St. Paul Catholic Church and Preschool
St. Paul Catholic Church and Preschool
Fourth Sunday of Lent Sunday, March 6, 2016 St. Paul Catholic Church and Preschool 12708 N Dale Mabry Hwy. Tampa, FL 33618 - 813-961-3023 Happy Birthday Father Bob Romaine A Prayer for Priests OurMissionStatement "FormedbyWordandSacrament,we,thepeopleofSt.PaulCatholicChurch,area Spirit-led,Eucharist-centered,vibrantmulticulturalChristiancommunityoffaith, livingourloveforGodandneighborwhilegrowingtogetherasdisciplesofChrist." Heavenly Father, please grant to your faithful servants, the grace and strength to carry out your mission for the Church each day. Keep our priests close to you and continue to inspire them to serve others in your holy name. Please help to inspire men who are called to a priestly vocation to answer your call and participate in the fullness that you have planned for them. Amen Page 2 All are Welcome! Weekend Masses Saturday Masses 8:30am Mass (Morning Prayer and Benediction 8:10am) Saturday Vigil Mass 5:30pm Missa em Português: 7:30pm Sunday Masses 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:45am, 12:30pm, 5:30pm Misa en Español: 2:00pm Weekday Masses Monday to Friday 7:30am and 12:15pm First Friday Mass 7:30pm Saturday - 8:30am (Morning Prayer and Benediction 8:10am) Reconciliation/ Confession Saturdays 10:00am and 4:00pm or upon request 24 Hour Eucharistic Adoration Every Wednesday 8am to 9pm Every Friday 8:30am to Saturday 8:20am Morning Prayer Monday - Friday 7:10am Saturday 8:10am Anointing of the Sick Every Second Saturday of the Month at 8:30am Church Office Address: 12708 N. Dale Mabry Hwy Tampa, FL 33618-2802 813.961.3023 Fax 813.962.8780 Office Hours: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, M-F Email: ParishCommunications Growing Together in Christ! WewelcomeFr.LeninFernandez My friends, Please join me in welcoming Fr. Lenin Fernandez to our parish. Fr. Lenin is a priest of the Archdiocese of Trivandrum, India and serves as manager of the Viswaprakash Central School and director of the Center of Excellence (Boys and Our Pastor, Fr. Bill Swengros Girls Home) in Mangattukadavu. In his spare time he serves at a local parish. In addition to his background in education, he has a Masters degree in Spiritual Theology. He will be staying with us for three months. Thank you for making him feel right at home! WearebusyacceptingFaithFormationRegistrationsfornextyear! On another note, last week we said farewell to Donna Koppy as our Director of Religious Education and Faith Formation and Vicki Lombardi, the Faith Formation Administrative Assistant. We thank them both for all they did for our parish. I have asked Lizette Espel to serve as acting director as we begin our search to 3ill these positions. We have already accepted applications and interviewed several promising candidates. If you are interested in applying, please contact Lizette. Some people have asked how these changes will affect scheduled Religious Education retreats and programs. The answer is that everything will take place as planned. In fact, we are busy accepting registrations for next year! Thank you for your prayerful support! FeelingBlessedwithourFamilyLentenMission This past week we were blessed with an amazing Lenten Mission. Ken Yasinski challenged the teens and adults to strive for our full potential in life - to be a saint! At the same time, our Faith Formation team, for the 3irst time ever, offered a wonderful three day mission for our children entitled “Blessed are the Merciful!” May God bless all those who made our parish mission such a success! Thankyouforyourgenerosity! Last but not least, I hope that you are enjoying our new family room, the new video system, the seating area in the entrance to the church, and the improved acoustics within our sanctuary. After Easter, we will begin work on the new choir practice room. These projects have been paid through donations, our Annual Pastoral Appeal “overage,” and our regular offertory donations. Thank you for your generosity! Some have asked about our former Stations of the Cross. They have been lent to St. Stephen Catholic Church in Valrico, Florida to adorn their new church. As always, there is a lot going on at St. Paul! I pray you will have a wonderful week and look forward to seeing you at the Fish Fry on Friday! And don’t forget to “Spring Ahead” next