Paper 04-20-16 - The Gunnison Country Shopper
f ree Presorted Standard US Postage Paid Gunnison, CO USA Permit #49 postal patron local happy birthday brooke ash! 43rd year, volume 6 april 20, 2016 420 SPECIAL 4 Joints for $20 All week! drawing 4 ys a D ! y y da l n u On y - S 24 / da rs 1 - 4 u h 2 T 4/ GUN SALE! ORANGE TAG SALE loaded ammo specials Federal auto match 22 long rifle ammo reg $39.99 Sale $25.00!! *325 round box - Limit 4 boxes/customer ORANGE TAG SALE Select group 15 -25 Select group % % OFF Pistols Pistols && long long guns guns ALL OTHER firearms 10% OFF SPORTING GOODS 201 WEST TOMICHI 641-1845 Our Regular Low Price april 20, 2016 page 2 SENIOR CITIZENS CALENDAR THE YOUNG AT HEART LUNCHEON TAKES PLACE AT THE COMMUNITY CENTER AT 200 E. SPENCER, GUNNISON Friday, April 22, 2016 Senior Walking, Community Center GYM Young At Heart Luncheon, Spaghetti Monday, April 25, 2016 11-12 noon Senior Walking, Gym - FREE 12 noon Young at Heart Luncheon, Sloppy Joes Wednesday, April 27, 2016 11 - 12 noon Senior Walking, Gym - FREE 12 noon Young at Heart Luncheon, Salisbury Steak Meals: All seniors, 60 or older, $4 .00 59 and under, $5.00 Children 7-12 years, $4.00 Children 6 and under are free Come and enjoy a reasonable and delicious meal and socialize Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 12:00 noon. Bring a friend. Walking in the GYM is FREE on Monday, Wednesday and Friday in Association with the YAH luncheon. ANY HOME BOUND SENIOR IN NEED OF MEALS, please call 641-2107 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday before 10:00 a.m. with your request; it will be delivered that day. NEED A RIDE TO THE LUNCHES - Just a phone call away. The Senior Bus is available in a 5 mile radius of town 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. for persons needing a ride to and from YAH Senior Meals. Please Call 970-596-6700 to arrange for a ride before 9:00 a.m. FREE INTRODUCTION TO ESSENTIAL OILS Class with Kym. Saturday April 23rd 1112:30 p.m. at the Sanctuary Studio: 513 South Main Street in Gunnison. Please RSVP to 970209-8474 (4/20). notices PHILIP KENLON: Call 970-6419588 about removing the farm wagon you bought in 2013. Thanks, Yvette Roberts. (4/20). APRIL 21ST - LAST DAY TO ORDER Your Colorado State Forest Service 2016 Seedlings from the Gunnison Field Office! Your order must be received, by mail or in person, with payment (cash, check or money order) by April 21st at 5 pm. To request an order form, please call CSFSGunnison Field Office at 970-6416852 or email us at: CSFSGunnison@mail.colostate.ed u and we will email the order form to you. Order today and your seedlings will arrive the first part of May, ready to plant! Remember, your order has to arrive with payment by April 21st. (4/27). POWERSTOP WILL BE HOSTING the 4th annual Hooligan’s Ball, Friday, April 22 @ 8 pm. There will be a wing eating competition and a raffle. All proceeds go to the WSCU Men’s Rugby Club! (4/27). FESTIVAL DE JARDINERÍA Y LIMPIEZA DE LA COMUNIDAD DE GUNNISON. Sábado 23 de Abril 9:00 de la mañana -100F Park (Banco de los Ositos). Ayudemos a limpiar nuestra comunidad. Comida, café y limonada para los voluntarios. Gane premios en efectivo (Gunnison Greenbacks), servicios y productos de negocios locales. Aprenda cómo comprar y cultivar alimentos locales. Nosotros proveemos bolsas y guantes. Si tiene preguntas llame al 6417999 (4/20). 10TH ANNUAL HIGH MOUNTAIN INVITATIONAL DISC GOLF TOURNAMENT April 24. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m., Shotgun start 10:00 a.m. Mountaineer DGC - WSCU Campus. Entry fee $15 with preregistration/ $20 day of event. Portion of registration fees collected will be donated to kids, Cancer & Cowboys, a nonprofit organization. This tournament is sponsored by over 40 local businesses/organizations. (4/20). RANCH SORTING JACKPOTS on April 24 and April 30th starting at 10:30 in Montrose. Divisions for all levels of riders. For more information call Heidi 970-7249402. (4/27). 222 1/2 north main, gunnison, colorado 81230 CB3P THAT’S CB POLE, PEDAL, PADDLE 4TH ANNUAL Sunday, April 24th. You know it, you love it it’s BACK! What a great event, and what a great time of year to tie Crested Butte in with Gunnison and then have a party on a beach! The Gunnison Whitewater Park beach that is. Gather your friends to make a team up, or compete solo in a rec or race division that is fraught with plenty of swag, great prizes, New Belgium Brewing, and some big smiles. Party boats are in the mix for those looking to just jump on the raft for the ‘boat’ leg, and fret not if you don’t have the equipment, we’ll help out! Check out the website for more info and registration, and take part in the Ski up and down CBMR, bike down to Garlic Mike’s, then boat to the Gunny WW park. Damn good times and great fun in April! h t t p : / / c re s t e d b u t t e 3 p . c o m (4/20). FREE CITIZENSHIP PREPARATION LUNCH WORKSHOPS Tuesdays from 11:30 am-12:30 pm, through June 21. April 26: Pre-Interview content standards and Geography, May 3:: The Interview and The United States government. May 10: The Interview and The United States Government. For more information contact the Center for Adult and Family Education at 970-641-7684. (4/27). THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE GUNNISON FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY will be held on Wednesday, April 27, 2016 at the Gunnison Public Library. If you have donated to the Friends, you are a member. Light refreshments will be served. Please come. Contact Lynn Cudlip, 970-2091143, for more information. (4/20). GUNNISON CEMETERY will be installing an upright granite tablet to memorialize your loved ones whose ashes have been or will be scattered elsewhere. Spaces for engraving your loved ones information on are being reserved now. Any spaces purchased and reserved before April 27th will be engraved prior to installation which will be by Memorial Day. Spaces purchased after that date will be engraved at a later time following Memorial Day. If you would like to see your loved ones memorialized by this Memorial Day call today for more info. 970642-1152. (4/27). FLY FISHING FILM TOUR 2016 - April 28, 6-9 PM Annual Fly Fishing Film Tour hosted by Trout Unlimited/Gunnison Angling Society, Gunnison Sockeyes and the Gunnison River Festival. Tons of raffle prizes! $10 ticket; $13 at the door. WSCU Theatre. ent/1132213-2016-fly-fishingfilm-tour-gunnison Funds from the event will continue to support the Gunnison Adopt-a-Trout youth education program. For more info contact Jesse Kruthaupt, (4/27). the Senior Scoop Your source for current local happenings… RESOURCES FOR SENIORS The Senior Resource office will hold a Q&A at the new Senior Center located in the Gunnison Community Rec Center from 10:00 to 12:00 EVERY MONDAY. Stop by to learn what Gunnison County has to offer older adults and their caregivers. You can also contact the Senior Resource Office at 6427300. MAY IS OLDER AMERICAN MONTH! Older American Month was created in 1963 under President John F. Kennedy. It is a /me of the year to acknowledge the contribu/ons of past and current older persons to our country. The Senior Resource Office is arranging interviews between youth in the community and seniors who have a desire to share their life stories. Stories will be shared on KBUT during the month of May. If you or anyone you know is interested in this ac/vity, please call the Gunnison County Senior Resource Office at 9706427300. BOOMERS AND BEYOND CLASSES** Check the Boomers and Beyond Bulle/n Board for more informa/on about programs/events or call the Boomers at the Gunnison Senior Center at 9706418435. Fridays 1012pm Come play Mahjong! Mondays at 12:454:00pm—Bridge Games ***April 29th*** Fundraiser at the Local Market, 5:007:00pm. 20% of dinners sold will be donated to the Senior Center! **AARP Safe Driver Course will be held May 25th. Call 9706417923 to preregister** MEDICARE VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY Want to know more about Medicare? Want to help others understand the complicated process of signing up for Medicare? This is the opportunity for you! The Senior Resources Office is looking for Volunteer Medicare Counselors. Volunteers will be provided extensive training from SHIP Counselors and the ADRC in Montrose. Contact the Gunnison County Senior Resources Office at 9706427300 if you are interested in provided this vital service to our community’s seniors! Bishop’s Castle Trip Henry Gora is leading a trip to Bishop’s Castel west of Pueblo on Saturday April 23rd. Henry will drive the city van. The cost is $20 per person and par/cipants must bring their own lunch, water, and snacks. Meet at the Senior Center at 8am. To register for the trip, you must sign up at the Senior Center by Wednesday, April 20th. Call 9706418435 for more details. THE SENIOR SCOOP is brought to you by: BEGINNING BAND MEETING. On Thursday, April 28th at 7:00 PM, Mr. Koepsel will be having an informational meeting regarding beginning band and how it works. This meeting will be held in the band room of Gunnison Middle School. If you are the parent of a 5th grade student who wants to play in band next year, or is considering playing, please make plans to attend this meeting. You are also welcome if you are the parent of a home-school student, or a student older than 5th grade. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Koepsel at 970-6417710, extension 4025, or at 970641-5904. (4/20). SIX POINTS HOURS are Mon. Fri., 9 a.m. - 6 p.m., Sat 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., Closed Sundays. DROP OFF HOURS Mon., Wed., Fri., 9 a.m - 5 p.m., Sat 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. We are located North of Walmart behind Time Warner Cable. (4/20). EL JUEVES 28 DE ABRIL A LAS 6:30 DE LA TARDE habrá una junta amistosa entre los inmigrantes de Gunnison y la policía en el sótano de la iglesia católica. Habrá algo para comer, actividades para los niños, e intérprete (inglés-español). Este evento está auspiciado por: OVPP, St Peter’s, IUG/HAP, y la Oficina Multicultural). Llamen al 970-641-7999 o al 970-2091807 para obtener más información (4/27). COLORING AND CONVERSATION AT THE GUNNISON LIBRARY - Reduce stress and anxiety and experience the calming benefits of adult coloring at the Gunnison Library. Join your neighbors and meet new friends at the Gunnison Library’s monthly program, Coloring and Conversation on Thursday, April 28th at 6pm. We’ll provide everything you need for a relaxing and creative evening. (4/27). GARAGE D O OR installation & maintenance R E S I D E N T I A L & C O M M E RC I A L 5 55 55 5 55 55 55 ,-.5/..55R555)/."55R55/((#-)(5 Matthew Matthew Kuehlhorn Kuehlhorn 970/596-3696 KO K O O LE LERH O M ES . CO M published weekly by the gunnison country shopper, inc. Gary Rogers Publisher Joellen Fonken Manager Nicki Anderson Data Control F R E E C L A SS I F I E D AD V E R T I S E M E N T S for sale non-business; automotive, household, sporting equipment, miscellaneous • lost & found help wanted • wanted to buy yard sales • announcements non-profit ranching • motorized cars & trucks D e a d li n e 1 0 : 0 0 a m T u e s d a y s add free photos that will appear on our website along with your advertisement 9 7 0 .6 4 1 . 31 4 8 p 97 0 . 64 1. 3 1 0 1 f 2 2 2 1 / 2 N. M A I N , G U N NI S O N Leslie Cook Front Office BUSINESS ADVERTISING D ea d l i ne 2 : 0 0 p m T ues d a ys s ho p per @ g un ni s o ns h o pp er . c o m w w w .gun ni sons hop per .com Classifieds 30¢ word/$5.40 min. O F F I CE H O U RS MO N D A Y S & T U E S D A Y S 8: 0 0 a t o 5 : 3 0 p W E D N E S D A Y S - c l o s e d / de l i v e r y d a y TH U RSDAY S b y a p po in t me nt F R I D A Y S 8 :0 0 a t o 4 : 3 0 p SUBSCRIPTIONS 1 year $55 • 6 months $28 • 3 months $14 • 1 month $5 real estate for sale or rent • services offered • firewood for sale • business opportunities • commercial business Display Per column inch email It is the clients responsibilty to proof their advertisement. In-house credit will be given for only one incorrect insertion. correction deadline is the same as insertion deadline. Taylor Hall, Room 303 extendedstudies@ 970-943-2885 to pre-register for classes Summer Teacher Institute Registration is open! Register at 6/06/2016-6/18/2016 Wednesday’s at Western Registration is open! Register at Henna: Cultural and Creation Workshop Christa Wolf, Saturday, 4/30/2016, 9:00am-3:00pm, $80, Gunnison Arts Center Metalworking: Create a Sterling Silver Necklace Out of Sheet Metal Meaghan Young, Sunday, 5/1/2016, 10:00-3:00pm, $65 + 40 Materials Fee, Crested Butte gunnison country shopper, april 20, 2016 BOXING TRAINING, free tuition, non-contact, for fun, fitness, self defense and camaraderie. Co-ed, middle school - high school and adult are welcome. 2 classes are offered Mon. -Fri., 4-5 pm and 5-6 pm. Team competition also available. Basement of Mears Dorm Complex, Western campus. Call Tom Barber, coach, Western Boxing Club for more information. 303-881-7778 (4/20). Being of service to others - Dusto McGuinness (AKA Dustin) fits this description. Gunnison Country Food Pantry is honored to count Dusto as one of those individuals. Dusto has been a GCFP Volunteer for the last three years and logged more than 400 hours of service. EARN WHILE YOU LEARN! Become the best parent you can be while earning maternity and baby items (diapers, clothes, cribs, & more!) It’s easy! Give us a call: 970-596-1706. Lighthouse. Despite a severe head injury at age 15 while playing hockey, Dusto’s generous nature of serving others is demonstrated daily. Not only is he a fabulous volunteer at the Pantry, he is also a volunteer at Gunnison Valley Mentors. And if that isn’t enough, he is a student at WSCU majoring in Art. Dusto’s love for hockey continues. (4/20). ¿NECESITA AYUDA ALIMENTARIA? La Despensa de Alimentos (Gunnison Country Food Pantry) está abierta lunes de 1 a 4 y miércoles de 1 a 7 de la tarde. Para personas mayores de 65 años: jueves 10 de la mañana a 2 de la tarde. Visítenos en 321-C N. Main Street en la esquina suroeste de Main y Ohio. Más información en The Gunnison Country Food Pantry thanks and honors Dusto for his service to others. (4/20). Send in your story and photo - THURSDAY, APRIL 28TH AT 6:30 PM there will be meeting between our immigrant population and Law Enforcement in the basement of the Catholic Church. There will be some food, activities for the children, and EnglishSpanish interpretation. Organized by OVPP, St. Peter’s, Inmigrantes Unidos de Gunnison/Hispanic Affairs Project, and the Multicultural Resource Services. Call 970-641-7999 or 970-2091807 for more information (4/27). GUNNISON VALLEY HEALTH WELLNESS FAIR - JOIN US Saturday, April 30th! Join us the morning of Saturday, April 30th for our Gunnison Wellness Fair at Fred Field. We will offer low-cost blood tests, and feature many local businesses who will be offering FREE health screenings and a variety of other important health information. Bring your test result booklet and receive a courtesy review from one of our Gunnison Valley Health Family Medicine Clinic Physicians. 6:30 am 11:00 am (4/27). FERIA DE LA SALUD 2016. Salón de los rodeos. Sábado 30 de abril. 6:30-11:00 de la mañana (sin cita). No se debe comer 12 horas antes del examen pero sí se debe tomar MUCHA agua y tomar la medicina regular. Las personas que tienen diabetes sí deben comer. La Oficina Multicultural tiene $$$vales$$$. ¡Llame al 6417999 para reservar su vale! (4/27). LANZAMIENTO DE ALFABETIZACIÓN EN LAKE NOCHE DE FAMILIAS Martes, 3 de mayo de 5:20-7, 5:30 breve presentación, 5:45-7 Estaciones de Alfabetización Ideas para el hogar. Únase a nosotros para aprender maneras de crear un ambiente en el hogar rico en alfabetización! Diversión Familiar! (4/27). GUNNISON SCHOOL DISTRICT RETIREMENT PARTY, will be Friday, May 6th at 6:00 pm at the Elks Lodge. Email Ashley Cook at for tickets. Tickets are on sale for $13. (4/27). KBUT BINGO - The Eldo Friday, May 6th. Doors open 8 PM, Games start 9 PM. 21+ Event, 970-349-5225 for more information (5/4). LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS, help with Town Clean Up! Sunday, May 14th starting a 9:am. FREE lunch and the chance to win PRIZES! More info. call Jessie at 970-349-5338. (4/27). WE ARE SO GRATEFUL for all the help we had in the hard days before losing Bill. The Home Health nurses (Krista, Kathy and Denise). The Touch of Care girls, The Hospice Volunteers and all of our loving friends. He had a very good life and appreciated the help from everyone, and he left us very peacefully. We love you all and will never forget you. There will be a Memorial on June 4th at 10 am at the Multipurpose Bldg. Jo Ann Stone and all of the family (4/27). EXTENDED STUDIES: Summer Teacher Institute Now accepting registrations! PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COURSES FOR EDUCATORS June 6, 2016-June 18, 2016. SAN JUAN MINING CAMPS: A HISTORICAL TOUR This trip is filling fast! Register now! Duane Vandenbusche and Bruce Bartleson, 6/20/20166/24/2016 (4/20). FREE PHOTOS are included with YOUR FREE SHOPPER AD MEOWLER MOUNTAIN BIKE/TRAIL RUNNING DUATHLON - May 22nd -Support trails around Gunnison by participating or volunteering. Event details at and volunteering details by email: or 970275-0485. Thanks for supporting trails and Gunnison Trails! (4/20). HARTMAN ROCKS SPRING CLEAN UP! Sunday, May 1, 2016 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., Meet at Hartman Rocks base area, bring work gloves, sturdy work shoes and water for the day. Free lunch and water bottles for volunteers. For more information Kristi 970-6424955 (4/27). GROWLER MOUNTAIN BIKE RACES - May 28-29 - Support trails around Gunnison by participating or volunteering. Event details at and volunteering details by email: or 970275-0485. Thanks for supporting trails and Gunnison Trails! (4/20). LAKE LITERACY LIFTOFF FAMILY NIGHT - Tuesday, May 3rd 5:20 - 7. 5:30 Short presentation 5:45 - 7 Stations for Literacy Ideas at Home. Join us to learn ways to create a literacy rich home environment! Family Fun! (4/27). THE GUNNISON VALLEY CALENDAR: Keep it Short, Keep it Sweet.... submit your Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How to (4/20). on our website JUST UPLOAD YOUR PHOTOS WHEN YOU SUBMIT YOUR AD ONLINE! (4/20). SPRING RUN-OFF AND FLOODING INFORMATION Have you taken steps to prepare your property for flooding (berms, sandbags etc)? Are there items that could be moved to higher points on your property or in your home in the event of a flood? Have you and your family identified where you would go and what you would take with you should you need to evacuate? Prepare early don’t wait until the last minute. For additional information visit the Gunnison County Emergency Management website at 85/Flood-Preparations or call us at 970-641-2481. (4/20). REMINDER: DO NOT LET YOUR Motor Vehicles; Trailers; Motorcycles; Buses & SMM’s Registrations Expire! There is a LATE FEE applied after the one month grace period. Gunnison Office is open M-F 8 am-4:30 pm unless otherwise noted. The Crested Butte Branch is open T & TH 9 am-3 pm in Old Town Hall. You can reach us at 970-6411602 option #1. YOU CAN ALSO PAY YOUR REGISTRATIONS ON LINE at (4/20). 641-5054 SPRING IS HERE! Time to ride. Time to raft. Time to fish. Time for fun. CARDBOARD RECYCLING Recently the Gunnison County Recycle Center as seen an influx of waxed cardboard and bundled cardboard dropped off at the Center. Please note for your future recycling of cardboard at our Center that WAXED CARDBOARD SHOULD NOT be brought to the Center and DO NOT TIE cardboard in bundles. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact Gunnison County Public Work Department at 970-641-0044. (4/20). SPRING RUN-OFF AND FLOODING INFORMATION If you are a property owner in an area prone to high water or flooding, please consider the following: Is your property flood insurance in force and up to date? What is covered by your flood insurance? There is a 30 day waiting period for new flood insurance policies to take effect once they are purchased. For more information about flood insurance, contact your local insurance agent. Other information can be obtained from Thuy Patton, State Coordinator for the National Flood Insurance Program at 303-866-4803, email: or go to: (4/20). DON’T FORGET! Gunnison Valley PTA is collecting Box Tops 4 Education. This is an easy way for anyone to support your local community school/PTA. You can send your Box Tops to your child’s classroom or put them in collection containers at the public library or the community center. Thank you for your support! (4/20). VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: Medicare Counselors needed to provide information and enrollment services to individuals in Gunnison County. Please call 970-642-4665 for more information. (4/20). A Salon for Personal Service. EXOTIC DRINKS • AKU-AKU DINE IN - TAKE OUT 202 E. Tomichi page 3 Tired of the Straight Look? Put Texture in your hair! Specializing in Customer Service! Evening Hours Also Available... Sue Mundell, Owner 641-3610 See us at: Great In-Store Specials 10% Off Any SPIRITS or WINES with this coupon Excludes Sale Items & Beer SENIOR CITIZENS DISCOUNTS/CASE DISCOUNTS We reserve the right to limit quantities while quantities last - No Rain Checks American Express and Discover Cards Welcome gunnison country shopper, april 20, 2016 page 4 Nepalese,Tibetan & Indian Restaurant 323 E. Tomichi (970) 641-7480 Reservations & Takeout Our Patio is closed for the season Watch for the Sherpa Inn (across Highway 50) Coming Soon! OPEN 7 Days a Week Lunch: 11AM - 2:30PM Dinner: 5 - 9:30PM WANT TO BEGIN TO PREPARE FOR THE GED? Test of Adult and Basic Education(TABE) testing in April on Mondays at 5:30 pm and Tuesdays at 9:30 am at the Colorado Workforce Center. You must make an appointment with Mary Burt, Director of the Center for Adult and Family Education, 970-641-7684. (4/27). ¿EMBARAZADA? ¿Necesitas ayuda? Pruebas de embarazo gratuitas y consulta. Referencias y asistencia. ¡Estamos aquí para ayudar! Lighthouse 970-5961706 (4/20). NEED FOOD ASSISTANCE? Gunnison Country Food Pantry is open Mondays 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. and Wednesdays 1 p.m. - 7 p.m. Seniors 65+ are served Thursdays 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Visit the Pantry at 321-C N. Main Street in Gunnison on the SW corner of Main and Ohio. Info at (4/20) THE MULTICULTURAL RESOURCE SERVICES, 225 N. Pine St., Suite B, now has full time funding thanks to a grant from Caring for Colorado. We share the office with CAFÉ (Center for Adult and Family Education). Come by or call Ellen 641-7999. If I’m not in, it’s because I often have to be in meetings or trainings. If you have a medical emergency, please call 911 (4/20). ¿HA PREPARADO SU PROPIEDAD contra inundaciones (terraplenes, sacos de arena, etc.)? ¿Puede poner sus cosas en sitios más altos en su propiedad u hogar en caso de inundaciones? ¿Usted y su familia saben dónde irán y lo que llevarán en caso de evacuación? Prepárese ahora, no espere hasta el último minuto. Visite dsmart/pages/mediaresources/s panish.jsp Para obtener información adicional póngase en contacto con Emergencias del Condado de Gunnison en 9706 4 1 - 2 4 8 1 5/Flood-Preparations o a la Oficina Multicultural 970-641-7999 (4/20). HABLE CON UN ABOGADO GRATIS: Clínica de consulta legal gratis el primer jueves de cada mes en edificio de Servicios Familiares, 225 N. Pine St., Gunnison a las 5:30 de la tarde. Llame a Ellen para obtener más información 970-641-7999. (4/20). GUNNISON VALLEY OBSERVATORY SEEKS VOLUNTEERS who would like to be trained for our Summer season. We’re in need of greeters & individuals who want to learn to operate telescopes. Contact Mike 9 7 0 - 5 9 6 - 0 9 2 7 (4/27). GENTLE CHAIR YOGA FOR ELDERS happens EVERY Thursday at 10:30 a.m. at the Sanctuary Studio: 513 South Main Street. This class is complimentary to all over 65. (4/27). EN ESPAÑOL, TECNOLOGÍA Y MEDIOS SOCIALES. Consejos para padres y como mantener a sus hijos seguros. Hablaremos de la importancia que tiene el que los padres se informen y aprendan sobre los medios o redes sociales, como sus hijos están tomando ventaja de ellos en la actualidad y cuáles son los peligros que podrían enfrentar y como prevenirlos. Viernes 6 de mayo 6:30 pm— Iglesia Emanuel 405 W. Tomichientre House of China y Colorado Fitness). Presentación a cargo de Patricia Sabino. Auspiciado por GCSAPP y Oficina Multicultural 970641-7999 (5/4). PET WASTE IS A SERIOUS CONTRIBUTOR TO WATER POLLUTION, even when not close to a water source. Dog poo can carry a host of bacteria and pathogens that can be spread to other dogs, wildlife and humans. It is NOT fertilizer. PREVENT POOLLUTION and clean up after your pooch. For more information, or to join the GVAWL’s Doo Days crew, contact Debra at 970-209-7030. (4/20). CITIZENSHIP PREPARATION CLASSES started this week, Tuesdays from 11:30 am-12:30 pm at the Center for Adult and Family Education located in the Family Services Building on 225 North Pine Street. This 10 week program will help prepare anyone who would like to naturalize and become a United States Citizen. Taught by experienced Instructor Marketa Zubkova, each session will allow time to practice sample interview questions and assorted civic test areas. Homework will be assigned and reading practice recommended. Participants can attend one or all classes. Offered for FREE, thanks to grant funding from The Community Foundation of the Gunnison Valley and the City of Gunnison. (4/20). TALK TO A LAWYER FOR FREE: Thursday Night Bar (legal advice clinic), first Thursday of each month at the Family Services Building, 225 N. Pine St., Gunnison, 5:30 p.m. Call Ellen for more information 6417999 (4/20). FERIA DE LA SALUD 2016. No pierda la oportunidad de hacerse pruebas de sangre a bajo costo. Análisis completo de la sangre: $45; Conteo de la sangre (CBC):$20; Próstata: $30; Hemoglobina A1c: $35; Colorrectal InSure: $25. La Oficina Multicultural tiene $$$vales$$$ ¡Llame al 641-7999 para reservar el suyo! No se debe comer 12 horas antes del examen pero sí se debe tomar MUCHA agua y tomar la medicina regular. Las personas que tienen diabetes sí deben comer. (4/27). ESCORRENTÍA DE PRIMAVERA - Si usted es dueño de una propiedad en un área propensa a las inundaciones, considere lo siguiente: ¿Está su seguro contra inundaciones propiedad al día y en vigencia? ¿Qué cubre su seguro contra inundaciones? Hay un periodo de 30 días desde la compra de pólizas de seguro y su entrada en vigencia. Para obtener más información sobre seguros contra inundaciones llame a su agente de seguros. También puede llamar a Thuy Patton, Coordinador Estatal del Programa Nacional de Seguros contra Inundaciones: 303-8664803, o visite ciones (4/20). KBUT IS LOCATED AT 88.7 FM IN GUNNISON. Our signal strength has increased from 40 watts to 6500 watts this past year. Tune us in loud and clear. SUMMER CAMP COUNSELORS NEEDED Gunnison Parks & Recreation is Hiring counselors for our youth summer camp program Pay rage is $11-15/hour (4/20). DID YOU KNOW?... If you buy a #6 plastic cup you can bring it to WSCU to “TERRACYCLE” into other useful products? Drop-off locations at: Library Parking Lot, Pinnacles, North Mears, Between Ute and Robidoux Hall Look for the recycling bin with the “TERRACYCLE” logo on it! Experience in child care and working with kids required Stop by 200 E. Spencer to pick up an application and job description More information at 200 East Spencer Avenue 970-641-8060 (4/20/pd/47). HELP PUT FOOD WITHIN REACH. Donate to Gunnison Country Food Pantry (GCFP), PO Box 7077, Gunnison, CO 81230 or online at Bring food donations to 321-C N. Main Street in Gunnison on the SW corner of Main and Ohio Mondays, Wednesdays or Thursdays. The Pantry is an AllVolunteer Organization. (4/20). PREGNANT? Need help? Free pregnancy testing and consultation. Referrals and assistance. We’re here to help! Lighthouse Pregnancy & Family Resource Center; 209 Elizabeth Street; 24-hour hotline: 970-5961706. (4/20). “IT IS A MINDLESS PHILOSOPHY that assumes that one’s private beliefs have nothing to do with public office. Does it make sense to entrust those who are immoral in private with the power to determine the nation’s moral issues and, indeed, its destiny? One of the most dangerous and terrifying trends in America today is the disregard for character as a central necessity in a leader’s credentials. The duplicitous soul of a leader can only make a nation more sophisticated in evil.” Ravi Zacharias - Frank Buffington 970641-2433 (4/27). SENIORS, NEED FOOD ASSISTANCE? Gunnison Country Food Pantry is open to Seniors 65+ on Thursdays 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Come for coffee, see what the community wants to share with you. Visit the Pantry at 321-C N. Main Street in Gunnison on the SW corner of Main and Ohio. Info a t (4/20). EXTRA LARGE DOG KENNEL: Pet Gear brand, collapsible w/wheels, handle for easy travel. Solid bottom, garage-type front door, easy access top door. Perfect condition, sturdy and clean. Used 2 months. $80. 970-275-3516 (photos at (4/20). RUNNING BOARDS: F250 1997-2003 Good shape. Call Jay 970-209-0024 (4/20). LA OFICINA MULTICULTURAL 225 N. Pine St, B ahora tiene fondos para operar a tiempo completo gracias a nuevos subsidios. Ubicada en la misma oficina que CAFÉ (clases de inglés para adultos y la familia). Pase por la Oficina o llame a Ellen 641-7999 (deje mensaje con su número telefónico). Debido a que muchas veces tengo que ir a juntas o entrenamientos, a veces no estoy en mi oficina, y lamento el inconveniente. Si tiene una emergencia médica, llame al 911. (4/20). FOR SALE: Dishes and glassware. Call for detail 970641-4836 (4/20). M.A.P.I. MINISTERIO APOSTOLICO PROFETICO INTERNACIONAL: Iglesia Cristiana EMANUEL. Anuncia que se traslado de sede. Informes en los telefonos: 970-258-2046, 970-234-3041, 970-964-8545, 970-964-8519. ¡Los Esperamos! PANASONIC 6.0 PLUS DIGITAL cordless Answering System (KXTG4733) main base w/answering machine and 2 remote cordless units. Great for office or home; little usage; $45- call 970-2328272 (4/27). (4/20). SHOPPER SPECIALS! Want to find out about our advertising specials? Go to our website at for all the details! (4/20). ¡GANA MIENTRAS QUE APRENDES! Conviértete en el mejor padre que puede ser al mismo tiempo ganar artículos de maternidad y bebé (¡pañales, ropa, cunas, y mucho más!) ¡Es muy fácil! Llámenos: 970-5961706 Lighthouse (4/20). Gunnison Recreation & Community Center ROOF METAL for sale, 24 ga., corrugated, many lengths. 970209-0109 (4/20). STYLING, CUTS, PERMS, COLOR, HIGHLIGHTS & MORE 641-6436 • 520 N Main YOUR FREE ADS RUN FOR TWO WEEKS automatically (unless date restricted, i.e. yard sales, events) when you call, fax, email, or bring them in yourself. Really! Two weeks on renewal ads as well. It’s amazing!, 6413148. (4/20). WELL PRESSURE TANK: 40 gallon, nearly new. $175. 970209-7669. (4/20). FLOWER GIRL/RING BEARER: outfits for sale. Dress fits a size 46t and boys outfit a size 3t/4t. Both are in perfect condition. Dress is off white with gold belt. Boys outfit is shorts/suspenders bow tie. 970-596-8954 (4/20). PETMATE KENNEL - XLG; hard plastic, clean, hardly used, great for travel or training; $40. call 970-232-8272 (4/27). BOILER FOR SALE: Weil-McLain hot water boiler. 90% efficiency, 175K BTU, capacity 3,000 sq. ft. home. Used only 6 years. New $4,300, will sell for $1,100. 970275-4852 (4/20). ALMOST 900 MUSIC CD’S (Compact Discs)! Instant Personal Music Library, All for $300. Every Genre including Rock, Country, Jazz, Blues, Soundtracks, More! Call 970-596-3514 (4/27). WANTED TO BUY: all guitars, any condition, used, vintage, etc. Castle Creek Guitars, 132 North Main, 641-2747. (4/20/17). PROFESSIONAL DETAILING: Carpet, upholstery shampoo, buff, wax, complete interior and exterior. Call Precision Automotive for a appointment. 641-4040, (4/20/19). CAR OR TRUCK BEHAVING BADLY? Bring them by Gunnison Tire for complete mechanical obedience training. From simple behavioral issues to full blown tantrum, Brian can resolve your problems. Come by and have Brian bring peace and harmony back to your automotive relationship! Gunnison Tire, 508 W Tomichi, 970-641-0801 (4/27/48). SPRING HAS SPRUNG INSIDE HOPE & GLORY So much New Inventory You Won’t believe Your Eyes Pillows, Table Linens, Rugs, Lamps, Candles, Wreaths, Garlands & “YOU ARE NEVER TOO OLD to set another goal or to dream a new dream”. The Center for Adult and Family Education is part of the Gunnison Library District. For information on English, GED and Citizenship classes call 970-6417684 (4/20). Florals, Gifts and Home Decor And so much more! STOP BY TODAY! SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 Active for sale. 4 months old, all original packaging. Simply more phone than we need. Hard case and plexiglas screen cover. Like new, $375, OBO. 970-209-0864 HOPE & GLORY 147 N Main Street Gunnison 970-641-1638 (4/27). FOR SALE: Craftsman 10” Radial Arm Saw. Used. Works Well. $50. call: 970-641-6297 (photos at (4/27). Like our Facebook page to keep up on all the new arrivals! (4/20/55). GOT A HONEY-DO LIST and no time to get it done, or just don’t have the tools and knowledge? No Problem! Call GYRA for home repairs or maintenance. 28 years exp., Fair prices. Insured. GYRA Enterprises 970-644-1991 (ask for Joel) (4/27/pd/40). DON’T WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO GET YOUR LAWN AND GARDEN EQUIPMENT SERVICED or repaired at Ron’s Small Engine Repair 970-6411574. We also have several used reconditioned lawn mowers for sale see at 404 Rio Grande Ave., lot 14 Gunnison (4/20/pd/41). ARBORMEN TREE WORK Bonded. 12 city-fed contracts. Corrective pruning, removals, diagnosis, transplants, fruitwood chips, licensed arborist 1983. 970-628-6777 or 970-589-0865 for Firewood (4/20/pd/22). 3 TRAILERS FOR SALE: 18’ flat bed with self storing ramps, $1500. Lawn trailers 12’ double axle, drive up ramp, equipment box, ladder rack & water jug holder with spare tire, $1200. 14’ trailer Unistrut with 5’ sides, double doors on rear. Wrapped in hog panel. $1400. 970-9447387 Lake City (4/27). SONY Boombox. CFS-1200 with detachable speakers $12, 970596-4747 (4/20). ANTIQUE WHITE ENAMEL cook stove, $600. 970-209-2703 (4/27). “THE SECRET TO GETTING AHEAD is getting started.”- Mark Twain. Are you interested in taking the GED? Classes are forming soon, call the Center for Adult and Family Education at 970-6417684 (4/20). gunnison country shopper, april 20, 2016 C.A. West Bookkeeping Complete Sole-proprietor, Partnership, Corporate, Business Accounting & Tax Preparation A Registered Tax Return Preparer NOW ACCEPTING NEW CLIENTS 641-5644 234 N. Main Street Suite 3D IT’S LUNCH TIME! L a k e S ch o ol , G C S & C BC S L u n c h M e nu Apr i l 2 5 - Ap r il 2 9 Ha r v es t of t h e Mo n t h ˜ Be e t s ˜ Monday Sloppy Joe/BunH Waffle Fries Cucumber Slices Cinnamon Apple Sauce Tu e s da y Beefy Noodles H Green Beans Cherry Tomatoes Peaches W ed n e sd a y Baked Chicken H Mashed Potatoes Savory Carrots Roll H Fruit Cocktail Th u rs d a y Pepperoni Pizza H Dark Salad Greens Fresh Cauliflower Orange Smiles Friday Chicken Quesadilla H Savory Rice Pinto Beans Shredded Lettuce Strawberries All Meals Served with Milk Menus Subject to Change H = Homemade L = Local food * = Harvest of the Month USTED PUEDE AYUDAR A NUESTRA COMUNIDAD! Puede donar alimentos no perecederos y ponerlos en los cubos rojos que la Despensa de Alimentos (Gunnison Country Food Pantry) ha puesto en varios sitios de Gunnison (Safeway y City Market y más lugares). ¿Preguntas? 970641-4156. También puede llamar a la Oficina Multicultural 6417999 si tiene preguntas. (4/20). JR COLL ISION CE NTER SPIKEY CACTUS: star shaped clusters with spines on edges of leaves, 15 x16 in 12 x10 black plastic pot, pictures on Shopper website. $10 assures you will take care of it. Call 970-6413567 (4/20). AAA APPROVED AUTO REPAIR: Request an appointment online at (4/20/10). SPRING HAS SPRUNG INSIDE HOPE & GLORY So much New Inventory You Won’t believe Your Eyes Pillows, Table Linens, Rugs, Lamps, Candles, Wreaths, Garlands & Florals, Gifts and Home Decor And so much more! STOP BY TODAY! HOPE & GLORY 147 N Main Street Gunnison 970-641-1638 Like our Facebook page to keep up on all the new arrivals! (4/20/55). INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL FLOOR FRYER. Two basket large gas fryer. $1000. Call Liz 970-497-0787 (4/20). FOOD SAVER VACUUM SEALING SYSTEM, Model V2860. Nice system, all the parts, plus a part to use with mason jars. Stainless. Some bags. See pictures at $40 takes all. Over $100 for this system new. email (4/20). GOT A HONEY DO LIST and no time to get it done or just don’t have the tools and knowledge? No problem! Menus Provided by Mountain Roots Food Project Call GYRA for home repairs or maintenance AMERICAN FAMILY INSURANCE & THE NELSON FAMILY AGENCY can provide local protection for your auto, home, business, health, and condo association, and provide life insurance for your family. Find out for yourself why we were voted “BEST INSURANCE AGENCY” in the Valley! Call Rick and his team of professionals to compare at 641-3481, or stop by our office at 1140 N Main. A 28 yrs experience Fair pricing Insured GYRA Enterprises 970-644-1991 Joel Michna (5/4/pd/40). FOR SALE: Four 13” five hole trailer rims and tires and extra rim - $100, OBO. Box 500 4” x 8” self sealing bubble mailer envelopes $50, OBO. Text/call 970-9011602. (4/20). RENTAL CARS JUST $20 PER DAY with any automotive service at Precision Automotive 6414040 (4/20/14). FOR SALE: Table Saw, 10” Grizzly, Mode lG1022 Pro Z, 2 hp, w/ Shop Fox Fence & Mobile Base included. Works great but needs a couple small replacement items from Grizzly. $175 call 970-641-6297 (photos at (4/27). INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL COFFEE BREWER. $300. Call Liz 970-497-0787 (4/20). T RU S T O U R H I G H LY E X P E R I E N C E D T E C H N I C I A N S ! C A L L T I M F O R YO U R F R E E E S T I M AT E Fe at u r i n g : F R E E c o m p u t e r i ze d e st i m at e s ( e s t i ma t e s w h i l e yo u wa i t ) . W AT E R B O R N E PA I N T S , S t at e o f t h e A r t S p r a y B a ke Pa i n t S y s t e m , E nv i r o n m e n t a l l y S a f e . P a i n t l e s s D e n t R e p a i r, C l e a r P r o t e c t i o n C h i p G u a r d , L a s e r M e a s u r i n g F u l l Fr a m e S y s t e m . N O J O B TO O B I G O R T O O S M A L L ! (970)641-0920 or (888)292-8915 212 W. HWY 50 • Gunnison TIRE CHAINS: 5’8” long x 11.6” wide. 970-275-8376 (4/27). 10:00 A.M. TUESDAY! Yes, that is the Free Ad Deadline. Always has been, always will be. That means we must have your free ad at our office by 10am. But you don’t have to wait until 10am to call, email or fax. Please account for delays in cyberspace, as well as busy phones on Tuesdays. Thanks The Gunnison Country Shopper. (4/20). FOR SALE: FELKER TILE MASTER PRO, 2 wet tile saws for the price of one.1 has minimal use the other more use. Includes LOTS of accessories & blades plus 2 metal stands, 1 regular & 1 upgraded material tray, 2 basins no leaks. Both work. Both these machines lived in my mosaic art studio never moved. $1000 for both or best offer. 970-209-6743 in CB (4/27). FOR SALE: NATURAL GAS cook stove with electric ignitor, $100. 720-429-1156 (4/20). FOR SALE: 1000 watt metal hail balst and hood $135 430 watt HP’s balst and hood $100 4 by 8 flood table $50. 