Fall 2015 - Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp


Fall 2015 - Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp
FALL 2015
Sky Ranch’s Mission
is to Facilitate an
Encounter with Christ
on the Mountaintops
To unfold the gifts of all participants
To gift our community with diversity
To be fertile soil for the seeds of
To embrace changing needs
To preserve our environments
To build up positive leadership
To celebrate with inspiration and joy
Board of Directors
Pr Meghan Aelabouni - Trinity
Lutheran Church, Fort Collins
Dss Kristen Baltrum - Bethlehem
Lutheran Church, Longmont
Pr Ron Bockhaus - Shepherd of the
Mountain, Estes Park
Gene Elder - Zion Lutheran Church,
Kim Haguestuen - Spirit of Joy, Fort
Kim Kelty - Joy Lutheran Church,
Pr Ruth Ann Loughry - King of Glory,
Angie McDonald - Our Saviour’s
Lutheran Church, Fort Collins
Warren Miller - Bethany Lutheran
Church, Cherry Hills Village
RC Reiman - Ascension Lutheran
Church, Cheyenne, WY
Pr Ron Roschke - Rocky Mountain
Synod Representative, Denver
Jeff Snauwaert - Christ Lutheran
Church, Highlands Ranch
Michael Weier - Lutheran Church of
the Master, Lakewood
The new shower house includes a men’s and women’s side with four stalls and four
showers, as well as two indvidual family restrooms. Read more on page 8.
On August 29th, the Sky Ranch community
gathered to dedicate the new shower house.
The celebration marked the completion
of an important venture in the life of the
ministry. The dedication marked not only
a fulfillment and ending but also a new
beginning. With gratitude, we remember
the service the former shower house
provided through way too many years and
we delight in the finished construction of
our new shower house. We are thankful
to all of you who have donated funds or
offered prayers, blessings, or physical labor
to make this dream a reality. We pray it will
be a blessing to this ministry and last at
least as long as its predecessor.
The shower house construction was made
possible by the overwhelming generousity
of individuals and congregations that gave
to the 50th Appeal.
Brad & Deb Abbott - Fort Collins, CO
Don & Janet Anderson - Dallas, TX
Richard Anderson - Fort Collins, CO
Rod & Jane Arndt - Fort Collins, CO
Carl & Connie Backes - Loveland, CO
Kristen & Rob Baltrum - Longmont, CO
David & Leanne Beety - Vergas, MN
Rob & Leta Behrens - Fort Collins, CO
Steve & Lori Berke-Johnson - Longmont, CO
Ron Bockhaus & Susan Anderson - Estes Park, CO
(Continued on Page 3)
The new shower house was part of the Sky
Ranch 50th Anniversary Appeal. The new
facility was estimated to cost $300,000.
Because of the remote location and
extensive upgrades of site infrastructure,
actual costs are over $400,000. While we
rejoice in the completion of the shower
house, the 50th Appeal continues. We need
your help to finish!
With the additional costs of $100,000,
we are looking for 15 major gifts to
complete the funding for the shower
house and finish the 50th Anniversary
appeal. While we continue to build our
annual fund with gifts of all sizes, the Appeal
seeks fifteen gifts (5 of $10,000 and 10 of
$5,000) over a two to three year period.
We are looking for 15 friends of camp to
finish the 50th.
For more information on the appeal or
to donate, please contact Brad Abbott at
Brad@SkyRanchColorado.org - 970-493-5258.
Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp
Page 2
I am continually amazed by the ministry
of Sky Ranch. I am humbled by the
support of donors and congregations
that truly comprehend the power of this
mountaintop ministry. Camp continues
to be one of the few places in our
church where youth remain active after
confirmation. In this outdoor setting,
dynamic college-age counselors ignite
the faith of youth and adults alike, while
being inspired in their own faith.
One of this summer’s staff shared, “Sky
Ranch allows campers the opportunity to
live into an intentional faith community
unlike any other because they are given the
freedom to be themselves and ask the big
questions, all while experiencing the beauty
and love of God’s creation.” Another staff
wrote, “I am a different person now from
when I first arrived at Sky Ranch because I
have been able to truly understand and live
into a loving community and really confirm
my call to ministry”. Sky Ranch truly is
transformational ministry!
