrom Merrick Park #763 Darren Cantrelle FedEx Express Latin America & Caribbean Katherine Cao Hearing & Speech Center of Florida, Inc. * denotes chair or co-chair Georgina Gonzalez Holland & Knight LLP Jacqueline Gonzalez Target - Miami Lakes #2196 Angela Gonzalez Ramos WLTV-TV Channel 23 Sandra Gonzalez-Levy Florida International University Isidro X. Gutierrez Ingham Group Juan C. Gutierrez Morrison, Brown, Argiz & Farra, LLC Kristin J. Hakeman Citibank, N.A. Elva Harris Macy’s - Southland 31 Miami Behavioral Health Center, Inc. Monique D. Hayes Genovese, Joblove & Battista, PA Emily G. Heckert The Northern Trust Company Marcie A. Heese City of Homestead Deborah M. Hernandez Community AIDS Resource, Inc. Sysco Food Services Al R. Maulini HSBC Bank USA Jeanette M. Mccarty Ryder System, Inc. Georgia H. McLean Mount Sinai Medical Center Felipe Medina Goldman, Sachs & Co. Jeanie Hernandez Comcast Communications Joanne Mena Southern Wine & Spirits of South Florida Sonia M. Hernandez Ernst & Young LLP Cynthia Mendoza Cargill, Inc. Jane Hertan FedEx South Florida District Michael S. Meredith Publix Super Markets, Inc. Carole C. Hrebik Podhurst Orseck, PA Barbara Mersel Great Florida Bank Michael P. Jankowski American Airlines Darlene S. Mitchell Williamson Cadillac-Buick-GMC Maria N. Johnston AT&T Rosana Montejo Quipp Systems Kimberly Jones PricewaterhouseCoopers Jean M. Orta Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau Macy’s - Aventura Francys Ortega-Blanco Interval International, Inc. Anna T. Ramirez Caterpillar, Inc. Kathleen C. Padron Podhurst Orseck, PA Michelle M. Reyes Hunton & Williams Bridget Pallango Goodwill Industries of South Florida, Inc. Tania Rivero Epilepsy Foundation of Florida, Inc. Tonja Parra The ARC of South Florida Frances M. Rivkin Macy’s - Falls Gigi Pena Stearns Weaver Miller Weissler Desiree M. Rodriguez Florida International University Chassah E. Perez United Way of Miami-Dade Isabelle Rodriguez Deloitte LLP Julie Perez Shook, Hardy & Bacon LLP Joseph Roisman Perry Ellis International Lisa Perez Publix Super Markets, Inc. America Rosell Macy’s - International Mall Rosa M. Perez Hobart Corporation Victoria Rosenthal ADP/TotalSource Javier Pestana Lauren Rothstein John S. & James L. Knight Foundation Elisa Juara Little Havana Activities and Nutrition Centers of Dade County, Inc. Fernando Ruiz JPMorgan Chase Rene P. Ruiz Macy’s Nancy Jurado Costco Wholesale - Miami #92 Tiffany A. Sadir Target - Dadeland #1039 Jill Klein-Wolter Target - Aventura #1074 Hector San Roman Comcast Communications Linda L. Knudsen Baptist - Baptist Health South Florida Joe G. Lahoud Barry University Jean C. Lancia Florida City Gas Monica A. Lara Noven Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Mary E. Leckband City of Miami Shawn E. Levesque BDO USA, LLP Ilene Lew Jewish Community Services Vicki Lindner-Lopez Gunster, Yoakley & Stewart, P.A. Deidre W. Lloyd Eastman Chemical Latin America, Inc. Jose A. Sanchez Wells Fargo Miami-Dade County Public Schools Superintendent Alberto Carvalho Barbara Mora City of Homestead Saaid R. Mortazavi Assurant Elda Moyer Florida City Gas Fern Heidi Munk KPMG LLP Manuela Muros Nordstrom Dadeland #768 Mikie Mussolini J.C. Penney Company - Dadeland #1360 Yuni Navarro Ocean Bank Peggy Lorenzo JC Penney Company - Southland #2660 E C. Nettles Florida Power & Light Company Sergio Marquez Sabadell United Bank Ana Miyares Nunez The Northern Trust Company Lisa M. Martinez Miami-Dade County Gabriela Orejas Eastman Chemical Latin America, Inc. Judy Massa 32 Jessica Quesada USI Insurance Services, LLC Target - Kendall #0746 William R. Phelan Fundación Cisneros Maria D. Pineda WSVN-TV Channel 7 Natalie N. Piner The Miami Herald/el Nuevo Herald Wolfgan Pinther Kaufman Rossin & Co. Maureen P. Pitter Ernst & Young LLP Lourdes Ponce University of Miami Elizabeth P. Ponce-Dejunco LNR Property LLC Joanna Popper Telemundo Network Deborah Porter New Horizons Community Mental Health Center, Inc. Rosemary A. Primelles William Sancho White & Case LLP Lourdes Sanders Broad & Cassel Sylvia A. Sanders Institute for Child and Family Health Emily Santos International Business Machines Claudia M. Sarabia Zubi Advertising Services, Inc. Alberto D. Sardinas Univision Radio Kim Schriner Costco Wholesale - North Miami #182 Ellen M. Selmer The Graham Companies