Ice cReaM beING SeRved - Palos Verdes Art Center


Ice cReaM beING SeRved - Palos Verdes Art Center
palos verdes art center
a n d CO M M U N I T Y S C H OOL O F A R T
ice cream being served
“Three Student Art Exhibitions,” an exhibition that presents a culmination of the year’s
Art At Your Fingertips and Partners In Art efforts, along with the Best of High School Art.
See pages 4 & 5 for details.
“Ice Cream Being
Served,” by Takumi
(left) and Graham,
fourth grade
students at Silver
Spur Elementary
Chief Executive
It’s Full Speed
Let’s Give
a Cheer!
-By Bob Yassin
-By Loren DeRoy
Yippee! Our plans for the New Palos
Verdes Art Center were on the agenda
for the February 8 meeting of the Rancho Palos Verdes Planning
Commission. I say “yippee!” because we finally got a vote from
the City and, wonderful to report, a unanimous positive decision
from the Commissioners, along with some with very favorable comments on the design. Now it’s full speed ahead! With the Planning
Commission’s blessing, we have moved forward to secure bids for
construction. They will be reviewed and a decision by the middle of
April. Work will begin soon thereafter.
Here, however, I must let you know well in advance, that once
we begin work daily life at the Art Center will be different and not
without some challenges. The reason?
We will have to close the facility and find temporary quarters
elsewhere. We hope to continue all our regular activities, including
classes, meetings, educational programs and the like, but for all of
you it will mean adjusting to a different, even if only temporarily,
new environment. As you know, this is a very busy place; trying to
sustain our current level of activity will be a challenge. What’s that
they say about dealing with change?
The current plan is to continue operations here until the end of
the spring class schedule, and then use the month of June to move.
Our goal is to fully vacate the facililty by July 1 when construction
will begin. Our hope is that the majority of our space needs will be
met at a single location, but that may not be possible. Watch your
mail and go to our website for details as they develop. I know you
are probably as excited as we are about beginning the project, but
change, even temporary, is never easy. So . . . please bear with us. I
know you will all be thrilled with the results. To get an idea of what
the “New” Palos Verdes Art Center will look like, come by axnd see
the model, which will be on view in early April.
Get your tickets for The Circle Homes Tour! This year’s tour,
coinciding with the Art Center’s 80th year—our official birthday is
May, 11—focuses on historic homes in Palos Verdes. Here is your
chance to see the beginnings of our very unique community and its
architectural history, a history in which the Palos Verdes Art Center
played and continues to play a significant role.
While we are still in business here I want to mention the exhibition of work of students in Art At Your Fingertips and Partners In
Art, also including the High School Art Exhibition which will open
on May 7, with opening receptions on May 6 for the High School
Exhibition and May 15 for Art At Your Fingertips and Partners In Art.
We have lots more going on this spring; details for everything
are in this Artifacts. Before I close I must recognize on behalf of all
continued on page 12
As we enter our 80th anniversary year
we want to specially thank our community of amazing volunteers. To all of you who have donated your valuable time and talent to the Palos Verdes Art Center, I am sure you will agree that
the benefits have been reciprocal. This has certainly been true
for me! I found that volunteering at the Palos Verdes Art Center
(PVAC) can be quirky and often dirty, but never lacks inspiration.
What makes PVAC volunteering so rewarding? It’s sifting
through school cafeteria trash cans for used milk cartons to
serve as plaster molds for an AAYF sculpture project and it’s
experiencing the intense delight of first graders as their fingers
poke and shape the plaster cast to create a new form all their
own. I am sure many of you have had your own priceless version
of an “I Love Lucy in the Chocolate Factory Episode,” as a PVAC
volunteer, but that is what makes the experience so great.
So, as we celebrate our 80 years as a valuable community
cultural asset, let’s also celebrate our 80 years of volunteers!
To the hundreds of Art At Your Fingertips docents and volunteers, let’s give a cheer! To the countless Art Patrons, Circle and
Associate volunteers over the years, let’s give a cheer! To the
Special Mornings and other special program volunteers, let’s
give a cheer! To the Palos Verdes Art Center Artists, that include
all eight artists’ groups, let’s give a cheer! To the Artists’ Studio
artists, let’s give a cheer! And, to our docent council and summer
camp volunteers, let’s give a cheer! You all have made the PVAC
what it is today, a place that truly inspires our community to celebrate, appreciate and create art.
