September 27, 2015 Bulletin


September 27, 2015 Bulletin
Our Mission
“St. Victoria is a Catholic family
inviting all to celebrate the Eucharist in the spirit of
fellowship and love. We worship together,
seek formation of youth, provide opportunities for spiritual
growth and community involvement while reaching out to all as
the face and hands of Jesus Christ.”
September 27, 2015
Twenty-sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Liturgical Schedule
Saturday: 5 p.m.
Sunday: 8:45 a.m. and 10:45 a.m.
Daily: Tuesday through Friday 8 a.m.
Communion Service: Monday - Friday 6:30 a.m.
Eucharistic Adoration: Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Reconciliation: Saturday 6 p.m. or by appointment
Rosary: Tuesday - Friday 7:40 a.m.
St. Anthony Novena: Tuesday after Mass
Marriage: call nine months in advance, 443-2661
Baptisms: 443-2661
Prayer Line: Dianne Leahy,
Mary Moore, 443-2443
Catholic United Financial: Darlene Williams, 403-6959
RCIA Coordinator: Deacon Ray Ortman, 443-2661
Parish Pastoral Council: Tim Breslin, 479-1295;
Paul Kohls, 443-0048; Kari Lenzmeier, 442-9289;
Tim Woodfield, 856-0716; Mary Siegfried, 448-3031;
Paul David, 612-518-9119; Kathy Hester, 442-1506;
John Hintzen, 393-5014; Michelle Kunze, 612-669-9717
Parish Finance Council: Bob Bruers, 807-1803;
Margaret Hanson, 443-2648; Patrick McKinney, 470-6210;
Tom Vogt, 443-4736; Tim Amundsen, 443-2531;
Ralph Hatch, 472-3532
Trustees: Margaret Hanson, 443-2648 and
Jim Curran, 679-4407
Parish Team
Fr. Robert White, 443-2661 x205,
Deacon and Administrator
Ray Ortman, 443-2661 x203,
Director of Shared Ministries
Patty Schlader, 443-2661 x204,
Director of Music and Liturgy
Elizabeth Nowak, 443-2661 x207,
Director of Faith Formation
Emily Klinker, 443-2661 x218,
Assistant Director of Faith Formation Grades K-5
Sara Svenby, 443-2661 x219,
Administrative Support
Joni Jeurissen, 443-2661 x216,
Ministry Support Services
Julie Schmieg, 443-2661 x201,
Mary Catino, 443-2661 x200,
Maintenance Supervisor
John Wall, 443-2661 x208,
Communications Supervisor/Bulletin Editor
Mary Harvey, 443-2661 x206,
Parish Office
Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Weekdays
8228 Victoria Drive, Victoria, MN 55386
Phone 952-443-2661 Fax 952-443-3866
Twenty-sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time
September 27, 2015
The readings for October 4
Twenty-seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time
Reading I: Genesis 2:18-24
Reading II: Hebrews 2:9-11
Gospel: Mark 10:2-16
In Mark’s Gospel Jesus goes beyond the Law of Moses and
back to God’s own command. Jesus teaches the clear ideal of
Genesis 2. The Hebrews saw a human person as body, soul
and spirit — all together. You are your body. So, when a man
and woman “become one body,” they are like one person.
There is no domination of man over woman here. Man and
woman complement one another, complete each other.
Question of the Week
Has there been a time in your life when, because of your trust
in a person, you accepted something difficult to understand?
Banns of Marriage
Anna Kistner and Andrew Babcock
Courtney Heath and Kyle Lamb
Welcome to St. Victoria
If you are a visitor at St. Victoria, welcome! If you would
like information on becoming a registered parishioner at
St. Victoria, please feel free to contact Julie Schmieg in the
parish office. She will be happy to line up an appointment
for you at one of our upcoming “Bien Venidos” registration
dates for new parishioners. (Bien Venidos means good
welcome.) You may reach Julie at
or 443-2661 x201. (Please Note: If you are a guest at
St. Victoria and would like to make a contribution, you will
find “Welcome Envelopes” in the kiosk in the Commons.)
