Symphonie fantastique


Symphonie fantastique
Cultural Summer
Flamenco y Goya. ‘Desastres y Caprichos’
Saturday 08/08/2015 | Sunday 09/08/2015 | Saturday 15/08/2015 |
Sunday 16/08/2015 at 7:30 pm, ballroom
Spain around 1800: as a court painter, Goya not only paints portraits of
the great personages, but also of the outsiders of his time. In flamenco,
which developed shortly afterwards, it is the oppressed who give expression to this form of art. Both flamenco and the painter Goya give a blunt
view of the disruption of their time. They both fascinate us by their
power and expressiveness.
Together with three musicians, flamenco dancer Gisa Michelón and
flamenco singer Estela Sanz Posteguillo will take Goya’s life and work as
a basis for ‘Desastres y Caprichos’.
Look forward to a powerful and modern evening of flamenco!
Flamenco puro
Friday 28/08/2015 at 7:30 pm, courtyard
The internationally known flamenco dancer Montserrat Suárez will
present traditional flamenco, together with guitarist Alejandro Suárez
and singer El Kañejo from Cádiz, Andalusia, full of temperament and
passion – intoxicating!
Noche de Salsa. Rafaelito y su Tumbao
Friday 21/08/2015 at 7:30 pm, courtyard
Flamenco y Goya
Category I € 28 / category II € 25 / reduced admission € 12.50
Combination ticket with Goya exhibition: category I € 35 / category II € 32 /
reduced € 16.50
Trio Posteguillo: ‘Canciones del alma’
Friday 17/07/2015 | Friday 14/08/2015
at 7:30 pm, courtyard
Summer Literature
‘Symphonie fantastique’ – puppet theatre
by Georg Jenisch | music: Hector Berlioz
Sucher’s Passions
Performance dates:
July: 22/07, 27/07, 28/07, 29/07
August: 04/08, 05/08
September: 01/09, 02/09, 03/09, 09/09, 10/09
at 7:30 pm, ballroom
Friday 24/07/2015 at 7:30 pm
Premiere: Tuesday 21/07/2015 at 7:30 pm, ballroom
Just like Goya’s works, Georg Jenisch’s production ‘Symphonie
fantastique’ deals with dreams and fantasies, love and idyll which
lead to rage and reveal the fragility of our illusion of an ideal
world. In his production, he uses the fantastic, cruel and furious
figures from Goya’s etchings and also includes their subtitles in
the plot lines.
Flamenco puro
Gisa Michelón (dance),
Estela Sanz Posteguillo (vocals),
Joselito Pérez (guitar),
Mathis Mayr (cello),
Wolfgang Peyerl
(drums / percussion)
Puppet Theatre
‘Rafaelito y su Tumbao’ probably are Munich’s best-known Latino-salsa
band and show the temperament, fire and wonderful rhythm of Latin
Band leader Rafael Pareja founded the salsa band ‘Rafaelito y su
­Tumbao’ after successful years in the Latino, jazz and salsa scene. In
their music the sounds of New York salsa meet the powerful rhythms
of Cuban music.
Rafael Pareja (cuatro guitar / band leader), Carlos Arizala (vocals), Julián Montilla
(bass), Omar Kabir (trumpet), Felix Hernández (timbal), Ramón Plaza (congas)
Unterbiberger Hofmusik
‘BAVATURKA Vol. 2 * Zusammen unterwegs …’
Puppet players: Susanne Brantl, Magdalena Breit, Michael Bruns,
Monika Eibl, Birgit Gottschalk, Georg Jenisch
When he composed the ‘Symphonie fantastique’ in 1830, Berlioz
created one of the most famous pieces of programme music of the
19th century.
The work, which consists of five movements, has an autobiographic background and is about a young artist in despair and
his dream fantasies.
