Here - Jamiyah Singapore
Here - Jamiyah Singapore
Commemorating The Life & Birth MUHAMMAD BIN ABDULLAH RASULULLAH SAW TABLE OF CONTENT !""#"!$%&'()*+,# -'.#*/*0'$&, !"# #$%&'(%#&$!))#"%*#+ Editorial Board Zainuddin Ismail (Editor) Azlina Ismail (Assoc. Editor) H.M.Saleem Md Noor Bin Md Said Sulaiman jeem Mohd. Hosni Abdul Malik Andi Abdul Kadir Andi Kitta Periodical Magazine Published by : Muslim Missionary Society Singapore (JAMIYAH) 31 Lorong 12 Geylang Singapore 399006 Tel: +65 6743 1211 Fax: +65 6745 0610 Email: Website: REG. No ROS 870/47 REL CHARITY REG. No. 0568 MICA(P) 115/04/2011 Printed by Multiprint Services Designers Syazwani Syafawati Bt Zahari Suraimi Farid Bin Sulaiman VOI Volume 01/2011 03 CONTENT 05. 08. 09. 11. 16. 17. 19. 21. 23. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 32. 35. 36. 37. 39. 40. 42. 44. 45. 48. 49. 50. 51. 53. 54. 55. 57. 58. 59. 61. 63. 65. 67. 69. 70. 71. 73. 75. SAMBUTAN MAULUD NABI SAW DI STADIUM WOODLANDS MENCINTAI RASUL SEHARUSNYA MELEBIHI DIRI SENDIRI SPEECH BY HAJI S.M.ABDUL JALEEL MUHAMMAD BIN ABDULLAH WORLD TEACHER AND MERCY UNTO THE UNIVERSE PROPHET’S ETERNAL PROMISE TO CHRISTIANS THE FIRST REVELATIONS MADINAH AGREEMENT (MITHAQ MADINAH) HUDAIBIYAH AGREEMENT STARTING FIRST WITH CONCEPT OF GOD LEE BOON SIONG FROM POH ERN SHIH TEMPLE SIGNING OF MEMORANDUM OF INTENT FANDI AHMAD ACADEMY RELIGIOUS HARMONY CUP ACCOUNTING A CRUCIAL PERSONAL SKILL FOUR SYMBOLIC EVENTS IN ONE HI-TEA GATHERING PROBLEMS OF THE YOUNG DEATH – ONE BELIEVER’S PERSPECTIVE TURKEY’S CONSTITUTIONAL REFERENDUM OF 2010 ASSOCIATION OF MUSLIM LAWYERS TAKING THE HARD ROAD – YOUTH GANG VIOLENCE IN RETROSPECT LINKLATERS ALLEN & GLEDHILL SUPPORTS JAMIYAH’S PROJECT LEND-A-HAND ISLAM AND WOMEN HOW WELL HAS THE MEDIA INFORMED THE PUBLIC ABOUT CO2 LEVELS IN THE AIR? RAMBLINGS OF HOLISTIC HEALTH AND MEDICINE (CONTINUATION) THE MORAL SYSTEM IN REVEALED RELIGION ‘GIVE THE KIDS A SMILE’ FUNDRAISING DINNER PROJECT “PRIME ARGUS” THEOLOGICAL SPAM OR NOT QAUM-E-AAD MIRACLE OF THE QUR’AN GOING BEYONG THE ORANG LAUT NEW LEADERSHIP BUILDS ON THE STRONG FOUNDATION QURANUL HUDA (QURANIC GUIDANCE) MENCINTAI RASULULLAH BUKAN SETAHUN SEKALI HASIL KETARA DARI SOKONGAN ANDA MASYARAKAT ISLAM TIMOR LESTE PERLUKAN BANTUAN UNTUK BERBAGAI KEGIATAN BISTARI BRUNEI JALIN KERJASAMA KUIM TIMBA PENGALAMAN DI JAMIYAH MAULIDUR RASUL SAW KISAH SEJARAH PUNCA KESOMBONGAN IBLIS AL MUZAFFAR PENCETUS SAMBUTAN MAULID ‘IKATAN BADAN AMAL ISLAM WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN’ VISITS JAMIYAH MAJLIS ULAMA FROM INDONESIA PK-RIAU INISIATIF ABU BAKAR MAIDIN BINA DARUL ISLAH DISANJUNG ARABIC ARTICLE TAMIL ARTICLE Praise be to Allah, Lord Cherisher and Sustainer of the Multiverse, the Cosmos. Blessings, Peace and Benedictions upon each and everyone of the immaculate Prophets and Messengers of Allah who were raised in all ancient nations and the Seal and the Last of the Prophets and Messengers of Allah , Muhammad bin Abdullah, the Mercy unto the Universe and the Sign unto Humanity. "The President and Executive Council of Jamiyah Singapore congratulate Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, his PAP team and all successful candidates in the recent General Elections .May this augur in a more dynamic , wholesome future for multicultural, multireligious Singapore." Brothers and Sisters, we are at the crossroads of our existence as one of only two ideological communities, one that denies the existence of God and the other the Ummat Muhammadi which today feels the threats of sustained Islamophobia, warring by the so-called powers-that-be, and the volatile socio-economic and political situation exacerbated by the intrigues !"#$%&'& ($')"(*+$,*-"'.#"&/*"0) &-" !",')'"1#*" intelligences which have existed since the time of Hemphner and Philby. The solution is simple to understand but the $,0)*,*.&'&$ ."$-"#$!1%2)&3"4/*"- )2&$ ."$-"5)67-)'," as understood by ulama/ scholars/intellectuals and savants who are in awe of Allah and heed His Laws. Genuine Islam- between versions of ignoramuses and extremists- can save the world again as it saved it during the dark ages.It is the religion of the middle and moderating community which has been *8*,0)$1*#"9:"&/*";( 0/*&"<2/',,'#"=0*'%*" and blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) Unlike the sages of the Axial Age, he single-handedly initiated world movements against evils of every shade Even today with sexual deviance clearly proliferating particularly in urban and suburban settings , the balance that Islam provides between irreligious abandon of modesty and chastity and unnatural strait-jacket sexual codes is being re-visited by sociologists and therapists particularly those who are familiar with Islamic family stuctures and the more ideal Quranic recommendations. The biggest need is to promote durable peace and multifaith harmony by all means possible. Prophet Muhammad made it possible with his call to the people of scripture to come forward together on the basis of Monotheism, his example in allowing the Najran Christians to pray in the Masjid Nabawi and his historic Eternal Protection for Christians Promise which we have highlighted elsewhere in this issue. The challenge is to implement his Ethics even in Self Defence which are being marginalised and worse still rough trodden by militant deviant deviationists who have absolutely no regard for the sacredness of human life and who worse still blaspheme the holy name of Islam and Prophet Muhammad s.a.wassalam. !"#$%&'(!)*+!,$-!./#(!0/!*-#$1!+2$+!0+!,$-!3.--04#&!5.'!-#$%&-!+.!4&6.1&!#&$7&'-!$/7!&%&/! rulers of communities !8&/7&'!*/&9:$#0+()!*-#$1!;$%&!,.1&/!3'.3&'+(!'0;2+-!&%&/!4&5.'&!+2&!<$''0&7!=.1&/>-!! ! ?'.3&'+(!@6+! !!! !A6./.106!B33'&--0./)!*+!4$//&7!:-:'(!$/7!7&6#$'&7!+2$+!C=&$#+2!-2$##!/.+!60'6:#$+&!./#(!!!!! !!!$1./;!+2&!,&$#+2(D! !":3&'-+0+0./-!$/7!E$/+$-0&-)!*+!4$//&7!$-+'.#.;(F!-..+2-$(0/;!$/7!1$;06) !=.'-203!.5!.+2&'!+2$/!8.7)!*-#$1!-$%&7!+2&!,.'#7!5'.1!#.-0/;!0+-!;'03!./!?:'&-+!E.'1!.5!! !!! 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Perarakan itu dijayakan oleh badan-badan Islam, budaya, akar umbi, masjid, madrasah, institusi-institusi pengajian tinggi, sukan, syarikat dan lain-lainnya. Seramai 3,000 anggota dari berbagai kontinjen itu telah berbaris bangga dan sungguh-sungguh menjayakannya. Ternyata ia amat memuaskan dan sangat mengagumkan. Dengan membawa berbagai kain rentang bertemakan “Keranamu Ya Rasulallah”, setiap mereka berbaris rapi menunjukkan perpaduan dan semanagat muhibah serta berjaya menyemarakkan kemeriahan sambutan Maulidur Rasul saw. Dengan langkah penuh tekad dan cukup bersemangat, mereka melaungkan suara memuji-muji perjuangan dan jasa bakti Rasulullah kepada umatnya. Gema suara mereka berselawat dan melahirkan kecintaan kepada pemimpin agung dunia Junjungan Rasulullah saw menyemarakkan suasana sambutan sepanjang masa perarakan itu. Dalam masa itu juga, beberapa anggota kontinjen telah memperlihatkan berbagai kebolahan mereka di depan Tetamu Terhormat, Encik Hawazi Daipi, Setiausaha Kanan Kementerian Tenaga Kerja merangkap Kesihatan. Turut menerima penghormatan bersama tetamu terhormat dari kontinjen perbarisan itu ialah Haji Abdul Karim Maidin, Presiden Jamiyah, dan lain-lain para undangan khas. Para undangan itu dan ramai penonton telah bertepuk tangan meriah sambil mengucapkan syabas apabila para pesilat dari Persekutuan Silat Singapura (Persisi). Para pesilat cilik seramai 54 kanak-kanak dari Silat Perguruan Grasio (Cawangan Marsiling) telah juga memperlihatkan ketangkasan mereka dalam acara silat mempertahankan diri. Mereka telah menunjukkan keindahan seni silat Melayu yang telah mereka pelajari dan hayati itu. Tepukan gemuruh dari sekitar 6,000 penonton yang memenuhi stadium itu yang diberikan amat menggembirakan mereka . 06 VOI Volume 01/2011 Seramai 40 pesilat mapan dari Tim Kesenian Majlis Pusat pula mempersembahkan kecemerlangan silat mereka dengan cara yang amat mempesonakan para penontonnya dari berbagai peringkat usia dan bangsa. Meski sebahagian dari para pesilat itu kelihatan “sudah lanjut usia”, namun ketangkasan mereka memperlihatkan gerakan-gerakan indah seni silat itu dengan gagah perkasa, sungguh mempesonakan orang ramai, khususnya para tetamu tadi. Berbagai kontinjen dari badan-badan Indian Muslim kemudian berbaris lalu dan memberi penghormatan kepada para tetamu terhormat tadi sambil memperlihatkan pukulan dan permainan hadrah dan kompang. Antara kontinjen-kontinjen Indian Muslim yang menyertai perarakan itu ialah: Kumpulan Hadrah India Muslims Singapura, Persekutuan India Muslim (FIM), Kadayanallur Muslim League, Persatuan Indian Muslim Bersatu, Persekutuan Muslim Tenkasi, Jamatul Ulama India Selatan, Persatuan Penguruf Wang Singapura, Masjid Bencoolen, Alfalaaq Star Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Persatuan Islam Thopputhurai, Persatuan Kebajikan Kayapaltattinam dan Masjid Jame (Chulia). Sementara kontinjen badan-badan Melayu ternama yang menyertai perbarisan itu ialah: MES Group of Companies, Yayasan Mendaki, Sekolah Indonesia, Persatuan Bawean Singapuura, Himpunan Persatuan Islam/Jaafar Muslim Association, Naqshabandi. Kumupulan Nasyid Al Madani, Kumpulan Belia Al Madani, Muslim Kidney Action Association, Persatuan Artis Singapura, Kumpulan Nasyid Mustajabah, 15 kumpulan hadrah yang bergabung dengan Persatuan Hadrah Kompang Singapura (PEHAKS) dan Persatuan Putra serta para penghuni, para anggota jawatankuasa dan para sukarelawan berbagai jawatan rumah-rumah kebajikan dan tumpangan serta berbagai jabatan Jamiyah. Berlanagsungnya kehebatan perarakan dan ketangkasan perbarisan para anggota berbagai kontinjen itu adalah hasil pimpinan komandernya Encik Slemat Rakisan. VOI Volume 01/2011 07 Sementara itu, Naib Presiden Ketiga Jamiyah Encik Ismail Mohd Roziz merangkap Setiausaha Sambutan Maulidur Rasul mengucapkan syabas dan berterima kasih kepada setiap pihak yang telah berusaha menjayakan perbarisan itu dan acara-acara lain yang telah dijalankan dari jam 4.00 petang – 10.30 malam. . Antaranya ialah Nasyid dari Nurul Mustajabah dan Almadani, bacaan al Quran oleh Encik Wan Ainuddin Hilmi Abdullah, Naib Juara Tilawah Al Quran Antarabangsa 2010, Ustaz Nor Muhammad Ali, Naib Juara Tilawah Al Quran Kawasan Utara Singapura 2010, syarahan oleh Prof. Madya Dr. Sharifah Hayaati Syed Ismail (Malaysia), Ustaz Badli Shah Alauddin (Malaysia) dan Moulvi Khalil Ahamad Hasanoi. Turut memeriahkan acara ialah ucapan oleh Tetamu Terhormat. Encik Hawazi Daipi, Haji Abdul Karim Maidin dan Haji Nasser Ghani mewakili Pengerusi Bersama Jawatankuasa Sambutan dan Pengerusi MES Holdings Hj SM Abdul Jalil. Kumpulan HIJJAZ dan Haji O H Abdul Majeed turut menyemarakkan majlis dengan beberapa buah lagu berunsur agama. – Sulaiman Jeem. MENCINTAI RASUL SEHARUSNYA MELEBIHI DIRI SENDIRI - Ingatan Presiden Jamiyah TUAN Haji Abdul Karim Maidin, Presiden Jamiyah mengingatkan bahawa mencintai Rasulullah s.a.w. adalah satu prinsip agama yang penting, kerana seseorang itu tidak dianggap beriman sehingga ia benar-benar mencintai Rasulullah s.a.w. melebihi dirinya sendiri. Beliau menambah: mencintai Rasulullah s.a.w. bukan sekadar hanya taat kepada sunnah baginda, tetapi hendaklah kita bersungguh-sungguh menyampaikan pengajarannya demi menyambung tugasan baginda. Andai tugasan dakwah baginda tidak ada kesinambungan, pasti sunnahnya akan mati dengan digantikan amalan yang bercanggah dengan syarak. Berucap di majlis Sambutan Maulidur Rasul anjuran Jamiyah dan badan-badan Islam setempat di Stadium Woodlands baru-baru ini, beliau menekankan: “Mencintai Rasulullah s.a.w. bermakna baginda sentiasa di hati kita. Oleh itu kita hendaklah memperbanyakkan membaca serta mempelajari sejarah hidup baginda serta berusaha menjadikan perjalanan hidupnya sebagai cahaya penyuluh perjalanan kita. “Mencintai Rasulullah bererti kita mencintai mereka yang dicintai s.a.w. Antara tanda cinta kita kepada baginda s.a.w. ialah mencintai mereka yang dicintai baginda seperti para isterinya, ahli-ahli keluarga dan para sahabatnya serta seluruh umat Islam, yang berpegang teguh kepada ajaran baginda.” Rasulullah s.a.w. berhak meraih cinta umatnya kerana baginda adalah makhluk yang paling mulia di sisi Allah memiliki akhlak luhur dan jalan yang lurus. Baginda juga mengasihi, memberi petunjuk dan menyelamatkan umatnya dari neraka serta menjadi rahmat kepada seluruh alam atau “rahmatan lil alamin”. Beliau seterusnya menyatakan bahawa para ulama dan para pemimpin dunia mengakui Rasulullah s.a.w. seorang pemimpin yang banyak boleh diteladani oleh sesiapa sahaja yang berhasrat hendak mencontohinya. Baginda memang dikenali seorang pemimpin umat yang tiada tandingannya. Beliau mengharapkan mudah-mudahan Allah akan memberi kita petunjuk dan barakah terhadap usaha kita mengikuti jejak baginda dan mencintainya serta meneladani segala kebaikan dan akhlak murninya. Amin! berjalan lancar. Dalam kesempatan ini juga, marilah kita mengucapkan syukur kepada Allah kerana telah memulihkan kesihatan Tuan S.M.A. Abdul Jaleel, Pengerusi Bersama Jawatankuasa penganjur majlis ini merangkap Pengerusi MES Holdings yang terlibat dalam nahas jalan raya di Johor baru-baru ini. Di samping itu, marilah kita mengucapkan takziah yang mendalam kepada beliau atas kembalinya ke rahmatullah ibundanya, Allahyarhamha Syedunisa Bi anak perempuan kepada Syed Noor, yang telah meninggal dunia akibat nahas tersebut. Mudah-mudahan Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas rohnya. Amin! Mengakhiri ucapan ini, sekali lagi beliau mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Tetamu Terhormat, kepapda para pensyarah, kepada para qari, kepada kumpulan nasyid, dan kepada sesiapa sahaja yang telah berusaha menjayakan majlis sambutan ini. Mudah-mudahan segala penat lelaj dan usaha baik tuan-tuan dan puan-puan itu akan diberkati Allah s.w.t. dan diberikan rahmatNya. Terdahulu beliau beterima kasih kepada para penduduk Islam di Woodlands serta masjid-masjid dengan sokongan badan-badan Islam Woodlands serta masjid-masjid setempat yang bersama-sama menyokong uasaha Jamiyah ini. Tuan-tuan dan puan-puan yang saya hormati. Dalam kesempatan ini, suka saya ingatkan bahawa rumah tumpangan anak-anak yatim Darul Ma’wa di Chin Cheng Avenue, akan mula berpindah ke rumah barunya di Guillemard Crescent, tidak lama lagi. Rumah baru anak-anak yatim itu, yang lebih selesa dari bangunannya yang ada sekarang, masih memerlukan sekitar $300,000 untuk mengubah elok dan membeli berbagai perabutnya. Justeru, saya menyeru masyarakat umum, khususnya tuan-tuan dan puanpuan sudi menghulurkan derma supaya rancangan pemindahan anak-anak yatim Darul Ma’wa ke rumah baru mereka 08 VOI Volume 01/2011 SPEECH OF HAJI S.M.ABDUL JALEEL DELIVERED BY HAJI NASEER GHANI Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) Birthday Celebrations 2011 Organized by Jamiyah Singapore and Muslim Residents of Woodlands with the support of Muslim organizations and business houses Woodlands Stadium: Sat 19 March 2011 (14 Rabiulakhir 1432H) SPEECH BY HAJI S.M.ABDUL JALEEL, CO-CHAIRMAN OF THE ORGANIZING COMMITTEE DELIVERED ON HIS BEHALF BY HAJI NASEER GHANI VOI Volume 01/2011 09 The Honourable Guest of Honour Haji Hawazi Daipi, Senior Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Manpower and Ministry of Health, Diplomats from the various diplomatic missions in Singapore Faith leaders representing different religious groups in Singapore Tuan Haji Abu Bakar Maidin, Executive Consultant, Jamiyah Singapore Haji Abdul Karim Maidin, President of Jamiyah ;(*-$#*.&-"'.#">!1%$')-"(*0(*-*.