Directorate of Media and Communication
Directorate of Media and Communication
Freedom of Information Request Reference No: I note you seek access to the following information: I am interested in the use of social media both as a way for police to engage with their communities as well as to aid in criminal investigations (for instance by using social media, Flickr, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, the Facewatch smartphone app, or police department webpages to allow citizens to identify suspects). Could you please provide me with departmental social media policies (and plans for future changes to such policies, if applicable), as well as documents related to the August 2011 London riots that discuss the use of social media by MPS - including the use of the social media platforms mentioned above. I am also requesting documents that detail or summarize the results of such use of social media, such as how many suspects have been identified by citizens through use of these technologies, and how many tips or identifications MPS has received through each of its social media channels (and whether these have been useful to MPS). Please also provide documents that discuss or summarize what types of information (such as photos or video of the riots) citizens have submitted to MPS to aid in the investigation and prosecution of crimes committed during the riots, and how much video or photographic material has been submitted. DECISION I have today decided to disclose relevant records, subject to the deletion of information pursuant to the provisions of section 40 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the Act). Attached are copies of four documents, which contain guidance and instructions for officers and staff using official MPS social media channels: - ‘Twitter In The MPS’ - ‘Borough Commander’s blog guidance document’ - ‘Flickr presentation’ - ‘DMC Flickr training’ I also strongly recommend you read the publicly available document entitled ‘Four Days In August’, which is the official MPS report on the disorder in London in August 2011, and features social media and its role prominently. Here is a link to the report on the MPS website: Directorate of Media and Communication Freedom of Information Act Publ icat ion Schem e Not Protectively Marked Yes ❑ No[:] Borough Commander's Version 1 .0 DMC 15.08. 2012 15.08.201 3 - Guidance sc Protective Mark ing Publ icat ion Scheme Y/N Title Version Summa ry Branch / OCU Autho r Date created Review date los ur e Borough Commander ' s Blogs - Guidance Document MP S FO IA Di Contents 1 . Introduct ion and Appl icat ion Process 2. Th i ngs to Cons ider Before Apply ing 3. Purpose and Object ive 4. Risks 5. Setting Up Your Blog 6. Rules for Conten t 6a. Blog Content - Red Amber Green S 7. Contacts = 11 1 e 2 2 2 3 5 8 9 11 los ur e Introduction and Application Proces s This gu idance document is intended to g ive BOCUs a real istic view i nto the work requ i red to successfully run a Borough Commander ' s Blog . It deta ils how BoroL.y Commanders should use blogs to engage w ith the ir local commun ities and their they must go through to ga in approval to set up and run a blog . To set up a Borough Commander's Blog , BOCUs must : 16, p 1 . Read th is `Bo ro ugh Commander's Blog -Guidance Document' 2 . Get the Borough Commander 's approval. ra t T M% nd make one STL ill support the s from members publ ic, sourc ing 1 cover (with absence Med ia and Di sc 3 . Borough Commander then needs to appo i nt a Blog of the team the Blog Suppo rt Team Leader (BSTL ). Borough Commander in post ing blog entries, answ of the publ i c, revi ewi ng posts subm itted by me m appropriate computer equ ipment , ensurin up contingency plans ) and ga in the support o Commun icat ions Officer and/or the relevant 4 . BSTL to complete El ig ibil ity Check ', s igned orough Commander. If the appl icat ion is successful , Boroug mander ill need to assume full respons ibi lity for the content and up f th log . They must also agree to rev iew the blog 's objectives and progres erly. FO IA 5 . Appl icat i on e i ther approv l i ned by the D i rectorate of Med i a & Commun icat ions (DMC) i up . 6 . If successful , BOC set e i r Borough Commander Blog , in accordance with `Borough Comma BI - Gu idance Document ' . Things to Conside r Each blog commun we ca clea (B)OC . Checkl ist. 'cation mu have spec ific objectives and be part of a w ide r trate uffhere i s little benef it to se tting up a blog just because 'he ations are do ing it. To get your blog appl icat ion wi ll need to demonstrate that you have specific object ives and can i how it forms part of the overall commun icat ions strategy for your wi ll be asked to spec ify your object ives as pa rt of the El igi b ili ty el t existing blogs, webs ites , forums or Twitter channels should be ed to see if onl ine d iscussions about pol icing in your borough are be ing d els here . (B)OCUs should try to jo i n that conversation instead of/as well a s cr a new blog . MP S Ci 40 Give prior consideration on the potential impact on reputat ion and resources . (Thi s wi ll be covered i n more deta il i n the ` Ri sks' secti on .) P se and Objective s 2 los ur e BOCUs should take the follow ing into consideration when defining the ir own specifi objectives for the ir Borough Commander's Blog. Borough Commanders Blogs should : Aw~ Help Borough Commanders engage d irectly w ith their local co m Th is blog is an oppo rtun ity for Borough Commanders to talk about loc pol ice issues from a personal perspect ive and to give readers an insight into wo they d and the wider work be ing carried out on the ir borough . Publ i c i nvolvement and s imple Mn wh ich by an who might not come wi th the Met vi a a Di Blogs should be used to provide local pol icing to the Metropol itan Pol i ce Serv i ce webs i te and social platform . sc Posts are l i kely to cover local successes , updates on local in iti pol ice are foster ing good l inks within the