Baptism Information
Parents are required to have attended a Jordan Night within
the previous five years before a scheduled Baptism is
celebrated. The next Jordan Night (Baptism class) is
Thursday, December 10.
When planning your child’s Baptism, you may have only one
man and one woman as sponsors and one must be a Confirmed,
practicing Catholic and they must be at least 16 years old. (Or,
you may have just one sponsor.) We also need to see a copy of
your child’s birth certificate prior to the Baptism.
The next regularly scheduled Baptisms are Saturday and
Sunday, October 17 and 18. Baptisms are celebrated during
all three weekend Masses and after the 5 p.m. Saturday and
10:45 a.m. Sunday Masses. Contact Mary Harvey in the parish
office at 443-2661 x206 or
Ministry of Spiritual Direction
Explore a closer relationship with God. Call Deb LeMay at
297-4255 or Craig Hamilton at 612-237-3463 for
information and/or an appointment to learn more about
spiritual direction, an ancient process of accompanying
people in their spiritual journey toward freedom and peace.
Scholarships are available. Call the parish office for details. be the face and hands of Jesus Christ
Mass Intentions
Tuesday, September 29 — Bernard Schmieg 
Wednesday, September 30 — Darold Olmsheid 
Thursday, October 1 — Florian Diethelm  
Friday, October 2 — Ray Schmieg  
Saturday, October 3 — Terese Thole 
Sunday, October 4 — 8:45 a.m. Fred Vollono 
10:45 a.m. Parishioners of St. Victoria
In Memoriam
Steve Bristol
August 25, 1959 — September 14, 2015
Julie Hlas
July 29, 1938 — September 11, 2015
My family and I were so pleased with the
service for Rose. The music, homily and
lunch are very much appreciated. I am so
thankful to be a member of St. Victoria.
Bob Elfering
Bible Study
All are welcome to join in a Bible study this fall. Explore
the Book of Exodus using the new Collegeville Bible
Commentary as the guide. Meet on Thursdays at 10 a.m. in
the Fireside Room from October 1 through November 19.
The cost is a suggested donation of $10. Register with Mary
Catino at 443-2661.
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is the
process by which adults who are not Catholic can be
initiated and welcomed into the Catholic Church. The RCIA
process reaches out to everyone . . . inviting birth and
rebirth in faith. Our welcome also includes cradle Catholics
and anyone else who wants to learn more about the treasures
of their Catholic faith. RCIA is a wonderful opportunity to
renew your knowledge of Catholicism, and more
importantly to recommit yourself to the faith you profess as
an adult Catholic. Now is the time to give this opportunity
serious consideration. Sessions will start the first Tuesday in
October (the 6th) and will be completed during Holy Week.
Call Ray Ortman in the parish office for more information.
Communion at Home
If you, or someone you know, is unable to come to Mass on a
weekday or weekend (surgery, accident, illness, etc.),
parishioners who are a part of the St. Victoria Pastoral Care
Team will be happy to bring Communion to your home. It
can be a one-time only occasion or on-going for as long as you
like. To arrange for Communion at home, please call Mary Pat
Green at 288-3821 or Adrienne Carrica at 448-9501.
Follow Archbishop Hebda on Twitter
Archbishop Bernard Hebda, Apostolic Administrator of the
Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, is now on
Twitter. Follow him at @ArchbishopHebda. You can also
follow the Archdiocese on Twitter at @ArchdioceseSPM.
Thank you for sharing your time, talent
and treasure with St. Victoria.
From the Pastor’s Desk . . .
Friends at Floyd’s
This is a special invitation to all the men from our
St. Victoria Parish Family and their friends (Dads bring
your sons, ages 18 or older) to join me next Saturday,
October 3, from 8 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., in the backroom at
Floyd’s. There’ll be strong coffee, delicious snacks, time
for socializing and an outstanding speaker, Michael Finch
from the University of Minnesota’s medical field. He is
coming to share what he has learned on his journey of life. I
hope you can make it! It’s a great start to the weekend.
