Paper 07-29-15 - The Gunnison Country Shopper
Paper 07-29-15 - The Gunnison Country Shopper
f ree Presorted Standard US Postage Paid Gunnison, CO USA Permit #49 postal patron local 42nd year, volume 19 cory nasso reads the shopper! july 29, 2015 DINE IN PIZZAS & BREADSTICKS WITH US! 2 Large Pizzas $ 99 CARRYOUT Up to 2 toppings Extra toppings OR DELIVERY and 5 Breadsticks $.90 each per pizza Flavor ‘em up for FREE with a Crust Flavor and/or Sauce Drizzle. Stuffed Crust or Extra Cheese $2 more per pizza. 970-641-3747 20 LIMITED DELIVERY AREA LIMITED TIME OFFER SEE DETAILS INSIDE French’s is a registered trademark of the French’s Food Company LLC. ©2015 Pizza Hut, Inc. BPA186999-5/15 THE DELIVERY CHARGE IS NOT A DRIVER TIP. LIMITED TIME OFFER. ADDITIONAL CHARGE FOR STUFFED CRUST PIZZAS, EXTRA TOPPINGS AND EXTRA CHEESE. LIMIT ONE FREE CRUST FLAVOR PER PIZZA. Product availability, prices, participation, delivery areas and charges and minimum purchase requirments for delivery may very. The Pizza Hut name, logos and related marks are trademarks of Pizza Hut, Inc. © 2015 Pizza Hut, Inc. LBUF2904 BPA185879-4/155 Add a Pepsi® 2-liter and 5 Breadsticks, 5 Flavor Sticks or 10 Cinnamon Sticks to your order for $4.99 Order online or sign up for deals & specials with Hut Lovers® at Gunnison Country Collision, Inc Expires 8/31/15. Only at participating locations. One coupon per order. Not valid with other offers. No duplication of toppings. Delivery area and charges may vary. 1/20 cent cash redemption value. © 2015 Pizza Hut, Inc. 1/2 Price Lunch Buffet BUY 1 LUNCH BUFFET AT GET 1 FOR 1/2 PRICE 599 $ Fast Pizza, Pasta, Fresh Salad Bar, Breadsticks and Dessert Monday - Friday 11:30AM - 1:30PM Dine in Only One coupon per person per visit at participating units owned and operated by subsidiaries of Pizza Hut, Inc. Dine-in only. Not valid with other offers. 1/20 cent cash redemption value. Expires 8/31/15. © 2015 Pizza Hut, Inc. Another year has zoooooomed by Thank You for Trusting us to repair your vehicles for 24 years and we look forward to many more! WOW... IT’S BEEN 24 YEARS! 970-641-5510 9th & Rio Grande Gunnison, Colorado 81230 Owners Martin and Roberta Plotts july 29, 2015 page 2 SENIOR CITIZENS CALENDAR THE YOUNG AT HEART LUNCHEON TAKES PLACE AT THE COMMUNITY CENTER AT 200 E. SPENCER, GUNNISON Thursday, July 30, 2015 11-12 noon Senior Walking, Gym (Requires membership or drop-in fee) Friday, July 31 11-12 noon Senior Walking, Gym - FREE 12 noon Young at Heart Luncheon, Baked Fish #2 Monday, August 3 11-12 noon Senior Walking, Gym - FREE 12 noon Young at Heart Luncheon, Tuna Noodle Casserole Tuesday, August 4 11-12 noon Senior Walking, Gym (Requires membership or drop-in fee) Wednesday, August 5 11 - 12 noon Senior Walking, Gym - FREE 12 noon Young at Heart Luncheon, BBQ at Jorgensen Park Burgers & Brats Meals All seniors, 60 or older, $4 .00 59 and under, $5.00 Children 7-12 years, $4.00 Children 6 and under are free Come and enjoy a reasonable and delicious meal and socialize Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 12:00 noon. Bring a friend. Walking in the GYM is FREE on Monday, Wednesday and Friday in Association with the YAH luncheon. ANY HOME BOUND SENIOR IN NEED OF MEALS, please call 641-2107 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday before 10:00 a.m. with your request; it will be delivered that day. NEED A RIDE TO THE LUNCHES - Just a phone call away. The Senior Bus is available in a 5 mile radius of town 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. for persons needing a ride to and from YAH Senior Meals. Please Call 970-596-6700 to arrange for a ride before 9:00 a.m. OPEN AERIAL DANCE: Dates & times vary. $8/class. Supervised aerial practice sessions with access to lyra and silks with no instruction. Previous experience required. Instructor: Rotating. Open to ages 15-adult. Meets July 29; August 5, 18, 25; and September 1 all from 9:15-10am. Meets June 26, July 2, August 7 and 28 all from 6:15-7pm. $8 / class to drop in. $12 for same day Aerial Conditioning and Open Aerial combo., 970-349-7847 (7/29). AERIAL CONDITIONING: Dates & times vary. $8/class. Work with lyra, aerial fabric and floor exercises for strength and flexibility. All levels and never-evers welcome. Open to ages 15-adult. Meets July 29; August 5, 18, 25; and September 1 all from 8:30 9:15am. Meets June 26, July 2, August 7 and 28 all from 5:306:15pm. $8/class to drop in. $12 for same day Aerial Conditioning and Open Aerial combo., 970349-7847 (7/29). POTTER/CLAY ARTIST Opening in small cooperative downtown studio. If interested, call Karen @ 970-641-3875. (8/5). GALLERY SHOWS - CRESTED BUTTE CENTER FOR THE ARTS: Kathryn Barry Artist Reception: Thursday, July 30. 68pm. Free. At the Piper Gallery. Show runs July 27-August 3; Tierney Miller Artist Reception: Artist Reception: Thursday, August 6, 5-7pm, At the Piper Gallery. Show runs August 3-18; Judith Cassel-Mamet & Laura Elm Artist Reception: Saturday, August 8. 5-8pm., Art Studio Gallery, Show runs through August 16. for more info. (8/5). JULY 31, 8:30 AM: Rick Reavis, Board President of the Crested Butte Wildflower Festival, and the Gunnison Public Lands Initiative will lead a free wildflower hike up Baxter Basin, near Slate River. Meet at the 4-Way Stop in Crested Butte. More information and registration at or by calling 970-390-6689 (7/29). THE GUNNISON MOTOR VEHICLE OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED FOR LUNCH, Noon-1pm, on Tuesdays & Thursdays, till our new employee is fully trained. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. (7/29). 222 1/2 north main, gunnison, colorado 81230 THE 7TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT and the 7th Judicial District Access to Justice Committee are hosting a Family Law Day on July 31, 2015 at the Delta Combined Courts. The event will be an opportunity for parties with family law court cases in the 7th Judicial District to receive free legal advice, mediation, parenting classes, document review, and information from local agencies that provide assistance in family law cases. (7/29). CRESTED BUTTE CENTER FOR THE ARTS CENTER STAGE: upcoming shows include: Soul Rebels: Friday, July 31. 8pm. $25; Rising Appalachia: Tuesday, August 4. 8pm. $22; Amy Speace: Thursday, August 6. 8pm. Early Bird through 7/30: $15. Regular: $20; Comedy Night featuring Troy Baxley: Saturday, August 8. 9pm. $18; Tinariwen: Tuesday, August 11. 8pm p.m. $25; Black Sheep: Saturday, August 15. 9pm. Early Bird through 8/8: $20. Regular: $25; All tickets now on sale. For comprehensive event information and tickets visit; 970-349-7487; The Center at 606 Sixth Street in Crested Butte from 9am-5pm. (8/5). SATURDAY, AUGUST 1ST, 95PM: Mountain Roots presents Introduction to Permaculture Design. Learn everything from garden design to maintenance and harvesting from experts. All ability levels welcomed. Questions & RSVP: (7/29). JOIN US ON AUGUST 1ST at 10am to honor the vision and creation of CAROL FRIEDMAN BARTON in the creation of the Hospice Garden! Refreshments provided. Garden is just north of the nursing home. (7/29). BEATLES TRIBUTE, DOCTOR ROBERT! Live @ Crested Butte Arts Festival Sunday, August 2nd 3:30-5pm, Ragged Mtn. Stage @ 3rd St. (7/29). SUNDAYS @ 6: Join us for our free concert series, Sundays @ 6 on August 2nd with folk trio The Sisters Sweet. This exciting band from Fayetteville, Arkansas intertwines influences of funk and blues along with jazz inspired vocals that are reminiscent of Billie Holiday and The Andrew Sisters. This is one show you do not want to miss! Gunnison Arts Center, 970-641-4029, (7/29). FIREARMS HUNTER EDUCATION COURSE OFFERED: August 4, 6, 11, 13 at Colorado Parks and Wildlife Office, 300 W New York, Gunnison. Classes are 7-10pm. Live fire will be at the Sportsman’s Association Range on August 12. Fees: $7. Pre-registrations are required at or call Parks and Wildlife at 970-6417060. Space is limited to 30 students.. The Next Course will be in September (8/5). Doug and Nona Peachey play and lead the singalong Friday afternoons for the residents. “We love the residents and consider them their ‘Gunnison Family’”. Dave joins in whenever he’s not leading a fishing tour or teaching at Western. Willows Director Ashley Pipher commented “The music brings so much joy and happiness and has been such a great addition in our residents lifes.” Friday’s “Happy Hour” at the Assisted Living (Willows). Pictured here is Dave Pinkerton, Doug and Nona Peachey. Send in your story and photo - THE ANNUAL SHEEP DAY OUTING is being offered this year on August 4 from 10 AM to 1 PM. The event is free and open to everyone, including families and individuals! Citizens are encouraged to take a trip back in history and enjoy a visit with sheep ranchers in a genuine sheep camp in some of the most scenic country in the San Juan Mountains of southwest Colorado. There, you can learn about wool and lamb production from the real experts! Directions from Lake City, Colorado: continue south on Gunnison Avenue into the midtown area. Turn right onto W. 3rd Street and follow for 2 blocks. Turn left onto N. Bluff Street and follow it as it turns into County Road 20. Follow County Road 20 for 16 miles where you will arrive at the Sheep Day location. (8/5). PORTRAIT DRAWING: Ages 1216. Instructed by Inga Ojala, students will learn the different techniques in using pencil and charcoal in drawing their self-portrait. This unique and creative class allows the student to see what they are drawing in three-dimensions by using a mirror and drawing from life. Tuesdays, August 425 from 2-3:30pm, $60 includes all supplies. At the Gunnison Arts Center, 970-641-4029, 102 S. Main St., (7/29). PARENTS, please educate your children on the correct use of 9-11. (7/29). published weekly by the gunnison country shopper, inc. gary rogers - executive, sales, etc, etc... joellen fonken - production head, manager, etc... kadie graham - want ad specialist, filemaker pro, etc... nicki anderson - email expert, phones, phones, etc... fre e p erso nal wa n t- ad s d e a d l i n e 1 0 : 0 0 a m tu e s d a y s f or sa le non-business; automotive, household, sporting equipment, miscellaneous • l ost & f oun d h e l p w a n te d • w a n te d to b uy ya rd sa les • ann ou nc emen ts non-profit ra nc hin g • mo tori zed c a r s & t r uc k s phone 970.641.3148 222 1/2 n. main, gunnison fax 970.641.3101 office hours mondays & tuesdays 8:00 to 5:30, closed wednesdays - delivery day, thursdays by appointment, fridays 8:00 to 4:30. subscriptions 1 year $55 • 6 months $28 • 3 months $14 • 1 month $5 l oc a l bu s in e ss w a n t -a ds d e a d l i n e 2: 0 0 p m t u es d a ys 30 ¢ w o r d / $ 5 . 4 0 m i n i m u m re al e stat e f or sale o r ren t • ser vi ce s o ff e r e d • f i r e w o o d f o r s a l e • b u s i n e s s o pp o r t u n i t i e s • c o m m e r c i a l b u s i n e s s our business want ad rate is 30¢ per word with a $5.40 minimum per issue and payment in advance is required. please proof your ad the first time it appears. in house credit will be given for only one incorrect insertion. correction deadline is the same as insertion deadline. ATTENTION ALL SENIORS: You are cordially invited to attend a senior appreciation picnic on Wednesday, August 5, 2015 to be held in the outdoor hockey rink located in Jorgensen Park. Since some of the food will be prepared in the recreation center in their kitchen, you are encouraged to come before noon to guarantee ample food will be available. We are preparing more food than usual hoping no one will be left out. If you have never attended one of our meals on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday, this will give you a chance to get acquainted with our regular guests. This event will be free thanks to Gunnison Savings and Loan and the Board of Directors of Young at Heart. (7/29). YOGA FOR EVERYONE: Thursday, 9-10am. $10/class. Take advantage of the beautiful summer weather with yoga classes on the Center’s Outdoor Stage. Yoga for the Peaceful instructors teach this relaxing and rejuvenating all levels class. Just drop in! Your full class tuition goes to benefit the Center for the Arts in Crested. Bring your own mat. Class meets every Thursday thru August 6., (8/5). GUNNISON SAGE GROUSE TSHIRTS are available at Pat’s Screen Printing. Sponsor local conservation efforts with beautiful local artwork. (7/29). DISTINCT IMPRESSIONS BY VILAS TONAPE: Visiting artist Vilas Tonape is an internationally recognized artist and professor and will be exhibiting his pastel portraits at the Gunnison Arts Center this August. The exhibit titled “Distinct Impressions,” will be in the Main Gallery and will be on display starting August 7th. This is an exhibit that you will not want to miss! Gunnison Arts Center, 970-641-4029, 102 S. Main St., (8/5). FIRST FRIDAY ART WALK: LIVE MUSIC WITH KIPORI WOODS, or “Baby Wolf” as he is known, will be entertaining at the Gunnison Arts Center during the First Friday Art Walk on Friday August 7th. He is an award winning blues, funk and jazz solo artist from New Orleans who puts on an electric and energetic show. This amazing singer and musician has shared the stage with greats such as the Neville Brothers, Kermit Ruffins and has honed his skills from his grandfather, the great Big Easy bass player “Luscious” Lloyd Lambert. Be sure to stop by the Arts Center during the Art Walk to check out brand new exhibits and listen to some incredible unique music. Gunnison Arts Center, 970-641-4029, 102 S. Main St., (8/5). 9-1-1 SOLO ES PARA EMERGENCIAS. Llame 641-8000 para situaciones que no requieren emergecia. (7/29). T ay l o r H al l , R o o m 3 0 3 e x t en d e d st u d i es @ w e st er n. ed u 9 70 - 9 4 3- 2 8 8 5 WE D N E S D A YS A T W E S T E R N p r o g r a m s c o nt i n ue t hr o ug h A u gu s t 1 9 S e e f ul l c a ta lo g a n d r e gi s te r o nl i n e a t w e s t e r n . e d u/ e s Garf ie ld Peak Summi t Hi ke . Karen Immerso, 8/5/15, 7:00am to 4:00pm, $30 lunch included Bl ack Ca nyon Roa d B icyc le Rid e, Blue Mesa Dam. Jennifer Smith, 8/19/15, 8:00am to 2:00pm, $25 U p c o m in g i n F a l l C o ur s e C a t a l o g Soci al Movemen ts beginning 8/24/15, Monday evenings. Dan Cress, for syllabus W a tc h f o r t he F a ll C o u r s e C a ta lo g @ A v a il a b le e a r l y A ug us t ! courtesy of the gunnison country shoppper gunnison country shopper, july 29, 2015 page 3 Gunnison’s Waterfront Playground The Only Restaurant Overlooking Blue Mesa Reservoir NEED A NEW LOOK? CONTACT CHANGES Located at Elk Creek Marina, Hwy. 50 LIVE MUSIC Aug 1 - Chris Coady Aug 8 - Rachel Van Slyke 970-641-0403 Thursday - Monday 11am-8pm Sunday Breakfast 9am-11am Full Service Marina, Boat Rentals, Paddle Boards, Kayaks, Store, Guided Fishing 970.641.0707 Elk Creek Marina, LLC—concessionaire for the Curecanti National Recreation Area. BOW HUNTER EDUCATION COURSE offered by Colorado Parks and Wildlife August 7 and 8. Classroom on the August 7, to be determined and the practical at the Gunnison State Wildlife Area. Classes are 6-10pm on Friday. Field Day will be at the Gunnison State Wildlife Archery Range on August 8. Fees: $10. Pre-registrations are required at or call Parks and Wildlife at 970-6417060. Space is limited to 30 students. (8/5). TINY TREASURES: Discover over 70 tiny works of art created by more than 30 local artists that fit in your budget and on your walls! Tiny Treasures features over 70 tiny works of art created by more than 30 local artists and will be showing in the Upper Gallery for the month of August. The art, priced at only $25 each, may be purchased at the opening event and throughout the month and picked up at the end of the month. The Tiny Treasures opening event is August 7th from 5-8 p.m. during the First Fridays Art Walk. In addition to the Tiny Treasures, the event will feature tiny tastes, live tiny gallery concerts, and BIG raffle prizes. Raffle tickets will be sold for $5 each, 5 for $20, or 10 for $40 at the event on August 7th and the drawing will be held at the end of the event. Gunnison Arts Center, 970-641-4029, 102 S. Main St., (8/5). SUBALPINE WILDFLOWER WALK: Under the auspicious of Boomer and Beyond Keith Longpre, Professor Emeritus of Colorado Western State University is offering a wildflower walk to anyone interested in knowing about subalpine and alpine wildflowers near Cottonwood Pass on Saturday, August 8, 2015. There is no climbing- mostly level ground. The group will meet at 8am at the Community Center parking lot to carpool and will finish around 12:30pm, and is limited to 12 people. One can sign up at the desk at the Community Center between 8am and 5pm through Friday, August 7th. (8/5). AUGUST 8 & 9 GUNNISON TERRIER TRIALS, seeking youth volunteers. Need helpers to run the race lure Saturday and Sunday mornings 8am to noon. Pays $20 per person plus tips. Need to be athletic, like to run 150 feet, over and over!! lots of fun, and action around people and dogs. email: or text 602-448-7046. (8/5). ATTENTION: Citizens of the Gunnison Basin and surrounding area. Every Monday morning at 8:05 am, Jim Kirshner from 580 KUBC in Montrose is talking to area residents from Montrose, Delta & Gunnison Counties on Agriculture related topics. Leaders in their respected fields give their input & advise on water, livestock, renewable energy, crops, endangered species, youth in agriculture, BLM & Forest road closures, etc. (7/29). RAPUNZEL: MISSOULA CHILDREN’S THEATRE (MCT) will visit the Gunnison Valley again this year with a team of directors and everything it takes to put on a play except the cast. Approximately 45 roles will cast for local students ages 6 - 18 at auditions held Monday morning. The show is rehearsed throughout the week. A culminating performance will be presented on Saturday the 15th open to the community, friends and family. The camp will take place Monday - Friday, August 1014 from 10am-2:30pm. Check-in will be at 9:30am. and auditions will begin promptly at 10am, Monday, August 10th. All MCT shows are original adaptations of classic children’s stories a twist on the fairy tales you know and love. This year, MCT brings Rapunzel and all the rest of the characters, to tell a silly tale of personal triumph and friendship through the French countryside. Space is limited in this week-long theatre camp. No advance preparation is necessary. Pre-registering guarantees a spot in the camp, auditions will be to assign characters. Tuition is $70 and tickets to performances are $10/adults, $7/kids (12-). Performances are Saturday, August 15th at 1:00, 3:00 & 5:00 p.m. Gunnison Arts Center, 970641-4029, 102 S. Main St., (8/5). ATTENTION ALL 3RD-8TH GRADE FOOTBALL PLAYERS! Gunnison High School is hosting the Gunnison FUTURES football camp August 12th-14th from 3:30-5:00 PM. Contact Shane Zimmerman at by August 1st for more information. (7/29). COLORADO’S WESTERN SLOPE CELEBRATES 47TH ANNUAL PALISADE PEACH FESTIVAL, AUG. 13-15. Worldfamous peaches stir up fresh fun at this long-adored agricultural festival. Each year, August brings a juicy harvest of fuzzy fruit to the small town of Palisade, east of Grand Junction. This season’s festivities at Riverbend Park promise to be as peachy as always with great food, entertainment, tours, contests, kids’ activities and, of course, a plethora of peach products! For more information and a complete schedule for this year’s event, visit (8/12). 25TH ANNUAL BANQUET for the World Record Chapter of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation is August 15, 2015. Call Les 5960215 or Roberta 596-7655 for tickets of information. (8/12). ATTENTION! All 9th-12th grade boys interested in playing high school football. The official start date is August 17th at 7:45am at Gunnison High School. We look forward to seeing you there. Please have all forms filled out and ready to go. Contact Shane Zimmerman at 970-641-7700 for more information. (8/12). Sharon Ware 641-4838 218 N 10th Alley Entrance PAINT YOUR OWN POTTERY: Every Wednesday-Sunday thru August 21. 1-5pm, at the Art Studio in Crested Butte, 111 Elk Ave. Pay only for what you paint. Prices range from $5 to $55. Paint by Appointment is also available for private painting parties for $50 per group for a two hour session at The Art Studio, plus the cost of what you choose to paint. Paint by Appointment also available at a location of your choice where costs are determined on a case-by-case basis. 349-7044; (8/19). CARVIN’ UP COLORADO CHAINSAW CARVING EXPO: August 22-23. Reserve a personal carving for your home or business. Price levels to fit any budget. Contact Andy at or call 970-2101777 (8/5). ON AUGUST 23RD, Assistant Professor in Biology and Environment & Sustainability Jonathan Coop will present “The end of the world as we know it: Thresholds of resilience and transformation in ecological systems” , followed by Environmental Attorney Suzanne Ewy on September 20th with “Engaging ‘The Other’ - Race, Political Identity, and Industry.” Brought to you in collaboration from High Country Conservation Advocates and Western State Colorado University. More info is available at or 970-3497104. (7/29). PYOP: ALL SUMMER LONG! Join us on Fridays from 1-5pm throughout the summer (thru August 28th) for Paint Your Own Pottery sessions! We have an extensive selection of bisque ware items to choose from including plates, bowls, mugs, serving trays, to-go mugs with lids, kid’s items, sushi sets, piggy-banks, home-décor pieces and more. This is a fun activity for kids and families. No need to pre-register or reserve a spot, just come on in. Prices vary from $5 - $45 depending on the piece you choose. We can ship finished pieces for an additional shipping charge. (8/26). VOLUNTEER! Volunteer for the Wildland Restoration Volunteers organization to help save the Sage Grouse Habitat! Restoration project Sept. 9-12 and training Aug. 3-4. Contact Morgan Crowley at for more information. (7/29). M.A.P.I. MINISTERIO APOSTOLICO PROFETICO INTERNACIONAL: Iglesia Cristiana EMANUEL. Anuncia que se traslado de sede. Informes en los telefonos: 970-258-2046, 970-2343041, 970-964-8545, 970-9648519. ¡Los Esperamos! (7/29). CELEBRATE RECOVERY MEETINGS: Tuesday, 6pm, Oh Be Joyful Church, Crested Butte. Call 970-596-3846 or go to for more detailed information. (7/29). 