SWEDISH TEAM – MEDIA GUIDE. IAAF World Championships in
backup2_vmguide_2011:VM_guide_2011 2011-08-21 21:00 Sida 1 MEDIA GUIDE SWEDISH TEAM IAAF World Championships in Athletics – Daegu 2011 backup2_vmguide_2011:VM_guide_2011 2011-08-21 21:01 Sida 2 Index ISABELLAH ANDERSSON, Marathon . . . . . LEIF ARRHENIUS, Discus Throw . . . . . . . . . NIKLAS ARRHENIUS, Discus Throw . . . . . . MALIN DAHLSTRÖM, Pole Vault . . . . . . . . EMMA GREEN TREGARO, High Jump . . . . MOA HJELMER, 200 m & 400 m . . . . . . . ALHAJI JENG, Pole Vault . . . . . . . . . . . . . MATTIAS JONS, Hammer Throw . . . . . . . . EBBA JUNGMARK, High Jump . . . . . . . . . Presenting Swedish Athletics . . . . . . . . . . . CAROLINA KLÜFT, Long Jump . . . . . . . . . . CHRISTIAN OLSSON, Triple Jump . . . . . . . JESSICA SAMUELSSON, Heptathlon . . . . . MICHEL TORNÉUS, Long Jump . . . . . . . . . GABRIEL WALLIN, Javelin Throw . . . . . . . . ANDREAS GUSTAFSSON, 50 km Walk . . . ANATOLE IBANEZ, 20 km Walk . . . . . . . . Swedish Team Officials and Main Sponsors Swedish Team Press Conferences. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Editor: Fredrik Trahn Photo: Ryno Quantz Production: Text & Bildproduktion AB Facts compiled by: Jonas Hedman (ATFS) in co-operation with A. Lennart Julin (ATFS) (Valuable sources of information compiled by Bo Nordin, Bengt Holmberg, Owe Fröberg and Birger Fält (walking.) Note: The purpose of this guide is to be a source of background information for the media covering the 2011 World Championships. Thus individual pieces of information are of course free to use in articles and reports. However, the actual profiles must not be - wholly or partially - reprinted, published on Internet or entered into databases or similar electronic information systems. Media contact: Media contacts with the Swedish Team shall be organised via: Fredrik Trahn, Press Chief, phone +46-70-913 67 96, fredrik.trahn@friidrott.se Swedish Team blog: Follow the Swedish Team on the team blog: www.friidrottsbloggen.com Swedish Athletic Association Box 11, SE-171 18 SOLNA, SWEDEN Phone: +46-8-587 721 00. Fax: +46-8-587 721 88 E-mail: info@friidrott.se Internet: www.friidrott.se .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 10 11 12 13 14 17 19 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 backup2_vmguide_2011:VM_guide_2011 2011-08-21 21:01 Sida 3 The Swedish Team has spent a week in Mokpo, Korea preparing for the World Championships in Daegu. backup2_vmguide_2011:VM_guide_2011 2011-08-21 21:01 Sida 4 SWEDISH TEAM – MEDIA GUIDE. IAAF World Championships in Athletics – Daegu 2011. ISABELLAH Moraa ANDERSSON Pronounciation Iss-ah-BELL-ah UNN-deh-shonn Born 12 November 1980 (Manga (Kisii), Kenya) Residence Vilshult Occupation Athlete Height/Weight 167 cm / 51 kg Clubs Oskarshamns SK ('07), Hässelby SK ('08-) Coach/Advisor Lars Andersson Event Marathon Personal best 2:23:41 Dubai, UAE 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Marathon 2:51:40 2:34:14 2:33:52 2:25:10 2:23:41 Major competitions 2009 2010 European XC Ch European Ch Internat. matches 2 National titles Outdoors PB other events 1500m 3000m 5000m 10000m 10 km road Halfmar Progression 21.1.2011 **NR** Halfmar 1:19:00 1:14:51 1:11:06 1:11:35 1:10:02 1:12:05+ (Mar): (Halfmar): (5000m): (10000m): (4 km XC): (8 km XC): 4:30.27 9:21.8m+ 15:45.08 33:32.72 32:24 1:10:02 1:11:35 (formerly AMORO) 10000m 34:45.46 33:32.72 33:46.35 - 5000m 17:07:34 15:45.08 16:05.80 - 18 4 '08, '09, '09, '08, '08, '08, '09, '10, '11 '10 '10 '09, '10 '10 '10 Karlskrona Malmö Malmö Malmö Hasle, DEN Venlo, NED Stockholm 6.7.2009 3.8.2009 3.8.2009 1.8.2009 20.7.2009 21.3.2010 12.9.2009 **NR** **NR** Notes: Never seriously pursued running at home in Kenya, actually first came to Sweden to learn about orienteering, met husband-to-be Lars Andersson (orienteering coach) and together they realised that her best option was to focus on running, not orienteering. Became a Swedish citizen on 11 May '09. During the coldest winter months in Sweden resides in Eldoret (Kenya). Quickly back into competitive running after daughter Beyoncé was born on 25 Jan '09: On 25 Apr (i.e. just three months later) finished 4th in the Swedish 4 km XC championships, on 16 May ran a 1:14 halfmarathon and on 30 May won the Stockholm Marathon in 2:33! On 22 Jan '10 became the first Swedish woman to run a sub-2:30 marathon (2:26:52 in Dubai). Has set 5 NR '09-'11 at 10 km road (1), halfmarathon (1) and marathon (3). Won 6 national titles in '10: 5000m, 10000m, halfmarathon, marathon, 4 km XC and 8 km XC. Prefers road running and has only run nine races on the track: one 1500m, four 5000m and four 10000m. After marathon NR in January '11(2:23:41) had surgery on left knee in March and then only raced three times before the World Ch. Website: http://www.isabellah.se backup2_vmguide_2011:VM_guide_2011 2011-08-21 21:01 Sida 5 SWEDISH TEAM – MEDIA GUIDE. IAAF World Championships in Athletics – Daegu 2011. LEIF Hilding ARRHENIUS Pronounciation LAY-f Ah-REHN-yuhss Born 15 July 1986 (Provo, UT, USA) Residence Provo, UT Occupation Student Height/Weight 192 cm / 120 kg Club Spårvägens FK US university Brigham Young University ('05, ‘08-'11) Coach Anders Arrhenius Event Discus Throw Personal best 64.46 Växjö 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 DT 40.36 47.90 53.87 41.17 56.10 on mission 55.80 63.12 57.61 61.92 64.46 Progression Major competitions – Internat. matches – National titles Outdoors: PB other events SP HT JT WT (36 lb) Athletics in family 3.8.2011 SP 12.59 14.77 16.07 16.54 15.95/16.88i HT 38.91 48.02 53.75 52.92 60.23 14.52 17.56 16.61/18.35i 18.86/18.98i 19.37/19.92i 55.13 60.40 54.52 62.77 61.07 ’08 19.37 i 19.92 62.77 49.73 21.56 Des Moines, IA College Station, TX Albuquerque, NM Provo, UT Fayetteville, AR 10.6.2011 11.3.2011 14.5.2010 17.5.2003 13.3.2010 Father Anders (b '47) SP: 19.92 '78, DT: 52.71 '73 Brother Daniel (b '78): SP/DT: 17.99/56.32 '03 Sister Annika (b '80): DT: 39.40 '00 Brother Niklas (b '82): SP/DT/HT: 19.79 '11, 19.91i '04/66.22 '11/53.63 '03 Sister-in-law Tiffany (Rasmussen, b' 84): JT: 48.88 '06 Notes: Permanent resident of Utah since birth, but has retained the Swedish citizenship of his father, who was on Swedish national team as a shot putter in 1970's and took four national titles. Won the NCAA Indoor Championships in SP in March '11 when improving his PB with 94 cm to 19.92. That was a tie of his father Anders’ PB from '78. Concluded his collegiate career in June '11 with silver in the NCAA Championships in both SP and DT. 5 backup2_vmguide_2011:VM_guide_2011 2011-08-21 21:01 Sida 6 SWEDISH TEAM – MEDIA GUIDE. IAAF World Championships in Athletics – Daegu 2011. NIKLAS Bo ARRHENIUS Pronounciation NICK-luss Ah-REHN-yuhss Born 10 September 1982 (Provo, UT, USA) Residence Provo, UT Occupation Student Height/Weight 192 cm / 125 kg Club Spårvägens FK US university Brigham Young University ('04-'07) Coach Vesteinn Hafsteinsson Events Discus Throw Personal best 66.22 Helsingborg 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 DT SP 51.03 14.55 59.19 59.13 17.01 on mission 59.82 17.60 63.62 18.88/19.91i 60.33 17.18/18.58i 63.47 18.07 65.77 17.35/19.22i 63.74 17.98 65.42 17.87/17.90i 63.87 19.75 66.22 19.79 Progression Major competitions 2000 2001 2006 2007 2008 2010 World Junior Ch European Junior Ch European Ch World Ch Olympic G European Ch 2011 European Indoor Ch European Team Ch/Super L Internat. matches Outdoors: National titles Outdoors PB other events Athletics in family 8.8.2011 HT 41.39 45.50 53.63 52.74 52.92 50.30 53.62 2 4 qual qual qual qual qual qual 7 10 (SP) (SP) (SP) 7 (SP): '09, '10, '11 (DT): '04, '06, '07, '10, '11 Indoors (SP): '10, '11 SP 19.79 Göteborg 11.6.2011 i 19.91 Air Force Academy, CO 28.2.2004 HT 53.63 Orem, UT 4.10.2003 JT 51.81 Orem, UT 4.10.2003 WT (36 lb) i 18.73 Provo, UT 16.1.2004 Father Anders (b '47) SP: 19.92 '78, DT: 52.71 '73 Brother Daniel (b '78): SP/DT: 17.99/56.32 '03 Sister Annika (b '80): DT: 39.40 '00 Brother Leif (b '86): SP/DT/HT: 19.37/19.92i '11/64.46 '11/62.77 '10 Wife Tiffany (Rasmussen, b' 84): JT: 48.88 '06 Notes: Permanent resident of Utah since birth, but has retained the Swedish citizenship of his father, who was on Swedish national team as a shot putter in 1970's and won four national titles. On 14 April '01 at the Arcadia Invitational improved the US High School record with the 1.61 kg implement by almost three meters throwing 71.40. (The record was surpassed in '09 by 68 cm.) Concluded his collegiate career in June '07 by becoming the NCAA champion. 6 backup2_vmguide_2011:VM_guide_2011 2011-08-21 21:01 Sida 7 SWEDISH TEAM – MEDIA GUIDE. IAAF World Championships in Athletics – Daegu 2011. Anna MALIN DAHLSTRÖM Pronounciation Mah-LINN DAHL-streumm Born 26 August 1989 (Göteborg) Residence Västra Frölunda (Göteborg) Occupation Student (technology) Height/Weight 171 cm / 59 kg Club Göteborgs KIK (-'09), Ullevi FK ('10-) Coach Thomas Kyöttilä & Pekka Dahlhöjd Event Pole Vault Personal bests 4.36 4.50i Göteborg Potsdam, GER 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2.50 3.32 3.50 3.60 3.90 4.16 4.20 4.36 Progression Major competitions 2009 2011 Outdoors: Indoors: 5 1 National titles Outdoors: Indoors: '11 '11 PB other events 60m 100m 200m 800m 60mH 100mH HJ LJ Pen 2.60i 4.25i 4.50i European European European European Internat. matches 11.6.2011 18.2.2011 Team Ch/Super L U23 Ch Team Ch/Super L U23 Ch i 7.75 13.17 27.16 i 26.07 2:46.14 i 9.02 14.95 1.49 5.80 w 5.98 i 3.075 Göteborg Lerum Malmö Göteborg Göteborg Borås Lerum Stockholm Helsingborg Göteborg 12 8 5 7.3.2009 2005 27.5.2006 1.2.2009 16.3.2008 16.3.2008 6.9.2008 27.5.2006 31.8.2010 13.7.2008 16.3.2008 Notes: Former gymnast that took up athletics at age 15 and was almost immediately introduced to the PV. Between 12 and 18 February raised NIR three times (4.43, 4.45 and 4.50) only to loose it on 20 February. 