In the coming months, the PVAC is planning a series of
80th Anniversary Celebration events. A creative celebration committee, expertly led by Nancy Cumming, Georgene McKim and
Debbie Richardson, is planning a year of great activities and
events. There will be something for everyone. We hope you all
will come join in the celebration, reconnect with old friends and
bring along a new generation of volunteers that will help shape
the future of the New Palos Verdes Art Center.
Dream House Raffle
California’s First and Best House Raffle
The Biggest and Best Yet!
NEXT Early Bird
is Tuesday, April 12, 5pm
for Early Bird drawing on
Tuesday, April 19, 5:30pm
Grand Prize drawing
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
5:30pm at the Art Center
$2 Million Dollars Cash
Grand Prize
If the ticket thresholds are reached, our Grand Prize
winner will win $2 Million Dollars Cash! In the first eight
Palos Verdes Dream House Raffles, the Palos Verdes Art
Center has given away over $10,000,000 in cash and
prizes, including two homes!
Don’t Wait! Only 27,000 Tickets Will Be Sold! All
27,000 tickets must be sold for the Grand Prize winner to
be awarded the $2,000,000 cash prize. If a minimum of
24,000, but less than 27,000 are sold, then a cash prize
of $1,500,000 will be awarded. If a minimum of 18,000,
but less than 24,000, a cash prize of $1,000,000 will be
Ticket order forms, complete rules and further information about the 2011 Palos Verdes Dream House Raffle
can be found at the Palos Verdes Art Center’s website: or call 310-541-2035 to have the
complete rules mailed to you.
You have to play to win!
Ticket purchase deadline:
5pm Tuesday, May 17
All drawings will be held at
the Palos Verdes Art Center.
Order Forms can be found at:
➊Phone Orders: 310-541-2035 or 310541-2479
➋ Fax
Orders: 310-541-0248 or 310541-4370
➌ In
Person: Palos Verdes Art Center,
5504 W. Crestridge Road, Rancho Palos
Verdes. Office hours: Mon–Fri 9am–5pm;
Sat 10am–4pm; Sun 1–4pm
➍ Mail Orders: Palos Verdes Art Center,
5504 W. Crestridge Road, Rancho Palos
Verdes, CA 90275.
Tickets are $150 each and can be purchased with check, money order or credit
card (MasterCard, Visa or Discover).
9th Annual Palos Verdes
Honor our community’s budding artists and celebrate with
their families at the free Exhibition Reception and
Ice Cream Social, 2–4pm, Sunday, May 15,
hosted by Art At Your Fingertips
Left: “Reflections in Nature” by Cas, 3rd grade, Silver Spur; Right:
“Sacred Fish” by Hailey, 1st grade, Point Vicente.
Art At Your Fingertips
“Urban Nocturne”
by Holly, 4th
grade, Silver Spur
“Ice Cream
Being Served”
by Takumi, 4th
grade, Silver Spur
Colors” by Calvin,
3rd grade,
PVAC offers standards-based art education
for more than 7,000 Peninsula students each
year. Now in its 36th year, Art At Your Fingertips
docents teach elementary school students
through five creative projects. Projects are
aligned with California Visual and Performing
Arts Standards, incorporating artistic perception, creative expression and historical, cultural context and aesthetic valuing.
The five projects, taught by AAYF’s 300+
volunteer docents, included:
“Fauve-rite Colors” by Paula Irish
This project was inspired by the work of Maurice
de Vlaminck (French, 1876–1958). The oil
pastel on black paper landscape drawing introduced students to color theory and the art
movement known as Fauvism, characterized by
thick, bold strokes of vibrant color.
“Sacred Fish” by Karen Willis
Founder of the Woodlands School of Art, Norval
Morrisseau (Canadian, 1932–2007), has been
called “The Picasso of the North.” Using acrylic
paint and marker on brown paper to emulate
his stylized depictions of wildlife, students
learned of the culture and art of the First
Nations People of North America.
“Reflections in Nature” by Kaye Furlong
J.M.W. Turner (English, 1775–1851) perfected
the art of watercolor landscape painting. This
project introduced students to basic watercolor techniques and compositional elements
of landscape painting, and demonstrated an
exciting new technique for depicting reflection
in water.
“Ice Cream Being Served” by Robin Bott
Pop-Art sculptor Claes Oldenburg (SwedishAmerican, b. 1929) is famous for his monumental public art installations depicting largerthan-life sized versions of everyday objects.
The students used a variety of clay-shaping
techniques to form an ice cream cone.
“Urban Nocturne” by Robin Kiss
Best known for her iconic images of the
American Southwest, Georgia O’Keeffe
(American, 1775–1851) created a celebrated
series of New York cityscapes in the 1920s. In
this mixed-media project, students learned
about positive and negative space as they created their own city nightscapes.