weekend! Growing together as disciples of Christ! Fr. Bill Swengros Pastor Daylight Savings Time begins on Sunday, March 13th "Sohegotupandwentbacktohisfather.Whilehewasstillalongwayoff,hisfathercaughtsightofhim,andwas#illedwithcompassion."' Lk. 59 Parish Upcoming Events St. Joseph's Day Mass and Celebration Breakfast Saturday, March 19, 2016 8:30am Mass Page 3 St. Paul’s 50th Anniversary Gala Celebration All are invited! Join us for Breakfast after Mass in the Parish Center and visit the St. Joseph's Altar and Table. Hosted by Council of Catholic Women Stations of the Cross Every Friday in Lent 3 pm and 7 pm 24 hour Eucharistic Adoration every Friday. Welcome, Bienvenidos, Bem-vindos to St. Paul! Dinner Dance Saturday, April 16, 2016 in the Family Center Immediately Following the 5:30 pm Anniversary Mass Enjoy Dinner and Dancing to the Andy Stefano Orchestra $40/person - $240/Table of Six Tickets are on sale at the Front Office or online at and click on the link on the home page. Checks payable to St. Paul Catholic Church. Seating is Limited For more information contact Nancy at 961-3023 or jnkissane@StPaulChurch. Knights of Columbus Ambassadors of St. Paul Council 11211 and Every Friday in Lent 5-7 pm Dine-in at the Family Center or Order to Go Adults - $8.00 Youth - $5.00 Children 10 and under eat FREE! SOUTHWESTAIRLINES proudly present the St. Paul Easter Raffle 2016 W$%$500T)*+,-V/012,)3 /%S/0425,34A$)-$%,3 F$+,7)$8,3/9T)*+,-V/012,)3 5$--:,*5*);,; RafleticketswillbesoldafterallMasses thisweekendMarch5th-6thandMarch12th-13th Winnersneednotbepresenttobeeligible. ProceedswillbeneittheSt.PaulParish. Thankyouforyoursupport! Page 4 St. Paul Child Enrichment Center and Baptisms Infant Baptism ‘IbaptizeyouinthenameoftheFather, andoftheSon,andoftheHolySpirit’ ExcellenceinCatholicpreschooleducationforover30years March 2016 Tour Schedule Pleasenoteyoumustcalltheofice(264-3314)to makeanappointmentforthetourtimeanddate that best its your schedule. Tours subject to cancelation if no one is signed up to attend the business day before. Thank you for your consideration. Thursday, March 10th at 5:00 pm Wednesday, March 16th at 9:00 am The application process for the 2016-2017 school year has been going great. We have the following spots left: M-W-F 2's-5 spots left T/Th 2's-6 spots left Five Day 3's-4 spots left VPK- 7 spots left If you know someone who might be interested please share the tour schedule above and have them call us. Formoreinformationaboutthepreschoolplease visit our website at, Or give us a call at 813-264-3314. Welookforwardtohearingfromyou. The baptism of a child is a special cause for joy and celebration on the part of the Church, the whole community of faith! Baptism is a birth into the Christian community and is in every way as solemn and important as birth itself. It is an event that needs to be prepared for, and it can serve as a reminder to you about your own faith and what it means to you. If you have any questions regarding Infant Baptism, please contact Lizette Espel at (961 -3023; "Sohegotupandwentbacktohisfather.Whilehewasstillalongwayoff,hisfathercaughtsightofhim,andwas#illedwithcompassion."' Lk. 59 Liturgical Corner Pope Francis “The Lord Jesus repeats to each one of us His question: “Who do you say that I am?” (Mt 16:15). It is a clear and direct question, in face of which it is not possible to 3lee or remain neutral, or to send the answer or delegate it to someone else. However, there is nothing inquisitorial in it, rather, it is full of love! — love of our only Teacher, who today calls us to renew our faith in Him, recognizing him as Son of God and Lord of our life. And the 3irst called to renew his profession of faith is the Successor of Peter, who bears in himself the responsibility to con3irm his brothers (Cf. Lk 22:32). Let us allow grace to mold our heart again to believe, and to open our mouth to carry out our profession of faith and to obtain salvation (Cf. Rm 10:10). Hence, let us make Peter’s words our own: “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God” (Mt 16:16). May our thought and our gaze be 3ixed on Jesus Christ, beginning and end of every action of the Church. He is the foundation and no one can place a different one (1 Cor 3:11). He is the “rock” on which we must build” (Francis, Homily, 22 February 2016). “ItisbettertosayoneOurFatherfervently anddevoutlythanathousandwithno devotionandfullofdistraction. - St. Edmund Our Parish Family BaptizedintotheLifeoftheRisenChrist: Page 5 “LESSONS from THE LITTLE WHITE BOX” “THY OWN SOUL A SWORD SHALL PIERCE” -Luke 11, 35 “IN THESE WORDS THERE IS NOTED FOR US THE CLOSE ASSOCIATION OF OUR LADY WITH THE PASSION OF CHRIST. FOUR THINGS MADE THE PASSION MOST BITTER FOR HER: • THEGOODNESSOFHERSON,WHODIDNOSIN. • THECRUELTYOFTHOSEWHOCRUCIFIEDHIM, SHOWNFOREXAMPLEINTHATASHELAY DYING,THEYREFUSEDHIMWATER,EVENBY HISMOTHER,WHOWOULDMOSTLOVINGLY HAVEGIVENIT. • THEDISGRACEOFTHEPUNISHMENT.