SurF`S up! - Palos Verdes Art Center
SurF`S up! - Palos Verdes Art Center
palos verdes art center Beverly G. Alpay Center for Arts Education artifacts Summer 2011 SURF’S UP! An exhibition focusing on the art inspired by surfing—a show dedicated to Bruce Milbury, lifelong surfer and friend to the Art Center. See pages 4 & 5. photos courtesy of Joni Sternbach and Edward Cella Art + Architecture Gallery Chief Executive Officer’s Column Palos Verdes Art Center on the Move -By Bob Yassin I am sure by this time you have heard that the Art Center is moving – temporarily –but that’s what’s going on right now. Construction is about to begin on the Crestridge property, and we had to move. Beginning next month we will be officially at the Promenade on the Peninsula shopping mall in a marvelous space, renovated for the Art Center’s needs, and formerly occupied by Border’s Books. In anticipation of our redevelopment program is the hope that we could continue full operations during construction. We had been looking for a temporary location for some time, but finding the right space and a lot of it and at a reasonable price was not easy. I am very excited and greatly relieved, that we found a splendid temporary home that will allow us to continue all our classes, exhibitions and special educational programs along with space for the extensive community activities the Art Center hosts each year. I am particularly thankful to Stolz Management, which operates the mall, and to Elizabeth Griggs, mall manager, for their generous willingness to work with us to make our relocation affordable and practical. Exposure at the mall will be wonderful for the Art Center, and, in return, our busy schedule should bring lots of people to the mall. This is a wonderful example of a positive joint venture between an important business in our community and a well-established non profit cultural facility. We anticipate very little interruption of our ongoing programs. I invite everyone to come see our new space on or about July 1, when we will officially be open. For the past weeks we were busily engaged in building the space out for our needs, creating classrooms, public areas and offices. It will certainly be different but the generous space at the Promenade will allow us to continue for the construction year all the wonderful programs you have come to expect. At the same time, this location will provide opportunity to reach new audiences and to think about new programs, even new kinds of programs, in anticipation of and following the move back a year from now to our spectacularly redeveloped Crestridge home. Here I must thank the staff for all their efforts and patience in getting us to the Promenade. You can’t believe how much stuff had to be moved, but it got done with hardly a ripple. This issue of Artifacts comes as we hold our 80th anniversary Annual Meeting, this year in the community room at the Promenade. As you will see on page 3 in this issue, there was a major announcement made at this meeting, one that has sigcontinued on page 12 President’s Column Let’s Give a Cheer! -By Loren DeRoy For 80 years, the Palos Verdes Art Center has provided a place for art in our community. It has not only provided art classes and exhibitions, it also a place for creativity to flourish and to inspire collaboration, community interaction and involvement. In fact, all that the PVAC does serves to bring our community together, to learn from each other and to enrich our lives. As we commemorate our 80th year in operation, the PVAC has planned events and activities designed to engage with friends we have served in the past and to reach new constituents, inviting the entire community to join in the celebration. The PVAC is proud of its rich history and array of educational opportunities it has provided its students of all age groups—from 3 years old to 90 and more. In this anniversary year, the PVAC celebrates its diversity and all the people that we serve. One way we plan to celebrate is by spotlighting some of those whose lives have been touched by the PVAC. Over the next year we will feature the stories of 12 individuals who have been inspired by the