November, 2015 (Issue 71)
November, 2015 (Issue 71)
November 2015 Page 1 Drakesbrook Despatch A volunteer monthly newsletter for the residents of Waroona, Preston Beach, Lake Clifton, Hamel, Coolup & Yarloop November 2015 Issue 71 alcoa . . . proud supporters of the drakesbrook despatch EVERY DAY THROUGH NOVEMBER 9:30 – 3:30 People’s Choice Vote for your favourite Plus YARN BOMB WAROONA FIND OUT WHY SEA TO ART IS IN ITS 8TH YEAR! DON’T MISS OUT! Colour, colour, colour & fun for the kids. Woolly craft activity table on weekends Nov 7-8, 14-15 & 21-22 COSY CORNER REMEMBER NOVEMBER! At Waroona Visitor Centre Raising funds for St John Ambulance November 2015 Page 2 Community Calendar for Meetings, Church Services& Events Agricultural Society 3rd Thurs—Alison Birch 9733 1092 Central Districts Axemen’s Association. Linda Miller 9733 2098 Community Car Waroona Resource Centre 9733 2545 Coolup Craft Group Wednesdays CWA Room, Coolup 9530 3258 Coolup CWA 2nd Monday each month MANDURAH WAROONA BUS Thurs. Nov 5th & 19th at 9:00am from the Waroona Hotel, South West Highway Mandurah Bus Charters 9581 6555 Nulsen Haven 2nd Wednesday - Seniors Hall – Jan Wood 9733 3701 Preston Beach Progress Assoc. Quarterly Meeting, phone 9739 2090 for details Really Really Free Markets Every 3rd Saturday Memorial Hall - 1 to 3pm Coolup LCDC (Landcare) 1st Monday of the month Kim Wilson 9733 2628 Coolup Progress Association 1st Thurs of month 9 am Coolup Hall Bev Alexander 0407 381 281 Dam Spinners Fortnightly CWA Rooms, Yarloop Joy Jackson 9733 1810 Senior Citizens Welfare Last Wednesday - Jan Wood 9733 3701. Hall Hire: Shire Office 9733 7800 Tai Chi Pisconeri Hts Park Thursday, 10 am – Del Leahy THE SALVATION ARMY Family Worship With The Salvos Services every second Sun, Nov 8th & 22nd @ 10am Meeting at Waroona Community Resource Centre 10 Henning Street, Waroona EVERYONE WELCOME Contact: Shirley - 9733 1842 UNITING CHURCH Thatcher Street, Waroona Worship Services & Sunday School Each Sunday at 9:30am A warm welcome is extended to all. Elders: Rob & Charlotte Bruce Phone: 9733 1018 Minister Robbie Jetta South Mandurah Al-Anon Group Evary Monday at 10am Uniting Church, 2 Reees Place, Wannanup St John Ambulance 3rd Monday 7:30pm Carol Racco 9733 2122 0478 243 765 Wagerup Community Consultative Network For information contact Tom Busher at Alcoa on 9733 8768 Waroona Arts and Crafts Centre EMERGENCY NUMBERS ( Police 9733 7400 ( Fire Brigade 000 (Ambulance 000 ( State Emergency Service 000 ( Waroona Taxi 9733 1481 ( Water Corp (faults) 13 13 75 ( Western Power (faults) 13 13 51 First Waroona Girl Guides Mondays 4pm Scout Guide Hall, Fouracre St.(Excluding public holidays.) FRAGYLE Preston Beach Hall 3rd Sat. Bi- Monthly Laurie Snell 9733 1219 Lake Clifton Landcare Contact: Nancy Fardin 9739 1154 Lake Clifton/Herron Progress & Sporting Association Meetings every 2nd month on the 3rd Monday Contact: Jenny Rose 0428 343 028 ST MARK’S ANGLICAN CHURCH WAROONA Normal Services are held on the 1st, 2nd & 3rd Sunday of each month at 9:00am and on the 4th Sun. at 10:30am. Rev. Julie Baker 0459 471 894 Seniors Recreation Council of WA Inc -Peel Branch Strong on Your Feet Exercise Class for Seniors Waroona Senior Citizens Hall Mondays 1 - 2pm -Cost $2 For Further Information please contact: Jan McGinn Ph: 9533 4749 Mob: 0427 088 615 Opening Times: Mon. 9:30 - Noon, then 1 - 3pm. Tues. 9am - 3pm. Wed (fortnightly) 10am -2pm Fri. 9.30 - Noon. New Members Welcome. WAROONA CATHOLIC CHURCH Waroona/Yarloop Mass Times: Waroona: Sundays at 8.30am Yarloop: Second and Fourth Saturday of the Month at 6pm. Parish Priest: Father Jay Johnson Ph: 9733 1225 Email: WAROONA CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP AOG Services 10am Sundays Senior Citizens Centre, Millar St. *GOD heals today. If you are sick we are happy to pray for you – watch GOD heal *Mid week home meetings *We care for you – because GOD cares for you. Info: Lynton & Chris Benson97331672: 0419951858 November 2015 Page 3 Waroona Hamel R&SL 2nd Mon in Feb, Apr, June, Aug(AGM), Oct, Dec. Tracey Fickling 0408 937 577 Waroona Historical Society 3rd Thurs 4:00pm Debra Tyler 041 7 70 5 966 Waroona Lions 2nd & 4th Monday— Grant Hewett 0417 919 777 Waroona Lions Farmers Market The next market is on: Sunday Nov. 1st 2015 8am till Noon Bay prices are $10 and sellers can set up from 6.30am For more information about the markets, or to book a stall, please contact: Lisa Fry 0415 954 993 This is a non-profit event by the Lions Club of Waroona and all proceeds go back into the Community Waroona Community Men’s Shed Inc Open Wednesday and Friday 9am to 12 noon We provide an outlet for men to: * Meet * Socialise * Share * Utilise their skills To further enhance their journey in life New members always welcome Address: The Big Shed on the corner of Millar St and Parnell St Waroona Contact Phil Turner 0400053528 Coming Up in & around Waroona CLASSIFIED ADS They are Free ( For goods to the value of $5,000) All through November Sea to Art Waroona Pensioner’s Social Club 1st Wed—Dot Hansen 9733 1892 Exhibition - See advertising. Work Wanted Thursdays in November Are you Ready for Work - Advert inside Waroona Playgroup Tuesday 3rd November Melbourne Playgroup is open Mon, Tues and Thurs 9-11am, PH: 9733 1979 Cup - The Old Pub - from 7am. Drakesbrook Tavern - advert back page Friday 6th November Budgeting Info Session - advert inside Sub Centre Opening Times Tues & Thurs 9:00am - 1:30pm Phone: 9733 2122 EMERGENCY: 000 WELL OF LIVING WATER Meetings at 7 Butler Retreat Waroona 7 pm every 2nd Friday Needed, prayer Warriors for our Nation from 2 Chronicles 7v14 All welcome supper after. Friday 6th NovemberMovie Under the Stars - Advert inside Wanted part time work under the umbrella of Chookyard Services. Anything from auditing, bookkeeping, MYOB data entry. Management, Leadership, Mentoring. Customer service All things Garden and horticultural. Wishing to remain local in a great township called Waroona. Phone Ken 0409 680 456 Next issue Friday November 27th 2015 Deadline - Friday November 20th 2015 For Advertising & Copy 9733 2183 74 South West Highway (PO Box 215, Waroona, 6215) Office open Fridays 10:30 to 11:30 November 2015 Page 4 HMG Waroona – Doctors Surgery Good News! HMG Waroona is now opening on Saturdays 8.30 – 12.00pm. We now have a new female doctor, Dr Shally, working 3 days a week. Practice nurse Naomi Purcell available for Immunisations, Pap smears, Care plans and Health assessments. Our opening hours: Monday – Friday 8.30 – 5.00pm Saturdays 8.30 – 12.00pm For appointments Ph: 9733 3007 or 9729 1600 (Appointments available on the day) Located 6-9, 22 Fouracre St Waroona – Next to the Historical Waroona Hotel. WAROONA PENSIONERS SOCIAL CLUB NULSEN Hi everyone hope all is well with you and that you are enjoying the temperate weather we are having, love this time of year. Nulsen (Perth) are having their AGM on 29th October at Burswood on Swan you are all invited to attend. If you wish to go along please let me know as Perth are sending a bus down to pick us up at 12 noon on the day at the Seniors Hall. Afternoon tea is provided. We are having our raffle on 10th December outside IGA please support up. This is a great cause. Your past generosity is appreciated and we are looking forward to seeing you again. Jan Wood - Secretary 97333701 SENIOR CITIZENS Hello everybody. Well, Christmas is coming Seniors/Pensioners Christmas Dinner is on 11th December at Drakesbrook Tavern at 12 noon. If you haven’t put your name down please ring Grace Lay (97331950) or Jan Wood. We are looking forward to seeing you. We have planned an outing to the aviation museum on 20th November we need names down for this outing so please call Grace or Jan. It should be a great day. Lunch can be purchased at the venue. That’s all folks. Jan Wood Secretary, It was very disappointing that our trip to Bunbury was cancelled. Bunbury Boat Charters said that as the sea was rough and a big swell they weren’t prepared to operate on that day. We will try and fit the trip in sometime after Christmas. The Bull Creek Aviation Museum trip has been finalised and will be on Friday 20th November. We will be leaving the Seniors Citizen’s Hall at 9.00 a.m. The cost of entry to the Museum is $4 and lunch is $20. It will be a roast and sweet with help yourself tea and coffee. It should be a good day out. Our Christmas dinner is on Friday 11th December at the Drakesbrook Hotel/Motel. Please make sure you have your name down QUALITY WHOLESALE MEATS if you wish to go to either of the events. COMMERCIAL & DOMESTIC SUPPLIES The lists will be available at the Seniors meeting on Wednesday 28th Vic Tomlinson October and the Pensioners meeting 0438 429 281 on Wednesday 4th November or you QUALITY PRODUCTS DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR can ring Jan Wood on 9733 3701 or BEEF- LAMB- PORK- POULTRY- SEAFOOD- SMALLGOODS Grace Lay on 9733 1950. It would be WHOLESALE PRICES BULK ORDERS AUSTRALIAN SEAFOOD good to have the names in as soon as Lots cheaper than the Butcher or possible. We look forward to seeing supermarket @ per kilo prices as many members as possible at our next meeting and hope those who LIVE LOCAL, SUPPORT LOCAL have been sick are on the mend. FIRST CHOICE MEATS November 2015 Page 5 Ph: 9733 3155 97 South West Highway, Waroona Now Open Until 8pm Every Friday, BYO Welcome DINE IN OR TAKE-AWAY • BYO Allowed • Ample Parking • Alfresco Dining • Children’s Playground Check out our NEW Dining Menu PLUS a wide variety of CAKES Opening Times: Monday to Thursday 6 am to 5 pm Friday 6 am to 8 pm Saturday 6 am to 5 pm Sunday & Public Holidays 7 am to 5 pm November 2015 Page 6 WAROONA SELF STORAGE 3 McDowell St (Cnr South West Hwy) Hardstand storage storage now now available available Hardstand For caravans, boats, trailers & more Secure facility with CCTV Members of the Self Storage Assoc of Australasia Professionally Managed by: (08) 9531 1444 WAROONA CONTRACTING SAND, GRAVEL, GENERAL EARTHMOVING 97 331 933 GO N E D L 9733 1010 0429 040 929 10 South Western Highway Waroona WA 6215 0417 962 321 Servicing Waroona and Surrounding Area S S A GL Mini-Plant Bobcat & Mini Excavator Post Hole Borer & Rock Breaker Geoff Plant 0413 056 398 CAPE TO CAPE FINANCE Pty Ltd LEN MAZGA . 