Galleries are open Mondays through Saturdays 10am–4pm and on
Sundays 1–4pm (except major holidays). Docent-led tours are available by
calling Education Director Gail Phinney at 310-541-2479. Galleries are free
and open to the public.
may 7 through may 2 9
Left: “Inspired by Nature” by teaching instructor. Center: “Metamorphosis” by Kasey, Ridgecrest
Intermediate; Right: “A Blustery Day” by Grace, Miraleste Intermediate.
Partners In Art
Palos Verdes Art Center partnered with
the PVPUSD as the schools implemented
California arts education standards, which
resulted with a dynamic program offered by
PVAC, Partners In Art. Partners in Art brings
sixth-graders, from all three public intermediate school locations, to the Art Center
for exhibition tours and provides three
classroom visits by an artist who teaches a
related art project.
“A Blustery Day”
Terry Madison, Teaching Artist
Inspired by the Juried All Media Exhibition,
students created a fabric and fiber collage
using leaf rubbings and stamps accented
with swirls of colored markers and written expressions of their feelings on that
blustery day.
Margaret Mohr, Teaching Artist
Inspired by the exhibition Dark Inheritance,
students created a diptych consisting of
two small watercolor paintings expressing
the concept of change.
“Inspired by Nature”
Jennifer Siegal, Teaching Artist
Nature and the Southern California
Printmaking Exhibition provided the inspiration for this botanical block print with a
stamped border using real leaves.
Palos Verdes Unified School District presents
High School Art Exhibition
Featuring student art work from Peninsula High School,
Palos Verdes High and Rancho del Mar High School.
The best of the best in ceramics, drawing, painting,
sculpture, photography and glass.
Exhibition Reception: 5–8pm, Friday, May 6, hosted by
Palos Verdes Unified School District.
Clara Hopkins
Estelle Song
Almost 38,000 square feet of private
April 15 & 16
historic homes in Palos Verdes are featured on this year’s Homes Tour. The
individually owned residences have
rarely been open for public viewing
since the 1920s—making for a truly
unique opportunity.
Included in the Homes Tour schedule is a short walking tour of Malaga Cove
Plaza featuring the Neptune Fountain
Homes Tour 2011
and Italianate buildings. Other features
include art offerings by the Palos Verdes
Art Center Artists, 13 boutiques with
everything from children’s clothing to
furniture, and the popular “Collectibles”
booth, all located at Olmstead Place and
the Malaga Cove Green.
Tickets purchased in advance are
$40 for Art Center members or $45 for
non-members ($50 on tour days for
members or non-members). The ticket
price includes an al fresco luncheon.
Tickets are available at the Art Center,
5504 W. Crestridge Rd., Rancho Palos
Verdes, CA 90275, or by calling 310541-2479. Tickets may also be purchased online at
The “Historic Palos Verdes” Homes
Tour is produced by The Circle, a fundraising organization of The Palos Verdes
Art Center and Community School of
Art. The group supports the Art Center’s
many educational outreach programs.
This year’s co-chairs are Nancy Bond
and Ann Buxton.
--Photos by David Fairchild
The “Exhibition House,” built in 1927 was
the showcase home of The Palos Verdes
Project, later known as the City of Palos
Verdes Estates. Architect Raymond R.
Struthers designed and built the edifice
in the “Spanish Colonial Revival” style
popular in that era. Lovingly restored on
its original footprint by the current owners, the residence is a 5,600-square-foot,
two-story, four-bedroom home with original
mahogany laminate floors, redwood beams
stenciled with gilt, red and blue paint, leaded glass windows and red-tiled roof. Also
original are all the doors and hardware.
The owners’ intent is to be true to the
original design while adapting the house to
today’s lifestyle and the needs of a young,
active family. To accommodate their family
of three small boys, the owners removed
walls between 14 small rooms and closets and created a spacious kitchen with a
breakfast area and an adjacent family room.
The kitchen is done in a ’20s retro style
with custom tiles and stone countertops.
The floor in the kitchen and adjacent pantry
is of terra cotta reclaimed from 150-yearold French farmhouses. Another remodeling project—the bar off the study—was
originally a series of closets and dressing
rooms. The ceiling in the bar was reclaimed
from a nook in the kitchen area. The downstairs bathrooms and the upstairs have
been redone encompassing modern conveniences with bright tiling recreated from
colors and patterns from that era. The master spa bath boasts a footed tub and a
glass-enclosed shower with elegant bookmatched Statuary Carrera marble on the
walls and countertops.
chadwick house
Halfway up a hill above the Palos Verdes Golf Club
sits one of original homes of The Palos Verdes
Project, built as a “spec” house in 1927 by R.R.
