Paper 05-25-16 - The Gunnison Country Shopper
Paper 05-25-16 - The Gunnison Country Shopper
f ree Presorted Standard US Postage Paid Gunnison, CO USA Permit #49 postal patron local 43rd year, volume 11 have a safe & fun memorial day weekend may 25, 2016 MEMORIAL DAY MONDAY, MAY 30, 2016 10% O f All Sales Will Be Donated To The Wounded Warrior Project. Have a Fun and Safe Memorial Day Weekend! FREE ICE with purchase of $5.00 or more GUNNISON LIQUORS 603 West Tomichi 641-1717 HOUSE OF GOOD SPIRITS may 25, 2016 page 2 SENIOR CITIZENS CALENDAR THE YOUNG AT HEART LUNCHEON TAKES PLACE AT THE COMMUNITY CENTER AT 200 E. SPENCER, GUNNISON Friday, May 27, 2016 Senior Walking, Community Center GYM Young At Heart Luncheon, 1/2 Chef Salad Monday, May 30, 2016 11-12 noon Senior Walking, Gym - FREE 12 noon Young at Heart Luncheon, Closed for Memorial Day Wednesday, June 1, 2016 11 - 12 noon Senior Walking, Gym - FREE 12 noon Young at Heart Luncheon, Lasagna Meals: All seniors, 60 or older, $4 .00 59 and under, $5.00 Children 7-12 years, $4.00 Children 6 and under are free Come and enjoy a reasonable and delicious meal and socialize Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 12:00 noon. Bring a friend. Walking in the GYM is FREE on Monday, Wednesday and Friday in Association with the YAH luncheon. ANY HOME BOUND SENIOR IN NEED OF MEALS, please call 641-2107 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday before 10:00 a.m. with your request; it will be delivered that day. NEED A RIDE TO THE LUNCHES - Just a phone call away. The Senior Bus is available in a 5 mile radius of town 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. for persons needing a ride to and from YAH Senior Meals. Please Call 970-596-6700 to arrange for a ride before 9:00 a.m. GO TO EUROPE IN JUNE 2017. Mr. High of Gunnison Middle School is leading another trip to Europe for secondary students (middle and high school). The parent meeting is Thursday, May 26 at 7:00 at GMS. Call 970-901-8400 for more information. (5/25). notices U N D E R S T A N D I N G UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE for Employers Presentation. Thursday, May 26, 2016, 8 a.m10 a.m., Old Rock Community Library. Contact Jeni Rogers at the Gunnison Workforce Center to RSVP 970-641-0031 (5/25). COLORING AND CONVERSATION at the Gunnison Library - Coloring isn’t just for kids! Reduce stress and anxiety and experience the calming benefits of adult coloring at the Gunnison Library. Join your neighbors and meet new friends at the Gunnison Library’s monthly program, Coloring and Conversation on Thursday, May 26th at 6 p.m. We’ll provide everything you need for a relaxing and creative evening. (5/25). EARN WHILE YOU LEARN! Become the best parent you can be while earning maternity and baby items (diapers, clothes, cribs, & more!) It’s easy! Give us a call: 970-596-1706. Lighthouse. (5/25). “CRESTED BUTTE . . . LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT” book signing at Townie Books, Elk Avenue, Saturday, May 28, 2-4 p.m. Sandra Cortner will sign copies of her latest book, (5/25). COMPETITIVE EVENTS AT HARTMAN ROCKS - May 28th & 29th, 2016 - Many roads and trails at the Hartman Rocks area on BLM public lands and at the Base Area are being used for permitted competitions on these dates for the Sage Burner, Meowler and Growler running and mountain biking races. All trails and roads are still open to the public, and all competitors, race staff and volunteers will be advised of this and that competitors do not have special priority over the public while participating in these events. Please use extra caution while recreating at the Hartman Rocks area on these days. These permitted events are being produced jointly by Western State Colorado University and Gunnison Trails and are fund-raisers for various projects and causes in the Gunnison Valley. Questions or more information: or 970275-0485. (5/25). 222 1/2 north main, gunnison, colorado 81230 HAIR OF THE DAWG PRESENTS: A CELEBRATION OF DOGS because every dog is a Top Dog! Saturday, May 28th from 10 to 2 at 218 N. Main, Gunnison. Activities include a doggie wash, Cupcakes for a Pup’s Sake and a “flea market”. This event is a fundraiser for GVAWL. Call Debra at 970-2097030 or Crissy at 970-596-3998 for more information. (5/25). MEMORIAL DAY IS MAY 30TH and the service will begin at 10 a.m. at the Gunnison Cemetery. The American Legion family, Scout Troop 476 and other volunteers will have flags at the 575 graves of veterans at the cemetery. (5/25). ANUNCIO. EL PROYECTO DE LA ROPA DE GUNNISON (Gunnison Clothing Project) cerrará sus puertas el 30 de mayo. Este anuncio lo hago con mucha tristeza ya que por el aumento de la renta estoy obligada a salirme de mi casa y tal vez deba irme de Gunnison. Quiero por este medio agradecer a la comunidad por su participación en este programa. Maureen O’Donnell, 970-6410171 (5/25). REMINDER TO ALL REGISTERED VOTERS IN GUNNISON COUNTY, May 31st, 2016, at 5:00 p.m. is the deadline for voters who are affiliated with a political party to change or withdraw their affiliation if they wish to vote in a different party’s primary election. NOTE: In order to participate in the primary election, unaffiliated voters may affiliate at any time before and through the day of the primary election. The primary election for the State of Colorado is Tuesday, June 28th, 2016. (6/1). THE GUNNISON COUNTY MOTOR VEHICLE OFFICE (vehicle tags and registrations), located in the Blackstock Government Center in Gunnison, will be closed June 1st and 2nd (Wednesday and Thursday) due to remodeling. The office will reopen at 8:00 a.m. on Friday, June 3rd. Thank you for your understanding as we strive to improve our office to better serve our customers!! Questions please call (970) 641-1602. (6/1). BOOMERS’ BOOK CLUB Attention all fellow readers: The following is a listing of the books we will be reading and discussing in the following months at the Boomers’ Book Club: June 1 “The Last Midwife” by Sandra Dallas. All meetings will be held on the first Wednesday of the month at the Senior wing of the Gunnison Rec Center at 1:00 pm. Questions may be directed to: Ginny Koepsel at 641-3046 (6/1). GRUPO APOYAR para los sobrevivientes del abuso fisico. Reunirnos jueves a las 6 empezando el 2 de Junio. Llama Project Hope 970-641-2717 o correo electronico (6/1). THE CELEBRATION OF LIFE FOR BILL STONE will be on Saturday June 4th at 10:00 am in the multipurpose building with lunch to follow (6/1). COMMUNITY CHURCH’S VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL is June 8-12 from 9 -11:30 a.m. 4 years old to 5th grade. The theme is “Everest - Facing life’s challenges with God’s mighty power”. Pre-registration appreciated but not necessary. Call 641-0925 or come by 107 N Iowa. Free! (6/1). FREE ADULT COOKING MATTERS CLASS. Thursdays 5:30-7:30, 6/9-7/14. Learn to make meals for 4 for $10 or less. Childcare provided. RSVP with Danielle Petruzzelli 408-4396289 or danielle@mountainrootsfoodproje (6/1). ¿EMBARAZADA? ¿Necesitas ayuda? Pruebas de embarazo gratuitas y consulta. Referencias y asistencia. ¡Estamos aquí para ayudar! Lighthouse 970-596-1706 (5/25). published weekly by the gunnison country shopper, inc. Gary Rogers Publisher Joellen Fonken Manager Nicki Anderson Data Control F R E E C L A SS I F I E D AD V E R T I S E M E N T S for sale non-business; automotive, household, sporting equipment, miscellaneous • lost & found help wanted • wanted to buy yard sales • announcements non-profit ranching • motorized cars & trucks D e a d li n e 1 0 : 0 0 a m T u e s d a y s add free photos that will appear on our website along with your advertisement 9 7 0 .6 4 1 . 31 4 8 p 97 0 . 64 1. 3 1 0 1 f 2 2 2 1 / 2 N. M A I N , G U N NI S O N Leslie Cook Front Office BUSINESS ADVERTISING D ea d l i ne 2 : 0 0 p m T ues d a ys s ho p per @ g un ni s o ns h o pp er . c o m w w w .gun ni sons hop per .com Classifieds 30¢ word/$5.40 min. O F F I CE H O U RS MO N D A Y S & T U E S D A Y S 8: 0 0 a t o 5 : 3 0 p W E D N E S D A Y S - c l o s e d / de l i v e r y d a y TH U RSDAY S b y a p po in t me nt F R I D A Y S 8 :0 0 a t o 4 : 3 0 p SUBSCRIPTIONS 1 year $55 • 6 months $28 • 3 months $14 • 1 month $5 real estate for sale or rent • services offered • firewood for sale • business opportunities • commercial business Display Per column inch email It is the clients responsibilty to proof their advertisement. In-house credit will be given for only one incorrect insertion. correction deadline is the same as insertion deadline. UN CURSO GRATUITO de 6 semanas que enseña a los adultos a preparar y comprar alimentos para comidas saludables a bajo costo. Jueves 9 junio - 14 julio 5:30 -7:30. Registrarse: 408-439-6289. SIX POINTS HOURS are Mon. Fri., 9 a.m. - 6 p.m., Sat 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., Closed Sundays. DROP OFF HOURS Mon., Wed., Fri., 9 a.m - 5 p.m., Sat 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. We are located North of Walmart behind Time Warner Cable. (5/25). (6/1). TALK TO A LAWYER FOR FREE: Thursday Night Bar (legal advice clinic), first Thursday of each month at the Family Services Building, 225 N. Pine St., Gunnison, 5:30 p.m. Call Ellen for more information 641-7999 (5/25). ¡GANA MIENTRAS QUE APRENDES! Conviértete en el mejor padre que puede ser al mismo tiempo ganar artículos de maternidad y bebé (¡pañales, ropa, cunas, y mucho más!) ¡Es muy fácil! Llámenos: 970-596-1706 Lighthouse (5/25). G ARAG E D O O R installation & maintenance R E S I D E N T I A L & C O M M E RC I A L 5 55 55 5 55 55 55 ,-.5/..55R555)/."55R55/((#-)(5 Matthe Matthew wK Kuehlhorn uehlhorn matthe 970/596-3696 K KO OOL LE ERHOMES.COM Taylor Hall, Room 303 extendedstudies@ 970-943-2885 to pre-register for classes Wednesdays at Western print catalogs available! Come by Taylor 303 and pick one up or send your address to Wednesdays programs kick off June 22! Register now at High Countr y Hikes – Virginia Basin, Karen Immerso, 6/22/16, $35 Basic Digital Photography, Gregg Morin, 6/22/16, $20 Beneath Blue Mesa, Dave Primus, 6/29/16, $35 Beginning Birding, Katie Renga, 6/29/16, $20 Make Your Own Custom Stamp and Card Set, Gail Sovick, 6/29/16, $30 The Institute for Applied Sustainability, 5/21/16 – 8/03/16 Summer course information available at Summer Teacher Institute, 6/06/16 - 6/18/16 Registration is open! Register at Writing the Rockies, 7/20/16 – 7/24/16 Registration is open! Register at FREE LEGAL CLINIC AT YOUR GUNNISON LIBRARY, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2016 from 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM. A free legal clinic for parties who have no attorney, will be featured from 3:30 - 5:00 PM on the SECOND THURSDAY of each month at the Gunnison Library at 307 Wisconsin Avenue, Gunnison, CO 81230. By computer link, volunteer attorneys will answer questions, help fill out forms, and explain the process and procedure for all areas of civil litigation, including family law, property law, probate law, collections, appeals, landlordtenant law, small claims, veterans issues, and civil protection orders. Please contact the Ann Zugelder Library at 970-6413485 in Gunnison to be added to the sign-up sheet. Upcoming dates in 2016 are:June 9; July 14; August 11; September 8; October 13; November 10; and December 8, 2016. ALL FREE! Please call 970-641-3485 in Gunnison to be added to the sign-up sheet (6/1). SAVE THE DATE! Gunnison County Republicans will hold their annual Lincoln Day Dinner on Friday, June 24 from 5:30-8:30 PM at the County rodeo grounds in the Multi-purpose Building. Speakers include conservative radio talk show hosts, “Americhicks Kim and Molly” and Derrick Wilburn, Colorado GOP Vice Chair. Visit:GunnisonCountyRepublicans. org for more information and details! Save the date June 24th! (6/1). JUNIOR MASTER GARDENER CERTIFICATE PROGRAM. T/Wed/Thurs, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m., 7/26 - 8/18. Seeking enthusiastic science/plant loving middle schoolers. Registration at CSU Extension Office, or call 970-641-1260 12 days 4H members free/$20 non 4H (6/1). LAKE PRESCHOOL OPENINGS - For 4 year old program, Gunnison’s only district run public preschool still has spots available in our 4 year old preschool program. For more information, please contact Jennifer Kennedy or Annie Romero at 970-6417770. (5/25). HELP PUT FOOD WITHIN REACH. Donate to Gunnison Country Food Pantry (GCFP), PO Box 7077, Gunnison, CO 81230 or online at Bring food donations to 321-C N. Main Street in Gunnison on the SW corner of Main and Ohio Mondays, Wednesdays or Thursdays. The Pantry is an All-Volunteer Organization. (5/25). ¿HA PREPARADO SU PROPIEDAD contra inundaciones (terraplenes, sacos de arena, etc.)? ¿Puede poner sus cosas en sitios más altos en su propiedad u hogar en caso de inundaciones? ¿Usted y su familia saben dónde irán y lo que llevarán en caso de evacuación? Prepárese ahora, no espere hasta el último minuto. V i s i t e dsmart/pages/mediaresources/s panish.jsp Para obtener información adicional póngase en contacto con Emergencias del Condado de Gunnison en 9706 4 1 - 2 4 8 1 85/Flood-Preparations o a la Oficina Multicultural 970-6417 9 9 9 gunnison country shopper, may 25, 2016 CARDBOARD RECYCLING Recently the Gunnison County Recycle Center as seen an influx of waxed cardboard and bundled cardboard dropped off at the Center. Please note for your future recycling of cardboard at our Center that WAXED CARDBOARD SHOULD NOT be brought to the Center and DO NOT TIE cardboard in bundles. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact Gunnison County Public Work Department at 970-641-0044. (5/25). THANK YOU Gunnison businesses: Mochas, Mario’s, Palisades Restaurant, The Power Stop & The Hammer, and The W Cafe for providing prizes and supporting the Gunnison Middle School Walk-A-Thon! (5/25). ¿NECESITA AYUDA ALIMENTARIA? La Despensa de Alimentos (Gunnison Country Food Pantry) está abierta lunes de 1 a 4 y miércoles de 1 a 7 de la tarde. Para personas mayores de 65 años: jueves 10 de la mañana a 2 de la tarde. Visítenos en 321-C N. Main Street en la esquina suroeste de Main y Ohio. Más información en (5/25). THE GUNNISON COUNTRY SHOPPER office will be closed on Monday, May 30, 2016 to observe Memorial Day. Deadlines will remain the same, please contact us on Friday, May 27 for any special arrangements. Have a great Memorial Day Weekend. (5/25). DID YOU KNOW?... If you buy a #6 plastic cup you can bring it to WSCU to “TERRACYCLE” into other useful products? Drop-off locations at: Library Parking Lot, Pinnacles, North Mears, Between Ute and Robidoux Hall Look for the recycling bin with the “TERRACYCLE” logo on it! MANY OF YOUR FAVORITE BRANDS UP TO 75% OFF! SENIORS, NEED FOOD ASSISTANCE? Gunnison Country Food Pantry is open to Seniors 65+ on Thursdays 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Come for coffee, see what the community wants to share with you. Visit the Pantry at 321-C N. Main Street in Gunnison on the SW corner of Main and Ohio. Info at NEED FOOD ASSISTANCE? Gunnison Country Food Pantry is open Mondays 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. and Wednesdays 1 p.m. - 7 p.m. Seniors 65+ are served Thursdays 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Visit the Pantry at 321-C N. Main Street in Gunnison on the SW corner of Main and Ohio. Info at (5/25). SPRING RUN-OFF AND FLOODING INFORMATION If you are a property owner in an area prone to high water or flooding, please consider the following: Is your property flood insurance in force and up to date? What is covered by your flood insurance? There is a 30 day waiting period for new flood insurance policies to take effect once they are purchased. For more information about flood insurance, contact your local insurance agent. Other information can be obtained from Thuy Patton, State Coordinator for the National Flood Insurance Program at 303-866-4803, email: or go to: (5/25). ARE THERE ANY OTHER POLIO SURVIVORS in the Gunnison area? If you are a polio survivor I have some information on the Post Polio Syndrome I would like to share. Please give me a call. Call Ken at 970-641-0140. (5/25). SALE HOURS: Saturday 10:00am - 5pm Sunday 11am - 3pm Monday 10:00am - 4pm 147 North Main, Gunnison • 641-0844 RECYCLE YOUR WASTE MOTOR OILS AND ANTIFREEZE FOR FREE. Engine Oils, ATF, Gear Oils, ETC. Please keep Antifreeze containers separate. 719 S 10th ST Gunnison. (Across from the recycling center) Free pick up of large quantities. 970-596-2288 “THE SECRET TO GETTING AHEAD is getting started.”- Mark Twain. Are you interested in taking the GED? Classes are forming soon, call the Center for Adult and Family Education at 970-6417684 (5/25). (5/25). ROCK COLLECTION FOR SALE: includes dinosaur bones, petrified wood, call for more info. 970-275-4852 (5/25). FREE LOCAL YARD SALE MAPS: available at the Shopper office! (5/25). WWII ARTIFACTS: Italian Carcano 1938 7,35 cal. Rifle $135; Trans. period Hitler Youth Knife with scabbard RZ-M/65 $900; Pet.Dan.Krebs.Solingen Long Dress Bayonet with scabbard and frog $200. 970349-1457 (5/25). FREE: ‘99 Chevy Tailgate, full size, and rear bumper. 970-2750271 (5/25). GUNNISON CLOTHING PROJECT: Quieres ropas? Nececitas ropas? Somos abiertos todos los Martes y Sabados 10am-2pm oeste del avenida 10 entre calles Tomich y Virginia! Benga a buscar! Todo esta GRATIS! (5/25). ALL HELMETS ON SALE ALL THE TIME! Only at Sun Sports Unlimited West HWY 50 Gunnison 970-641-0883 (5/25/17). LEER TRUCK TOPPER for sale, fits 6’ Toyota bed. Dark grey, $250. 970-275-5224, leave message. (5/25). WANTED TO BUY: all guitars, any condition, used, vintage, etc. Castle Creek Guitars, 132 North Main, 641-2747. (5/25/17). WOMEN’S WELLNESS CONNECTION FREE MAMMOGRAMS & PAP TESTS ELIGIBILITY GUIDELINES: 1. No insurance or deductible high enough to delay or prevent screening; 2. Doesn’t exceed income guidelines; 3. 40-64 years of age (women 40-49 will receive a mammogram at discretion of provider; 4. Not had a mammogram or Pap test in the past 12 months (some exceptions apply); 5. Meet Colorado identity or citizenship verification criteria. Please contact Gunnison County Public Health with any questions, 970-641-0209 (5/25). SUMMERTIME IS HERE! JOIN US THIS WEEKEND ON SCAFFOLDING for sale, heavy duty, 16 tiers. 303-902-6337 (5/25). CROSS STITCH AFGHAN KIT for sale. Everything included. Wildflowers of the South. $25 970-209-5564 (6/1). FOR SALE: Antique’s Royal Dalton, humpback trunk; Telephone and Operator’s box; 5¢ Gumball machine; Mirror 24x48. 970-209-0142 (5/25). SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE Need not be done by the dealer to satisfy your warranty requirements, enjoy the convenience of hometown service. Low cost rental cars. Precision Automotive is your “AAA Approved Auto Repair”, celebrating 30 years of service to the Gunnison Valley. 641-4040 (5/25/43). MAIN STREET FOR OUR ANNUAL SIDEWALK SALES! LOTS OF GREAT BARGAINS OUTSIDE AND CHECK OUT WHAT’S NEW INSIDE! HOPE & GLORY 147 N MAIN STREET GUNNISON 970-641-1638 LIKE OUR FACEBOOK PAGE TO KEEP UP ON ALL THE NEW ARRIVALS! (5/25/46). (5/25/pd/47). BOXING TRAINING, non-contact, for fun, fitness, self defense and camaraderie. Co-ed, middle school - high school and adult are welcome. 2 classes are offered Summer hours M -Th 5:30 am or by appt. Team competition also available. Basement of Mears Dorm Complex, Western campus. Call Tom Barber, coach, Western Boxing Club for more information. 