Dany M. Shandler Greater Miami Jewish ederation, Inc. Estrellita Sibila Bibi Siegel Bloomingdale’s - Aventura Vicki L. Smith-Bilt Greenberg Traurig, LLP Advisors and Accountants Ernest W. Spicer Comcast Communications Jason P. Williams Wells Fargo Alicia Stock Neiman Marcus -Bal Harbour Michael Williams Wal-Mart #1590 - Miami Lakes Jacqueline Hodes DLA Piper Cathy Strafaci Related Cervera Realty Services Deborah Winkles Great Florida Bank Susan R. Jay Florida International University Yvonne C. Stroy-Martin Empower U, Inc. Laurie Zapletal Branch Banking and Trust Company Maria N. Johnston AT&T Robert J. Sucher Sabadell United Bank Mariel B. Sucre United Way of Miami-Dade Carol Surowiec CBIZ David T. Surowitz Michael-Ann Russell Jewish Community Center Craig Sutherland BNY Mellon Alex M. Taylor-Smith J.C. Penney International Mall #2478 Yvette Zaragoza United Way of Miami-Dade WOMEN’S LEADERSHIP COUNCIL Yvette F. Garcia Morrison, Brown, Argiz & Farra, LLC Ana S. Siegel Fox International Channels Jennifer A. Grant Marisol Slaton Bayview Center for Mental Health Laura Kaplan U.S. Trust, Bank of America Private Wealth Management Marcia Koo UPS Americas Cathy Alexander TD Bank Alice Keller Florida Power & Light Company IBEW Local 359 Dori Robau Alvarez American Airlines Renee Lopez-Cantera The Miami Herald/el Nuevo Herald Ana G. Babcock Florida Power & Light Company Natasha G. Lowell Gibraltar Private Bank & Trust Katherine V. Bernstein Barbara Mersel Bettie H. Thompson Miami Dade College Young Leaders at “Cruisin’ for a Cause” Melanie Fernandez Holland & Knight LLP Quinn Smith Smith International Legal Consultants, P.A. Bijan Toghiani Wells Fargo Maria M. Blet KR Financial Services, Inc. Alesia C. Mogul Matthew S. Anderson Colliers International Margaret A. Brisbane Miami-Dade County Camila Cote Ernst & Young Monica Villa Target - Hialeah #2109 Melanie Dickinson South Florida Business Journal Jorge R. Villacampa Wells Fargo Diane E. Don Wells Fargo Mariela Villasana J.C. Penney Company - Westland #1953-9 Iris V. Escarrá Greenberg Traurig, LLP * denotes chair or co-chair Katherine Barrantes FedEx Latin America & Caribbean Great Florida Bank Carol Vila Merck, Sharpe, Dohme Charles V. West Berkowitz Pollack Brant Jessica Baez Enterprise Rent-A-Car Sabadell United Bank Iliana Castillo-Frick Miami Dade College Michelle R. Weber Bilzin Sumberg Baena Price & Axelrod LLP YOUNG LEADERS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Jeanelle Ramon Boscan Ocean Bank Rose Vereen FedEx Ground Barry R. Vogel Johnson & Wales University Mary M. Young University of Miami Monica Maldonado Miami-Dade County Attorney’s Office Karen A. Vassell Baptist - West Kendall Baptist Hospital Diana A. Venturini Miami-Dade County Public Schools Kathleen B. Woods-Richardson* Miami-Dade County Lena Lowell EWM Realty Courtney Triece Target Midtown Miami #2188 Christina Veliz City of Coral Gables Victoria E. Villalba Victoria & Associates Career Services Alexandria Gonzalez UPS America’s Region Veronica R Travieso Nordstrom Merrick Park #763 Ayxa Vecino Florida International University Ángela María Tafur Give to Colombia Foundation Anne Gonzalez Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP Jacqueline Torre United HomeCare Services, Inc. Beatriz Vazquez Goldstein Schechter Koch Mara Rey Suarez City National Bank of Florida Laura Escobar Lennar/Universal American Mortgage Co. Barbara J. Ferrer Holland & Knight LLP Rosary Plana Falero BankUnited Grace Mora Fontainebleau Miami Beach & Towers Vivian L. More Interval International Natacha Munilla Thunder Electric Contractors, Inc. Ana M. Nunez Northern Trust Abigail Price-Williams Miami-Dade County Madeline Pumariega Miami Dade College Gladys C. Reed BankUnited Tavia Robb Royal Caribbean Cruises, Ltd. Sofia A. Samuels Ryder System, Inc. Rooney Brodie Baptist Health South Florida Adam Cappel Property Tax Adjusters, Inc. Michelle Padilla-Corzo Simply Healthcare Melissa J. Davis JPMorgan Chase Dolly Duran Johnson & Wales University Nelly M. Farra Mood Media/DMX Josefina Farra, MD Jackson Memorial Hospital University of Miami Miller School of Medicine Keith “Fletch” Fletcher uAspire Lourdes M. Gomez Miami-Dade County 33 Matthew Grosack DLA Piper, LLP Robert J. Shafer Robert Shafer & Associates Monique D. Hayes Genovese Joblove & Battista, P.A. John