Sutherland. Little is known about the house and
its owners until 1940 when it was purchased
by Mathilde McCormick Oser, daughter of Harold
McCormick, President of International Harvester,
and Edith Rockefeller, daughter of John D.
The overall square footage of the house is
10,000 square feet including the three outbuildings.
Mathilde Oser died in 1947 just as her extensive
roessler House
Built in 1926 the “Roessler House,” was a two-story,
14-room, 9,000-square-foot stucco house with a
tile roof, chimney and a detached three-car garage.
Wrought-iron grills adorned the windows and two
“Juliet” balconies were included to overlook the
courtyard and the spectacular ocean view from one
of the bedrooms. It was a typical example of the
Spanish Revival architecture popular in the ’20s.
The house received the Palos Verdes Art Jury’s
honorable mention award for Best Architecture of
1927. The multi-acre property was sold to Edna and
Fred Roessler and was passed on to their daughter,
Jeanne, and her husband, Peter Prince. The house
was sold in the ’80s and remodeled, and subsequently was purchased by the current owners in
Because of its 1926 origin, the house was taken
down to the studs and brought up to modern building
codes. The new owner’s philosophy is to keep the old
style but bring all the plumbing, electrical and plaster
to brand new condition and increase the size throughout to more closely match the scale of the original
public rooms. They elected to preserve the integrity of
the historic structure and added a 6,400-square-foot
three-story wing to accommodate their family and a
more modern lifestyle. Many of the original features
were carefully dismantled and put back together to
integrate the old with new. The staircase off the front
hall is completely original, along with many of the
exterior wrought-iron lighting fixtures.
Chadwick House,
seven-year renovation was completed. Her children,
who had graduated from Chadwick School, gave the
35-acre property to Commander and Mrs. Chadwick.
The Chadwick family moved into the “Castle” in 1947,
and at one point the lower level of the house served
as a dormitory with such notable boarders as Christina
Crawford. The current owners purchased the property
in 2005 and immediately began a restoration process.
It is the only house in Palos Verdes Estates that boasts
two “legal” kitchens, the second being in the two-story
guest house.
The owner’s intent is to restore the home to its
former grandeur and preserve it as a valuable example
of both early Palos Verdes architectural and cultural
history, stating, “the home blends into the hillside,
[which was] typical of the Arts and Crafts Movement.”
Many original features of the house remain including
oak planks, terra cotta tiles which have been preserved in all rooms except the bathrooms and kitchen.
The property is steeply terraced with paths and retaining walls of Palos Verdes stone culled from the acreage. The original landscape architect was Frederick
Olmsted, Jr.
Keeping Art Education
Welcome to the newest Art At Your Fingertips project
Rancho Vista Elementary School was the pilot school for this amazing new program. In
addition to implementing all five AAYF projects, the Palos Verdes Art Center supplied three
additional projects. These TOOLBOX projects either prepared students for the upcoming
AAYF project or expanded on the learning that has already taken place.
Logo created by Paula Irish
Here are the three pilot projects:
Created by Paula and Ian Irish October 2010
In preparation for the project “Fauve-Rite Colors,” students learned the fundamentals necessary to create a Fauvist landscape drawing using graphite pencil on black paper.
Created by Paula Irish, February 2011
In conjunction with the February AAYF project “Ice Cream Being Served,” students learned
the fundamentals necessary to create a Pop Art drawing of an ice cream cone in the style
of California artist Wayne Thiebaud, using colored pencil.
Created by Robin Kiss, March 2011
A sequel to the “Urban Nocturnes” project, students created a daytime cityscape of buildings basking in color.
Check out the Art At Your Fingertips website for more information on
this and other Art At Your Fingertips projects:
n Alive
The Palos Verdes Art Center & Community School of Art
Spring Session April 11–June 18
Palos Verdes Art Center prides itself on offering unsurpassed community art classes and so, this spring, PVAC’s Community School of Art will
present more than 80 adult and children’s art classes and workshops—
not to mention a spring and summer art camp for kids ages 5–12.
Sign up today for that class you have always wanted to take!
Courses offered this term will include ceramics, photography, printmaking, wearable art, digital arts, Photoshop and web design, drawing,
painting in oil, acrylic and water media, art history, classes designed
for teens and children’s classes—beginning fashion design, drawing
and painting, ceramics, digital arts—even movie making! There is a
class for everyone!