970-765-4138 (4/27). Gunnison County, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the United States Forest Service (USFS) have temporarily closed a number of roads to all motor vehicles to protect Gunnison Sage-grouse during their mating season and to prevent road damage during wet spring conditions. These roads were closed March 15 and will reopen on May 15, 2016. The U.S. Forest Service Closures extend through June 15 to protect nesting Gunnison Sage-grouse. The cooperation of the public is required to successfully implement these road closures. The closures will aid in the preservation of the Gunnison Sage-grouse and may assist in reducing impacts on residents and visitors of Gunnison County from the Federal listing of the grouse under provisions of the Endangered Species Act. Copies of the closure list and maps are available at Gunnison County Public Works, 195 Basin Park Drive; Gunnison County Community Development Department, 221 N. Wisconsin; Colorado Parks and Wildlife office, 300 W. New York; Bureau of Land Management office, 210 West Spencer, Unit A, and the U.S. Forest Service office, 216 N. Colorado, Gunnison, Colorado. These closures apply to all motor vehicles. Do not park at the closures in a manner that blocks access through the closure gates. All non-motorized trail users are also requested to use Gunnison Basin roads/trails only after 9 a.m. during this period to help reduce disturbance to Sage-grouse. For additional information call Gunnison County Public Works at 641-0044; the Gunnison County Wildlife Conservation Coordinator at 641-7604; BLM at 642-4940; or the U.S. Forest Service at 641-0471. SHOPPER DEADLINES: News/Press Releases, Community Calendar items, Mondays 10am; Free Ads & Notices, Tuesdays, 10am; All paid ads/business ads, including free ad late fees Tuesdays, 2pm. Thank you for your c o o p e r a t i o n ., 6413148. (4/20). r it you tos) Subm ds (and pho d an ed a assifi online l C e e sh Fr VE nison tely. our LI to gun loaded to d immedia be up viewe it will hat can be nt editio HAPPY SPRING! Let us help you sweep away winter with 10% off spring clean ups and free consultations. MOUNTAIN THYME GARDENS is a full service landscaping company. Professional , friendly and affordable. Call Amanda 719-5881189 (4/20/pd/34). E V I L FIEDS I S S A CL PRANA: KARA JEANS, size 0 (runs large, pattern) and la viva trucker hat (pink). 970-596-8954 GHS PROM IS APRIL 30TH! Best Selection of Ribbons, Rhinestones, (4/27). Feathers & Bling in the Valley! DUMP TRUCK and Order Your Corsage or Boutonnière Early To Insure Color Choice LOADER FOR HIRE MISTY MOUNTAIN FLORAL 970-275-4852 147 N MAIN STREET (4/27/7). ¡COLLEGE STUDENTS HAVE SKILLS that they would like to share with you. Need some help? Babysitters, tutors, laborers? Look at the end of the employment section to find an able-bodied and minded student to do what you need done. (4/20). GUNNISON 970-641-5102 Check out our Designs on our Facebook page! (4/20/42). Certified Service Genuine GM Parts Collision Center NOTICE OF GUNNISON COUNTY, BLM AND USFS ROAD CLOSURES (4/20). NEED A LITTLE GLITZ AND GLAMOUR FOR PROM? SixPoints has dresses and accessories to make your night memorable and fun. Come see what treasures you can find. page 5 lost&found e o ents g n. m e s i e noo dvert fied a day ’s befor i s s a l Paid C ne Wednes ore info at .com or m onli LIVE ontact us f onshopper s i C nn er@gu shopp LOST: Prescription Oakley glasses. They are black currency frames. If found please call 970393-2598 to claim reward. (4/27). THE FOLLOWING ITEMS are at the Gunnison Police Department and the owner is either not known or has not been located. To claim an item listed below please contact the Gunnison Police Department Monday-Friday 8:00 AM to5:00 PM. Ask for a Neighborhood Services Officer. List is for items received in the last 30 days. 16-0461 Single house key duct tape on key; 160462 Two silver keys on purple key chain; 16-0462 Volvo fob; 160462 Four keys on a red carabiner; 16-0462 One silver key on a black clip; 16-0462 10 keys on green tab/with Hunter name tag; 16-0462 Five keys, fob, Dicks Sporting Goods card; 16-0462 Jeep key on yellow tab; 16-0485 Diamond back mt bike owner Jack Young; 16-0491 Spray painted Huffy mt. bike; 160512 Cell phone owner Tony Pitsikos; 16-0515 Envelope; 160515 House key on pink ring; 160515 House key on a shoelace; 16-0520 Huffy town bike; 160520 Town bike; 16-0520 Huffy mt. bike; 16-0536 Alcatel cell phone; 16-0548 Laundry basket; 16-0576 Roadmaster mt. bike; 16-0578 Roadmaster mt. bike; 16-0579 Specialized mt. bike; 16-0601 Keys on a green lanyard (4/20). LOST: mother’s necklace on gold chain with 3 birthstones. If found please contact Juanita @970707-5003. (4/27). FOUND ON 135 NEAR ALMONT, looks like seat and back for log type Aderondack chair from Bass Pro Shops. Minor damage. Call to identify. 970-641-1562 (4/27). gunnison country shopper, april 20, 2016 page 6 JOIN THESE GUNNISON 1% FOR OPEN SPACE BUSINESSES Double Shot Cyclery Gunnison Country Shopper Gunnison Country Times Gunnison River Festival I Bar Ranch Main Street Clinic 1% for Open Space allows your customers to make a voluntary donation to protect Gunnison’s unique surroundings • Business participation is free! • All money collected south of Almont, stays south of Almont • Help permanently preserve land for recreation, ranching, viewsheds & watershed and ecosystem integrity To sign up your business, contact Executive Director Molly Murfee at (970) 349-1775 or director@1percentfor FREE Misc lumber, plywood and hardwood suitable for small projects. Items can be picked up in the alley behind 313 S Main Street. (4/20). HAVING TROUBLE PAYING FOR YOUR BIRTH CONTROL? Have you been thinking of getting tested for an STD but didn’t know where to go? The Gunnison County Public Health Family Planning Program is here to help with these and other services! Call 641-0209 to make a confidential appointment today. Fees dependent on income, no person is turned away for inability to pay. (4/20). FOR SALE: Tires 245 75R16 on 6 hole steel rims. set of 4. get some summer tread for not a lot of bread. 970-596-9894 (4/20). YOGA WRAP for sale. white, like new, 1/2 purchase price in store. $15. 970-349-1321 (4/20). TODOS LOS MIÉRCOLES (excepto días feriados) La Despensa de Alimentos de Gunnison (Gunnison Country Food Pantry) está abierta de 1pm-7pm, 321 N. Main St # C. (sobre calle Ohio) 970-641-4156. También puede llamar a la Oficina Multicultural 641-7999 si tiene preguntas. (4/20). RAIN PANTS: Columbia Sportswear, men’s M, blue, PVC/nylon, elastic waist, two pockets, snap ankles, pictures on Shopper website. $20, OBO. Call 970-641-3567 (4/20). 7,900 Gunnison Country Shoppers every WEDNESDAY major appliances since 1992 Maytag, Amana, KitchenAid, And Whirlpool. In Stock and Special Order Affordable, Professional, Delivery & Installation 1000 North Main Street, Ste 1, Gunnison GATES ON TRAILS & ROADS: Please respect all gate closures and follow any posted signs. Thanks for Staying the Trail and Treading Lightly out there! (4/20). JOHN’S HVAC SERVICES Furnaces and HRV systems Crawl spaces - Venting Dryers Commercial. & Residential Kitchen Hoods-Remodels Exhausting venting 970-219-3805 (4/20/pd/18). ROAD TRIP IN YOUR FUTURE? It doesn’t take a crystal ball to see if trouble are in your future too. Come by Gunnison Tire, 508 W. Tomichi and let Brian look into your car or truck’s not-so mystical future! 970-641-0801 (4/27/40). FOR SALE: A selection of stone tiles, full boxes and randoms. Best offer. Come check them out. Lots to sell, some to give away in CB. 970-209-6743 (4/27). AUNQUE SUS HIJOS NO ESTÉN ENFERMOS, es importante que visiten a los médicos periódicamente. Se recomienda que las visitas se hagan a los 2 meses, 4 meses, 6 meses, 9 meses, 1 año, 15 meses, 18 meses, 2 años, 3 años, 4 años, 5 años, 6 años, 8 años, 10 años, y cada año hasta los 21 años. Llame a la Oficina Multicultural si necesita ayuda para hacer una cita o si tiene preguntas. 6417999 (4/20). FREE: ‘99 Chevy Tailgate, full size, and rear bumper. 970-2750271 (4/20). DISPLAY CASES for sale. Six full size glass cases all with lighting also corner case. Also other glass displays and various other retail displays and fixtures available. Call 970-641-6345 (photos at (4/27). 1979 Work Wagon Trailer. 27’ X 8’. Fair Condition. $1000, 970275-9237 (4/27). We Sell WeatherPorts, We Repair WeatherPorts, FREE: various pieces tempered glass, 2 @24” x 24”, 1 @25” x 25”, 1 plexiglass 36” x 36”, good for cold frames, garden use, or various home projects. Call 970641-3567 to pick up. (4/20). INFRARED SAUNA FOR SALE. Home or commercial use. 970641-0644 ask for Donna (4/20). We Buy WeatherPorts, We Rent WeatherPorts! Contact Global Shelters today for all your WeatherPort needs Serving the Gunnison/ Crested Butte valley for over 45 years! ODER ITHACA 12g pump 30” b left hand good condition $400, OBO. 970-901-0622 (4/27). Sharbel @ 970-209-9711 ROOF PROBLEMS? Call MARK LUCAS CONSTRUCTION 970-641-5626 FREE ESTIMATES New Roofs, Repairs & Shoveling! MR. COFFEE 12 CUP COFFEE MAKER! Works Great And Is In Almost Brand Condition And Includes 200 New Filters! $15, Please Call 970-596-3514 (4/27). (4/20/13). (4/20/33). FOR SALE: Twin size Hospital Bed with vibrate, heat, adjusting, etc. Call for details 970-6414836. (4/20). FREE - Lumber 7 planks of rough cut timber 12’ x 8’’ x 1’’ Call 970641-6345 (4/27). (4/20). LATCH HOOK YARN for sale. 49 packages of acrylic Red Heart Bulky Rug Yarn plus many partials. Some wool bundles, also. Earth colors. Quality yarns. $10. 970641-1443 (4/27). FREE ASPEN WOOD, blown down this winter. You come cut & take away. 970-349-7290 (4/27). FREE THINNING: For mountain properties, call for details. 970275-4852 (4/20). DRESS FOR SALE: Brand new, size large. Sleeveless light blue with florals design at bottom. $25. See picture online at 970-2758910. (4/20). TAILGATE: F250 Fits 19972003, White. Slightly dented, but clean and functional. $50 call Jay 970-209-0024 (4/20). FOR SALE: 6x10 enclosed Hallmark trailer. Insulated walls and ceiling. Rhino liner on top of roof. Includes shelves, cabinets, and craftsman toolbox. $300, 970-209-2828 (4/27). YOUR PHOTOS ONLINE with YOUR ONLINE AD! upload your PHOTOS at TRY THE NEW CHINESE RESTAURANT IN TOWN! Chinese Restaurant Dine In - Take Out Tel: (970) 642-6363 113 W. Tomichi, Gunnison, CO 81230 Open 7 Days A Week Mon. - Fri.: 11:00 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. Sat. - Sun.: Noon - 9:30 p.m. (4/20). FOR SALE: Brother Sewing Machine with accessories. 970641-4836 (4/20). QUICKBOOKS ALTERNATIVES EXIST! Call Kim Antonucci for an evaluation. 970-209-8146 (4/27/10). 55 GALLON FUEL TANK for back of pickup. 970-901-9980 (4/27). FOR SALE: Pizza oven, countertop model; Gaviala coffee maker. 970-209-0142 (4/20). ROCK COLLECTION FOR SALE: includes dinosaur bones, petrified wood, call for more info. 970-275-4852 (4/20). AFTERMARKET CROME WHEELS & TIRES 18 wheels with highway Firestone 275/70/18 with some tread left come off 2500 dodge Cummins 8 lug $400 970-901-0622 thanks call/tx (4/27). WOMEN’S WELLNESS CONNECTION - FREE MAMMOGRAMS & PAP TESTS ELIGIBILITY GUIDELINES: 1. No insurance or deductible high enough to delay or prevent screening; 2. Doesn’t exceed income guidelines; 3. 40-64 years of age (women 40-49 will receive a mammogram at discretion of provider; 4. Not had a mammogram or Pap test in the past 12 months (some exceptions apply); 5. Meet Colorado identity or citizenship verification criteria. Please contact Gunnison County Public Health with any questions, 970641-0209 (4/20). FOR SALE: Bear Saver Trashcan. Bear resistant/Proof. steel, 30 gallon. used, good condition. Retails new +/- $780. for sale: $150. call 970-641-6297 (photos at (4/27). TODOS LOS LUNES (excepto días feriados) La Despensa de Alimentos de Gunnison (Gunnison Country Food Pantry) está abierta de 1pm-4pm, 321 N. Main St # C. (sobre calle Ohio) 970-641-4156. También puede llamar a la Oficina Multicultural 641-7999 si tiene preguntas. (4/20). RESTAURANT WEEK SPECIAL TERIYAKI NOODLE BOWL New Noodle Bowl Flavor THE CAFE’ ALWAYS FRESH REAL FOOD! GUNNISON NORDIC WISHES TO PURCHASE A NEW 2014 SKIDOO SKANDIC SUPER WIDE TRACK. The snow is here and funding for this purchase is needed now. Giving the community fun and healthy experiences through skiing is why Gunnison Nordic exists. If you help fund this request you are giving to the community too! Thank you for your support. (4/20). FREE TO GOOD HOME: green plastic hanging pot with 12” jade plant and another hanging succulent. Call 970-641-3567 (4/20). TORK MOTION SENSOR PAPER TOWEL DISPENSERS: Three total, easy wall mount. Call Liz 497-0787. (4/20). SPRING HAS SPRUNG so has our Early Bird Special! Get 15% OFF ALL TREE SERVICES for a limited time! 970-209-3916 970-707-4067 FOR SALE: TRAILERS... NEW AND USED. ATV, UTV, motorcycle, snowmobile and utility models in stock. Come and check out the new Vault Cargo Trailer by Triton. Sun Sports Unlimited, West HWY. 50, Gunnison. 970-6410883. (4/20/34). OMEGA JUICER J100 -fruit/veggie juicer. $125. Like new. 970349-7226 (4/27). GUNNISON CLOTHING PROJECT: Quieres ropas? Nececitas ropas? Somos abiertos todos los Martes y Sabados 10am-2pm oeste del avenida 10 entre calles Tomich y Virginia! Benga a buscar! Todo esta GRATIS! (4/20). GORETEX JACKET: unisex M, blue, Chinook Sport for Banana Equipment, worn several years, lots of life left, large pockets, hood, good for wind/snow, pictures on Shopper website, $20, OBO. Call 970-641-3567 (4/20). GUNNISON VITAMIN 804 NORTH MAIN 970-641-5928 (4/20/22). 3 or More Cords FOR SALE: Whirlpool refrigerator 24” w x 57” t x 28” d, cold; General tire Grabber 265/75R-15. 970-209-0142 (4/20). REALLY NICE, CUSTOM TREATMENT TABLE; sturdy wood frame w/3 built-in shelves and 2.5” thick vinyl padding. Top/head elevates in 5 positions and bottom allows for knee flexion in 3 positions; $450-; call 970232-8272 (photos at (4/27). I have a mountain to sell! (4/27). COMPUTERS FIXED RIGHT THE FIRST TIME KNIGHT TECHNOLOGIES LLC Computer Professionals 970-642-3040 (4/20/12). ELECTRIC LEAF BLOWER for Sale: Toro leaf blower, runs good. Only $30. Call 970-641-4184 (4/27). WOLF GAS CHAR BROILER, commercial. Counter top model. 26” deep, 30 1/2” wide, 13” tall with 5 burners. $700. Call Liz 970-497-0787 (4/20). MUSICIANS/DJ NOTICE: Complete Sound P.A. System. Mackie SRM450 powered speakers (2), JBL EON G2 powered speaker, Fender 1270P powered monitor, Mackie CFX12 mixer, 10 good quality mics, one condenser single mic, mic stands, speaker stands, all the cables you’ll need to plug in and start having gigs with your 4 or 5 piece band. Many extras too. $1800. Call 970-8087283 (4/20). RADON, MOLD, ASBESTOS & WATER QUALITY TESTING by nation’s oldest & largest Environmental Testing Firm 970-275-4852 (4/27/14). (4/20). FOR SALE: Antique’s Royal Dalton, humpback trunk; Telephone and Operator’s box; 5¢ Gumball machine; Mirror 24x48. 970-209-0142 (4/20). ALMOST 250 RECORD (VINYL) ALBUMS! Instant Personal Music Library, Every Genre including Classic Rock, Country, Jazz, Blues, More! Everything for $250. Call 970-596-3514 (4/27). 4 BEAUTIFUL ALL SEASON P205/65 R16 tires with original alloy 2015 Hyundai Sonata wheels. appear new. used 1 week. $400 firm for wheels with tires. (photo online). 970-2095693 noon-7:00 pm. (4/20). FOR SALE: Assorted VHS tapes. 970-641-4836 (4/20). DAYBED-ELLIOTTS’S - Daybed white cast iron-measures 84”W x 40”D x 49”H beautiful bed comes with new mattress for trundle and daybed mattress for top, girl bedding included, must see to appreciate. $800 970-209-7921 (photos at (4/20). (4/27/22). P205/75 R15 All Season tires. these are the taller, alternate size for some Suzuki Sidekick models. good tread, $50 takes all 4. 970209-5693 noon-7:00 PM (4/20). ALMOST 300 (40 BLURAY) MOVIE DVD’S (Digital Discs)! Instant Personal Video Library, Every Genre including Action/Adventure, Comedy, Western, Horror, More! Steal at $450 for all, call 970-596-3514 CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE Search for any ad in our regular weekly paper Upload your photos for your online ads FIREWOOD FOR SALE Free Delivery of 209-6101 (4/20/17). FOR SALE: motorcycle rear tire for sale: Shinko Advance 190/50/zr17 brand new $50. 970-596-9420 (4/27). DON’T FORGET! Gunnison Valley PTA is collecting Box Tops 4 Education. This is an easy way for anyone to support your local community school/PTA. You can send your Box Tops to your child’s classroom or put them in collection containers at the public library or the community center. Thank you for your support! (4/20). GHS PROM IS APRIL 30TH! Best Selection of Ribbons, Rhinestones, Feathers & Bling in the Valley! Order Your Corsage or Boutonnière Early To Insure Color Choice MISTY MOUNTAIN FLORAL 147 N MAIN STREET GUNNISON 970-641-5102 Check out our Designs on our Facebook page! (4/20/42). OUTDOOR GLOBE STRING LIGHTS. 25ft long. $25 per strand. Outdoor Globe String Lights with Copper Fluted ShadesNEW in box. 35’ long with 7 lights per strand. $65 per strand. Call Liz 970-497-0787 (4/20). INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL ICED TEA MACHINE. $300. Call Liz 970-497-0787 (4/20). SUMP PUMP: Wayne, with float, 3/4 HP, used once, with 100 feet discharge line of pipe 1 1/4” diameter, pictures on Shopper website, $30. Call 970-641-3567 (4/20). 2 SPEAKERS: OPTIMUS PRO LX5 8 ohm 100 watt, bookshelf size 6” x 6”x 11”, black, good sound. See pictures on Shopper website. $10 for pair. Call 970641-3567 (4/27). FOR SALE: Bottle collection. Call for details 970-641-4836. (4/20). PSA = PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS: that means it is a service to the public, and it is our pleasure. Let all of the Gunnison Country know what you have in store for them. FOR FREE!,, 6413148. (4/20). SIX POINTS DONATION HOURS: at our new location 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. Monday - Friday (except Tuesdays & Thursdays); 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Saturday; Closed on Sunday. Please call Six Points at 970-641-3081 for furniture donations or large donations of household items. (4/20). FOR SALE: Cassette tapes. Call for details 970-641-4836 (4/20). PX90 DVD’S and book $50. CHARLEAN EXTREME DVD’ss and books. $45. 970-349-7226. Leave message (4/27). gunnison country shopper, april 20, 2016 ARE YOU RENTING? You can feel safe and secure for as little as $8/mo with a Renters Policy that provides protection for your personal belongings, personal liability, and even identity theft. Find out for yourself why American Family Insurance & The Nelson Family Agency were voted “BEST INSURANCE AGENCY” in the Valley! Call Rick and his team of local professionals at 641-3481 or stop by our office at 1140 N Main. WE RECYCLE EGG CARTONS. PLEASE CALL 970-641-5644 (4/20). NO FEE TV. Information about how to receive the over-the-air television signals provided by the Gunnison County Metropolitan Recreation District is available on the web at or by contacting the District at 6419148. (4/20). PET PORTER CAGE for sale. 36” long x 24” wide x 26” high. $60, 970-641-1197 (4/20). FOR SALE: JOHN DEER 42” snow blower, fits on lawn mower $750, new $1500. Call after 5 pm. 970-300-8592 (4/20). PIPE D VISE, GC $10. LOT OF 350+ Football/basketball cards, EC, $6. 970-641-8706 (4/27). ¿SABÍA USTED QUE LA BIBLIOTECA PÚBLICA de Gunnison tiene libros en español para niños y adultos? También tienen películas, música y acceso a computadoras. Los miembros de nuestra biblioteca pueden pedir libros de otras bibliotecas, lo que aumenta muchísimo la cantidad de títulos que podemos leer. Visite o llame a la biblioteca al 641-3485, 349-6535 (CB), o Ellen 641 7999 para obtener información en español. (4/20). 