0418 910 807 LIC No 3226 MFAA No 43199 November 2015 Page 7 Waroona Veterinary Clinic News - Unusually bad snake season… Well the snake season is here with a vengeance. We have seen an unusually high number of dogs and several cats bitten by snakes this year. As usual we are seeing both Tiger and Dugite bites, so please don’t assume it must have been one kind of snake and not the other as we don’t want to give the wrong antivenin. The only positive way to identify a snake is by the tail. REGARDLESS OF THE COLOUR OF THE SNAKE, under the tail section Dugites have a double row of scales below the cloaca, while Tigers have all tail scales in a single row. Only identify snakes this way if your pet has definitely killed the snake. There is no point risking a bite yourself as we can just give a combined antivenin if in doubt. * Signs of Snake Bite: * Agitation or collapse * Sudden weakness – especially in the hind legs * Sudden vomiting, urination or defecation * Seizures * Dilated pupils * Excessive salivation or frothing at the mouth * Difficulty breathing and paralysis * These signs may initially subside (your pet looks like it is getting better) before a rapid paralysis starting from the back end of the animal develops, followed quickly by death. Emergency First Aid: - FIRST CALL YOUR VET! If you call first we can have everything ready for your pet before you arrive. Also, if for whatever reason the vet is unable to attend to your pet we can give you alternate phone numbers and direct you to the next best location. If you call after hours, the phone message will give you the vet’s direct contact number. * Bring in the snake only if it is dead. Be sure the snake is dead before you approach it and do not handle it by the head. If you have a bag, place the dead snake inside. If your pet has chewed the snake in half, bring in the tail. * Do not attempt to catch or kill the snake. You risk getting bitten yourself. It is also illegal to kill snakes as they are protected under the Wildlife Conservation Act. * Keep your pet quiet, calm and still during travel to try to slow the spread of the toxin. If you saw that your pet was bitten on a limb, you may slow this process further by applying a pressure bandage (NEVER a BRAVECTO – 3 MONTHS PROTECTION AGAINST FLEAS AND TICKS IN ONE TASTY CHEW Bravecto deals: New Bravecto loyalty cards – buy 4 doses in the same weight range and get one dose free! Also free tennis ball throwers with any purchase of Bravecto while stocks last tourniquet) TO THE ENTIRE LIMB, but not if it delays getting your pet to a vet. This minimises the spread of the venom through the lymphatics. * If your pet is becoming paralysed position them level with their head slightly down to keep their airway clear. * If your pet stops breathing mouth to nose ventilation may be able to keep your pet alive until oxygen and antivenin can be administered. This should be only administered if your pet is not able to bite or injure you. Give ONE BREATH every 3-6 SECONDS. * If you have seen your pet interact with a snake but are unsure if they were bitten, GIVE US A CALL AND COME DOWN. Do not wait for signs of envenomation as the animal can go from being normal to collapsed quite quickly. You are better off bringing your pet in and waiting here with a cup of coffee rather than having to rush in with a collapsed pet. * Please note that there is no evidence that Vitamin C will help your pet recover from a snake bite, seek Veterinary treatment immediately. * Questions? Feel free to contact Nurse Froz at New low price on microchipping $45 Standard Microchips with lifetime registration (was $60) $62 Biothermal Microchips with lifetime registration (was $68) A biothermal microchip takes your pets temperature when scanned, so no more thermometers Dog washing available daily by appointment only The Basics: (wash and towel dry) from $15 The Works: Wash, blow dry, nails trimmed, ears cleaned and anal glands expressed if needed) from $25 Find us online at as well as: November 2015 Page 8 Waroona Community Resource Centre 10 Henning Street, Waroona WA 6215 Phone: 9733 3011 Email: Webpage: Opening Hours: Monday to Thursday 9am till 4pm Friday 9am till 3pm FREE LEGAL ADVICE Peel Community Legal Service is providing a FREE legal advice service in Waroona. TransWA OC CHIROPRACTIC FOR TRAIN TIMES AND BOOKINGS 1300 662 205 BOOK YOUR TICKET ONLINE OR VISIT LOCAL AGENT AT THE COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTRE FREE 30 minute appointment with one of our fully qualified solicitors, who can provide general legal advice on a range of matters. Please phone or email the office for appointments. or Community Kitchen Family Support Service Our Service is to support families and individuals within the community. We work to empower families and individuals to enhance their own abilities, so they can acquire the skills, knowledge and self-confidence to manage their own day to day lives. We are committed to providing a quality service to those living in the areas of Waroona, Harvey and Yarloop and operates out of the Resource Centres. Call 9733 2902 to make an appointment or email: We are a confidential, free service. We are seeking Volunteers to assist in the kitchen at the CRC on Tuesdays from 11am to 1pm Funded by the Department for Communities Contact Candice on: 9733 3011 for more information Waroona Community Cuppa Wednesday fortnightly 10am to 12 noon Dr Chad O’Connor will be at the Waroona Community Resource Centre each week. For appointment days and times please phone Chad on 0458 940 981 Mandurah Podiatry Visit the Waroona Community Resource Centre once a month To make an appointment with the Podiatrist please call their office on 9535 9143. FORREST MEDICAL WAROONA SURGERY 9531 1866 Surgery Hours Mon to Fri 8.30am-4.30pm Current Doctors are: Dr A Kaplan, Dr Pat Wallace, plus Thurs & Fri NEW Dr Aji For all after hours emergencies contact Peel Health Campus on 9531 8000 SHIRE OF WAROONA NOTICE OF MEETINGS 2015 The Council of the Shire of Waroona will hold its Ordinary Council meetings on the following dates during 2015 24 November, 15 December (To be confirmed) Meetings will be held at the Waroona Shire Council Chambers, rear of 52 Hesse Street, Waroona commencing at 4.00pm. Members of the public are welcome to attend. IAN CURLEY CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER November 2015 Page 9 November 2015 Page 10 The Power of Blessing – Our words are powerful. We can bless or we can curse with the words we speak, creating positively or negatively. In today’s language we would explain it like this - ‘what you say is what you get!’ For example - if we continually tell a young child that he or she is bad, invariably they will behave badly. Conversely, if we bless a child, affirming that he or she is good, more than likely good behaviour will be the result. Scary isn’t it? We can ‘build up’ (bless) or ‘tear down’ (curse), with the very words that we speak! Words greatly influence what we believe and what we believe governs how we behave. Sometimes we might hear negative reports about individuals or about our community but as we have learned, there is ‘power in blessing’ power to transform lives and difficult situations, circumstances and relationships, caused by the many pressures of modern-day living. [In last month’s Drakesbrook Dispatch, mention was made of the book ‘The Grace Outpouring,’ by Roy Godwin, concerning a Christian Retreat Centre, Ffald-y-Brenin in Wales. The book documents amazing transformation of the district and of the lives of many people – locals and visitors alike. People and the environment, respond to GOD’s love as they are blessed and reconciled to HIM and HIS response has been to shower the area and the people with supernatural blessings]. What is happening in Wales can also happen here - or anywhere else for that matter! For the past three years at our monthly ‘Blessing Waroona’ prayer meetings, every October in the lead up to the Waroona Show, we specifically pray for and ‘speak out blessings’ over the day. This year we also conducted a ‘blessing walk,’ over the venue, the day before the Show. We blessed the Show that the weather would be kind (we had heard it might rain!) and that there would be a good crowd. We blessed the very atmosphere over the town and specifically over the venue, that it would be a safe and enjoyable place for all attending. We also blessed the stallholders that it would be a financial success. In short, we blessed everyone and everything to do with the Show - and by all accounts, GOD certainly responded by showering Waroona with blessings! It was a joy to read in the Harvey-Waroona Reporter that Waroona Agricultural president Eric Walmsley said ‘it was a fantastic show with a good crowd and good atmosphere’ and that ‘everyone, including the stallholders, were very happy with the day.’ By all accounts the day was a huge success. One local said that he really enjoyed the Show as there was ‘a real family atmosphere.’ An ‘out-of-towner,’ reported that ‘it was the best show day ever!’ We thank GOD for the gifts and talents of all those who worked so tirelessly to organise and run the day for the enjoyment of those attending. Well done! Well done also to the crowds who very kindly ‘used the extra bins, leaving the grounds spotless.’ What a blessing! If you have been blessed, please don’t be afraid to share with others. Blessings are a gift from GOD and telling others gives hope that causes an ‘atmosphere of faith’ in which miracles happen! Until next time – ‘be blessed to be a blessing!’ Cheryl Coral’s Celebrant Services Coral P McLellan Marriage Celebrant Reg. Number: A15105 50 South West Highway Waroona For your wedding get someone who understands how personal it is. 0435 196 194 Thank You Notice JOHN LAWRENCE CROOK PASSED AWAY 30/9/2015 Maureen and Family would like to express their sincere thanks for the beautiful expressions of sympathy, cards and floral tributes on the loss of a wonderful and much loved husband, father, father-in-law and grandfather. To everyone sincere thanks Maureen, Bryan and family Adrian and family Victoria and family Congratulations to the following people with Birthdays in November Iris Blanche Ann Gardner Jo Evans Joseph Fiorenza Kath Reilly Keeley Goldsworthy Olive Bell Sally Williams Vicki Lorraway Graham East Kelly Westlake WAROONA COMMUNITY CAR The Market on 4th October was not very busy. There were plenty of stalls but not a lot of buyers, which was a shame. Chart No.1 finally finished selling on Wednesday 14th October with the other 2 charts being carried over. Winners of chart 1 were: 1st prize Cynthia 2nd prize Meg. In the past you have all been so generous supplying me with bric-abrac to sell at the Sunday Markets, but due to health problems I will in future only be selling books and lucky numbers. Any items suitable as lucky number prizes will still be gratefully accepted. Thank you everyone for supporting this valuable town asset. God bless. Betty Derrick DELEO (Jim) Five years ago since we farewelled our dear husband, father & Nonno. Treasured memories live on in our hearts every day and forever. Love, Lena, Patrick, Robert, Melanie and families. November 2015 Page 11 Coral’s Charity Knitters Thank you to the lady who donated a bag of wool she ‘discovered’ when downsizing her home. The skeins were ideal for a yarn project Nola is doing with a group of school children. Joy J. called in to show us and model - a lovely knitted multicoloured short jacket, a project which took her quite a while. Lil sent her good wishes. She is on the mend and plans to be back at knitting soon. A total of 131 knitted or crochet poppies are now for sale at the visitors centre. $2 each and proceeds to be donated to our local RSL. A number of poppies