July/August 2015 Edition
July/August 2015 Edition
Having trouble viewing this email? C LIC K HERE July/August 2015 Upcoming Events Your Florida CCIM Chapter has eight districts working hard to serve your needs throughout Florida. Chapter Success Builds on Member Interests, President Reports in Mid‐Year Update! You are welcome to paticipate statewide, so check out these upcoming events around the state (click on the meeting link for more information): TODAY PAST MEMBERS Rejoin Today and Save Money July 2 Dear Fellow Member, MIAMI Fried On Business' Radio Show July 10 I would like to update the Chapter on the first six months of the 2015 Florida CCIM Chapter operations. We have been moving along at a rapid pace since the inauguration ceremony at the Florida Realtor meeting in January. The entire executive board has been meeting regularly. There are multiple projects currently underway. CENTRAL CCIM/CFCAR/ORRA Monthly Marketing Session Read More From 2015 Florida CCIM Chapter President, Randy Krise, CCIM July 14 SOUTHWEST & WEST COAST The Nominations Are In! Commercial Real Estate Mid‐Year Update August 10‐13 BROWARD CI‐101: Financial Analysis for Commercial Investment Real Estate August 17‐20 MIAMI CI‐104: Investment Analysis for Commercial Investment Real Estate The nominating committee is proud to announce the following Designees have been selected as your 2016 Chapter Officers. You may click on the name of the nominee to view their profile. President‐Elect ‐ Scott Lloyd, CCIM VP Finance ‐ Adam Palmer, CCIM VP Education ‐ Adam Von Romer, CCIM VP Administration ‐ Tina Marie Eloian, CCIM� VP Operations ‐ Bev Larson, CCIM Thank You To Our 2015 Chapter Sponsors Please cast your vote by July 15th by clicking on the ballot box below. You may vote for one of the above nominees or write in an eligible member. The qualifications for eligibility are stated below. ONLY DESIGNEES MAY VOTE. *Please note: Chere Roane, CCIM is the current President Elect and will automatically be nominated as the 2016 President. Designees May Click Here to Vote. Votes Must Be Received by July 15th A Warm Welcome To Florida CCIM Chapter's Newest Members Chapter News Please join us in extending a warm welcome to the Florida CCIM Chapter's newest members: SOUTHWEST: Blauch‐ Mitchell, CCIM Represents Seller in Academy Purchase CLICK ON THE HEADLINE TO Alejandro Anez ‐ Miami Associate Nabeel Ansari ‐ Central Associate Adrian Arrondo ‐ Miami Associate Sarah Artzibushev ‐ West Coast Candidate Shannon Blonder ‐ Miami Associate Frank Boullosa ‐ West Coast Associate Brenda Bray ‐ Central Candidate READ COM PLETE STORY SOUTHWEST & WEST COAST: Three Chapter Members Part of Team that Sweep Power Broker Awards CLICK ON THE HEADLINE TO READ COM PLETE STORY SOUTHWEST: CCIMs Connect to Close a $2.7 Million Retail Deal CLICK ON THE HEADLINE TO READ COM PLETE STORY CENTRAL: Lloyd Commercial Advisors brokers a 14,326 Sq. Ft. sublease in the University of Central Florida Research Daniel S. Burdak ‐ Miami Associate Shelli Bushway ‐ West Coast Affiliate Robert E. Carroll ‐ Southwest Associate Ron Collins ‐Miami Candidate Salvatore J. Davide ‐ Miami Associate Phil Fischler ‐ Southwest Associate Raymond J. Forbes ‐ Southwest Candidate Sarah Gulati, Esq. ‐ Central Affiliate Medhat Hedeia ‐ West Coast Candidate Kathy Hensley, CPM ‐ Central Candidate Hazel Heyer ‐ Central Associate Feliciano Higuera ‐ East Coast Candidate James Holt ‐ Panhandle Associate Daniel Katz ‐ Miami Candidate Terri Lahner ‐ Central Associate Jim Light ‐ Central Associate Aura Mamian ‐ Southwest Associate Eric J. Matthews, MBA, CPA ‐ Southwest Candidate Shane McCutchen ‐ Central Affiliate Zack McNamara ‐ Central Candidate Michelle Mesnik ‐ Central Associate Thomas Myers‐ Southwest Candidate Leo O'Brian ‐ North Associate Billy Planes, CCIM ‐ Miami Designee Jennifer Potter ‐ West Coast Affiliate Ned Roberts ‐ West Coast Associate Vernell V Roberts ‐ Ft. Lauderdale/Broward Associate Jules Robinson, CCIM ‐ Southwest Designee Tulio Rodriguez ‐ Ft. Lauderdale/Broward Candidate Rafael J. Romero, CCIM ‐ Miami Designee Nick Satel ‐ West Coast Associate India Schor ‐ Panhandle Associate Kevin Stipe‐ West Coast Associate Hunter Strickland ‐ Central Candidate Therese Taylor ‐ Central Candidate Gwynn Welford ‐ West Coast Affiliate Danny Rice ‐ Central Affiliate Steven McCraney ‐ East Coast Associate Hooman Hamzehloui ‐ Central Associate New Members ‐ Three ways your Chapter Membership works for you: 1. Share YOUR Story. Park CLICK ON THE HEADLINE TO READ COM PLETE STORY Go to the state chapter's website, www.FLCCIM.com and create a profile. If you need any assistance with logging in, email our Chapter Administrator DeeDee Steinbeck at info@flccim.com. Your profile will tell other members or any website visitors your expertise, your passions, your experience. 