C. Sumberg Bilzin Sumberg Baena Price & Axelrod, LLP Emily G. Heckert The Northern Trust Company Jose Vila CBIZ Giselle Hugues Dorta & Ortega PA FINANCIAL AUDIT SUBCOMMITTEE Silvia M. Larrieu Miami Herald Media Co. Rush Norton Merrill Lynch Isabelle Pike Branches, Inc. David Schubauer Bilzin Sumberg Baena Price & Axelrod LLP William M. Somerville BenTrust Financial J. Dustin Symes City National Bank of Florida Tania Dominguez Cisneros Group Frank Gonzalez Morrison, Brown, Argiz & Farra, LLC Pedro A. Fernandez Bernstein Global Wealth Management development Alan V. Matthews University of Miami John C. Sumberg Bilzin Sumberg Baena Price & Axelrod, LLP EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SUBCOMMITTEE Roberta R. Kressel TD Bank FUND BALANCE SUBCOMMITTEE Emily Adams Miami Dade College Elizabeth Calkins Jackson Health System Peter L. Bermont The Bermont Advisory Group Bonita Adams The Miami Herald Rafael Castro Switchboard of Miami Graciela Cespedes Miami-Dade County Adenia Clark Early Learning Coalition Miami-Dade-Monroe Valda Clark Christian Greater Miami Chapter of the Links, Inc. Lynda Colaizzi Tonnette Collier Sweet Vine, Inc. Representative Erik Fresen reads to students at United Way Center for Excellence in Early Education Peter L. Bermont The Bermont Advisory Group Tania Dominguez Cisneros Group Tania Dominguez Cisneros Group INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE Pedro A. Fernandez Bernstein Global Wealth Management Santiago Abraham Royal Caribbean Cruises, Ltd. Timothy C. Ramsay, CISSP University of Miami Stuart Rosenberg Solutions@mba.f, LLC Alberto Regueyra Ricoh Systems /el Nuevo Herald Stephanie Adler U.S. Attorney’s Office Jaqui Colyer The Children’s Trust Carla Crossno United Way of Miami-Dade Darlene Cruz Annelies H. Da Costa Gomez Angela Arista The Miami Herald/el Nuevo Herald Eunice Davis Greater Miami Chapter of the Links, Inc. Marlyn Asbel Sharon Azoulay Rosa Douglass Teresa Bajandas Global Hotel Resources INSURANCE COMMITTEE Miriam Barquera Fernandez Jack Lowell Flagler Real Estate Services, LLC Robert Shafer Robert Shafer & Associates Roxanne Barr Alan V. Matthews University of Miami INVESTMENTS SUBCOMMITTEE Pearl Bethel Greater Miami Links, Inc. Peter T. Pruitt, Jr. Deloitte LLP Peter L. Bermont The Bermont Advisory Group Alvin Blake Sharon Quinn Dixon, Esq. Stearns Weaver Miller Weissler Alhadeff & Sitterson, P.A. Stephen G. Danner CBIZ Tania Dominguez Cisneros Group Jody Collins Vance Aloupis The Children’s Movement of Florida Roberta R. Kressel TD Bank 34 Kim Bryant The Miami Herald /el Nuevo Herald Beatriz Caceres Miami Dade College FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION Carmen Sabater Quirch Food Company Clevell Brown-Jennings Jennings Smart Outsourcing VOLUNTEER READERS Jose Vila CBIZ Charles V. West* Berkowitz Pollack Brant Advisors and Accountants Frank Gonzalez Morrison, Brown, Argiz & Farra, LLC Princess Briggs Briggs Education Consulting and Support, Inc. Catherimarty Burgos Miami-Dade Juvenile Services Department Joann M. Velez Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP Francisco “Paco” Gonzalez SunTrust Bank Marie Boswell Department of Juvenile Justice Robert Shafer Robert Shafer & Associates Shenise L. Truesdell City of South Miami FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Martha Borge-Gutierrez FedEx Express Latin America Janet Bass Maria Blet KR Financial Services, Inc. Eva Bodib The Miami Herald/el Nuevo Herald Natalie Daley Miami-Dade County Nicholas Duran The Children’s Movement of Florida Amy Ehrenreich United Way of Miami-Dade Lynne Fain Miami-Dade County Sharon Fine The Northern Trust Company Sylvia Forman Alice Fuldauer Girl Scouts of Tropical Florida, Inc. Loretta Gabe-Charles Miami-Dade Police Department Heather Gatley Ryder System, Inc. Marcy Goldstein Dave and Mary Alpher Jewish Community Center, Inc. Sheila Goodman Renata Lossano Early Learning Coalition of Miami-Dade & Monroe Miami Dade College The Soto Group Diane Pinto Carnival Cruise Lines Kitty Maidenberg Antonio Prado Joan Spector Joan Spector Public Relations Inc. Susan Malca Ron Prague Jennifer Grant Monica Maldonado Miami-Dade County Lisa Green Mitchell Marenus Liliana Guilarte Elise Halberstein Jeanmarie Massa Miami-Dade County Eleanor Halpern Cindy McCall - Talbert Laurie Hauptli Sandra