Saint Kilian Parish - Farmingdale
Saint Kilian Parish - Farmingdale
Sunday, November 22 , 2015 Saint Kilian Parish U 485 Conklin Street, Farmingdale, NY 11735 Mission Statement The Catholic family of St. Kilian Parish seeks to be a vibrant, welcoming community of faith, guided by the Holy Spirit, nourished by God’s word and the Eucharist, and committed to witnessing God in and through our neighbors. Pastoral Staff Rev. Bruce J. Powers, Pastor - Rev. Michael F. Duffy - Rev. José Luis Tenas Most Rev. John C. Dunne - (Retired - In Residence) Rev. Augustine Fernando - (Retired - In Residence) Deacon Frank D. Barone Deacon Francis P. Marino Deacon Mark Wetzel Deacon William A. Weiss Deacon Lucio L. Cotone (Retired) Deacon George B. Owen (Retired) Mrs. Claire Stiglic - Religious Education Mrs. Kathleen Singleton - Religious Education Mrs. Nina Petersen - Social Ministry/Outreach Mr. Paul C. Phinney - Music Director Mr. DJ Schultz -Youth Minister - Mr. Frank Shanley - Business Pastoral Council Finance Committee Mrs. Carol Budinoff Mrs. Anne Carter Mrs. Addie DeVincentis Mr. Timothy Fierst Mr. Brian McKenna Mrs. Elizabeth Noveck Mr. James Porter (Chairman) Mr. David Rodenburg Mr. Victor Albanese - Trustee Mr. Pierre Lehmuller - Trustee Deacon Frank Barone Mr. Richard Merzbacher Mr. Edward A. Smith Deacon William Weiss Mr. Stephen G. Wilson Pastoral Council e-mail Rectory Office: (516) 249-0127 Religious Education Office: (516) 694-0633 Parish Outreach Office: (516) 756-9656 Music Office: (516) 420-0950 Youth Ministry: (516) 249-0127 Website: Email: 2 Mass Schedule All Sunday Masses are Celebrated in the Church SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Evening; 5:00 p.m. & 7:30 p.m. Sunday: 7:00, 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Family Mass & Youth Mass: 9:30 a.m. on the 2nd & 4th Sunday WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE : Monday-Friday: 7:00 a.m. St. Benedict Chapel & 9 a.m. - Church Saturday 7:30 a.m. St. Benedict Chapel Holy Days as announced in the bulletin Misas en Español: 6:15 p.m. Cada Sábado Reconciliation - Confessions Monday - 1-2 p.m.; Saturday - 4-45 p.m. Rectory Office Hours Monday - Friday: 9:30 a.m.- 8:00 p.m. Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Sunday: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. It is advisable to call ahead for an appointment with members of the Pastoral Staff. Rectory Staff Mrs. Eileen Donohue - Bulletin /Website Mrs. Barbara Geary - Secretary - Mrs. Maureen Ihm - Secretary - Mrs. Grace Kaufold - Census Program S T. K ILIAN P RAY FOR US St. Kilian Catholic Church - Sunday, November 22, 2015 DEVELOPING OUR ST. KILIAN PASTORAL PLAN “Without a vision, the people perish.” At least a half-dozen of my pastor’s pages have been dedicated, over the past year, to the development of our St. Kilian pastoral plan. Before I arrived at St. Kilian, my predecessor Father Michael Flynn, was contacted by our diocese and encouraged to join the 12 parish deanery in our area, for a series of workshops on pastoral planning on a parish level. Father Flynn was asked to form a Steering Committee to be trained by our diocese and begin working on a vision for the local parish that would help us harness our pastoral energies for the next six years. Ministry would continue as it has since 1897, but we would focus on certain areas that the parish leadership, pastor, deacons, and laity, believed were important in our hopes for this parish. As a result of the deliberations of the St. Kilian Steering Committee, now under my servant leadership as pastor, a mission statement was developed as a result of much prayer and painstaking research. The mission statement has been published in our parish bulletin for months. It reflects what the Steering Committee believes is the core work of St. Kilian parish, as we understand the mission of Jesus Christ that has been handed on to us. The Mission Statement is our effort to capture the spirit of the community in a kind of word picture. It tells the parish community what we do as a faith community to further the work of Christ in our day and time. Recently, the St. Kilian Steering Committee completed its task of developing a Vision Statement. The Vision Statement describes where we see ourselves moving in the future. Where will we spend a good part of our time and energy besides doing what all parishes must do. The celebration of mass in the sacraments, outreach to the poor, and handing on the faith to young and old alike, are integral parts of every parish. Where will St. Killian’s parish focus our energies and the transforming power of the Holy Spirit? The vision statement creates a picture of the future that is different from the present. In order to realize the word picture of where we hope to be as a parish in 2021, change has to happen in our faith community. For example, if we hope to be a more welcoming inviting parish community when we celebrate mass and when we meet people moving into our neighborhood and registering for the baptism of a child, first Communion, confirmation, the wedding or funeral - what changes need to be made to improve in these areas? Here are the results of the Steering Committee’s prayerful deliberations on Our Vision Statement: 1)”Hospitality: St. Kilian parish strives to be a welcoming, dynamic faith community. 