10’X20’ CAR CANOPY in box, 970-641-4836. (4/20). FOR SALE: 2 large clean moving blankets in CB like new $35 for both $15 each. 970-209-6743 (4/27). ROUTER AND MODEM FOR SALE: Netgear N600 Dual Band Gigabit Router (WNDR3700) and Motorola SURFboard eXtreme Cable Modem. Like new, $40 each or $75 for both. 970-6414828 (4/20). SPRING INTO CAMPING! GET YOUR GEAR TOGETHER AT GUNNISON MUFFLER & PIPE 303 South 11th Street Gunnison WATER METER: $150; 970-2754852. (4/20). 970-641-6007 ALL HELMETS ON SALE ALL THE TIME! Only at Sun Sports Unlimited West HWY 50 Gunnison 970-641-0883 ALL YOUR CAMPER & (4/20/17). FOR SALE: 800-900ft. of 3/8” cable for sale, call for details, 970-275-4852. (4/20). FOR SALE: Behringer Amplifier with Dynamizer. Model GM110 Vintager. 120V 60 Hz 66 W. $75. Call 970-497-0787 (4/20). 6-7 PERSON HOT TUB: Vita Spa, 6 yrs. old, new $9000, hardly used, sell $3050 OBO. 970275-4852 (4/20). page 7 DOLL CRADLE: Vintage 50s Jenny Lind style, dark wood, rockers, 22x13, original pink bedding, stored for many years, good condition, use as pet bed, pictures on Shopper website. $25. Call 970641-3567 (4/20). COLOR PRINTER / copier/fax/scanner: HP Photosmart C6180 All-in One with users’ guide, drivers, connections and some supplies. Works great. $75, OBO. Call Fran @ 970-6412039 (4/20). ORE CART: price drastically reduced, if you called before call back, came from Gunnison County mine, barn type roof protects it, inside storage, buyer must move, pictures on Shopper website, call for details, 970-641-3567 (4/20). JEWELRY MAKING Equipment for sale. Vacuum caster, kiln & Buffer. 970-349-5107 (4/27). CLASSIC, STURDY, ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTING TABLE with tilt mechanism. $450 obo. 970275-4852 (4/20). PARA LAS PERSONAS MAYORES DE 65 AÑOS—TODOS LOS JUEVES (excepto días feriados) La Despensa de Alimentos de Gunnison (Gunnison Country Food Pantry) está abierta de 10am to 2pm, 321 N. Main St # C. (sobre calle Ohio) 970-6414156. También puede llamar a la Oficina Multicultural 641-7999 si tiene preguntas. (4/20). FOR SALE: Truck topper off Ford F-150 full size. $200 970-3667670 (photos at (4/27). 4 C CLAMPS, 2 - 1”, 1- 4” other similiar, $7, 970-641-8706 (4/27). Like Us On Facebook - TRAILER NEEDS! (4/27/22). Gunnison Country FOR SALE: PLATE GLASS 46” x 46” X 1/4”, with 3/16” corner round, excellent condition, $25. 970-349-5021 (4/20). Food Pantry LITTLE RED WAGON: side reads True Value Hardware, 34 x16 x15, all metal with 27” handle, some rust inside can be sanded/painted, wheels good, pictures on Shopper website. $20. Call 970641-3567 (4/20). SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE Need not be done by the dealer to satisfy your warranty requirements, enjoy the convenience of hometown service. Low cost rental cars. Precision Automotive is your “AAA Approved Auto Repair”, celebrating 30 years of service to the Gunnison Valley. 641-4040 (4/20/43). (4/20). US RANGE SALAMANDER/BROILER. 18” deep, 36” wide, 19” tall. $1000. Call Liz 970-497-0787 (4/20). SUBARU CARGO NET - black net for rear of car, perfect for holding sports equipment, groceries, etc. Like new. Retails for $40, yours for $15. 970-349-6611 (4/27). TELEVISION SIGNALS. To report an issue with the over-the-air television signals or to inquire about the television translator system, please contact the Gunnison County Metropolitan Recreation District at 641-9148. (4/20). FOR SALE: Two walkers. Call for details 970-641-4836 (4/20). QUICKBOOKS ALTERNATIVES EXIST! Call Kim Antonucci for an evaluation. 970-209-8146 (4/27/10). TO GIVE AWAY: Outdoor antenna. Save it from the landfill. Call 970-641-1166 (4/20). “NEVER STOP LEARNING because life never stops teaching” Affordable English classes taught by qualified staff evenings and mornings, GED preparation and Citizenship classes are now forming, contact the Center for Adult and Family Education to sign up. 970-641-7684 (4/20). SMOKER FOR SALE. Southern Pride DH-65 industrial/commercial 220 electric wood chip smoker. 120/208 voltage, 27 amps, 60 hertz, phase 1, NSF certified. 25 1/4” wide, 31 3/4” deep, 48 1/4” high. On wheels, works great and in good condition with owners manual. Asking $4,500. Call Liz 970-497-0787 (4/20). PRECISION AUTOMOTIVE, celebrating 31 years in business. Servicing all makes & models. Call 641-4040 for an appointment. (4/20/16). PAPER SHREDDER Royal SC120. 12 paper crosscut floor model. Very good cond. $25, 970-596-4747 (4/20). FOR SALE: RIDGID 10” TS3650, cast iron table saw with casters, $400. 970-275-8376 (4/27). 7,900 Gunnison Country Shoppers every WEDNESDAY (4/20). gunnison country shopper, april 20, 2016 page 8 gunnison country shopper, april 20, 2016 FOR SALE: Antique Buffet. Call for details 970-641-4836 (4/20). RESTAURANTEURS WILL BE CREATING SPECIAL OFFERS 6 SPIEGELAU VINO GRANDE Crystal Burgundy Wine Glasses! These were $20 each New! $50 for all. These are gorgeous and In PERFECT CONDITION! Please Call 970-596-3514 (4/27). DURING THE WEEK OF APRIL 17-23. STARTS SUNDAY! DREAMSICLE FLOWER PRINT Framed 35.5”X 29”, $20, From The Wildflower Experience Collection! Will Look Lovely On Any Wall! Please Call 970-5963514 (4/27). PARTICIPATING RESTAURANTS FOR SALE: 2 Electric lamps & shades, nice for vanity. 970-6414836 (4/20). 5 B’s BBQ AGAVE MEXICAN ALMONT RESORT BLACKSTOCK CAFE SILVESTRE DOUBLE SHOT EL PARAISO GARLIC MIKE’S HIGH ALPINE BREWING CO GUNNISON VITAMIN CAFE LOCAL MARKET MARIO’S PIZZERIA MIKEY’S PIZZA MOCHA’S PALISADES RESTAURANT PIE ZAN’S PIZZA HUT POWERSTOP SHERPA CAFE TACO BELL YARDBIRD As of press time! FOR SALE: Bedroom set, includes queen mattress & Boxspring, headboard, 6 drawer chest, 9 drawer triple dresser w/mirror, 2 draw night stand. Excellent condition. $400. 970275-6534 (4/20). household &furniture FURNITURE FOR SALE: 2 beautiful large dark solid cherry book cases $600 for the pair. Flex steel chair and ottoman $200. Ashley secretary desk, practically brand new $200. Please call 970-209-2573 or 970-641-2581. (4/27). WOOD PICTURE FRAME. 16”x20” 10 opening collage. New in box. $12, 970-596-4747 (4/20). s COMPLETE APPLIANCE PACKAGE Remodeling in Crested Butte South. White and all works perfectly. Refrig, Ng stove, micro above stove and D/W. Washer and Dryer, electric. First $350 takes all. 970-209-0177 (photos at (4/27). FOR SALE: - twin size quilt/sham from Company store for girls bedroom color pinks & blues and twin sheet set from pottery barn, exc. condition $75. Call 970-2097921 (4/20). A BEAUTIFUL ANTIQUE CHERRY(?) 4 DRAWER Dresser w/Large Intact/Not Cracked Swiveling Mirror! $250. Needs Someone Who Can Glue 1 Side Back Together! Please Call 970596-3514 (4/27). SCONCE WALL SET DECORATION: 3 pieces plus white, purple, yellow dried flowers, terra cotta clay, large piece 10”x 7”, smaller side pieces 6”x4”, Pictures on Shopper Website. $5.00 Call 970-641-3567 (4/27). EXTERIOR DOOR with window and frame $100. 970-641-1480 lv msg. (4/20). 6 FOOT OAK veneer bookcase, $30. 970-209-2703 (4/27). HEADBOARD for single bed, includes two shelves, sturdy brown wood, could be painted for kids room, good condition, pictures on Shopper website> $20. Call 970-641-3567 (4/20). PRE-1900’S OAK TABLE, 4 ft. in diameter, with 2 additional leaves. 970-641-6963, $250. (photos at (4/20). FREE: Older working refrigerator/freezer. Free to whoever comes and gets it. 303-9126216 (photos at (4/20). FOR SALE: Fine Art prints of Mellisa Harris; Lydia Maurer “On the Trail”; D4NO - Bill Johnson; Andy Schyndle 970-209-0142 19” MAGNAVOX COLOR TV W/SONY DVD PLAYER/REMOTE Includes All Wiring $20 (A $50+Value)! This is An Old School Set That Works! Call 970-596-3514 (4/27). FOR SALE: 1 desk, call for details. 970-641-4836 (4/20). FOR SALE: Black 6’ tall Halogen lamp with extra/new halogen tube included, works fine; $25-; 970232-8272 (4/27). BEAUTIFUL SOLID OAK pedestal table and 2 lattice backed chairs (honey color), completely refurbished and looks like new! $250-; call 970-232-8272 GE CEILING FLUORESCENT LIGHT FIXTURE: white metal rim 14” across, scalloped plastic cover, bulb included, never used, new in box, pictures on Shopper website. $10. Call 970-641-3567 (4/27). (4/20). QUEEN BED - bought it last summer. Mattress, box spring, and frame. $50. Call 970-901-2479, please no texting. (photos at (4/27). NEW! (3) MINI NON-STICK FRYER PANS, Excellent Quality! Perfect for frying up 2 over easy eggs! $10. Please Call 970-5963514 (4/27). SHADOW BOXES. Cherry wood. Glass sides and front. Ornate. Approx 15”x 13” x 2” $45 Ea. 970-596-4747 (4/20). MATTRESSES-2 TWIN LIKE NEW, clean in plastic-one is a daybed mattress extra thick $350 for both. Call 970-2097921 (4/20). (4/20). TWIN TRUNDLE BED. Serta mattresses, very, very clean. frame is white wood. like new. Two set sheets blankets and two quilts. $200, OBO. 970-6414407 (4/20). MAYTAG NEPTUNE gas powered dryer, #MDG5500AWW. Touch screen controls very clean, hardly any signs of wear. Steal for $100. 970-596-7966 (4/27). BEDROOM DRESSER, sturdy, heavy duty build. 4 drawers 4 foot long, $40. 970-230-2067 (4/27). FOR SALE: 2 Hutches. 1 is a corner unit and the other is a large wall hutch. Call for more information. 970-641-4836 (4/20). THREE ANTIQUE CHAIRS, with original seats. Nice. $40 each. 970-641-6963 (photos at (4/20). DOUBLE BED - $100. Clean and in great shape. Mattress, box springs, frame and bedding. Call or text 970-765-5045. (4/27). FOR SALE: UPRIGHT KENMORE FREEZER, 14 Cubic feet, $175.3 970-641-3283 (4/20). APPLIANCES FOR SALE: Top load washer, $100. Stainless dishwasher, $50. Mini freezer, $50. Chest freezer, $100. 970944-7387 (4/27). GLASSWARE: Some specialty beer glasses, lots of water glasses. All great condition. Call Liz 497-0787 (4/20). A SOFA CHAIR/CHAISE LOUNGER, 1 Armed, Red Color, Excellent Condition! $25. Great for watching the Tube or Playing Video Games! Please Call 970596-3514 (4/27). SIMMONS QUEEN size bed for sale. Excellent condition, $200. 970-641-0644 (4/20). 2 FLOOR LAMPS, 1 Floor 2 Ceiling w/3 Various Height Bulbs, 1 Free Standing w/1 Bulb, Both Work Great! $15 each. Please Call 970-596-3514 (4/27). FULL SIZE MATTRESS, boxsprings and metal frame; great condition (very little usage); $150- call 970-232-8272 (4/27). SERTA KING PILLOWTOP FIRM Mattress w/Box Springs (In Plastic), w/Metal Bed Frame! In Beautiful Showroom Condition, Less 6 Months Old! Paid almost $2000 asking $750. Call 970596-3514 (4/27). FOR SALE: DAY BED FRAME, like new. Wood and wrought iron. $100. 970-349-6803 (4/20). DESK: Sauder furniture, light wood, 44 x 22 x 30, three drawers and keyboard drawer, bottom drawer fits files, excellent condition, seldom used, pictures on Shopper website. $100. Call 970641-3567 (4/20). MAPLE GATE LEG TABLE with 4 chairs, $125. 970-209-2703 (4/27). WINE RACK Four bottle table top carousel. Ornate steel construction, $20. 970-596-4747 (4/20). VERTICAL BLINDS. LEVELOR. Large. Will cover slider doors. White. $25. Vertical Blinds 95” x. 60” white. 970-596-4747 (4/20). 2 COOKIE/SHEET PANS! Both 17’X11”, $3 each. Used but will still work well in your oven! Please Call 970-596-3514 (4/27). MAYTAG WASHER & WHIRLPOOL DRYER for sale. Electric, both work great, not hooked up. $175 both. 970-6413451 or 970-422-0822 (4/20). A STEAL @ $10! BLACK & DECKER STEAMER IRON, works great! please call 970-5963514 (4/27). FOR SALE: Sturdy table, 15” tall, 51” long & 19” wide. 970-20690142 (4/20). BEAUTIFUL ANTIQUE CABINET. $200, OBO. Call or text 970-765-5045 (photos at (4/27). WANTED TO BUY: all guitars, any condition, used, vintage, etc. Castle Creek Guitars, 132 North Main, 641-2747. BRAND NEW, still in box, never used - Breville Juice Fountain Plus (new $120-) only $80. call 970232-8272 (4/27). NICE STANDARD SIZE mattress, box springs & frame. 970641-2755 (4/27). ALL ITEMS ARE FREE - 90 inch south-western print sofas that are very comfortable and used. Two roomy, very comfy used chairs, slight used La Costa Sealy twin bed set up and several crate and Barrel like wooden counter height and table height chairs. These items are ideal for dorm life! (4/20). 5 DRAWER chest dresser, $20. 970-209-2703 (4/27). TWO FLAGSTONE COFFEE TABLES: 3x2’ $115; 2x2’, $90. 970-275-4852. (4/20). NICE, almost new 2 metal office chairs with black/white cloth cover on seat and back, have armrests. $25 ea. call 970-2328272 (4/27). FOR SALE: 6 table lamps, some from 50’s & 60’s, some shades and assorted. 970-641-4836 (4/20). KLH DIGITAL DVD PLAYER (model # 8350) DVD/CD,CDR,CD-RW/MP3 and picture CD compatible w/manual and cords; works fine; $30-. call 970-2328272 (4/27). CABELA’S CAMO COUCH with reclining ends and a reclining chair. Microfiber fabric. In great condition. No tears or stains. $500, 970-641-8057. Pictures can be seen on The Shopper’s website. (4/27). A PINE SHELVING UNIT 71”H X 24”W X 9”D! Steal at $10. Has a Latched Door and Heart Cutouts! Perfect for any spot in your home! Please Call 970-596-3514 (4/27). RATTAN CHAIR - Beautiful large rattan chair and matching foot bench. Woven rattan encases entire chair. Cushions with removable washable covers included. $250. Photos online. 970-6413014 (4/27). FOR SALE: Standing clock, smaller then a grandfather. Call for more information. 970-6414836 (4/20). MUST SEE, SIGNED RECLAIMED WOOD FRAMED PRINT by Colorado Artist GLENDA GRAPE. $250, OBO. Depicting 2 Beautiful Snow Owls w/Mountain Backdrop! Overall Size Is 34” x 34”. 970-596-3514 (4/27). FOR SALE: mini fridge about 3ft tall. In great condition. Contact me at 719-432-6436 (4/20). KOKATAT DRY SUITS, Gortex, mint condition. Retail for $800 will sell for $300. 970-230-2067. No Text msg. please. 970-230-2067 (4/20). (4/20). SKIS FOR SALE: Black Diamond Carbon Aspect 176 cm with Viper tec. bindings. Comes with skins and ski crampons. Almost new condition. Great spring touring setup. $500. Call 970-209-5232 (4/20). sporting KENWOOD CENTER CHANNEL SPEAKER. 13” x 6”, $12. 970596-4747 (4/20). FREE INTERIOR DOORS! Complete home interior door package of standard sized prehung 6 panel hollow core interior doors with lever hardware. Free! Pick them up in Crested Butte South. 970-209-0177 (4/27). FOUR WHEEL SLIDE IN POP UP CAMPER, 8ft long everything is there good little camper needs a little TLC, good for weekend hunting or project it doesn’t have jacks so bring some or we can get it loaded. $300, OBO. need gone 970-901-0622 thanks (4/20/17). DESK with medium stained top, antique white sides, 29-1/2’ x 65”, very good condition. $50. 349-9364. (4/20). VASE-CERAMIC, vase stands 50” tall by 10” wide, $75. Call 970-209-7921. (photos at (4/20). MOUNTAIN BIKE FOR SALE: 2012 SANTA CRUZ BLUR LT. Fox Suspension with Kashima coating. XT components. KS dropper seatpost. Maxxis tires. Great bike! $1600, OBO. 970497-0587. (4/20). MEN’S WILSON PRO STAFF GOLF SET. With cart bag. $85. Weighted Practice Golf Club. $45. White Steel golf putter. $150. new, sell $50. Luggage. Rolling duffle bag. Blue. Very nice. $45. 970-596-4747 (4/20). ITALIAN NATIONAL SKI-MO RACE suit size men’s med. Great condition, $100. 970-349-6242 (4/20). FOR SALE: Recreation kayak, Dagger 10’, with retractable skag, rear hatch, good condition. $150. 970-230-2067 no texting (4/27). BAUER HOCKEY SKATES, size 6. 970-641-4836 (4/20). GOLF BALL RETRIEVER. 18 ‘ aluminum. Great condition. $15. Golf club. Seven wood. 27 degree titanium. $15. 970-596-4747 (4/20). HOKA ONE ONE, women’s STINSON ATR ‘plum/grey/fuschia. size 6. NEW in the box. $125. HOKA ONE ONE, women’s CHALLENGER, grey/teal, size 6. Lightly used. Great tread. $60. 970349-7226. Leave message (4/27). FOR SALE: Never Summer long board. $125. 970-596-8813. (photos at (4/20). NICE PSE FOXFIRE CROSSBOW with some arrows, $115. 970-641-8706 (4/27). 2008 VIKING LEGEND 2485ST Pop Up Camper. 1 owner awesome camper for getting around in the Gunnison high country. Each slide out is a king bed, dining table is a slide out so tons of room. Large front storage unit. Heater, water system, refrigerator and lift system all works great. $6500 Call Brady at 970-2754985 (4/27). FOR SALE NORDIC TRACK C1500 TREADMILL. Full (parts labor) warranty thru 07/20/17. See online at Sears ( 0 6 2 4 9 9 2 0 0 0 P ? r re c = t r u e ) Down sizing and don’t have room. $700. 970-641-3014 (photos at (4/27). DO YOU HAVE ENOUGH LIFE INSURANCE? It’s ok if you don’t know, because American Family Insurance & The Nelson Family Agency is here to help. You can feel safe and secure with plans starting as low as $10/mo. Find out for yourself why we were voted “BEST INSURANCE AGENCY” in the Valley! Call Rick and his team of local professionals at 641-3481 or stop by our office at 1140 N Main. 1982 DAY SAILER 2 SAILBOAT - small outboard motor lots of extras, call 970-641-0807 (4/27). MONGOOSE MTN. BIKE, for sale, like new. See pic at shopper website, $150. 970-641-4104 (4/20). SALOMON GHOST 120 CS ski boots sz 24.5 great shape, $75. 970-349-6242 (4/20). SURLEY CROSS CHECK, like new. Too big for me. 22” top tube, 21” seat tube, I think it is a 54. I added top brakes and a 3rd chain ring. $600. Someone should be riding this nice bike! 970-349-1321 (4/20). YOUNG LADIES/WOMENS K2 ONE LUV NOT ROCK Skis! $50, OBO. 146 cm/Marker Bindings! Won’t Find A Nicer Barely Used Pair! Please Call 970-596-3514 (4/27). FOR SALE: Raichle All Degree Gore-Tex hiking boots, women’s 6/6.5, in box, $40. 970-3495190. (4/20). SURLY LONG HAUL TRUCKER touring bicycle, 56cm, brand new, paid $1700, sell for $900. 970-964-7488. (4/20). FOR SALE: POOL TABLE, bud light pool light and Jackpot slot machine. Call for more information. 970-641-4836 (4/20). SALOMON QUEST PRO 130 ski boots sz 24.5, great condition, $100. 970-349-6242 (4/20). FOR SALE: Horton crossbow, 160 pound, 360ft. per sec. Shot 5 times. Paid $900, asking $800. 209-2449. (4/20). FOR SALE: St. Bernard ski poles, holds liquor. 970- 2090142 (4/20). SALOMON QUEST MAX 130 At Ski Boots. WTR Soles Sz. 27.5 Like New $150. 970-349-6242 (4/20). GREAT KID’S BIKE - Kona Makena with 20 inch wheels. Used lightly - in great condition. Blue & white, front shock, 6 gears, hand brakes. Retails for $399, yours for $175. 970-3496611. (4/27). FLY FISHING SUPPLIES. 25 packs of tippet and about 100 various dry flies. $30. 970-5964747 (4/20). COMMERCIAL GRADE LIFE FITNESS TREADMILL for sale: $400, OBO. Weight bench $100, OBO. Please call 970-2092573. (4/27). KHS SOFT-TAIL MTN BIKE: brand new condition, all XTR parts, lightest bike in town, 20lbs. Size M. $750. 970-964-7488. (4/20). FOR SALE: TREK 420 from 85. Needs some work, as is $150. 970-596-8813 (photos at (4/20). FOR SALE: Black Diamond ice axe. 65 cm. Lite. $25. Chounard ice axe/hammer. 65 cm. $25. 970-349-5190. (4/20). FOR SALE: Scarpa Skookum AT ski boots. 27.5. Vibram sole. Tech fittings. $50. 970-3495190. (4/20). FOR SALE: .40 S&W Pistol brass $5/per 100 & .44 Mag $8/per 100. 970-641-1197 (4/20). FREE - older Burly baby bike biggie, needs reinforced- you pick up. 970-596-4972 (4/27). page 9 STAIRSTEPPER-FREE Commercial grade Textrix stairstepper-excellent condition. Incredible work-out, but we hardly use. Free 970-799-1818 or (photos at (4/27). 2003 ROCKWOOD FOREST RIVER 5th Wheel 30’ length 1 slide out Awning. Custom renovated with new vinyl flooring and custom paint. NO LEAKS. Everything works. Asking $17,000 or make offer. 785-220-9925 (4/27). WANTED: DEER/ELK DECOY (life size) for archery practice wanted. Do you have one you don’t use? Sell it to me. Call 970-808-7283 (4/20). BACK SUPPORT BELT FOR SALE: McGuire-Nicholas. Size small, like new. $10. 970-2758910. (4/20). 2006 CAMPER TRAILER 26BH THOR SUMMIT for sale, great family trailer with bunk beds. Stored indoors, excellent condition. $8000. 970-209-9398 (4/20). REI KINGDOM 6 TENT - $200. Sells for $440 new. Used only a few times. Call or text - 970-7655045 (4/20). XS MOUNTAIN BIKE FOR SALE: 2012 Trek Lush. 26 inch wheels. $900, OBO. Please call or text for more details: 970-2755087 (photos at (4/20). INFLATABLE BOAT, Sevylor Super Carevelle 116, 11.5 ft.; oars, pump, motor mount. $125 or Best Offer. 