will be provided to the high school for students attending Anzac Cove next year. There are also lots of items for sale at the visitors centre supporting our local St. John Ambulance Centre. Seven bright coloured knitted teddies have been given to Pat Thomas House. Cathy has been invited to update us on her visits to Africa and delivery of the knitted teddies. She will fit this in at a convenient time. Our knitting needles and crochet hooks are never idle keeping the ladies busy with baby beanies, bootees, squares for rugs along with triangles galore to be made up into bunting for yarn bombing. A fantastic range of items has been created for this event which promises to be bright and colourful and a highlight for our town during November. Many of us have an assortment of stuff at home gathered over many years for one project of another because we crafty ladies are pretty good at that!. However one of our ladies has decided to “declutter “ by disposing of one item per day making the task manageable and buoyed by the fact that at the end of the year 365 items will have been reassigned elsewhere…hopefully !!. The November dates are 12th and the Christmas party 26th Festive ditty: The weather may be sunny or humid the skies could be cloudy and murky but everyone will have a good time everybody, that is, but the turkey When you stop believing in Santa Claus that’s when you get socks and jocks for Christmas! - Jane ANGLICAN OP-SHOP Wow what a month we have had! Thank you for all your beautiful donations to sell at the shop. Once they are sorted they are straight out the door. Thank you everyone who donated to our raffle we had an exceptionally good day selling tickets so a big thank you to everyone who bought tickets or gave donations. Winners of the raffle 1st prize Jimmy -Orange E9 2nd Prize Donald Gilbert -Green A21 3rd Prize Jane -Blue A60 4th Prize Dion Pisconeri - Red E94 5th Prize McClements - Green D5 Thank you once again Lyn and the girls November 2015 Page 12 Kellies South West Pet Services Veterinary Nurse Kellie De Rosa For your peace of mind your pet is fully insured while in my care. Dirty, smelly dog, needs bathing and deodorising, Nails too long, fleas, anal glands need expressing, coat too long, or matted, Shedding hair all over the house?? I am happy to help - Hydro bathing in warm fresh water. All baths include premium shampoo specific to coat type and skin condition, included is a free nail trim, ear cleaning, anal glands expressed and general health check over. All towels are used once and washed with disinfectant as well as washing powder with fabric softener, so our towels are fresh and soft for every dog I groom. I offer a full clipping services including poodle and Asian fusion styles, all size dogs welcome Do you have a dog that keep shedding all over your house? Ask about my DE shedding service this does not cut the hair rather remove the dead undercoat perfect for husky's, retrievers, Labradors, heelers, pugs, cocker spaniels etc. Poultry assessments and health check ups also available including poultry supplies and premium lauke mill poultry feeds. Dog products, coats, brushes, bowls, premium dog feeds all wheat free and lots of bedding at the best prices ever . New to stock is Tucker time Rolls - These are no ordinary roll they are gluten free and made from real meats contain yukka and probiotics used by many vets, 3kg - $14, 1.5kg - $7.50 free samples also available. Best news of all !!!!!! My new website is up and running visit full online shop with huge range of products with pick up , delivery and post options. Eftpos now also available in shop and online Facebook: kellies south west pet services to keep up to date with special's and news Phone or text on 0429161282 Waroona Tyre & Mechanical CONCRETE NORCON WA Pty Ltd Phil 0427 272 748 Mobile Auto Electrician based in Waroona Air-conditioning, Accessories Fault Finding 0434 382 080 We Now Offer 10% Discount For Aged Pensioners. Our Services Range From Wheel Alignments, Services, Tyre Repairs, Shockies, Brakes, Exhausts, Mufflers, Front End work, Batteries, Oil Supplies, Battery Checks as well as minor and major services. For Great Service And Prices On All Tyres And Mechanical Work Call In And See Us from 7.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday 62-64 South West Highway, Waroona or Phone 9733 1007 AU36707 MRB5781 Driveways Patios Formwork Reo-Fixing Sawing Drilling Waroona Tool Sharpening Simply a cut above the rest!!! Stuart McLellan Sharpening most tools and equipment 50 South West Highway Waroona 6215 PH: 0468 409 386 November 2015 Page 13 Support our Local Students Volunteering to help Flores Island People Until recently I had never heard of the Island of Flores, one of the hundreds of Islands that are part of Indonesia. Unlike many of the other Islands, Flores is very much ‘Third World’ and each year groups of young volunteers fly over to work and help these peace loving people. The peoples of Flores are almost entirely Roman Catholic whereas most other Indonesians are Muslim. As a consequence, Flores may be regarded as surrounded by a religious border. The prominence of Catholicism on the island results from its colonisation by Portugal hundreds of years ago. The people are mostly farmers and fishermen, living in basic huts with dirt floors and fishing in catamarans made out of hollowed logs. There are five religions practiced in Indonesia, but with 90% of the population being Muslim, there tends to be some religious unrest on a few of the Islands like Aceh where the Muslim controlled governing body refused building permits for churches to be granted. This was the cause of the riots in Aceh a few years ago. Unlike Aceh though Muslims and Catholics seem to live in harmony on Flores and often live side by side. Unfortunately the Indonesian government provides limited financial assistance to this beautiful Island paradise, resulting in the need for volunteer workers. in bed, having to sleep on the floor and hot showers will be something to look forward to when they return, as they will be living with a local family and embracing their culture and lifestyle. Both boys will be donating $200 of their own money to give to the villages they assisted. It will be a challenging experience for the boys and I am sure when they return at the end of January they will appreciate how lucky and fortunate they are to live an Australian lifestyle. Year 10 students, Reegan Davis and Jalen Anzellino were successfully selected along with 8 other students from their school, Mandurah Catholic College to represent their school on a volunteer working bee in January next year. Once selected they both approached the Waroona Lions Club for assistance in raising the $5,000 they need to fund their venture. The Lions took them on board and both boys have been seen around the town, selling raffle tickets, working at the Farmers market and also assisting the Lions Club on the Machinery Day and at the Agricultural Show. In Flores the boys will be helping to build schools, maintain gardens and generally help the local communities. They are not guaranteed a cosy night If you see the boys around town on any of their fund raising efforts, please support them. MEMBER FOR MURRAY–WELLINGTON Murray Cowper MLA If you need assistance with a local issue please contact my office. Telephone: 9531 3155 Fax: 9531 3166 Email: Shop 1, Pinjarra Junction Shopping Centre George Street, Pinjarra WA 6208 November 2015 Page 14 Unit 2/63 McLarty Street, Waroona EC7770 Phone 9733 1200 OFFICE HOURS..Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:00pm.. (Closed for lunch between 12:00 & 12:30).. EFTPOS Available.. 3% Seniors Card Discount available on request... November 2015 Page 15 CONSUMERPROTECTIONCOLUMN With Consumer Protection SW Regional Coordinator Debbie Butler Your business is your business 12-16 October 2015 was Stay Smart Online Week. The aim of the annual campaign is to engage and educate Australians about online safety and security. I’d like to share some of this year’s key messages as well as encourage you to take a look the website and sign up for the alerts service. You can also like Stay Smart Online on Facebook or follow @CommsAu on Twitter. Securing your mobile device *Investigate anti-virus software to install on your phone. *Keep your device's software and apps up to date. *Lock your device with a passcode, password or biometric when not in use. *Learn about the best way to create and store passwords. *Only download apps from reputable publishers. *Check permission requests before downloading apps. *Do not use public wi-fi for online banking, shopping or other financial transactions. *Reset factory settings before disposing of an old device. Securing your desktop or laptop computer *Install security software from a verified provider and set it to update automatically. *Keep your application software and operating system up to date. *Secure your home and office wi-fi with encryption and a password. *Back up your data regularly. *Use strong passwords. *Use different passwords for different uses. *Learn about the best way to create and store passwords. *Do not respond to emails that ask you for a password or financial information. *Be cautious of emails asking you to click on links or attachments. *Do not use public computers for online banking, Bouncy Castle Hire Prices start from just $130 for a 2 hour hire on weekdays Call Craig on 0414 997 723 elping you to create smiles and happiness shopping or other financial transactions. Protecting your online accounts *Use strong passwords and locks and change them regularly. *Use different passwords for different uses. *Use two-factor authentication whenever possible. *Learn about the best way to create and store passwords. *Lock your mobile device with a passcode, password or biometric when not in use. *Secure your home and office wi-fi with encryption and a password. Safely connecting and sharing *Regularly check your privacy settings on social networking sites. *Stop and think before you post any photos, personal or financial information online. *Be nice online and consider others' feelings and reputations. *Report or talk to someone if you feel uncomfortable or threatened online. *Use strong passwords and a different password for each social networking site. *Don't share your passwords with anyone. Buying online *Do your research and shop around. *Only deal with trusted and reliable businesses and sellers. *Check quality, warranty and return/refund and complaints policies. *Check the buying and selling tips on the sites you are using. *Keep your personal details private and secure. *Always use a secure payment method. *Never send bank or credit card details in an email. *Never send wire transfers to anyone you don't know and trust. *Use strong passwords and locks and change them regularly. *Learn about the best way to create and store passwords. *Contact your financial institution, selling platform, police and WA ScamNet at Consumer Protection (1300 30 40 54) if