2) Prayer and Sacraments: We seek to nourish the life of the parish by celebrating meaningful liturgies, and offering opportunities for a wide range of prayerful experiences. 3) Lifelong Faith formation: We are dedicated to inspiring young and old through lifelong education and formation of hearts and minds. 4) Stewardship: In all aspects of our faith we share our time, talent, and financial resources through the spirituality of stewardship. 5) Compassionate outreach and social justice: We bring our faith to life by serving others - through compassionate personal outreach, and commitment to social justice.” These statements are the five pillars of this faith community-St. Kilian parish, Farmingdale. Our response in each of these areas of parish life needs to be made more specific. To accomplish this, we have engaged the services of a research center, CARA (the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate). With the guidance of CARA, the parish Steering Committee has developed a Parish Survey consisting of 100 questions. On the weekend of November 21-22, all parishioners at mass will have the opportunity to complete the survey on parish life here. When the results of the survey have been tabulated, we will get a precise understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of our parish community. An Executive Summary of the results will be published in our bulletin and on our parish website. A representative from CARA will come to St. Kilian’s and will assist our efforts in developing our prayerful response to the results of the survey. All parishioners will be invited to that meeting at a date to be determined. This will enable us to be specific in making the five pillars incorporated in the vision statement, come to life over the next six years. U T H E P A S T O R’ S P A G E Peace, Father Bruce St. Kilian Catholic Church - 3 Sunday, November 22, 2015 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Baptisms SUNDAY - November 22 - Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe - Readings: 1st—Daniel 7:13-14; 2nd—Revelation 1:5-8; Gospel— John 18:33b-37 7:00 For the Parishioners of St. Kilian 8:00 Marie Hall 9:30 Pasko Markovina 11:00 Ralph Porpora 12:30pm Mary Sotis Gregory Ihm Lillian Anderson Margaret Coughlin MONDAY - November 23 - Weekday 7:00 Zvonmir Jurlina 9:00 Madelyn LaRosa TUESDAY - November 24 - St. Andrew Dung-Lac, Priests, Companions, Martyrs 7:00 Beatrice Cosenza 9:00 Andrew J. Garafalo WEDNESDAY - November 25 - Weekday 7:00 Walter Burns, Jr. 9:00 Assunta & Edward Nardi Hannah Rose Berke Nathaniel Christopher Bugeia Aryana Castellano Joseph Lucas Castro Olivia M. Coffin Jesse Raymond Evans John Peter Fiorillo Isabella Rose Huertas Thomas Robert Jaronczyk Brandon Nicolas Dimas-Veras ST. KILIAN PARISH MEMORIALS FOR HOSTS AND WINE to be used at all WEEKEND Masses (November 21, 22, 2015) were donated in Memory of: +Gregory W. Ihm Gift of: McKeveny, Stewart & Evais Families ST. KILIAN PARISH MEMORIALS FOR HOSTS AND WINE to be used at all WEEKDAY Masses (November 23-27, 2015) were donated in Memory of +Gregory W. Ihm Gift of: St. Kilian Outreach THURSDAY - November 26 - Weekday 9:00 Carol Ann Dunn FRIDAY - November 27 - Weekday 7:00 Nan Louise Regan 9:00 Ricardo Hartswell SATURDAY - November 28 - Weekday 7:30 Chester Thomas 5:00pm Edward Pezden Deceased Members of the Lettera & Concessi Families Marjorie Camus Gregory & Richard Ihm 6:15pm 7:30pm Juana (Chickie) Devodier SUNDAY - November 29 - First Sunday of Advent - Readings: 1st—Jer 33:14-16; 2nd—1 Thes 3:12 4:2; Gospel—Luke 2125-28, 34-36 7:00 John, Mary & Marie Finn 8:00 Frank Kurowski 9:30 Michael DiMaulo 11:00 For the Parishioners of St. Kilian 12:30pm Antonio Mastroianni Francesca Randazzo Lillian Anderson Helen Gomula 4 Thanksgiving Day Mass Thursday, November 26th 9:00 am There will be only one Mass on Thanksgiving morning at 9:00 am in the Church. If you would like, you may bring a symbolic basket of food to be blessed on Thanksgiving morning for your feast later in the day. Please bring a food donation (non-perishable) for the Outreach Program at St. Kilians. St. Kilian Catholic Church - Sunday, November 22, 2015 First Announcement Kevin Schneider & Toni Caserta The following are the weekly collections for: Nov. 14-15, 2015....................$26,196.00 (Last year 2014) ..................