“LETUS CONDEMNHIMTOAMOSTSHAMEFULDEATH”.( Wis. 11,20). • THECRUELTYOFTHETORMENT.“OHYETHAT PASSBYTHEWAY,ATTENDANDSEEIFTHEREBE ANYSORROWLIKETOMYSORROW.“(LAM.5,5 ST BASIL SAYS THAT AS OUR LADY STOOD BY THE CROSS, STILL IN HER MIND THE TESTIMONY OF GABRIEL, HER MIND SWAYED, A FLUCTUATION OF BEWILDERMENT, FOR SHE SAW HIM THE VICTIM OF SUCH VILENESS AND YET KNEW HIM AS THE AUTHOR OF SUCH WONDERS. ALTHOUGH OUR LADY KNEW BY FAITH THAT IT WAS GOD’S WILL THAT CHRIST SHOULD SUFFER, AND BROUGHT HER WILL IN UNITY WITH HIS,NEVERTHELESSSADNESS FILLED HER SOUL AT THE DEATH OFHERSON. MEDITATIONS FOR LENT FROM ST. THOMAS AQUINAS St. Paul Parish EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: WEDNESDAYS 8:00AM TO 9:00PM; FRIDAYS 8:30AM TO SATURDAY 8:30AM Gia Isabella Reyes NewlyRegisteredFamilies—Welcome! Mr. and Mrs. Mario Alarcon, Mr. and Mrs. Arnel Artus, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Branca, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buzeo, Immaculee D’Haiti, Jessica Millan, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Parchmon, Frank Prima, III, Miguel Rivera De Jesus, Yojaira Rivero, Damian Rodriguez, Valerie Antongiorgi, Mr. and Mrs. Jean Saldivar, Marcus Silva, Selena Skarbek, Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Tolley, Jose Abin, Bini Philip, Braulio Alfonso, Richard Cardentey, Sindy Fernandez, Wilfredo Castro, Patricia Rodriguez, Mr. and Mrs. Yoel Espinosa, Mr. and Mrs. Danny Kelley, Nicole Kostelnick, Rosemary Kruz, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Louk, Maritza Reyes, Christian Rosales, Gabriela Gamez, Donna Wojcik. BornintoEternalLife: Ashley Chantelle Zimmerman, Yvonne Thomas, Marie Di Giovanni, Joel DuBois, Hildegarda Velazquez, Donald Wirth, John Bennis, Dawna Fioretto, Suzie” Suzanne Ohrt , Robert "Bob" Williams , Joshua Nieves. Saints of God Tuesday is the feast of St. John of God (14951550). He was a soldier and a fall away Catholic. At the age of forty, he felt that his life had no meaning and purpose. He then turned his life over to God. Still lost, he tried a number of things before he 3inally listened to the voice of God. He founded a house which cared for the needs of the sick poor - the 3irst hospitals. After his death, the order of the Brothers Hospitallers formed to continue his 3ine work. What does all this tell us? Only by following the will of God will we truly experience the joy and peace God has intended for us. Let us pray: “SaintJohnofGod,helpustoactoutofloveassoonas wefeelthepromptingsoftheHolySpirit.Helpuslearn to#ightthelittlevoicesinourheadsandheartsthatgive us all sorts of practical reasons to wait or delay in our serviceofGod.Amen.” Reflections on Scripture Page 6 Duetocopyrightrestrictions,wecannotprint the Scriptures before the re#lections of Mr. Conroy. The Scripture for today’s liturgy can befoundonToday’sMissal” I. Joshua5:9a,10-12. WhatwasLostisFound. Relection: The context of this reading is that the Israelites, under the leadership of Moses' successor, Joshua, had crossed the Jordan and were now encamped before Jericho, in the land promised them by YHWH. The "reproach of Egypt" meant the end of their wanderings in the desert after having been led out of Egypt. It is an ancient "transition" story, celebrated by the central Feast of transition, Passover. Originally, there were two feasts, "Unleavened Bread" and "Passover." They were ultimately combined into one; here we see the old, separate tradition. The symbolism, however, is important, for what was lost (the Land of Israel) in patriarchal times was now Found. The New Age had begun, and it began with a feast of produce of the land, and was marked by the end of God's providing Manna. II. 2Corinthians5:17-21 WeareCalledtobethe “RighteousnessofGod.” By Jack Conroy, Ph.D. Relection:One of