8X10 PLAY FESTIVAL: The GAC is excited to present the first annual 8x10 Play Festival coming this September. This increasingly popular format offers eight, 10 minute plays in one show. Taking place September 10th-12th, it provides an opportunity for local aspiring and established playwrights to share their creative efforts, a chance for new directors to get their feet wet, and the break through moment for a new actor to get an experience in the spotlight. Doors open at 6:30 and the play will start at 7pm, Tickets are $10. Gunnison Arts Center, 970-641-4029, 102 S. Main St., (8/5). 623 N. MAIN 970-641-0130 641-5054 CAMPING SUPPLY HEADQUARTERS! 1ST ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT: Western State Colorado university, Women basketball program, the tournament will be held at Dos Rios Golf Club, 9/19/15, it is a fund rising event that will directly benefit the women on the team. We are looking for Hole sponsor as well as player to participate in this special event. to obtain additional information please contact Coach Girard at 970-943-2652 or by email at (7/29). VETERANS: Could you use some help in your home? Visiting Angels of Gunnison is able to provide some FREE assistance through the VA. We can help with shopping, errands, cooking, light housekeeping, personal care and more. (7/29). DO WHAT YOU CAN FOR OTHERS. Donate to Gunnison Country Food Pantry (GCFP), PO Box 7077, Gunnison, CO 81230 or online at Bring food and produce to 321-C N. Main Street in Gunnison (go north on Main, then west on Ohio) on Mondays, Wednesdays or Thursdays. (9/30). DOUBLE SHOT CYCLERY GROUP ROAD RIDES every Wednesday at 5:30pm. Meet in front of Double Shot Cyclery. Rides will continue through summer every Wednesday. (7/29). PROGRAMA DE COMIDAS DE VERANO PARA NIÑOS EN GUNNISON COMMUNITY SCHOOL ALMUERZO 11:30am- 12 del mediodía *Lunes a viernes, 8 de junio-31 de julio DESAYUNO 8-8:30 de la mañana 27-30 de julio * Las comidas se entregan en el orden de llegada * Las comidas son gratis para todos los niños, y todos reciben la misma comida. No habrá discriminación al servir la comida. * Para todos los niños de 1 a 18 años (incluso los niños que no están tomando clases de verano (7/29) CARLA RUNDALL EXOTIC DRINKS • AKU-AKU DINE IN - TAKE OUT 202 E. Tomichi available for Mani’s & Pedi’s Evenings & Saturday COLD BEER & SUMMER SUPPLIES In-Store Specials 10% Off Any SPIRITS or WINES with this coupon Excludes Sale Items & Beer SENIOR CITIZENS DISCOUNTS/CASE DISCOUNTS We reserve the right to limit quantities while quantities last - No Rain Checks American Express and Discover Cards Welcome gunnison country shopper, july 29, 2015 page 4 Nepalese,Tibetan & Indian Restaurant 323 E. Tomichi (970) 641-7480 Reservations & Takeout Everyday is Happy Hour 4-7PM $2.00 PBR’s LIVE MUSIC Tuesday Evenings OPEN 7 Days a Week Lunch: 11AM - 2:30PM Dinner: 5 - 9:30PM TALK TO A LAWYER FOR FREE: Thursday Night Bar (legal advice clinic), first Thursday of each month at the Family Services Building, 225 N. Pine St., Gunnison, 5:30 p.m. Call Ellen for more information 641-7999 (7/29). CALL FOR ARTISTS FOR 1ST ANNUAL COMMUNITY COLLABORATIVE IRON POUR: The Art Studio of The Center for the Arts in collaboration with Vinotok is hosting our first Community Collaborative Iron Pour on Tuesday, September 15. Artists are invited to come and create work beginning on Tuesday, September 8, with all pieces cast on the evening of September 15 at the pour. $250 registration fee covers all your materials. Contact Center for the Arts Visual Arts Program Director Melissa Mason at to register and with questions. Space is limited to 15 artists.; 970349-7487. (8/5). THE MULTICULTURAL RESOURCE SERVICES, 225 N. Pine St., Suite B, now has full time funding thanks to a grant from Caring for Colorado, El Pomar, and Mentor’s Program. We share the office with CAFÉ (Center for Adult and Family Education). Come by of call Ellen 641-7999. If I’m not in, it’s because I often have to be in meetings or trainings. If you have a medical emergency, please call 911 (7/29). DITCH THE DITCHES! Swim & Play in Safe Places! Educate yourself on the dangers of ditches, rivers, lakes and any bodies of water. Talk to your kids about it, make sure they understand the dangers of playing in or around water. Ditches can be dangerous stay away, find safe places to swim and play! Brought to you by Gunnison County Health & Human Services. (7/29). E N J OY T H E A U G U S T H A R V E S T ! ENTERTAINMENT: MARIMBA IN THE MOUNTAINS .. KIDS ACTIVITY: PLANT SEEDS TO TAKE HOME! A ND - THE GUNNISON VALLEY CALENDAR: Keep it Short, Keep it Sweet.... submit your Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How to (7/29). HAVE A BACKYARD GARDEN? Mountain Roots is inviting all home gardeners to grow a row for the hungry! We’ll pick up donations and distribute to people in need. Call Natalie at 202-250-1869 or visit (7/29). COME JOIN BARRON FOR A MINI ZUMBA CLASS AT 10AM AND NOON! Corner of Main St. and Virginia Ave., Downtown Gunnison ww w. g u n n i s o n f a r m e r s m a r k et. c o m SUMMER MEALS FOR KIDS AT GUNNISON COMMUNITY SCHOOL LUNCH - FREE! *11:30 am - noon *Monday through Friday, June 8-July 31 BREAKFAST - FREE! *8-8:30am July 20 -23; July 27-30 *Meals are provided on a first come, first served basis. *Meals are provided to all children without charge and are the same for all children. There will be no discrimination in the course of the meal service. *All kids 1-18 years of age (even if not enrolled in summer school) (7/29). SUMMER MELODRAMA - “THE DRUNKARD”: This summer, the Gunnison Arts Center brings “The Drunkard or The Fallen Saved,” a hysterical foundation of Melodramatic theatre. “The Drunkard”, by Raymond Hull is the most famous melodrama ever written. Audiences are captivated by this classic, as love battles liquor for the life and soul of the upstanding hero, Edward Middleton. Directed by Jan Badgley. Featuring local talented actors this fun, family-friendly show is sure to leave you aching with laughter! July 30-31, August 1. Doors open 7:30, Curtain 8pm. Tickets: $14/Adults, $10/Kids(12-), Seniors (60+). www.gunnisonar (7/29). Gunnison Recreation & Community Center FREE SWIM LESSONS Levels 1-5 August 3rd – August 13th (Monday – Thursday) Various Morning Time Options Lessons will be based on Red Cross teaching for swim instruction with an emphasis on local community water safety Call Gunnison Parks & Recreation to Register or for more information 970.641.8060 Space is limited! More information at 200 East Spencer Avenue 970-641-8060 HABLE CON UN ABOGADO GRATIS: Clínica de consulta legal gratis el primer jueves de cada mes en edificio de Servicios Familiares, 225 N. Pine St., Gunnison a las 5:30 de la tarde. Llame a Ellen para obtener más información 970-641-7999. (7/29). GUNNISON VALLEY ROLLER GIRLS are looking for volunteers for the Roller Derby season. No Skating required, lots of positions to fill! If interested please contact MonaSanto at 208-631-2776 or find us on Facebook. (7/29). KBUT IS LOCATED AT 88.7 FM IN GUNNISON. Our signal strength has increased from 40 watts to 6500 watts this past year. Tune us in loud and clear. This is how you OPEN AT 6AM MONDAY - SATURDAY • BREAKFAST TOASTER , Med. Tots, Coffee $4.86 • Jr. Breakfast Burrito, Sm. Tots, Coffee $3.27 • Morning Drink StopSM. .99¢ Large Drinks Until 10AM ® (7/29). A CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF GOD has opened in Gunnison at Country Meadows Trailer Park #10. Our worship service is on Saturdays at 11:00 a.m., followed by a meal of Thanks to God on his Sabbath day ending with communion in remembrance of Christ Jesus thru the bread and the wine as the new covenant thru his blood shed on the cross for us. We are true Christian Followers of Christ Jesus and true believers in God’s word, and take nothing away from his scriptures and add nothing to them. Our minister Larry Clemenson was chosen by God to minister and help his children. We honor and celebrate only the seven festivals of God listed in his Holy Bible. Malaahi 3:6 God said, for I am the Lord, I do not change. Hebrews 13:8 Christ Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. God said to me, “Larry I want you to truly give me back my Sabbath and honor and obey all I have commanded, I will restore fully all the promises, blessings, gifts and graces to all that come back to me with you.” In Christ Jesus name we pray. Amen. (8/5). UPCOMING AT THE ART STUDIO IN CRESTED BUTTE: 111 Elk Avenue in Crested Butte; 970349-7044; Paint Your Own Pottery: Wednesday Sunday. 15pm, thru August 21; Open Wheel Throwing: Friday, July 31. 9am12pm, $75/session; Canvases & Cocktails at Bonez: Tuesday, August 4. 4-6pm. $40; Middle School Art Sessions, The Art of Scrimshaw: Wednesday, August 5-Thursday, August 6. 10am-1pm; A Crash Course in Portrait Painting: Saturday, August 8 & Sunday, August 9. 10am-3pm; Metalworking - Create a Sterling Silver Necklace from Sheet Metal: Tuesday, August 11. 9am-2pm. CUT AND CARRY FREE FIREWOOD in Quartz Creek, Pitkin. Wood along sides of roads FREE to haul off. Bring your trailer! 214460-2947 (8/5). FOX MTB FRONT FORK: Float 36 180mm of travel, 20mm thru axle. 26” wheel. Used $500. 970390-4861. (7/29). 10:00 A.M. TUESDAY! Yes, that is the Free Ad Deadline. Always has been, always will be. That means we must have your free ad at our office by 10am. But you don’t have to wait until 10am to call, email or fax. Please account for delays in cyberspace, as well as busy phones on Tuesdays. Thanks - The Gunnison Country Shopper. MTB HANDLE BARS: Answer Pro Taper Carbon, 720mm in length, 1inch of rise, fits 31.8 stem, new in packaging, $100, 970-390-4861. (7/29). FOR SALE: beach ball size moss rock, 275-4852. (7/29). 300 GAL. FUEL TANK: 6414836. (8/5). SIX POINTS DONATION HOURS: at our new location 9am-4pm Monday - Friday; 10am4pm Saturday; Closed on Sunday. Please call Six Points at 970-6413081 for furniture donations or large donations of household items. (7/29). FOR SALE: Small Secretary desk. Great desk for a small space. Antique look made by Ashley Furniture. Practically brand new, hardly used. Asking $200. Please call 970 209-2573 (7/29). WOOD BURNING STOVE: Dutch West coal/wood burning stove. Model FA288CCL. $150 OBO. 970-275-4767 (7/29). FOR SALE: organ with bench, good condition, $500, call 6413283. (8/5). FOR SALE: 2’6”x6’8” flush oak door; 6” steel jambs, $100 OBO, will deliver. Call Bob 970-3495159, 970-901-7277 (8/5). FOR SALE: large chest freezer $100. 970-381-4166. (7/29). RESTAURANT/STORE EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: coolers, frozen drink machines, tables, chairs, booths. All must go. 970596-0280. (7/29). FOR SALE: My grandma’s kitchen table and chairs Nice wood, light. wooden chairs with turquoise seats. 1940-50’s, $150. Call 970596-4972. (7/29). (7/29). SANYO MUSIC SYSTEM: turntable, tape deck, radio. $25. Call: 970-349-0785 (7/29). (8/5). (7/29) TRAP SHOOTING FOR LADIES AND YOUTH: Thursdays at 5:30 Gunnison Sportsmen’s Assoc through September. Come join the fun every Thursday! Call Annette for information. 970-209-9089 HILTI POWDER-ACTUATED TOOL DX 460-MX. NEW - used once. Fully automatic. Includes 2 cases full of fasteners and cartridges. $750. Voice or text message 970-215-0347. (7/29). DO YOU NEED HELP SPAYING OR NEUTERING YOUR PETS? The Gunnison Valley Welfare League can help! Just pick up a form at any of the local veterinarians offices, fill it out and send it in. You can help reduce needless suffering and save lives by making sure your pet doesn’t contribute to pet overpopulation! Go to for more information or call 970-209-7030. (7/29). 16’ UTILITY TRAILER FOR SALE: $1900 OBO. 970-2090439 (7/29). 120 GAL. PROPANE TANK FOR SALE: $125. 641-3140 eves. (8/5). TAILORING COMMERCIAL SEWING MACHINE: straight stitch (not walking foot) motor located under table. $400. 970596-4972 (7/29). HOT ONE ELECTRIC UNIT HEATER: 4000 watt. Ceiling mount. $175. Voice or text message 970-215-0347. (7/29). METAL GATES FOR SALE: I have two 4’ steel, one 13’8” steel and one approx. 15-16’ tubular around the outside with wire fencing in the middle. $100 for all, or will sell individually. Please call, leave message or text 596-4324. (8/5). ICE-O-MATIC COMMERCIAL ICE MACHINE: stainless, undercounter,Energy Star, never used. $1200. 596-2589. (7/29). BARNWOOD 4 SALE Largest Inventory in Colorado 2X Rough Sawn Doug Fir 1X Barn Siding Hand Hewn Barn Beams. Rough Sawn Timbers. 3x8 - 18x18 970-596-2407 (7/29/26) ANTIQUE TRUNK: big, lots of character, needs refurbishing to hold stuff. $25. 970-596-2216. (7/29). FOR SALE: fluorescent light fixtures, no covers, 11 @ 4ft, $15 ea.; 2 @ 8ft, $15 ea.; 15 - 4ft bulbs, $5 ea. Call Bob 970-9017277. (8/5). TORK MOTION SENSOR PAPER TOWEL DISPENSERS: Three total, easy wall mount. Call Liz 497-0787. (7/29). FOR SALE: 20-ton MTD log splitter. Works vertically or horizontally. 5.5 hp motor. Excellent condition. Low hours as I got lazy. Pics via text. Asking $800 for this great piece of equipment. Jeff 970-417-0124 (7/29). gunnison country shopper, july 29, 2015 C.A. West Bookkeeping Complete Sole-proprietor, Partnership, Corporate, Business Accounting & Tax Preparation A Registered Tax Return Preparer NOW ACCEPTING NEW CLIENTS 641-5644 234 N. Main Street Suite 3D DO YOU HAVE ENOUGH LIFE INSURANCE? It’s ok if you don’t know, because American Family Insurance & The Nelson Family Agency is here to help. You can feel safe and secure with plans starting as low as $10/mo. Find out for yourself why we were voted “BEST INSURANCE AGENCY” in the Valley! Call Rick and his team of local professionals at 641-3481 or stop by our office at 1140 N Main. KEYSTONE OUTBACK 2011 TRAVEL TRAILER SUPER-LITE 295RE 30 ft. 2 slides, fully equipped kitchen, full shower, pristine condition, electric tongue jack, sway bar, rarely used - asking $19,500. 970-349-0410 (7/29). RENTAL CARS JUST $20 PER DAY with any automotive service at Precision Automotive 6414040 (7/29/14). NEVER WORN: new women 39.5 Lake nice cleated mountain bike shoes with Shimano cleat. black with some yellow stripe. $45. 970-596-4972. (7/29). VINTAGE STEREO TAPE DECK: GX-2100 with original operating instructions. Includes assortment of music. $150. Call: 970-3490785 (7/29). TODDLER COSTUME: super cute & cuddly tiger fits 2T/3T, from Old Navy, easy to wear & warm. $8. 970-596-2216 (7/29). FOR SALE: 4 factory aluminum rims, 6-hole, 1/2-ton Chevy, $80/all. 642-0337. (7/29). DESK with medium stained top, antique white sides 29-1/2’ x 65”, very good condition. $50. 3499364. (7/29). LADIES CARHARTT JACKET: sz medium, $30. 641-6963. (7/29). FOR SALE: 5 service station island cans. Good shape, retail for over $200, $250 takes them all. 596-0280 (8/5). TODOS LOS LUNES (excepto días feriados) La Despensa de Alimentos de Gunnison (Gunnison Country Food Pantry) está abierta de 1pm-4pm, 321 N. Main St # C. (sobre calle Ohio) 970-641-4156. También puede llamar a la Oficina Multicultural 641-7999 si tiene preguntas. (7/29). FOX FORK: 26” 150 RLC. FIT. 15mm TA. Tapered. Like new. In C.B. $150 OBO. 970-209-6861 (8/5). WANTED: small anchor for dinghy, 641-4951. (7/29). INDUSTRIAL FLOOR FRYER: Two basket large fryer. Call Liz 497-0787. (7/29). APPLE IPAD AIR 2 16Gb Space Grey WiFi ONLY. Used once for 5 minutes, but need cellular model. In factory packaging. $499. 213604-1150 (7/29). WANTED TO BUY: bull & cow elk landowner vouchers for unit 66, 2nd seasons. 1-800-392-1686, ask for Bill. (7/29). DEWALT 7 1/4” WORM DRIVE CIRCULAR SAW for sale. Brand new, still in box. $175. 2758910. (8/5). PYRANHA KAYAK FOR SALE: $350. 970-765-1465. (7/29). ANTIQUE GRAMAPHONE: “The Master’s Voice” vintage record player, phonograph. Rare. $75 Call: 970-349-0785 (7/29). FOR SALE: Humphrey spiral, call for details, 275-4852. (7/29). 2 SEATER CHAISE SOFA: Light tan, good condition. $40. 970275-8910. (8/5). TOWNIE BIKE: 20yr. Research Dynamics Coyote MTB, sz. M. Good cond., everything works. New tires & rear deraileur. $75. 970-964-7488. (7/29). CLASSIC, STURDY, ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTING TABLE with tilt mechanism. $450 obo. 2754852 (7/29). CRAFTSMAN WET/DRY SHOP VAC: 16 gallon. 6.25 HP. $50. Voice or text message 970-2150347. (7/29). COFFEE TABLE: big, sturdy, $15. 970-596-2216. (7/29). FOR SALE: tempered glass panels, single pane, (4) 43”x83”, $50 ea. OBO. Call Bob 970-349-5159, 970-901-7277. (8/5). FOR SALE: 10” Delta contractor table saw, $300 obo. 209-2449. (7/29). * Local * Natural * Non-GMO * Organic FOR ONE STOP SHOPPING NO Chemicals, Antibiotics, Hormones. REAL FOOD! Always Have Been Always Will Be! Gunnison Vitamin & Health Food Store 804 North Main St. 970-641-5928 JOHN PAUL RUSSELL Aspen & Barnwood Frames Open 7 Days a Week BEST GIFT GALLERY (7/29/30) 6-7 PERSON HOT TUB: Vita Spa, 6 yrs. old, new $9000, hardly used, sell $3050 OBO. 2754852 (7/29). 124 N. Main St. (970) 641-6111 4 TICKETS AVAILABLE FOR WOMEN OF FAITH: August 7th and 8th in DENVER. Premium Seats - $85 each seat. Call 2099401 (7/29). (7/29/28) GATES ON TRAILS & ROADS: Please respect all gate closures and follow any posted signs. Thanks for Staying the Trail and Treading Lightly out there! (7/29). FOR SALE: Grumman canoe $200; aluminum V-hull boat, 11ft., $200. Greg 209-5616. (7/29). FOR SALE: 1998 Trail King 12 ton equipment trailer $7,500; 1979 Work Wagon trailer $1,000; 970-275-9237 (7/29). HANKOOK TIRES: 4ply 265-75R16. Plenty of tread. 2 for sale, even tread. $150 for the pair. Call Mike at 817-929-0249 (7/29). FOR SALE: 2 full-face helmets sizes medium and large. Call for details, 417-8996. (7/29). 5TH WHEEL KINGPIN STABILIZER: $75, perfect cond., 580513-0850. (7/29). GRANDPA’S DESK: 1940’s nice wood desk $100, call 970-5964972. (7/29). FOR SALE: tent trailer, $3000, see at 216 S. 14th St., 970-9648513. (8/5). Still some road trips to go? We’ll keep your ride ready! WANTED: good moving boxes, &/or plastic storage bins with lids. 970-596-2216. (7/29). WE SPEAK EURO! Volvo, Audi, VW, BMW, Mercedes serviced by Master Technicians. Precision Automotive, since “1984”. 641-4040 (7/29/17). HISTORIC BRICKS FOR SALE: from an historic Gunnison building. 275-4852 (7/29). RAFT FOR SALE: 13.5ft. Star Wonderbug w/frame, $2400. 209-8035. (7/29). FREE: American Standard twopiece toilet. 10 inch rough-in. White. 1.6 gal. Good condition, we’re remodeling and hate to toss it. 641-1443. (7/29). FOR SALE: very nice Southwestern style sofa sleeper, mostly Forest Green. Bed needs TLC $50, 970-641-2209 (7/29). TRUST THE EXPERTS AT JOHN ROBERTS MOTOR WORKS when it’s time for vehicle maintenance, come in to see our Certified Service technicians. Expert care. Trained above and beyond. Technicians as advanced as the vehicles they service. (970)641-0920 or (888)292-8915 212 W. HWY 50 • Gunnison YAKIMA ROOF BASKET FOR SALE. Strong, lightweight and quick removing w/o tools. Used for our wet rafting gear, no longer have raft, needs to go. New at REI $300. Asking $125. Call Dan 349-2894 (7/29). FOR SALE: drawer pulls - qty 13, 3” solid brass coated $15; Navy insulated coveralls, size medium, long sleeve. Great for hunting or mechanics $20; white Sears long sleeve coveralls, size 44R. Great for painting or hunting, $15. Call 209-9401. (7/29). FOR SALE: 2 PWO 250 gal. fuel tanks on stands with new hoses & filters, $250 ea. 641-8897. (8/5). FOR SALE: lodge pole pine fence, 641-5071. (8/5). FOR SALE: 2 - 8x10ft. heavy galvanized elk panels, $150/both. 275-4852. (7/29). Like Us On Facebook Gunnison Country Food Pantry (7/29) FOR SALE: propane appliances, $50 ea. 3-burner stove w/oven, 6 gal. water heater, space heater’ also 6’ log bench $100. 9445802. (7/29). DELTA 10” compound miter saw. $115. 10” TABLE SAW, with stand and cover. $120. 6415599. (8/5). ALL HELMETS ON SALE ALL THE TIME! Only at Sun Sports Unlimited West Hwy. 50 Gunnison 970-641-0883 GUNNISON GALLERY Featuring Flower Petal Paintings by page 5 (7/29/17) HEY! Anyone driving a truck or UHaul to NYC in August? Have room for a queen size bed frame? Will pay $200 for gas money. Liz 596-8204. (8/5). FOR SALE: 16 ft. Werner aluminum extension ladder. It’s not pretty but it works. $20 OBO. 596-1389. (8/5). PSA = PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS: that means it is a service to the public, and it is our pleasure. Let all of the Gunnison Country know what you have in store for them. FOR FREE!,, 6413148. (7/29). PORTABLE DIRECT TV SATELLITE DISH: Direct TV satellite dish on stand to take with you wherever you go, travelling, camping, cabin, home. $75, 970641-0711. (8/5). HAVING TROUBLE PAYING FOR YOUR BIRTH CONTROL? Have you been thinking of getting tested for an STD but didn’t know where to go? The Gunnison County Public Health Family Planning Program is here to help with these and other services! Call 641-0209 to make a confidential appointment today. Fees dependent on income, no person is turned away for inability to pay. (7/29). Certified Service Genuine GM Parts Collision Center ANUAL SALE SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE Need not be done by the dealer to satisfy your warranty requirements, enjoy the convenience of hometown service. Low cost rental cars. Precision Automotive is your “AAA Approved Auto Repair”, celebrating 30 years of service to the Gunnison Valley. 