May, 2014 - Drakesbrook Despatch
May, 2014 - Drakesbrook Despatch
MAY 2014 Page 1 Drakesbrook Despatch A volunteer monthly newsletter for the residents of Waroona, Preston Beach, Lake Clifton, Hamel, Coolup & Yarloop. MAY 2014 COMING UP IN WAROONA Sunday May 4th St Anne’s Fete, Harvey 9.30- 3pm Monday May 5th Silver Threads, Band Concert in memorial Hall Friday May 9th Cuppa for Cancer fundraiser Waroona Creative Arts Centre from 9.30am till noon. Saturday,May 10th Issue 53 CUPPA FOR CANCER The Waroona Creative Arts Centre will be holding their Morning Tea on Friday, May 9th from 9.30 - 12.00 Defensive Driver Training Details inside Saturday May 17th Waroona Showgrounds, 12 noon See details inside Monday May 26th Casino Outing $15 Booking 9733 1892 Next issue Friday May 30th Deadline Friday May 23rd 2014 For Advertising & Copy 9733 2183 74 South West Highway (PO Box 215, Waroona, 6215) Office open Fridays 10:30 to 11:30 Or by appointment. There will be the usual delicious spread as well as a continuous raffle, big raffle, door prize and hand made gifts for sale. Entry $5 All proceeds going to the Cancer Appeal We invite all our guests, local and visiting, to join us and make the morning our usual success. alcoa . . . proud supporters of the drakesbrook despatch COMMUNITY CALENDAR Regular Meetings 1st Waroona Girl Guides Mondays 4pm Scout Guide Hall, Fouracre Street (Excluding public holidays.) Agricultural Society 3rd Thursday—Alison Birch 9733 1092 Central Districts Axemen’s Assoc. Linda Miller 9733 2098 Community Car Waroona Resource Centre - 9733 2545 Coolup CWA 2nd Monday Coolup Craft Group Wednesdays CWA Room, Coolup 9530 3258 Coolup LCDC (Landcare) 1st Monday of the month Kim Wilson 9733 2628 Coolup Progress Association 1st Thursday of each month 10 am Coolup Hall Bev Alexander 0407 381 281 Dam Spinners Fortnightly CWA Rooms, Yarloop Joy Jackson 9733 1810 FRAGYLE (Preston Beach Hall) 3rd Saturday Monthly Hilary Wheater 9733 1219 Lake Clifton/Herron Progress & Sporting Association Meetings every 2nd month on the 3rd Monday Contact: Jenny Rose 0428 343 028 Lake Clifton Landcare Contact: Nancy Fardin 9739 1154 Nulsen Haven nd 2 Wednesday – Jan Wood 9733 3701 Preston Beach Progress Assoc. Quarterly Meeting, phone 9739 2090 for details. Really Really Free Markets Every 3rd Saturday Memorial Hall Senior Citizens Welfare Last Wednesday - Jan Wood 9733 3701. Hall Hire: Shire Office 9733 7800 South Mandurah Al-Anon Group Evary Monday at 10am Uniting Church, 2 Reees Place, Wannanup St John Amubulance 3rd Monday 7:30pm - Carol Racco 9733 2122 Tai Chi—Pisconeri Hts Park Thursday, 10 am – Del Leahy 9733 1201 Wagerup Community Consultative Network For information contact Tom Busher at Alcoa on 9733 8768 Waroona Arts and Crafts Centre Bi monthly, 1st Monday 11:30am - 9733 3086 Waroona Historical Society 3rd Thurs 4:00pm Debra Tyler 041 7 70 5 966 Waroona Lions 2nd & 4th Monday—Grant Hewett 0417 919 777 Waroona Lions Farmers Market Contact Pauline Boreham 0415 565 813 Waroona Hamel R&SL 1st Mon in Feb(AGM), May, Aug & Nov Frank Wood 9733 1371 Waroona Pensioner’s Social Club 1st Wednesday—Dot Hansen 9733 1892 Waroona State Emergency Service Training every Wednesday. 9733 1477 MAY 2014 Page 2 ST MARK’S ANGLICAN CHURCH WAROONA Normal Services are held on the 1st, 2nd & 3rd Sunday of each month at 9:00am and on the 4th Sun. at 10:30am. EMERGENCY NUMBERS ( Police 9733 7400 ( Fire Brigade 000 (Ambulance 000 ( State Emergency Service 000 ( Waroona Taxi 9733 1481 ( Water Corp (faults) 13 13 75 ( Western Power (faults) 13 13 51 Rev Julie Baker Pinjarra 9531 1248 WAROONA CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP - AOG Services 10am Sundays ( at the Senior Citizens Centre, Millar St.) We are a local church in our community. We have mid-week small groups, great worship, children's ministry, Bible based teaching and prayer for the sick. You are welcome to attend. Info: Ps Stephen Griffiths 9593 6717 MANDURAH - WAROONA BUS Thurs. 8th & 22nd May at 9:00am from the Waroona Hotel, South West Highway Mandurah Bus Charters 9581 6555 TransWA FOR TRAIN TIMES AND BOOKINGS 1300 662 205 WAROONA CATHOLIC CHURCH BOOK YOUR TICKET ONLINE OR VISIT LOCAL AGENT AT AUNTY JACK’S VIDEO Waroona/Yarloop Mass Times: Waroona: Sundays at 8.30am Yarloop: Second and Fourth Saturday of the Month at 6pm. Parish Priest: Father Jay Johnson Ph: 9733 1225 Email: UNITING CHURCH Thatcher Street, Waroona Worship Services & Sunday School Each Sunday at 9:30am A warm welcome is extended to all. Elders: Rob & Charlotte Bruce Phone: 9733 1018 Minister Robbie Jetta 0478 243 765 WELL OF LIVING WATER Meetings at 7 Butler Retreat Waroona 7 pm every 2nd Friday Needed, prayer Warriors for our Nation from 2 Chronicles 7v14 All welcome supper after. THE SALVATION ARMY Family Worship With The Salvos Services every second Sunday, May 11th& 25th @ 10am Meeting at Waroona Community Resource Centre 10 Henning Street, Waroona EVERYONE WELCOME Contact: Shirley - 9733 1842 Sub Centre Opening Times Tues & Thurs 9:00am - 1:30pm Phone: 9733 2122 EMERGENCY: 000 SHIRE OF WAROONA NOTICE OF MEETINGS 2014 The Council of the Shire of Waroona will hold its Ordinary Council meetings on the following dates during 2014, 27 May, 24 June, 22 July, 26 August, 23 September, 28 October, 25 November December (To be advised) Meetings will be held at the Waroona Shire Council Chambers, rear of 52 Hesse Street, Waroona commencing at 4.00pm. Members of the public are welcome to attend. IAN CURLEY CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER MAY 2014 Page 3 INTRODUCING...... M: 0400 751 614 E: W: EE RS! R F U TO Discover alcoa There’s a lot to discover at alcoa *Agronomic Services - Soil, Plant and Feed Testing *Water Testing and Management Potable, Waste and Recreational Waters *Rangeland Management - Condition Monitoring, Rehabilitation and Conservation Projects *Business Auditing, Strategic Planning and Marketing - New and Existing Businesses *Facilitation and Youth Training Environmental, Personal Development and Training for Farm and Station Employment. Alcoa offers free tours of our bauxite mines, alumina refineries and ports Alcoa at work: Visit Wagerup Alumina Refinery and Willowdale Bauxite Mine Visit Pinjara Alumina Refinery and Huntly Bauxite Mine Tailor Made Tours: Talk to us about a tour to meet your needs Contact us to book your seat on a tour and discover Alcoa for yourself! Alcoa Discovery Centre T: 08 9530 2400 E: We are located at the Pinjarra Heritage Train Station, Ammel Lane Pinjarra Open Monday - Friday Advancing each generation FRIDAY SKIMPY NIGHT 4 - 8PM SUNDAY ROAST $12 DINING ROOM OPEN 7 DAYS 12 - 2.30PM 6 - 8.30PM $10 Take-Aways Wed, Thurs & Friday NIGHTS Call for orders and options , OPENING TIMES Monday - Sunday 11am - Late Saturday 10am - Late DRIVE THRU BOTTLESHOP, TAB, RESTAURANT, ACCOMMODATION Happy Mothers Day From Everyone at ‘The Old Pub’ Please book early for your Mothers Day Tables MAY 2014 Page 4 WDHS CHAPLAINCY BAROMETER $12,000 NO UPDATE THIS MONTH MORE NEWS SENIOR CITIZENS Hello everyone. I hope that you all had a lovely Easter and didn’t over indulge in the chocolate. To all members of both Seniors and Pensioners – if you are going on the Zoo trip on 15th May please make sure that your name is on the list. Please ring either Jan Wood on 97333701 or Jan Lepper on 95303276.If you are new to town, our Seniors meetings are held on the last Wednesday of Every month at the Senior’s Hall on Miller Street at 1.30 sharp, come along and join us. We have a short informal meeting followed by Bingo, afternoon tea and fellowship you will be made most welcome. Regards - Jan Wood Waroona Hamel R&SL Meeting 10am Monday, 5th May Frank - 9733 1371 Coral’s Charity Knitters Lois and Mavis are still busy sewing up squares. Nola will be handing over 2 rugs to Pam Corker House. Fay and Joy are busy crocheting squares for knee rugs and Lil crocheting a large rug. Barbara is knitting baby clothes and I am knitting scarves and will soon be on to adult beanies. Judy is knitting baby beanies and Nola is knitting the brown dolls and clothes for children overseas. Fay has been teaching three young girls how to crochet. They started by doing chain stitch and at the end of the lesson they went home with a necklace. We will welcome these girls back in the next school holidays. I hope everyone had a Happy and Safe Easter. The next meeting days are 1st, 15th & 29th May. Thank you Ladies. Coral Culling In your soul are infinitely precious things that cannot be taken from you – Oscar Wilde. NULSEN SENIORS DO HAVE A VOICE! -National Seniors Australia Firstly we want to thank all you wonderful people in Waroona for your support of our Easter Raffle. We raised in excess of $800, well done and again our sincere thanks. 