community, etc. As al i nd iv idual , posts are l i kely to have a fri endly and personal tone to empower Risks FO IA As a blog , members of the publ ic should be enco O lWd to ask quest i ons and subm i t the ir own vi ews on subjects . Res i dents and members of the commun i ty should be g iven a chance to get i nvolved in pr iori the ir local ne ighbourhood and d iscuss ways of solv ing pol ici ng issues at a loca vel . ugh Commander's Blogs w ill be hosted by the Tumblr blogg ing platF rm . Tu as both an ` ask' and `subm i t' funct ion wh i ch readers can use to ask the r qu ns and to subm it the ir own entr ies for publ icat ion on the blog . Reade ul encouraged to make use of both of these tools. All Borough Co to ould use Tumblr . No other blogg i ng platform should be used . MP S There are r i dent ifi ed a these r i sks der when setti ng up a Bo rough Commander's Blog. Those rsi' are grouped i nto sect i ons below . BOCUs need to be aware of a pos i t ion to m iti gate them . 3 los ur e Reputational Risks Poor qual ity blogg ing or blogg ing excessively . • Only BOCUs who have fulf illed the El igi bil ity Checkl ist wi ll be grante 0 'N perm iss i on to set up a blog . Publ i sh ing i nappropr i ate or confl i ct ing informat i on i n the publ i c domai 1 Borough Commanders Blogs should only be used to about that spec ific borough sc The `Blog Content - Red Amber Green System' mu (Please see page 9) . Thi s system sets out what tor blogged about. Fa i lure to meet expectat i ons of the publ i c Any sensi ble questions `asked ' MM `subm itted ' by members of the publ ic FO IA The hacki ng and clon ing of a he description to ans for local out of hours Di If blogs cannot be manned 24/7 this must k mange public expectations . (Howev access must be made on BOCU .) all times t be • Please see I .T. an d led to. Any sens ible posts given consideration section (page 5 ) Security Risk s Publ i sh ing in publ ic at r isk which fi nality, damage operat ional effecti veness or put the by MPS or by members of the publ ic n ~ve been la id out about what can and cannot be tweeted (RAG format i on , i nclud ing personal i nformati on , wh i ch could affect an or an investigat ion should never be publ ished . MP S should be Marly stated on all blogs that cr ime repo rting , ridence/i ntelligence should not be posted , and alternate contact informat ion 6, 4 los ur e Resourcing Risk s Diverti ng staff from the ir existing duties to set up and help ma intain blogs . • You must have team capac ity to update, monitor and rev iew the bl regularly . You should a i m to update the blog w i th two new posts a Quest ions and repl ies from members of the publ ic should be check n d responded to da ily. • Have staff cont i ngency plans i f the Blog Suppo rt T sc I.T. and Password Security Risk s Use of i nappropri ate I .T. equ ipment . Accounts accessed by unauthor i zed ed ICT equ ipment . r. Inappropr i ate use Di • Blogs should only be updated from secu * Do not use a covert standalone computer t of equ i pment can result i n d i sc ipl in aiIII10% ed. • Passwords must be kept securely . Thy should be the Blog Suppo rt Team Lead Sople to know the password m and BOCU Commander . FO IA The Blog Suppo rt Tea Iso tell the DMC Soc ial Med ia Group (SMG ) the password and p e updated i f the password changes. • Passwords must be ed h t ime. No computer should be set to remember th is p~,g&wo • Tumblr sho~ only be download e through a web browser . Apps must not b e Setting Up Yo MP S ernes and band i ng wi ll be g iven to you once you 've subm itted the Elig ibility n your appl icat ion for a blog has been approved . In here are a few t ips and features of Tumblr wh ich you may w ish to think ing started . You should not set up your blog until you 've rece ived so from the DMC Soc ial Med ia Group . Signing up . Using Moz illa F irefox, head to . You 'll need to enter , ema i l address , password and username . 2 5 los ur e 4 sc ( Make a note of the password you set up and cl i ck `Sta rt' . Yi need to then g i ve your age (the MPS i s 183 years old! ) and cl i ck to say you agree w i th the terms and cond it i ons 46 metpoliceuk ~ Di - -~~ Verifying your account . You'll th Tumblr. Click on the Verify Email I to the address you gave FO IA Dashboard . You'll then get taken thro at's known as the `dashboard ' . This is the f irst th ing you'll see each time y og in. At the top of the page , you've got a number of d i rent buttons (e . g. text, photo, etc.). Cl i ck on one of these to add a new post . uttons will be a l ist of recent updates from blogs you follow . Aftoob 4 0 ,Text Photo Quote Link Chat Audio Vide o Yo u r D aslti boa i d now in c lu des p asts fr o m po pul ar Fl ogs. U p date yo ur Pr e fe r e n ces to d isab l e this fea tu re o f follow b l o a s we reco mm e n d in a ui Spo tli g ht . MP S `5 •e and description . Click on `Untitled ' at the top of the page . This wi ll e you to your blog. It'll be called Untitled unt il you g ive it a new name . To change your blog 's name, cl i ck on ` Custom i ze theme ' . On the nav i gati on bar on the left-hand s ide enter your blog 's name in the `Title' box. Your title should be `(Borough name) Borough Commander 's Blog' . In the descri ption box, you should write the Borough Commander's full name and t itle followe d 6 los ur e *tQ) by a short d i scla imer: e .g . Chief Super intendent Joe Bloggs , Borough Commander for XXX , Metropol i tan Pol i ce Servi ce. Please don 't report cri me or post sens i t i on this page . Call 101 or in an emergency , always d ial 999 . You w i ll rece i ve fu rther brand ing i nstruct i ons once your appl i cati blog has been approved . f FO IA Di sc Dashboard Uittitle d fo ktti .G to djPk your blog and select `Blog Sett ings ' from th e ono WD-han side. You w ill be g iven a p icture for your po rtrait nj&your appl i cati on has been approved . You need to conf i gure th e Replies: leth t ick boxes blank (there is no option to