$23,349.00 Second Announcement Paul Steo & Gina Ruocchio Attendance Nov. 14-15, 2015 ............2115 (Last year 2014) .............2216 Parish Collection report-Week of Nov. 14, 15, 2015 Mass Number Of Envelopes 5pm - Sat. Amt. in Env. Cash/Checks Loose Cash Total 178 $4762.00 $773.00 $5535.00 6:15pm-Sat. 28 $276.00 $610.00 $886.00 7:30pm -Sat 41 $1375.00 $229.00 $1604.00 7:00am 53 $1829.00 $261.00 $2090.00 8:00am 85 $3287.00 $290.00 $3577.00 9:30am 101 $2711.00 $600.00 $3311.00 11:00am 142 $4608.00 $537.00 $5145.00 12:30pm 118 $3794.99 $254.00 $4048.99 Mail in Envelopes: $ 0 Total: $26,196.99 Bulletin Reflection: Today’s second reading reminds us that the sacrifice of Christ frees us from sin and makes us a royal nation of priests in the service of God. How am I using my gifts to serve God and others? Third Announcement Colin Jones (St. Kilian) & Danielle Torre Christopher DeLaura & Michelle Neglia (both St. Kilian) As a praying community, we automatically ask prayers for all those who are ill. Names added to the list will remain on for a maximum of 3 weeks. If the individual is still in need of prayers, the office would have to be notified to continue for an additional 3 weeks. If you do not desire to be listed, please inform us. PRAY FOR: Frank Burnside; Msgr. Tom Hartman; Sarita Donald; Denise Wagner; Helen Norjen; John Nelson, Sr.; John Nelson, Jr.; Kerri Ihm; Rosemarie Oliver; Jane Deglman; Hugh Gilmore; Theresa Ross; Vincent Thomas Marino; Jacek Leszczynski; John Sherry Eric Malak. And prayers for our children: Gwendolyn Rose; Kyle Patrick Johnson; Jillian Cordi; Baby Julia Rose Manno; Olivia Macchio; Collin Huber; Michael Cardone; Baby Kathleen Scelfo; Baby Olivia Scelfo; Mackenzie Jordan Borchers. Rest in Peace Living Stewardship: We remember those who have died in our parish community this week: We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who actively choose service to our neighbor by holding a door, being patient on line or on the road and offering a smile to a stranger Josephine G. Colasuonno Evelyn J. DiCatua Diane Krumenacker NEXT WEEKEND MASS CELEBRANTS Saturday, 5:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 7:30 p.m. November 28 Fr. Duffy Fr. Jose Fr. Bruce Sunday, November 29 7:00 a.m. Fr. Bruce 8:00 a.m. Fr. Gus 9:30 a.m. Fr. Duffy 11:00 a.m. Fr. Bruce 12:30 p.m. Fr. Duffy Eternal Rest grant unto them O Lord; and let the perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God Rest in Peace. Amen St. Kilian Catholic Church - 5 Sunday, November 22, 2015 Sacraments Baptisms are celebrated on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sunday of the month at 2:00 p.m. in the church. Spanish Baptisms are celebrated on the 4th Sunday of the month at 2 p.m. Parents are required to participate in one Sacramental Preparation session. These meetings are held on the first and third Sunday of each month. After attending the 9:30am Mass, parents should proceed to the Parish Center (below the church) for the Baptism Preparation Class. Godparents are welcome. Please call the rectory to arrange an interview with a deacon or priest to register for the preparation session and the Baptism ceremony. Additional information on Baptism is available on the parish website: Reconciliation - Confessions are heard in the church on Mondays, 1:00-2:00 p.m.; Saturdays, 4:00-4:45 p.m.; and in the rectory by appointment. Confessions are not heard on Mondays that are Holy Days or public holidays. Confessions in Spanish by appointment. Please call the rectory at (516)249-0127. Matrimony - Marriage arrangements should be made with a deacon or priest at least six months before the proposed wedding date. No dates for marriage will be given over the phone. Note: The interview to schedule the marriage date at St. Kilian should be completed before commitments are made with a catering hall. Additional information is available on the parish website: Anointing of the Sick - The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick may be received by any Catholic who is preparing for surgery, or is of advanced age, or is seriously ill. The sacrament is the Church’s prayer for health and healing and should not be delayed until there is danger of death. Please call the rectory to speak with a priest. Also, to arrange for Communion to be brought to the homebound, please call the rectory to have a priest visit. After the priest visits, arrangements can be made for a Eucharistic Minister to regularly bring communion to the homebound. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults RCIA (Becoming A Catholic) Anyone who is inquiring about becoming a Catholic, and who has not been baptized, or who has been baptized in another Christian community is invited to inquire into the RCIA. Please call the rectory for information at (516)249-0127. 