303-881-7778 (5/25). HABLE CON UN ABOGADO GRATIS: Clínica de consulta legal gratis el primer jueves de cada mes en edificio de Servicios Familiares, 225 N. Pine St., Gunnison a las 5:30 de la tarde. Llame a Ellen para obtener más información 970-641-7999. (5/25). THE MULTICULTURAL RESOURCE SERVICES, 225 N. Pine St., Suite B, now has full time funding thanks to a grant from Caring for Colorado. We share the office with CAFÉ (Center for Adult and Family Education). Come by or call Ellen 641-7999. If I’m not in, it’s because I often have to be in meetings or trainings. If you have a medical emergency, please call 911 KBUT IS LOCATED AT 88.7 FM IN GUNNISON. Our signal strength has increased from 40 watts to 6500 watts this past year. Tune us in loud and clear. PREGNANT? Need help? Free pregnancy testing and consultation. Referrals and assistance. We’re here to help! Lighthouse Pregnancy & Family Resource Center; 209 Elizabeth Street; 24-hour hotline: 970-596-1706. (5/25). MEMORIAL DAY SIDEWALK SALE! SUPPORT GROUP for the survivors of physical abuse. We meet Thursdays at 6 starting the 2nd of June. Call project hope 970-641-2712 or email (6/1). (5/25). ESCORRENTÍA DE PRIMAVERA - Si usted es dueño de una propiedad en un área propensa a las inundaciones, considere lo siguiente: ¿Está su seguro contra inundaciones propiedad al día y en vigencia? ¿Qué cubre su seguro contra inundaciones? Hay un periodo de 30 días desde la compra de pólizas de seguro y su entrada en vigencia. Para obtener más información sobre seguros contra inundaciones llame a su agente de seguros. También puede llamar a Thuy Patton, Coordinador Estatal del Programa Nacional de Seguros contra Inundaciones: 303-8664803, o v i s i t e ciones (5/25). (5/25). (5/25). SPRING RUN-OFF AND FLOODING INFORMATION Have you taken steps to prepare your property for flooding (berms, sandbags etc)? Are there items that could be moved to higher points on your property or in your home in the event of a flood? Have you and your family identified where you would go and what you would take with you should you need to evacuate? Prepare early don’t wait until the last minute. For additional information visit the Gunnison County Emergency Management website at 85/Flood-Preparations or call us at 970-641-2481. (5/25). Celebrating over 30 years doing Business in Gunnison & Hinsdale Counties. We want to Thank All of our Loyal Customers! (5/25). REMINDER: DO NOT LET YOUR Motor Vehicles; Trailers; Motorcycles; Buses & SMM’s Registrations Expire! There is a LATE FEE applied after the one month grace period. Gunnison Office is open M-F 8 am-4:30 pm unless otherwise noted. The Crested Butte Branch is open T & TH 9 am-3 pm in Old Town Hall. You can reach us at 970-6411602 option #1. YOU CAN ALSO PAY YOUR REGISTRATIONS ON LINE at (5/25). page 3 For Great Service and a Commitment to Quality Call your only Local Full Service Distributor. 970-641-0625 Thanks Again, Buffalo and the Crew gunnison country shopper, may 25, 2016 page 4 Nepalese,Tibetan & Indian Restaurant 323 E. Tomichi (970) 641-7480 Reservations & Takeout PATIO TO OPEN SOON! OPEN 7 Days a Week Lunch: 11AM - 2:30PM Dinner: 5 - 9:30PM NOTICE OF INTENT TO DISPOSE to the following parties that their personal property stored at Plotts’ Mini Storage, 312 West Highway 50, Gunnison, CO 81230, will be sold or disposed of unless claimed prior to May 27, 2016, and/or all rent/fees are paid: Unit #70 Katherine Magrane, Unit #12 Sara Baker. (5/25/53). IS SOMETHING ‘BUGGING’ YOUR TREES? When left to fend for themselves, trees are at risk. Don’t let your trees be a liability. Now is the optimal time to prevent beetle and insect infestation. Fully insured,certified & licensed. FREE Competitive Quote 970-2093916. (6/22/42). WHAT’S HAPPENING? 126 North Main Street Gunnison LUCILLE LUCAS GALLERY & FRAME SHOP OPENING SOON! (6/1/14). HEAVY DUTY 10 FOOT: sheet metal brake. Very good cond. USA made, $4000. Call 970-5965000 (5/25). SUMMER SUPER SAVINGS! ON HEALTH & BEAUTY AND SUPPLEMENTS! GUNNISON VITAMIN & HEALTH 804 NORTH MAIN STREET GUNNISON 970-641-5928 (5/25/17). AUNQUE SUS HIJOS NO ESTÉN ENFERMOS, es importante que visiten a los médicos periódicamente. Se recomienda que las visitas se hagan a los 2 meses, 4 meses, 6 meses, 9 meses, 1 año, 15 meses, 18 meses, 2 años, 3 años, 4 años, 5 años, 6 años, 8 años, 10 años, y cada año hasta los 21 años. Llame a la Oficina Multicultural si necesita ayuda para hacer una cita o si tiene preguntas. 641-7999 (5/25). FOR SALE: Electric oil filled heater $30. Electric house paint sprayer $50. Old Yamaha generator $5. Moving must sell call 970-641-5143 (5/25). INFRARED SAUNA FOR SALE. Home or commercial use. 970641-0644 ask for Donna (5/25). Gunnison Recreation & Community Center SUMMER YOUTH BASEBALL STARTS NEXT WEEK!! 6-8 & 9-10 Baseball Programs Start 5/31. Sign up today to ensure your spot!! 970-641-8060 Rockies Skills Challenge 6/2 @ 4:00PM 6-7 PERSON HOT TUB: Vita Spa, 6 yrs. old, new $9000, hardly used, sell $3050 OBO. 970-275-4852 (5/25). FOR SALE: Behringer Amplifier with Dynamizer. Model GM110 Vintager. 120V 60 Hz 66 W. $75. Call 970-497-0787 (5/25). NO FEE TV. Information about how to receive the over-the-air television signals provided by the Gunnison County Metropolitan Recreation District is available on the web at or by contacting the District at 6419148. (5/25). FREE: Wooden Pallets, call 970641-0246. (6/1). More information at 200 East Spencer Avenue 970-641-8060 WE WILL BE CELEBRATING 30 YEARS OF SERVICE TO GUNNISON ON JUNE 3RD! DISPLAY CASES for Sale: One 10 foot long solid cherry, one 4 foot oak, both custom made. 970-349-5107 or 970-404-5865 STYLING, CUTS, PERMS, COLOR, H I G H L I G H T S & TA N N I N G (5/25). 641-6436 HEAVY DUTY PLATFORM CART Great for construction 8” casters 30” x 60” 1200 Load capacity $250. Call: 970-209-8521 (5/25). Nugget Cafe FOR SALE: Whirlpool refrigerator 24” W x 57” T x 28” D, cold; General tire Grabber 265/75R15. 970-209-0142 (5/25). PARA PREVENIR EL HANTAVIRUS, cierre todos los huecos en su casa por donde entran ratones, limpie restos de comida, etc. Cuando limpie, moje el área donde ve excrementos de ratones con una solución de agua y cloro. Oficina Multicultural 970641-7999. (8/31). 520 N Main at Taylor park Come on u p an d en joy a mea l wit h u s! Opening Saturday, May 28 O p e n Fr i , S a t , S u n 8- 8 ; M o n -Th u r s 8- 2 , 5 - 8 ( C l o s e d We d n e s d a y s u n t i l J u n e 1 5 t h ) 970-642-0454 PARA LAS PERSONAS MAYORES DE 65 AÑOS— TODOS LOS JUEVES (excepto días feriados) La Despensa de Alimentos de Gunnison (Gunnison Country Food Pantry) está abierta de 10am to 2pm, 321 N. Main St # C. (sobre calle Ohio) 970-641-4156. También puede llamar a la Oficina Multicultural 641-7999 si tiene preguntas. (5/25). FOR SALE: Brand new Motorcycle Helmet, Jacket, and Gloves. Black HJC CL-15 XS Helmet - $55; Yellow Firstgear Contour Mesh Women’s 2XL jacket with liner - $45; Black Tourmaster Summer Elite S Gloves - $10. 970-901-5747. (photos at (6/1). RUB-A-DUB-DUB TIME FOR A SCRUB Call ahead to get in for some grooming or reserve a tub for the self service dog wash 970-641-2227 218 N. Main Closed Sundays RPEZ4\]N4\GRP[ ]PPG[RP 4P> Z?[\?> ]\\? Z4>]4\?o[ y ur FLOWER GIRL/RING BEARER: outfits for sale. Dress fits a size 46t and boys outfit a size 3t/4t. Both are in perfect condition. Dress is off white with gold belt. Boys outfit is shorts/suspenders bow tie. 970-596-8954 (6/1). POWER HORSE 3. LOG SPLITTER for category 1 tractors, very good shape with hydraulic hoses, $300. 970-6415352 (6/1). JULIUS KEILWERTH ST90 Alto Saxophone, $400. Works good, great instrument for a music student. Call 970-596-4250 evenings. (5/25). WE RECYCLE EGG CARTONS. PLEASE CALL 970-641-5644 (5/25). J. CREW SILK DRESS: off white worn once. Size petite 2. Sophia style. Worn for a beach wedding. $100. 970-596-8954 (6/1). POULAN CHAIN SAW, 38 cc 18” bar $100, OBO. 970-2098521 (5/25). yH Happ eer and B Draft -Shelf Top rita aF rgE a] X?P )F]Z [>4e \ FZ MR ials c pe4 S RP>4ew ?ORZ G 4N e{ 5-6PM COLLEGE STUDENTS HAVE SKILLS that they would like to share with you. Need some help? Babysitters, tutors, laborers? Look at the end of the employment section to find an able-bodied and minded student to do what you need done. (5/25). $2.00 X?P G EX F? \ N e (F \ 4 \ G P4 Ee ] P ? iE PF >y P ) ]Z [ > \ F Z R ] a M rgarita RP>4ew ?ORZ G 4N 4e{ Nights N R [ ? > ) ] ? [ > 4 e 4 P > 0? > P ? [ >4e{ Thursdays! 4 TIRES FOR SALE- $150 Firestone Transforce HT, LT215/85R16. The tires have some good life left. If interested please call 540-661-8404. (6/1). RPEZ4\]N4\GRP[ ]PPG[RP 4P> Z?[\?> ]\\? Z4>]4\?[y N R[?> )]?[>4e 4P> 0?>P?[>4e{ X?P G EF\ N e (\ 4Z \ G PE ]P? iP>y 349-6674 • OPEN AT 5 4TH AND ELK, DOWNTOWN CRESTED BUTTE for Nightly Deals, Full Menu, Gift Certificates and the CantinaCam FORD F150 TOPPER: New struts; 6’ wide x 7’ long x 28’’ high. All glass is in good shape. $350, OBO. Call 970-641-0181 for more details. (photos at (6/1). TODOS LOS MIÉRCOLES (excepto días feriados) La Despensa de Alimentos de Gunnison (Gunnison Country Food Pantry) está abierta de 1pm-7pm, 321 N. Main St # C. (sobre calle Ohio) 970-641-4156. También puede llamar a la Oficina Multicultural 641-7999 si tiene preguntas. (5/25). Hours: - New Hours -- Sunday Open Wednesday New Hours: 7AM - 4PM Tuesday - Saturday 7AM - 3PM Sunday Tuesday Sunday 7 3,Closed Closed Mondays Open Everyday 7 -Mondays Mondays 7AM --3,3PM Closed AMERICAN GIRL DOLL $50! Like new. Christmas outfit. Brown hair, brown eyes. Call or text 970765-5045 (photo at (5/25). ME OPTA MEOPIX FOR IPHONE 5, iScoping Adapter 55mm, Fits Swarovski 20 x 60 x S Spotting Scope, $25. 970-2098521 (5/25). CLASSIC, STURDY, ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTING TABLE: with tilt mechanism. $450 obo. 970-275-4852 (5/25). FOR SALE: SEWING MACHINE. Sears Kenmore model 158.1784080. With carrying case, foot pump, fabric scissors, small accessory box. Super Clean. $50, OBO. 970-2753941 (photos at (6/1). FOR SALE: 800-900ft. of 3/8” cable for sale, call for details, 970-275-4852. (5/25). SMOKER FOR SALE. Southern Pride DH-65 industrial/commercial 220 electric wood chip smoker. 120/208 voltage, 27 amps, 60 hertz, phase 1, NSF certified. 25 1/4” wide, 31 3/4” deep, 48 1/4” high. On wheels, works great and in good condition with owners manual. Asking $4,500. Call Liz 970-497-0787 (5/25). MOVING SALE MUST DOWNSIZE. Elliptical exercise machine. 1st class. $100. Car top carrier $20. Gas grill, nice unit $80. Tom 480-216-2593. (6/1). MUST SELL MOVING. Turkey fryer $50, 2.2kw generator $180. shop vac $20, 13” tv DVD player rarely used, metal detector still in box $90, lounge chairs $10ea. Tom 480-216-2593 (6/1). FOR SALE: Recycled Telephone /power line poles, treated. power poles. Various lengths up to 20 feet. Price negotiable based on quantity needed. 970-641-0045 (6/1). FOR SALE: 2 Aquarium / terrarium tanks, glass with metal frames. Size 25” x 12” x 13” and 14” x10” x 9” . Both have covers. $15 and $10 respectively, OBO. Telephone 970-641-3733 (6/1). BRIGGS & STRATTON MOTOR 5500W generator for sale $300. call/text 970-596-5000 (5/25). FOR SALE: Pentax P30t SLR camera. Many zoom lenses, cases, tripod, flash, filters. Excellent condition. $50. 970349-5190. (5/25). DRESS FOR SALE: Brand new size large. Sleeveless light blu with florals design at bottom $25. See picture online a 970-275 8910. (5/25). 1979 WORK WAGON TRAILER 27’ X 8’. Fair Condition. $1000 970-275-9237 (5/25). FOR SALE: Assorted VHS tapes 970-641-4836 (5/25). CEMENT MIXER FOR SALE $750, call 303-902-6337 (6/1). FOR SALE: TRAILERS... NEW AND USED. ATV, UTV motorcycle, snowmobile an utility models in stock. Come an check out the new Vault Carg Trailer by Triton. Sun Sport Unlimited, West HWY. 50 Gunnison. 970-641-0883 (5/25/34). FOR SALE - HAMSTER CAGE includes food, wheel, igloo, straw water bottles, etc. $30 call 970 209-7921 (5/25). ROOF JACKS for sale, Call 970 641-4727 after 6 p.m. (6/1). gunnison country shopper, may 25, 2016 C.A. West Bookkeeping Complete Sole-proprietor, Partnership, Corporate, Business Accounting & Tax Preparation A Registered Tax Return Preparer NOW ACCEPTING NEW CLIENTS 641-5644 234 N. Main Street Suite 3D IT’S LUNCH TIME! L a k e S ch o ol , G C S & C BC S L u n c h M e nu M a y 3 0 - J un e 3 Ha r v es t of t h e Mo n t h ˜ Strawberries ˜ Monday No School Tu e s da y Italian Pasta Bake H Edamame Celery Sticks Roll H Pears W ed n e sd a y Buffalo Chicken Salad H Cucumber Slices Roll H Mandarin Oranges Th u rs d a y Ham & Cheese on Bagel Half H Potato Wedges Baked Beans Fruit Friday No School All Meals Served with Milk Menus Subject to Change H = Homemade L = Local food * = Harvest of the Month Menus Provided by Mountain Roots Food Project DO YOU HAVE ENOUGH LIFE INSURANCE? It’s ok if you don’t know, because American Family Insurance & The Nelson Family Agency is here to help. You can feel safe and secure with plans starting as low as $10/mo. Find out for yourself why we were voted “BEST INSURANCE AGENCY” in the Valley! Call Rick and his team of local professionals at 641-3481 or stop by our office at 1140 N Main. FIREWOOD FOR SALE Free Delivery of 3 or More Cords I have a mountain to sell! 209-6101 FLATBED UTILITY TRAILER, single axle, drop down tail gate, 14 foot long, 5 foot wide, nice condition. $900 970-641-0962 please leave message. (5/25). AAA APPROVED AUTO REPAIR: Request an appointment online at (5/25/10). ¡USTED PUEDE AYUDAR A NUESTRA COMUNIDAD! Puede donar alimentos no perecederos y ponerlos en los cubos rojos que la Despensa de Alimentos (Gunnison Country Food Pantry) ha puesto en varios sitios de Gunnison (Safeway y City Market y más lugares). ¿Preguntas? 970641-4156. También puede llamar a la Oficina Multicultural 6417999 si tiene preguntas. (5/25). SIX POINTS DONATION HOURS: at our new location 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. Monday - Friday (except Tuesdays & Thursdays); 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Saturday; Closed on Sunday. Please call Six Points at 970-641-3081 for furniture donations or large donations of household items. (5/25). EVERY DAY’S A GREAT DAY FOR FRESH FLOWERS, GREEN PLANTS, GIFT BASKETS BOILER FOR SALE: Weil-McLain hot water boiler. 90% efficiency, 175K BTU, capacity 3,000 sq. ft. home. Used only 6 years. New $4,300, will sell for $1,100. 970275-4852 (5/25). INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL FLOOR FRYER. Two basket large gas fryer. $1000. Call Liz 970-497-0787 (5/25). FOR SALE: Two walkers. Call for Have a Safe & Fun Memorial Day Weekend! If It happens... We Can Make it Like New Again! Call Tim today for your FREE Estimate. (5/25/21). “NEVER STOP LEARNING because life never stops teaching” Affordable English classes taught by qualified staff evenings and mornings, GED preparation and Citizenship classes are now forming, contact the Center for Adult and Family Education to sign up. 970-6417684 (5/25). WE SPEAK EURO! Volvo, Audi, VW, BMW, Mercedes serviced by Master Technicians. Precision Automotive, since “1984”. 641-4040 (5/25/17). Fu ll Se rv ic e C ol li s ion C en ter (970)641-0920 or (888)292-8915 212 W. HWY 50 • Gunnison “KEEP ONLY THOSE THINGS that speak to your heart. Then take the plunge and discard all the rest.” From “The LifeChanging Magic of Tidying Up” Marie Kondo (5/25). Certified Service Genuine GM Parts Collision Center JACK OF ALL TRADES Complete handyman services including: OR BALLOONS! Light carpentry, Electrical, Plumbing Send Someone You Love a Little Happy Today! MISTY MOUNTAIN FLORAL Welding, fabrication and window washing 147 N MAIN STREET Maintenance, repairs and more GUNNISON Call text or e-mail 970-641-5102 SCOTT LEFEVRE Check out our Designs on our 970-901-6648 Facebook page! (5/25/39). (5/25/30). FOR SALE: Pizza oven, countertop model; Gaviala coffee maker. 970-209-0142 (5/25). FOR SALE: Room @ bed and breakfast in town, during THE RIDE festival in Telluride, 3 nights. I cannot cancel it but can change the name. Interested??? call 970596-0166 (6/1). CONTRACTOR’S ERICSON 50 AMP Power Box (Turtle) $300. Call: 970-209-8521 (5/25). HANTA VIRUS. Si está limpiando cabañas u otras estructuras rurales NO ASPIRE (con aspiradora) y no produzca polvo. El polvo puede contener Hantavirus, una enfermedad muy seria del sistema respiratorio transmitido por los ratones. No hay cura para esa enfermedad por eso hay que evitarla. Tape los huecos por donde pueden entrar los ratones, quite comida de su alcance, etc. Cuando limpie, moje el área donde ve excrementos de ratones con una solución de agua y cloro 5-10 minutos antes de limpiar. Vea ermedades/hantavirus/ y /spb/mnpages/HPSBrochuresp.p df para más información y ver fotos del ratón que transmite el Hantavirus. Oficina Multicultural 970-641-7999 y salud pública 970-641-0209. (8/31). CANON CAMERA CASE: sturdy black nylon, 9” x 6”, lots of pockets/dividers, handle and shoulder strap, use for storage or lunch box, Pictures on Shopper website. $5. Call 970-641-3567 “PEOPLE HAVE TROUBLE DISCARDING things that they could still use (functional value), That contain helpful information (informational value), and that have sentimental ties (emotional value). When these things are hard to obtain or replace, they become even harder to part with.” From “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” - Marie Kondo (5/25). “THE BEST SEQUENCE IS THIS: clothes first, then books, papers, miscellany, and lastly, mementos.” From “The LifeChanging Magic of Tidying Up” Marie Kondo (6/1). PRECISION AUTOMOTIVE, celebrating 31 years in business. Servicing all makes & models. Call 641-4040 for an appointment. (5/25/16). PUMP UP JACKS for sale, if interested call 970-641-4727 after 6 p.m. (6/1). “YOU ARE NEVER TOO OLD to set another goal or to dream a new dream”. The Center for Adult and Family Education is part of the Gunnison Library District. For information on English, GED and Citizenship classes call 970-6417684 (5/25). GATES ON TRAILS & ROADS: Please respect all gate closures and follow any posted signs. Thanks for Staying the Trail and Treading Lightly out there! (5/25). We Sell WeatherPorts, We Repair WeatherPorts, (6/1). We Buy WeatherPorts, FOR SALE: Door panel for left front door of 2013 Subaru Outback, tan & black....needs wiring harness. Good condition. Make reasonable offer. Call 970641-7499 (6/1). We Rent WeatherPorts! (5/25/17). OAK FLOORING. Solid wood. Character grade. 4, 5, and 6 inch widths. New and still banded in bundles. Dry and ready to install. 100 square feet. $250, OBO. 970-209-0485 (5/25). ANTLERS WANTED TO BUY Deer, Elk, Moose All Kinds Shed or Racks White or Brown Traders Rendezvous Gunnison 641-5077 or 641-6999 page 5 HEPA Hunter Air Purifier, air scrubber for baby room. $30 970-644-7883 (photos at (6/1). TODOS LOS LUNES: (excepto días feriados) La Despensa de Alimentos de Gunnison (Gunnison Country Food Pantry) está abierta de 1pm-4pm, 321 N. Main St # C. (sobre calle Ohio) 970-641-4156. También puede llamar a la Oficina Multicultural 641-7999 si tiene Contact Global Shelters today for all your WeatherPort needs Serving the Gunnison/ Crested Butte valley for over 45 years! Sharbel @ 970-209-9711 (5/25/33). POPLAR TRIM. Beaded profile on one edge. 11/16” x 3 1/4”. 17 pieces 10 feet long. $100. 970-209-0485 (5/25). FOR SALE: queen size Aero bed in great shape. $25, call 970596-0166 (6/1). COMPUTERS FIXED RIGHT THE FIRST TIME KNIGHT TECHNOLOGIES LLC Computer Professionals 970-642-3040 WANTED TO BUY: all guitars, any condition, used, vintage, etc. Castle Creek Guitars, 132 North Main, 641-2747. (5/25/17). GUNNISON MOUNTAIN PAWN Huge Variety of Used Guns Inside the GUNNISON (5/25/12). FOR SALE: Ladies Molicare with side slits. Packeage of 30 $15, have several packages. 970-209- CHEVY WHEELS for sale: Steel, 6 hole, 16”, off of a 1989 Silverado. $50. 970-390-3761. MUFFLER BUILDING 641-6007 gunnison country shopper, may 25, 2016 page 6 WHAT’S HAPPENING? 