Paper 04-08-15 - The Gunnison Country Shopper
Paper 04-08-15 - The Gunnison Country Shopper
f ree Presorted Standard US Postage Paid Gunnison, CO USA Permit #49 postal patron local 42nd year, volume 3 bill johnson reads the shopper april 8, 2015 Styles S t les ty l cchange. h ge. Time han Time i w wears ears things thin hi gs out. outt. Be tter tthings hings ccome Better ome alon along. g. FFamilies amilies ggrow. row. FFriends riends ga gather. ther. Mor Moree tthan han an ther rroom anyy oother oom in yyour our home, yyour our kkitchen itchen should be a rreflection eflection of yyou. ou. If yyou’re ou’re st uck in a kkitchen itchen tthat hat stuck doesn w’s tthe he per fect ttime ime ttoo doesn’t’t fit fit,, no now’s perfect M AKE IITT R IGHT. MAKE RIGHT. C CABINETS ABINE TS B BY Y CUSTOM CUSTOM QUALITY QUALITY KITCHENS KITCHENS A ATT LESS L THAN HOME CENTER PRICES EEVERYDAY V ERYDAY KKITCHENS I TCHENS AMINO DEL RIO 209-5616 110 CCAMINO KIT KITCHENS CHENS • BA BATHS ATHS THS • OFFICE CLOSET CLOSET SYSTEMS SYSTEMS • GARAGE GARAGE STORAGE STORAGE CALL C ALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT IN GUNNISON @ DOS RIOS GOLF TURN-OFF edaykitchens@gmail. com april 8, 2015 page 2 SENIOR CITIZENS CALENDAR THE YOUNG AT HEART LUNCHEON TAKES PLACE AT THE COMMUNITY CENTER AT 200 E. SPENCER, GUNNISON Thursday, April 9, 2015 11-12 noon Senior Walking, Gym (Requires membership or drop-in fee) Friday, April 10 11-12 noon Senior Walking, Gym - FREE 12 noon Young at Heart Luncheon, Chili Monday, April 13 11-12 noon Senior Walking, Gym - FREE 12 noon Young at Heart Luncheon, Chicken Noodle Tuesday, April 14 11-12 noon Senior Walking, Gym (Requires membership or drop-in fee) Wednesday, April 15 11 - 12 noon Senior Walking, Gym - FREE 12 noon Young at Heart Luncheon, Pork Roast Meals All seniors, 60 or older, $4 .00 59 and under, $5.00 Children 7-12 years, $4.00 Children 6 and under are free Come and enjoy a reasonable and delicious meal and socialize Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 12:00 noon. Bring a friend. Walking in the GYM is FREE on Monday, Wednesday and Friday in Association with the YAH luncheon. ANY HOME BOUND SENIOR IN NEED OF MEALS, please call 641-2107 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday before 10:00 a.m. with your request; it will be delivered that day. NEED A RIDE TO THE LUNCHES - Just a phone call away. The Senior Bus is available in a 5 mile radius of town 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. for persons needing a ride to and from YAH Senior Meals. Please Call 970-596-6700 to arrange for a ride before 9:00 a.m. IN HONOR OF EARTH MONTH, Metamorphosis Salon and Spa in Gunnison has partnered with Aveda and Western Water Resources in an effort to save the Colorado River. During April donations will be collected that will be used right here in Colorado. In addition, for every $12 donation receive an Aveda Earth Month candle while supplies last. (4/22). DOUBLE SHOT CYCLERY GROUP ROAD RIDES every Wednesday at 5:30pm. Meet in front of Double Shot Cyclery. First ride started March 18th and continue through summer every Wednesday. (4/8). FROM THE ANDES TO THE AMAZON: Searching for birds and other wildlife in one of the most biodiverse areas on the planet. Join world traveling naturalist and photographer Arden Anderson for a slideshow and travelogue at the Gunnison Library, Wednesday, April 8th at 7pm. (4/8). HEAR FOOD-ACTIVIST MARK WINNE SPEAK ABOUT FOOD REBELS AND GUERRILLA GARDENERS at the 2015 Farm-toTable conference on April 8 at 7pm at Western’s University Center. Conference details under (4/8). CBMR - THE ULTIMATE SNOWMOBILER: April 8-12. The Ultimate Snowmobiler is taking place in the CBMR base area. This event will see 200 250 racers. (4/8). COME TO THE NEXT MONTHLY MEETING of the Gunnison Business Women: Wednesday, April 8 at 12pm at The Clarke Agency (241 N. Main St.). Invaluable opportunities for networking, personal and professional development, and outreach in the community. Men also welcome! (4/8). COME OUT FOR A COMMUNITY LEISURE BICYCLE RIDE around town, meet at All Sports Replay, 115 W Georgia in Gunnison, on Wednesdays at 6pm beginning April 15. (4/15). SOCIAL MEDIA FOR BUSINESS: How to make friends with LinkedIn and Twitter. Thursday, April 9th at 6pm at the Gunnison Library. See our website for a full description of this great class and call to reserve your spot., 6413485. (4/8). 222 1/2 north main, gunnison, colorado 81230 TODAY’S MODERN SQUARE DANCE LESSONS Open to all (Young, Seniors, Singles, Couples, Family)! If you can walk You can Dance! Make new friends! Gunnison Community Center Thursdays 7-9pm. 970-596-4252 (4/8). FREE THE HONEY CONCERT/ALBUM PROJECT FUNDRAISER: Free the Honey plays the Gunnison Arts Center on Friday, April 10th! Come enjoy a fun evening of home-grown music with an Americana sound and hints of blue-grass, gospel, gypsy, old-time blues and jazz thrown into the mix! The evening is a fundraiser to support their upcoming album project! The night will also include special guests, tasty appetizers, and a silent auction full of items from local art to spa gift certificates to new Free the Honey merchandise. Doors and silent auction open at 6:00 pm. Concert starts at 7:00 and silent auction ends at 8:30 pm. Tickets $15/adults and $5/kids (12-). (4/8). WSCU GEAR SWAP: April 10 125pm, April 11, 10-3pm. On the Western State University Center Lawn. Buy and sell your used gear. Free Food and Music! Money made benefits WP and Colvig Silver Camps. Look us up on Facebook! Email for questions. Garage.Yardsale.Flea IL 11 SATURDAY, APR 8:30-NOON MULTIPURPOSE ROEORM FRED FIELD CENT FTERS OPEN TO RETAIL, CRVAIDUALS NDI NON-PROFITS, I RADE! T , L L E S , Y U B E M CO us @ For more info contact THIS IS A YARD SALE NOTICE: The Shopper is holding our community yard sale/flea market/shopping extravaganza Saturday, April 11. This will take place at the Fred Field Center from 8:30-noon. We are looking for vendors at $5/table (proceeds go to American Cancer Society Relay for Life). Call or stop by the Shopper for more info! 6413148, 222 1/2 N Main St., Gunnison. (4/8). UP-CYCLED RESIN JEWELRY WORKSHOP: Turn your old jewelry into beautiful wearable pieces. Bring any old jewelry item, old mechanical camera or watch parts, old chains, fabrics, or scrapbooking paper to this one day workshop and create one pendant and one belt buckle. You will learn how to take apart old jewelry and rearrange the components inside new shapes with colorful backgrounds, and then preserve them in doming resin. It’s easy and fun! Instructor: Deirdre Jones. Saturday April 11, 1pm-4pm. $55 includes all supplies. Pre-registration is encouraged. (4/8). LUGARES EN EL CENTRO Y LUGARES PÚBLICOS: cualquier animal que dejen amarrado en las bancas, en donde se amarran las bicicletas, o en los postes y dejados sin atender por sus dueños o por la persona que los esta cuidando es considerado un delito. Para no recibir una multa, por favor quédese junto de su animal a todos tiempos o déjelos en casa o en el auto. (4/8). Let’s Get Ready to Relay! RELAY FOR LIFE APRIL 11, 4pm 10pm! WSCU FIELD HOUSE Sign up your team at gunnisoncounty (4/8) PAINT YOUR OWN POTTERY: BRIGHT SPRING COLORS: Join the Gunnison Arts Center Saturday and Sunday, April 11th and 12th from 1 - 5pm in the Clay Studio for open PYOP. Come celebrate Spring by creating a bright & cheerful piece of pottery. Choose from our wonderful selection of bisque-ware items. You are sure to find a piece that will help you bring Spring into your home! Prices of the items range from $5 - $45. No sitting fee and all supplies and instruction are included in the price. Please allow one week for piece to be kiln fired and ready for pick-up. We can ship finished pieces for an additional charge. 970-641-4029. (4/8). WE SPEAK EURO! Volvo, Audi, VW, BMW, Mercedes serviced by Master Technicians. Precision Automotive, since “1984”. 641-4040 (4/8/17). HEY! YOU ON THE BIKE! Please, don’t ride on the sidewalks. Thanks. (4/8). gary rogers - executive, sales, etc, etc... joellen fonken - production head, manager, etc... kadie graham - want ad specialist, filemaker pro, etc... nicki anderson - email expert, phones, phones, etc... d e a d l i n e 1 0 : 0 0 a m tu e s d a y s f or sa le non-business; automotive, household, sporting equipment, miscellaneous • l ost & f oun d h e l p w a n te d • w a n te d to b uy ya rd sa les • ann ou nc emen ts non-profit ra nc hin g • mo tori zed c a r s & t r uc k s 641.3148 (4/8). published weekly by the gunnison country shopper, inc. fre e p erso nal wa n t- ad s MARKET phone 970.641.3148 222 1/2 n. main, gunnison fax 970.641.3101 office hours mondays & tuesdays 8:00 to 5:30, closed wednesdays - delivery day, thursdays by appointment, fridays 8:00 to 4:30. subscriptions 1 year $55 • 6 months $28 • 3 months $14 • 1 month $5 l oc a l bu s in e ss w a n t -a ds d e a d l i n e 2: 0 0 p m t u es d a ys 30 ¢ w o r d / $ 5 . 4 0 m i n i m u m re al e stat e f or sale o r ren t • ser vi ce s o ff e r e d • f i r e w o o d f o r s a l e • b u s i n e s s o pp o r t u n i t i e s • c o m m e r c i a l b u s i n e s s our business want ad rate is 30¢ per word with a $5.40 minimum per issue and payment in advance is required. please proof your ad the first time it appears. in house credit will be given for only one incorrect insertion. correction deadline is the same as insertion deadline. “INSPIRATION” CONCERT: On Sunday, April 12th at 3pm at the Gunnison Arts Center enjoy a light recital of violin and piano by artists Ken Todd and Alicia Belgiovane with a prelude by the Western State String Ensemble. This performance is a way to say “thank you” to all of the many people who have inspired us, and to this community that offers continuing inspiration. The event is copresented by George Sibley, Maryo Ewell, and the Gunnison Arts Center. Admission by donation. Doors open at 2:30 with tea, lemonade and cookies. Please join us to enjoy a diverse program of good music — and bring along someone who inspired you to love the arts. (4/8). HOPE’S FAIRY TALE: CHILDREN’S THEATER CAMP: Written and directed by Alice Stern, “Hope’s Fairy Tale” is a unique production that will use puppets animated by unconcealed puppeteers alongside human actors. Students will learn basic stage terms, theatre skills including puppeteering and will memorize their lines in this 45 minute long show! Due to the length and memorization expectation, this show will be for kids 7 - 14 years old. Space is limited for actors and puppeteers! Rehearsals will be Monday - Thursdays 4-5:30pm from April 13th - April 23rd & Monday-Wednesday, 4-5:30pm. April 27th-April 29th. Performances will be Saturday, May 2nd at 1pm & 2:30pm. Tuition is $100 for the full three week camp. Scholarships available. Pre-registration is extremely helpful. (4/8). WESTERN STATE COLORADO UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC: Spring 2015 Concert: Tuesday, April 14th - Western Jazz Ensembles Concert, 7:30pm. Quigley Recital Hall. (4/8). CLAY & COCKTAILS: Create a hand-built piece all your own in our Clay Studio while you enjoy delicious drinks and appetizers. This is a fun event and night out and has become one of our most popular series events. Work will be kiln fired and available for pick up one week after the event. $35 includes supplies, two drinks, inspiration and fun! Special: sign 4 people up for the price of 3. Instructor: Sheila Anderson. Thursday, April 16th from 6-9pm. Pre-registration is encouraged. (4/15). 2015 YOUTH/WOMEN HUNTER EDUCATION COURSE OFFERED: April 14, 16, 21, 23, 28, 30 at Western State College University; Paul Wright Gym Rm 17, Gunnison. Classes are 6-8pm. Field Day May 2 (Sat 9am1:30pm. Gunnison State Wildlife Area. Fees: $10. Pre-registrations are required at or call Parks and Wildlife at 970-6417060. Space is limited to 40 students. A Mentor is requested to take the course with the youth. Next Hunter Ed Course will be in August (4/8). M.A.P.I. MINISTERIO APOSTOLICO PROFETICO INTERNACIONAL: Iglesia Cristiana EMANUEL. Anuncia que se traslado de sede. Informes en los telefonos: 970-258-2046, 970-2343041, 970-964-8545, 970-9648519. ¡Los Esperamos! (4/8). T ay l o r H al l , R o o m 3 0 3 e x t en d e d st u d i es @ w e st er n. ed u 9 70 - 9 4 3- 2 8 8 5 Wednesdays at Western 2015 Catalog is now available online! Visit to register. BASIC BIRDING, Jeff Ewert, $80. Saturdays, 4/4-4/25, 10:00AM B 12:00PM, including field trips SELF DEFENSE SEMINAR, Rick Martinez,Tuesday and Wednesday, 4/7-4/8, 6:00PM B 8:00PM INTRODUCTION TO FLY FISHING, Jeff Ewert, $75, Tuesdays, 4/7-4/28, 6:30PM B 8:30PM TWO HOURS TO BETTER WRITING, Janet Smith, $20, Wednesday, 4/8, 5:30PM B 7:30PM Writing the Rockies Conference, July 22-26 to register. gunnison country shopper, april 8, 2015 NOTICE OF GUNNISON COUNTY, BLM AND USFS ROAD CLOSURES Gunnison County, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the United States Forest Service (USFS) have temporarily closed a number of roads to all motor vehicles to protect Gunnison Sage-grouse during their mating season and to prevent road damage during wet spring conditions. These roads were closed March 15 and will reopen on May 15, 2015. The U.S. Forest Service Closures extend through June 15 to protect nesting Gunnison Sage-grouse. The cooperation of the public is required to successfully implement these road closures. The closures will aid in the preservation of the Gunnison Sage-grouse and may assist in reducing impacts on residents and visitors of Gunnison County from the Federal listing of the grouse under provisions of the Endangered Species Act. Copies of the closure list and maps are available at Gunnison County Public Works, 195 Basin Park Drive; Gunnison County Community Development Department, 221 N. Wisconsin; Colorado Parks and Wildlife office, 300 W. New York; Bureau of Land Management office, 210 West Spencer, Unit A, and the U.S. Forest Service office, 216 N. Colorado, Gunnison, Colorado. These closures apply to all motor vehicles. Do not park at the closures in a manner that blocks access through the closure gates. All non-motorized trail users are also requested to use Gunnison Basin roads/trails only after 9 a.m. during this period to help reduce disturbance to Sage-grouse. For additional information call Gunnison County Public Works at 641-0044; the Gunnison County Wildlife Conservation Coordinator at 641-7604; BLM at 642-4940; or the U.S. Forest Service at 641-0471. IN RESPONSE TO THE SPRUCE BEETLE EPIDEMIC, the Public Lands Partnership (PLP) is cohosting public meetings in the communities that are affected by the infestation and natural disturbance occurring on our Public Lands. We are extending an invitation for you or your group to attend an upcoming informational meeting to “Meet the Beetles.” Date: Wednesday, April 15th, 68pm, WSCU University Center, South Ballroom, Gunnison, CO .For more information call 970640-7076 (4/15). WESTERN STATE COLORADO UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC: Thursday, April 16th Western Percussion Ensemble/Steel Band Concert, 7:30 pm. Quigley Recital Hall. (4/15). PLEASE JOIN THE WESTERN STATE COLORADO UNIVERSITY PERCUSSION ENSEMBLE AND STEEL BANDS for an evening of music on Thursday, April 16th at 7:30pm in Quigley Recital Hall. The program will feature works by Alan Hovhaness and Steve Reich in addition to world music selections including Mexican marimba repertoire, Japanese Taiko transcription, and several Calypso arrangements from Trinidad and Tobago. The event is free and open to the public. (4/15). WESTERN AMIGOS will be Hosting: B-BALL FOR LIFE 5 on 5 Basketball Tournament Has you team signed up yet?! Place: Mountaineer Field House When: April 16th at 6:30 PM 6 People per team (Subs included) No more then 2 WSCU Basketball Players on one team. Price: $25 per team. Make checks payable to American Cancer Society. Sign up in the Multicultural Center UC 122 or call MCC at 943-2234. All proceeds go to the American Cancer Society. (4/15). PICK UP YOUR PEN, START TYPING, A WRITING GROUP IS GETTING STARTED IN THE GUNNISON VALLEY! Peer critiques. Writing prompts. Supportive community. All abilities/interest levels welcome. The group will meet the third Thursday of every month at 6:30pm in the Ann Zugelder Library, 307 N Wisconsin, beginning April 16. Inspiration. Motivation. Accountability. See you there. (4/15). PADRES, por favor eduquen a sus hijos como y cuando usar correctamente el 9-1-1. (4/8). CB CENTER FOR THE ARTS FILM “TRACKS”: Thursday, April 16, 7 pm. $10. “Tracks”, starring Mia Wasikowska, tells the incredible true story of Robyn Davidson, a young Australian woman who in 1977 undertook a perilous solo trek across the stunning Australian outback. Accompanied only by her dog and four camels, she satisfies her craving for solitude by traveling across the desert from Alice Springs to the Indian Ocean. Running time is 112 minutes. Rated PG 13. Doors open at 6:30pm.; 970-349-7487, or the Center at 606 Sixth Street in Crested Butte. (4/15). “THE EXIT INTERVIEW” written by William Missouri Downs and directed by Senior Theatre and Performance Studies student Dante Velez, will be presented by Peak Productions April 16th-18th and April 23rd-25th at 7:30pm in Western’s Taylor Studio Theatre. For advance ticket reservations or for more information contact Peak Productions at 970-943-3013 or by e-mailing Please note: the play contains adult language and situations. (4/15). GAC MONTHLY FILM: “TRACKS”, starring Mia Wasikowska, tells the incredible true story of Robyn Davidson, a young Australian woman who in 1977 undertook a perilous solo trek across the stunning Australian outback. Accompanied only by her dog and four camels, she satisfies her craving for solitude by traveling across the desert from Alice Springs to the Indian Ocean. Running time is 112 minutes. Rated PG-13. Saturday, April 18th. Doors open at 6:30pm. Film at 7pm. Admission $10. Full bar and popcorn available. (4/15). THE GUNNISON VALLEY GARDEN FESTIVAL will take place on Saturday April 18th from 9 to 1 at the Rodeo Grounds. Exhibitors will have seeds, starts, trees, information and much more. Presentations include: Changes in Growing Season, Season Extenders, Conserving Water in the Garden, Natural Pesticides, and Native Bees. To exhibit contact Paul at or call 901-2418. (4/15). WANT A HALF DAY KINDERGARTEN OPTION FOR YOUR CHILD? There is a group of families fighting to get it back for Lake school. Email for more info. Registration is Friday. (4/15). EXOTIC DRINKS • AKU-AKU DINE IN - TAKE OUT FIND OUT HOW EASY AND FUN it is to make your own soft cheeses like mozzarella. Join Leslie Moore for the next free Gunnison Farmers Market workshop from 3 to 5pm on Sunday, April 19th. With Leslie’s guidance and simple ingredients, you will create several delicious cheeses and gain the experience to make them again at home. The hands-on workshop will be at Gunnison Vitamin & Health Food Store, 804 N. Main Street. Please call or text Leslie at 275-0454 to RSVP. (4/15). ONE VALLEY PROSPERITY PROJECT: There will be second Community Conversation in Gunnison on April 20 (5:30pm at the Western State Ballroom). We strongly encourage you to get involved in this important effort. Right now we are identifying local values and we really hope you’ll share your perspectives. There are many ways to do so: you can go online ( or you can attend one of the community chats (info on the website). Light refreshments and free childcare. Please feel free to contact Cathie Pagano in the Gunnison County Community Development Office with any questions or comments. 970-6410360 (4/15). WESTERN STATE COLORADO UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC: Tuesday, April 21st Western Symphony Band Concert, 7:30pm. Taylor Auditorium. (4/15). FOOD & FILM EARTH DAY PARTY: Mountain Roots invites the public to screenings of Delta Dawn and Open Sesame, April 22, 5:30pm, at the Gunnison Arts Center and the Majestic Theatre in CB. $10 suggested donation, free local food, cash bar. (4/15). RECREATIONS LIVE PAINTING: reCreations Live Painting will continue through the off season with a new day and location: The Red Room Crested Butte every other Wednesday evening. Get tips on arranging your composition, mixing paints, and applying various painting techniques, all while adding your own unique signature to your piece. Instructor: Jennifer Vannatta. Classes every other Wednesday April 22, May 6 & 20, June 3 & 17. 