7 backup2_vmguide_2011:VM_guide_2011 2011-08-21 21:02 Sida 8 SWEDISH TEAM – MEDIA GUIDE. IAAF World Championships in Athletics – Daegu 2011. EMMA Anna-Maria GREEN TREGARO Pronounciation EMM-ah GREH-n Born 8 December 1984 (Bergsjön, Göteborg) Residence Göteborg Occupation Athlete Height/Weight 180 cm / 62 kg Club IF Rigor ('97-'98), Ullevi FK ('98-'02), Örgryte IS ('03-) Coach Yannick Tregaro Event High Jump Personal best 2.01 Barcelona, ESP 2011 best 1.94 Randall’s Island, NY 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 HJ 1.71 1.73 1.82 1.82 1.86 1.90 1.97 1.92 1.95 1.96 1.96 2.01 1.94 Progression Major competitions 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 1.66i 1.75i 1.96i 1.98i 1.8.2010 11.6.2011 100m 12.82 12.70/12.47w 12.11w 11.66w 11.58 - European Youth Olympics 1 World Junior Ch 9 European Junior Ch 3 European Indoor Ch 8 European U23 Ch 2 World Ch 3 World Indoor Ch qual European Cup/Super L (200m) 5 European Ch 11 (4x100m) 5 European Indoor Ch qual World Ch =7 World Athletics Final 8 Internat. matches Outdoors: Indoors: 14 1 National titles Outdoors (HJ): '05, '07, '08, '09, '10, '11 (LJ): '05 (HJ): '01, '04, '05, '06, '07, '08, '10 Indoors i 7.42 11.58 23.02 6.41 13.39 w 13.39 i 13.69 Göteborg Doha, QAT Málaga, ESP Helsingborg Vaasa, FIN Sävedalen Sätra 200m 27.52i 25.52 26.26/26.02i 26.48i 25.81i 25.69 24.16 23.02 2008 2009 2010 2011 World Indoor Ch Olympic G European Team Ch/Super L World Ch World Indoor Ch European Ch European Team Ch/Super L PB other events 60m 100m 200m LJ TJ Athletics in family Mother Maria (Lennerthson, b '59) 100m/200m: 12.5m/26.1m '73 Father Lennart (b '57) 400m/800m: 51.10/1:57.8m '81 Brother Erik (b '86) LJ: 6.87/6.97w/6.89i/ '05 Paternal uncle Göte (b '55) 400m: 48.13/47.9m '76/'77 Husband Yannick (b '78) HJ/LJ/TP 2.17 '96/6.86w '96/15.13 '00 qual 9 5 =7 =5 2 1 18.2.2006 12.5.2006 29.6.2006 21.8.2005 23.6.2007 8.9.2005 26.2.2006 Notes: First year in athletics at age 14 did 1.71 in HJ and 25.52 at 200m. Just like Kajsa Bergqvist and Carolina Klüft began international career by winning the HJ at the European Youth Olympics. After Helsinki bronze displayed great versatility by successfully venturing into also sprinting (7.42i/11.58/23.02) and horizontal jumping (6.41/13.69i). However, from '07 onwards back to concentrating on the HJ. Set PB with 1.99 and 2.01 for silver in the European Ch '10 and became the second Swede after Kajsa Bergqvist to reach 2 meters. Married her coach Yannick Tregaro on 12 March '11. 8 backup2_vmguide_2011:VM_guide_2011 2011-08-21 21:02 Sida 9 EMMA GREEN TREGARO, High Jump backup2_vmguide_2011:VM_guide_2011 2011-08-21 21:02 Sida 10 SWEDISH TEAM – MEDIA GUIDE. IAAF World Championships in Athletics – Daegu 2011. MOA Elin Marianne HJELMER Pronounciation MOO-ah YELL-mehrr Born 19 June 1990 (Vantör) Residence Sköndal Occupation Athlete Height/Weight 172 cm / 60 kg Club Spårvägens FK Coach Roland Bergman Event 200 and 400m Personal bests 23.20 23.16w 51.58 Progression 16.7.2011 14.8.2011 13.8.2011 100m 200m 29.90 27.90w? 12.84 26.13 12.99/12.77w 25.67/25.60i 12.52 25.14 12.35 24.19 12.44/12.13w? 24.25 12.01 23.84 12.23/11.86w 23.55 11.99 23.20/23.16w 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Major competitions Ostrava, CZE Gävle Gävle 2007 2008 2009 World Youth Ch World Junior Ch European Team Ch/Super L 2010 2011 European Junior Ch European Ch European Team Ch/Super L European U23 Ch Internat. matches Outdoors: 5 National titles Outdoors (200m): (400m): (200m): (400m): Indoors PB other events 60m 100 m 300m 800m 300mH HJ LJ **NR** 400m 60m i 56.09 54.97 54.12 53.53 55.52/53.92i 51.58 8.03i 7.91i 7.90i 7.82i 7.84i - semi semi 12 dq 3 7 9 8 10 2 (200m) (400m) (400m) (4x400m) (400m) (4x100m) (200m) (4x100m) (4x100m) (200m) '11 '11 '09 '10 i 7.82 11.99 w 11.86 40.40 2:21.48 44.07 1.47 5.11 i 5.35 Sätra Göteborg Sundsvall Sollentuna Sollentuna Stockholm Göteborg Sätra 25.1.2009 11.6.2011 8.8.2010 29.5.2005 14.9.2008 17.9.2006 2004 3.7.2004 28.1.2007 Notes: Broke Ann-Louise Skoglunds’ 25 year old NR at 400 m with 0.11 when winning her first ever outdoor national title on 13 August '11. The day after she took her second title winning 200m. backup2_vmguide_2011:VM_guide_2011 2011-08-21 21:02 Sida 11 SWEDISH TEAM – MEDIA GUIDE. IAAF World Championships in Athletics – Daegu 2011. ALHAJI JENG Pronounciation Al-HAJJ-ee YENG Born 13 December 1981 (Banjul, GAM) Residence Göteborg Occupation Athlete Height/Weight 185 cm / 77 kg Club Örgryte IS Coach Stanislaw