126 North Main Street Gunnison LUCILLE LUCAS GALLERY & FRAME SHOP OPENING SOON! (6/1/14). NEW WEATHERSHIELD WINDOW, 4’1” x 4’9” rough opening, 7 1/16” thick, double casement, bronze aluminum clad, with screens, original packaging, Pictures on Shopper website. $50. Call 970-641-3567 (6/1). ALL HELMETS ON SALE ALL THE TIME! Only at Sun Sports Unlimited West HWY 50 Gunnison 970-641-0883 (5/25/17). FOR SALE: Avery Neoprene Dog Boots Camo L $10, Neoprene Dog Vest Camo L $25. Stearns Pet Dog Flotation Vest L $10 Camo. 970-209-8521 (5/25). INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL COFFEE BREWER. $300. Call Liz 970-497-0787 (5/25). WANTED TO BUY: all guitars, any condition, used, vintage, etc. Castle Creek Guitars, 132 North Main, 641-2747. (5/25/17). FOR SALE: 044 STIHL Chainsaw, great shape, 6 sharp chains, extra air filter, spark plugs & tool kit, (worth $260). Saw & extras, $650, may dicker. 970641-5297 or 970417-1898 (5/25). CITY COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS VACANCIES The Gunnison City Council is now accepting letters from citizens interested in serving on the following: 1 VACANCY ON THE CITY PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION To serve on this Commission, the applicant shall have been a resident of the City for at least one year and be a registered City voter. Appointment is for a 5-year term, to expire May, 2021. The Planning and Zoning Commission is responsible for preparing and updating the City Master Plan and other planning documents. The Commission reviews and makes decisions on land development applications to ensure compliance with all provisions of the Land Development Code and City Master Plan. 3 VACANCIES ON THE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS & APPEALS To serve on this Board, the applicant shall have been a resident of the City for at least one year and be a registered City voter. Appointment by City Council is for a term to expire on May 15, 2017. The BOZAA hears appeals on matters of building permits in violation of zoning ordinances; makes exceptions to the terms of zoning regulations in harmony with their general purpose and intent; and authorizes variances from the strict application of zoning regulations (Gunnison Home Rule Charter Section 3.18). 1 VACANCY ON THE CHALLENGE GRANT REVIEW COMMITTEE To serve on this Committee the applicant shall be a resident of the City. The program funds new and creative efforts in Gunnison to increase sales tax revenue. Bringing new dollars into Gunnison supports the livelihood of our business community and the citizens. Vacancies are open until filled. For more information contact City Clerk Gail Davidson at 641-8140. Letters of interest can be mailed to: City of Gunnison, Attn: City Clerk, P.O. Box 239, Gunnison, CO 81230 or emailed to SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE Need not be done by the dealer to satisfy your warranty requirements, enjoy the convenience of hometown service. Low cost rental cars. Precision Automotive is your “AAA Approved Auto Repair”, celebrating 30 years of service to the Gunnison Valley. 641-4040 (5/25/43). FOR SALE: 26” cut snowblower, 12 HP. Like new, $800. 970-3490108 (6/1). PUMP UP JACKS FOR SALE: If interested call 970-641-4727 after 6pm. (6/1). ROOF JACKS FOR SALE: If interested cal 970-641-4727 after 6pm. (6/1). SUMMERTIME IS HERE! DON’T FORGET! Gunnison Valley PTA is collecting Box Tops 4 Education. This is an easy way for anyone to support your local community school/PTA. You can send your Box Tops to your child’s classroom or put them in collection containers at the public library or the community center. Thank you for your support! (5/25). WATER METER: $150; 970-2754852. (5/25). LA OFICINA MULTICULTURAL 225 N. Pine St, B ahora tiene fondos para operar a tiempo completo gracias a nuevos subsidios. Ubicada en la misma oficina que CAFÉ (clases de inglés para adultos y la familia). Pase por la Oficina o llame a Ellen 641-7999 (deje mensaje con su número telefónico). Debido a que muchas veces tengo que ir a juntas o entrenamientos, a veces no estoy en mi oficina, y lamento el inconveniente. Si tiene una emergencia médica, llame al 911. (5/25). MAIN STREET FOR SALES! LOTS OF GREAT BARGAINS OUTSIDE AND CHECK OUT WHAT’S NEW INSIDE! HOPE & GLORY 147 N MAIN STREET MUSICIANS/DJ NOTICE: Complete Sound P.A. System. Mackie SRM450 powered speakers (2), JBL EON G2 powered speaker, Fender 1270P powered monitor, Mackie CFX12 mixer, 10 good quality mics, one condenser single mic, mic stands, speaker stands, all the cables you’ll need to plug in and start having gigs with your 4 or 5 piece band. Many extras too. $1800. Call 970-8087283 (5/25). 10:00 A.M. TUESDAY! Yes, that is the Free Ad Deadline. Always has been, always will be. That means we must have your free ad at our office by 10am. But you don’t have to wait until 10am to call, email or fax. Please account for delays in cyberspace, as well as busy phones on Tuesdays. Thanks - The Gunnison Country Shopper. (5/25). FOR SALE: LGB G-scale American Mogul Tender Locomotive (LGB #2319) $900.00; Combine (LGB #3081) $75.00; 2-axel Caboose (LGB #4065) $50.00; Curved tracks (LGB #1500) and MRC Trainpower 6200 $65.00. Entire set $950. 970-249-1457 (6/1). 970-641-1638 NEW ARRIVALS! Located at Elk Creek Marina, Hwy. 50 Open: Thursday-Monday 11am-8pm (5/25/46). Elk Creek Marina, LLC—concessionaire for the Curecanti National Recreation Area. FOR SALE: TRAILERS... NEW AND USED. ATV, UTV, motorcycle, snowmobile and utility models in stock. Come and check out the new Vault Cargo Trailer by Triton. Sun Sports Unlimited, West HWY. 50, Gunnison. 970-6410883. (5/25/34). CONCRETE WORKING TOOLS in excellent condition. 2 flat rectangular tools 4” X 14”,$20 each. Small pointed trowel $5, large pointed trowel 10” X 5” $16, to smooth edge (2) and center break tool 23/4” X 51/2” $4 each, flat wooden finishing tool 21” X 4” $4. telephone 970-641-3733. (6/1). FLY WITH US! Enjoy the incredible fun of hot air ballooning... For yourself, your employees, your friends, or ? Saturday, July 2, Sunday, July 3, Monday, July 4 Become a Sponsor HURRY - CALL TODAY! 970-275-4104 major appliances since 1992 Maytag, Amana, KitchenAid, And Whirlpool. In Stock and Special Order Affordable, Professional, Delivery & Installation US RANGE SALAMANDER/BROILER. 18” deep, 36” wide, 19” tall. $1000. Call Liz 970-497-0787 (5/25). FOR SALE: Bottle collection. Call for details 970-641-4836. (5/25). NOTICE OF INTENT TO DISPOSE to the following parties that their personal property stored at Plotts’ Mini Storage, 312 West Highway 50, Gunnison, CO 81230, will be sold or disposed of unless claimed prior to May 27, 2016, and/or all rent/fees are paid: Unit #70 Katherine Magrane, Unit #12 Sara Baker. (5/25/53). IS SOMETHING ‘BUGGING’ YOUR TREES? When left to fend for themselves, trees are at risk. Don’t let your trees be a liability. Now is the optimal time to prevent beetle and insect infestation. Fully insured,certified & licensed. FREE Competitive Quote 970-2093916. (6/22/42). 1000 North Main Street, Ste 1, Gunnison TORK MOTION SENSOR PAPER TOWEL DISPENSERS: Three total, easy wall mount. Call Liz 497-0787. (5/25). FOR SALE - KIDS DIRT BIKE ATTIRE - all sizes available fits sizes 5-8 boots chest protectors, etc. call 970-209-7921 (5/25). SHOPPER SPECIALS! Want to find out about our advertising specials? Go to our website at for all the details! (5/25). WANT TO BE PART OF A COOP? Become part of the Sanctuary Somatic Arts Community! This fall the Sanctuary Studio will be GROWING and is looking for motivated, charismatic teachers who are looking for a beautiful teaching space surrounded by a supportive community. With the co-op model you can have more freedom to offer what you want, decrease your overhead cost by sharing expenses with the co-op, be part of a collaborative marketing effort and fuel your creative fire by being surrounded by other creative minds. Those in the fields of art, spirituality, self-help, bodywork, yoga, pilates, dance... again those in the somatic arts realm are welcome! See if your offering is the right fit for this new co-op model by contacting Leia at (5/25/126). 5297 or 970-417-1898 (5/25). GUNNISON Overlooking Blue Mesa Reservoir Full Service Marina - 970.641.0707 Boat Rentals Store Guided Fishing Paddle Boards 113 W. Tomichi, Gunnison, CO 81230 Open 7 Days A Week Mon. - Fri.: 11:00 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. Sat. - Sun.: Noon - 9:30 p.m. FOR SALE: Dishes and glassware. Call for detail 970-6414836 (5/25). OUR ANNUAL SIDEWALK TO KEEP UP ON ALL THE Rib Dinner Special Dine In - Take Out Tel: (970) 642-6363 BOSTICH PNEUMATIC FLOORING Nail Hammer and staples. Excellent Condition $350. 970209-8521 (5/25). FOR SALE: Cassette tapes. Call for details 970-641-4836 (5/25). LIKE OUR FACEBOOK PAGE 970-641-0403 Chinese Restaurant JOIN US THIS WEEKEND ON Gunnison’s Waterfront Playground LIVE MUSIC THIS SATURDAY Chris Coady 5pm—8pm TRY THE NEW CHINESE RESTAURANT IN TOWN! FOR SALE: Brother Sewing Machine with accessories. 970641-4836 (5/25). OUTDOOR GLOBE STRING LIGHTS. 25ft long. $25 per strand. Outdoor Globe String Lights with Copper Fluted ShadesNEW in box. 35’ long with 7 lights per strand. $65 per strand. Call Liz 970-497-0787 (5/25). ¿SABÍA USTED QUE LA BIBLIOTECA PÚBLICA de Gunnison tiene libros en español para niños y adultos? También tienen películas, música y acceso a computadoras. Los miembros de nuestra biblioteca pueden pedir libros de otras bibliotecas, lo que aumenta muchísimo la cantidad de títulos que podemos leer. Visite o llame a la biblioteca al 641-3485, 349-6535 (CB), o Ellen 641 7999 para obtener información en español. (5/25). FOR SALE: Amber leather pants women’s 10, five pocket style, new and clean. $45. Call 970596-4972 (5/25). 4 TIRES FOR SALE, 235 x 85 x 16LTs, load range “G”, track or trailer tires, great shape. Lots of Highway miles left, $125 for all. 970-641-4951 (6/1). FOSTORIA PORTABLE ELECTRIC SALAMANDER Excellent condition 15KW/240V 51.000 BTU Breakers Long Cord $675. Call 970-209-8521 (6/1). BEAUTIFUL OUTDOOR METAL FIREPLACE, $100. Used once like brand new! Call or text 970765-5045 (photo at (5/25). ENGINE STAND FOR SALE: $3500, call 970-209-6051 (6/1). 7,900 Gunnison Country Shoppers every WEDNESDAY (5/25). FREE THINNING: For mountain properties, call for details. 970275-4852 (5/25). CRAFTSMAN PLATINUM SELF PROPELLED lawn mower, 190 cc, great shape, grass catch bag, water hose fitting for easy cleaning, $250, may dicker. 970-641 Like Us On Facebook Gunnison Country Food Pantry (5/25). FOR SALE: Dazey Seal-a-meal. $5. 970-349-5190. (5/25). gunnison country shopper, may 25, 2016 Circus Train Memorial Day Sale! Saturday, Sunday and Monday YES - WE HAVE COLORADO FLAGS! 125 N. Main 641-0635 Mon-Sat 9:30 - 5:30 Sun 10:00 - 3:00 page 7 DEWALT ADJUSTABLE TRIPOD: 34 1/2” spiked legs, overall 42”, used for laser level. Pictures on Shopper website. $10. Call 970641-3567 (6/1). “THE POOREST MAN MAY, in his cottage, bid defiance to all the forces of the crown. It may be frail, it’s roof may shake, the wind may blow through it, the storm may enter; but the King of England may not enter; all his forces dares not cross the threshold of the ruined tenement.” William Pitt before the British House of Commons. - Robert Tim Allen 970-596-8977 (5/25). Parlin, Colorado 9:30 ‐ 5:30 Tues ‐ Saturday Closed Sunday QT FLEA MARKET FREE ASPEN WOOD, blown down this winter. You come cut & take away. 970-349-7290 (5/25). TRUCK CAMPER STEPS for sale. Folding aluminum with 4 nonskid 20” steps with adjustable 30” drop, $85. 970-901-1589 (5/25). FOOD SAVER VACUUM SEALING SYSTEM, Model V2860. Nice system, all the parts, plus a part to use with mason jars. Stainless. Some bags. See pictures at $40 takes all. Over $100 for this system new. email (5/25). FOR SALE: 8 foot long slide in utility topper. Was on an AT&T truck. Shelving, under-floor storage, lights. $1000. 970-6410962 please leave message. This Saturday, May 28 ‐ 9am ‐ 5pm! Call 970‐209‐5537 or stop by for booth details! EXTRA LARGE DOG KENNEL: Pet Gear brand, collapsible w/wheels, handle for easy travel. Solid bottom, garage-type front door, easy access top door. Perfect condition, sturdy and clean. Used 2 months. $80. 970-275-3516 (photos at (5/25). CASCADA CARGO BOX for sale, $100. 970-963-7200 (5/25). FOR SALE: Bottle collection. Call for details 970-641-4836. (5/25). CUTTING & WELDING TORCH SET (Victor) complete medium duty. Excellent Condition $250. 970-209-8521 (5/25). FOR SALE: Sears Whisper-matic 2x2 slide projector. In box. With fold-up screen. Excellent condition. $30. 970-349-5190 (5/25). Shrubs and Perennials (5/25). INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL ICED TEA MACHINE. $300. Call Liz 970-497-0787 (5/25). 2,419 Different Plant Choices Example Marigolds-19 choices • Pansies & Violas-92+ choices AMERICAN FAMILY INSURANCE & THE NELSON FAMILY AGENCY can provide local protection for your auto, home, business, health, and condo association, and provide life insurance for your family. Find out for yourself why we were voted “BEST INSURANCE AGENCY” in the Valley! Call Rick and his team of professionals to compare at 641-3481, or stop by our office at 1140 N Main. TWO 5 FT. LOCKING TRUCK TOOL BOXES in perfect shape. They don’t fit our new truck . $300 for both. Call 970-2093676 (photos at (5/25). LADDER/LUMBER RACK: Fits full size, short bed trucks. $200. 970-349-7016 (5/25). “YOUR GOAL IS CLEARLY IN SIGHT. The moment you have put everything in it’s place, you have crossed the finish line.” From “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” Marie Kondo (5/25). CHAINSAW $100 Poulan Pro 18” with case. Call or text 970-7655045 (photos at (5/25). FOR SALE: Nail on siding jacks. If interested call 970-641-4727 after 6pm. (6/1). CARGO CONSTRUCTION ENCLOSED Trailer 7’x 14’ DBL axle Extra HT, side door DBL Back Doors, Foam insulated, white color $3200. 970-209-8521 (6/1). KING DUVET for sale. Beautiful blues and greens, reversible fabric. $75. Text or call for pics 970275-2765 (6/1). FOR SALE: 4 Factory built trusses. 4/12 pitch, span 10 feet. Perfect for a storage shed. $75 970-596-0215 (6/1). GRACO A DOUBLE STROLLER with rear mounted car seats. This is the full system. This system costs $400 new. Selling for $100. Well cared for and about 6 years old. 303-644-7883 (photos at (6/1). WOLF GAS CHAR BROILER, commercial. Counter top model. 26” deep, 30 1/2” wide, 13” tall with 5 burners. $700. Call Liz 970-497-0787 (5/25). JEWELRY CASTING EQUIPMENT For Sale: V.I.C 9 Vacuum invest and cast in one tabletop unit, 110 amp. new $1125 sell for $400, or OBO. Neycraft burnout furnace for wax burnout, enameling, heat treating, max temp 2012f. $400, or OBO. 970-3495107 or 970-404-5865. (5/25). FOR SALE: Lathe 36” Craftsman professional w/tools, $400. Natural gas heater $200. Ab lounger $50. Gazelle $50. Portable shooting bench $50. Clay pigeon thrower $25. Engine stand that rotates $75. Tanning bed w/face tanner $300. Meat saw/grinder one unit $100. 15 x 8 five hole rims ford,dodge or jeep $40. Old large snow blower $100. Craftsman 4 wheeler lift $100. Lead sled w/pneumatic trigger $100. Old wooden table/w wings $50. 970-6415143 (5/25). FOR SALE: 4 tires 17” brand new $400. 4 tires 15” Prius tires $300. 970-963-7200 (5/25). MICROSCOPE - Edmund 300 magnification, like new, 10” tall x 4” wide in box. $40 telephone 970-641-3733 (6/1). WELL PRESSURE TANK: 40 gallon, nearly new. $175. 970-2097669. (5/25). HAVING TROUBLE PAYING FOR YOUR BIRTH CONTROL? Have you been thinking of getting tested for an STD but didn’t know where to go? The Gunnison County Public Health Family Planning Program is here to help with these and other services! Call 641-0209 to make a confidential appointment today. Fees dependent on income, no person is turned away for inability to pay. (5/25). COLD HARDY GALLON SIZED Snaps-19 choices• Pepper-26 choices• Tomatoes-27 choices Hundreds of other choice choices… Landscape SCRUBS 2-5’ Tall Sizes Regular Priced HUGE SELECTION $795-$1895 MIX OR MATCH GERANIUMS Thousands and thousands (12K plus) of special geraniums. Many colors, special prices! Perennial Flowers Large 4 packs, 6 packs & 3 1/2 Pots 95¢-$2.00 Plus Quantity Discounts R IVERSIDE G ARDENS Thousands & Thousands of perfect plants PLANT NOW! $495 each 3 or more 50 $4 each Montrose 62951 LaSalle Rd 249-6778 1/2 mile west of Hwy. 50, over the tracks at last traffic light. (near Flower Motors) MON - SAT. 8-5:30 OPEN SUNDAYS 10-4 2417 MIX OR MATCH ASPEN TREES BIG, HEALTHY, WHITEBARKED BEAUTIES Different Choices of plants this year! 8’ - 12’ Tall $3500/ clump 6 or more clumps MARIGOLD 17 Choices PETUNIAS 50 plus Different Colors SNAPDRAGONS 17 Choices PANSIES & VIOLAS 50 plus Choices 100’S OF OTHER FLOWERS, VEGGIES & HERBS $3250 ea gunnison country shopper, may 25, 2016 page 8 Only the “Best” At Buff’s... gunnison country shopper, may 25, 2016 FOR SALE: sit on top of kayak 10’ paddle, seat, rack attachment $375. Wind surfer - fiberglass long board, 2 sails- $75. Golf clubs - old men’s & bag $50. Golf club pull cart $50. All OBO leave message 970-349-5186. (5/25). Voted “2015 Best Auto Repair Shop” FOR SALE: POOL TABLE, bud light pool light and Jackpot slot machine. Call for more information. 970-641-4836 (5/25). AND “2015 Best Service Repair Person - lost&found e Jarrod Lee” By Gunnison County! We’ll Make It Look Like It Never Happened! FOR SALE: PLATE GLASS 46” x 46” X 1/4”, with 3/16” corner round, excellent condition, $25. 970-349-5021 (5/25). Spring Plant Sale At Fred Field Multipurpose Building Saturday, June 4 9AM - 2PM Top O’ The World Garden Club RENTAL CARS JUST $20 PER DAY with any automotive service at Precision Automotive 6414040 (5/25/14). FOR SALE: Twin size Hospital Bed with vibrate, heat, adjusting, etc. Call for details 970-6414836. (5/25). LOST/STOLEN 26” Pink Huffy Bike. Only mode of transportation, please call 970-629-3312 or the Gunnison Police Department. (5/25). THE FOLLOWING ITEMS are at the Gunnison Police Department and the owner is either not known or has not been located. To claim an item listed below please contact the Gunnison Police Department Monday-Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Ask for a Neighborhood Services Officer. List is for items received in the last 30 days. 16-0690 Specialized mt. bike; 16-0714 Three keys on three key chains; 16-0721 Trek Mtn Bike; 16-0733 Trek Mtn Bike; 16-0786 Trek town bike; 16-0813 Wallet owner Madison Stonequist (6/1). LOST HARNESS @ Buddha’s Belly in Hartmans. Please email Kyle T. or call 240-393-3847. (5/25). LOST: Hearing Aid 970-6413471 or 970-596-7883 (5/25). FOR SALE: SALOMON XA 3D Ultra 2 hiking/trail running shoes. Men’s Size 10 1/2. Worn three times at home and I decided they don’t fit. Like new. $50 (typically $130!). 970-209-7717. (6/1). FOR SALE: Single(1) hiking/trekking pole. Adjustable length, $12. 970-349-5190. (5/25). POTTERY BARN EXERCISE BALL CHAIR with white cover. Comes with stand for stability. Barely used, good condition! Photo online: $50. 970-209-5476 (5/25). FOR FRESH FLOWERS, GREEN PLANTS, SPRING PLANT SALE OR BALLOONS! All varieties have proved winter-hardy for the Gunnison Valley. Send Someone You Love a Proceeds benefit a variety of community service projects in Gunnison. GUNNISON Little Happy Today! MISTY MOUNTAIN FLORAL sporting 970-641-5102 Check out our Designs on our Facebook page! (5/25/39). FOR SALE: 25’ BIG TEX flatbed trailer, great shape, $3000. 303902-6337 (6/1). PONTOON BOAT BUCK BAGS Bronco Extreme great condition, stored indoors $650. 970-2098521 (6/1). BACKCOUNTRY SKI SET UP SUPER 7S with AT bindings and skins size 188 powder skis $300, OBO. Call or tx for more info 970901-0622 (5/25). FOR SALE: Crazy Creek Power Lounger camp seat. Great for camping, river, etc. $7. 970349-5190. (5/25). WORK OUT EQUIPMENT: For sale Life Fitness commercial grade treadmill $400, OBO. Weight bench including free weights $75. Call 970-209-2573 (6/8). KUAT 4 bike platform hitch rack. $500. 970-596-1275 (5/25). 13’ AVON RAFT, complete oar frame package. Ready to go. $2400. 