St. Paul's most productive insights was that the Church is the Body of Christ. This means that when St. Paul writes "Christ," we can often substitute the word "Church." Hence, being "in Christ" means being a vibrant part of the Christian community. Here he points out that by becoming part of the Church, the Body of Christ, people are transformed. Value systems are radically modi3ied; instead of the values of power, dominance and manipulation, the value of Love is central. He expected that in this social body con3licts would be resolved through reconciliation. And this reconciliation can occur because Jesus Christ, seen as the "Suffering Servant" who atoned for our sins, died for us, reconciling us to God. treated his father as if he had died, only to squander his inheritance. Remember the speech he had prepared to beg for the lowest position in the father’s estate. He never got to gives the speech. Instead, the father, seeing his approach, ran towards the son, which would be unheard of for a father. It is a parable of God the Father, willing always to be reconciled with us. We should also ask what happened to the brother who was faithful…we don’t know. Did he have a good argument? III. Luke15:1-3,11-32 TheProdigalFather. Relection:This is often called the "Parable of the Prodigal Son," using "Prodigal" as "Spendthrift," or "Foolish." But a better description is that of the "Prodigal Father," using "Prodigal" as "One who is lavishly abundant" with his love. The son had Looking Ahead! March 11th-12th - Eucharistic Congress in Jacksonville, March 15th - Communal Penance Service; March 17th - St Patrick’s Day, pilgrimage to Cathedral of St Jude; March 19th - St Joseph’s Day; March 20th - Palm Sunday; March 21st - 6:30pm Seder Supper; March 22nd - 11am Chrism Mass at Cathedral; March 23rd - 7pm Via Crucis; March 24th - Holy Thursday; March 25th - Good Friday; March 26th - Easter Vigil; March 27th - Easter Sunday; April 3rd - Divine Mercy Sunday; April 16th - 50th Anniversary Mass; May 15th - Pentecost and Fr Bill’s 25th Anniversary; May 21st Deacon Felipe Gonzalez’s Ordination; May 22nd- Fr Felipe Gonzalez’s First Masses! Please Pray for the Safety of Our Military • • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Michael Dunkelberger, Master Sargent, USAF Nicholas Ringo, III USNavy Hans C. Arcand, 2nd LT. USAF Christopher A. Garcia, Officer, U.S. Navy Mathew M Colon, Sgt., US Army Richard Majette, Captain, USM Katrina Monti, Captain, PA US Army Jonathan Monti, Major, PA US Army Richard Sison Jr, 2nd Lt., USAF Matthew Mooney, Captain, USAF Curtis Gardner, Sergeant, USAF Adriana Trigg, USAF Anthony Mazzie, US Army Luis Luccani, PO, US Navy Austin Jacob Ferlita, Pvt2s, US Army To add a name to the list please email Louise Romano at (;961-3023.) "Sohegotupandwentbacktohisfather.Whilehewasstillalongwayoff,hisfathercaughtsightofhim,andwas#illedwithcompassion."' Lk. 59 Ministries in Action! Page 7 St. Paul Parish Lenten Concert Friday,March11 Learnto Make Traditional EasterButterLamb If you are interested in learning how to make the Traditional Easter Butter Lamb, please join us on Monday March 14th at 7 pm in the Parish Center. Pleasebring1lb.ofbutterinsticks(nosubstitute) andaplate. The Lamb is also part of the Eastern European custom of Blessing of Baskets of Easter food which will take place on Saturday, March 26th. The lamb signi3ies the goodness and richness of Christ. ALTAR SERVERS… SAVE THE DATE Saturday. April 9th Retreat being planned!! The St. Paul Farm Worker Ministry News Our ministry connues to deliver food to the Farm Workers of Plant City/Dover unl April. This season the workers have had li!le work because of the 50” of rain earlier in the season which affected the growth of the strawberries. We meet at St. Paul’s north parking lot at 9 am and return at approximately 2:30 pm. If you are interested in helping out please contact Maria McCourt at Thank you. Immediately following the 7 pm Stations of the Cross 8 St. Paul Faith Formation We are rooted in Faith and growing in grace Register for Faith Formation Open registration for the 2016/2017 Faith Formation year is April 2 & 3 after all Masses in Family Center Section II. The tuition for Faith Formation has stayed the same. There is an "early bird" discount of $10 off of tuition if you register by May 15th! We welcome volunteer catechists or assistants