delete or ed it replies m other use 7g ) MP S he `Let people ask quest ions' and call your ask page `Ask me a estio Leave the `Allow anonymous quest ions' box blank . ssions : Tick `Let people subm it posts'. You can approve subm issions before they get posted to your page . Type `Subm it a post' in the page t itle box. In the gu idel i nes box, enter the follow ing : `Want to submit a post? Please keep it clean , legal and on topic . We won't publ ish any posts we th ink could be foun d 7 los ur e offens i ve. Thanks for your help .' Leave all subm i ss i on type boxes t i cked Facebook: Leave th is box unt icked . Twitter: Tick th i s box to l i nk the blog to your Tw itt er account. You ' ll cl ick on the `Sign in with Tw itt er' process . Other: Make sure you have the correct language and t i me zone Directory, tick the box that says `Allow search eng ines to index ; U for y r blog , to see once a day . sc • Messages . If someone asks you a question or s~ you'll get a message notification at the top of the your latest messages . Messages need to be th e PSI FO IA Di F---] Add i ng a post . T add a ' post, cl i ck on the Dashboard button and select the type of post ant ake . Whatever type of post it is (e .g. text, photo) , the general s always the same . The drop down box g ives l i s r post now , later, save i t as a draft, etc . If wha t you the opti you 're po g rela anther source on the web , always include the l i nk in the `cont source' b on the r ight-hand s ide . Add `tags' to make your pos t more sea able , e.g ol ice, Hounslow , ant i-soc ial behav iour. Never cl ick pho pl II i te a tweet to go i n the box below the Twitter i con to au at ic ly s a tweet about your blog once you 've posted . Once you 're e a eady to post , cl ick on the `Create post' bu tton at the bottom of th e MP S Rul Conten t S Co ifi s top ics that can and cannot be blogged about can be found in the `Blog - Red ber Green (RAG ) System ' on page 9 . The po i nts below offer some ral e on what makes a good post . 8 los ur e Blog Content - Red, Amber, Green (RAG) Syste m Below is the RAG Traffic Light System for Borough Commander's blogs . This illust s what subjects can be blogged about, and what subjects require approval or prohibited . The RAG system must be followed to ensure that blogs are approp and of a high quality . Green - go ahead without contacting BPLO/ DM( - Local good news, local policing initiatives, burglary, assault, car crime damage, anti-social behaviour, non KSI RTCs, crime prevention, stre n mun ity meetings, reblogging other police or local council/community gr ups ts, l in to content on MPS website sc Amber - blog , but inform BPLO/DMA The follow ing ONLY if they ARE already in the publ ic doma i n cou rt results , local jo int in itiatives, KSI RTCs , ASBOs , eve Red - always call DMC Social idji /Group first! ~us, soisc&o 4t Di Any of the amber top i cs NOT already i n the invest igations , budgeta ry/financ ial issues , tical/g issues, SOPs and pol icies, reputational i s, majc prisoners . ~ operat ions , emergency, m issuesdisciplinary cal Incidents, escape d If you want to blog about a top ic not on the RAG pl Wse contact the DMC Soc ial Med ia Group during office hours . Outs id f office hours , please call the DMC Press Bureau on MP S FO IA 7 9 los ur e General Tips Generally speaki ng , all blog posts should : 1. 2. 3. 4. Be cred ible Be cons istent Be eth i ca l Be inclus ive Be engagin g A Borough Commander's blog w ill involve a sh ift from tell ing th actively engag i ng in d iscussion . The aim should be to get the r sharing and convers ing w ith the Metropolitan Pol ice . It is not ju good news . Encourage your readers to get i nvolved by aski n posts . I sc cing to 0 ating i , tool for subm itt ing your posts should Iffe sure you write us ing id pol ice speak at all of your aud ience when Di Keep it huma n Wh ilst content should be i n keeping w ith corpora reflect the Borough Commander's thoughts and simple , access ible language and try to stri ke a costs! Ensure that you show an understand i you wr ite. bli FO IA Be credible Wh ile posts may be informal they should invoke ence and trust i n the MPS . Make sure that content can be defended . Where poss i ble ou should i nclude l inks , photos , quotes , etc to i llustrate what you 'jO&JUggi ng about . Be creative Tumblr i s a really versat i le ing orm . T ry and make your content var i ed by includ ing pictures , links to we , s videos , audio, clips, etc . Make sure you 're only post ing content yo v copyright of . MP S Be inclusive Social med ia is all a t sharing . ocal pa rtners , pol iticians , newspapers , commun ity groups and lead e us i umblr too . You can choose to `follow' other bloggers on Tumblr. W you et a l i st of the i r most recent updates each t i me you log in. If someo as 91 ted someth ing interest ing you want to share w ith your followers , ` re-blog ' it by cl i ck ing on the `re-blog ' button at the top of the post . and reader `Re-blog ' button 10 los ur e Ensure complete transparenc y Clearly state your name and position within the Met . 