6 ST. KILIAN Dear parish family, It is our pleasure to introduce ourselves to you as new codirectors of religious education. In the spirit of our mission statement here at St. Kilian, it is our hope to continue to help create a welcoming community of faith for our students and catechists, guided by the Holy Spirit, nourished by God’s word and the Eucharist, and committed to witnessing God in and through our neighbors, and all who are involved in the religious education program. I, Claire Stiglic, have a master’s degree in theology and have served the Church in parish and diocesan ministry for over 40 years. I have served in religious education, taught adult faith formation, led days of recollection and served as an instructor and also as assistant director for Pastoral Formation Institute. I am more than happy to be ‘home’ at St. Kilian after all of these years! I, Kathleen Singleton, have a master’s degree in theology, training in spiritual direction, experience in retreat work, and have served in church ministry for more than twenty-three years. Together, with God’s grace, we look forward to ministering to the families of the parish. All of us together – priests, families, and our generous, committed catechists, will continue to joyfully hand on the traditions of our faith to the next generation. Catechists (religion teachers – we will help you!), hall monitors, door monitors, are always needed. Please call the religious education office at 516-694-0633 if God is calling you to join us. St. Kilian Catholic Church - Sunday, November 22, 2015 Christmas Wreaths and Blankets We will be selling Christmas Wreaths and Grave Blankets this year. The wreaths are Balsam and are 12” Double Faced and decorated with a red velvet bow, pine cones and silk like poinsettias. The grave blankets are handmade on a wooden base and are decorated. This year we will be offering two different sizes - a large 24” size and an extra large size measuring 42”. Also available is a 24” Cross . If you are interested in purchasing, please fill out the tear-off below and return it to the rectory or drop it in the Christmas Box in the gathering space. Please do not leave any money with your tear-off. We are taking pre-orders, so we know how many to order. Pick-up will be Saturday, Dec. 12 from 9AM to 12:00 noon or Sunday, Dec. 13, from 9AM to 2PM in the basement of the church. Last day to order is December 6th. Join us for some refreshments and Christmas Cheer during Advent and pick up your wreaths and blankets. Any questions, please contact Dave Rodenburg (249-3276) or Margaret Barrett (4200674) or leave a message at the rectory. Christmas Wreaths and Blankets Name ____________________________ Catholic Campaign for Human Development 2015 This week, we will take up the Collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development which includes Home Missions (CCHD). CCHD was founded 40 years ago by the bishops of the United States when they realized that the lives of those in need would not improve until the systems and policies that keep people in poverty were changed. For 40 years, CCHD has funded community groups that seek justice and create lasting change. Fight poverty in America. Defend human dignity. Give to the CCHD Collection. Please place your donation for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development in the regular collection as there will be only one collection this week. Volunteers are needed on Wednesday, November 25th at 10am to help the Sacristan change the Missal Books in the Church pews. Thank you for your help. Christmas Cash 50/50 Envelopes with raffle tickets will be available next weekend after all the Masses. Each envelope contains 3 raffle tickets. One ticket is $10.00 or 3 for $25.00. The drawing will be on Hospitality Sunday, Dec. 13th. Winner need not be present. EARLY BIRD $500 DRAWING ON SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 29th. Address __________________________ Telephone Number _____________ Quantity Cross 24” $25.00 ______ Christmas Wreath 12” $15.00 ______ Grave Blankets 24” $25.00 _____ 42” $35.00 ______ The rectory office will be closed on Thursday, November 26th and Friday, November 27th in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday. On Thanksgiving Day there will be only one Mass, 9:00am in the Church. On Friday, November 27th the 7am Mass will be in St. Benedict Chapel and the 9 a.m. Mass will be in the Church . There will be no Eucharistic Adoration in the evenings. Last day to order is December 6th St. Kilian Catholic Church - 7 Sunday, November 22, 2015 8 St. Kilian Catholic Church - Sunday, November 22, 2015 the ability to recognize these people. My answer came in new friends and business contacts that guided me to stability. I’m still not well off, but I am able to make ends meet and sleep well at night. I had to stop worrying and have faith that God would provide a way for me to succeed. I learned this from Dr. Scott Hahn’s, book, “Understanding the Lord’s Prayer.” In it he talked about a line we pray at every mass, “give us this day our daily bread.” Dr. Hahn explained that in this petition we are Good morning brothers and sisters, asking God to give us today what we need today; and tomorrow we will repeat the process and ask God again for My name is Paul Montenero, and I have been a member of this that day’s needs. It doesn’t mean, “give me the winning lottery parish since I was baptized here by Father Raphael in 1959. numbers to that multimillion dollar jackpot.” It doesn’t mean, But, I haven’t really been a regularly active participant until “give me a gigantic retirement plan.” After all, don’t we want around 2005. Before that I would come to church for periods God in our life every day? If