641-4040 (7/29/43). FOR SALE: wood casement window WC 4457-2. Insulated with storms, $50 OBO. Bob 970-9017277. (8/5). GREENLEE LITTLE KICKER 1/2” EMT OFFSET BENDER. Like new. Minimal usage. Model 1810. $180. Voice or text message 970.215.0347 (8/5). Unique Collectibles Designer Rust Gently Used Clothing Thurs, Fri, Sat July 30 - August 1st 9AM - 5PM Early Birds Pay Double FOR SALE: rollout keyboard trays, (7) bamboo, 20”x16”, $25 OBO. Call Bob 970-349-5159, 970-901-7277 (8/5). K B U T 10’X20’ CAR CANOPY in box, 641-4836. (8/5). C O M M U N I T Y PISTOL: Kel-Tec PMR-30 22 mag. NIB, never fired, Dennis 580-5130850. (7/29). DUMP TRUCK and LOADER FOR HIRE 275-4852. R A D I O Now is the time me to support greatt c y. (8/12/7) WANTED: dog training crate for new puppy, 970-349-5639. (7/29). DESK - SOLID OAK: Drawer and lower storage shelf. Great condition. No scratches. 48” wide x 24” deep. $60. Voice or text message 970-215-0347. (7/29). CHRISTMAS IN JULY! Entire Christmas Village featuring 27 different American Landmarks, Wellington Square and Home Town America buildings for a magical Christmas scene. Bonus 7 tiny houses! $150 Gunnison: 303-653-4178 (8/5). TWO FLAGSTONE COFFEE TABLES: 3x2’ $115; 2x2’, $90. 275-4852. (7/29). CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE. Search for any ad in our regular weekly paper. (7/29) SNOW PLOW FOR SALE: was on a 1994 Jeep Wrangler. All paper work included, electric winch to raise and lower included. $275, call 209-2912 (8/5). SALE RACK IS BACK! Savings up to 65% (new items added weekly) BASICS FOR MEN 100 North Main St. 642-4223 (8/26/20) Donate Do onate o online onl nline ine a att kb but.o org rg or or call call (970) (970) 70) 349-7444 70 349 9-7444 FOR SALE: Weil-McLain hot water boiler. 90% efficiency, 175K BTU, capacity 3,000 sq. ft. home. Used only 6 years. New $4,300, will sell for $1,100. 2754852 (7/29). WANTED TO BUY: .410 reloader, any make, 641-0566. (7/29). FOR SALE: file cabinets, pair, 1 2 drawer, the other 1 file drawer plus 2 supply drawers. Techline black laminate, excellent shape. Desk chair included $25. 970641-4638 (8/5). LIKE NEW! LARGE SIZE ‘DOGGY RIDE’ TOW BEHIND BIKE CART. Your dog wants one! Red and black. Used twice. New cost $369. freight. NOW YOURS FOR $150! In Gunnison. 303-6534178 (7/29). FOR SALE: 2 unused Anderson windows, 52”Hx36”W, $250 ea. 641-1224 (7/29). REMODELING: 60” jetted tub. Works fine. White. First $75 gets a soothing bubbly future! 970209-0177 (7/29). WANTED TO BUY: 2 outdoor metal bike parking racks. 970209-0177 (7/29). FOR SALE: Simmons Beautyrest mattress, box spring & metal frame. In great condition. Please call 970-497-6204. (8/5). TIRES: Goodyear Wrangler SR-A. 265/65R20. Took them off after 19k miles on new truck. Still plenty of tread left. Set of 4 for $120. 970-596-3471 (8/5). WANTED TO BUY: all guitars, any condition, used, vintage, etc. Castle Creek Guitars, 132 North Main, 641-2747. (7/29/17). CRIME DOESN’T PAY, but Crimestoppers does. 641-8280. (7/29). gunnison country shopper, july 29, 2015 page 6 FOR SALE: HP Pavilion laptop computer, almost new. Bought for $560, sell $150. Windows 8.1, 648-4406. (8/5). PRECISION AUTOMOTIVE, celebrating 30 years in business. Servicing all makes & models. Call 641-4040 for an appointment. (7/29/16). 2014 SPECIALIZED STUMPJUMPER FSR Comp Evo 29er. RockShox Revelation fork, Fox Float CTD Evolution rear shock. Disc brakes. Sram X7 & X9 dérailleurs. Commandpost dropper seat post. $2375 970596-6008 (7/29). GENUINE MILITARY GOGGLES: new, grey frame, clear and grey lens, unused; You will look more rad while boarding! Dan 6410401. (7/29). WE BUY USED motorcycles, ATVs and side by sides. 970641-0883, days. (7/29/11). RACK-A-TIER WIRE DISPENSERS: Easy to set up wire spools in many sizes. Waterproof and rustproof. 2 pairs available. $40 per pair. Voice or text message 970-215-0347. (7/29). RECYCLERS Thank you for your continued use of the Gunnison County Recycle Center we appreciate your support and efforts to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. The Recycle Center is receiving a lot of product that is not considered recyclable and therefore is trash. In an effort to keep our costs down we are reaching out to our users to ask you to NOT bring the following items to the Recycle Center. PLEASE DO NOT BRING: Compressed cardboards tubes (see examples below) • toilet paper rolls • paper towel rolls • mailing tubes • carpet tubes • plastic sheeting tubes #3 - #7 Plastics (see examples below) • most yogurt containers • most cottage cheese containers • vehicle parts • kiddie swimming pools and sand boxes We thank you for your continued efforts in recycling and for your assistance in this matter. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact our office at 641-0044. It’s that time of year again! Furnace Service Special $89.00* Includes: Filter Change, Motor Oiling, Carbon Monoxide Test, General Cleaning and Maintenance In Gunnison City Limits or $89/hour outlying Areas * Horizontal Furnace & Pellet Stove add $20 We also do mechnical room evalutions and pre-purchase inspections. MODULAR HOUSE & MOBILE HOME SPECIALIST RADON DETECTION AND REMEDIATION 642-0399 KITCHENWARE: small apartment moving sale includes several Farberware 18/10 stainless steel pots, skillets, pans. Temperware dinner (10.5 in) and salad (7.5 in) plates. Please call 970-209-4249 *with coupon FOR SALE: Kumbo radial tires, Solus HP4 plus, 135/65R14 M&S, 3 @ $25 OBO. Call Bob 970-901-7277. (8/5). (7/29). TRAIL-AWAY BIKE: kid’s trailer bike for behind adult bike, $60. 641-6963. (7/29). FOR SALE: Child’s wooden wagon $15; basketball set up, pole, hoop,and net for $75 OBO; Motorcycle leather chaps and jacket and helmet $100 OBO. Call Kathleen 970-275-9538. (8/5). HOMELITE BANDIT STRING TRIMMER: Model SX-135. Works great, but fuel line needs repaired. $20. Voice or text message 970215-0347. (8/5). TRUCK CAMPER: 2005 Palomino Bronco 1251 SB. Short or long bed. Popup. Fully loaded. Stove, 3-way fridge, hot water, sink, shower, awning, bathroom, heat, AC! Queen bed w/memory foam top. Dinette turns into small bed. Outside shower. New battery, full propane tank. LED lights. Stable lift. In C.B. $6500. 970209-6861 (8/5). FOR SALE: older gas Lincoln welder on small wheeled cart, $300 OBO. 641-2340. (8/5). MEMORY FOAM MATTRESS PAD: 1 1/4”, $25 OBO. 6421279. (8/5). Great Selection of SOUVENIRS and T-SHIRTS New Shipments Arriving Daily Traders Rendezvous 516 West Tomichi 641-5007 FOR SALE: Queen size bed, mattress, box spring, 970-497-6204 (8/5). PROGRAMA DE COMIDAS DE VERANO PARA NIÑOS EN GUNNISON COMMUNITY SCHOOL. De lunes a viernes. Almuerzo: 11:30 am-12 del mediodía; desayuno 8:00-8:30 de la mañana los días 27- 30 de julio. Las comidas se entregan en el orden de llegada. Gratis para todos los niños, y todos reciben la misma comida. No habrá discriminación al servir la comida; para todos los niños de 1 a 18 años (incluso los niños que no están tomando clases de verano). Si tiene preguntas llame a la oficina multicultural 641-7999. (7/29). FIREWOOD FOR SALE Free Delivery of 3 or More Cords I have a mountain to sell! 209-6101 (7/29/17) PARA LAS PERSONAS MAYORES DE 65 AÑOS—TODOS LOS JUEVES (excepto días feriados) La Despensa de Alimentos de Gunnison (Gunnison Country Food Pantry) está abierta de 10am to 2pm, 321 N. Main St # C. (sobre calle Ohio) 970-6414156. También puede llamar a la Oficina Multicultural 641-7999 si tiene preguntas. (7/29). TIRES: Goodyear Wrangler SR-A. Took them off after 19K miles on new truck. Still plenty of tread left. Set of 4 for $120. 970-596-3471 (7/29). FOR SALE: “Presto” hydraulic material lift. $1,250 Features 18 ft height and 1,000 lb weight capacity (14 shts 4x8x1/2” drywall per lift) The oversized lifting base is 32”x30”. Call 970-5070788 for additional details. (8/5). TRY THE NEW CHINESE RESTAURANT IN TOWN! Chinese Restaurant Dine In - Take Out Tel: (970) 642-6363 113 W. Tomichi, Gunnison, CO 81230 Open 7 Days A Week Mon. - Fri.: 11:00 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. Sat. - Sun.: Noon - 9:30 p.m. GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT RELJ IS ACCEPTING SEALED BIDS ON THE FOLLOWING VEHICLES AND SURPLUS ITEMS T-2OO 1990 Chevy Suburban 25OO Minimum bid-$250 T-280 1998 Chevy Suburban 2500 Minimum bid-$500 T-281 1998 Chevy Suburban 2500 Minimum bid-$500 T-290 1999 Chevy pick up 25OO with Utility box Minimum bid-$1,000 lnternational Tractor 284 Minimum bid-$750 T-10 2001 Freightliner School bus Minimum bid-$3,000 F-274 1997 International School bus Minimum bid-$750 Meyer snow plow FREE Paint and cleaning products, first come first servedt The Gunnison School District reserves the right to reject any or all bids. In kind services such as concrete work and dirt work will be considered inlieu of payment. The items may be inspected at the Bus Garage, located at 822 West Ohio Monday- Thursday 8a to 3p. sealed bids, with the vehicle name and/or number, must be clearly marked on the sealed envelope. Sealed bids will be accepted by Angie Ryan in the Business Office located at the Lake School, 800 North Boulevard by August 7, 2015 at 11am where they will be publicly opened and read aloud. For more information, please call Paul Morgan, transportation and Facilities Manager, at 970-596-0450 Nugget Cafe at Taylor park Custom Welding and Trailer Repairs MONTHLY SPECIALS! Gunnison Muffler and Pipe 641-6007 Come on u p an d en joy a mea l wit h u s! Summer Hours (7/29/12) (7/29/16) INFRARED PORTABLE SPACE HEATER: 1500W, range 50-85. Safe around the children & pets with no exposed heating elements. Overheat & tip over protection system, push-button controls, LED display, remote control, owner’s manual. Model DR-968 New $249.99. Sell $100. 6411473 (7/29). ¿SABÍA USTED QUE LA BIBLIOTECA PÚBLICA de Gunnison tiene libros en español para niños y adultos? También tienen películas, música y acceso a computadoras. Los miembros de nuestra biblioteca pueden pedir libros de otras bibliotecas, lo que aumenta muchísimo la cantidad de títulos que podemos leer. Visite o llame a la biblioteca al 641-3485, 349-6535 (CB), o Ellen 641 7999 para obtener información en español. (7/29). VINTAGE TECHNICS TURNTABLE: direct drive, automatic. SL1300 with new Shure Stereo Diamond Stylus. Original box and operating system. $125 970-349-0785 (7/29). SALE RACK IS BACK! Savings up to 65% (new items added weekly) BASICS FOR MEN 100 North Main St. 642-4223 (8/26/20) BICYCLE PANNIERS: for touring, good cond., $90. 970-9647488. (7/29). VINTAGE TECHNICS (by Panasonic) AM/FM Stereo Receiver. SA5550. Simulated wood cabinet with original operating instructions $125. Call: 970349-0785 (7/29). FOX MTB FRONT FORK: Talas 36 180mm of travel, 20mm thru axle. Used. $550. 970-390-4861 8AM - 8P M Daily 970-642-0454 Saturday Evening Worship (7/29). STAIRMASTER: commercial free climber 4200PT. Sports/medical products, L.P. Paid $2400, asking $650 OBO. 719-251-3644. (7/29). We Sell WeatherPorts, We Repair WeatherPorts, We Buy WeatherPorts, We Rent WeatherPorts! Contact Global Shelters today for all your WeatherPort needs. Serving the Gunnison/ Crested Butte valley for over 45 years! Sharbel @ 970-209-9711 (7/29/33) FREE HOUNDAWG automatic dog feeder. Dan 641-0401 (7/29). SHOPPER SPECIALS! Want to find out about our advertising specials? Go to our website at for all the details! (7/29). ch SURLY LONG HAUL TRUCKER touring bicycle, 56cm, brand new, paid $1700, sell for $900. 970964-7488. (7/29). WANTED: Roll Top Desk. Must be less than 40” wide, real wood (not laminate), and in at least good condition. 303-803-8914 (7/29). e SMOKER FOR SALE: Southern Pride DH-65 industrial electric wood chip smoker. 120/208 voltage, 27 amps, 60 hertz, phase 1, NSF certified. 25 1/4” wide, 31 3/4” deep, 48 1/4” high. On wheels, works great and in great condition. Call Liz 497-0787. (7/29). LANDOWNER VOUCHER, UNIT 67: 2nd rifle season, bull elk, for sale. Please call 641-0045. (7/29/14). with Rick Barton Trinity Bapst 523 N. Pine 6PM Downstairs “Verse by Verse through the Bible” 195R60/15 TIRES: First $50 takes the pair. 349-1007 (7/29). ELECTRIC LAWNMOWER: 19” Black & Decker mulching lawnmower w/bag, $75, 596-2589 (7/29). FOOTED PJS: selection of 10 sets footed pajamas, more boy, szs. 3T, 4T & 1 set 6T. Good shape. $10/all. 970-596-2216. (7/29). VERY SPECIAL: Windsor Perfection Stove circa 1925. 3 burners, oven w racks. Has all parts. 30.5”H x 27.5”W x 19”D. Lt. green and white enamel. Best offer! Gunnison: 303-653-4178 FOR SALE: 60 watt amp with inbox sub play audio brand, $200, 970-707-4042. (8/5). GUNNISON CLOTHING PROJECT: Quieres ropas? Nececitas ropas? Somos abiertos todos los Martes y Sabados 10am- 2pm oeste del avenida 10 entre calles Tomich y Virginia! Benga a buscar! Todo esta GRATIS! (7/29). HOT TUB FOR SALE: sets 4 men comfortably, brand new motor. Tom 970-596-1862. (7/29). 7,900 Gunnison Country Shoppers every WEDNESDAY (7/29). COLEMAN Powermate Generator-5000 ER, 5000 watts. Voltage-120/240. Amps. 41.7/20. Runs on propane. Can be converted to gasoline. Used very little. $180. 641-5599. (7/29). COLLEGE STUDENTS HAVE SKILLS that they would like to share with you. Need some help? Babysitters, tutors, laborers? Look at the end of the employment section to find an able-bodied and minded student to do what you need done. (7/29). (7/29) WANTED: Looking for a Outboard motor for my boat. Four stroke 5hp to 10 hp. 970-596-4222. (7/29). FOR SALE: 2 pair crutches, $8 ea. 642-1279. (8/5). USED TEE POSTS: Various sizes and condition. $2.00 ea. Please call, leave message or text. 5964324. (8/5). gunnison country shopper, july 29, 2015 CleaRAnce sale! 1000 N. Main 641-3332 ARE YOU RENTING? You can feel safe and secure for as little as $8/mo with a Renters Policy that provides protection for your personal belongings, personal liability, and even identity theft. Find out for yourself why American Family Insurance & The Nelson Family Agency were voted “BEST INSURANCE AGENCY” in the Valley! Call Rick and his team of local professionals at 641-3481 or stop by our office at 1140 N Main. FOR SALE: Petmate Classic travel dog kennel, large size (26”x19”x17”) $40; small dog/cat travel car carrier (19”x12”x10”), $25; 13ft tanned python snake skin, $225; Bushnell 50mm rubber armored prismatic spotting scope, $100. Call 6414854. (8/5). GLASSWARE: Some specialty beer glasses, lots of water glasses. All great condition. Call Liz 497-0787 (7/29). CHILD SIZE MAHOGANY CHIPPENDALE ARMCHAIR. Beautifully carved acanthus leaves and cartouches. Best offer. Gunnison: 303-653-4178 (7/29). PROFESSIONAL DETAILING: Carpet, upholstery shampoo, buff, wax, complete interior and exterior. Call Precision Automotive for a appointment. 641-4040, (7/29/19). FOR SALE: glass top coffee table $50; loveseat $25; glass door oak newer entertainment center D PS2 2 remotes 2 memory $50; cards $40; gold 60 diamond watch $150; silver diamond watch $75; call or email 970-7654356 (7/29). FOR SALE: new king mattress, Serta Perfect Sleeper, in plastic, $450. 256-997-3084. (7/29). FOR SALE: Celestron telescope and hide-a-bed couch, $40 each or best offer. Wooden end table and kitchen table, $20 each or best offer. Large tube TV, free. Call 641-2417. (8/5). Let Us Sell Your ATV or Motorcycle Only $75 Sun Sports Unltd 641-0883 (7/29/13) NO FEE TV. Information about how to receive the over-the-air television signals provided by the Gunnison County Metropolitan Recreation District is available on the web at or by contacting the District at 6419148. (7/29). FOR SALE: Dansko tall boots (about knee height), size 38, in great shape. Can send pics. $100. 596-2802 (8/5). WERNER PADDLE: $200. 970765-1465. (7/29). FOR SALE: 2002 Trail Lite 25ft camper trailer, 1 owner, $5575. 970-275-8926. (7/29). FOR SALE: 2 Inflatable 2-person kayaks, 1 used about 1 hr at L.P. $200, the other in box never opened $250. Call 641-3398 ROCK COLLECTION FOR SALE: includes dinosaur bones, petrified wood, call for more info. 275-4852 (7/29). (7/29). CRAFTSMAN DRILL PRESS: 8 inch. 3 speed. 1/3 HP. Table tilts 0 - 45 degrees. Cast iron base. Minimal usage. $80. Voice or text message 970-215-0347. (7/29). LOOKING FOR: used metal Tposts, 275-4852. (7/29). DAGGER CROSSFIRE KAYAK WANTED: can trade for H2 Pyranha. 970-209-5429. (7/29). FOR SALE: CZ 20ga. side by side double triggers, $600. 2092449. (7/29). TAKE THE H&R BLOCK INCOME TAX COURSE to learn how to prepare taxes like a pro. Not only will you learn a new skill, you could earn extra income as a tax professional. Enroll now! For i n f o : (9/9/40). SHOPPER DEADLINES: News/Press Releases, Community Calendar items, Mondays 10am; Free Ads & Notices, Tuesdays, 10am; All paid ads/business ads, including free ad late fees Tuesdays, 2pm. Thank you for your cooperation., 6413148. (7/29). MAPEX BELL SET with stand, sticks, practice pad and backpack bag. Slightly used. Perfect for a beginning or intermediate percussionist. $189. Please call 970349-6638 if interested. (8/5). FISHING GEAR: Cabela’s brown foot waders, new with tags, small men’s $35; Hodgman felt sole replacement kit new,$15; Proline wading shoes, new in box, size 8 men’s. $35; fishing net $5. Call 209-9401 (7/29). FOR SALE: commercial 5-well steam table with sneeze guard, $600 OBO. 641-2340. (8/5). DINING TABLE FOR SALE: seats 6, no leaf, solid wood, good cond., $50. 970-596-2216. (7/29). ANTLERS WANTED TO BUY Deer, Elk, Moose. All Kinds Shed or Racks. White or Brown. Traders Rendezvous Gunnison 641-5077 or 641-6999 (7/29/21) HANSENS WEATHERPORT FRAME:12x30 no canvas... these are great to add your own canvas or better yet metal/aluminum siding. Makes a great storage/car/truck port. $400, call 602-625-3789 (7/29). FOR SALE: 2 piece Craftsman tool box, $150 OBO. 417-8996. (7/29). WANTED: Chain-link panels. Need at least two 6’ tall. 970-2752035. (7/29). FREE FIREWOOD: Cottonwood logs cut 16”. Yours for the taking. 641-4020 (7/29). COMPUTER PROFESSIONALS KNIGHT TECHNOLOGIES LLC we fix computers full time Pickup/Delivery Available Gunnison/Crested Butte 970-642-3040 (7/29/17) FOR SALE: 6’ T-posts, $2.20 each, most like new, 30-40 available. 209-7262. (8/5). DOWNHILL BIKE: 2014 Norco Aurum 2. Size M. Like new, 2-3 rides. In C.B. $1800 OBO, 970209-6861 (8/5). FOR SALE: Beige, leather sofa in Pitkin, Colorado. $100.00. Sofa was in a home in Pitkin, non-smoking, and no pets home. Call 830798-6556 ask for Sandy through July 24th, after the 24th please call 830-220-1094. If no answer at either number, please leave name and phone number. (7/29). WATER METER: $150; 2754852. (7/29). FIREWOOD FOR SALE Hard & Soft Woods 970-424-2936 VINTAGE 3” REEL TO REEL portable Phillips all transistor tape deck. $25. Call: 970-349-0785 Great Selection of New Arrivals! (7/29). (7/29/7) RESTAURANT AND STORE EQUIPMENT: Stainless two door freezer, three door glass cooler, frozen drink maker, Slurpee machine, some booths, small duct hood. More 970-596-0280 (8/5). FOR SALE: 5 pc Drum Set with cymbals Sonor Force 505 (Black). Slightly used. Perfect for a beginning or intermediate percussionist. $299. Please call 970-3496638 if interested. (8/5). FLUTE BY SELMAR: $125. 6416963. (7/29). LADDER RACK & TOOL BOX: heavy duty lumber/ladder rack, and a diamond plate truck tool box. $400 OBO/trade? Please call Kirk 970-596-2666. (7/29). Family, Senior, Child. 2 hours, On-location. www.leannem 719-964-0323 AUTO DETAILING by ROLANDO Wash, Wax, Carpet Cleaning, Interior Steam Cleaning Call John Roberts Motor Works for an appointment 970-641-0920 5TH WHEEL KINGPIN STABILIZER: $75, perfect cond., 580513-0850. (7/29). FREE THINNING: For mountain properties, call for details. 2754852 (7/29). 125 North Main • Downtown Gunnison • 970-641-0635 $150 Introductory Session. FOR SALE: Sears Carousel slide projector & screen in box, $25. 349-5190. (8/5). (7/29/20) * Natural Life Junk Market Jewelry * Boho Bandeau * Inspirational Flags Are Back! FREE PAINT: Have 11 gal of Kwal Vinyl Paint 7130. Satin color 7033 Brainstorm Bronze. Made last fall. Painter ordered to much last fall, never opened. Nice color on our home. For info call 303319-4697 (7/29). Leanne Marie Photography. page 7 (7/29/pd/14) MILWAUKEE MAGNUM HOLESHOOTER DRILL: 1/2” Chuck. Variable speed. 850 RPM. Model 0234-1. $45. Voice or text message 970-215-0347. (8/5). BOOK OF MORMON TICKET: Saturday, September 12, 7:30pm in Denver. Fabulous Orchestra seating. Paid $135, will sacrifice for $95 or Best Offer. 970-6410560 or 970-209-9611. (8/5). GENERAC 8000KW PROPANE GENERATOR: never installed $1,800. Please call 830-2201094. If there is no answer please leave a message with your name and phone number. (7/29). 7,900 WANTED ANTLERS SHEDS & RACKS Pay Top Dollar Berfield’s Stage Stop 970-641-5782 (3/30/pd/11) Gunnison Country Shoppers every WEDNESDAY (7/29) TWO SEA KAYAKS: handmade cedar strip wrapped w/fiberglass, furniture quality construction, $1000 each. Tough enough for Alaska; other equipment available as well. 970-964-7488. (7/29). TIRES FOR SALE: 2 Firestone Winterforce UV P215/70R16 99S, like new; 2 Mastercraft 215/70R16 Snow Groove Courser MSR. Mountain 16” rim; 1 Tigerpaw Uniroyal P215/70R16 radial; $75 per tire. Call 970-5960978 (7/29). KHS SOFT-TAIL MTN BIKE: brand new condition, all XTR parts, lightest bike in town, 20lbs. Size M. $750. 970-964-7488. (7/29). Get Your Tiicketss Now!!! Setttiinngg th the Table fo for... Six Si ix Poointss Thhird T rd and Fi Final Evveentt-'RQ·WW0LLVVVV2XW Auggusst 166, 20155 at 4:00 pm *DUOLOLFLF0L *D 0LNNH·V5HV HVWDDXUDDQW Join uss foor a fuun-fiillllleled eveening ng! Thhe eveent wililll incluudde a greeat di dinner, din a liliv ive auctiion (20 thhemed taable setttiinnggss, fuurnittuure, art and othher great itte temss)), mussiic and a cha hance to to win seeveraal ra rafffflles es. To purchaasse tiickeetss pleas ase go too www.siixxppointsg tssg sgunnisson.orgg r 11111660 N. Main S Stttrreet , 97700-641-3 1-3081 Alll proceedss wililll benef efiitt thhe consstrructiion off thhe parkinngg lot and innsstaalllla latiion off lands dscap apinngg foor thhe new Siixx Poointss ffaacilliity iitttyy. gunnison country shopper, july 29, 2015 gunnison country shopper, july 29, 2015 page 8 “Minions Matinee Madness” Sunday, August 9 @1:30 PM Sale Sizzling Summer WANTED: used bush hog, 6410818, 641-2420 (8/5). WANTED: log splitter. 