1st Price Green C05 – C Bavaro 2nd Prize Blue A03 – T Jones 3rd Prize Orange C03 – A Smith Congratulations to the winners and I hope you enjoyed your prizes. The Money will go to Nulsen Head Office in Perth in August with our Birthday presentation. The funds will be used towards purchasing equipment for the patients in Nulsen care; an excellent cause indeed. Thanks again for your generosity. Please remember………New Members are always welcome. Kind Regards, Jan Wood (Secretary) 97333701 Six million Australians, or 40 percent of the voting population, are over 50. They join National Seniors for a single voice and to be part of something bigger. Our interesting speaker at the April meeting was Rebecca from Medicare local. In June we will have the education officer from RAC. Our annual zone 114 conference will be held in May at Katanning. The zone consists of the country branches: Rockingham, Mandurah/Murray, Bunbury, Albany, Esperance, Katanning and Geraldton so it is good to share ideas and socialize. Michael O’Neil will be over from Brisbane and many Perth branch members will also attend. For more information please ring 97331303 or 95347960 or Perth Office on 1300 765 050 or visit our website Waroona Lions Farmers Market The next Farmers Market will be on Sunday, May 4th at the Memorial Hall from 8am till noon. If you have a few things to sell, why not treat the market as a car boot sale and bring your stuff along, you are more than welcome. For more information about the markets, or to book a stall, please contact either: Pauline Boreham 0415 565 813 or Lisa Fry 0415 954 993 As always the future of the Market is in your hands. If you want it Support it. MAY 2014 Page 5 97332299 78 South West Highway Waroona We are LOCALS, We are YOUR NEIGHBOURS. We are HERE WHEN YOU WANT US, We are THINKERS, We are DOERS. We are MOTIVATED, We are THOROUGH. We are RIGHT BEHIND YOU, ALWAYS BY YOUR SIDE but NEVER IN YOUR WAY. We have had an AMAZING couple of months Now we NEED more properties to SELL We are CONFIDENTIAL, We are OPENERS OF DOORS, CLOSERS OF DEALS. We have enquiries for ... We are COMMITTED TO MAKING YOUR HOPES, DREAMS AND ASPIRATIONS COME TRUE. We are PROFESSIONALS. Properties priced between 220k to 300k (in particular room for a caravan) Doer Uppers up tp $210k HOME OF THE MONTH- Acreage with or without homes up to $550k Preston Beach/ Lake Clifton properties Contact our friendly local staff here at Drakesbrook Realty Annee Smith Principal Licensee “When space and size matters” 6 bedroom/ 2 bathroom home with office “Perfect for a home business” Nearly and acre on the outskirts of town Deb Clancy Sales Representative Kelly Marsh Property Manager Nina Scott Administration Officer Haylee Yeomans Receptionist MAY 2014 Page 6 CASINO OUTING Coral Culling Dot Hansen Horrie Doran Nola Turner Peggy Mathiesson Phil Blampied Raymond Lane Lucy Lane Mathew Lane Zelia Borserio COMMUNITY CAR Winners of Lucky Numbers were: Chart one 1st Ella 2nd Caitlyn st Chart two 1 Scally 2nd Trish Thanks to Iris for keeping me company at the markets as my partner-in-crime, John is not well, get well soon, John. Thanks to Chris for Bravo Award. Thanks to Mike at Tyre Power for servicing the community car free of charge. Welcome aboard this valuable service to the community. God Bless everyone for your continued support. Betty Derrick Our next Apply First Aid Course is to be held on Saturday the 28th and Sunday the 29th of June, 8.30 am to 4.00 pm both days at a cost of $175.00. For further information please contact the office Tuesday and Thursday mornings. The next Casino outing has been arranged for Monday 26th May. To book your seat please phone Dot Hansen on 9733 1892 as soon as possible. The cost is $15. For that you get the bus trip, lunch and a keno ticket. What value! It would be good to have a full coach this time so forget the housework for a day and come with us. Torn your favourite dress? Your trousers too long? Maybe a patch or two? Or just want your own design? Phone Sherryn of S.J.Originals for all your sewing needs. 0411 538 949 or 9733 3929 Unit 2/63 McLarty Street, Waroona EC7770 Phone 9733 1200 After hours pager for all URGENT electrical matters: 9485 7395 OFFICE HOURS..Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:00pm.. (Closed for lunch between 12:00 & 12:30).. EFTPOS Available.. 3% Seniors Card Discount available on request... MAY 2014 Page 7 R.I.P Bert Spooner We had already written a tribute to the 100 years life of our dear friend, Bert Spooner, when we heard the sad news of his passing. We now intend extending that tribute in the next issue along with photographs. As my own personal tribute to Bert I wrote the following poem. Bert Spooner 1914 - 2014 In nineteen fourteen in Southend on Sea Bert Spooner and four siblings formed a happy family. For his formative years living in Southend, He made money from the pin ball machines he did mend. Later joining the police force, patrolling the pier. At 4 miles long t’was so far, yet so near To the bombing of London he witnessed it all, Then joining the air force obeying the call. It was part of his history, was part of his life And during it all he made Hilda his wife. This elegant lady thought Bert was her world With only son, John their life was unfurled. On retirement a decision was made to migrate To Western Australia, you could call it fate. They followed son, John and his family to here 1980 was the date, a new life with no fear. A few years on and again they did move To King Street, Waroona, we all do approve. Quambie Park was the planned next move for to stay Unfortunately poor Hilda passed away. Bert continued the move to the Park for to live And the happiness and joy to us all he did give. It was sad to hear of the passing of Bert. 100 years of joy has now turned to hurt. His memory will live for many many years Eventually turning sadness to joyful tears. We love and miss you dearly, Bert Rest in Peace. Mike Whitney April 27 2014 MAY 2014 Page 8 Waroona Agricultural Show The Rural Ambassador Award is a national competition that provides an opportunity for rural youth to represent the Waroona Agricultural Show and promote agriculture and the rural way of life. The competition aims to discover the next generation of rural leaders who have the desire to represent and promote their community, their region and their state. Candidates should: Have a passion for agriculture and enjoy life and work in a rural community. Have a good knowledge of your local community and current affairs. Enjoy making new friends and networking with likeminded people. Love a challenge. Be aged 20 to 30 years as of 1 May 2014. The Rural Ambassador Award is conducted at local, zone, state and national level, with generous prizes for the successful entrant at each stage. The winner of the State Final receives $1000, a study tour and will be sponsored to represent Western Australia at the National Finals. For more information and a nomination form please call Colleen Archibald on 9733 1087 or email Entries close 30th May 2014 MAY 2014 Page 9 Waroona Community Resource Centre 10 Henning Street, Waroona WA 6215 Your local medical centre FORREST MEDICAL WAROONA SURGERY 9733 1461 Phone: 9733 3011 Email: CENTRE OPENING HOURS Monday to Thursday 9:00am to 4:00pm Friday 9:00am to 3:00pm Surgery Hours Mon,Tue,Wed & Fri 8.30am5pm Thur 8-5 For all after hours emergencies contact Peel FREE LEGAL ADVICE Harvey Medical Group - Waroona Peel Community Legal Service is providing a FREE legal advice service in Waroona. FREE 30 minute appointment with one of our fully qualified solicitors, who can provide general legal advice on a range of matters. Female Doctor, Jackie Earl, now practicing in Waroona on Thursdays. Now open Mon to Thurs PH: 9733 3007 or: 9729 1600 For Appointments. OC CHIROPRACTIC Please phone or email the office for appointments. or Dr Chad O’Connor will be at the Waroona Community Resource Centre each week. For appointment days and times please phone Chad on 0458 940 981 Mandurah Podiatry Visit the Waroona Community Resource Centre once a month To make an appointment with the Podiatrist please call their office on 9535 9143. TOY LIBRARY OPEN WEDNESDAY FORTNIGHTLY 10am to noon 16th April Phone: 9583 6000 Counselling for Individuals, Couples and Families. Fees on sliding scale, concession rates available. Book appointments through Mandurah Office At the Waroona Health & Community Resource Centre MONTHLY HEARING CLINIC IN WAROONA • Hearing tests • Hearing aid sales • Free hearing aids for pension card holders and Veterans • Repairs to all makes and models of hearing aids • Amplified telephones and TV headphones for sale. Peel Hearing Services are now available at Waroona Community Resource Centre once a month. To make an appointment please call: PH. 9535 7185 Home visits can also be arranged*. *Conditions apply. Family Support Service Our Service is to support families and individuals within the community. We work to empower families and individuals to enhance their own abilities, so they can acquire the skills, knowledge and self-confidence to manage their own day to day lives. We are committed to providing a quality service to those living in the areas of Waroona, Harvey and Yarloop and operates out of the Resource Centres. Call 9733 2902 to make an appointment or email: We are a confidential, free service. Funded by the Department for Communities MAY 2014 Page 10 “Welcoming Seniors to our community” g 4 201 t Livin en o rd irem an Aff t e R uc Yo Quambie Park Waroona Inc. Quambie Park Waroona Retirement Village Units “Safe and Relaxed Living” The Retirement Village complex has 38 units nestled in the town of Waroona. The complex is ideally located for convenient access to the town’s shopping. Recreational and business services. We