Reconciling All Things - Our Savior Lutheran Church


Reconciling All Things - Our Savior Lutheran Church
Vol. 25 No. 1
The mission of Our Savior Lutheran Church is to live God’s love in Jesus Christ
through word and sacraments, worship and prayer, Christian nurture and fellowship, service and outreach.
Our Savior
Lutheran Church
745 Front St. South
Issaquah, WA 98027
(425) 392-4169
(425) 392-2946 fax
Sunday Worship
8:30 & 11:00 a.m.
Sunday School:
9:45—10:45 a.m.
So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ,
and has given us the ministry of reconciliation; that is, in Christ God was reconciling the
world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting the message of
reconciliation to us. So we are ambassadors for Christ, since God is making his appeal
through us; we entreat you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.
2 Corinthians 5:17-20
I think I know what you might be thinking as you read the title perched at the top
of this page. Reconciliation? Again? Really? Didn‘t we do that last year? Do we
really need to do this again? Yes, we do and yes we did.
Inside this issue…
Group Studies
Group Ministries
Congregation Info
Date Night
Habitat Info
Haiti Relief
Youth Info
Treasurer Report
Birthdays &
Worship Assts.
Reconciling All Things:
A Christian Vision for Justice, Peace, and Healing
p. 3
p. 3,4
p. 4
p. 6
p. 7
p. 8
p. 8
p. 9
p. 10
p. 10
p. 11
p. 12
p. 13
p. 14
During Lent, 2009, our mid-week Lenten service preaching and Sunday morning
Adult study focus was based on the book, Free of Charge: Giving and Forgiving in a
Culture Stripped of Grace by Miroslav Volf. It was a great book and I learned a lot.
Still, me, I got a lot to learn. I figure I‘m not alone.
Reconciliation and Lent go together. They belong together. One could argue (I
won‘t) that the heart of Lent is summed up in Paul‘s words from 2 Corinthians 5: In
Christ God was reconciling the world to himself… Here‘s the way I see it: Lent is a season for reflecting on our sin and God‘s forgiveness, on our estrangements from
God, ourselves, and each other and the gift and grace of reconciliation and restoration. When the kingdom comes and all things are set to rights, all things will be reconciled.
Besides, it‘s not just about us; OSLC, I mean. Sure, we have been through a painful
and difficult year. Yes, some of us have some reconciliation work to do. But it‘s not
just about us and our estrangements and reconciliation . Reconciling All Things, our
continued on page 2
continued from page 1
Lenten focus for 2010, is about being reconciled to God, to ourselves, with each other and with others
from whom we are estranged: family members, co-workers, neighbors, you know, people. People like
you and people like me: sinners saved by grace.
Reconciling All Things, is about a vision for justice, peace, and healing. If everything and everyone in
your life is reconciled and at peace, then I suppose you can take a pass on Lent at OSLC in 2010. If, on
the other hand, you are hoping for and praying for and yearning for reconciliation, then OSLC is the
place to be this Lent.
I was at a church meeting the other night. Those present were sharing highs and lows and prayer. One
of the participants said that he and his brother had reconciled last month. They had been estranged for
five years, but now, they were reconciled. As one participant prayed for the other, I realized anew that
all things are possible for those who love God. All things.
Pr. Larry E. Thomas
About the Book: Reconciling All Things:
A Christian Vision for Justice, Peace, and Healing
by Emmanuel Katongole and Chris Rice
Emmanuel Katongole and Chris Rice are the co-directors of the Center for Reconciliation at Duke Divinity School in Durham, North Carolina. In their book, Reconciling All Things, they cast a vision for reconciliation that is biblical, transformative and holistic, helping Christians imagine a new creation in their
everyday lives. They draw on the resources of the Christian story, including their own individual experiences in Uganda and Mississippi, to bring solid, theological reflection to bear on the work of reconciling individuals, groups and societies. They recover instinctively Christian practices that will help the
church be both a sign and an agent of God's reconciling love in the fragmented world of the twenty-first
John Perkins, the founder of the Mississippi based, Christian Community Development Association and
the author of Let Justice Roll Down, writes, “Reconciliation has become a popular buzz word. But I've
learned there are no quick and easy fixes for a broken world. This book takes us deeper. It is fresh, biblical, practical, inspiring and full of hope. The authors themselves embody the vision our world needs-African and American, black and white, Uganda and Mississippi, Protestant and Catholic, joined in
common ministry across divides. This book is for all those restless Christians I meet who long for an
alternative." Copies of the book Reconciling All Things will be available for purchase beginning Sunday,
February 7, 2010. The cost is $10.