&$.+"?'($ 2-"<2-)$,"@A>-B"< -C2*-"<'.'+*,*.&"D ,,$&&**-B"*#2%'&$ ."%*.&(*Invited guests Ladies and Gentlemen Assalaamualaikum Wr Wb and May the Peace and blessings of Almighty God be with us all. >."9*/')!" !"E'F$"G"<"59#2)"H')**)B"&/*"D 6D/'$(,'." !"&/*">(+'.$I$.+"D ,,$&&**" !"&/$-", -&"-$+.$1%'.&"'..2')"*?*.&"% ,,*, ('&$.+" 2(";( 0/*&" !"7-)',"<2/',,'#" =092/JB")*&",*"1(-&):"*8&*.#"'"?*(:"K'(,"K*)% ,*"& " 2("E . 2('9)*"A2*-&" !"E . 2("E'F$"E'K'I$"L'$0$"! ("F $.$.+"2-"'&"&/$-"*?*.&"'.#"& "*'%/"'.#"*?*(:" .*" !": 2" 2("-$.%*(*" thanks and happiness to see so many of you participating in this occasion. As many of you are aware Haji Jaleel met with a car accident a few weeks ago and lost his beloved mother in that ‘’musibah’’. He is currently resting and recuperating and hence cannot join us today at this occasion. Let us read sura ál fathiha’ and pray to Allah s.w.t. for him to recover quickly. Ladies and Gentlemen. Today, the world is witnessing events that only go to prove the supremacy of God Almighty who is the creator, sustainer and protector of the entire creation. It is His boundless mercy and grace that protect the entire universe including mankind. The Messenger of Allah s.w.t. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is one such mercy of Him who has been sent with the message of peace and piety in the form of the faith of Islam. By his words and deeds the Prophet of Islam has shown the most noble and illustrious examples for adherence by mankind, of the values such as peace and tranquility. He has given the most comprehensive guidance to us regarding love, kindness and humility and passion for seeking knowledge and laid down the ways for seeking means of livelihood without harming anyone including the eco system and the environment. It is for such noble guidance that we are to remain thankful to Allah s.w.t. and to His Prophet. An occasion like this is yet another opportunity for us to reminisce and remind ourselves of the noble guidance of our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). 7."&/$-"(*-0*%&" ."9*/')!" !"'))"&/*"0'(&$%$0'&$.+" (+'.$I'&$ .-" !"&/$-"-$+.$1%'.&"*?*.&B"*-0*%$')):"&/*"7.#$'."<2-)$,"5-- %$'&$ .-B"7"K 2)#")$M*"& "0)'%*" 2("/*'(&!*)&"&/'.M-"& "E'F$" Abu Bakar Maidin, the Executive Consultant of Jamiyah and its President Hj Abdul Karim Maidin for the wonderful opportunity that has been given to us to join in the organization of this great event. Let us resolve and rededicate ourselves to further enhance our efforts to work closely with one another and establish close bonding with fellow Singaporeans belonging to different faiths and races and strive to achieve a society of peace, harmony and progress, Ameen. Once again our sincere thanks to our Guest of Honour Haji Hawazi Daipi and all our special guests. N'9$))'/$"&'21C"N')"E$#':'/" Wassalamualaikkum Wr Wb 10 VOI Volume 01/2011 In the name of God, 7.1.$&*):"A('%$ 2-B"7.1.$&*):"<'+.'.$, 2- MUHAMMAD BIN ABDULLAH WORLD TEACHER AND MERCY UNTO THE UNIVERSE (Peace and Blessings of Allah Be Upon Him) VOI Volume 01/2011 02/2011 11 INTRODUCTION One God One Cosmos One Humanity One Revealed Religion, many divine editions at different times, all going through the process of history and being “historised.” The saving grace of the last divine edition is that it has an immutable scripture. Since the very beginning of human society, God had chosen the perfect moral and spiritual models among human beings in all ancient nations, to guide their fellow men to the right path. They were the Prophets and Messengers of God who received or followed revelation for this purpose. The basis of the teachings of these role models was that humans should worship and serve God alone and to do good to their fellow humans. According to Islamic tradition there were more than one hundred thousand of them but the Quran clearly mentions only 25. Among them were Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, David, Solomon and John. Muhammad came as the Seal of the Prophets after whom there were no other Prophets or Messengers. “… and there is not a nation but a warner has gone among them” (Quran 35: 24) “And for every nation there is a messenger” (Quran 10: 47) Many scriptures of different religions mentioned the coming of a World Teacher and some contemporaries of Muhammad such as Waraqa ibn Naufal believed that Muhammad was the awaited one. Muhammad received through revelation from God the Arabic term for it namely “Al-Islam” which means “Submission” or “Total Obedience”. The root term of the word “Islam” SLM is the basis of the term Salam or Peace. By submitting to the Laws of God, sincerely, humans receive Peace in their hearts, Peace with their fellow humans and with nature that grand theatre of the Signs of God. MECCA AT THE TIME OF THE BIRTH OF THE PROPHET Unlike most Prophets and Messengers of God, Prophet Muhammad was born in the full light of history and into a society where people were renowned for their prodigious memory and their eloquence in their language. From among them came companions who memorized each and every verse of the Quran which they later wrote on bones, polished skins, blades of bones, wood etc etc. These were checked word for word with the Prophet himself during his life-time. Less commonly a few of them wrote down, separately from the Quran, the words of the Prophet regarding for *8',0)*"&/*"(2)*-"(*+'(#$.+"&/*"02($1%'&$ ."&'8"=I'M'&JB"&/*"% ?*.'.&"K$&/"D/($-&$'.-" !"@'F('.B"'. &/*("#*-%($9*#"'-" a charter of love, a copy of which is still kept at St. Anne’s Monastery in Sinai, Egypt, the Madinah Agreement and the letters which the Prophet sent out to different world leaders some of which have been collected and preserved in a Jordanian museum. The Quran and those traditions written in his life-time remain the best source for the life of Muhammad. THE LIFE OF MUHAMMAD Muhammad was born in Mecca in the year 570 A.C. into the noble but impoverished Banu Hashim clan of the Quraish people who were descended from Ishmael the elder son of Prophet Abraham. As the Old Testament tells us when Isaac was born Ishmael was already 12 years old. The Ishmaelite clan took care of the ancient shrine the Ka’bah which they believed was the House of the worship of God rebuilt by their ancestor Abraham on the very site where Adam built the earliest House of Worship on earth (*O*%&*#"$."&/*";-')," !"L'?$#"K/$%/"-&'&*-" “I long for the House of the Lord in the valley of Baca”. Curious to note that the Quran uses the term Baca and not Mecca. The year of Muhammad’s birth was known as the Year of the Elephant because in that year the army of Abraha Al Ashram the Yemenite governor of a Christian King attacked Mecca with his war elephants. He wanted the temple in Sanaa, Yemen, not Adam’s Ka’bah, to be the focus of pilgrimage. The Meccans were more concerned about their worldly things but the invaders were not. The Meccans did not defend their holy city but retired to the mountains and observed the scene from afar. The Prophet’s grandfather Abdul Mutalib secured his livestock from Abraha which shocked the latter because he /'#"&/ 2+/&"&/'&"59#2)"<2&'))$9P-"1(-&"% .%*(."K 2)#"9*" the safety of the Ka’bah. Abdul Mutalib told a shocked Abraha that he knew that God would protect the Ka’bah afterall it was called the House of God. N/'&"&/*:"-'K"K'-"-/ %M$.+3"5"O %M" !"O:$.+"%(*'&2(*-" -whether birds or insects it cannot be ascertained/'#" O K." '9 ?*" &/*" '(,:" '.#" '), -&" $,,*#$'&*):" the soldiers were strewn all over, dead as if struck by a mysterious and deadly epidemic. As Muhammad’s grandfather Abdul Mutalib had predicted God would protect the Ka’bah. The earliest Arab historians record &/'&"$&"K'-"&/*"1(-&"&$,*"&/'&"'."*0$#*,$%"/'#"% ,*"& " Mecca. This is recalled in the sublime Quran: Are you not aware of how your Lord-Sustainer dealt with the owners of the elephant? Did He not make their stratagem go astray? And He sent against them great -K'(,-" !" O:$.+" %(*'&2(*-3N/$%/" 0*)&*#" &/*," K$&/" stone of backed-clay and made them like green crops had been eaten up.”(Quran 105: 1-5) Mecca was a pagan society although there were a sprinkling of Nestorian Christians and Jews who were probably Arabs who were converted to Judaism. Confronted by the evils of their society, there were a few individuals who were searching for the truth. They were known as the Hunafa of whom Muhammad was one. Nonetheless they did not move as one group. The main attraction of Mecca was the Ka’bah. It was just a cube-shaped structure because Adam with his knowledge could have built a huge and imposing cathedral but settled for the simplest architectural form. He did not know whether to build it until a meteorite fell at where the Ka’bah now stands. He placed it at the corner of the Ka’bah. Today this stone known as the Hajar Aswad or Black Stone is the only remnant of that original House of the Worship of God. Thus the tremendous sentiments of the Muslims about the only relic from those meta-historical times. But Muslims don’t worship it and one notes that even the pagan Arabs also never worshipped it. Abraham and his son Ishmael raised the foundations of the Ka’bah together with the Hajar Aswad. Over time the Ka’bah became desecrated with the installation of more than 360 idols but the Arabs still knew the original 12 VOI Volume 01/2011 02/2011 history of the Ka’bah and the stories of Adam and Eve, Abraham, Ishmael and Hagar. by true valour and courage, the males distinguished themselves with recklessness and arrogance. Adam and Eve had met around that place and had asked for forgiveness from God at nearby Arafah which is so named because they knew or recognised each other there after a long separation. Indeed Jeddah (Grandmother) was so-called because Eve was reported to have died there. Very close to the Ka’bah is the well-known station of Abraham symbolizing the work of Abraham in rebuilding the Ka’bah. There was super-power rivalry even in those days. The Byzantine Empire confronted the Persian Sassanid. They surrounded the Arabs with their political and worldly machinations. They were the most powerful in those times and characterized greed for power and aggression. Their subjects were often oppressed and their client states from among the Arabs such as Egypt, Palestine and Syria under the Byzantines and Iraq under the Sassanid, were servile and humbled. While Byzantine and the Sassanid empires were highly literate, Mecca and Medina were not. On the other hand they were highly oral societies where the spoken word had reached extremely high levels. When Ishmael and Hagar miraculously discovered the Zam Zam spring which saved them from thirst, a well was built and maintained to this very day after the Prophet’s grandfather re-discovered it. The pilgrimage also commemorated their desperate search for water between the hillocks of Safa and Marwah. Whether it was Adam and Eve, or their children, Abraham, E'+'("'.#"&/*$("- ."7-/,'*)"&/*"&(2*"1(-&"9 (." !"59('/',B" they all prayed in the Ka’bah –the oldest mosque - which protected them from the terrible heat and dust of the desert. These days the millions not being able to enter the Ka’bah circulate it in an anti-clockwise manner. Perhaps in deference to the natural movements of many things in nature such as the orbit of planets and movements in the molecular worlds. This very law of nature is itself from the Law of the Absolute. In like manner Muhammad and his contemporaries also did the same , both the pagans and the truth seekers known as the Hunafa. People came from far and wide in pilgrimage to the Ka’bah. There was much business prospects and goods came from as far as China, India, Byzantium and the Sassanid Persian Empire. Silk and Camphor, spices, iron, gold, fruits, cattle and dried meats, handicrafts were among the items traded. There were fabulous poetry competitions and fairs but the famous one was at ‘Ukadh situated between the main trading route connecting South Arabia with Syria. Apart from the Christians and the Jews, there were people who came there for business who were known to be Majusis or Zoroastrians from Persia, and Sabians from Iraq whose origins were obscure. Whatever pristine religion the Arabs inherited they had discredited severely with their misinterpretations and misdeeds. The situation can be described by these words from the Quran: “Corruption has appeared on land and sea because of what the hands of men have earned” (Quran 30: 41) THE BIRTH AND INFANCY OF MUHAMMAD Muhammad’s father Abdullah had died six months before he was born. Although the Quran does not mention it, Islamic lore has it that he had a clear light between his eyes before his marriage to Amina and this light was transferred to Muhammad a more lighted person the Arabs had never seen before, whose mere countenance shone with love and spirituality. Overtime the Arabs had degenerated not just with their terrible vices but had also blasphemed by paying homage to the idols completely ignoring the fact that the Ka’bah stood for the uncompromising worship of the One True God. Over and above this rampant paganism was the fact that female infanticide was practiced. Sexual prowess in having many women was considered a manly virtue. Some women had several male paramours. Obscene vulgar poems were recited in public and these unruly townsfolk allowed prostitution and adultery. Tradition has it there were miracles surrounding the birth of Muhammad. So if God celebrated the birth of the Prophet why not Muslims? His mother Aminah had a vision about the child by which she obtained the name “Muhammad” (the praised one) mentioned in the earlier scriptures, the very same name that his grandfather dreamt about. When he told the Quraish leaders about the name he had chosen, they enquired for his reason for doing so and he replied “I want him to be praised by God in the heavens and humans on earth.” During her pregnancy, a light shone out from Aminah through which she saw the castles of Syria. A weakened Aminah gave him his milk but entrusted him, after a short period to a foster mother Halimah Sa’adiah from the desolate desert of her Banu Sa’d tribe as was the practice of the Arabs. Apart from the tough ladies who stood their ground, women and slaves were oppressed and cruel practices involved the torture of animals rather than be guided Halimah had hesitated to be the milking mother because Muhammad was an orphan and came from a poor family but she could not go back to the desert without a child so VOI Volume 02/2011 13 she ultimately took him. She never regretted it because he brought clear blessings to her and her family. Her breasts swelled with milk when he was around when before it was almost empty. There in the desert of Banu Sa’d he picked up the most exquisite of Arab dialects, breathed the pure desert air and marveled at the grand expanse of the sky, a stark contrast to the hustle and bustle of Mecca. There after being showered with the exquisite gentleness of his mother Aminah, he learned to respect the loving traits and gentleness of the fairer sex particularly Halimah a sentiment which is found in a well known saying of his “Three things I love, women, the coolness of the eyes during prayer and perfumes” which only the most vulgar, the most debased won’t understand. “There are many valuables in the world and the most valuable is a good woman” These sentiments of his were underlined by Divine Revelation which he was blessed with later on. … fear God through Whom you demand your mutual rights and the wombs … (Quran 4: 1). Muhammad learned to play with his foster sister Hudhafah =G/:,''J"$." 