CD recording of 1984
with the Dresden Philharmonic Orchestra under Herbert Kegel
Admission: € 22 / reduced € 11
Combination ticket with Goya exhibition: € 29 / reduced € 15
€ 22 / reduced admission € 11
Combination ticket with Goya exhibition: € 29 / reduced € 15
€ 22 / reduced € 11
Combination ticket with Goya exhibition: € 29 / reduced € 15
C. Bernd Sucher with the actress Angela Hundsdorfer;
music: Estela Sanz Posteguillo (vocals), Joselito Pérez (guitar)
Francisco de Goya
Friday 31/07/2015 | Friday 04/09/2015at 7:30 pm
Exhibition and
cultural programme
On two evenings, C. Bernd Sucher will deal with the life and work of
­the Spanish painter and graphic artist – and will also talk about Goya’s
life-long correspondence with the rich Aragonese merchant Martín
­Zapater. He will introduce Werner Hofmann’s book: ‘Goya. Vom Himmel
durch die Welt zur Hölle’ (‘Goya. From Heaven, Across the World, to Hell’)
to the audience and try to answer the question of what Goethe and Goya
have in common.
C. Bernd Sucher with the actor Philipp Moschitz; music: Joselito Pérez (guitar)
Admission: € 22 / reduced € 11
Combination ticket with Goya exhibition: € 29 / reduced € 15
Summer Cinema
During the Goya exhibition, we will present extraordinary
artist biographies to you in the form of motion pictures
on every Monday night.
Directed by Peter Schamoni, motion picture 1986, FSK 6, 84 min
Monday 17/08/2015: Camille Claudel
With their new programme, the ‘Unterbiberger Hofmusik’ once again
disregards all musical conventions. In a furious way, the band and their
top-class guest musicians combine Bavarian and Turkish sounds in un­
expected unity. As a tradition, each concert of these crafty musicians
turns into a great party – on both sides of the Alps!
The Himpsl family: Franz Josef Himpsl (trumpet, vocals), Xaver Maria Himpsl ­(trumpet,
vocals), Irene Johanna Himpsl (accordion, organ), Ludwig Maximilian Himpsl
(French horn, percussion, vocals), Franz Josef Himpsl jun. (vocals) and guests
At the start of the Goya exhibition, C. Bernd Sucher will discuss one of
Lion Feuchtwanger’s late works in his series ‘Sucher’s Passions’, the
little-known historical novel ‘Goya oder der arge Weg der Erkenntnis’
(‘Goya, or the Tortuous Road to Understanding’), created in 1951.
Monday 10/08/2015: Caspar David Friedrich – Grenzen der Zeit
Friday 07/08/2015 at 7:30 pm, ballroom
Music from everywhere for everyone.
With songs from the Orient and the Occident, Estela Sanz
Posteguillo (vocals), Joselito Pérez (guitar) and Mathis Mayr (cello)
will take you on a musical trip.
Lion Feuchtwanger:
‘Goya oder der arge Weg der Erkenntnis’
Directed by Bruno Nuytten, motion picture 1988, FSK 12, 170 min
Monday, 24/08/2015: Goya oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis
Directed by Konrad Wolf, film adaption of the novel 1971, FSK 6, 136 min
Monday, 31/08/2015: Basquiat
Directed by Julian Schnabel, motion picture 1996, FSK 12, 108 min
Monday, 07/09/2015: Das Mädchen mit dem Perlenohrring
Directed by Peter Webber, motion picture 2003, FSK 6, 100 min
at 8 pm, ballroom
All films are shown in the German version.
Demon and artist
Admission: € 8 / Combination ticket with Goya exhibition: € 15
Tickets exclusively available at the box office
All cycles of etchings
17/07 – 13/09/2015
Münchner Künstlerhaus
Goya Exhibition
Goya | The complete cycles
of etchings
17/07 – 13/09/2015
The Münchner Künstlerhaus presents an
exhibition which is extremely unique in
its completeness.