Christian Education & Small Group Ministries
Sunday School
Adult Sunday School
9:45 to 10:45 a.m.
1 Corinthians
Preschool—Grade 6
Continuing through February 7th,
the Sunday Morning adult education class will
study the book of 1 Corinthians and ask what it
takes to be the ―body of Christ.‖ There are a limited number of study guides available for this
course from the church office (cost $6.00). This
study will help you answer the following questions:
• January 31st: How does the gift of love
shape the Body of Christ? (1 Corinthians
• February 7th: Are we giving what we
were given? (1 Corinthians 15:1-11)
For students in Preschool through Grade 6, our
Sunday School program combines fun and engaging study of the Bible with monthly family
events. These family events, which take place on
the last Sunday of each month, give parents an
opportunity to join the students in group time
and in the classroom.
Grade 7 – 8
For students in Grades 7 and 8, we have a special course of study that ties in with our Confirmation program. Faith Inkubator materials
challenge learners to move from head to heart,
as they develop ways to talk about their faith.
Reconciling All Things
begins February 21 @ 9:45 am
Pastor Fletcher and Pastor Thomas will lead discussions of Reconciling All Things, by Emmanuel
Katongole and Chris Rice, beginning Sunday
morning, February 21 at 9:45 am. We will discuss
chapter one, ―Prevailing Visions of Reconciliation.‖ The discussion group meets in the library.
High School
Java Talk
For senior high school students (grades
nine through twelve), we offer an offcampus program geared towards conversation
and relationship building. Each Sunday, students
travel to a local coffee shop with their teacher.
They order a beverage and find a table where
they discuss a faith topic. Friendship, faith, and
free stuff . . . What‘s not to like?
Study Fellowship Group
The Gift of Years
Feb. 14 & Feb. 28
12:15 p.m.
Thursday Morning
Bible Study
The XYZ Group will continue studying the book,
The Gift of Years by Joan Chittister. In the book,
she writes about how we should celebrate aging. She looks at the many facets of aging, from
its challenges to its struggles. She asks us to
cherish aging as a natural part of the life that is
active, productive, and deeply rewarding. Our
gathering begins at 12:15 in the library and is led
by Nancy Anderson.
We meet on the second
and fourth Sundays of each month. All are welcome to join the "Extra Years of Zest" family.
Paul for Everyone, The Prison
Pastor Thomas leads the Thursday morning Bible
study. We meet at 10:00 a.m. in the church library. We will begin a new study of St. Paul‘s
Letter to the Ephesians on Thursday, February
11, 2010. Copies of our text, Paul For Everyone, The
Prison Letters by N.T. Wright are available online
or by telephone from the Regent College Bookstore in Vancouver, B.C. (1-800-663-8664.)
Faith Circle
Hope Circle
Monday, February 15
7:30 p.m.
Friday, February 19
9:30 a.m.