Here, year after year, stories are shared…
stories about lives changed, youth
connected, counselors serving, pastors
called, volunteers giving, and congregations
enjoying fellowship together in the body
of Christ. Camp works because it’s a
relational ministry. Camp continues
because generous donors believe it’s
worth their investment.
Because of your support, Sky Ranch was
able to celebrate a milestone in the life
of its ministry at the end of this summer.
The construction of the shower
house is now finished! (pages 1, 8, 9)
The shower house is part of the 50th
Anniversary Appeal, designed to prepare
Sky Ranch for its next 50 years of ministry.
While the shower house is complete, the
Appeal is not. Help us to Finish the 50th
(page 1).
The new shower house and upgrades
to other facilities at camp (page 11) are
vital as we continue to grow our camper
numbers and retreat groups. While our
high school off-site campers were down
this past summer, our on-site campers
continue to grow! The decline in high
school campers is largely due to the
National Youth Gathering in Detroit this
summer.To put this impact in perspective,
in July of 2015 we had more high school
off-site groups registered for 2016 than
2015. The continued increase in younger
campers means that we are looking to
transform staff cabins in the center of
camp into camper cabins.This also means
we need to increase housing for the
summer staff.
Day hikers prepare to head out to
explore the wonders of creation and
the joy found in community.
These are wonderful challenges for Sky
Ranch as we continue to re-build the
foundational structures to stabilize this
ministry for the next 50 years! The Sky
Ranch Board of Directors is addressing
these challenges as part of the Strategic
Plan starting later this year. This plan
will be a blueprint for where we spend
our time, energy, and money. If you are
interested in being part of this visionary
process, please contact me.
As I have said before, the need for
We are excited to introduce and
outdoor ministry has never been greater!
welcome Dan Arndt as our new summer
I believe in the importance of outdoor
maintenance coordinator. Dan joined Sky
ministry but more importantly, I believe
Ranch at the start of the summer season,
in the ministry of Sky Ranch and it’s
spending several days a week at camp.
future. Here we challenge campers
Dan’s focus was primarily the care and
spiritually with the word of God in song,
upkeep of facilities and equipment, as
story, conversation, and action. Here
well as working with volunteer groups,
we provide quality Gospel-centered
bringing supplies up to camp, and making Dan with his daughter, Lena.
programming that focuses on small
runs to the dump. He will continue
into the fall season, helping to winterize wife, Erin, and three children, Lena (11), group ministry (the most important
part in learning forgiveness, creativity,
buildings and plow the road.
Jack (9), and Grayson (1).
and discipline). Here is where youth
Dan grew up in Fort Colllins and was an Dan’s hard work was vital to our summer and young adults are empowered and
active camp participant throughout his projects (see page 11) and a major equipped to be leaders for our church.
childhood. He lives in Wellington with his contribution to camp looking great!
Page 3
During the first week of staff training, the
2015 summer staff gathered around a 40’
piece of paper and were invited to draw,
write, or otherwise create the Sky Ranch
Story. For those who had only been at
camp for a couple days, it was challenging
to turn such limited experience into a
meaningful narrative; for those going
into their third or fourth summer, it was
equally difficult to narrow it down. After
10 minutes, we stopped, walked around
to see everyone’s creations, and then
at random stopped in front of another
staff ’s story. We were then given the
prompt: “Take some time to appreciate
the story in front of you, find your place
within it, and, when you are ready, make
your own contribution.”
created to celebrate Sky
Ranch’s 20th anniversary, full
of embroidered or crossstitched patches from each
of the member congregations
(some 80 in all). The two
Each congregation’s patch
was unique – representing
the individual ways that
community had invested in
Sky Ranch – but it was only
through all the congregations
contributing that the story
was told and the lodge was
Campers participate in the end of the week
community celebration including taking part in the
Sky Ranch Olympic relays and an all camp dance off.