have two bedroom, with open plan living, kitchen and dining room and alfresco patio area for entertaining available. Units offered as a “Lease for Life” contract with a very competitive weekly maintenance fee covering all water use and rates, applicable council rates, building insurances and ongoing unit asset management. For enquiries and unit inspections call 08 9733 1355 Located at Eastcott Street, Waroona Quambie Park Waroona Inc Memorial Wall Quambie Park Waroona extends an invitation to the families of past “Pam Corker’ House residents to place a plaque on the outer wall of our chapel in Memory of their family member. Expressions of interest can be made by Phoning: 08 9733 1355 or Emailing : enquiries A contribution toward the cost of the plaque and engraving would be required. A dedication ceremony to recognise the initial Memorial Wall plaques will be held in May 2014 at Pam Corker House. MAY 2014 Page 11 How Did We Survive? My mum used to cut chicken, chop eggs and spread butter or scrape on bread on the same cutting board with the same knife and no bleach. But we didn’t seem to get food poisoning…… Our school sandwiches were wrapped in wax paper in a brown paper bag, not in ice-pack coolers. I can’t remember getting eColi. Almost of all of us would have rather gone swimming the lake or at the beach instead of a pristine pool (talk about boring) no beach closures then. We all took PE… and risked permanent injury wearing a pair of Dunlop sandshoes. No cross-training athletic shoes with air-cushion soles and built-in light reflectors that cost as much as a small car. I can’t recall any injuries but they must have happened because they tell us how much safer we are now. We got the cane for doing something wrong at school. They used to call it WAROONA PENSIONERS SOCIAL CLUB. Hope everyone who wants to go on the Seniors outing to the Peel Zoo followed by lunch at the Redcliffe on Murray on 15th May has put their name down. It will be jointly funded with the Pensioners with members only paying for their own lunch. It should be a good day out and hopefully the weather will stay fine for us. The next Casino outing has been arranged for Monday 26th May. To book your seat please phone Dot Hansen on 97331892 as soon as possible. It is always a fun day. Subs are now due so if you haven’t yet paid make sure you do so at the next meeting. Several of our members are still sick so we wish them a speedy recovery and hope they will soon be well enough to attend our meetings again. It’s Soil Testing Time!!! Increase Fertiliser Application Efficiency and Reduce Costs Contact V.A.E.S., your local Agribusiness & Environmental Service Consultants 040 075 1614 discipline, yet we all grew up to accept the rules and to honour and respect those older than us. We had 50 kids in our class and we all learned to read and write, do maths and spell almost all the words needed to write a grammatically correct letter ……FUNNY THAT! We all said prayers in school irrespective of our religion, sang the National Anthem and no one got upset. Staying in detention after school caught all sorts of negative attention we wish we hadn’t got. I thought that I was supposed to accomplish something before I was allowed to be proud of myself. I just can’t recall how bored we were without computers, play station, Nintendo, X-box or 270 digital TV cable stations. We weren’t. Oh yea….And where was the antibiotics and sterilization kit when I got that bee sting? I could have been killed! We played “King of the Hill” on piles of gravel left on vacant building sites and when we got hurt, Mum pulled out the 2/6d bottle of iodine and then we got our backside spanked. Nowadays it’s a trip to the emergency room, followed by a 10 day dose of antibiotics and then Mum calls the lawyer to sue the contractor for leaving a horribly vicious pile of gravel where it was such a threat. Not a single person I knew had ever been told that they were from a dysfunctional family. How could be possibly have known that? We never needed to get into group therapy and/or anger management classes. We were obviously so duped by so many society ills, that we didn’t even notice that the entire country wasn’t taking Prozac MAY MEANS ITS TIME FOR THE If you would like to volunteer to be a Red Shield Appeal Collector and help us to help others, please contact Shirley on: 9733 1842 Help us to help others. “We thank God for you.” MAY 2014 Page 12 What’s In A Street Name? Bullseys ‘Dipstick’ Drummond Does it More letters have arrived at the DD office, with those testy questions, looking for the Bulleyes investigative answers: The Likeit sisters who were so impressed with Owja's dog being made so happy, the other three sisters, Didja, Wudja and Cudja Likeit, have asked Bullseye to look into a problem for their Grandfather, Korseye who has been given a Smartphone and has found out that the new Smartphone is a lot smarter than he is!!! However, he does like texting, with some success, but complains that his wrist aches with those long words. Can Bullseye help? Go for it Bullseye, Ed. Just for you Korseye, here is the official Senior's Texting Code, (STC) for Text & Tweets: *ATD: At the Doctor’s *BFF: Best Friend Feinted *BTW: Bring The Wheelchair *BYOT: Bring Your Own Teeth *CBM: Covered By Medicare *CUATSC: See You At The Senior Centre *DWI: Driving While Incontinent *FWBB: Friend With Beta Blockers Waroona Tyre & Mechanical We Now Offer 10% Discount For Aged Pensioners. Our Services Range From Wheel Alignments, Services, Tyre Repairs, Shockies, Brakes, Exhausts, Mufflers, Front End work, Batteries, Oil Supplies, Battery Checks as well as minor and major services. For Great Service And Prices On All Tyres And Mechanical Work Call In And See Us from 7.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday 62-64 South West Highway, Waroona or Phone 9733 1007 *FWIW: Forgot Where I Was *FYI: Found Your Insulin Well done Bullseye, another DD reader's questions answered. Ed.-oo00oo-Mr. Criss P. Donut, from Palmerston Parkway, writes of a curious problem: Whilst out driving, he ran over a rabbit and was quite perplexed at this accident. A young lady pulled up, assessed the problem, went back to her car, returning with a spray can. After two squirts, the rabbit jumped back to life, took two steps forward, turned and waved, two more steps forward, turned and waved! He kept this up for the next 10 minutes, turning and waving until he went over the Horizon. What was in the can, Bullseye? Ed. After a quick research, Bullseye finds the answer in the IGA. Hair Spray revives dead hairs (hares), to a frequent permanent wave! TELEVISION CITY BUNBURY Antenna Installation Specialists Satellite Free to Air Sales & Service Digital Set Top Boxes • • • • 9721 3190 0408 935 159 FAWCETT ROAD on the west side of Waroona, named after Captain Theodore Fawcett, Military Expert, Adventurer, Vintner, Explorer and considerable lands owner, active in the Murray District, from 1850. He was a Cavalry officer of the 6th Dragoon Guards and later to be the Commanding Officer of the Pinjarra Mounted Volunteers (the Peel Regions only ever active military force). Fawcett took up lands in the 1850's, firstly establishing Pinjarra Park, then exploring land towards Boddington. He became a road builder, financing the cost out of his own pocket, in the development of the Hamel Block. , building Fawcett Road from Pinjarra to Hamel Fawcett introduced scientific and meticulous record keeping for Agriculture in Western Australia, particularly in the newly established, Hamel and Harvey Agriculture District, introducing Vines, sourced from Europe, which he collected during his honeymoon on the grand European tour. That glass of local wine that you enjoy, could well be attributed to this man. The Murray Roads Board was founded in 1877, to which he was a very active member and also became a member of the Legislative Council from 1886-1889, for the Murray Williams District. Captain Theodore Fawcett passed away in Pinjarra, in 1898. Extracts from Friends of Mandurah Museum Community Newsletter, June 2011 Nicolas Reynolds. CORONATION ROAD. Runs from Central Waroona to the Harvey River Crossing. The road was reformed about the time of King George V's, coronation 6 May 1910. Extracts from Drakesbrook Days and Waroona Years. L. Snell Bill Calcott. WAROONA VISITOR CENTRE & GALLERY 9.30am to 3.30pm Daily 37 South West Highway, Waroona. 