PVAC. They range in ages and walks of life and represent the broad diversity of those we serve and the impact the PVAC has made in their lives. Many of these individuals received encouragement from the PVAC through the Alpay scholarship program and have gone on to be successful, practicing artists. Others have found new meaning and inspiration in their lives through their connection with the Art Center over the years. Their stories are a testament to the significant contribution that the PVAC has made and will continue to make in our community. This summer brings other PVAC events that you will want to mark on your calendar. You won’t want to miss “Surf’s Up,” our first art exhibition scheduled to open on July 22 in our new temporary home. In addition, the Associates have designed another magical evening of dining: Celebrate Chef’s and Cellars on July 31 is sure to be another memorable evening of creative dining, entertainment and conversation. Tickets are going fast. At our Annual Meeting, we announced the PVAC’s 80th Anniversary Legacy Campaign with a $5 million goal to fund our major facility redevelopment. We are proud to report that every member of the PVAC Board of Trustees has committed to support this campaign and I thank all trustees for their generosity. At this meeting we were also extremely pleased to announce a $2 million lead gift to the campaign from Dr. O. Allen Alpay in memory of his wife, Beverly G. Alpay. I extend my heartfelt and humble appreciation to Dr. Alpay for his generosity and philanthropic vision. We are honored that Dr. Alpay chose the PVAC to pay tribute to the tremendous contributions that his late wife, Beverly, made to the Palos Verdes Art Center and to our community. Dr. Alpay’s gift will create the Beverly G. Alpay Center for Arts Education The Palos Verdes Art Center announced its 80th Anniversary Legacy Campaign with a $2 million lead gift from Dr. O. Allen Alpay in memory of his wife, Beverly G. Alpay. “We are ecstatic to receive this extraordinary gift from Dr. Alpay. His incredible generosity will support the Art Center’s most ambitious undertaking—a major facility redevelopment that will create a ‘new’ Palos Verdes Art Center. It is a fitting tribute to Beverly, who provided exceptional leadership and volunteer service,” stated CEO and Executive Director Robert A. Yassin. Dr. Alpay’s gift will create the Beverly G. Alpay Center for Arts Education. This will encompass the Art Center’s extensive educational programming that includes more than 300 studio art classes offered at the Art Center each year. “Beverly had a great passion for the Palos Verdes Art Center and I know she would approve of this gift. The Art Center is such an invaluable resource for our community. Every year, it brings innovative art education into local classrooms, offers a wide range of art classes, and features interesting artists in its exhibitions. Furthermore, I am very impressed by the Art Center’s strong financial management and efficient operations. The Palos Verdes Art Center has earned our community’s gratitude and deserves our support,” said Dr. Alpay. “This leadership gift is a terrific beginning for our $5 million fundraising campaign, the largest in the Art Center’s history. The 80th Anniversary Legacy Campaign will fund a major facility redevelopment that will maximize the Art Center’s ability to meet ever-increasing demands for its classes, programs, and services. The campaign will raise endowment funds, as well, which will further support the Art Center’s future sustainability,” remarked 80th Anniversary Campaign Chairman and Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Allen Lay. Beverly Alpay volunteered at the Art Center for over eight years, serving in various capacities, including President and Chairman of the Board, Chairman of The Associates, and Executive Director. In 1996, she received the Medici Award, the Art Center’s highest honor, which was created to recognize her superlative service to the organization and the community. “More than 30,000 children and adults benefit from the Palos Verdes Art Center’s programs every year. Contributions to the 80th Anniversary