Szczyrba Event Pole Vault Personal bests 5.80 5.81i Zhukovskiy, RUS Stockholm 2011 best 5.60 Karlstad 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 3.60 4.27 4.80 5.30 5.40 5.49 5.41 5.40 Progression Major competitions 2000 2001 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2011 24.6.2006 8.2.2009 3.90i 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 5.56i Outdoors: Indoors: 11 1 National titles Outdoors: Indoors: '05, '06, '11 '05, '06, '08, '11 PB other events 60m 100m 800m 1000m 60mH 110mH HJ SP HT JT Hep 5.61 5.65/5.75& 5.80 5.70 5.72 5.65 5.60 5.71i 5.80i 5.81i World Junior Ch 8 European U23 Ch 6 European Indoor Ch 8 World Indoor Ch 2 European Ch final (injured) World Ch qual World Indoor Ch 7 Olympic G qual European Indoor Ch 5 European Team Ch/Super L 8 World Ch 12 European Indoor Ch qual European Team Ch/Super L 11 Internat. matches LJ **NIR** 2.8.2011 i 7.18 11.59 2:25.42 2:58.72 i 8.53 15.43 i 2.00 1.94 i 7.07 w 6.26 i 11.87 17.08 35.42 i 5.668 Göteborg Göteborg Lerum Göteborg Göteborg Göteborg Göteborg Karlskoga Göteborg Lerum Göteborg Mölndal Mölndal Göteborg 8.3.2003 6.9.2001 7.9.1997 9.3.2003 9.3.2003 6.9.2001 8.3.2003 15.8.1997 8.3.2003 7.9.1997 8.3.2003 11.9.2001 11.9.2001 8-9.3.2003 Notes: Has lived in Sweden for just about his whole life as he was only a few weeks old when family moved from Gambia in early '82. Grew up in same neighbourhood as Christian Olsson, Yannick Tregaro and Patrik Kristiansson in the Göteborg suburb of Angered. The '95 WCh in hometown Göteborg made great impact on the 13 years old. Decided after seeing Sergey Bubka in action that Pole Vault was the sport to pursue! Won final major meet before '05 WCh – the IAAF Super GP "DN Galan" - defeating i.a. 5 of would-be Helsinki top-7 but still couldn't be entered into the WCh due to not having made the then A-standard of 5.75. When getting the chance in the '06 WICh immediately proved himself by taking the silver medal. Hampered by hamstring problems during summer of '06 and winter and summer of '07. Missed '10 due to foot injury sustained when landing outside of the pit during training. 11 backup2_vmguide_2011:VM_guide_2011 2011-08-21 21:02 Sida 12 SWEDISH TEAM – MEDIA GUIDE. IAAF World Championships in Athletics – Daegu 2011. Bernt Göran MATTIAS JONS Pronounciation Mah-TEE-uss YOONNS Born 19 November 1982 (Hudiksvall) Residence Falun Occupation Coach (part-time) Height/Weight 182 cm / 108 kg Clubs Järvsö IF (-'02), Hässelby SK ('03-) US universities Central Arizona College ('02-'03), Boise State University ('04-'05) Coach Arto Rinta-Aho Event Hammer Throw Personal best 74.76 Järvsö 24.6.2010 2011 best 74.11 Tampere, FIN 12.6.2011 Progression 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Major competitions 2009 2010 2011 7.26 kg 6.25 kg 40.82 43.56 49.92 57.78 63.30 63.96 68.71 69.45 71.31 71.61 72.63 74.23 74.76 74.11 45.11 53.76 57.26 5.5 kg 39.60 51.13 European Team Ch/Super L European Ch European Team Ch/Super L Internat. matches Outdoors: 12 National titles Outdoors: Indoors (WT): '07, '08, '09, '10, '11 '08, '10, '11 PB other events SP DT JT WT (35 lb) 16.62 44.20 60.87 i 22.51 10 10 Bottnaryd Boise, ID Honolulu, HI Göteborg Notes: Runner-up in US Collegiate (NCAA) championships in '05. 12 4.0 kg 34.28 (finalist) 2.7.2005 2.10.2006 12.5.2006 26.2.2011 backup2_vmguide_2011:VM_guide_2011 2011-08-21 21:02 Sida 13 SWEDISH TEAM – MEDIA GUIDE. IAAF World Championships in Athletics – Daegu 2011. EBBA Anna JUNGMARK Pronounciation EBB-ah YUHNG-mahrk Born 10 March 1987 (Onsala) Residence Onsala Occupation Office clerk (part-time) Height/Weight 179 cm / 57 kg Club Mölndals AIK US university Washington State University ('08) Coach Emil Predan Event High Jump Personal bests 1.93 1.96i Gävle Paris, FRA 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 HJ 1.50 1.60 1.73 1.78 1.75 1.80 1.84 1.92 1.84 1.86 1.90 1.93 Progression Major competitions 2003 2006 2007 2010 2011 Outdoors: Indoors: 4 1 National titles Indoors: '11 PB other events 60m 200m 800m 60mH 100mH LJ SP JT Pen Athletics in family TJ 11.24/11.32w 12.03 11.99/12.15w/12.15i 11.91 11.96 1.77i 1.85i 1.89i 1.96i European Youth Olympics World Junior Ch European U23 Ch World Ch European Ch European Indoor Ch Internat. matches TJ 13.8.2011 6.3.2011 i 8.29 i 27.32 2:41.08 i 2:37.32 i 9.35 17.11 5.19 i 5.59 12.03 w 12.15 i 12.15 i 9.10 19.43 i 3.642 Göteborg Göteborg Västerås Västerås Helsingborg Gävle Västerås Göteborg Västerås Bollnäs Västerås Gävle Västerås 7 5 3 qual qual 3 17.1.2004 18.1.2004 2001 15.3.2009 15.3.2009 15.5.2005 10.9.2005 15.3.2009 6.7.2003 21.8.2004 7.3.2004 15.3.2009 9.9.2005 15.3.2009 Second cousin Emma (b '87): 100m/200m/400m: 12.72/25.89/58.53 '04. Notes: '08 NCAA (US Collegiate) champion indoors. backup2_vmguide_2011:VM_guide_2011 2011-08-21 21:03 Presenting Swedish Athletics Formed in 1895, the Swedish Athletics is one of the biggest sports organisations in Sweden. Today, it has approx. 