16, P Take responsibility Remember you are personally responsible for what you publish . can remain online indefinitely . Think lega l Ensure you do not d iscuss any current cases or investigations to avo i contempt of cou rt. Avoid identifying v icti ms or suspects . he ris f sc Think about knowledge Only cover your own bus i ness area - don't engage i n conver ono es wh ich are beyond your rem it w ithout first check ing w ith those whose re it is. I4qIW Be accurate Ensure anyth ing you say is verifiable . Use facts , r~t ar correct errors Avoid emotional exchanges and arguments . r4w*j . Only post informat ion Nhich should be in the Met's . Do not post anyth i ng protected by owner . This includes origi nal written anon in i tself. FO IA Remember copyrigh t Only post material wh i ch i s your copyright w ithout the permiss ion work, logos, images , vi deos - but Di Don't reveal sensitive information Do not violate privacy or post sensitive which will not infringe on the privacy of public domain . Spelling and grammar Always spell check and have released is well A Be accessible Ensure that info non web-user s MP S Shout You wil l to come to your with thi a.Cons ic 'HING before posti ng . Make sure what you al standard . ing is ava i lable i n other formats , for example to cial media ! ed to use trad i ti onal commun i cat i on methods to encourage people ~ ntact your borough Med ia and Commun icat ions Off icer for help Nei hborhood Watch and Safer Ne ighbourhoods Team ward panel to help promote your blog in a cost-effective way . fy fu rt her quest ions about th i s document, please contact the DMC Soc i al on 8 more tips about us ing Tumblr , please visit: http://www .tumblr .com/tips kb-. Ip on using Tumblr , please visit: http://www .tumblr .com/hel p 11 e How to update the MPS Flickr sit e ur DMC Flickr Trainin g P los Contact: p .2 2) Process to upload picture s p.3 3) Public viewing setting s 4) How to delete a photo IA 5) BOCU Withern sets For BOCU Withern sets - you FO In Flickr, albums of photos together then you need set and just want to a MP S Note: if you ever wa to get the right hand o ** Di 1) Process to create a new set sc Contents : 6 before you start to uploa d its . If you want to display a number of photos is is detailed below. If you already have a to page 2 ` Process to upload a photo . ' to the home page click on the Flickr logo o n 1 of 6 e Process to create a new set (an album of pictures ) 1 ur 44t Click on ` organize and create drop down arrow ' -then click `Your sets' fli ckr Yo u O rganiz e & Cre a ~ontads Groups Explore Upl o ad =.11 % our amen[ ■■ Your c ,ts f.lostrecent ~ Y o u r Se t s orit e s los HaFn e uploaC Po p ular P rafil a Pun is photo p ro duct s Slitle Share H ney riot ~ LLJ y ~~ n~P'P~i+ty a~ sc M A Chrysanthemu m flower Y1 4 2-1lcroyd V 2. Select Create New Se t M 3,63 -,read! C.; www.fGckcwm ;> Batch o rgan- : ;_ . : Sets Pr ima Crewe Tip. Double c li ck a set to open it, o r drag the sets sound to I}` i 3. FO Hac kne y IA Fl€c kn Orga nize your E C Di c ~~mmE~cs Name the se#Mall,ur SNT/(B)OCU name is at the beginning and add description ~udiAp c ct details . 4 . In order to s et you must add a photo . Because you want to create and keep the sentil you are ready to launch, it is suggested uploading on e of th fistithen N D delete once your photos are in the set . ) MP S 5. 0 th :0 you should see the option click batch edit - select this 2 of 6 ur IN Set: test set x Print&Create Groups Ma p e Batch Organ i ze Sets 7 item in the s et los test set 6. Under the batch edit click change permissions (select onl y sc 7. Under the batch edit select add tags - put any words/te o k g ht be searched to find your set . E .g . for a disorder suspect in Ha police , ; disorder , riot, Hackney etc . ~1 8. Press sav e Di 9. Go back to the home page (do this by clickijW th r go on your right hand r4O corner) A0 Process to upload photos 1 . Click `Upload Photos and Video ' Yap Orga n ize B Create 2 He re's ho w to g et started : e ,pi.sad Ezji S ear c h Upload Photos & Vide nLirfirs*rnoto=_ FO Find your friends an Flick r ar, iba~~ m«a ano~o ~~maaa Contac ts G ro ups IA Home 2. Click'C oPersnalizdp! fit . and choose your photo/video when prompte d Upload to Flic k Yu 7 us7~ W:a m -IrsJJ LW p MP S r'..M : s s pou r 2 v in~ lim i[this month Upgrade ? and videos IE . Le a rn m ore ... u want to keep the photo private for the time being select private 3 of 6 e los ur upioaa to Flickr Iotosa~a~~aaoso~to~,--I,a~a,maa~~~, . The next screen will ask you if you want to add a desc n , have a description and/or a reference number . ch oto should sc 4 Fi n i shed! Next : add a desc ri ption, perhaps ? D e s c ri be th i s uplo a d _ r. oF~i~ in Cranl J ~.r ~•. re fina-_~I n.a c. ntrol . Add t o a S et FO MP S Li g hth o us e create e n ew set ... IA Add T a gs [? ] Titles descriptions . tags ich are any K.g. for a disorder etc. Di 5. Add the description and title of the photo ; words/terms you think might be search suspect in Hackney put : police , disord 6. Pr~ Wave u viewin settings ~c R u are ready to make your set and photos public: the homepage select the arrow on the tab ' Organise and Create ' 4 of 6 e 2. Select your Sets and Collection s ur 3. Select Your Set e .g . Operation Diamant e P 4 . Select Batch Edi t 41,**j los 5. Then change the permissions to public. Always open up the set and check all photos are displaying that for any chance they are not click edit next to the picture and ch a How to delete a picture sc 1 . On your home page select `Your Photostream ' 3 Di Here's how to get sta rt ed : Persanaiizevourpr-6;iie Upload your first photo s Q If Find your friends on Fklekr Or, learn more about conta ct s >> Your Photostrea m IA Re cent lJpl oa : s ~ , . ~. _ and click delete . FO 2. Find the picture ~'. gap . a =~ MP S i ~ • .x ~~4 vti ~42 - 9 9 cray donimage2 5 0 - %~ ~e-- --,Aug 9, 2C11 . It 6elete 4 co-mments 5 of 6 e BOCU Withern sets Rf los The following will need to be placed in the main description box : 'These images have been released by (NAME OF BOROUGH) as Operation Withern . Police are seeking assistance in identifying individuals . If anyone recognises an individual please contact tl number or email address below the image or call Crim .' euniqrfcode ur Each borough Album will must be labeled ' London Disorder (NAME OF BOROUGH )' sc For each image that is uploaded you will need to put its M :)4 e . This reference code must be a METCU code Etheopbx responsibility to ensure that your OIC provides you with t can always check whether the code you have be n given M E speaking to o the code i n 'our irmation . You code b y In the box below the ref code the following will ne Di ~p b erted : 'These images have been released asp ern Withern . Police are seeking assistance in ide ing the Ilowing individual in connection with the