Legacy Campaign will enable us to continue to offer and to expand our high quality programs, classes, and exhibitions. We still have a long way to go to reach our $5 million campaign goal, but we believe others in the community will be inspired by Dr. Alpay’s exceptional contribution, and will respond with generous gifts,” Yassin said. The 80th Anniversary Legacy Campaign will fund a major facility redevelopment that will maximize the Art Center’s ability to meet ever-increasing demands for its classes, programs, and services. artifacts $2 Million Gift in Memory of Beverly Alpay Launches Art Center’s 80th Anniversary Legacy Campaign 2 3 CAPITAL CAMPAIGN exhibiti Surf’s Up! Surf’s Up!, an exhibition focusing on the art inspired by surfing will open on Friday, July 22 at the Palos Verdes Art Center’s new, temporary location, The Promenade on the Peninsula, 550 Deep Valley Drive, Suite 261, Rolling Hills Estates (in the former Borders Bookstore location). The Surf’s Up! Exhibition is dedicated to a dear friend and colleague, Bruce Milbury. Bruce, a long time surfer and employee of the Palos Verdes Art Center, passed away in late 2010. The common thread that runs through this exhibit is that most of the artists are inspired by their respect for the sheer power and energy of a wave. These artists are practicing two physically demanding disciplines—one being expressed in the studio and the other being expressed out in the elements. Surf’s Up! will not include archetypal commercial surfer scenes depicted in slick sports posters, in fact, many of the artists in this —Sternbach —Moses —Evans —Severson Galleries are open Mondays through Saturdays 10am–4pm and on Sundays 1–4pm. Opening reception: Friday, July 22, 2011, 5–8pm, Art Center at The Promenade on the Peninsula, hosted by The Exhibition Committee and the Palos Verdes Art Center. artifacts 4 5 ons J U LY 2 2 through S E P T E M B E R 2 5 exhibit are lifelong surfers who surf every day and experience the solitude, skill and risk of surfing, as well as the silence, skill and risk they face in their studios. Whether waiting patiently in the studio or on the water, putting fear aside, each individual must make heart thumping decisions. The results can be awe inspiring. The exhibition will include a mixture of fine art, painting, sculpture and photography, plus special, unique works of art. PVACs Exhibition Director Scott Canty states, “When Jacqueline Dreager, our guest curator, and I began to think about this exhibition we wanted to explore a different angle and approach this as not just another surf show in L.A.” Canty and Dreager have set out to invite artists to paint a surfboard in their style of art. —Weinstein Surf’s Up! will include works by Los Angeles artists: Sandow Birk Russell Crotty Doug Edge Ned Evans Anthony Friedkin Steve Johns Robin Lucca Andy Moses Ana Osgood R. Nelson Parrish John Severson Joni Sternbach Rick Stich Stephanie Ramer Stephen Shriver Marc Dean Veca Alex Weinstein Timothy Williams —Bruce Milbury —Stich This exhibition is represented by several galleries: Koplin del Rio Galler Peter Blake Gallery William Turner Gallery Western Project Shoshana Wayne Gallery Edward Cella Art+Artchitecture Gallery Also exhibiting ENCELADUS a day in the life Barry Markowitz paintings educati Alpay Awards In recognition of their excellence in the visual arts, three youth artists, four high school graduates, three undergraduate students, two master of fine arts students and three working professional artists have received Beverly G. Alpay Memorial Education Fund Awards from the Palos Verdes Art Center. The more than $17,250 they shared raises the fourteen-year grant program total to $132,210. Luis Moreno, a San Pedro undergraduate attending Long Beach City College received the top award of $2500 for his mixed-media threedimensional pieces. Two additional undergraduate students Elizabeth Medina of Wilmington and Kolarp Em of Los Angeles each received $1000. The two masters-of-fine-arts students, Gerardo Monterrubio and Catherine Davis, were awarded $1500 and $1000 respectively. Matthew James Winkler and Robert Pokorny, both working professional visual