Hayes Stan Heiblum Ryder System, Inc. Peggy Hinkle Ryder System, Inc. Oonna Hueck Christine Hughes Early Learning Coalition of Miami-Dad & Monroe Laura McDowell Alvera Pritchard Monique Spence Greater Miami Chapter of Links, Inc. Marilyn Ramo Kathie Srur Ileana Rionda Ryder System, Inc. Shontee Staten UPS Sandra Rodriguez United Way of Miami-Dade Nicole Yvette Strange-Martin Greater Miami Chapter of Links, Inc. Traci McGuire Lisette Rosetta Bank of America Lesline McKenzie Royal Caribbean Cruises, Ltd. Mary Ross Agosta Archdiocese of Miami Jessie Melendez Alexa Rossy Cortney Mills Picture Marketing Ellen Roth Campbell Minister Sharon Rothberg Maria M. Ruiz Nancy Stroh The Northern Trust Company Megan Tague Greater Miami and the Beaches Hotel Association Georgia Thompson Early Learning Coalition of Miami-Dade & Monroe Arthur Trotman Diane Uria KinderCare Denise Kelly Johnson Greater Miami Chapter of Links, Inc. Juan Urquiola United Way of Miami-Dade Marilu Kernan Marsh, Inc. Valerie Volpe Sacred Traditions, Inc. Karen Kerr The Parent/Teacher Foundation Elona Wagner Julia Kim Bilzin Sumberg Baena Price & Axelrod LLP Elizabeth Warriner The Miami Herald/el Nuevo Herald John Knight The Children’s Movement of Florida Eoline Watson The Miami Herald/el Nuevo Herald Kathleen Koch Lauren Kofchak Rachel Kram Carnival Cruise Lines Allison Kraus Grass Roots America Sharon Krutulis Girl Scout Council of Tropical Florida, Inc. VeritageMiami Craft Beer tasting at Wynwood Walls Cherie Weinstein Amanda Moreno University of Miami Ryder System, Inc. Annette Williams Ella Morris Miami-Dade Police Department Tamara Ryland Early Learning Coalition of Miami-Dade & Monroe Ann Zanetti Ryder System, Inc. Teresa Navarro Carmen Sabater Jose Nieto United Way of Miami-Dade Janise Olliff Ann Landau Sara Orellana David Lawrence Jr. The Children’s Movement of Florida Judy Otto Ryder System, Inc. Tiffani Lee Holland & Knight LLP Alison Owen The Miami Herald/el Nuevo Herald John Lenahan JPMorgan Judith Palgon Elaine Levine Olga Perez-Cormier Interval International, Inc. Cathy Lewis Miami-Dade County Jonathan Perez Sofia Samuels Ryder System, Inc. Melissa Sanchez Wells Fargo Phyllis Sandrow Michael Scheck Magaly Abrahante, Ph.D. Miami-Dade County Public Schools Fernand Amandi Bendixen & Amandi Suzanne Schwartzberg Yolanda Berkowitz Leslie Sharpe W.J. Blechman, MD Bertha Abess Children’s Center Rialto Capital Bick Simpson Esther S. Small Delores Lichtenstein Lisa Lomonaco Sandra Perkins Renee Lopez-Cantera The Miami Herald /el Nuevo Herald Camille Persaud Miami-Dade County Bentonne Snay The Snay Group, Inc. * denotes chair or co-chair CENTER COMMITTEE Edna Schenkel Marifeli Perez-Stable Florida International University Lucy Petrey UNITED WAY CENTER FOR EXCELLENCE IN EARLY EDUCATION Angelica Smith Annelies Da Costa Gomez Lilia C. DiBello, Ed.D. Barry University Debora Duro, MD, MS Ellen Solowsky Marisel Elias-Miranda Miami-Dade County Public Schools Alina Soto Jane Gilbert 35 Wells Fargo Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp. Havas Media International Donna Ginn Crossroad Consulting Group Leopoldo Coronado Intcomex, Inc. Aracelis Nass Nokia Latin America Peter Gorski, MD, MPA The Children’s Trust Andres de Corral Merrill Lynch Mileidis Gort, Ed.D. University of Miami Fernando Cozzi Cargill Americas Juan Carlos Parodi Eastman Chemical Latin America, Inc. Luis Hernandez Western Kentucky University Alvaro Diago InterContinental Hotels Group Christine Hughes, Ph.D Early Learning Coalition of Miami-Dade & Monroe Victor H. Fernandez Eastman Chemical Latin America, Inc. Elizabeth Leight, Ph.D* Marcelo Fumasoni Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp. Judith Maynes Bela Mote Adriana Pinto-Torres Cervera Real Estate Pete Pizarro Whitney International University System Child Development Institute University of North Carolina Josue Cruz School of Education and Human Development Bowling Green State University Jerlean Daniel National Association for the Education of Young Children Diane Trister Dodge Teaching Strategies, Inc. Janelle Prieto Diageo Richard D. Fain Royal Caribbean Cruises, Ltd. Monica Rabassa Univision Radio Dana E. Friedman, Ed.D. The Early Years Institute Sergio Roitberg Newlink Group Ellen Galinsky Families & Work Institute Lourdes Rosales SAP International Janet Gonzalez-Mena