719-377-7719 (5/25). BOB DUAL STROLLER. Has rigid front wheel and is more sturdy than the swivel wheel. Tires in excellent condition. Gently used for 3-4 summers, $275. Call 970644-7883 (photos at (6/1). WANTED: DEER/ELK DECOY (life size) for archery practice wanted. Do you have one you don’t use? Sell it to me. Call 970-808-7283 (5/25). SURLY LONG HAUL TRUCKER touring bicycle, 56cm, brand new, paid $1700, sell for $900. 970-964-7488. (5/25). HENNESSY HAMMOCK Ultralite Explorer, used twice, $150. 970209-5476 (5/25). “LOOK” EXERCISE bike for sale, $15. 970-641-8952 (6/1). FOR SALE: Chariot Cougar 1, Bike and jogging kit, $500. 970275-5414 (6/1). SALOMON QUEST MAX 130 At Ski Boots. WTR Soles Sz. 27.5 Like New $150. 970-349-6242 (5/25). BICYCLE PANNIERS: for touring, good cond., $90. 970-9647488. (5/25). 16’ FLOAT FISHING CATARACT BY DOWN RIVER. Diamond plate floors, thigh braces front and back, anchor system, rear seat with kick bar, dry box, sawyer polecat oars with trailer $4500. 720-273-4951 (photos at (5/25). 1997 26’ TERRY TRAVEL TRAILER. Good condition inside & out. Lake City @ Gail”s Clothing. $5500 call Chris at 970275-2972 (5/25). 2008 VIKING LEGEND 2485ST pop camper. 1 owner good condition. King size beds on each slide out, Dining table area slides out for tons of room. Large front storage box. Heater, water system, refrigerator, and lift system work great. Has a hot water heater which has never been used. Outside shower, newer tires with spare. $6500, OBO. Call 970275-4985 (6/1). KOKATAT DRY SUITS, Gortex, mint condition. Retail for $800 will sell for $300. 970-230-2067. No Text msg. please. 970-2302067 (5/25). CAMPER TRAILER FOR SALE. 29 foot Salem by Forest River self contained bumper pull. Sleeps 8. Bunk house with queen front slideout. AC/leveling Jacks/ propane/DC/electric converter. Very clean. $10,500. 970-2092058 or 970-641-4007 (6/1). CAMPER FOR SALE. 1992 Jayco tent popup w/stove, sink, ice box, HEATER, spare tire, canopy. Good shape and easy to pull; $2300 Call 970-641-1166. (5/25). GIRL’S ROADMASTER MOUNTAIN BIKE with a basket. Works great $50! 970-765-5045 (5/25). FOR SALE: Horton crossbow, 160 pound, 360ft. per sec. Shot 5 times. Paid $900, asking $800. 209-2449. (5/25). 2004 FLEETWOOD SANTE FE POPUP great shape, flipped axles and thermostat heater, 1 king bed, 1 full bed, no toilet, fridge and water heater. Never used, $3900. 970-641-6438 (photos at (5/25). FOR SALE: TREK 420 from 85. Needs some work, as is $150. 970-596-8813 (photos at (5/25). FOR SALE: St. Bernard ski poles, holds liquor. 970- 2090142 (5/25). VINTAGE 1967 SCHWINN PANTHER BICYCLE (2-Speed). In good condition with all original parts except current white wall tires. Missing rear reflector on fender. $450 Call 970-433-0026. (photos at (6/1). BACK SUPPORT BELT FOR SALE: McGuire-Nicholas. Size small, like new. $10. 970-2758910. (5/25). FOR SALE: Shotguns. Call for details, 970-417-8996 (6/1). FISHING BOAT EQUIPMENT Buoy marker, bright red 8” x 3”, $5. Boat motor round flush 9 1/2” x 5”, $3. 970-641-3733 (6/1). BICYCLE FOR SALE: $25, Great shape; needs some tuning; adult size. Narrow tires, but not a wimpy lightweight. Call 970-6411166 (6/1). DYNAFIT FREERIDE AERO AT BOOTS, 25.5 great condition Tech Soles, $100. 970-349-6242 (5/25). FREE: Jayco Slide-in truck camper (fits full-size truck). Roof needs some TLC, inside in great condition. Free to first person to come pick it up. call/text 970765-6904 if interested (6/1). SOLOFLEX FULL BODY MUSCLE MACHINE with all the accessories. $500. Includes bench press, butterfly, leg extensions, incline bench. Great weight lifting machine for men and women. Call 970-596-4250 evenings. (5/25). FOR SALE: RockyMounts Bike Rack Tray, $75. 970-275-5414 (6/1). (6/1). FOR SALE: two man raft with sail. Never out of the box. $50. 970-641-4639. (6/1). 2001 SKAMPER POP UP CAMPER in good condition. Camper is made to sleep 4 people with two big Slide-outs. Has front outside trunk for storage. Asking $3,800, OBO. Call Dan at 908-693-1528. (5/25). KAYAK RACK FOR SALE: Holds 2 kayaks. Call for details, 970417-8996 (6/1). Ted Turner’s Endangered Species Foundation is launching a Wolf Campaign! ITALIAN NATIONAL SKI-MO RACE suit size men’s med. Great condition, $100. 970-349-6242 (5/25). 147 N MAIN STREET BICYCLES FOR SALE: Chrome Diamondback, Marin, Giant, Motobecane, All 10 speed. Would make great classy townies. Make offers! 512-809-5937 (5/25). SALOMON QUEST PRO 130 ski boots sz 24.5, great condition, $100. 970-349-6242 (5/25). KHS SOFT-TAIL MTN BIKE: brand new condition, all XTR parts, lightest bike in town, 20lbs. Size M. $750. 970-964-7488. DC SNOWBOARD BOOTS, size 10, with BOG technology, $50. Like New 970-275-0271 (5/25). Gunnison Wolf Meeting! There is a serious effort underway to introduce Canadian Wolves into Colorado as an endangered species. On Monday, March 7th powerful anti-hunting organizations met in Denver to start a campaign to introduce wolves in to the “western half of Colorado.” The stated goal of these radical wolf proliferation advocates is to have 1000 wolves introduced into Colorado. Colorado’s Wildlife and Livestock will bear the brunt of this impact. (5/25). HIP WADERS FOR SALE: 2 ply, youth sized. Purchased at Gene Taylor’s, worn once, $50 OBO. 970-642-1279 (6/1). GIFT BASKETS Hurry in for the best selection FOR SALE: Remington 700 custom 375 ultra mag, 2 boxes of ammo, $2000 firm. 209-2449. INFLATABLE WATERSKI TRAINER. Used two seasons in very good shape. This is a very effective and fun way to teach kids how to water ski. $25, 970596-6160 (6/1). DYNAFIT FREERIDE AERO 4 buckle Ski boots sz. 25.5 tech soles, great condition $100. 970-349-6242 (5/25). TRUE VALUE GARDEN CENTER IS OPEN! BAUER HOCKEY SKATES, size 6. 970-641-4836 (5/25). TOWNIE BIKE: 20yr. Research Dynamics Coyote MTB, sz. M. Good cond., everything works. New tires & rear derailleur. $75. 970-964-7488. (5/25). FLY-FISHING BOAT FOR SALE. Dialed for fishing 16” cataraft custom frame. Lion AIRE tubes like new. Dry storage. No lift loading trailer, custom welded wench/roller system. Retails $8,660 Asking $6500! CB 720301-5806 (6/1). EVERY DAY’S A GREAT DAY BOAT FOR SALE, 14’ alum. Gregor, Shoreline trailer, 8 hp Honda motor (as is, needs work), electric trolling motor, battery, new downrigger, $900 (Lake City) 970-261-6362 (5/25). page 9 1000 North Main Street, Ste 1, Gunnison SPORT UTILITY TRAILER with equipment rack. Free for pickup. This was a wind surfer and SUP board trailer. Needs a little love and some paint. 1” or 1 1/4 hitch. 970-596-6160 (photos at (6/1). ROAD BIKE FOR SALE. 2008 Specialized Ruby Expert women’s specific. 51cm. Carbon frame/fork. Shimano Ultegra triple. Mavic Ksyrium elite wheels. Brand new seat/ handlebar tape. Pedals not included. $1000. Layne 970-209-4553. (photo at (5/25). MAUI JIM SUNGLASSES, MJ Sport model. Near new, no scratches. comes with case. $90. Call or text me, 970-2096148 (6/1). CRAWDAD FISHING TRAPS 11 with Buoys & Rope, 1 storage container, 2 nice storage Bags; $100. call: 970-209-8521 (5/25). FOR SALE: New Lowrance Fishfinder 83htz transducer with installation hardware. $50, OBO. Bruce at 970-306-5042 (5/25). 1995 JAYCO POP-UP 1206 Series, Good Condition:Sleeps 6, 3 burner stove, refrigerator, heater, cassette toilet, shower, new tires. In Gunnison. $2,500. 505-681-4458 (6/1). FOR SALE: Raichle All Degree Gore-Tex hiking boots, women’s 6/6.5, in box, $40. 970-3495190. (5/25). FOR SALE NORDIC TRACK C1500 TREADMILL. Full (parts labor) warranty thru 07/20/17. See online at Sears ( 0 6 2 4 9 9 2 0 0 0 P ? r re c = t r u e ) Down sizing and don’t have room. $600. 970-641-3014 (photos at (5/25). SALOMON GHOST 120 CS ski boots sz 24.5 great shape, $75. 970-349-6242 (5/25). FOR SALE: Never Summer long board. $125. 970-596-8813. (photos at (5/25). BAUER HOCKEY SKATES, size 6. 970-641-4836 (5/25). HUNTING STUFF: Cabela’s frame pack w/game shelf. $100. Bushnell rifle scope. $100. 970349-7016 (5/25). OUTBOARD MOTOR Sears Gamefisher 7.5 HP, 25 years old and lightly used $225, 970-3495793. (6/1). We need your help to protect Colorado’s wildlife, livestock, and citizens from this extremist agenda. Please join us for this informational meeting: What: BigGame Forever, Gunnison Wolf Meeting Where: Holiday Inn, 910 E Tomichi Ave, Gunnison, CO When: Friday, June 3rd. 6:00pm to 7:30pm WOMEN CYCLING CLEATED SHOE new, size 39.5 about an 8 with shimano cleats attached $45. Call 970-596-4972 (5/25). Please join us. We need to protect Colorado’s Big Game Herds for future generations. As Sportsmen, this is one of the most important meetings you will attend this year. NORDIC TRACK for sale $100. 970-963-7200 (5/25). RSVP to or gunnison country shopper, may 25, 2016 page 10 FOR SALE F EFEA ATTURED U R E D PROPER P R O P ETRYT Y FEATURED PROPERTY PRICE REDUCED NEW LISTING: LISTING: property/duplex at on this income new pellet stove & hot tub, large to $225,000. Taylorplenty 610 N. deck, of windows off off the excellent units have This twosunroom, trees, fenced yard,INVESTMENT no PROPERTY: Gold large a on are & rental histories covenants or HOA dues, 1 acre, 3 Condo with lease in place d Basin duplex the convert can lot. Or, you bdrm/2 bath, 3 car garage, central provides easy monthly income. a roof, build metal residence to a single Includes carport, super rental sound, chicken&house, property. the on 2nd unit garage &superb history, $900 per month rent, & views, oak hardwood floors, & floors hardwood Includes opportunity to close quickly. large utility/mud room; 270 CR 8; total. 3 bdrm/2 bath$359,000 622 S. Pine; $135,000 NICELY NICELY CARED FOR HOME with by owner Lovely 1880s Victorian, great neighborhood, corner lot 2 or 3 BR + 2 Bath 450 sf. separate Studio/Office Recently residence &B&B Zoned commerical EXPERIENCE RESULTS SERVICE • RESUL LTTS BACK NINE GOLF COURSE HOME on 2 large lots at 1023 Fairway Ln for $485,000. Numerous upgrades & amenities, 2 car garage, mature landscaping, deck, hardwood floors, 2446sf, sunroom, woodstove, bonus room, .84 acre, & paved driveway. $418,000 123 N. Boulevard Shown by appointment call 970-596-1848 ISO ROOMMATE, $800 Gunnison incl utils, wifi, w/d,d/w, dtv,dog ok, own bthrm. Great place for couple /a professional looking for quiet place to share. Sorry no drama or drunks. (6/1). ROOM NEEDED for a down-toearth couple in Gunnison or Crested Butte for June- August. 970-209-4857. (5/25). HELLO my name is Mason Schmidt and I will be attending Western in the fall with my brother and were looking for 2 or 1 bedroom housing for rent. aprtment/studio/house would work. 334-462-0970 (5/25). MARRIED COUPLED WITH DAUGHTER LOOKING for 3+ bedroom house/condo/townhouse for rent. 1 well behaved, older medium sized dog. Non smokers. I will be a new physician relocating to the area in June. Looking to rent around $1300/month. No preference whether in town or in the country. Call Dave 219-713-1076 (5/25). ISO: 2 Responsible adults in search of 2-3 bedroom pet friendly home $600-$1000. Looking to move before May 26 - 27th 765810-6863 Thanks! (5/25). ROOM WANTED for female student for 10 weeks this summer: June 7 - Aug. 12. Must have kitchen access and be located in Gunnison. Please contact Tom 970-642-4450, leave a message. (6/1). Mountaineer Village Apartments Apply for our wait list today! 12 month leases receive a FREE Monarch Season Pass Pet friendly housing Come in and take a tour and start your living experience with Mountaineer! Give us a call at 970-641-1688 (5/25/40). WE WOULD LIKE TO HOUSESIT for you. For free! A long time local couple is looking for a housesitting gig in the valley. Lots of local references. Email kikngar@yahoo.comand let’s discuss possibilities. (5/25). ISO 1 ROOMATE to fill a 4 bdrm, 2 bath house. $307/mo. with 1 year lease and option to sublet. Call 603-913-5597 (6/1). LOOKING FOR ONE BEDROOM to rent or sublease for the months of June, July, and August. Contact Jessie at 269-330-0994 if you have anything. Thank you. (5/25). FOR A COMPLETE LIST OF TODAY REALTY’S AVAILABLE RENTALS please visit our website or call Joe 970-641-0077. (5/25/18). FOR RENT - 3bd/2ba Townhome in Gunnison. Large living/dining/kitchen area. W/D, 3 parking spaces. No pets or smoking. Available June 1 or 15, multiple units available. 12-month lease. 1st, last, deposit. $1,200/mo, utilities not included. Showings on Sat/Sun. 970-3499400. (6/1/pd/44). RENTAL: 1 bedroom/1 bath apartment at 110 S. 11th St. $550/month. Please call 970641-6655. (5/25/16). FOR SALE 3.41 ACRES, approx. 1/2 mile north of Gunnison. Driveway connects to Hwy. 135. Sewer available, electric and phone on property. Call 970-9215190 for details. (5/25/pd/26). LOVELY PRIVATE LOT for your mobile home, RV, tiny-house, or trailer. Three miles north of Gunnison. Hookups in place. $370/month. Also 12x24 shop/storage onsite, $100. 970641-4152 (5/25/pd/28). RADON, MOLD, ASBESTOS & WATER QUALITY TESTING by nation’s oldest & largest Environmental Testing Firm 970-275-4852 (5/25/14). 3 BEDROOM, 1 BATH HOUSE on N. Main Street. DW, W/D, granite, hardwoods, gas fireplace, new windows. New exterior stucco this spring. 2 car garage. No smokers, parties, pets. $1470/month plus utilities. Available August 16. Call 541639-5057 (5/25/pd/39). TREES ARE ASSETS! Maintain and even increase property value by taking pro-active care of your trees! Professional tree services include pruning, planting, removals, tree-health management and more. Fully insured,certified & licensed. FREE competitive quote 970-209-3916. (6/22/36). FOR SALE: DOS RIOS CONDOMINIUM. 1 Bedroom located on golf course, $83,000. Recently remodeled. Call 303-902-6337 (5/25/16). FOR RENT: 1 Bedroom condo on Golf Course, $850. Taking applications, call 303-902-6337 (5/25/13). LAND FOR SALE: 35 Acres 5 miles west of Gunnison by Neversink and Blue Mesa. Great views, great solar potential, private and quiet. Small spring on property. Mitigated for Sage Grouse, etc. $59,000, would consider owner financing. Call Cathie at The Clarke Agency. 970641-0511 (5/25). FURNISHED VACATION HOME IN GUNNISON: weekly or monthly, no pets, no smoking, please call 970-641-1663 (5/25/15). LEASE: Lovely quiet 3 bdrm 3 bath condo facing Dos Rios Golf Course. $1,350/mo. 1st/last/dep. No Smokers, No Pets, References. 970-209-0499 FOR RENT: 3 bedroom home. Wood floors, wood stove, fenced in yard on giant corner lot, available for gardening. $1500 available June 22nd. 970-901-7566 (6/1/pd/24). (6/1/pd/24). CATHIE ATHIE ELLIOTT LLIOTT Broker/Owner/G.R.I (970) 641-0511 JOSH OSH TOWNSEND OWNSEND AUDRIE UDRIE TO OWNSEND WNSEND (970) 209-4479 (970) 209-6208 Broker Associate Broker Associate CLARKE LARKE AGENCY GENCY REAL EAL ESTATE STATE 241 N. Main St. Gunnison, CO 81230 641 0511 Office: (970) 641-0511 TRI-PLEX/INCOME PROPERTY at 102 W. Gothic features turn of the century charm with modern amenities. Full of Gunnison history, this 3884sf home can be used for rental income, work/live, professional office building, or single family home. Includes 4 large corner lots, metal roof, sunroom, & plenty of storage; 113 SHAVANO DRIVE UNIT 109C: Golf course condo, $469,000 well maintained, on the 5th Fairway, 1 bdrm/1 bath, main level for easy access. Would make a great rental LOG HOME on 3.92 acres at 653 Pashuta for investment or first time home. Call Josh for details. $795,000. Sellers will entertain offers. Includes $95,000 hardwood floors, 3783sf, built-in desk, bar/island seating, 2 sided fireplace, room to build a barn, large FEATURED HOME: One of Gunnison’s finest homes front porch, & quality construction. is for sale at 919 CR 17 for $495,000. This 2668sf home has everything you’d want including 4 heated RANCH FOR SALE at 2833 CR 17 features 3200sf garage bays, top notch views, privacy (2.19 acres), remodeled ranch house, 121 acres, water rights, creek, deck, balcony, xeriscaping, patio, hot tub, appliances, views, & low utility bills for $760,000. This ranch all in excellent condition. Take an online virtual tour at borders public lands & has both perimeter & interior fencing. THIS 1905 farmhouse style home is next to Gold Creek at 3283 CR 771 for just $199,000. Includes woodstoves, hickory cabinets, & off grid power supply system. FOR RENT SMALL 2 bedroom at 409 South 12th, no smoking, pets on approval,no pitbulls,1st, last, and deposit, $625 a month,plus utilities, available now, applications and reference required, call 970-596-4715 (6/1/pd/33). 45323 COUNTY ROAD 14 PP, GUNNISON - 305 acre ranch + BLM permit. 20 miles east of Gunnison. Irrigation & live water. Newer 2400 sq. ft. home, only $650,000. Owner will consider trade for house in Gunnison Montrose area up to $300,000. Call Dale Cole with Cole &Co. Realty. 970-623-4288 (5/25/pd/47). LOOKING FOR A RENTAL? Gunnison Real Estate and Rentals has several available rentals in and out of town. Give us a call at 641-4880 M-F 9am-5pm or stop by our office at 129 East Tomichi and check out our rental list posted on the door. www.GunnisonRealEstateandRent (5/25/46). JACK OF ALL TRADES Complete handyman services including: Light carpentry, Electrical, Plumbing Welding, fabrication and window washing Maintenance, repairs and more Call text or e-mail SCOTT LEFEVRE 970-901-6648 Affordable Housing 970-641-5429 Apply in person at 600 North Colorado Gunnison, CO HUD Section 8 Apartments 2 Bedrooms, 1 bath. Rent based on income & assets. Example: Gross annal household income $12,000, your rent would be approximately $281 per month. Equal Opportunity Housing THIS 40 ACRE LOT is located on CR 26 & has great views of the West Elk Wilderness & Uncompahgre Plateau. Easy access to Blue Mesa Lake & Curecanti National Recreation Area; $40,000 6 MULTI-FAMILY (R-2) zoned lots in the 500 block of S. 12th Street for $300,000. City infrastructure available. COMPUTER PROFESSIONALS KNIGHT TECHNOLOGIES LLC PC’S - APPLE Pickup/Delivery Available PREMIUM OFFICE SPACE W/Large warehouse. Nice office, private bath, warehouse w/large overhead door & off street parking. 509 W. Virginia Ave. Approx 950 sq. ft., can be combined with adjacent office space if desired. 970-209-5525 (5/25/36). PREMIUM PROFESSIONAL OFFICE SPACE. Reception area, conference room, 2 offices, well lite, ample street parking, private bath. Virginia Business park, 509 W. Virginia Ave., Gunnison. Street front unit approx. 1000 sq. ft. can be combined with adjacent warehouse space with additional office & bathroom & overhead door if desired for a total of 1950 sq. ft. lease one or both units. 970-6413352 or 970-209-5525 (5/25/62). COMMERCIAL OFFICE SPACE available. Four suite office space with large reception area, approx. 1,600 sq ft. Red Oak Properties 970-641-2219 (5/25/20). SPACE RENTAL AVAILABLE AT THE SANCTUARY STUDIO Contact Leia at 970-275-8927 (5/25/11). Gunnison/Crested Butte 970-642-3040 (5/25/14). RESTAURANT, PUB OR COMMERCIAL POSSIBILITIES BUILDING FOR LEASE: 1900 SF + outdoor dining area, ADA bathrooms, dedicated parking, landscaping, Located at 1198 N. Main St. in Gunnison. 970-596-9999 (5/25/pd/27). HOME OWNERS in Gunnison City limits. If you are getting more than 1 Shopper at your home, or none at all, please call & let us know your address. Do you know of a vacant house that needs delivery stopped? Please, let us know. We need your help keeping our service as trouble-free as possible. Thanks! 641-3148. (5/25). FOR RENT/BUY WAREHOUSE/SHOP, 1000 sq ft.. Hwy 50 exposure, great location in town, large overhead door, concrete floor, high ceilings, parking. text 970-209-6056 or 970-2096046 with inquiries. (6/8/29). COMMERCIAL SPACE NEAR CITY MARKET: 596-0848. (5/25/6). z ARE YOU RENTING? You can feel safe and secure for as little as $8/mo with a Renters Policy that provides protection for your personal belongings, personal liability, and even identity theft. Find out for yourself why American Family Insurance & The Nelson Family Agency were voted “BEST INSURANCE AGENCY” in the Valley! Call Rick and his team of local professionals at 641-3481 or stop by our office at 1140 N Main. PLEASE PROOF your advertisement the first week it is printed. Credit will be given for only one incorrect insertion. Correction deadline is Tuesdays at 10am for free ads and 2pm for paid ads. Thank you, Gunnison Country Shopper. (5/25). 