This summer, the Sky Ranch
story rang out beautifully. The
This exercise says a lot about the space summer staff was passionately engaged,
and ministry of Sky Ranch. We have this offering equal meassures of grace, flexibity,
great thing – Sky Ranch – which is bigger and youthful euberance – it was a joy to
than any of us. We are invited in and Sky watch them accompany our campers.
Ranch quickly becomes home. Over time, Friends of camp showed such boundless
we find our place and we all find a way to generosity, from the thousands of hours
of volunteer labor that made projects
make our own contribution.
possible, to the offering of time and talent
From my earliest memories of being from our presenters during staff training
a camper at Sky Ranch, I remember and family camps, and the overwhelming
two things hanging in Christ Lodge: the support that made the shower house
gold shovel from the Lodge ground- construction possible.
breaking ceremony and banners
Most importantly, our campers were
open to new friendships, dove into Bible
study, day hikes, and cabin conversations,
and shared a genuine willingness to love
and be loved.
I know I am not alone when I profess: it is
a gift to be a part of the Sky Ranch story,
especially in this time of vibrant ministry
and joyful visioning for the future. I can’t
wait to see how our story unfolds as we
all add our voices to its telling.
50TH APPEAL THANK YOU - continued from page 1
William & Kimberly Clouser - Fort Collins, CO
Charles & Marthann Dahlen - Loveland, CO
Kevin & Katie Dragseth - Aurora, CO
Gene & Angie Elder - Loveland, CO
Karla & Eric Fossoy - Fort Collins, CO
Kent Garvin - Fort Collins, CO
Ken Gibson - Woodstock, IL
Karlin Gray - Fort Collins, CO
Kim & Ben Haugestuen - Fort Collins, CO
Steve & Mary Kay Helling - Brookings, SD
Herb & Vicki Hergott - Longmont, CO
Mary Lou Isernhagen - Goodland, KS
Vicki & Terry Johnson - Loveland, CO
Paul Judson Family - Longmont, CO
Jeff & Kim Kelty - Parker, CO
Bob & Kim Kuehner - Lafayette, CO
Dan & Martha Larsen - Fort Collins, CO
Ron & Linda Letnes - Blaine, MN
Susane Levine - Davie, FL
Angie & Tad McDonald - Fort Collins, CO
Gerry & Delores Mueller - Longmont, CO
Clayton & Lila Nietfeld - Greeley, CO
Ally Plucheck - Fort Collins, CO
Ralph & Sally Ponfick - Lafayette, CO
Steve & Milenda Powers - Berthoud, CO
Will & Kathy Reents - Loveland, CO
R.C. & Kay Reiman - Cheyenne, WY
Ron Roschke - Denver, CO
Greg & Susan Schairer - Loveland, CO
Eric & Julie Schranck - Castle Rock, CO
Kathryn Seyfarth - Fort Collins, CO
Jeff & Pam Snauwaert - Highlands Ranch, CO
Andy & Erin Sprain - Fort Collins, CO
Leah Sprain & Matt Haskin - Denver, CO
Scott & Ruth Sprain - Loveland, CO
Pam Strawser- Windsor, CO
Michael & Brigette Weier - Englewood, CO
Roberta Wentworth - Westminster, CO
Mike & Margaret Williams - Highlands Ranch, CO
Ralph & Marcia Yernberg - Northfield, MN
Congregations and Organizations
Bethlehem - Longmont, CO
Christ the Servant - Louisville, CO
Grace - Woodstock, IL
Our Savior - Greeley, CO
Jerusalem Road - Fort Collins, CO
The Estate of Maxine Johnson - Denver, CO
Trinity - Fort Collins, CO
Trinity - Ottawa, IL
Zion - Loveland, CO
Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp
• 17 Days of Staff Training
• 54 Days of Summer Camp
• 46 Summer Staff
• 5564 Loads of Dishes Washed
• 293 Campfires
• 4 Hours to bring the first
shower house module down
the 2 mile road (1 hour for the
• 312 Loaves of Communion
• 14% Increase in Onsite
• 550 Pounds of Flour
• 2 Seminarians on Staff
• 63 Times we had to snake
the toilets in the temporary
shower trailer
• 5 Community Dinners w/ Rain
• 375 Washable Markers uesd for
liturgical art tie dye crosses
• 286 Miles Hiked in the Hike-AThon
• 224 Gallons of Milk
Page 4
This summer our theme was A Love that
Never Ends. Love is often described
metaphorically – roses, hearts, red and
pink, and everything wonderful. However,
when we’re talking about a radical,
transforming love, we quickly realize this
love is hard, difficult, uncomfortable, and
seemingly impossible. Love doesn’t always
make sense, yet it transforms lives.