On February 15, 2010, Faith Circle will meet
at the home of Evy Sneva and our leader
will be Rita Hansen. Faith Circle meets on
the third Monday of each month, from September to May, at 7:30 p.m., in different member‘s
homes. (We break for the summer months – June
through August.) We use the Bible study found
in Lutheran Woman Today. If you need more information or would like to join Faith Circle, please
contact Rita Hansen at (425) 392-2108 or
Hope Circle will meet Friday, February 19,
2010 at the home of Barbara Extract. For
more information on Hope Circle or for carpooling information, please contact Sandy Aldworth
at (425) 837-1233 or
A Deeper Well
Issaquah Brew House
February 23
The Midlife Spirituality Group
Begins a New Study on Feb 21
Join us for this gathering that takes place on the
last Tuesday evening of each month. Just down
the road and around the corner from OSLC, we
meet at the Issaquah Brew House (35 W. Sunset
Way). This is a time, for those 21 and older, to
talk about faith and life and experience some refreshment for both body and soul. If you have
questions, contact Pastor Ryan at (425) 3924169, ext. 105 or
The Mid-Life Spirituality Group meets in participants homes on Sunday evenings from 7:00 to
9:00 p.m. While mid-life means different things to
different people, our mid-life group members are
in their forties, fifties, sixties and seventies. We
will begin a new study at our Sunday evening,
February 21, 2010 meeting. The new book is, Getting to the Heart of Interfaith: The Eye-Opening,
Hope-Filled Friendship of a Pastor, a Rabbi & a
Sheikh by Don Mackenzie, Ted Falcon and Jamal
Rahman. It is available at Amazon. Contact Bev
Taylor at for more
information about this group. Watch the bulletin
and weekly e-mail for the location of our February 21, 2010 meeting.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
The Prayer Shawl Ministry
will not be meeting in February due to the
Women‘s Retreat. Please watch for notice of a
March meeting. If you knit or crochet, please
come and join us! This wonderful ministry provides warm, comfy shawls to those in need.
Mission Quilters
Join us Wednesday mornings at 9:30 a.m. in
Anderson Hall and assist us making quilts.
There are plenty of shawls and lap robes, so if
anyone would like one for a friend or loved one
please contact Karen Hansen at (425) 392-2198,; or Nancy Anderson at
(425) 888-2907,
Ash Wednesday and Mid-Week
Lenten Worship, and Lenten Dinners
OSLC‘s Mid-week Lenten Series begins on Ash Wednesday, February 17, at 7:00 p.m. Our Lenten theme
for 2010 is based on the book, Reconciling All Things: A Christian Vision for Justice, Peace, and Healing by
Emmanuel Katongole and Chris Rice.
Midweek preaching will be based on themes from Dr. Katongole and Rev. Rice‘s book and a Sunday
morning adult discussion group based on the book will also be offered beginning February 21. Wednesday night Lenten dinners will begin on February 24 at 5:30 p.m. as will our ―Holden Evening Prayer‖
worship services. (Beginning at 7:00 p.m.)
From The Compass Center
Thank you for partnering with us during the
holiday season by collecting and donating gifts
from the Compass Center's wish list. With your
help and generosity we were able to provide the
men, women and children we serve with a
brighter and joyful holiday. Thank you for coming alongside us. We wish you the best in 2010.
From Rita Hansen
I want to express my thanks to the congregation
for the prayers, calls and cards she received following her surgery.
Kristi Weber, Volunteer coordinator, Compass Center
Congregational Business
Greetings from the
OSLC Altar Guild
Social Concerns
I am pleased to welcome two new members of
our Guild – Leslie Waltzer is a new bread baker,
and Marilyn Larson, our newest member of Altar
Guild. We are uplifted by these new members,
and look forward to serving our Lord and OSLC
in 2010. Service includes setting up for Holy
Communion, baptisms and bread making. If you
are interested in joining the Guild, please contact
myself, Judi Russell@ 425 445 2803, or via e-mail
@ You can also reach
out to any of our members to learn more about
setting our Lord‘s table.
Social Concerns next project will be the Easter
Food baskets. More details to come as we approach Lent/Easter time.
Margot Inman
Fellowship in 2010
As we approach Lent, Fellowship is seeking helpers for Lenten meals. Beginning the week after Ash
Wednesday, we will once again offer a light meal prior to our Lenten service. I am in need of set up,
serving and clean up assistance for each of these Wednesdays: February 24, March 3 and March 10.
Confirmation students will prepare and host the March 17 supper.
Meal preparation will be every Wednesday from 2:30 pm in order to serve at 5:30 pm. If you would like
to assist on February 24, March 3 and/or March 10 please reach out to me @,
or call 425 445 2803.