0*."1*)#-3"E$-") ?*"! ("'.$,')-"0'(&$%2)'():" horses, his sportsmanship and agility, his perseverance and patience and awe for the Signs of God in the theatre of Nature could be traced to those early days. His wanting to be alone with God in the wilderness as he did when he climbed up the rugged mountain to meditate in a cave after his marriage with Khadijah also could be traced to his infancy in the desert. When he was a mere baby his foster-sister used to carry him in her arms to help her mother. Both women converted to Islam in the latter years and the Prophet gave them honour and respect then, standing up for them and offering his place for them to sit on. His mother died, during a journey to Medinah with him, when he was only six. They were accompanied by Q'('M'/3" 4/*(*" /*" )*'(.*#" & " O:" M$&*-" '.#" -K$," $." '." '(&$1%$')"0 )"'.#"/*"K'-"&'M*."%'(*"?*(:"9($*O:"9:"&/*$(" African lady-attendant Umm ‘Aiman before his paternal grandfather Abdul Mutalib the grand patriarch of the Banu Hashim, the guardian of the Ka’bah took over. He was a highly respected Quraishi who was known for his charity. It was said that he often left food for the birds and animals in the mountains. It was Abdul Mutallib who was guided by a vision to search and dig for the ancient well of Zam Zam which Hagar the mother of his lineal ancestor Prophet Ishmael miraculously discovered when 9 &/"K*(*"'!O$%&*#"K$&/"+(*'&"&/$(-&3 Abdul Mutallib never left the lovely orphan Muhammad alone and realized that the child was destined for great things. He had heard that a light issued from Aminah’s body when she was pregnant, and also of the blessings poor Halimah enjoyed when she took care of Muhammad so much so that when the child was to be returned to his mother, the whole tribe came out with presents for the infant. The child was a beautiful bundle of joy but Abdul Mutallib did not live much longer and the child was again handed over to yet another caregiver Muhammad’s paternal uncle Abu Talib. Muhammad was a shepherd boy and learned the gentle ways of taking care of goats. He ran, climbed trees and plucked sweet black berries. Unlike other boys he did not fancy going to those noisy market fairs that Mecca was famous for nor was he frivolous in his ways. It appeared that he was not fated to do childish or wasteful things. He was never known to placate an idol or draw divining arrows. Twice he had wanted to listen to the Arab storytellers at the fair with their vivid dramatizations and twice he fell asleep. Muhammad who had never known the love of a father and had lost loved ones naturally clung to Abu Talib and despite misgivings by Abu Talib followed the latter on his business journeys to Syria. He was then merely a lad of twelve. The Christians like the Jews were awaiting for a Messenger of God to appear. For the Christians it was for a paraclete or paraklytus. Muslims believe that these predictions are in the scripture for example the Taurah (Torah) and the Injil (Evangel) and this belief was underlined when converts from among those people entered Islam. Accordingly, ')&/ 2+/". &",*.&$ .*#"-0*%$1%')):"$."&/*"R2('.B""&/*(*" were two Christian monks, at different times, who studied the appearance and behaviour of Muhammad the lad while considering whether he was the realization of prophecy. They were Buhaira of Syria who warned Abu Talib about the dangers Muhammad’s enemies would pose to him and in a story not completely accepted by the scholars of Islam, there was Nastura also of Syria who scanned Muhammad thoroughly and actually brought out the scripture to ascertain the truth. CONDITION OF THE ARABS Let us quote Fazlur Rahman Ansari “ ….the Arab cult of worship was a magical cult based on sheer polydaemonism and fetish-worship possessing not even the faintest semblance of any civilizing features…….the outlook in respect of life was based on a thorough-going Pessimism.” In respect of social structure, the most 14 VOI Volume 02/2011 ferocious and inhuman form of tribalism that had led to prolonged internecine wars and tremendous social mischief. “The pessimistic nihilistic outlook had very naturally led the pagan Arabs to full-blooded Hedonism in the domain of morality. For them, it was a bad world and life was a bad bargain. The pursuit of wealth, wine and woman had, therefore become their greatest passion, to which the praises of voluptousness in pre-Islamic poetry bear full testimony.” “Along with hedonism as their basic moral philosophy, the pagan Arabs possessed certain moral concepts like loyalty, generosity, courage, patience, veracity and regard for honour.” Its loyalty was primitive and rooted to the maxim “My tribe, right or wrong”. Generosity was tied up with vainglory and ostentatiousness, not charity.Courage was in truth recklessness and tied up with a boastful spirit and thus could end with cruel bloodshed. They were forthright but their sense of veracity could also be vulgar utterly devoid from a sense of balance. Their sense of honour gave rise to arrogance and demeaned the base-born, slaves and the less fortunate. As a young man Muhammad observed the feuds of the pagan Arabs, their debasing superstitions, their cruel actions '))"(*O*%&*#"$."&/*"R2('.S “And when the female infant buried alive is questioned: For what sin was she slain?” (Quran 81: 8-9) This referred to the terrible crime of female infanticide. Sometimes even infant males were buried alive as well. There was gross dishonesty in their business life.“Woe to those who give short measure: those who, when they are to receive their due from people, demand that it be given in full but when they have to measure or weigh to men, give )*--"&/'."K/'&"$-"#2*TU"=R2('."VWS"X6WJ""YN *"2.& "*?*(:"-)'.#*(*("'.#"!'2)&61.#*("K/ "','--*-"K*')&/"'.#"% 2.&-" it a safeguard thinking that his wealth will make him last forever! (Quran 104: 1-3) “The gross desire of abundance engrosses you”(Quran 102:1) Their horrendous raids exploited cruelly the sturdy speedy Arab stallions "Y>/"&/*"-&**#-"&/'&"(2."0'.&$.+B"-&($M$.+"-0'(M-" !"1(*B"(2-/$.+"& "'--'2)&"'&", (.B"&/*(*9:"('$-$.+"%) 2#-" !"#2-&B" thereby storming (blindly) unto any host! …” (Quran 100: 1) "=G*)!6J#*-&( :*#"K*(*"&/*" K.*(-" !"&/*"#$&%/"3>!"&/*"!2*)6!*#"1(*B"=ZJ"N/*."&/*:"-'&"9:"$&B"5.#"K*(*"&/*,-*)?*-"&/*" witnesses of what they did to the believers. (Quran 85: 4-7) 7&"$-"9*-&". &"& "&')M"'9 2&"&/*$("$(('&$ .')"!*&$-/*-B"-20*(-&$&$ .-"'-"$&"$-"'"(*O*%&$ ." !"/ K"0* 0)*"K/ "$./*($&*#"'" monotheistic and wholesome religion degenerated into veritable pagans. They lacked morality and spirituality or any sense of balance but people like Abu Talib and his son Ali were different. They had nobility, generosity and they were humane. They loved Muhammad and he looked for other people like them and the Arabs were certainly not bereft of that minority of men and women with sterling qualities. Islam was to make their qualities shine in open history. EARLY SIGNS 5"1(*"/'#"*.+2)!*#"&/*"['P9'/"&/*"E 2-*" !"&/*"N (-/$0" !"A #"92$)&"9:"5#',"'.#"'!&*("(*92$)#$.+"&/*"['P9'/"&/*" Arab chieftains could not decide who could place the Black Stone in its corner, the only remnant of the original Ka’bah which was therefore of great sentimental value to them. Each one of them wanted the honour of doing it but &/*(-"#$-'+(**#3"7&"K'-"#*%$#*#"&/'&"&/*"1(-&"0*(- ."K/ "&2(.*#"20"K 2)#"/'?*"&/*"/ . 2(3"5-"!'&*"K 2)#"/'?*"$&B" Muhammad As Sadiq wal Ameen, the Honest Trustworthy One turned up. He obliged them, and placing the stone on a large piece of cloth, asked the chieftains to carry up the cloth by its corners and thus be equally honoured. No one objected to Muhammad Al Aameen actually putting the stone in the corner of the Ka’bah. Thus he stopped them from falling into dispute over the issue. Muhammad was called Ameen because he was honest and trustworthy to a fault and even during the period of hostilities his enemies sometimes kept their valuables with him because of his reputation.There was a movement known as Hilf Fudul a League which some brave souls set up to help people against tyranny, rescue stranded people and others in grave trouble. Muhammad then only 25 years old supported them. Here was a meaningful thing to do '0'(&"!( ,"# $.+"592"4')$9P-"*(('.#-"'.#"&'M$.+"%'(*" !"&/*"O %M3"7."/$-")'&*(":*'(-"/*"-0 M*"K$&/". -&')+$'"'9 2&"&/*" Hilf Fudul of which he was an active participant. ”It is more valuable to me than red camels.“ he said. In his later youthhood, he worked for a rich and twice-widowed lady known as Khadijah Khuwailid. She was approached by Muhammad’s paternal uncle himself Abu Talib and Khadijah was overwhelmed when he requested VOI Volume 01/2011 15 that she employ him for her caravans. She asked “Was it not he who said ‘A man without trust is a man without faith and a man without loyalty or scruple is a man without religion” Khadijah was one of those very resourceful woman who could stand on her own feet in a terribly chauvinistic society. He followed her business caravans to Syria and Basra for which he was paid four camels for each caravan mission. Even this he presented & "592"4')$9"&/2-",$&$+'&$.+"&/*"1.'.%$')"92(#*." ."&/*" latter. It appeared he had even gone to Bahrain and Yemen. Among the goods that he traded in were blue and black clothes for turbans. But he never forgot the poor for whom he drew water from the wells and milked their goats. He always provided a patient ear to their woes. Such was his personality and attractiveness that Kadijah proposed marriage to him although he was a mere 25 and she was already forty. The marriage was a great blessing for both of them. ?SB?TAUV"!AUASW@X!?SB<*"A!UB!! ITS*"U*@W" By Dr. Muqtedar Khan <2-)$,-" '.#" D/($-&$'.-" & +*&/*(" % .-&$&2&*" ?*(" 1!&:" percent of the world and if they lived in peace, we will be half way to world peace. One small step that we can take towards fostering Muslim-Christian harmony is to tell and retell positive stories and abstain from mutual demonization. In this article I propose to remind both Muslims and Christians about a promise that Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) made to Christians. The knowledge of this promise can have enormous impact on Muslim conduct towards Christians. Muslims generally respect the precedent of their Prophet and try to practise it in their lives. In 628 AD, a delegation from St. Catherine’s Monastery came to Prophet Muhammed and requested his protection. He responded by granting them a charter of rights, which I reproduce below in its entirety. St. Catherine’s Monastery is located at the foot of Mt. Sinai and is the world’s oldest monastery. It possess a huge collection of Christian manuscripts, second only to the Vatican, and is a world heritage site. It also boasts the oldest collection of Christian icons. It is a treasure house of Christian history that has remained safe for 1400 years under Muslim protection. The Promise to St. Catherine: “This is a message from Muhammad ibn Abdullah, as a covenant to those who adopt Christianity, near and far, we are with them. Verily I, the servants, the helpers, and my followers defend them, because Christians are my citizens; and by Allah! I hold out against anything that displeases them. No compulsion is to be on them. Neither are their judges to be removed from their jobs nor their monks from their monasteries. No one is to destroy a house of their religion, to damage it, or to carry anything from it to the Muslims’ houses. Should anyone take any of these, he would spoil God’s covenant and disobey His Prophet. Verily, they are my allies and have my secure charter against all that they hate. No one is to force them to travel or to oblige them to 1+/&3" 4/*" <2-)$,-" '(*" & " 1+/&" ! (" &/*,3" 7!" '" !*,')*" Christian is married to a Muslim, it is not to take place without her approval. She is not to be prevented from visiting her church to pray. Their churches are to be respected. They are neither to be prevented from repairing them nor the sacredness of their covenants. No one of the nation (Muslims) is to disobey the covenant till the Last Day (end of the world).” person. I think the capacity to seek good and do good inheres in all of us. When we subdue this predisposition towards the good, we deny our fundamental humanity. 7" / 0*" '))" !" 2-" %'." 1.#" &$,*" & " ) M" ! (" - ,*&/$.+" positive and worthy of appreciation in the values, cultures and histories of other peoples. 4/*" 1(-&" '.#" &/*" 1.')" -*.&*.%*" !" &/*" %/'(&*(" '(*" critical. They make the promise eternal and universal. Muhammed asserts that Muslims are with Christians near and far straight away rejecting any future attempts to limit the promise to St. Catherine alone. By ordering Muslims to obey it until the Day of Judgment the charter again undermines any future attempts to revoke the privileges. These rights are inalienable. Muhammed declared Christians, all of them, as his allies and he equated ill treatment of Christians with violating God’s covenant. A remarkable aspect of the charter is that it imposes no conditions on Christians for enjoying its privileges. It is enough that they are Christians. They are not required to alter their beliefs, they do not have to make any payments and they do not have any obligations. This is a charter of rights without any duties! The document is not a modern human rights treaty but even though it was penned in 628 A.D. it clearly protects the right to property, freedom of religion, freedom of work, and security of the person. I know most readers, must be thinking so what? Well the answer is simple. Those who seek to foster discord among Muslims and Christians focus on issues that #$?$#*" '.#" *,0/'-$I*" '(*'-" !" % .O$%&3" Q2&" K/*." resources such as Muhammad’s promise to Christians is invoked and highlighted it builds bridges. It inspires Muslims to rise above communal intolerance and engenders good will in Christians who might be nursing fear of Islam or Muslims. N/*." 7" ) M" '&" 7-)',$%" - 2(%*-B" 7" 1.#" $." &/*," unprecedented examples of religious tolerance and inclusiveness. They make me want to become a better 16 VOI Volume 01/2011 UTA!E*S"U!SAYAX@U*BW" Around 610 Muhammad, in the hot month of Ramadan, was visiting the Cave at Mount Hira where he could calmly meditate, perchance to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city, feel the coolness of nature and more importantly contemplate the more important questions of life. It was a precarious climb up the mount and he had been doing this annual visit for the last seven years. He had been having dreams as clear as daylight as if to prepare for the coming revelations. On 17 Ramadan he had a vision, a hologram of the blessed Angel Gabriel revealing to him those truly incredible words, incredible if we consider the development of human thought at that time and the pagan society that Muhammad lived in. “Read in the name of your Lord-Sustainer Who created. Created the human from a clinging clot. Read and your Lord-Sustainer is most Bountiful. Who taught by the pen. Taught the human what he knew not”. (Quran 96: 1-5)Amazing that the greatest invention and discovery !"/2,'."9*$.+-B"K($&$.+B"K'-",*.&$ .*#"$."&/*"?