Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church
Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church
J UN E/J UL Y Annunciation SUNDAY SCHOOL, GREEK DANCE & GREEK SCHOOL YOUTH NEWS ISSUE Youth events: YOUTH EVENTS Now – July 4: Annunciation Youth TNT fireworks booth 9:30 AM - 9PM Aug 3 - 6: Annunciation summer camp, 9AM – 12 noon Sept 13: First day of Sunday School and dance practices/meetings Oct 16 – 18: JUST IN…St Nicholas Volleyball tournament, San Jose Feb 11 – 14, 2016: FDF just announced it will be at the Anaheim Marriott FIREWORKS BOOTH F U N D R AI S E R – ALL YOUTH MINISTRIES $10 off coupon for Annunciation’s TNT Fireworks booth on Alhambra Blvd in the Safeway parking lot between J and K streets. This year – Parish Council made this fundraiser available to support all youth ministries. Tell your friends and family to buy fireworks from us to support our youth! Sale dates are June 28 – July 4. TNT Fireworks | Coupons SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS DANCE NEWS SUMMER CAMPS! St Nicholas Ranch Camp 2015 SUMMER CAMP DATES Session I: July 5 – 11 Session II: July 12 – 18 Session III: July 19 – 25 Want to lower next season’s dance registration fees and/or your FDF registration fees? Want to arrange camp dates with other families? or/summer-camp/ Annunciation Summer Camp This year, in addition to working extra fireworks booth shifts to earn funds towards your child’s dance registration fees we are also offering a See’s candy bar fundraiser. Profits from candy sold go towards your own DSG registration fees…or FDF registration. Sell some candy this summer!! For more information contact ___________________ FDF 2016 News! Monday August 3 - Thu August 6 Going for the Gold - Feasts of the Triumph of Christ and His Church. 9 AM to noon. Contact: ___________________ ORATORICAL FESTIVAL Sophia Delis did a wonderful job competing at St Nicholas Ranch May 9. Congratulations to all of our participants. FDF just announced next year’s event will be held at the Anaheim Marriott again Feb 11 – 14. Hotel rooms are now available at special FDF rates. Room blocks often sell out fast so don’t wait! for hotel link and event information. ___________________ Dance Registration for 2015/16 Registration forms are now available! The PDF form is attached to this email and on the website under youth, then dance or contact JOB LISTINGS: Working with our Youth…increased compensation! YOUTH COORDINATOR – JOY YOUTH COORDINATOR – GOYA Our Annunciation parish seeks to engage an independent contractor to develop comprehensive ministry to its 3rd through 6th grade youth. The JOY Youth Coordinator shall plan, publicize and attend at least 10 JOY meetings and events per year as well as manage JOY and its Diakonia service projects and JOY communications content. This position is responsible and accountable to the Parish Priest and youth council representatives of GOYA, Sunday School, and Dance Support Group (DSG). Compensation of $2,100 annually. Our Annunciation parish seeks to engage an independent contractor to develop comprehensive ministry to its 7th through 12th grade youth. The GOYA Youth Coordinator shall plan, publicize and attend at least 6 GOYA meetings and 12 GOYA events per year as well as manage GOYA and its Diakonia service projects and GOYA communications content. In addition, this position will create the Youth newsletters, email blasts, fliers, youth calendar, and all other youth communications necessary and is responsible and accountable to the Parish Priest and Youth Council representatives of GOYA, Sunday School, and Dance Support Group (DSG). Compensation of $4500 annually The candidate must be an enthusiastic, effective communicator and possess interpersonal and relationship skills for working with young people and adults. The position requires a self-starter who can manage details and present plans for internal approval, then communicate plans to our youth and encourage their participation. Background check and references required. The Youth Coordinator must be active in the Orthodox Faith and a steward of the church, serving as an inspiring example for our youth. Please submit your resume and references to Koula Gianulias Apply for one or both positions. May Day Greek night was fun for all! Thanks to our musical entertainers: DJ Demetre Paraskevas & Apollo Entertainment Jeff Antipa, Nikita Skondras & Andrew Gorny