he gave us a very successful of time, sitting in the back and doing just enough to say, “yeah I investment package which supplied us with more money than went to church today.” I recited my lines on cue, singing only we needed, we might very well not need God as often. And occasionally, put a little something in the collection basket, God wants and needs our love and our support and our and made sure to take Jesus Christ in the Communion. participation each and every day of our lives, to help build his As a teenager, I came back for a period simply to drive kingdom. my mother to mass every week. A few years later she pushed Now, instead of putting “a little something” in the me to join the singles club, a branch of the St. Kilian’s youth collection basket, I plot and plan ways to give more. Owning a ministry, where I met my wife. As our family grew, we would business is very discouraging sometimes. Business has its bring them to church, but there were times when I would stay ups and downs and during those down periods I put in far less home and leave that weekly task to my wife. then I would like to. I always remind myself, however, that it One of my 4 children wanted to become an altar is through the gifts God gave me in the Holy Spirit-the gifts server. I came back to church to watch my son, with pride, as of my talents-that I have the skills needed to run my own he gave of himself to serve at mass. Soon, he wanted to expand business. And from those gifts of the Holy Spirit, I produce and serve a couple of weekdays, so I went with fruits which I can give back to my church. him to the additional masses. He loved the When times are good I can increase my “I’m always on the lookout earliest masses - even on the holidays. He always financial contribution. When times are bad for new ways to help God signed up for 7 AM mass on Thanksgiving day, the through my Church.” I may keep my envelope close by on my 7AM mass on Christmas day, and oh yes, the 7AM desk, and put something in it early in the mass New Year’s Day. I’ve always vowed I would week- before I spend it on something foolish like fast food. I pay him back for that! may even add to that during the week even if only a dollar here Over the years, I grew closer to God. I would hear him and a dollar there. speaking to me in the homilies. God was calling me to do So I’m always on the lookout for new ways to help more. Sometimes it took many homilies for me to get the God through my church. Both in the financial contributions I message. In other cases, like my calling to become a give and in the use of the talents that he graciously gave me. I Eucharistic minister, it was plain and direct: Father Joseph started my Catholic life by being baptized in this church in Fitzgerald flat out told me, “you need to become a Eucharistic 1959. My baptismal call is to be priest, prophet and king - to minister. Do it!” Now, I’m involved in several ministries and evangelize. To help lead others back to church and to God. If I can rarely turn down an opportunity to help our parish when I succeeded in leading some “out of practice” Catholic to come see a need. I have said many times that it was a child, my son, back to mass, then they might add something to the collection who led me back to church, and the church taught me how to baskets. Eventually, they may use their God-given talents to pray to God. participate in one of the many ministries we have here at St. As a business owner, I’ve had my share of financial Kilian parish. Isn’t this another way to grow the “wealth” of difficulties and used to pray to God for help. What did I our church - to increase attendance; to increase our expect? A sack of money to be dropped on my head. For many “stewardship of treasure.” How can I do this? By showing years I prayed for an increase in income and was repeatedly them our new website, by inviting them to Eucharistic disappointed. Then, drawing from a combination of homilies Adoration, by inviting them to join one of the ministries from and some Catholic literature I was reading, I realized that I was which they might enjoy, or need help. Perhaps they will go praying wrongly for the help I needed. I shouldn’t be praying further, and help others through the contribution of their own for the wealth that would help me pay my bills, I needed to pray God-given talents received through the Holy Spirit. for God to put the people in my life that could help me and for Thank you for listening, and may God bless you all. St. Kilian Catholic Church - 9 Sunday, November 22, 2015 SOCIAL MINISTRY/OUTREACH Outreach is our parish community’s response to the Gospel call to help those in need. We serve anyone who lives within our parish boundaries regardless of religion, race or ethnicity. We are located at 140 Elizabeth Street but our main entrance is in the parking lot facing Conklin Street. OUR FOOD PANTRY AND OFFICE IS OPEN MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, 10AM-2:30PM. We are also available certain Saturdays by appointment only. Spanish translators are