350,000 members, organized in around 1,000 clubs divided into 23 districts. In addition to this, there are a half a million people, participating every year in competitions on main roads and cross-country and there are more than a million who run regularly just for exercise. Sida 14 backup2_vmguide_2011:VM_guide_2011 2011-08-21 21:03 Sida 15 CHRISTIAN OLSSON, Triple Jump backup2_vmguide_2011:VM_guide_2011 2011-08-21 21:03 Sida 16 CAROLINA KLÜFT, Long Jump backup2_vmguide_2011:VM_guide_2011 2011-08-21 21:04 Sida 17 SWEDISH TEAM – MEDIA GUIDE. IAAF World Championships in Athletics – Daegu 2011. CAROLINA Evelyn KLÜFT Pronounciaton Cahrr-oh-LEE-nah KLEUFFT Born 2 February 1983 (Sandhult) Residence Karlskrona Occupation Athlete Height/Weight 178 cm / 65 kg Club IFK Växjö Coach Agne Bergvall Event Long Jump Personal best 6.97 Tallinn, EST 4.7.2004 2011 bests 6.73 6.74w Stockholm Gävle 19.6.2011 14.8.2011 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 LJ 4.44z 4.84z 4.99z 5.49z/5.60wz 5.75 6.13 6.23 6.26/6.33w 6.48/6.59w 6.86 6.97 6.87/6.92w 6.67 6.85 6.87 6.53 6.62 6.73/6.74w Progression Major competitions Hep 10.90 11.51/11.69w 12.23 12.31i 13.87 14.02/14.17w 14.29 - 5.162 6.056 6.022 6.542 7.001 6.952 6.824 6.740 7.032 - 1999 European Youth Olympics 2000 2001 2002 World Junior Ch European Junior Ch European Indoor Ch World Junior Ch European Ch World Indoor Ch European U23 Ch World Ch 2003 2004 World Indoor Ch Olympic G Internat. matches Outdoors: 20 National titles Outdoors (Hep): (100m): (200m): (HJ): (LJ): (LJ): Indoors PB other events TJ 60m 100m 200m 400m 800m 60mH 100mH 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 heat 3 1 10 (HJ) (4x100m) (Hep) (Hep) (Pen) (Hep) (Hep) (Pen) (LJ) (Hep) (4x100m) (LJ) (Hep) (LJ) Pen i 4.261i 4.535i 4.933i 4.948i 4.944i 2005 2006 2007 2008 2010 2011 HJ 1.46 1.56 1.64 1.69/1.70i 1.77 1.83 1.85 1.81 1.92 1.94 1.91 1.94 1.92 1.95 1.80i - 100m 12.85 12.22 11.90 11.98/11.85w 11.69 11.53 11.48 11.55 11.74 - /11.61w 11.79/11.60w 11.72 European Indoor Ch European U23 Ch World Ch 1 (Pen) 1 (LJ) 1 (Hep) heat (4x100m) European Cup/Super L 1 (Hep) European Ch 1 (Hep) 6 (LJ) 5 (4x100m) European Indoor Ch 1 (Pen) World Ch 1 (Hep) Olympic G 9 (LJ) qual (TJ) European Ch 11 (LJ) Europ. Team Ch/SuperL 2 (LJ) '01 '03, '04, '11 '05 '04 '01, '02, '06, '08, '10, '11 '02, '03, '04 i 7.40 11.48 22.98 53.17 i 52.98 relay 50.88 2:08.89 i 8.19 13.15 13.15 Malmö Karlstad Saint Denis, FRA Gävle Birmingham, GBR Stockholm Helsinki, FIN Birmingham, GBR Götzis, AUT Osaka, JPN 12.2.2005 6.8.2004 23.8.2003 17.8.2002 16.2.2008 13.6.2004 7.8.2005 14.3.2003 28.5.2005 25.8.2007 ☞ 17 backup2_vmguide_2011:VM_guide_2011 2011-08-21 21:04 Sida 18 SWEDISH TEAM – MEDIA GUIDE. IAAF World Championships in Athletics – Daegu 2011. PB other events 300mH HJ PV LJ TP SP DT JT Pen Hep Athletics in family 41.22 1.95 3.16 6.97 i 6.92 14.29 15.05 39.92 50.96 i 4.948 7.032 Helsingborg Osaka, JPN Stockholm Tallinn, EST Budapest, HUN Växjö Götzis, AUT Chula Vista, CA Götzis, AUT Madrid, ESP Osaka, JPN 7.7.2000 25.8.2007 15.9.2001 4.7.2004 7.3.2004 8.6.2008 27.5.2006 5.5.2011 28.5.2006 4.3.2005 25-26.8.2007 **NIR** **NR** **NIR** **AR** Mother Ingalill (Ahlm, b '56) LJ: 6.09/6.20w ’79. (Father Johnny 1st division soccer player.) Sister Martina (b '80) LJ: 5.47i '97 Sister Sofia (b '85) HJ: 1.68 '01, LJ: 5.80/5.85w '02/'01, TJ: 12.02i '01, Hep: 5.025 '02 Sister Olivia (b '92) 200m 25.57 '11, LJ/TJ: 5.73 '11/11.99 '09 Husband Patrik (Kristiansson, b 77) PV: 5.85 '02 (3rd WCh '03, 2nd WJCh '96). Notes: When in '02 retaining World Junior title improved a WJR that had stood since the year of her birth. In first 17 major international championships/games struck gold 15 times and bronze twice. At 22 the youngest ever to get the "grand-slam" of championships: OG, WCh, WICh, ECh, EICh. In Athens '04 her 517 points advantage on 2nd place was larger than the gap between 2nd and 25th! EAA female “European Athlete of the year" in '03 and '06. In '07 the only athlete to defeat World Champion Tatyana Lebedeva in the LJ (at Lausanne Super Grand Prix). In first "competitive" TJ as a senior in the match vFIN '04 did 13.87 with right foot take-off and 13.73 with left foot takeoff! On 19 March '08 announced – giving "need for a new challenge" as reason – decision to quit the Heptathlon (after six years as undisputed No 1!) to instead concentrate on the LJ and TJ. Thus stopped winning streak in heptathlon at 19 (with average winning margin of 333 points)! Had a tibia stress fracture in late '08 and in June '09 suffered severe hamstring pull that demanded operation. Returned to competition on 19 May '10. Set a SB of 6.62 in the