pulling weeds and jumping into backyards
to move tree limbs and tires. After 30
minutes, the neighbors came out of these
“vacant” homes to figure out who these
youth were and why they were in their
backyards. Soon enough they began
to work alongside the youth and share
their stories. One woman said, “I don’t
get it, it doesn’t make sense why you’re
here helping to clean my neighborhood.
We have been ignored for 10 years –
we lost hope and hid in our homes. You
don’t know me, I don’t know you and
yet you are here helping me, helping my
neighborhood. I don’t know why you’re
here but you’ve brought us hope. I thank
you and I love you.”
Jesus is a great example of this love. Jesus
walked among the rejects, the sick, and
the poor. It didn’t make sense that God
would send Jesus to die, other than God
so loved the world. It doesn’t make sense
that all means all in a world with constant
messages of earning self worth by
climbing the social and economic ladder .
. . yet this is the radical love we shared Our onsite campers created letters and
this summer and this is the love that friendship bracelets to send to a summer
camp of 350+ Haitian children. These
transformed our community.
letters included messages of love and
Our summer was filled with experiences the bracelets were infused with love. The
of radical love being shared. Sky Ranch photos and videos of the Haitian youth
hosted a bus trip to the ELCA Youth beaming and singing camp songs while
Gathering in Detroit with 5 congregations. receiving their letters were truly Spirit
The entire trip was infectious, with filled. Something we view as simple can
30,000 youth proclaiming their story make a world of difference.
while hearing and connecting to the
story of Detroit. On Proclaim Justice day, Love doesn’t always make sense but it
10,000 youth were sent out and cleaned transforms lives. God calls us to spread
up neighborhoods. A youth director God’s love not only to our family and
shared his experience of being dropped friends but to those that we find it most
off in the middle of a neighborhood that difficult to love. When we do, we are
looked vacant. The youth got to work freed to live the lives God calls us to live.
• 386 Dead Trees removed by
staff housing
• 0 Broken Bones!
• 38 Hours Logged on Gator
Utility Vehicle lent to camp
• 18 Guest Presenters @ Staff
• 326 Gallons of Water filtered
on trail
• 238 Ibs of Pizza Dough Made
• 0 Bears in the Kitchen!
Youth participating in the Haitain Timoun Foundation day camp receive letters and
bracelets created and sent by Sky Ranch campers and staff.
Page 5
Last June, as I was finishing my pastoral
internship at Abiding Hope Lutheran
Church in Littleton, CO, I got to
accompany a group of sixth and seventh
graders to a week at Sky Ranch. Having
never gone to any kind of camp as a
kid (especially not a “church camp”), I
was unsure what to expect. Pop culture
references and anecdotes from friends
seemed to suggest I was in for a week
of silly songs, hands-on games, and
outdoorsy activities. And, yes, there was
Campers share a pirate meal!
plenty of that. (And, yes, I sang the silly
songs at the top of my lungs.) But there
was so much more!