available Tuesdays and Fridays. For further information please call 516-756-9656 Nina Petersen, Director of Outreach THANK YOU In case you missed it last week, I would like to once again thank EVERYONE for the outpouring of generosity we experienced during our food drive. St. Kilian is truly a loving and giving community! Our work continues and this week our pantry is in need of: Rice (1-2lb packages) White beans (cannellini) Shampoo We will continue to accept Turkeys at the Outreach building for Christmas, through 12/15. GIFT STARS ARE UP FOR CHRISTMAS! We chose the symbol of the Star as a reminder of Jesus as the Light of the World. Here is how our Gift Star Program works: v Each family is asked to take one or more Gift Tags from the wall. Please do not remove the star as it will be a happy reminder that Jesus, the Light of the World, is coming. v Purchase the gift indicated on the gift tag. v Wrap the gift and attach the gift tag so we know for whom the item is intended. v Return the gift to our new Outreach building when you come to Mass the weekend of December 12th and 13th. If your gift is not returned on either of those dates, that family will NOT receive a gift since we are distributing them soon after the collection takes place. v REMEMBER OUR RETURN DATES – DECEMBER 12TH AND 13TH Any questions, please call Outreach at 516-756-9656. To Ms. Pat G. – Thank you for helping me with the resume. I got a job with benefits!” Did you know we offer Employment Assistance (resume writing, interview coaching, job search tips)? Our Employment Counselor is here Thursdays from 11:00am to 2:30pm. If interested, call for an appointment. REGISTRATION FOR FREE ENGLISH CLASSES Come to Outreach Wednesday, December 2nd, from 11:00am-2:00pm Must be over age 18 and must register. For further information, call Nassau Literacy at 516-867-3580 or visit!registration-dates/c13i6 HEAP (Home Energy Assistance Program) opened on 11/16/15 and is projected to close in March. This is a low-income, federally-funded energy assistance program. For income-eligibility guidelines, please see heap/. Applications can be made (1) online at OR (2) senior citizens may call the Office of the Aging (Nassau County 516-227-7386, Suffolk County 631-853-8326) OR (3) all others may call: EAC in Nassau County at 516-565-4327 or Central HEAP in Suffolk County 631-853-8825. Those receiving SNAP and/or TA should be automatically enrolled in HEAP. You may also call our Outreach office for further information. Please note that our pantry will be closed for Thanksgiving from Wed 11/25 through Friday 11/27. Outreach van rides will continue as scheduled on Wednesday, 11/25. However, all With grateful hearts, we extend to everyone a very HAPPY THANKSVIGING 10 St. Kilian Catholic Church - Sunday, November 22, 2015 FAMILY LIFE MINISTRY WOMEN’S GUILD CHRISTMAS PARTY Thursday, December 10, 2015 at 6:30pm in the Blue Room Join us for a wonderful evening of Christmas fun with entertainment, raffles, a delicious hot buffet, wine and soft drinks, dessert, coffee and tea. Cost: $22 per person Raffle tickets will be given for a donation of paper goods (towels, Kleenex, napkins, etc.) for Outreach. There will be a regular raffle, featuring many lovely donated items, for which you will need to purchase tickets. Reservations can be made by leaving a check at the rectory. Please let us know with whom you will be sitting. For information or to make a reservation, please contact: Barbara Keenan - (516)420-9123 or Patricia Bevacqua - (516)293-1875 CHRISTMAS USHER’S MEETING Are you in Grades 2 – 8 ? Will you be attending the Family Mass on Christmas Eve at 4:15 ? Then you should join us in prayer by helping us to present the true story of Christmas! Costumes and parts will be given out on Sunday, December 6th immediately after the 9:30 Mass Downstairs in the Blue Room. We are looking for Shepherds, Angels, Wisemen, Innkeepers, Angel Gabriel, Mary, Joseph, and Narrators. There will be 2 practices so everyone knows what they are supposed to be doing, and then we present our pageant at the 4:15 Family Mass in the auditorium. 1st Rehearsal: Sunday 12/13 10:30 - 12:30 in the Auditorium Only the Narrators need to read and speak so you dont have to worry about reading or learning lines. There will be songs to sing, but we will send you home with song sheets so you can practice. Interested? Please e-mail Barbara McNulty at Or fill out the form on our website family Ministry page at And meet us Sunday 12/6 right after the Family Mass downstairs in the blue room. WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 2ND 7:30PM TO 8:30PM Green Room in the Parish Center For all Ushers and those interested in joining this ministry. PIZZA, CAKE & COFFEE TO BE SERVED. Let’s get ready for Christmas! Questions - call John Fitzpatrick 516-385-1718 The 2016 Lectors Workbooks are now available. They are located in the history room. When picked up please sign for the book on legal pad. If you take one for someone else, sign that persons name. St. Kilian Catholic Church - 11 