qualification at the European Ch '10 which was her first championships in two years. backup2_vmguide_2011:VM_guide_2011 2011-08-21 21:04 Sida 19 SWEDISH TEAM – MEDIA GUIDE. IAAF World Championships in Athletics – Daegu 2011. John CHRISTIAN Bert OLSSON Pronounciation CHRISS-tee-unn OOLL-sonn Born 25 January 1980 (Göteborg) Residence Göteborg Occupation Athlete Height/Weight 192 cm / 78 kg Club Örgryte IS Coach/Advisor Yannick Tregaro Event Triple Jump Personal bests 17.79 17.92w 17.83i Athina, GRE Gateshead, GBR Budapest, HUN 2011 bests 17.29 Roma, ITA Progression* 1.30i 9.26z 11.37z 12.44 14.48 16.30 16.97 17.49 17.64 17.77 17.79 17.67 17.56 17.00 17.24 17.41 17.29 11.08z 11.58zw 12.20w 17.80i 17.92w 17 3 National titles Outdoors (TJ): (LJ): (TJ): Indoors 60m 100m 200m 800m 110mH HJ (z = measured from take-off point) 1.68i 1.71i 1.80i 1.85i 2.22i 2.20i 2.28i 17.62w 2.04i European Indoor Ch European Cup/Super L Olympic G European U23 Ch World Ch European Indoor Ch European Ch IAAF Grand Prix Final World Cup Outdoors: Indoors: 1.45 1.55 1.68 1.79 1.80 1.89 1.93 2.04 2.22 2.20 2.24 2.28& 17.83i 2000 Internat. matches 11.66zi 16.59w European Junior Ch 2002 PB other events HJ 1999 2001 **NR** 26.5.2011 TJ 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Major competitions 22.8.2004 13.7.2003 7.3.2004 2 1 (HJ) qual 4 qual 1 2 1 1 1 3 2003 2004 2006 2010 2011 World Indoor Ch World Ch World Athletics Final World Indoor Ch Olympic G World Athletics Final European Ch World Indoor Ch European Indoor Ch 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 5 '00, '01, '03, '09, '11 '06 '00, '01, '02, '03, '04 i 7.19 10.9m w 22.62 i 2:25.4m 16.21 2.24 & 2.28 i 2.28 in street clothes 1.95 Sätra Gold Coast, AUS Kil Göteborg Göteborg Båstad Göteborg Göteborg 1.3.2003 2.12.2006 27.5.2001 1993 3.9.1998 27.8.2002 29.6.2003 9.2.2002 9.9.1999 ☞ 19 backup2_vmguide_2011:VM_guide_2011 2011-08-21 21:04 Sida 20 SWEDISH TEAM – MEDIA GUIDE. IAAF World Championships in Athletics – Daegu 2011. PB other events PV 4.04 LJ 7.71 w 7.84 11.91 35.62 SP JT Göteborg 14.9.1999 Feldkirch, AUT Helsinki, FIN Göteborg Göteborg 31.7.2002 6.9.2003 1.10.2010 14.9.1999 Notes: First coach Viljo Nousiainen had developed club mate Patrik Sjöberg into the world’s premier high jumper in mid 1980’s. When Viljo suddenly passed away in spring of '99 Yannick Tregaro (himself guided by Viljo to 2.17 and a World Junior Ch final at age 18 in '96) stepped in as coach despite being Christian’s senior by just two years. “Birth” as true world class triple jumper on 14 June '01: On a rain-soaked Helsinki Olympic Stadium got first 17m-mark as well as first victory over legend Jonathan Edwards. Since first exceeding 17m has surpassed that limit in 107 out of 116 meets (including a streak of 58 meets). Adding five qualification rounds he has 109 competitions at 17+! Achieved the "Grand Slam" of championships (OG, WCh, WICh, ECh, EICh) in '02-'04. In '04 claimed 50% of the Golden League jackpot after winning the TJ at all six meets. Kept out of competition from 18 Sep '04 until 12 June '06 by ankle injury which needed four operations. Despite that long layoff had 17.09 in first attempt in comeback meet and in less than a month had reached 17.62. In seven of his eight international championships qualifying rounds from '01 WCh onwards achieved the pre-set standard for the final on his very first attempt. Persistent hamstring problems ruined most of '05-'09. From 13 July '07 to 1 February '10 only competed four times: one outdoor meet in '08 and three in '09. Resided in Monaco '02-'11 but moved back to hometown Göteborg in July '11. Undisputed No 1 in the EAA voting for male “European Athlete of 2003”. (* Very early marks in progression above courtesy of Per Crona.) backup2_vmguide_2011:VM_guide_2011 2011-08-21 21:04 Sida 21 SWEDISH TEAM – MEDIA GUIDE. IAAF World Championships in Athletics – Daegu 2011. JESSICA Eva Katarina SAMUELSSON Pronounciation YESS-ee-cah SAH-muh-el-sonn Born 14 March 1985 (Saltsjö-Boo) Residence Nacka Occupation Law student (part time) Height/Weight 176 cm / 65 kg Club Boo IF (-'01), Hässelby SK ('02-) Coach Dejan Mirkovic Event Heptathlon Personal best 6.173 Progression 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Hep Ratingen, GER Pen i 400m 5.017 5.633 5.967 5.761 6.111 6.004 6.146 3.678 3.961 4.264 4.428 4.453 4.476 6.173 4.497 Major competitions 16-17.7.2011 100mH LJ 800m 400mH 56.07 54.53 56.23i 54.40 55.21i - 200m 26.15 25.33 25.44/25.37w? 24.64 24.81 24.75i 24.73 24.10 24.67 24.08 24.20 24.53/24.05w 14.71 14.22 14.06/13.99w 14.17/14.11w 13.89 13.90/13.84w 14.25 2:21.21 2:14.07 2:09.49 2:12.25 2:07.48 2:07.03 2:08.25 61.78 58.67 - - 24.04 13.80 5.85 5.66i 6.12 6.09 6.01w 6.32 6.31 6.09/6.26w/ 6.23i 6.25/6.35w 2:10.24 - 2003 European Junior Ch 2005 2006 2007 