The workshop schedule will present a wide variety of subjects
taught by well-known instructors from all over the country. Attend
a workshop about social networks on the internet, spend two days
sculpting or learning to create jewelry with precious metal clay; paint
flowers with watercolors or explore abstract painting. Workshops are a
great way to learn a lot in a short period!
Our affordable 10-week adult and eight-week children’s classes
provide the opportunity to create art and meet new friends! PVAC’s
instructors are dedicated and supportive; helping students develop
skills necessary for both professional and recreational purposes. At
the end of the session you will have made some great new friends,
learned something new and have the pleasure of realizing the fruits of
your own creativity.
Come join us as we inspire you to celebrate, appreciate and create
art! Meet new people, walk through our current exhibition and enjoy
the beautiful surrounds of the Palos Verdes Art Center—your community art center.
additional spring class offered
Roy Kunisaki (RK-6)
Tuesdays, 4/12–6/14, 6:30–9:30pm
$210, Members $180
Refine hand-building, throwing and glazing skills. Focus on individual
projects, set-up and maintenance. Call 310-541-2479 to register!
There’s a Class for Everyone!
PVAC’s Community School of Art
Art Center
Become a PVAC
member today!
Shane Andrews
Marsha Jennings
Diane Pawar
Christy Badenoch
Adrianne Jezin
Heather Polk
Kristen Bertolone
Ron & Karin Jones
Sharon Rajewski
Connie Bessman-Natt
Sophia Kall
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brady
Margaret Boyd
Lily Kao
Jacqueline Raphael
Carney Elizabeth Brown
Kenny and Alicia Kao
Mathew Rener
Andrea Browning
Rasa Kazaitis
Jana & Mike Rodich
Florine Cannelle
Erin Kono
Katrina Rubin
Linda Chen
Mina Kwak
Jenny and Daniel Saket
George Cheng
Linda and William Lama
Elaine and Ron Salovey
Angie Chrone
Nancy Landon
Thea Sanderson
Your membership benefits
Jay Chung
Michael and Karen Learned
Laura Seiple
include a subscription to
Sooyun Chung
Susie Lee
Maria Sepich
Artifacts, discounts on
Antonietta Ciconne-Khvang
Eleanor Leech
Mary Shimizu
Bonnie Cohn
Yvonne Levaillant
Kako Silvestre
Mary Ann and Michael Collins
Charles and Eva Kissel
Debbie Simpkins
classes, lectures and workshops, invitations to gallery
Robert and Sharon Coors
Pina Lola
Katie Slingsby
openings and other special
Robin Cowles
Nancy Mabry
Taryl Smith
events, discounts in the
Alyson Decker
Richard and Dorothy Magallon
Margaret Smoke
sales shop, eligibiity to join
Pat DiLeva
Kathleen Terry Manna
Stacy Steere
Frank Divona
McNair C. Maxwell
Heather Stern
Michelle H. Dokko
Ashley Maxwell
Karen Stockbridge
Georgeann Dumkrieger
Selma A. Mennis
Kent and Melissa Stoddart
Erin Dzida
Jean Merl
Nicole & Kevin Straw
Erin Eatmon
Melissa Miller
Judith Swade
Zoe Edgerton
Cesilia Miranda
Ruth Tello-Di Leva
Vivian Falzetti
Judy Moorhead
Marilyn Rose Utovac
Felice Fromm
Naoko Mori
Marie Weinstein
Anne Gonzales
Ken Murray
Kate Yoak
Mercedes Guzman
Michelle Myers
Satomi Hanzawa
D. Paul & Kay Nibarger
Marsha Hobel
Mary Ann O'Connor
Patricia Hopper
Julie Park
Mike Ishikawa
Sean Parker
John Jaacks
Loretta Patterson
PVAC support groups, plus
more! Join today!
Call 310-541-2479
or sign up online at
New members as of
February 28, 2011
Just for Kids at PVAC
Days: Monday–Friday
Hours: Morning, 9am–noon / Afternoon, 1–4pm
All day, 9am–4pm, bring your lunch
Dates: Five one-week sessions
July 18 – July 22
August 8 – August 12
July 25 – July 29
August 15 – August 19
August 1 – August 5
Half-day programs $200 (members $170)
Full-day programs: $270 (members $240)
See complete camp schedule
“My husband and I were so pleased how our event turned out. But most importantly, my daughter
enjoyed herself. Thank you for making her special day wonderful.” — Best regards, Cecille
at the
Art Center!