6-8 p.m. $35.; 970349-7044, or the Art Studio of the Center for the Arts at 111 Elk Avenue. (4/15). A DOG is not for today or tomorrow... a dog is for life. (4/8). ANNUAL PUBLIC LECTURE EXERCISE IS MEDICINE: WSCU, Mountaineer Fieldhouse, Saturday; April 25, 2015. 9am Doors open, light snacks provided; 9:30 - 10:20am - Exercise: The Magic Bullet for Consumer; 10:40 - 11:30am - Stress, Cortisol and Obesity: New Answers! With Dr. Len Kravitz (keynote speaker). Please RSVP to to help us plan for seating. (4/22). ABSTRACT SERIES IN ACRYLIC: Learn about and experiment with abstraction and non-representational imagery. Use drawing mediums to playfully explore shape, form, color and composition. View and study work of famous abstract artists for inspiration. Finally, using acrylic paints and mediums, complete a fun and surprising abstract series on three 6x6 cradled canvas panels that “go” together and are ready to hang. Instructor: Ivy Walker. Saturday, April 25. 9am1pm. $55 + $20 supply fee.; 970349-7044, or the Art Studio of the Center for the Arts at 111 Elk Avenue. (4/22). 202 E. Tomichi page 3 641-5054 GOODBYE TO SKI SEASON... HELLO SPRING!!! EXPLORING MIXED MEDIA AND COLLAGE: For both students new to painting or painters who would like to branch out and explore. Learn to incorporate photos and textured materials, in addition to paints to create two 16 x 20 mixed media abstract works. Please bring collage materials (photos, pictures, anything made of paper or thin material). Instructor: Becky Chappell. Class meets Tuesdays for five weeks April 28-May 26. 5:30-7:30pm. $90 + $30 supply fee.; 970-349-7044, or the Art Studio of the Center for the Arts at 111 Elk Avenue. (4/22). THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF THE GUNNISON FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY will meet at the Gunnison Public Library on Wednesday, April 29th, 2015 at 5:30pm. All who are interested in the Library are welcome and if you have donated to the Gunnison Friends of the Library, you are considered a member. We are welcoming a new Board member. Refreshments will be served. Contact Lynn Cudlip at 970-2091143 for further information. (4/29). PAINT YOUR OWN POTTERY: Make your own gifts for Mom and Dad during these special Paint Your Own Pottery days! We fire the kiln on the Monday directly after each set of painting days, with pieces ready for pick up two days later on Wednesday from 4-6pm. Pay only for what you paint. Drop in anytime during the hours listed. Mother’s Day: Saturday, May 2 & Sunday, May 3. 10am-1pm. Father’s Day: Saturday, June 13 & Sunday, June 14. 10am-1pm.; 970349-7044, or the Art Studio of the Center for the Arts at 111 Elk Avenue. (4/15). BOOMERS’ BOOK CLUB: The Boomers’ Book Club met on Wednesday, April 1st to discuss our April selection of “Ahab’s Wife.” We chose the following selections for the coming months: May 6:”One Thousand White Women” by Jim Fergus; June 3: “The Red Tent” by Anita Diamant; July 1: “ Having Our Say” by Sarah L. & A Elizabeth DeLaney. These selections are all available on a Kindle and also from the public library. Hope to see you on May 6th at 1:15pm at the community center. Ginny Koepsel, 641-3046 (4/8). STYLING, CUTS, PERMS, COLOR, H I G H L I G H T S & TA N N I N G 641-6436 • 520 N Main GREAT IN-STORE SPECIALS! 10% Off Any SPIRITS or WINES with this coupon Excludes Sale Items & Beer SENIOR CITIZENS DISCOUNTS/CASE DISCOUNTS We reserve the right to limit quantities while quantities last - No Rain Checks American Express and Discover Cards Welcome gunnison country shopper, april 8, 2015 page 4 Nepalese,Tibetan & Indian Restaurant 323 E. Tomichi (970) 641-7480 Reservations & Takeout Everyday is Happy Hour 4-7PM $2.00 PBR’s LIVE MUSIC Tuesday Evenings OPEN 7 Days a Week Lunch: 11AM - 2:30PM Dinner: 5 - 9:30PM BOOK TALK AT THE GAC: Join us the first Thursday of every month from 7-8pm to discuss the previous month’s book. On May 7, the group will be discussing “Ubik” by Philip K. Dick. As consumables deteriorate and technology gets ever more primitive, the world needs to find out what is causing the shifts and what a mysterious product called Ubik has to do with it. Open to the public and held at the GAC more info at or (5/6). SEWING BASICS: Learn all you need to know to enter into the DIY world of wonder with fabric, including threading the machine, mechanical procedures, proper tension, and basic stitches. Students need to bring a sewing machine (with the instruction manual and bobbins), tan or white thread, 2.5 yards of fabric, and scissors to get started. Instructor: Laura Elm. Saturdays for four weeks Saturday, May 930. 9am-12pm. $120 + $10 supply fee.; 970349-7044, or the Art Studio of the Center for the Arts at 111 Elk Avenue. (4/8). DISCOVERY OF PERSONAL SYMBOLS: Are you cornflower blue, introverted, and compassionate? Or fiery orange, outgoing, and pragmatic? Come engage in a small group endeavor to discover, interpret, and draw these characteristics for each other, using high quality colored pencils on colored paper. A minimum of six participants are needed. No artistic experience is necessary just the desire to explore art and intuition! Instructor: Carol Connor. Thursday, May 21. 5:15-7:45pm. $30 includes all art supplies.; 970349-7044, or the Art Studio of the Center for the Arts at 111 Elk Avenue. (4/8). CALL FOR ARTISTS AND CRAFTSMEN: Now accepting applications for the 41st Art in the Park held Sunday, July 26 at the Legion Park located on Highway 50 in the heart of Gunnison, CO. Sponsored by the Gunnison Branch of the American Association of University Women, the event brings together diverse artists and craftsmen and thousands of buyers. No fee for application and screening. An $80 registration fee is due upon acceptance. Call 970-641-4230 or e-mail to request information. (4/15). HABLE CON UN ABOGADO GRATIS: Clínica de consulta legal gratis el primer jueves de cada mes en edificio de Servicios Familiares, 225 N. Pine St., Gunnison a las 5:30 de la tarde. Llame a Ellen para obtener más información 970-641-7999. (4/8). It’s that time of year again! Furnace Service Special $89.00* Includes: Filter Change, Motor Oiling, Carbon Monoxide Test, General Cleaning and Maintenance In Gunnison City Limits or $69/hour outlying Areas * Horizontal Furnace & Pellet Stove add $20 We also do mechnical room evalutions and pre-purchase inspections. MODULAR HOUSE & MOBILE HOME SPECIALIST RADON DETECTION AND REMEDIATION 642-0399 *with coupon BRENT CARLSON MEMORIAL HOCKEY TOURNAMENT: The 2015 Brent Carlson Memorial Hockey Tournament was again a success. The tournament was very competitive and the participants had a great time, on and off the ice. Teams from Durango, Telluride, Woodland Park, Alamosa, Montrose, Salida, Crested Butte, and Gunnison participated this year. The money generated by the tournament benefits Brent Carlson’s children in the form of a college fund and an annual donation is made after the tournament to a local cause or charity. This year’s donation was made to Gunnison Hospice in the name of Carol Barton. The Brent Carlson Memorial Hockey Tournament committee would to thank everyone involved in making this year’s tournament a success and specifically GJ Santelli and Eric Roemer of the East River Skate Association / Wooden Nickle for their very generous donation. (4/15). KBUT IS LOCATED AT 88.7 FM IN GUNNISON. Our signal strength has increased from 40 watts to 6500 watts this past year. Tune us in loud and clear. (4/8). THE GUNNISON VALLEY CALENDAR: Keep it Short, Keep it Sweet.... submit your Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How to (4/8). Gunnison Recreation & Community Center Gunnison Parks & Recreation would like to extend a HUGE Thank You to the following people and businesses for their contribution to our Underwater Easter Egg Hunt: City Market, Paper Clip, Boom-a-Rang, Gunnison Country Association of Realtors, and Gunnison Law Office of Thomas M. Riser, Local Boy Scout Troops and WSCU Girls Swimming & Diving Team. We had over 75 families that enjoyed our Underwater Egg Hunt, Face Painting, Bounce House and other Easter festivities. Thank you to our donors, volunteers and participants for a very Successful Event! More information at 200 East Spencer Avenue 970-641-8060 THE GUNNISON CLOTHING PROJECT would like to give many thanks to Cory at High Country Carpet for donating carpeting, and to Elanor and Kelly at Rendezvous for donating our wonderful new clothing trees! Thank you so much! (4/8). FUEL WOOD PERMITS ON SALE: The Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison National Forests announced that “personal use” firewood permits are available for purchase beginning April 6. Permits can be purchased for $10/cord, with a twocord minimum requirement. The maximum limit is 10 cords per household each year. For more information about fuelwood permits, requirements/regulations and current road closures please contact the following offices. Permits will be on sale from 8 AM to 4 PM on normal business days. Gunnison Ranger District 970641-0471. To view permit conditions and information visit the Forest Service website below. ug/fuelwood (4/15). SUMMER BOOK CLUB: Help initiate a new summer book club, set to meet bi-monthly. Book selections will be member-submitted and may include history, biography, literature/fiction, science, theology, philosophy, politics, and related subjects. If interested, please contact Brandon by phone (call or text) at 614-557-4957. (4/8). ATTENTION: Citizens of the Gunnison Basin and surrounding area. Every Monday morning at 8:05 am, Jim Kirshner from 580 KUBC in Montrose is talking to area residents from Montrose, Delta & Gunnison Counties on Agriculture related topics. Leaders in their respected fields give their input & advise on water, livestock, renewable energy, crops, endangered species, youth in agriculture, BLM & Forest road closures, etc. Gunnison Farm Bureau invites you to listen in! (4/8). ACA WHITEWATER KAYAK INSTRUCTOR CERTIFICATION COURSE, levels 1-4. June 5-9 at Three Rivers Resort in Almont. Must be a confident Class III boater with a solid roll. $499 for course or $199 for recertification. V i s i t for info and registration or call 970-6411303. (4/8/46). THE GUNNISON VALLEY OBSERVATORY is recruiting summer volunteers to assist during our public viewing season, (Friday and Saturday nights, 6/12 through 9/12). Contact Mike Brooks 970-596-0927 or email for further information. (4/15). THE MULTICULTURAL RESOURCE SERVICES, 225 N. Pine St., Suite B, now has full time funding thanks to a grant from Caring for Colorado, El Pomar, and Mentor’s Program. We share the office with CAFÉ (Center for Adult and Family Education). Come by of call Ellen 641-7999. If I’m not in, it’s because I often have to be in meetings or trainings. If you have a medical emergency, please call 911 (4/8). WORRIED ABOUT DEVELOPMENTAL DELAYS IN YOUR YOUNG CHILD? Call Public Health for referral information @ 641-0209. (4/8). VETERANS: Do you need assistance in your home? Visiting Angels is now servicing VETS in the Gunnison area, with no cost to you. Call to see if you qualify for this Veteran benefit. Visiting Angels of SW Colorado. 970-2645991 (4/8). DID YOU KNOW WHEN YOU DIAL 9-1-1 in Gunnison County you reach a Dispatch Center in Gunnison? (4/8). SI MARCA EL 9-1-1 POR DENTE NO CULEGUE Y TENGA LA CONEXIÓN que el operador le indique. ACCIMANhasta (4/8). :HHG0DQDJHPHQWLQWKH *XQQLVRQ%DVLQ&XUUHQW DQG)XWXUH,VVXHV $SULO$0-30 0XOWL-3XUSRVH%XLOGLQJDWWKH *XQQLVRQ&RXQW\)DLUJURXQGV 7KHJURZLQJVHDVRQLVDSSURDFKLQJ$WWHQGWKLV )UHHZRUNVKRSWROHDUQDERXWPDQDJLQJQR[LRXV ZHHGVRQWKHODQGV\RXFDUHIRU6WDWHDQGORFDO H[SHUWVZLOOVKDUHLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWVDIHHIIHFWLYH DQGHQYLURQPHQWDOO\-IULHQGO\QR[LRXVZHHG PDQDJHPHQW )RUVSHDNHUDQGWRSLFLQIRUPDWLRQDQGWRUHVHUYH\RXU VHDWYLVLWZZZJXQQLVRQFRORVWDWHHGXRUFDOOWKH *XQQLVRQ&RXQW\:HHG0DQDJHPHQW3URJUDPDW - MOUNTAIN TIMOTHY $ 5 .5 0 /bal e Excellent Condition B u n dl ed in t o 2 1 b al e bu n d le s f o r e as y tr anspor ting. Gunnison, CO. 81230 3 03 - 80 8- 56 88 ri ck r an d al l@ qw es to f f ic e. n et CELEBRATE RECOVERY MEETINGS: Tuesday, 6pm, Oh Be Joyful Church, Crested Butte. Call 970-596-3846 or go to for more detailed information. (4/8). GUNNISON STUDENTS’ ARTWORK FINDS ITS WAY HOME. Eight banners containing individual artwork squares made by students in grades K-5 that hung in the GES commons area since the building opened in 1997 have been taken down. The squares have been cut apart and GES would like to return them to the artists who created them. Anyone who had a square on the banners may pick up their piece at the main office of GCS, where they will be held until May 29. For more information, call 970-6417710. (5/27). PROFESSIONAL DETAILING: Carpet, upholstery shampoo, buff, wax, complete interior and exterior. Call Precision Automotive for a appointment. 641-4040, (4/8/19). RELAY FOR LIFE LUMINARIAS! Get Yours Now for the Luminaria Ceremony at Relay for Life April 11, 4-10pm Call Kadie 970-596-2216 (4/8) DON’T FORGET! Gunnison Valley PTA is collecting Box Tops 4 Education. This is an easy way for anyone to support your local community school/PTA. You can send your Box Tops to your child’s classroom or put them in collection containers at the public library or the community center. Thank you for your support! (4/8). THE AMERICAN LEGION FAMILY THANKS all who helped make the Easter Egg hunt another successful one -all who volunteered their time, WalMart, Safeway, McDonald’s, the Shopper, KEJJ. Ann Bertchy and the Get Your Goat 4-H Club, and Gunnison Police Dept’s Rob Whiting and his wife Svea. (4/15). FOR SALE: Weil-McLain hot water boiler. 90% efficiency, 175K BTU, capacity 3,000 sq. ft. home. Used only 6 years. New $4,300, will sell for $1,100. 275-4852 (4/8). IT’S POLARIS SNOW CHECK SELECT TIME at Sun Sports Unlimited Order your 2016 Pro RMK and receive Free customization and a Free 4 Year Warranty! Sun Sports Unlimited 970-641-0883 or sunsportsunlimited. com HURRY Offer ends 4/14/15 (4/8/35) SIX POINTS THANKS the Gunnison Valley for all your donations and support. Just a reminder, our store hours are: 9 6 Monday - Friday 10 - 5 Saturday Closed Sundays Donations are accepted Monday - Saturday during regular business hours. (4/8). gunnison country shopper, april 8, 2015 C.A. West Bookkeeping Complete Sole-proprietor, Partnership, Corporate, Business Accounting & Tax Preparation A Registered Tax Return Preparer NOW ACCEPTING NEW CLIENTS 641-5644 234 N. Main Street Suite 3D IT’S LUNCH TIME! CHILD’S BOOKCASE WANTED: with front facing bins, or a “sling” bookcase. Please call 970-5962216 (4/8). FOR SALE: Raichle All-degree Lite Gore-tex hiking boots. Women’s 6.5. New in box. Really nice. $40. 349-5190. (4/15). GENERAL FLOOD SAFETY: Brought to you by the City of Gunnison Floodplain Manager. Follow all of the hazard preparedness tips that you have learned by educating yourself and your family so that you will be ready and safe in the event of an emergency! FOR SALE: Empire 4pc drum set, bass needs new head, no cymbals, $75 firm. 970-5967966. (4/15). (4/8). GUNNISON CLOTHING PROJECT: Need clothes? We are now open every Tuesday and Saturday from 10am-2pm. Located in the alley west 10th between Tomichi and Virginia. All clothes are free, though donations are welcome. (4/15). FOR SALE: Leatherman MultiTool, $15, 349-5190. (4/15). 7,900 Gunnison Country Shoppers every WEDNESDAY La k e S c h o o l , G C S & C BC S Lu n ch M e n u A p r il 1 3 - 1 7 H a rv e st o f t h e M o n t h ˜ Celery ˜ M on d a y Baked Potato Diced Ham & Shredded Cheese Green Beans Roll L Fruit T ue sday Spaghetti w/Meat Sauce H Corn Cucumber Slices Bread Pineapple We dne sd ay Chicken Sandwich Sweet Potato Fries Celery Sticks* Fruit Cocktail Thurs day Hot Dog w/Bun Dark Salad Greens Cherry Tomatoes Strawberries Fr i d a y White Chicken Chili H Carrot Sticks Broccoli Roll L Diced Pears All Meals Served with Milk Menus Subject to Change H = Homemade L = Local food * = Harvest of the Month Menus Provided by Mountain Roots Food Project ARE YOU RENTING? You can feel safe and secure for as little as $8/mo with a Renters Policy that provides protection for your personal belongings, personal liability, and even identity theft. Find out for yourself why American Family Insurance & The Nelson Family Agency were voted “BEST INSURANCE AGENCY” in the Valley! Call Rick and his team of local professionals at 641-3481 or stop by our office at 1140 N Main. COFFEE AND END TABLES: Medium brown oak with light smoked colored glass tops trimmed with gold. Measures 56”x25”x16”; 26”x22”x21”; 22”x22”x16”. $225 for set of three, OBO. 970-641-1306 (4/8). FOR SALE: 2 - 8x10ft. heavy galvanized elk panels, $150/both. 275-4852. (4/8). FOR SALE: xcountry ski poles, 58”-66” lengths, $10 ea. 3495190. (4/15). (4/8) AUTO DETAILING by ROLANDO Wash, Wax, Carpet Cleaning, Interior Steam Cleaning Call John Roberts Motor Works for an appointment 970-641-0920 DESK with medium stained top, antique white sides 29-1/2’ x 65”, very good condition. $50. 3499364. (4/8). STAIRMASTER: commercial free climber 4200PT. Sports/medical products, L.P. Paid $2400, asking $650 OBO. 719-251-3644. GLASSWARE: Some specialty beer glasses, lots of water glasses. All great condition. Call Liz 497-0787 (4/8). OLDER CRAFTSMAN TABLE SAW with motor mounted on stand. Good condition. Asking $75 OBO. 641-0711 (4/15). GENERAL FLOOD SAFETY: Brought to you by the City of Gunnison Floodplain Manager. Do not return to your home until it has been determined safe to do so: There is often damage to the structure that could make it dangerous to enter safely. Be cautious and ask for help if you are unsure. (4/8). FOR SALE: large Styrofoam ice chests, 16x24x14, 1 1/2” thick, limited number available, $10 ea. Bob 641-9021. (4/8). NORCO SHORE downhill bike 8” travel. Triple Crown. Size S. $650 OBO. 415-318-9477. (4/8). D NORTHSTAR CABOVER CAMPER: 8’ bed, everything works: fridge, propane stove & heater, $6500. 209-0200. (4/8). LEFEVRE ACCOUNTING COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING, SALES TAX NON PROFIT AND PAYROLL SERVICES Scott LeFevre 970-349-5161 home 970-901-6648 cell (4/8/19) FOR SALE: A pair of women’s RAMP skis. 170cm with bindings for $300. They have been skied on 3 times. Women’s Technica boot used less than 10 times for $100. Please call 412-760-2261 with questions! (4/8). FOR SALE: Look Pivot ski bindings, 115 brakes, $100. 3495190. (4/15). WANTED: 20” touch screen computer monitor. Call Andrew 610316-8188 (4/15). FIREWOOD FOR SALE Hard & Soft Woods 970-424-2936 (4/8/7) NEED SERVICE? When it’s time for vehicle maintenance, come in to see our Certified Service technicians. Expert care. Trained above and beyond. Technicians as advanced as the vehicles they service. (970)641-0920 or (888)292-8915 212 W. HWY 50 • Gunnison (4/8/20) FOR SALE: small foosball game for little guys. Designed to sit on a table. 20” x 36” not including handles. Quality made. Call 349-6337 to get a photo. (4/8). (4/8/13) See the Professionals at John Roberts Motor Works to get your vehicle road ready for spring trips! FOR SALE: counter top pizza oven; Gevalia coffee maker. 2090142. (4/8). FOR SALE: Dynafit binding guide leashes, new in package $10. 349-5190 (4/15). Let Us Sell Your ATV or Motorcycle Only $75 Sun Sports Unltd 641-0883 SPRING HAS SPRUNG! WALK IN WHIRLPOOL BATH TUB FOR SALE: Has whirlpool and air jets, hand held shower. Excellent condition. $700 OBO. 641-0210. (4/8). WANTED TO BUY: Enclosed utility trailer in good condition. Please call 970-275-0225. (4/15). 6-7 PERSON HOT TUB: Vita Spa, 6 yrs. old, new $9000, hardly used, sell $3050 OBO. 2754852 (4/8). page 5 (4/8). WATER METER: $150; 2754852. (4/8). TURKEY DECOYS FOR SALE: call for details, 417-8996. (4/15). DEAD Silver change Main, CAR KEY BATTERY? Queen Jewelry can it for you. 134 North Gunnison. 641-9021. (4/8/17). NOAH WHITE WATER KAYAK: 4 meter, Kevlar hull, nylon deck. Good, light boat for the lake or the Gunnison. $75. Call Jay Miller 970-209-2864. (4/15). FOR SALE: 4 - 15x10 6-lug Trubin aluminum wheels. $150. 970-343-0367. (4/8). YOUTH GARDEN LEADERS: Teens wanted in leadership roles for the CBCS and GCS school gardens. 