Pacific Oaks College Carolina Sintes Sony Pictures Television Dominic F. Gullo, Ph.D. School of Education Drexel University MasterCard Worldwide Quinn Smith Jessica Hinestroza Cargill Americas Diego Stecchi Ferragamo Latin America Inc Sharon Lynn Kagan, Ed.D. Columbia University Francis Hondal MasterCard Worldwide Michael Stein Baptist Health South Florida Marta Jaramillo Consulado General de Colombia en Miami Maria Teresa Velasco Discovery Networks Educare Learning Network Carlos Garcia Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp. Susan Neimand, Ph.D. Miami Dade College Pablo Golfari Korn/Ferry International Julie Paresky Strategic Business Consultant Dra. Isabel Gomez-Bassols Univision Radio Georgina Prats The Joy of Learning Richard Hartzel Bevone Ritchie The Children’s Trust Wilma Robles de Melendez, Ph.D. Nova Southeastern University Kim Roy Miami-Dade County Public Schools Angela Salmon, Ph.D. Florida International University Elissa Vanaver Breakthrough Miami, Inc. Jose Vila, CPA CBIZ Marielena Villamil The Washington Economics Group, Inc. Jessica Wendorf INTERNATIONAL INITIATIVE ADVISORY COUNCIL Maria Ignacia Arcaya Cisneros Group Steven Bandel Cisneros Group Alvio Barrios Juniper Networks Bill Bullard Diageo Marcelo Caputo Telefonica USA, Inc. Maria Isabel Castro Consulado General de Colombia en Miami Volunteers from the Cisneros Group Dra. Marcela Lembert Bank of America Merrill Lynch Mexico Esperanza Lopez-Virtue FedEx Express Corporation Alfonso Macedo Ocean Bank Henry Martinez Discovery Networks Juan N. Cento* FedEx Express Corporation Marion Mathes BMG Money, Inc. Luis Consuegra Chevron Anylda Morales FedEx Express Corporation Daniel Coriat Juan Carlos Morales 36 Candice P. Lange Lange Advisors David Lawrence Jr. The Early Childhood Initiative Foundation James Levine, Ph.D. James Levine Communications, Inc. Kristin Anderson-Moore, Ph.D. Child Trends Joan Lombardi, Ph.D. Administration for Children and Families U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Gina Barclay-McLaughlin, Ph.D. University of Tennessee Tammy Mann, Ph.D. Campanga Center Carol J. Barnett Publix Super Markets Charities Christina Lopez Morgan De Anza College Paula Jorde Bloom, Ph.D. National Louis University Robin D. Morris, Ph.D. Georgia State University Donna Bryant, Ph.D. Roger Neugebauer Child Care Information Exchange NATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD Franklin Porter Graham Nina Sazer O’Donell, M.Ed United Way Worldwide Eduardo J. Padron, Ph.D. Miami Dade College Michelle Seligson Wellesley College for Research on Women Donna Shalala, Ph.D. University of Miami Christy Tirrell-Corbin, Ph.D. University of Maryland Gerrit Westervelt, Ph.D. Build Initiative Marian Wright-Edelman Children’s Defense Fund Edward Zigler, Ph.D. Yale Child Study Center Pamela Zuker, Ph.D. Center for Noogenic Research Greenberg Traurig, LLP Bill Johnson PortMiami Ana Kasdin Grand Sundries Corporation Neisen Kasdin Akerman Senterfitt LLP Jorge Luis Lopez Jorge Luis Lopez Law Firm, LLC. Marile Lopez Jorge Luis Lopez Law Firm, LLC. Roberta Jacoby Jacoby Advisors Tom Murphy, Jr. Coastal Construction Group Leonard Abess thinkLAB Ventures Jo Sumberg Irene Rodriguez John Sumberg Bilzin Sumberg Baena Price & Axelrod LLP VERITAGEMIAMI EVENT COMMITTEE Ashley Abess thinkLAB Ventures Jon Batchelor The Batchelor Foundation, Inc. Matthew Bittel Florida East Coast Industries Mary Young University of Miami Susan Potter Norton Allen Norton & Blue, PA Dondra Ritzenthaler Celebrity Cruises Patsy Rodriguez Nestle Waters North America Tina Sayago Response Publishing Group, Inc. William D. Talbert III Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau Alexandra Villoch The Miami Herald/el Nuevo Herald TRUSTEES Jayne and Leonard L. Abess Hilarie Bass Linda and Mike Bittel Steve Brodie Carlton Fields Diana Brooks, VSBrooks Advertising Colleen and Richard Fain Swanee DiMare Paul DiMare DiMare Fresh Mary Buckley Johnson & Wales University Mariita Srebnick and George Feldenkreis Mary Lou Rodon-Dolara Loreen Chant Johnson & Wales University Philip Levine Peter J. Dolara Air Travel Management Brian Connors Johnson & Wales University June and Allen Morris Alexia Echeverria Venue Magazine Juan del Busto Del Busto Capital Partners Oscar Suarez Herman Echevarria BVK/MEKA Maria del Busto