9733 1506 MAY 2014 Page 13 “GROWN UP LOCAL, LIVING LOCAL, SELLING LOCAL” PROPERTY OF THE MONTH CAROLYN FAULKNER 0427 777 470 Huge, 2022 sq.m Block Residential with Family Home $350,000 4x1 Family Home , evaporative air con , tile fire , walking distance to town . Plenty if room for the children to kick the footy and play cricket “WHO ELSE WOULD YOU TRUST TO SELL YOUR BIGGEST ASSET?” SELL WITH ME:- MAY 2014 Page 14 insurance There are plenty of upsides to turning 50. People expect you to say what you think. There’s nothing much left to learn the hard way. Your eyes won’t get much worse. And you can stop trying to hold your stomach in. At Bendigo Bank there are also some very real financial advantages to turning 50 and beyond. Our Bendigo Life Rewards Home and Contents Insurance includes BIG benefits for over 50s designed to deliver better value for money. alternative accommodation if you can’t live in your home and removal of debris if your home is destroyed, over and above your sum insured. Yes this feature-packed insurance comes with everything you expect of a great quality home and contents policy, plus a whole lot more. So. If you’ve hit that magic age, make sure you’re getting everything you’re entitled to. Drop into your nearest branch at 83 South Westewrn Highway, Waroona or phone 9733 Imagine cover under your home and contents policy 3498 and find out more about Life Rewards. for broken bones, for funeral expenses, for MAY 2014 Page 15 PROMOTING SENIORS WELLNESS AT QUAMBIE PARK WAROOONA Quambie Park loves to see events that provide opportunities for residents, clients and senior members of the Waroona community come together to share time and a few laughs. The “Briscila Card Game” for the local senior Italian men held on 2 April 2014 was such an occasion. The men came together for a fame of card, morning team and lunch held in the Quiet Room at Pam Corker House. The men as shown in the photos caught up with old friends and made some new ones, while enjoying stories for the old times and typical Italian lunch and glass of wine. The event was a huge success and everyone involved asked when the next event would be arranged. At this time a date for the next event has not been scheduled, but plans are in place. Quambie Park understands the significance of providing opportunities for our senior men in the community to come together in a social setting and our Community Services team are keen to support similar occasions. For information on planned events please contact Community Services Manager -97331355. Quambie Park lifestyle team (Nerida and Kristal) have recently undertaken training to gain qualifications to enable them to provide Tai Chi for seniors. Since gaining these qualifications the ladies have developed a program to share with local seniors. Quambie Park know that by senior remaining active and mobile they are preventing the risk of falls, and assisting them to maintain social connection and good mental health. If you drive by Pam Corker early on a Tuesday morning your will glimpse a group of our local seniors participating in Tai Chi on the front lawn. The session numbers are growing and feedback from the participants is very positive. At the end of each 30 minute session Tai Chi participants can socialise with a cuppa before getting on with the rest of their day. If you’re interested in trying something new, meeting new or old friends or just interested to find out more please contact either Nerida or Kristal on 97331355. There is a small participation donation for the Tai Chi sessions. MAY 2014 Page 16 EVER WONDER WHAT YOUR CHILD DOES AT YOUTH CENTRE? YOUTH CENTRE WAROONA YOUTH CENTRE OPEN DAY FRIDAY 30TH MAY 2014 5.30PM to 6.30PM M eet th e Ask Some Questions! See the resources available at Youth Centre Sta f f! Normal Youth Centre will resume at 6.30pm. Drinks and Ice Creams available for purchase. For more information, please contact Staff at waroona Community Resource Centre on 08 9733 3011 or Louie Chiera on 0413 920 737 Waroona Christian Fellowship presents the…. WAROONA COMMUNITY QUIZ NIGHT! WAROONA COMMUNITY QUIZ NIGHT! Challenge your mates! Challenge your colleagues! PRIZES GREAT E FROM L B A L I AVA UDING L C N I S OR SPONS ES HIRE T A O C , L ALCOA ES H U L L R A H AND C ACTING CONTR t ven e BYO Tickets are Tables are limited to 7pm start Friday 23 May 2014 Co o l d ri Tea, n Coff ks, e Sna e and avai cks lable for p u rc hase Waroona Memorial Hall Book your table today! – call Chris on 0419 951 858 MAY 2014 Page 17 The ANZAC Legend: th Leading up to 100 Anniversary of the ANZAC day landings at Gallipoli in 2015 we will feature some short articles which will bring to life the stories from the days during 1915 when our heroic Army Corps fought at Gallipoli. If any readers would like to contribute a story of a family member involved with the ANZACS either at Gallipoli or in any way in the First World War please contact the secretary of Drakesbrook Despatch Some articles will be complied from a book loaned to us by Glenece Walmsley which her Grandfather brought out from England. The book comprises stories, pictures, cartoons and poetry. Amazingly there is quite a lot of humour too. “The Anzac Book” was written and Illustrated in Gallipoli by the Men of Anzac for the benefit of Patriotic Funds connected with the A. & N. Z. A. C.” The following ANZAC Alphabet paints a fascinating word picture of conditions one the ground in Gallipoli A was the Anguish that spread o’er my face When I saw the remarkable look of the place B’s “Beachy Bill,” who fired at my ship – Puctured the funnel and gave me the “pip.” C was the “Crump” that went by with a screech As I jumped from a lighter and fell on the beach. D was the Daring I failed to display When fragments of shrapnel came whizzing my way. E was Earth which I found in my hair As I woke in the morning and crawled from my lair F were the Fleas and also the Flies, Who feed on a fellow wherever he lies. G were the Gripes that gripped me within – The result of commodities packed in a tin. H was the Hole that a howitzer made; It would take me an hour to fill in with a spade. I was the Idiot who stuck up my head Before I was taught to take cover instead. J was the Jam with our rations and rum – We found it was almost invariably “Plum.” K was the Knowledge I quickly acquired Of hiding whenever the enemy fired. L Was the Louse that lurked in my vest, Reconnoitered my person, and tickled my chest M was the Monitor, firing at night, Which kept me awake when “above” didn’t bite N was the “Night stunt,” with trembling heart, Expecting each moment the Maxims would start. O’s The O.O.*; let’s give him a cheer – It isn’t his fault that nothing comes here. P are the Piers – see them shiver and shake Whenever a launch makes a wash with her wake. Q stands for “Quick,” to the tunnel we dash When a horrible missile explodes with a crash. R are the Rumours we hear every day That the Turkish morale has quite faded away. S is the gilded Staff Officer – who Censors my letters and tears them in two. T is the Taube that drones in the sky (Thank goodness, I haven’t been ordered to fly!) U is the Underground sap. We expand – There’s a two-penny tube to the Narrows in hand. V is for Victory. How we shall sing Rule, O Brittania, and God Save the King W the Wire we put round our works – We generally find that it’s pinched by the Turks. X the “X-periments” made with a bomb – A neat little cross on a nice little tomb. Y in the world have I ever been placed In a trench of cold water right up to my waist? Z is the mule corps recruited from Zion, Bearers of water and rations of iron.” “Ubique,” 21st Indian Mtn. Battery *Ordnance Officer MAY 2014 Page 18 ANZAC DAY IN WAROONA On a beautiful autumn day approximately 400 people, the largest number ever, gathered at the Waroona War Memorial for the ANZAC Day service. Veterans from out of town swelled the ranks of the Waroona/Hamel sub branch of the RSL for the march from Memorial Hall. It was led by the two exservice lady members of the R.S.L. Ivy Wilson and Tracy Fickling. The Service was conducted by Frank Wood with John Mason in charge of the music. Local children played a prominent part in the proceedings and did an excellent job, performing their duties with dignity and reverence. Jason Robinson gave a beautiful reading of a poem. The R.S.L. sub branch began the wreath laying followed by local community groups. In all 15 wreaths were laid. At the conclusion of the service an open invitation was given to partake of refreshments in the Memorial Hall. About 200 people attended some spilling into the square. To everyone, young and not-so-young, you honoured magnificently those who made the supreme sacrifice. “Lest we forget” The R.S.L. Waroona/Hamel sub branch wishes to thank Waroona Country Café, IGA and Caltex Petrol Station for their kind donations and members of the public who provided food. Your support helped make for a very successful day. Lastly a thank you to the teenagers who, when approached, willingly helped set up the hall on Thursday. MAY 2014 Page 19 Taylor and Jye Martelli pictured here at the ANZAC day ceremony in Waroona. They are each wearing medals won by their Great Grandfather – Reginald Frank Eaton. Reginald was in the army during the war and saw service here in Australia and in New Guinea. Sadly he passed away only 8 months after returning home to Australia. He didn’t get to wear his medals and Taylor and Jye have researched their Great Grandfather’s story and now proudly wear the medals to honour his memory. MAY 2014 Page 20 Don’t know how it happened, but it did. I MADE A MISTAKE: - Editor In the last issue I lost this article and mistook the photo for something else. I apologise to the people concerned.: - Editor. The Greatest Shave Morning Tea 12 March, 2014 Waroona Community Resource Centre – Community Cuppa The Waroona Community Resource Centre would like to express its thanks to the members of the community who joined us on the Greatest Shave morning. We had a great morning turning the hair attendee’s purple, pink, blue green, orange and gold. Our thanks also go to Trish Magno, who kindly donated