serious disorder iole that took place in August 2011 in (BOROUGH NAME , or if you have nd further dets ie road name this can be included) . IA If anyone recognises the indi ase call XXXX (if a local CID/Withern hub number you will also nee in hen the phone line is staffed from) or email IDSOUGHT@MET OLI Alternatively please call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 55 FO It will be the responsi ity of th PLO to upload and remove ALL images . You wil l need to consult with they Flickr is a tool they wish to explore . If this is the case it is the ~ he OIC to inform the BPLO when an arrest ha s been made in ori~r e to be removed . Likewise BPLOs should b e ICs to ensure images that need to be taken down are take n MP S d OICs to take responsibility for any images the y i of will take NO responsibility for any legal outcomes being left on the site when they should have bee n sdia ets pull of the images and store them , so it is paramount that A Press Bureau know when a positive identification has been order for a request to be circulated for media not to use the image 6 of 6 e r ~ s presentat i Not Protec tivela ■ Suitable fQ M o l c rked s i D AVetti n I O S P u s MN,4\0*'I p pence with : F Dfrectorate of Information Working together for a safer London 1A t 'f, 10 V, a; e r u s ■ is r - August DiSOrde,\ P o l c Social Media O A I O Metropolitan s i D OV M S P F flickr Today's presentation e r o l • Twitter-during the d,ispIGj4 c s i D A I O F S P M u s P • Flickr -Howe s - Be - ss 160 ~xk 3 ~ backs s learnt f lick e r Twitte r @COllMetPoIice - 2 years old - recommendatio n - One way communicati o @metpoliceu k Launched M - One w A I O S P u s o l c s i D 1,QkIC M I , ," ication channe l F h Twitter sites SWandsworth M flickr Twitter - August Disorde r During the disorder w e used to provide information abou t stats on arrests and to cme* A I O @ metpaliceu k Rumours o f violence aga inst e Ilford and Tower Hamlets a untrt I have had no reported en again a n y mosques . TweetDeck Retv+r eete d b y c a d 1 0 0+ o ther S P ~~~ M ~ F e r u s *Ip Olt s i D o l c auk spots , Followers Pre disorder 04 . 08 . 2011 = 4 ,50 0 Post disorder = 42, 000 MIA flickr e r ■ is r flickr Two y ears ol d flickr J u ne 2011 starte • Camden Po identifiaus u s o l c S ool'.'~ June 11 (80 items ~lickr) A I O S P 5 M s i D F flickr Flickr - Operation Withern The MPS generated a large vo l and CCTV of suspects and w j recent disorder . :, ~ ON. S P M A I O U, MWOJS jar 16 r._ e r tr u s ej o l c ; ages s from the images on Flickr . s i D London Disorder - Operation Withern T huml mail s ❑ etail Comments F A & 4S,,01j flick r e r Benefit s We think there have bee n several benefits to us i u s P o l c fiickr Exposing images to an audience wh I traditionally look at the MPS site . fi'ckr Only updated one cha A I O Reduced traffi M S P s i D website - images hosted on Twitte r F flickr e r Good Press ! u s o l c shutteritch : Am loving the met police us e of fli c tt //b it . l y/r3 1 s1 V M d a 5r{ -H~ '' f etweet "Ii -- s i D naughtymutt : bloody good us f ~ 25 days ago rete e jen l eA P% A The e rn p M S P F A I O ife r k r ! metpo li ce u k .vi s ' ' f- e--. -- have set up a Fli ckr to catch suspec ts_ o i ng . Help them ou t. Retweet. r flickr e r Crowd Sourcin g u s o l c b e an moth e r ; Spot anyone you know? Help the Police effort and have a look here : http :// Q1 londonriot s Wcju~) cj~~ retweet s i D mitzi sz ereto ; Metropo l itan Police's photostream - help find this trash! h f r/p k iV days ~ retwee t yobwatch : I f you can help identify any of these people plea call t MET : 020 8345 4142 http ://t .co/3mF2V5T #riotcleanup 26 days retwee t •fis~ 97 A I O emmawatling ; Find your local io o lickr, thx to the Met Police : http ;f/bit .lyfolNdhZT #englishriots '6 days a c retwee t F again s t s oph : MET p leasing images of the rioters, lets name and shame them ; http ://t .co/J8cMQ8e retweet M S P flickr e r Advertisin g 40 Mentioned in most new s cove disorde r s i D o l c u s e a ut our F l ickr site were e a minimum of 8 , 500 times ! • Twitter ! A I O @ metpoli ceuk v ietropr-- polic e A dedicated M S P F (Topsey .com) of sorder in London is / 1> h kEKT_r f lick e r ■ ~c r Views u s P Prior the disorder there were on average and wing s per day On the 9t" August we put ul 12pm . At the end of the d a views To date there O F IA %*M o l c s i D of disorder images at peen over 4,398 ,551 0 views is fo r : r acco unt S P od M Oftws on yo ur account R f lick e r Intelligenc e u s o l c Hard to sa y ! s i D The response to Flick r h ignificant, stimulating the bul k f th ntifications we are now obtainin g DS Operation Withern 1 F As time goes (316 Flickr th e p s M S P A I O iving more information driven from flickr e r Drawbacks u s o l c • Flickr's maximum hour requests Copyrights Rem F 0'Ir\* M S P A I Oag es s i D r ~ . f lick e r Future use u s Prosecutions gallery o l c ~ . :. m ❑peration Withern Co n v icti o n s Share T is Thumbnails De tail Comment s Images ofsome ofthose co n victed of disorder related offences unde r Ope rati With ern . Add a co ::S Aug 2 01 1 . S P • M F A I O D -~ A Afl~ IL peals flickr e r tr u s ej o l c A I O S P 5 M s i D F lick Not Protectively Marked O Metropolitan Police Authority 2011 1 of 1 1 Twitter in the MPS guidance document Freedom of Information Act Publication Scheme Protective Markin g Not Protectively Marke d Publication Scheme Y/N Title Version Summary Branch / OCU Author Date created Review date Yes ❑ No❑ Twitter in the M Version 1 . 1 1 16 . 