Blessing of the Animals
Betsy and I invite all you pet owners to join us next Sunday,
October 4, for our annual Blessing of the Animals in honor
of St. Francis of Assisi. Please gather at noon with your
beloved pets near the statue of St. Francis.
St. Junipero Serra
Last Wednesday, September 23, during his visit to
Washington D.C., Pope Francis presided at the Mass of
Canonization for Fr. Junipero Serra. This is the first
Canonization Mass to be held in the U.S.
Junipero Serra was born in 1713 in Spain and was accepted
into a Franciscan order in 1730. A gifted scholar and orator,
he taught in Spain before hearing a call to become a
missionary, going first to Mexico City to teach. He left
Mexico in 1769, traveling to San Diego where he founded
the first of nine California missions.
While there is controversy surrounding his missionary
work among the indigenous people of California under
Spanish rule, he is credited with shaping California. In his
travels, walking nearly 24,000 miles from San Diego to San
Francisco along the El Camino Real or the Kings Highway,
he founded missions in San Diego, Los Angeles, Santa
Barbara and San Francisco and points in between. Two that
still today are often visited by tourists are San Carlos
Borromeo de Carmelo in Carmel and San Juan Capistrano.
He died in Monterey, California of tuberculosis in 1784.
St. Junipero Serra is the patron saint of the Serra
International, a lay Catholic apostolate based in Chicago
with 19,000 members in 36 countries. Members seek to
grow in personal holiness while fostering vocations to the
priesthood and vowed religious life through prayers and
programs. There are 235 U.S. Serra clubs, including seven
in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis with about
325 members. Bishop Andrew Cozzens is the Episcopal
Moderator of the USA Council of Serra International and he
sees the newly canonized saint as a model for making
sacrifices to live and share the faith.
Help for Those Fleeing Syria
Happenings at St. Victoria . . .
Gatherings This Week . . .
Parish Pastoral Council, Thur sday, October 1, 6 p.m., in
the parish office conference room.
All parishioners are welcome to attend parish gatherings.
Simpson House
Today, Sunday, September 27, St. Victoria volunteers will
prepare and serve a meal at Simpson House in Minneapolis
for guests (men and women) who are homeless. Volunteers
from St. Victoria participate in the ministry approximately
once every six weeks. Donated items also are collected
including disposable razors, deodorant, combs, underwear
and new or gently-used towels and t-shirts in adult sizes
(without offensive or controversial logos). Sara Linsley has
coordinated this ministry, but we are now looking for a new
coordinator. If you are interested in this volunteer
opportunity, please contact Patty Schlader in the parish office
at 443-2661 x204.
Elsewhere . . .
People have asked how best to assist in alleviating the
suffering of people fleeing the Middle East due to the
ongoing conflict in Syria. At this time, we are awaiting
word from the United Sates Council of Bishops on how to
support coordinated relief efforts. In the meantime, if you
want to get involved, go to the Catholic Relief Services
Fr. Bob
Our 12-Hour Eucharistic Adoration is held every
Thursday in the Historic Church starting at 8:30 a.m.
(after Daily Mass) and concluding at 8 p.m. To be the
face and hands of Jesus Christ, we must spend time with
him. Chaplet of the Divine Mercy follows.
Foster Homes Needed. Car ver County Community
Social Services is in need of homes for sibling groups and
teenagers. Families are needed to provide emergency,
temporary and long-term placement. Contact Melissa
Shimitz at 361-1603 at the Government Center in Chaska
for more information.
Benedictine Day of Prayer, Fr iday, Oct. 16, at St. J ohn’s
Abbey in Collegeville, MN. All men and women ae invited
to join the monks of the abbey in prayer starting at 7 a.m.
and concluding at 3:30 p.m. The cost is $50 and includes
materials, breakfast and lunch. (Rooms are available for
overnight stays.) Please bring a Bible. For information or to
register, go to or call
Country Fare fundr aiser at East Union Luther an
Church, Saturday, Oct. 3, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Lunch with
homemade desserts, crafts, collectibles, bake sale, garden
produce and quilted items. Call 448-3450 or visit
Fall Bazaar, Chur ch of the Holy Family, Silver Lake,
Sunday, Oct. 4. Polka Mass at 10 a.m., pork chop dinner,
11 a.m. to 2 p.m., country store with homemade kolaches,
bingo, games and more. Cash raffle at 7:30 p.m. Call
320-327-2356 for information.