*(:"1(-&" verses of the Quran. In matters concerning the spirit and the soul, Muhammad was a judiciously careful person. Not for him those superstitions and doubtful practices what more the idols of the Arabs which were the most disgusting thing for him. He was disgusted with the spirit possession of the soothsayer and sought solace with his wife Kadija who comforted him that he had nothing to fear as God would protect him. “I swear by Allah, He will not cause you any distress; you take the burden of others and remove evils, you are hospitable and stand by what is righteous in the face of calamities.” She went to her cousin Waraqa ibn Naufal who knew the Christian and Jewish scriptures. He assured her that the same Angel that had come to Moses and Jesus had come to Muhammad. On a later day, near the Ka’bah he met the Prophet and told him the same thing and that his people would drive him out and he hoped that he had the strength to protect him then. Then he kissed the Prophet’s head. For a terribly long six months, there was no revelation and during this period Waraqa ibn Naufal died. Then came the revelation. VOI Volume 02/2011 17 “O you wrapped up in a mantle. Arise and deliver your admonishments. And glorify your Lord-Sustainer. And M**0": 2("+'(,*.&-"02(*"'.#"%)*'.3"5.#"O**"!( ,"'.:" abominations.”(Quran 74: 1-5) The revelations came in different forms sometimes like the ringing of a bell. Even on an intensely cold day he would break out in a sweat during revelation. His whitish red complexion would become intensely red and his breathing would become rapid. Sometimes physically it felt as if a great weight had come down upon him. Once revelation came to him when he was on a camel. He had to alight from it as the poor animal could hardly take it. It was said that the brilliance of the light of his face was so $.&*.-*"&/'&"$&"K 2)#"9*"#$!1%2)&"&/*."& "-&'(*"'&"/$,"K$&/" his indescribable halo. “Verily, we sent it down on the Night of Power and what do you know about the Night of Power? The Night of Power is better than a thousand months. In it the angels and the Spirit descend with the command of their Lord on every errand. It is peace until the appearance of dawn.” (Quran 97: 1-5) “By the morning and the night when it is still. Your LordSustainer has not forsaken you. And verily the next world is better for you than the present. And your Lord will give : 2"2.&$)": 2"'(*"-'&$-1*#3"L$#"E*". &"1.#": 2"'." (0/'." and give you refuge? And He found you searching and He guided you. And He found you poor and made you rich. As for the orphan do not oppress him and as for the beggar do not scold him. And as for the Grace of your Lord, proclaim it. (Quran 93: 1-11) The main thrust of his message was that his people should return to the original message of Prophet Abraham, worship God Alone and eschew evil which was very clearly overwhelming them. So he proclaimed the Message of the Quran and it was in perfect language and its logic was impeccable which stunned the Quraish and the other tribes. Here was Muhammad a man like any other man, albeit of surpassing virtues, yet what he brought was miraculous and this man who did not know then how to read or how to write and was bereft of teachers, brought a message that was astounding. Prophet Jesus healed people with the name of God because healing was the priority then. Solomon impressed with his amazing technology surpassing even the wonders of Egypt with his fountain of molten brass for example and his control over birds and beasts. That was the miracle of God that he brought. With a people famed for their beautiful language, whose skill was in words, tomes and tomes of it, the Quran was the ultimate. It was neither prose nor poetry but this Word of the One God had a magnetic effect on people who heard it, it created pattern-interrupters so that people started questioning their own deeds, their paganism and fetishes, their idolatry and polytheism. They were astounded by its predictions such as the ultimate victory of Christians over the Persians, its answers to questions posed by religious scholars, its uncanny details, its absolute lack of contradictions. Those whose hearts and minds were hardened dreaded to hear it because it reverberated in their inner selves and made them feel +2$)&:" '.#" &/*:" K*(*" ) '&/" & " -**" $&-" $.O2*.%*" -0(*'#" by one humble but fearless individual particularly as it affected their livelihood and social power. They knew that it was wrong to worship false deities or to kill female infants, treat animals cruelly or to indulge in blood feuds $." (*?*.+*" $." '" 0)'%*" -'.%&$1*#" 9:" &/*" 1(-&" , -C2*" on earth built by Adam but they could not repent and own up to their misdeeds. Such was their arrogance. Such were the people who in the words of the Quran worshipped their own desires. Kadijah, Ali a mere lad, Zaid a slave and then an 2.O$.%/$.+"592"Q'M'("K*(*"', .+"&/*"1(-&" & " '%%*0&" &/*" ,*--'+*B" &/*." $&" -0(*'#" )$M*" K$)#1(*" particularly among the down trodden, such as the slaves and women. This was unacceptable and the Arab chieftains approached Abu Talib to request him to stop his nephew from proclaiming his message. They appealed to Muhammad that if he wanted riches, they would collect it for him, and indeed if he wanted to be King they would crown him and his answer recorded in history was “O Uncle if they put the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left I will not give up my mission until it succeeds or I perish.” Despite ominous threats, Abu Talib assured his beloved Muhammad of his support for Muhammad’s right to continue preaching. But each clan persecuted those members and their slaves who had converted to Islam. Some like Bilal were tortured on the burning sands with huge boulders placed on them. One woman Somaya was torn apart by camels and horses pulling her limbs in opposite direction. She K'-"&/*"1(-&",'(&:("$."7-)',3 Persecution continued and the Prophet allowed a band of Muslim men and women to migrate to Abyssinia then a Coptic Christian kingdom where a kindly Negus ruled with the advice of bishops. The Prophet advised some Muslims to go there “for there rules a kindly king” The Meccan enemies of the Prophet were riled that they had escaped and sent an emissary to the Negus to persuade him to repatriate them but he refused. Jafar the Prophet’s cousin had given a beautiful eulogy on the Prophet and is famous for all time: “We were an ignorant people, worshipping idols, eating carrion, committing abominations, breaking kinship relations, treating guests badly, and our strong devoured our weak. We lived that way until God sent us a messenger whose lineage, truth, and modesty we came to know. He called us to God, to acknowledge His Unity, worship Him and to give up the stones and the idols that we and our fathers had been worshipping. He commanded us to be truthful in speech, trustworthy, to honour ties of kinship, be hospitable and refrain from forbidden things and bloodshed. He forbade us to commit abominations, speak falsely, devour the property of orphans and slander the unblemished reputations of women…..” 4/*"<2-)$,-"(*&2(.*#"!( ,"59:--$.$'"& "1.#"&/*"0*(-*%2&$ ." !"<2-)$,-"$."<*%%'"K (-*"&/'."*?*(3"4/*"<2-)$,-"/'#" been holed up in Shi’b Ali and a total social and trade boycott was imposed on them. When it was lifted because the ordinary people felt that it was unduly harsh, the Prophet was shocked by two deaths, of his wife Kadijah and his uncle Abu Talib. It was the Year of Sadness for him. Everything appeared to be dismal but the Prophet had to do his duty for God and humankind. He traveled to the city of Taif to proclaim his message. But he was very badly treated and was stoned until his legs bled yet he prayed for God’s forgiveness and guidance for those people. Who was going to give him asylum when he returned? One Mu’tim bin Adi gave him the asylum and ordered his sons to render protection to the Prophet. Although they were pagan polytheists they had compassion in their hearts and nobility. It was Mutim who had protested about the Ban. He had changed much from the earlier days. Roughly one year before the Prophet’s migration to Yathrib, he had a most wondrous spiritual experience wherein he was carried to Jerusalem by night where he led the earlier Prophets in congregational prayer before his Ascension during which he met some of the earlier Prophets such as Moses, Jesus, John the Baptist, again in different levels of the heavens. 7&"K'-"$,0 (&'.&"& "7-)',"9*%'2-*"#2($.+"$&"&/*"1?*"#'$):" 9)$+'& (:"0(':*(-"K*(*",'#*" 9)$+'& (:3"7&"$-"9*%'2-*" !" this event known as Isra’ wal Mi’raj (Night Journey and Ascension) in the month of Rajab that the Muslims consider Jerusalem or Al Quds as the 3rd holiest city in Islam, the very same city which was the First Qiblah or direction in Islam. This event also underlined the continuity of revelation from Adam to Muhammad the Last Prophet and Messenger of God. Something happened that was of great promise. Some people from the city of Yathrib had met the Prophet to declare their belief in Islam. They returned to their city and not much later 73 persons came from that historic city to pledge their obedience to the Prophet. Some Muslims then migrated to Yathrib and when this was reported to the evil Quraish leaders they immediately plotted to kill the Prophet. With the help of another non-Muslim again a polytheist, Muhammad and Abu Bakar left quietly for Yathrib with the Quraishites swarming around to assassinate him. They could not see him and ultimately he found shelter in a cave enroute to Yathrib. A spider had spun her web around the cave and the Quraishites who had gone there decided that he could not be hiding within. They eluded their enemies until they reached Yathrib. It was a Jew who shouted from his ramparts “Your man has come” He was riding on a camel and when they saw him the girls of the Banu Nadjar shouted to him “We love you” and he replied “I love you too” and they sang a song of welcome to “the full moon” a song sung to this very day. “The full moon has risen over us from the mountains of Al-Wada’. We shall ever give thanks for it as long as there will be callers to Allah”Everyone wanted the Prophet to stay with them but the Prophet allowed his camel to stop where it wanted. Immediately the Prophet gave the orders for a Mosque to be built and he and the others struggled to erect it. His quarters was part of it.This Hijrah or Migration of the Prophet is the event from which the Islamic calendar begins. All these while some hypocrites were observing what was going on. Among them a pagan by the name of Abdullah bin \9'::"K/ "/'#"',9$&$ .-" !"9*% ,$.+"&/*"[$.+" !"<'#$.'/3"] ("&/*"1(-&"X^", .&/-"&/*"<2-)$,-"/'#"0(':*#"& K'(#-" Jerusalem. In Mecca, i.e before the Migration they prayed to Jerusalem in such a way that the Ka’bah was in between. This gave the Jews the impression of their importance but it was not so because historically Jerusalem was the First R$9)'/"92&". &",*&'6/$-& ($%')):"9*%'2-*"5#',"92$)&"&/*"1(-&"R$9)'/"$."<*%%'"_`":*'(-"9*! (*"/*"92$)&"&/*"4*,0)*"'&" Jerusalem which David was to rebuild. (Sahih Muslim) Jafar recited the verses of the Quran about Jesus and Mary. The emissary of the Quraish had earlier instigated the Negus that Muhammad disbelieved in them and the Quranic recitation proved the emissary wrong because &/*"@*+2-"'%%*0&*#"&/*"R2('.$%"#*1.$&$ ." !"&/*-*"/ ):" personages.This made the situation in Mecca even worse and Umar bin Al Khattab said that the only way to stop the Muslims was to kill the Prophet and when he was instigated that his own sister had converted to Islam he went to confront her and heard the words of the Quran from her mouth. It shocked him and he recanted and repented for such is the effect of the Word of God on some people! 18 VOI Volume 02/2011 !"#$!%&!'()) )$*& + #*%!,& !"#$!%The Prophet had come to a city where pagans, Muslims, powerful Jewish tribes and a smaller number of Christians lived. Muslims of Madinah the Ansaar adopted the migrants known as Muhajireen and it was a !"#$ !%&$ '(%)*"*$ +"!,*"%(,-$ *./(0(,(%1$ '!)"(2)*3$ 456*$ !%&$ )5##(,#*%,7$ 8/*$ 9"5:/*,$ *%,$ *6*%$ +;",/*"$ 0-$ promulgating the Madinah Agreement (Mithaq Madinah) by which Jews, Muslims, pagans, others were to have judicial autonomy but this commonwealth had common defence arrangements crucial in the face of hostile Meccan movements. The Jews were even considered to be one of the ummah or community. It was the oldest modern-type constitution in the world, certainly less theological and more pragmatic. In essence this Mithaq Madinah stipulated inter-alia: 1. The Jews and Muslims would be considered one Ummah (one people), the Jews and Muslims were free to follow their respective religions, freemen and slaves alike. 2. The Jews were responsible for their affairs and the Muslim for theirs. 3. If any member of the treaty went on war with another party, the other members would support it and cooperate with each other. As long as the war continued the expenditure would be borne by all the members. 4. The Quraish and their helpers would not be given asylum in Madinah. 5. Any mutual dispute between the members of the treaty would be settled by Allah and His Messenger SAW. 4/*";( 0/*&"/'#"9**."%/ -*."9:"A #"& "(*1.*", (')-3"E$-"0$&/:"-':$.+-"K*(*"*8*,0)$1*#"$."/$-"#**#-"'.#" 9-*(?*#" by his companions. “Servants are your brothers whom Allah has given under your control; so whomsoever among your brothers Allah puts under you, you should feed your brother with what you yourselves eat and give him the same attire which you wear yourself, you should not make him work beyond his ability, then you should help him.” (Bukhari and Muslim) These servants enjoyed privileges which servants in other countries could not enjoy.The latter are rightfully called slaves. “If a father brings some new fruit from the market then it is a charitable act. He should start distributing to the daughter then to the son.” “Never deny the rights of two weaker beings, an orphan and a woman.” “Verily the best of what you eat is what you obtain from your own earnings.” “Paradise lies at the feet of your mother.” The Meccans under Abu Sufyan had written to the enemies of the Muslims in Madinah to get rid of Muhammad or face the dire consequences. “You have given protection to our man. We swear by God that if you do not kill him or expel him from Madina we will attack you and take your womenfolk as captives.” VOI Volume 02/2011 19 It was clear to the Muslims and their allies in Madinah that their enemies were out to destroy them. The Meccans had even penetrated into Madinah to steal some of the camels yet Madinah did nothing. “When will the help of Allah come?” Ultimately God revealed : “Permission is given because they have been wronged and Allah has indeed the power to succour those who have been banished from their homes without any reason except that they said that Allah was their Lord. “… If Allah had not stopped some people by means of other people, there would have been destroyed monasteries, churches, synagogues and mosques in which the name of Allah is much repeated …” (Quran 22: 40) Despite external and internal threats, life went on and every occasion enabled people to learn from the Prophet what he had been inspired by God. He had told them to be pure in their intentions “Certainly actions are judged by intentions”, that one should abjure envy and jealousy !"#$%!& '(!#)*$%+& ,*$)-& !#.& $/& 0**-& -!!-%& )12!& 34!& would consume wood”. When asked by someone for advice he said “Don’t be angry” not once but thrice. He forbade branding animals in their face or even sharpening a knife in the midst of an animal to be slaughtered “Why do you subject it to two deaths?” He was angry when someone took birds from a nest and instructed him to return them to the nest. The Quran teaches men to marry women who appear good to them.It speaks about a marriageable age which minors clearly would not qualify for. Muhammad was .5!