artists from Long Beach, each received awards of $2000 to help further their professional careers, and Rebecca Schrock, also of Long Beach, re-ceived $1000 to continue with her photography. Soodam Lee, a 2011 graduate of South High School, was awarded $1500; Alexander Shea, a 2011 Redondo Union High School graduate, was awarded $1000; Madison Rued, a 2011 Los Alamitos High graduate, was awarded $750; and Shelby Tsuji, a 2011 Palos Verdes High School graduate, was awarded $500. Youth artist Mary Miao, a Palos Verdes High best of high school art artifacts 6 7 on The Best of High School Art Exhibition featured art work from Peninsula High School, Palos Verdes High School and Rancho del Mar High School. The best of the best in ceramics, drawing, painting, sculpture, photography and glass will be exhibited and awards presented. Juror, Jim Keville, is an assistant professor of art at Cal State Natalia Desallia, 10th Grade, 1st place Dominguez Hills. ceramics Best of Best High School Award Winners Akari Sunga/12th Grade 1st Place Scratchboard junior, took the top award in this category and was awarded $500. Miao was also awarded the 2011 Exceptional Award, receiving another $500 for her exceptional artwork in the mediums of pencil and oil paint. Vicky Wu, a West High sophomore, and Michelle Wong, a Palos Verdes High junior, each received $250 and an Art Center class certificate. Members of the selection committee included: Dr. O. Allen Alpay, fund creator; Art Center Chairman Allen Lay; Art Center Exhibition Director Scott Canty; Art Center President Loren DeRoy; Art Center Board of Trustees Donald Crocker and Maude Landon; Art Center faculty members Frank Minuto and Jan Napolitan; and Bob Yassin, Art Center chief executive officer. The fund was created by the Art Center’s Board of Trustees and Dr. Alpay in memory of his wife, Beverly Alpay. She was a longtime patron of the arts and served as president of the Art Center’s Board of Directors and its executive director. Dr. Alpay continues to match all donations to this educational endowment fund. Meredith Klaskman/12th Grade 2nd Place Pastel Clara Hopkins/12th Grade 3rd Place Acrylic Julie Ouyang/12th Grade Honorable Mention Digital Photo Delana Tavakol/10th Grade Honorable Mention Graphite Natalia Desallia/10th Grade 1st Place Ceramic Cosette Rabalcaba/12th Grade 2nd Place Ceramic Melissa Hester/10th Grade 3rd Place Ceramic Ozair Llyas/11th Grade Honorable Mention Ceramic Estelle Song/11th Grade Honorable Mention Gouache Keeping Art Education IN OUR LOCAL SCHOOLS The Art At Your Fingertips Board of Directors Proudly Presents Art At Your Fingertips Projects for the 2011–2012 School Year PVAC offers standards-based art education for more than 7,000 Peninsula students each year. Now in its 36th year, Art At Your Fingertips docents teach elementary school students through five creative projects. Projects are aligned with California Visual and Performing Arts Standards, incorporating artistic perception, creative expression and historical, cultural context and aesthetic valuing. Mexican Tinwork Tiles Building on a 400-year tradition of tin working, students will create brilliantly colored metal tiles in the style of traditional Mexican folk art. Students will learn metal tooling techniques as they explore the rich art and culture of Mexico. Project Created by Heather Hovard Larger Than Life Georgia O’Keeffe (American, 1887–1986) and her largerthan-life-sized paintings of flowers are the inspiration for this printmaking project. By transferring a contour line drawing onto a Styrofoam™ plate, students will make a monoprint of a flower using tempera paint on black paper. Project Created by Lee-Jean Lin Dappled Sunlight This acrylic landscape painting project employs the pointillism technique made famous by PostImpressionist painter George Seurat (French, 1859–1891). Using an application of colored dots, students will create the effect of sunlight diffused through tree branches. Project Created by Rebecca Jarus Imagining Magritte Surrealist Rene Magritte (Belgian, 1898–1967) and his painting The Listening Room are the inspiration for this mixed-media project. Students’ preconceived notions of perception and reality will be challenged while they learn an important lesson in one-point perspective. Project Created by Paula Irish Peninsula en Plein Air Since the late 19th century, California has been a mecca for artists inspired by the French Impressionists to paint out of doors or en plein air. Students will be introduced to this ongoing tradition while they create an acrylic painting of the Palos Verdes Peninsula’s picturesque coastline. Project Created by Annemarie Wargin Art At Your Fingertips brings standards-based art education to more than 7,000 Peninsula elementary students every year! n Alive The Palos Verdes Art Center & Community School of Art Summer Session July 11–August 27 This summer the Art Center will once again offer something for everyone! New classes this term include: • Beyond Metal Clay with Vicki Szamborski • Classical Portrait Drawing with Lance Richlin Additional art classes offered: • Photography • Ceramics • Drawing • Painting (Oils, Acrylics & Water Media) • Wearable Art • Art History • Children’s Art Classes, including Flash Animation • Summer Art Camp Come join us as we inspire you to celebrate, appreciate and create art! Come visit us and see our newtemporary home: Palos Verdes Art Center at the Promenade on the Peninsula, 550 Deep Valley Drive, Suite 261, Rolling Hills Estates (located in the space previously occupied by Borders Bookstore) and pick up your copy of the Summer Art Class Schedule. You can also view the schedule online at www.pvartcenter. org. Call 310-541-2479 to register for classes! artifacts For more than 75 years, the Palos Verdes Art Center has been offering affordable art education classes to the community for all ages and for all skill levels. In 2009–2010 the Art Center offered more than 242 art education classes! 8 9 IN OUR COMMUNITY 2011 Palos Verdes Dream House Raffle Grand Prize Winner Purchased Tickets Annually Gwendolyn Lawrence of Los Angeles had the winning ticket in the Palos Verdes Art Center’s ninth annual Palos Verdes Dream House Raffle! In the nine Palos Verdes Dream House Raffles, the Palos Verdes Art Center has given away more than $10,000,000 in cash and prizes. Gwendolyn Lawrence, 2011 Dream House Raffle Grand Prize Winner. other grand-prize winners $25,000 Micheal Tierno, La Verne $10,000 Craig Campbell, Palos Verdes Estates $5,000 Susan and Andrew Lin, Torrance $2,500 Steve Rindos, Simi Valley $1,000 David Cuesta, Canyon Country; Mike Robinson, Rancho Palos Verdes; Virginia A. Fruitt, Harbor City ; Don Carter, Rancho Palos Verdes; Jacqueline Sweeting, Los Alamitos $500 Beth and Robert Marshall, Torrance; Brenda Bittner, Redondo Beach; Steven Jeau, Jennifer Cho and Susanne Cho, Los Angeles; Chris and Michelle Martinez, Redondo Beach; Tom Baker, Redondo Beach $25,000 Multiple Ticket Prize Winner: D.E. and N. A. Hibsman of Rancho Palos Verdes Lawrence stated, “I have purchased tickets every year EARLY BIRD WINNERS since the raffle started, and I always buy them early to Early Bird I (March 22) $25,000 Lorraine and Robert Kasse, Rancho Palos Verdes $5000 Fernando Chavez, Hawthorne $2500 Essam Morcos, Brian Sim, Thomas Tho-Hung Tran, Hacienda Heights $1500 Kevin Matsumoto, Torrance $25,000 Multiple-Ticket Prize: Ajay and Rashmi Talwar, Torrance make the early bird drawings!” In all, 361 lucky tickets holders received cash or prizes during the 2011 Palos Verdes Dream House Raffle. All proceeds from this charity raffle benefit the ongoing visual art education, exhibition and community programs of the non-profit Palos Verdes Art Center, including Art At Your Fingertips, Partners In Art, Pre-School Program, and the Special Mornings outreach program for at-risk and special education students. Early Bird II (April 19) 25,000 Edward A. & Gemma B. Gillan, San Pedro $5000 Todd Okino, Rossmoor $2500 Gary Nofziger, Rancho Palos Verdes $1500 Gerald Frank, Santa Monica $25,000 Multiple-Ticket Prize: Wayne Kawahara, Gardena A list of winners is posted at Sunday, July 31, 6–9pm Celebrate Chefs and Cellars brings together the very best food, wine, spirits and beer—all in one exceptional place: the elegant ocean view estate of Debi