970-209-6502 (4/27). DRYTOP FOR SALE: All gaskets in tack, great shape. $30 Size M. 970-641-6642 (4/20). MOUNTAIN BIKE FOR SALE: single speed 29er, 2012 small Specialized Stumpjumper aluminum frame, hard tail, roxshox reba fork, Easton c/f handlebars, 21lbs. $600,excellent condition, 970-596-9420 (4/27). POOL CUE 18 OZ w/Picture of Gandalf at the end! $10, Very Straight 2 Piece Cue! Please Call 970-596-3514 (4/27). DC SNOWBOARD BOOTS, size 10, with BOG technology, $50. Like New 970-275-0271 (4/20). FOR SALE: OK, OK, $2300 must be too much to ask for my “Clark 2000 Elite Exerciser”, commercial quality, barely used! Paid $360, yours for only $125. Mike 970-641-2315. (4/20). DYNAFIT FREERIDE AERO 4 buckle Ski boots sz. 25.5 tech soles, great condition $100. 970-349-6242 (4/20). DEL MAR RIDING HELMET, great condition, size small. $25, OBO. 970-596-3053 (4/20). TOWNIE BIKE: 20yr. Research Dynamics Coyote MTB, sz. M. Good cond., everything works. New tires & rear derailleur. $75. 970-964-7488. (4/20). BICYCLE PANNIERS: for touring, good cond., $90. 970-9647488. (4/20). PALOMINO TRUCK POP UP CAMPER 8ft slide in great condition it’s got stove ice box and heater comes with jacks it’s early 90s model no leaks $1700. 970209-5234 (4/20). DYNAFIT FREERIDE AERO AT BOOTS, 25.5 great condition Tech Soles, $100. 970-349-6242 (4/20). FOR SALE: Remington 700 custom 375 ultra mag, 2 boxes of ammo, $2000 firm. 209-2449. (4/20). SAILBOAT: 1972 alpha cat. The Hellcat. 18’ catamaran. $1400. Call mark 970-209-1973. (4/20). SUP FOR SALE: Starboard Inflatable 10’0” Whopper. Comes with multiple fin setups and a detachable leash for the river. Great river and flatwater board. $500. Call 970-209-5232 (4/20). BOWFLEX EXTREME SE workout station. Excellent condition $75, picked up or $100 delivered in Gunnison or CB. 970-596-6160 (4/27). A STEAL @ $50, OBO! Was Over $100 New! LADIES/WOMEN’S SMITH INTRIGUE Ski/Snowboard Helmet in Purple Color! Skull Candy Wiring/Speakers Included to listen to your Ipod/Tunes! Excellent Condition! Please Call 970-5963514 (4/27). BAUER HOCKEY SKATES, size 6. 970-641-4836 (4/20). WE SPEAK EURO! Volvo, Audi, VW, BMW, Mercedes serviced by Master Technicians. Precision Automotive, since “1984”. 641-4040 (4/20/17). “IT IS ERROR ALONE which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself.” Jefferson Robert Tim Allen 970596-8977 (4/27). GHS ICE BREAKER SCRAMBLE GOLF TOURNAMENT Saturday April 23, 2016 10:00AM shotgun Help support our Gunnison High School golf teams. $50.00 for members $75.00 for non-members Call the pro shop at Dos Rios to sign up your team or call to be put on a team. 970-641-1482 Win Any questions Win longest you also call Denise Mayfield drive, closest to @ 970-641-3539 the pin and rounds of golf at selected courses. gunnison country shopper, april 20, 2016 AVAILABLE AS EARLY AS MAY - Room available w/private bath on Mount CB. Cable/internet included. Must be cat friendly. NS, 420 ok. $350 deposit, Rent $600 monthly + half electric. Call/text 970-442-0195 (4/27). LOOKING TO SUBLEASE ROOM in adorable 3 bdrm house May - Aug. 17th. Right next to campus, clean. $300/month. One cat in residence. Please call 541912-9044 for more info! (4/20). WE WOULD LIKE TO HOUSESIT for you. For free! A long time local couple is looking for a housesitting gig in the valley. Lots of local references. Email kikngar@yahoo.comand let’s discuss possibilities. (4/20). SINGLE, mature 23 year old looking for a one or two bedroom house for less than $1500 a month. Would be looking to move in September 1st or possibly August 1st. Non smoker with no pets. Will be attending the college in the fall full time. 908-255-3224 (4/27). ROOM FOR RENT: Month to month summer (May-Aug) $425/Mo in 2bd 1bth at Willows on 212 S. 11th st. No parties, no smoking and no pets. Contact me for interview. (4/27). MARRIED COUPLE with daughter looking for 3+bedroom house/condo/town home to rent. 1 well-behaved, older medium sized dog. No smoking and willing to do minor maintenance/yard work. I will be a new physician relocating to the area in June or July. Looking for rent under $1200/month. No preference whether in town or in country. Call Dave 219-713-1076 (4/27). LOOKING FOR a 2 bed for 2 responsible girls! This will be our last year here! any leads will help out! thank you! 719-464-2390 page 10 FOR A COMPLETE LIST OF TODAY REALTY’S AVAILABLE RENTALS please visit our website or call Joe 970-641-0077. (4/20/18). LOOKING FOR A RENTAL? Gunnison Real Estate and Rentals has several available rentals in and out of town. Give us a call at 641-4880 M-F 9am-5pm or stop by our office at 129 East Tomichi and check out our rental list posted on the door. www.GunnisonRealEstateandRent (4/20/46). LAND FOR SALE: 35 Acres 5 miles west of Gunnison by Neversink and Blue Mesa. Great views, great solar potential, private and quiet. Small spring on property. Mitigated for Sage Grouse, etc. $59,000, would consider owner financing. Call Cathie at The Clarke Agency. 970641-0511 (4/20). FOR RENT: EXECUTIVE HOME ON THE GUNNISON RIVER, 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, 2+ attached garage, upgraded appliances, 2 fireplaces, includes lawn care and snow removal. $2,400 a month plus utilities. No pets. Property may be for sale and tenant must be willing to have the property shown to prospective buyers. Available now! Contact Apogee Real Estate & Property Management 970-641-8844, (4/20/62). TWO, ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS available for rent May 15. $475 per month. No Pets and No Smokers. Quiet 4 plex in town, low utilities. Call 970-596-4226 or 970-209-1801. (4/20/28). FOR RENT: Nice three bedroom two bath mobile home with shed at 301 S. 2nd #34. No pets $725.00 plus utilities. 970-6418912 (4/27/pd/22). ISO: Professional long-time mature Gunnison resident seeking 3 bedroom family home, yard, garage/storage to rent or rent-toown in Gunnison. Have one small well-behaved dog. Plenty of local references. Looking for long-term situation. $1200/month. 970596-4970 (4/20). LOOKING FOR a four bedroom house or apartment to rent with reasonable rent. Please help! 720937-5750 or (4/20). ISO: accommodations for two people in the area Gunninson / Crested Butte. We are two male students with J1 visas to work there in the summer and are looking for availability from 14 June to 30 September in an apartment, house or hotel that we can offer something cheaper. Thanks in advance. (4/27). STRAW BALE COTTAGE and modern addition with stucco and metal and skylights. 2 bedroom, office, greenhouse carport, barn, art studio. 5 Flow back spigots, organic garden beds; completely fenced with 12 foot gates Needs bathroom. 99,000 OBO Starr 970-210-2726 (4/20/pd/39). FURNISHED VACATION HOME IN GUNNISON: weekly or monthly, no pets, no smoking, please call 970-641-1663 (4/20/15). BIG, BEAUTIFUL, HISTORIC remodeled House for SALE or RENT. 4 Bedroom/3+Bath, HUGE garage, lovely yard with gardens (flower & vegetable) and 2 patios. Close to everything! Be amazed! $2500.- (furnished/utilities NOT included) Contact 970-232-8272 for details/see! (photos at (4/27/42). FOR RENT - Perfect for couple, 1 Bedroom, 1 Bath, Bright and Sunny Home, Den, W/D, Direct TV & internet, large yard. $900. + utilities. No Pets, No Smoking, Deposit and Last, References Needed. 970-275-5245 (4/20). FOR RENT - 3BR/2.5BA TOWNHOME close to schools. Hardwood flooring, gas heat, yard, 1 car garage. Very well maintained complex, $1500. 970901-9164 (4/27/pd/22). PRICE REDUCED NEW LISTING: LISTING: to $267,000 onpellet this 3stove bdrm/2 new & hotbath tub, large deck,Condo plenty of windows off the Heatherwood with 2 car off sunroom, trees, fenced yard, no PRICE REDUCED to attached garage, large loft, vaulted covenants or HOA dues, 1 acre, 3$469,000 on this 3884sf d 3 car garage, central home in the heart of Gunnison ceiling, 2 bdrm/2 patios, bath, gas log fireplace, at 102 W. Gothic. Home can sound, chicken house, metal roof, & largesuperb masterviews, bedroom suite; also oak hardwood floors,be used as a professional office, large utility/mud 112 Camino Del Rioroom; #24 270 CR 8; multi-family residential, NICELY NICELY CARED FOR HOME with EXPERIENCE RESULTS SERVICE • RESUL LTTS NEW LISTING: Commercial “green zoned” building site on Hwy 50 & Tomichi Ave for $139,000. This 11,227sf vacant lot with Hwy frontage would be great for big box retail, restaurant, or other commercial business. CATHIE ATHIE ELLIOTT LLIOTT Broker/Owner/G.R.I (970) 641-0511 JOSH OSH TOWNSEND OWNSEND AUDRIE UDRIE TO OWNSEND WNSEND (970) 209-4479 (970) 209-6208 Broker Associate Broker Associate CLARKE LARKE AGENCY GENCY REAL EAL ESTATE STATE 241 N. Main St. Gunnison, CO 81230 641 0511 Office: (970) 641-0511 FOR RENT: 3 bedroom/2 bath house in town. 2 car garage, family room, large fenced yard. No smoking. $1,700/month. 970275-1027 (4/20/pd/22). Mountaineer Village Apartments Apply for our wait list today! 12 month leases receive a FREE Monarch Season Pass Pet friendly housing Come in and take a tour and start your living experience with Mountaineer! Give us a call at (4/20/40). FOR RENT: 1 bedroom apartment. Looking for one person, non-smoker/no pets. Call 970641-0841 for details. (5/4/pd/16). BRIGHT, OPEN SUNNY 4 BED, 2 Bath house for rent in Palisades. Huge fenced backyard for pets. $1700 per month. Great neighborhood perfect for a family or 4 students. Available immediately. 303-808-8471 (4/20/pd/32). or combination. FEATURED HOME: This home has everything you want, & at a great price. All on one level, sitting porch, 2 car garage, walking distance to downtown, easy to maintain, low utilities; 1406 Rock Creek Rd; $185,000 WHITEPINE IN-TOWN building site. Super location for a summer getaway. Power & phone to the lot line; $50,000; Call Josh for details. Visit other realtor listings at: www 2 BDRM 1.5 BATH CONDO ON GOLF COURSE. $750/month, includes water, electricity and trash. 1 year lease required. No smoking, parties or pets- complex rules! Call 970-497-6060. Available May 1. (4/20/pd/31). FOR RENT: 4 BEDROOM 2 BATH HOME in Antelope Hills available April 5, 2016. Property is for sale and lease is contingent upon that. Includes washer/dryer, all appliances, wood burning stove, detached 2 car garage, fenced back yard and easy access to BLM. $1275 a month plus utilities. Pet negotiable. Must be willing to have property shown to prospective buyers. Contact Apogee Real Estate & Property Management 970-641-8844 or (4/20/71). PRISTINE TWO BEDROOM / two bath single level condo on the river for sale in attractive senior complex. Large adjacent garage included in price. Call for more information or to set up a tour. 970-641-1951. (4/27/pd/34). FOR SALE MOBILE HOME. 80’ x 16’, 1993 Aspen, 3 bedroom, 2 baths, 1 storage shed, 12’ x 16’. Located in Almont, 3 Rivers Mobile Park, lot rent $250 per month, $55,000. 970-209-6051 (5/11/pd/33). BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES + F E D S H O L D R AT E S BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY 37550 W Hwy 50 $517,750 6000+ sf structure BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY 151 W Hwy 50 $549,500 Fantastic location ALMONT $ OHIO CITY $ GUNNISON $ PITKIN $ TAYLOR CANYON $ VULCAN NESBIT T & COMPANY, LLC Bill Nesbitt 970-641-2235 Lucinda Lull 104 E. Tomichi Ave• $359,000 THIS HISTORIC HOUSE could be your summer cabin. Located 3 miles north of Ohio City next to Gold Creek at 3283 CR 771 for $215,000. Includes multiple off-grid energy systems. GREAT PRICE on these 2-3 acre building sites off Spring Meadows Trail, north of Gunnison. Prices PRICE REDUCED to $495,000 on this gorgeous MINI-RANCH on Cochetopa Creek at 4066 Hwy start at $95,000. Get details at 2668sf home in fantastic condition just 5 minutes 114 for $950,000. Includes irrigated pasture, water from Gunnison at 919 CR 17. Includes 3 bdrm/2 rights, large custom home, paved driveway, garage, bath home on 2.192 acres, 4 heated garage bays, barn, storage, & 40 acres bordering 949 HORSE RIVER RANCH DRIVE, 35 acre hot tub, & views of the Gunnison valley. BLM lands. building site adjacent to Little Ohio Creek. One of Gunnison’s nicest subdivisions, especially for the OWNER FINANCING AVAILABLE to qualified PRICE REDUCED on these Industrial Zoned lots in horse lover; $345,000 buyers on this 2 bdrm/1 bath off-grid cabin at the 500 Block of S. 12th; $67,000 for 2 lots & 12250 CR 26 (Lake City Cut-off Road). Partially $92,500 for 3 lots. Call Cathie for details. GUNNISON RIVER BUILDING SITES in Dos Rios furnished, 40 acres, borders BLM lands, generator, area; $250,000 per lot. 2 wheel drive seasonal access. OWNER FINANCING AVAILABLE ON this golf course lot, ½ acre fronting the 13th fairway at BUILDING SITE FOR APARTMENT BUILDING ON THE TAYLOR RIVER: Riverfront home on 1099 Fairway Lane; $110,000 OR CONDOS at 501 S. 12th for $300,000. 18 acres in Almont borders Forest Service lands, Includes 6 corner lots. no covenants, & super wildlife watching; 10300 Hwy 135; $790,000 970-641-1688 (4/27). SINGLE RETIRED FEMALE W/FAMILY in Gunnison seeking furnished accommodation for summer. Sublet or house/petsitting for any period of time between June 6th/Aug. 17th. Apartment, studio or house works. In town now to discuss in person. 805-440-5137 (4/20). F EFEA ATTURED U R E D PROPER P R O P ETRYT Y FEATURED PROPERTY z NEAR CAMPUS FOR RENT - 4 BR/3 BA, 1 car garage, back patio, available August 1st, No smoking. $1700/month. 970209-6389 (4/20/pd/21). FOR SALE: DOS RIOS CONDOMINIUM. 1 Bedroom located on golf course, $75,000. Call 303902-6337 (5/25/14). commercial RETAIL / OFFICE / FOOD Space available. 2000 sq. ft. and a 3500 sq. ft. retail space available. 970-275-8146 for Details. (4/20/19). COMMERCIAL / INDUSTRIAL SHOP for sale by owner: 2040 sf, includes 544 sf office, natural gas heat, 220 power, 10 x 12 garage door, outside storage. $180,000 Please call 970-5961608 (4/27/pd/29). LARGE, CLEAN GARAGE/SHOP SPACE for rent in heart of downtown Gunnison; partial space (800 sq. ft.) available for right usage. Call to see and discuss $/mo at 970-2328272. (4/27/29). SPACE RENTACOMMERCIAL SPACE NEAR CITY MARKET: 596-0848. (4/20/6). SPACE RENTAL AVAILABLE AT THE SANCTUARY STUDIO Contact Leia at 970-275-8927 (4/20/11). RESTAURANT, PUB OR COMMERCIAL POSSIBILITIES BUILDING FOR LEASE: 1900 SF + outdoor dining area, ADA bathrooms, dedicated parking, landscaping, Located at 1198 N. Main St. in Gunnison. 970-596-9999 (4/20/pd/27). COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FOR LEASE over 3000 s.f., HWY 50, immediate occupancy 970-6412014 (4/20/12). Apartments For Rent Palisades Apartments Affordable Housing 970-641-5429 Apply in person at 600 North Colorado Gunnison, CO HUD Section 8 Apartments 2 Bedrooms, 1 bath. Rent based on income & assets. Example: Gross annal household income $12,000, your rent would be approximately $281 per month. Equal Opportunity Housing Nellie 330 Ute Lane Gray Enjoy country living Enclosed with Condo, near town. This 5 chain-link fence. Lake City Bed/4 Bath home has beenSmall remodeled and shed onis Nice on 2.54 acres, horses property. $150,000 upstairs welcome. Includes a fenced pasture with a Call Tom end unit small shed. No covenants. $310,000 Call Erich (Text To: 0 with fan67299 tasticMessage: views of 3410687) ail Lake San Cristobal and the San Juan mountains. Open 420 S. Wisconsin 77 Brookside Drive Floor plan, gas fireplace, Well maintained 2 Bed/ Remodeled 3 Bed/2 Bath 2 Bath Townhome. Open home on the Gunnison 2 Bed/2 Bath. kitchen & living room with River. Fenced back yard, Serving Gunnison & Crested Butte $194,900 Callthe Erich (Text To: added comfort of a great fishing access, 131 North Main, Gunnison, CO 81230 wood stove. One car garage mature landscaping, 67299 Message: 2765322) along with a small fenced quiet neighborhood & close Call Now! area. $179,000 Call Joey to town. $395,000 Call Jay (Text To: 67299 (Text To: 67299 8506 CR 76, Ohio City Message: 3423187) Message: 3410581) C ommu nit y Br oke rs (970)641-1188 On Gold Creek! Massive logs & huge timbers CB South-1/10 fractional interest in the Residences at Cement Creek. Fullyframe furnished. Flexible schedule. $29,500 Call Jay this 3 Bed/3 Bath 1103 Van Tuyl Circle–Building lot in an appealing neighborhood. Slightly largerhome, than surrounding lots. Can build to suit. $59,500 Call Erich 10+ Acres near Lake City! Lake Fork of the Gunnison Riverhistoric flows through property. $399,900 Call Tom (Text To: 67299 Message: 3410841) both &thebeautiful. Enjoy the creek from your SEE ALL LISTINGS AT: www.g unnisonfor back deck & manicured back Jay yard. Erich Tom Denise Joey Ferchau Courtney Miller Baker Micucci $470,750 Call Tom 901-6405 596-0848 596-2681 209-2864 209-5828 (Text To: 67299 gunnison country shopper, april 20, 2016 A NICE 2 BEDROOM 2 BATH STARTER HOME with an updated kitchen, cabinets, counters, appliances and laminate flooring. Recent bath upgrades as well as large dining and family rooms with wood stove and radiant heater. Great deck, and detached 2 car garage. Nicely fenced lot with mature trees and a large garden shed. Call Matt today $127,500. AFFORDABLE NEW LISTING Nice well insulated mobile home at #4 Ponderosa complete with its’ own fenced lot, detached storage shed and covered porches. The 1,216 sq.ft. floor plan features 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, an updated kitchen, wood flooring, wood stove, skylights, and easy access to Gunnison. GREAT starter or getaway home and priced with lot and all at $87,000. TODAY Realty of Gunnison, Inc. 600 W. Tomichi Ave. Gunnison, CO 81230 970-641-0077 or After hours 970-209-0077 email: GREAT 3 Bedroom and 2 Bath home! GREAT LOCATION! Well-kept home with open floor plan. You can walk to shopping, the Community Center, the new Swiming Pool and the College! Relax in the hot tub and enjoy comfort! $311,000! 5200 CR 887 Prestigious Custom Log Home on apx 20 acres of pristine property adjoined by the huge Double Heart Ranch & BLM with Hot Springs Creek in front of property on Waunita Hot Springs Road! $795,000! wanted DRIVING TO IOWA? My Mom’s old doll house needs a ride to Des Moines. 970-596-8954 (4/20). WANTED: Rides to Albuquerque wanted anytime this fall/winter/spring. Are you going to Albuquerque? Do you want help paying for the gas. Send me an email. I’d like to go with. My email is (4/20/pd/37). ANIMAL / HOUSE SITTER Wanted towards the end of the month. Must be comfortable with dogs, cats, horses and llamas. Call Lisa 970-641-0529 (4/20). WANTED: WESTERN MOUNTAINEERING SLEEPING BAG wanted (0F-20F). Do you need extra cash, would you like to sell your WM down sleeping bag? I’m interested. Give a call to 970-8087283. (4/20). FREE CLEAN FILL DIRT WANTED. 60-70 yards. 1 mile from Gunnison. 970-275-1855 (4/27). f WANTED: Used screen door for mobile chicken coop. Call or text 970-964-8226 (4/20). WANTED TO BUY: Front deck riding lawnmower, 36” - 42” deck. Fairly new. 620-385-0300 (4/27). MATCHES wanted, any style loose or books 970-596-4440 (4/20). WANTED: 8” Stove pipe, Class A 12’ Single wall 12’. Fair price. Call Jay 970-209-0024 (4/20). WANTED: 3 TV BOXES, 1-48”, 1-32”, and 1-24”. 970-641-4836 (4/20). IN SEARCH OF SCRAP CONSTRUCTION material for nonprofit organization in Gunnison. Misc. scrap construction material (WOOD/Plywood/building products). Willing to pick up in Gunnison or Crested Butte. Do not need firewood! 240-393-3847 (4/27). CANDLE WAX WANTED: new or used whatever shape, form, condition or color, call 970-5964440. (4/20). Submit your ad at and add your photos. Your ad and photos will appear on our Updated Website 1560 Goose Creek Road BEAUTIFUL 200 ACRE RANCH WITH HUGE 5 BEDROOM 2 BATH home plus huge barns. Private well for home and commercial well for barns. Great Hunting! $895,000! Sunny Slope Behind Wal-Mart Excellent neighborhood with all stick built homes. Sites are sold as a package deal with the buyer choosing between a ranch style, 3 or 4 bedroom 2 story home. Only 3 sites left! Corner of Virginia & 7th 413 & 415 S 12th Affordable investment property with both sides of the duplex currently rented. Keep both sides rented, live in one, or even convert the building into a 1050 SF single family home! $129,000! 