& 34%.& /!4%*6& 16& .5!& ,*4)-& .*& /$.& )171.%& .*& /*)0+6+& which is the practise of a man having more than one wife. Islam didn’t ban it because it had its uses at times. Barren wives still appealed to their husbands to marry fertile women to manage their farms or orchards. In Arab society marriages protected tribes from warfare and blood feuds. No women or men reviled the institution of polygyny. When there were no social welfare institutions, polygyny kept women from the streets and from unsavoury practices. It was practiced among the Prophets of God such as Abraham, David, Solomon, Rehoboam, etc. They were not men of lust and vice. Far from it as the Quran teaches that they were men of responsibility. The Prophet taught that if one is unable to maintain justice one is to marry only one and even then one has to treat one’s spouse justly and with love and compassion. The Prophet married Aishah during the second year of the Hijrah. She was already in her late teens but was the youngest among his wives, marriages with whom were effected either to consolidate tribal relationships or out of plain compassion. Aishah sometimes beat him in races of a few miles. This young lady helped out in the defensive battles. Her marriage dress was borrowed by other women for their marriages. She was learned #6-&16&5!4&)#.!4�!8&#&305.!4&9*4&.5!&4105.%&*9&,*7!6:& Prophet married one post –menopausal woman who was toothless and with several children. Why would he do that? Compassion. (Shibli Nu’man: Seeratun Nabi, Pakistan Historical Society, Genuine Islam, Jamiyah Singapore,Encyclopaedia of Islam, Leiden, Holland, Dr. ;#3<&=#<)$4&>#57#6&?6%#41@&A$4#61"&=*$6-#.1*6%-& Structure of Muslim Society, World Federation of Islamic Missions, Pakistan) The Prophet undertook a diplomatic mission with the Banu Dhamra and sealed it with a treaty. The Haj being over it could be an opportune period for the Meccans to attack Madinah thus the strategic defence treaty with the Banu Dhamra and a treaty of neutrality with Junaini. True to their extrapolations, the Meccans sent a war expedition of 300 soldiers with Abu Sufyan’s son as the leader. The Muslims sent 60 under Obaida to intercept them but there was no battle and the Meccans under a young Ikrima bin Abu Sufyan retreated because despite their small numbers Sad bin Abi Waqas shot arrows at them and thus demonstrated the courage of the Muslims. Moreover two of the Meccans had crossed over and joined the Muslims there thus shocking Ikrima and his warriors who decided to return to Mecca. War was inevitable even though the Muslims under the Prophet prayed for peace with every liturgical prayer. “O Allah You are Peace Peace comes from You Hallowed are You Lord of Majesty and Bounty” When the Quraish army of one thousand well armed men confronted the Muslims, the latter only had only 300 poorly armed but resolute warriors. It appeared to the Quraish that even the forces of nature were against them. They lost badly and the Muslims took prisoners of war. Unlike the Quraish they treated them very well. This was the well known battle of Badr. The second battle again started by the Quraish was less decisive. Some Muslims disobeyed the battle instructions of the Prophet. A rumour had spread that their beloved Prophet was slain and this enervated many until he was spotted alive. It was a miracle that the Prophet was able to salvage his army but he lost his brave uncle Hamzah because of the deadly spear of Wahshi the African. Hatred and rage spurred Hindiya to pull out Hamzah’s liver and eat it. Madinah wept but such was the compassion of the Prophet that when Mecca capitulated to the Muslims he forgave both Wahshi and Hind.Two years later saw the Meccans mustering the help of their allies managed to organize a very powerful army of many more than 10,000 men. BC!6& .5!14& )#-1!%& "*63-!6.& *9& C1".*4+& 9*))*,!-& .5!14& men. There was martial music and the recitation of war poems. Abu Sufyan was the Supreme Commander of this Grand Confederation Army. The Prophet receives revelation for religious guidance but in worldly matters he preferred mutual consultation and agreed with his Persian companion’s view that a deep trench would be a big obstacle for the invaders. This was the Battle of Khandaq (trench) which shattered the fantasies of the Meccans. 20 VOI Volume 02/2011 %."!#/#0!%&!'()) )$* In the sixth year of the hijrah, the Prophet as a result of a dream in the month of Zulkaedah left Madinah for Mecca for the purpose of performing Haj in the coming month of Zul Hijjah. He had about 1400 to 1500 men with him. The Quraish leaders intercepted the entourage and said they would forcibly stop the Muslims from proceeding for Haj but they were willing to negotiate with the Muslims who two years earlier had defeated the Meccans at the Battle of Khandaq, increased their support from surrounding tribes and diluted the foreign trade of Mecca. They were also defeated but some careless history had projected distortions, exaggerations and patent falsehoods completely contradicting the lines of pure history delineated in the Quran. The wars of the Muslims hardly occupied one month in blessed Muhammad’s sixty three years yet some historians have focused too much on it. The Prophet instituted fairness, ethics and chivalry yet they have glossed over them. The agreement concluded between the Prophet and the Quraysh related to terms under which the Muslims were to be permitted to enter Mecca immediately thereafter. It could not be because the executions mentioned here contradicted the principles enunciated in Surah Muhammad which was revealed shortly after Hijrah. “So when you meet those who oppose Truth, strike out valiantly until you have subdued them. Then bind ye them securely. Only later comes the time for largesse or for ransom. Until war lays down her arms. That is (the correct sequence)! If Allah had so wished He could have subdued them Himself. But He tests you one against another” The Muslims did actually enter Mecca immediately following the agreement and stayed there for 3 days. The condition about returning non-Muslims to the Meccans–while defecting Muslims were not to be returned to the Prophet’s company– applied only to the 3 day sojourn in Mecca. Jewish tribes and the pagans were powerful in Madinah. They had fortresses and long ancient traditions focusing on them as the so-called Chosen People. They had 5*/!-& .5#.& .5!& D4*/5!.& ,*$)-& 9$)3)& .5!14& #%/14#.1*6%8& not make them equal with the illiterate Bedouins and the other Arabs. The historic Meethaq Madinah often called the Constitution of Madinah was promulgated to promote human fellowship but some of them, in the depths of their hearts, recoiled from it. They schemed with the Meccans to undo Islam and worked with the hypocrites from among the Muslims at Madinah. They were not only under threat from the vicious Meccans but they had enemies from within from among the tribes at Khaibar and the Banu Qurayzah who schemed with the open enemies and became traitors to the new commonwealth at Madinah. VOI Volume 02/2011 21 Whether it was the one to one hand combat of brave Ali who also tore down the gate of the fortress of Khaybar, Umm Ammarah’s rushing into battle to pick up the weapon to defend the Prophet when men ran away, the battles showed .5!&"*$4#0!8&.5!&4!%*)$.!6!%%-&"*7/)!.!&%#"413"!&*9&.5!&E$%)17% During the Battle of Khandaq, the Muslims, not more than 3,000 at the largest estimate had to face the combined confederate forces of the Meccans and allies of more than 10,000 - 20,000 yet their so-called allies from among the Banu Quraizah and those at Khaibar betrayed them, taunted and teased them. After the Battle the Prophet had to 7#4"5&.5!7&*68&!F1)160&%*7!:&G*7!&*9&.5!7&-1!-&16&3!4"!& #..)!:&?))&.5!&,51)!&.5!&4$)!%&*9&9#14& #..)!&,#%&9*))*,!-& +& the Muslims. The Muslims never followed the dictate “Alls fair in love and war”. In one instance according to pseudo-history where a person whom the embattled Jews respected and agreed to be the arbitrator was chosen and he demanded that his decision based on Jewish scriptures be respected, some of the 4160)!#-!4%8&,5*&,!4!&.4#1.*4%8&,!4!&!F!"$.!-8&/4*/!4.+&,#%&"*63%"#.!--&.5!&*.5!4%&.#2!6&#%&/41%*6!4%:&H.&,#%& also inferred that had the Prophet been chosen as arbitrator he would have exiled them with their wealth as he had done in the past. And taught the following: 1. 2. When you go into battle (for defence of community) go all out for victory When you have won, prisoners should be released or ransomed. For ransom, prisoners sometimes had to teach Muslims from the superior worldly knowledge that they had, whether it was Hebrew or the art of writing. Meanwhile they were to be treated fairly. A few of the Jewish tribes remained in Madinah until the time of Umar r.a.who brought them to Palestine when he arrived there as a victor. It would be recalled that Umar was pulling the camel on which his attendant was sitting upon. Such is the egalitarianism of Islam. The Christian Patriarch of Jerusalem could not believe his eyes. During the Haj the next year, the Muslims under the sterling leadership of Prophet Muhammad were free to spread their message and their behaviour was so exceptional and beautiful that many tribes and individuals accepted Islam. Delegations were sent to Madinah from all corners of Arabia pledging their acceptance of the new dispensation. Two years later the Quraish attacked the Khuza’ah an ally of the Muslims and this called for obligations from the Muslims. As predicted by Moses in Deuteronomy, Muhammad and his 10,000 men marched on Mecca which capitulated without any bloodshed. Muhammad was humbly muttering prayers on his camel, his head hung low unlike other victors. A general amnesty was given to the population. History has not seen such a bloodless victory! It was Wednesday the 10th of Ramadan in the eight year of the Hijrah. Even an arch apostate and murderer Abdullah bin Abi Sarh who had the audacity to claim part-authorship of the Quran, was forgiven demonstrating that there are no mandatory death sentences in Islam for even apostasy or treason. Thereafter blessed Muhammad had to confront a great enemy in the powerful tribe of the Hawazin but even though the Muslims numerically were equal to the task, they almost lost had the older companions among the Emigrants and the Ansaar not gone to the rescue. Having won the battle, the Prophet again showed forgiveness and magnanimity to the extent of offending some of his companions who were later won over with his warm appeals The diplomatic delegations continued to be received at the Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah. The Prophet had sent ambassadors to Heads of States in Coptic Egypt, Byzantine’s and Persia’s Emperors etc. In Southern Syria his emissaries were brutally murdered and occasioned the battle of Mu’tah where 3000 Muslims confronted many thousands of full armed enemies. Their enemies were insurmountable but were not able to defeat the Muslims who distinguished themselves with acts of great heroism. FAREWELL PILGRIMAGE In 10 A.H the Prophet made his Farewell Pilgrimage and gave his historic Farewell Address which is the promulgation of gender equality and wholesome duties and rights DEATH OF THE BLESSED PROPHET Not long thereafter the Prophet fell ill while he was with Aishah. He had high fever and expired with those momentous words “Unto the Companionship On High” Muhammad left behind for posterity the Message from God which had been duly written down on all kinds of materials and his Life Practice which his innumerable companions recorded if not in written form, warmly in their breasts. The Prophet was as he said a human like others but he had reached the highest levels of human perfection demonstating that a human was perfectable. God chose him because he was the best of humans and deserving to be the bearer of the Last Divine Message. What he brought was very clear. He had done the following: Ensured that none would worship him after his death or make an icon or idol of him. Ensured that Muslims understood that all humans are equal, both women and men but that there are constraints which their nature dictated. Underlined the importance of seeking knowledge from the cradle to the grave and that there is no dichotomy between worldly and otherworldly sciences thus promoting the fusion of science and knowledge which the Muslims demonstrated in their Golden Age. Blended compassion, discipline and balance in the social life of the Muslims. Promoted human fellowship and multi-racial harmony Promulgated the examples which are the basis of an early international law Banned the use of weapons and strategies that destroy the earth, innocent civilians, lesser creatures, fruit plants and crops thus effectively banning modern weapons such as mines, rockets, missiles, howitzers, cannons not to mention WMDs and nuclear weapons, the diverting of essential water channels and poisoning them. Demonstrated that spirituality and love of God, God-consciousness is practical and indeed essential for excellence in all areas of human activity and consciousness. Wa Sallahu ‘ala syedina Muhammad wa ‘ala ali wa Sohbihi ‘ajmain. 22 VOI Volume 02/2011 12342567&8492&:52;&<=6>?@2&=A&'B"& !"#$%"!&'%"()"*++&$," !-!.#%+/"01&2.(34,"5&6!&!.'(34" The Prophet said "You have not reached faith unless you want for your brother (in humanity) what you want for yourself" And the best gift that you can give to your friend indeed anyone is the correct interpretation of Islam not the Islam of the media but the Islam of the Quran and the Sunnah , the very basis of Islam. Concept of God and the Hereafter I5!&34%.&.5160&.5#.&%5*$)-& !&16.!46#)1<!-&!C!6& !9*4!&,!&4!#"5&J #)105K&/$ !4.+&!&.5!&4$-17!6.%&*9&&.5!&"*6"!/.& of Allah according to the Quran and the pro-Sunnah materials that are available everywhere. Unfortunately many of those who teach religion and are erroneously called clerics(1) do not have the purity of heart and mind which are called for, not merely the washing of face, hands, limbs etc that are done before reading the Quran which is God's Message for humanity.. ALLAH in Essence is beyond the beyond and certainly beyond our puny minds but Allah has revealed what the true concept of ALLAH is through the innumerable Prophets and Messengers selected from among humans throughout history, from all nations and tribes, with Muhammad bin Abdullah as the Seal of the Prophets and Messengers of Allah. I dont accept the view that Allah is unchangeably Perfect while the Divine Message cannot remain perfect because human language is everchanging . Words have different meanings over time . My objection to this view of Fritjif Schuon is based on the Quranic caveat that God protects the Quran as message unto humanity and we will always !&# )!&.*&36-&*$.&.5!&.4$!&7!#6160&*9&.5!&L#%.&>!C!)#tion through scholarly means even by having access to the original meanings still retained by bedouins in the desert as exegete Muhammad Asad (Leopold Weiss). ALLAH because of Love, Power and Knowledge is closer to us than ourselves. So in summary the concept of Allah to start with is that He Who is beyond gender, time, place, direction, weight , sex, he-ness or she-ness or a combination of both and indeed any human dimension or dimension of creation is neither within nor without the Cosmos. Allah is extra-dimensional and Allah is the Creator of dimensions that we know or -*&6*.