6 hrs/wk this summer, looks great on your resume. We will train you. Contact Holly at 970-417-7848 or (4/15). FOR SALE: 8x12 lofted shed, 2 years old, like new condition, $3000 OBO, call Cindy @ 720480-0639 (4/8). TODOS LOS MIÉRCOLES (excepto días feriados) La Despensa de Alimentos de Gunnison (Gunnison Country Food Pantry) está abierta de 1pm-4pm, 321 N. Main St # C. (sobre calle Ohio) 970-641-4156. También puede llamar a la Oficina Multicultural 641-7999 si tiene preguntas. (4/8). BUILD A GO CART: 2 Powerhouse engines 208cc, 2 seats, 1 steering wheel, 4 Goodyear 15x6 wheels with tires, 4 wheels, 3 - 11x6 tires. All NEW! $200. Text/call 970-209-0064. (4/15). WANTED TO BUY: all guitars, any condition, used, vintage, etc. Castle Creek Guitars, 132 North Main, 641-2747. (4/8/17). CERAMIC TILE SAW WITH TABLE for sale, $250. Call 970209-9861 and leave a message if you are interested, I’ll get back to you. (4/15). YOUR FREE ADS RUN FOR TWO WEEKS automatically (unless date restricted, i.e. yard sales, events) when you call, fax, email, or bring them in yourself. Really! Two weeks on renewal ads as well. It’s amazing!, 641-3148. (4/8). Certified Service Genuine GM Parts Collision Center GENERATOR FOR SALE: Champion 1500 watt generator. Only used twice just like new. $150 OBO. Call 641-4184 (4/15). LAWNMOWER: old, needs TLC, runs, $50. 596-7966. (4/15). We Sell WeatherPorts, We Repair WeatherPorts, We Buy WeatherPorts, We Rent WeatherPorts! Contact Global Shelters today for all your WeatherPort needs. Serving the Gunnison/ Crested Butte valley for over 45 years! Sharbel @ 970-209-9711 (4/8/33) FREE BOOKS: Children from birth to 5 yrs old are eligible to receive books through the Imagination Library Program. Brochures at the Community Foundation for the Gunnison Valley (641-8837), your doctor’s office, public health office or library. (4/8). KAYAK: Prijon Samurai Playboat In great shape, $350 OBO, 970318-8581. (4/8). FOR SALE: 5 bags/80#s Quikrete concrete mix, $10/bag. 641-3325. (4/15). FOR SALE: (2) Yakima high roller roof bike carriers with locks $200. 970-306-9444 (4/8). KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS will meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month at Parish Hall. (4/8). WEST ELK WINDSHIELDS Mobile Auto Glass Service Under New Ownership 641-4505 Your Crack is Our Business. THE “ALAMO” A TOBACCO BAR Magic MO ments MOMENTOUS 2 LADIES NIGHTS WEDNESDAYS 9 TIL Midnight SATURDAYS 9 TIL Midnight $2 PBR Pints - $2 Wells (4/8/16) WHITEWATER KAYAK FOR SALE: Necky-Jive, great shape, always stored inside, $250, call 970-274 -9684 (4/8). WANTED: used Teeter Hangup, 596-2982 (4/8). SIX POINTS DONATION HOURS: at our new location 9am-4pm Monday - Friday; 10am4pm Saturday; Closed on Sunday. Please call Six Points at 970-6413081 for furniture donations or large donations of household items. (4/8). FOR SALE: Mountain Hardware Hammerhead 2 man tent $125 OBO; Bibler Tripod Bivy 4 season $150 OBO; Gregory Shasta 5000 ci backpack $50. All in great shape. Call Wren 596-8815. (4/8). CHILD’S WOODEN WORKBENCH: Red, blue and yellow high quality wooden workbench with vice and storage shelves. Made by KidKraft. In great shape. $35. 349-6611. (4/8). EXTRA CREDIT QUESTION: Isn’t a Cultural Hub a University, Library, Museum... Not a Saloon, Gas Station or a “Craft Beer Pub”? Mr. ChooChoo Gone Wild Sunday Night at The MO DVD Now Available Contact Annie! MOUNTAIN A TRULY FORGETTABLE EXPERIENCE GUNNISON’S LEGENDARY SALOON 2 2 6 N. M a i n • G u n n i s on • 6 4 1- 9 9 0 7 page 6 ¿SABÍA USTED QUE LA BIBLIOTECA PÚBLICA de Gunnison tiene libros en español para niños y adultos? También tienen películas, música y acceso a computadoras. Los miembros de nuestra biblioteca pueden pedir libros de otras bibliotecas, lo que aumenta muchísimo la cantidad de títulos que podemos leer. Visite o llame a la biblioteca al 641-3485, 349-6535 (CB), o Ellen 641 7999 para obtener información en español. (4/8). SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE Need not be done by the dealer to satisfy your warranty requirements, enjoy the convenience of hometown service. Low cost rental cars. Precision Automotive is your “AAA Approved Auto Repair”, celebrating 30 years of service to the Gunnison Valley. 641-4040 (4/8/43). WANTED: BOWLING BALLS, any condition, will pay cash. Dan 641-5054, will pick up. (4/8). TODOS LOS LUNES (excepto días feriados) La Despensa de Alimentos de Gunnison (Gunnison Country Food Pantry) está abierta de 1pm-4pm, 321 N. Main St # C. (sobre calle Ohio) 970-641-4156. También puede llamar a la Oficina Multicultural 641-7999 si tiene preguntas. (4/8). ACA WHITEWATER KAYAK INSTRUCTOR CERTIFICATION COURSE, levels 1-4. June 5-9 at Three Rivers Resort in Almont. Must be a confident Class III boater with a solid roll. $499 for course or $199 for recertification. V i s i t for info and registration or call 970-6411303. (4/8/46). RODMAN’S FARMING & FERTILIZER S P E C IAL IZ IN G IN A L L Y O U R F ER TIL I ZI NG N EE D S 4 082 2 S te w ar t Me sa Rd , P ao n ia C o . 81 4 28 O f f i c e 9 7 0 - 52 7 - 4 9 2 6 C e l l 9 7 0 - 4 6 2 - 1 3 9 3 WANTED TO BUY: machetes, foam padding to make couch cushions, 220 spa heater, cigar boxes, 4ft x 4ft piece of fake green grass stuff, interior white paint; Hardi backer 1/4 to 3/8; Sheet rock 1/4 to 3/8, insulation, towel hangers, metal screen, blinds/curtains, bathtubs, top of deck materials (redwood or other nice wood), call KV at 702-2838294 (4/15). WEDDING DRESS: J.Crew Silk Chiffon. Beautiful and simple. Google “J. Crew Sophia dress” for images. Size 2 (petite). Worn once and dry cleaned. Retails $425, make offer. 596-8954 (4/15). BICYCLE PANNIERS: for touring, good cond., $90. 970-9647488. (4/8). Every Day’s A Great Day for Sending Fresh Flowers, Green Plants, or a Gift Basket Saturday Evening Worship with Rick Barton Trinity Bapst 523 N. Pine 6PM Downstairs “Verse by Verse through the Bible” FOR SALE: CZ 20ga. side by side double triggers, $600. 2092449. (4/8). SNOWBLOWER: 50hp, 24”, small, good for sidewalk or small driveway, pull start, $50. 970596-3053 (4/15). PATIO HEATERS FOR SALE: Four outdoor propane patio heaters. Stainless steel, approx 7 feet tall. $50 each. Call Liz 4970787. (4/15). FOR SALE: used carpet, premium quality, low pile Berber, approx. 14’x12’ in 3 pieces, exc. cons. $20. 641-6352. (4/15). BEANBAG CHAIR FOR SALE: Oversized, beautiful, & very comfy, with leopard print fabric cover. Great for child or adult. Comes with two new bags of filler “beans.” Great condition! Can text pictures. First $40 cash takes it. Call/text Jill 970-6881655. (4/8). GHS Prom is Saturday, April 18th Order Corsages & Boutonnieres Early Best Selection of Bling & Ribbons In the Valley! Give us a Call Today! MISTY MOUNTAIN FLORAL 147 N MAIN STREET GUNNISON 970-641-5102 “Your Downtown Main Street Florist” YAMAHA’S 2016 POWER SURGE is now on at SUN SPORTS UNLIMITED Place a $500 Deposit on a SR Viper and get your choice of Color, Track, and Receive FREE 3 year warranty, $600 in Genuine Yama Accessories plus a FREE Ogio Gear Bag Sun Sports Unlimited 641-0883 sunsportsunlimited. com Offer Ends 4/18/15 (4/8). FREE HOT TUB: 970-641-3445 (4/15). WELL PRESSURE TANK: 44 gal. $200, 970-390-4861. (4/15). TIRES & WHEELS: 4 12.50x33.16.5 w/8-hole chrome wheels, $250. 970-343-0367. (4/8). Chinese Restaurant Dine In - Take Out Tel: (970) 642-6363 113 W. Tomichi, Gunnison, CO 81230 Open 7 Days A Week Mon. - Fri.: 11:00 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. Sat. - Sun.: Noon - 9:30 p.m. 123 W Virginia Gunnison, CO (970) 648-4421 Every year the U.S. government issues billions of dollars in tax refunds. So many billions we’re now calling tax season … refund season. And nobody gets more of your money back than H&R Block. Guaranteed. PUT OUR EXPERTISE TO WORK ON YOUR REFUND. Expires April 15, 2015. Not everyone receives a refund. Based on Maximum Refund Guarantee, see for details. OBTP #B13696 ©2015 HRB Tax Group, Inc. Need a little help? We ALL need a little help now and then. (4/8/51) WANTED TO BUY: PAYING CASH for old American Indian rugs/blankets/pottery/baskets/ beadwork/etc. Also quality antiques and vintage collectibles including art/pottery/photos/etc. Call 641-1533 (4/15). MUSICAL GEAR: Mackie 808 Powered mixer, $400, 2- Yamaha S112 12” speakers, $200 each, 2-Peavy PR15 15” speakers, $150 each. Speaker cords included. Ibanez AG75 hollow body electric guitar with cord, strap, case, $250. 970-209-9134 (4/15). You could SAVE money on Utility Bills, and maybe even get a FREE Refrigerator! FREE HOME ENERGY UPGRADES! Pre-Qualify if a houshold member receives: LEAP, TANF, AND, SNAP, OAP or SSI Or, Qualify By INCOME: # Of Persons 1 2 3 4 JACK OF ALL TRADES LIGHT ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, CARPENTRY AND REMODELING. WINDOW WASHING, YARD WORK, LANDSCAPING, PAINTING, REFINISHING, STAINING, DRYWALL, WELDING AND FABRICATION. PASSIVE SOLAR DESIGN, ENERGY AUDITS AND WEATHERIZATION. HOME INSPECTION, MAINTENANCE, SERVICE AND REPAIRS. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT AND LIGHT HAULING. AND MORE Scott LeFevre 970-349-5161 home 970-901-6648 cell (4/8/50) FLY RODS: all like new, come cast them, basically half price. Redington Prospector 10’9” 4 weight switch rod with a Redington Path reel & Rio switch line, $240. Redington Butter Stick 8’ 5 weight with a Redington Surge reel & Rio line, $195. Scott S3S 9’ 6 weight with a Teton reel, 2 spools w/floating & sinking lines, $325. 641-5520. (4/8). I.S.O.: gunny sacks for three legged race. 641-4053 (4/8). LEGOS: Variety Bags of 200 assorted pieces ($13.95). Used in great condition, washed and sorted. 349-6611. (4/8). (4/8/52) THREE COUNTER HEIGHT BARSTOOLS: 24” high, excellent condition, $150 for all three. Brown upholstered seats and medium color wood. For pics or more info., call 480-415-4380. TRY THE NEW CHINESE RESTAURANT IN TOWN! HYSIDE LIVERY SERIES RAFT: includes oar frame, oars, a spare blade, pump, all mounting straps, patch kit, etc. Over $3500 in equipment, asking $2500 OBO. 970-901-6483. (4/15). 15-0089 gunnison country shopper, april 8, 2015 FOR SALE: kids tag-a-long bike, $100. 641-4992. (4/15). PROM Tuxedos, Suits, Dresses @ The Boom-a-Rang WE BUY-SELL-RENT The Boom-a-Rang 221 N Main St. 970-641-3315. Rent a crazy tux, suit or vintage prom dress $20-$50. Be you, be different, have FUN! (4/8/32) Annual Household Income $23,340.00 $31,460.00 $39,580.00 $47,700.00 For families with more than 8 persons, add $8,120 for each additional person. Call to see how we can help you! 970-417-3436 7 2. KAYAK PADDLE: 191cm, plastic blades, in good shape, $50, 970-318-8786. (4/8). LOOKING FOR A CHECK OUT COUNTER for a retail store. Wooden cabinet preferred. will consider any counter top. Please call 349-9113. (4/8). ROCKWELL MODEL 10, 1.5 Hp, table saw w/stand. $275 5969999 (4/8). GENERAL FLOOD SAFETY: Brought to you by the City of Gunnison Floodplain Manager. Do not attempt to drive through a flooded area: More people drown inside their vehicles than any other instance during a flood. Do not drive around barriers or warning signs. (4/8). INFINITE POSSIBILITIES COURSE & The Power of Positive Creating April 20th - June 2nd Mondays 7pm $70 includes Hand Book and the movie “The Secret” Sign Up with Jai Om Yoga 970-275-5987 (4/8/31) 55 GALLON DRUMS WANTED! Must be free of oil and chemicals. Can pick it up. Thomas 970-3247036. (4/8). DON’T FORGET! Gunnison Valley PTA is collecting Box Tops 4 Education. This is an easy way for anyone to support your local community school/PTA. You can send your Box Tops to your child’s classroom or put them in collection containers at the public library or the community center. Thank you for your support! (4/8). CAMPING GAZ: fuel canisters for a Camping Gaz Bluet Stove. Size/model: CV 206 super. $5 each. 349-6611. (4/8). GENERAL FLOOD SAFETY: Brought to you by the City of Gunnison Floodplain Manager. Do not try to cross flowing water: Drowning is the number one cause of deaths associated with flooding, mostly during flash floods. Water currents can be deceiving. Six inches of moving water can be powerful enough to knock a person down. If you have to walk through water, use a pole or stick for stability and to check the depth of the water. (4/8). Let’s Get Ready to Relay! RELAY FOR LIFE APRIL 11, 4pm - 10pm! WSCU FIELD HOUSE Sign up your team at gunnisoncounty (4/8) I.S.O.: wall cabinets in good or great condition (perhaps from remodel) to mount above washer/dryer. Willing to pay. Call 402322-1218. (4/15). SLEEPER COUCH FOR SALE: Comfy, clean, great condition. $100 OBO. Call 970-275-8910. (4/8). FOR SALE: pair St. Bernard ski poles, each holds 13oz. of booze. 209-0142 (4/8). MOUNTAIN BIKE: used Scott Genius LT 26inch wheels, Size medium, full suspension. $1800. Ready to ride! 970-390-4861 (4/8). gunnison country shopper, april 8, 2015 LOOKING FOR... Major Appliances Carhartts Plumbing Electrical Building Products Lawn & Garden Outdoor Living Power Products Paint Housewares Hardware Advice Customer Service WE HAVE IT ALL! as well. 970-964-7488. (4/8). 2 LIFEJACKETS: Extrasport universal “big red”. $25 each. 3491593 (4/15). HEARING AID: Resound Air OTE. Originally $2000, asking $250. Call 970-462-4936 for details. (4/8). FOR SALE: K2 Coomba skis w/ Fritschi Freeride AT binding 174 cm, $175. 349-5190. (4/15). Spring has Finally Sprung! IN Stock Now Colorful Table Linens, Spring Scented Candles, Bright Floral Stems and Wreaths And Gifts Galore! HOPE & GLORY 147 N Main Street Gunnison 970-641-1638 COLLEGE STUDENTS HAVE SKILLS that they would like to share with you. Need some help? Babysitters, tutors, laborers? Look at the end of the employment section to find an able-bodied and minded student to do what you need done. (4/8). AMERICAN FAMILY INSURANCE & THE NELSON FAMILY AGENCY can provide local protection for your auto, home, business, health, and condo association, and provide life insurance for your family. Find out for yourself why we were voted “BEST INSURANCE AGENCY” in the Valley! Call Rick and his team of professionals to compare at 641-3481, or stop by our office at 1140 N Main. FOR SALE: New 2015 7x12 vnose covered wagon enclosed trailer w/rear ramp tandem 3500lb axles w/locks and spare, $3750, call or txt 806-217-0453. (4/15). GENERAL FLOOD SAFETY: Brought to you by the City of Gunnison Floodplain Manager. Stay away from power lines and electrical wires: The second greatest cause of deaths associated with flooding is electrocution. Electrical current travels through water very easily. Report any fallen or damaged power lines to the authorities immediately. (4/8). IS YOUR TRAILER READY FOR SUMMER? Call us for your welding needs! Gunnison Muffler & Pipe 641-6007 (4/29/16) CLASSIC, STURDY, ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTING TABLE with tilt mechanism. $450 obo. 2754852 (4/8). FOR SALE: Scarpa Skookum AT ski boots, 27.5, heat moldable liners, $50. 349-5190. (4/15). 72 SQUARE FEET OF SPECIES: A Maple, edge: 4-sided micro bevel, installation type: Glue, nail, float, staple. Quarter round: 91966. TMolding: 91965. Reducer: 91970. $395. 209-2780. (4/8). TWO FLAGSTONE COFFEE TABLES: 3x2’ $115; 2x2’, $90. 275-4852. (4/8). PRECISION AUTOMOTIVE, celebrating 30 years in business. Servicing all makes & models. Call 641-4040 for an appointment. (4/8/16). FOR SALE: Tokarev 7.62x25 86 grain FMJ ammo. 1980’s manufacture. Corrosive, brass cased, berdan primed. In round sealed spam can w/o can opener. Getting hard to find at $275. Jon at 641-4257. (4/8). 4 CHEVY WHEELS with 235/85/16 load range E tires. Good tread. Factory steel 6 lug with center caps. Good condition. Look nice. Comes with spare wheel and tire. $550. 970-2756471. (4/15). FOR SALE: start your plants under a 4x4 fiberglass dome skylight, $20. Vintage oak captins chair. $75. Arch welder with hood $125. 641-6352. (4/15). SPRING HAS SPRUNG New Arrivals for all your Spring Events! BASICS FOR MEN 100 North Main 642-4223 (4/29/17) PROSTUDIO SPEAKERS: 2 - 12” tweeter and horn, in felt cabinets, $600. 970-765-4138. (4/8). 4 RIMS & TIRES FOR SALE: 33x12.50 R15 rims & tires, mounted & balanced, fit most jeeps, 970-275-8300. (4/15). TRUCK TIRE: BFG Rugged Trail T/A 265/70/16. used as spare. $60. 349-1593 (4/15). COMMERCIAL MEAT SLICER: Globe brand, 12” blade, 1/3hp. $100, call 275-2828. (4/8). CASH TO LOAN on Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols Traders Rendezvous 516 West Tomichi, Gunnison 641-5077 (4/8/14) TWO SEA KAYAKS: handmade cedar strip wrapped w/fiberglass, furniture quality construction, $1000 each. Tough enough for Alaska; other equipment available Established in 2011 in Gunnison / Crested Butte. Great increase of business and clientele. 4 years of business books available for review. Very itemized inventory list. Training to help you get off to a smooth and fast start. Huge potential to expand business in and out of the valley. Pizza season is upon us, call today! Priced at- $35,900.00 FIBERGLASS TONNEAU COVER that came off a 2010 GMC Sierra. It’s black and in near new condition. Latches work, all hardware is present and lock works as well. Open to trades of equal value or sell for $500. Rich 720-364-5964 (4/15). FOR SALE: Horton crossbow, 160 pound, 360ft. per sec. Shot 5 times. Paid $900, asking $800. 209-2449. (4/8). Like Us On Facebook Gunnison Country Food Pantry (4/8). ALL HELMETS ON SALE ALL THE TIME! Only at Sun Sports Unlimited West Hwy. 50 Gunnison 970-641-0883 (4/8/17) Early Blood Tests: Wellness Fair: Greeter • Computer Operator • If I f you you are are interested in t erest ed in volunteering volun t eer ing for for one of the listed list ed positions at a t the Early Ear ly Blood Tests Tests Wellness Fair Fair please contact, c on tacc t mk alo w@gvh- c olor ado org orr (970)642-8418 or Wellness WANTED: Cargo trailer, single axle 6x10’ or 6x12’ 209-3023. FOR SALE: Bally Fitness Life Cycle. $400 OBO; Kettler Eliptical. Made in Germany. Like new condition, $600 OBO; workout steps with hand weights $50. Call Jim 970-765-4414 (4/15). FOR SALE: Delonghi Safe Heat heaters (2). Hardly used. $50 each or two for $80. Call Emily: 970-275-6677. (4/8). FOR SALE: Clark brand 2000 Elite exerciser, just lay down & wiggle. Top of the line, commercial quality. Hardly ever used. Paid $360, I’ll settle for $200. Mike 970-641-2315 (4/8). MAKITA 14” MITER SAW: carbide blade, $160, 596-9999 (4/8). Spring has sprung and so has our new EarlyBird Special! Get 15% OFF ALL TREE SERVICES for a limited time! Ph: 209-3916, 707-4067 or visit (5/13/26) TIRES FOR SALE: 2 Firestone Winterforce UV P215/70R16 99S, like new; 2 Mastercraft 215/70R16 Snow Groove Courser MSR. Mountain 16” rim; 1 Tigerpaw Uniroyal P215/70R16 radial; $75 per tire. Call 970-5960978 (4/8). WANTED TO BUY: tile saw that will cut 12 inch tiles, call KV 702283-8294 (4/15). WEATHERBY VANGUARD 257 RIFLE: Nearly new, less than 50 rounds through. Composite stock, black barrel. Comes with hard case. $550 OBO. 970-581-9208. (4/15). W E LLN ESS E S S FA FAII RRSS WE FAI Li Well, W ll Liv l h Live Liv INFORMED D Live Live H Healthy, (4/8/pd/104) GUNNISON CLOTHING PROJECT: Quieres ropas? Nececitas ropas? Somos abiertos todos los Martes y Sabados 10am- 2pm oeste del avenida 10 entre calles Tomich y Virginia! Benga a buscar! Todo esta GRATIS! (4/8). Wellness Fair: Greeter • Computer Operator • Cashier • Traffic Guide • Snack Table Attendant • Floater • Pass Out Results Bone Density • Blood Pressure • g • Vision • Hand Strength Heigh t/Weigh t/B ody Fat Fa t Height/Weight/Body Cashier • Traffic Guide • Snack Table Attendant • Floater FOR SALE: 800-900ft. of 3/8” cable for sale, call for details, 275-4852. (4/8). TO GIVE AWAY: Can anyone use a working TV w/remote for video gaming or watching DVDs? If so, call 596-2880 and leave a message. I will call you back. Also older Kirby vacuum that needs motor worked on. Many attachments. 970-641-1166 (4/15). Wellness Fair in Gunnison 6:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Fred Field Building Saturday, May 2 We still need assistance in the following areas: Call: 970-209-9711 Email: pizza@ (4/8) KHS SOFT-TAIL MTN BIKE: brand new condition, all XTR parts, lightest bike in town, 20lbs. Size M. $750. 970-964-7488. GUNNISON VALLEY HEALTH WELLNESS EVENTS Early Blood Tests in Gunnison 6:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Fred Field Building Tuesday, April 21 Wednesday, April 22 Thursday, April 23 NO FEE TV. Information about how to receive the over-the-air television signals provided by the Gunnison County Metropolitan Recreation District is available on the web at or by contacting the District at 6419148. (4/8). (4/8/29) 1000 N. Main 641-3332 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED LOOKING FOR: used metal Tposts, 275-4852. (4/8). Mobile Wood Fired Pizza Business For Sale! You’ve probably seen it and tasted it. Now’s your chance to own it! Farmers markets, sporting events, music festivals, retreats, private catering and many other opportunities to sell wood fired pizza and other cuisine. page 7 April 17 - 20, 2015 (4/8). BARNWOOD 4 SALE Largest Inventory in Colorado 2X Rough Sawn Doug Fir Interior and Exterior 1X Barn Siding Hand Hewn Barn Beams. Rough Sawn Timbers. 