you think you've been scammed. Selling online *Install security software from a verified provider and set it to update automatically. *Secure your home and office wi-fi with encryption and a password. *Develop clear policies for staff using your computer or network. *Offer clear terms and conditions. *Always use a secure payment method. *Avoid bank transfers and direct debits. *Never send wire transfers to anyone you don't know and trust. *Check the buying and selling tips on the sites you are using. *When using a selling platform, make sure it is trusted and reliable. *Back up your data regularly. *Use strong passwords and locks and change them regularly. *Learn about the best way to create and store passwords. *Beware of scams, including by fake suppliers and customers. *Independently confirm that payment has been made before supplying goods. *Contact your financial institution, selling platform, police and WA ScamNet at Consumer Protection (1300 30 40 54) if you think you've been scammed. STORAGE SPACE AVAILABLE Storage space available for caravans in a fully enclosed shed in Waroona. Fully fenced with hardstand. Toilet and shower facilities. Enquiries and site inspection call 0413 056 398. November 2015 Page 16 Gates open 6pm Movie Starts 7:15pm November 2015 Page 17 November 2015 Page 18 Waroona Recreation News Day Time Class Instructor 6am Monday Gypsy 8am AQUA 9am Tuesday Gypsy 9:30am FBS Deb 6am SPIN Gypsy 9am Trace 10:10 am Trace 4pm Wed’sday TEEN FIT CLUB Friday Trace 5pm Trace 5:30pm Trace 6am Kaye 8am AQUA Deb 9am GYM BODYBLASTER Trace 9:30am FBS Deb 10am Thursday Deb Trace 10:30am SPIN Trace 4pm TEEN FITCLUB Trace 5pm Trace 5:30pm Trace 6am SPIN Gypsy 9am Boxing Kaye 10am ABS BLASTER Kaye 5:30pm Kaye 6am Gypsy 9am Trace 10:10am Trace Indoor Soccer Expressions of Interest The Waroona Rec. Centre is calling for all those interested in 5 a-side indoor soccer to come forward. We are looking at either a Thursday Night or over the weekend. The type of comp will depend on who is interested, mixed, juniors, or seniors. Call in at the Centre to show your interest and complete a form. Once we have sufficient interest, we can get the ball rolling. Please support this amazing opportunity for such a small town. Waroona Swimming Club The Waroona Swim Club had its first training session this past Monday. A great turn out, but more swimmers are welcome. The Club will train on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 4:30 to 5:30pm Any queries please call the centre on 9733 2389 For those who aren’t quite up to club level, or don’t want the competitive side, the mini squad is perfect for fitness and runs on Thursday at 4:30pm Teenfit A great way to keep fit and at the same time get an insight into gym techniques and body mechanics. Designed for teens within the 12 to 16 age bracket. Each participant will go through a complete gym circuit with a fully qualified fitness instructor. Classes run on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 4 to 5 pm. The cost is $70 for the term or $7 for an individual session. The program started this week, but all are still welcome to join. Live Lighter Aged Care Games Peel Branch Seniors Recreation Council recently held their Live Lighter Aged Care Games on Tuesday 13th October. These games were supported by Shire of Waroona and also Alcoa who provided volunteers during their Alcoa October Month of Service. 16 teams of 10 competed from local Peel nursing homes, hostels and day care centres. The day, although very warm, was enjoyed by those in attendance. Best Presented Team: Care Options Winners: Amana Angels (Wearne House) 261 points Second Place: Brightwater The Cove 254 points Third Place: Mandurah Social Centre 253 points Oldest participant-Bill Taylor, aged 99! RAAFA, McNamara Lodge The Peel Aged Care Games are held yearly in October on a rotational basis throughout the Peel Region, and also held throughout the metropolitan and other regional areas, Seniors Recreation Council of WA Inc. have recently opened another branch in Geraldton, making 10 branches throughout Western Australia. For enquiries re the Live Lighter Aged Care Games, please telephone Jan McGlinn on 9535 4749 or Guess the weight of the wine cabinet At the recent Waroona Agricultural Show the Waroona Community Mens Shed held a guess the weight of the wine cabinet competition. A total of 225 guesses were lodged on the day and the actual weight of the cabinet was 52.2kg. Pictured below is the happy winner, Jon Hay from Pinjarra, who was the closest to the weight with a guess of 52.3kg. Congratulations Jon, we hope you enjoy your wine cabinet and get lots of use out of it. The Mens Shed is currently making another wonderful wine cabinet out of red gum. If anyone is interested in this please feel free to contact George at the Mens Shed on 0432046392 for more information. November 2015 Page 19 T TELEVISION ELEVISION C CITY ITY Warren Turner Gardening Services BUNBURY Antenna Installation Specialists Digital services on Satellite • Sales & Service • 9721 3190 0408 935 159 0 - 5 years of age OPEN: Mon, Tues & Thurs 9:00am to 11:00am Warren Turner Henning Street, Waroona 9733 1979 Torn your favourite dress? Your trousers too long? Maybe a patch or two? Or just want your own design? Reliable service, reasonable rates Specialists in Office Cleaning Call us now to arrange your no-obligation assessment! Call us now to clean your house! General Garden Maintenance Lawn Mowing Small Tree removal etc. 0435 479 234 Websites Email Marketing Social Media Strategy Phone Sherryn of S.J.Originals for all your sewing needs. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) 0427 294 949 08 9733 3194 Urgent Information For Men And Women Over 50… There Is A 1 in 7 Chance You Will Develop This Blinding Disease If you are over 50, statistics show there is a 1 in 7 chance of you developing macula degeneration – Australia’s leading cause of blindness. This condition can be devastating and can cause you to lose your driver’s licence and your overall independence. An eye test can reveal this and other health problems like high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. Don’t become the next tragic statistic. A mobile optometrist is coming soon to Waroona to conduct eye tests. To book an eye test simply call 9721 8820 or email PS If you need new glasses, bring this notice to claim $100 off a new pair! Call 9721 8820 now! Optical Solutions Suite 6, 12-16 Vasse St South Bunbury 6230 November 2015 Page 20 Images From The Waroona Agricultural Show By Drakesbrook Despatch mobile photographer Molly Horn With NO official report from anyone regarding this year’s Show, here are my own observations from the day. First up, congratulations to the Ag. Society, it was one of the best shows I have been to and it seems to be expanding every year. I am told numbers were down on last year slightly, but when last year children were free and this year they had to pay $10 each, you would expect some difference. With three grandchildren, an adult daughter and a pensioner wife to pay for it was quite expensive. Perhaps a family ticket for $40 is something the committee could look at. It turned out to be an unusually hot day and I think the lack of shade to eat your lunch under sent many people home earlier than usual. On a positive note, the Poultry were amazing, the cake decorations and floral displays were amazing and the Children’s exhibits were great to look at. It was great to see the number of entries. The fireworks , viewed from the Waroona Bowling Club were the best I have seen. All in all a great day and I look forward to next year’s Show Mike Whitney November 2015 Page 21 In The Lions Den October was another busy month for the Lions. At the markets this month we were helped by our two young temporary helpers, Jayden Anzellino and Reegan Davis who are helping us with all of our projects in return for a donation to fund their mission to Flores and then of course there was the Waroona Show. It was a very hot day this year and as a result, the numbers were a little down but the Club did extremely well with both the sales of food and drink at Jim’s Kitchen and the usual long lines of families with kids, eager to get into the baby animal nursery which this year featured, sheep, goats, piglets, rabbits, guinea pigs, mice, rats, chicks and ferrets. A total of 24 Lions out of our 30 members worked a total of over 200 hours with preparation on the Friday, staffing the actual day and clean up on Sunday morning plus volunteers Jayden, Reegan, Kevin Kerrison and Jeanne-Marie Hawkins, so thanks to all those members and volunteers that put in all that hard work. The last event of the month was our usual involvement with the Children’s Leukemia and Cancer Foundation’s South West Bike Trek. Waroona Lions prepared lunch for the 23 riders on their way from Mandurah to Augusta and Lion Alan Lochowicz also presented the Foundation's Chairman, Geoff Cattach with a cheque for $500. Before the cyclists turned up for lunch, they joined up with kids from St Josephs Catholic Primary School, also on their bikes and went on a police chaperoned tour of the town. Shire of Waroona CEO, Ian Curley also made a presentation. Planning applications have now gone in to the Shire of Waroona for the demolition and re-build of the storage shed used for the animal nursery at the show and we now wait with baited breath for approval. Also with regards to the proposed Christmas street party, after consultation with the police, we have decided that it would be better to stage it in the space immediately in front and behind the Memorial Hall on the same area that we use for the markets. Of course, we will still need to get Shire approval for this as well but anybody wishing to get involved can contact either myself or Kevin “Obi” O’Brien on 9733 1143. The other two exciting pieces of news are, one, that we are now in possession of a brand new cooler trailer, which can be used to store all of our cold soft drinks, meats and salads, used in the markets and other events. Our sincere thanks go to the Alcoa Wagerup Refinery Sustainability Fund who allocated the money for this extremely important asset. And two, that we are in the process of putting together our own kiddie train for use in all of the various shows and events on the oval. Normally we have to hire the one owned by the Harvey Lions but thanks to Ray Bigoni who donated the tractor to us to pull the train, Spike Strobel for fitting a new gear box free of charge, Charlie Hull for purchasing carriages for us from Ross’s Auctions and Louie Martelli who is painting the tractor for us, we now have our own. It’s so gratifying when local businesses come together to support the Lions in a project that is going to benefit the whole community so a BIG THANK YOU GUYS!! We were also extremely proud this month when we won a signed Fremantle Dockers jumper in an auction. The auction was for an 11-year-old young girl called Sienna who suffers up to 40 epileptic seizures a day. She will