&26*,:H6&G"1!6.13"&.!47%&?))#5&1%&? %*)$.!&A$#)ity at Zero Quantity. In Surah Muhammad also known as Surah Harb, Allah 17/)1!%&.5#.&.5!&-!#.5%&*6&.5!&J-!9!6%1C!K& #..)!3!)-!& not unexpected in battle. It is part of fact of war and it is not because Allah is visiting punishment on the Muslims who do die in battle. Likewise when tsunamis strike or populations get swallowed up during earthquakes it is because of the operation of some Law of Nature which affects us while we are still alive. Why do people live on the brink of active volcanoes or within VOI Volume 02/2011 23 .5!&D#"13"&>160&*9&=14!&,5!6&M*-&.!))%&.5!7&.*&"*6sider the Signs of Nature , to understand the working of Nature which follow an unchangeable Law which in Arabic is called Sunatullah.(2) Where so called miracles occur they are the result of the Law of Grace within the Laws of Nature. We don’t even understand the Laws of Nature, let alone the Laws of Grace exhibited by Prophets, Messengers of God and even the Saints of God such as Abdul Qadir Jailani, Naqshband, This world is a place of trials and tribulations but be that as it may, it enables some people to climb up to the highest levels of morality and humanity while others remain at the lowest level possible. It is a place of choice and personal volition. This world is not the $).17#.!&/)#"!&*9&N$-0!7!6.&:&BC!6&19&%*7!&%$3%&")#17& that judgement has already begun, it reaches it zenith and perfection at a point determined by Allah alone. Never blame God Who is Pure for anything. The horrors of life are like those we get in our dreams. When we get up the horrors end like a bubble that bursts. When we die an un-suicidal death, the bubble of trials and tribulations end. As God states in the Quran, God will not be unjust to a person not even by an atom’s weight. We will see our deeds in their complete objectivity after death . And that cosmic pattern-interrupter will bring us bliss or grief depending on how we we used our ’aql.’ Aql is not mundane logic or secular rationality but .5!&D$4!&H6.!))!".&.5#.&%!#4"5!%&9*4&M*--&36-%&;17O& In religious terms it is the essence of the spiritual heart and not the brain which serves the spiritual heart. But as Allah teaches us, that is not the end of the story because with Allah as our Rabb (Lord Cherisher and Sustainer), we will be brought by Allah tabaqan tabaq from one level to another until we reach our destiny with jaheem(Hell) as our metaphorical Umm or Mother. Umm (Mother) is a beautiful Quranic term because it 1%&.5!&7!#6160&*9-#7&16&.5!&34%.&C!4%!&*9&P5#/.!4& on Women “ Worship Allah through Whom you ask for your mutual rights and revere the arham (mothers).” (4:1) The Prophet said that on the Day of Judgement, realizing that God is Pure and not responsible for any evil will weigh decisively for a person. Also that even #&&4!(!".160&-1% !)1!C!4&J2#34K&&19&5!&,!4!&&.*&26*,&.5!& Mercy of Allah would not despair of going to Heaven. Many have taken the Quranic metaphors literally even though the Quran warns that some of its verses are metaphorical and some are literal. Both Prophet Jesus and Muhammad had said that what God has in store for His devotee , no mind has ever conceived, no ear has ever seen nor any ear has heard. They use semitic idiom throughout their earthly sojourn but …… Why did they say the same things? Because the One that chose them as Prophets is the same and all Prophets and Messengers gave the same message essentially. Sometimes this scriptural continuum allows us to understand the scriptures better. For example the saying “It is easier for a camel to enter the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter Heaven” is easily corrected to “It is easier for a thick rope to enter the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter Heaven.” While translating the semitic term jml without the diacritical or vowel signs the word jamal or camel was chosen rather than the more obvious jummal or thick rope.”It is easier for a thick rope to enter the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter Heaven.” When the Prophet Jesus said that if your hand or eye offends you, cut it off” (Gospel of Mathews) , he was using Semitic idiom and his words should not be taken literally but some Christian extremists actually removed the offending tatoos on the hand of a youth. Jesus said : “He who has not sinned shall throw .5!&34%.&%.*6!&J#.&.5!&#-$).!4!%%K-&E$5#77#-& confrontintg a group of stone throwers chasing an adulteress shouted at them “Why dont you let her escape?” (Ref: Mishkat) and apparently they were Jewish Arabs and the Quranic verse ending stoning as a punishment had not been revealed. Likewise the Quranic words “As for the male thief and the female thief, cut their hands......” was explained by Syed Muhammad Al Taqi to mean rehabilitation and this view is in classical Quranic exegesis by Aga Pooya and has been known for a thousand years since the debate in the court of Siraj Ad Daulah. Nowhere does the word cut mean amputation . Indeed another Quran1"&"5#/.!4&G$4#5&N*%!/5&&/4*C1-!%&.5!&")#413"#.1*6&.5#.& literally it means a scratch and thus it should be rationally understood as rehabilitation, the same punishment for public display of homosexuality or lesbianism. As the Quran teaches us , we can call God by any scriptural name for God as long as it does not detract 94*7&M*-O%&/!49!".1*68&5*)16!%%-&16361.$-!:&N!%$%& used the Aramaic Alaha for God and the Jews use the majestic plural form Ellohim for God. Even in the Hindu %"41/.$4!%&,!&36-&.5!&.!47&?))*&#%&16&.5!&?))*&Q/#61shad . All the above underlines our faith in the Perennial Philosophy which teaches the Unity of Religion. One Absolute, One Cosmos, One Humanity, One School of Prophets, One Religion, many divine edition of Religion which have gone through the windmill of history. 0=C4&"?9256DE9&F45G? H*;?&I=D9&=A&J5A?&34?&74?32 *;=C7;2&@4=K=L567&34?&529&@3569 /C2&C6J?99&D=C&;3K?&'=M&56&N56M O;32&24CJD&34?&D=C4&73569&P 0=C&34?&C6;3@@D&6=2&Q?>3C9?&=A&:;32&D=C&L6=: /C2&Q?>3C9?&=A&:;32&D=C&;3K?&6=2&4?3J59?M *59&L6=:567&'=ME9&J=K?&ND&M?34 O;5>;&59&D=C4&M?9256DE9&@45G? -z.i !"# $% &%'(%))*+%' ,- ./-%0 !1'232 */ )4 04)%/5*6*/07 04)89*/07 %/625*/0 *) ./-%0# 1'2 :;3%) /5%52/ 5'%5 54 <-2%/2 =4> /402 %)6*2)5 <24<-2 *)534>;62> 04)%/5*6*/0 (;5 2?2) 5'2) 5'2+ @%*-2> 54 32%6' 5'2 *>2%-/ 4@ 04)%/5*6*/0#A ./-%0 */ % -*@29@;-,--*)B 32-*B*4) )45 % -*@29>2)+*)B 32-*B*4)A !C# D /6'4-%3 32%>*)B 5'2 %(4?2 '%/ B*?2) 5'2 @4--4E*)B %/ % 6%?2%5 F 1'232 */ 5'2 (2-*2@ 5'%5 % >*/%/523 5'%5 (2@%--/ ';0%)/ 0%+ (2 >;2 54 (%-% 43 0;/*(%'A G%-% */ -*82 % 52/5 4@ 5'2 B44> E'232%/ 0;/*(%' */ % 6%-%0*5+ 5'%5 6402/ %/ % <;)*/'02)5A H47 5'*/ '%/ 54 (2 3264)6*-2> E*5' 5'2 *>2% 4@ H;)%5;--%'A I@52)7 ';0%)/ 6%))45 2/6%<2 % )%5;3%- >*/%/523 *)/<*52 4@ 53+*)B 54 '2%> 5'2 E%3)*)B/A 1'%5J/ E'2) E2 '%?2 54 64)/*>23 *@ % >*/%/523 6402/ %/ % (%-% 43 0;/*(%'A 24 VOI Volume 02/2011 L to R: Mr. Mohd Noor, Hj Abu Bakar Maidin, Dr H.M. Saleem, Mr. Lee Boon Siong and Mr Poo Ah Sim R??&/==6&15=67&A4=N& FB%&)($&1%#%&*) FR)& Courtesy visit by Mr Lee Boon Siong to Jamiyah HQ on 16th December 2010. This visit was a courtesy call on Executive Consultant Hj Abu Bakar Maidin upon knowing that he has retired as the President of Jamiyah Singapore. Ven Lee runs the Poh Ern Shih temple which was built by his grandfather in the memory of Lieutenant Adnan, who died with a few hundred of largely teenagers defending the last fort of the British on Bukit Candu. VOI Volume 02/2011 25 1#'$#$'&BS& ) B(!$". &BS&#$*)$* 36M&TU"3D& 32;?N325>9&O=4L9;=@&A=4& ?M36&36M&R3N@=67&*?3>;?49 A signing of a Memorandum of Intent (MOI) between Jamiyah Business School (JBS) and SMK Teladan Medan as well as between JBS and SMK Citra Harapan Deli Serdang, Indonesia was held at Dewan Ulum, Jamiyah Business School on 26th January 2011. Witnessed by Bapak Junaidi, former Principal, Singapore Indonesian School, the event marked the continuing commitment of Jamiyah Business School to introduce and share Singapore’s system of study with Indonesia. The signing of the MOI was between Bapak Amru Umar Manurung representing the SMK Teladan Medan and Bapak Ahmad Yani on behalf of SMK Citra Harapan Deli Serdang, and the Director of Education, Jamiyah Singapore, Dr Isa Hassan representing Jamiyah Business School. It is hoped that the MOI would also be able to facilitate the study of Singapore’s Information Technology systems so as to assist in its implementation in Indonesia. The signing of the Memorandums was then followed by a two-day IT workshop for Medan and Lampung Teachers, conducted by Mr Lim Poh Seng, who was a former Assistant Director of Schools specializing in Maths and IT and is currently a consultant at the National Institute of Education. He has been a Maths and IT lecturer for many years. 26 VOI Volume 02/2011 S!$"#&!% !"&!<!") 0& ()R#'#B.1&%!( B$0&<.F On the 12th of March 2011, the Jamiyah Youth Department (JYD) participated in the Fandi Ahmad Academy Religious Harmony cup, organized by the Fandi Ahmad Academy, in conjunction with its launch. The event was graced by Guest-of-Honour Mr. Teo Ser Luck, Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports and had drawn more than 800 participants, with 32 teams from various religious organisations competing for the Religious Harmony Cup and many younger players taking part in the Youth Challenge Tournament. The whole event kicked off at 9am with the group matches. The Jamiyah Youth team was placed in Group E alongside Salem Fire Chapel, Al-Falah Mosque and IMSSA (Indian Muslim Social Service Association) United. After eager anticipation and 3 rounds of 10 minutes play under the scorching sun, Jamiyah Youth emerged champions of their group, winning 2-0 against Salem Fire Chapel and drawing 0-0 and 2-2 with Al-Falah Mosque and IMSSA United respectively. Exchanging gifts ,1.5&.5!14&34%.&04*$/&*//*6!6.%8&N#71+#5&R*$.5&0#C!&G#)!7&=14!&P5#/!)&#&94#7!-& drawing by the residents of Darul Ma’wa and received a clock signed by all team members of Salem Fire Chapel in return. VOI Volume 02/2011 27 Finally at 3pm the Knock-out round commenced. Jamiyah Youth played against the 2nd place winners of Group F, Mandalay United F.C. (comprising of ex-Mandalay residents) in an intense battle which led to a penalty kick-off between the two groups. After much suspense, Jamiyah Youth won the match 4-5 by a wonderful save by our goalkeeper ? -$)&?<1<8&/4*/!))160&N#71+#5&R*$.5&16.*&.5!&S$#4.!436#)%&*9&.5!&>!)101*$%&;#47*6+&P$/: T+&.5!&.17!&.5!&A$#4.!436#)%&%.#4.!-&*$4&N#71+#5&R*$.5&/)#+!4%&,!4!&#)4!#-+&!F5#$%.!-& from the long day that they’d had. Nevertheless, they entered the match against the young team from Spiritus United (a Catholic Church team) with high spirits and played with all their might. Unfortunately they lost against their competitors 2-0, ending their journey in the tournament. The FAA Religious Harmony Cup was eventually won by Braca Vita Lotus Feet, a Hindu organization after beating their opponents Spiritus United 1-0. Despite not making it all .5!& ,#+& .*& .5!& 36#)%8& .5!& N#71+#5& R*$.5& .!#7& 5#-& %5*,6& .5#.& .5!+& #4!& #& 9*4"!& .*& !& reckoned with. The event also proved to be a good bonding and networking session for the team, and they were even chosen by reporters from Singtel mio TV to do a short advertisement for the FAA launch. The team also managed to witness a celebrity match between several MPs and veteran football players such as Fandi Ahmad, Malek Awab #6-& >#3& ?)1:& I5!& N#71+#5& R*$.5& .!#7& -!361.!)+& 5#-& #6& !6(*+# )!& .17!& #6-& ,*$)-& )12!& to extend their thanks to Jeewa Ltd for sponsoring 500ml mineral water bottles as refreshments for the players. Kudos to the Jamiyah Youth team and we hope to see them in more tournaments in future! !<<B.$*#$'&&!&<(.<#!R& F)(1B$!R&&1V#RR Our daily life exposes the importance of knowledge of accounting. Whether we are doing our tax returns, paying bills , calculating our CPF or insurance claims, mathematics is of such importance that we cannot leave it to others. Accounting skills are part of self-management. Accordingly our Executive Consultant Haji Abu Bakar Maidin made it a point for a JBS LCCI course on accounts to be more easily available and not merely for those in the line. It should be part of life-long learning. Photo shows some successful students with the Execu.1C!&P*6%$).#6.8&;#(1&? $&T#2#4&E#1-16-&D4!%1-!6.&*9&N#71+#5&;#(1&? -$)&U#417&E#1-16-&%*7!&*.5!4&%!61*4&N#71+#5&*93"1#)%:&I5!& fact that those whose work or life is not accounts-based passed the LCCI examination is a great credit to them and in particular jubiliations are due to those with even better results. Among them were Ms Fauzia Md Salim and Ms Haw May Blu Htoo who passed with distinction, Ustazah Hafsah Hashim and Ms Zaharatunisa Abdul Jabbar who passed with credit. Seated L to Right : Ms Zaharatunisa Abdul Jabbar (Credit) Ms Mar’ah Masri (Pass) Ustazah Hafsah Hashim (Credit), Ms Fauzia Md Salim(Distinction) Haji Abdul Karim Maidin, Ms Haw May Blu Htoo(Distinction) Ms Azlina ismail (Pass) and Ms Rahimah Beevi Sultan Mohideen( Pass) Standing L to R: Dr H.M.Saleem, Mr Abu Bakar Maidin, Trainer Mr Chiam Hock Soon, Mr Amal Kiran (Jamiyah Business School) and Sec.Gen, Jamiyah Singapore Hj. Yunos Shariff 28 VOI Volume 02/2011 SB.(&10 /BR#<&)W)$*1&#$&B$)& %#U*)!&'!*%)(#$' T6M&S?Q4C34D&TXYYZ&!JU 3J5L&S3593J&%3JJZ&[3N5D3;&15673@=4? A Hi-Tea Gathering was held on 2nd February 2011 by Jamiyah Singapore to welcome Ustaz Dr Mohamed Fatris T#2#4#7&#%&.5!&6!,&E$9.1&*9&G160#/*4!-&.*&4!7!7 !4&.5!&C!4+&%10613"#6.&4*)!&*9&.5!&9*47!4&E$9.1&G5!125&G+!-&H%#& Mohamed Semait in the progress of the Muslim minority community in Singapore. The occasion commenced with a Welcome speech by President of Jamiyah, Haji Abdul Karim Maidin. Haji Abdul Karim congratulated Ustaz Dr Mohamed Fatris Bakaram on his new appointment while acknowledging the former Mufti’s considerable role in maintaining religious harmony and peace in Singapore, thanking him for all the good guidance and leadership that he had given to the community in carrying out his crucial responsibilities. In his speech, the Minister for the Environment and Water Resources and Minister in Charge of Muslim Affairs, Dr Yaacob Ibrahim, who graced the occasion as the Guest of Honour, commended Jamiyah Singapore for playing a key role in providing many social services within and beyond our community under the leadership of Haji Abu Bakar Maidin, Jamiyah’s Executive Consultant whose excellent work continues under the leadership of Haji Abdul Karim Maidin. Dr Yaacob draws the similarity between the former Mufti Sheikh Syed Isa and Haji Abu Bakar as a generation of pioneer leaders who have brought us to where we are today by taking on leadership at a time when Singapore was growing and our Malay/Muslim community was still in the throes of establishing a strong identity in our new nation. He #)%*&6*.!-&.5#.&.5!&%10613"#6"!&*9&N#71+#5&*40#61<160&.5!&9$6".1*68&$6-!4&.5!&)!#-!4%51/&*9&;#(1&? -$)&U#417&E#1-168& as a testimony to the valuable support given by Jamiyah to our religious leadership for many years, as well as going 9*4,#4-:&;!&!F/4!%%!-&51%&"*63-!6"!&.5#.&,1.5&*40#61<#.1*6%&)12!&N#71+#5&%!..160&.5!&/#"!8&.5!&"*))!".1C!&%/141.&*9&*$4& "*77$61.+-&5#47*6+&.5#.&,!&!6(*+&,1.5&*$4&9!))*,&9#1.5&"*77$61.1!%&,1))&"*6.16$!&.*&04*,-&V*$41%5: The occasion also provided Jamiyah Singapore with the opportunity to express our sincere thanks to His Excellency Dr Jamil Mahmoud Mohamed Merdad, Ambassador of the Royal Kingdom of Saudi Arabia who had played a very %10613"#6.