Royal Caribbean Cruises, Ltd. Janet and Richard Yulman The Honorable Carlos A. Gimenez* Miami-Dade County Paul DiMare DiMare Fresh Inc. Irene Korge Lourdes Gimenez* Miami-Dade County Public Schools Claudia Dobkin Brand Consultant Eva Gorson Eddie Dominguez City National Bank Evelyn de Jesus Mojica Richard Fain* Royal Caribbean Cruises, Ltd. Sherry Harriman Wal-Mart * denotes chair or co-chair Alesia Mogul June Morris Swanee and Paul DiMare Sandy Grossman Rochelle Matza Automated HealthCare Solutions Allen Morris The Allen Morris Company Melissa Bittel Matthew B. Gorson Greenberg Traurig, LLP Carol Henderson Mike Jones Royal Caribbean Cruises, Ltd. Yvette Mansanet Nestle Waters North America Vincent M. Signorello Florida East Coast Industries Shelly Brodie Gift Chixx Steve Haas City Hall, The Restaurant Leslie B. Murphy Manny Rodriguez Yolanda Berkowitz* Jorge Gonzalez City National Bank of Florida Philip Levine Royal Media Partners Jayne Harris Abess thinkLAB Ventures Richard A. Berkowitz Berkowitz Pollack Brant Advisors and Accountants Arianne Levin Melissa Medina-Schnur Medina Family Foundation EVENT COMMITTEE Jeff Berkowitz* Berkowitz Development Group, Inc. Jordan Fickess Johnson & Wales University Kristi Kinard Miami New Times Phillis Oeters Baptist Health South Florida Miriam Abreu PortMiami Morgan Hartman Jose Mas MasTec, Inc. UNITED WAY MAYOR’S BALL Jose Abreu Gannett Fleming Don Farrel Miami New Times Nelly and Miguel G. Farra Carlos Migoya Susan and Bob Norton AUCTION COMMITTEE Michele Baena Darlene Boytell-Pérez Mari Gallet 37 Our commitment To our community At United Way of Miami-Dade, we take our role as stewards of contributor dollars very seriously. There is nothing more important than the trust our contributors place in us. We have institutionalized strict governance practices designed to maximize our community impact and ensure the highest standards of operational efficiency and effectiveness. A local board of directors comprised of business leaders from major corporations, organizations and philanthropists. A volunteer-led community investment process combined with advocacy efforts, in-kind giving and matching grants produces a return on investment of $2.17 for every $1 contributed to our community plan. • Reporting and compliance requirements for each program funded by United Way of Miami-Dade that includes an annual unqualified opinion by independent auditors; adherence to all federal, state and local laws; maintenance of appropriate governance, financial and service records; written conflict of interest, non discrimination, equal employment and continuity of operations plans; a commitment to delivering measurable outcomes, among other criteria. • United Way of Miami-Dade staff conducts a yearly program evaluation of funded programs and provide training and on-going technical assistance. • Our audit committee, consisting of accountants and other technical volunteers, conducts an in-depth annual review of agency financial statements. • Three independent volunteer groups — the finance and administration committee, the executive committee, and the board — conduct a monthly review of our financial statements and an annual review of our audited financial statements and the Internal Revenue Service tax form 990. • An investments committee meets regularly to review financial market performance and to make asset allocation decisions, with the goal of preserving and growing the value of our general and endowment fund assets to maximize the current and future benefit to the community. • A gift acceptance committee advises United Way of Miami-Dade staff regarding complex or innovative gifts. • An executive compensation committee reviews and recommends CEO and other executive compensation and benefits. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION Assets as of June 30, 2012 Cash and cash equivalents................................................................................... $ 11,200,843 Receivables......................................................................................................... 16,880,227 Investments ....................................................................................................... 28,436,918 Other assets............................................................................................................. 