9-1-1 IS FOR EMERGENCIES ONLY. Dial 641-8000 for nonemergent situations. (5/25). Nellie Gray 611 W. Elizabeth Ave Condo, Gunnison Airport. Lake City Great family home within walking with Enclosed Nice distance of schools. chain-link fence. upstairs Features 3 Bed/2.5 Bath,Small two sunrooms, shed on end unit two wood stoves, property. $150,000 Call Tom with fan oversized tastic views ofyard, attached fenced & detached garages. $389,000 Call Erich 0 3410671) Lake San Cristobal and the(Text To: 67299 Message ail Drive San Juan mountains. Open 160 Mohawk Trail 271 Seneca Floor plan, gas fireplace, commercial Palisades Apartments RIVER FRONT LOTS for sale close to the Whitewater Park on Rio Vista Drive; $250,000 per lot. TAYLOR RIVER HOME on 18 acres bordering public lands at 10300 Hwy 135 for $790,000. Includes 3 bdrm/2 bath home with finished basement, wildlife viewing, & fishing/rafting out your door. Call Cathie for details. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FOR LEASE over 3000 s.f., HWY 50, immediate occupancy 970-6412014 (5/25/12). (5/25/30). Apartments For Rent PREMIER HOME CONSTRUCTION with 4536sf of heated RV/garage space with gorgeous home on 40 acres at 4066 Hwy 114 for $950,000. Includes ½ mile of private fishing, easy access to public lands, beautiful 3867sf like-new home, water rights, & mature landscaping. Visit other realtor listings at: www FOR RENT: office or studio space in Gunnison commercial use only $600 call for more info 970-641-4100 (6/1/17). HEATHERWOOD CONDO at 112 Camino Del Rio #24 provides maintenance free living. Great for a 2nd home or someone that doesn’t want to do yard work. This 3 bdrm/2 bath condo includes lots of storage, 2 car garage, & convenient location close to the river & golf course; $267,000 Handsome 3 Bed/2.5 Bath 35+ Acre horse property! Log home among mature Log home, 3 Bed/ 2 Bed/2 Bath. trees in Wilderness Streams. 3.5 Bath, barn, outbuildings Serving Gunnison & Crested Butte $194,900 CallBeautiful Erich (Text To: setting with & corrals. Irrigated hay 131 North Main, Gunnison, CO 81230 corrals, tack shed, meadow with deeded 67299 Message: 2765322) enclosures & West Elk water. Owner Financing Call Now! Wilderness access. available. No covenants! Call Tom $649,000 Call Jay 8506 CR 76, $499,000 Ohio City (Text To: 67299 (Text To: 67299 On Gold Creek! Massive Message: 3410580) Message: 3410548) C ommu nit y Br oke rs (970)641-1188 logs & huge timbers frame 687 West Elk Ridge Ln - 35 Acres just north of Gunnison. Buried utilities & a shared well is in place. $150,000 Call Jay (Text To: 67299 Message: 3481564) this 3 Bed/3 Bath 984 Pashuta 4.91 Acres of irrigated pasture land, good horse property, well in place. Great home, building site. $199,500 Call Joey (Text To: 67299 Message: 3410853) Gunnison River frontage! 27+ Acres on W. Denver at the base of the Palisade cliffs. Spectacular views. $985,000 Call Erich (Text To: 67299 Message 3410794) SEE ALL Erich Ferchau 596-0848 both historic & beautiful. Enjoy creek from your LISTINGS AT:the www.g unnisonfor back deck & manicured Tom Jay Denise Joey back yard. Courtney Miller Baker Micucci Call 901-6405 596-2681 $470,750 209-2864 209-5828 Susan Teal 275-1926 gunnison country shopper, may 25, 2016 Wonderful Wilderness Streams Cabin built by Dave Plepson. Beautiful t&g logs, t&g pine walls and ceilings, patio doors and decks ,woodstove, 2 bedrooms, 1 3/4 tiled baths, and over 4 wooded acres with a small stream. Electric, well, and septic. Original owner has loved and maintained this great getaway since 1980. Affordable and in move in condition. Hurry, hurry on this oh so hard to find cabin. $239,000. Matt Robbins CRS, GRI Broker 998 County Road 730 Gunnison, CO 81230 TODAY Realty of Gunnison, Inc. 600 W. Tomichi Ave. Gunnison, CO 81230 970-641-0077 or After hours 970-209-0077 TODAY REALTY - HOMES 212 S. 11th - Unit 209 Great in town starter home or income property rental. Affordable utilities, taxes, and HOA dues. A bright and sunny upstairs end unit. 2 bedrooms and 1 bath. Offered at $99,000! 911 Sunnyslope Drive Under Construction and in an excellent neighborhood with all stick built homes. This is a 3 Bedroom and 2 Bath Ranch style home featuring a 2 car garage! $309,500! 712 Main St (Pitkin) 20x40 garage/workshop goes with the property. Master bedroom & bath on main level with 2 bedrooms & full bath upstairs, + office area on 3rd level. Covered deck on front plus d$275,000! GREAT 3 Bedroom and 2 Bath home! GREAT LOCATION! Well-kept home with open floor plan. You can walk to shopping, the Community Center, the new Swiming Pool and the College! Relax in the hot tub and enjoy comfort! $311,000! 5200 CR 887 Prestigious Custom Log Home on apx 20 acres of pristine property adjoined by the huge Double Heart Ranch & BLM with Hot Springs Creek in front of property on Waunita Hot Springs Road! $795,000! 905 CR 744 Awesome location up Spring Creek Road just off Taylor Canyon! Live in this home and manage the other three homes! Great private commercial well! Cabins rent for $125/Night $337,000! Corner of Virginia & 7th 4 Units with a great rental history! Each unit consists of huge Kit/Din/Living combo, 1 full bath + hall sink & two nice sized bedrooms consisting of apx. 1016 sq ft living area + a single car garage. $575,000! Search other Gunnison County listings at 89 Fossil View Drive household &furniture FOR SALE: Sterns and Foster King bed, mattress, foundations, and frame $150. Call 970-9015578 (6/1). FOR SALE - RECTANGULAR MIRROR, silver painted wood frame measure 30” x 42”, $40. Call 970-209-7921 (5/25). FURNITURE FOR SALE: 2 beautiful large dark solid cherry book cases $600 for the pair. Flex steel chair and ottoman $200. Ashley secretary desk, practically brand new $200. Please call 970-209-2573 or 970-641-2581. (6/1). FREE TV to a good home! Big old dinosaur, but works perfectly. For details, call 970-641-3032. (6/1). FOR SALE WHITE APPLIANCES: refrigerator, stove & DW, all in decent shape, $50 each or $125 for all. Available immediately. 262-716-4427 (5/25). HOT TUB: Would the gentleman who wanted to buy my hot tub last Fall at my ranch, please call 970641-5644 (6/1). PERUVIAN WOOL RUG 4X7 for sale. Great colors $80. Text or call for pics 970-275-2765 (6/1). FOR SALE: - twin size quilt/sham from Company store for girls bedroom color pinks & blues and twin sheet set from pottery barn, exc. condition $75. Call 970-2097921 (5/25). ANTIQUE WOOD BURNING KITCHEN STOVE for sale. Good Condition, $3000. 970-2759237 (5/25). VASE - CERAMIC, vase stands 50” tall by 10” wide, $75. Call 970-209-7921. (photos at (5/25). SOLID WOOD DINING, conference or craft table with 6 upholstered chairs, 3 counter height barstools and a side table for $200. All in great shape. 480415-4380 for questions. (photos at (5/25). ANTIQUE ROUND TABLE 42”. it is Coffee table height 18 1/2” $80. 970-275-2858 (6/1). FOR SALE: 1 desk, call for details. 970-641-4836 (5/25). FOR SALE: 4 Mid-century tables. Matching set. 2 night stand or couch ends. coffee table, $45-80 each. Text or call for pics 970275-2765 (6/1). (6/1). s GLASSWARE: Some specialty beer glasses, lots of water glasses. All great condition. Call Liz 497-0787 (5/25). OUTDOOR TABLE, Sorry no chairs. $50. 970-644-7883 (6/1). FOR SALE: Old time feather tick, queen size, 970-641-4727 after 6pm (6/1). WASHER/DRYER -estate whirlpool 3 yrs old,electric $150 and Kenmore-large capacity gas dryer $125. Both Are in great condition. 970-275-2858 / 970209-7822 (6/1). THREE ANTIQUE CHAIRS, with original seats. Nice. $35 each. 970-641-6963 (photos at (5/25). UPRIGHT FREEZER, 11 cubic ft $50, Whirlpool top load washer $25, Kenmore electric dryer $25, BLUE American Standard wall mount sink and toilet $50. Call 970-641-4803 and leave message. (5/25). WALL SCONCES: set of three, terra cotta with dried white purple yellow flowers, large 10” x 6”, smaller side pieces 6” x 4”, smaller pieces handmade, Pictures on Shopper website, $5. Call 970641-3567 (6/1). FOR SALE: Entry table, tall narrow. $45. Solid wood. Text or call for pics 970-275-2765 (6/1). An exclusive mountain retreat property with expansive views on 10 acres. Off the grid efficiency with all the comforts of home. All furnishings included. Sleeps 15 plus pull out couches. 4 Bedrooms 2.5 Baths! $635,000! (5/25). FOR SALE: 60” DLP TV In great condition, $75. 970-596-6160 (6/1). COUNTERTOP OVEN - LG toaster oven, Oster TSTTVDGXL, is $99 new. Never used, new $60. 970-641-4191 (5/25). FOR SALE: Oil burning stove/heater, $50 970-209-6051 (6/1). FOR SALE: 2 Hutches. 1 is a corner unit and the other is a large wall hutch. Call for more information. 970-641-4836 (5/25). FOR SALE: Tall steel stacked wire chef style shelving. $85. Text or call for pics 970-275-2765 (6/1). 19” VIZIO flat screen TV with remote, $35 in Lake City. Perfect condition, bought a larger one. 409-273-1003 (5/25). 5630 County Road 771 Spectacular park-like setting on Gold Creek 5 1/2 miles west of Ohio City. Private but modern hideaway for the most discriminating owner. Relax on the huge deck while enjoying the sounds of the creek and views of the surrounding forest. $345,000! TBD Lucile Place - 1.18 Acre Lots 3 very nice building sites with views located about 1-2 miles south of Almont. Cell Phone works on site + good level bldg sites which require septic & private water well. $75,000 Each! Riverwalk Estates (Gunnison River) Beautiful trees, ponds and miles of walking paths. River Lots Starting @ $119,900! Interior Lots starting @ $80,000! Special Discounts Available. 40 Acres South of Gunnison 111 Mountaineer Drive BEAUTIFUL well kept 3 bedroom 2 bath located only about 3 blocks north of Western State College University & across the street east of the new City of Gunnison Rec center. Offers huge open Kit/din/living area with fenced yard for pets $285,000! FURNITURE FOR SALE: Beautiful large solid cherry bookcases, in excellent shape $600, OBO. Flex steel chair and ottoman 200, OBO. Small Ashley fold top secretary desk, great for small spaces 200. Antique small oak rocking chair $100. Call 970209-2573. (5/25). FOR SALE CARPET, Berber 19’ X 20’ used but in good condition. No cost. Call 970-641-3875. (6/1). FREE cabinet: 24” x 15” x 24” used in garage, could be painted and fixed up. Pictures on Shopper website. FREE. Call 970-6413567 (6/1). FOR SALE: Tall antique door coat rack w door knob hooks. Super unique. $90. Text or call for pics 970-275-2765 (6/1). TWO LARGE DEEP FREEZERS for sale. $200 each. Perfect for storing game meat or stocking up! Call 970-641-3032 for details. (6/1). FOR SALE: Standing clock, smaller then a grandfather. Call for more information. 970-6414836 (5/25). KENMORE REFRIGERATOR or sale. Side by side with ice & water in door, $200. 970-641-3283 (6/1). PRE-1900’S OAK TABLE, 4 ft. in diameter, with 2 additional leaves. 970-641-6963, $175. (photos at 1560 Goose Creek Road BEAUTIFUL 200 ACRE RANCH WITH HUGE 5 BEDROOM 2 BATH home plus huge barns. Private well for home and commercial well for barns. Great Hunting! $895,000! Sunny Slope Behind Wal-Mart Excellent neighborhood with all stick built homes. Sites are sold as a package deal with the buyer choosing between a ranch style, 3 or 4 bedroom 2 story home. Only 3 sites left! 413 & 415 S 12th Affordable investment property with both sides of the duplex currently rented. Keep both sides rented, live in one, or even convert the building into a 1050 SF single family home! $129,000! 1200 N Main and Colorado St. Super nice commercial lots behind Auto Corral just off Hwy 135 & Colorado Street! True Value, Community Banks of Colorado, Walmart & other businesses next door. Starting @ $175,000 TODAY REALTY - VACANT LAND email: CLASSIC FURNITURE FOR SALE: Futon $100, Dining Table with 4 Chairs $80, Large Solid Wood Work Table $60, Twin Mattress $40, Desk $20, Dresser $20 518-573-3151, Photos availa b l e : 508 N 14th St. An excellant investment property with great rental history. 4 bedrooms and 2 baths. Within walking distance to downtown and schools! Offered at $242,500! TODAY REALTY - MULTI-FAMILY/COMMERCIAL 817 Sunnyslope Drive 970 -641-1900 HUGE OUTDOOR UMBRELLA, in decent condition and functional, $60. 970-644-7883 (6/1). page 11 116 N. Taylor St This is a very nice well built brick building built in 1976 & zoned commercial & located in the central business district of Gunnison. Excellent layout inside for private offices, break room & waiting room. $250000! COLONIAL GRAND FATHER CLOCK for sale, $200. 970275-9237 (5/25). TWO FLAGSTONE COFFEE TABLES: 3x2’ $115; 2x2’, $90. 970-275-4852. (5/25). NICE ADA WALK IN TUB with sit down bench. If interested please call or text 970-901-9322 (5/25). QUALITY USED FIREPLACES Travis Industries, Fireplace Extraordinaire, Model 35 Custom Builder. Nice fireplaces- 42” by 32.5”. One has custom ironwork fascia. $100 each OBO. 970-9017163 (6/1). LOVESEAT FOR SALE: cotton print navy blue $65 Text or call for pics. 970-275-2765 (6/1). FOR SALE: 6 table lamps, some from 50’s & 60’s, some shades and assorted. 970-641-4836 (5/25). FOR SALE: Fine Art prints of Mellisa Harris; Lydia Maurer “On the Trail”; D4NO - Bill Johnson; Andy Schyndle 970-209-0142 (5/25). 813 Camino Del Rio Price recently reduced by $77000. Beautiful building site across the street from the Dos Rios Golf Club. Very nice pond on back of lot! All utilities available! 1.13 Acres $198,000! RATTAN CHAIR - Beautiful large rattan chair and matching foot bench. Woven rattan encases entire chair. Cushions with removable washable covers included. $250. Photos online. 970-6413014 (5/25). 11 Willow Lane Excellent building site with utilities available on site! Located only about 5 miles NW of Gunnison off County Road 17! Thousands of acres of BLM & Forrest Service land available! $15,000! Lot 5 Green Mesa - 12.4 Acres ON QUARTZ CREEK WITH LARGE TROUT & one of the most beautiful building sites just off Paved County Road 76 just up from Parlin! Electric & Phone to lot line! $209,000! 244 Crocus Road 1.2 Acres Build your home on the highest point in Panoview Park. Breathtaking views of Hartman Rock and the entire Gunnison Valley. Ride your bike or hike in the Hartman Rocks Recreational $64,900! WANTED: (1) BF Goodrich T/A tire.LT235/75P15. 15” truck tire 970-349-5190. (5/25). RUSTIC PINE END TABLE. New, $100. Call or text 970-7655045 (photos at (5/25). FREE: Several full size, extra long mattresses in decent shape (no box springs). 970-641-0181 WANTED: Rides to Albuquerque wanted anytime this fall/winter/spring. Are you going to Albuquerque? Do you want help paying for the gas. Send me an email. I’d like to go with. My emai is (6/1). (5/25/pd/37). NEW WINDOW SCREEN: 20”x36”, stone colored aluminum frame, in original packaging, Pictures on Shopper website $5. Call 970-641-3567 (6/1). DESK with medium stained top, antique white sides, 29-1/2’ x 65”, very good condition. $50. 349-9364. (5/25). FOR SALE: Antique Buffet. Call for details 970-641-4836 (5/25). OAK TABLE FOR SALE: heavy oak, 2 leafs $295. 4 oak chairs $90 each. Text or call for pics 970-275-2765 (6/1). WANTED: Carbon arrows for archery wanted. 28”-29”. Do you have lots of arrows you no longer need? Maybe I could buy them al from you. Carbon graphite only Give a call 970-808-7283 (5/25). TWIN BED HEADBOARD: Maco Wood Product 44” x 10” x 36” sturdy brown wood, good condition, built in shelving/storage, good for kids, could be painted. Pictures on Shopper website. $20. Call 970-641-3567 (6/1). DECK TABLE w/ 6 chairs. 50” in diameter, fairly new. 720-2347551 Lake City (6/1). DAYBED - ELLIOTTS’ - Daybed white cast iron-measures 84”W x 40”D x 49”H beautiful bed comes with daybed mattress for top, girl bedding included, must see to appreciate, $600. 970-209-7921 (photos at (5/25). LARGE WOOD STOVE FOR SALE, “Kozy Komfort” 18” wide, 34” long, 35” tall with 6” stove pipe, flat top, great condition, $600, OBO. 970-275-9733 (6/1). 7 miles S. of Gunnison on CR38, this is your chance to own 40 acres close to town. No public utilities but cell phone works from this location. Seasonal creek/spring runs through property. $59,900! 732 Fairway Lane Great building site across from Dos Rios golf course. Adjoins undeveloped pasture with great views of Hartmans Rocks. .44 Acres - Price Reduced! $65,000! FOR SALE: 2 Electric lamps & shades, nice for vanity. 970-6414836 (5/25). VANITY FOR SALE. Antique Solid wood. 2 drawers and center flip up mirror $145. Text or call for pics 970-275-2765 (6/1). FOUR CHAIRS FOR SALE: old solid leather and hardwood $80 each. Text or call for pics. 970275-2765 (6/1). SETTEE’S FOR SALE: Matching pair w/backrests/armrests 5” thick removable cushions for seat and backrest, sandy earth colors, includes two matching footstools 24” x 20”, all in excellent condition: $140 for the set, call Jerry at 970-641-0944 or 970-7655721. (6/1). FREE 52” Sony TV. Works good. You pick up. 970-641-3884 between 5-7 p.m. (5/25). FOR SALE: Couch for sale: nautical stripe 3 cushion $225. Text or call for pics 970-275-2765 (6/1). ENTRY BENCH FOR SALE, claw foot wood $75 Text or call for pics. 970-275-2765 (6/1). FREE good condition, quality sleeper couch. Used lightly in vacation home for 20 years, redecorating. Contact Alpine Getaways, 970-349-0539. See on porch at 9 Gothic, CB. Bed is very comfortable. (photos at (5/25). JOHNSTON CASUALS - Stiletto Contemporary Gathering Table 48 “Round Beveled Glass Top, 36” Counter Height Table, Base Gold Metal Finish $250. 970-209-8521 WANTED. Your pots and pans & unwanted dishes to upgrade a sin gle parent household. The afore mentioned items are desperately needed. Will pay as required. Ph 719-238-0520. (5/25). WANT TO TEMPORALLY RENT a camper trailer from July 1-5 Bumper pull w/ shower & toilet Older Couple. 970-209-1173 (5/25). WANT TO REDUCE YOUR STRESS? Join a study examining the effects of yoga and medita tion on physical markers of stress. For more information call/text 303-507-9437 or emai amber.baumann@westernalum.or g (5/25). (6/1). AAA APPROVED AUTO REPAIR: Request an appointment online at (5/25/10). WANTED ANTLERS SHEDS & RACKS Pay Top Dollar Berfield’s Stage Stop 970-641-5782 (4/19/pd/11). WANTED: 3 TV BOXES, 1-48” 1-32”, and 1-24”. 970-641-4836 (5/25). WANTED: 1987 or newer Skidoo Alpine 2 snowmobile. Need NOT to be in running condition; need the tracks. 970-641-1709 (5/25). WANTED: BOWLING BALLS any condition, will pay cash. Dan 970-641-5054, will pick up (5/25) CANDLE WAX WANTED: new or used whatever shape, form condition or color, call 970-596 4440. (5/25). SNOWMOBILES WANTED, free or cheap will haul. 970-641-4191 (5/25). wanted WANTED: used old or new CD DISC’S. 970-596-4440 (5/25). WANTED: Aluminum lawn chairs If you have any old ones I would be interested in buying them from you! Call or text me. 970 209-6148. (6/1). f WANTED: 28” - 32” vanity & top 970-641-4951 (5/25). ...continued on page 12 gunnison country shopper, may 25, 2016 wanted ...continued from page 11 WANTED: WESTERN MOUNTAINEERING SLEEPING BAG wanted (0F-20F). Do you need extra cash, would you like to sell your WM down sleeping bag? I’m interested. Give a call to 970-8087283. (5/25). ISO under-counter/dorm Fridge. Energy efficient one a plus. 970275-1027 (5/25). WANTED: American Girl Doll clothing and /or accessories. (Or other clothing for an 18” doll.) 7 year old has birthday $ she would like to spend. 970-596-8954 (6/1). MATCHES wanted, any style loose or books 970-596-4440 (5/25). WANTED: VW WESTFALIA VAN. I’m looking to buy a VW Westy. 