Sts. Joachim and Anne Council of Catholic Women
invites all women to a fall retreat at the Franciscan Retreat
and Spirituality Center, Wednesday, Oct. 14, 9 a.m. to
3 p.m. The cost is $25 and includes refreshments, lunch and
program. Speakers include Lucy Johnson talking about her
pilgrimage to Kutui, Kenya, Fr. Anthony Criscitelli with the
topic “Lord Make Us Instruments of Your Peace” and
Nancy Johnson who will talk about the Caplet of Divine
Mercy. Send reservations to Parish Office, Att. CCW
Retreat, 2700 17th Avenue E. Shakopee 55379.
NE Bierfest co-sponsored by NE Minneapolis parishes of
St. Boniface and Our Lady of Lourdes, Saturday, Oct. 3,
5 to 9 p.m., St. Boniface parking lot. Beer, brats and live
music. Free admission.
Faith Formation
Confirmation Parent Meeting
Thank you to all the parents and students who joined us for
our parent/student meeting last week. If you were not able to
attend, please call me as soon as possible so I can fill you in
on all the important information we covered.
Faith Formation Kick Off
Our first session is Wednesday, September 30, at 6 p.m.
for all sessions (5 p.m., 6:30 p.m. and Confirmation
[7:30 p.m.]). During this evening, we will worship together,
meet our catechists, find our classrooms and begin the
journey of Faith Formation.
Faith Formation Calendar
Our calendar can now be found on our website. Updates will
continue to run in the bulletin and in your Faith Formation
newsletter each week. On our website, look under the Faith
Formation menu for the calendar.
Greeting Cards for Sale
When Fresh Seasons closed, Tom and Rea Wartman donated
the store’s stock of greeting cards to St. Victoria. The youth
of our parish will be selling these greeting cards after all the
Masses on October 3 and 4 in the Franciscan Commons as a
fundraiser for their events and camps. Come look through a
wide assortment of greeting cards — all priced at only
$1 each.
Important Faith Formation Dates:
September 30 – Kick Off Mass
October 4 – Children’s Liturgy of the Word
October 7 – Faith Formation and Confirmation
Emily Klinker, Director of Faith Formation
443-2661 x218,
Cemetery Clean-up
Thanks to our beautiful weather, the deadline for removing
summer plants, flowers and arrangements from the
cemetery this Fall is Thursday, October 15, pr ior to our
annual Fall clean-up on Saturday, October 24. Please remove
anything you wish to keep prior to October 15. (If there
should be a hard frost prior to October 15, please remove
plants, etc., as soon as possible or they will be removed by
the cemetery maintenance crew. Any plants, arrangements,
etc., that are in good condition and removed by the cemetery
maintenance crew will be kept for two weeks near the
recycling bins. Please only take flowers, plants and/or
arrangements that belong to you or a family member. Also,
please remember that nothing may be placed at grave sites
until the week prior to Thanksgiving when holiday
arrangements may be put in hanging pots or on shepherd’s
hooks. Nothing may be placed on the ground at any time.
You may, however, put American Flags at gravesites for two
weeks before and after Veteran’s Day (November 11). Thank
you for your cooperation.
Fall Fling
Our annual Fall clean-up is planned for Saturday, October 24,
starting at 8 a.m. Everyone is invited to help with our fall
clean-up to prepare for the winter. No need to sign-up, just
come with your work gloves. We’ll be done by noon (or
sooner). The more helping hands, the better. If you have
questions, contact John Wall in the parish office.
Adapted Confirmation Preparation
St. Therese in Deephaven is offering an Adapted
Confirmation Preparation Program for young people with
cognitive disabilities during the current school year. The
program will meet one Sunday each month until March when
it will be integrated with the traditional Confirmation Class.