Every day started, ended, and was
peppered throughout with worship
services, led by staff and kids, bursting
with creativity and carried by mighty
voices echoing through the forests. Our
meals were raucous, sacred, delicious
family feasts, with everyone pitching in
to help. Our cabins bore holy names
of the Church’s great fighters for
social justice: Dorothy Day, Dietrich
Bonhoeffer, Rosa Parks, Desmond Tutu,
and others! And throughout all of it, we
reflected communally on a series of daily
Gospel-centered themes, with a level
of critical depth and radical emphasis
on discipleship that I rarely see even
among adults in the Church. Seeing kids
and grown-ups discuss their calling to
serve and love one another, to care for
creation, and to seek justice for the poor
– this filled me with a powerful hope still
resounding at my deepest center. It was
like an intergenerational monastery
with spaghetti dinners and s’mores! It
was like an example of what the church
is meant to be: meals, songs, worship,
creation, justice, and community! It was
for me an image of God’s kingdom.
I would like to thank the talented and
passionate staff of Sky Ranch for the
thought, heart, prayer, and grit they pour
into their work on that mountain. They
need to hear just how much of an impact
it has, not only on the kids, but equally on
the adults, who find in this community a
source of renewed energy and focus for
their own work.
Robin Lutjohann
Boston, MA
It’s not easy to give up 3 months of your
summer to work on a mountaintop with
no cell phone reception, an internet
service that doesn’t allow for continuous
Facebook usage, and year round staff
that are continuously telling you it’s not
about you. Yet each summer we have the
privilege to work with 45+ young adults
who do just that and do it SO well.
The staff of the summer of 2015 fully
immersed themselves into the bigger
picture of outdoor ministry. Time and
time again people noted how tuned
into the kids they were – how they
were constantly selfless and met the kids
where they’re at. They built authentic
relationships with campers and guests
and did an INCREDIBLE job of living out
our summer theme A Love that Never
So what do you do when “Thank You”
doesn’t seem like enough to show our
appreciation to such a dynamic group
of young adults? You continue to build
upon the legacy they left and foster the
relationships they started.
reminding us all what it means to love
in a world that so needs that message.
Our hope for you is that you take the
To our 2015 staff: Thank you for love that you experienced this summer
jumping in feet first to the unknown, and find ways to articulate it and, more
thank you for being so selfless in order importantly, live it out in the community
to love for each camper that was in your you are now in. Thank you for an
care, thank you for living in to the Gospel incredible summer of ministry. It was an
and walking alongside our community honor and a privilege to work with you.
as we journeyed in faith. Thank you for
The 46 faithful servant leaders that made up the 2015 Sky Ranch summer staff.
Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp
“Sky Ranch has a
unique ability to
love and welcome
all kinds of people
and to show
them the love of
Christ. Through
this, Sky Ranch
allows campers to
experience what it
means to worship
and love God all
the time, instead of
just for an hour on
Sunday morning.”
Kristen Eisworth
First Year Counselor
Page 6
Page 7
“Sky Ranch affirms
that all people,
even children
– especially
children! – are
deserving of space
where they are
free to discover
themselves, be in
relationship with
God, and live into
right relationship
with each other.”
Taylor Weiss
Onsite Director - Specialists
Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp
Page 8
O God, through the waters
of baptism you raise us up
and make us alive together
with Christ. Let the waters
of this Shower House refresh
and renew all who use it in
each new day. Amen.
We are excited to share the newly
complete shower house, dedicated
on August 29th. After 30+ years of
the old, “temporary” shower house
and a summer spent using a portable
shower trailer, it is indeed a joy to see
the building complete and in use.
The shower house has radiant heat in
the floor and four showers, four stalls,
and three sinks on each side. It also has
two Family bathrooms and a separate
utility room. The water making system
runs both the radiant heating and the
on demand water, meaning we should
never run out of hot water. The barn
doors can close to keep out the snow
during the winter months.
The new shower house was built in
two modular sections by Heritage
Homes of Wayne, Nebraska. Upon
completion, they were transported to
Sky Ranch by Liscott Custom Homes.
Demolition of the current shower
house and site infrastructure was done
under the supervision of Thunderpup
Construction of Fort Collins and
primarily completed by Steve Fulmer.
It is with great joy that we look
forward to the 2016 camping season
and welcoming our campers guests,
and staff to the new shower house . . .
and reliably hot showers!