Fellowship is also in need of volunteers to bring in juice, cookies or snacks for our coffee hour. I also
need clean up assistance after the coffee hour ends. Kudos to Lena Schaper for her dedication and reliable help here! Please see Lena or myself if you would like to help in this way. As you are aware, the
budget for Fellowship has been reduced to a minimal one that allows for very little in the way of refreshments. For the past year OSLC has benefitted from the personal donations from a very small group
of individuals, and I thank each of you for your willingness and dedication. If you are interested in donating to coffee hour, please contact me, or just drop off your goodies in the kitchen with your name so I
can thank you!
Many of you are aware that Tent City 4 has returned to Issaquah. In the past, OSLC donated time and
talents to bring a hot meal to this camp. I am looking for volunteers who would be interested in helping
me prepare and serve hot meals in the month of February or March. Please contact me if you are called
to serve in this manner.
Looking for interesting tips for lightening up your favorite meals? Or perhaps you have always wondered how to cook for the larger crowd? I am willing to host lessons at OSLC on these or other topics of
interest. Please see me if you are interested.
"For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of
waters: And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes" (Revelation 7:17).
Habitat for Humanity
Thrivent Builds has generously extended their partnership with Habitat for Humanity for another
year. Habitat East King County has been awarded one full home in Snoqualmie Ridge, however, in order to fulfill the grant, 50% of the volunteers on the build need to be Lutherans! This home will be
another ‗accelerated‘ build--built in 8 short weeks. The build starts on Friday, January 29th and will end
on Saturday, March 27th. Help is really needed every Friday and Saturday. Some good news is that the
walls are in and the roof is up, so you won‘t need to work in the outside elements. Hot drinks and
lunch will be provided. Contact Gary Kneepkens if you are interested in volunteering,
To raise the funds needed to complete the home, Habitat and Thrivent will host the "Everybody is a
Winner" Casino Night at Pickering Farm on Saturday, March 13, 2010! Tickets will be $40 per person in
advance ($50 at the door) and will include hearty appetizers, wine and beer, fun prizes and a goody bag
to take home with you! Guests will be invited to play blackjack, roulette and craps with "funny money"
while enjoying live music and a fantastic silent auction! You can purchase your tickets online at the
Habitat for Humanity website:
Haiti Earthquake Relief
On Tuesday, January 12, a magnitude 7.0 earthquake rocked the island country of Haiti, primarily impacting the capital, Port-au-Prince.
Offices, hotels, houses and shops have collapsed. The presidential palace is in ruins and many churches
have been destroyed. Hospitals are overflowing and the search for survivors is intense. The streets of
Haiti are filled with people in shock and searching for loved ones among the rubble.
Your help is needed today to bring immediate relief and continued hope for our brothers and sisters in
Haiti. About 3 million lives, one-third of Haiti‘s population, are affected by this earthquake.
Already one of the poorest countries in the world (70 percent of Haiti‘s population lives in extreme poverty), this catastrophe will exacerbate the suffering felt by many already living with hunger and poverty.
ELCA Disaster Response is already working through long-standing partnerships on the ground to provide emergency food, water, shelter and medical supplies.
Financial gifts are urgently needed. Your gifts to ELCA International Disaster Response, designated for
Haiti Earthquake Relief, will be used entirely—100 percent—for immediate relief and ongoing recovery
in Haiti. Your prayers and generous gifts will make a life-saving difference. Please give today.
Please see the blue forms on the table in the narthex at OSLC. Or you can send your check directly to:
ELCA Disaster Response, PO Box 71764, Chicago, IL 60694-1764. To give by credit card, visit or call (800) 638-3522.
Distinctly Bronze West
Distinctly Bronze West is a premiere handbell event that two ringers from our own Memorial Bell Choir
will be participating in. For three full days, Erin Hersey and Alice Lewis will be ringing bells with the
auditioned best ringers in the nation attending the event on the west coast. Attending events like this
will bring skill tools and energy back to our own bell choir and improves our ability to share new skills
with our own group. From February 26th through the 28th they will be practicing from early morning
till late evening, pulling out moleskin and whatever will get them through the rigorous rehearsals. The
group will number around 100 and will be presenting a concert on Sunday, February 28. The concert is
open to the public (small ticket fee), and will be held at 4:15 PM at the Bremerton Convention Center,
right next to the ferry terminal. If you are a fan of handbell music, you will be uniquely pleased with
what you see and hear. For more details, talk to Erin or Alice.