3x8 - 18x18 970-596-2407 (4/8/26) FOR SALE: CLIF Shot energy gel packets. I bought bulk for pricing. 70 cents each. 349-5190. (4/15). FREE THINNING: For mountain properties, call for details. 2754852 (4/8). WHITNEY STAND-UP PIANO in GREAT CONDITION with bench seat in cherry wood. Approx. 35 yo. $450 OBO. 970-209-3916, Dario. (4/8). 821-A NORTH MAIN, GUNNISON 970-641-7432 The Patio’s now Open! FSURLY LONG HAUL TRUCKER touring bicycle, 56cm, brand new, paid $1700, sell for $900. 970964-7488. (4/8). WHIRLPOOL REFRIGERATOR: 24” wide, 57” tall, 28” deep; cold. 209-0142. (4/8). POTTERS/CLAY ARTISTS: Opening in a small cooperative downtown Gunnison studio for a ceramist, beginning April or May 2015. If interested, call Karen for more information at 970-6413875. (4/15). FOR SALE: 6” by 8” by 6’ treated wood posts for landscaping, raised bed garden or ? $10 apiece. 641-1361 (4/15). BASSINET AND CHANGING TABLE: matching, natural light wood, very good cond., currently not assembled (easy & have all hardware), no mattress/pads. $50/both prefer to sell together. Can send pics. 970-596-2216. (4/15). FOR SALE: Exerpeutic Elliptical, 4 months old, good condition, louder than I would like. I got a treadmill instead. Selling for $25. Call 970-209-9678. (4/8). WANTED TO BUY: PAYING CASH for phonograph record albums, LP’s/45’s/78’s, music posters and memorabilia. Call 641-1533 (4/15). Come in amigos and try our Monthly Special Pollo a la Crema! (Chicken in Cream Sauce) HAPPY HOUR from 3-6PM Reg. Margaritas $5, all Beers $2.50, Well Drinks $3 • Tropical Drinks $4. El Paraiso 112 S. Main 641-4957 Family Mexican Restaurant JUST SOUTH OF LIGHT ON MAIN & TOMICHI FREE! 2006ish John Deere snow blower attachment for 100 series lawn tractors. Refurbished and reinforced. It chucks snow like nobody’s business! Just don’t need it. 209-0988 Eric. (4/8). FOR SALE: Kenmore self-cleaning gas range;, over the range venting microwave; Whirlpool Quiet partner DW. You haul. $250 for all three. 402-676-0091 (4/15). gunnison country shopper, april 8, 2015 WE ARE ALMOST THERE The project in the Gunnison River to repair White Water Park Structure #3 is close to completion. Please help us finish the project in a timely manner without any accidents. The Park will remain CLOSED to public use until the project is finished and floating through Structures #2 and #3 is NOT ALLOWED. The contractor will finish his work by April 10th and boaters will be able to use the river even if the west end of the park remains closed for additional clean-up. REPORT ANY SIGNS OF ANIMAL CRUELTY OR NEGLECT TO THE PROPER AUTHORITIES: City of Gunnison Neighborhood Services 6418242, or the Sheriff’s Department, 641-8000. Thank you for caring. (4/8). NEED COMPOST, SEEDS OR MULCH FOR YOUR YARD? Check out Alpengardener at 800 W. San Juan. We are your local garden store, with local knowledge and hardy plants. We will open April 24th for the summer. See you soon! (4/8/39). BINGO EVERY TUESDAY at the Elks Lodge, 7:30pm. (4/8). FOR SALE: 10” Delta contractor table saw, $300 obo. 209-2449. (4/8). BELLSAW 12” PLANER: HD unit w/5hp 220 single phase, $350 596-9999 (4/8). 2015 FARM-TO-TABLE TODAY, April 8th and April 9th. Keynote by Mark Winne; winner of the GunnisonValley Signature Dish recipe competition; Dr.Vandenbusche about history of agriculture in GunnisonValley. D e t a i l s BMX BIKE: from the company Stolen. It is a shiny lighter blue with spray painted red spokes. It has been barley used, barley any damage. Selling it for $125. Call 970-641-4057 or 970-964-7179. Thank you. (4/8). MOSSBERG 835 SHOTGUN FOR SALE: great condition, wood stock, blued barrel. Includes soft case. $400. 970581-9208. (4/15). FOR SALE! Custom AR pistol 5.56, 10 rnd mag, Blackhawk sling, iron sights $1200. Vortex Red Dot $150. Other parts also. Call or txt 970-596-6661 (leave msg). (4/8). SHOPPER SPECIALS! Want to find out about our advertising specials? Go to our website at for all the details! (4/8). MILLER BOBCAT 225 welder/generator. Gas powered Onin engine with 1400 hours. 8000 watt generator. Unit is on a newly built trailer and includes an oxygen and acetylene tank. $2,500 OBO. 970-581-9208. FOR SALE: kayak paddle, Werner, small, bent shaft, 191cm carbon shaft, orange blades ,used just few times, $150 OBO. 970-318-8786. (4/8). (4/15). TOWNIE BIKE: 20yr. Research Dynamics Coyote MTB, sz. M. Good cond., everything works. New tires & rear deraileur. $75. 970-964-7488. (4/8). ANTIQUE SOLID BRASS elevator scissor gate door, early 1900’s, expands to a variety of widths. $350, call 275-2828. (4/8). SHOPPER DEADLINES: News/Press Releases, Community Calendar items, Mondays 10am; Free Ads & Notices, Tuesdays, 10am; All paid ads/business ads, including free ad late fees Tuesdays, 2pm. Thank you for your coopera t i o n ., 6413148. (4/8). FREE: couch, 86” long, loveseat 62” long, very good cond. 2090144. (4/8). MAXXIS MINION 2.35 X 26 mountain bike tire. New. $45. 970-275-6471 (4/15). LARGE TANNED ELK HIDE: Beautiful. Best offer 275-2828 (4/8). CLOTHING ITEMS FOR SALE: Mostly snow gear and women’s clothing. $5 a piece for snow gear, everything else is $1. Stop by the Seasons Inn on Tomichi Ave., we might have something you like! 719-377-8689 (4/8). FOR SALE: Very nice brown 6 ft office desk for $125. Call Gerald @ 209-0077. (4/8). LOOKING TO RENT AN RV: (no 5th wheel), 6/17-6/32. Happy to pay a deposit and return it perfect condition. Contact Nicole 303775-1077. (4/8). HOMEMADE VEGGIE BURGER! Nutrient Packed and Delicious, Too! Fresh Real Food is Our Specialty The Cafe at Gunnison Vitamin 804 North Main St. (4/8/23) FAMILIES @ THE GUNNISON LIBRARY: The Gunnison Public Library has added many new and up to date items including: parenting books, children’s movies, music CDs that are fun for the whole family to enjoy and audio books for those long road trips. Stop by and check it out. (4/8). MISC. FOR SALE: Black & Decker countertop convection oven, used very little $25; Campbell tire chains fits some 14/15 inch, still in the new box $15; raised toilet seat w/lock & arms $30; large utility sink w/hardware $12. 641-7499. (4/15). GREGORY WHITNEY FOR SALE: seen a lot of backpacking & still has a lot of life to go. 3D precurved harness & waistbelt, crossover compression; top, front, side & bottom access, waterproof, wear-resistant bottom, 210d HT double diamond ripstop/Broken twill nylon. Size M, capacity. $75 6414955 (4/8). HURRY, HURRY, TIME IS RUNNING OUT! EPSON COPIER: never been used, $40. 641-3325. (4/15). SPRING HAS SPRUNG New Arrivals for all your Spring Events! BASICS FOR MEN 100 North Main 642-4223 (4/29/17) Circus Train Just In... Two Bros Bows! Bow, Arrow, Quiver - Ages 6 & up (Boys & Girls!) PROM Tuxedos, Suits, Dresses @ The Boom-a-Rang WE BUY-SELL-RENT The Boom-a-Rang Also: Boys Shorts & Tops! 221 N Main St. Sizes 2t - 7 970-641-3315. Rent a crazy tux, suit or 125 N. Main 641-0635 Mon - Sat 9:30 - 6:00 Sun 10 - 3 vintage prom dress $20-$50. Be you, be different, have FUN! MOVING - MUST GET RID OF: 27” TV, Entertainment center, rocking chair, small glass and black metal coffee table, xylophone. Call 970-812-8613 (4/15). b fore April bef A ril 1 Ap 8, 2 015 aand nd g ett: before 18, 2015 get: PARA LAS PERSONAS MAYORES DE 65 AÑOS—TODOS LOS JUEVES (excepto días feriados) La Despensa de Alimentos de Gunnison (Gunnison Country Food Pantry) está abierta de 10am to 2pm, 321 N. Main St # C. (sobre calle Ohio) 970-6414156. También puede llamar a la Oficina Multicultural 641-7999 si tiene preguntas. (4/8). (4/8). Thank you for your cooperation. Please call the Gunnison County Public Works Department at 970-641-0044 if you have any questions. NEED A BREAK FROM THE KIDS? Did you know that Colorado Fitness offers Childcare for just 50¢? We have childcare at 8:30-10:30AM, 11:45AM-1:45PM and 4:306:30PM. Come and take a fitness class or just exercise at your own pace. Find the schedule of classes online at or stop by the fitness center at 405 W. Tomichi. (4/15/56). gunnison country shopper, april 8, 2015 page 8 BICYCLE LAWS: DON’T ride your bike on the sidewalks downtown. For moreFind information, out contact f the Gunnison Police Department 641-8200. (4/8). MACBOOK PRO 2011 (late) 15’ screen for sale. 512gb HD, 16gb RAM (2 chips of 8gb) , 2.2ghz Intel I7 Dual Core processor. $1000. 303-330-8088. (4/8). I.S.O.: wall cabinets in good or great condition (perhaps from remodel) to mount above washer/dryer. Willing to pay. Call 402322-1218 (4/15). GARDEN PLOTS AVAILABLE at Bills Park and Cottonwood Community garden. Sliding scale up to $30, includes water and guided workdays. Contact Holly at 970-417-7848 or (4/15). EMPLOYMENT ADS ARE FREE! If they are 60 words or less. Any over the 60 word limit will be charged a paid ad fee dependent on the number of words. Please see the website for details at, or call 641-3148. - Thank you, The Gunnison Country Shopper. (4/8). GOLFERS: for sale: Bag Boy wheeled travel golf club bag. Used once. $50. Liz 349-7351, located in Gunnison. (4/8). 14 BARRELS OF OIL: $25 each, must take all, 596-9999 (4/8). DINING ROOM TABLE: oval with leaf and 4 dining room chairs. In great shape, and looks really nice. $200, Katie 802-558-3815 (4/15). FOR SALE: all White over ear beats, barely used and I’m selling them for very cheap, if interested shoot me a text please, 719-3607683 ask if available, or email (4/15). SMALL DUMP TRUCK and SKID LOADER For Hire 817-565-3334 GRAND OPENING 216 North Main Street Fun new boutique opening Sunday, April 11 10am-6pm Come check us out! (4/8/pd/9) (4/8/pd/18) THE NATIONAL PTA recommends that parents consider setting aside at least 20 minutes during which all family members read. (4/8). TOWNIE BIKE: Diamondback white and pink 16 inch girls bike, fair shape, $30, 970-138-8786 MASTER GARDENERS WANTED to mentor new garden staff for Mountain Roots in both Gunnison and Crested Butte. Fulfill volunteer hours. Contact Holly at 970-417-7848 or info@mountainrootsfoodproject.o rg (4/15). 2011 KONA NUNU: Hydraulic disk brakes, RockShox Dart2 w/ lockout, 16-inch aluminum frame, 3x9 speeds, Shimano Alivio components, brand-new saddle. Wellmaintained bike in very good condition. 970-349-9100 (4/15). OUTDOOR PATIO LIGHTS: 35’ length, 7 fluted, disc shaped, copper light shades per strand. $75 each. Call Liz 497-0787. (4/15). TIRES FOR SALE: 2 33x12.50x15 $100; 4 Lt265x70xR17 load range E $300. All have well over half tread left. 596-4772 (4/15). FIREWOOD FOR SALE Free Delivery of 3 or More Cords (4/8). FREE GLASS from windows perfect for building a green house at ABC MOTEL stop by or call 6412400. (4/15). GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE: The Back Country Navigator, in Lake City is going out of business. Everything for sale, inventory, displays, fixtures, and shelving. Bargain prices! 970944-6277 (4/8). PATIO UMBRELLAS WITH BASES/STANDS FOR SALE: Vented at top, light cream in color, crank lift with tilt feature, 9’ diameter. Call Liz 497-0787. (4/15). GUNNISON GALLERY I have a mountain to sell! RENTAL CARS JUST $20 PER DAY with any automotive service at Precision Automotive 6414040 (4/8/14). 209-6101 (4/8/17) THE ORDER OF EASTERN STAR meets the 2nd & 4th Thursday at 7:30pm at the Masonic Hall. We welcome visitors from other chapters. 6410495. (4/8). “OUR NATION CAME INTO BEING over the issue of taxation without representation. If the central government established by our Constitution is, today under siege by those who have abandoned their oaths and obligations to support our Constitution and abide by the Rule of Law it was ordained and established to protect, then are we again being taxed without representation?” The Patriot Post. Robert Tim Allen 970-596-8977. (4/29). ELECTRONIC REPAIR: Could anyone locally repair a digital photo frame for me? Or can you recommend this service here or even in Montrose? Please call 641-1166 if you can help. Thanks. (4/15). DO YOU HAVE ENOUGH LIFE INSURANCE? It’s ok if you don’t know, because American Family Insurance & The Nelson Family Agency is here to help. You can feel safe and secure with plans starting as low as $10/mo. Find out for yourself why we were voted “BEST INSURANCE AGENCY” in the Valley! Call Rick and his team of local professionals at 641-3481 or stop by our office at 1140 N Main. FREE IF YOU COME PICK UP: homemade trailer fashioned from a pickup truck bed; gas golf cart, has been used for a “yard vehicle” for many years, would be useful as such with a little TLC. 970209-9861, leave a message. DUTCH LANGUAGE BOOKS AND DICTIONARIES: Various prices. Call if interested, 3496611. (4/8). FINE ART: watercolor framed prints by Melissa Harris; Lydia Mauer; D4NO’s Bill Johnson; some unframed prints available; Andy Schyndle, framed. 2090142. (4/8). BICYCLE LAWS: Use a front light at night with at least one reflector. For more information, contact the Gunnison Police Department at 641-8200. (4/8). (4/22/26) INDUSTRIAL FLOOR FRYER: Two basket large fryer. Call Liz 497-0787. (4/8). TUMMY TIME IS IMPORTANT FOR BABIES. It should take place when your infant is awake and alert. Place baby on tummy on a solid surface, place a toy in front of him and engage him in play. Doing this regularly will help strengthen the neck muscles and promote brain development. Gunnison Hinsdale Early Childhood Council. Public Health 641-0209 (4/8). (4/8). Our popular TREE STUMP REMOVAL service is arriving soon! Contact TREE TAMERS INC for a FREE estimate Ph: 209-3916 or 707-4067. For more info visit (4/15). (4/8/32) WOVEN WICKER STAIR STEP BASKET: Fits a standard 8 inch step. Honey colored with handles. Opening at top is 18 1/2 inches by 12 1/2 inches. In excellent condition. Retails for $30, yours for $13. 349-6611. DANSKO LOLITA SANDALS: Size 39, color veg-tan, only worn twice. Retail for $110, yours for $40. 349-6611. (4/8). page 9 COMING To G U N N I SO N in APRIL ELECTRIC WASHER/DRYER FOR SALE: $300, 970-9016606 lv. msg. (4/15). BURRIS BLACK DIAMOND RIFLE SCOPE: 4 x 16 50. Near new condition, matte black finish, excellent scope. $500 OBO. 970581-9208 (4/15). Spring has Finally Sprung! IN Stock Now Colorful Table Linens, Spring Scented Candles, Bright Floral Stems and Wreaths And Gifts Galore! HOPE & GLORY 147 N Main Street Gunnison 970-641-1638 (4/8/29) PSA = PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS: that means it is a service to the public, and it is our pleasure. Let all of the Gunnison Country know what you have in store for them. FOR FREE!,, 6413148. (4/8). CAT & DOG ART SHOW for GVAWL We need your Vote! Open Mon - Fri 9-5:30 and Sat 9-4 124 N. Main St. (970) 641-6111 (4/8/25) FREE MANURE: aged and composted. 970-596-3053. (4/15). I.S.O: child’s strider in good condition for use by 3-yr-old. Call 402-322-1218. (4/15). STERLING 75000BTU HEATER: new in box, LT gas. $1800 new, asking $800. 9019242. (4/8). Healing Touch * Speeds up healing * Eliminates the side effects of chemo * Emotional relief. By appointment. Suggested donation $30-50 970-275-5987 2005 KEYSTONE SPRINGDALE TRAVEL TRAILER: 29’ XL slide-in kitchen/living room, large back kitchen, separate bedroom/bath, exc. cond., lightweight/easy to pull, 2”x2” receiver for bike carrier, electric tongue jack, sway bar, hitch & mirrors included. $10,500 OBO. 6419518. (4/8). LOS NIÑOS MERECEN tener acceso a una educación preescolar que promueva su preparación para la escuela sin importar su nivel económico. Si quiere una lista de los establecimientos locales con licencia, pase por la oficina de Servicios Familiares ECC 641-7913; (en español: 6417999) o (4/8). 2-PC. CRAFTSMAN TOOL BOX: $150, 417-8996. (4/8). PARENTS, please educate your children on the correct use of 9-11. (4/8). FOR SALE: a 32GB Nook tablet. Comes with a stand and case cover. $100, contact me at 239313-1389. (4/8). Nice Home in Historic Pitkin! 312 State St., Well maintained 3 Bedroom, Pitkin 2 Bath home with upgrades throughout. Enjoy the back deck that overlooks Quartz Creek! Located in the heart $215,000 of historic Pitkin, a secluded valley with panoramic mountain views! Contact Erich Ferchau, 970-596-0848 email: Gunnison Savings & Loan offers exceptional financing, including 30-year fixed rates as low as 3.750%/3.966% APR* for qualified properties and buyers. Call and apply today! Financing by... Offered by... Equal Housing Opportunity (4/8/19) AUNQUE SUS HIJOS NO ESTÉN ENFERMOS, es importante que visiten a los médicos periódicamente. Se recomienda que las visitas se hagan a los 2 meses, 4 meses, 6 meses, 9 meses, 1 año, 15 meses, 18 meses, 2 años, 3 años, 4 años, 5 años, 6 años, 8 años, 10 años, y cada año hasta los 21 años. Llame a la Oficina Multicultural si necesita ayuda para hacer una cita o si tiene preguntas. 6417999 (4/8). REALTOR® RE/MAX Community Brokers 303 N. Main Each depositor insured to at least $250,000 Backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government 970-641-2177 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 131 N Main Gunnison, CO 81230 970-641-1188 *Annual percentage rate effective as of 4/7/2015. For example, on a home purchase with a 20% down payment, a loan amount of $100,000 would result in 360 monthly principal and interest payments of $463.12. Other rates and terms are available. Loan amounts exceeding 80% of purchase price or appraised value will have a higher APR. Rates subject to change daily. NMLS #483354. gunnison country shopper, april 8, 2015 page 10 Apartments For Rent Palisades Apartments of Gunnison, Inc. Affordable Housing 970-641-5429 Apply in person at 600 North Colorado Gunnison, CO HUD Section 8 Apartments TWO ROOMS AVAILABLE: starting June 1st. 3 bedroom condo on Mount Crested Butte. Cable/water/sewer included. In home laundry! Steps from the bus stop; across from the resort. Hot tub onsite with sauna. Sorry no pets. $550/month. First, last, security deposit. Nate 575-7700334. (4/15). LOOKING FOR SUMMER HOUSING: for June 13thSeptember 30th for 2 people (Crested Butte workers) in Crested Butte or Gunnison ($700). 34-626-056-693 (Spain). (4/8). FOR RENT: Sublease one room in a 4 bedroom apartment, available May through August. $350/mo. includes some utilities. No pets or smoking. Text 720235-2491 or email for info. (4/15). I.S.O.: 1 bdrm house for respectful graduate student. Looking to pay $500-600/month. Can start a lease July, Aug., or Sept. 970389-5749 (4/15). SINGLE FEMALE LOOKING FOR HOUSING: starting May 1st - October 31st. I have no pets, nonsmoker and I am a tidy person. 507-301-8186. (4/15). HOUSING NEEDED: 3 college students looking for a house to rent from April to January that allows cats. Please call Quinn at 970-422-6798 (4/8). I.S.O.: housing for June and July, possibly sublease, cheap is good, couple w/dog. Ian 719-494-6113 Beautiful Huge 4 bedroom home very well maintained, very clean and shows just GREAT!! All large rooms throughout plus very large back deck! Lawn area & backs up to pond. 6 Months Free Lot Rent $79,900! 410 S Taylor 73 Columbine Road I.S.O.: Looking for horse property for lease. Ideal place would have house, and few acres with possibility to keep horses. Also with room to park trailers. Happy to sign lease for the right place. LB Mullin 970-275-2089. (4/15). ROOM FOR RENT: room near campus, females only, no smoking, no pets. Washer/dryer. 5962982, Kate 970-901-6305. (4/8/17). ARE YOU MOVING SOON? Family of 4 looking for 3 bedroom trailer home or single family home that allows pets! Even a fixer upper is ok we can handle it! 2 adults, 2 kids and 2 dogs! 970306-2355 (4/15). I.S.O.: Looking to sublet or for short term lease. Here temporarily; need housing until Fall, September/October. 2 bedroom house, condo, or townhouse preferred. Excellent references, rental history. 719-232-1231 (4/15). LOOKING FOR SOMEONE TO SUBLEASE my room in Mountaineer Village Apartments right near campus, for the months of June - August! If interested email me at (4/15). ROOMMATE WANTED: 1 bed/1 bath in large sunny home about 7 minutes north of town. $475/month + utilities. Wifi and direct TV included with rent. Call 970-209-9119. (4/15). INTEREST D O W N AND PEOPLE ARE MAKING ; 9(* 65; * 9 , <5+ RACT U (4/8). 1 BDRM IN 4 BDRM HOUSE FOR RENT: Close to campus, with washer and dryer $275 utilities, heat, wifi. Avaliable May 1st. 6mo-1yr lease. 316-253-5188 719-244-2813 970-218-9541. (4/8). WANTED: A REAL GOOD MAN! Single professional with a desire to contribute to the household. Must love my dog. Loft bedroom with skylights available in 2 bed, 1.5bath in CB. Please email a creative introduction to: (4/8). ANTELOPE HILL MH LOT FOR SALE CHEAP, great views, .21 acres, taps paid, $24,395 or $350/month owner carry w/$0 down, 209-5308. (4/8/23). FOR RENT: one person studio apartment. Available May 1st, all utilities included, heated garage, cats ok and is 5mi. north of town. $495 per month with first and last month deposit and $500 damage deposit up front, call 970-9011138 (4/22/pd/39). 