&4*)!&16&9#"1)1.#.160&.5*$%#6-%&*9&G160#/*4!#6%&.*&/!49*47&.5!14&;#(-&$74#5:&I51%&,#%&/*%%1 )!&,1.5&.5!& Saudi Government and Ambassador’s magnanimity and support as well as the excellent infrastructure in the Holy cities that has enabled pilgrims to perform the ibadah without any problems. Thus, the gathering also extended a warm welcome to the representative delegation of Hujjaj who had performed their Haj pilgrimage in 2010. L to R : Hj Abdul Karim Maidin, Dr Yaacob Ibrahim and Dr Jamil Mahmoud Mohamed Merdad VOI Volume 02/2011 29 F(B/R) 1&BS&*%)& 0B.$' 7$%"81(9+%'4"()"/(3!6"8%(8+%"&++"(:%1"#$%";(1+<"&1%"6%##.!6"4.6!.-2&!#+/";(14%"!(#"9%##%1="7$.4".4"&"$3'&!"#1&6%</"&!<".#".4"&" global tragedy that will have a serious impact on all of us. And it is compounded by natural, political, currency and multi-viral disasters never ever seen by humanity before. I5!&34%.&.5160&1%&.*&!6%$4!&.5#.&*$4&"51)-4!6-&+*$.5& are inoculated with the basic values for survival.And these are essential :The society of believers either through educational centres, NGOs or through direct government intervention have to ensure that pre-schoolers are infused or inoculated with the correct values of tauhid and taqwa , congenially transmitted for the age-groups. This has to go along with proper home environment and nutrition. This is where the residents, mosque or local organizations will have to provide the checks and where necessary the help. Where people get married when they are still immature, a lot of harm reduction have to be done and perhaps thereafter we can see some holistic progress . We know that although in the main believers are known for loving their children, a small but growing minority carry out extreme measures including divorce, physical abuse and in some cases even abandoning the baby or worse thus contradicting the Prophet’s prayer that his ummah will be known for love of children. Undeniably many are doing well but at the same time many are doing badly even in their early teens and are clearly heading for disaster UNLESS WE INTERVENE AS BRETHREN BECAUSE THE RESPONSIBILITY FALLS ON US AS WELL! Remember those evergreen words from our Beloved “ Everyone of you is a shepherd…….” “High risk settings do not just happen. They are the result of policies and choices that cumulatively determine whether families will have adequate incomes, whether neighbourhoods will be safe or dangerous, whether schools will be capable of teaching, whether health care will be available –in short, whether young people will be helped or hindered while growing up.” (Losing Generations:Adolescents In High Risk Settings; National Research Council , National Academy Press, Washington D.C.1993) 30 VOI Volume 02/2011 L!.&$%&.#)2&# *$.&.5!&"#4!&*9&169#6.%&16&%160)!&/#4!6.&%!..160%&.1!-&$/&,1.5&.5!&04*,160&9!7161<#.1*6&*9&/*C!4.+&34%.& studied in-depth in the USA. In many cases these single parents have to suffer the fate of miserable incomes which are well below the poverty line or in the extreme prostitute themselves and leave the care to the infant to the grandparents. The infants are seldom infused with wholesome care They miss the immunoglobulin in the colostrum of their mother’s milk with its transfer factors etc particularly the strengthening of the mother-child bond effected in part by breast feeding. After hectic and sometimes harrowing hours of work, the mother transmits her stress to both the infant and the caregivers. In early Arab society because of the horrors of city life, the young child is given to the foster care of Bedouin foster milk mothers learning Arabic in its pure form, breathing in the pure air of the desert and enjoying the company of horses , camels, goats etc. Most importantly the love of the milking mothers and the foster siblings is of tremendous importance. We remember that .5!&D4*/5!.&E$5#77#-&)!#46!-&5*4%!W41-160-&%,177160&16.13"1#)&/**)&94*7&51%&9*%.!4&9#71)+:&G*&17/*4.#6.& are those formative years. Exacerbating the problem are the following. They do not learn the Quranic motto of halalan toyyiban mubarakan or HTM in short. HTM is not just about diet but other things as well but just consider that the food that the infant or young child needs is often inadequate or worse still ones that lead to problems such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases and even cancers. If one wants the infant or young child to accept the HTM philosophy, one has to be a role model rather than smoking at home, bingeing on fast foods and eating at coffee shops and restaurants where the condition of the food handlers and the toilets completely contradict HTM. Arrogant dismissal of the dangers of second hand smoke really detracts from the dignity of the parents or care-givers. They would never accept the fact that they are nicotine addicts nor the fact that nicotine is several times more addictive than morphine 16&*/1$7:&I5!&9#".&.5#.&G$)#17#6&T$(#471&&?%5&G5#9!1&?)&E1%41&?)&?<5#41&&X#)17&#.&.5!&5105!%.&)!C!)&*9&E$(.#51-&3)& Mazhab said that the cultivation, smoking and selling of cigarettes is Haram is not just glossed over by these addicts but probably unknown to them. Rather than teaching wholesome congenial tauhid to the infant, a distorted interpretation of Allahumma innie a’uzubika minal khubusi wal khabaith meaning “O Allah protect me from the male and female jinn” whereas the real meaning of kabaith (foul) is clearly indicated in Surah Baqarah of the Quran. Whereas Allah is the Source of Compassion and Love, the child often is taught concepts which contradict the axiological Quranic truths thus affecting the EQ of the child at a very young age . Brushing the teeth and strengthening the gums, bathing thoroughly in a clean toilet and absolutely rational cleansing of the perineal areas are part of the perennial cleanliness regime of a believer something which is lacking in food handlers in many places. A question that is often asked is this :If the toilet is dirty, how can the food be halal? If the food handler smokes , wherever possible, how can the food that he makes be wholesome? If his own nails are dirty how can the prata he kneads be halalan toyyiban? In negative settings by the time they are supposed to go to pre-school centres they do not have the necessary modicum of IQ, EQ, CQ, lingual, let alone bilingual basics. In Singapore thankfully apart from Government subsidies for childcare education, there is the Educational Trust Fund but because pre-school education is not compulsory, some do escape the net. This is where neighbours, residents committees, even mosques or local NGOs can help out without being intrusive, loud or insensitive. This skill of communicating with disadvantaged families is not mere commonsense but is based on niche skills relevant also for communicating with elders, drug addicts, gangsters, teenage mothers etc etc. Common sense alone is certainly not enough. For example you don’t talk loud or shout at a hearing–impaired elder. You have to talk to them at a high-tone while sitting beside them not in front of them. In many countries children are put in foster care but studies have shown that children who have gone through the foster care stage don’t do well as adolescents or as youths. We are taught that the best marital choice are those where the prospective spouses are truly spiritual and moral and that is what is meant by the religious priority in marital choices not the mere donning of sartorial regimes which 16&-1%.#%.!9$)&!F.4!7!&9*47%& +&.5!&,#+!&"*6.4#4+&.*&3.4#5-&X#S):&G+!-16#&Q7#4&-!7*6%.4#.!-&.51%&,5!6&5!& ,*$)-&6*.&#""!/.&.5!&"5*1"!&*9&#&/!4%*6&9*4&#&(* &($%.& #%!-&*6&.5#.&/!4%*6O%&4!0$)#4&0!6$V!".1*6%&*9&/4#+!4&16&.5!& mosque.”Is that all that your choice is based upon?” VOI Volume 02/2011 31 ")!*% U&B$)&/)R#)W)(E1&F)(1F)<*#W)\ Death is a miniature hour - Prophet Muhammad s.a.w “Every soul shall taste death” –Quran “Death is a leaf on the tree of life”- Rumi “Sleep is the brother of death” - Muhammad s.a.w BismillahirraHmaa-nirraHeem. !"#$%"!&'%"()"*++&$"#$%" !-!.#%+/"01&2.(34,"#$%" !-!.#%+/"5&6!&!.'(34 AlHamdu Lillahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen All praise (ultimately) belongs to Allah , Lord –Cherisher and Nourisher of the Universe ArRaHmaa-nirraHeem !-!.#%+/"01&2.(34"," !-!.#%+/"5&6!&!.'(34" Maliki yau middeen King and Owner of the Day of Judgement Iyyaka na’ budu, wa iyyaka nasta ‘een You alone we worship and serve , You alone we implore for help IhdinaSSiraTal musta qeem Guide us to the right way , the way of those who do not incure Your Displeasure nor go astray. Aameen Amen. 32 VOI Volume 02/2011 It is important to note that death itself is an event not the annihilation of the being. Death does not mean the absence of life. Itr is intiqal in Urdu meaning transfer.The Quranic verse tells us that the human being will not be annihilated but that he will taste death. The key word is “taste”. In other words God Who Controls Life and Death tells us that we merely taste death . What does tasting death mean? Death by no means destroys us. Death is merely a corner in the highway of life or in the words of Idries Shah , a very dependable conveyance to a higher life –the real life in the words of the Quran.The Urdu word “intiqal” meaning transfer is very apt in this regard! Lataif e Ruh or Soul Lataif e Qalb or Spiritual Heart Lataif e Nafs of seven aspects L,',4)($(E+,7(6-('+$(M4""$&(H!>'*$'2( L,',4)($(IC+7(6-(N6/'(M4""$&(H!>'*$'2( Lataif e Sirr or the Secret Subtlety !"#$!%&#!'(()*+(!(#!,))!-)'(&!./!"#$0!1)'0 It is yourself that you fear – use your intelligence ! It is your countenance that is ugly, not the visage of death; Your soul is a tree on which death is the leaf . The Quran mentions only the ruh, the qalb and the nafs. There is a reference to a lub which may mean the brain. Whereas the qalb is the seat of ilm which leads to God, the brain is the seat of the rational faculty which accumulates information (ma’lumat) and is the seat of our mundane, worldly thinking, particularly the frontal lobe mentioned in the Quran. Science tells us that once the chemical telemerese in our body dries up we are dead whether we are apparently healthy or not. It appears, perhaps coincidentally, that with the lessening of telemerese in late life, the body is more prone to illness and the person is more prone to illness or accident. As one saying of the Prophet relates 77 things will try to attack a person but if all these fails, he falls in his old age and dies ultimately from the effects of that fall. The Islamic religion reminds its followers about the inevitability of the transition called death. There is a hadis which mentions all the six lataif sitta above and there is yet another quoted by that eminent H!7(N,!*,&,(I**,+(O,-(E+,&(4&(A,*,$*(H!*!C(0+49+('$**/( of the Prophet touching or tapping the physical chakralike location of the six subtleties. When so-called calamity of any kind occurs, the believer is encouraged to say “INNA LILLAHI WA INNA ILAHI RAJI’UN” “Verily from God we come and verily unto Him we shall return “ Each morning when he gets up he is encouraged to praise God for reviving him from a death–like state and indeed the dreams of sleep are like the experiences that a person in the after-death state (barzakh) experiences and which makes even the resurrected evil-doer being awaiting !"#$%$&'()$$*('+,'('+$(,)'$-."$,'+(/','$(0,/(1$-2(3$$'4( Some ancient mystics mention that the purpose of religion is to unify all the above otherwise the human being will remain a bundle of contradictions, many selves going in different directions. As the Persian poet Rumi tells us “We have tarried but only for an hour “ they say. At another place the dead among these rejectors of truth after being resurrected exclaim “Who has awakened us from our place of rest?” (Both quotations are from the Quran. ) The saying of the Prophet “Sleep is the brother of death” makes us understand that in many ways sleep like death is temporary and the experiences during sleep which we call dreams are analogous to the experiences that we experience in the state of death. It is the Nafs which is the Essential Human Personality. The different aspects or stages are :1) Nafs Amarrah bis Su’ which is the animal self and '+$(!&>-4"*$"($#6(0+49+(4/(&$1$-(/,'4/7$"(,&"(C$$8/(6&( pursuing its unbridled desires (Quran 12: 53) It is amazing that the Quran tells us that sleep and death are part of the same process. In sleep the soul which leaves the body returns to the body thus ending the state of sleep.In death the soul leaves the body but does not return. God says to the soul (at death) “We have now unveiled from you your covering and your sight today is piercing” (Quran 50:22). In other words, the human being at death sees the actual situation, that which has been possessed solely by the Prophets and the saints who taste reality. The Prophet said “People are asleep and when they die, they awake” 2) Nafs Lawwamah or the Conscience which is pricked if the person is doing bad and this conscience feels good when he does good. ( 75:2) The qubr state symbolises the interspace (barzakh) between life on earth and the real hereafter. It is one of the stages 6)(6!-($16*!'46&(,)'$-("$,'+(,&"('+$(7-/'(8*,9$(0+$-$(0$(/$$('+$(%,&4)$/','46&(6)('+$(:-68+$';/(06-"/(<=+$($,-'+(4/( the tilling place of the hereafter” “The qubr i.e the barzakh, not the tiny space on earth is one of the many stages of the hereafter” “From stage to stage (tabaq an tabaq) you will be brought forward” 4) Nafs Mutmainnah or the Self at Peace (89: 27-30) Our Spiritual Apparatus and the reality of the Ruh The Ruh is given on loan to us from the spiritual world. It is the pure spirit that is not affected by evil and is the bridge >$'0$$&(!/(,&"('+$(/84-4'!,*(06-*"5(?+$&(0$(,-$(,/*$$8@(6!-(-!+(#6$/(6&(,(34#+'5(A-(B6&$/(,(/94$&'4/'(6)(8/29+49( 8+$&6%$&,(+,/(',C$&(/94$&'479(4%,#$/(DE4-*4,&FG(6)(/6%$(/!>'*$(/!>',&9$(*$,14&#('+$(>6"2(0+$&('+$(8$-/6&(),**/( asleep. The location of the ruh whether it is within or without our body is an issue of no practical importance and is left for those who specialise in spiritual pyschology, transpersonal psychology or parapsychology. Our nafs remains with us when we are asleep otherwise we would be stone–dead , not breathing and cold blue. =+$(H84-4'!,*(I88,-,'!/(4/(C&60&(4&(H!7/%(,/(*,',4).$./4'',(6-('+$(/4J(/!>'*$'4$/K. VOI Volume 02/2011 33 3) Nafs Mulhimma or the Self with values from parents, education and religion 5) Nafs Radiah or the Self that is Pleased with GOD(89:27-30) 6) Nafs Mardiah or the Self that realises the Pleasure of God (89:27-30) PG( Q,)/( E,%4*,+( 0,/( H,72,( 0+49+( 4/( '+$( H$*)( '+,'( 4/( :$-)$9'$"(,&"(:!-47$"5 It is the human self –the Nafs Mutma-inna -that enters into the stage of barzakh and ultimately Hell or Heaven. This is indicated in the verse in the Quran: “Ya Nafsatul Mutma’innah“ “O Self peace………..enter you into my Garden”. that is at Is it the minimum condition of entry into heaven or do 0$(&$$"('6(#6('6(,(/84-4'!,*(+6/84',*('6(>$(8!