European U23 Ch European Cup/Super L European U23 Ch World Ch World University G World Ch European Ch European Indoor Ch 2009 2010 2011 heat 5 8 9 13 29 1 17 10 5 Internat. matches Outdoors: Indoors: 6 1 National titles Outdoors (Hep): '03, '05, '08 (LJ): '09 (Pen): '05, '06, '08, '09, '10 Indoors PB other events 60m 100m 200m 300m 400m 800m 60mH 100mH 300mH 400mH HJ LJ SP JT Pen i 7.64 12.27 24.04 39.92 54.40 2:07.03 i 8.50 13.80 42.85 58.67 1.76 6.32 w 6.35 14.96 38.61 i 4.497 Sätra Sävedalen Sundsvall Enskede Sollentuna Beograd, SRB Bollnäs Ratingen, GER Västerås Norrtälje Beograd, SRB Västerås Gävle Sollentuna Barcelona, ESP Paris, FRA (400mH) (4x400m) (Hep) (Hep) (Hep) (Hep) (Hep) (Hep) (Hep) (Pen) 6.2.2010 23.8.2008 31.7.2011 19.5.2005 15.7.2006 11.7.2009 1.3.2009 16.7.2011 27.7.2002 3.8.2003 10.7.2009 1.8.2008 14.8.2011 28.6.2011 31.7.2010 4.3.2011 Notes: Sprinter/hurdler until '03, when focus began shifting towards combined events. In '08 surpassed the IAAF A-standard on three occasions but was still not selected for Beijing by the Swedish OC. 21 backup2_vmguide_2011:VM_guide_2011 2011-08-21 21:05 Sida 22 SWEDISH TEAM – MEDIA GUIDE. IAAF World Championships in Athletics – Daegu 2011. MICHEL Tresor Komesha TORNÉUS Pronounciation Mi-SHELL Tohr-NEH-uhss Born 26 maj 1986 (Botkyrka) Residence Tumba Occupation Community centre youth instructor (part-time) Height/Weight 184 cm / 70 kg Club IFK Tumba (-'10), Hammarby IF ('11-) Coach Oscar Gidewall Event Long Jump Personal bests 8.19 Stockholm 18.6.2011 8.21w Lapinlahti, FIN 18.7.2010 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 4.28z 4.73z 4.68z 6.48 6.74 7.07 7.41 7.94 7.68 7.85 7.86 8.11 8.12 8.19 Progression Major competitions 2005 2007 2009 4.40zw (z = measured from take-off point) 4.79zw 6.86w 8.21w European Junior Ch European U23 Ch European Indoor Ch European Team Ch/Super L World Ch Internat. matches Outdoors: Indoors: National titles Outdoors : '05, '07, '08, '09, '10 Indoors: '08, '10, '11 PB other events 60m 100m 200m 300m 400m 1000m 1500m 110mH 300mH 400mH HJ PV TJ SP DT JT Dec 4 10 qual 9 qual 2010 2011 World Indoor Ch European Ch European Indoor Ch European Team Ch/Super L qual 9 qual 2 9 1 i 6.97 10.71 w 10.63 22.61 w 22.41 36.13 52.94 i 2:50.91 4:52.29 15.67 37.52 55.48 1.92 i 1.99 2.96 i 3.26 14.49 10.97 29.50 44.19 6.115 Malmö Göteborg Sollentuna Sollentuna Vallentuna Enskede Gävle Karlskrona Gävle Gävle Kvarnsveden Leppävaara, FIN Gävle Karlskrona Gävle Karlskrona Gävle Norrköping Gävle Gävle Gävle 29.1.2011 9.7.2011 22.5.2011 28.5.2005 12.9.2004 19.5.2005 25.9.2004 6.3.2005 26.9.2004 26.9.2004 14.8.2004 22.8.2004 25.9.2004 5.3.2005 26.9.2004 6.3.2005 17.9.2004 17.5.2007 26.9.2004 26.9.2004 25-26.9.2004 Notes: On 27 June 2009 became the 3rd Swedish long jumper ever to surpass 8 metres in legal wind conditions when jumping 8.11. Finished 2nd (and No 1 European) in the Diamond League meet in Gateshead on 10 July '10. Second in the European Team Championships on homesoil in Stockholm in June '11 at 8.19, only 2 cm from Mattias Sunneborns’ NR. 22 backup2_vmguide_2011:VM_guide_2011 MICHEL TORNÉUS, Long Jump 2011-08-21 21:05 Sida 23 backup2_vmguide_2011:VM_guide_2011 2011-08-21 21:05 Sida 24 SWEDISH TEAM – MEDIA GUIDE. IAAF World Championships in Athletics – Daegu 2011. Thorsten Olof GABRIEL WALLIN Pronounciation GAH-bree-ell Wah-LEEN Born 14 October 1981 (Enhörna) Residence Södertälje Occupation Financial risk manager (part time) Height/Weight 193 cm / 95 kg Club Södertälje IF US university Boise State University ('04-'05) Coach Lasse Haka Event Javelin Throw Personal best 80.88 Stockholm 18.6.2011 Progression 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 48.04 58.15 67.10 64.52 69.88 73.98 72.33 80.71 Major competitions 2003 2004 2005 2007 2010 2011 Internat. matches Outdoors: 5 National titles Outdoors: - PB other events SP DT HT 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 European U23 Ch European Cup/Super L World Ch World Ch European Ch European Team Ch/Super L 11.98 37.77 41.61 Södertälje Södertälje Södertälje 80.31 78.97 74.62 79.69 78.31 80.88 qual 7 qual qual qual 3 8.9.2002 25.9.2005 25.9.2005 Notes: US Collegiate (NCAA) champion in '04 & '05. When winning in '04 improved PB from 73.98 to 77.62 in qualification and further to 80.71 in the final. In the '09 edition of the prestigeous match vs Finland was leading going into the final round and only one of the three Finnish throwers managed to – barely – pass and grab the win. Due to persistent back problems forced to compete sparingly in the last five years. E.g. opened this season as late as 15 July. At the European Team Ch in Stockholm in June '11 finally broke his seven year old PB with 17 cm (80.88) when surpassing 80 m in three out of four throws. Before the meet he had two throws