1984 or newer. If you’ve been thinking about getting rid of your’s maybe it’s time to make it happen. Email me some pics at (5/25). WANTED: used circular blades wanted 970-596-4440 (5/25). SUMMERTIME IS HERE! JOIN US THIS WEEKEND ON MAIN STREET FOR OUR ANNUAL SIDEWALK SALES! LOTS OF GREAT BARGAINS OUTSIDE AND CHECK OUT WHAT’S NEW INSIDE! HOPE & GLORY 147 N MAIN STREET GUNNISON 970-641-1638LIKE OUR FACEBOOK PAGE TO KEEP UP ON ALL THE NEW ARRIVALS! (5/25/46). f page 12 HELP OTHERS AND CHANGE A LIFE. Caring, positive, and energetic individuals wanted to join our nursing team at Gunnison Valley Health Senior Care Center. Start your healthcare career in our nursing assistant program with paid training, subsequent employment, and CNA certification. Classes are held Mon-Fri from 2 pm-10 pm. Full and part time year-round positions are for a variety of shifts and include an excellent benefits package. Education: high school diploma or equivalent and at least 17 years of age by start of class. The essential role of the CNA is to provide residents a high quality of life assisting with activities of daily living, restorative exercise, and lots of love. If applying for the training, you are applying for employment at the Senior Care Center. Please visit our website to apply online at, or call HR for questions 970-641-0704 ext 104. All offers of employment are contingent upon the successful completion of a drug test, criminal background check, reference check, applicable infection prevention procedures, physical capacity profile, and acknowledgment of policies. Begin a meaningful life of service and apply today! (5/25/183). SUMMER GARDENER for the Town of Crested Butte. 20 Hours/Week, $13.00/Hour. Start immediately - Sept. 30. Apply online at (5/25). FUN SUMMER JOBS AT THREE RIVERS RESORT in Housekeeping and/or Laundry. Full time or part time. Competitive pay, resort discounts, fun workplace. Must have an open and flexible schedule the entire summer. Download m. (6/1). HELP WANTED MOVING, taking stuff to dump, Goodwill, etc. Emptying house and getting it ready for sale. $15/hour. This weekend, May 28th and 29th. 602 N. 7th. Call Jeff 303-7634780 (6/1). SEEKING AUTO MECHANIC for part time work on our cars. Please call Ken at 512-947-7797 (6/1). employment GARDEN AND YARD SERVICES Flexible Maintenance Options! Caring for your Irrigation,Turf, Flower & Veggie Gardens 10% off for senior citizens 65+ Call Today 719-588-1189 (6/15/pd/24). BUSY UPHOLSTERY SHOP in need of 20+ hours a week employee ASAP. Previous sewing experience a must. Will train the right individual. Paid bi-weekly, will work from shop, not your home. Allison 970-901-0236 (5/25). SCENIC RIVER TOURS, INC. has office/receptionist/photographer positions available. We’re seeking friendly, professional, organized individuals to join our team. FT / PT positions available in a fast paced, fun work environment. e-mail resume to: or stop by 703 W. Tomichi in Gunnison. (6/1). ARE YOU LOOKING FOR fantastic pay, flexible work schedule, and a great work environment? Iron Horse Property Management is growing and looking for housekeepers to help maintain our large inventory of luxury properties. Please email your resume to Qualified candidates will be contacted for an interview. (5/25). HELP WANTED: Se nesesita persona para lavaplatos Las Palmas Mexican Restaurant. 970-6421108 (6/1). TOWN OF MT. CRESTED BUTTE is hiring a full time summer worker. Duties will include, watering flower boxes/gardens, mowing Town parks, cleaning up after events in Town Pavilion/Wedding Garden, and emptying trash receptacles. Must be 18, with a valid driving license and a clean driving record. For more information go to our website at or call 970-3496632. (6/1). ranching BLUE SKY CLEANING in Crested Butte is seeking part-time cleaners for the summer season. $15-18/hr. Also looking to fill a commercial cleaning job through the summer in the early mornings, pay starting at $16/hr. Call Erin at 512-415-5182. (6/1). ALMONT RESORT NOW HIRING- line cooks, server, dishwasher, hosts, housekeepers and maintenance. Ask for Josh or Harold. 970-641-4009 (5/25). PERSONAL TRAINER & GROUP EXERCISE INSTRUCTOR Positions: Western State Colorado seeks certified Personal Trainers and Group Exercise Instructors to train/teach members of the Mountaineer Field House. Hourly rate based on experience. To apply, please email your resume and certifications to Jessica Thomas, Fitness Center Manager, at Western is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. (6/1). RELIABLE PERSON NEEDED to water yard & trees. 970-6412801 (5/25). CRESTED BUTTE MOUNTAIN RESORT is now hiring for the summer Laundry Staff. If you are interested in joining our team, are 16 and older and would like to apply, please EOE (6/1). MARINE MECHANIC APPRENTICE, Mechanical aptitude required. Professional Appearance, tools not necessary, Marine Experience Helpful. Welding Experience Helpful, Pay is DOE call Russ at Marshall Marine, 970-596-2288, or stop by 719 S 10th ST, Gunnison, CO (Across from recycle) (5/25). HELP WANTED - We have a full time position open for a service writer in the service department of our Power Sport dealership. We are looking for an organized individual with computer skills. Mechanical knowledge helpful. Work week is Tues. thru Sat. Pay based on experience. Apply at Sun Sports Unlimited 219 W. Hwy 50, Gunnison, CO 970-641-0883 (5/25). MOM’S KITCHEN needs breakfast line cook. Apply in person at 138 N. Main (5/25). QUALITY INN GUNNISON IS HIRING for a full time night auditor and full time housekeepers. Apply at front desk. Come join our team, must be hard working, have good customer service, be outgoing and able to enjoy a fun environment! (5/25). THE HIGH COUNTRY MARKET is a grocery and deli store in Lake City. Come spend the summer and live/work in the mountains where you may hike, camp, fish, run, swim, bike, climb 14ers, and live in a mountain paradise. We are seeking friendly and motivated students to work in our deli/cashier/kitchen positions and handle daily stocking/cleaning. 8hour shifts. Open from 7:00 am til 9:00 pm 7 days each week. 3040 hours per week guaranteed. You must work ALL summer holidays. Housing provided for females at a token amount. SLACKERS NEED NOT APPLY. No smoking, texting, social media, cell phones, or headphones while on duty. This is NOT a sit-down job. Call 970-944-0161 or email for more info. (6/1/pd/124). SERVERS WANTED at Las Palmas. No experience necessary, will train. Apply in person 138 W. Tomichi, Gunnison, 970642-1108. (6/1). THE ADAPTIVE SPORTS CENTER is accepting applications for a weekend Equipment & Vehicle Tech (EVT). The EVT is a risk management, non-field based position that is responsible for the direct repair and maintenance of all programming equipment, vehicles and facilities for 7 hours a day on the weekends. To apply, please submit a resume and cover letter to (6/1). GUNNISON VALLEY HEALTH has the following openings, at the HOSPITAL: 1 PRN Nursing Assistant, 1 PRN Registered Nurse Med/Surg, 1 FT Echo Tech, 1 FT Utilization Review RN, 1 FT Insurance Follow-up Representative, 1 FT Revenue Cycle Director, 1 FT Controller, 1 FT Medical Technologist, 4 FT Housekeeper, 1 FT & 1 PRN Ultrasound Tech, 1 PRN CT Tech, 1 PRN Occupational Therapist, 1 PRN Physical Therapy Assistant, 1 PRN Physical Therapist, 1 PRN Labor/Delivery Registered Nurse, 1 PRN Paramedic. At FAMILY MEDICINE CLINIC:1 FT Receptionist, 1 Temp FT Receptionist. At HOME MEDICAL SERVICES: 1 PT MSW & Bereavement Coordinator. At SENIOR CARE CENTER: 1 PT Life Enrichment Provider, 1 FT & 1 PT Culinary Aide, 1 FT C.N.A., C.N.A. Training Class. At ASSISTED LIVING:1 PT Personal Care Provider. Please visit our website for more in-depth position descriptions, specific qualification requirements and to apply online, or call HR for questions 970-641-1456. (PRN = as needed). All offers of employment are contingent upon the successful completion of a negative 10 panel drug screen test, criminal background check, reference checks, infection prevention procedures (TB test, Flu Shot, immunization records, etc.), physical capacity profile and acknowledgment of policies. (5/25/197). GUNNISON COUNTY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. has an opening for an Information Technology / General Administration Internship Position. This job will last approximately 6 months. Paid position. Overview: Assist the System Administrator with various projects and duties; Gain an understanding of IT system and learn the skills to main tain that system; Assist with organization and clerical work; Provide technical assistance; Assist with supporting the organization’s (LAN). Qualifications: Have or currently pursuing a Bachelor’s degree with a technical major (Computer Science/IT preferred). Degrees in related fields will be considered with a minor in a technical field; Fundamental understanding of Microsoft Products; Basic understanding of network infrastructure; Solid organizational, problem-solving and communication skills. Please send letter of interest and resume to: or drop off at Gunnison County Electric Headquarters, 37250 W Hwy 50, Gunnison, CO. Complete job description upon request. Job will remain open until filled. For questions or more information call Paula MacLennan at 970-6413520. Gunnison County Electric Association, Inc. is an equal opportunity provider and employer. (5/25/167). SEEKING MATURE INDIVIDUAL, preferably a retired person who likes cars and wants to make a little extra money. ROLE: Selling cars, mainly Subarus, and car locating - i.e. learning the auto sales industry. If you’re interested and want to discuss further, call Ken in Crested Butte at 512-9477797 (5/25). FT SUMMER POSITION: Screen printer. Training provided. We are looking for a dedicated, detail-oriented employee. Bring resume to Pat’s Screen Printing, 244 N. Main St. Job starts ASAP. (5/25). POSITION AVAILABLE - GUNNISON SAVING AND LOAN is accepting applications for a fulltime teller. Duties include performing varied functions including processing checking, savings and certificates of deposit. Strong communication and customer service skills required. Typing, 10key and computer experience also required. Position will cover Gunnison and Crested Butte branches. Competitive salary based on experience with health insurance and vacation benefits. Submit resume and letter of application to Imbra Taramarcaz, Vice President, 303 N. Mian St., Gunnison, CO 81230 Equal Opportunity Employer. (5/25/80). CAREER OPPORTUNITY: Seeking positive minded goal oriented, self motivated person for full time position as a Production Assistant. No experience required. Property and causality licenses required within 3 months. Please email resume to: (6/1). ROCKEY RIVER RESORT has several summer positions available for cabin cleaning and laundry. Great pay and a fun atmosphere! Located six miles north of Gunnison. Please call 970-6410174 if interested. (6/1). GUNNISON TRAILS YOUTH TRAIL CREW: Gunnison Trails is accepting letters of interest and resumes from applicants 16 to 25 years of age, for 2 part-time (24 hours per week) positions that will work on trails around Gunnison. The crew will work 3 days per week for 10 weeks beginning the week of June 6th and ending in mid August. Days and times are: Mondays from 8am to 4:30 p.m.; Tuesdays from 11:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.; and Wednesdays from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Starting hourly rate is $10 with merit-based raises possible. All work will be outdoors and will involve hand tools, heavy lifting and hard, physical work. All Responsible, reliable and hardworking applicants will be considered. Positive attitudes and strong effort are a must. Please submit a letter of interest and resume to Gunnison Trails at: (5/25). 6FHQWOHVV&KDPRPLOH$*XQQLVRQ &RXQW\1R[LRXV:HHG 1R[LRXVZHHGVOLNH VFHQWOHVV FKDPRPLOHFDQ QHJDWLYHO\DIIHFW *XQQLVRQ&RXQW\¶V HFRQRP\ZLOGOLIH KDELWDWVDQG UHFUHDWLRQDO RSSRUWXQLWLHV <RXFDQKHOS 3XOOVFHQWOHVV FKDPRPLOHRQ\RXU SURSHUW\EHIRUHLW IORZHUVDQG VSUHDGVVHHGV &KHPLFDOFRQWURO RSWLRQVDUHDOVR DYDLODEOH &DOOWKH*XQQLVRQ &RXQW\:HHG0DQDJHPHQW 3URJUDPDW-IRUIUHH LQIRUPDWLRQDERXWRSWLRQVIRU FRQWUROOLQJQR[LRXVZHHGVRU YLVLW ZZZJXQQLVRQFRORVWDWHHGX LOOKING FOR A HIGH SCHOOL or college age babysitter for 3 kids on May 28th, 2016 while we race the Gunnison Growler Mountain Bike Race. References needed. 303-5132799 (5/25). WANTED FOR HIRE: Full time position with benefits at Physiotherapy Associates: Patient Services Manager. Please email resumes to (5/25). WESTERN STATE COLORADO UNIVERSITY SEEKS full time, 9month non-tenure track lecturer in education. Start date: August 10, 2016 Salary: $ 39,000 (9-month position) Apply online at . Screening of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Western State Colorado University is an affirmative action/ equal opportunity educator and employer; gender/ race/ disabled/ veteran. (5/25). CRESTED BUTTE MOUNTAIN RESORT is now hiring for the summer Clean Team Staff. If you are interested in joining our team and would like to apply, please EOE (6/1). ALPINE EXPRESS IS SEEKING personable individual to drive evening and late-night shifts, primarily in Crested Butte. Parttime, summer and fall, 10-15 hours per week. Great opportunity for extra spending money. CDL- passenger endorsement preferred but not required. Must have clean driving record and pass pre-employment drug screening. Call 970-641-5074 for more information and/or application instructions. (6/1). EMPLOYMENT ADS ARE FREE! If they are 60 words or less. Any over the 60 word limit will be charged a paid ad fee dependent on the number of words. Please see the website for details at, or call 641-3148. - Thank you, The Gunnison Country Shopper. (5/25). HELP NEEDED with elderly female parent, either 12 hr. or 24. hr. shift, college students possible. 970-596-0822, or 970-6413030 (6/1). BLUE SKY CLEANING IS SEEKING part-time cleaners for summer. Pay starts at $15/hr. Especially needing weekend and/or on-call help. Call Erin at 512-415-5182. (5/25). OUR OUTPATIENT PHYSICAL THERAPY clinic is looking for a new team member, a Patient Services Specialist. Must be great at multi-tasking, great customer service and function in a fast paced environment. Duties of the position include greeting patients, insurance verification, insurance authorization, scheduling, collection of patient responsibility and patient intake forms. Full time with benefits. Email resumes to (5/25). DOS RIOS GRILL IS LOOKING for a full time kitchen supervisor, a prep and line cook. Previous kitchen experience is preferred, but will train the right person. Come by the golf course to fill out an application or call 970-6411482 and ask for Stacie or Alex or email a resume to (5/25). DOG WALKER WANTED: Gunnison, call 970-275-3770 (6/1). THE RICK NELSON AGENCY’S local American Family Insurance office is hiring a Service Specialist. The position is responsible for understanding and anticipating customer’s needs, and completing service requests that maintain, modify, or cancel insurance policies. Must have attention to detail, be a quick learner, have critical thinking and problem solving skills, a positive attitude, the ability to communicate clearly and effectively, and must genuinely enjoy helping people. Prior customer service experience is required; Spanish fluency is preferred but not required. Must be able to pass background check and pass licensing requirements. New candidates, please send resumes to (6/8/pd/99). METAMORPHOSIS SALON & SPA IS HIRING a Colorado Licensed Cosmetologist, Hair Stylist or Barber. Full-time or parttime, permanent or seasonal work with flexible scheduling. Applicants must be self-motivated, happy, and team oriented. Call 970-641-1222 or email or stop in. Ask for Sarah (5/25). THE SLOGAR RESTAURANT is hiring all Front of the House positions for the up-coming season. Please apply in person or call 970-901-1073. (5/25). COCHETOPA THERAPEUTIC HORSEMANSHIP is seeking volunteers and interns for the Summer Season. Our volunteers assist riders with disabilities with safe handling, grooming, and riding horses. Experience with horses is helpful, but not necessary. Our program will conduct training classes regarding these roles. We are also looking for interns for help with social media, grant writing, business, and photography. All volunteers will be expected to complete a background check. This is a great opportunity to help your neighbors, as well as riders from all over the country, while we practice and learn more about communication with horses and their roles as teachers. For more information call Paul at 970-2752991or email Mike at (6/1). JOB OPPORTUNITY in high end gallery in Downtown Gunnison. Please send resume to: (6/1). Gunnison Valley Calendar gunnison country shopper, may 25, 2016 page 13 Festivals. Events. Senior Outings. School. Opportunities. Volunteering. Who? Menu. Seminars. Trail Days. Meetings. Memorials. Fairs. Market. Seminars. Clinics. What? Fairs. Openings. Dances. Live Music. Fundraising. Sports. How? Concerts. Announcements. Arts. Food. Receptions. Friendships. When? WHO? Seminars. School. Why? Fairs. WHAT? WHEN? Receptions. Where? Festivals. Fundraising. How? WHERE? WHY? HOW? 7778 • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, Wednesdays, 7 p.m. 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, • Alanon/Alateen Crested Butte, 7:00 p.m. Wednesdays, The UCC Church Parlor, 403 Maroon Ave. Crested Butte MONTHLY • FREE Legal Clinic at your Gunnison Library in Gunnison 2nd Thursday monthly from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Free but Please RSVP at 970-641-3485 • Knights of Columbus will meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month at Parish Hall • The American Legion, 501 E. Virginia Ave., meets every 3rd Wednesday of the month 6 p.m. Claire 209-6042, Ed 596-7883, Larry 641-0172. • Coloring and Conversation at the Gunnison Library 3rd Thursday monthly program at 6:00 p.m. THIS WEEK ONLY May-2016 • 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. May 25th. National Senior Health & Fitness day Gunnison Community Center, 200 E. Spencer Ave. Free exercise classes, lunch and snacks. 641-8060 to preregister or register the day of the event. • 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Gunnison Workforce Center Understanding Unemployment Insurance for Employers Presentation Thurs., May 26 Old Rock Community Library. Contact Jeni Rogers at the to RSVP 970-641-0031 • 6:00 p.m. Gunnison Library - Coloring and Conversation. Thurs., May 26th Everything provided. • 7:00 p.m. Parent meeting is May 26 at GMS Go to Europe in June 2017. Mr. High of Gunnison Middle School is leading another trip to Europe for secondary students (middle and high school). . Call 970-901-8400 for more information. • May 28-29 Spring Clinics with the Backcountry Bike Academy Gunnison level one skills camp More info & registration at: or • GROWLER MOUNTAIN BIKE RACES - May 28-29 - Support trails around Gunnison by participating or volunteering. Event details at and volunteering details by email: or 970-275-0485. • Hair of the Dawg presents: May 28th, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. A CELEBRATION OF DOGS at 218 N. Main, Gunnison. This event is a fundraiser for GVAWL. Call Debra at 209-7030 or Crissy at 596-3998 for more information. June-2016 • June 1, 1 p.m. "The Last Midwife" by Sandra Dallas, Boomers' Book Club, at the Senior wing of the Gunnison Rec Center • 1-4 Gunnison - Black Canyon Astronomy Festival • 1-12 WSCU - Football Camp DAILY • Boxing trainning: non-contact & advanced. Co-ed, middle school, high school and adult. 5:30 p.m. Western Boxing Club. 303-881- WEEKLY HAPPENINGS: Wednesday • 6:00 a.m. Colorado Fitness: Spin and MET Training w/Autumn • 7:00 a.m. Colorado Fitness: Instanity DVD Group Workout. • 7:15 - 8:45 a.m. The Sanctuary: Open Meditation, FREE. • 8:45 a.m. High Attitude Dance Academy - ZUMBA • 9:00 -10:00 a.m. The Sanctuary: Prana Vinyasa Yoga Leia • 10:00 a.m. Jai Om Yoga and Meditation: Gentle Therapy Yoga 970-275-5987. • Noon Colorado Fitness: Boot Camp DVD • 12:15 – 1:00 p.m. The Sanctuary: Strengthen & Lengthen w/Rachel. • 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.Gunnison Country Food Pantry, 321 N. Main St #C, Gunnison. 