3 BEDROOM, FULLY FURNISHED RENTAL: 20 miles east of Gunnison. Close to Monarch. Exceptional view, privacy. Borders BLM/National Forest. Board up to 2 horses. $1350/month. 303902-6337. (4/8/28). (4/8/13). SMALL 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT located on our ranch for rent May 1st. Perfect for 1-2 people. Furnished, balcony, gorgeous views, 10 minutes from town. $700/month. No indoor pets, bring your horse(s)! Must be easy going and trustworthy. 970-2759870. (4/8/pd/40). IN TOWN ONT RC NDE WANTED: Room for rent from May-August. Near Campus please. Call Greg - 215-460-7594 BUILDING FOR SALE: 9000 sq.ft. Newer, nice retail space. Call 970-275-8146 for details. DEALS, DO NOT GET LE FT OUT! IN TOWN Beautiful well built 4 br 2 1/2 bath, 2 living areas with huge barn & outbuildings as an extra including you own chicken coop w/laying hens! $439,000! RESPONSIBLE COUPLE LOOKING FOR a one or two bedroom house for under $700 a month and cat friendly. Please give us a call at 303-489-0473 (4/15). ting Celebra in s r a e Y 35 te ta s E l a Re Visit À Other Area Listings at PRICE REDUCED to $220,000 on this 4 bdrm/2 bath NESTLED IN THE TREES, this 3 bdrm/2 bath, 2383sf home close to campus & the park. Hardwood floors, home includes 2 car garage, seasonal creek, lg detached garage, partial basement, relaxing sun room, large deck, pedestrian bridge, large kitchen; 418 E. Virginia all just a stone’s throw from Spring Creek at 907 CR 744 for $395,000 *** *** ONE OF GUNNISON’S FINEST HOMES is for sale 416 N. MAIN ST: Downtown business building can be at 330 Apache Rd for $580,000. Includes stream used as a professional office, or office with living frontage, nearly 2,000sf of garage/shop/RV space, quarters. Take a look online at close to 3,000sf of living space, trees, private pond,; $399,900 all on one level, relaxing sunroom, 4 bdrm/3 bath. *** *** ON THE TAYLOR RIVER bordering the Almont THIS SHOULD BE YOUR NEW ADDRESS! This Triangle sits this one of a kind treasure home at 3 bdrm/1 bath home at 306 W. Denver features 10300 Hwy 135 for $989,000. Lg home on 18 acres 1405sf, 3 corner lots, park like setting with gazebo, with great views & top notch fishing. Lots of woodburning stove, & hardwood floors; $215,000 sunshine & wildlife watching, too. *** *** RENTAL PROPERTIES FOR SALE at the corner of ONE LEVEL, 2 BDRM/1 BATH condominium at 302 S. W. Ruby & N. 11th for $385,000. Excellent rental 5th features 1 car detached garage with storage, income, extra deep 1 car garage, 4 in-town lots. newer hot water heater, metal roof, & quality Get details at construction; $110,000 *** *** BUY OF THE WEEK: This Yard of the Week winning BACK NINE GOLF COURSE LOT at 851 Fairway Ln home has beautiful landscaping large kitchen/living features house plans (if desired), golf course room area, & all on one level. You’ll enjoy the 576sf membership, and paid tap fees, all for $95,000 2 car heated garage with workshop & paved *** driveway; 425 W. Spencer; $268,000 BUILDING SITE FOR CONDOMINIUMS, *** TOWNHOMES, OR APARTMENTS at S. 12th & W. ON COCHETOPA CREEK: Nearly 4,000sf home Gunnison for $92,000 on 40 acres bordering public lands. Includes 2 *** detached garages for RV’s or warehouse storage. WAREHOUSE FOR SALE at 905 W. Evans includes No covenants, Saguache County, just 20 minutes nearly 7,000sf, in-floor & overhead heat, offices, from Gunnison; 4066 Hwy 114; $997,500 restrooms, & large overhead doors; $399,000. Call Cathie for details. FOR SALE: Loc-Log house, 3600 SF, 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 living rooms, 1 kitchen, 2-car garage with 2 rooms and 2 decks. On 1.3 acres at 212 Columbine Rd., County Rd. 38. Price $335,000. Save $19,000 if bought from owner before realtor involvement, $316,000. Call 970-462-3230. (4/15/pd/47). CONDO AT DOS RIOS FOR SALE: call Scott for more information, 209-0812. (4/8/12). 4 BEDROOM HOUSE: 2 bathrooms, office, master bedroom walk in closet, washer/dryer, dishwasher, energy efficient radiant in floor heat, low e windows, large yard with sprinkler system, patio, garage/storage building. $1500/month + utilities. James 719-651-3179. (4/8/pd/37). NICE TRAILER FOR RENT IN A VERY QUIET PARK: no pets or smokers. Thank you, 596-2523. (4/8/pd/16). 3 BR 3.5 BATH FOR RENT: 2100Sq Ft townhome, fenced yard, washer/dryer & dishwasher. No smoke/no pets. In town. $1400. June 1st, year lease. 209-1922. (4/8/pd/26). FOR SALE: 2007 Liberty mobile home in Twin Pines. 3bd, 2ba, approximately 1200sf. Forced air heat and pellet stove. $45,000. Motivated seller! Call Abby 970596-9824 (4/8/25). FOR RENT: fully furnished 1 bedroom apartment overlooking Blue Mesa Lake. $800 a month includes utilities. No smoking, no pets. Call evenings 641-2827. (4/29/pd/23). FURNISHED VACATION HOMES: available Nov 20-May 31 or month to month, no pets, no smoking, please call 970-6411663 (4/8/18). 0 ail FOR SALE: duplex right outside city, draws $1400/month, $150,000. 817-565-3334. $134,900 MLS 38736 501 N. 7TH RESIDENTIAL IN TOWN UN CT NTRA CO DER 1150 N. COLORADO 38153 W. HWY 50 $169,000 MLS 38859 $217,000 MLS 36266 BLUE RIVER TOWNHOMES NOW AVAILABLE! NESBIT T & COMPANY, LLC Bill Nesbitt 970-641-2235 Lucinda Lull 104 E. Tomichi Ave• Mountaineer Village Apartments Now leasing. 12mo. leases receive a FREE Monarch Season Pass Pet friendly housing Come in and take a tour and start your living experience with Mountaineer! Give us a call at 970-641-1688 (4/8/35) FOR SALE BY OWNER: 3 bedroom, 2 bath house on a 1 acre lot with a 24’x40’ detached garage and great views overlooking town and the river. Motivated seller. 596-4772. (4/15/pd/31). FOR RENT: 3 bedroom, 2 bath Dos Rios, $1400/month. 5960848. (4/8/11). TWO BEDROOM RENTAL: 10 miles west of Gunnison, quiet country road, small but energy efficient, no pets or smokers, we pay electrical, you pay the propane. $600 per month, damage and propane deposits. Contact 970-641-3567 or mtnsol a r. s c h e c h t e r @ g m a i l . c o m (4/8/pd/38). NICE, QUIET, CLEAN 2BDRM APT IN GUNNY: Large, washer/dryer hookup, DW, storage unit, end unit. No pets, no smk, 2 people max. References checked. $750/mo incl. utilities. Karen 209-5943. (4/8/31). ...continued on page 11 8717 CR 887 Back Country Retreat! 3 Bed/1.5 Bath Cabin, borders National Forest on 2 sides, located in GMU 55, deer & elk abound. Adventures await the outdoor enthusiast. $225,000 Call Jay (Text To: 67299 Message: 2567997) 1310 Sioux Road (4/8/pd/20). $195,900 MLS 38586 FOR A COMPLETE LIST OF TODAY REALTY’S AVAILABLE RENTALS please visit our website or call Joe 970-641-0077. (4/8/18). (4/15/pd/11). JUNE 1ST: 4 bedroom, 3 baths, heated garage, fenced yard, NO PETS, near rec center, year lease, $1850/month, 720-771-3207. 109 S. COLORADO NEW LISTING Horse ranchette with large barn, corrals, shed, 1709sf home on 2.64 acres. No covenants, fenced pasture, super views, close to the river; 210 Phelps Ln; $269,900 PRICE RENTAL REDUCED PROPERTY to $49,000 includes on this mobile main home home & lot with 4 combination rentals at just east of 107 N. Teller Blue Mesa for Reservoir. $375,000. Hardwood floors, recent Great fisherman’s hideaway, renovations, main home, 3 studios, starter home or rental; 3 Phyllis Ln. 1 one bdrm apartment. 1313 W. Ohio #22 Beautiful townhome on west side with two bedrooms & bath on the main level plus a 3rd b/r suite with full bath on 2nd level. Small stream in back during summer time. Fully Furnished complete with appliances! $184,900! Huge beautiful luxurious 5 br 3 1/2 bath home in one of Gunnison's finer neighborhoods. Huge open living room with high ceilings. Huge master suite on main level $482,000! RATES AR E or After hours 970-209-0077 100 Wildriver Equal Opportunity Housing 600 W. Tomichi Ave. Gunnison, CO 81230 970-641-0077 MOTIVATED 2 Bedrooms, 1 bath. Rent based on income & assets. Example: Gross annal household income $12,000, your rent would be approximately $281 per month. (4/15). BUY OF THE WEEK TODAY Realty Comm uni ty B roke rs Serving Gunnison & Crested Butte 131 North Main, Gunnison, CO 81230 Call Now! (970)641-1188 102 County Road 13 Wonderful 4 Bed/2 Bath Unit B of a Duplex located home on 7+ acres with big in Van Tuyl Village unobstructed views of subdivision. Near shopping The Castles & Castle Creek & Gunnison trails this Valley. Hunting, fishing, 3 Bed/3 Bath home with forest trails right outside attached garage features your back door. $539,950 on demand hot water & Call Tom (Text To: 67299 garage loft storage space. Message: 2392056) $220,000 Call Erich 3 City Lots across from the Gunnison Airport. Enclosed with chain-link fence. Small shed on property. $150,000 Call Tom Taylor Canyon 10 Acres surrounded by Aspen & Lodgepole Pines. Year round access, borders public land. $225,000 Call Joey (Text To: 67299 Message: 2594528) Commercial 0.98 acre & 1.28 acre lots located on E Tomichi Ave (Highway 50) near WSCU, McDonalds & Holiday Inn. Call Erich for details. SEE ALL LISTINGS AT: www.g unnisonfor Erich Ferchau 596-0848 Tom Courtney 596-2681 Jay Miller 209-2864 Denise Baker 209-5828 Joey Micucci 901-6405 INCREDIBLE ONE LEVEL CUSTOM HOME with deluxe amenities throughout. Rustic natural maple cabinetry, high quality appliances, avonite and granite counters, slate tiled floors and lush carpeting, natural gas radiant in-floor heat and stone fireplace, wonderful master suite with large walk in closet, luxurious master bath with jetted tub and steam shower, guest suite with private bath, oversized 3-car heated garage, large outdoor Trex deck and immaculate yard with big Ohio Creek valley views, rainbird sprinkling system and so much more. Call Matt to make your appointment to see all of the “Wows” that this home has to offers. $470,000. Matt Robbins Broker 998 County Road 730 Gunnison, CO 81230 CRS, GRI 970 -641-1900 Search other Gunnison County listings at email: WOMEN’S WELLNESS CONNECTION - FREE MAMMOGRAMS & PAP TESTS ELIGIBILITY GUIDELINES: 1. No insurance or deductible high enough to delay or prevent screening; 2. Doesn’t exceed income guidelines; 3. 40-64 years of age (women 40-49 will receive a mammogram at discretion of provider; 4. Not had a mammogram or Pap test in the past 12 months (some exceptions apply); 5. Meet Colorado identity or citizenship verification criteria. Please contact Gunnison County Public Health with any questions, 970-641-0209. (4/8). 20 FOOT DOG LEASH with cushioning spring for trolley tie-out setup. $15. Call 970-275-8910. (4/8). GUNS - GUNS - GUNS Gunnison Mountain Pawn 641-6007 (4/29/7) BY SUPPORTING SMALL LOCAL businesses, community radio, artists, and independent publishers, we create and protect our quality of life and the culture of our small community! (4/8). WATERWISE WATER DISTILLER: used twice, best offer, proceeds will go to feeding orphans in Hispanola. 970-401-3651. (4/15). DEWALT 7 1/4” WORM DRIVE CIRCULAR SAW for sale. Brand new, still in box. $175. 2758910. (4/8). TIMBER LOGS FOR SALE: Dry and seasoned. Willing to sell by semi load, trailer, or in blocks. 970-641-3996. (4/22/18) YOU CAN NOW PAY YOUR VEHICLE REGISTRATIONS ONLINE! Go to and follow the instructions. Note: If you are expired, need proof of insurance or need a change of address, you cannot renew on-line at this time. (4/8). WOOD LATHE: Du-er brand w/nice custom stand. $100 wo/stand, $160 w/stand, 5969999 (4/8). LADDER RACK & TOOL BOX: heavy duty lumber/ladder rack, and a diamond plate truck tool box. $400 OBO/trade? Please call Kirk 970-596-2666. (4/8). SPRING HAS SPRUNG New Arrivals for all your Spring Events! BASICS FOR MEN 100 North Main 642-4223 (4/29/17) FREE: quality ping pong table and paddles. Call 349-6337 (4/8). FOR SALE: one oak chair; mirror 24x48. 209-0142. (4/8). GUNNISON COUNTY LAND USE RESOLUTION ONLINE: Building Permit and ISDS Permit information; Copies of regulations and forms; Notices of meetings, public hearings Gunnison County Planning Department is online: an. (4/8). CLOTHES WASHER & DRYER: Small, perfect for condo/apartment. Gas dryer. 26”W x 32” deep x 62” high. Old, but it works. Available April 9th. $50. 970-5969363 (4/8). LA OFICINA MULTICULTURAL 225 N. Pine St, B ahora tiene fondos para operar a tiempo completo gracias a nuevos subsidios. Ubicada en la misma oficina que CAFÉ (clases de inglés para adultos y la familia). Pase por la Oficina o llame a Ellen 641-7999 (deje mensaje con su número telefónico). Debido a que muchas veces tengo que ir a juntas o entrenamientos, a veces no estoy en mi oficina, y lamento el inconveniente. Si tiene una emergencia médica, llame al 911. (4/8). Every Day’s A Great Day for Sending Fresh Flowers, Green Plants, or a Gift Basket GHS Prom is Saturday, April 18th Order Corsages & Boutonnieres Early Best Selection of Bling & Ribbons In the Valley! Give us a Call Today! realestate continued from page 10... LOOKING FOR A RENTAL? Gunnison Real Estate and Rentals has several available rentals in and out of town. Give us a call at 641-4880 M-F 9am-5pm or stop by our office at 129 East Tomichi and check out our rental list posted on the door. www.GunnisonRealEstateandRent (4/8/46). 3 BEDROOM, 1 1/2 BATH TRAILER FOR RENT IN ANTELOPE HILLS: washer/dryer, fenced yard. No smokers; pets possible. $700/month. 970-5960822. (4/8/pd/22). FOR RENT: Available soon, 2 bedroom apartments. 1 year lease. $650 plus electric & gas. First, last & security deposit. No pets. 412 N Iowa St., Phone 970901-9263. (4/8/26). MOUNTAIN BIKE FRAME: 29er Specialized Rockhopper sl single speed, eccentric bb, headset, seatpost clamp included. $300. Have many other parts for cheap except wheels. 596-9420 (4/15). ¡USTED PUEDE AYUDAR A NUESTRA COMUNIDAD! Puede donar alimentos no perecederos y ponerlos en los cubos rojos que la Despensa de Alimentos (Gunnison Country Food Pantry) ha puesto en varios sitios de Gunnison (Safeway y City Market y más lugares). ¿Preguntas? 970641-4156. También puede llamar a la Oficina Multicultural 6417999 si tiene preguntas. (4/8). USED FUTON IN GOOD CONDITION: 72”x48”x6” foam mattress. $200 970-417-1971. (4/8). AAA APPROVED AUTO REPAIR: Request an appointment online at (4/8/10). SUBARU CARGO NET: black net for rear of car, perfect for holding sports equipment, groceries, etc. Like new. Retails for $40, yours for $15. 349-6611. (4/8). FOR SALE: 4 tires with XD wheels 325x60Rx20”, fit 3/4-ton GM, 8-hole. 209-2449. (4/8). HAMMOCK: Just in time for summer. Cotton rope, 7 feet long. $45. Call 970-275-6417. Leave message (4/8). TELEVISION SIGNALS. To report an issue with the over-theair television signals or to inquire about the television translator system, please contact the Gunnison County Metropolitan Recreation District at 641-9148. (4/8). MISTY MOUNTAIN FLORAL 147 N MAIN STREET GUNNISON 970-641-5102 “Your Downtown Main Street Florist” (4/8/52) REGISTER YOUR BICYCLE AND KEEP IT LOCKED! Registration can be done at the Gunnison police department. For more information regarding Bicycle Law, Bicycle Safety and Theft Protection, call the Gunnison Police Department at 641-8000 or stop by at 201 W Virginia Ave. (4/8). FOR SALE: Full-suspension mountain bike in good condition. 2013 Kona Kitsune with 26 inch wheels. Size medium (17-inch frame). Fresh rear shock overhaul and two new tires. $1,195 OBO. 970-349-9100 (4/15). FOR SALE: Downhill mountain bike in good condition. 2014 Scott Voltage FR20, size short. It has 26-inch wheels and is a great bike that I outgrew. $1,295 OBO. 970-349-9100 (4/15). CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE. Search for any ad in our regular weekly paper. (4/8) BEAUTIFUL SEQUINNED WEDDING DRESS: Size 8 $200 OBO. Call 970-765-4414 (4/15). TORK MOTION SENSOR PAPER TOWEL DISPENSERS: Three total, easy wall mount. Call Liz 497-0787. (4/8). SMOKER FOR SALE: Southern Pride DH-65 industrial electric wood chip smoker. 120/208 voltage, 27 amps, 60 hertz, phase 1, NSF certified. 25 1/4” wide, 31 3/4” deep, 48 1/4” high. On wheels, works great and in great condition. Call Liz 497-0787. (4/8). UTILITY FLATBED TRAILER: 14 foot deck. Needs some work. Brand new larger trailer tires. Not titled. With some finish this would haul rafts, bikes, whatever. $400 OBO. 970 306-5402. In Gunnison. (4/15). 2012 TREK EX 8: 19” 26er. Could use a tune and tires. $900 OBO. 970-209-1775. (4/15). TIRES FOR SALE: General Tire Grabber 265/75-15; BFG Baja Champ 33x10.5-15; both never driven on. 209-0142. (4/8). MOVING SALE: Entire household must go. Grill, mixer, toaster, fryer and other kitchen item. We also have skis, used toys and kids clothes, infant car seat. see pictures at or call 970-812-8321 (4/15). gunnison country shopper, april 8, 2015 page 11 FOR SALE BY OWNER: triplex rental property in Gunnison. Great rental history. 970-275-2690. commercial realestate (4/15/pd/13). GUNNISONHOMEVALUES.COM WANTED TO RENT: Small, economical office in downtown Gunnison, wired Internet compatible. 970-901-0888. Thank you. Find out what your home is worth in today’s market (4/29). SHOP SPACE FOR LEASE: Signal Peak Industrial Park, 2 units at 1000 sq.ft. Can be combined. 970-988-9795. (4/8/17). RESTAURANT, PUB OR COMMERCIAL POSSIBILITIES BUILDING FOR SALE OR LEASE: 3400sf, ADA bathrooms, parking, landscaping, restaurant infrastructure. Located on N. Main St. in Gunnison. 970-5969999 (4/8/25). GATES ON TRAILS & ROADS: Please respect all gate closures and follow any posted signs. Thanks for Staying the Trail and Treading Lightly out there! (4/8). SELLING: 99E 308 Savage Winchester rifle $525, and Ruger 22 cal pistol w/mag cylinder, $225. 970-209-1179. (4/8). FREE: handicap mobility cart, needs batteries, 641-5063. (4/8). LIKE NEW BRIDGESTONE TIRES: 195/70/14 with less than 500 miles on 14’’ steel rims. 5x100 lug pattern. Need garage space more than tires. Asking $250 OBO. 508-560-2037. (4/8). WANTED ANTLERS SHEDS & RACKS Pay Top Dollar Berfield’s Stage Stop 970-641-5782 (3/30/pd/11) FIFTEEN MINUTES FOR PEACE: every Friday at noon at the Oddfellows Park, corner of Main & Virginia. (4/8). BIG EZ KAYAK and skirt $250; wooden kayak paddle $50. Call 349-1593 (4/15). 7,900 Gunnison Country Shoppers every WEDNESDAY (4/8) CLOTHES WASHER & DRYER: used, white, $300, Gerald @ 970209-0077. (4/8). FOR SALE: Black Diamond climbing skins, new glue, $50. 349-5190. (4/15). XBOX 360 with 13 games. Adult owned. Not played much. $190. Call Jim 970-765-4414 (4/15). GUNNISON PETS AND HOBBIES For your live tropical fish & supplies Fresh and Salt Water Aquaria pumps, food and more. Enter through Silver Queen Jewelry 134 North Main, Gunnison 641-2366 (4/8/29) EARLY CHILDHOOD CARIES (CAVITIES) is 5 times more common than asthma and 7 times more common than hay fever. Early Childhood Oral Health is important- talk with your Dentist about it. Gunnison Hinsdale Early Childhood Council. Public Health 641-0209. (4/8). GENERAL FLOOD SAFETY: Brought to you by the City of Gunnison Floodplain Manager. If you are in a flood, have all utility supplies turned off immediately: Do not turn utility supplies back on until they are inspected for damage and can be safely reactivated. (4/8). OFFICES NOW AVAILABLE FOR RENT: 2 separate office suites in prime downtown location available. One $300 per month, one $550 per month, plus utilities second story. Call Suzanne 6414724. (4/8/29). BUILDING FOR RENT: 9000 sq.ft. Newer, nice retail space. Call 970-275-8146 for details. (4/8/13). COMMERCIAL SPACE NEAR CITY MARKET: 596-0848. 4 BED 2 BATH HOME: backs BLM in Antelope hills $1,100/MO with your yard and snow maint. Call Mick Love to owner carry or rent to own! 719-298-0119 (4/8/6). (4/15/pd/29). 