in the classroom! (tuition fee is waived for your child) Would you like to share ideas or help with organization? Contact Lizette Espel 961 -3023 or *Rain Rain Date April 2nd "Sohegotupandwentbacktohisfather.Whilehewasstillalongwayoff,hisfathercaughtsightofhim,andwas#illedwithcompassion."' Lk. 59 You are invited! Page 9 ATTENTION ALL MARRIED COUPLES AOne-DayMarriageEnrichmentProgram Saturday,April2,2016 10a.m.to4:30pm FamilyCenter Sponsored the Worldwide Marriage Encounter CALLINGALLMARRIEDCOUPLES… Would you like to hear about talking in the Safe Zone, confronting so everyone wins, couple prayer? Then you will want to attend the oneday marriage enrichment program at St. Pauls on April 2nd from 10 am to 4:30 pm. This program is designed for couples of all ages and focuses on the strengths of your marriage and was to make your relationship shine. Completetheregistrationformbelowandreturn ittotheParishoficetotheattentionofNancyalongwithyour$40registrationfee. Complimentarychildcareisprovidedandthefeeforallmaterialsand mealsis$40.00. RegisterbyTHURSDAY,MARCH31stATTHEPARISHOFFICE For more information contact Nancy at 961-3023 or --------------------------------- Names ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone ______________________ Email ______________________________________________________ Street Address _____________________________________________City & Zip _________________________ Wedding Date ________________________We need child care for the day: Yes ______ No ______ Children’s names and ages: ________________________ _____________________________________________________________________(Must RSVP for child care) REGISTRATION FEE _____ CASH _____CHECK # _______ Make Checks payable to St. Paul Catholic Church 50th Anniversary Pilgrimage! Our parish is offering a special pilgrimage to Italy in honor of our 50th anniversary and the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy this October 22-31. We will be visiting Rome, Assisi, Monoppello, Lanciano, Cascia, and San Giovanni Rotondo! Highlights include an audience with the Holy Father, visits to the tombs of Padre Pio, St. Rita, St Francis, and St. Clare, and seeing the face of Jesus in the veil of Manoppello and the Eucharistic Miracle in Lanciano! There are only a handful of seats left so register now by calling 352-564-2463. Page 10 Adult Faith Formation Deo Gratias Each week almost 800 children and teens come to learn more about our faith. Thankfully we are blest with a small army of phenomenal catechists and aides who work with our children, teens, and adults in our faith formation programs. They are simply amazing. Please join me in thanking them for all they do! On another note, this week we received bulletins from parishes in Florida. Thank you so much for sharing bulletins from your travels with us! YEAR OF MERCY IDEA: Cook & deliver a meal to someone who is sick or home bound. St.Paul50thAnniversaryVestments Didyouknow… that the chasuble is the vestment that is put on over all the others during liturgical services. The chasuble symbolizes the virtue of charity, and the yoke of unsel3ish service for the Lord, which the priest assumes at ordination. Would you like to make a donation for new vestments for our St. Paul 50th Anniversary? If so, please contact Nancy at 961-3023 or e-mail . . Support our Lighthouse kiosk! Bible Study in Español Ask It Basket “Last weekend you spoke of the 5 P's and I am tryingtorememberallofthembutIammissing a few. Could you please tell them to me again?” Certainly! The 3irst P is Presence. Sit a safe, comfortable place at a time which is convenient for you. Begin by closing your eyes, taking slow, deep breaths, and becoming attentive to the Presence of God. The prayer is “Hear I am, O Lord.” The second P is Praise ... the perfect prayer. I praise God for all He is and all He has done for me. In giving praise I count all of my blessings and realize that all is grace. The third P is Pardon. Having become aware of the Presence of God and giving Him Praise, it becomes very clear that I need to ask for Pardon or forgiveness for my many faults and failings. I then offer my fourth P - Petition. I offer a prayer of Petition for you, our Church, my family and friends, for myself, for our country, for the world ... The 3inal P is Promise. Before I close my prayer, I make a Promise to God to try my