her time to shave the head of our Project Officer Jo Fraser who now sports a #4 cut. Finally, we would like to thank our big hearted community members who came along, laughed and shared in our special day. We thank you for your generous donations. We are pleased to announce that we raised $570. Thank you Waroona! Dardanup Art Spectacular 16-18 May The 2014 Dardanup Art Spectacular weekend starts with the Opening Night Exhibition and Awards Presentation on Friday 16th May at 7pm in the Dardanup Hall. Tickets are available at the door. Over the weekend of the 17th and 18th May follow the Art Trail through the scenic Ferguson Valley to galleries and wineries hosting art, food, music and Ferguson Valley wine and beer. Weekend opening hours for all venues is 10am - 5pm. Entry by gold coin donation at the Dardanup Hall, all other venues are free. For more information go to: http:// Community Members at the Morning tea CONCERT IN THE MEMORIAL HALL WAROONA MONDAY 5TH MAY 2014 1.30PM ADMISSION – GOLD COIN DONATION AFTERNOON TEA PROVIDED. Hosted by the Salvation Army EVERYONE WELCOME. Enq: Liz 0404 596 219 MAY 2014 Page 21 Quilt Show Extended A Hanging on the Highway opened to wonderful reviews on Wednesday April 16th when 100 guests were welcomed at a light luncheon. On Wednesday 23rd around 40 attended the open community morning tea, including residents of Pam Corker House. By the time Despatch readers receive their May edition it is expected that the exhibition will have been viewed by well in excess of 1000 visitors. The vast majority of these have travelled to town to see it and this has resulted in a gain for local businesses. Due to the resounding success, the exhibitors have agreed Paula Johnstone (Peel Chamber's DDO) and Tanya Forsyth, (Forte Hospitality) to an extension of the showing. Visitor Centre Manager and event coordinator, Tracy Goldsworthy, said “The comments received have been amazing and well-deserved – our textile & fabric artists, quilters and patch workers are very talented and many, many visitors have said it’s one of the best exhibitions they’ve attended. Extending by a week will allow even more people the opportunity to come in and we’re particularly keen to see more locals drop by. They will not be disappointed.” The exhibition will remain open to 3:30pm Monday May 5th, 2014. In addition to seeing the beautiful works on display, visitors have the opportunity to purchase from a selected range of beautiful handcrafts donated by our craftspeople, and to purchase tickets on a lucky numbers board, with all proceeds to the Waroona Community Car. Open daily 9:30am – 3:30pm at Waroona Visitor Centre & Gallery, 37 South West Highway. Phone 9733 1506 for further information or find the Gallery on Facebook. This event is proudly supported by Shire of Waroona. Wheelbarrows to Wheelchairs his heading from the recent Wheelchairs-for-Kids newsletter says it all! In many countries around the world parents have had to wheel their severely disabled children around in wheelbarrows – and very make-shift ones at that. Many disabled children were left to fend for themselves, which included begging on the streets, while parents worked to eke out a meagre living for their families. Wheelchairs for Kids has come to their aid by providing wheelchairs built to World Health Organisation (WHO) specifications – 27,789 chairs in a world that has 150 million disabled children. Over the years the design of the chairs has kept evolving to suit the physical needs of the children. A little joy is added in the form of a brightly coloured knee rug and a small fluffy or knitted toy, sometimes also a larger run for the family’s bed. A group of ladies from Coral’s Charity Knitting Group recently sent twenty eight beautiful rugs which were gratefully received by Brother Olly Pickett and Ms Beppie de Kuyer at their Wangara workshops. I had a tour of the premises and was impressed by the professional organisation – yet it is still run by volunteers! They make the chairs from materials with donations ($150 is all it takes to transform a child’s life) and pack them with everything the receiving agent needs to assemble them. The cost to the receiving agent or organisation is that of the transport only and wheelchairs are distributed free of charge to the families. The Christian Brothers’ schools around Australia are big supporters both financially and in the packing/ unpacking of boxes of supplies, etc. Rotary also is a big player in the project with Rotarians holding key positions on the management committee as well as Chief Executive Officer (all voluntary). Also they finance a lot of the transport costs. Supporters range from a 90 year old lady who sews for at least three hours per day making bags that contain the tools to assemble the chairs, to boys from a leading college who held a wheel-athon. They come from all walks of life around Australia to aid the disabled children all over the world. From Afghanis tan to Zimbabwe, with numbers of chairs sent from one (El Salvador) to 6507 (Vietnam) each and every child receives a life-changing gift. For further information: Email: Website: Nola Turner (08) 9733 1484 MAY 2014 Page 22 Chooks, Chooks and More Chooks Easter has already been and gone an only seven more days left in April. I am pleased to report egg production has improved to six per day. Penny the latest edition (Duccle/Wyndotte X) has settled in well and made mates with a loner nicknamed wild thing. I visited my sister Gay in Lesmurdie on Good Friday and brought the usual chocolate Easter Eggs but also normal eggs for family members to enjoy during the week. All four of Wally and Joan Landwehr(Deceased), siblings Lynette, Neil, Gay and Ken were in attendance for a special family day . The main course was a large snapper cooked on an electric barbecue in alfoil with herbs by “Young Walter” as Peter Stacey would say and it was delicious. Unfortunately my wife, Maryann was forced to stay behind and babysit the chooks and more importantly one of the cats, Leo who was hit by a car on the Tuesday evening before Easter. He used up three of his nine lives and suffered a fractured toe and hairline fracture of his right rear leg. It was twice the size of his left leg. Thanks to Ron, the local vet and staff, he is recovering well but confined to inside the house. He looked quite a sight with purple and white bandages (Dockers) to stabilise the injuries along with medication. His mate Boots is allowed outside to supervise the chooks much to Leo’s disappointment. The chooks enjoy Starting Out Chickens Before getting chickens you need to consider a few things. They require a rain and wind-proof house with ventilation and space. Cramming chickens into a small space is obviously bound to cause problems both in terms of general health plus an increase in aggression and other undesirable vices amongst the group. There are many kinds of housing from permanent runs to movable houses the general rule of thumb is a free range layer should be allocated a grass area of 4 square metres. So, working on that basis, a small backyard garden type flock of five hens will require a total area of 20 square metres, which equates to a rectangular run measuring 4x5m (12x15’), but of course if you can provide more space then do so. Remember chooks can be allowed to free range your garden and will return back to the coop with a call and tasty treat; most can be trained easily to return to the coop as soon as the sun starts to set. Remember when free ranging they are more vulnerable to predators. But also do keep in mind chooks love to scratch for bugs, take dust bathes and love tasty veggie and flower seedlings, so sometimes chooks may need restrictions to some areas of your garden or only have them out for a few hours each day. You do not need a rooster to encourage egg laying. Roosters are banned in residential areas and are only required if you want to breed. Chooks require layer ratio 24/7 provided in a hopper and fresh cool water 24/7. Yes your backyard chickens can also eat your scraps but this must be done in moderation always feed scraps after 10am so that your girls have already filled up on their balance layer ration, fresh fruit and veggie scraps are suitable but limit bread and pasta. There are many breeds in as many different colours, however, do a little research as some breeds are more suited to your backyard than others. Some of my favourite breeds for family’s starting out are: Australorp: a strong dual purpose chicken, the Black Australorp is a fun breed. The Australorp has a calm and friendly nature, hens lay brown eggs, and plenty of them and are very docile and calm. Their easygoing nature makes them a good candidate for families with small children. Wyandotte: Glamorous, showy, stately, and a bit of a diva is how I would describe them. They’re good foragers who prefer time to free range. Wyandottes are good egg layers, providing around 200 eggs per year. Their eggs are a light to rich brown colour. Sussex; have everything; they are great layers of tinted or light brown eggs--and they lay right through the coldest weather. They are dual purpose birds, though fat-bodied and not prone to flying when mature, so they are easily fenced Rhode island red : They're the do-everything bird: they lay exceptionally well, they're valued for their fresh hay and also the driest April spell for thirteen years. They love free range activities consequently they dig a hole and bury themselves to keep cool and it is okay in Wally’s Orchard but not the best for the garden. Just a request for vehicles travelling on Recreation Road; please be aware of family pets and chooks as they don’t unfortunately have much road sense. Please stick to the speed limit and at least the animals will have a fighting chance of avoiding trauma and injury. Ken - The Chookyard Farmer their meat, they're extremely coldhardy, and hardy in general. They are a smart chicken and not flighty at all very friendly bird. Araucana: Want something a little different but still a good starter breed? try an Araucana they have a relaxed character with a striking appearance but for even more fun most good quality araucana will lay you lots of blue shelled eggs great fun for the kids. For a bantam breed I would recommend: Silkys, Pekins or Belgium D’uccles all are very kid friendly breeds and lay small eggs. MAY 2014 Page 23 Lions Club of Waroona Monster Auction Saturday May 17th, 2014 Waroona Show Grounds Bargains Galore! Items include: Sand* Gravel* Limestone* Hay* Firewood* Home & Office Furniture* Household items* Appliances New & Used Tools * Antiques* Garden Furniture* Sausage Sizzle and drinks Auction Starts at 12 Noon Registration $2.00 (includes firewood raffle) from 10 am onwards Bill Rafferty Contact: 9733 1388 Grant Hewett 0417 919 777 MAY 2014 Page 24 DOG WASH AND GROOMING Phone Tammy for an appointment 0403 503 143 Open Mon-Thurs 9am - 3pm Closed Fri Sat, Sun We are located 8km or 10 min drive West along Coronation Road, Waroona Same Day Service STEAM IRONING 0 - 5 years of age OPEN: Mon, Tues & Thurs 9:00am to 11:00am Commercial Steam Ironing System • Fast • Professional Finish • Only $25 per hour • We can wash & dry too! THE ODD ANGRY SOCK Laundromat 128 Punrak Road, Serpentine WA 6125 08 9525 7481 Coin Operated machines large enough for bedspreads, doonas & curtains. Henning Street, Waroona 9733 1979 Open 7 days 7:00am to 7:00pm 9733 2218 56 South West Highway MEMBER FOR MURRAY–WELLINGTON Websites Email Marketing Social Media Strategy Murray Cowper MLA If you need assistance with a local issue please contact my office. Telephone: 9531 3155 Fax: 9531 3166 Email: Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Shop 1, Pinjarra Junction Shopping Centre George Street, Pinjarra WA 6208 08 9733 3194 FLOOR CARE PLUS C CARPET CLEANING ASK ABOUT OUR OTHER SERVICES GLENDA & PETER NOW ON 0408 901 322 or 9729 2150 MAY 2014 Page 25 By the Pest and Disease Information Service (PaDIS). Horticultural crops at risk Whether they are grown by commercial producers or by home gardeners, many food plants are vulnerable to attack by two particular pests which need to be controlled in Western Australia. One is a little fly from eastern Australia which has not become established here yet, although individual specimens have been found several times. The other is a large exotic parrot which has already formed wild populations in our state. Please report any sightings of the following two agricultural threats by ringing the Pest and Disease Information Service on Freecall 1800 084 881. Fruit’s worst enemy With the exception of pineapple every other kind of fruit and many vegetables are hosts of Queensland fruit fly, which has spread far beyond its home state to invade New South Wales, Victoria and some Pacific islands. If fruit is unprotected the destruction can be 100 per cent, so growers and gardeners in affected areas have to strive to control the flies by using a combination of fruit bagging, spray baiting, mass trapping and orchard hygiene. How it spreads Queensland fruit fly maggots are carried inside fruit and vegetables. Quarantine Western Australia (QWA) examines all consignments of fresh produce coming from interstate, to check for the presence of Queensland fruit fly and other pests. QWA also has regulations to deter private travellers carrying fruit and vegetables when they enter from interstate by road, rail or air. All fresh produce must be binned upon arrival. The Queensland fruit fly is slightly bigger than the Mediterranean fruit fly which many of us are all too familiar. But a distinct difference in colouring is the best means of identification. The thorax is reddish brown with two yellow “shoulder patches”, the abdomen is dark brown and the wings are clear, unlike Mediterranean fruit fly whose wings have brown bands. Most outbreaks occur between November and May, although they may be seen in cooler months as well. Problem parrots Indian ringneck parakeets have the potential to do great damage in orchards, vineyards, plantations of cut flowers and crops such as cereal grains. Their natural range is subSaharan Africa and southern Asia. However, they adapt quickly to new habitats. Populations descended from the escape or release of caged birds have spread through Europe, the USA, the Middle East, Japan and elsewhere. The Indian ringneck has a red beak and a long tail, and its natural plumage colour is grassgreen. However, breeders have produced other body hues including grey, white, yellow and blue. Mature males have narrow black and pink collars. The flight pattern is swift and direct with rapid wing beats. These parakeets have a variety of distinctive screeching calls, notably a shrill “keeak” unlike that of any native parrot. How they escape Today anyone owning an Indian ringneck must confine it to a secure cage or double door aviary, and must have a permit to legally keep it. Sometimes careless owners have been to blame for these parakeets escaping captivity. People may walk outside with the bird sitting on their shoulder, not expecting that one day their pet may decide to make a dash for freedom. Whenever Indian ringnecks are reported the Department of Agriculture and Food (DAFWA) sends officers to remove them from the wild. As a result the species has not established selfsustaining populations in Western Australia. Unwanted birds should be surrendered, not released. This may be done through pet shops licensed to sell aviary birds, through bird fanciers licensed to keep Indian ringnecks, or through animal rehoming charities. Alternatively contact Invasive Species at DAFWA. If you have a query or want to report something unfamiliar, ring the Pest and Disease Information Service (PaDIS) on Freecall 1800 084 881 or email If sending a specimen include your contact details, where and when you found the specimen and any damage you observed. Post to PaDIS, Department of Agriculture and Food, 3 Baron-Hay Court, South Perth WA 6151. You are also welcome to bring in specimens in person. For further information visit MAY 2014 Page 26 An Obituary printed in the London Times. February 7, 2013 Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as: - Knowing when to come in out of the rain; - Why the early bird gets the worm; - Life isn't always fair; - And maybe it was my fault. Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you can earn) and reliable strategies (adults, not children, are in charge). His health began to deteriorate rapidly when wellintentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a 6-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition. Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job that they themselves had failed to do in disciplining their unruly children. It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer sun lotion or an aspirin to a student; but could not inform parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion. Common Sense lost the will to live as the churches Stuart’s Sharpening Services Bring in your chainsaws and all tools you wish to Sharpen, bring your old tools back to life became businesses; and criminals received better treatment than their victims. Common Sense took a beating when you couldn't defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar could sue you for assault. Common Sense finally gave up the will to live, after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She spilled a little in her lap, launched a lawsuit and was promptly awarded a huge settlement. Common Sense was preceded in death, -by his parents, Truth and Trust, -by his wife, Discretion, -by his daughter, Responsibility, -and by his son, Reason. He is survived by his 5 stepbrothers; - I Know My Rights - I Want It Now - Someone Else Is To Blame - I'm A Victim - Pay me for Doing Nothing Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone. R.I.P Common Sense 50 South West Highway Waroona 0468 409 386 WHEN PROFESSIONAL ADVICE MATTERS Coral’s Celebrant Services Coral P McLellan Marriage Celebrant Reg. Number: A15105 50 South West Highway Waroona Woodbury Plumbing For your wedding get someone who understands how personal it is 0400334497 Stuart McLellan Freelance Photographer Professional Services at realistic prices All types of photographic work undertaken, Insurance photographic records of fine art, jewellery and antiques, large format printing and copying, framing, studio portraits, Restoration on most photographs Call me for an obligation free quote. 