10:00 A.M. TUESDAY! Yes, that is the Free Ad Deadline. Always has been, always will be. That means we must have your free ad at our office by 10am. But you don’t have to wait until 10am to call, email or fax. Please account for delays in cyberspace, as well as busy phones on Tuesdays. Thanks - The Gunnison Country Shopper. (4/8). ANTLERS WANTED TO BUY Deer, Elk, Moose. All Kinds Shed or Racks. White or Brown. Traders Rendezvous Gunnison 641-5077 or 641-6999 SEVENTH GENERATION TRAINING PANTS: sz 3T/4T, 2 unopened packages, incl. leftover opened pkg. $20/all. 970-5962216. (4/8). (4/8/21) FREE: Keg fridge. Call 970-8128321 (4/15). FOR SALE: Bow Flex Pro home Gym $150; women’s rollerblades, size 8, used once, $35. Call 2755987 (4/8). ...continued on page 12 F or Your Information Names & Numbers for Gunnison County Emergencies Gunnison County Administration Office Airport Administration Alternative Services Assessor County Commissioners Coroner County Attorney County Clerk County Court District Attorney Dos Rios Water Treat. Drivers License Office Elections Emergency Services Environmental Health Extension Agent Fairgrounds Manager Finance GED Preparation Housing Authority Jail Juvenile Diversion Project Landfill Legal Aid Library Literacy Program/ English Classes Long Range Planning Information Tech. Motor Vehicles Planning Public Health/ Family Planning Public Works/ Road and Bridge Recorder Safe Ride Sheriff Sheriff CB Social Services/ Food Stamps Treasurer Weed District 641-0248 641-2304 641-7635 641-1085 641-0248 641-9213 641-5300 641-1516 641-3500 641-5138 641-8565 641-1052 641-7927 641-2481 641-5105 641-1260 641-8561 641-2203 641-7647 641-7900 641-1108 641-4710 641-5522 641-3023 641-3485 641-7684 641-7620 641-1410 641-1602 641-0360 641-0209 641-0044 641-2038 209-RIDE 641-1113 349-7562 641-3244 641-2231 641-4393 Post Offices Almont Cimarron Crested Butte Gunnison Lake City Parlin Pitkin Powderhorn Sargents 641-3653 252-8366 349-5568 641-1884 944-2560 641-4676 641-9236 641-8737 641-1418 91 1 Gunnison City Building Dept. City Admin./Court Community Center Parks & Rec. Community Devel. Cranor Hill Sk Area Crime Stoppers Finance Dept./Utilities Fire Marshal Gunnison Police Dept. Hearing Impaired Neighborhood Services Animal Control Public Works Waste Water Lab Waste Water Treatment 641-8151 641-8080 641-8060 641-8090 641-4655 641-8280 641-8070 641-8153 641-8200 641-8009 641-8242 641-8020 641-8042 641-8040 Agencies Bureau of Land Management 642-4940 Colorado Division of Wildlife 641-7060 Colorado State Forest Gunnison District 641-6852 Gunnison Arts Center 641-4029 Gunnison Valley Hospital 641-1456 Job Service 641-0031 United States Forest Service 641-0471 Upper Gunnison River Water Conservancy Dist. 641-6065 Senior Resources Senior Citizens Center 641-2107 Senior Resources Office 641-7984 Two Buttes Senior Citizens 349-5607 Schools Crested Butte Community School Gunnison Alternative School Gunnison Community Gunnison High School WSCU Extended Stud. WSCU Switchboard 641-7720 641-7755 641-7710 641-7700 943-2885 943-0120 Chambers of Commerces Crested Butte Gunnison 349-6438 641-1501 Bus Routes Mountain Express 349-5616 Rural Trans. Authority 641-5074 gunnison country shopper, april 8, 2015 page 12 Reaching the Gunnison Country from Sargents to Cimarron, Lake City to Crested Butte with papers 4 seasons, 52 wednesdays a year! 7,700 2 CUSTOM VAN SEATS: In great shape complete with seat belts. Burgundy in color, $50 for the set, 970-318-8581 (4/8). SOFTBALL GLOVE FOR SALE: Wilson A360 ES 15”, 15” web pocket, black & brown leather, soft ultra lining, new, $40. 970275-0061, 641-2154. (4/15). FOR SALE: piano; upright Hallet and Davis model; great condition; $200 OBO; 970-261-6317 (4/8). April/May Yoga Sale 4 class punch card $30.00 Expires 6 weeks after purchase Private yoga or Healing touch session $35.00 Sign up with Jai Om Yoga 970-275-5987 (4/8/29) FOR SALE: Fritschi freeride AT bindings, size M, $50. No brakes. 349-5190. (4/15). ROAD BIKE FOR SALE: Raleigh Technium 400, new tires, great shape, $100, 970-274 -8684. (4/15). ROCK COLLECTION FOR SALE: includes dinosaur bones, petrified wood, call for more info. 275-4852 (4/8). EMPTY PICK UP TRUCK HEADING FOR THE EAST COAST in Late April/Early May. Need something transported? Very affordable transportation option for you or your belongings. Call Marc 970349-9108. (4/8). BETTY’S CLEANING Elba Alarcon 970-417-7432 Serving Gunnison County Residential - Commercial Job Site “Spiffy Clean in a Jiffy” CHILD’S TABLE & CHAIRS: High quality wooden table and two chairs, painted black with checkerboard table top. $50. 349-6611. (4/8). FOR SALE: G3 Targa Telemark bindings. With leashes. Cheap deal at $25. 349-5190. (4/15). CASH TO LOAN on Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols Traders Rendezvous 516 West Tomichi, Gunnison 641-5077 (4/8/14) MATTHEWS BLACK MAX 2 COMPOUND BOW FOR SALE: comes with Drop away rest, fiber sights, peep sight, wrist trigger, trigger loop, 5 carbon arrows, and hard case. great condition. Right handed, 70lbs draw, 20ish draw length. $400 OBO. 970581-9208 (4/15). HP PAVILION TOUCH 17z laptop. Only used for a semester, Asking $500 but is negotiable. Contact 970-964-8122 if interested! (4/15). DISPLAY STANDS WHITE MELAMINE & ASPEN: One measures 47”x24”x (16,36,26)”, with storage underneath; looks like an Award Podium. Second is a two tiered stand measuring 60”x24”x24”. Looks like steps. $100/both. Great for displays or plant stands. 970-641-1306 (4/8). FOR SALE: Remington 700 custom 375 ultra mag, 2 boxes of ammo, $2200 firm. 209-2449. (4/8). FREE: Bible Study Guides. Tired of the untruths being taught in most churches and on TV today? Learn the truth about God and His Word on your own. 20 sets available. Please do not call aft 7pm, Russell 641-4210. (4/8). lost&found FOUND RING: near the high school, call to identify 970-4013651. (4/15). FOUND: keys at Gunnison State Wildlife Area, June 2014. Can be ID’d and claimed at Colorado Parks and Wildlife office; 300 W. New York, Gunnison; 970-6417060. (4/15). employment RIVER GUIDE TRAINING STARTS SOON! Summer is coming! Scenic River Tours is offering their awesome river guide training program again this spring. The course starts May 18th, and runs 2 weeks. Everything is included for Colorado State River Guide Certification. Class size is limited for a great learning environment. Reserve your spot now, this extensive course fills up every year! Go to and click on the Guide Training tab for more information and to sign up. We are also hiring whitewater and fishing guides, office help and photographers for the upcoming season. You can e-mail us at with any questions, we’re happy to help you. (5/13/108). THE CRESTED BUTTE BANK, a branch of The Gunnison Bank and Trust Company, is immediate opening for a full-time teller. Applicants must have excellent customer service skills and cash handling experience. Duties include cash handling, daily balancing and processing of all types of banking transactions. Mail resume to The Crested Butte Bank, Attention: Tina Kempin, PO Box 1010, Crested Butte, CO 81224; fax to 970-349-0175; email to; or submit in person at 116 6th Street, Crested Butte, CO 81224. The Gunnison Bank and Trust Company is an equal opportunity employer. (4/15/92). CITY OF GUNNISON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT: accepting applications for temporary labor to work on the irrigation ditches, along with other water and sewer department work. Must be hard working and responsible. Must be 18, hold valid driver’s license, able to lift 50 lbs. Mon.-Fri., 8am-5pm, $10.90/hour with a potential of a 50¢/hour bonus. Starts immediately to approximately October 10th. Applications available online at h t t p : / / w w w. c i t y o f g u n n i s o n l, or at Public Works, 1100 W. Virginia Ave., or call 641-8330. (4/8/80). KAYAK FOR SALE: Riot Sniper creek boat good shape blue $300, 970-318-8786. (4/8). (4/8/17) FOR SALE: vintage Lane cedar chest, built 11/05/194, laminate top needs repaired. $125; HP color laserjet printer 2840 - best offer. Vintage Coors pilsner beer glasses with red lion. Holds 8oz filled to top, app.. 15-20 glasses. $4/ea. Other plain glasses. 970641-1966 (4/15). THE FOLLOWING ITEMS are at the Gunnison Police Department. To claim an item listed below please contact a Neighborhood Services Officer at 641-8242: 150376 Prescription savings card; 15-0376 Visa card owner Lynn Keegan; 15-0376 Pre-paid gift card; 15-0376 folding pocket knife; 15-0394 Dolly/hand truck; 15-0395 Cards for Cristina Mauro; 15-0403 Debit card owner Arturo Delgao; 15-0409 Four keys on a red landyard; 150418 Hyper BMX bike; 15-0441 black spray painted mtn. bike; 150441 MGP scooter; 15-0442 Trek Mtn. bike; 15-0456 Mongoose mtn. bike; 15-0467 Nokia cell phone; 15-0467 jacket; 15-0467 Roadmaster mtn. bike; 15-0469 Samsung cell phone; 15-0474 two checks, owner Gary Schaffer; 15-0474 credit card owner Patricia Moore; 15-0474 Visa card owner Adrienne Templeton; 15-0481 Drivers license owner Cecilia Fuller; 150506 wallet unknown owner; 150521 Kodak camera. (4/8). COOKS WANTED: full-time and part-time, summer and fall, in Sargents, CO. Please call 870313-1441. (4/15). garagesales YARD SALE: April 11, 9am, 310 W. Georgia. Men’s, tools. (4/8). THIS IS A YARD SALE NOTICE: The Shopper is holding our community yard sale/flea market/shopping extravaganza Saturday, April 11. This will take place at the Fred Field Center from 8:30-noon. We are looking for vendors at $5/table (proceeds go to American Cancer Society Relay for Life). Call or stop by the Shopper for more info! 641-3148, 222 1/2 N Main St., Gunnison. (4/8). MOVING SALE! Quality furniture, camping gear, scooter, bikes, fishing, gardening, kitchen, electronics, clothes, miscellaneous. FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 7AM-1PM. At 11th & Spencer, see signs to 340 CR 15. 970-343-2102. (4/8). PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS ARE FREE! AND WE ARE MORE THAN GLAD TO PRINT THEM..., 970-6413148. (4/8). LOOKING FOR A FUN SUMMER JOB? The Gunnison Arts Center is seeking fun, enthusiastic individuals to lead/teach visual arts camps and classes for kids of all ages. We offer a variety of schedules in a great environment. For information call 970-6414029. Email resume to (4/8). ABC HOTEL HIRING experienced housekeeper, please apply in person between 9am and 4pm (4/8). GROWING INSURANCE AGENCY looking to add a team member for customer service and sales position. This person must realize our customers always come first and be likable, self-motivated, problem solver, and have attention to detail. Customer service, computer and phone experience a must and a Colorado Insurance License is required. Willing to train the right person. Hourly, commission and bonus potential. Please send resume to American Family Insurance and Rick Nelson Agency, 1140 N Main Suite D, Gunnison, CO 81230 or email to (4/8). THE INN AT TOMICHI VILLAGE AND BLUE MESA GRILL are currently hiring servers, cooks, and housekeeping staff. Apply within at 41883 US Highway 50, Gunnison, Co. (4/8). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Asst. Soccer Coach -CBHS. Season runs mid August through October. Experience preferred. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, Shawna Campos, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760,, OR Colorado Workforce, 970-6410031 (4/8). ROCKY MOUNTAIN TREES & LANDSCAPING IS NOW HIRING: Season is May through October. See our website for more details Come fill out at application at 305 Buckley Drive or give us a call (970)349-6361 EXT 103 for Landscape, EXT 112 for Maintenance or EXT 105 for the Garden Center. (4/8). HELP WANTED: for general ranch work, May - August. Please call 641-0344. (4/8). HELP WANTED: Electrical apprentice wanted. Must be willing to travel. Resume, three work references and dependable vehicle required. Please call 719-2148588 (4/29). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: English Teacher- GHS. Position is one year only and will start in 201516 school year. Applicants must be licensed in the state of Colorado with an endorsement in secondary Language Arts. Salary depends on education and experience Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, Shawna Campos, 800 N. Boulevard, 970641-7760,, OR Colorado Workforce, 970-641-0031 (4/8). ELK CREEK AND LAKE FORK MARINAS are now hiring cashiers and dock hands for summer employment. Send resume to or call 970-641-0707. (4/22). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Early Childhood SPED Teacher/Child Find Coordinator-District. Applicants must be licensed in the state of Colorado with an endorsement in Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE). Experience working with all levels of support needs preferred. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, Shawna Campos, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760,, OR Colorado Workforce, 970-6410031 (4/8/pd/54). ROCKY MOUNTAIN BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY (RMBL) Dining Hall positions available in Gothic, Colorado for the 2015 summer season 2 Lead Cooks, 1 part-time Prep Cook, 1 part-time Dishwasher. Dining Hall will be open between June 6 and August 16, 2015. Food service experience is preferred. For complete job descriptions visit: and click on Jobs. Submit resume to (4/8). LOOKING TO HIRE someone to mow sage for me, it’s about 1/2 acre. Thanks, Van 970-641-4284. (4/15). ALLOW ME to make your summer more enjoyable by helping you with child care, pet sitting whatever! Semi retired nanny will happily provide references. Reasonable rates. Call 719-6482314 or text 719-648-2723. (4/15). ALMONT RESORT: now hiring for summer positions, full-time and part-time. Servers, prep cooks, line cooks, dishwasher, maintenance/grounds, housekeeping, and office staff. Good attitude and flexible schedule required. Call 641-4009. (4/15). MOUNTAIN CLEAN has a career opportunity as a full time carpet technician. Good pay will train. Must be hard working, self motivated, and good customer service skills. Must have clean driving record and be able to pass background check. Call 641-3767 for application. (4/15). VICKERS RANCH in Lake City is looking for motivated summer employees. Job requires house keeping cabins and easy grounds clean up. Housing available. Paid salary not hourly. Fun family owned business and great experiences. Visit the web to see what we are all about. Info about job send email to (4/15). WANTED: Reliable house cleaner for the months of July and August. References required. Starting pay $15 an hour. Contact Joelle Haley 970-901-5478 (4/15). SUMMER EMPLOYMENT IN CRESTED BUTTE: perfect for COLLEGE STUDENTS! Full time window cleaning positions, MayAugust, Mon.-Fri., 8am-5pm. Must be like Ninja with ALL ladders up to 32’, work hard and be positive. $16/hr DBO. Contact Susan: 596-8103. (4/15). COLORADO ADVENTURE RENTALS, LLC. is looking for full and part time help from MaySeptember. Must possess good computer skills, great customer skills, work ethic, and like being outside. please send resume to or call 970 641 3525. Not sure what we do check us out online @ (4/8). FANTASY RANCH HORSEBACK ADVENTURES is hiring experienced guides and receptionists for the summer season. Please call 970-349-5425 for more information (4/8). STUDIO WEST INTERIORS is hiring for a Book Keeper and/or Retail Sales Position. Competitive hourly wage offered. Please send resume and cover letter to m (4/15). DELIVERY DRIVER WANTED: Monty’s Auto Parts is looking for an in-town parts delivery driver. Job is full time and permanent. Clean driving record is REQUIRED. Apply in person at 223 W. Hwy 50. (4/8). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Math Teacher-GHS (2 positions). Applicants must be licensed in the state of Colorado with an endorsement in Mathematics. Salary depends on education and experience. Position will start in 2015-16 school year Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, Shawna Campos, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760,, OR Colorado Workforce, 970-6410031 (4/8). ALPINE LUMBER is now hiring for non-CDL and CDL drivers. Full time position, full benefits after 60 days. Chosen applicants are subject to pre-employment drug test and random drug tests. Ski passes are provided! Any questions, please stop by and ask for Will or Jason. (4/15). CLEANER NEEDED IN CRESTED BUTTE: Tuesday, Thursday nights and Saturday or Sunday. Looking for reliable person willing to work. Call 641-3767 for application. (4/15). SUMMER YARD WORKER NEEDED: prefer high school student. 596-0176. (4/8). LABORER NEEDED: for excavating company, must have valid drivers license. 349-1469. (4/15). LACY CONSTRUCTION is seeking truck drivers, equipment operators, and labors for summer season. 970-349-5010. (4/8). THE SPECIAL EVENTS/PROJECT ASSISTANT POSITION is responsible for aiding in the facilitation of Special Events within the City of Gunnison. Must be highly motivated, organized, self-directed, 18 years of age, valid drivers license, weekend work will often be necessary to help facilitate special events. Wage $10.50. Call Cory Vander Veen, 970-2101777, application at Gunnison Community Center (4/15). ...continued on page 13 GUNNISON VALLEY CALENDAR gunnison country shopper, april 8, 2015 page 13 Arts.Sports.Food.Festivals.Dances.LiveMusic.Exercise.SeniorsEvent s.School.Libraries.VolunteerOpportunities.WHO?Plays.Work shops.F u n d r a i s e r s . Races.Clubs.Yoga.To ur s .Education.Bingo.Observatory.WHAT?Museums.Rodeos.Ci r cu se s. Ma r k ets . F ai r s. W e l l n e s s . WH EN ?R ec ov e r y . R e c r e a t i o n . C hu r c he s. V e t e r a n s . L i b r a r i e s .F a m ilies. A r tOpe ni ng s . P a r a d e s . W H E R E ? S p o r t s . F o o d . F e s t i v a l s . D a n c e s . C o n v o v c a t i o n s . E xerc ise. S y m p o s i u m s . S c h o o l . R a l l i e s . V o l u n t e e r O p p o r t u n i ties.Kids.Plays .Workshops.Fundraisers.Races.Clubs.WHY?Tours .Education.Bingo.Observatory.Galleries.Museums.R odeo s . C ir c u s es . M a r Wednesday, April 8 • Yoga at The Sanctuary, Sunrise Prana Vinyasa 7am w/Leia, 9am Fit & Fly w/Kate, 4:15pm Hatha w/Meegan, 5:45pm Teens/Tweens w/Rachel. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison. • 2015 Farm-to-Table Conference, April 8 & 9 at Western's University Center; Keynote by foodactivist Mark Winne, Gunnison Valley Signature Dish recipe final; • The Ultimate Snowmobiler, CBMR base area April 8-12. • 10am. Socrates Cafe - discussing "Does the Earth Need Saving?" at the Gunnison Library. 641-3485 • Gunnison MOPS meets the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month. Desha 970-901-4223 or Kimberly 970-765-6348. • Next monthly meeting of the Gunnison Business Women: Wednesday, April 8 at 12pm at The Clarke Agency (241 N. Main St.). Men also welcome! • Every Wednesday (excluding Holidays): Gunnison Country Food Pantry, Open 1pm-4pm, 321 N. Main St #C, Gunnison. 970-641-4156. • Knights of Columbus will meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month at Parish Hall. • Arting Around: Art Through the Ages. In this class kids (ages 5-10) will watch the story of art unfold. Wednesdays, 4-5pm, thru April 22. 6414029 • Free Meditation class every Wednesday 5-5:20pm at Main Street Clinic, Gunnison, on the alley. • Double Shot Cyclery Group Road Rides every Wednesday at 5:30pm. Meet in front of 222 N. Main St., Gunnison. • English classes Monday & Wednesday, 6-8pm, at the Gunnison Elementary School, 1099 N. 11th. $10 fee. Bring your children. CAFE 641-7684. • Roller Derby! In Crested Butte Wednesdays at the CB school gym from 6:45-8:45pm. Everyone is welcome and no previous skills required. • 7pm. From the Andes to the Amazon - a slideshow and travelogue with Arden Anderson at the Gunnison Library. 641-3485 • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, Wed., 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, • Gunnison Bible Institute at First Baptist Church each Wednesday at 7pm. Open to the public. • Hear food-activist Mark Winne speak about food rebels and guerrilla gardeners at the 2015 Farmto-Table conference at 7pm at Western's University Center. • Alanon/Alateen Crested Butte, 7:30pm Wednesdays, The UCC Church Parlor, 403 Maroon Ave. Thursday, April 9 • Yoga at The Sanctuary, 9am Hour of Power w/ Karah, 12:15pm Yoga Mix w/Leia. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, • Women's boxing at the Coachlight Boxing Gymnasium! $8 drop-in fee. Thursdays, 5:30pm. @CoachlightGym on Facebook, Matt 596-3696. • 6pm. Social Media for Business: How to make friends with Twitter and LinkedIn at the Gunnison Library. 641-3485 • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open/Daily Reflection, 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, Friday, April 10 • Yoga at The Sanctuary, 7am Sunrise Yin w/Delaney, 5:30pm Aerial w/Kate. 513 South Main St., Gunnison, • FreeCycle Friday, Ute Hall on WSCU campus, donate or browse FREE items. 720-878-2537. • Emotions Anonymous: Every Friday 3-4:30pm, at The Center for Mental Health 710 N. Taylor, Gunnison. 641-0229. • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open/Speaker, 7pm, 114 N. Wisconsin, Gunnison, • Free the Honey Concert ~ Album Project Fundraiser. Gunnison Art Center. Doors & Silent Auction open at 6pm. Concert starts at 7pm. 6414029 Saturday, April 11 • Shopper Yard Sale Extravaganza, 9-noon, Fred Field Bldg. $5/table - proceeds to RELAY FOR LIFE! Reserve your tables at 641-3148. • Yoga at The Sanctuary, 9-10:30am. Instructors vary. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, • Alcoholics Anonymous, Women’s, 9:30am, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, • Gunnison Clothing Project Now Open! Tuesdays & Saturdays, 10am-2pm! In the alley West of N. 10th St. between Virginia & W Tomichi. Donations welcome. W H O ? W H AT ? W H E N ? W H E R E ? W H Y ? H O W ? • Grand Opening! 216 North Main Street, Gunnison. Fun new boutique opening 10am-6pm. Come check us out! • Seventh-day Adventist Church Saturday Praise & Worship 10am; Bible discussion & kids programing 11am. 77 Ute Lane, Gunnison. 970209-7911, 970-234-2336 • Up-Cycled Resin Jewelry Workshop, 1-4pm, Gunnison Arts Center. ~ Turn your old jewelry into beautiful wearable pieces! Instructor: Dierdre Jones $55. • Paint Your Own Pottery: Bright Spring Colors ~ Gunnison Art Center, 1-5pm. 641-4029 • American Cancer Society RELAY FOR LIFE. WSCU Field House, 4-10pm. Sign up teams at Buy Luminarias: Kadie 596-2216. • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, Sunday, April 12 • Yoga at The Sanctuary. Second Sundays Community Yoga with Kadie, 9-10am - pay what you can! Restorative w/Karah, 5-6pm. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, • Paint Your Own Pottery: Bright Spring Colors ~ Gunnison Art Center, 1-5pm. 641-4029 • Concert “Inspiration”, 3pm, Gunnison Arts Center. Enjoy a light recital by artists Ken Todd and Alicia Belgiovane. GAC Benefit Concert. By donation. 641-4029 • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, Sundays, 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, Monday, April 13 • Yoga at The Sanctuary, 7am Prana Vinyasa with Leia, 12:15pm Aerial with Kate, 5:15pm Iyengar w/Lynn T. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, • Western Pilates at The Sanctuary Studio, 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, with Kenny Marks. Red Cord at 8:45am. • Every Monday (excluding Holidays), Gunnison Country Food Pantry, Open 1pm-4pm, 321 N. Main St #C, 970-641-4156. 970-641-4156. • Children’s Theater Camp ~ Hope’s Fairy Tale ~ April 13-29th from 4-5:30pm. Performance on May 2nd @ 1pm & 2:30pm. Ages 7-14. $100/full 3 week camp. 641-4029 • Everyone Can Learn English - classes Monday & Wednesday, 6-8pm, at the Gunnison Elementary School, 1099 N. 11th. $10 registration fee. Bring your children. CAFE 970-641-7684. • Roller Derby! In Gunnison on Mondays at the Fred Field House from 7-9pm. Everyone is welcome and no previous skills required • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open/Traditions, Mondays, 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, Tuesday, April 14 • Yoga at The Sanctuary, 7am Kundalini w/Joe, 9am Hatha w/Karah, 12:15pm Yoga Mix w/Leia, 5:15pm Relax w/Mary. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, • Gunnison Clothing Project Now Open! Tuesdays & Saturdays, 10am-2pm! In the alley West of N. 10th St. between Virginia & W Tomichi. Donations welcome. • Qigong with Sandra Karas 10:15-11:30pm, at The Sanctuary, 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, • Gunnison Kiwanis meets every Tuesday at noon at Café Silvestre, 903 North Main St., Gunnison. • Knights of Columbus will meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month at Parish Hall. • Celebrate Recovery Meetings, Tuesday, 6pm, Oh Be Joyful Church, Crested Butte. Call 970-5963846 or go to • BINGO every Tuesday at the Elks Lodge, 7:30pm • Alanon/Alateen Gunnison, 7:30pm Tuesdays-The Last Resort 114 N Wisconsin St. • Western State Colorado University Department Of Music: Spring 2015 Concert. Western Jazz Ensembles Concert, 7:30 pm. Quigley Recital Hall, Wednesday, April 15 • Yoga at The Sanctuary, Sunrise Prana Vinyasa 7am w/Leia, 9am Fit & Fly w/Kate, 4:15pm Hatha w/Meegan, 5:45pm Teens/Tweens w/Rachel. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison. • Every Wednesday (excluding Holidays): Gunnison Country Food Pantry, Open 1pm-4pm, 321 N. Main St #C, Gunnison. 970-641-4156. • Free Meditation class every Wednesday 5-5:20pm at Main Street Clinic, Gunnison, on the alley. • Double Shot Cyclery Group Road Rides every Wednesday at 5:30pm. Meet in front of 222 N. Main St., Gunnison. Continue through summer. • Come out for a community leisure bicycle ride around town, meet at All Sports Replay, 115 W Georgia in Gunnison, on Wednesdays at 6pm beginning April 15. • The American Legion, 501 E. Virginia Ave., meets every 3rd Wednesday of the month at 6pm. Claire 209-6042, Ed 596-7883, or Larry 641-0172 • In response to the Spruce beetle epidemic, informational meeting to “Meet the Beetles.” 68pm, WSCU University Center, South Ballroom, Gunnison, CO. 970-640-7076 • Everyone Can Learn English - classes Monday & Wednesday, 6-8pm, at the Gunnison Elementary School, 1099 N. 11th. $10 registration fee. Bring your children. CAFE 970-641-7684. • Roller Derby! In Crested Butte Wednesdays at the CB school gym, 6:45-8:45pm. Everyone welcome. • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, Wed., 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, • Gunnison Bible Institute at First Baptist Church each Wednesday at 7pm. Open to the public. • Alanon/Alateen Crested Butte, 7:30pm Wednesdays, The UCC Church Parlor, 403 Maroon Ave. Thursday, April 16 • Yoga at The Sanctuary, 9am Hour of Power w/ Karah, 12:15pm Yoga Mix w/Leia. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, • Every Thursday (excluding Holidays): Senior's Day 65+, Gunnison Country Food Pantry, 10am-2pm, 321 N. Main St., #C, Gunnison. 970-641-4156. • Women's boxing at the Coachlight Boxing Gymnasium! $8 drop-in fee. Thursdays at 5:30pm. @CoachlightGym on Facebook, Matt 596-3696. • The Confidential Advocacy Center (CAC) is offering peer support groups to women affected by domestic violence, first & third Thursday, 67pm. 641-2712. • Clay & Cocktails at the Gunnison Arts Center Clay Studio. $35/sign 4 people up for the price of 3. Instructor: Sheila Anderson. 6-9pm. Preregister: 641-4029 • 6:30pm. New Writer's Group at the Gunnison Library. 641-3485 • Thursdays 6:30-8 Lamaze at Colorado Fitness. Call Ariel for details 970-275-3749. • Western Amigos hosting B-BALL FOR LIFE 5 on 5 Basketball Tournament. Mountaineer Field House. 6:30pm. $25/team. Multicultural Center UC 122, 943-2234. Proceeds go to the American Cancer Society. • Today's Modern Square Dance Lessons. If you can walk you can dance! Gunnison Community Center Thursdays 7-9pm, 970-596-4252 • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open/Daily Reflection, 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, • CB Film Fest Tracks: Thursday, April 16, 7 pm. $10. Doors 6:30pm.; 970-349-7487, 606 Sixth Street in Crested Butte. • WSCU Music Department Spring Concert: Western Percussion Ensemble/Steel Band Concert, 7:30 pm. Quigley Recital Hall. • The Exit Interview presented by Peak Productions April 16th-18th, 23rd-25th, 7:30pm. in Western’s Taylor Studio Theatre. 943-3013, Adult language/situations. Friday, April 17 • Yoga at The Sanctuary, 7am Sunrise Yin w/Delaney, 5:30pm Aerial w/Kate. 513 South Main St., Gunnison, • Emotions Anonymous: Fridays 3-4:30pm, The Center for Mental Health 710 N. Taylor, Gunnison. 641-0229 • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open/Speaker, 7pm, 114 N. Wisconsin, Gunnison, Saturday, April 18 • Yoga at The Sanctuary, 9-10:30am. Instructors vary. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, • Gunnison Valley Gardening Festival with Gunnison City Cleanup. Fred Field, 9am-1pm,, • Alcoholics Anonymous, Women’s, 9:30am, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, • Gunnison Clothing Project Now Open! Tuesdays & Saturdays, 10am-2pm! In the alley West of N. 10th St. between Virginia & W Tomichi. Donations welcome. T he Deadline for THE GUNNISON VALLEY CALENDAR is MONDAY at 10:00 a.m. • “I Don’t Know”… To a Pro: Adult Acting Class (Ages 16+), 1-4pm. At the Gunnison Arts Center, taught by Alice Stern! $25. 641-4029 • Seventh-day Adventist Church Saturday Praise and Worship 10am; Bible discussion & kids programing 11am. 77 Ute Lane, 970-209-7911 or 970-234-2336 • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, Sunday, April 19 • Yoga at The Sanctuary. Restorative w/Karah, 56pm. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, Sundays, 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, Monday, April 20 • Yoga at The Sanctuary, 7am Prana Vinyasa with Leia, 12:15pm Aerial with Kate, 5:15pm Iyengar w/Lynn T. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, • Western Pilates at The Sanctuary Studio, 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, with Kenny Marks. Red Cord at 8:45am. • Every Monday (excluding Holidays): Gunnison Country Food Pantry, Open 1pm-4pm, 321 N. Main St #C, Gunnison. 970-641-4156. • One Valey Prosperity Project second Community Conversation in Gunnison, 5:30pm at the Western State Ballroom. Cathie Pagano 970-641-0360 • Everyone Can Learn English - classes Monday & Wednesday, 6-8pm, at the Gunnison Elementary School, 1099 N. 11th. $10 registration fee. Bring your children. CAFE 970-641-7684. • Infinite Possibilities Course & The Power of Positive Creating, April 20th-June 2nd, Mondays 7pm. $70. Jai Om Yoga 970-275-5987 • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open/Traditions, Mondays, 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, • Roller Derby! In Gunnison on Mondays at the Fred Field House from 7-9pm. Everyone is welcome and no previous skills required. Tuesday, April 21 • Yoga at The Sanctuary, 7am Kundalini w/Joe, 9am Hatha w/Karah, 12:15pm Yoga Mix w/Leia, 5:15pm Relax w/Mary. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, • Morning English Classes, 8:30am at the Family Services Center, 225 N. Pine. Center for Adult Education, Ellen 641-7999, Marsha 641-7647. • Gunnison Clothing Project Now Open! Tuesdays & Saturdays, 10am-2pm! In the alley West of N. 10th St. between Virginia & W Tomichi. Donations welcome. • Gunnison Kiwanis meets every Tuesday at noon at Café Silvestre, 903 North Main St., Gunnison. • Knights of Columbus will meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month at Parish Hall. • Celebrate Recovery Meetings, Tuesday, 6pm, Oh Be Joyful Church, Crested Butte. 970-596-3846 or go to • WSCU Music Department Spring Concert: Western Symphony Band Concert, 7:30 pm. Taylor Auditorium. • BINGO Tuesdays at the Elks Lodge, Gunnison, 7:30pm • Alanon/Alateen Gunnison, 7:30pm Tuesdays. The Last Resort 114 N Wisconsin St. Daily Happenings • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, Daily, 8am, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, A Look Ahead... • Project Hope of Gunnison Valley - The Mutt Strut, Sat., April 25 12-4pm, Fred Field Center in Gunnison. Fundraiser for individuals affected by domestic violence &/or sexual assault. 641-2712 • Marijuana Educational Summit, May 2nd, 11-5pm, Mountaineer Square Lodge, Mt. Crested Butte. Register: Info., 970-642-7393. email kadie@gunnisonshopper .com G U N N I S O N VA L L E Y C AT T L E W O M E N OUR MISSION is to provide an avenue for and encourage the cooperation of all women interested in the welfare of the cattle industry and in the promotion of beef. WHAT WE DO - Promote cattle industry locally - Provide agriculture and beef education through annual Small Animal Show (April 29) and Ag Venture Day (grades 3-5 April 30) to Gunnison Basin youth - Support local youth by providing scholarships, awards, and prizes - Advocate for agricultural producers in local, state, and national policy - Support members and community JOIN US Meet 3rd Monday at Noon, September through May Fred Field Heritage Center Contact gunnison country shopper, april 8, 2015 page 14 MET REC TELEVISION TRANSLATOR SYSTEM – CHANNEL GUIDE METRECTELEVISIONTRANSLATORSYSTEM–CHANNELGUIDE Almont CableSystem SiteName/Location Comstock (North Highway 135) Crested ButteSouth Crested Butte (Sunlight Ridge) Gunnison(W Mountain) Monarch Pass (Tomichi Valley) 2.1 KWGNͲCW2 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 KWGNͲTHIS 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 NorthValley Sub.Cable System 4.1 Pitkin/Ohio PowderͲhorn City PowderͲhorn /LakeCity (Waunita (Gateview) Pass) Parlin Pitkin(Town Site) 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.2 4.1 4.1 4.1 KCNCͲCBS4 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 KTVDͲMEͲTV 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 Sapinero Sargents 2.1 2.1 2.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 KPXCͲIonLife 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 KPXCͲQubo KPXC Qubo 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 ALJAZEERA 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 KMGHͲABC7 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 KTSCͲRMPBS 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 RMPBSͲVͲMe 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 RMPBSͲCreate RMPBS Create 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 KUSAͲNBC9 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 CBͲTV10 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 TVGUIDE 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.1 LOCAL 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 DISCOVER 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 NASA 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 KTVDͲMy20 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 KDVRͲFOX31 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 RHODES UPHOLSTERY PAPPY’S RESTAURANT is now hiring cooks and servers for summer employment. Send resume to or call 970-641-0707. (4/22). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: English Language Learner Teacher-GHS. Applicant must be licensed to teach in Colorado with an endorsement in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse education and fluency in Spanish is required. Position will start in 2015-16 school year. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, Shawna Campos, 800 N. Boulevard, 970641-7760,, OR Colorado Workforce, 970-641-0031. (4/8). SIX POINTS is seeking a Full Time Retail Processing/Sales Clerk. To view full job description and download our application, please go to our website at and click on employment opportunities! (4/15). PART TIME OFFICE ASSISTANT: Central Colorado Veterinary Services is seeking Sales, Service and Installation TVs, Stereos, Satellite Systems 641-1453 641-0656 continued from page 13... HENRY’S RADIO & TV A l l T o s h ib a L E D T V s 10% OFF Free Pickup and Delivery Free Estimates Furniture, Auto & Marine employment % ( !, ! !* " )! $ ") /%+ -!"" $ * " ,!)!%$ * * &*) ! !* " )! $ " %( ! !* " %# , (* ( %. $ $ %+* %%( $* $$ %( !, "" ! !* " )! $ ") !$ /%+( ( /%+ # / $ *% ) $ %( $$ ") %$ /%+( ! !* " * " ,! )!%$ %( ! !* " %$, (* ( %. + "! !% !) , !" " %$ $$ " !$ #%)* ( ) " ) %$* * * & ( *!%$) $ ( * -!* '+ ) *!%$) %( %( #%( !$ %(# *!%$ %+ # / ) * +& +)*%#!0 %$ "!$ $$ " !)*!$ ) * !* $ %# %( /%+( %$, $ ! $ ) )* & / )* & !$)*(+ *!%$) %$ %- *% ) * +& /%+( %-$ !* $ %+$* * * --- # *( %# SERVING GUNNISON AREA SINCE 1961 1 1/2 miles North of Gunnison on Highway 135 office assistant to help with filing, client mail and correspondence, billing, and data entry. Hours are flexible. Please email resume to (4/15). ALPHA MECHANICAL SOLUTIONS, LLC is offering full time employment for plumbers. Must have journeyman license and clean D.M.V. Boiler experience a plus. Top compensation package depending on experience. Email resume to (4/15). FULL/PART-TIME EMPLOYMENT AVAILABLE: We are currently hiring front desk clerks and housekeepers. Please apply, in person, at the Comfort Inn. (4/8). EMPLOYMENT ADS ARE FREE! If they are 60 words or less. Any over the 60 word limit will be charged a paid ad fee dependent on the number of words. Please see the website for details at, or call 641-3148. - Thank you, The Gunnison Country Shopper. (4/8). SEEKING TO WORK AS R A N C H HAND/GROUNDSKEEPER. Personally/professionally experienced in horse care/training, hay sale, heavy equip. operation, and more... Customer svc experience! Open to many situations, opportu- LOCAL CHURCHES AS SEM BLI ES O F GO D “The River” 9 2 C ou n t y R oa d 17 • 641 - 08 64 P as t or M ik e D ar n e ll S u n d a y Wo r s h i p 1 0 : 0 0 a m We d n e s d a y 7 : 0 0 p m w w w. r i v e r o f l i f e g u n n i s o n . o r g TRIN ITY BAPTIST CHURCH 5 2 3 N o r t h P i n e • 6 4 1 - 1 8 1 3 S e n i o r P a s t o r M i c h a e l M c Ve y S u n d a y W o r s h i p : 8 a m Tr a d i t i o n a l , 1 0 : 3 0 a m B l e n d e d F a m i l y B i b l e S t u d y : 9 : 1 5 a m S u n d a y M o r n i n g S a t u r d a y E v e n i n g Wo r s h i p : 6 p m H i s p a n i c Wo r s h i p : S a t u r d a y 6 p m , B i b l e S t u d y : T h u r s d a y 7 p m w w w. t r i n i t y b a p t i s t g u n n i s o n . c o m nities, including living on-site. Resume provided. Call 620-3381131 (4/15/pd/35). HIRING PART TIME: The Gunny Lube is currently looking to fill a part time position (becomes full time this summer). Starts at $8.25/hr for apx. 26 hours/week. No experience needed. Contact Dan at The Gunny Lube. 970-648-4300,, or stop in at 1140 N. Main. (4/15). LANDSCAPE COMPANY HIRING maintenance workers and irrigation technicians. Starting pay $12.00 or higher depending on experience. Must have valid drivers license and willing to drug test. Call Mark at 970-275-8827 or send resume to (4/8). PLUMBER WANTED to help me with mobile home remodel in Almont, will pay to just line me out properly, call KV 702-283-8294. (4/15). SAFEWAY HAS SEVERAL POSITIONS AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY: Come in or call for more info., 641-0787 (4/15). DOUBLE SHOT CYCLERY IS HIRING! Work at a fun and busy shop with opportunity for advancement. We’re looking for a bicycle sales associate with knowledge of bikes, parts, and accessories. Drop off a resume at 222 N. Main St and ask for Dan. (4/8). HOUSEKEEPER OPENING, Temporary position with potential for full-time employment at GUNNISON VALLEY HOSPITAL. Apply now to join a great team of individuals who have helped maintain our Top 100 hospital status for 3 years in a row! This team works to maintain cleanliness and sanitation of the patient rooms, operating rooms, and auxiliary areas in order to provide for an exceptional patient experience. Must be available for evenings and some weekends. Education: High School Diploma or equivalent preferred. Individual must possess basic English reading skills and ability to follow simple oral and written instructions understanding. Housekeeping experience preferred. Apply online at or call HR for questions 970-641-1456. (4/8/109). TOUCH OF CARE is now hiring Personal Care Providers in the Gunnison Area. Hours would start Part Time and could lead to more Full Time work. Availability would be M-F 8 to 5. You can apply online at or call Jeanette at 970-874-6115. You can also apply at the Gunnison Workforce Center. Clean background checks are required. (4/15). MOTIVATED INDIVIDUALS NEEDED: Earn extra money delivering the new Go To Guide Gunnison Telephone Directory. If interested please call 1-877-8789445 or email: (4/15). ACA WHITEWATER KAYAK INSTRUCTOR CERTIFICATION COURSE, levels 1-4. June 5-9 at Three Rivers Resort in Almont. Must be a confident Class III boater with a solid roll. $499 for course or $199 for recertification. Visit for info and registration or call 970-6411303. (4/8/46). HOUSEKEEPERS WANTED: Rodeway Inn is now hiring experienced housekeepers. Attention to cleanliness a plus! Apply in person. (4/8). MOUNTAIN RAIN is looking for responsible, hard working individuals for lawn and irrigation crews. Season runs from mid April thru October. Call 970-216-5230. (4/15). GUNNISON VALLEY HEALTH has the following openings, at the HOSPITAL: 1 FT Cook, 1 Temporary Housekeeper, 1 PRN Admissions Rep, 1 FT Hospitalist (MD), 1 FT Mammography/CT Tech, 1 FT MRI/CT Tech, 1 PRN & 1 FT Paramedic, 3 PRN EMT Basic. At SENIOR CARE CENTER: 1 FT Cook, 1 FT Environmental Services Tech. At ASSISTED LIVING: 1 PT Personal Care Provider. Please visit our website for more in-depth position descriptions, specific qualification requirements and to apply online, or call HR for questions 970-641-1456. (4/8/87). CAMP MAINTENANCE/FACILITIES LEAD: AEI Base Camp in Taylor Park is looking for an experienced “jack-of-all-trades” to oversee the maintenance and upkeep of the property, equipment and physical facilities of the camp. Applicant must be at least 18 years of age and have skills with maintenance and repair of equipment, property and facilities. The applicant must also have knowledge in the area of carpentry, plumbing and electrical. This is a seasonal, full-time job and benefits include a daily stipend, food, lodging (limited availability) and Colorado Compensation Insurance. Dates: May 18October 25. For more information or to apply, call 800-595-2945 or email 10 day training course beginning May 18. Includes all state requirements, 1st aid/CPR, instruction on the Taylor, Gunnison, Lake Fork and Arkansas Rivers. Optional River Rescue Course available beginning May 29. For more info: Email application and registration to: (4/15/pd/103). (4/8/72). HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS & SUITES is hiring a Night Auditor. This opportunity is full time and year round employment. Experience preferred. Apply in person at 910 East Tomichi Ave. Gunnison (4/15). LAWN CARE WORK: part-time, experienced, 21+, pickup? 