970-641-4156. • 4:00 p.m.Colorado Fitness: Ball Pilates w/Jane • The Sanctuary: 4:15 – 5:30 p.m. Hatha Yoga (vigorous with core) w/Meegan. • 5:00 p.m. Jai Om Yoga and Meditation: Meditation Sanga (no charge) • 5:30 p.m.Jai Om Yoga and Meditation: Mindfullness Yoga • 5:30 - 6:15 pm. GAC Dance Studio: Zumba: • 6:00 -8:00 p.m. Beginning, Intermediate, & Advanced English classes Gunnison Community School For more information 970641-7684. Se habla Español. • 7:00 p.m. Gunnison Bible Institute at First Baptist Church. Open to the public. • 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. GriefShare meets at Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church, 711 N. Main, Gunnison, Rodney Morrill 970-349-7769. • GAC - Zumba: 5:30 – 6:15 pm. GAC Dance Studio. • GAC - Acrylic Painting: 6:30 - 8:30 pm Thursday • 6:00 a.m. Colorado Fitness: Body Conditioning W/ Debby • 6:00 a.m. Main Street Studio: Early Bird RedCord suspension training class. • 8:00 - 8:45 a.m. Center for the Arts: Aerial Conditioning - Crested Butte Dance Collective 970-349-7487. • 8:30-10:30 English Classes: beginners and intermediate students 970-641-7684. • 8:45 - 9:30 Colorado Fitness: Body Bar w/Erin • 8:45 - 9:30 a.m. Center for the Arts: Open Aerial Dance • 9:00 -10:00 a.m.The Sanctuary: Alignment Based Yoga w/Karah. • 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Senior's Day 65+, Gunnison Country Food Pantry, 321 N. Main St., #C, Gunnison. 970-641-4156. • 10:30 a.m. Tha Sanctuary: Gentle Chair Yoga for Elders Free to 65+ • Noon Colorado Fitness: Metabolic Conditioning w/Jane • 12:15 - 1:00 p.m. GAC Dance Studio: Zumba • 12:15 - 1:00 p.m. The Sanctuary: Mix it Up! Yoga & Mat Pilates w/Leia. • 4:00 p.m.Colorado Fitness: DIY Happy Hour, The name game strength workout. • 4:15 - 5:00 p.m. The Sanctuary: Joy of Movement w/Taylor • 5:00 p.m. Colorado Fitness: FREE Community Yoga at Pine and Virginia w/ Erin • 5:30 - 6:45 p.m. The Sanctuary: w/ Kundalini Christina. • 5:30 p.m. Main Street Studio: Pilates, 320 1/2 N Main St. • 5:30-7:30, FREE Adult Cooking Matters Class. Thursdays June 9 - July 14. Learn to make meals for 4 for $10 or less. Childcare provided. RSVP with Danielle 408-439-6289 • 6:00 - 8:30 pm GAC Make a Splash Watercolor: GAC Art Studio • 6:30 - 8 p.m. Colorado Fitness: Lamaze. Call Ariel for details 970275-3749. Friday • 6:00 a.m. Colorado Fitness: Sweatopoly w/Jane • 7:00 a.m. Colorado Fitness: Friday Fight Instanity DVD • 7:00 - 8:00 a.m. The Sanctuary: Yin Yoga w/ Delaney. • 8:00 - 8:45 a.m. Center for the Arts: Aerial Conditioning - Crested Butte Dance Collective 970-349-7487. • 8:45 a.m. High Attitude Dance Academy: ZUMBA • 8:45 - 9:30 a.m. Center for the Arts: Open Aerial Dance - Crested Butte Dance Collective • 9:00 - 9:45 a.m.The Sanctuary: Joy of Movement w/Taylor. • Noon - Colorado Fitness:Colorado Fitness: Sweatopoly w/Jane Saturday • 9:00 -10:30 a.m. The Sanctuary: Weekend Yoga - Instructors change weekly. • 9:30 a.m. FREE Community Zumba w/ Baron at Colorado Fitness • 9:30 a.m. Alcoholics Anonymous, Women’s. • 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Gunnison Clothing Project In alley West of N. 10th St. between Virginia & W Tomichi. Donations welcome. • 10:00 a.m. Seventh-day Adventist Church Saturday Praise and Worship Bible discussion & kids programing 11:00 a.m. 77 Ute Lane, 970-209-7911 or 970-234-2336. • 10:00 a.m. -2:00 p.m. Paint your own pottery: GAC Clay Studio Sunday • 10:00 a.m. Gunnison Congregational Church, United Church of Christ. 101 N. 8th Street. For information 970-641-3203. • 5:00 - 6:00 The Sanctuary: Restorative w/Dave Monday • 6:00 a.m. Colorado Fitness: Spin w/Joellen • 7:00 a.m. Colorado Fitness: Insanity DVD Group workout. • 7:00 - 8:15 a.m. The Sanctuary: Sunrise Prana Vinyasa w/Leia • 8:30 a.m. Colorado Fitness: Spin & Tone w/ Ingrid • 8:45 a.m. Main Street Studio: RedCord Suspension training, • 8:45 a.m. High Attitude Dance Academy - ZUMBA • 10:00 a.m. Jai Om Yoga and Meditation: Gentle Therapy Yoga • Noon - Colorado Fitness: Abs & Buns w/ Jane • 12:15 p.m. Main Street Studio: Express Core Workout • 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. The Sanctuary: Sling Supported Yoga & Pilates w/Kate • 4:00 p.m. Colorado Fitness: Metabolic Conditioning w/Jane • 4:15 – 5:30 p.m. The Sanctuary: Slow, Mindful, Deep - Hatha Yoga w/Meegan • 5:15 p.m. High Attitude Dance Academy - ZUMBA • 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Beginning English classes, Gunnison Community School w/Therese Trantow. • 8:05 a.m. Jim Kirshner from 580 KUBC in Montrose is talking to area residents from Montrose, Delta & Gunnison counties on agriculture related topics. • 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Gunnison Country Food Pantry, 321 N. Main St #C, Gunnison. 970-641-4156. • 5:45 – 6:45 p.m. The Sanctuary: Strengthen & Lengthen w/Rachel • 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. English classes: Gunnison Elementary School, CAFE 970-641-7684. • 6:00 -8:00 p.m. Beginning, Intermediate, & Advanced English classes Gunnison Community School For more information 970641-7684. Se habla Español. • 5:30 p.m. Jai Om Yoga Class - Mindfulness. Main Street Clinic Yoga Studio Tuesday • 6:00 a.m. Colorado Fitness: Boxing w/Matt • 8:30 - 10:30 a.m. English Classes 970-641-7684 for information. • 8:45 a.m. Colorado Fitness: Spin w/Travis • 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. The Sanctuary: Sling Supported Yoga & Pilates w/Kate. • 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.Gunnison Clothing Project In alley West of N. 10th St. between Virginia & W Tomichi. Donations welcome. • Noon - Colorado Fitness: Sweatopoly Monopoly • 12:15 - 1:00 pm. GAC Dance Studio - Zumba • 12:15 – 1 p.m. The Sanctuary: Mix it Up! Yoga & Mat Pilates w/Leia. • 4:00 p.m. Colorado Fitness: DIY Happy Hour MAX OUT 30 DVD • 5:15 -6:15 p.m. The Sanctuary: Restorative w/Lindsey • 5:30 p.m. Colorado Fitness: Zumba W/Barron (punch card class) • 6:00 p.m. Celebrate Recovery Meetings, Oh Be Joyful Church, Crested Butte. • 7:30 p.m. BINGO the Elks Lodge, Gunnison • 7:00 - 7:45 p.m. Center for the Arts: Aerial Conditioning - Crested Butte Dance Collective 970-349-7487 • 7:45 – 8:30 p.m. Center for the Arts: Open Aerial Dance LOOKING AHEAD June-2016 • 3 GAC - 1st Friday Art Walk • 3 CBMR - BBQ Party • 3-5 Mt. CB - Women’s Bike Competition • 4 CB - National Work Day • 4 Gunnison - Pac Man Pond Fishing Derby • 4 Farmers Market Sustainable Lifestyle workshop - Join Mark Waltermire of Thistle Whistle Farmers in Hotchkiss at 2 p.m., June 4, at 222 E. Gothic (corner of Gothic and Taylor), Gunnison • 5-12 Gunnison - Colorado Firefighter Training • 6-18 WSCU Teachers Institute • 6 6:00 p.m. CB - Canvas and Cocktails “May Flowers” at The Secret Stash, $35 includes supplies and libations. focus on Wet-on Wet (alla prima) and brush strokes • 8 Gunnison - Black Canyon Astronomy Evening • 9 GAC - Mike and Ruthy Band Concert • 9 8:00 p.m. CB - Trevor Hall at the Center for the Arts • 9-12 Almont – Colorado 500 • 10 8:00 p.m. CB - Syllables & Sound, a local talent showcase at the Center for the Arts • 10 Gunnison - Black Canyon Astronomy Evening • 11-22 WSCU – Wrestling Camp • 11 CBMR - Opens for summer • 11-12 CB - Backcountry Bike Academy • 12 CB - Farmers Market • 15 CB - Tent Up • 15 Gunnison - Black Canyon Astronomy Evening • 16 7:00 p.m. CB - Film Festival “Warren Miller’s International Ocean Tour” at the Center for the Arts (monthly) • 17-19 Gunnison - Diamonds in the Rockies-Softball Tournament • 17 Gunnison – Black Canyon Astronomy Evening • 18 Gunnison - Farmers Market • 19 CB - Farmers Market and Art Market • 20 5:30 p.m. CB - Alpen Glow Southenglow Concert Featuring Dirty Bourbon River Show at Red Mtn. Park, CB South • 20 CB - Full Moon Party • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 21 I BAR - Concert 22 Gunnison - Black Canyon Evening 22 CB - Public Policy Forum 22 WSCU - Colorado Water Workshop 23-26 CB - Bike Week 23 CB - Movie Night 23 CB - Bike Clinic 24 CB - Chainless Race 24 Gunnison County Republicans will hold their annual Lincoln Day Dinner 5:30-8:30 PM at the County rodeo grounds in the Multi-purpose Building. 24-7/2 WSCU - Great Escape Camp 25 CB - Fat Tire 40 25 CBAC - David Grisman Concert 24 CB - Art Walk 24-26 Gunnison - River Festival 25 Gunnison - River Fest. Block Party 25-8/20 - CB - Music Festival/ Trout Steak Revival 25 Lake City - Summer solstice Race We’re Building this Summer! “Everybody should have at minimum a simple, decent place to live so that every child will be able to fulfill his or her highest potential.” Millard Fuller, founder of Habitat for Humanity Find out how you can help and support your community by volunteering. Like us on Facebook or checkout our website to sign up to volunteer www.hfh If you or your group is interested in joining the fun you can get information on Habitat’s website at gunnison country shopper, may 25, 2016 page 14 METROPOLITANRECREATION RECREATION DISTRICT TELEVISION TRANSLATOR TRANSLATOR SYSTEM – CHANNEL GUIDE GUNNISONGUNNISON COUNTYCOUNTY METROPOLITAN TELEVISION SYSTEM - CHANNEL GUIDE Almont Cable System Comstock (North Highway 135) Crested Butte South Crested Butte (Sunlight Ridge) Gunnison (W Mountain) Monarch Pass (Tomichi Valley) North Valley Sub. Cable System Parlin Pitkin (Town Site) KWGN - CW 2 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 Movies! 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 KCNC - CBS 4 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 KTVD - ME-TV 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 KPXC - Ion Life 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 KPXC - Qubo 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 NASA 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 KMGH - ABC 7 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 KRMA - RMPBS 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 RMPBS - V-Me 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 RMPBS - Create 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.4 Site Name / Location Ion Plus Ion Life 4.1 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 WORLD 8.6 8.6 8.6 8.6 8.6 8.6 8.6 KUSA - NBC 9 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 CB-TV 10 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 12.1 CCTV 9.1 TV GUIDE 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.1 LOCAL GVTV 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 DISCOVER 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 RT America 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 KTVD - My 20 KJCT - DT ABC 8, Grand Junction, HD KJCT - DT2 CW, Grand Junction KJCT - DT3 ABC 8, Grand Junction, SD 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 21.3 21.3 21.3 21.3 21.3 KDVR - FOX 31 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 20.1 Pitkin / Ohio Powder-horn City Powder-horn / Lake City (Waunita (Gateview) Pass) Sapinero Sargents 2.1 2.1 2.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.6 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 10.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 20.1 20.1 21.1 21.2 21.3 31.1 31.1 31.1 KCDO - Indep. 45.2 45.2 45.2 45.2 Ion Plus 45.3 45.3 45.3 45.3 31.1 To receive digital signals you will need ‐ A television that accepts a digital signal or a digital converter box and an outdoor VHF/UHF Antenna. To receive all digital signals in your area, you may need to scan for channels on your digital television or digital converter box. KBUT Public Radio is available on channel 12.1 in most areas. Please contact the Operations Manager at 641‐9148 with questions or for more information. HENRY’S RADIO & TV Sales, Service and Installation TVs, Stereos, Satellite Systems S o n y 4 K UHD T V st a r t i n g a t $ 8 4 9 .0 0 641-1453 SERVING GUNNISON AREA SINCE 1961 1 1/2 miles North of Gunnison on Highway 135 employment continued from page 12... IRON HORSE PROPERTY Management is growing again and in search of a Landscape Team Member. Excellent pay with all the equipment provided to do the job right. Work week is Monday through Friday full time and starts immediately. Please email your resume to Qualified candidates will be contacted for an interview. (5/25). AUTO CORRAL IS LOOKING for a sales person. Must be very computer and internet savvy with attention to detail and superior customer service. Must pass Motor Vehicle Sales license test first time/ be eligible to get a sales license. Experience is good, but will train the right attitude. No phone calls please. Drop your resume off M-F 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm at 1198 N Main. Hourly plus commissions. (5/25). MAINTENANCE WORKER NEEDED for Mt CB condo complex. Light plumbing, electrical, snow shoveling, general maintenance, etc. Year-round position includes holidays, vacation, sicktime, medical insurance, and ski pass. $16/hour to start. 970349-5150 (6/1). ranching TOWN AND COUNTRY ANIMAL HOSPITAL is now hiring for the part time ECP/ Kennel Technician position. Please drop off your resume and pick up an application with the front desk. For more information please call the office at 970-641-2215 during normal business hours (M-F 8 am-5:30 pm,Sat 8 am-Noon). Thank you! (6/1). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT RE1J Assistant Volleyball Coach-CBHS. This position is located at the Crested Butte High School. Looking for a positive coach with a love for volleyball. Must be or willing to become a registered coach with the Colorado High School Activities Association. Experience is preferred. In general, hours are after school from approximately 3:45 pm to 5:30 pm Monday through Friday. The season is mid-August through late October. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, JoAnn Klingsmith 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760, OR Colorado Workforce 970-641-0031 (5/25). HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS & SUITES is looking to hire a Breakfast Host for Sundays. F&B experience is preferred. Stop by 910 East Tomichi Ave in Gunnison to pick up an application and learn more about the position offered. (6/1). METAMORPHOSIS IS HIRING a part-time receptionist; approx. 30 hrs/week, must be available Mon. - Fri. Seeking friendly, dependable, motivated applicants. Please call 970-641-1222 or e m a i l or stop in. Ask for Sarah (5/25). HOUSEKEEPERS, GREAT BENEFITS! Gunnison Valley Hospital has 4 FT Housekeeper openings. The schedule is mostly weekdays from, 7 am - 3 pm or 3 pm - 11 pm and every other weekend alternating. Daily cleaning, sanitizing, and restorative cleaning of patient rooms, auxiliary areas, laboratories, operating rooms and other areas assigned in accordance with standard procedures at the E.S. Department and in accordance with the Hospital’s objectives. Education: High School Diploma or equivalent preferred. Individual must possess basic English reading skills and ability to follow simple oral and written instructions understanding. The position is eligible for health insurance, a matching retirement plan and paid time off! Please visit our website to apply online, or call HR for questions 970-641-1456 All offers of employment are contingent upon the successful completion of a negative 10 panel drug screen test, criminal background check, reference checks, infection prevention procedures (TB test, Flu Shot, immunization records, etc.), physical capacity profile and acknowledgment of policies. (5/25/159). KOOLER PAINTING & DOORS is seeking a clean living individual to assist with garage door installations and service repairs. We will train the right person well. Starting pay is $12/hr and goes up DOE. Please send a resume to to apply. Hiring immediately. (6/1). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT RE1J Finance Assistant-GHS Office Computer skills, Excel spreadsheets, Word documents, and data bases. Bookkeeping experience a plus, but not required. Experience with budgets and financial programs Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, JoAnn Klingsmith 800 N. Boulevard 970-641-7760, OR Colorado Workforce 970-6410031 (5/25). THE CLUB AT CRESTED BUTTE seeks a hardworking, dependable individual with great time management skills to join our housekeeping department. Competitive hourly wage based on experience. Stop by the Club to fill out an application or email resume to: (5/25). THE SECRET STASH PIZZERIA in Downtown Crested Butte is hiring for the summer season with potential for extended year-round employment. Looking for Pizza Cooks, Line Cooks, Prep Cooks, Dishwashers, Bartenders, Servers, Food Runners, Bussers, and Hosts. Please drop off resume or fill out an application at 303 Elk Ave. Crested Butte, or email resume to (5/25). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT RE1J Middle/High School Choir Teacher Will teach three choir classes at both the Middle and High School GMS/GHSWill support music programs throughout the school year. Must be able to play the piano. Applicants must be licensed in the state of Colorado with an endorsement in K-12 music. Position is full time with salary and benefits. Superintendent’s Office JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760, or Colorado Workforce 970-641-0031 (5/25/75). LOCAL ASPHALT COMPANY seeking laborers. Avg. $14/HR. Must be able to travel out of town for week-long projects. Email resume to: or call 970-641-4260. BLACKSTOCK BISTRO IS HIRING for a cook/dishwasher position is a fun face paced kitchen. Email resume to Luke or drop by Blackstock Mon-Sat 2-4 pm (6/1). LOCAL CHURCHES (5/25). ...continued on page 15 AS SEM BLI ES O F GO D “The River” 92 Co unt y Ro ad 17 • 6 41 -086 4 P as t or M ik e D ar n e ll S u n d a y Wo r s h i p 1 0 : 0 0 a m We d n e s d a y 7 : 0 0 p m w w w. r i v e r o f l i f e g u n n i s o n . o r g TRIN ITY BAPTIST CHURCH T RIN IT Y BAP TIS T CHU R CH 523 N o r t h P in e S t r e et - ( 9 70 ) 641 - 18 13 S u n d a y Wo r s h i p : 8 a m Tr a d i t i o n a l , 1 0 : 3 0 a m B l e n d e d F a m ily B ib l e St u dy : 9 :1 5 a m S u n da y M o rn in g Sa t u r d a y E v en i n g Wor sh i p : 6 p m H i sp a n i c Wo r s h i p : S at u r d ay 6 p m , B i b l e S t u d y : T h u r s d a y 7 p m We d n e s d a y S e r v i c e s : B . L . A . S . T. & Yo u t h & P r a y e r M e e t i n g - 6 : 3 0 p m w w w. T B C g u n n i s o n . c o m gunnison country shopper, may 25, 2016 THE JOB HOTLINE 109 East Georgia Gunnison 970-641-0031 CLOSER/ESCROW ASSISTANT This is a full-time position is a career opportunity for the right person. While we are seeking experienced professionals, new graduates and those interested in a career in the real estate industry or title insurance industry are encouraged to apply. The company provides a great working environment and the chance to work with great people. Alpine employs experienced professionals who are committed to providing exceptional service to its customers. CO#6492678 GENERAL LABOR - STORE REMODEL 22 Positions available 2 Shifts - Day & overnight shifts. Cleaning of gondola/sales floor fixtures in building. Building/disassembling of fixtures and related items, modular work/resetting. CO#6534346 and 6534368 ENTRY LEVEL AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN Repair only one system or component on a vehicle, such as oil changes and tire changes.CO#6527263 Been laid off from a job recently? You may qualify for personalized assistance with job search, career guidance, resume development, interviewing, job skills development, relocation assistance and MORE. CDLE is an EO Employer/auxiliary aids/services available upon request. IRON HORSE PROPERTY Management is growing again and looking for a Maintenance Team Member. This is a full time year around position with great pay, ski pass, paid vacation, on call pay, as well as company smart phone, i-pad, and company vehicle. Starts immediately. Please email your resume to Qualified applicants will be contacted for an interview. (5/25). GARAGE SALE: May 27 - 30, Friday - Monday. 