1200 N Main and Colorado St. Super nice commercial lots behind Auto Corral just off Hwy 135 & Colorado Street! True Value, Community Banks of Colorado, Walmart & other businesses next door. Starting @ $175,000 TODAY REALTY - VACANT LAND 111 Mountaineer Drive BEAUTIFUL well kept 3 bedroom 2 bath located only about 3 blocks north of Western State College University & across the street east of the new City of Gunnison Rec center. Offers huge open Kit/din/ living area with fenced yard for pets $285,000! 5630 County Road 771 Spectacular park-like setting on Gold Creek 5 1/2 miles west of Ohio City. Private but modern hideaway for the most discriminating owner. Relax on the huge deck while enjoying the sounds of the creek and views of the surrounding forest. $345,000! TBD Lucile Place - 1.18 Acre Lots 3 very nice building sites with views located about 1-2 miles south of Almont. Cell Phone works on site + good level bldg sites which require septic & private water well. $75,000 Each! Riverwalk Estates (Gunnison River) Beautiful trees, ponds and miles of walking paths. River Lots Starting @ $119,900! Interior Lots starting @ $80,000! Special Discounts Available. 40 Acres South of Gunnison 712 Main St (Pitkin) Log home in the heart of Pitkin! 20x40 garage/workshop goes with the property. Master bedroom & bath on main level with 2 bedrooms & full bath upstairs, + office area on 3rd level. Covered deck on front plus deck & sun-room in back! $275,000! WANTED: VW WESTFALIA VAN. I’m looking to buy a VW Westy. 1984 or newer. If you’ve been thinking about getting rid of your’s maybe it’s time to make it happen. Email me some pics at (4/20). PARTICIPANTS WANTED: BREAK UP WITH YOUR STRESS and participate in a study examining how yoga and meditation can effect your stress levels. Email or call 303-507-9437 for more info. Be happy:) (4/20). BAND INSTRUMENTS. If you have any used band instruments that you would like to sell, please contact Mr. Koepsel at 970-6417710, extension 4025. This is the time of year that we are recruiting for beginning band. And, Mr. Koepsel maintains a list of used instruments for students who would like to purchase one. (4/20). FREE GYM MEMBERSHIP, includes full use of equipment and classes, in exchange for two hours of babysitting per week. Awesome deal, fun, energetic people. Various shifts available call Jane 970-641-3375 (4/20). DID YOU KNOW...c YOU CAN POST UP TO 3 PHOTOS WITH YOUR REAL ESTATE AD FOR FREE? 714, 716, & 718 N 11th Perfect investment opportunity located by the Gunnison schools. 3, 2 bedroom 1 bath rental homes recently updated and in great condition. Excellant rental history! $355,000! 4 Units with a great rental history! Each unit consists of huge Kit/Din/Living combo, 1 full bath + hall sink & two nice sized bedrooms consisting of apx. 1016 sq ft living area + a single car garage. $575,000! (4/20). (4/27). 911 Sunnyslope Drive Under Construction and in an excellent neighborhood with all stick built homes. This is a 3 Bedroom and 2 Bath Ranch style home featuring a 2 car garage! $299,500! 12457 W US Hwy 50 Unit 16 BEAUTIFUL MOUNTAIN MOBILE HOME FISHING CABIN which is just like new with a Huge covered deck on the front overlooking Federal Land & the Huge Blue Mesa Reservoir! $39,900! TODAY REALTY - MULTI-FAMILY/COMMERCIAL 817 Sunnyslope Drive WANTED: 2 RIVER DUCKIES, in good condition. 970-349-7348 FREE FURNITURE WANTED FOR NON-PROFIT - Non-profit organization seeking free furniture for housing staff and interns. Containers, Couches, Tables, Chairs, Rugs, Kitchenware, Cleaning supplies, any basic household items! 240-393-3847 Great Location! 2 Bedrooms and 1.5 Baths. located across the street from Gunnison High School and within walking distance to public transportation and the Gunnison community school. $108,000! 905 CR 744 CRS, GRI Broker 998 County Road 730 Gunnison, CO 81230 Search other Gunnison County listings at TODAY REALTY - HOMES 436 N 11th Awesome location up Spring Creek Road just off Taylor Canyon! Live in this home and manage the other three homes! Great private commercial well! Cabins rent for $125/Night $337,000! Matt Robbins 970 -641-1900 page 11 116 N. Taylor St This is a very nice well built brick building built in 1976 & zoned commercial & located in the central business district of Gunnison. Excellent layout inside for private offices, break room & waiting room. $250000! 7 miles S. of Gunnison on CR38, this is your chance to own 40 acres close to town. No public utilities but cell phone works from this location. Seasonal creek/spring runs through property. $59,900! 813 Camino Del Rio Price recently reduced by $77000. Beautiful building site across the street from the Dos Rios Golf Club. Very nice pond on back of lot! All utilities available! 1.13 Acres $198,000! WANTED: 1987 or newer Skidoo Alpine 2 snowmobile. Need NOT to be in running condition; need the tracks. 970-641-1709 (4/20). SIRE FOR HIRE WANTED: Looking for a pure bred female Labrador to breed with my Chocolate lab. He is 100% pure bred, and is AKC certified. He is a very healthy lab with good hips. He is a calm, playful, loving giant, with a great personality. Asking for pick of liter. Please leave message. 720-934-2035 (4/20). WANTED: Carbon arrows for archery wanted. 28”-29”. Do you have lots of arrows you no longer need? Maybe I could buy them all from you. Carbon graphite only. Give a call 970-808-7283 (4/20). WANTED: BOWLING BALLS, any condition, will pay cash. Dan 970-641-5054, will pick up (4/20). GUNNISON COUNTY RECYCLING CENTER has 24 hour drop off for #1 & #2 plastics, glass, tin, aluminum, newspapers/magazines and corrugated cardboard (NO slick or wax covered cardboard). 811 Rio Grande, Gunnison. (4/20). employment LOOKING FOR A FUN, outgoing, warm, personable, team player to join our Chiropractic team. Email with your Name, Phone # & Resume. (4/20). THE COMFORT INN is now hiring full time housekeepers for the summer season! Please apply in person. (4/20). TEMPORARY HELP NEEDED immediately for ranch work and other. This could work into a full time summer job for the right person. Call John at 970-641-4671. (4/27). 732 Fairway Lane Great building site across from Dos Rios golf course. Adjoins undeveloped pasture with great views of Hartmans Rocks. .44 Acres - Price Reduced! $65,000! 11 Willow Lane Excellent building site with utilities available on site! Located only about 5 miles NW of Gunnison off County Road 17! Thousands of acres of BLM & Forrest Service land available! $15,000! Lot 1 Chinook Trail Beautiful building site with awesome views & backing up to "Clark Stream". Also has warm water spring feeding stream through the property. 2.27 Acres $99,500! 244 Crocus Road 1.2 Acres Build your home on the highest point in Panoview Park. Breathtaking views of Hartman Rock and the entire Gunnison Valley. Ride your bike or hike in the Hartman Rocks Recreational $64,900! ALPINE LUMBER IS HIRING DRIVERS. Class B CDL is preferred but not required. Pay DOE. Alpine Lumber offers an excellent benefit package- health, dental, 401k, ski pass and stocks as we are 100% employee owned. Must pass pre-employment and random drug screenings. Please apply in person at 402 Belleview Ave, CB or email resume to ranching (4/27). HELP WANTED: PART TIME FURNITURE MOVER/handyman needed for interior design/furniture showroom. Tuesdays and Thursdays preferred but flexible as needed. Please send resume to: (4/27). GUNNISON COUNTY EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: Patrol Deputy Sheriff-F/T, annual salary starting at $44,116 + Benefits. Area of responsibility in Marble/Somerset. For application, full job description and additional information, please visit HR. (4/27). ...continued on page 12 gunnison country shopper, april 20, 2016 page 12 FREE BUS SPRING 2016 BUS SCHEDULE RTA FREE BUS Schedule: April 4, 2016 – May 27, 2016 The bus runs a loop through the City of Gunnison before heading north on Hwy 135 to Crested Butte and Mt. Crested Butte. The bus leaves the following stops no earlier than the times listed. There may be delays due to weather. Leaving Gunnison for Mt. Crested Butte: Gunnison Spruce Community & Schools Hwy 50 Then to: Then to: 11th &Virginia Colorado & and Hwy 50 Virginia & and Spruce Colorado & Ohio 6:45 a.m. 7:15 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 2:45 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. YOUR PUBLICLY FUNDED BUS SYSTEM employment ...continued from page 11 THE RICK NELSON AGENCY’S LOCAL AMERICAN FAMILY INSURANCE office is hiring a Customer Service Specialist. The position entails servicing and taking care of our customers. Ideal candidate will demonstrate ability to cultivate positive customer relationships and understand customer needs. The position will be supported by a strong team environment with ambitious focus on exemplary customer service. Must have attention to detail, critical thinking and problem solving skills, ability to communicate clearly and effectively, and genuinely enjoy helping people. Must have or be able to acquire necessary licenses, pass a background check, and hold a valid driver’s license. Prior insurance experience and Spanish fluency is preferred but not required. Application deadline is 4/22. Ideal start date is 5/16. Email resume to (4/20/122). ranching RAFT/FLOAT FISH GUIDE CERTIFICATION: Have a great summer on the river with 3 Rivers Outfitting in Almont. Get certified to raft or float fish guide with our 10 day training course beginning May 19. Includes all state requirements, 1st aid/CPR, instruction on the Taylor, Gunnison, Lake Fork and Arkansas Rivers. And optional River Rescue Course begins June 3. For more info:www.3riversresor Email application and registration . (4/20/72). EXPERIENCED WINDOW CLEANERS WANTED! May thru mid-August, competitive wage, must have ladder/cleaning experience. Contact Susan with Clear View Window Washing, LLC at (4/20). ELK CREEK MARINA AND PAPPY’S RESTAURANT now hiring dock hands, cashiers, cooks, and wait staff for summer employment on Blue Mesa Reservoir. Email resume to or call 970-641-0707 (4/20). Denver & Hwy 135 Leaving Mt. Crested Butte for Gunnison Spencer & Hwy 135 Crested Butte South Red Mountain Park Mt. CB Transit Center Crested Butte 4-Way Stop Crested Butte South Red Mountain Park Red Mt. Park Red Mt. Park 6:50 a.m. 6:55 a.m. 7:00 a.m. 7:20 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 7:20 a.m. 7:25 a.m. 7:30 a.m. 7:50 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 10:50 a.m. 10:55 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 11:20 a.m. 12:15 p.m. 2:50 p.m. 2:55 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 3:20 p.m. 4:15 p.m. 4:05 p.m. 4:10 p.m. 4:15 p.m. 4:35 p.m. 5:15 p.m. 7:05 p.m. 7:10 p.m. 7:15 p.m. 7:35 p.m. 8:15 p.m. 10:05.p.m. 10:10 p.m. 10:15 p.m. 10:35 p.m. 11:15 p.m. 8:05 a.m. 8:35 a.m. 12:20 p.m. 4:20 p.m. 5:20 p.m. 8:20 p.m. 11:20 p.m. 8:20 a.m. 8:50 a.m. 12:35 p.m. 4:35 p.m. 5:35 p.m. 8:35 p.m. 11:35 p.m. - Other Flag Stops at the Tall Texan, Almont, Riverland, Brush Creek Rd. & Riverbend All buses are wheelchair accessible. For more information, please call Alpine Express at 970-641-5074. BOOKKEEPER WANTED: Studio West in Crested Butte is hiring for a bookkeeping position. Approximately, 18-24 hours per week, flexible schedule. Knowledge of Quickbooks Financial a MUST. Knowledge of QB POS welcomed. Please send resume to (4/27). SUMMER EMPLOYMENT WITH KIDS: Tenderfoot Child & Family Development Center is now accepting applications for parttime summer employment working as a teacher’s assistant with children aged 6 weeks to 12 years old. Applicants must be 16 years old and must be able to pass a background check. Parttime shifts, Monday-Friday, 7 AM to 6 PM with the possibility to extend employment into year round, training begins as soon as possible. Please call 970.642.1949 or email for more information and to apply. EOE (4/20/83). AGA EJERCICIO PARA MANTENERSE sano este verano. Cambia tu membresia de gimnasio trabajando tan solo 2 horas a la semana. Necesitamos personas para cuidar ninos por las mananas y por las tardes. Ven al 405 W. Tomichi. Y no es necesario hablar my bien Ingles. (4/20). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT RE1J Assistant Volleyball Coach-CBHS. This position is located at the Crested Butte High School. Looking for a positive coach with a love for volleyball. Must be or willing to become a registered coach with the Colorado High School Activities Association. Experience is preferred. In general, hours are after school from approximately 3:45 pm to 5:30 pm Monday through Friday. The season is mid-August through late October. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, JoAnn Klingsmith 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760, OR Colorado Workforce 970-641-0031 (4/20). AGAVE RESTAURANT is looking for experienced servers. Please come by 800 N. Main for more information and to submit your application. (4/20). LOOKING FOR DRIVERS: Alpine Lumber is hiring for CDL and NON-CDL drivers. Full benefits after 60 days and ski pass for year round employees. Alpine is also employee owned, looking for long term employees. Pre-employment and random drug tests given. Pay based on experience. Bring resume by or come talk to us at 402 Belleview CB. (4/27). HELP WANTED - WE NEED A FULLTIME POSITION Open for a service writer in the service department of our Power Sport Dealership. WE are looking for an orgainized individual with computer and people skills. Mechanical knowledge helpful. Work Week is Tuesday thru Saturday. Pay based on experience. Apply at Sun Sports Unlimited 19 W. HWY 50, GUNNISON, CO 970-641-0883 (4/27). GUNNISON COUNTY EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: DHHS Adult Protection and Senior Resources Specialist-P/T, 30 hours/week. Starting hourly rate $19.06-$22.57, DOE; includes benefits. For application, job description and additional information, please visit HR. (4/27). SEEKING SEASONAL painting, groundskeeping, flooring, cleaning, maitenance assistance: MOUNTAINEER VILLAGE APARTMENTS in Gunnison. Send resume and references to: (4/27). GARLIC MIKES IS LOOKING FOR AN ENTHUSIASTIC BARTENDER to provide an excellent guest drinking experience. The successful candidate will be able to mix and match ingredients in order to create classic and innovative drinks in accordance with customers’ needs and expectations. Requirements include previous restaurant experience, knowledge in mixing, and serving drinks. Applicant must be over 21 years of age and have a positive attitude and excellent communication skills. Experienced with Point of Sale a plus. To join the Garlic Mikes team stop in Garlic Mikes between 4 and 6 to complete an application. (4/27/94). GUNNISON VALLEY HEALTH has the following openings, at the HOSPITAL: 1 FT ReceptionistSouth Entrance, 1 FT Utilization Review RN, 1 FT Echo Tech, 2 PRN Certified Nursing Assistants, 1 PT Warehouse Technician, 1 PRN ED Technician, 1 FT Revenue Cycle Director, 1 FT Controller, 1 FT Clinical Systems Specialist (IT), 1 FT Chief Financial Officer, 1 FT Medical Technologist, 1 FT Housekeeper, 1 PRN Ultrasound Tech, 1 FT & 1 PRN CT Tech, 1 PRN Occupational Therapist, 1 PRN Physical Therapy Assistant, 1 PRN Physical Therapist, 2 PRN Labor/Delivery Registered Nurses, 1 PRN Paramedic. At FAMILY MEDICINE CLINIC:1 Temp FT Receptionist, 1 FT Medical Assistant. At HOME MEDICAL SERVICES: 1 PRN Registered Nurse. At SENIOR CARE CENTER: 1 PT Driver for Senior Transportation, 1 FT & 1 PT Life Enrichment Provider, C.N.A. Training Class. At ASSISTED LIVING: 1 PT Personal Care Provider. Please visit our website for more in-depth position descriptions, specific qualification requirements and to apply online, or call HR for questions 970-641-1456. (PRN = as needed). All offers of employment are contingent upon the successful completion of a negative 10 panel drug screen test, criminal background check, reference checks, infection prevention procedures (TB test, Flu Shot, immunization records, etc.), physical capacity profile and acknowledgment of policies. (4/20/209). BLUE TABLE Restaurant is hiring immediately for Line Cook, Expo, Server, and Bartender positions. Please stop at The Inn at Tomichi Village, or the Restaurant, to pick up an application for one of these positions. (4/27). QUICK DRAW CLEANING Now hiring! Full and part time positions available. Must have clean driver’s license. $17 - $21 per hour after training. Call 970-641-4247 for more details. (4/27). SERVERS WANTED at Las Palmas. No experience necessary, will train. Apply in person 138 W. Tomichi, Gunnison, 970642-1108. (4/20). GUNNISON COUNTY EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: DHHS Senior Resources Specialist-P/T, 30 hours/week. Starting hourly rate $19.06 up to $22.57, DOE; includes benefits. For application, job description and additional information, please visit HR. (4/20). employment ...continued on page 14 Gunnison Valley Calendar gunnison country shopper, april 20, 2016 page 13 Festivals. Events. Senior Outings. School. Opportunities. Volunteering. Who? Menu. Seminars. Trail Days. Meetings. Memorials. Fairs. Market. Seminars. Clinics. What? Fairs. Openings. Dances. Live Music. Fundraising. Sports. How? Concerts. Announcements. Arts. Food. Receptions. Friendships. When? WHO? Seminars. Wednesday, April 20 • Colorado Fitness: 6 a.m. Spin and Strength Interval Training w/Carrie 405 W. Tomichi, • The Sanctuary: 7:15 – 8:45 a.m. Open Meditation, FREE. • The Sanctuary: 9-10 a.m. Prana Vinyasa Yoga Leia • Colorado Fitness: 7 a.m. Instanity DVD Group Workout. • High Attitude Dance Academy - ZUMBA MWF 8:45 a.m. and M 5:15 p.m. • Colorado Fitness: Noon 20/20 Spin & Stretch w/Jane 405 W. Tomichi • Boxing trainning: non-contact & advanced. Coed, middle school - high school and adult. 2 classes are offered Mon. - Fri., 4 - 5 p.m. and 5 - 6 .pm. Western Boxing Club. 303-881-7778 • Jai Om Yoga and Meditation: Gentle Therapy Yoga 10 a.m.; Meditation Sanga (no charge) 5 p.m.; Mindfullness Yoga 5:30 p.m. 320 ½ N. Main St., Gunnison. 970-275-5987. • The Sanctuary: 12:15 – 1 p.m. Strengthen & Lengthen w/Rachel. • Colorado Fitness: 4 p.m. Ropes, Bells & Core Circuits w/Jane 405 W. Tomichi • Gunnison Country Food Pantry, Open 1 - 4 p.m. 321 N. Main St #C, Gunnison. 970-6414156. • The Sanctuary: 4:15 – 5:30 p.m. Hatha Yoga (vigorous with core) w/Meegan. • GAC Dance Studio: Zumba: 5:30 – 6:15 pm. • Beginning English classes Monday & Wednesday 6-8 p.m., Gunnison Community School w/Therese Trantow. For more information 970-641-7684. Se habla Español. • Intermediate English Classes Monday and Wednesday with Kaylonn Tredway from 6-8 p.m. For more information Mary Burt; 970-6417684. • Advanced English Classes with Marketa Zubkova. Monday & Wednesday, 6-8 p.m. at the Gunnison Community Schools. 970-6417684 for more info. • The American Legion, 501 E. Virginia Ave., meets every 3rd Wednesday of the month 6 p.m. Claire 209-6042, Ed 596-7883, Larry 641-0172. • GAC Clay Studio: Creative Clay: 6-9 pm • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, Wednesdays, 7 p.m. 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, • Gunnison Bible Institute at First Baptist Church each Wednesday, 7 p.m. Open to the public. • GriefShare meets at Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church, 711 N. Main, Gunnison, Wednesdays, 7 to 9 p.m. Rodney Morrill 970-349-7769. • Alanon/Alateen Crested Butte, 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays, The UCC Church Parlor, 403 Maroon Ave. Thursday, April 21 • Colorado Fitness: 6 a.m. Body Conditioning W/ Debby • Main Street Studio: Early Bird RedCord suspension training class 6 a.m. • Center for the Arts: 8 – 8:45 a.m. Aerial Conditioning - Crested Butte Dance Collective 970-349-7487. • English Classes Tuesday & Thursday beginners and intermediate students 8:3010:30 with Karen Hausdoerffer. 