Celebrate your child’s special day with a special PVAC party!
Event includes themed party with artistcreated mural décor, story time, games,
costumes, themed art project and art instructor, food, drink and paper goods for
the children, treasure hunt, balloons, party room for the children, spacious patio
for the adults, access to the Art Center
galleries and gift shop, invitations, thankyou cards with a group photo on the
cover, mural-wall art created by birthday
child and guests!
The price is $475 for 10 children ($425 for
Art Center members) and $25 for each
additional child. For complete information, visit or call 310541-2479, ext. 306.
The Associates celebrate over one million dollars
donated to the Palos Verdes Art Center at a “Thanks A Million Party”
Celebrate Chefs & Cellars
Save The Date: Sunday, July 31, 5–9pm
Premier restaurant and winery taste at an elegant Rolling Hills home.
Advance tickets at $125 per person. For more information call Sharon
Holman at 310-375-6917.
Palos Verdes Concours d’Elegance
Sunday, September 18
Signatures Fashion Show
On Saturday, April 30, 2011 on the patio of Palos Verdes Art Center,
“Signatures,” a champagne luncheon, fashion show and gala boutique of
unique wearable art from The Artists’ Studio of Palos Verdes Art Center. The
luncheon will start at 12:30, with the runway show at 1:30 and boutique at
2:30. Tickets are $35 and must be purchased in advance. For tickets sales,
please call 310-541-2479 X302.
CEO’s column
continued from page 2
of us, the many people, both volunteers and staff, who have worked so hard and long
to bring the redevelopment project to fruition. I also want to recognize and thank and
all of you for your patience and support as we moved to this very desirable goal.
Allen Lay, Chairman of the Board
Robert A. Yassin, Chief Executive Officer
& Executive Director
Loren DeRoy, President
Betty Wing, First Vice President
Nancy Cumming, Second Vice President
Grant Niman, Treasurer
Liz Fitzgerald, Secretary
Janet Baszile
Edward Carson Beall
Don Crocker
Denise Guzman
Maude Landon
Richard Lohrer, Chair
Marilyn Long
Georgene McKim
Debbie Richardson
George Romine
Laura Salvay
Jane Shutt
Mohini Syal
Advisory Committee
Betty Wing, Chair
Nancy Black
Virginia Butler
Nancy Comaford
Don Crocker
Candi Gershuni
John Kaytor
Debbie Richardson
June Romine
Jane Shutt
Vickie Walker
Advisory Council
James Cheney, Chair
Susan Beall
Walter R. (Rod)
Burkley, Jr.
Myron A. (Mike)
Jacqueline S. Marks
Jan Napolitan
Rod Peveler
Peter Phinney
Sharon Ryan
Robert B. Sheh
Tseng-Yao Sun
e ndowme nt trustees
Richard Lohrer, Chair
Myron A. (Mike) Friedman George L. Romine, Jr.
D. Paul Nibarger
Geoff Wainwright
in the artists’ studio:
Palos Verdes Art Center
310-541-2479, Ext. 302
April 7–May 4
Suzanne Kuuskmae, botanical paintings
Lynne Haggard, sculptural ceramics,
Paul Hartstein, sterling jewelry
May 5–June 2
Kenneth Murray, pastels
Lyh-Rae Ashley, ceramics, Frances Wang,
sterling jewelry
June 3–July 6
Carney Brown, paintings
Wedding Gift Feature, Vicki Szamborski,
Village Center
627 Silver Spur Rd., #300C
Rolling Hills Estates
March 28–May 8
Art, Color, Life
Paintings by Norma Cuevas-White,
Kathie Reis and Linda Thompson
Ceramic sculptures by Lynne Haggard
May 9–June 19
Driven to Abstraction
Paintings by Annie Clavel,
Dawn Quinones, and Frances Wang
Sculptural Sterling Jewelry by
Frances Wang, Handpainted Silks
by Dawn Quinones
June 20–July 31
Heart & Soul
Paintings by Carney Brown,
Anita Gerlach and Victoria Sekits,
jewelry by Vicki Williams
Reception, June 25, 2–5pm
Dr. O. Allen Alpay
Harlyne J. Norris
Martha Norman_
Robert A. Yassin, Chief Executive Officer
Oscar Aguilar, Facilities
Scott Canty, Exhibitions Director
Becky DesRosiers, Membership Coordinator
Angela Hoffman, Director, Community School of Art
Gail Phinney, Education Director
Barbara Ruiz, Weekend Receptionist
Dalton Palacio, Facilities
Julia Parton, Public Relations & Marketing Director
Jeanne Starr, Administrative Assistant; Web Design
Jeff Stellges, Raffle Manager/Facilities Coordinator
Jaffar Syed, Bookkeeper
Ann Willens, Administrative Director
Julia Parton, ARTifacts Editor
Christine Barnicki, ARTifacts Designer
The Palos Verdes Art Center inspires individuals to
celebrate, appreciate and create art.