Middle School ‘GO’ Night
March 12-13
Are you ready to be up late into the night to attend a sporting event, go bowling, eat, play, and
pray with other middle school youth from
around the area? Be a part of the fun starting the
evening of Friday, March 12 and ending the
morning (around 1:00 a.m.) of Saturday, March
13. To sign up please contact Kimberly Montague at (425) 277-1093 or
High School and
Middle School Ski Trip
February 14-16
The Mission Ridge Ski Trip for middle and high
school youth will be February 14-16. We‘ll stay
at Grace Lutheran Church in Wenatchee. Contact John Nelson with questions — (425) 503-7954
or To sign-up, contact
Craig Gillin at (425) 649-0192 or by email at
Come Check
it Out!
Youth and parents--be sure to check out the bulletin board in the hallway leading to the library. It has upcoming activities for youth on it
as well as other youth information for confirmation, middle school and high school youth.
All youth must have a current medical release form on
file to be able to attend OSLC youth outings. Forms
are available from the church office or Pastor Ryan.
Treasurer's Update
December, 2009
We are 6 months (50%) through our fiscal year.
What has actually happened this year:
We have received YTD - (49.8% of operations budget)
We have spent YTD – (49.3% of operations budget)
Surplus – Received more than we have spent
$ 242,800.
$ 232,100.
$ 10,700.
Compared to what we budgeted:
We are behind budgeted giving by
We are under budgeted spending by
Compared to last year’s actual:
Our contributions were more than last year by
I would like to thank everyone for their continued support of the ministries and outreach of Our Savior. We continue to have a year to date surplus and contributions are
up compared to last year.
Bruce Mathias, Treasurer
Bob & Joan Schlemlein
Dag & Beth Garrison
Jon & Catina Piliaris
Michael & Margot Inman
Cassidy Rimmer
Lindy Downey
Tony Kraemer
Janet Cederberg
Nancy Anderson
Jerry Welch
Jessica Starcer-Smith
Bruce Byrkett
Scott Smith
Rowan Hinds
Diane Nelson
Nathan Gardner
Carolyn Tierney
Jocelyn Tierney
Ethan Yocom
Bill Suttmeier
Boyd Peterson
Lori Ann Morrey
Marilyn Carlson
Payton Kraemer
Ernie Whatley
Laura Derwin
Michael Kraemer
Sandy Aldworth
Scott Cron
Marie Foss
Ashley Montague
Bev Price
Susan Hubly
Kelleen Cummings
Marilyn Grette
David Derwin
Graham North
Randy Halter
David Wagner
Sarah Charleston
Jennifer Papp
Larry Fry
Jasper Fuhs
Hillary LeFever
Sam Gillin
Ryan Fletcher (2/29)
Library News
Remember the OSLC library for wintertime reading! During these chilly, dark days of winter, when
outdoor chores can wait until spring, you may find yourself with extra time to enjoy a good read. Our
library is brimming with books to wet your interest, but this time I‘d like to tell you about a new fourbook series in our adult fiction section that two of our library committee members have read and greatly
The series is entitled the Daughters of Fortune, written by Judith Pella. In it you will meet Keagan Hayes,
a newspaper tycoon in Los Angeles and his family, a wife and three grown daughters. And there begins what Keagan thinks is his problem: daughters, no sons. But these daughters are interesting in
their own right. There‘s Cameron his oldest, a rookie reporter determined to succeed or fail on her merits alone. Next is Blair, a fledgling actress who becomes enamored with the splendor of Hollywood,
while Jackie, the youngest and a freshman at UCLA, discovers the price of a controversial friendship.
The series begins in 1941, and the author uses the developing lives of these daughters to take us to different parts of the globe and the events of World War II.