Enroll as a candidate, volunteer or “Peer Partner” with Lisa
Schiltz at 807-7168 or
Suggestions, Questions, Concerns
This is a reminder that we have a suggestion box in the kiosk
in the Franciscan Commons. Please feel free to use the forms
available — or any piece of paper — to share suggestions,
ideas, ask questions or make comments. While it is not
mandatory, we really do appreciate it if submissions are
signed — that way we can provide a personal answer to you.
And, whenever appropriate, we’ll share the information with
all parishioners. (Be assured we won’t use names in the
Faithful Spouses
Faithful Spouses is a ministry of encouragement for those
who have suffered separation or divorce. Discover joy again,
even when the cross of separation is present. Receive support
for your journey, claim the graces of your marriage, affirm
your identity, grow in mercy, love, forgiveness and peace,
find healing for your wounded heart and experience the Love
of God. The group meets the third Tuesday of each month at
7 p.m. at 328 Kellogg Boulevard in St. Paul. For more
information, call 651-291-4438 or email
Red Mass
The Lawyers Guild of St. Thomas More and the University
of St. Thomas School of Law invite all Catholic legal
professionals to the 65th Annual Red Mass and Breakfast
tomorrow, Monday, September 28, at the University of
St. Thomas School of Law in Minneapolis with Mass at
8 a.m. followed by breakfast. Fr. Larry Snyder, University of
St. Thomas VP of Mission, is the celebrant. Email Professor
Susan Stabile at to see if it is still
possible to register to attend this event.
White Mass
The Annual White Mass for healthcare workers sponsored by
the St. Paul and Minneapolis Guild of the Catholic Medical
Association is Saturday, October 10, at 5:15 p.m. at the
Cathedral of St. Paul, with a reception following. For more
information, contact Sonya Flomo at 651-291-4488 or
Brochures Available
The Archdiocese has made two brochures available:
• How to Report Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect that
provides step-by-step details of the reporting process and
it lists additional related resources.
• Victim/Survivor Assistance that provides information
about the Archdiocese’s partnership with Canvas Health,
an independent, trusted local care provider offering
victims/survivors a safe and compassionate place to
come forward.
The brochures are available in the kiosk in the Commons.
Stewardship Report
Stewardship Report for September 19 and 20, Week 12, of
our fiscal year:
Envelope Offering:
$ 10,953
Electronic Offering:
Total Membership Offering:
Debt Reduction: $2,705
Financial Information through August 31:
YTD Revenue
$ 276,555
YTD Revenue Variance from Budget:
+ 19,962
YTD Total Operating Income:
YTD Net Income Variance:
+ 40,498
YTD Debt Reduction
YTD Variance
- 1,475
New Church Mortgage as of August 31: $2,473,143
Please use your envelopes for your contributions.
Archdiocese Activities
Survivors Support Group sponsor ed by the Ar chdiocese
for victims/survivors of sexual abuse by Catholic clergy.
Independent professionals experienced in working with
survivors of sexual abuse will facilitate the group which will
begin meeting tomorrow, Monday, September 28. Those who
would benefit from sharing their survival story, may call
Canvas Health at 651-291-4497 for more information.
Immaculee IIibagiza: A Story of Survival and Forgiveness
at Coffman Memorial Union Theatre, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis campus, 7:30 p.m., Tuesday,
September 29. Immaculee IIibagiza, a survivor of the 1994
Rwandan genocide that took the lives of nearly 1 million
Tutsis, will share her story of finding shelter for 91 days with
seven other women in a 3 by 4 bathroom in a local pastor’s
home. Tickets are $5 for Catholic students; $10 for others.
Tickets and information at
Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University (FPU) at Holy
Spirit School in St. Paul, September 29, through
November 29. Through videos, class discussions and
interactive small groups, FPU presents biblical, practical
steps to get from where you are to where you’ve dreamed you
could be, getting rid of debt, managing your money, spending
and saving wisely. Visit
class/1001027/atid/l to register.