best to love and serve Him and to share that love with others. Remember, that throughout this prayer, I remain attentive to my breathing. On the inhale, listen to the Holy Spirit. As I exhale, I offer to God my prayer. It becomes a dialogue - a feather on the breath of God. Lastly, remember that it is quality not quantity. Ten minutes prayed with devotion is better than hours on your knees prayed halfheartedly. I hope this helps! (If you have a question, please email TeEsperamostodoslosJuevesa las7pm! Join us for Catholic Life© Bible Study Wed. morning 9 to 11 or Thurs. Evening 7:15 to 9 p.m What practical actions did Joseph take in temptations that we should imitate from Genesis 39? Christ Heal Us!! On the second Saturday of every month during the 8:30 morning Mass, we will offer the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. This beautiful Sacrament is for all those who are advanced in age as well as those who suffer from a serious (grave) illness. It is recommended for all those who are scheduled to be admitted to a hospital for surgery later this month to be anointed. This Sacrament can be received as often as needed. Come and experience the healing touch of the Divine Physician! Living Faith Today, Jesus shares with us the parable of the Prodigal Son (Lk 15). On the way home, share what touches you most about this story? Which character can you best relate to: the father, the younger son, or the older son? Why? "Sohegotupandwentbacktohisfather.Whilehewasstillalongwayoff,hisfathercaughtsightofhim,andwas#illedwithcompassion."' Lk. 59 Stewardship a Way of Life Lesson of the Homeless Recently I was invited to a meeting at an organization helping the homeless in downtown Tampa. As I parked my car, in what some might consider a “less than ideal” part of downtown, I was approached by a homeless man, in a wheelchair. He had noticed the St. Paul magnet on the trunk of my car, and being Catholic came over to introduce himself. I learned that he had been baptized at Sacred Heart, and had his First Holy Communion and Confirmation at Nativity parish. He lost his leg while serving in the Armed Forces in Iraq, and like many other vets, was without a regular place to call home. He did not ask for money, but rather inquired as to whether I had a spare rosary. In the homeless shelter a few days before, his rosary and shoes had been stolen. I was humbled by the faith of this man, who had so little, and the importance he placed on this simple worship aid. He had never been to St. Paul’s and we spoke of the many aspects of our parish. He said he’d like to visit St. Paul’s but it would have to wait a while. Although people living on the street receive various types of assistance from churches and local social service agencies, he had no transportation available. He’d had a bus pass the previous week that he kept for getting to the VA hospital, but had given it to another homeless vet, who needed to get to a doctor. How insulated we can be from the realities of segments of our own community, that we often don’t see those that live on the edge of existence, who depend upon their faith and the charity of others in order to survive? I was humbled hearing how this gentleman gave what little he had to help a fellow comrade in need. Do we give to charitable causes like APA out of our surplus? Does our APA gift cause us a tiny bit of discomfort, or is it just another bill we’re used to paying, knowing that we’ll still have enough at the end of the month? Page 11 Today our parish is taking up The Catholic Relief Services Collection. “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me”. (Mt 25:40) Today, we are reminded that Jesus identified himself with our poorest brothers and sisters. The Catholic Relief Services Collection ser ves J esus in the victims of human trafficking, those who suffer from unjust laws, and those who need pastoral care and humanitarian assistance across the globe. Through supporting today’s collection, you help Jesus in disguise. Please be generous. Envelopes ar e in the Nar thex. Coffee & Donuts Your Hosts Today … 3-6-16 Eucharistic Ministers to the Sick Are you interested in taking the Eucharist to the homebound and nursing home? Contact Bev Walter at 931-5532 or and Cursillo en español Want to grow in faith and in spirituality, have a deeper understanding of the teachings of Jesus, and