403,962 Land, property and equipment, net......................................................................... 28,579,024 Total Assets.............................................................................................................. 85,500,974 Liabilities and Net Assets Accounts and other payables..................................................................................... 2,760,870 Agency allocations payable................................................................................... 25,608,137 Interest rate swap................................................................................................... 1,782,900 Notes payable..................................................................................................... 13,615,000 Total Liabilities......................................................................................................... 43,766,907 Unrestricted........................................................................................................ 33,070,894 Temporary Restricted................................................................................................ 1,648,666 Permanently Restricted............................................................................................. 7,014,507 Total Net Assets......................................................................................................... 41,734,067 Total Liabilities and Net Assets ...........................................................................................85,500,974 38 United Way impact services generated revenues raised $46,536,592 $28,299,203 Special grants.......................... 1,427,868 Matching gifts ....................... 23,827,936 $74,835,795 How estimated resources were used Volunteer time............................ 225,871 FamilyWize................................ 2,300,000 Human care services.������������������������� 65,241,078* Operation Helping Hands.�������������� 6,428 United Way...............................................8,855,261 Center for Financial Stability....511,100 Investments for the future.����������������������739,455 Every $1 invested in United Way’s community plan turns into $2.17 worth of help. In addition to revenues raised and the value of additional services generated, a broad range of United Way activities around key partnerships produced an additional $20 million worth of benefits to the community. It includes, but is not limited to, some of our work in support of the Miami-Dade County Public Schools and the Early Learning Coalition of MiamiDade/Monroe among other institutions, our work with multi-national companies to improve early education in Latin America and the provision, at no cost, of United Way conference rooms to dozens of other community organizations. * Includes allocations and grants to agencies and services as well as distribution of government money, matching gifts, value of services provided by volunteers (per The Independent Sector, valued at $21.79 per hour), and gifts in kind. The IRS Form 990 and the audited financial statements for fiscal year ended June 30, 2012 will be available at in Fall 2013 or upon request. STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES June 30, 2012 Revenues How do we use resources Program Expenses including donor designations Fundrasing expenses Management and general Gross annual campaign......................................................................................... 41,133,081 82% 6% 12% Total distributions and expenses Provision for uncollectible pledges.......................................................................... (1,498,113) Annual campaign, net............................................................................................ 39,634,968 38,951,573 2,788,670 5,648,270 47,388,513 Program Expenses $39.0M (82%) 47,388,513 Grants.................................................................................................................... 4,016,427 Special events............................................................................................................965,697 Other support......................................................................................................... 