08 .201 1 Contents 1 . Purpose and sc 2 . The process of Effplying fo Twitter site 3. Appropriate usi Twitter ' the MPS 4. Principles nsi settin up a Twitter sit e 5. Applying oval to create a Twitter site 6. Risks an 15ting Actions 7. Twitter Ru ad Regulation s 7a . RAG Sys em towosting s 8. UPWal D i nciples for Social media 2 2 3 3 5 6 6 10 11 ,Rk Not Protectively Marked O Metropolitan Police Authority 2011 1 of 11 Page 1 of 11 Not Protectively Marked O Metropolitan Police Authority 2011 2 of 1 1 1 . Purpose and Scope of Twi tt er in the MPS guidance document 44t Q ) "The media report has changed dramatically over recent years - mobile phone footage, citizen journalists and social media such as twitter are al immediate , direct communication which sit outside the traditiona l broadcast and print arenas . They have become part of the mainstr controlling the facts and flow of information is increasingly difFi ACPO Communication Adv isory Group 201 0 Introducti on The rapid expansion of social media technologies such as Twitter pres th S opportunities to engage with a wide range of people, in a way, which is bo c e and responsive. This guidance document is intended to give (B)OCUs a realistic Twitter successfully . It details how the (B)OCUs will use Tw ' through to gain approval for the establishment and continuati There are a number of ri sks associated with the MPS u with training provided seeks to mitigate risks i potential situations they could encounter using er S( required to run they must go site . 15 dia . This document along officers and staff plan fo r In order to ensure that only appropriate , high Tq&an d c ctly ri sk managed Twi tt er sites are established , a system for seeking approval and o to ri ng has been agreed . DPA will be responsible for assessin practise . ag nd approving o rejecting applications and to share best ap 2 . Process of apply! a 1 . All BOC ~n under din and di tives to read ` Twitter and the MPS ' - this document to gain a MPS will utilise Twitter, rules for MPS Twitter sites and a )w basic Twitter principles. 2 . All BOCU representatives to attend training in Februar y Mr' CUs to complete the Twitter Application Form rov decision by the SMG DPA 0 royal BOCUs will receive a comprehensive `Setting up Twitter presentation .' 6. BOCUs to set up the i r Tw itt er s i t e Po ite set up BOCUs will be invited to Twitter Workshops to share learning's and best practice . Not Protectively Marked O Metropolitan Police Authority 2011 2 of 11 Page 2 of 11 Not Protectively Marked O Metropolitan Police Authority 2011 3 of 1 1 3 . Appropriate use of Twi tt er in the MPS ~4h' P In general, the following principles should be the overall guiding force behind any Twitt interaction . The DPA will only approve new Twitter accounts if they follow the provid ec All applications must link directly to the Corporate Communications Strategy . 1 . To i ncrease commun ity engagement and to prov i de i nformat i on a rece feedback from the publ ic Providing information, such as good news and information relatin specific (B)OCU . Additionally listening to specific audience groups that are unlikely to to ebsite and who can be demonstrated to be more likely to engage with the MPS usin Social dia . 2 . S i mple feedback mechan i sms to empower r Such as surveys, customer satisfaction, ratings and coftu at n o r to identify issues that the MPS need to be addressed, or as an integral part ai here the MPS wants to generate debate . 3 . Publ i c i nvolvement To allow the public to get involved in priority settin local neighbourhood and to receive feedback and discuss ways of solving particularly at a level . 4 . Commun i cat i on for major publ i c er Communicating and engaging the lic during the planning and policing or major publi c order events . Application Form QUEST 1 4 . Pr i nci ples Is!r ett i ng up a Tw itt er s i te : 1 . Each Twill communication must have specific objectives and be part of a wide r benefit to -setting up a Twi tt er site just because we can and other organisations a W ry approval will be based of specific objectives and a clear explanation of how it verall communications strategy for your (B)OCU . QU ESTI ON 2 )CU relevant existing websites , forums or Twi tter channels should be investigated to online (B)OCU discussions are being had elsewher e Not Protectively Marked O Metropolitan Police Authority 2011 3 of 11 Page 3 of 11 Not Protectively Marked O Metropolitan Police Authority 2011 4 of 1 1 (B)OCUs should try to join that conversation instead/as well as creating a new Twitter site . 3 . G i ve pr i or consi derat i on on the i mpact to reputati on and resource capab i l iti es tQ) (B)OCUs must ensure that care is taken about what aspects of the MPS work are ope to social media . Impact on resources necessary for creating, moderation and maintena m considered . 5 . Apply i ng for approval to create a Tw itter s ite : In order for a Twitter application to be approved the following three poi ism have n actione d 1. Have ( B ) OCU Commander Approva l • (B)OCU Commanders must want and approve th e (B)OCU Commanders must sign the Twitter Ali responsibility of the running and ri sks of the site . • (B)OCU Commanders must agree to quarterly . us accepting ful l objectives and progres s Application Form QU ESTI ON 3 QU ESTI ON 1 1 2. Nominate a Twi tt er Team • (B)OCU Commanders elecfX TL (and team if applicable . ) Please note a (B)OCU Commander can choose th dW L . • The TTL will take ponsi fo?Ve Twitter account ; ensure staffing cover (with absence contingency pl s) and gal he support of the relevant communication manager/press officer. App li cat i on Fo r QUESTION 4 3. DPAI BPLOIn v e n t Su per must be gained from BPLO/Comms manager if applicable . If there is no ~~~mms manager - guidance should be sort from the DPA . sks and Mitigating Action s are ri sks to consider when setting up a MPS Twi tter site . The ones mentioned in this gent are the top risks identified by the DPA. Not Protectively Marked O Metropolitan Police Autho ri ty 2011 4 of 11 Page 4 of 11 Not Protectively Marked O Metropolitan Police Authority 2011 5 of 1 1 The brief points underneath the risks must be followed in order to prevent MPS Twi tter sites from becoming a reputational/operational ri sk. The rules explained in the next part of this document seek to mitigate all ri sks identified . Reputationa l The publishing by MPS