970-9018485 (8/5). WANTED TO BUY: baby swing for newly adopted baby. 6412433, 252-8076. (8/5). GOT A WORKING TUBE-STYLE TV TO GET RID OF? If the screen’s no bigger 26 inches, please call 641-9588. Save the cost of disposal and help my older friend whose TV has died. Clothing up to 70% Off (8/5). WANTED TO BUY: landowner voucher, 67 or 551 archery elk. 596-9994 or 641-0658. (8/5). WANTED TO BUY: Nice, wooden play set with swings, slide, etc... If your kids have outgrown it, mine would love to have it! Willing to pay reasonable price. 596-0748. (8/5). 800 W San Juan All tickets for this showing - ONLY $5! ISO: 10’x10’ or 12’x12’ outdoor canopy w/stakes or bracing, 6414245. (8/5). Gunnison 193 Gillaspey Ave 970-944-2298 970-349-0252 Well established, successful Parking Lot Sweeping Business For Sale. Strong, year-round, client base with room to grow. $39,500. Call, 970-596-5239 for more information. (7/29/23) TEAC STEREO CASSETTE DECK: A-360. Includes instruction manual. $50. Call 970-3490785 (7/29). 2005 KEYSTONE SPRINGDALE TRAVEL TRAILER: 29’ XL slide-in kitchen/living room, large back kitchen, separate bedroom/bath, exc. cond., lightweight/easy to pull, 2”x2” receiver for bike carrier, electric tongue jack, sway bar, hitch & mirrors included. $10,500 OBO. 6419518. (7/29). FOR SALE: 800-900ft. of 3/8” cable for sale, call for details, 275-4852. (7/29). Great Selection of SOUVENIRS and T-SHIRTS New Shipments Arriving Daily FOR SALE: Conair pet grooming set, $25. 642-1279. (8/5). Traders Rendezvous BE A PART OF JACK RUSSELL TERRIER RACING! August 8 & 9 at Jorgensen park. Need volunteers to catch dogs (supervision and instruction provided, dogs muzzled) and run the lure (150 feet over and over- great for a pair of kids). $20 + tips per person per day, commit to one or both days. Email: or text: 602-448-7046 (8/5). 641-5007 FOR SALE: TRAILERS... NEW AND USED. ATV, UTV, motorcycle, snowmobile and utility models in stock. Come and check out the new Vault Cargo Trailer by Triton. Sun Sports Unlimited, West HWY. 50, Gunnison. 970641-0883. (7/29/34). ROADMASTER FALCON ALLTERRAIN TOW BAR: Like new condition. All the cables, storage cover. 4” drop adapter included. Over $1,000 new, sell for $500 OBO. Call Jim @ 417-365-091 (7/29). BACK WALL FLUSH TOILET WITH TANK: never installed $200. Please call 830-220-1094. If there is no answer please leave a message with your name and phone number. (7/29). AAA APPROVED AUTO REPAIR: Request an appointment online at (7/29/10). DINING TABLE: with Antique Tuscany finish, 72” long x 42” wide, 2x24” end leaves, excellent condition with 5 antique oak chairs price reduced to $1500. 615-584-9402. (8/5). 516 West Tomichi (7/29/16) TODOS LOS MIÉRCOLES (excepto días feriados) La Despensa de Alimentos de Gunnison (Gunnison Country Food Pantry) está abierta de 1pm-4pm, 321 N. Main St # C. (sobre calle Ohio) 970-641-4156. También puede llamar a la Oficina Multicultural 641-7999 si tiene preguntas. (7/29). FOR SALE: Modular corner Techline desk. Black laminate. Includes 2 file cabinets and desk top storage unit as well as desk chair. $50. 641 4638 (7/29). 1800 SQUARE FT WEATHERPORT FOR SALE: White canopy. 30’ X 60’ with 12” galvanized steel trusses. $14,500. Call 970596-5000 to see. (8/5). FIREWOOD FOR SALE Taylor’s Firewood Summer Prices Until 1st of September 596-0110 (8/19/pd/12) “HONOR, JUSTICE AND HUMANITY, forbid us to tamely surrender that freedom which we received from our gallant ancestors, and which our innocent posterity have a right to receive from us. We cannot endure the infamy and guilt of resigning succeeding generations to that wretchedness which inevitably awaits them if we basely entail hereditary bondage on them.” Jefferson. Robert Tim Allen 596-8977. (7/29). SALE RACK IS BACK! Savings up to 65% (new items added weekly) BASICS FOR MEN 100 North Main St. 642-4223 FOR SALE: cedar gable vents, 8/12 pitch, 4 lefts, 4 rights, $10 OBO; cedar gable vent, 8/12 pitch, center style, 1 @ $10 OBO. Bob 970-349-5159, 970-9017277. (8/5). CHECK OUT OUR SUMMER EVENTS AT THE GUNNISON LIBRARY: “” We’ve got lots of great events happening. (7/29). COMPUTERS FIXED RIGHT THE FIRST TIME KNIGHT TECHNOLOGIES LLC Computer Professionals 970-642-3040 BEWARE CABINET BUYERS Made in China Cabinets are coming to Gunnison. Some of them are not California Complaint for Formaldehyde Our team can tell you what cabinet is what Any questions, please call Greg 209-5616. (7/29/12) (8/26/20) FOR SALE: Game table and four rolling chairs. In very good condition. $125 or best offer. 970-2752035. (7/29). SWIVEL/ROCKER/RECLINER FOR SALE: great cond., no pets, no damage, just too big for the room it is in. Brown weave fabric. $75. Call for pic to see. 970-2092058 D, 970-641-4007 E. (8/5). FOR SALE: Horton crossbow, 160 pound, 360ft. per sec. Shot 5 times. Paid $900, asking $800. 209-2449. (7/29). TRUCK TOOL BOX: out of Toyota Tacoma, $60. Call: 970349-0785 (7/29). ISO dresser. Give or take 36x18 in wide, 50 in tall. Willing to pay $30-80. Call/text 847-239-0106. FOR SALE: hip waders, 2-ply, youth 55, worn once, purchased from Gene Taylor’s $50 OBO. 642-1279. (8/5). (7/29). GUNS - GUNS - GUNS Gunnison Mountain Pawn 641-6007 ¡USTED PUEDE AYUDAR A NUESTRA COMUNIDAD! Puede donar alimentos no perecederos y ponerlos en los cubos rojos que la Despensa de Alimentos (Gunnison Country Food Pantry) ha puesto en varios sitios de Gunnison (Safeway y City Market y más lugares). ¿Preguntas? 970641-4156. También puede llamar a la Oficina Multicultural 6417999 si tiene preguntas. (7/29). AMERICAN FAMILY INSURANCE & THE NELSON FAMILY AGENCY can provide local protection for your auto, home, business, health, and condo association, and provide life insurance for your family. Find out for yourself why we were voted “BEST INSURANCE AGENCY” in the Valley! Call Rick and his team of professionals to compare at 641-3481, or stop by our office at 1140 N Main. (7/29/7) INFLATABLE KAYAK: Tributary Tomcat Solo, new bladder, $400. 642-1279. (8/5). A TELEVISION SIGNALS. To report an issue with the over-theair television signals or to inquire about the television translator system, please contact the Gunnison County Metropolitan Recreation District at 641-9148. (7/29). NOT ENOUGH FOR A YARD SALE: (2) Petmate Infinity 5lb Portion Control automatic dog cat feeder both/$85 or $25 each; 15 feet of 1 1/2 suction/discharge hose for ditch/water pump $10; 75ft Pocket hose (new in box) $23.41 new sale $10; 25ft Pocket hose $5; 1 gal gas can $1; miter box with saw $5; 12/2WG UF Wire 200ft $80; Scotts hand held Spreader $2; Ortho dial & spray for end of your hose $2; (2) square sprinklers, both for $5 or $3 each; (2) make 6 outlets out of 2 outlets $1. each; all above OBO. 641-1473. (7/29). Selected 144 N Main Gunnison 641-3833 Jewelry - Bags Scarves 1/2 Off! SUMMERTIME DEALS Crested Butte South page 9 (7/29/35) WELL PRESSURE TANK: 40 gallon, nearly new. $175. 970-2097669. (8/5). 195R60/15 TIRES: First $50 takes the pair. 349-1007 (8/5). FOR SALE: Audiovox stereo w/5disc changer & speakers, $25 OBO. 642-1279. (8/5). RAFT TRAILER FOR SALE: $500 OBO. 970-765-1465. (7/29). FOR SALE: 2 bookcases $1020; entertainment center $40; Lazy-Boy chair $25; end table $10; fridge $90; cupboard $15; 4 dressers $5-50; 2 microwaves $25-40. 970-901-5985 (7/29). FOR SALE: Used metal roofing. Different kinds and colors. Plus some corrugated galvanized. Please call, leave message or text 596-4324. (8/5). Batmobile, Superman/Batman Clocks just in. BATMAN SPYGEAR is here... Circus Train 125 North Main St., Gunnison (7/29/17) NEWLY ORDAINED MINISTER! Mature young woman, recently ordained, Would like to perform your wedding ceremony! Free! 720-231-3925 (7/29). WANTED: BOWLING BALLS, any condition, will pay cash. Dan 641-5054, will pick up. (7/29). LA OFICINA MULTICULTURAL 225 N. Pine St, B ahora tiene fondos para operar a tiempo completo gracias a nuevos subsidios. Ubicada en la misma oficina que CAFÉ (clases de inglés para adultos y la familia). Pase por la Oficina o llame a Ellen 641-7999 (deje mensaje con su número telefónico). Debido a que muchas veces tengo que ir a juntas o entrenamientos, a veces no estoy en mi oficina, y lamento el inconveniente. Si tiene una emergencia médica, llame al 911. (7/29). FOR SALE: old Casey’s bar piano, vintage Epworth Grand Piano, $100 OBO. Will deliver. Bob 970-901-7277. (8/5). DO YOU NEED CARPET OR VINYL INSTALLATION OR REPAIR? I have my certification and 26 years experience, I will bid your job for free! So please call Mike at 970-759-2815 for all your carpet and vinyl needs. (8/19/pd/37) 7’ POOL TABLE: 3/4” thick slate, from the Coachlight. 6414836. (8/5). FOR SALE: Clark brand 2000 Elite exerciser, just lay down & wiggle. Top of the line, commercial quality. Hardly ever used. Paid $360, I’ll settle for $200. Mike 970-641-2315 (7/29). FOR SALE: “Bambi a Life in the Woods”, first printing USA 1928. Great shape but a little age discolor damp staining on front outside only. Not in paper cover. To the boards, owner inscription. $120. 970-596-4972 (7/29). FOR SALE: Remington 700 custom 375 ultra mag, 2 boxes of ammo, $2200 firm. 209-2449. (7/29). NEW CLASSIFIED CATEGORY WANTED: in need of... in search of... looking for... wanted to buy... look here to see if you have something somebody else needs! And look out for the new website... (8/5). SUPER BUY - PRICE REDUCED to $96/sf MLS 39071, 190 Crosscut Road, 4 bed/2.5 baths, 3,420 SF, Built 2003, 4.64 acres, oversized detached garage/storage, appliance package, fishing rights on Tomichi Creek, 3 miles East of Gunnison $329,900 MLS 38862 - 101 N. 10th #3 Pet friendly townhome, 2 bed/2 bath, remdodeled, new appliances includes washer/dryer, garage with lock off storage, close to Western, shopping, bus stop, investment property, summer home or full time living. Financing available $174,000 Buying, Selling, Investing, search my website for all Gunnison MLS listings updated every 15 minutes: Teresa Anderson, Broker Associate Real Estate LLC. 970-209-9105 MLS SUMMER IS ON SALE ! STARTS THIS FRIDAY, JULY 31ST SUMMER MERCHANDISE 30% OFF! SALE HOURS: M - F - 9:30-6 Sat 9:30 - 5:30 Sunday 11am - 3pm 147 North Main, Gunnison • 641-0844 gunnison country shopper, july 29, 2015 page 10 F EFEATURED ATTURED U R E D PROPERTY P R O P ETRYT Y FEA PROPER GUNNISONHOMEVALUES.COM EXPERIENCE RESULTS SERVICE • RESUL LTTS STUNNING NORTH ELK MEADOWS HOME in move-in ready condition at 210 Sandpiper Tr for $379,000. Sellers will entertain offers. Lovely mature landscaping with trees, decks, gardens, flowers & walkways. 3 bdrm/2 bath, plus 4th bedroom/den. Hardwood & ceramic tile floors, granite counters, new carpet, high efficiency natural gas heater, 6 high-end ceiling fans. Find out what your home is worth in today’s market FRIENDLY COUPLE JUST MOVED TO GUNNISON from Portland to attend school. We are looking for short or long-term house sitting opportunities. Contact Shawn & Georgia at 503568-2882. (7/29). STUDENT LOOKING FOR A ROOM TO RENT beginning in August ending in June. Please email me at (7/29). IN SEARCH OF A ROOM TO RENT: 23 y.o. male looking for a room to rent September-May in Gunnison. I am low-maintenance, easy-going, and outdoors involved. Email me at m a t t h e w. h a u g @ w e s t e r n . e d u (8/5). LOOKING FOR ROOMMATE to rent one room in three bedroom house. From September-May. Right next to campus and only $285 a month. Email me at (7/29). WANT TO RENT: single, middle age male w/one 15 yr. old med/small dog want to rent 1 or 2 bedroom in Gunnison area. $500 to $700. ASAP. Shawn 970260-0010. (8/5). ISO: Rental, 1 bedroom house, apartment, or studio beginning end of August. For Western Student/CPW State Employee. References available. 719-4803243 (8/5). LAND FOR SALE: 35 Acres 5 miles west of Gunnison by Neversink and Blue Mesa. Great views, great solar potential, private and quiet. Small spring on property. Mitigated for Sage Grouse, etc. $59,000, will consider owner financing. Call Cathie at The Clarke Agency. 970-6410511 (7/29). FOR A COMPLETE LIST OF TODAY REALTY’S AVAILABLE RENTALS please visit our website or call Joe 970-641-0077. (7/29/18). FOR RENT: Small older 2 bedroom duplex. Pets accepted with additional deposit. Available September 1st. $650 per month plus utilities. First, last and $650 damage deposit. Call 970-5961608 (8/12/pd/28). BUILDING FOR SALE: 9000 sq.ft. Newer, nice commercial space. Call 970-275-8146 for details. (7/29/13). FURNISHED VACATION HOMES: available Nov 20-May 31 or month to month, no pets, no smoking, please call 970-6411663 (7/29/18). HOUSE FOR RENT: available August 1st, 1 year lease, $750/month. 2 bedroom, 1 bath house with washer/dryer, garage and storage space. First and deposit due at lease signing. Utilities not included. 705 West Virginia. Pets negotiable. 970759-4927. (7/29/pd/39). CHEERY STUDIO CONDO FOR RENT: recently repainted, located in clean, well maintained complex. Includes use of common areas. Tenant pays electricity. Security deposit and references required. $650/month. No pets, no smoking. For more information, call Steve at 970-275-6659. (7/29/pd/39). FOR RENT AT CEBOLLA LODGE: 1 bedroom, $550/month plus utilities. Lease, deposit, no pets. 303-810-5052. (7/29/16). TIRED OF PAYING RENT? I’ve got a .21 acre lot for $0 down and payments of $350/mo., taps paid. Bring your late-model mobile or buy/finance a new one and start building equity today. 2095308. (7/29/36). STUDIO APARTMENT FOR RENT: clean, quiet, no pets. Utilities and Wifi included. Clare 970-209-8770. (7/29/14). SUNNY COUNTRY HOME FOR SALE: Over 3,000 sq ft home with 3 car garage on 1 country acre bordering ranch lands with great views. 3 large bedrooms, 2 baths, large sunroom & windows passive solar all day, open beams and vaulted ceilings, recent hardwood floors, tile and carpet. NEW HOT TUB AND PELLET STOVE. No covenants, room for animals, fenced yards, chicken coop & other storage sheds. Much more! PRICE JUST REDUCED AGAIN TO $359,000! 270 County Road 8, Gunnison, CO. 8.html Or call Cathie at The Clarke Agency - 970-641-0511. (7/29). TODAY Realty of Gunnison, Inc. 12299 W Highway 50 600 W. Tomichi Ave. Gunnison, CO 81230 970-641-0077 or After hours 970-209-0077 175 Monte Vista Wonderful 6.43 Acre Tract overlooking the beautiful Blue Mesa Lake and the Dillon Pinacles! Hunting, fishing, ATVing just minutes away! Enjoy the comfort of this large home! 3 Bedrooms & 2 Baths $189,000! Beautiful 2 story home with pond in back plus Gunnison River Fishing Rights! 3 or 4 bedroom with 20x32 master upstairs w/deck & bedroom or Officedown. Home is in the beautiful Dos Rios Subdivision $274,500! 12457 W US Hwy 50 Unit 16 117 Shavano Drive Unit 204A BEAUTIFUL MOUNTAIN MOBILE HOME FISHING CABIN which is just like new with a Huge covered deck on the front overlooking Federal Land & the Huge Blue Mesa Reservoir! $39,900! Cute 2 bedroom top floor condo in a peaceful setting on the Dos Rios Country club. A perfect starter unit, rental investment, or second home for the golfing family. low utilities! $109,000! CATHIE ATHIE ELLLIOTT LIOTT Broker/Owner/G.R.I (970) 641-0511 JOSH OSH TOWNSEND OWNSEND AUDRIE UDRIE TO OWNSEND WNSEND (970) 209-4479 (970) 209-6208 Broker Associate Broker Associate CLARKE LARKE AGENCY GENCY REEAL AL ESTATE STATE 241 N. Main St. Gunnison, CO 81230 641 0511 Office: (970) 641-0511 PRICE REDUCED on this 71+ acre tract of land in Gold Basin High Country Ranch at 44631 Lick Creek Ln. Includes older cabin, trees, rock outcroppings, newer generator, solar panels, green house, & top notch views; $137,000 BUY OF THE WEEK: High end finishes & numerous upgrades in this 2266sf, 3 bdrm/2 bath home on 2.8 acres at 141 Chippewa Way. Corner lot, very private, large foyer, workshop area, exterior lighting provides night visibility in the corrals & sheds. You’ll appreciate the 2 gas log stoves & 3rd fireplace, 3 patios, & stainless steel appliances; $370,000 HALLMARK TOWNHOME snuggled in with residential homes in a great neighborhood at 512 N. 14thA. This 1416sf townhome is an end unit with off street parking, fenced yard, 3 bdrm/3 bath, & private deck for $135,000. FOR RENT: 1 bedroom, 1 bath condo on Dos Rios Golf Course. Newly remodeled: new carpet, tile. rock work and paint. W/D, sewer, trash, and water included. Tenant pays electric. $700/month, serious inquiries only, 970-209-0182. (8/5/37). Mountaineer Village Apartments Now leasing. 12mo. leases receive a FREE Monarch Season Pass Pet friendly housing Come in and take a tour and start your living experience with Mountaineer! Give us a call at 970-641-1688 (7/29/35) FOR RENT: 3 bedroom/2 bath house. W/D, refrigerator, gas stove, DW. No pets, no smoking, even if it is legal. $1400/month plus utilities. 641-1077. N E W NEW L I ST I N G TING: LIS LISTING: SELLERS ARE INVITING OFFERS on with NICELY NICEL Y CARED FOR HOME the gorgeous 3 bdrm/2 bath home new pellet stove & hot on tub, large nearly 1 acre at 210 Sandpiper Trail. deck, plenty of windows off off the Fenced yard with garden oasis, sunroom, trees, fenced yard, no meandering walkways, & perennial WELL MAINTAINED HOME WESTHAVEN CONDO or HOA dues, 3 d gardens.covenants The interior features an 1 acre, on 5.11 acres in upper Castle Mtn includes detached garage, bdrm/2 with bath,the 3 car garage, excellent floorplan master suitecentral at 87 Seneca Trail for $349,500. 3 bdrm/2 bath, private deck, sound, house,plus metal This roof,4 bdrm/2 bath home features roomy floorplan, landscaping, & separate from the chicken other 2 bdrms, 2 car attached & heated garage, plenty of windows. All appliances superb oakbdrm. hardwood floors, upstairs bonusviews, room/4th includes, $125 per month dues, large utility/mud room; 8;excellent views, decks, 2 Take an online virtual tour at 270 CR woodstoves, newer windows, & 1311sf; 314 S. 5th; $149,500; $379,000 $359,000 siding, decks, & windows. SERENE SETTING with trees, large patio, & great neighbors. Tomichi Condo at 18 Wild Goose Lane features comfortable layout with large garage & room for golf cart. Easy access to Hartman Rocks, Tomichi Creek, & the Dos Rios golf course. All 3 bdrms have their own bathroom, too! Take an online virtual tour at; $382,250 LOT FOR SALE IN GUNNISON’S NICEST SUBDIVISION: 35 ACRE Horse River Ranch lot at 949 Horse River Ranch Drive for $345,000. Horses & livestock allowed, building site & driveway in place, minimal annual dues. TOMICHI TRAIL BUILDING SITE close to the Gunnison River at 629 Tomichi Trail. This 1/3 acre building site is in easy walking distance to great fishing, hiking, & golfing. Seller will consider a trade; $130,000 AFFORDABLE DUPLEX with excellent rental history. Why pay rent when you can live in one side & make $650 per month off the other side? 404/406 S. 11th St; Call Cathie for STAR MOUNTAIN RANCH 5 acre building site in gated details; $119,900 community. Owner financing available, excellent views, includes spring; $189,000 BEAUTIFUL COCHETOPA CREEK HOME just 25 minutes from Gunnison at 4066 Hwy 114 for $950,000. This 3867sf GUNNISON RIVER BUILDING SITE, 1.11 acres, modulars home includes high-end finishes, wet bar, 4 bdrm/3 bath, allowed with HOA approval, sewer available, county vaulted ceiling, attached garage plus 2 other heated maintained road, trees, level homesite at 461 CR 11; garages with workshop & RV storage. Great for the auto $170,000 enthusiast. COMMERCIAL BUILDING SITE FOR SALE in the 100 COLORADO MOUNTAIN RANCHES HOME on CR 42 for block of N. Teller for $95,000. Includes miniature golf $349,900. This 2100sf home has lodge like feel & top of the course & small building, fence, trees, & city infrastructure in line solar system with back-up generator. Get details & place. directions at commercial realestate Visit other realtor listings at: SHOP SPACE AVAILABLE FOR RENT 20’x23’ or 4600 sq. ft. heated shop space with bathroom and large sink area. Includes WiFi, water, electric and sewer. $375.00/month Please call 970641-5626 serious inquires only. (7/29/34). FOR SALE OR LEASE: 4 OR 8 industrial fenced lots. In Green Zone. Across from airport, corner of 12th & Rio Grande. 619-7346422. (8/5/pd/22). RESTAURANT, PUB OR COMMERCIAL POSSIBILITIES BUILDING FOR SALE OR LEASE: 3400sf, ADA bathrooms, parking, landscaping, restaurant infrastructure. Located on N. Main St. in Gunnison. 970-596-9999 BUILDING FOR RENT: 9000 sq.ft. Newer, nice retail space. Call 970-275-8146 for details. (7/29/13). SHOP SPACE FOR LEASE: Signal Peak Industrial Park, 2 units at 1000 sq.ft. Can be combined. 970-988-9795. (7/29/17). (7/29/pd/25). LOOKING FOR A RENTAL? Gunnison Real Estate and Rentals has several available rentals in and out of town. Give us a call at 641-4880 M-F 9am-5pm or stop by our office at 129 East Tomichi and check out our rental list posted on the door. www.GunnisonRealEstateandRent (7/29/46). (7/29/25). FOR LEASE: 3000 sq. ft. office space in downtown Gunnison central business district. Close to new County Courthouse. 