in total over 80m. 24 backup2_vmguide_2011:VM_guide_2011 2011-08-21 21:05 Sida 25 SWEDISH TEAM – MEDIA GUIDE. IAAF World Championships in Athletics – Daegu 2011. Representing Svenska Gång- och Vandrarförbundet (Swedish Walking Association): Bo ANDREAS GUSTAFSSON Pronounciation Un-DREH-uss GUHSS-tough-sonn Born 10 August 1981 (Göteborg) Residence Göteborg Height/Weight 180 cm / 67 kg Club GK Steget US University Brigham Young University Coach/Advisor Bo Gustafsson Events 50 km Walk Personal best 3:57:53 2011 best - Progression 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Major competitions 2000 2004 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 National titles Berlin, GER 21.8.2009 4:00:48 4:06:32 3:57:53 3:58:02 World Junior Ch World Cup European Cup World Ch World Cup European Cup World Ch World Cup European Ch European Cup Outdoors Indoors 21 dnf 26 dq dnf dnf 21 52 12 dq (10000mW): (20 kmW): (5000mW): '11 '11 '09 20:09.6 40:46.0 1:23:43.0 1:54:51.0 1:27:30 2:17:23.5 San Diego, CA San Diego, CA San Diego, CA Växjö Podébrady, CZE Växjö (10000mW) (20 kmW) PB other events 5000mW 10000mW 20000mW 25000mW 20 kmW 30000mW 13.6.2010 28.3.2010 1.5.2011 25.7.2009 12.4.2008 25.7.2009 Athletics in family Father Bo (b '54): 50kmW 3:44:49 '88 (Olympic silver '84) Brother Jacob (b '84): 800m 1:49.45 '06, 1500m: 3:43.41 '09. Brother Peter (b '86): 400m/800m: 50.20/1:53.00 '09 Notes: Has resided in the US for most of his life. 25 backup2_vmguide_2011:VM_guide_2011 2011-08-21 21:06 Sida 26 SWEDISH TEAM – MEDIA GUIDE. IAAF World Championships in Athletics – Daegu 2011. Andreas Enrique ANATOLE Vera IBANEZ Pronounciation Ah-nah-TOLL Ee-BAH-ness Born 14 November 1985 (Öja) Residence Eskilstuna Height/Weight 176 cm / 67 kg Club Eskilstuna FI Coach/Advisor Siw Karlström Events 20 km Walk Personal best 1:23:30 Hobart, AUS 13.2.2010 1:23:30 Podébrady, CZE 10.4.2010 1:24:55 Hobart, AUS 19.2.2011 Progression 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1:52:25 1:39:44 1:34:26 1:32:33 1:29:45 1:26:33 1:28:07 1:26:42 1:23:30 1:24:55 Major competitions 2004 2006 2007 2011 best 2008 2009 2010 2011 National titles World Junior Ch World Cup European Cup European U23 Ch World Cup European Cup World Cup European Ch European Cup Outdoors Indoors (10000mW): (20kmW): (5000mW): (10000mW) '06, '09, '10 '08, '09, '10 '07, '08, '10 PB other events 5000mW 10000mW 25000mW 30000mW 10 kmW 50 kmW 3000mSt Athletics in family Father Enrique (Vera, b '54): 50kmW 3:43:59 '79 (silver World Ch '76) Mother Siw (Gustavsson-Ibanez-Karlström, b '57): 5 kmW 22:04 '83, 10 kmW 46:19 '86 (bronze European Ch '86). Brother Perseus (Karlström, b '90): 10 kmW 42:55.34 '09 (9th European Junior Ch '09), 20 kmW 1:25:32 '10. 26 20:12.6 42:22.1 1:51:14.7 2:14:03.5 41:34 4:10:54 11:55.11 25 dnf 38 dq 72 dq 55 dq 20 Canberra, AUS Helsinki, FIN Växjö Växjö Podébrady, CZE Olhâo, POR Enskede 30.1.2010 29.8.2008 25.7.2009 25.7.2009 10.4.2010 21.5.2011 25.5.2002 backup2_vmguide_2011:VM_guide_2011 2011-08-21 21:06 Sida 27 Swedish Team Officials Head of Delegation: Lennart Karlberg Team Manager: Stefan Olsson, +46-70-349 21 41 Team Management: Petra Eklund, service Magnus Norberg, chief Media: Fredrik Trahn, press chief, +46-70-913 67 96 Ryno Quantz, photographer Team Coaches: Anders Axlid, throwing events Yannick Tregaro, high jump, triple jump Lars Andersson, marathon Dejan Mirkovic, heptathlon Oscar Gidewall, long jump Lasse Hakka, javelin Thomas Kyöttilä, pole vault Agne Bergvall, long jump Emil Predan, high jump Medical Team: Dick Larsson, team doctor Jenny Jacobsson, physiotherapist Tommy Eriksson, physiotherapist Main sponsors of The Swedish National Athletic Team backup2_vmguide_2011:VM_guide_2011 2011-08-21 21:06 Sida 28 Swedish Team Press Conferences Thursday August 25. . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 am . . . . . Alhaji Jeng Mattias Jons Carolina Klüft Moa Hjelmer Friday August 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 pm . . . . . Isabellah Andersson Malin Dahlström Ato Ibanez Saturday August 28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 pm . . . . . Jessica Samuelsson Niklas Arrhenius Leif Arrhenius Tuesday August 30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 pm . . . . . Emma Green Tregaro Ebba Jungmark Michel Tornéus Gabriel Wallin Andreas Gustafsson Christian Olsson The press conferences will be held in Inter Burgo Golf Club, Daegu, Korea. Note: The schedule is provisional and subject to change. Please check the latest information with: Fredrik Trahn, Press Chief Swedish Team +46-70-913 67 96 fredrik.trahn@friidrott.se Each athlete will do a press conference two days prior to their start. The press conferences will be held in Swedish and in English if necessary.
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