never speak or walk and has to be lifted physically in and out of the car to be taken to her special school every day. The auction was to raise money to convert the family’s car to take a wheelchair. We bid (i.e. donated) $1000 and won. Pam and David Baird came down to our meeting from the Duncraig Lions Club to make the presentation. Finally we are still in the process of trying to launch our own Leos Club for young people aged between 12 and 18, so if you’re interested in getting involved in the local community and help people in need, contact either myself or Lisa Fry on 0415 954993 and don’t forget……… WE ARE ALSO ALWAYS LOOKING FOR NEW MEMBERS FOR THE LIONS. Contact me – John Clare on 0431 094311 or November 2015 Page 22 Waroona's Hard Working Hero's - By Bill Calcott A new series of Waroona personalties, who stand out in the crowd and have earned the right to be a Waroona Hard Working Hero! KLIM What on earth could a silly word like KLIM do with our lovely town and KLIM be a hard working hero? From 1940 onwards, KLIM was a patent name by Nestles for condensed milk, powdered milk and many other solid, concentrated milk products, sent all over the world, to become the lifesaving benchmark, for troops in every theatre of war. The condensed milk from Waroona, made right here in McLarty Street, produced in Nestles condenser, sent a lifesaving product that did not require any refrigeration or special conditions to maintain the quality out to the wildest places on earth, from the dense jungles of Borneo to the frozen waste of East Germany, in the form of 24 cans in a Red Cross box that was full of surprises! KLIM (Milk spelt backwards) was not designed to confuse the enemy, but it did! It then became the password for all manner of prisoner escape aids, especially can 18 in a pack of 24 (Three rows of 8 cans). Can 18 had a double lid, that, when opened, it looked and weighed the same as all other cans in the pack of 24. Inside the double lid was an engraved map, showing major rivers, railway lines and towns, not named, this came with another map engraved in the base of can 18, as an POPPY DAY In the lead up to Remembrance Day 2015 Members of the WaroonaHamel RSL Sub Branch will have Poppies and other merchandise available on Friday November 6th. Where: In front of Waroona IGA Time: From 9.00 AM overlay to the lid of can 18! An engraving to make banknote money, identity cards, ration cards and even passports, along with other clues to make a compass out of the lid of can 18. This subterfuge was not instigated when produced in Waroona but added by the Ministry of 'Special Effects, SOE' and adapted for each location where the Red Cross parcel would likely be sent. The KLIM contents was never discovered as if seen, it looked just like scratchings on a metal can. According to the records, the Germans or anyone else never worked out that KLIM was milk spelt backwards! If they did, so what! But to our Diggers and other prisoners of war, KLIM was the magic password! Due to the ingenuity of man, empty KLIM Condensed Milk Cans from Waroona, possibly may have become the complex part of an air exchange system used in the escape tunnels! Waroona Condensed Milk Cans, sent away from here in the Red Cross contracts, could likely have ended up in the Great Escape! The cans used then, and still in use today as seen on Supermarket shelves, were of a soft metal that could be easily cut and moulded into any required shape, for digging tools, pipes, water containers etc. Now nobody knows where these Waroona products ended up, so none of the above can be verified! However, many escape books, films and plays, often refer to these homemade tools, gadgets and contents hidden away, in an effort to return soldier prisoners back to the war effort, made all out of milk tins and other food containers. The Great Escape, Paul Brickhill, 1960 The Wooden Horse, Eric Williams, 1950 Escape to Victory, Yabo Yablonsky, 1980 Wherever canned milk, produced in Waroona during those dark days of 1940, ended up, they ALL would have given a glimpse of sunshine, fresh pasture and health building hope. This is how a can of Waroona Condensed Milk, became a HARD WORKING HERO. HELP IS REQUIRED! To keep this series going, I need your help! Who could be your Hard Working Hero, past or present? Everybody has a story and I am happy to write it for you, or you could become a guest presenter. Please call BILL CALCOTT on 0409811148 or drop me a hint by email to Staying Strong on Your Feet Welcome back to Peer Leader David, who has returned from his trip to Sri Lanka with a tale or two to tell, some interesting photos and a fresh joke to get us going. It seems that Grace also has a talent to get a laugh out of us with the odd joke so watch out David! We have had some good attendances this month and with the on-set of some warm weather, it was great to see so many remembering to bring water bottles. Well done! To those still on the mend, we hope you are back with us soon. I asked for some feedback on the benefits of participating in the ‘Strong on Your Feet’ program. The responses included – ‘I have noticed my reading has improved since doing the eye exercises;’ ‘I really notice the difference when I miss a week;’ ‘I enjoy the social aspect of exercising with others’ and ‘I can do these at home.’ One wag, (who shall remain nameless!), commented that the afternoon tea is the drawcard!! This exercise program, designed specifically for seniors, is most beneficial when done regularly at home – not just on Mondays folks! Tip of the month – for maximum benefit, try doing the eye exercises each morning when you first wake up! Please contact Jan if you will be attending the Christmas Party wind-up in Mandurah on 12th December. The program is open to all seniors and is held each Monday at 1pm in the Senior Citizens Centre at a cost of $2. For information or enrolment forms, please phone Jan on 95354749 or you can email her at Many blessings, Cheryl. November 2015 Page 23 November 2015 Page 24 Post Office Patter November 2015 Westpac Bank Customers Hello to all those Westpac customers that are now doing their deposits and withdrawls thru us. We hope that some of the original confusion about what services we can offer you have now been clarified. Just to summarise, provided you have the card for the account we can process: · Cash & Cheque Deposits · Cash Withdrawls ( to a maximum of $1000 per day or your daily limit, whichever is the lower) · Balance Enquiries · Payments to Credit cards ( are processed as a deposit to the card) IMPORTANT NOTE: Occasionally, depending on our cash reserves, we have to put a temporary limit on the amount customers can withdraw in any one day. This limit will apply to all banking customers, not just Westpac customers. We do try our best to avoid this, but sometimes circumstances arise where we need to do it. Xmas Stamp Prices Stocks of Christmas stamps have arrived, so if you are looking to get a head start on your Christmas mail, pop in and see us. They are slightly reduced as follows: Domestic Australia 65c International New Zealand $ 1.70 Asia $1.80 Rest of the World $2.55 These prices are for a standard letter size Christmas card only, up to 20 gram weight. Transaction Privacy A friendly reminder to our customers that, to ensure privacy for each customer to conduct their business, we ask that you stand back from the counter until called forward by staff. We thank everyone for their understanding with this. Time to get organised and checkout our new stock of Giftware, Toys & Books,also Reef footwear and new range of summer fashions from Ocean Earth, Lizzard & Reef Apparel. Layby Now ready for Xmas......make xmas shopping stress free! Best Practice For Addressing Mail/ Parcels As we come into the Christmas period, thought perhaps it timely to remind everyone to be very thorough when addressing Mail/Parcels. Volumes will be increasing, and delivery of incorrectly addressed items will be further delayed. Vital to ensuring correct delivery of an item are : · First & Surname of the intended recipient, ( Shaz & Wozza will not cut it, if you happen to get the address wrong) · the correct property number and street address ( Not Lot Number , AP doesnot deliver to Lot Numbers) · State, Town and Postcode .We have free postcode books available down here, or staff are happy to look it up on line for you. · your return address on the item. Rest assured we will be doing our very best to get everything delivered appropriately, and your patience and understanding will be greatly appreciated. Keep you eyes peeled for the Christmas countdown…. Cheers from your LPO Team! Surf Ha rdwa POST OFFICE SURF SHOP Hats n u S Straw Surf Hats Boar die B a th s & e rs Boat s Shoe Are you interested in Stand Up Paddle Boards? Come and chat to Jeff to see what we can offer. re November 2015 Page 25 November 2015 Page 26 GIFTED “Goosemoor” 136 Deeble Rd Sunday 22nd November 10am to 4pm Sorry No eftpos All Welcome Entry Free Gold coin donation to Cancer Research November 2015 Page 27 Quambie Park Waroona currently has one Retirement Village Unit available for lease or rent. The unit is one of the older style and, as such, is more suitable for one person rather than two. Quambie Park Waroona specialises in the provision of aged care services to older Australians living in regional Australia (with a focus on the Peel Region of WA) who want to remain living in a rural environment rather than relocating to a larger town or city. The organisation offers a continuum of services which enable people to “age in place” wherever possible. These services include: 1.-Retirement Village Living: Nestled within the community of Waroona, our Retirement Village is where country values and community care come together. Familiar faces mean no one is ever a stranger. Social and sporting clubs, shops, a swimming pool and many other facilities are easily accessible in your local community. Our Village offers a relaxed lifestyle in a secure environment with the following supports provided to make your life easier: Home Care Packages to help you to maintain independence (subsidised or fee for service). An emergency call-bell connected to our highly qualified care staff. An inbuilt fire service and security system connected to Quambie Park. Beautifully landscaped gardens maintained by our own gardening team. Regular building maintenance to ensure the value of your villa is retained. 2.-Home Care Packages: Health and personal care services are delivered on an outreach basis to assist people to live independently in their own home for as long as possible. Clients receive assistance with wound care, medications, household duties and transport. 3.