8 - 3 each day. 499 County Road 771 (Gold Creek Rd), Ohio City. Window fans, treadmill, all kinds of things! KIDS & STUDENTS WILL WORK Look below for that Neighborhood Kid or Eager College Student To Do What You Need Done DUMP TRUCK and LOADER FOR HIRE 970-275-4852 12))0/.) 9.$%:44#7,0)*%:77504(,0.)/ !"#$%&%'()(*#+#),%-./0,0.)/ @AB(9("CD(EDFDGD(H(=>$0%D ! ! ! ! ! ! "#$%&'()*+,-$*.# /$01(2$.$&03* 43*,+(/-35-$6 7-##(8#$%+(9(:*0;3-6+ <$-##-(=1>$*.#6#*& <3%%#5#(?,0&03*(=++0+&$*.# -5#(/#%(7758%.)50)#%(, $$$3+44.5."(6.34.+ NOW HIRING • Shift Managers - 3 months of restaurant management experience preferred. PT. • Cooks. PT. • Servers - Can earn $15 or more per hour with tips. PT. .• Delivery Drivers - Can earn $15 or more per hour with tips. Must be a licensed insured driver, age 18 or older with a clean driving record. PT. Excellent training and advancement opportunities, flexible work hours, meal discounts. Apply online at E.O.E. M/F employment continued from page 14 THE SUNFLOWER in Crested Butte is hiring COOKS for breakfast and lunch hours. Please stop in with a resume at 214 Elk Avenue or e-mail to Experience is not necessary but a good work ethic and a fun loving personality are! Thanks and have a great day! (5/25). HELP WANTED building and repairing wire fence, 970-5962589 (6/1). EL PARAISO FAMILY MEXICAN RESTAURANT at 112 S Main St. has summer positions available for Bussers, Hosts, Bartenders, and Dishwasher. Please apply in person. (5/25). LACY CONSTRUCTION in Crested Butte is hiring Experienced Equipment Operators (5 years), Experienced CDL Drivers (2 years Construction experience) and Laborers. Please email resume with references to (6/1). COME WORK AT GUNNISON’S #1 rated restaurant on Trip Advisor - BLUE TABLE! We are now looking for an experienced line cook, a prep cook, and a server. We offer competitive wages, benefits and bonuses, and a great work environment. Stop by the lobby of The Inn at Tomichi Village to pick up an application. (6/1). HIGH MESA COMMUNICATIONS, the Western Slope’s premiere AT&T and DIRECTV retailer is currently hiring for a full-time sales position in our Gunnison store. We are looking for a moneymotivated, professional, selfstarter with a history of meeting and exceeding goals. Pay is $10/hr, plus commission; average sales person will make $20/hr. Drop resume at our store or email c (5/25). PROFESSIONAL DETAILING: Carpet, upholstery shampoo, buff, wax, complete interior and exterior. Call Precision Automotive for a appointment. 641-4040, (5/25/19). IT’S GARAGE SALE SEASON: and The Shopper still has some Fabulous and Free Yard Sale Maps. Stop by the office for one, or even two if you’re nice! 222 1/2 North Main St., Gunnison. (5/25). (5/25/7). 98 BASIN PARK DRIVE pet PUPPY LOVE: better than your last relationship. Smart, joyful and good-looking, too. Goldendooodles, cream or black, ready for you July 1st. $1200. Call Christi to reserve: 970-6970013 (photo at (6/8). garagesales l HUGE YARD SALE: Estate and Multi-Family Yard Sale on Saturday, May 28th starting at 8:00 a.m., in the parking lot behind 120 N. Taylor Street, Gunnison. (5/25). YARD & PLANT SALE, 101 N. 10th. St., May 27 & 28, and June 3 & 4. Enter 1st driveway on Tomichi. Perennials, trees and yard art. (6/1). MOVING-ON SALE: 9am - 1pm. Saturday May 28th and Sunday May 29th. Furniture, Kid’s books & toys, Athletic equipment, Musical instruments. 921 CR 317 ( Between Crested Butte and Mt. CB). Look for the signs. (6/1). HOUSEKEEPER WANTED, 20 hours per week. Pay $12-18/hour DOE. Job starts June 1st. 970596-7487 (6/1). AKC WHITE, CREAM ENGLISH LABRADOR PUPPIES, Health Certified, Champion Bloodlines, Ranch Raised, Shots, Dewclaws, Vet Checked, Excellent Family Pets. 970-874-0669 (6/8/pd/20). SMALL MOVING SALE: Small washer and dryer,(discount to those who bring their own dolly) CD and DVD shelf, end table with storage, portable pantry, women’s clothing, toys and many nick knacks , 1010 W Virginia #27 (Holden Village next to high school) May 24-26. Come inside, I will be cleaning and will be ready for service. (6/1). IF YOU WOULD LIKE A GYM MEMBERSHIP at Colorado Fitness for six months and can trade out working one Saturday a month please call Jane at 970641-3375 and arrange a time to meet. We have an awesome gym with great equipment and professional staff. We plan to have 2 shifts open starting in June. (5/25). SERVICE TECHNICIAN/TECHNICIAN ASSISTANT WANTED Mountain Fireplace Specialists is seeking a technician/technician assistant. Mountain Fireplace Specialists is a full service Fireplace, Chimney and Hearth company, dedicated to professional workmanship and outstanding service. We provide Sales, Installation and Service to Wood, Gas and Pellet appliances. Technical experience will be considered but industry training is provided. A good attitude and quality work ethic are priority. Mail or deliver your resume to 515 W. Tomichi Ave or (6/1/pd/77). S H E LT E R H O U R S Wednesdays 5-7pm Saturdays 10am-1pm Sundays 10am-1pm And by appointment See all of our adoptable animals at,, or All pets are current on vaccinations, microchipped, and spayed or neutered. INFO@GVAWL.ORG 2 COLLEGE STUDENTS LOOKING FOR WORK! Visiting home for a couple weeks. Can Do Attitude! 970-641-4131 (6/1). GARAGE SALE: Sunday 5/29 & Monday 5/30, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., 13 Cockleburr Circle, Mt CB. Camping gear, gardening stuff, housewares, tools, ski gear, all at great prices. (5/25). PREK/K AND SOCIAL STUDIES TEACHERS: Teach in beautiful Lake City. Hinsdale County School District seeks Pre K/K Teacher and MS/HS Social Studies Teacher. Application at or contact Superintendent Leslie Nichols at, 970-944-2314. EOE. (6/8). c a t 970.641.1173 (5/25). CAREGIVER WANTED to work weekends in Gunnison. You would be taking care of an elderly man in his home. This is a 1099 position. The pay is $16/hr. The shifts are Sat. 9 am-2 pm and Sun. 2 pm-8 pm. References and background check required. Experience /certification not necessary. We can train the right person. Email your resume to: (5/25). ranching t h e Cleo is a 6-year-old gray and white female. This girl is friendly with older kids and with dogs and is friendly with other cats after an adjustment period. To meet her, visit during adoption hours: Wednesdays 5-7 and Saturdays and Sundays 10-1, or call Sue at 970.641.1890 to schedule another time. (5/25). For information on these or other jobs, call 641-0031. GUNNISON COUNTY EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: Accountant-Finance; full-time, 40 hours/week; salary starting at $39,640 + benefits. For more information, including complete job description, required qualifications and application instructions, please visit (5/25). C L E O page 15 GARAGE SALE, SATURDAY, JUNE 4, from 8:00 am-11:00 am. Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church, 711 N. Main, Gunnison. Lots of varied items! (6/1). AKC COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES: Brown and White Parti. 4 Females, 2 Males. Champion Sired. Available and ready for their new homes now. 970-641-2893, 970-596-6303 (photos at (6/1). FOR SALE TO A GOOD HOME. 1 1/2 year old golden retriever. Sweet and lovable. Started in Obedience. Relocating and can’t take him. Neutered male. $400, 970-209-2058 or 870-641-4007 (6/1). farm&garden FOR SALE: Tomato cages and plants tub cover. Call 970-6414727 after 6pm. (6/1). AERATOR, PULL BEHIND, Sears brand for a garden tracker or an ATV. Like new. 970-641-4951 MOVING SALE ON MAY 28 from 9:00-1:00. 652 Seneca Drive. Something for everyone! Housewares, games, princess house pieces, exercise equipment, furniture and much more! (6/1). (5/25). FOR SALE: 27 railway ties from 5-9’ long - all for $200. You haul. 970-641-1240 (6/1). YARD SALE: 623 N Pine Sunday the 29th at 8:00. Motorcycle leathers and helmet for Med size woman, plants and gardening things, bike rack and helmet and gloves, small old table and a small oak antique desk. (6/1). SALE MT. CB - May 28, 8:00 to 3:00 Saturday,Volkl Supersport,children and adult bikes,framed art,antique skis, gas grill, misc. bedding,household,6.5 lady shoes,books,18 Castle Rd,Mt CB. (6/1). FURNITURE & CRAFT SALE: Vintage Chestnut hutch, decorative pieces, vintage trunk, handmade pillows and banners, vintage blankets, and more! Sat. and Sun., May 28th and 29th from 8 am to 1 pm at the corner of 1st & Maroon in Crested Butte. (6/1). GARAGE SALE: JUNE 4 from 8:00 to 1:00. Furniture, outdoor and camping gear, women’s clothing, some free stuff. 611 North Main in Gunnison. (6/1). LEAF BLOWER FOR SALE: Electric Toro leaf blower with attachments. Runs great. $20. Call 970-641-4184 (6/1). FREE dill starts. 970-641-2559 (5/25). CAST METAL CHIMINEA with grate, tall chimney stack with spark arrestor and front screen. $75. Call 970-641-3734 after 5:30 p.m. (6/1). commercial ranching 650 POUND BALES OF HAY. $40/each. 5 left. 970-209-1873 (5/25/pd/10). DO YOU HAVE A HORSE IN NEED OF A PASTURE? We just happen to have a pasture in need of horses. $100 dollars a month, includes hay and arena use. Please call if in need, 970-6414146. (5/25/pd/36). PREMIUM BARN STORED HAY: Grass; Grass/Alfalfa; Alfalfa Small squares, large squares and rounds And, also have straw 970-872-3141 (5/25/19). FOR SALE: 2 - 8x10ft. heavy galvanized elk panels, $150/both. 970-275-4852. (5/25). HORSE BOARDING AVAILABLE: Stall with run or pasture board. Includes use of arena, round pen, tack room, wash racks and trailer storage. Facility borders public lands with miles of trail riding steps away. Call 970-901-6708 for more info. (5/25/38). (6/1). HUSQVARNA manual reel push mower, 16 inch cut. Like new condition. Great for small lawns. $50 Firm. Call 970-641-7499 (6/1). FOR SALE: Goulds Pumps, Irrigator 1 hp ditch pump. Complete with PVC fittings and filter. Wired for 115 but can be wired for 220. $250, OBO. Like new only used one year. Call Bruce 1-970-3065042 (5/25). FOR SALE: 2014 HONDA 700 PIONEER SXS, enclosed cab, winch, wiper, heater, full skid plates, hitch, horn, dump bed, front and rear bumpers, 400 miles. Call Gene at 719-6410251. Will deliver. (5/25). 1993 YAMAHA WAVEBLASTER Jet Ski with Trailer. Needs minor work: drain gas, replace primer, needs battery wont charge. Borrowed underpowered battery and jet ski cranks but didn’t start because bad gas. Price:$1195 cash (NADA with Trailer $1230 (needs work)-$1365) Text Alex: 713-775-8005 (photos at (6/1). WE BUY USED motorcycles, ATVs and side by sides. 970641-0883, days. (5/25/11). DIRT BIKE STUFF: Pipe and silencer for 2 strokes. $100 ea. Yuasa battery. $25. 970-3497016 (5/25). KTM 625 DUAL SPORT with saddle bag, extra. $4200. 719377-7719 (5/25). 2006 KAWASAKI ZX1000R NINJA for sale, 19k miles, solar sun color, not for beginner. 970641-0962 please leave message. (5/25). 2004 HONDA ST1300A FOR SALE: Bike has been modified. Runs and looks great. 970-6412659 (5/25). FOR SALE: Recycled Telephone /power line poles, treated. power poles. Various lengths up to 20 feet. Price negotiable based on quantity needed. 970-641-0045 FOR SALE: 2009 Kawasaki KLR650. 2500 miles, excellent condition. $4500 call 719-2520042 leave msg. (6/1). (6/8). 15FT BOAT FOR SALE: V-Hull, aluminum, with Mercury 4 stroke 9.9 HP motor with low hours. Comes with a Haul-Rite trailer. $1500 Ed 970-641-1946 (5/25). h FOR SALE: Fiberglass water tanks (2). Call 970-641-4727 after 6pm. (6/1). 8 FOOT ELK FENCE FOR SALE: call for information! 970-2754852. (5/25). FOR SALE: 225 Gallon Water Storage Tank, Very Good Condition. $250. 970-275-9237 (5/25). FOR SALE: 13 year old palomino gelding $2500, call 970-2091873 (6/1). FREE bulk animal feed bag: holds 500 pounds, reinforced nylon, has been used, fill in Olathe or Delta. Pictures on Shopper website. FREE. Call 970-641-3567 (6/1). 1ST $4900 TAKES THIS: 1989 ALL HELMETS ON SALE ALL THE TIME! Only at Sun Sports Unlimited West HWY 50 Gunnison 970-641-0883 (5/25/17). YAMAHA YZ-250 2003 in good shape with new tires. Barely used and runs great. $1800 call 970275-2713 (photos at (6/1). FOR SALE: 1985 Yamaha BW200 Trail Motorcycle. $700, call 719-252-0042 leave msg. FREE flat landscaping rocks various sizes. 970-641-3292 (6/1). LAWN SPRINKLER - brass oscillating type. 71/2” X 71/2” connects to a main water line 3/4”. $15 Telephone 970-641-3733 ALMOST NEW 2015 SKI DOO SUMMIT 163. Selling for $8500 only 200 miles! also have large 2 place trailer for sale. Also brand new, looking for $2000. 920209-7029 (photos at (5/25). (6/1). 15’ LARSON SKI BOAT: motor needs work, $950. 970-2754852. (5/25). motorized Mercury Invader boat w/470 engine I-O; custom cover, 11’ Bimini top, trailer, extra reel supports, extra props, fish finder, GPS, marine radio & speakers, nice vinyl seats, captain chair. 641-5644. Or trade for 28’ - 30’ tandem axle with duals gooseneck flatbed trailer. (6/1). pet FOR SALE: TRAILERS... NEW AND USED. ATV, UTV, motorcycle, snowmobile and utility models in stock. Come and check out the new Vault Cargo Trailer by Triton. Sun Sports Unlimited, West HWY 50, Gunnison. 970-6410883. (5/25/34). FOR SALE: 2006 CR-450R. Ready for the streets or trails. $2600, OBO. Call 970-596-3330 to come check it out. (6/1). gunnison country shopper, may 25, 2016 page 16 &"#3 (' , + 2&*$/ 70% Off +* ++03# . #* / #( #!0#" 0 #)/ "&#/ (+0%&*$ *" ,+.0&*$ ++"/ -1&,)#*0 *" +.# #/0 +)&!%& 2#*1# 2006 SUBARU FORESTER, 107k 4cyl auto, timing belt done and new tires, $7500. 970-2091775 (5/25). FOR SALE: 2005 Chevy Suburban, Excellent Condition, 100,000 miles, Tires 90%, Recently had 100,000 mile checkup. $9,995. 970-596-2567 (photos at (5/25). CHECK OUT OUR CARS on the web (5/25/8). 1991 PORSCHE 944S2. All original. New timing belts and timing belt tensioner. 135k, 5 speed manual. $9500. 443-570-9524. (5/25). FOR SALE: 2001 Honda Accord 4 dr, V6, auto trans, power locks and windows, sun roof. Runs great $2500, call 970-209-6051 (6/1). 2008 BMW 535XI, 91k. New injectors, plugs, turbos, inner tie rods. Just carbon blasted. Beautiful condition. 6 speed manual. AWD. $15,500. 443-5709524 (5/25). FOR SALE: 2000 Dodge Durango SLT, 155K, 3rd row seat, red with beige interior. $4900. 970-641-1077. (6/1). 2000 VW PASSAT for $1,800. 110k. Runs well. Call/text Laurel at 847-239-0106 (photos at (6/1). 2001 BOSTON WHALER 16’ Dauntless. Yamaha 115 & 2.5 hp engines, MinnKota electric trolling motor and on-board charger, 2 batteries, Hummingbird sonar/GPS, downriggers, bimini, cover, ski pylon and trailer. $11,000. 970-642-0732 (5/25). 2008 HONDA XR650L: Street legal, brand new condition, not a scratch on it. 1000 miles, $4400. Call Mark 970-901-8323 (6/1). 2002 NITRO 929 FISHING BOAT with Trailer. Mercury 225HP Engine. MotoGuide Pro Series 6700 Trolling Motor, 67 Pound Thrust. Fish Finders. Depth Finder. 2 Live Wells. 3 Batteries. 3 Blade Stainless Steel Laser II Prop. New Cover. Good Condition. $15,000. Call 970275-9237 (5/25). KTM 400 XCW 2007 with stabi- GOOD CARS - GOOD PRICES! ‘04 Ford Explorer, V6, 4x4, nice ride. #1309 $5495 ‘94 Ford F250 truck, reg cab, LB, new tires, HD chassis, 5.8L. #1324 $4595 ‘95 Saturn SL1, 4dr, 5spd, snow tires. #1252 $795 ‘01 Subaru Outback, New T-belt, clean. #1320 $3495 lizer, new tires, new chain/sprockets, in good shape and runs great. Had a few extra throw in items. Trail Ready Ripper! $3500, call/text 970-275-2713 (photos at (6/1). 14’ PORTA BOTE. Amazing, portable, folding boat. Includes RV rack, 9.8 hp Nissan 4-stroke motor (10 hours usage), MinnKota 34 lb. thrust electric trolling motor, & other accessories. $3000. 970-209-9808 (6/1). Let Us Sell Your Motorcycle, ATV or UTV Only $75 Sun Sports Unlimited 641-0883 (5/25/14). ‘02 Audi A6, Nice, clean. AWD 2.7L. #1265 $7495 ‘97 Nissan Pathfinder, 5spd, V6. #1332 $2695 510 West Highway 50 970-641-4040 1973 ONE TON AXLE DODGE VAN extended body for sale. All steel floor. Great tool shed that also will run and drive with a little TLC. Carburetor fuel delivery. Good tires, body, and glass. $500. Call or text 970-596-5000. cars&trucks 1988 LINCOLN TOWN CAR: with 5.0 liter engine $650, Floyd 970-641-1311. (5/25). 2009 2500 HD CHEVROLET DURAMAX Extended Cab Pickup. Allison Transmission. Aluminum Pipe Rack. 3 Diamond Plate Weather Guard Tool Boxes. 55000 Miles. Regular Scheduled Maintenance. Excellent Condition. $28,500. 970-275-9237 (5/25). 1995 GMC SONOMA PICKUP, 4x4, 4.3 engine, matching teal colored camper shell, 207,000 miles, 2 owner vehicle. Reverse gear doesn’t work. $1400 call 970-641-0962 please leave message. (5/25). 1994 TOYOTA 4RUNNER, 235K, 4cyl, 5 speed, newer tires. $2500, OBO. 970-209-1775 (5/25). SINGLE AXLE DUMP TRUCK for sale. 2005 Chevy 6500, gas, 5 yard dump truck. Only 30,000 miles runs strong, very reliable. $16,500 evenings, leave message. (6/1). 2007 VW PASSAT WAGON $7,500, 123K miles NEW Tires & NEW Battery. Call 970-209-5647 (photos at (6/1). 1974 GMC 12 YARD DUMP TRUCK. Fair Condition. Would be great for use on a ranch. $4000, 970-275-9237 (5/25). ‘99 FORD EXPEDITION, Runs great. 174,452 Miles, block heater, heated leather seats, good tires, third row removable seat. Asking $4000, OBO.Call 970-209-0518 or 970-417-8672 Leave message if no answer (6/1). 2005 AUDI A6 QUATTRO 3.2, 153,000 miles, navigation, voice recognition, leather, deep blue color. Very nice car. $6900. 970641-0962 please leave message. (5/25). FOR SALE: 1993 FORD F250, 225,000 miles, $1500. 970-2755224 leave message (5/25). 1994 F-250 SINGLE CAB, 4WD, V8. 184,000 miles. Minor rust, dents, interior needs work. Always starts and runs! Great Vehicle just don’t need it anymore! Call or text 520-603-3375. 217 E. New York Ave if you want to see it. $2100, OBO. (photo at (5/25). 2009 PONTIAC VIBE. Blue with 93,400 miles. Well-maintained and in great condition. Snow tires included. Car lives in garage. $7,000. 970-497-6640. (photos at (6/1). 1969 WILLY’S JEEP with only 50,000 jeeping and snowplowing miles on it! Had to sit out in the weather so needs paint and top. Has 6’6” western plow attached all for $6,000 or Jeep for $5,000. (5/25). FOR SALE: 2003 NISSAN MURANO, 3.5L engine, Silver, AWD, leather, sunroof, 155,000 miles. $4000, 970-641-0962 please leave message. (5/25). 2001 VW JETTA FOR SALE 114k miles, excellent condition, great gas mileage, manual transmission, leather heated seats, sun roof, etc. $5000. Call/Text 541490-8424 (photos at (6/1). ‘94 Chev Suburban, 8 passenger, 5.7L, new trans. #1331 $2995 ‘00 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo, 4.7L, Super clean. #1318 $4995 2007 MAZDA 3 I SPORT with 128,500 miles. Gray exterior with black interior. In great condition, well maintained with records. Cloth interior, 6 disk CD player, sunroof, power doors/windows. Comes with 4 snow tires. $5,000 would consider a trade for a 4 wheel drive Jeep etc. Text/call 603-867-2292 (photo at (6/1). 1997 ISUZU RODEO, AT, 4WD, AC $1800. 970-641-6578 (6/1). motorized FORD F350 SUPER DUTY TURBO DIESEL. 2003, dually, king cab. Lariat, heated leather power seats. Interior great shape, body has a few dings. Good tires, new alternator, runs great. Lots of power. 178K miles. $10,500. 970-497-4330. (5/25). ½ ‘14 Xterra S 4x4, racks, bluetooth GO!#1848 ½ ‘12 Outback Prem Pkg 6spd man 54K #1844 ½ ‘08 Fleetwood Arcadia Popup Camper #1841 ½ ‘05 Volvo V70R 75K 300hp AWD #1833 WE WILL BE CLOSED MAY 28-30 FOR MEMORIAL DAY. pet commercial
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Paper 08-26-15 - The Gunnison Country Shopper
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