Now is the time to make an
investment in this vibrant and
vital community resource.
Your generous gift will enable
the Palos Verdes Art Center
to continue to provide the
educational programs, exhibitions, and events that make
this such a special place to
live, work, and visit. Show
your support of PVAC and
consider a fully tax-deductible donation today.
Make your donation today by
calling 310-541-2479.
in memoriam
Gifts have been received in
memory of Bruce Milbury
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carson
Ms. Jean Boswell
Mr. and Mrs. David Buxton
Mrs. M. J. Combatalade
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Crocker
Mr. and Mrs. Craig DeRoy
Ms. Diana Ginsburg
Anne Marie Green
Mr. & Mrs. Kjell Hellberg
Angela Hoffman
Jill Kiefer
Paul S. Kim
Ms. Marcia Lamkins
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Landon
Margaret Mohr
Dael W. Patton
Gail Phinney
Mrs. Eberhardt Rechtin
Julia Parton Rosas
Kathy Shinkle
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Shutt
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Slagter
Soleado Elementary School
Annalu Spencer
Jean Stephenson
The Artists' Studio
Third Dimension
Lynne Variano
Mr. and Mrs. Stiles Wegener
Tom and Jill Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Willens
Rita Willens
Mrs. George Wing
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yassin
Jeffrey C. Richards
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sheh
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Shutt
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wyse
Gifts have been received
in memory of Robert
Combatalade from:
Alexander and Maike
Mr. & Mrs. John Christensen
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley W.
Mr. and Mrs. John Lunz
Mrs. Ione Ransom
in honor
Gifts have been received in
memory of:
Elma Beck from Ms. Jacqueline
Mary Helen Rooney from
Mrs. M. J. Combatalade
Robert & Enid Coors from
Robert and Sharon Coors
Robert Magraudy from Connie
Also, gifts have been received
in honor of:
Frank Minuto from
Mrs. Rosalind Halikis
Kim Stoneman from
John D. Currie from
McNair C. Maxwell
2010 Annual Fund Drive
Ms. Christine Barnicki
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Benjamin
Mrs. Sally Brown, designated to AAYF
Ms. Edna M. Campbell
Mr. Thomas Coffey, designated to Education
Dr. & Mrs. Warren Cutting
John M. Dailey
Mr. and Mrs. Craig DeRoy
Ms. Gay H. Durward
Richard & Joan Farrar, designated to AAYF
Thomas and Christine Gafford
Mr. and Mrs. James Gardner
Lee Harwell, Jr. and Elise Klein, designated to
Marsha Hobel, designated to Education
Patricia Hopper
Sheila Kafka
Sally J. Kinsey and Robert James Day
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Landon
The Louie Family
Richard and Dorothy Magallon, designated to AAYF
Mr. and Mrs. Hiroshi Matsuzaki
Ken Nagele
Randi Newbill, designated to Education D. Paul & Kay Nibarger
Mrs. Harlyne J. Norris
Oarsmen Foundation, George S. Schuler
Gail Phinney, designated to AAYF
Elaine and Ron Salovey, designated to Education
Mrs. Laura Salvay, designated to AAYF
Malcolm & Wayne Sharp, designated to AAYF
Lois Skidmore
Ms. Irene Steinman
Nicole & Kevin Straw, designated to Education Anne Wittels
Jo Woods, designated to Education
Since 1931, its exhibition,
education, and outreach programs have made the arts
available, accessible, and
affordable for the economically and ethnically diverse
South Bay community.
The Palos Verdes Art Center acknowledges with thanks and deep appreciation the following
donors of unrestricted funds, and gifts to annual fund since February 28, 2011.
Thank You!
on the road with PVAC artists
Mary Higuchi received the Linda Doll Seminar Group Cash
Award in the 30th Annual International Exhibition, San Diego
Watercolor Society show. Her painting is on the cover of the
recently released book of Donald Teruo Hata and Nadine
Ishitatani, Japanese Americans and World War II: Mass Removal,
Imprisonment, and Redress, Fourth Edition (Harlan Davidson,
Inc., 2010).