staff of inappropriate or conflicting information in domain . rn _ • Only (B)OCU specific, information must be published . If unsure appropriate a BPLO or the DPA must be contacted for guidance • Any pan London/Col 1 information must only be given out by re-t~ or @Co11 MetPolice . etpoliceuk • The Twitter posting RAG system must be followed at all tim Plea see page 10) Fa i lure to meet the expectat i ons of the publ i c. • If Twitter sites cannot be manned 24/7 this must tate e Twitter bio to mange public expectations . However conti nge s u of hours access must be made on BOCU . • Any sensible tweet must be Damage to the MPS reputat i on and brand ident it99Wgh poor qual i ty or excess i ve prol iferat i on of Twitt er channel. • Only (B)OCUs who have ful t application check list criteria will be granted a Twitter site . The hack i ng and clon i ng of a r p ence wh i ch could others to i mpersonate the MPS . • Please see s rity sectio n password rules p6 Secur i t y The publ i s bot y MPS staff or the publ i c of i nformati on wh i ch could damage operat i onal Hess . • Clear rules been laid out about what can and cannot be tweeted (RAG System 0) . • clearly stated on all Twitter sites that crime reporting, evidence/intelligence oul t be posted, and alternate contact information given . T pu ng of i nformati on by e i ther MPS staff or the publ i c wh i ch could put the publ i c sk from cr i m i nal i ty. ` • Clear rules have been laid out to MPS staff about appropriate tweeting (RAG System) . Not Protectively Marked O Metropolitan Police Authority 2011 5 of 11 Page 5 of 11 Not Protectively Marked O Metropolitan Police Authority 2011 6 of 1 1 Resources The diverting of staff from their existing duties to initiate and maintaining Twi tt er channels effectively. You must have team capacity to : - Dedicate 15 minutes per three hours to check and respond to Twitter messages - Monitor and review the site on re9ular occasions - Have staff contingency plans if the Twitter Team Leader is absent . It is recommended there are at least three p eop le in your B(OCU) w n on demands of a Twitter channel . • Twitter technologies must only be used to access MPS Twi - thi to be managed locally by (B)OCU management . Inappropriate use of ip result in disciplinary proceedings . Appl i cat i on Form QUESTION 6 Twitter Rules and Regulation s vuc w L I Is aci iaiuvc i ia L w c Ui m r10 wU i n C11 1 na aw I Uw wu i y I wi uci aNc~ .u w I wc a have been written for MPS usage . Admin of the (B)OCU Twitte r TWITTER USER NAME Must be prefixed with @ MPSHari ngey, @ MPy characters long e .g . @MPSEnfi eld , be kept securely . The only people to know the password should be the i der , team and (B)OCU Commander . Twi tter Team Leader must tell the SMG the password and keep the SMG updated if Sword changes . :rs should be made aware of the location or holders of passwords for out of 24/7 access. Passwords must be entered each time - no computer should be set to remember this password . Twitter should only be accessed through the webpage - Apps must not be downloaded Not Protectively Marked O Metropolitan Police Authority 2011 6 of 11 Page 6 of 11 P Not Protectively Marked O Metropolitan Police Authority 2011 7 of 1 1 EQUIPMENT /ACCESSIN G You must access your Twitter site only from secure and Met approved ICT equipment . Do not use a covert standalone computer to access Twitte r Application Form QU ESTI ON 7 STATE THE LIMITATIONS OF YOUR SIT E Make sure there is adequate cover to monitor and respond to tweet s If the site cannot be manned 24/7, manned hours must be stated . to nat ources of information/reporting channels @metpoliceuk and 101/99 9 METSEC and OFFICERS CODE OF CONDUCT As always officers must adhere to the MetSec and Officer Code of duct II times . FOI REQUESTS Valid Fol requests on Twitter follow the same Fol guid*es a elephone call or face to face request : The Public Access Office must be contacted i will be able to help co-ordinate a response . Information Manager who Application Form QU ESTI ON 8 SIGNIFICANT INFORMATION (B)OCUs must publish significa social media . Appropriate press of issued via the Twitter Mon i tor i ng the on their website first and only then if approp ri ate , o n kept informed of any significant information bein g e - Re to Tweets RESPON D Twitter should be c d a m i n i mum of eve ry three hours, and a gu i de t i me of 15 m i nutes per c should beg n to ensure there is adequate time to respond to Twitter postings . Th orl 'tter is extremely fast moving, all sens i ble post i ngs must be responded to . Ev just ank you for your tweet . I will pass on your comments to the relevant party . " CU ost regularly to maintain relationships with the audience and for successful twow ngaqement with their communitie s Form 9 J Not Protectively Marked O Metropolitan Police Authority 2011 7 of 11 Page 7 of 11 P Not Protectively Marked O Metropolitan Police Authority 2011 8 of 1 1 MONITORING (B)OCUs must monitor what effect communications are having in online worlds . Are they commented on favorably, ridiculed, shared by their audience with friends . This should be documented . RENEWING The TTL must review their site against its objectives on a monthly basis . A quarte e' be held with the signing (B)OCU Commander . Successes and learning ' s shoul d the SMG if asked . ~4h, P to Application Form QU ESTI ON 9 Tweeting Rules LIMITS Twitter imposes a 140 characters limit on twe followers can re-tweet . DESCRIPTIONS Do not describe people in images published (In the case of Operation Withern) Do not us( 0XW,9A character limit so o rder' PUBLIC PROPERT Y Everything said in the world of Twitter is immE before tweeting . Never delete as this can cau rlala4inn riduals must check retweeted prio r FOLLOW MEDIA AND COPYRIGH T • No photos to be tweet nless yright is possessed • Arrested individuals mus be ed unless charge d • Images of individu st i ed on social media . Link to Flickr http ://bit .ly/rnird1 or the agqroqri