2. Go Ahead, Use Us! SOUTHWEST: LandQwest's Adam Palmer Closes Sale of $8.9M Net‐ Investment The Florida Chapter website (www.flccim.com) offers easy registration to events, news in your district as well as around the state, a calendar of upcoming events, news from fellow industry professionals and more. Visit this website often, login and submit news for us to share with your fellow commercial practitioners, your potential clients, and your business associates. Submit news for publication to the Florida Focus newsletter and your district as well. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE TO READ COM PLETE STORY CENTRAL: Xceligent Prepares to Launch Orlando Market with Support of CCIMs as Founding Members CLICK ON THE HEADLINE TO READ COM PLETE STORY 3. Dive In... The Water's Warm! A great way to get in the mainstream of any chapter or district activity is to volunteer to join and contribute to a committee. As a committee member, you'll have the opportunity to participate in the decisions that will affect the future of the district and the chapter. Your support is encouraged. Florida Chapter Members Show Support for RPAC via Raffle Sales Florida Focus is a bi‐monthly e‐brief focused on news and updates designed specifically to benefit you, our members, in enhancing the membership experience of our members across the state. This bi‐monthly e‐brief will be responsive and interactive with our website FLCCIM.com. Let us know what you want to see! Send submissions, questions or comments to: Communications Chair Carol Tanner, CCIM at Carol@LloydCA.com The Florida CCIM Chapter is getting behind the Realtors Political Action Committee in a big way in 2015. Raffle Tickets are being sold now through late August with one lucky winner being awarded $5,000 Grand Prize. Tickets are available immediately reports Adam P. Von Romer, CCIM Florida Chapter RPAC Chairman. Tickets will also be available on a first come first served basis at the summer meetings based on availability. Ticket sales will be limited to 300 total tickets. All proceeds benefit the Realtors Political Action Committee. The winner will be announced at the annual RPAC Jamboree, the evening of August 22nd. Click Here to Read More About the RPAC Raffle Click Here to Purchase RPAC Raffle Tickets State Admin No Stranger to CCIM Many members of the Florida CCIM Chapter know DeeDee Steinbeck as the long time administrator of the Central District, a position she took on nearly 17 years ago as a volunteer. Last year, DeeDee was asked to expand her duties statewide and serve as the chapter's admin. Deidre, or "DeeDee" to her friends was born in Long Island, NY and moved to Miami during her teenage years. She relocated to Central Florida with her family in her early twenties. DeeDee worked with commercial banker in SBA lending where she was introduced to the Central District of the Florida CCIM Chapter. DeeDee is married to husband, Tom and they have three children, Jessica (12), Jacob (10) and Nicholas (7). DeeDee is a dedicated Mom, devoted wife, active church member and CCIM Chapter cheerleader. You may contact DeeDee at 4077038173 or info@flccim.com Legislative Update from Claudette Bruck, FLCCIM Legislative Chair The Governor did, in fact, veto $461 million in projects and programs from the $78.7 billion budget approved by the House and Senate in the special session. The largest cut is $27.3 million for water management. An additional $20.6 million was cut from water projects around the state including much needed storm water improvements in South Florida. $10 million earmarked for quiet zones that could have been used for All Aboard Florida, the passenger rail from Miami to Fort Lauderdale to Orlando, was also cut; as well as many local projects. $372.4 million in tax cuts will include 10 taxfree days for the purchase of computers, supplies and backto school clothes. Once again, no relief was provided as it relates to phasing out the sales tax on commercial leases, in spite of Florida being the only state collecting that tax; and, in spite of the fact that it puts Florida at a distinct disadvantage in attracting new business. The estoppel bill died right before the vote because the house abruptly ended the session, as we know. Copyright � 2015 Florida CCIM Chapter, All rights reserved. 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