-Residential Aged Care (Pam Corker House): A comprehensive residential aged care service is offered to people with high needs who no longer have the capacity to support themselves in an independent living environment. Services include allied health, nursing services and personal care services. Pam Corker House also provides for people with dementia or other mental health illness through the provision of a secure wing with dedicated specialist staff. If you are interested in more information regarding the vacant Retirement Village Unit, please contact: Nicole Gibbs - Chief Executive Officer “The Quambie Park Board of PO Box 230 Waroona WA 6215 Governance currently has two vacant M: 0499 247 299 Board positions and is now seeking T: 08 9733 1355 nominees from interested community F: 08 9733 1331 | members. Our preference is for one of the new members to have business/ financial acumen (although this is not essential). For more information please contact Nicole Gibbs (CEO) on 0499 247 299 or” November 2015 Page 28 Waroona Poultry Club is pleased to report that a record 282 entries were received for Waroona Show Poultry 2015. The Poultry Pavilion had a steady stream of visitors from the 17,000 patrons after judging was completed. Chief Judge was Daniel Osborn from Pingelly and assisted by Tas Doornbush from Harvey and both were impressed with the quality of birds shown by exhibitors. Results are as follows: Donor-Mike & Lynda LeRoy-Feature Bird of the Show-Geese-AOV Large Water Fowl Drake Brendon Baker Shire of Waroona Champion Bird of the Show - Class 211-Ruen Duck - Bill Baljieu - Sash Waroona Ag Society Most points in Poultry Sash & Trophy - Reece Jerrett Mundijong John Marchetti - Pair of Soft Feather Heavy Breed - Rebecca Price Serpentine Waroona Vet Services - Pair Soft Feather Light Breed Silver Lace Wynadotte - Chookyard Farmer Ken Waroona John Marchetti - Pair Moderns James Hughes Mike & Lynda Leroy - Pair Hard Feather Game Large - James Hughes Anitone - Pair Hard Feather Game Bantam - James Hughes Huckleberrys Tank & Water Service Pair Soft Feather Heavy Breed Bantam - Rebecca Price Serpentine Waroona Home Timber & Hardware Pair Soft Feather Light Breed Bantam (Blue Leghorn) - Chookyard Farmer Ken Waroona Waroona Poultry Club - Pair Water Fowl - Bill Baljieu Harvey Poultry Club Best Boy Exhibit - Jaiden Brindley Harvey Poultry Club-Best Girl Exhbit Aleesha Price Serpentine Laurie Snell - Best Soft Feather Heavy Breed - Bill Baljieu Aintone-Best Soft Feather Light Breed - Reece Jerrett Mundijong Ali Birch - Best Hard Feather Large James Hughes Ken Landwehr - Best Hard Feather Bantam - James Hughes Rona & Paula Manns - Best Modern James Hughes WAROONA POULTRY CLUB Anitone - Best Soft FeatherHeavy Breed Bantam - Angela Brindley Steve Capagreco - Best Soft Feather Light Breed Bantam - Reece Jerrett Mundijong Mike & Lynda Leroy - Best Water Fowl - Bill Baljieu Kellie Derosa/South West Pet Services - Best Back Yard Breed Jane McLements All Junior Trophy and class winners received a Chook Medal to go with their trophy as an encouragement award as they are the future of the poultry section in future years at the Show. Waroona Poultry Club sincerely thanks all trophy donors and Waroona Agricultural Society for their continued support. All birds were fed and well-watered on a hot day in more ways than one (Competition and weather) including the four birds accidentally left behind. One exhibitor from Collie had a Sunday drive to collect her silver pencil Wyandotte and blue pencil Wyandotte bantams who enjoyed their overnight stay in poultry pavilion and her two quiet birds took it in their stride. Waroona Poultry Club is looking for new members to share the workload of running a poultry club and sharing information about poultry which is beneficial to all concerned. Contact Laurie Snell (0419 044 085President, Mavis Dilley(0438 558 827)-Committee, Ken Landwehr ( 0409 680 456)-Sec Treasurer A New committee was elected at the Annual General Meeting in mid-July and is looking forward to the final event in 2015 a Christmas BBQ at the end of November at Drakesbrook Weir which will be combined with Harvey Poultry Club as per tradition. Contact Committee members for further details if you are interested in attending. Finally a giant thankyou to Chief Ste ward John Kennington from Stakehill who completed a mammoth task of sorting out Pen allocations prior to the show with a record number of entries and just enough pens to house the Poultry and Waterfowl and assisted by Laurie, Mavis and Ken. Another thank you to Stewards who helped on the day as well. Waroona Agricultural Society Poultry Club was proud to be part of the 85th Annual Waroona Show and is looking forward to next year. WAROONA CREATIVE ARTS CENTRE (corner of Eastcott Street and Henning Street) Open Day Saturday 14th November 9:30 - 2:00 $5 entry includes morning tea or gold coin entry only. Raffle, Crafts & Stalls • • • • Tupperware • Postie Fashion Lorraine Lea Linen • Scentsy Lena’s Kitchen • Anne’s Embroidery DoTerra Essential Oils November 2015 Page 29 The Chookyard Farmer October has been an extremely busy and rewarding month at Chookyard Hotel with Waroona Show being the highlight. In my first ever Waroona Show as a poultry exhibitor after involvement for 37 years to achieve 11 first prizes, 2 second prizes plus two trophies and two rozettes for champions in their class is simply amazing. The only two birds that missed out were Ruby a Rhode Island Red and Bluebelle a Blue Australorpe who were still a winner in our eyes. Winning the Waroona Hardware trophy who are great supporters of the local community for a pair of Soft Feather Light Breed Bantam was a bonus and it helps their breeding record after being a recent addition to the flock from Reece Jerrett from Mundijong. Even more special was winning the Waroona Vet Services for a Pair of Soft Feather Light Breed was a Silver Laced Wynadotte pair raised from two day old chicks courtesy of Rebecca Nelson of Serpentine when a broody failed to hatch any eggs. Her other two pullets won first and second in their class to make it four from four and it is not all milk and honey when one of those young girls was sold at the Harvey Poultry Club Auction last Sunday. Certainly the overcast and cooler weather for the past two days has been a welcome relief for the Brooder Bantam Hens Collie Black and Red Brindle. On Waroona Show morning Red Brindle successfully hatched seven out of eight fertile eggs mainly Gold Laced Wynadotte variety and a week earlier Collie Black hatched five out of seven eggs mainly Arauncana and even a Gold Laced Wynadotte Bantam Chick. Exciting times but always conscious of reducing numbers and sold five unsexed chicks raised by Mandy a Silver Laced Wynadotte young Hen for the paltry sum of $15 because over half appeared to be young males especially after feeding them for eight weeks and the original cost for two and five day old chicks was $70 to reward a Mum for 21 days hard labour but you don’t have to be a Rhodes Scholar to do the sums. Expecting another 10 eggs under “One Amigo” to be hatched over the weekend and another two Sparkle a Blue Australorpe and Mandy again decided they were clucky and in need of some fertile eggs so fingers crossed the 8th November is “H” Day. Mandy was particularly interesting as her chicks were ready to be sold and only kept a beautiful Coronation Sussex named “Lady Di” who now sleeps alongside Mum in the nesting box whilst setting the next batch of eggs. A word of warning let the Brooder Hens do their job and the less you disturb them the more chance you have of successfully hatching your next batch of chicks .A sad moment this week was when I sold Wally my Resident Arauncana Rooster and his lady Joan is lonely but he has gone to a good home to a farm in Pinjarra and to take care of five young lavender hens in the process. This is all part of the revolving door at Chookyard Hotel. Always some maintenance is required and with summer just around the corner managed to score some heavy duty pipes at Mundijong Markets yesterday with base and Top Plates for Just $5 and hopefully can adapt to be a successful Shade House for the Hotel Residents. Pleased to report received a second prize for Eggs Any Other Variety against stiff opposition and trying my luck again at the Brunswick Show tomorrow. Lacey my Gold Laced Wynadotte Bantam Hen registered her third straight win at Waroona and it will be interesting to see how she fares at Brunswick amongst the heavyweights. Also pleased to report a sale to a fellow breeder Alan hatched eight healthy chicks out of eight with another three pending. Bantams have a beautiful nature, are easy to handle and have a habit of going clucky at the drop of a hat. I cannot wait till March 20th 2016 when Waroona Poultry Club has its next Written Auction and also hope to sell some young pullets privately prior whilst maintaining quality heritage stock. Yesterday I collected four eggs from the Wood Shed again yesterday and free range poultry love laying eggs in luxury and not being disturbed. When Chickens Adopt Do you have any eggs from Free Range Parents? The only disaster in the past month has been Goldie a Brahma Creole Hen raised from a fertile egg is when she ate 10 fertile eggs whilst sitting. To assist transition I placed six day old chicks under hen but she killed two chicks outright and another died 14 hours later so my family room has because a safe haven for raising a tough trio of two speckled Sussex chicks and a silver laced Wynadotte chick. The Resident Cats Boots and Leo have observed the new household friends and Boots insisted on a rub whilst treating a chick with paw paw ointment as it had two injuries left from her attack. Consequently Goldie was a reluctant sale at the Poultry Club auction and hopefully she settles down and just lays eggs for the new owner. Have been busy all week preparing the birds for their second show in two weeks and they all seemed more relaxed this time around. Use a mixture of paw paw ointment and Vaseline to keep their legs nice and shiny and fresh looking. Particularly with Wynadotte Breeds as the judges look for the yellow healthy legs as part of the judging process and part of their diet of crushed maize also helps that process. My new shed “The Kent Ensuite” has been put to good use with the broody “One Amigo being separated by a Useful Bed Frame and the newest couple “Jake The Bantam Rooster and his hen “Miss Cardinal” a rare blue leghorn being housed there apart from free range time. Every day Solo my young Arauncana Hen and Sapphire a Polish Hen fly the coop but hang around Chookyard Hotel and the house and enjoy company when I let other birds free range with hen. Must confess I have found straw hay the best for bedding after trying open meadow hay, but all chickens love scratching for the grass seeds when spread out on the ground. I have found myself cooking on the barbecue as spring weather has warmed up and even tried putting coals and ash on the ground as a possible treatment to keep lice away in conjunction with white earth powder. Happy the Girls at Nos 13 put an article in last month’s edition and just for the record Nos 13 was always my basketball singlet number and still remains my lucky number. So ladies don’t stop typing any chicken news. Congratulations to Editor Mike for his chicken cartoons or sketches which enhances the articles for readers to enjoy. Time to start whipper snipping, mowing the lawn before I start the final preparation for Chookyard Hotel for the last official outing in 2015 at the Brunswick Show. Wish us luck.