Author Pella must be an avid student of Russia, because she also penned The Russians series, also to be
found in our library and dealing with Tsarist times in Russia. Look for The Russians series in the adult
fiction section. The Daughters of Fortune series, with the titles of Written on the Wind, Somewhere a Song,
Toward the Sunrise and Homeward My Heart, can be found in the New Book Section, just inside the library
door. Happy Reading!
Worship Schedule
Sun., February 7—5th Sunday after Epiphany
Sunday morning worship
services with Holy
Communion begin at
8:30 and 11:00 a.m.
Sunday School for all ages
(preschool through adult)
begins at 9:45 a.m.
First Reading:
Second Reading:
Isaiah 6:1-8
1 Corinthians 15:1-11
Luke 5:1-11
Sun., February 14—Transfiguration of Our Lord
First Reading:
Second Reading:
Exodus 34:29-35
2 Corinthians 3:12―4:2
Luke 9:28-36 (37-43)
Sun., February 21—1st Sunday of Lent
First Reading:
Second Reading:
Deuteronomy 26:1-11
Romans 10:8b-13
Luke 4:1-13
Sun., February 28—2nd Sunday of Lent
First Reading:
Second Reading:
Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18
Philippians 3:17―4:1
Luke 13:31-35
February 2010
10:00 AM OA (Room 7)
1:00 PM Lutheran Counseling Network (LCN
6:30 PM OSLC Monthly
Women’s Group
7:00 PM Boy Scout Troop
676 (Anderson Hall)
7:00 PM Boy Scout Troop
676 Parent’s Meeting
6:00 PM Global Missions Committee
7:00 PM Stewardship
Committee (Narthex)
7:00 PM AA (Anderson
Hall, Room 7)
9:30 AM Mission
Quilters (Anderson Hall)
12:30 PM Staff Meeting
5:30 PM House Band
Rehearsal (Sanctuary)
7:00 PM Chancel Choir
7:00 PM Confirmation
Group Meeting
7:45 AM TOPS (Rooms
14, 17)
9:00 AM Issaquah PTSA
Council Board Meeting
(Room 11)
10:00 AM Bible Study
10:00 AM Al-Anon (Room
7:00 PM Memorial Bells
OSLC Women’s
Retreat @ Rainbow Lodge
OSLC Women’s
Retreat @ Rainbow Lodge
OSLC Women’s Retreat
Concludes @ Rainbow
9:30 AM Avant Designers
Guild (Anderson Hall)
10:00 AM OA (Room 7)
1:00 PM Lutheran Counseling Network (LCN
1:00 PM Parkinson’s
Support Group (Library)
7:00 PM Boy Scout Troop
676 (Anderson Hall, Room
7:00 PM Girl Scout Troop
5:30 PM Issaquah Meal
Program @ Fire Station
6:00 PM Executive
Committee (Library)
7:00 PM Council Meeting (Library)
7:00 PM AA (Anderson
Hall, Room 7)
9:30 AM Mission
Quilters (Anderson Hall)
12:30 PM Staff Meeting
5:30 PM House Band
Rehearsal (Sanctuary)
7:00 PM Chancel Choir
7:45 AM TOPS (Rooms
14, 17)
10:00 AM Bible Study
10:00 AM Al-Anon (Room
7:00 PM Memorial Bells
6:00-9:00 PM
St. Valentine’s Parents’
Date Night (Anderson
8:30AM Worship
9:45 AM Sunday School /
Adult Education
11:00 AM Worship
12:30 PM XYZ Study
Group (Library)
President’s Day Holiday
OSLC Office Closed
10:00 AM OA (Room 7)
1:00 PM Lutheran Counseling Network (LCN
12:00PM “Focus”
Newsletter Deadline
7:30 PM Faith Circle @
the home of Evy Sneva
7:00 PM AA (Anderson
Hall, Room 7)
Middle and High School
Youth Ski Trip @
Mission Ridge
9:30 AM Mission
Quilters (Anderson Hall)
12:30 PM Staff Meeting
5:30 PM House Band