6 private office spaces, large central area, conference room, ADA restrooms, kitchen area, recently upgraded technology. Subdivision a possibility. Call 970-901-6708 for more info. (7/29/42). (8/5/pd/15). Apartments For Rent Palisades Apartments Affordable Housing 970-641-5429 Apply in person at 600 North Colorado Gunnison, CO HUD Section 8 Apartments 2 Bedrooms, 1 bath. Rent based on income & assets. Example: Gross annal household income $12,000, your rent would be approximately $281 per month. Equal Opportunity Housing POST OFFICE WINDOW HOURS Monday-Friday are 7:30am until 5:15pm. Saturday 9am until Noon. Sunday Closed. Effective April 14, 2008, Passport hours are by appointment. (7/29). Matt Robbins FOR SALE: 5 bedroom log home, see at 212 Columbine Road. Call 641-2780 or 596-1577. PLEASE: do not ride your bike on sidewalks and remember to ride on the right hand side of the road and to stop at stop signs. (7/29). (7/29/6). 72 COLUMBINE ROAD This immaculate 3 bedroom, 2 bath, one level home has been remodeled from top to bottom over the last few years and boasts newer kitchen cabinets and counter tops with stainless appliances, updated baths with Travertine tile, Peachtree windows, carpet and hardwood flooring, and more. The exterior features include wonderful mature trees to add to your privacy, a good sized barbeque and sundeck, and the sprinkling system makes your lawn watering a snap. There is also a large fenced pasture suitable for a monster dog run area. This well maintained abode on 1.04 acres is close to Gunnison and ready for you, your family, and your pets or toys... $335,000. CRS, GRI Broker 998 County Road 730 Gunnison, CO 81230 (7/29/pd/27). BEAUTIFUL 3 BD/2 BA CONDO: Large living room & kitchen, back deck. Washer, dryer, and dishwasher. $1400/month, first and security. Sorry, no dogs. 970-596-6806 COMMERCIAL SPACE NEAR CITY MARKET: 596-0848. 970 -641-1900 Search other Gunnison County listings at email: A DOG is not for today or tomorrow... a dog is for life. (7/29). BINGO EVERY TUESDAY at the Elks Lodge, 7:30pm. (7/29). Gunnison Airport. Nellie 110Enclosed Emerald Lane with Gray Newer 3 Bed/2 Bath chain-link fence. Condo, home with comfortable Small shed on Lake City living space. Backyard is property. Nice bordered by a $150,000 small upstairs pond & Call some Tom open space. Includes 0 a storage end unit shed. Close to river access, schools, parks & trails. ail with fantastic views of $239,000 Call Joey (Text To: 67299 Message: 2901543) Lake San Cristobal and the 4515 FSR 770, Pitkin Lakeside Resort San Juan mountains. Open Floor plan, gas fireplace, Rustic high mountain cabin Overlooking Blue Mesa with 2 mining claims in a Reservoir! Well maintained 2 Bed/2 Bath. secluded location Com muni ty Brok ers $194,900 Call border- 2 Bed/1 Bath Mobile Home ing public land. No indoor (no land). Common area Serving Gunnison & Crested Butte Erich (Text To: amenities. Centrally plumbing & designed for 131 North Main, Gunnison, CO 81230 67299 Message: the adventurous. Abundant located for a variety of Call Now! (970)641-1188 2765322) wildlife. $98,775 Call Tom recreational uses. $17,500 Call Erich (Text To: 67299 (Text To: 67299 Message: 2392076) 2907484) 8506 CR 76, Message: Ohio City 35 Acres just north of Gunnison. Buried utilities & a sharedCreek! well is in place. $150,000 Call Jay (Text To: 67299 Message: 2686260) On Gold Massive Great building sites available in W Mountain, a well-planned & maintained nice homes. Motivated Pricing! Starting at $69,900 Call Erich logs & huge neighborhood timbersofframe 10 Acres in Taylor Canyon surrounded by Aspen & Pines. Year3round access,Bath borders public land. $225,000 Call Joey (Text To: 67299 Message: 2594528) this Bed/3 home, both historic & beautiful. SEE ALL LISTINGS AT: w w w. g un n i s o n f o r sa l e . c o m Erich Ferchau 596-0848 Enjoy the creek from Tom your back deck Jay& Courtney Miller manicured back yard. 596-2681 209-2864 $470,750 Call Tom Denise Baker 209-5828 Joey Micucci 901-6405 FOR SALE: 2’0” x 6’8” Dutch panel door, prehung, $350 OBO. Please call Bob 970-901-7277. (8/5). FOR SALE: Two matching oak bookcases, ideal for paperbacks, CDs, DVDs, knickknacks or toys at $25 each. One dark wood bookcase with wider shelves for bigger book at $20. 970-9012780 (8/5). gunnison country shopper, july 29, 2015 FOR SALE: futon, double, solid beige microfiber, very good cond., nice looking pine frame. Used only on occasion. $75. 6414245. (8/5). FOR SALE: Crazy Creek Power Lounger camp seat/cushion. $8. 349-5190. (8/5). FOR SALE: HAMMERPLAST 4 loaf bread making kit. In box. $8. 349-5190. (8/5). (8/5). CUISINART WINE FRIDGE: holds 8 bottles, paid over $100, asking $45. 648-4406. (8/5). FOR SALE: like new, decorator shower curtain, $8, with toothbrush holder, $3. 642-1279. (8/5). ANTIQUE OAK DRESSER: 32”x48”H, $250; ANIQUE MAHOGANY DRESSER, 30”x30”H, $150. Both in exc. cond. with orig. hardware. 970275-0733. (8/5). SOFA BED: (like new) $100 . 415-730-7706 (8/5). FRENCH DOOR & WINDOWS: very high quality wood with thick glass. Call for prices and measurements. 970-275-0733. (8/5). 11’ OF FLUE: (1-36” triple wall, 2-48” single wall) trim kit, and a spark arrester. $225 OBO. 970275-1580 (8/5). NEW CLASSIFIED CATEGORY HOUSEHOLD/FURNITURE: All the things you could want or need for your home. Furniture, appliances, linens, fixtures. Don’t forget to check out the new website (8/5). FOR SALE: cast iron bathtub, 641-4836. (8/5). FOR SALE: Shop-Vac Pro, 12 gallon, 5.0 HP. Runs great, has only been used about 3 times. $50 OBO. 596-2802 (8/5). FOR SALE: wood burner stove 6” pipe; 3 plastic 55 gal. barrels; 3 steel 55 gal. barrels; misc. lumber. 641-4836. (8/5). FOR SALE: area rug, 5’x8 1/2’ in block pattern with shades of brown, $25. Not a scrap. 6421279. (8/5). FOR SALE: Original vintage G.Whitman oil painting $500, Original J.Hardy oil painting $400, Original Goodwin oil painting $300 or all three for $800 beautiful paintings! 970-707-4042. (8/5). FOR SALE: 2 bookcases $1020; entertainment center $40; Lazy-Boy chair $25; end table $10; fridge $90; cupboard $15; 4 dressers $5-50; 2 microwaves $25-40. 970-901-5985 (8/5). FOR SALE: antique copper lined humidor end table, $40. 6484406. (8/5). HONDA EU2000I GENERATOR FOR SALE: Very little use, fresh oil and ready to go for $700. 970596-5000 (8/5). GOLF SHOES: Men’s FOOTJOY 10 1/2 M. $25. 970-596-4747 SHOW SADDLE FOR SALE! Seat size is 16” tree size is medium, tooled, rawhide covered with silver on it too! $450 970-7074042. (8/5). FOR SALE: used Titleist Pro VI golf balls in good shape, $12 per dozen; used Callaway golf balls in good shape, $6 per dozen; box of 100 used variety mix golf balls $20. Call 641-4854. (8/5). FOR SALE: YAKIMA roof rack cross bar. With bike attachments. Near new. $20. 349-5190. (8/5). AIRE PUMA RAFT FOR SALE: earlier model with foam floor, 11 Ft. 6 in., in good condition. Frame with oar locks, 2 oars with oar rights, 3 paddles, pump and battery pump. Straps, dry bag and rescue rope. $2,400. Call 970275-2017. (8/5). FOR SALE: Yakima car top bike racks with cross round bars and locks, $25 OBO. Call Bob 970901-7277. (8/5). FOR SALE: Whirlpool electric stove, great conditon. $75 Call 641-3283. (8/5). MSR FUEL BOTTLES: $5, 3495190. (8/5). FOR SALE: Radio Shack cordless phone/base station. $5; DURAWARE 20 qt. heavy duty cook pot. Great for canning. $8. 349-5190. NEW MOTORCYCLE HELMET: Large black helmet in original package includes face shield and cloth cover. Retails for $150 asking $110. 970-641-4967. (8/5). (8/5). PROPANE REFRIGERATOR: dual power source, electric or propane, Servel in excellent shape, top freezer works great, refrig holds steady temperature, white color. $500. 303-882-3222 (8/5). OUTDOOR SECURITY LIGHT: large, heavy duty mercury vapor light. Comes with arm to attach to building or pole. Call for more details, 970-275-0733. (8/5). REMODELING: 3 complete kitchen appliance packages. They work fine. Kenmore, white. (Refrigerator, stove and dishwasher) $200 each set. Currently have both NG and electric ranges available. 970-209-0177 (7/29). FOR SALE: Very nice Southwestern style Sofa Sleeper, mostly Forest Green. Bed needs TLC $50. 970-641-2209 (8/5). FOR SALE: antique humpback trunk, $50. 648-4406. (8/5). DISHWASHER FOR SALE: hardly used, $250, 641-3553 (8/5). FOR SALE: Atec Power Streak Pitching Machine. Pitches both baseballs (60mph) and softballs (55mph). Comes with 21 baseballs, 3 softballs and cover. Fun for all ages. $250. Call or text Jen 275-2876 (8/5). AMMO: 218 Bee 127 factory rounds, 13 empties and dies, $125 cash. 209-0075 Montrose. MOUNTAIN BIKE FOR SALE: 2015 Trek Slash 8 with Race Face Atlas stem and bars, and wtb i25 rims. 19.5”/large size, shock just serviced, $3200 OBO. 480-289-8468 (8/5). TRAVEL TRAILER 2011 KEYSTONE OUTBACK SUPERLITE 295RE 30 ft., 2 slides, fully equipped kitchen, full shower, pristine condition, electric tongue jack, sway bar, rarely used $19,000 349-0410 (8/5). GOLF CLUBS: Complete set of Wilson Prostaff Men’s. New Delux bag. $150. 970-596-4747 (8/5). FOR SALE: Single hiking/trekking pole. Adjustable length. $7; large Nautica golf umbrella. $7. 349-5190. (8/5). WILDERNEST CAMPER for sale. 2nd generation tent camper in good, clean, dry and ready to use condition. 72” truck bed size fits Tacoma, Ranger, Frontier etc. Located Gunnison/Salida $1,000. 719-250-8112 (8/5). LANCE SQUIRE 4000, cabover camper, 1992 - 9’4” extended cab, good condition. Stove, oven, fridge, toilet, shower, queen bed. $2200 OBO. 970-641-3659 eve. Must sell. (8/5). POPUP CAMPER: Beautiful condition! 2008 Viking Epic 1906 STModified springs for mountain roads. Sleeps 6. Enjoy for summer camping. Call for more details, 641-2910 (8/5). RV FOR SALE: ‘03 Wanderer Lite 239MS 25ft, slide out, sleeps 6, awning, AC, great condition. Call 719-429-6984 (8/5). BACKPACK: almost new external frame Jansport, Peak stove, extras: two man Kelty tent, Slumberjack & ThermaRest air mattresses, Ceramic water pump. Call 307-751-4151 in Creede. (8/5). (7/29). MULTIFAMILY GARAGE SALE at 808 North 12th Street Saturday August 1st from 8-3. Skis, sports equipment, furniture, kids’ clothes and toys, nice quality home accessories and more! All this plus a children’s free box and an assortment of snacks (7/29). TRAVEL TRAILER, RV FOR SALE: Wanderer by Thor Glidelite with couch slide 25ft. Model 239MSGL. $7,000 OBO. Call Sally 719-429-6984 Viewable on weekends only at Rockey River Resort. (8/5). GHEENOE CANOE: 15’X44”, swivel seats, electric trolling motor, paddles, life jackets, anchor and rope. Stihl 14” diamond saw Ts-460 and two new blades. Call 3077514151 in Creede. (8/5). garagesales STORAGE BUILDING SALE: Tools, furniture, knick knacks. All must go. Sat., Aug 1st, 9am, Gunnison Storage, 10th and San Juan. Unit 130 in the alley. (7/29). YARD SALE: Sat., 8/1, 8am, North Elk Meadows, 210 Sandpiper Trail (off Ohio Creek Rd.). Kerosun kerosene heater, Makita cordless drill, computer monitor, ProForm treadmill, Fisher Price slides, doll house, craft table & more stuff. (7/29). YARD/GARAGE/TOOLS ANYTHING NOT NAILED DOWN SALE: August 1st, 8-whenever. Early birds get NO SALES. 517 N. 12th St., Gunnison. (7/29). POPUP CAMPER FOR SALE: 1973 Jayco. Has good tires, gas bottle, clean title. Heater and stove work. Needs work. $300. Please call, leave message or text 596-4324. (8/5). FOR SALE: Winchester model 12, extremely rare tournament grade. 12ga., made in 1924, 91 years old and in excellent condition. $2250. 641-3140 eves. YARD SALE: Saturday Aug. 1st eight to noon. 952 Fairway Lane. Raft, dvd player, DVDs, books, board games, art supplies and much more. (7/29). GOLF PUTTER - ODYSSEY WHITE STEEL: $65. 970-5964747 (8/5). GOLF BALL RETRIEVER: 18’, $15. 970-596-4747 (8/5). FOR SALE: 125ft. x 9mm climbing rope. Excellent condition. No frays,nicks, falls. Includes a LOT of web slings caribiners, etc. $50. 349-5190. (8/5). GARAGE SALE: Saturday, August 1st 8am-noon. Books, books, books, household items, car top carrier, much more. 917 N. Pine Street - on alley side. (8/5). (8/5). FOR SALE: 2 muzzle loaders, 50 cal., 1 bolt action, 1 break open. $350/all. Jim 641-2340. (8/5). YARD SALE: Sat., Aug. 1. Kitchen stuff, used furniture, folding ladder, assorted what-not. 8am-noon, 1457 Seneca Drive at the barn. Please, no early birds. (7/29). YARD SALE: Saturday, August 1st, 8-12, 17 Irwin St. Clothing, shoes, books, housewares, and more. (7/29). FOR SALE: Lance Squire 4000 cab-over camper 1992 9ft 4in. extended cab in good condition. $2500 OBO. 970-641-3659. YARD SALE: By Kids for Kids! Toys, sporting goods, clothing, books, art supplies, furniture and more. Saturday, August 1st, 7am. 206 N. Colorado St. (7/29). (8/5). page 11 FOR SALE: Raichle All Degree Gore-Tex hiking boots, women’s 6/6.5, in box, $40. 349-5190. (8/5). FOR SALE: BAUER EP300 elbow pads. New. $8; 1 pair Jumar ascenders for climbing. $20; RCBS Model 5-10 Reloading scale. Weighs in grams. $20. 349-5190. (8/5). ESTATE/MOVING SALE: Sat & Sun, 8/1-2, 8:00-3:00, furniture, appliances, tools, welder/generator, yard and snow equipment, wheelbarrow, ladders, lawnmower (needs work?), scrap metal and wood, lots of miscellaneous priced to sell. 705 W. VIRGINIA (7/29). lost&found THE FOLLOWING ITEMS are at the Gunnison Police Department. To claim an item listed below please contact a Neighborhood Services Officer at 641-8242: 151067 Next mt. bike; 15-1068 Schwinn town bike; 15-1087 Huffy town bike; 15-1112 Subaru key with fob, three other keys; 151115 Apple iPod; 15-1118 wallet owner Thomas Marshall; 15-1164 Tony Hawk BMX bike; 15-1169 Sprint LG cell phone; 15-1170 Two silver keys on a NHL key chain; 15-1174 One silver key on a blue shark key chain; 15-1175 Chevy key, three other gold keys; 15-1176 three keys on a yellow key chain; 15-1177 Motorola cell phone; 15-1177 keys and jewelry from City Market; 15-1177 Lifemaster door opener 15-1177 Visa card owner Clay Hodges; 151181 Roadmaster mtn. bike; 151223 wallet owner Caleb Jackson; 15-1223 Husky tool; 151223 Apple iPhone; 15-1235 Wallet owner Jameson E. Thomas; 15-1236 Three keys on a silver ring; 15-1237 Black LG cell phone; 15-1262 Trek mt. bike. (7/29). ...continued on page 12 FOR SALE: Vizio brand Blu-Ray player, never used, $40. 6484406. (8/5). FREE: 34” flat screen TV. Older body style with the tube, but a very clear flat screen picture you can view from any angle. 970641-6434 Leave message (8/5). WOOD STOVE: Earth Stove, 8’ chimney, large capacity, 4150. 970-417-6177. (8/5). FOR SALE: Oak shelf 4 adjustable shelves $75. Queen size headboard with matching nightstand $125. Trundle daybed with mattresses. 970-596-3007 (8/5). FOR SALE: antique wooden 2drawer thread cabinet w/brass pulls, $35. 648-4406. (8/5). LA Z BOY DUAL RECLINER LEATHER SOFA: $2,200 new. Sell for $1299. Exc. cond. 970596-4747. (8/5). FOR SALE: Kenmore electric range, white, $25, one burner out, rest works great. 641-1034. (8/5). FOR SALE: corner freestanding cabinet, knotty pine, lower doors wooden, top doors clear glass inserts, $25. 209-7262. (8/5). IF YOU HIT AN ANIMAL WHILE DRIVING WITHIN GUNNISON, please call 641-8000 and report the accident. The animal involved will be safely transported to a veterinarian for treatment. Thanks! (7/29). NEW CATEGORY - SPORTING GOODS: Here you will find ads for all the gear you need for all your sporting activities. Camping, fishing hunting. Biking, skiing, climbing, boating, horseback riding. Boots, helmets, saddles, packs, campers. Running, yoga, Pilates, weight lifting. Don’t forget to check out the new website w w w. g u n n i s o n s h o p p e r. c o m . (8/5). FOR SALE: JP Sauer 12 ga. shotgun, double BBL. Cocking indicators, engraved. Made in Germany. Pre war. $1295. Excellent. 6413140 eves. (8/5). FOR SALE: slide in camper, 641-4836. (8/5). POPUP CAMPER FOR SALE: 96 Coleman Shenandoah, sleeps the whole family, heat, light, cooktop (inside & outside), water, shower, toilet, awning; all systems work; good condition, set up and ready to check out; $3000. Dan 641-0401 (8/5). Beautiful, Sunny Home North of Gunnison! Over 3,000 sq ft home with 3 car garage on 1 country acre bordering ranch lands with great views. 3 large bedrooms, 2 baths, large sunroom & windows - passive solar all day in winter, shade in summer, open beams and vaulted ceilings, new hardwood floors, tile and carpet. Room for animals, fenced yards, chicken coop & other storage sheds. NEW PELLET STOVE - NEW HOT TUB. REDUCED TO $359,000. See at 270 County Road 8. Call Cathie to see at (970) 641-0511 241 N. Main - gunnison country shopper, july 29, 2015 lost&found continued from page 11... LOST: Leki hiking poles at West Maroon trailhead. Would love to have them back. 641-3971, pls. lv. msg. (8/5). FOUND CAT: black with white spot on chest. Meows sound like baby angels, very nice and does not hate being picked up. Obviously a house pet, will not leave my apartment, and comes by every once in a while if I let her. Looking for owner, if any, or someone who wants a cat and is willing to take her. 970-2700631. (8/5). LOST: iPhone on Gunsight Connector Trail in CB. Please find it ! Reward. 303-912-9523. (8/5). employment HELP WANTED: Furniture delivery and warehouse person needed for home furnishings store. Monday through Friday, 10-6pm. Valid drivers license required. Apply at Back at the Ranch, 100 Spencer Ave., Gunnison, 970641-0727 (8/5). LABORERS NEEDED: pay DOE. Stucco work, 970-275-2863. (8/5). PERSONAL TRAINER & GROUP EXERCISE INSTRUCTOR Western State Colorado University seeks certified Personal Trainers and Group Exercise Instructors to train/teach members of the Mountaineer Field House. Hourly rate based on experience. To apply, please email your resume and certifications to Jessica Thomas, Fitness Center Manager, at Western is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. (8/12). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Assistant Mechanic -District. Full Service, preventative maintenance and repair of school buses & activity vehicles. Must hold or willing to obtain and maintain Commercial Drivers License with a B P2S endorsement. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760,, OR Colorado Workforce, 970-641-0031. (7/29). page 12 POSITION AVAILABLE: Gunnison Savings and Loan is accepting applications for a Fulltime Information Technology Assistant. Successful candidate must have a background knowledge of Computer hardware and software systems, Office 365 and cloud based programs, Computer networks, network administration and network installation. Computer troubleshooting, Security of Computers and networks as it relates to a financial institution, general office machines and telephone systems. Strong communication skills, ability to multi-task, be a team player, and customer service skills required. Position will also assist the operations and technology department with general office duties, developing new products and services, and maintaining software applications. Position will cover Gunnison and Crested Butte Branches. Benefits and salary commensurate with experience. Submit resume & letter of application to Bobbi Schmalz, Operations Officer, or mail 303 N Main Street, Gunnison, Colorado Equal Opportunity Employer. (7/29/135). CARPENTER HELPER WANTED: Must have own hand tools, valid drivers license, and transportation, some carpentry knowledge a must. Pay depends on experience. Call 209-5113 lv message (7/29). PARALEGAL WANTED FOR ESTABLISHED LAW FIRM IN GUNNISON. Candidate must be energetic, self-motivated, organized, detail-oriented, and work independently with minimal supervision. Good oral and written communication skills, experience with Microsoft Office and Adobe Acrobat required. College degree preferred. Prior legal experience a plus, but not mandatory. Fulltime with benefits. Initial salary dependent upon experience and qualifications. Long-term growth potential. Submit cover letter, resume and references by July 31st to or by mail to Law of the Rockies, LLC, Attention: Agnes Kroneraff, 525 N Main St., Gunnison, CO 81230. (7/29/pd/90). CARING AND FUN CAREGIVER NEEDED in Crested Butte. I am very independent but still need help with some things. 15 hours/week. Please email me for further details. Would prefer over 25 and mature Thanks. (8/5). FRONT DESK ADMINISTRATOR needed at the Gunnison Country Shopper. Schedule will be set for half day Monday, full day Tuesday and Friday afternoons. If you like working in customer service, possess attention to detail and are deadline driven, please email your resume to Position starts early August (7/29). DOG CATCHERS NEEDED! August 8 & 9, 8am- noon Jack Russell Terrier racing, fast action, must be strong, willing to get dirty, load and fast! Must be at least 13 and strong enough to catch a 15 pound dog going 35 miles an hour. Instruction and adult supervision, adults welcome too! $20 a person per day plus tips. email:, text: 602-448-7046. (8/5). TREE TAMERS, INC. ARE HIRING! You’re responsible, highly motivated with a can-do attitude and a desire to learn on the job. You have an appreciation of trees and enjoy working outside with willingness to take direction from our experienced arborist team. High School Diploma and/or appropriate experience.Send resume with brief note stating your intention for applying to: (7/29). HELP WANTED: for housework 1 day a week, 641-2801. (8/5). COURT JUDICIAL ASSISTANT (DEPUTY CLERK): The Gunnison Combined Court is seeking applications to fill the 1.00 FTE (40 hours per week) position of Court Judicial Assistant. Position is responsible for technical clerical work in the processing of court cases. The monthly salary is $2,925. Applications shall be filed electronically. To apply go to under the Careers/Career Opportunities tab and follow instructions to apply for this position. Failure to complete the application and follow the instructions completely may result in disqualification from consideration for the position. Applications must be filed electronically on or before August 7, 2015. (8/5/pd/99). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: (2) Preschool Educational AssistantsLake Early childhood experience preferred. Full-time. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760,, OR Colorado Workforce, 970-6410031. (7/29). SINGLE mature woman immediately to clean cabin check-outs PT and help in country store PT at a small resort outside of Gunnison through November. Must be detailed, like to clean and be a self starter. Also must be a people person who enjoys meeting people. Free horseback riding as one of the benefits. Call Kay or John for details. 970-641-4671. (7/29). THE INN AT CRESTED BUTTE is seeking a part time housekeeper for week days and weekends. Must have experience and must speak English. Questions, please call 970-765-6407 (8/5). M U S E U M COORDINATOR/LEAD ART INSTRUCTOR: The Trailhead Children’s Museum is seeking a creative and organized person for a 3/4-time position with both administrative and artistic requirements. This position would oversee museum exhibits and daily museum activities, mange a small retail store, greet visitors, and organize memberships and class registrations. Skills in social media and graphic design are desirable. Additionally this position would design curriculum and teach a variety of art-based classes for ages 0-11. Experience in visual art and teaching children required. Please email resume and references to (7/29/pd/90). LOOKING FOR Dedicated, Professional, OFFICE person to efficiently execute multiple tasks in a busy, growing business environment. Competent applicants must be available for 40 hr weeks. Send resume and references to Pay depends on experience. (8/5). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Spirit Coach. This position is located at the Gunnison High School. Season starts August 17th through end of May. Practice daily with occasional weekend competition. Must be or willing to become a registered coach with the Colorado High School Activities Association. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760,, OR Colorado Workforce, 970-6410031. (7/29). ISO: someone who can watch our 1 year old son a few days a week for just a few hours starting in August. Please call 719-3259811 if interested (7/29). SODEXO’S RARE AIR CAFE @ WSCU: Deli Prep - Full-time (Mon. 9am-7:15, Tues.-Thurs. 10am7:15, Fri. 10am-1:45pm), Job Responsibilities: Preparing all deli items and making sandwiches to guest’s specifications while upholding Sodexo policy and standards and maintaining a clean and sanitary station. Job Requirements: Basic knife skills, experience with deli slicers is a plus. Perks: Job benefits/free meal (8/5). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Preschool Group Leader-Lake 4-6 year old classroom (FRIDAY’S ONLY) Must be Group Leader Qualified with experience teaching in early childhood classrooms. Run Friday child care program with emphasis on physical fitness, nutrition and FUN. Part time no benefits. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760,, OR Colorado Workforce, 970-6410031. (7/29). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT RE1J: SPED Educational AssistantCBES. Requires associates degree or 24 hours college credit. Strong communication skills and organizational skills required. Minimum salary $11.53, pay depending upon experience. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760,, OR Colorado Workforce, 970-6410031 (7/29). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Head Custodian-CBCS. Hiring, training, supervising, and evaluating custodial staff. Performs daily cleaning duties. Assists with snow removal. Serves “on call” for building emergencies and other duties. Deals with students, staff and the general public in a positive and friendly manner. Must have a High School Diploma or equivalent. Knowledge of custodial operations. Pay based on experience. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760,, OR Colorado Workforce, 970-641-0031. (7/29/76). POWERSTOP is looking for PT & FT help. Cooking experience a plus. Please submit resume at Powerstop. (7/29). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Library Educational Assistant-GHS. Duties include, but are not limited to: Staffing the circulation desk; Check in/out library materials; Shelving information center materials; Updating library database; Cataloging information materials; Assisting staff with AV equipment; Other clerical duties as needed. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760,, OR Colorado Workforce, 970-6410031. (7/29). NOW HIRING! Telluride Maid needs help 2 openings for experienced housecleaners starting July 20th, 6 days/week, 6-8 hours at Crested Butte, pay will be $12.50/hour, must be 18 years old and have reliable transportation. Fuel help available, preferred to live in Crested ButteGunnison area, If interested please call 970-258-0022 with Oscar Meza, and send resume to Thanks (7/29). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT RE1J: SPED Educational Assistant-Lake. Position is half- time mornings Monday-Friday. Starting at $11.53 per hour. Experience working with young children preferred. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760,, OR Colorado Workforce, 970-641-0031 (7/29). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Assistant Boys’ MS Basketball Coach-Must be or willing to become a registered coach with the Colorado High School Activities Association. Experience is preferred. In general hours are after school Monday through Friday. Mid November until early March. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760,, OR Colorado Workforce, 970-6410031. (7/29). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: English Language Learners/Educational Assistant. Work directly with ELL students, Experience with interpreting and translation required. Fluency in Spanish required. Requires associates degree or 24 hours college credit or demonstrated proficiency in the workkeys assessment. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760,, OR Colorado Workforce, 970-6410031. (7/29). ALMONT RESORT IS HIRING: full time food servers, housekeepers and line cook. Call 641-4009. (8/5). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Secondary Science-GHS. Position is one year only and will start in 2015-16 school year. Applicants must be licensed in the state of Colorado with an endorsement in secondary Science. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760,, OR Colorado Workforce, 970-641-0031. (7/29). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Head and Assistant MS Girls’ Basketball Coach-CBMS. Must be or willing to become a registered coach with the Colorado High School Activities Association. Experience is preferred. In general hours are after school Monday through Friday. The season starts in Mid-October. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760,, OR Colorado Workforce, 970-641-0031. (7/29). GET A JUMP START ON YOUR WINTER JOB! CBMR is hiring Mailroom Clerks, I & II for the 15/16 winter season! Perks include a winter season pass, prodeals, free lift tickets to other CO resorts & culinary/retail discounts resort wide. Visit to view full job description & APPLY! (8/5). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Head Girls’ Basketball Coach-CBHS. Must be or willing to become a registered coach with the Colorado High School Activities Association. Season runs mid November through February. Experience preferred. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760,, OR Colorado Workforce, 970-641-0031. (7/29). HOUSEKEEPING POSITION at Quality Inn. Apply at front desk. 641-1237. (7/29). MCGILLS IN CRESTED BUTTE is now accepting applications: breakfast cook, line cook, dishwashing, and bus positions available. Competitive pay. Daytime hours. Email resume to attn. Jamie or apply in person. Mcgills, 228 Elk Ave., Crested Butte, CO 81224 (7/29). EMPLOYMENT ADS ARE FREE! If they are 60 words or less. Any over the 60 word limit will be charged a paid ad fee dependent on the number of words. Please see the website for details at, or call 641-3148. - Thank you, The Gunnison Country Shopper. (7/29). ...continued on page 13 GUNNISON VALLEY CALENDAR gunnison country shopper, july 29, 2015 page 13 Arts.Sports.Food.Festivals.Dances.LiveMusic.Exercise.SeniorsEvent s.School.Libraries.VolunteerOpportunities.WHO?Plays.Work shops.F u n d r a i s e r s . Races.Clubs.Yoga.To ur s .Education.Bingo.Observatory.WHAT?Museums.Rodeos.Ci r cu se s. Ma r k ets . F ai r s. W e l l n e s s . WH EN ?R ec ov e r y . R e c r e a t i o n . C hu r c he s. V e t e r a n s . L i b r a r i e s .F a m ilies. A r tOpe ni ng s . P a r a d e s . W H E R E ? S p o r t s . F o o d . F e s t i v a l s . D a n c e s . C o n v o v c a t i o n s . E xerc ise. S y m p o s i u m s . S c h o o l . R a l l i e s . V o l u n t e e r O p p o r t u n i ties.Kids.Plays .Workshops.Fundraisers.Races.Clubs.WHY?Tours .Education.Bingo.Observatory.Galleries.Museums.R odeo s . C ir c u s es . M a r Wednesday, July 29 • Classes at Colorado Fitness: 6am Spin, and Just Move; 9am, 12pm Stretch; 4pm, 5pm group fitness. 405 W. Tomichi, • Summer Yoga at The Sanctuary! 7am Sunrise yoga, 9am Prana Vinyasa, 10:30 Kids Yoga, 12:15 Lunchtime, 5:30 Vinyasa flow. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison. • Jai Om Yoga and Meditation: Gentle Therapy Yoga 10am; Meditation Sanga (no charge) 5pm; Yoga All Levels 5:30pm. 320 ½ N. Main St., Gunnison. 970-275-5987 • Every Wednesday (excluding Holidays): Gunnison Country Food Pantry, Open 1pm-4pm, 321 N. Main St #C, Gunnison. 970-641-4156. • Middle School Art Sessions, Crested Butte: ages 1214. Book-Making: Wed., July 29-Thu., July 30. 10am1pm. $75. With Blair Garth. • Free Meditation class every Wednesday 5-5:20pm at Main Street Clinic, Gunnison, on the alley. • Double Shot Cyclery Group Road Rides every Wednesday at 5:30pm. Meet in front of 222 N. Main St., Gunnison. • Community leisure bicycle ride around town, meet at All Sports Replay, 115 W Georgia, Gunnison, 6pm. • The American Legion, 501 E. Virginia Ave., meets every 3rd Wednesday of the month at 6pm. Claire 209-6042, Ed 596-7883, or Larry 641-0172 • English classes Monday & Wednesday, 6-8pm, at the Gunnison Elementary School, 1099 N. 11th. $10 fee. Bring your children. CAFE 641-7684. • Roller Derby! In Crested Butte Wednesdays at the CB school gym from 6:45-8:45pm. Everyone is welcome and no previous skills required. • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, Wed., 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, • Gunnison Bible Institute at First Baptist Church each Wednesday at 7pm. Open to the public. • GriefShare meets at Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church, 711 N. Main, Gunnison, Wednesday 7 to 9pm. Rodney Morrill 970-349-7769. • Alanon/Alateen Crested Butte, 7:30pm Wednesdays, The UCC Church Parlor, 403 Maroon Ave. Thursday, July 30 • Group fitness classes at Colorado Fitness: 7am, 9am (Yoga) & 12pm, 4pm, open boxing 5:30pm. Childcare avail. 8:30-10:30am, 11:30-1:30pm, 4:30-6:30pm. 405 W. Tomichi, • Summer Yoga at The Sanctuary, 7:30 Beginners, 9am Alignment, 10:15 Restorative, 12:15 Lunch mix, 6pm Restorative; 7:15pm Women’s Kudalini (thru 7/30). 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, • Yoga for Everyone, 9-10am. $10/class. At the Crested Butte Center for the Art’s Outdoor Stage. Bring your own mat. Every Thursday thru August 6., • Mothering Support Group, last Thursday of every month, 10am, Oh Be Joyful Church, Crested Butte. Julie, 275-5088 • Trap Shooting for Ladies and Youth Thursdays at 5:30 Gunnison Sportsmen's Assoc., through September. Annette 970-209-9089 • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open/Daily Reflection, 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, Friday, July 31 • Rick Reavis, Board President of the Crested Butte Wildflower Festival, and the Gunnison Public Lands Initiative will lead a free wildflower hike up Baxter Basin. Meet at the 4-Way Stop in Crested Butte,, 970-390-6689 • Group fitness classes at Colorado Fitness: 8:45am Spin; 9:30am, 4pm Group Fitness. 405 W. Tomichi, • Summer Yoga at The Sanctuary, 7am Yin; 9pm High School Outreach. 513 South Main St., Gunnison, • FreeCycle Friday, Ute Hall on WSCU campus, donate or browse FREE items. 720-878-2537. • Family Law Day at the Delta Combined Courts. An opportunity for parties with family law court cases in the 7th Judicial District to receive free legal advice & info. Register:, 642-8330. • John Paul Russell, WSCU graduate, showing his Flower Petal Collage Paintings at Gunnison Gallery through Friday, July 31st. 124 N. Main St. 641-6111. • Paint Your Own Pottery! A the Gunnison Arts Center, Fridays from 1-5pm. $5 - $45. 641-4029 • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open/Speaker, 7pm, 114 N. Wisconsin, Gunnison, • The Gunnison Valley Observatory, 8:45pm, presentation , then viewing through the telescopes! Saturday, August 1 • Yoga at The Sanctuary, 9-10:30am. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, W H O ? W H AT ? W H E N ? W H E R E ? W H Y ? H O W ? • Gunnison Farmers Market! Main St. & Virginia, 9:30am-1:30pm, • Alcoholics Anonymous, Women’s, 9:30am, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, • Join us at 10am to honor the vision and creation of Carol Friedman Barton in the creation of the Hospice Garden! Refreshments provided. Garden is just north of the nursing home. • Mountain Roots presents Introduction to Permaculture Design, 9-5pm. All ability levels welcomed. Questions & RSVP: • Gunnison Clothing Project open 10am-2pm! In the alley West of N. 10th St. between Virginia & W Tomichi. Donations welcome. • Seventh-day Adventist Church Saturday Praise & Worship 10am; Bible discussion & kids programing 11am. 77 Ute Lane, Gunnison. 970-209-7911, 970234-2336 • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, • Gunnison Valley Observatory, 8:50pm presentation - then viewing through the telescopes! Opens at sunset. Sunday, August 2 • Beatles Tribute, Doctor Robert! Live @ Crested Butte Arts Festival Sunday, August 2nd 3:30-5pm, Ragged Mtn. Stage @ 3rd St., Crested Butte. • Yoga at The Sanctuary. Restorative w/Dave, 5-6pm. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, • Sundays@6! At Legion Park on the corner of Tomichi Avenue and Teller Street! 6-8pm for FREE live music and family fun. • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, Sundays, 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, Monday, August 3 • Classes at Colorado Fitness: 6am, 8:45am Spin; 12pm, 4pm Group Fitness. Childcare avail. 8:3010:30am, 11:30-1:30pm, 4:30-6:30pm. 405 W. Tomichi, • Summer Yoga at The Sanctuary, 7am Sunrise, 9am Mat Pilates, 12:30pm Aerial with Kate, 6:30 Yoga for Athletes. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, • Jai Om Yoga and Meditation: Gentle Therapy Yoga 10am. 320 ½ N. Main St., Gunnison. 970-275-5987 • Every Monday (excluding Holidays), Gunnison Country Food Pantry, Open 1pm-4pm, 321 N. Main St #C, 970641-4156. 970-641-4156. • Mothering Support Group meets the first Monday of every month in Gunnison at 5pm at the former Foundation House. Babies & toddlers welcome. Julie,, 970-275-5088. • English classes Monday & Wednesday, 6-8pm, at the Gunnison Elementary School, 1099 N. 11th. $10 fee. Bring your children. CAFE 970-641-7684. • Roller Derby! In Gunnison on Mondays at the Fred Field House from 7-9pm. Everyone is welcome and no previous skills required • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open/Traditions, Mondays, 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, Tuesday, August 4 • Classes at Colorado Fitness: 6am Open Boxing; 7am, 12pm Group Fitness; 9:30am Just Move; 5pm Stretch. Childcare hours available. 405 W. Tomichi, • Gunnison Clothing Project open 10am-2pm! In the alley West of N. 10th St. between Virginia & W Tomichi. Donations welcome. • Gunnison Kiwanis meets every Tuesday at noon at Café Silvestre, 903 North Main St., Gunnison. • Celebrate Recovery Meetings, Tuesday, 6pm, Oh Be Joyful Church, Crested Butte. Call 970-596-3846 or go to • BINGO every Tuesday at the Elks Lodge, 7:30pm • Alanon/Alateen Gunnison, 7:30pm Tuesdays-The Last Resort 114 N Wisconsin St. • Firearms Hunter Education Course Offered: August 4, 6, 11, 13 at Colorado Parks and Wildlife Office, 300 W New York, Gunnison. 7-10pm.$7. Pre-registrations required at, 970-641-7060. Wednesday, August 5 • Classes at Colorado Fitness: 6am Spin, and Just Move; 9am, 12pm Stretch; 4pm, 5pm group fitness. 405 W. Tomichi, • Summer Yoga at The Sanctuary! 7am Sunrise yoga, 9am Prana Vinyasa, 10:30 Kids Yoga, 12:15 Lunchtime, 5:30 Vinyasa flow. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison. • Jai Om Yoga and Meditation: Gentle Therapy Yoga 10am; Meditation Sanga (no charge) 5pm; Yoga All Levels 5:30pm. 320 ½ N. Main St., Gunnison. 970-275-5987 • All Seniors are cordially invited to attend a senior appreciation picnic to be held in the outdoor hockey rink located in Jorgensen Park. • Every Wednesday (excluding Holidays): Gunnison Country Food Pantry, Open 1pm-4pm, 321 N. Main St #C, Gunnison. 970-641-4156. • Paint Your Own Pottery, every Wednesday-Sunday thru August 21. 1-5pm, at the Art Studio in Crested Butte, 111 Elk Ave. 349-7044; • Double Shot Cyclery Group Road Rides every Wednesday at 5:30pm. Meet in front of 222 N. Main St., Gunnison. Continue through summer. • Trapshooting, Gunnison Sportsman’s Association, Wednesday nights at 5:45pm. County Road 18. 6412032, 641-6567, or 970-964-7952. • Community leisure bicycle ride around town, meet at All Sports Replay, 115 W Georgia, Gunnison, 6pm. • English classes Monday & Wednesday, 6-8pm, at the Gunnison Elementary School, 1099 N. 11th. $10 fee. Bring your children. CAFE 970-641-7684. • Roller Derby! In Crested Butte Wednesdays at the CB school gym, 6:45-8:45pm. Everyone welcome. • Community Taizé Service: Open to all. Come & enjoy this time of quiet & music. Held the 1st Wednesday of every month, 7pm, at Good Samaritan, 307 W Virginia, Gunnison. • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, Wed., 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, • Gunnison Bible Institute at First Baptist Church each Wednesday at 7pm. Open to the public. • GriefShare meets at Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church, 711 N. Main, Gunnison, Wednesday 7 to 9pm. Rodney Morrill 970-349-7769. • Alanon/Alateen Crested Butte, 7:30pm Wednesdays, The UCC Church Parlor, 403 Maroon Ave. Thursday, August 6 • Group fitness classes at Colorado Fitness: 7am, 9am (Yoga) & 12pm, 4pm, open boxing 5:30pm. Childcare avail. 8:30-10:30am, 11:30-1:30pm, 4:30-6:30pm. 405 W. Tomichi, • Summer Yoga at The Sanctuary, 7:30 Beginners, 9am Alignment, 10:15 Restorative, 12:15 Lunch mix, 6pm Restorative; 7:15pm Women’s Kudalini (thru 7/30). 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, • Yoga for Everyone, 9-10am. $10/class. At the Crested Butte Center for the Art’s Outdoor Stage. Bring your mat. • Living Journeys Cancer support group meets the 1st Thursday of every month, at noon, downstairs at the Community Church. This is an uplifting gathering. Virginia at 970-641-2530 • Every Thursday (excluding Holidays): Senior's Day 65+, Gunnison Country Food Pantry, 10am-2pm, 321 N. Main St., #C, Gunnison. 970-641-4156. • Thursdays 6:30-8 Lamaze at Colorado Fitness. Call Ariel for details 970-275-3749. • Today's Modern Square Dance Lessons. Gunnison Community Center Thursdays 7-9pm, 970-596-4252 • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open/Daily Reflection, 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, Friday, August 7 • Group fitness classes at Colorado Fitness: 8:45am Spin; 9:30am, 4pm Group Fitness. Childcare avail. 8:30-10:30am, 11:30-1:30pm. 405 W. Tomichi, • Summer Yoga at The Sanctuary, 7am Yin; 9pm High School Outreach. 513 South Main St., Gunnison, • Paint Your Own Pottery! Gunnison Arts Center, Fridays from 1-5pm. $5 - $45. 641-4029 • The Jack Russell Terrier Trials August 7-9. Good times, lots of Fun!! Come Join in! Details: • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open/Speaker, 7pm, 114 N. Wisconsin, Gunnison, • The Tiny Treasures opening event, 5-8pm, during the First Fridays Art Walk. Feature tiny tastes, live tiny gallery concerts, and BIG raffle prizes. Gunnison Arts Center, 102 S. Main St., • Gunnison Valley Observatory, 8:45pm presentation, then viewing through the telescopes! Opens at sunset. Saturday, August 8 • Yoga at The Sanctuary, 9-10:30am. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, • Subalpine wildflower walk, led by Keith Longpre, , for anyone interested in knowing about subalpine and alpine wildflowers near Cottonwood Pass. Sgn up at the Community Center, 641-8060. • Alcoholics Anonymous, Women’s, 9:30am, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, • Gunnison Clothing Project Now open 10am-2pm! In the alley West of N. 10th St. between Virginia & W Tomichi. Donations welcome. T he Deadline for THE GUNNISON VALLEY CALENDAR is MONDAY at 10:00 a.m. • Shaman's Corner presents Holistic Healing Day the 2nd Saturday of each month from 10am-4pm. Offering $15 acupuncture, energy work and chair massage. • Seventh-day Adventist Church Saturday Praise and Worship 10am; Bible discussion & kids programing 11am. 77 Ute Lane, 970-209-7911 or 970-234-2336 • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, • Gunnison Valley Observatory, 8:45pm presentation then viewing through the telescopes! Opens at sunset. Sunday, August 9 • Tennis Social Mixer: Come meet new people and enjoy tennis. All levels. Sundays, Aug. 9, 23. Bring balls. Sign up: • Summer Yoga at The Sanctuary. Check website for morning workshops; Restorative, 5-6pm with Dave. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, • Sundays@6! At Legion Park on the corner of Tomichi Avenue and Teller Street! 