Page 9
Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp
katharine ritzi
As a current seminary student, I often
find myself in discussions centered
on defining what ministry looks and
feels like. In these conversations, my
thoughts are immediately taken back
to this summer, as I learned to listen
for the sounds of ministry echoing
through the mountains at Sky Ranch.
This summer, I came to love the
sound of the Christ Lodge door
swinging open and shut. As I was in
the office, away from the campers
and counselors who I knew were
living out God’s mission simply
by being in relationship with one
another, that screen door was the
sound of another ministry happening,
where every single person would be
greeted as Christ simply for being
who they were.
Many times this summer, that screen
door was the sound of someone
returning to Sky Ranch for the first
time since they were a camper more
than 20 years ago. On Sundays, it
was the sound of parents trusting
this community to keep those they
loved most safe, and it was the sound
of these beloved campers trusting a
new person to be their counselor. It
was the sound of meal times, game
times, bathroom breaks, and water
bottle refills. It was the sound of life.
It was the sound of ministry.
Through Sky Ranch’s mission
of Encountering Christ on the
Mountaintops, the sound of this
screen door became the sound of
this exact encounter. In a community
where values are centered in fostering
faith and providing hospitality, that
screen door became the vessel
to allow every single person to be
received as Christ. And as such, this
sound, to me, became the hope of
the Church at work in the world.
Page 10
Some of my fondest memories are from
my experiences in outdoor ministries.
Over time (and at various camps) I have
been a camper, a camp counselor and a
board member.
I have wonderful memories of being a
child at camp. There were swims in the
lake, hikes in the woods, horseback riding
and archery. I risked deep discussions
about life and God that I had never risked
before. I arrived with acquaintances and
departed with friends.
As a camp counselor, I was blessed
with the opportunity to work and play
alongside campers. We made friendship
bracelets and hand-dipped candles.
We sang songs and danced around the
campfire. We held worship services and
talked about God in the world. I formed
deep relationships and friendships with
fellow counselors that have stood the
test of time.
The impact of outdoor ministries
continues to resonate in my day-to-day life
in new and surprising ways. I still routinely
play music and dance with children. I love
telling stories with kindergartners and
making butterflies out of crepe paper. I
marvel at the beauty and simplicity of a
seven-year-old’s theology.
When asked to serve as Sky Ranch
board member, I realized that I was being
given the opportunity to nurture similar
positive experiences in others.
Our board comes from a variety of
different backgrounds and perspectives.
Each has personal stories and dreams
that inspire them to serve. We recently
spent a weekend planning and visioning
with Sky Ranch staff. This collaboration
produced an abundance of new ideas in
areas such as program, outreach, training
and ministry. Work on the next steps for
the camp’s long-term strategy has begun,
and we are excited to discover the next
chapter of the Sky Ranch story.
My personal prayer as a board member
is that our campers, staff, parents,
grandparents, volunteers, friends and
associates all experience moments of joy,
happiness, introspection and wonder. I
pray that these moments don’t stay on
the mountain, but come down the hill
and ripple outward to touch the lives of
others. I pray that we all remember to
occasionally view the world through the
eyes of our children.
I look forward to sharing some new
experiences together. Thank you for the
opportunity to serve.
Participants in this year’s Confirmation Intensive join together in a Pentecost Flash
Mob while exploring the formation of the early Christian church.
Page 11
Thank you to all the individuals, families,
and congregations who contribute so
generously to the ministry of Sky Ranch.
Gifts of prayer, financial contributions,
volunteer time, and donated items are
crucial to sustain this important ministry.
Sky Ranch would not be where it is today
without the faithful gifts of time, talents,
and treasures of 50+ years of supporters
like you!
Fees charged for our summer camping and
retreat programs do not cover all of the
operating costs. Sky Ranch intentionally
keeps the fees low to accommodate all
campers and congregations who wish to
participate, regardless of their economic
circumstances. To sustain and grow
our programs, we rely on $140,000 in
contributions to our annual Friends of
the Mountain club from donors like you.