and Tom Thomas of Rolling Hills, pictured here. Treat yourself to an evening of tasting, sipping and mingling! Bid on silent auction items including vacations, and don’t miss out on buying a ticket for a fabulous raffle prize of a Caribbean cruise aboard SEADREAM. Savor and enjoy tastes from more than 15 top local restaurants. Revisit your favorite celebrity chefs and fine new ones, too! Taste, savor and enjoy top wines, the first World’s Acai Berry Spirit™, premium tequila, and craft beers. At the end of the evening take home your complimentary glass. Tickets are $125 per person, are non-refundable and must be purchased in advance. Call Sharon Holman for tickets and additional information: 310-375-6917, 9am–7pm. Space is limited to the first 300 guests. 2011 Palos Verdes Concours d’Elegance September 17–18 The 2011 exhibition will feature automobiles of the California car culture plus the traditional Tour d’Epicure Road Rallye and a Grand Marshal Dinner Road Rallye and Grand Marshal Dinner on Saturday, September 17. This year’s Road Rallye honors Grand Marshal Guy Buffet, an aclaimed artist who has created an original painting that is this year's official Palos Verdes Concours d'Elegance art. The Rallye will start at the Banning Residence Museum in Wilmington. Guests are invited to arrive at noon for a French picnic lunch and a tour of the new museum, “Moving Forward,” a fascinating look at the changing world of transportation. The Rallye will end at the Palos Verdes Golf Club with a great reception that will conclude with the Golf Club’s traditional and exciting game of chance, “Ball Drop,” featuring a helicopter and hundreds of golf balls! The Grand Marshal’s Bistro d’Elegance dinner will begin with the reception at the Palos Verdes Golf Club after the arrival of the Rallye participants. The reception will be followed with dinner in the ballroom designed to resemble three charming bistros. Grand Marshal Guy Buffet is the guest of honor. His original painting for this year’s Palos Verdes Concours d'Elegance will be on display and auctioned to the highest bidder in the Concours’s online silent auction. Other art by Guy Buffet will be on display and for sale. Concours d’Elegance on Sunday, September 18. This year’s 19th Annual Palos Verdes Concours d’Elegance returns again to the spectacular Trump National Golf Club on the cliffs overlooking the Pacific Ocean. In this setting on the seven-acre Founders Park and the 11th fairway, spectators will stroll among the finest prewar, postwar and specialty automobiles exhibited and competing in 21 classes. This year’s Concours takes on a theme of California Design and Style. For a complete list of classes go to Restoration Alley will return this year. Grand Marshal Guy Buffet will join a group of distinguished honorary judges to award special-category trophies during the Concours Award Ceremony. Tickets on sale now at 11 An Epicurean Journey 10 Celebrate Chefs and Cellers artifacts —photo by Presented by The Associates to benefit the Palos Verdes Art Center B OA RD OF TRUSTE ES Allen Lay, Chairman of the Board Robert A. Yassin, Chief Executive Officer & Executive Director Loren DeRoy, President Betty Wing, First Vice President Nancy Cumming, Second Vice President Grant Niman, Treasurer Liz Fitzgerald, Secretary Janet Baszile Edward Carson Beall Don Crocker Denise Guzman Maude Landon Richard Lohrer, Chair Endowment Committee Marilyn Long Georgene McKim Debbie Richardson George Romine Laura Salvay Jane Shutt Mohini Syal B OA RD OF A DVI SORS Hard Hat Party, June 2011. Celebrating the 80th Anniversary and kick-off of the redevelopment project are, from the left, Jeff Stellges, Facilities Manager; Edward Carson Beall, Board of Trustees; Allen Lay, Chairman of the Board; and Robert Yassin, PVAC Chief Executive Officer. CEO’s column Advisory Committee Betty Wing, Chair Nancy Black Virginia Butler Nancy Comaford Don Crocker Candi Gershuni John Kaytor Debbie Richardson June Romine Jane Shutt Vickie Walker continued from page 2 nificant importance to our current project and also to the Art Center’s future. But I won’t tell you more here; you’ll have to read on. While we