Sunday, November 22, 2015 ST. KILIAN WEEK AT A GLANCE Nov. 22 (Sunday) CYO Basketball - 1:00pm - Auditorium SKYouth - 6pm - Cafeteria Alanon Support Meeting - 7:30pm - Parish Ctr. Nov. 23 (Monday) Daily Rosary - 8:30am - Church Seniors - 11am - Parish Ctr. Reconciliation - 1pm - 2pm - Church Eucharistic Adoration - 4pm - 9pm - St. Benedict Chapel Miraculous Medal Novena - 7:30pm - St. Benedict Chapel Divorced & Separated - 7:30pm - Parish Ctr. Nov. 24 (Tuesday) Daily Rosary - 8:30am - Church Seniors - 11am - Parish Ctr. Eucharistic Adoration - 4pm-8pm - St. Benedict Chapel CYO Basketball - 4:30pm - Auditorium NA Meeting - 7:30pm - Parish Ctr. Nov. 25 (Wednesday) Daily Rosary - 8:30am - Church Bible Study - 10:30am- 12:30pm -Parish Center Eucharistic Adoration - 4pm-8pm - St. Benedict Chapel AA Support Meeting - 7pm - Parish Ctr. Spanish Charismatic Renewal - 7pm - Cafeteria Charismatic Prayer Group - 8pm - St. Benedict Chapel Nov. 26 (Thursday) Thanksgiving Day Mass - 9am - Church Nov. 27 (Friday) Daily Rosary - 8:30am - Church CYO Basketball - 4:30pm - Auditorium AA Spanish - 7pm - Parish Ctr. Nov. 28 (Saturday) Reconciliation - 4- 4:45pm - Church Spanish Youth Group - 7pm - Cafeteria CYO Basketball - 1pm - Auditorium Nov. 29 (Sunday) CYO Basketball - 1:00pm - Auditorium SKYouth - 6pm - Cafeteria Alanon Support Meeting - 7:30pm - Parish Ctr. Readings for the Week of November 22, 2015 Sunday:Dn 7:13-14/Rv 1:5-8/Jn 18:33b-37 Monday: Dn 1:1-6, 8-20/Lk 21:1-4 Tuesday: Dn 2:31-45/Lk 21:5-11 Wednesday: Dn 5:1-6, 13-14, 16-17, 23-28/Lk 21:12-19 Thursday: Dn 6:12-28/Lk 21:20-28 Friday: Dn 7:2-14/Lk 21:29-33 Saturday: Dn 7:15-27/Lk 21:34-36 Next Sunday: Jer 33:14-16/1 Thes 3:12—4:2/Lk 21:25-28, 34-36 ST KILIAN YOUTH Youth Events for Middle and High School Teens: 11/20 6 pm-7pm - Music Choir Practice Church Music Room, Basement. WE NEED YOUTH SINGERS for our choir! 11/22 9:30am - Youth Mass in Church (all teens are invited to sit and sing with us) 8am rehearsal in church music room 11/22 6pm – 9pm - SKY’s Annual Thanksgiving Feast+ 6pm in Cafeteria 11/29 6pm – 9pm - Regular SKY meets 6pm in Cafeteria LaSalle School, (school play ground) for Hockey, Dodge ball, Faith talk, and Pizza. Then, move church food collection to food pantry, then finish meeting in Rectory youth room. Pickup from rectory @ 9pm 12/6 6pm-9pm - Regular Sky JOIN SKY + Contact Youth Minister DJ Schultz: or to volunteer and for any information Join Sky facebook page@ (Sky) and be a member+ The Society of St. Vincent de Paul Today as we celebrate Christ the King, may we open the door of our heart so wide that we may listen to the voice of Jesus calling us to help build his kingdom here on earth. This month, through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was able to bring God’s love and mercy to families, providing food, utility, rent and other bills. God bless You If you are in need of assistance or would like information about joining or contributing to the Society, please call 516-473-9562. Leave a message and a phone number. A member will return your call as soon as possible. You may visit our website at Please remember the Poor Boxes at the exits of the church. They are the Bread Boxes of the poor and hungry. ©Liturgical Publications Inc 12 St. Kilian Catholic Church - Sunday, November 22, 2015 JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY Keeping Your Child Come and Join Us— Safe In a Digital World This workshop will explore the link between use of the internet by our children and youth and the ever present and real dangers of victimization and exploitation. The presenter, Robert Farley MS is an internationally recognized expert in child abuse prevention. Mr. Farley most recently presented a seminar for clergy in the Vatican and is a consult to the Virtus Program. When: Tuesday: 12/1/15 at 7:00pm - St. Agnes Parish Center, Rockville Centre Wednesday: 12/2/15 @ 7:00pm McGann-Mercy High School Riverhead Thursday:12/3/15 @ 1:00pm - St. Matthew Parish Center, Dix Hills Friday: 12/4/14 @ 7:00pm - Parish of Notre Dame, New Hyde Park To register contact: Mary McMahon - Diocese of Rockville Centre: Office for the Protection of Children/Young People - 516-678-5800. mmcmahon@drvc Counseling Information for Families and Individuals Please consider remembering St. Kilian Parish in your will. Catholics of generations to come will thank you for your thoughtfulness and remember you in prayer. Living Waters, located on Wolf Hill Road in Melville, on the grounds of St. Elizabeth Catholic Church, provides individual and group therapy with a Christian perspective - 631-754-3990 email: Our pastor, Father Bruce Powers, besides his graduate degree in theology from the major seminary in Huntington, New York, holds a Masters degree in Pastoral Counseling from St. John’s University ( M.S. in Ed.). In addition, he has received certification in substance abuse counseling from South Oaks Institute in Amityville, New York. If you would like his counsel on personal and family difficulties, please contact him at St. Kilian rectory: 516-249-0127 