970-641-7684. • Center for the Arts: 8:45 – 9:30 a.m. Open Aerial Dance - Crested Butte Dance Collective 970-349-7487. • The Sanctuary: 9-10 a.m. Alignment Based Yoga w/Karah. • Tha Sanctuary Gentle Chair Yoga for Elders 10:30 Free to 65+ • GAC Dance Studio: Zumba: 12:15 – 1:00 pm. • The Sanctuary: The Sanctuary 12:15 – 1 p.m. School. Why? Fairs. WHAT? WHEN? Receptions. Where? Festivals. Fundraising. How? Mix it Up! Yoga & Mat Pilates w/Leia. • Senior's Day 65+, Gunnison Country Food Pantry, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. 321 N. Main St., #C, Gunnison. 970-641-4156. • Colorado Fitness: 4 p.m. DIY Happy Hour, The name game strength workout. • BOXING TRAINING, 2 classes are offered Mon. - Fri., 4 - 5 p.m. and 5 - 6 p.m. Western Boxing Club. 303-881-7778 • The Sanctuary: 4:15 – 5 p.m. Joy of Movement w/Taylor • Colorado Fitness: 5:30 p.m. Zumba W/Barron (punch card class) • The Sanctuary: 5:30-6:45 p.m. w/ Kundalini Christina. • Main Street Studio: Pilates, 320 1/2 N Main St., at 5:30 p.m. • GAC - Whimsical Mixed Media & Mixers: AND Series Event: 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. • Colorado Fitness: Lamaze 6:30 - 8 p.m. Call Ariel for details 970-275-3749. • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open/Daily Reflection, 7 p.m. 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, • 4/21 WSCU Music Department Concert Series - Western Wind Symphony Concert with director Michael Flynn. Taylor Auditorium 7:30 p.m. Friday, April 22 • Colorado Fitness: 6 a.m. Ropes, Bells & Core Circuits W/Jane • Colorado Fitness: 7 a.m. Friday Fight Instanity DVD • The Sanctuary: 7 - 8 a.m. Yin Yoga w/ Delaney. • Center for the Arts: 8 – 8:45 a.m. Aerial Conditioning - Crested Butte Dance Collective 8:45 – 9:30 a.m. Open Aerial Dance - Crested Butte Dance Collective 970-349-7487. • The Sanctuary: 9-9:45 a.m. Joy of Movement w/Taylor. • Colorado Fitness: Noon, Ropes, Bells, & Core Circuit W/Jane • High Attitude Dance Academy: ZUMBA - MWF 8:45 a.m. and M 5:15 p.m. • Headwaters Poetry Festival at the GAC: Registration opens at noon. 1:30 pm Panel 1. 3:30 pm Reading 1, 6:00 pm Keynote Speaker George Sibley. • Colorado Fitness: 4 p.m. 3, 2, 1 Workout W/Jane • BOXING TRAINING, 2 classes are offered Mon. - Fri., 4 - 5 p.m. and 5 - 6 p.m. Western Boxing Club. 303-881-7778 • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open/Speaker, 7 p.m. 114 N. Wisconsin, Gunnison, Saturday, April 23 • The Sanctuary: 9-10:30 a.m. Weekend Yoga Instructors change weekly. • Alcoholics Anonymous, Women’s, 9:30 a.m. . • Headwaters Poetry Festival at the GAC: 9:00 am Panel 2. 10:30 am Workshops begin. 3:00 pm Workshops begin. 5:00 pm WSCU Word Horde Poetry Slam. 6:00 pm Reading 2. • Gunnison Clothing Project 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. In the alley West of N. 10th St. between Virginia & W Tomichi. Donations welcome. • Seventh-day Adventist Church Saturday Praise and Worship 10 a.m.; Bible discussion & kids programing 11 a.m. 77 Ute Lane, 970-2097911 or 970-234-2336. • GAC - TADA! “The Reluctant Dragon” – A Children’s’ Theatre Performance: Shows at 1:00 and 3:00 pm. GAC Black Box Theatre. • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, 7 p.m. 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, • GAC - Monthly Film: This Changes Everything: 7:00 pm. Admission $10. GAC Black Box Theatre • Western’s Annual Relay April 9 Team set-up 3, clean up 9:30 pm Mountaineer Field house more info: WHERE? WHY? Sunday, April 24 • 2016 CB3P - Crested Butte Pole Pedal Paddle 4/24/2016 10 am more info. & registeration 9917 • 9:00 am - Talking Gourds Circle at the GAC: Led by Art Goodtimes • Gunnison Congregational Church, United Church of Christ - worship services at 101 N. 8th Street. Worship is 10 a.m. For information Wendy Kidd, PastorGAC Dance Studio. 123 W. Tomichi #1, 970-641-3203. • The Sanctuary: 5-6 Restorative w/Dave • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, Sundays, 7 p.m. Monday, April 25 • Colorado Fitness: 6 a.m. 12 Weeks of Spring Training Spin W/Joellen 405 W. Tomichi • Colorado Fitness: 7 a.m. Insanity DVD Group workout. • The Sanctuary: 7-8:15 a.m. Sunrise Prana Vinyasa w/Leia • Colorado Fitness: 8:30 a.m. Spin & Tone W/ Ingrid 405 W. Tomichi • Main Street Studio RedCord Suspension training, Main Street Studio320 1/2 N Main at 8:45 a.m. • High Attitude Dance Academy - ZUMBA MWF 8:45 a.m. and M 5:15 p.m. • Colorado Fitness: Noon. Abs & Buns W/ Jane • Gunnison library: 10am: Toddler Dance Party: Movement, Music, and Rhyme. • The Sanctuary: 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. Sling Supported Yoga & Pilates w/Kate • Main Street Studio: Express Core Workout at 12:15 p.m. • Colorado Fitness: 4 p.m. Total Body Conditioning w/Jane • BOXING TRAINING, 2 classes are offered Mon. - Fri., 4 - 5 p.m. and 5 - 6 p.m. Western Boxing Club. 303-881-7778 • The Sanctuary: 4:15 – 5:30 p.m. Slow, Mindful, Deep - Hatha Yoga w/Meegan • Colorado Fitness: 5 p.m. Spring Training Spin W/ Jane • Beginning English classes Monday & Wednesday evenings 6-8 p.m., Gunnison Community School w/Therese Trantow. • 8:05 a.m. Jim Kirshner from 580 KUBC in montrose is talking to area residents from Montrose, Delta & Gunnison counties on agriculture related topics. • Jai Om Yoga and Meditation: Gentle Therapy Yoga 10 a.m. 320 ½ N. Main St., 970-275-5987 • Gunnison Country Food Pantry, Open 1 p.m. 4 p.m. 321 N. Main St #C, Gunnison. 970641-4156. • The Sanctuary: 5:45 – 6:45 Strengthen & Lengthen w/Rachel • English classes Monday & Wednesday, 6-8 p.m. at the Gunnison Elementary School, CAFE 970-641-7684. • Intermediate English Classes Monday and Wednesday w/ Kaylonn Tredway from 6-8 p.m. $25 to register, children are welcome. information, Mary Burt; 970-641-7684. • Advanced English Classes w/ Marketa Zubkova. Monday & Wednesday, 6-8 p.m. Gunnison Community Schools. • Jai Om Yoga Class - Mindfulness at 5:30 p.m. Main Street Clinic Yoga Studio 320 1/2 Main Street In alley. • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open/Traditions, Mondays, 7 p.m. 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, Tuesday, April 26 • Colorado Fitness: 6 a.m. 10 Rounds W/Matt • English Classes, 8:30 - 10:30 a.m. 970-6417684 for information. • Colorado Fitness: 8:45 a.m. Spin W/Travis 405 W. Tomichi • The Sanctuary: 9-10 a.m. Sling Supported HOW? Yoga & Pilates w/Kate. • Gunnison Clothing Project - open 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. In the alley West of N. 10th St. between Virginia & W Tomichi. Donations welcome. • Colorado Fitness: Noon Group DVD & Ab Attack 405 W. Tomichi • GAC Dance Studio.GAC Dance Studio: Zumba: 12:15 – 1:00 pm. • The Sanctuary: 12:15 – 1 p.m. Mix it Up! Yoga & Mat Pilates w/Leia. • BOXING TRAINING, 2 classes are offered Mon. - Fri., 4 - 5 p.m. and 5 - 6 .pm. Western Boxing Club for more info. 303-881-7778 • Colorado Fitness: 4 p.m. DIY Happy Hour MAX OUT 30 DVDk 405 W. Tomichi • The Sanctuary: 5:15 -6:15 p.m. Restorative w/Lindsey • Colorado Fitness: 5:30 p.m. Zumba W/Barron (punch card class) • Knights of Columbus will meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month at Parish Hall • Celebrate Recovery Meetings, 6 p.m. Oh Be Joyful Church, Crested Butte. 970-596-3846 or • BINGO Tuesdays at the Elks Lodge, Gunnison, 7:30 p.m. • BEGINNING BAND MEETING - April 26th at 7:00 PM, w/ Mr. Koepsel informational meeting regarding beginning band and how it works, in the band room of Gunnison Middle School. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Koepsel at 641-7710, extension 4025, or at 641-5904. • Center for the Arts: 7 – 7:45 p.m. Aerial Conditioning - Crested Butte Dance Collective at the. 7:45 – 8:30 p.m. Open Aerial Dance 970-349-7487 • Alanon/Alateen Gunnison, 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays. The Last Resort 114 N Wisconsin St. • 4/26 WSCU Music Department Concert Series - Western Concert Choir and Orchestra Concert with Heather Roberson and Kenneth W. Todd as conductors Taylor Auditorium 7:30 p.m. Daily Happenings • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, Daily, 8 a.m. 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, A Look Ahead... • The annual meeting of the Gunnison Friends of the Library will be held on Wednesday, Apr 27, 2016 at the Gunnison Public Library. If you have donated to the Friends, you are a member. Light refreshments will be served. Please come. Contact Lynn Cudlip, 970-2091143, for more information. • Fly Fishing Film Tour 2016 April 28 69PM Annual Fly Fishing Film Tour hosted by Trout Unlimited/Gunnison Angling Society, For more info contact Jesse Kruthaupt, • 4/28 WSCU Music Department Concert Series - Western Chamber Ensembles Concert Taylor Auditorium 7:30 p.m. • Hartman Rocks Spring Clean up, Sunday, May 1, 2016 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. For more information Kristi 970-642-4955 • FREE LEGAL CLINIC AT YOUR GUNNISON LIBRARY IN GUNNISON May 12; June 9; July 14; August 11; September 8; October 13; November 10; and December 8, 2016 2016 from 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM • SPRING CLINICS WITH THE BACKCOUNTRY BIKE ACADEMY - Gunnison shred prep camp 4 Wednesdays of skills intensives at Hartman Rocks, beginning April 27 @ 5:00 PM; Fruita level two skills camp May 7-8; Gunnison level one skills camp May 28-29; More info & registration at: or The Deadline for THE GUNNISON VALLEY CALENDAR is Monday 10:00 a.m. email to submit a listing Gunnison Stingrays are a fun and competitive summer swim team! New swimmers of any level, ages 515 are encourage to join the team this spring! More information can be found on our web site: Corporate Sponsorship is a great way to support the team and to market your business. To review the raft of benefits go to gunnison country shopper, april 20, 2016 page 14 METROPOLITANRECREATION RECREATION DISTRICT TELEVISION TRANSLATOR TRANSLATOR SYSTEM – CHANNEL GUIDE GUNNISONGUNNISON COUNTYCOUNTY METROPOLITAN TELEVISION SYSTEM - CHANNEL GUIDE Almont Cable System Comstock (North Highway 135) Crested Butte South Crested Butte (Sunlight Ridge) Gunnison (W Mountain) Monarch Pass (Tomichi Valley) North Valley Sub. Cable System Parlin Pitkin (Town Site) KWGN - CW 2 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 Movies! 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 KCNC - CBS 4 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 KTVD - ME-TV 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 KPXC - Ion Life 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 KPXC - Qubo 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 NASA 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 KMGH - ABC 7 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 KRMA - RMPBS 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 RMPBS - V-Me 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 RMPBS - Create 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.4 Site Name / Location Ion Plus Ion Life 4.1 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 WORLD 8.6 8.6 8.6 8.6 8.6 8.6 8.6 KUSA - NBC 9 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 CB-TV 10 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 12.1 CCTV 9.1 TV GUIDE 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.1 LOCAL GVTV 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 DISCOVER 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 RT America 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 KTVD - My 20 KJCT - DT ABC 8, Grand Junction, HD KJCT - DT2 CW, Grand Junction KJCT - DT3 ABC 8, Grand Junction, SD 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 21.3 21.3 21.3 21.3 21.3 KDVR - FOX 31 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 20.1 Pitkin / Ohio Powder-horn City Powder-horn / Lake City (Waunita (Gateview) Pass) Sapinero Sargents 2.1 2.1 2.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.6 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 10.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 20.1 20.1 21.1 21.2 21.3 31.1 31.1 31.1 KCDO - Indep. 45.2 45.2 45.2 45.2 Ion Plus 45.3 45.3 45.3 45.3 31.1 To receive digital signals you will need ‐ A television that accepts a digital signal or a digital converter box and an outdoor VHF/UHF Antenna. To receive all digital signals in your area, you may need to scan for channels on your digital television or digital converter box. KBUT Public Radio is available on channel 12.1 in most areas. Please contact the Operations Manager at 641‐9148 with questions or for more information. C.B. DRYWALL now hiring for summer & fall. Good $! 970-6415210 (4/27). CDL Driver with at least a Class B License wanted. 970-641-2014 LOOKING FOR A ORGANIC CHEMISTRY TUTOR for the summer. My schedule is very flexible,and would like to meet throughout the summer to be prepared for the fall. 312-714-7223 CAMBIA TU MEMBRESIA de gimnasio trabajando 2 horas a la semana. Colorado Fitnes necesita allude para cuidar ninos. Hay turnos disponible por las mananas y por las tardes. Ven a vernos al gimnasio para mas informacion 405 W. Tomichi. No es necesario hablar muy bein Ingles. (4/27). employment ranching HELP WANTED: Se nesesita persona para lavaplatos Las Palmas Mexican Restaurant. 970-6421108 (4/27). LOCAL CHURCHES continued from page 12... AS SEM BLI ES O F GO D “The River” 92 Co unt y Ro ad 17 • 6 41 -086 4 P as t or M ik e D ar n e ll S u n d a y Wo r s h i p 1 0 : 0 0 a m We d n e s d a y 7 : 0 0 p m w w w. r i v e r o f l i f e g u n n i s o n . o r g TRIN ITY BAPTIST CHURCH T RIN IT Y BAP TIS T CHU R CH 523 N o r t h P in e S t r e et - ( 9 70 ) 641 - 18 13 S u n d a y Wo r s h i p : 8 a m Tr a d i t i o n a l , 1 0 : 3 0 a m B l e n d e d F a m ily B ib l e St u dy : 9 :1 5 a m S u n da y M o rn in g Sa t u r d a y E v en i n g Wor sh i p : 6 p m H i sp a n i c Wo r s h i p : S at u r d ay 6 p m , B i b l e S t u d y : T h u r s d a y 7 p m We d n e s d a y S e r v i c e s : B . L . A . S . T. & Yo u t h & P r a y e r M e e t i n g - 6 : 3 0 p m w w w. T B C g u n n i s o n . c o m GUNNISON COUNTY EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: Detention Deputy I (Female Applicants Only)-F/T, annual salary starting at $39,640 + Benefits. For more information, including job description, required qualifications and application, please visit HR. (4/27). TIMELESS LANDSCAPES seeks full/ part time landscape laborers for the 2016 season. Pay DOE. Preference given to applicants with irrigation installation and repair experience. Please respond by email to: (4/20). GUNNISON CONSERVATION DISTRICT has a permanent parttime opening for a District Manager. Responsibilities include accounting, bookkeeping, customer sales, planning meetings, outreach education, tax payments and other duties as assigned. Knowledge of QuickBooks and Microsoft Office preferred. Position requires 10-12 hours per week. Pay is based on experience. Submit resume to 216 N. Colorado St, Gunnison or email HENRY’S RADIO & TV Sales, Service and Installation TVs, Stereos, Satellite Systems (4/27). (4/20). GUNNISON COUNTY EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: DHHS Administrative Assistant II-P/T, 28 hours per week. Starting hourly rate $15.24 up to $18.05, DOE. For application, job description and additional information, please visit (4/20). LEGAL ASSISTANT / PARALEGAL. A strong candidate will have law office experience, high ethical standards and the ability to communicate effectively. Will consider full-time or flex-time. Submit covering letter and resume to For more information, call David Leinsdorf, 970-349-6111 (4/20). EMPLOYMENT ADS ARE FREE! If they are 60 words or less. Any over the 60 word limit will be charged a paid ad fee dependent on the number of words. Please see the website for details at, or call 641-3148. - Thank you, The Gunnison Country Shopper. (4/27). (4/20). HELP WANTED: RETAIL SALES HELP needed for interior design, furniture and gift showroom. Retail sales experience and knowledge of POS preferred. Sunday through Thursday. Ability to multi task and strong work ethic required. Please send resume to showroom@studiowestinteriors.c om (4/27). MIKEY’S PIZZA GUNNISON: Hiring for summer employment. Cashiers and cooks needed. Restaurant or food service experience preferred and serious inquiries only please. Bring resume to Mikey’s in Gunnison. Open 11am - 9pm. 970-6411110. Come on by and say hi. (4/20). S o n y 4 K UHD T V s t ar t in g at $ 8 4 9 .0 0 641-1453 SERVING GUNNISON AREA SINCE 1961 1 1/2 miles North of Gunnison on Highway 135 THE COMFORT INN is now hiring a part time breakfast attendant. Position requires strong customer service skills and the ability to work in a fast paced environment. Must be able to work weekends. Please apply in person. (4/20). BASEBALL LESSONS Experienced and talented former college baseball player looking to train young athletes in pitching, fielding and/or hitting lessons. 20+ years experience. Contact Jesse at 918-519-1304 for more information (4/20/pd/31). CVT/TECHNICIAN ASSISTANT needed for small animal hospital, must be able to work full time. Pay DOE. Bring resume and fill out application at 1525 Highway 135, Gunnison, CO 81230. (4/27). SPALLONE CONSTRUCTION has immediate openings for heavy equipment operators. 1-2 years experience required, must have current drivers license, references required. Must be able to assist laborer performing physical task involved in construction activities. $18-$24 per hr. negotiable DOE, benefits available. Fax resume to 970-641-3179 or email to (4/27). OFFICE ASSISTANT - Wood Product Signs in Parlin is seeking a full time, year-round Office Assistant. Position includes answering phones and emails, providing estimates, processing orders, invoicing, ect. Knowledge of Quickbooks is helpful. Must pay attention to detail, be organized, be a good communicator and be able to provide friendly customer service. Please send resume and references to (4/27). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Bus DriverDistrict. Requires Class B P2S CDL license. Random drug testing and CBI record check. Hours are approximately 7-8:30am and 34:30pm. $12.59 per hour. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760,, OR Colorado Workforce, 970-6410031. (4/20). LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE Maintenance of existing landscapes. Tasks include spring clean-up of landscapes, Irrigation adjustments, pruning, mulching, lawn and garden care. Please contact Gail at (4/27). ...continued on page 15 THE JOB HOTLINE 109 East Georgia Gunnison 970-641-0031 TOUR PERSON The main focus for the "Tour" person is to maintain the cleanliness of the restrooms and park recreation areas. Position might also include taking care of the city's flowers as well. CO# 6491163 CONSTRUCTION LABORER Excavation, Dirt Work and Concrete Work Perform tasks involving physical labor at construction sites. CO#6488336 PERSONAL CARE PROVIDER Assist elderly and disabled clients in their homes with homemaking and personal care duties. Physical assistance to home bound to maintain independent living. Light housekeeping, errands, laundry, and meal preparation. CO#6461317 Been laid off from a job recently? You may qualify for personalized assistance with job search, career guidance, resume development, interviewing, job skills development, relocation assistance and MORE. CDLE is an EO Employer/auxiliary aids/services available upon request. For information on these or other jobs, call 641-0031. Now Accepting Applications Crew & Managemen t Positions and Mainte nance Position - Insurance Benefits - Paid Vacation - Bonus Program - Free Meals/Uniforms - Career Advancement Opportunities Please apply in person or online at employment continued from page 14 OFFICE MANAGER: Global Linings is currently taking applications for a part time office manager. This position requires strong customer service skills, computer knowledge, and communication/writing skills. Experience with QuickBooks is preferred, but not required. If interested please drop off a resume at our office located at 922 W Gunnison Ave. (4/20). YOUNG ADULT HELP WANTED: Seeking responsible young adult (prefer age 12+) to help caretake my friendly cat. I travel on/off throughout spring/summer, and need help with daily feeding, scooping litter, and snuggles for gentleman kitty. Please call/text Kat @ 970-819-1034. (4/20). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT RE1J Parttime ELL Teacher-SpanishGMSProvide direct English language acquisition instruction to identified ELL students, assess their proficiency, and monitor individual ELA and academic growth and performance in grades 6-8. Applicant must be licensed to teach in the state of Colorado. An endorsement in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse education and fluency in Spanish is preferred, but not required. One year position only Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760, OR Colorado Workforce 970-641-0031 (4/20/80). THE STINGRAYS COMPETITIVE SWIM TEAM is looking for an experienced coach to lead a group of committed, enthusiastic kids this summer (5/1-7/31). Call Erin 970-901-1173 (4/20). GRAPHIC DESIGNER/PRODUCTION MANAGER POSITION available at the Crested Butte News. Create high-quality ad, newspaper page designs and website updates while managing the production department on a weekly basis in a fast-paced deadline oriented environment. Special section design in addition. Must know Adobe Creative Suite, MAC computer skills. Wordpress experience a plus. Email resume to j i l l @ c re s t e d b u t t e n e w s . c o m . c (4/27). THE CLUB AT CRESTED BUTTE will be hiring grounds maintenance staff for the 2016 golf season. These are full-time seasonal positions. Occasional overtime may be required. Wage range is $13.00-$15.25/hr. May-October. Benefits include uniforms, bonus, golf privileges, and working with a great staff that occasionally enjoys Cheeseburgers in Paradise Fridays. For additional information call 970-349-8616. Application forms are available at the clubhouse front desk. (4/20/66). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT RE1J Substitute Kitchen help Crested Butte and Gunnison Please contact: Superintendent’s Office JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760, OR Colorado Workforce 970-6410031 (4/20). ranching FUN SUMMER JOB AT THREE RIVERS RESORT in Housekeeping and/or Laundry. Full time or part time. Competitive pay, resort discounts, fun workplace. Must have an open and flexible schedule the entire summer. Download (4/20). CRYSTAL CLEAR WINDOW WASHING is hiring for the summer season. Full time position available to hard working team player. Please E-mail resume to: r y a n c b e r n h a rd t @ g m a i l . c o m gunnison country shopper, april 20, 2016 COMPUTER PROFESSIONALS KNIGHT TECHNOLOGIES LLC PC’S - APPLE Pickup/Delivery Available Gunnison/Crested Butte 970-642-3040 (4/20/14). garagesales l ALL MUST GO! ALL DAY INDOOR MOVING SALE! 144 Curecanti Dr #7, FRI/SAT/SUN4/22-4/24, 2000 Pontiac, antique dresser & Kitchen/dinning table w/4 Chairs, New Serta/King Mattress w/Box Springs/Frame, Clothes, Books/Magazines, MORE! For Directions 970-5963514 (4/20). LACY RANCH GARAGE SALE! Thank you for the wonderful turnout last week end! Stop by this Saturday, April 23 from 10:00-3:00 for a BLOW OUT SALE. We’ve added items! 24474 Highway 135. Across from the south entrance of Riverland. (4/20). YARD SALE: 9 AM - 3 PM. 203 S. Reed St. (Behind H&H Towing) Furniture, Lots of women’s clothes, shoes, sports equipment, pottery and lots & lots of good miscellaneous items. See ya there! (4/27). GARAGE-ANTIQUE-FURNITURE SALE, housewares, jewelry, jewelry tools, display items retail, wall cases, nordic skis, boots, collectibles, free items, more. Ice Mountain Jewelry at 4 way stop in CB, Saturday, April 30th, 8-2. (4/27). RAIN OR SHINE, Sat & Sun 23, 24 April, corner of Tomichi & 3rd across from GVHSCC, Tools, hand saws, chain saw, freezer, china hutch, bed, dresser, sofa, dishes. (4/20). GUNNISON MOUNTAIN PAWN Huge Variety of Used Guns Inside the GUNNISON MUFFLER BUILDING 641-6007 GUNNISON COUNTY EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: DHHS Eligibility Technician-F/T, annual salary range $31,699 - $37,534 based on education and experience; full benefits. For application, job description and additional information, please visit R. (4/27). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Substitute Teachers-DISTRICT. Interested individuals must hold a valid teaching license, or a state substitute authorization license Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760,, OR Colorado Workforce, 970-6410031. (4/20). (4/20/14). pet AKC ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIEL, male puppy, field Springer, liver and white. Ready to go 4/22/2016, $600. Call 970648-4409 or 402-719-8065 (4/27). FOR SALE: they will be ready May 8th purebred Lab and Labdradoodle puppies. Blacks, cream and yellows. All parents on site $500. 970-275-1558 (4/27). Cinder is a fun-loving and playful 7-month-old with a big personality. He is sure to keep you entertained with his antics and reward you with purrs. Cinder gets along well with other cats. See all of our adoptable animals at,, or Rocky, 1 year old, is sweet and mellow, and gets along great with other cats. He needs time to adjust to a new environment, but enjoys attention. He is independent and good-natured. FOR SALE: 225 Gallon Water Storage Tank, Very Good Condition. $250. 970-275-9237 (4/20). (4/27). GARY’S LAWN CARE SERVICE Would like to help your Spring Clean-Up Mow & Trim your lawn ALL SUMMER Bushes trimmed, trees, planted & dump runs 970-209-0142 FOR SALE: 2 - 8x10ft. heavy galvanized elk panels, $150/both. 970-275-4852. (4/20). (4/20/pd/24). FREE tires (4) - make great gardening containers (potatoes, zucchini, carrots..) 970-232-8272 (4/27). CHICKEN TRACTOR: self contained, rodent proof, rolling, galvanized metal chicken house. Includes feeders, waterers, nest boxes. A steal at $500, o.b.o. (cost $850 new). Call Nancy @ 970-641-4383. (4/20). FREE DIRT - 214 South Colorado you haul. (4/20). SMALL ROTOTRILLER for sale. 970-901-9980 (4/27). SPRING HAS SPRUNG, BUT HAS YOUR CAR SPROINGED? Bring it by Gunnison Tire, 508 W. Tomichi for complete, bumper to bumper Spring de-sproinging! Come on by and ask for Brian! 970-641-0801 (4/27/31). S H E LT E R H O U R S Wednesdays 5-7pm Saturdays 10am-1pm Sundays 10am-1pm And by appointment All pets are current on vaccinations, microchipped, and spayed or neutered. COMMUNITY-BASED EARTH WEEK THEMED WORKSHOPS. Will run in both Gunnison and CB Sunday April 17th till Saturday April 23rd. More info at and on a poster board near you. 970.641.1173 INFO@GVAWL.ORG FOR SALE: 2006 Gooseneck 3 horse slant trailer. Aluminum. Walk-in tack room. Well kept and used very little $12,000, OBO. Call/TXT 970-209-1268 (4/20). USED 18” x 26’ steel culvert for sale, $300. 970-641-5641 (4/20). FOR SALE: 13 year old palomino quarter horse gelding for sale. $2,500, 970-209-1873 (4/27). 16’ GOOSENECK HORSE TRAILER, 1988 WW Trailers. Dual axle, rubber mats on plank flooring. $5500 obo. 970-9010430 (photos at (4/27). NEW 4 FOOT FLAT BOTTOM steel culverts, 20 ft. long, $1200. 970-641-5641 (4/20). NIMBLE FINGERS SEWING SERVICES From Revamping to Costumes Experienced Seamstress Call Andrea 970-596-4972 (6/29/13). 98 BASIN PARK DRIVE 15’ LARSON SKI BOAT: motor needs work, $950. 970-2754852. (4/20). 2005 POLARIS RMK 800, 151X2, clean, very fast. Upgraded SLP twin pipes, shock w/rebound res., risers, track in excellent shape, only 1000 miles! Garage kept. cash only, no trades. $2500, OBO. Clean title in hand. moving and need it gone. 682551-7846 (4/20). ALL HELMETS ON SALE ALL THE TIME! Only at Sun Sports Unlimited West HWY 50 Gunnison 970-641-0883 (4/20/17). 1983 TIOGA 26’ RV: deluxe floor plan, Ford 460 engine, 55K mi., runs GREAT. $5500. 970596-8813. (4/20). 2004 POLARIS RMK 550 for sale. Very clean, cream puff, seized motor $700. 970-3495190 (4/20). FOR SALE: 2009 JOYNER 650 COMMANDO 4 PLACE UTV. New tires and wheels, low miles $5500 OBO. 970-641-2333 (4/20). AAA APPROVED AUTO REPAIR: Request an appointment online at (4/20/10). FOR SALE: 1992 GULF STREAM SUNCLIPPER 30’ diesel motorhome. Remodeled inside. $15K OBO. 970-641-2333 ARE MECHANICAL ISSUES WITH YOUR CAR OR TRUCK KEEPING YOU FROM LIVING LIFE TO THE FULLEST? No problem! Come by Gunnison Tire, 508 W. Tomichi and let Brian and his “Mechanical Coaching” get your vehicle back on the fast track to trouble free adventure! Gunnison Tire, 508 W. Tomichi, 970-641-0801 (4/27/50). (4/20). commercial ranching FIELD FENCING for sale 720998-6635 (4/20). FOR SALE: Older 4 horse trailer, bumper pull 970-596-1257 (4/27). PREMIUM BARN STORED HAY: Grass; Grass/Alfalfa; Alfalfa Small squares, large squares and rounds And, also have straw 970-872-3141 (4/20/19). SEEKING FRONT DESK FOR MORNING 7-3 pm and Evening 11-7 and Housekeeping from 8 am to 2 pm. Seeking employees with 2 years of customer service experience and able to handle stress/multitasking. This is a job requires holiday/weekend work and will need to take job seriously. Econo Lodge Gunnison 970-6413068 (4/27). CI N DE R & RO CK Y FOR SALE : Used reconditioned lawn mowers generators roto tiller woodsplitter all serviced and repaired good prices see at Ron’s Small Engine Repair 404 rio grande ave lot 14 Gunnison 970641-1574 GOING FAST (4/20). 2 RABBIT CAGES: sturdy metal wire on wood frame, 48 x19 x19 with wooden nest boxes, feeders/waterers included, pictures on Shopper website, $10 each. Call 970-641-3567 (4/20). (4/27). HELP WANTED: Position open 3/4 to FT, M-F at Gunnison Shipping. Need a helpful, friendly attitude and computer knowledge. Drop off resume at Gunnison Shipping (125 W Virginia Ave) or come in and pick up application/job description. Our happy customers are waiting for you! (4/27). HORSE STALLS. All steel construction. Excellent quality and excellent condition. 10W x 12’L $600 p/ stall. Stall consists of one front and one divider panel. Call 970-641-4015 (4/20). page 15 farm&garden PIG WATERER: 50 gallon blue barrel with self watering station at bottom, pig pushes to dispense water, see pictures on Shopper website. $10. Call 970-641-3567 h 9 FOOT T-POSTS. Never used. 45 of them. $3 each 970-6418057 (photos at (4/27). 8 FOOT ELK FENCE FOR SALE: call for information! 970-2754852. (4/20). (4/20). motorized 2002 POLARIS RMK VETICAL EDGE, good condition, needs engine work. $600, OBO. 970417-8996 (4/20). 2002 NITRO 929 FISHING BOAT WITH TRAILER. MERCURY 225 HORSE Power Engine. MotoGuide Pro Series 6700 Trolling Motor, 67 Pound Thrust. Fish Finders. Depth Finder. Plenty Of Storage. Cooler. 2 Live Wells. 3 Batteries. 3 Blade Stainless Steel Laser II Prop. New Cover. Good Condition. $15,000. Call 970275-9237 (4/27). DUAL SPORT 2001 YAMAHA WR426, blue. Electronic speedometer, new oil filter, air filter, and grips. Done at Gunnison Motorsports. Title in hand and plated. $2000, OBO. 818-7312399 Robert. (photos at (4/20). 2010 M7 ARCTIC CAT 162, custom built, excellent sled, to many extras to list. $4000, OBO or trade towards a 4-wheeler. 970-417-8996 (4/20). GOLD DREDGE for sale, 4” Keene Gold Dredge on pontoons, Honda motor, $1900, OBO. Call Tom 970-596-0091 (4/27). 15FT BOAT FOR SALE: V-Hull, aluminum, with Mercury 4 stroke 9.9 HP motor with low hours. Comes with a Haul-Rite trailer. $1500 Ed 970-641-1946 (4/27). 1999 HARLEY DAVIDSON CUSTOM XL 1200 SCREAMING EAGLE SPORTSTER. Runs great! 24,925 miles, Laser Red Pearl in color, detachable windshield, hwy. bars, bags and cover are included. $3,600 Call 720998-6635 (4/20). pet Let Us Sell Your Motorcycle, ATV or UTV Only $75 Sun Sports Unlimited 641-0883 (4/20/14). 2004 HONDA ST1300A, one of a kind. $3000. 970-641-2659 (4/20). FOR SALE: 2006 HARLEY DAVIDSON SPORTSTER 1200 LIMITED CUSTOM. Only 5000 miles! Exc. Cond. Well Maintained and Garaged. Sweet Ride for a Sweet Price! Call 970-349-9108 (photo at (4/20). BOAT FOR SALE. 1998 Glastron SE195. Great for family fun or fishing. Currently winterized. Comes with trailer, UFO, and kneeboard. $3500. 970-641-4224 (4/20). GREAT BACKCOUNTRY SNOWMOBILE, very fast. Upgraded SLP twin pipes, shocks w/rebound res., risers, track in excellent shape, only 1000 miles! Garage kept. cash only, no trades. $2500 obo. Clean title in hand. moving and need it gone. 682551-7846 (4/20). ...continued on page 16 gunnison country shopper, april 20, 2016 page 16 VISIT the We have a wide variety of flower, one of which can only be found at the Hut and nowhere else in Colorado. Chose from a wide variety of edibles, tinctures, waxes, and shatters. A highly knowledgeable, super friendly staff is waiting to serve and answer your questions. motorized continued from page 15... (4/20/8). FOR SALE: OLDER MOTOR HOME, has 52K miles, roof leaks and does need some work, $1000. 970-209-6051 has 454 Chevy engine and genrator (4/27). 1990 HONDA ACCORD for sale, 4 door, 190k miles, runs good. $1100, Eduardo 970-596-2412 (4/20). 2002 DODGE RAM VAN, 1 ton, 85,000 miles, slight body damage, $3500. 970-641-3349 Mike (4/27). HEY! YOU ON THE BIKE! Please, don’t ride on the sidewalks. Thanks. (4/20). across from City Market for a Moroccan themed experience while shopping for all your cannabis needs. You gotta get up to the Hut to get down! 420 DEALS on gram joints and grams of our four new all organic strains!!! pet WE BUY USED motorcycles, ATVs and side by sides. 970641-0883, days. (4/20/11). CHECK OUT OUR CARS on the web 827 North Main cars&trucks 88 DODGE RAM, not running. Ran out of gas, now it doesn’t run. I’ve replaced fuel pump, fuel filter and two relays. Still no electricity is getting to fuel pump. $500 as is. I will be working on electric this week call or txt 919-710-9194. Thanks (4/27). DUMP TRUCK - Ford F900 tandem axle, turbo diesel, 10 speed trans. 140,000 miles. Excellent Mechanical condition. $15,000. 970-275-5801 (4/27). GOOD CARS - GOOD PRICES! ‘04 Ford Explorer, V6, 4x4, nice ride. #1309 $5495 ‘94 Ford F250 truck, reg cab, LB, new tires, HD chassis, 5.8L. #1324 $4595 ‘95 Saturn SL1, 4dr, 5spd, good fuel mileage. #1252 $795 ‘01 Subaru Outback, New T-belt, clean. #1320 $3795 ‘02 Audi A6, Nice, clean. AWD 2.7L. #1265 $7495 ‘97 Nissan Pathfinder, 5spd, V6. #1332 $2995 ‘00 Jeep Grd Cherokee Laredo, 4.7L, Super clean. Low mile motor. #1318 $4995 ‘02 Volvo S40, 4 dr sedan, 1.9L turbo, nice reliable car. #1319 $4695 ‘01 Volvo XC70, new tires, safe, versatile. #1301 $3995 510 West Highway 50 970-641-4040 commercial FOR SALE 1990 MALLARD MOTOR HOME, Class A, excellent condition has been stored inside, 41,000 miles, 460 Ford engine, fuel injection, leveling jacks. $12,000, OBO. Call 970641-4362 (4/20). 1994 DODGE 2500. High miles. Solid and reliable. Needs fuel pump. $1000 firm. Call mark. 970-209-1973 (4/20). motorized 1974 CHEVY HALF TON. Rough, runs strong, 4 x 4. Great ranch truck. $600. Call to see, 970-641-6682 (4/27). 1991 FORD VAN 350 ECONOLINE 5.8L. Runs great, drives great. $1800, OBO, 970-2090720 (4/20). 1974 GMC 12 YARD DUMP TRUCK. Fair Condition. Would be great for use on a ranch. $5000, 970-275-9237 (4/27). FOR SALE 1999 GMC SUBURBAN 4WD. SLT 2500. Vortec engine 7400 V8. 179,631 K miles. Well maintained, has new tires, new battery. $6000. 970641-5984. (4/20). FOR SALE: 1989 CHEVY 4X4 P/U, $1200. 970-641-1320 or 970-901-2564 (4/27). pet 2001 SUBARU OUTBACK WAGON. 4cyl, 5 speed. 124K miles. $2300, OBO. 201-4107498 (4/20). ANTLERS WANTED TO BUY Deer, Elk, Moose All Kinds FOR SALE 1995 CHEVROLET SUBURBAN, 4x4, 95,000 miles runs great. $1995. 970-3492313. Go to for photos. (4/27). 2003 DODGE DAKOTA 4WD, 4 door, 161k miles, $4000. 970349-5716 (4/20). Traders Rendezvous Gunnison A STEAL AT $2,200! WON’T LAST@ THIS PRICE! 2000 Pontiac Grand Am/SE, 4Cyl/GREAT GAS MILEAGE 28 City/35+Hwy, Includes New Windshield $350+Value And 2 New Studded Snowtires $300+Value, Hurry Up & Call 970596-3514 (4/27). FOR SALE: TRAILERS... NEW AND USED. ATV, UTV, motorcycle, snowmobile and utility models in stock. Come and check out the new Vault Cargo Trailer by Triton. Sun Sports Unlimited, West HWY 50, Gunnison. 970-6410883. (4/20/34). 1988 CADILLAC DEVILLE FOR SALE - Best offer after ad runs for two weeks. See at 103 Floresta and make offer. Best offer takes the car. Call Ken at 970-641-0140 and make offer, leave name and phone number. (4/20). commercial FOR SALE: 1995 NISSAN PATHFINDER - V6, 5 Speed, 4x4. Runs fine and 4x4 works. $1100, OBO - Call 970-765-5360 if interested. (4/20). White or Brown 641-5077 or 641-6999 FOR SALE: 1963 BLACK JEEP WILLYS HIGH HOOD. 4 stick manual trans., 6 cyl Buick engine, good tires, winch, bikini and soft top. New radiator, cooling fan system, lots of new parts. $7500 firm. 970-209-9039. (photos at (4/20). 1992 F250, 4x4 some body damage on passenger door. Runs and drives good. 460 automatic. 970-209-0079 (4/27). Shed or Racks 1988 LINCOLN TOWN CAR: with 5.0 liter engine $650, Floyd 970-641-1311. (4/20). 2000 VOLVO S80 T6 good condition 4 dr engine runs good trans. Has electrical problem. 700. Need gone ASAP. 719-4804516 (photos at (4/27). 1999 CHEVY BLAZER 4X4. 172K miles, tread for one more season (photos at 970-765-4649 (4/20). (4/20/21). 2009 2500 HD CHEVROLET DURAMAX Extended Cab Pickup. Allison Transmission. Aluminum Pipe Rack. 3 Diamond Plate Weather Guard Tool Boxes. 55000 Miles. Regular Scheduled Maintenance. Excellent Condition. $33,500 970-275-9237 (4/27). 86 GMC DUALLY FLATBED, 454 automatic transmission 4x4. 970-209-0079 (4/27). 2003 VW WEEKENDER POP TOP EUROVAN. Super Clean, Runs Strong. Lifted suspension, Custom Paint, New Oversized Rims, Yakima Box, Fiamma Bike Rack, Swivel Seat, V6, 169,000 miles, Alpine, sub, Rhino all around. 970-331-5419 (photos at (4/20). JEEP CHEROKEE. Year 2000. Good condition. 4 door. V6 4x4 227,295 miles. $3800. 970-2755787 (4/27). 1996 FORD TAURUS GL, 143K miles, very clean, runs well, new tires, $1200. 970-209-6051 (4/20). V10 2002 VOLVO WAGON. Cluster and computer needs work. 970-209-0079 (4/27). VETERANS, TROOPS CAN ALWAYS SALUTE: A change to Section 9 of the US Flag Code written into the Defense Authorization Act this year now gives veterans and members of the US Armed Forces the authority to render a salute to the flag, whether or not they are wearing identifying veteran apparel such as an American Legion cap. All others present should remove any headwear, face the flag and place their right hand over their heart. Headwear should be held to the left shoulder, leaving the right hand over the heart. These acts are to be conducted anytime there is a hoisting or lowering of the US Flag, whenever it passes. Citizens of foreign countries should stand at attention. (4/20). DID YOU KNOW PROJECT HOPE HAS A 24/7 CRISIS LINE? If you are or have experienced relationship violence or sexual assault, give our crisis line a call at 970-275-1193 to speak with ad advocate. (4/20). THE VETERANS’ SERVICE OFFICE is located at 225 N. Pine and may be contacted by calling 641-7919. America is free thanks to our veterans. Thank you — Al Falsetto, Veterans’ Service Officer. (4/20). ½ ‘13 4Runner SR5, sunroof, 3rd Row, 45K, #1834 ½ ‘11 Tundra Dbl Cab SR5 TRD 37K tows all #1838 ½ ‘08 Fleetwood Arcadia Popup Camper #1841 ½ ‘12 F150 Crew XLT 4x4 Eco Boost +mpg #1843 Order your Cumberland Storage Building now. Made in Delta, CO!
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