2090142. (4/8). FUN SUMMER JOBS: At Three Rivers Resort in Almont include restaurant Servers/Cooks, Housekeepers, Raft & Fish Guides, Maintenance/Grounds. Competitive pay, resort discounts, fun workplace. We seek only the best in customer service and reliability. Open and flexible schedule is a must. Download a p p l i c a t i o n : Email: (4/8). FARMERS INSURANCE, IS OFFERING A CAREER OPPORTUNITY. We are accepting applications for a full time “Customer Service Representative”. Candidates must have Colorado Property & Casualty insurance licenses or secure P&C license within three months after employment. Good work ethics, sales skills, computer skills, organization, oral and written communication skills and eye for detail are a plus. Hourly wage commensurate with level of experience and commission opportunities. Health Insurance Benefits available. Mail resume and references to 234 N Main St, Suite 1B, Gunnison, CO 81230. (4/29/84). HOUSEKEEPING POSITION available at Crystal Creek HOA, 21 miles out of Gunnison. Need reliable vehicle. 40 hrs a week available, Monday thru Friday. Start $12.00/hr. with perks (travel time, fuel allowance, stay bonus). Typically June 1st through August, can start earlier if wanted. Call 641-3176 to set up an interview. More details at Colorado Workforce. (4/8). RAFT/FLOAT FISH GUIDE CERTIFICATION: Have a great summer on the river with 3 Rivers Outfitting in Almont. Get certified to raft or float fish guide with our CUSTOMER SERVICE POSITION: This job requires computer and good customer service skills. Must be outgoing and enjoy working in a team atmosphere. FT temp with possiblity of FT, M-F 85:30. Call 970-596-9999 for interview (4/8). WANTED: Laborer for odd jobs like raking, fence repair and painting. $10/hr. Call Marc 970-3499108. (4/15). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Head Football Coach-GHS. Must be or willing to become a registered coach with the Colorado High School Activities Association. Experience is preferred. In general, hours are after school Monday through Friday, and some all day Saturdays for games. Season runs Mid-August and continues through November. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, Shawna Campos, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760,, OR Colorado Workforce, 970-6410031 (4/8/65). FULL-TIME DELIVERY/WAREHOUSE PERSON for Back at the Ranch home furnishings store. Must have valid drivers license and be able to lift 100 lbs. Monday thru Friday 10-6. $1012/hr. Contact Jeff, 641-0727. (4/15). WANTED: personal assistant, 23 days/week. Phone skills a must. Flexible hours. prefer female. Call for details, Kevin 970-596-5833. (4/15). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Asst. Cross Country -CBHS. Season runs mid August through October. Experience preferred. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, Shawna Campos, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760,, OR ...continued on page 15 gunnison country shopper, april 8, 2015 THE JOB HOTLINE 109 East Georgia Gunnison 970-641-0031 AUTO REPAIR/TIRE SERVICE TECHNICIAN Local tire shop is looking for a full time, year around person to perform light auto repair and maintenance as well as tire installation and repair. Duties include new tire installation, flat repair, tire related service as well as oil changes and light mechanical repairs. CO#6097047 OFFICE ASSISTANT Busy Real Estate/Property Management office looking for an office assistant to help with with general daily office duties that will include but not limited to: answering phones, taking messages, dealing with customer questions, complaints and issues, taking rental payments and recording, filing, computer data entry, showing rental properties that are for rent, checking rental properties, assist in mass mailings, help with advertising, and any other office help that is requested by office manager or owner. CO#6108328 LABORER Labor person has to be able to read lists and work independently. Must be self-motivated. The labor position includes chainsaw work, sprinkler system work, lawn mowing, lawn raking, weed eating, trash removal, tree removal, roadwork, irrigation work, trail work, and stream work. CO# 6116080 Been laid off from a job recently? You may qualify for personalized assistance with job search, career guidance, resume development, interviewing, job skills development, relocation assistance and MORE. CDLE is an EO Employer/auxiliary aids/services available upon request. For information on these or other jobs, call 641-0031. employment continued from page 14.. Colorado Workforce, 970-6410031 (4/8). Need Done... (4/8) YOUNG MAN AVAILABLE for lawn care, mowing and other jobs. Will mow lawn weekly for the summer. Please call 970-641-3959 (4/15). THREE RIVERS RESORT IN ALMONT seeks reliable spring/summer housekeepers with open and flexible schedules starting as early as April (through mid May) through the entire summer (or until school begins) with some fall help needed. Good pay, resort/restaurant discounts, fun workplace, free rafting and employee housing option for the right candidates. Download application: E m a i l : (4/8). CRYSTAL CLEAR WINDOW WASHING is now looking for members to join our team. Full time seasonal employment starting at the end of April thru November. Please send resume to: (4/15). TOMICHI PET CARE CENTER is accepting applications for a parttime receptionist position. We are seeking a qualifies applicant who is outgoing & friendly, able to multitask with attention to detail. Applicant should possess a good understanding of computers and have good typing skills. Responsibilities include answering phones, scheduling appointments, checking animals in and out, filing and pharmacy assistance. Approximately 10-15 hours per week, hours may vary. Pay DOE. Drop resume off at 106 S. 11th St., or fax to 641-0817. Call Dr. Jacobson with questions, 6412460. (4/8/85). LABOR POSITION AVAILABLE at Crystal Creek HOA. $12.00/hour, 40hr/week, gas allowance, staying bonus. Must have reliable vehicle, 21 miles out of Gunnison. Work starts ASAP and runs through October. Get application and see entire ad at Colorado Workforce. 641-3176 for interview. Wage negotiable depending on experience. (4/15). LAS PALMAS: se nesesita persona para la cosina, 642-1178. EXPERIENCED 19-YEAR-OLD seeking yard work/housekeeping/nannying/babysitting/tutoring/enrichment jobs for the summer. Hard worker. Let me make your summer easier! References available, call Laurel at 970-9478297 or email (4/8). COLLEGE FEMALE STUDENT looking to babysit! CPR certified and lots of experience with children, disabled, cooking and animals. Rates are extremely flexible. Phone: 970-596-0736 (call or text is fine). Available some weekdays, nights, and weekends. Also available to help with odd jobs. (4/8). 20 YEAR OLD FEMALE LOOKING FOR NANNY/BABYSITTING POSITION. Previous nanny and daycare experience. Availability very flexible. Call 303510-1510 for any further questions. (4/15). CLASSIC SCOOTER FOR SALE: 1983 Honda Passport C70 , low miles, second owner, many new parts, looks great, runs well, fantastic gas mileage, call 970-2748684 (4/8). B e t s y Fo l k e r t h , MSPT 970-641-2118 GOAT MILKING STAND FOR SALE: Built six months ago. Incredibly sturdy. Was used to milk a 175 lbs doe. Excellent condition! $150 OBO. Call or text 901-8101 (4/8). 8 FOOT ELK FENCE FOR SALE: call for information! 275-4852. (4/8). ALPINE CROSS DOE FOR SALE: 3 years old. Around 175 lbs. Easy to handle and milk. Currently dry. Gets along great with kids and other livestock. Call or text 901-8101 (4/8). WANTED: Manure spreader to buy, rent, or borrow. Prefer 50 70 bushel with max outer tire width 72”, minimum inner width 36”. PTO or ground drive. Older/antique ok if repairable/serviceable. 970-964-8226. (4/8). ROUND HAY BALES FOR SALE $100 a ton 417-8996 GRASS HAY FOR SALE $5 a bale Across from City Market South in Montrose 970-249-4005 CHARPENTIER HAND-MADE ROPING SADDLE: 15 inch seat. $1,275. Call 970-641-0867. FREE: beautiful 7 month old black male kitten. Shorthair kitten. LOVES dogs. And people. Has all his shots including rabies. Is litter boxed trained and looking for a great home! Please email (4/8). (4/8). TWO CHILDREN’S WESTERN SADDLES: $115 each. Call 970641-0867. (4/8). I.S.O.: Horse pasture for lease. These are commercial horses so its possible to keep your property zoned agricultural. LB Mullin 970275-2089. (4/15). HORSE PASTURE FOR RENT: Have room for up to 3 horses. $75 per horse per month, 2 miles north of Gunnison. Call 970596-1608. (4/22/pd/23). (4/15). KIDS & STUDENTS WILL WORK Look below for that Neighborhood Kid or Eager College Student To Do What You ranching (4/8/51) 570 SPORTSMAN POLARIS ATV 2014: power steering, front & rear racks, front bush guard, new camo’ cover, 60 month extended service contract (ends 6-14-2019), initial service completed. 221 miles/53 running hours. Paid $10,000, sell $8,000, serious offers may be negotiated, KV 702-283-8294 (4/15). MOTORCYCLE RACK for Triton tilt trailer. Stands 2 dirt bikes. $25. Call 349-1593 (4/15). 1999 YZ 250: Fresh fork seals, new seat cover, new grips, Scotts steering dampener, new kick stand. Fresh tune... ready to rip! $1700 OBO. 970-596-1457. (4/15). 2010 POLARIS RZR800S: excellent condition, lots of extras, $9,000. 641-6908. (4/8). 2007 KTM 450 XCW: street legal, good cond., $3800. 6416908. (4/8). POLARIS SPORTSMAN 700 TWIN, 2002: Runs great, already replaced the fuel pump. Very reliable. $3250 OBO. 970-275-8827 (4/8). ALL HELMETS ON SALE ALL THE TIME! Only at Sun Sports Unlimited West Hwy. 50 Gunnison 970-641-0883 (4/8/17) 2007 RED SCHWINN SPORT LH FOR SALE: 150cc automatic. Only 465 miles. Excellent condition. Only been driven in my subdivision. $1150. 719-207-0190 (4/8). 1998 POLARIS RMK 700: 136 track, 4400 miles. $950 OBO. 415-318-9477 (4/8). 15’ LARSON SKI BOAT: motor needs work, $950. 275-4852. (4/8). WANTED: 2 feral/barn female cats for a good home. Call Jason 970-216-9685. (4/15). LOOKING FOR A HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT that would like to mow grass once a week. Please call 275-8037 or 641-2663 (4/15). Our Fabulous $5 Feline promotion is extended through Sunday, April 12! Hurry in to adopt one of our cats or KITTENS for only $5. Come visit our cats during shelter open hours Wednesdays 5-7pm and Saturdays and Sundays 10am-1pm, or call to set up a different time. Color, and receive a Wheel Kit at No Charge. Sun Sports Unlimited W. Hwy 50, Gunnison 970-641-0883 (4/8/39) 1ST $4900 TAKES THIS: 1989 Mercury Invader boat w/470 engine I-O; custom cover, 11’ Bimini top, trailer, extra reel supports, extra props, fish finder, GPS, marine radio & speakers, nice vinyl seats, captain chair. 641-5644. Or trade for 24’ tandem axle with duals gooseneck flatbed trailer. (4/15). MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE: 2012 Gasgas enduro 2-stroke 250 in great shape and garage stored. Must sell, $5000. 6410344. (4/15). (4/15/9) LOOKING FOR: some aged - not fresh :) - manure for garden, horse or cow. 642-0442 (4/8). FOR SALE: Cavalier King Charles puppies, 3 girls, 1 boy, $200. 970-209-6423. (4/15). $5 felines extended! YAMAHA’S 2016 POWER SURGE COLD LASER - MASSAGE is now on at HERBAL REMEDIES & MORE SUN SPORTS FOR SALE: clean feed oats, 719UNLIMITED B You may qualify for personalized 256-5350. (4/15). a Place a $500 ELECTRIC FENCING: 2 1/2 inch All animals are Deposit on a SR Viper an EO Employer/auxiliary aids/services available spayed or neutered white tape, hundreds ofCDLE feet.isCall u and current on 970-596-3053. (4/15). and get your choice vaccinations. of PREMIUM BARN STORED HAY: See all of our adoptable animals Grass; Grass/Alfalfa; Alfalfa. Color, Track, and at, facebook, or Small squares, large squares Receive FREE 3 year and rounds. warranty, 9 7 0 . 6 4 1 . 1 1 7 3 I N F O @ GV AW L . O R G 9 8 B AS I N P A R K D R I V E And, also have straw. $600 in Genuine 970-872-3141. Yamaha Accessories (4/8/19) Now Accepting plus a FREE Ogio CIRCLE J HORSE TRAILER: Snow Checks on 2012 Bronco, slant load, swing Gear Bag You 2016 Timbersled out saddlemrack, fully padded stall Sun Sports Unlimited area, like new, call for details. Mountain Horse CDLE is an EO Employer/auxiliary 970-596-3053 (4/15). 641-0883 a Snow Bike Systems. sunsportsunlimited. WESTERN SADDLE: 15” seat, Place a $500 Deposit great shape, newer fleece, comcom fortable. $295 OBO. 970-596by 4/18/15 and 3053 (4/15). Offer Ends 4/18/15 Choose Your Kit, (4/15/pd/15) pet page 15 motorized FOR SALE: 1982 Lowe 24ft pontoon, 55hp Yamaha, good shape, $3000. OBO. See in the lot at Waterwheel Inn, or call Fred 970596-1307 (4/8). 1998 BAYLINER CAPRI SS open bow sport boat. Great condition, ready for the lake. Mercruiser 350 engine, Mercruiser outdrive. Partial bimini cover, & full cover. Well maintained, comes with nice trailer with surge brakes, spare tire. Under book value. $6,000. Tucker 970-581-9208. (4/8). Let Us Sell Your ATV or Motorcycle Only $75 Sun Sports Unltd 641-0883 (4/8/13) FOR SALE: 2009 Ski-Doo Summit X, exc. cond., 2100 mi., $5500. 641-6908. (4/8). FOR SALE: 2007 Triton XT12 12’ aluminum ride on/ride off trailer. Front ramps/salt shields and rear stowable ramp. Excellent condition, new tires with spare. $1950. Shawn 275-3536. (4/15). FOR SALE: 2007 Yamaha Vino YJ125W. 680 miles. Excellent condition. Classic style in silver. Top speed 50mph, 56 miles per gallon. Asking $1600 OBO. LVM or text 970-343-2102 in Gunnison. (4/15). ALPINE STAR TECH 3 motorcycle boots, size 7, $125 OBO. 417-8996. (4/15). IT’S POLARIS SNOW CHECK SELECT TIME at Sun Sports Unlimited Order your 2016 Pro RMK and receive Free customization and a Free 4 Year Warranty! Sun Sports Unlimited 970-641-0883 or sunsportsunlimited. com HURRY Offer ends 4/14/15 (4/8/35) PEACE IS PATRIOTIC! Fifteen minutes for peace every Friday at noon, Oddfellows Park, corner of Main & Virginia. (4/8). cars&trucks 03 SUBARU OUTBACK: 2.5L body good, needs motor, $1200 596-9999 (4/8). 2007 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX 3800: Turbocharged, leather inte rior, 94,330 miles. All regular maintenance done on schedule Minor cosmetic issues but other wise a great car! $5400 OBO Call/text 507-829-0387 or 507 530-5009 (4/8). ‘96 LAND ROVER DISCOVERY: good condition, many upgrades AT, PW, PL, PB, AC/heat, two sun roofs, 2in lift, new shocks, all ter rain Tires,New Transfer Case AM/FM/CD, block heater. Must Sell Due To Move. Asking $4500 OBO. Call 719-337-7779 (4/15). 2002 CHEVY DURAMAX 3500 SILVERADO: dually with flat bed white in color, $14,500. Exc cond. 641-0813, Scott. (4/8). 2001 JEEP WRANGLER SPORT: automatic, 4.0. New tires, brakes, front rotors, shocks 83K miles, mint cond. $11,900 828-446-7685. (4/8). FOR SALE: 1977 Ford Maverick Classic. Looks good, runs great $2000 OBO. 765-4270 (4/15). FOR SALE: 2007 Chevy Silverado Duramax crew cab short bed, 4X4, white in color with brand new tires, 190K mi. $19,000. Exc. cond. 641-0813 Scott. (4/8). TRUCK FOR SALE: 1991 Chevy K1500, runs but needs engine everything else in good working order. $500. 596-9420 (4/15). 1991 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN LE: 3.3L, 189K mi., $1000 OBO. 719-317-8440. (4/15). 2004 LEXUS ES300: new timing belt & radiator. Needs knock sen sor to start, some TLC. $550 OBO. 970-641-3451, 970-765 4088. (4/15). 2007 AUDI A6: 3.2L quattro White w/tan interior. Great shape Factory maintained. New tires Reliable. Asking $9000. 970-216 9685. (4/15). 1999 FORD TAURUS SE WAGON: Well maintained with lit tle to no rust. 145,000 miles New tires, battery, wheel bear ings, ball joints, spark plugs and wires. Comes with Yakima box $2100, call 507-403-9771 (4/8). 1998 CHEVY SILVERADO FOR SALE: Burgundy, extended cab 4WD. Great for a work truck $3000 OBO, call 970-275-4774 (4/15). 1977 JEEP CJ5 FOR SALE: Stored under cover. Blue with new soft top cover and custom carrier 970-641-3996 (4/8). ...continued on page 16 gunnison country shopper, april 8, 2015 cars&trucks continued from page 15... page 16 1967 VOLKSWAGEN KARMANN GHIA: Need work, rough condition. motor runs. Free or best offer. 970-581-9208. (4/8). 1999 MITSUBISHI GALANT FOR SALE: needs work. Call 970275-3127 for more info, asking $400 OBO. (4/8). COME IN BEFORE APRIL 14TH TO RESERVE YOUR 2016 POLARIS RIS TODAY TODA AY Y HURRY, HURRY Y, TIME IS RUNNING OUT! 97 F250: 4x4, extended cab, 5 speed, mech box, 247K miles, maroon/red. New rear brakes, ebrake cables, body dings, $1400 OBO. 970-318-8786. 1998 CHEVY SILVERADO FOR SALE: Burgundy, extended cab, 4WD. Great for a work truck. $3000 OBO, call 970-275-4774. CHECK OUT OUR CARS on the web (4/15). (4/8/8) (4/8). VW CONVERTIBLE BUG: 1979, all original survivor, mint condition, call for more info. $11,995 OBO. 970-596-3053. (4/15). 1992 S-10: 4 cyl 5 speed new motor in 2011. 30 mpg hiway Dependable little truck, needs seat upholstery. $2000 OBO. 641-8883 Mike (4/8). 1996 FORD RANGER XLT extended cab, pick up truck, being parted out. New windshield. Good windows, door panels, doors, hood, ladder rack, auto transmission, and much more. Scott 970-901-0874 (4/8). TOYOTA 4RUNNER: 1994, 139K miles. Needs new head gasket. Runs. Has many new parts. Do not have time or money to fix it. Great truck to fix or use as parts. $1000 Firm. 970-3188581 (4/8). FOR SALE: 2004 Chevrolet Malibu Maxx. 4 door hatchback, front wheel drive, automatic, heated seats electric windows and locks, remote start. 30+mpg. $4195 OBO. 970-596-3572. 1997 SUBARU IMPREZA: 2.2, auto, New tires and timing belt in the last year, blown head gasket! $500 OBO. 970-209-1775 (4/8). 1998 DODGE SPORT 1500: extra cab, 4x4, runs great, $3500 OBO. 417-8996. (4/8). 2008 NISSAN SE XTERRA: Nice vehicle - blue, 4WD, auto, one owner with 63K. See and drive it in Gunnison or Lake City Wednesday - Saturday. Thanks, Bob 303-216-1212 (Dealer). (4/15). 2002 FORD F250: 4dr., V10, automatic, 165K mi., $7000 OBO. 901-8485. (4/8). ‘97 JEEP WRANGLER SPORT: 4.0 5spd trans. 146K mi. Sport edition with chrome bumpers and aluminum rims. 31” tires with 8090% tread. Doesn’t leak or burn oil. Has minor scratches and no body rust. $6,500. Call or Text 970-596-8174 (4/15). 1955 CHEVY PICKUP: rebuilt, call for info. $7500. 641-6908. (4/8). 1993 ACURA INTEGRA FOR SALE! Selling my first car. Looks great, great tires, clean body & interior, replaced timing belt. Stopped working (overheated), I need a more reliable car. With a little work, it has a long life. $1500. Brandon 303-589-2196 (4/15). (4/15). 2008 CHEVROLET COBALT LT Coupe 2 door; 103,000 miles; 4cyl; 2.2L; automatic; FWD; A/C; power windows/doors/steering; AM/FM; CD; AUX; Black with some hail; Good interior. $3,500 OBO. Call Ryan 620-521-7877. 2002 NISSAN PATHFINDER LE: V6, 4WD, automatic, 153K miles, great condition, very well maintained. Leather heated/power seats, tow package, 17” rims, Bose stereo, sunroof, roof bars. $7000. Call/message Alex 303-910-5158. (4/8). 1986 TOYOTA VAN LE: 2WD, runs like a top, 188K miles, seats 7, great gas mileage, ready to hit the road, many New parts. $2300, 970-901-6483 (4/15). 1997 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX FOR SALE: 157K on the ODO. Runs but leaks oil and coolant pretty badly. Fair amount of body damage, burned out wiper motor, radio doesn’t work. $400 OBO above scrap value. 720-4321139. (4/15). 1978 CADILLAC ELDORADO COUPE: 45K, nice car, show ready, $12,500. 641-2314. (4/8). (4/8). ½ ½ ½ 2013 SUBARU OUTBACK PREM 2.5I FACT WARR. AWD 28+ MPG 2011 FORD F150 XLT CREW 4X4 57K FLEXI FUEL 5.0 L V8 2013 MAZDA CX5 AWD SPORT GREAT MPG AND FUN
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