Norris Upstairs Gallery. A special exhibit will be on display
in the Norris Upstairs Gallery. This exhibit is presented in conjunction with the Norris Gallery, and viewings are available at
every Norris performance, and during regular box office hours,
Tuesday–Saturday, noon–6pm, Sunday noon–4pm. Gallery is
located on the second level of the theatre, 27570 Crossfield
Drive, RH Estates. Through May 16, 2011, Rosemary Bandes;
May 17–July 5, 2011, Bernard Fallon.
Art At Your Fingertips Projects Now On Display! Visit the
artwork of the community’s budding artists at these local
businesses: Promenande on the Peninsula, Starbucks and
Ice Chalet; Palos Verdes Library, Peninsula Center Branch;
Peninsula Shopping Center, Pinkberry. PVAC thanks these businesses for their support and generosity.
Spring Class Term Begins, through June 18
7–29 12 Dream House Raffle Early Bird II Ticket Purchase
Deadline: 5pm
17 15–16 Dream House Raffle Grand Prize
Ticket Purchase Deadline: 5pm
15–17 2011 PVACA Summer Art Show & Sale, Malaga Cove
Plaza, 10am-5pm
16–17 Introduction to Social Networks Workshop,
Art At Your Fingertips Exhibition
Opening Reception, 2–4pm
21–22 2011 PVACA Summer Art Show &
Sale, Malaga Cove Plaza, 10am–5pm
Caning & Mokume-Gane Effects in
Metal Clay Workshop, 10am–5pm,
visit for more
24 Dream House Raffle Grand Prize
Drawing, 5:30pm, PVAC Patio
Memorial Day Observed,
PVAC Offices Closed
Homes Tour, Historic Palos Verdes, 10am–4pm
9am–noon. Visit for more
Dream House Raffle Early Bird II Drawing, 5:30pm,
PVAC Patio 21 The Associates monthly member meeting, 6pm,
PVAC Patio
Southern California Printmaking Exhibition Closes 30 Signatures Fashion Show & Luncheon, 12:30pm
Art At Your Fingertips, Partners In Art
and High School Art Exhibition
Surf’s Up Exhibition
Catch the waves coming to PVAC this summer! Watch for location, exhibition and opening reception dates.
An Art At Your Fingertips art project, “Prospective on Pissarro,”
was selected as Easy Reader’s Top Art of 2010. The piece that
took top honors was painted by Juliane, a student at Silver Spur
Elementary School.
• Chevron Corporation for the generous $4,000 donation to
the Art Center’s education programs. Chevron has been supporting these programs for over 25 years.
• Palateers for the Special Mornings Holiday Party.
10 Surf’s Up Exhibition, through August 6
11 10 Surf’s Up Exhibition Opening Reception 5–8pm,
hosted by The Associates
16–17 11–12 31 Watercolor Flowers Workshop, 9am–3:30pm,
visit for more
18–19 14
• The Docent Council and its many talented volunteers, led
by Nancy Cumming, for hosting the terrific reception for the
Southern California Printmaking Exhibition opening reception.
• Suzy Zimmerman, State Farm Insurance, for a donation of
600 shopping bags used for the various activities at the Art
thank you
2011 PVACA Summer Art Show & Sale,
Malaga Cove Plaza, 10am–5pm
21–22 Tom Lynch: Watercolor Secrets Revealed! Workshop,
9:30am–4:30pm, visit for
24 Annual Meeting and Alpay and Volunteer Awards
Summer Class Term Begins, through
August 27
2011 PVACA Summer Art Show &
Sale, Malaga Cove Plaza,
Celebrate Chefs & Cellars, 5–9pm,
hosted by The Associates
palos verdes art center
a nd Co mmuni ty sc hool of art
5504 W. Crestridge Road
Rancho Palos Verdes
CA 90275
U.S. Postage Paid
Permit #356
Palos Verdes Peninsula,
CA 90274
gallery hours
Beckstrand Gallery
Norris Gallery
Walker Gallery
Monday–Saturday: 10 a.m.–4 p.m.
Sunday: 1–4 p.m.
The Artists’ Studio Gallery
Palos Verdes Art Center
Monday–Friday: 10 a.m.– 5 p.m
Saturday: 10 a.m.–5 p.m.
Sunday: 1–4 p.m.
The Village
Monday–Saturday: 11 a.m.– 6 p.m.
Sunday: Noon– 6 p.m.
office hours
Monday–Friday: 9 a.m.– 5 p.m.
Saturday: 10 a.m.– 4 p.m.
Sunday: 1– 4 p.m.
tel: 310-541-2479 fax: 310-541-9520 E-Mail:

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