- Chookyard Farmer Ken November 2015 Page 30 THE GIRLS AT NUMBER 13 Here we are again with all our news. Hilda, our white Pekin, has been quite a pain lately! Dad says she has gone broody. Well, talk about hogging the laying boxes! You can’t get your bottom in edge wise with this one. Anyway, Hetty, our Bantam sister took matters into her own hands and plonked herself on top of Hilda. After some scuffling, Hetty gave Hilda a good dosing of her detritus right on her head! Now Hilda sports a very unusual feather do! The other day, Harriet, our New Hampshire sister, decided to mastermind “The Great Escape!’ She got to work digging furiously, and then called in the cavalry to assist. Hyacinth our big Black Australorp sister, came to the rescue, and between the two of them, they had a deep hold dug. The rest of us stood by and watched with amazement at their progress. We could only see the heads of Harriet and Hyacinth busy at work. They found some buried treasure, like a sunken pipe, some rusty bottle tops and old chicken bones! Of course, Dad arrived unannounced, and said “What is going on here?” Dad got the rake and promptly filled their hole in! That put paid to our escape plans! What a spoil sport he is! The Maids of Ancona, Hester and Hillary, told Dad off this week. He was collecting our eggs, and they told him in no uncertain terms to buzz off! After all, the eggs weren’t doing any harm where they were. The ticket system for the laying boxes is working well. However if anyone wants to break ranks and drop a quickie, there is always the hay covered floor. Hannah our Croad Langshan sister gets desperate sometimes and resorts to this method! It works quite efficiently too! On the subject of Hannah, we think she is having an affair! Don’t tell anyone, she won’t speak to us! A regular visitor named Zac, a Maltese Shih Tzu comes to our place. He stands on one side of the gate with Hannah on the other! What they are whispering about, we can’t tell. Hildegaard did make discreet enquiries, but Hannah is tight lipped. Still, we can understand that not everyone wants their love life splattered across the tabloids. Hatty, our Cochin/Araucana has been doing some very tricky acrobatic displays on our monkey bar. Lifting a leg, she then unfolds a wing and then turns herself around on one leg. The same procedure is done on the other leg. Dad has been approached by Cirque du Soleil to place Hatty in their circus! For afternoon tea, Dad gives us sunflower seeds, kale and some weeks. He told us that cos lettuce have been planted for us to have later on. About time too, instead of revving up his hot-rod and making a hell of a racket. You would think that he would look to our needs first. He must be going through second childhood. Sun baking has been a favourite pastime these warmer days, along with covering ourselves with sand. Hetty’s pool has been popular, named after Hetty who decided to develop the pool to splash around in. When we are busy doing our jobbies, we hang up a sign saying ‘Do not disturb!’ If Dad comes into the hen house, we give him a very disdainful look. He gets the picture real quick, and leaves us alone. We like our privacy to be respected. Last Sunday, Dad was late with our breakfast! It was after 8 o’clock when he arrived, looking like something the cat had dragged in! He explained that it was the Waroona Show the day before, and it had been a busy day. We weren’t too pleased about that! Why couldn’t we have gone? We wanted to go on that new ride called Tumbler. News gets around real fast in the Waroona Poultry world, we can tell you that! Well we hope all our other interested hen readers are having great success this spring before we head into summer. New chicks are being hatched in many yards and incubators as you read this article hot from the press! Egg laying is an art and must be appreciated to be understood. So until next month, it’s “over and out” from the Girls at Number 13 YOUR LOCAL CARPET CLEANER FLOOR CARE PHONE GLENDA OR PETER 0408 901 322 or 9729 2150 YES WE CLEAN CARPETS, TILE & GROUT, STRIP AND SEAL VINYL PLANKING & SLATE LOUNGE SUITES PLUS..PLUS..PLUS................. PLUS November 2015 Page 31 COMPUTER TRAINING! WEDNESDAYS 10am to 12.30pm WAROONA COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTRE 10 HENNING ST, WAROONA 9733 3011 TO BOOK! Come and learn about the benefits of using Essential oils and how they will change the way you take care of your family. Each month we hold workshops covering topics such as: *Keeping you and your family healthy *Makeover your medicine cabinet *Immune system support *Natural solutions to common ailments and so much more! Follow us on FacebookLet nature take over to RSVP to upcoming events or contact: Amber - 0437 510 766 or Emma - 0416 769 246. Join Jonathon, our Computer Tech with over 25 years industry experience for three training sessions! Training Sessions can be completed as stand alone, or do all 3! Open to all community members Limited to 6 places per session! SESSION ONE: NAVIGATING WINDOWS WED 21 OCTOBER SESSION TWO: BASIC WORD WED 4 NOVEMBER SESSION THREE: IPAD/IMAC/IPHONE WED 18 NOVEMBER GOLD COIN DONATION November 2015 Page 32 WAROONA SUB CENTRE NEWS and see Carol. We have first aid kits for ALL occasions, including one especially for your pet. YARN BOMBING HAVE YOU SEEN THEM YET? WAROONA SHOW Waroona St John Ambulance would like to thank everyone for their support at the Waroona Show. We had two First Aid posts this year and both were kept very busy throughout the day treating all sorts of injuries, fortunately mostly minor ones. Our main site was very popular with both adults and children, with balloons, show bags, stickers and First Aid kits available. If you would like a First Aid kit to give as a Christmas present, please call at the Waroona Sub Centre on Tuesdays or Thursdays between 9am and 3pm Tea Cosies crafted by very cleaver people in the Waroona Shire. There are lots and lots of them and they will be sold during November to raise funds for Waroona St John Ambulance. To see all these incredible tea cosies visit the Waroona Visitor Centre. You might even find an ambulance or two. WE NEED YOU! The Waroona Sub Centre needs more Volunteer Ambulance Officers. If you have some spare time, and would like to help the local community, why not enquire about becoming a Volunteer Ambulance Officer at the Waroona Sub Centre. We would love you to join our team, and training and support is provided every step of the way.Give our Chairperson Mike a call on 0439 953 016. He’ll give you some information on what is involved, or he can meet you at the Sub Centre for a coffee, a friendly chat and a look over our building and equipment, including our ambulances, or you can drop in and see Carol at the Sub Centre on Tuesdays or Thursdays between 9am and 3pm. We’re located in Henning Street, Waroona. DON’T FORGET TO CHECK OUT THE TEA COSIES AT THE WAROONA VISITOR CENTRE. Waroona Visitors Centre & Gallery News FOR THE KIDS EXHIBITION NOW ON Over 30 artists and artisans from Waroona, Yarloop and Coolup are exhibiting in the month long, 2015 Sea to ART Exhibition on now at the Waroona Visitor Centre Gallery. Viewing this wonderful and eclectic collection of works is a must and you also get to vote in the People’s Choice Award.During the exhibition we are raising awareness and funds for St John Ambulance so take the opportunity to show your support for these local heroes with a gold coin donation and by supporting the Lucky Numbers draw. YARN BOMBS AWAY! A new dimension this year is the addition of yarn bombing in and around the Gallery and at various spots along South West Highway. Yarn bombing is a form of street art that employs colourful displays of knitted or crocheted yarn and it brings with it a sense of fun for all ages. GET COSY A collection of tea cosies, weird, wonderful, quaint and cute, will be on show in Cosy Cottage in the Gallery. They’ve all been lovingly handcrafted to raise money for St John Ambulance. What a great idea for Christmas gifts! Kids love art and they love craft so bring them along to see the exhibition and to check out the garden display with its yarn flowers, animals and insects. While they’re here they can play Spot It. On the weekends of 7-8, 1415 and 21-22 during November they can create something yarny on the craft table. make sure you spread the word!! Bring all your friends from out of town as well – they’ll love seeing you and exhibition and yarn bombing will be a bonus! Sea to ART is a Sea to Scarp Summer Event supported by Waroona Visitor Centre, Shire of Waroona and Alcoa Australia. 37 South West Highway, Waroona, 9:30am – 3:30pm daily. Phone 9733 1506 DON'T MISS IT ... you'll regret COMMUNITY MORNING TEA Our community and seniors’ morning tea will be even more special this year as it will be held on Remembrance Day, Wednesday 11th November from 10:30am. This is a catered event so please register your interest. We would welcome any gold coin donations again with proceeds going to St John Ambulance. CROCHETED POPPIES Coral’s Charity Knitters have been very generous and provided us with a basket of beautifully crocheted poppy brooches that will look great on your hat or shirt – a bargain at $2 each with proceeds to the RSL. FIND US ON FACEBOOK Check out the Waroona Visitor Centre & Gallery page and the Yarn Bomb Waroona page. WHO, WHERE, WHEN Sea to ART Exhibition and Yarn Bomb Waroona are brought to you by Waroona Visitor Centre and a large team of dedicated and tireless volunteers so make sure you come along to check out their efforts and Waroona Girl Guides News MISSION STATEMENT Empowering girls and young women to grow into: Confident, Self-Respecting, Responsible Community Members. Thanks to the public who purchased Girl Guide Biscuits at our recent street stall at IGA. We sold all out stock and only have a small quantity of biscuits still available.These will be sold on Sunday at the Waroona Markets at the Honey stall. If you want biscuits, call at the guide hall on Monday afternoon, 4pm to 5.30pm. We are all looking forward to our sleepover at the guide hall later this month.Have a look around town and see if you can find the "Yarn Bombing" project that the guides have put together. A lot of "fun and Learning" went into our contribution to this project. November 2015 Page 33 Waroona Football Club News Waroona Football Club has advertised for expressions of interest for all grades for season 2016.League Reserves and Colts. It ran adverts for two weeks in both Saturdays West Australian and the South West Times. Closing date was last Friday 23rd October 2015. Hopefully the appointments will be made public in time for next month’s Despatch December edition. Would all members and supporters please note the Annual General Meeting has been scheduled for Thursday 3rd December in the Demon Social Hall for 7.00pm start. The club needs more non playing members on the Committee to share the workload particularly on match days. Just a reminder in season 2015 finished as follows; League –Runners Up (Loss 19 points) Reserves-finished fourth losing the first semi final to Halls Head eventual premiers. Colts –finished 3rd after completing the qualifying season as minor premiers just losing four games. Halls Head after losing the second semi final to South Mandurah defeated Waroona in the Preliminary Final and then reversed results in the Grand Final. Too true it is never over till the fat lady sings. Go Dynamic Demons in 2016 and continue the new decade in the same vein as you completed the last ten years. A proud record for the smallest club in the Alcoa Peel Football League. Forward Pocket 4 tonne excavator, bobcat, 8 tonne hiab truck WAROONA PHOTOGRAPHICS Professional Services at realistic prices All types of photographic work undertaken, Insurance photographic records of fine art, jewellery and antiques, large format printing and copying, framing, studio portraits, Restoration on most photographs Call me for an obligation free quote. 