0468 409 386 50 South West Highway Waroona PL7042 GF 8462 FROM ROOF TO SEWER, FOR REPAIRS OR RENOVATIONS CALL RYAN 0419 711 979 Woodbury Plumbing is an accredited Envirowest Plumber MAY 2014 Page 27 The Odd Angry Sock FOR SALE $399,000 Walk in, Walk out All inclusive Business Great Business Opportunity Would suit a partner or person with young children. Hours are 9am until 1pm, or change to suit yourself, self service machines and contract work Call me, NOW!!!!! Check out my new ‘in town’ window display, next door to the barber’s shop MAY 2014 Page 28 Saturday, May 10th 2014 Whatever the weather. MAY 2014 Page 29 Small Landowner News With Jodie Whitfield - Manager Small Landowner Information Service Dept.of Agriculture & Food, Western Australia Autumn is here and as we still wait for those rains to come, it is important to preserve your soil health, minimise erosion and meet the nutritional needs of your livestock. It is the perfect time to be sowing new pastures or making sure your existing pastures are in great shape. A crucial step in this process is to ensure you are achieving good weed and insect control. All weed control will require several years of repeated effort to reduce the seed bank. It is best to use several methods of control as relying solely on herbicides (especially if you are not rotating chemical groups), can result in a build-up of herbicide resistance which should be avoided. Weeds that are common pasture pests in winter include variegated thistle, Paterson’s curse and Cape tulip. For more information on declared weeds and control methods visit If you do have areas where there are significant bare patches in your paddocks, spreading some form of straw over the top can be an option to prevent wind and water erosion. If paddocks are bare also consider placing stock into one paddock and supplementary feeding them in a confined area. It may be necessary to continue to supplementary feed animals for 6-8 weeks after the rains come and to keep animals in the confinement paddocks in order to allow the pasture to establish. When re-introducing animals that have been maintained on dry supplementary feeds to green pasture, it is best to do it when their stomachs are full. Some stock may experience digestive problems, so be sure to monitor them closely. It can take 2-3 weeks for a ruminant’s stomach bacteria to adjust to green feed. Continuing to supplement their diet with hay can help with the transition from dry to green feed. Any pregnant or lactating animals will have higher nutritional needs, so it is important they are given access to enough feed. Dealing with any concerns you have about your property before they get too big, will keep you on track to developing the property of your dreams. Visit our Facebook page at DAFWAsmalllandholders for up-todate information and great tips on managing your property! We would love you to like us! You can also find more information on our events, seasonal calendar and a range of Noteworthys on the Small Landholder Information Service website Until next time, Jodie IMC Chiropractic & Rehabilitation Integrated Musculoskeletal Care • • • • • • Manual Therapy Muscle Therapy Rehabilitation Dry Needling Sports Injuries Nutrition & Supplements Dr Margaret Durnan BSc (Chiro), B Chiro Hours: Mon, Tues & Thurs 8:00 to 6:30pm Friday 2:00 to 7:00pm Appointments: Phone: 08 9733 2039 Shop 2, 61 South West Highway, Waroona 6215 eel odiatry linic MAY 2014 Page 30 now available delivered to you - a top quality product FOR ALL YOUR LIVESTOCK REQUIREMENTS: · · · · Slaughter Stock Store Stock Breeding Stock Saleyard Stock Prices can be obtained and orders placed for season Contact your local agent KEN REYNOLDS Mobile: 0417 180 874 WAROONA POST SHOP Ladies & Mens Clothing •Surf Wear •Giftware •Toys Lay-By Welcome Open 9-5 Mon- Fri Plant Grass N E D GOL SS A L G 9733 1010 0429 040 929 10 South Western Highway Waroona WA 6215 For a free quote call 0413 056 398 See it on display at Waroona Home Timber & Hardware CALL FOR FREE MEASURE AND QUOTE PAUL 0417 918 205 Mini-Plant Bobcat & Mini Excavator Supply & Installation of Artificial Grass COLORBOND FENCING AND GATES DECORATIVE FENCING & INFILLS POOL AND SECURITY FENCING PATIOS,SHEDS AND CARPORTS Post Hole Borer & Rock Geoff Plant 0413 056 398 WAROONA COMPUTERS MOBILE Repairs Upgrades Systems 0404 516 182 EMAIL: WAROONACOMPUTERS@GMAIL.COM Phil Blampied 0402 274 259 Adv.Dip. Hort./Arboriculture Carpentry, Joinery Property Maintenance Repairs & Handyman Services. Mob: 0432 926 930 Ph: 9733 2150 WAROONA WAROONA CONTRACTING SAND, GRAVEL, GENERAL 97 331 933 0417 962 321 MAY 2014 Page 31 Waroona Veterinary News - Winter in Coming Believe it or not, cold and hopefully wet weather will be here very soon. Clipping: If your pet is due for clipping do it soon before we get the really cold weather. Small pets that are clipped back may require coats at night if they live outside. Fleas: Don’t stop flea treatment just because we get cooler weather. Fleas tend to breed year round and if you don’t keep flea treatment up to date over winter you may be overwhelmed with a backyard (or home) full of fleas come spring time. And don’t forget to treat ALL pets in the household at the same time. Often we find the forgotten cat becomes the source of fleas even if the dogs in the household are all treated. Arthritis: If your pet struggled with the cold weather last year start arthritis treatments now! You may start to see your pet exhibit some of the following signs - favouring a limb, difficulty sitting or standing or appearing stiff, hesitancy to jump, run or climb stairs, lack of appetite, decreased activity or less interest in play, attitude or behaviour changes (such as interacting less with family members of other pets) and reluctance to cover faeces or urine in the litter tray (cats). If your pet exhibits any of these signs talk to your vet about what can be done to make your pet more comfortable. Some aging pets will benefit from switching to a senior specific diet. The aim of feeding a senior specific diet is to help support the aging immune system, a potentially more sensitive digestive tract, joints and aid in maintaining lean muscle mass. They often also have reduced levels of phosphorus and sodium to help maintain heart and kidney health. A good quality senior food should contain higher levels of antioxidants, high-quality easy to digest protein, essential fatty acids as well as glucosamine and chondroitin sulphate to help support healthy joints and cartilage. If you prefer not to use a commercially based food, try adding glucosamine and chondroitin sulphate supplements as well as Omega 3 Fatty Acids from fish oils. Supplements such as Omega 3 Fatty Acids may be of benefit to pets suffering from arthritis. Colic: With the first rains has come a hint of green in the paddocks. Whilst it looks nice, this is the time that we see most sand-related colics in horses. They pick the greens including a nice big clump of sand with the roots. This can accumulate in the large intestines and cause all sorts of trouble. Colic due to mild or severe gut pain is the most frightening and costly presentation, but we also see chronic diarrhoea and ill thrift due to sand. You can reduce the risk of sand impaction by continuing to supply good quality and quantity of supplemental feed. Good teeth and worm control also seem to help, so check the teeth and worm your horses (continued on next page) MAY 2014 Page 32 (Vets Article continued from page 31) if you have not done so lately. If your horse gets colic you usually see pawing at the ground, restlessness, rolling and kicking at the flanks. If this does not settle quickly with walking it is time to call the vet. Colics can easily become fatal if unattended or unlucky. Worms: For owners of sheep and other ruminants such as goats or alpacas, make sure your animals are wormed. Barber’s pole worm is a concern at this time of year. With Barber’s pole worm, large worm burdens can develop quickly and in acute cases can cause death without any warning signs. Barber’s pole worms suck the blood of their hosts and symptoms are often related to the degree of blood loss. Signs can include: Weakness or collapse if driven, anaemia (evident by white mucous membranes around the eyes and white gums - rather than pink) and in some cases fluid filled under jaw swellings. What to do - Make sure you worm your animals with an appropriate drench. Faecal egg counts can be useful in directing your worming program. For detailed information on Barber’s pole worm see the Department of Agriculture Farm Note on the subject (available on the internet at http:// imported_assets/content/pw/ah/par/ fn2005_barberspole.pdf) Warren Turner Gardening Services General Garden Maintenance Lawn Mowing Small Tree removal etc. Warren Turner 11 McLarty St. 0439973016 WEST-OZ SEAFOOD Quality products at very reasonable prices. FISH, PRAWNS, SCALLOPS, SQUID, MUSSELS & A FULL RANGE OF SPECIALTY NZ PRODUCTS. EFTPOS AVAILABLE At Waroona Visitor Centre weekly. Trading Times: “Valued Customers, due to a change in circumstances, we will continue trading in Waroona every Saturday 1:30pm-6pm, but will no longer be attending Waroona on the Thursdays, until further Notice. We hope this not cause you any further inconvenience, and hope you understand - Steve & Tracy” *Subject to safe