how you can serve Him ? Contact Nilda Vega at 646-338-8515 or Join us every Sunday in the Family Center after the 7:30 am, 9:00 am, and 10:45 am Masses The Annual Pastoral Appeal supports Pinellas Hope by providing housing and meals to the homeless as well as centralized services such as laundry, computers, telephones, GED classes, medical check ups and caseworkers who guide residents through the ropes. Won’t you support those in need through an APA gift? Envelopes are in the Narthex. Weekly Offertory Wednesday, February 28, 2016 SignupforOnlinegiving!It’ssimpleandconvenient. Goto: for more info on how to sign up. Offertory: Online Giving: Attendance: Envelopes: $ 26, 684 $ 14,565 3,739 913 Thank you for your Generosity! Page 12 Mass Intentions Mass Intentions for the Week of March 6 ADULT CONTINUING EDUCATION An introductory session facilitated by Fr. Bob Romaine was offered on different topics to be studied, discussed and reflected. The members present at the session selected from the list provided for discussion "The extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy. It was decided that there will be two sessions a month on two Tuesdays beginning sharply at 7 pm and concluding at 8 pm. Please take advantage of theses sessions to deepen the knowledge of our Faith. The two sessions in March will be as follows: March 8, 2016 @ 7 pm History&Origin of a Jubilee year March 29, 2016 @ 7 pm Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy by Pope Francis For more info, call the Parish Office at 813-961-3023. Saturday, March 5, 2016 5:30 pm St. Paul Parishioners (int.) 7;30 pm Joan Russell t Sunday, March 6, 2016– Fourth Sunday of Lent 7:30 am Phylis Marion t 9:00 am Jaroslaw Paul Miernik t 10:45 am Fred Layo t 12:30 pm John Griggs t 2:00 pm Carlina Velasquez t 5:30 pm Gen La Rowe t Monday, March 7, 2016 - St. Perpetua and Felicity 7:30 am Mary Shepardson t 12:15 pm Van Maillet t Tuesday, March 8, 2016 - St. John of God 7:30 am John Novak t 12:15 pm Wesley Andrew Owen t Wednesday, March 9, 2016 - St. Frances of Rome 7:30 am Lady H. and Oscar Zuluaga t 12:15 pm Consecrated Life and Priestly Vocations Thursday, March 10, 2016 7:30 am Tomasa Mendoza t 12:15 pm Alipol Navarro t Friday, March 11, 2016 7:30 am Edward des Vignes t 12:15 pm Fr. Joy Colina (int.) Saturday, March 12, 2016 8:30 am Jim Trower t 5:30 pm Joel DuBois t 7;30 pm St. Paul Parishioners (int.) Sunday, March 13, 2016– Fifth Sunday of Lent 7:30 am Fathers Gorambo, Raphael, Peter,and Bakoma t 9:00 am Tom and Holly Malouf (int.) 10:45 am Jeanneen Disgdierett t 12:30 pm Mike and Michael Hingson t 2:00 pm Jorge and Argelis Gorday t 5:30 pm MotherTeresa of Mary Immaculate t Readings for the Week of February 28 Sunday:Jos5:9a,10-12/2Cor5,17-21/Lk15:1-3,11-32 Monday: Is65:17-21/Jn4:43-54 Tuesday: Ez47:1-9,12/Jn5:1-16 Wednesday: Is49:8-15/Jn5:17-30 Thursday: Ex32:7-14/Jn5:31-47 Friday: Wis2:1a,12:22/Jn7:1-2,10,25-20 Saturday: Jer11:18-30/Jn7:40-53 Sunday: Is43:16-21/Phil3:8-14/Jn8:1-11 Clergy and Parish Staff We are here to serve you! 813-961-3023 Fax: 813-962-8780 Rev. Bill Swengros Pastor Rev. Bob Romaine Parochial Vicar Rev. Francisco Hernandez Priest in Residence Rev. Lenin Fernandez Priest in Residence Deacon Carlos Celaya Deacon Ray Dever Dcn. Greg Kovalesky Deacons Lizette Espel Faith Formation Assistant, Infant Baptism Coordinator Theresa Adams Faith Formation Assistant Stephanie Murphy Youth Ministry Director Sr. Theresa Betz Adult Faith Formation Martha Aguiar Child Enrichment Center Director, Pre-School Program Mindy Geer Child Enrichment Center Maria Costa Wedding Preparation Louise Romano Liturgist, Funeral Arrangements Mary Gant Music Director Russell Gant Choir Director Michael Maloney Parish Manager Barbara Gray Pastoral Administrative Gaby Fotopoulos Parish Communications, IT Pat Berne Counseling Service Nancy Kissane Ministry and Stewardship Director Faith in Action “No longer was there manna for the Israelites, who that year ate of the yield of the land of Canaan” (Joshua 5:12). Over the forty years that the Israelites journeyed through the desert, God provided them with manna to eat. As soon as they were able to enjoy the fruits of the Promised Land the manna ceased. Likewise, God’s blessings to us may change over the years but it is important to trust that God will always provide us with all that we need. Jim Kissane Special