Rehearsal (Sanctuary)
7:00 PM Ash Wednesday
7:50 PM Chancel Choir
7:45 AM TOPS (Rooms
14, 17)
10:00 AM Bible Study
10:00 AM Al-Anon (Room
7:00 PM Memorial Bells
9:30 AM Hope Circle @
the home of Barbara
8:30AM Worship
9:45 AM Sunday School /
Adult Education
9:45 Shawl Knitting
Ministry (AH)
11:00 AM Worship
Middle and High School
Youth Ski Trip @
Mission Ridge
Middle and High School
Youth Ski Trip @
5:45 AM-8:00AM
Hammond House Breakfast
8:30AM Worship
9:45 AM Sunday School /
Adult Education
11:00 AM Worship
10:00 AM OA (Room 7)
1:00 PM Lutheran Counseling Network
(LCN Office)
7:00 PM Boy Scout Troop
676 (Anderson Hall)
7:00 PM Girl Scout Troop
116 (Room 14, 15)
7:00 PM Social Concerns
Committee (Room 11)
7:00 PM AA (Anderson
Hall, Room 7)
8:00 PM A Deeper Well
@ Issaquah Brew
9:30 AM Mission
Quilters (Anderson Hall)
12:30 PM Staff Meeting
5:30 PM House Band
Rehearsal (Sanctuary)
5:30 PM Lenten Dinner
(Anderson Hall)
7:00 PM Mid-Week
Lenten Service
7:50 PM Chancel Choir
7:45 AM TOPS (Rooms
14, 17)
10:00 AM Bible Study
10:00 AM Al-Anon (Room
7:00 PM Memorial Bells
9:30 AM Issaquah
Quilters (Anderson Hall)
8:30AM Worship
9:45 AM Adult Education
9:45 AM Sunday School
Family Faith Event
11:00 AM Worship
12:30 PM XYZ Study
Group (Library)
OSLC facility
use printed in
bold print.
facility use
We remember in prayer...
We remember in prayer OSLC members: Joe Acker; Chris Cummings; Gene Elfstrom; Rita Hansen; Carol Harbolt; Jeff Hendrickson; Barbara Hinds; Lois Jacobson; Chuck James; Marian James; Josee Jordan; Amy Mogensen; Jerry Nack; Anna Njos; Erv Njos; Colleen Petersen; Pastor Eldon ‘Pick’ Pickering; Lucille Sanderson; Jason
Stanford; Mary Swanson; Linda Wallace; Gwynn Wilkinson; Odin Witsoe
We ask for peace and comfort for those mourning the death of loved ones:
Frank Kleingartner; Kent Mundell (Maury Clark); Luke Gullberg (Sandy Aldworth); Rose Marie Cleary (Sandy
Aldworth); Judy Golick (sister of Patty Gerde); Ken Bergsma (cousin of Bill Bergsma); Steve Spencer and Curtis
Link (Cheryl Neeb); Bob Blackburn (Bill Bergsma); Bill Kilfoyle (Cheryl Neeb); Leslie and Gayle Krefeildt
(Danielle Ernst); Dorothy Christianson (sister-in-law of Lois Jacobson); Ben Larson (Ryan Fletcher and Natalie
Francois); Mark (Katie Yocom)
We pray for expectant mothers: Tina Bodell (daughter-in-law of Judi Russell); Christina (Margon Inman); Claudia
Moore (daughter of Pam Moore); Shelley Young (Sladek Family); Ann Case (Connie Van Houten); Cindy Paris
(granddaughter of Marian James); May Robertson (daughter-in-law of Don and Lorna Robertson); Natalie Dean
(sister-in law/aunt of Fletcher/Francois family); Janine Park (daughter-in-law of Dave and Georgeanne Park); Lori
Eriksson (daughter of Vern and Jeannie Lindquist); Devaney Bechler (niece of Ann and Larry Thomas); Jennifer
Curley (sister of Becky Brooks)
We promise to nurture new members received December 6, 2009: Ralph Case; Paul and Jodi Crawford; Brian,
Melodie, Ashlie and Gabriel Humphries; Mary Ann Hult; Ann Kofol; John and Linda Wallace.