You can make a monetary donation or
consider another means.
Volunteers combined to donate over
2,000 hours of service to facilities and
grounds at Sky Ranch this year alone.
Thanks especially goes to the groups
listed in the following article for adopting
specific projects around camp.
Others have provided much needed
items to support this ministry. We always
need supplies to keep staff and campers
safe, kids busy, and programs running! Visit
our website to see an up-to-date wish list
for our most pressing ministry needs.
On behalf of the Sky Ranch staff, board,
and over 3,000 people each year who
benefit directly through participation
at camp, THANK YOU for your faithful
Examples of Recent
Gift in Kind Donations
• Washer and Dyer
• Twin and Queen Mattresses
• Decorative Flags for Entryway
• Utility Trailer
• Use of a Gator Utility Vehicle
• Portable PA system with mics
• Guitars in good condition
• White gas for offsite programs
• Lodge Heater (for basement)
• Mini Van for use in TDC
• Lumber for camp projects
Beyond a new shower house, this
summer saw great investment in facilities
all around camp. These include:
• Christ Lodge: New hospitality
counter, New entry ramp, New
second story stairs, Ten new
chuckwagon picnic tables, Basement
• Backpacking Center: Completed
entryway, Bell Tower (for hikers)
• Cabins: New bunks and entry steps
on several staff housing cabins, New
heaters and lights in several youth
cabins, Stain on Assisi, New windows,
exterior, and deck on staff housing
(to become camper cabins), New
trusses and roof on the nurses cbain
(with new entry deck to come)
• Camp: Completed sauna, Disc Golf
kiosk with several repositioned holes,
Extensive fire mitigration around
staff housing with wood chipping,
Vegetation clearing in campground,
Bench staining and sealing in Outdoor
A HUGE thank you goes out to all
the many volunteers that made this
work possible – your faithful service
is noticeable all around camp! We
especially thank Spring and Memorial
Day Work Weekend Volunteers; Bethany
- Cherry Hills Village; Christ - Highlands
Ranch; Lord of the Valley - Granby; Grace
- Woodstock, IL; First - Longmont; Our
Saviour’s - Fort Collins; Zion - Loveland;
Jenni Golbuff, Ed and Cheryl Smith, Jeff
Kelty, Matt Christianson, and Carl Guthals;
and the Boy Scout Troop from Abiding
Hope - Littleton.
Every summer, our largest projects would not be possible without the faithful service of volunteers.Thanks for making it possible!
2016 Summer Theme – Come As You Are!
Come As You Are and explore the radical nature of Jesus’ call to discipleship. You are called as
you are, with all your gifts, talents, love, brokeness, fear, doubt, and wonder. Spend the week
exploring what it means to be created in the image of God while telling your story and the
stories of those who have nurtured your faith. Spend time in the quiet of creation listening
for God’s call in your life and being honest about your hesitations. Be renewed and equipped
to be sent out to be the hands and feet of God’s redeeming work in the world.
“Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is such as these that the
kingdom of God belongs!” Mark 10: 14b
Program (by grade)
Round Up! (1-3)
Homesteaders (3-5)
Mountaineers (6-8)
Seekers (6-8)
Con - Intensive (6-8)
Rendezvous (9-12)
Family Camp
Offered Weekend (Starting Date)
July 10, July 17, July 31, August 7
July 10, July 17, July 31, August 7
July 10, July 17, July 31, August 7
June 12, June 19, July 24
June 26
Every Week
July 3
See Website
Please check our website www.SkyRanchColorado.org for a complete listing of the
summer schedule, descriptions for each of our programs, and our online registration.
Register online before April 15th, 2016 to receive a $20 early registration discount.
Stay up to date with what’s going on at camp by reading the Sky Ranch
Blog. Go to our website, the Stay Connected menu, and Sky Ranch Blog.
Andy Sprain - Associate Director
Kathryn Seyfarth - Program Director
Ally Plucheck - Office Manager
Brad Abbott - Executive Director
Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp
805 S Sheilds St
Fort Collins, CO 80521