0468 409 386 50 South West Highway Waroona Soak wells, stump removal, trenching, driveways, block clearing, and more Call today for a quote Steve 0428 770 256 email; Waroona and Surrounding areas Shire of Waroona Kindly invite all volunteers to Thank a Volunteer Day Breakfast When: Saturday 5th December 2015 Where: Waroona Football Club Time: 8am To assist with the catering please indicate your attendance by Friday 27th November RSVP: 97337814; email; Shire Office 52 Hesse St; PO Box 20 WAROONA WA 6215 VOLUNTEERS ARE PRICELESS November 2015 Page 34 Title: Boosting biological control Rabbit populations are on the rise and so are the requests for control advice. This article will look at what is happening at a national scale to reduce rabbit populations with the upcoming release of a new variant of calicivirus (also known as rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus, or RHDV) and what options exist for immediate control. Boosting biological control of rabbits. A naturally occurring variant of the calicivirus found in Korea (called RHDV K5) has been identified for release in Australia. RHDV K5 is a variant of the existing strain already widespread across the country and should be more effective in cool, wet regions as it overcomes a benign calicivirus strain, which protects rabbits from the virulent strain. The release of RHDV K5 will complement the existing biological controls; myxoma virus (MV, causing ‘Myxomatosis’) released in 1950 and the Czech strain of calicivirus (RHDV) released circa 1995, which currently keep rabbits at a fraction of their potential population. While RHDV K5 will not kill every last rabbit, it will be another tool to help manage rabbit populations. The RHDV K5 release is pending APVMA approval; however approval is anticipated for later this year (2015/16) with the release of the virus expected in autumn 2016 or 2017. Timing the release of the virus into existing rabbit populations is critical. Rabbits <12 weeks of age carry varying levels of resistance to RHDV, so the virus should not be released in spring or summer when there are high numbers of young rabbits and pregnant does. Follow up control using conventional methods (baiting, warren ripping, harbour destruction and fumigation of burrows) is critical 2-4 weeks after release to achieve maximum results. Land owners (public and private) are encouraged to register their interest in becoming a RHDV K5 release site via the PestSmart website ( Community assistance with the spread and monitoring of RHDV K5 will help ensure that the virus reaches as many rabbit populations as possible, optimising knockdown. For more comprehensive information about RHDV K5 and how to get involved please visit If you do not have internet access, call 1800 084 881 and we can send you the relevant information. Current control options: The best form of control is to act when rabbit populations are low, as it doesn’t take long before rabbits start to cause damage and develop extensive warrens under sheds, verandas, homes and wood piles. Aim to eliminate the rabbits (trap, poison, fumigate), prevent them from entering an area (fencing) and limit damage (harbourage modification, tree guards, repellents). Comprehensive information about rabbit control is available on our website (, search ‘rabbit’ in the search bar to find the relevant pages. ‘Rabbit control in urban and semi-urban areas’ is the best webpage for non-farming properties. If you do not have internet access, call 1800 084 881 and we can send you the relevant information. Plant Grass Supply & Installation of Artificial Grass For a free quote call 0413 056 398 See it on display at Waroona Home Timber & Hardware SEA 2 SCARP Air Conditioning & Refrigeration New Installations, Services & Repairs Get your Air Conditioner serviced before summer arrives at an early bird price, Pensioner discount. Have the Tradie you talk to carry out the job. Not an Apprentice. Call Jamie 9733 3195 Or 0420 821 138 SERVICING THE WAROONA DISTRICT DOMESTIC AND COMMERCIAL SERVICE FREE QUOTES FULLY INSURED PENSIONER DISCOUNTS CONTACT: TROY 0417 175 049 9537 8180 Phil Blampied Carpentry, Joinery Property Maintenance Repairs & Handyman Services. Mob: 0432 926 930 WAROONA COLORBOND FENCING AND GATES DECORATIVE FENCING & INFILLS POOL AND SECURITY FENCING PATIOS,SHEDS AND CARPORTS CALL FOR FREE MEASURE AND QUOTE PAUL 0417 918 205 November 2015 Page 35 CLINT OWNER/OPERATOR DELANEY ABN: 77 522028 652 Your State Member for South West Region Mandurah. Unit 2, 30 Spinnaker Quays, Mandurah WA 6210 Metal Roofing Specialist New Roofs/Re-Roofs Re-Gutters/Gutter Cleans ph. 1800 664 080 (free call) 20 Years Experience Whirly Birds Competive Prices LONGLIFE ALUMINIUM NO MORE CLEANING GUTTERS PREVENTS BLOCKED GUTTERS & DOWNPIPES C.S.I.R.O. FIRE RATING OF ZERO PREVENTS EAVE & CEILING DAMAGE 0400 605 992 Happy Tails DOG WASH AND GROOMING Phone Tammy for an appointment 0403 503 143 NEW OPEN HOURS Tuesday to -Thursday 9am - 3pm Closed Fri Sat, Sun & Mon. Mini Bulk Mulch WA Horticultural Services ALL SIZE LOADS QUALITY SOIL & MULCH SUPPLIES LANDSCAPE SERVICES VERTI-MOWING Mini Soil Deliveries (WAROONA TOWNSHIP ONLY) $200 Choose Pine Bark Mine, Mushroom Compost or Vegie /Garden Mix. Other Bulk loads available. Realistic Prices, Quality Work 20 Years Experience We are located 8km or 10 min drive West along Coronation Road, Waroona Call Julie: 0417 094 826 or 9733 2292 WOODBURY PLUMBING GF 8462 PHONE RYAN PL7042 0419 711 979 Email: WHEN PROFESSIONAL ADVICE MATTERS • SEWER CONVERSIONS * HOT WATER UNITS * GAS INSTALLATION * FRIDGE WATER * BURST PIPES * BLOCKED DRAINS * DISHWASHERS * BATHROOM RENOVATIONS * KITCHEN RENOVATIONS * LEAKING TAPS * SOLAR INSTALLATION * RETIC CUT INS * GENERAL PLUMBING MAINTENANCE * DRAIN CAMERA & LOCATING AVAILABLE Contact your Professional Plumber No Job too Small in your local area! November 2015 Page 36 November 2015 Page 37 Waroona Workshop: Wednesday 18th November 2015 9am - 3pm Venue TBA Waroona Contact: Tori Community Development Officer 9733 7614 November 2015 Page 38 November 2015 Page 39 THE BOWLING CLUB BULLETIN Well the new Pennants season is underway and sad to say the first games of the Tuesday League didn't go our way. Pinjarra beat the Ladies Second division teams by 69 to 48 although Annette Hunter's team narrowly won their game by two points. The Men's Third division team didn't fair much better against Halls Head, losing by 10, 61 to 51, although Dennis Tyler's team won by one and Mike Whitney's team only lost by 4. Both the Ladies team and the Men's team are 6th on their ladders after week one. But if we thought that Tuesday was tough, the Men's Third Division Saturday League game was even more demanding and Mandurah hammered us 101 to 72 with all teams getting comprehensively beaten except Mark Hiller's team who managed a draw. That leaves us bottom of the table after the first week. Not a great start to the season but as the D.Ream song says…….Things can only get better!! On a brighter note, the club hosted another darts tournament on Saturday 17th October. Ten teams of four played and it was a great weekend. The victors were a local team consisting of Eric Green, Mike Hull and Phil and Jan Baisley who beat another local team led by Brad Angelino with the Collie team coming third. Once again, our volunteer bar staff did a fantastic job on what was an extremely busy night and the darts players had nothing but praise for the excellent service that they received from both the bar and the kitchen volunteers. Community Bowls has been running for four weeks now with one team clearly on top, as they are the only team that have won all four of their games and that team is The Professionals Real Estate. Well done Ladies and Gents. Unfortunately there have been far too many forfeited games so far this year with teams just not turning up or dropping out completely. This is somewhat disappointing; as it takes away from the great atmosphere a bit that we had last year. Scroungers on Thursday afternoons seems to have grown in popularity however, with a few new faces turning up to add to the usual suspects. If you want to have a go at playing bowls and have never played before, this is the place to start. It's where I started and we have plenty of bowls that you can borrow if you haven't got your own. It's at 2.30 on Thursday afternoons and the regular members will give you plenty of encouragement and coaching. Then afterwards, you can have fun in the bar with the camaraderie and tall stories from some of the characters in the photos below! Finally, Happy Birthday to our members celebrating birthdays in November…..IRENE FRENCH (3rd), ROBERT FIORE (6th), ELLA DWYER (10th), LENA ANZELLINO (10th), DARYL ROBINSON (11th), SHARYEE HAYES (12th), JOHN McCALL (17th), KATE GALLOP (20th), RHYS NEWMAN (22nd), KEN BAWDEN (23rd), MARK HILLER (26th), JUNE MAUGHAN (28th), GERRY MORTIMER (30th). You'll be receiving your free meal vouchers in the mail soon. November 2015 Page 40 Discover alcoa TO E E There’s a lot to discover at alcoa UR R S! F Alcoa offers free tours of our bauxite mines, alumina refineries and ports Alcoa at work: Visit Wagerup Alumina Refinery and Willowdale Bauxite Mine Visit Pinjara Alumina Refinery and Huntly Bauxite Mine. Tailor Made Tours: Talk to us about a tour to meet your needs Contact us to book your seat on a tour and discover Alcoa for yourself! Alcoa Discovery Centre T: 08 9530 2400 E: We are located at the Pinjarra Heritage Train Station, Ammel Lane Pinjarra. Open Monday - Friday Advancing each generation eel odiatry linic Podiatrists Hung Quan and Kaye Drury are now consulting at Pam Corker House every 2nd Tues. from 1pm – 4.30pm. To make an appointment, please call Peel Podiatry Clinic on: 9586 3046
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