6-8pm for FREE live music. • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, Sundays, 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, Monday, August 10 • Classes at Colorado Fitness: 6am, 8:45am Spin; 12pm, 4pm Group Fitness. Childcare avail. 8:3010:30am, 11:30-1:30pm, 4:30-6:30pm. 405 W. Tomichi, • Summer Yoga at The Sanctuary, 7am Sunrise, 10:30am Chair Yoga, 12:30pm Aerial, 1:45pm Spine Strengthening, 5:15 Yoga in the Yard, 6:30 Yoga for Athletes. 513 S. Main St., • Jai Om Yoga and Meditation: Gentle Therapy Yoga 10am. 320 ½ N. Main St., Gunnison. 970-275-5987 • Every Monday (excluding Holidays): Gunnison Country Food Pantry, Open 1pm-4pm, 321 N. Main St #C, Gunnison. 970-641-4156. • English classes Monday & Wednesday, 6-8pm, at the Gunnison Elementary School, 1099 N. 11th. $10 fee. Bring your children. CAFE 970-641-7684. • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open/Traditions, Mondays, 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, • Roller Derby! In Gunnison on Mondays at the Fred Field House from 7-9pm. Everyone is welcome and no previous skills required. Tuesday, August 11 • Classes at Colorado Fitness: 6am Open Boxing; 7am, 12pm Group Fitness; 9:30am Just Move; 5pm Stretch. 405 W. Tomichi, • Summer Yoga at The Sanctuary, 7am Kundalini, 9am Aerial Conditioning,12:15pm Yoga Mix, 5:15pm Restorative, 6:30 Earth & Sky Yoga. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, • Morning English Classes, 8:30am at the Family Services Center, 225 N. Pine. Center for Adult Education, Ellen 641-7999, Marsha 641-7647. • Gunnison Clothing Project Now open 10am-2pm! In the alley West of N. 10th St. between Virginia & W Tomichi. Donations welcome. • Gunnison Kiwanis meets every Tuesday at noon at Café Silvestre, 903 North Main St., Gunnison. • Knights of Columbus will meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month at Parish Hall. • Celebrate Recovery Meetings, Tuesday, 6pm, Oh Be Joyful Church, Crested Butte. 970-596-3846 or go to • BINGO Tuesdays at the Elks Lodge, Gunnison, 7:30pm • Alanon/Alateen Gunnison, 7:30pm Tuesdays. The Last Resort 114 N Wisconsin St. Daily Happenings • FREE KIDS LUNCH! For any and all kids aged 1-18. At Gunnison Community School. 11:30am-12 noon, first come, first served. Mon. - Fri. through July 31. 641-7710. • FREE KIDS BREAKFAST! For any and all kids aged 118. At Gunnison Community School. 8-8:30am, first come first served. Mon. - Thur. thru July 30. 641-7710. • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, Daily, 8am, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, A Look Ahead... • Colorado's Western Slope Celebrates 47th Annual Palisade Peach Festival, Aug. 13-15. • 25th ANnual Banquet for the World Record Chapter of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation is August 15, 2-15. Call Les 596-0215 or Roberta 596-7655 for tickets of information. • Carvin' Up Colorado Chainsaw Carving Expo: August 22-23. Reserve a personal carving for your home or business. Price levels to fit any budget. Andy at or call 970-210-1777 email kadie@gunnisonshopper .com Help Western Difference Makers Make Their Mark Western students like Bob Maddox make a special mark in our communities. Bob plans to make her own mark through her studies in Exercise and Sports Science combined with the unique life experience provided by attending Western. Today’s Western students face daunting challenges and pressures as they go forward as Mountaineers. It takes all members of the Western Nation to step up to give these special Mountaineers an opportunity to pursue their dreams! Meet Samantha “Bob” Maddox, A Western Difference Maker Make a difference and make a donation, call 970-641-2237 or go to gunnison country shopper, july 29, 2015 page 14 MET REC TELEVISION TRANSLATOR SYSTEM – CHANNEL GUIDE METRECTELEVISIONTRANSLATORSYSTEM–CHANNELGUIDE Almont CableSystem SiteName/Location Comstock (North Highway 135) Crested ButteSouth Crested Butte (Sunlight Ridge) Gunnison(W Mountain) Monarch Pass (Tomichi Valley) 2.1 KWGNͲCW2 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 KWGNͲTHIS 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 4.1 NorthValley Sub.Cable System Pitkin/Ohio PowderͲhorn City PowderͲhorn /LakeCity (Waunita (Gateview) Pass) Parlin Pitkin(Town Site) 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.2 4.1 4.1 4.1 KCNCͲCBS4 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 KTVDͲMEͲTV 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 Sapinero Sargents 2.1 2.1 2.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 KPXCͲIonLife 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 KPXCͲQubo KPXC Qubo 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 ALJAZEERA 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 KMGHͲABC7 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 KTSCͲRMPBS 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 RMPBSͲVͲMe 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 RMPBSͲCreate RMPBS Create 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 KUSAͲNBC9 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 CBͲTV10 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 TVGUIDE 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.1 LOCAL 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 DISCOVER 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 NASA 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 KTVDͲMy20 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 KDVRͲFOX31 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 employment continued from page 13... SODEXO’S RARE AIR CAFE @ WSCU: Grill Cook - Full-time (Mon.-Fri. 9am-5pm), Job Responsibilities: prepare and cook lunch and dinner grill options, prep for the next day, follow menu standards, and maintain a clean and sanitary station. Job Requirements: Some grill experience in a commercial kitchen and basic knife skills. Perks: Job benefits and free meal per shift. (8/5). CAREGIVER WANTED: If you are loving, honest, dependable and would like to have a job where you know you have made a difference in the life of another then please call Autumn @ 970-615-0009. Hours offered are 2pm-8pm Saturday-Tuesday (36 hrs) more hours possibly available (7/29). HELP WANTED: Auto mechanic/tire person. Experience would be helpful. Call Dave @ 970-3491222 (7/29). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Cook CBCS. High School diploma. Background in food preparation preferred. 3.5 to 4 hours per day. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760,, OR Colorado Workforce, 970-6410031. (7/29). HELP NEEDED: someone to cut 5 acres of hay, and bale, in Upper Castle Mountain. Will trade for hay or pay. Prefer small bales. 2097262. (7/29). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Head Wrestling Coach-GHS. The position is located at Gunnison High School, coaching wrestling. Must be or willing to become a registered coach with the Colorado High School Activities Association. Experience is preferred. In general, hours are after school Monday through Friday, and meets Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Season runs MidNovember and continuing through February. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760,, OR Colorado Workforce, 970-641-0031. (7/29/74). PT DELIVERY/WAREHOUSE POSITION: 30-35 hours per week, delivering & installing appliances, unloading weekly trucks and assisting customers with loading. Applicant must be able to lift 100+ lbs and pass a criminal background check. Please submit resume to or fax to 641-0522. (7/29). LOCAL CHURCHES AS SEM BLI ES O F GO D “The River” 92 Co unt y Ro ad 17 • 6 41 -086 4 P as t or M ik e D ar n e ll S u n d a y Wo r s h i p 1 0 : 0 0 a m We d n e s d a y 7 : 0 0 p m w w w. r i v e r o f l i f e g u n n i s o n . o r g BLU E MESA BAPTI ST 7 24 N o rt h Ma in • 97 0- 6 40- 8 49 4 • Pa s to r Bry o n Ro be rt s S u n d a y S c h o o l 1 0 a m S u n d a y S e r v i c e 11 a m S u n d a y E ve n i n g 5 p m T h u r s d a y Di s c ip l es h i p 7 : 3 0 p m w w w. b l u e m e s a b a p t i s t @ g m a i l . c o m TRIN ITY BAPTIST CHURCH T RIN IT Y BAP TIS T CHU R CH 523 N o r t h P in e S t r e et - ( 9 70 ) 641 - 18 13 S u n d a y Wo r s h i p : 8 a m Tr a d i t i o n a l , 1 0 : 3 0 a m B l e n d e d F a m ily B ib l e St u dy : 9 :1 5 a m S u n da y M o rn in g Sa t u r d a y E v en i n g Wor sh i p : 6 p m H i sp a n i c Wo r s h i p : S at u r d ay 6 p m , B i b l e S t u d y : T h u r s d a y 7 p m We d n e s d a y S e r v i c e s : B . L . A . S . T. & Yo u t h & P r a y e r M e e t i n g - 6 : 3 0 p m w w w. T B C g u n n i s o n . c o m HEAD NORDIC SKI COACH (MEN’S AND WOMEN’S PROGRAMS): Nordic The primary focus of this position is to act as the Head Coach for Western’s Nordic Ski Team, both men’s and women’s programs. Western’s Nordic Ski Team competes in the Rocky Mountain Conference of the United States Collegiate Ski and Snowboard Association (USCSA). The season includes 5 conference races and a large national trip to USCSA Nationals. Qualified applicants will design and implement dryland training for approximately 12 athletes beginning in September, organize an early season training camp, design and implement and in-season training program, and travel to all conference races and USCSA Nationals. Pay: $12,000 $16,000/ season DOE Season/Hours: September 1st April 1st (minor flexibility here) (5 7 days off around Christmas) 15 30 hours/week (or more depending on travel that week) Afternoon training sessions. (3:30pm typically) (Possibly morning strength training sessions). Travel Requirements: Fall Training Camp Thanksgiving week. West Yellowstone, MT. (10 day commitment). 5 Conference races throughout Colorado and Wyoming (Friday through Sunday). USCSA Nationals. (Approximately 1st week in March). (10 day commitment). Qualifications/Skills/Duties: MUST have a valid driver’s license. MUST be able to attend ALL races. MUST be First Aid/CPR certified, WFR/EMT preferred. MUST be USSA Level 100 certified, or ability to obtain within 3 months. 2 3 years prior coaching experience. Ability to communicate via email and phone in a timely manner. Strong understanding of waxing techniques and wax selections. Ability to coach technique and understand technique theory. Ability to develop and implement a recruiting strategy, specifically for the state of Colorado. Develop and implement a full team training plan. How to Apply: To apply, qualified and interested candidates should send via email, a letter of application, relevant résumé, and 3 references including name, phone number and email to: Duncan Callahan, Director of Campus Recreation at Western State Colorado University: Western is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. (7/29/pd/320). % ( !, ! !* " )! $ ") /%+ -!"" $ * " ,!)!%$ * * &*) ! !* " )! $ " %( ! !* " %# , (* ( %. $ $ %+* %%( $* $$ %( !, "" ! !* " )! $ ") !$ /%+( ( /%+ # / $ *% ) $ %( $$ ") %$ /%+( ! !* " * " ,! )!%$ %( ! !* " %$, (* ( %. + "! !% !) , !" " %$ $$ " !$ #%)* ( ) " ) %$* * * & ( *!%$) $ ( * -!* '+ ) *!%$) %( %( #%( !$ %(# *!%$ %+ # / ) * +& +)*%#!0 %$ "!$ $$ " !)*!$ ) * !* $ %# %( /%+( %$, $ ! $ ) )* & / )* & !$)*(+ *!%$) %$ %- *% ) * +& /%+( %-$ !* $ %+$* * * --- # *( %# HENRY’S RADIO & TV CROSS COUNTRY MOUNTAIN BIKE COACH: Cross Country (XC) Mountain Bike - Coaching Sales, Service and Installation duties for the XC Coach will TVs, Stereos, Satellite Systems include working with top athletes to develop individual training plans on a weekly basis. The XC N o w s t o c k i n g S h a r p , P h i l ip s , Coach will also lead group rides for less experienced racers. J V C & T os h iba L E D T V s Qualified candidates must be able to travel to all Mountain Bike Team races (6 weekends between September 4th and October 12th) SERVING GUNNISON AREA SINCE 1961 as well as USA Cycling Collegiate National Championships. The XC 1 1/2 miles North of Gunnison on Highway 135 Coach will assist other coaches in basic administrative duties as well as assist with food preparation THE CITY OF GUNNISON has LANDSCAPE FOREMAN AND and campsite management while an immediate opening for an elec- CREW POSITIONS AVAILABLE: on the road. Pay: $3,000 tric lineman. Experience in over- Rocky Mountain Trees is looking $5,000/ season DOE head and underground electric for experienced and motivated Season/Hours: August 1st distribution line work is required individuals to help with the instalthrough October 31st 10-30 as well as a minimum Class B lation of high end residential landhours/ week Travel CDL. Rotating weekend and holi- scapes. Overtime paid over 40 Requirements: Nearly every week- day stand-by is also required. hours. Pay DOE. Contact Dan at end from September 4th through Salary range is $52,700-$61,900 landscape@rockymountaintrees.c October 24th. Qualifications: depending on experience and om (7/29). MUST have a valid driver’s qualifications plus benefits. This license. MUST be able to attend position will remain open until LEAD COOK POSITION with the Mountain Biological ALL races. MUST be First filled. For further information con- Rocky Aid/CPR certified, WFR/EMT pre- tact Will Dowis, Electric Laboratory (RMBL) available in ferred. Prior coaching experience Superintendent at 970-641-8329 Gothic, Colorado this 2015 sumpreferred. Ability to communicate or email willd@cityogfunnison- mer season. This is a great way via email and telephone. Ability to . Resumes and letters of to live and work in a former mindesign and implement training interest may be emailed or sent ing town. Food service experiplans for a wide variety of skill lev- to City of Gunnison, 1100 W. ence is required, or a combination els. Ability to teach riding and rac- Virginia Ave, Gunnison, CO of culinary education and related ing skills. How to Apply: To apply, 81230, Attn: Will Dowis. (8/5/96). experience. For a complete job qualified and interested candidescription and how to apply go dates should send via email, a let- SEEKING EXPERIENCED to (7/29). ter of application, relevant WOOD FLOOR INSTALLER SHEET METAL résumé, and 3 references includ- AND FINISHER: Majority of work DRAGON ing name, phone number and in Crested Butte. Must have driv- SEEKS HVAC SERVICE TECHNICIAN: install, maintain & repair email to: Duncan Callahan, ers license and reliable transDirector of Campus Recreation at portation. Pay based on experi- residential & some commercial Western State Colorado ence. Please reply to HVAC systems. HVAC Service Experience Preferred (3 years U n i v e r s i t y : (7/29). minimum) & knowledge of Western TOWN & COUNTRY ANIMAL ing, ventilation, AC & electrical is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer HOSPITAL is seeking a Kennel systems. Requirements: Valid Technician. Duties include: walk- drivers license, clean MVR, great (7/29/pd/228). ing dogs, feeding dogs and cats, attitude; strong oral & written HOUSE PAINTERS WANTED: cleaning kennels, etc. Please stop communication skills & excellent excellent pay and bonus structure in to fill out an application and customer service. Benefits: ski for painting exterior and interior drop off a resume. (7/29). pass, cell phone, insurance assishomes. We are asking healthy and tance, retirement. Call 349-6231 active applicants to email THE GUNNISACK is looking for or email resume dragonsheetmetMatthew at above average individuals to fill (7/29). the positions of BUSSERS & Ft/Pt available. MAKE EXTRA $MONEY$. with your resume and a cover let- SERVERS ter. Kooler Painting delivers excel- Respectful family atmosphere. Sales, building and agriculture lent customer service and works Apply in person from 2 4pm at products. 970-596-1902. (7/29). of art throughout the Gunnison 142 N. Main St. (7/29). LOOKING FOR high school or Valley. (7/29). THE WESTERN STATE COL- college age person to weed CLUB SPORTS whack my yard once or twice in GUNNISON WATERSHED ORADO SCHOOL DISTRICT: Bus Driver- DEPARTMENT is looking to hire the next few weeks. Please call District. Requires Class B P2S several coaches for various pro- 303-524-2087. Thank you so CDL license. Random drug testing grams for in-season Coaching. much. (7/29). and CBI record check. Hours are Includes presences at all pracapproximately 7-8:30am and 3- tices, away, and home games. LOCAL CONSTRUCTION COM4:30pm. $12.59 per hour. Feel free to contact club- PANY SEEKING laborers and Please contact: Superintendent’s if you’re equipment operators. Please call 970-209-7246. (7/29). Office, JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. interested. Western is an Action/Equal Boulevard, 970-641-7760, jkling- Affirmative, OR Opportunity Employer. The Clubs CABIN CREEK CONSTRUCColorado Workforce, 970-641- are: Women’s Soccer, Men’s TION, LLC has an opening for a 0031. (7/29). Soccer, Men’s Lacrosse, full time carpenter. Successful applicant must have a valid drivWomen’s Dance, Men’s Ice SODEXO’S RARE AIR CAFE @ Hockey, Women’s Ice Hockey, ers license and be 18 years or older. Interested applicants WSCU: Salad Prep - Part-time Men’s Lacrosse. (8/5/pd/64). should be dependable, profes(Sat./Sun. 9:30am-2pm), Job Responsibilities: Preparing salad THE COMFORT INN is now sional and drug free. Duties may bar items for brunch/dinner, oper- accepting applications for an include framing, painting, finish ating salad bar station, and main- overnight, desk clerk. This posi- carpentry, cabinet installation taining a clean and sanitary sta- tion requires excellent customer Applicants need knowledge of tion. Job Requirements: service and computer skills. Must basic carpentry and power tools Kitchen/prep experience, strong be able to work 11pm - 7am, 4 Pay DOE Send resume to: knife skills, punctuality and the nights a week including weekinfo@cabincreekconstructionllc.c ability to multitask. Perk: free ends. Please submit a resume in om (8/5). meal per shift. (8/5). person. (8/5). ...continued on page 15 641-1453 THE JOB HOTLINE 109 East Georgia Gunnison 970-641-0031 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ASSISTANT Position will also assist the operations and technology department with general office duties, developing new products and services, and maintaining software applications. Successful candidate must have a background knowledge of Computer hardware and software systems, Office 365 and cloud based programs, Computer networks, network administration and network installation. #CO6227567 RETAIL SALES MERCHANDISER This position provides daily service to our retail partners, works incoming loads, rotates products, maintains backroom/back stock areas in an orderly fashion, and assists the sales force in driving volume sales. #CO6214135 MEMBER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE This position will require working closely with our membership and staff. Ideal candidate will have great customer service, communication and cash handling skills. #CO6227164 DELIVERY DRIVER Drive truck or other vehicle over established routes or within an established territory and sell or deliver goods. May load and unload vehicle. #CO6213728 Are you an individual who was supported by another family member, but that support is no longer available due to divorce or the death or disability of the bread winner? You may qualify for the federally funded WIA program which offers a variety of services geared to help you find a job offering a livable wage. CDLE is an EO Employer/auxiliary aids/services available upon request. For information on these or other jobs, call 641-0031. GET ELEVATED! In beautiful Mt. Crested Butte NOW HIRING! Currently seeking experienced professionals for the following positions: Front Desk, Bellman, Night Audit & Maintenance for their restaurant 9380 Prime located at 500 Gothic Rd.,Mt. Crested Butte, CO 81225 Applicants, please send resume’ to: ELEVATION HOTEL & SPA 970-251-3000 500 GOTHIC ROAD MT. CRESTED BUTTE, CO has an immediate opening for !"#$"%$&''()&"*($+,(%&%-$.+/$$ !"##$%&'()'(*+,-./&0(*) FULL-TIME MERCHANDISER In the Gunnison Area 0%$*!($12%%&#+%$3/("$ Apply at: 3,,45$"*6$111231456772789)) 7+8"97+4"$&#$"%$$ Coca-Cola is an (:2"4$+,,+/*2%&*5$(',4+5(/$ equal opportunity employer ) $ NOW HIRING • Shift Managers - 3 months of restaurant management experience preferred. • Cooks. • Servers - Can earn $15 or more per hour with tips. • Delivery Drivers - Can earn $15 or more per hr with tips. Must be a licensed, insured driver, age 18 or older with a clean driving record. Excellent training and advancement opportunities, flexible work hours, meal discounts. Apply online at E.O.E. M/F employment continued from page 14.. Hiring Full and Part-Time CREW POSITIONS AND MAINTENANCE PEOPLE Experience Preferred Apply on-line at or at the store - 800 E. Tomichi, 641-5050 E.O.E. APPOINTMENT SETTERS NEEDED ASAP: earn full-time pay for part-time work. Local Gunnison office, Ask for Kevin 970-6424534 or 970-773-1749. (7/29). H&R BLOCK IS NOW HIRING TAX PROFESSIONALS! Experience preferred. Work with the world leader in tax preparation. Send resume to GUNNISON COUNTY EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: Airport Lead Duty Officer, Full time, $46,300-$65,490 benefits; Airport Duty Officer, Full time, $34,931-$49,410 benefits; Detention Deputy, Full time, $37,026 benefits; Health Educator Tobacco and CCPD, 20 hrs/week, $18,513/yr. For more information, including complete job descriptions, required qualifications and application instructions, please visit (9/30). (8/5). NEED EXPERIENCED HELP FOR HAYING: New tractors with air and radios. Salary commensurate with experience. Rick Randall 303-808-5688 (7/29). gunnison country shopper, july 29, 2015 GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Physical Therapist. Applicants must be licensed in the state of Colorado with an endorsement in Physical Therapy and also have/or be willing to obtain a CDE Special Services Provider License. 8 hours per month. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760,, OR Colorado Workforce, 970-641-0031. (7/29). B MANAGEMENT POSITION with small property management company in Crested Butte, CO. The successful candidate will need to have exceptional people skills, be able to oversee and manage a broad spectrum of employees and sub-contractors, be a “multitasker”, and not be afraid to get your hands dirty. Responsibilities include; overseeing/performing maintenance and upkeep of properties, overseeing cleaning of properties, and liaiYou mayreservations, qualify for personalized a son with owners. Salary THE CENTER FOR MENTAL $4,000.00 to $5,000.00 per an EO aids/services available HEALTH is lookingCDLE foris an FTEmployer/auxiliary umonth depending on experience. Office Coordinator in the Gunnison Your work hours are flexible and office. Office training or previous abnormal. You can mostly set work in human services desirable. your own schedule. If interested High School graduate or equiva- please send resume and contact lent required. 2 years office expe- information to: rience essential. Excellent cus- tomer service and communication (8/5/98). skills a must. For more information and to apply, please visit our PHLEBOTOMIST, Full time openwebsite: ing at GUNNISON VALLEY HEALTH. Obtains specimens from (7/29). patients including, but not limited ARGUS EVENT STAFFING is to, venipuncture & capillary samYou looking form exceptional customer ples, blood cultures, blood bank service team members to help samples, urine samples, throat an EO Employer/auxiliary provide various services for CDLE the isswabs, nasal swabs. Processes a Mumford and Sons concert in samples for in-house or reference Salida- August 20, 21 and 22. Pay lab testing. Performs a wide variwill be $165 a day, meals will be ety of clerical duties such as data provided and camping for employ- entry, filing, charting, answering ees is free. Please call 303-799- phones, supply ordering and 1140 for application information. stocking. Sorts patients results Must be a minimum of 18 years and delivers these results to appropriate clinic. Delivers supold. (8/5). plies and picks up specimens GUNNISON WATERSHED from local clinics. High School SCHOOL DISTRICT: Custodian- diploma or equivalent required. CBCS and GCS. Experience pre- Phlebotomy experience preferred. ferred. Pay is based on experi- Ability to communicate verbally ence. Position is full-time with ben- and in writing. Must be able to efits. Must have a High School demonstrate correct use of supDiploma or equivalent. Please con- plies, chemicals and Lab tact: Superintendent’s Office, Information System following JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. training. Ability to relate well to Boulevard, 970-641-7760, jkling- patients, visitors, hospital, OR ees and physicians. Phlebotomy Colorado Workforce, 970-641- certification preferred. 0031. (7/29). Maintenance of valid Colorado Driver’s License and automobile GUNNISON WATERSHED insurance. Maintenance of current SCHOOL DISTRICT: Permanent CPR or BLS. Please visit our webSubstitute Teacher. Assume site for more in-depth position duties of the regular classroom descriptions, specific qualification teacher or educational asst. as requirements and to apply onlineGHS-CBCS-GCS needed. Assumes http://jobs.gunnisonvalleyhealth.o responsibilities of overseeing rg, or call HR for questions 970pupil behavior in classes, between 641-1456. All offers of employclasses and during lunch. ment are contingent upon the sucColorado Teaching License or cessful completion of a negative Colorado 5 Year Substitute 10 panel drug screen test, crimiAuthorization. Experience working nal background check, reference with children. Full time position checks, infection prevention prowith benefits. Please contact: cedures (TB test, Flu Shot, immuSuperintendent’s Office, JoAnn nization records, etc.), physical Klingsmith, 800 N. Boulevard, capacity profile and acknowledge970-641-7760, jklingsmith@gun- ment of policies. (8/5/201)., OR Colorado Workforce, 970-641-0031. (7/29). EMPLOYMENT ADS ARE FREE! If they are 60 words or less. Any GUNNISON VALLEY HEALTH over the 60 word limit will be has the following openings, at the charged a paid ad fee dependent HOSPITAL: 1 FT & 1 PT Certified on the number of words. Please Nurse Aide, 1 FT & 1 PT Unit see the website for details at Coordinator/C.N.A., 1 FT, or Environmental Services Director, call 641-3148. - Thank you, The 1 FT Insurance Counselor, 2 FT & Gunnison Country Shopper. (7/29). 1 PRN Admissions Rep, 1 FT Phlebotomist, 1 PRN Cook, 1 FT THE INN AT TOMICHI VILLAGE Paramedic, 1 PRN Physical is looking for a housekeeper to Therapist 1 PRN Labor/Delivery join our team! Must be able to RN. At FAMILY MEDICINE CLIN- work well with others, and work on IC: 1 FT Medical Assistant. At weekends. Apply in person 1 mile MOUNTAIN CLINIC: 1 FT east of Gunnison. (7/29). Physician Assistant. At HOME CONTRATAMOS AHORA! MEDICAL SERVICES: 1 PRN Telluride Maid necesita 2 trabaCertified Nurse Aide. At SENIOR jadoras de limpieza comenzando CARE CENTER: 1 FT Cook, 2 FT el 20 de Julio, 6 dias/semana, 6C.N.A.’s, Certified Nurse Aide 8 horas en Crested Butte, Training Class. (PRN = as needed) $12.50/hora, debe ser +18 anos Please visit our website for more y tener transporte. Ayuda para in-depth position descriptions, gasoline disponible, preferable specific qualification requirements viva en Crested Butte o area de and to apply online Gunnison. Si estas interesada por http://jobs.gunnisonvalleyhealth.o favor llama 970-258-0022 con rg, or call HR for questions 970Oscar Meza y manda tu resumen 641-1456. All offers of employa (7/29). ment are contingent upon the successful completion of a negative MIKEY’S PIZZA is hiring cook, 10 panel drug screen test, crimi- front of the house, and delivery nal background check, reference positions. Must have experience checks, infection prevention pro- and thrive in a fast paced environcedures (TB test, Flu Shot, immu- ment. Bring resume to our nization records, etc.), physical Gunnison or Crested Butte locacapacity profile and acknowledg- tions, or call Mary at 970-209ment of policies. (7/29/164). 5984. (8/5). SODEXO’S RARE AIR CAFE @ WSCU: Salad Prep - Full-time (Mon.-Fri. 6:30am-2:30pm), Job Responsibilities: Preparing salad bar items for breakfast/lunch/dinner, operating salad bar station, and maintaining a clean and sanitary station. Job Requirements: Kitchen/prep experience, strong knife skills, punctuality and the ability to multitask. Perk: Job benefits and free meal per shift. (8/5). HELP WANTED! Waffle Cabin Mt. Crested Butte is looking for two individuals to work part time. Responsibilities include making waffles, running the cash drawer, and inventory management. We are looking for self starters that are motivated and excited to be at work. Pay starts at $10/hour with opportunity to move into management position that will pay better. Call 918-964-1966. (8/5). page 15 brysen & remi Remi is a 3-4 year old Dachshund/Italian Greyhound mix. Remi is shy when she first meets new people and dogs, but within a week she'll be following you around the house, cuddling, playing, and giving kisses to other dogs in the home. Brysen, a handsome dark orange tabby, is an 11-month-old love bug who desperately needs a family. His adopter will need to be willing to let him settle in slowly; your patience will be worth it! See all of our adoptable animals at,, or on facebook. S H E LT E R H O U R S Wednesdays 5-7pm Saturdays 10am-1pm Sundays 10am-1pm And by appointment All animals are current on vaccinations and spayed or neutered. 970.641.1173 I N FO @ GV AW L . O R G DRAGON SHEET METAL SEEKS ENTRY LEVEL INSTALLER/SHEET METAL WORKER to perform wide variety of HVAC & Sheet Metal Services. Construction Experience Preferred & HVAC experience a plus. Requirements: Valid drivers license & clean MVR, great attitude & excellent customer service skills. Benefits: ski pass, cell phone, insurance assistance, retirement. Call 349-6231 or email resume to (7/29). IN DESPERATE NEED OF A BABYSITTER: Need a sitter for my 5 year old son. ASAP. Can only afford about $25 a day. Your place or mine. Please call Jeff at 970-596-8308 (7/29). HELP WANTED @ The Boom-aRang. Must be able to work most weekends, afternoon closings and 1-2 days a week. Starting pay $9/hr., flexible scheduling. Must like people, enjoy organizing and staying very busy, have a great fashion sense with a broad knowledge about clothing brands. e m a i l or come by the Boom-a-Rang, 221 N Main St., Gunnison. (8/5). SONIC GUNNISON, is seeking three motivated crew members for kitchen and guest service. Advancement opportunities available. Apply at Store 4061. (8/5). FULL TIME, YEAR ROUND POSITION with benefits including: health, dental, vision, 401(k) and numerous other perks! CBMR is hiring a Vehicle Mechanic III, who is responsible for the maintenance and repair of all resort vehicles & heavy equipment, among other related tasks. 5-10 years previous professional experience required. Visit to view full job description and APPLY! (8/5). WE ARE LOOKING FOR BIDS to clear weeds on our Habitat for Humanity land. 1.5 acres of vacant land needs to be mowed. Office number 970-641-1245 (8/5). KIDS & STUDENTS WILL WORK Look below for that Neighborhood Kid or Eager College Student To Do What You Need Done... 9 8 B AS I N P A R K D R I V E pet FOR SALE: large dog kennel with door. 3 panels and door. $125. Call 641-3283. (8/5). DO YOU NEED HELP SPAYING OR NEUTERING YOUR PETS? The Gunnison Valley Welfare League can help! Just pick up a form at any of the local veterinarians offices, fill it out and send it in. You can help reduce needless suffering and save lives by making sure your pet doesn’t contribute to pet overpopulation! Go to for more information or call 970-209-7030. (7/29). FREE TO A GOOD HOME: Billie our 2 yr old border collie needs a new home where he can roam. Good dog, just needs more space to run. 970-497-9540 (8/5). AQUARIUM: 10.5”W X 20”L X 12.5”H, w/internal filter and green & white rocks, $60 OBO. 6421279. (8/5). PUPPIES FOR SALE: cow dogs, black & red Border collies & Kelpy mixes, $75 ea. 5 weeks old. 6410004. (7/29). SUDAN PLEATED LIZARD in need of another home. He has a kinked tail (prior to owning) and comes with a set up. However he will need a larger tank. VERY shy. Setup and lizard for $45. 970817-3270 (8/5). MINI SCHNAUZER PUPPIES FOR SALE! 8 weeks old, ready to go. $500 price includes crate, first shots, and de-worming. Lovable and so adorable. Going FAST so HURRY! Contact Chelsea 719-250-1641 (8/5). WEATHERBEETA DOG BLANKET/COAT for your dog for the Gunnison winter -size 32”(Lab size dog). Very good condition. $20. Call 641-0962 (7/29). FOR SALE: dog house, $15. Call 641 3283. (8/5). (7/29) RECENT GRADUATE looking for odd jobs. Babysitting, pet sitting, and house sitting. I am available morning, afternoons, nights and weekends. If interested; Call 970417-2013. (8/5). HELLO, I KNOW IT’S A LITTLE EARLY BUT I’m searching for part time work for the winter. I have lived in the Gunnison Valley all my life, so I know about the snow. I’m willing to work until the snow flies, too. Please call 970-376-5948, thank you. (7/29). LOST ANIMAL: If you lose your animal please contact Neighborhood Service at 6418242 or Gunnison Dispatch at 641-8000 with a full description of your animal and a way to contact you. (7/29). NEW CLASSIFIED CATEGORY FARM/GARDEN: For all the backyard gardeners, chicken farmers, landscapers... buy and sell your stuff here! Fencing, tools, supplies, rocks, dirt, eggs... Don’t forget to check out the new website (8/5). ...continued on page 16 gunnison country shopper, july 29, 2015 continued from page 15... FOR SALE: Wheelbarrow, light weight, 8 cu ft w/2 wheels NEW COST $120, ASKING $85 OBO. 596-5301 (8/5). FOR SALE: wheelbarrow $30; post hole digger $30. Call 6411224. (8/5). page 16 2012 HARLEY ROAD GLIDE ULTRA: 9,100 miles, black, Thunder Max tuner, Sampson True dual exhaust, upgraded speakers, Progressive fork kit, Progressive rear shocks. $18,000. Photos available,, 970-596-0783. (7/29). 2014 TRIUMPH BONNEVILLE T100 Black. 700 miles, custom Roland sands seat. New retail price over 12K with taxes, will sell for $9,000 firm. Still have warranty and did purchase new, perfect condition. Ask for Mark 970-2758827 (8/5). FOR SALE: 2004 Honda VTX 1300 Retro in mint condition. 7,300 original miles. Perfectly Maintained and always garage kept. $1,500 in extras included. $3999 OBO. Call 349-1119 for more details. (8/5). ALL HELMETS ON SALE ALL THE TIME! Only at Sun Sports Unlimited West Hwy. 50 Gunnison 970-641-0883 SNOWMOBILE & TRAILER: 1992 Arctic Cat 5500 EXT, Spartan snowmobile trailer, $1500/both. Lake City, 970-9017842. (8/5). ranching PREMIUM BARN STORED HAY: Grass; Grass/Alfalfa; Alfalfa. Small squares, large squares and rounds. And, also have straw. 970-872-3141. (7/29/19) EASY BOOT RX HOOF BOOTS: size 5. Used just once.Used for treatment of hoof ailments. 2 Boots available $60 each or both for $100.A few free soaking pads available with the boots. 6410962 (7/29). BLOCKING CHUTE: for show steers. Folding/portable. $75. Call for pic or to see, 970-2092058 (D), 970-641-4007 (E). (8/5). FREE HAY: last year’s cutting, call Tim 209-7262 or Linda 2754611. (8/5). NEED TO TRANSPORT MY HORSE from Gunnison to Park City. Need to have horse trailer. Will pay for gas plus fee. More info 720-233-4251. (8/5). FOR SALE: corral poles and posts, 641-5071. (7/29). QUARTERHORSE FOR SALE: 7 year old mare. Quiet sweet disposition. Good trail and mountain horse. Has worked cattle. Loads and shoes easily. Very sound and healthy. Has been in the arena a few times. $1500. Call for pics or to see, 970-209-2058 (D), 970641-4007 (E). (8/5). Let Us Sell Your ATV or Motorcycle Only $75 Sun Sports Unltd 641-0883 (7/29/13) FOR SALE: 20’ Hudson beaver tail flat bed trailer with ramps and front tool box, $5000 OBO. 6415644 (7/29). FOR SALE: 4 ATV tires front AT26x8-12, rear AT26x11-12 good shape, $100 for all 4. 6414104 (8/5). 2 ATVS FOR SALE: 350 Yamaha, 125 Honda. 641-4836. (8/5). FOR SALE: 2013 MotorGuide trolling motor. 46 lb thrust; 12volt; Foot control. Only used 56 times. $175 (paid $350 new) OBO. Call 970-901-9849 or leave message at 970-641-0832. (8/5). 2006 KAWASAKI KX65 dirt bike in good condition. Always stored in garage. $800. Serious callers only please. 970-209-5829 (7/29). 2005 YAMAHA RX1 FOR SALE OR TRADE: Needs work. Will trade for power tools, guns, insulation, truck bed fuel transfer tank, generator. $1000 OBO. 970-901-4293. Leave a message. (7/29). MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE: Husaberg FE450. 2010 - 75 hours/1500 miles. Very good condition. Street legal. $4250. 970-641-5654. (7/29). 2 MARKET WETHER GOATS FOR SALE: $150 each. 970-6413395. (8/5). ATV REAR HARD CASE: large, should bolt to almost any rack, needs new lock, black, $25. Dan 641-0401 (7/29). HAY ROUND BALES Approx 1400 lb, Grass/clover mix, 1st cut no rain, $90/bale 970-778-8773 FOR SALE: 1974 Ridge Guide 14’ aluminum boat (actual length 15’8”) 45hp Chrysler motor (might need starter) and 40hp Johnson motor, and boat trailer. $700 OBO. 970-581-8310 or 505-307-2715. (8/5). (7/29/16) FOR SALE: 2002 Nitro Boat with trailer, $15,000; 970-275-9237 BARN STORED TIMOTHY HAY $3.00 to $6.00 per bale for 2014 hay. Special pricing for 2015 hay loaded out of the field. 303-808-5688 (7/29/25) FOR SALE: Easy-going experienced trail horse for relaxed riding. 14 yr 15H black mare. Arab cross. $1,000. 641-6280. (8/5). (7/29). WE BUY USED motorcycles, ATVs and side by sides. 970641-0883, days. (7/29/11). 2 ATV LOADING RAMPS: all aluminum, like new, used 4 times, paid $500, asking $250. 970209-6677. (8/5). MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE: 50 Mpg! Save money on gas 2001 Suzuki Volusia V twin cruiser, new battery, new tires, low mileage, maroon/black, $2300 OBO. 970401-3578 (8/5). 2009 JOINTER COMMANDO UTV: new seats & tires, $5500 OBO. 970-641-2333. (8/5). 1983 TIOGA 26’ RV: deluxe floor plan, Ford 460 engine, 55K mi., runs GREAT. $5500. 970596-8813. (7/29). motorized (8/5). 1ST $4900 TAKES THIS: 1989 Mercury Invader boat w/470 engine I-O; custom cover, 11’ Bimini top, trailer, extra reel supports, extra props, fish finder, GPS, marine radio & speakers, nice vinyl seats, captain chair. 641-5644. Or trade for 28’ - 30’ tandem axle with duals gooseneck flatbed trailer. (7/29). BRAND NEW SCORPION CT220 large matte black motorcycle helmet. Never used in original package includes face shield and cloth cover. Retails $150, selling for $110. Please call 970641-4967 (7/29). FOR SALE: TRAILERS... NEW AND USED. ATV, UTV, motorcycle, snowmobile and utility models in striock. Come and check out the new Vault Cargo Trailer by Triton. Sun Sports Unlimited, West HWY 50, Gunnison. 970641-0883. (7/29/34). STOP BY TODAY FOR INCREDIBLE OFFERS AND UNBEATABLE SERVICE. CYCLE WORKS (970) 641-0883 900 NORTH HWY 27 (7/29). 2006 YZ250F FOR SALE: Great condition, always stored in garage. Hardly ridden. $2,500. 970-209-5829 (7/29). (7/29). 97 YZ 125: runs great ‘New’ top end sprockets chain n grips, good tires, $1500, 970-901-0622. 15’ LARSON SKI BOAT: motor needs work, $950. 275-4852. FOR SALE: Ariat Paddock Boots (8.5) $40; 1/2 Chaps(M) $15,Troxel Riding Helmet (M) $20; Oster Cordless Clippers $45. Call 641-0962 (7/29). 8 FOOT ELK FENCE FOR SALE: call for information! 275-4852. (7/29/17) 1981 SCORPION CHRIS CRAFT 17 ft ski boat. 350 inboard, bench seats with new upholstery, 3 blade stainless steal prop. Runs great! Trailer included with current tags. $3200 OBO. 970-596-3007 (8/5). ROOPVILLE, GA 219 W. Hwy 50Gunnison, CO 81230 cars&trucks 1995 MERCURY SABLE WAGON: 92K, V6, brand new trans, good tires & brakes, power steering and brakes, ice cold A/C, moon roof, $3500. 641-4060. (8/5). 1997 F150 LARIAT: 4.6L V8, auto, power seats/locks/windows. Needs head gasket. Cold A/C $500. Lake City, 970-9017842. (8/5). 1992 S-10 PICKUP TRUCK: 641-4836. (8/5). FOR SALE: 4x4 Firebird. 1982 Firebird on 1996 Dodge 1500 chassis. Runs awesome. Must go ASAP. $6750 OBO. 9702758240. (7/29). ‘87 TOYOTA 22R 4 speed, good cond. Needs timing chain. $1200 OBO. May trade.? 719-480-4516 Saguache. (8/5). FOR SALE: 1999 late model Red Tahoe LT, 350 engine, heated leather seats, rear barn doors, 99k miles $5000 OBO, 641-5644 (7/29). COLLECTORS: 1978 Scout II, 345 V8 runs great, new tires, custom heavy winch/bumper, Warn locking hubs, new brakes, needs some work. $3500. See Pitkin Day, 6th and Main. 254-485-4044 (7/29). HONDA CIVIC WAGOVAN: “Hank the Crank” from 1989. Well maintained, lots of new parts. Good gas mileage. $2200. Jan 641-5303. (8/5). OLDIE BUT GOODIE if you need to haul wood , horses or a work truck. Ford 250 1982, low miles, $600. 970-275-9538. (8/5). ‘03 SUBARU OUTBACK: 189k miles, $4,000. Call 970-9648122 if interested (8/5). 1993 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO: 6cyl. automatic, 258,000 miles, engine runs well, 4x4 still good. $700 as is, OBO. Must sell ASAP. Call for more details. 603-345-0201 (7/29). 1996 F150 4X4 PICKUP TRUCK: (Lariat package) 6.5ft bed, extended cab, 194K miles runs great. $3K 349-5005. (8/5). 2001 CHEVY SUBURBAN: 154K, 4WD, leather heated seats, new brakes, new Goodyear Wrangler tires, 5.3 liter Vortec engine, plenty of power. $6000. 641-2184. (8/5). FOR SALE: 1974 GMC Dump Truck $5,000; 1978 Ford Pump Truck Pick Up $2,500; 1996 Chevy Suburban $1,500; 970275-9237 (7/29). 1955 CHEVY PICKUP: rebuilt, call for info. $7500. 641-6908. (7/29). SUBARU BAJA (2003), everything in good working order. 2527 mpg. Classic, good looking vehicle. Call Kim: 970-349-0785. (8/5). 1997 SUBARU LEGACY OUTBACK: mountain ready. Clean title, $4500. 970-209-9593 2007 SUBARU OUTBACK: new timing belt and water pump at 106K miles, bike hitch and dog gate, well maintained, heated seats and mirrors, power everything, cruise control, automatic, silver with granite cloth interior, tinted windows, tires in great condition. $9425. CB 970-275-6471. (7/29). (7/29). 1976 CHEVY PICKUP TRUCK: 4WD. Warn winch. Rough appearance. Runs well! $1200 240-3444382 Mike. (7/29). FOR SALE: 2000 Sl1 Saturn 145-150xxx on it, no title, asking $700 OBO. Needs water pump installed, have all parts. 5 speed. You pick it up. 970-306-1639 FOR SALE: 1951 Dodge M-37 3/4-ton military truck. 4 wheel drive, runs great. Must see to appreciate. $6500. 642-0337. (7/29). 1993 JEEP WRANGLER: 5spd., 150K mi., good shape, $3950. 641-0818. (8/5). 2000 SUBARU OUTBACK: Timing belt broke. Needs to be rebuilt or parted out. $850 OBO. Call 970-497-3720 or text 970596-6939. Located near Gunnison. (8/5). ‘05 FORD ESCAPE: 4WD, clean, everything works, 30+mpg, near new tires, 145K. Clean, dependable transportation. $2500. 970209-8035. (8/5). 1992 GULF STREAM SUN CLIPPER DIESEL MOTOR HOME: 30’, remodeled inside. $15,000 OBO. 970-641-2333. (8/5). 2008 CHRYSLER PACIFICA: loaded, well maintained, call for more details, $7000 OBO. Kirk 970-596-2216. (8/5). (7/29). SUZUKI SAMURAI 1987: 66k original miles, RocLobster transfer case, Weber carb, excellent condition, 2 tops, call or text for info 602-625-3789, $4000. (7/29). 2003 FORD F-250 4X4: The last/best year of the 7.3 diesel. Low miles. Green, long bed, quad cab. 6 speed manual. Tons of new parts. 719-360-5683. (8/5). CHECK OUT OUR CARS on the web (7/29/8) 9-1-1 IS FOR EMERGENCIES ONLY. Dial 641-8000 for nonemergent situations. (7/29). ½ 2015 Volvo V60T5 AWD 14k #1743 $AVE BIG ½ 2011 Toyota Rav4 V6 AWD 3rdrow #1730 $ALE ½ 2013 Suzuki SX4 AWD 40K Wagon #1762 DEAL ½ 2007 Dodge Dakota SLT 4x4 6spd crew #1764 Cumberland Rent to Own Storage Buildings in stock with affordable customization. SUPER LOW INTEREST RATES ON 2011 AND NEWER W.A.C
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