One of the highlights of the e­ xhibition
will be the series of the first edition of
‘Los Caprichos’ from 1799.
With 222 exhibits, all four cycles of
Francisco de Goya’s graphic work from
the collection of Richard H. Mayer,
­Kunstgalerien Böttingerhaus, Bamberg,
will be shown.
The exhibition offers the very rare
opportunity to get to know the complete
graphic work of the Spanish artist, done
in aquatint, and impressively demonstrates Goya’s ingenious creative power,
his love of experimentation and exceptional observation skills.
Visitors are invited to study Goya’s
political and socio-critical intentions
and learn essential facts about the
Age of Enlightenment in a country
torn by social, religious and cultural
Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes
(1746 – 1828) is regarded as a pioneer of
modernity. In particular, Goya had a
considerable influence on graphic arts.
His etchings long have been considered
to be visionary. His four cycles of prints
show a realistic and critical view of the
social and political events in Spain at
that time:
‘Los Caprichos’ (The Whims)
Workshops for Children
Under the patronage of
Dr. Hans-Georg Küppers
Director of Munich’s Municipal
Department of Arts and Culture
‘Los Caprichos’
(The Whims)
The ‘Whims’ cycle, consisting of
80 graphics, was created in the
years from 1797 to 1799 and
paints the picture of a decadent
society in decline.
Violence, prostitution, superstition, greed and witch-hunts
dominated the behaviour of
­society in Spain at that time –
just like in the rest of Europe.
‘Los Desastres de la Guerra’
(The Disasters of War)
Goya’s second cycle of prints,
also consisting of 80 pieces,
deals with the devastating
famine during the FrancoSpanish war (1808 –1814), the
brutalization of humanity and
the decline of moral and ethic
values. In ‘The Disasters of
War’, the artist illustrates all
cruelties and brutalities of his
time in a dramatic way – and
inspired numerous artists with
his contemporary documents
of art.
‘Los Desastres de la Guerra’ (The Disasters of War)
‘La Tauromaquia’
(The Art of Bullfight)
Goya’s third cycle was created
between 1814 and 1816 and is
perceived as rather harmless by
the viewer, as compared to the
other cycles of etchings. But
there is something else which is
impressive about the ‘Bullfight’
cycle: it is the high technical
quality of the 40 prints which
is remarkable. Goya seems to
capture split-second moments
of the fight between man and
‘Los Disparates’
(The Follies)
The cycle which probably is the
most mysterious one was presumably created between 1815
and 1824. ‘The Follies’ with its
22 prints is one of the artist’s
late works. Horrible creatures,
agonized beings, flying figures,
doll-like, helpless human
beings – these recurring,
­sometimes nightmarish subjects also give some indication
of the artist’s state of mind.
‘La Tauromaquia’ (The Art of Bullfight)
Workshops for Adults
You will find the Goya exhibition at the Münchner Künstlerhaus at
Lenbachplatz, just off Karlsplatz (Stachus) – across from the BMW
Pavilion and next to the Oberpollinger department store. Go to the city
centre and follow the signs to ‘Karlsplatz (Stachus)’. Lenbachplatz is
adjacent to Stachus in the direction of Maximiliansplatz.
Guided Tours:
During the eight weeks of the exhibition,
the Münchner Künstlerhaus will offer daily
guided tours. The guided tours, which will
take about 90 minutes, always include a
15-minute printing presentation in the
­courtyard or the lithography studio of the
Künstlerhaus. During this short live demonstration on printing ­machines, visitors are
shown how a litho­graphic print is created,
how much time and effort it takes and which
manual skills are required.