or email him for an appointment: St. Kilian Catholic Church - 13 Sunday, November 22, 2015 ATTENTION WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO CELEBRATE AS ONE COMMUNITY OUR MASS IN HONOR OF: “LA MORENITA.” OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE” AN INVITATION FROM THE BENEDICTINE OBLATES TO ALL JOIN US AS WE BEGIN THE ADVENT SEASON WITH A DAY OF RECOLLECTION SUNDAY, NOV. 29, 2015 AT THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION SEMINARY, HUNTINGTON, NY PRESENTER; BR. FRANCIS WAGNER, osb of St. Meinrad Archabbey, Indians TOPIC; OUR CALL TO PRAYER, HOLY READING AND RECOLLECTION. This day includes Holy Mass, Opportunity for Confession, Conferences, Continental Breakfast and Hot Lunch, Use of the Retreat House and the Beautiful Surrounding Grounds. Offering $35 (couple $50) Please call Paul and Irene Muhs for information and reservations at 516-249-6567. 14 DATE: Saturday, Dec. 12, 2015 TIME: 6:00 pm - Auditorium CELEBRANT: BISHOP ROBERT J. BRENNAN Reception to follow in Cafeteria ST. KILIAN RESPECT-LIFE CALENDAR OF EVENTS 11/28 (Sat) - 10:30-11:30AM Prayer vigil outside Planned Parenthood, 35 Carman’s Rd, Massapequa. 12/13 (Sun) - 10:30-10:55AM—PRO-LIFE meeting Green Rm of St. Kilian’s Church Basement Marian Healing Ministry Continuing the Marian Healing Ministry of Fr. Dennis Kelleher CSsR there will be a Healing Mass at St. Anastasia’s Church, 45-14 245th St., Douglaston - Little Neck, NY 11362, on Tuesday, December 1, 2015. 7:00PM - Rosary, Mass & Healing Service Celebrant: Fr. Augustine Fernando Assisted by Deacons Joseph Mercolino, John Dennehy, Michael Vicinanza. Music: Tony Owen For information contact St. Anastasia’s Church at 718-6314454. Come and experience the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the presence, healing touch and power of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the intercession of Mary the Mother of God and Our Mother. St. Kilian Catholic Church - Sunday, November 22, 2015 Celebremos Los Sacramentos LA SANTA MISA: Todos los Sábados a las 6:15PM. BAUTISMO: Se celebra cada cuarto domingo de mes, a las 2:00 de la tarde. Es requisito para los papás y padrinos, atender la clase pre-bautismal, cada tercer miércoles de mes a las 6:30 PM, en la parte baja de la Iglesia. Por favor llame a la rectoría para hacer su cita con el sacerdote, para llenar el formato; usted deberá traer el certificado o registro de nacimiento de su niño. Los niños de 6 años ó más, deberán asistir a las clases de catequesis regular. C iclos de Fe ATENCION COORDIALMENTE INVITAMOS A TODA LA COMMUNIDAD, PARA QUE CELEBREMOS JUNTOS LA MISA DE ACCIÓN DE GRACIAS, EN HONOR A NUESTRA QUERIDA MADRE: PADRINOS: Deben ser católicos, con los Sacramentos de Bautismo, Comunión y Confirmación; solteros ó casados por la Iglesia. Deben traer una notificación indicando que están registrados o son miembros de la Parroquia, en donde viven ó adonde asisten a misa. No pueden ser padrinos las personas que tienen parejas sin haberse casados por la Iglesia. QUINCEAÑERAS: Deben haber recibido los Sacramentos de Bautismo, Comunión y Confirmación ó estar asistiendo a las clases regulares de Educación Religiosa ó RICA (Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos). RITO DE INICIACIÓN CRISTIANA PARA ADULTOS: (RICA) Les invitamos a una preparación espiritual de conversión a la fé católica. Favor comunicarse con la Hna: Reina Vásquez (631)902-9969. Las clases iniciarán en septiembre. MATRIMONIO: Es necesario hacer una entrevista con el Sacerdote ó Diácono de la Parroquia con 6 meses de anticipación, para la celebración de su boda. Es imprescindible que todas las parejas, asistan a PRE-CANA (charlas pre-matrimoniales), para poder casarse. Para mayor información, llamar a la Rectoría (516)-249-0127 ext.129 P. Jose o hablar con él, después de la Misa, los sábados. RECONCILIACION/ CONFESIONES: Todos los miércoles de 6:00 a 9:00 PM, en el Grupo de Oración. Lugar: Cafetería. UNCION DE LOS ENFERMOS: Llamar a la Rectoría, inmediatamente en caso de emergencia o enfermedad, para que la persona reciba los Sacramentos necesarios. (516)- 249-0127 Ext. 129 Padre Jose. GRUPO DE ORACION: (Renovación Carismática) Todos los miércoles de 7 a 9:30 PM en la cafetería, Y Hora Santa en la iglesia todos los Segundos miércoles de cada mes, de 7:30-8:30pm. GRUPO JUVENIL: Se reúnen todos los sábados, después de Misa. Para información, hablar con Nelson (516)351-8913/ Erlin (631)7051229. “LA MORENITA” “VIRGEN DE GUADALUPE.” DIA: SÁBADO 12 DE DICIEMBRE, 2015 HORA: 6:00 PM LUGAR: AUDITORIO PRESIDIDA POR: MONS. ROBERT J. BRENNAN COMPARTIMENTO SIGUE EN CAFETERIA CLASES DE INGLES Venga a registarse el 2 de Diciembre. Comienza a las 11:00 hasta 2:00pm St. Kilian Outreach 140 Elizabeth Street, Farmingdale REQUISITOS: Tener 18 años y registrarse Para mas detalles, llame a la oficina: (516)-867-3580 Literacy Nassau Visite nuestra pagina de web para los dias de registracion:!registrationdates/c13i6 St. Kilian Catholic Church - 15
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