have moved, this issue of Artifacts clearly underscores the fact that there is no diminishment of our ongoing programs. Come visit us at our new location soon, and for sure, join us on July 22, for the opening of the fabulous Surf’s Up! exhibition. Through– August 3 Carney Brown, paintings Wedding Gift Feature Vicki Szamborski, jewelry August 27, 10 am–5pm Annual Summer Sale of Art to Wear Fibers and Jewelry August 4–September 7 Joyce Welsh, watercolors Jan Napolitan, ceramics Joy Gonzalez, jewelry September 8–October 5 Jean Alexander, photographs, watercolors, pencil Howard Lewin, wood Nancy Comaford, jewelry Richard Lohrer, Chair Myron A. (Mike) Friedman George L. Romine, Jr. D. Paul Nibarger Geoff Wainwright HONORA RY B OA RD Dr. O. Allen Alpay Martha Norman Harlyne J. Norris_ in the artists’ studio: NEW LOCATION! By the Library @ The Village 627 Silver Spur Rd. #214 Faces Deep Valley Drive, next to library Rolling Hills Estates 90274 310-544-8072 endowment trustees October 6–November 2 Don Crocker, oil paintings Pam Reid, sculpture and fiber Jill Kollmann, sculptural polymer clay jewelry The Village Center 627 Silver Spur Rd., #300C Rolling Hills Estates 310-265-2592 Through–July 31 Heart & Soul Paintings by Carney Brown, Anita Gerlach and Victoria Sekits, jewelry by Vicki Williams Reception, June 25, 2–5pm August 5–September 6 Pastiche I 16 Artist Multimedia Group Exhibition September 7–October 9 Pastiche II 16 Artist Multimedia Group Exhibition Reception, June 25, 2–5pm S TA F F Robert A. Yassin, Chief Executive Officer Oscar Aguilar, Facilities Scott Canty, Exhibitions Director Becky DesRosiers, Membership Coordinator Angela Hoffman, Director, Community School of Art Gail Phinney, Education Director Barbara Ruiz, Weekend Receptionist Dalton Palacio, Facilities Julia Parton, Public Relations & Marketing Director Jeanne Starr, Administrative Assistant; Web Design Jeff Stellges, Raffle Manager/Facilities Coordinator Jaffar Syed, Bookkeeper Ann Willens, Administrative Director Capital Campaign: Suzanne Lundin, Campaign Director Bobbie Nowling, Capital Campaign Associate and Assistant to the Director Julia Parton, ARTifacts Editor Christine Barnicki, ARTifacts Designer The Palos Verdes Art Center inspires individuals to celebrate, appreciate and create art. SUMMER ART CAMP 12 13 Space Still Available! July 18–22 July 25–29 August 1–5 artifacts Camp dates. Five one-week sessions, each with a unique theme! August 8–15 August 15–19 Hours and fees. Half day: morning, 9am–noon or afternoon 1–4pm. $200 (members $170) Full day: 9am–4pm. Bring your lunch! $270 (members $240)Full-day programs Call today to register your camper! 310-541-2479 Celebrate your child’s special day with a special PVAC party! at the Art Center! Event includes themed party with artist- with a group photo on the cover, mural- created mural décor, story time, games, wall art created by birthday child and costumes, themed art project, costumed guests! activitiy leaders and art instructor, food, The price is $475 for 10 children ($425 drink and paper goods for the children, for Art Center members) and $25 for each treasure hunt, balloons, party room for additional child. For complete informa- the children, Art Center galleries open for tion, visit or call 310- the parents, invitations, thank-you cards 541-2479, ext. 306. thank you • The Palos Verdes Unified School District High School Art Teachers for hosting such a terrific reception for the Best of the Best High School Exhibition. • The Associates and its many talented volunteers, led by Candi Gershuni and Lynne Variano, for the generous donation of $46,000 from Celebrate Chefs VI, 2010. • Art At Your Fingertips Docents and Helping Hands for a fabulous year! • The Docent Council for hosting yet another fantastic opening reception for the Southern California Printmaking Exhibition. • Art At Your Fingertips Student Art and Partners In Art Exhibition curators and reception coordinators Deanne Shey and Jill Wheeler, Chadwick School AAYF representatives. • The Circle, for producing a fabulous, sold-out, Historic Palos Verdes Homes Tour, under the capable leadership of co-chairs Nancy Bond and Ann Buxton, and for the donation of $50,000. calendar JULY 1 AUGUST Art Center Moves to new, temporary location: Promenade on the Peninsula, 550 Deep Valley Drive, Suite 261, Rolling Hills Estates. Former location of Borders Bookstore. 