St. John Paul II Champion for Life Awards Luncheon,
Thursday, October 8, 11:30 a.m., Church of St. Peter,
Mendota. $35 per person; $280 for table for 8. Contact Nancy
Shulte Palaheck at or 651-291-4489.
Mystery of God Study Program with Bishop Rober t
Barron, Tuesdays, October 6 through November 10, 8:30 to
10 a.m., Holy Spirit Parish, St. Paul. Fr. Barron answers the
questions “Who is God and Why Does He Matter?”
The CSJ Way
Join the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet (CSJ) and
Consociates on Saturday, October 3, 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., at
the Carondelet Center in St. Paul, to explore the connections
between Pope Francis’ new encyclical Laudaate Si (Praise Be
to You: On Care for Our Common Home) and the CSJ
mission and spirituality. For information contact Joan Pauly
Schneider, 651-690-7063, or
Jill Underdahl, 651-696-2873,
Ministry Schedule
October 3 and 4
5 p.m.
Mary Foster, Jacque Krause
8:45 a.m.
Judy Sones, Laura Synstegaard
10:45 a.m.
Erv and Linda Spevacek
5 p.m.
Don Abel
8:45 a.m.
John Helgerson
10:45 a.m.
George Hidding
Eucharistic Ministers
5 p.m.
David and Jessica Bruns, Greg Butler, Kristi,
Samantha and Zachery Curoe, Bob Elfering,
Lois Hansel, Joyce Heiland, Todd Hesse,
Randy and Sandra Krautbauer
8:45 a.m.
Cindy Eide, Patty Frier, Jason Hester, Jim and
Betti Igel, Mike Kokesh, Ruth Kroening,
Michael Lanners, Sharon Lauwagie, Jim
Moss, Dave and Ellen Roan
10:45 a.m.
Joan Klinger, Kerry Leopold, Linda
Lindeman, Lindsey Norton, Kathryn Paradise,
Ken Pavett, Sammi Pavett, Brian
Pulvermacher, Rob and Brianne Raiolo, Anna
Shay, Annette Smyser
5 p.m.
Gary and Ann Delaney, Monica Grengs, Cal
Haasken, Pat Henning, Mike Jeurissen
8:45 a.m.
Ryan Wenning, Dave and Rose Williams,
Janet Bergeron, Sam Deweese, Eric Hanson
10:45 a.m.
Mark and Mary Kelly, Al and Louise Lehner,
Don and Sue Roper
5 p.m.
Laura Contreras, Daniella Krause, Nick Payne
8:45 a.m.
Colton Schrempp, Carly Dammann,
Stephanie Frier
10:45 a.m.
Cody Kack, Maddy and Matthew Kuntz
Team Isaiah
5 p.m.
Roger and Paula Jackels, David and Kristen
Kowalski, Roger and Paula Osweiler,
Cindy Worm
8:45 a.m.
Chris and Cheryl Mach, Pat Moore, Debbie
Nolan, Ralph and Nancy Rezac, John and
Aileen Sweeney, Jim, Wendi and Jakob
Alessio, Jane DeRusha
10:45 a.m.
Lucia Barker, David, LuAnn and Anthony
Burandt, Tom, Marty and Megan Cashman,
Elizabeth Contreras, Sam Fellinger, David,
Gina, Mitchell, Joey and Sadie Holman
5 p.m.
Randy Krause
8:45 a.m.
Tim Woodfield
10:45 a.m.
Mitchell Holman
5 p.m.
Adult Choir — Acc. Sue Orsen
8:45 a.m.
Cantor Mary Pat Nydahl —
Acc. Sharon Schindler
10:45 a.m.
Cantor Elizabeth Nowak —
Acc. Sharon Schindler
Liturgy of the Word for Children
During 8:45 and 10:45 a.m. Sunday Liturgies
Coffee Anyone?
Wear your name tag given to you by a Team Isaiah member
next weekend and stop by the Victoria Subway after Mass for
a complimentary cup of coffee or freshly baked cookie.