Exhibition Opening Times:
Monday: 10:30 am – 10 pm
Tuesday to Sunday: 10:30 am –7:30 pm
Regular price: € 9
Pensioners: € 7
Students and disabled persons: € 5
Free admission for children under 6 years
of age
Groups of 10 people or more: € 7 per person
School classes: € 3 per pupil
Guided tour including
printing demonstration (every day):
Regular price: € 7
Students: € 4
(plus exhibition entry)
Special tours on request
(phone: 089/ 59 91 84 14)
Combination tickets with all events of
the cultural programme available at the
Münchner Künstlerhaus
‘Los Disparates’ (The Follies)
Lithography workshops during the exhibition for children and young people
Printmaking workshops for adults
Lithography Workshops
for children and young people
Printmaking Workshops
for adults
‘Heavy stones, shining plates
and delicate print’
Educational art programme
for children and young people
What is the difference between an
original and a copy? What does the
word lithography mean? How is an
etching made?
In a printing presentation the children can try the technique of etching
and lithography and make their own
prints. Both printing techniques will
be explained and a picture will be
created together.
The children will see how much
time it takes and which manual skills
are required. During the presentation, we will discuss the state of the art
of these techniques compared to the
computer and the copying machine.
The surfaces of the printing plates
will be divided into equal segments.
The printed sheet is cut so that each
child can take home his or her own
Dates and times:
Two-hour workshops:
Children 6 to 9 years
Mondays: 20/07, 03/08, 17/08,
31/08 from 10 am to 12 noon
Saturdays: 25/07, 08/08, 22/08,
05/09 from 4 to 6 pm
Children 10 to 14 years
Mondays: 27/07, 10/08, 24/08,
07/09 from 10 am to 12 noon
Saturdays: 18/07, 01/08, 15/08,
29/08, 12/09 from 4 to 6 pm
Five-hour workshops:
Children 6 to 14 years
Tuesdays: 04/08, 18/08, 01/09
from 10 am to 3 pm
Prices and registration:
Litho workshops for children
(2 hours)
€ 7, € 11 including exhib. entry
With Munich holiday pass: € 4,
€ 7 including exhibition entry
Litho workshops for children
(5 hours) € 17.50
Maximum number of
9 children per workshop
Registration required at
or phone: 089 / 59 91 84 14
‘Intaglio printing – surface
For a whole morning, participants
can try the techniques of etching and
of lithography and make their own
prints. Both printing techniques will
be explained and there will be the
opportunity to create your own little
lithographic stone prints and etchings.
Dates and times:
Saturdays from 9 am to 2 pm
July: 18/07, 25/07
August: 01/08, 08/08, 15/08,
22/08, 29/08
September: 05/09, 12/09
Prices and registration:
€ 50 including exhibition entry
Registration required at
or phone: 089/ 59 91 84 14
All-day catering
Enjoy little delicacies and drinks served by the Künstlerhaus Catering
Service in the courtyard.
Oberpollinger department store, Maxburgstraße, open 24/7
Public transport:
S-Bahn S1, S2, S3, S4, S6, S7, S8; Underground U4, U5
Tram 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28
All lines: get off at Karlsplatz /Stachus
Exhibition Opening Times:
Monday: 10:30 am – 10 pm
Tuesday to Sunday: 10:30 am – 7:30 pm
Tickets for exhibition and cultural programme:
Box Office:
Münchner Künstlerhaus, phone: 089 /59 91 84 14
München Ticket:
Phone: 089 / 54 81 81 81,
AD ticket:
Phone: 069 /4076 62-0,
Phone: 089 / 54 50 60 60,
Combination tickets, cinema tickets, tickets for guided tours and
registration and payment of participation fee for all workshops
exclusively at the Münchner Künstlerhaus
The exhibition will be accompanied by a catalogue.
für Firmenevents
Going to the Münchner Künstlerhaus by train: on presentation of your valid
‘Werdenfels-Ticket’ or ‘Bayern-Ticket’ you will get a € 1 reduction on each ticket.
For further information please visit:
Organised by:
Münchner Künstlerhaus-Stiftung
Lenbachplatz 8, D-80333 München
Phone: 0049 /(0)89 / 59 91 84 14