11 Summer Art Class Term Begins Classes through August 27 2011 PVAC Artists Summer Art Show & Sale, Malaga Cove Plaza, 10am–5pm 16-17 18 Art-Rageous Summer Art Camp, week 1. Register at 22 Surf’s Up Exhibition, through September 25. Promenade on the Peninsula location. 22 Surf’s Up Exhibition, Opening Reception, 5–8pm, hosted by the Exhibition Committee and Palos Verdes Art Center . Promenade on the Peninsula. 25 Art-Rageous Summer Art Camp, week 2. Register at 31 Celebrate Chefs & Cellars, An Epicurean Journey, 6–9pm. RSVP to Sharon Holman 310-375-6917. Hurry! Limited to only first 300 guests. 1 Art-Rageous Summer Art Camp, week 3. Register at 8 Art-Rageous Summer Art Camp, week 4. Register at 15 Art-Rageous Summer Art Camp, week 5. Register at 18 Palos Verdes Art Center hosts the Palos Verdes Chamber of Commerce Mixer, 5:30pm, The Promenade on the Peninsula. 20-21 PVACA Summer Art Show & Sale, Malaga Cove Plaza, 10am–5pm in memoriam A gift was received in memory of: Ann Turner, from an anonymous donor Robert Combatalade, from Marilyn Harrison and Felicia Gin Also, a gift was received in honor of: Tom Shibuya, from Lillian Shibuya • The Palos Verdes Art Center acknowledges with thanks and deep appreciation the following donors of unrestricted funds, and gifts to annual fun since May 31, 2011: Sondra & H. Wilhelm Behrens and Kay S. Wardell. Palos Verdes Painters. Prospective new-member meeting. Wednesday, September 7, noon. Potluck luncheon. Call Nancy Backes for more information on this juried artists group or to RSVP for the luncheon: 310-541-0151. SEPTEMBER OCTOBER 6 PVAC Docent Meeting, PVAC, 9:15am 5 7 Art At Your Fingertips Board Meeting, PVAC, 8:45am Art at Your Fingertips Workshop A, PVAC, 8:45–11am 12 14 Art At Your Fingertips Kick-Off Brunch, PVAC, 9:30am Art at Your Fingertips Workshop B, PVAC, 8:45–11am 19 14 Art At Your Fingertips School Chair Meeting, PVAC, 11am Art at Your Fingertips Board Meeting, PVAC, 8:45–11am 17 Tour d’Epicure Road Rallye, noon. Banning Museum. For more information visit 17-18 Last 2011 PVAC Artists Summer Art Show & Sale, Malaga Cove Plaza, 10am–5pm 18 Palos Verdes Concours d’Elegance, Trump National Golf Course, 10am–4pm. Tickets at 28 Art At Your Fingertips Docent Training, PVAC, 9–11am. 14 Through August 28. A collection of plein air paintings depicting the landscapes of the Tejon Ranch by California Art Club Signature Artists and Artist Members, including Donald W. Crocker, will be exhibited in the Bakersfield Museum of Art, 1930 R Street, Bakersfield, CA. 15 on the road with PVAC artists artifacts • Nancy Cumming, Debbie Richardson and Georgene McKim, 80th Celebration Committee chairs, for a delightful and tasty ice cream social for the Art At Your Fingertips and Partners In Art Opening Reception, as well as a truly successful Hard Hat Celebration. palos verdes art center Beverly G. Alpay Center for Arts Education Promenade on the Peninsula 550 Deep Valley Drive, Suite 261 Rolling Hills Estates CA 90274 Non-profit U.S. Postage Paid Permit #356 Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA 90274 C O C VE RD SILVER SPUR R X DR N ANAHEIM ST. ART CENTER . VE RD ES Monday–Friday: 9 a.m.– 5 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m.– 4 p.m. Sunday: 1– 4 p.m. PALOS VERDE S DR S PA LO S office hours GAFFEY ST. D CRES T R ES D. TH W Y. N AVE. DEEP VALLEY DR. AS WESTER O S DR E The Village Monday–Saturday: 11 a.m.– 6 p.m. Sunday: Noon– 6 p.m. S VERDES DR W PALO The Artists’ Studio Gallery The Village Center Monday–Friday: 10 a.m.– 5 p.m Saturday: 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Sunday: 1–4 p.m. PA L HARBOR FWY. I FI C PA Monday–Saturday: 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Sunday: 1–4 p.m. SA ND IEG OF WY. CRENSHAW BLVD. gallery hours HAWTHORNE BLVD. POSTAL PATRON PACIFIC OCEAN 25 th STREET tel: 310-541-2479 fax: 310-541-9520 E-Mail:
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