1,392,998 Total Public Support........................................................................................... 46,010,090 Investment income and gains, net............................................................................. (613,881) Fundraising $2.8M (6%) Other income......................................................................................................... 1,140,382 Management & General $5.6M (12%) Total Revenues.......................................................................................................... 46,536,591 Expenses Program expenses by volunteers............................................................................ 16,681,470 Program expenses directed by donors....................................................................... 22,270,103 Total Program Services....................................................................................... 38,951,573 Fundraising expenses............................................................................................... 2,788,670 Program expenses $39 million (82%) Fundraising $2.8 million (6%) Management and general $5.6 million (12%) Management and general.......................................................................................... 5,648,270 Other non‐operating expenses......................................................................................621,609 Total Expenses........................................................................................................... 48,010,122 Change in Net Assets......................................................................................................... (1,473,531) For audited report and IRS Form 990, visit 39 Historical milestones 1924: Dade County Community Chest, the precursor to United Way of Miami-Dade, is founded 1957: Became United Fund 1960s: Responded to growing immigrant and elderly population Mid-1980s: Created Response Pool to address emerging community issues – AIDS, Alzheimer’s, foster care 1991: Assisted displaced employees after the closures of Eastern and Pan Am airlines; created local Tocqueville Society to encourage major gift giving Pedro Pan flight (1961) 1992: Coordinated volunteer and fundraising efforts in the wake of Hurricane Andrew 1995: Adopted new mission and market driven business planning 1996: Created GRASP, Guantanamo Refugee Assistance Project, in response to changing immigration policy, coordinating volunteer efforts in refugee resettlement; launched Young Leaders program to encourage giving and leadership development among individuals 40 and younger 1998: Created Operation Helping Hands in partnership with The Miami United Way campaign kickoff (1967) Herald to generate resources in response to natural disasters Late 1990s: Earned national recognition for leadership giving programs 2000: Created Women’s Leadership program to celebrate service and philanthropy among women 2001: After the events of 9/11, created Miami Cares to respond to the local impacts of terrorists attacks 2005: Adopted outcomes investment process, aligning organizations, 2007: Opened United Way Center for Excellence in Early Education resources and funding with education, health and financial stability outcomes Hurricane Andrew (1992) 2008: Launched United Way Shared Services which includes United Ways in Monroe, Broward and Alachua counties 2008: Admitted to Educare Learning Network, becoming seventh Educare center in the country, Educare of Miami-Dade 2009: Opened United Way Center for Financial Stability 2010: Responded to Haiti earthquake, generating and investing Guantanamo refugee response (1996) $2 million in relief and recovery efforts 2011: United Way Center for Excellence in Early Education Demonstration School earns NAEYC accreditation 2012: Long-time United Way volunteer Sue Miller becomes South Florida’s first recipient of the National Tocqueville Award 40 2013: In partnership with 11 United Ways in Latin America, the United Way International Initiative is launched focused on improving access to and quality of early education Haiti earthquake response (2010) United Way of Miami-Dade The Ansin Building 3250 Southwest Third Avenue Miami, FL 33129-2712 (305) 860-3000
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We know that one misfortune — a lost job, a
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