We pray for the safety of OSLC members and friends serving in the military here and abroad.
We pray for our missionaries and global missions: Henrik & Patty Christopherson; Rwanda Partners; Sister
Congregations: St. Catherine’s Lutheran Church in St. Petersburg, Russia and Mekelle Lutheran Church in
Mekelle, Ethiopia; for the congregations in Chicalyo, Peru: Pepe at Las Brisas, Merci in San Antonio and Harold
at Las Lomas. MaaSae Girls Lutheran Secondary School in Monduli, Tanzania..
We are thankful to God for the following church council members who were installed on January 10, 2010:
David Carlson, Worship; Doug Downey, Building & Grounds; Barbara Extract, Outreach; Cheryl Hauser, Global
Missions; Gerrie Hendrickson, Youth; Margot Inman, Social Concerns; Bruce Mathias, Treasurer; John Nelson,
President; Sandy Nygaard, Vice-President; Judi Russell, Fellowship; Joanne Suttmeier, Financial Secretary; Paul
Tolo, Christian Education; Wendy Winslow, Stewardship; Marcy Wood, Administration/Personnel; Kathy
Ziegler, Secretary.
We offer thanksgiving to God: For the December 28, 2009 marriage of Dominik Fry and Jessica Potter (son of
Larry and Christine Fry). For the 50th wedding anniversary of Tom and Charleen Wallitner (sister/brother-in-law
of Sandy Aldworth). That Ann Kofol and Clay Anderson have found employment (Shelley Howe). That Joe
Mattheiu has completed his cancer treatments and that his prognosis is good. (son-in-law of Joe and Lucy Acker)
Prayer is putting our faith into action, and prayer is
pleasing to God. Link up with our prayer chain if you
have a need or if you want to share a thanksgiving or
praise. Call Jill Naegle, (425) 392-0116.
Kimberly Montague
Sue Friddell
Doug & Lindy
Bruce Mathias &
Bill Suttmeier
Maury Clark
Larry & Christine
Judi Russell
Lena Schaper &
Marilyn Larson
Karen Hansen
Gary & Marilyn
Connie Fletcher
Craig & Sam
Sue Friddell
Lena Schaper
Sharyn Winters
Kimberly, Marc &
Ashley Montague
Karen Hansen
Sharyn Winters
Muriel Brown
Karen Hansen
Rita Hansen
Alice Lewis
Kimberly Montague
Judi Russell
Mary Fricke
Lena Schaper
Connie Fletcher
Mary Fricke
Rowan Hinds
Rowan Hinds
Jeff & Jordan
Janette Singley-Wray
Don Robertson &
Bob Gerke
Bill Suttmeier
When you arrive, please sign-in on the worship sign-in sheet located in the sacristy.
Feb. 28
2nd Sunday
of Lent
Feb. 14
Transfiguration of
Our Lord
Feb. 21
Feb. 7
5th Sunday
after Epiphany
1st Sunday
0f Lent
Worship Assistants
February 2010
Dave Park
Bev Taylor
Jeff Ziegler
Bev Taylor
David Hersey
Dave Wagner
David Hersey
Bev Taylor
Our Savior Lutheran Church
745 Front St. South
Issaquah, WA 98027
(425) 392-4169 office
(see extensions below)
(425) 392-2946 fax
All information for the Focus is due by noon on the 15th of each month, unless noted otherwise.
Please email items to Becky Mogensen (see below).
Larry E. Thomas ………………………….Lead Pastor
Ext. 106
Ryan Fletcher ……………………….Associate Pastor
Ext. 105
Scott Hafso …………………..Interim Choir Director
Ext. 103
Janet Heck …………………….Parish Administrator
Ext. 100
Connie Van Houten ……………..Preschool Director
(425) 392-1201
Vern Lindquist …………………………….Parish Organist
Becky Mogensen …………………………...Office Assistant
Ext. 111
Becky Mogensen ……………………………….Focus Editor
Paul Anderson ……………Lutheran Counseling Network
(425) 455-2960