weather conditions. Twitter @westozseafood For all our latest product range and updates. MAY 2014 Page 33 Waroona Football Club News by Forward Pocket: Waroona Football Club results in their first three games have been mixed despite an impressive preseason run of victories. All three squads - League, Reserves and Colts have won one game out of three to date and hopefully that trend can be reversed against Centrals this Saturday on our home ground. Centrals have been on a huge recruitment drive this year and former WAFL stars Theo Adams and Ryan Murphy head that list. Adams and Daniel “Buckets” Wilson their Vice Captain heading the PFL Goalkickers list. Hopefully Waroona will regain some of their playing list who return from injury, being unavailable thro work or weddings. It was a shock prior to the Easter break to lose all three games to Halls Head for the first time since they joined the Peel Football League about seven or eight years ago. A sincere thankyou to all local supporters and patrons who purchased wood raffle tickets on Easter Saturday. Your continued support is much appreciated. The new bar improvements will again be tested in our second home game on Saturday afternoon and the Mini grandstand is a great place to watch local football matches which are of a very high standard. Thank you to the Shire for further grass (improvements) and the replanting of areas which were impacted upon by black beetles or wear and tear. Hopefully the rain which is predicted on Sunday will further improve the playing surface arena. I will have more to report in the June edition and a Premiership ladder for readers to inspect. Forward pocket. Peel Football League Fixtures for The Rest of The Season Sun. May 5th 2.30pm Sat. May 10th 4.30pm Sat. May 17th 4.30pm Sat. May 24th 4.30pm st Sat. May 31 4.30pm Sat. June 7th 4.30pm Sat. & Sun. June 14th / 15th Sun. June 22nd 2.30pm Sun. June 29th 2.30pm Sun July 6th 2.30pm Tues to Fri July 10th to 13th Sat. & Sun. July 19th / 20th Sat. July 26th 4.30pm Sat. August 2nd 4.30pm Sat. August 9th 4.30pm Sun. August 17th 2.30pm Sun. August 24th 2.30pm Baldivis Vs Waroona Waroona Vs South Mandurah Rockingham Vs Waroona Waroona Vs Pinjarra Waroona Vs Mandurah Waroona Vs Halls Head Cavalier Colts Centrals Vs Waroona Baldivis Vs Waroona South Mandurah Vs Waroona Landmark Country Championships GENERAL BYE FOR THE LEAGUE Waroona Vs Rockingham Mandurah Vs Waroona Waroona Vs South Mandurah Pinjarra Vs Waroona Waroona Vs Mandurah AWAY at Baldivis Oval HOME at Waroona Oval AWAY at Anniversary Park HOME at Waroona Oval HOME at Waroona Oval HOME at Waroona Oval Kulin WA AWAY at Mundijong Oval AWAY at Baldivis Oval AWAY at Falcon Oval HOME at Waroona Oval AWAY at Bendigo Bank Stadium HOME at Waroona Oval AWAY at Sir Ross McLarty Oval HOME at Waroona Oval Go The Demons!!!! • Ample Parking • Alfresco Dining • Children’s Playground 97 South West Highway, Waroona • Catering available for functions & children’s parties • BYO Allowed Opening Times: Mon to Fri. 5.30 am to 5 pm Sat., Sun & Pub Holidays 6 am to 5 pm Ph: 9733 3155 DINE IN OR TAKE-AWAY MAY 2014 Page 34 Waroona Bowling Club News Waroona Bowling Club Annual General Meeting Wednesday May 21st 7pm NATURE NOTES 2014 CLOSING DAY DETAILS Change of habits in local fauna Orthinologists have noted that the once rare, but now common male “Big mouthed bowl bearing bird “ having shed its summer plumage of white with a bright red neck has not migrated this year but is still hanging around in its winter plumage. This bird is noted for its loud call of “yard on, draw to kitty” and its distress cry of “wrong bias wrong bias.” It is sometimes called the camel bird because of its capacity for liquid intake. Its breeding habits are obscure as it is never seen with a female. Dardanup Art Spectacular The Dardanup Art Spectacular Exhibition and Art Trail will be held on 16th, 17th and 18th May with $3950 total prize pool. Entry forms and info available from the website Contact us by email on or call 9721 6087 Entries close on 29th April. Saturday May 10th at 1.00pm The War of the Roses is on again. If you wish to be involved check out the nomination sheet. Bowls will be followed by the Presentation of the Year’s Trophies and then a Sponsor’s Dinner. For catering purposes, numbers are required for the dinner. Mini Bulk Mulch WA Horticultural Services ALL SIZE LOADS QUALITY SOIL & MULCH SUPPLIES LANDSCAPE SERVICES VERTI-MOWING BULK And MINI Soil Supplies Realistic Prices, Quality Work, 20 Years Experience Call Julie 0417 094 826 or 9733 2292 CLINT OWNER/OPERATOR ABN: 77 522028 652 DELANEY Metal Roofing Specialist New Roofs/Re-Roofs Re-Gutters/Gutter Cleans 20 Years Experience Whirly Birds Competive Prices LONGLIFE ALUMINIUM Your State Member for South West Region Mandurah. Unit 2, 30 Spinnaker Quays, Mandurah WA 6210 NO MORE CLEANING GUTTERS PREVENTS BLOCKED GUTTERS & DOWNPIPES C.S.I.R.O. FIRE RATING OF ZERO PREVENTS EAVE & CEILING DAMAGE ph. 1800 664 080 (free call) 0400 605 992 MAY 2014 Page 35 WAROONA AMATEUR BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION PRESENTATIONS C o u n tr y C h a m p i o n s h i p s A l l S t a r s U /16 G U /18 G D iv is io n 3 D iv is io n 3 S h a n e l le F a rm e r M a d is o n C o o ls U /1 5B U /1 6B D iv is io n 2 D iv is io n 2 J ac k D w y e r W a d e C o lla rd U /14 G D iv is io n 2 E g y p t S im p s o n U /1 4B D iv is io n 2 J e r e m y C a ra t t i Award U/13 Boys Grand Final Premiers U/13 Boys Grand Final MVP U/13 Boys Best Team Player U/13 Boys Team Fairest & Best Team WARRIORS Warriors Kings Knicks Rockets Warriors Kings Recipient Jared Martelli Kynan Mills Kye Yeomans George Parry Adam Caratti Fynn Hinchcliffe U /13 B D iv is io n 2 J a re d M a rt e l li U /18 B D iv is io n 3 J y e M c C a ll Award Team U/18 Girls Grand Final Premiers LAKERS U/18 Girls Grand Final MVP Lakers U/18 Girls Best Team Player Knicks Lakers Magic Rockets Warriors Rockets Knicks and R/Up Association F&B Warriors and Association F&B LAKERS Brock Rae Rickardo Jetta Jared Martelli Knicks U/14 Girls Grand Final MVP Lakers Egypt Simpson U/14 GirlsBest Team Player Knicks Breanna Henderson Lakers and R/Up Association F&B Warriors and Association F&B KINGS Lakers Magic Rockets Warriors Knicks Lakers Amber Smith Kya Cicolari Brylin Bonner Amber Vincent Chayli White Angelina Dimasi and Egypt Simpson Holly Snell Hannah Jones U/14 Girls Grand Final Premiers U/14 GirlsTeam Fairest & Best U/15 Boys Grand Final Premiers U/15 Boys Grand Final MVP U/15 Boys Best Team Player Magic Warriors and R/Up Association F&B Rockets and Association F&B KNICKS Knicks Kings Knicks U/18 Girls Team Fairest & Best U/18 Boys Grand Final Premiers U/18 Boys Grand Final MVP U/18 Boys Best Team Player U/18 Boys Team Fairest & Best Riley Napoli Rockets Magic Kings Rockets and R/Up Association F&B Warriors and Association F&B Alex Polinelli Jye McCall Sa m M a rt elli C aro l M a rte lli Pre side nt’s Aw a rd Jye McCa ll Al ex P oli ne lli Mik e A lle n Madison Cools Alex Polinelli Sam Wilson Jarod Spencer Aaron Faulkner Bayden Kau Wade Collard K a te M a rt elli Aw a rd J y e M c C a ll S am M ar telli Shanelle Farmer Asha Commisso Demi Ward Natasha Carulli Cheyenne Faulkner Tasmyn MachinBoreham Megan Pantaleo Jasmine Carulli and Bianca Vincent Shaliece Farmer and Kirra Hysen Shanelle Farmer Kings Kings Knicks Rockets Warriors Knicks Ethan Ticehurst Travis Gardiner Joshua MacDonald M al e R e c ipi en t F em ale R ec i pie nt Recipient Di di Hu n te r Basketballer of the Year - To the player with the most votes over the entire association. Male Recipient U/13 Boys Jared Martelli Frank Pisconeri Warriors 42 votes Grace Pisconeri Female Recipient U/14 Girls Riley Napoli Rockets 27 votes Lockie Hernaman MAY 2014 Page 36 WANTED TO BUY OMI COMPOST TUMBLER IN GOOD CONDITION PH 97335600 FOR SALE BRAND NEW RADIATOR TO SUIT VS AUTO COMMODORE – UNOPENED STILL IN BOX $100 PH 0407993081 CLASSIFIED ADS $30 Each SMARTPHONES They are Free ( For goods to the value of $5,000) 2 x Boxed Samsung Galaxy Y Coral Red/Blk 1 x HTC Wildfire Black Wanted Regular Part Time Work Handy with paintbrush, roller, hedge trimmer, weed sprayer, rake. All tools, material supplied. Just honest labour required. 9733 3301 - to discuss. FOR SALE Campervan Poptop Mazda 1985 (not running, needs a timing belt) Front kitchen, R Bar. T Ba,r Rear door, S/cloth, G/ Tyres, Extras $1,800 ONO Phone 9733 2183 FOR SALE For Sale LUPIN MULCH* GREAT FOR GARDENS! APPROX- 100KG ROLLS $40.00 EACH PH: 0427886003 CEILING & WALL REPAIRS For Sale Over 20 years experience in plasterglass ceilings. Can also do gyprock. Phone Tony 0457792868 *HORSE HAY* BAROOTA WONDER WHEAT SMALL RECTANGLE BALES $10.00 EACH PH: 0427886003 All near new, just bring your SIM card Ready to GO Telstra Pre or Post Paid Call BILL CALCOTT 0409811148 FOR SALE: Turkey Chicks (Red) from $15 each Guinea pigs M/F from $10 each Detective magazines (200) $1 each Phone 0457650743 For Sale Teddy Bears $5 - $30 Doll’s chairs $5 each Small cane prams to display Teddies/ dolls $5 each 3 old dolls $20 each Set of 3 cane baskets $10 Brand new Canon Pixma MX456 series Printer and Photo copier $50. Please ring Wed, Thurs or Fri afternoons 1pm – 5pm Phone 0422447631
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