eb LINKING All (B)OCU tweet o 'i appropriate) for re det not have acce o soi l m 6 the (B)OCU/MPS website (or existing micro sites i f ation . Information must be available to view for those who d o NO PERSONA S All views expresse t be in line with those of the MPS . No personal opinions are to be expre As per the G system below - no mention of politics . Remember that the tone of you s is important and should be respectful of the diversity of the community you serve . Not Protectively Marked O Metropolitan Police Authority 2011 8 of 11 Page 8 of 1 1 RULES FOR TWEET CONTEN T Red, Amber, Green (RAG) Syste m Below is the RAG Traffic Light System for tweeting . This illustrates what subjects can be tweeted by (B)OCUs , and what subjects require approval or are prohibited The RAG system must be followed to ensure that t et s P are appropriate and of a high quality '1 Green - go ahead without contacting BP L O/ DPA 40 - L ocal Good News , Burgla ry, Assault , Car Crime , Criminal Damage , Anti-Social rCSI RTCs , Crime Prevention , Street and Community Meetings, Road traffic collision if si road closure following police incident , Retweeting (RT) @C011 metpolice or @ Ii uk t eets or local council/community groups tweets , Links to content on MPS website * Amber -tweet, b ut inform BP L O/d, The following ONLY if they ARE already in the public domain joint initiatives , KSI RTCs , ASBOs, Evacuation/Ot merge suspects , Missing people, Charge details. Red LN, operations , Court results , Local ng/Crackdown , Wanted - always ca l Any of the mentioned amb Budgetary/Financial , Politic Major/Critical Incident, Escap public domain . Plus- SCD/SO/CO Investigations , Staff/Officer disciplinary, Force SOP, Force Reputation, Any Olympics related news /stories . t a topic not on contact the SM G Not Protectively Marked O Metropolitan Police Authority 2011 9 of 11 Page 9 of 11 7. Not Protectively Marked O Metropolitan Police Authority 2011 10 of 1 1 General principles for Twitte r Social media . This section b ri efly explains the general principles of Twitter in order to give understanding to those who are not familiar with the site . Four Main MPS Twitter Principle s 1. 2. 3. 4. Be Credibl e Be Consistent Be Ethica l Be Inclusiv e Be engagin g The MPS ' s use of Twi tter will involve a shift from telling the public engaging in discussion . Our aim will be to get the public talking , ci with the Metropolitan Police . It is not just a broadcast tool for g gM Keep it huma n Twitter users can be hostile to the use of jargon or be in keeping with corporate key messages make accessible , human and succinct. Whilst the content must I for the messages i s Be credibl e While tweets may be informal they should invoke den nd trust in the MPS . Make sure that content can be defended . Where possible you s clude web links to illustrate what the MPS are tweeting (e . g photograph to support a road clo re tweet) . Be In clusive In keeping with the knowledge- sharing It o cial media , you should pursue opportunities to signpost relevant content else e an weet messages from key influencers, stakeholders and other Twitter users . Exclusiv of ' tter for self- promotion can lead to c ri ticism . Ensure complete try Never publish posts within the MPS or represented is co iusly o nder pseudonyms . Clearly state your name and position are n sing names make sure the part of the MPS being Take response Remember you remain online it ly responsible for what you publish . Remember that the posts ma y Thi En re y t discuss any current cases or investigations to avoid the risk of contempt of co ide fying victims or suspects . a wledg e O cover your own business area - don't engage in conversation on issues , which are beyond remit without first checking with those whose remit it is . ccurate Not Protectively Marked O Metropolitan Police Authority 2011 10 of 11 Page 10 of 11 Not Protectively Marked O Metropolitan Police Autho ri ty 2011 11 of 1 1 Ensure anything you say is verifiable - do not include opinion or hearsay . Use facts , not arguments to correct errors . Avoid emotional exchanges and arguments . Don ' t reveal sensitive informatio n Do not violate privacy or post sensitive or restricted information - only post information which not infringe on the privacy of others and information which can be in the public domain . Remember copyrigh t Only post mate rial which is your own or the Met ' s , do not post anything protected b p without the permission of the copyright owner. This includes original wri tten work , I a s , videos - but not information in itself . Respect your audience Ensure that you show an understanding and awareness of your audie M ure ur posts use the appropriate language and tone and that information that is poste r MPS professionally. Spelling and gramma r Always spell check and proof read EVERYTHING before posti a hat you have released is well written to a professional standard in line wit h Link smart • When linking to web resources with long URL ' s al e pressors such as www. TinyURL . com or www . bit . ly. com which will to more text in your tweets . If you set up an account with these websites you will o be abl track your links to review stats on click throughs . Be Accessibl e Ensure that information you are providing is available in her formats , for example to non webusers, if required . Shout about your social media ! You will probably need to use 'tiona munication methods to encourage people to come to your Twitter space - contact you ms ager for help with this. Consider Neighborhood Watch and SNT ward pan oc t to help promote your Twitter in a cost -effective way . Full guidance on will be provided . Enquiries - Twitter 'A will b§provided through the ` Setting up Twitter Pack ' and trainin g should be directed to the DPA via e-mail mailbox . DPA Mailbox (Office Hours only) j Not Protectively Marked O Metropolitan Police Authority 2011 11 of 11 Page 11 of 11
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