Projects Coordinator Tina Bubb Finance Office Judy Flaherty Finance Assistant Sam Mathai Maintenance Manager Jose Rodriguez Maintenance Assistant "Sohegotupandwentbacktohisfather.Whilehewasstillalongwayoff,hisfathercaughtsightofhim,andwas#illedwithcompassion."' Lk. 59 Outreach Ministries and Community Events Page 13 St. Vincent De Paul Pantry Hours Monday & Thursday 9 am -12 pm Assistance Line: 813-264-3325 Special thanks to the good people of St. Paul who donated to our Lenten Food Drive these past two weekends. Thank you profusely for such generous and wonderful results. May God Bless you! Dialogo Matrimonial MDS en Español Lesinvitaasuproximoretirodeindesemanaen Abril8,9y10.Paramas informacionyregistracionpor favorescribiraMatrimonialDialogesp@StPaulChurch.comocontactar aAngieOlarteal813-391-5819. Counseling Services provided by Dr. Pat Berne at the Parish Office. Please call 813-961-3023 to make an appointment. Legal Consultation Services Referral service on Mondays by appointment. Please call 264-3307. DivorcedandSeparatedSupport Group-We care about you and what you are going through. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm. Call DonHemkeformoreinformation at813-205-1735 St. Paul Parish Bereavement Ministry Join us in our upcoming sessions: Anxiety and Fear—March 8th Meeting in Room H from 7:30 pm to 9 pm For more information contact Diana McKinney at (813) 748-2874; Stephen Ministry If you’re interested in learning more and possibly becoming involved in the Stephen Ministry, pleas e con tact D eacon Ray Dev er at, or leave a message at or the parish office The S.O.S. Human Traficking Ministry wants to take this opportunity to thank especially the Women's Club and all those who contributed to our Bake sale and those who generously gave donations on our special Awareness week-end. A large portion of the monies that we collected will be used for a Christian Healing Program called "Shattered and Restored" for victims of human traf3icking. Your support is appreciated. You are invited to our upcoming Meeting Thursday, March 10th at 7 pm in the Parish Center RoomC.For more information please contact us at Help Jesus in Disguise The Catholic Relief Services Collection supports Catholic Church organizations that carry out international relief and solidarity efforts. Programs include relief and resettlement for victims of persecution, war, and natural disasters. Due to their lack of immigration status, unaccompanied alien children are usually held in federal custody until they can be processed and released to family members or other legal custodians. Since 1994, USCCB's Department of Migration and Refugee Services (MRS) has managed a post-release service program for these children which ensures that they receive counseling, academic support, and medical attention. In keeping with the theme "Help Jesus in Disguise," the funds collected through the CRS Collection support vital Catholic programs that share in the Catholic mission of promoting the sacredness of human life and the dignity of the human person. In a statement dated September 10, 2013, the U.S. bishops stated their full support of CRS: "The U.S. Catholic bishops stand #irmly behind CRS in its commitment to promote and defend human dignity and the sacredness of every human life from the moment of conception until natural death,andatevery momentinbetween."Learnmoreat SOCCER FOR YOUNG ADULTS -- high school graduates through age 20! If you enjoy soccer and fall into this category, Our Lady of the Rosary in Land O' Lakes just created a new division for this age group! They need 24 players to make it work, so contact Patrick Poland ( if you are interested! GuidingStarTampa invitesyoutotheir annualfundraising event. Join us on Thursday, April 7th at 6 pm at the Bethany Center. Guiding Star looking for volunteers for our child-watch program on Massage, Mommy support, and breastfeeding class days. Classes are held on the 3irst and third Thursdays of every month. Contact Brenda Pereira at 948-7734 AbortionAftercare-HealingforWomenandMen By the Easter mystery, Jesus promises us resurrection and a life of love with Him. Experience His love and mercy on a Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat™. Next retreat dates: English - February 26-28 and April 15-17 call 813-924-4173, Spanish - August1921 call 813-500-9785 or email - Visit