-47$"(>$)6-$( proceeding on our journey towards ? As for the Ruh it returns to the spiritual world. As the Quran states” Of the Ruh you have been given little knowledge(‘ilman galilan) “ (Quran 17:85) Remember that the Prophet said that there are no ghosts , no ghoul that leads people astray, no serpent in an empty belly …..That pertains to the subject of energy emanations which explains the poltergeist phenomenon (Idries Shah: Oriental Magic) Upon death, the real person continues his journey towards God, after his checking, according to some people, his earthly stations for a short while, perhaps an initial seven days, forty days, one hundred days or according to others one year but apart from Shiah sources, these timings have no references in the Quran or Hadith and appear to be based on popular lore, perhaps with some inkling of truth but nonetheless popular lore. WHAT CAN THE LIVING DO FOR THE DEAD ? There must be meaning in everything which God wants us to uncover. What do we do now after someone dies? Do we forget the dead on the basis that life must go on or shall we languish to the last days of our life out of sheer grief? It is important that we do not persist in unrestrained grief or in unrestrained joy because Islam prescribes balance in everything.That is why we say “Alhamdu Lillah ‘ala kulli hal “( Praise be to God in everything) In death is life, because the dead are in the real life and we are the living dead because we are overwhelmed by khayal, illusion albeit illusion with meaning for those who know. Perhaps this is the real meaning of Maya “You think the mountains are stationary Nay! they are moving like the clouds are moving” -Quran Such is the illusion of our life. Maya or not, we break down when faced with the death of our beloved. The Prophet wept tears at his mother’s grave. He cried when he held his 16 month year old Ibrahim who died in his arms. It was then that +$(9*,-47$"('+,'(0+4*$(0,4*4&#(,&"(/9-,'9+4&#('+$(9+$$C/( and exaggerating the praise for the dead is not allowed, tears are alright, normal crying too. He said that if it was not for the promise of reunion and that their successors would join their predecessors , they would mourn even more.(Tabaqat ibn Sa’d) When his uncle Hamzah died in defensive battle , the whole of Madinah wept. I/C( )6-( +4%( '6( >$( %,"$( 7-%5( M$( 4/( >$4&#( T!$/'46&$"( now.” The Prophet made a thin slab for the grave of his ascetically-prone companion Othman Mazun r.a when he died and in another hadith the Prophet had put some putty or gypsum where he found a hole in the grave. But then the graves then were very simple and certainly not as ostentatious as they exist today. They were thus made to protect the animals from devouring the corpses 6-()-6%(>$4&#(!&961$-$"(>2(3,/+(366"/($'95( Think not evil of Allah Who not only will not wrong you even in the minutest detail but will reward you immeasurably and magnanimously not only for the good that you did, but the good that you truly intended to do. The dead are not “refrigerated” until the Day of Judgement. This concept that they are in a kind of “suspended animation“ situation, contradicts the creative power of Allah. The good among them are doing much more for us with prayers and supplications, There are innumerable stories about their earthly activity after '+$4-("$,'+/('+,'(4'(4/("4)79!*'('6(/,2('+,'(4'(4/(%$-$(),&',/25 But what can we do for them? What can we do for our beloved ones who will be our companions in heaven , Insha’Allah. We will have our loved ones over there, all those who meant something to us, sooner or later for it is the destiny of everyone to reach God “Certainly we come from God and certainly unto Him we shall return” (Quran) “There are many things which the living can do to help the dead. They include reading the Yasin which will invite the angels of mercy to come close, enable the endorphins 6-(9+$%49,*/(6)(+,884&$//('6(360()-$$*2@(&$#,'4&#(8,4&@( make other supplications for them, do for them acts of generosity,haj, fasting and other sorts of worship. These can be attributed to the dead person with Allah’s grace. Even more important than all these is to settle the dead 8$-/6&;/( "$>'/( 0+$'+$-( '+$2( >$( 7&,&94,*( 6-( /84-4'!,*. debts to other living persons or debts of worship owed '6( RSA( I*%4#+'25( =+$( 7-/'( 9+,-#$( 6&( ,( "$,"( %,&;/( estate are the funeral expenses and the debts he owes to others. Some are saying that only the righteous children of a deceased person can pray for him or her. This is contradicted by the Quran which states “Those who have come after them say “Our Lord forgive us and our brothers who preceded us in faith” (Quran: Chapter Hashr) Allah in the Quran praised them for asking for forgiveness for the believers before them. He indicated that they are helped when the living ask for forgiveness for them. Note that the Quran says that angels pray for the forgiveness of all dwellers on earth ! The Prophet said “ When you pray for a dead person , make sincere supplication for him” ?+$&( '+$( :-68+$'( 7&4/+$"( >!-24&#( /6%$6&$( +$( /'66"( over him and said “ Ask forgiveness for your brother . The Prophet said <U)( ,( N!/*4%( 4/( ,)349'$"( 04'+( ,&2( '-6!>*$@( 96&'4&!6!/( pain, anxiety, sorrow, harm, disaster and even a thorn which he is pierced with, Allah expiates his minor sins thereby.” “There is no Muslim on whom calamity of illness or what is beside it befalls except that Allah drops his sins in its exchange just as a tree drops its leaves” The companion of the Prophet, Abu Hurairah said that a man said to the Prophet “My father has died and left some property but he did not leave a will. Will he be rewarded if I make an act of charity on his behalf ?” The :-68+$'(,&/0$-$"(,)7-%,'41$*25 Another saying said that God sometimes removes a person because he is too burdened on earth and another that God only removes a person from earth only because he wants to forgive him. Of course there are traditional ways of helping the dead for example by the funeral prayer immediately after the burial, by recitation of the Quran, by supplication, by doing charity, by performing optional worship for the dead (sunat ghaib). H4&9$-$(8-,2$-/(>$&$7'('+$(8$-/6&(0+6(4/(8-,24(V2(4'( three things can happen. God answers his prayers but remember that God’s Wisdom is never abrogated by His Generosity. Secondly some of his sins are erased. He #$'/('+$(>$&$7'(6)(4'(4&('+$(M$-$,)'$-5(=+4/(4/('+$(%$,&4&#( of one of the sayings of the Prophet. But don’t overdo your prayers and deeds for the dead, to such an extent that it becomes an irrational burden. to such an extent,that one doubts whether you really >$*4$1$('+,'(R6"(4/(I**(W6-#414&#@(U&7&4'$*2(N,#&,&4%6!/5( References Various tafasir of Al Quran Robson’s Mishkat al Masabih Fazl Karim’s Al Hadis Ibn Qayyim’s Journey of the Soul 34 VOI Volume 02/2011 !"#$%&'()*+' , ! ,*+-. "$/$"$+0!1(*/(2343(-+0(,+',56 '(/*"( 6$(5$+$"-.($.$) ,*+'(*/(2344 Hatem ETE, Nuh YILMAZ, Kadir ÜSTÜN SETA Policy Report, No. 5, February 2011 We are seeing the volatile nature of Middle Eastern politics and we should never gloss over a great Asian nation namely Turkey where Islamic democracy confronts a militaristic anachronism. We pray that justice will prevail. Aameen Ya Rabbal ‘Aalameen. This is the summary of a truly scholarly report : The constitutional referendum of September 2010 was a historic moment and a milestone in modern Turkey’s "$%69-,'4X,'46&( 6!-&$25( H$-14&#( ,/( '+$( 8!>*49;/( <7&,*( say” on the question of democracy in Turkey and paving the way for a new civilian constitution, the referendum will have far-reaching consequences for civil-military relations, independence of the judicial system, and institutionalization of democracy in Turkey. This study investigates the consequences of the referendum for the shaping of the political scene in Turkey by analyzing the political parties’ campaign strategies, voting patterns, voter preferences, and likely scenarios for the June 2011 general elections. The report is divided into four main parts that tackle the main questions that the referendum of 2010 raised. W4-/'@( 0+,'( 4/( '+$( /4#&479,&9$( 6)( '+$( H$8'$%>$-( YZ[Z( constitutional referendum in Turkey? Second, what campaign strategies were most effective during the referendum? Third, what can be deduced from the voting patterns and voter preferences? Fourth, what can we predict about the June 2011 general Elections based on voter behaviors during the constitutional referendum of 2010? The study of the September 2010 96&/'4'!'46&,*( -$)$-$&"!%( -$/!*'/( -$1$,*$"( /4#&479,&'( clues as to what could be the results of the June 2011 general elections. The AK Party’s referendum campaign strategy, constructed around “democratic freedoms,” resonated strongly among voters in Turkey. Having VOI Volume 02/2011 35 analyzed the geographic distribution of votes during the referendum, this report demonstrates that the opposition parties took the risk of becoming merely local or regional parties while the AK Party was the only party with the political discourse that would address the themes that concerned voters across Turkey. The June 2011 general elections may prove to be the most important elections in Turkey’s recent electoral history. Just as a strong preference for “democratic freedoms” among voters became clear during the referendum, the upcoming general election in Turkey is poised to determine who is to survive Turkey’s political landscape over the next decade. ASSOCIATION OF MUSLIM LAWYERS =+$(I//694,'46&(6)(N!/*4%(L,02$-/(0,/(6)794,**2(-$#4/'$-$"(6&(YY(H$8'$%>$-(YZZ\(,&"(6)794,**2( gazetted on 16 October 2009. The objects of the Association are as follows:- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. To assist the government of the Republic of Singapore on matters in connection thereto. To work closely with Local authorities, the Judiciary, Statutory Boards, public instructions and establishments in the Republic of Singapore. To develop a system of reporting of decided cases of Syariah Court of the Republic of Singapore, including write-ups and/or opinions in connection thereto. To assist or, where it is possible to provide mean(s) for members their career and life in law. To do any other act(s) for the attainment of due or more of the above subjects. The Association shall not engage in or encourage, discriminatory practices against non-Muslim institution, business or individual, nor engage in any activity inimical to racial and religious harmony in Singapore. The Association membership is open to all practising, in-house and non-practising lawyers, legal of79$-/@(%$%>$-/(6)(,9,"$%4,(,&"(*,0(/'!"$&'/(:]S^UA_A(IL?IOH('+,'(&6&.N!/*4%(%$%>$-/(/+,**( only be Associate members. The Associations primary role apart from what had been stated is to assist, guide and advise institutions, Muslim and non-Muslim as to the interpretation of the Islamic Law and its principle, particularly 4&(U/*,%49(>,&C4&#@(7&,&9$(,&"(6'+$-(-$*,'$"(%,''$-/5 It will also work closely with similar association or organization of other countries and whenever possible, will hold seminar with leading Islamic experts or authorities of other countries for the enhancement of the Syariah Law and its principles thereof. The Association always welcome institutions that are based locally and those overseas, in order to tap and enhance the resources and expertise of the Association through its members and websites. The Association also take cases channeled to them from the Courts and Legal Clinic, by providing free legal service and representing the applicant in Court, in criminal, civil and Syariah matters, and also provide legal advice whenever called upon. The Association patrons and advisers are Mr Abu Bakar Maidin, former President of Jamiyah and Mr ]4"X0,&(AX,7-@()6-%$-(I%>,//,"6-(,&"(:-$/4"$&'(6)( Majlis Ugama Islam. In conclusion, the Association which comprise about 30 members, have to – date taken and provided free service to more than 30 applicants Muslim and non – Muslim. email: L to R: Cik Hawa Zeenath Jailani, Mr Sadari Musari, Mr Yahya Syed , Mr Syed Ahmad Jamal Chishty, Hj Abu Bakar Maidin, Cik Saleha Johari, Mr Faizal Wahyuni and Mr Abdul Aziz Abdul Rashid. 36 VOI Volume 02/2011 7 -#,+5( 6$(6-"0("*-0&(8(%*! 6( 5-+5(9,*.$+)$(,+("$' "*':$) The recent spate of youth gang violence that resulted in the death of nineteen-year old Darren Ng Wei Jie who was attacked by a group of persons and died as a result of the serious injuries he sustained in the assault, as well as the armed rioting at Bukit Panjang have brought to the forefront many deep-seated issues that need to be confronted and tackled. Concerns regarding these cases are whether laws need to be tweaked to give more police power and sentencing options to deal with gangs and youth violence and more importantly the role and the need of the Government agencies to continue to support the social network both within the family and the community. Support networks need to reach out to the groups that are at risk and bring them into the community. However, the N4&4/'$-(6)(H','$()6-(_"!9,'46&(,&"(M6%$(I)),4-/@(N-(N,/,#6/(`!*C434(9,!'46&$"(,#,4&/'(61$-/4%8*4)24&#('+$(/6*!'46&( to the recent problems which are multi-faceted and need customized solutions (Channelnewsasia, 16th November YZ[ZG5(M$(/'-$//$"('+,'('+$($J4/'4&#(*$#4/*,'46&()-,%$06-C(4/(,9'!,**2(/!)794$&'@(>!'(0$(,*/6(+,1$('6(>$()6-0,-"(*66C4&#( and to look at the kind of trends our youths go through such as the environment that they live in. He asserts that we have to ensure that these are all coherent in addressing the issues, so that “relevant laws can be put into play to address the issues.” Before youth at the fringes cross the line, everyone including the community, and schools, must play a part. There are of course programmes currently available to help youth-at-risk such as school droupouts. However ,-$('+$(9!--$&'(8-6#-,%%$/(/!)794$&'('6(,""-$//('+$/$( problems? With the recent spate of events, many question if more can be done to tackle these issues. Voice of Islam speaks to the Executive Director, Jamiyah Counselling Unit, Jamiyah Singapore, Mr Mustaffa Marican, on the reasons why youths usually get involved 4&(#,&#/5(U/(4'(,(9,/$(6)(8$$-(4&3!$&9$(6-("2/)!&9'46&,*( families? He commented that there are usually various reasons. It may be a case of youths coming from a dysfunctional family or the individuals wanting to have a sense of belonging. It could also be the feeling of having power. An important factor pointed out by Mr Marican, is that some join gangs because of the perceived <4&3!$&9$a('+,'(96%$/(04'+(>$4&#(,(#,&#(%$%>$-@('+,'( is, the recognition in the social strata that comes with joining gangs. VOI Volume 02/2011 37 The viciousness of the recent incident raises the question as to what may have caused the violent mentality in the youths. Is it the peer pressure, herd mentality or is it '+$( %$"4,( '6",2( 0+49+( #*6-47$/( 146*$&9$5( U'( %,2( >$( ,**( three. The herd mentality is where people of the same inclination group together and in this case the group who have negative feelings band together. The pressure to conform to certain behaviour then sets in. The media ,*/6( 8*,2/( ,( -6*$( ,/( 7*%/( #*6-4)2( #,&#/'$-/( )6-( '+$4-( <,9+4$1$%$&'/a(04'+('+$(%, 6-4'2(6)(7*%/('6",2(4&16*14&#( some level of violence and thus making gangsterism a more socially acceptable norm. These gang activities are usually not very visible in school. Thus, authorities are unable to go through that channel to curb gang violence. There will be the case of bullying but for authorities to curb gangsterism through '+$(/9+66*(9+,&&$*(06!*"(>$("4)79!*'(>$9,!/$(6)(/$1$-,*( factors; mainly that teachers are not social workers nor ‘Taking the Hard Road’ – Youth Gang Violence in Restrospect The recent spate of youth gang violence that resulted in the death of nineteen-year old Darren Ng Wei Jie who was attacked by a group of persons and died as a result of the serious injuries he sustained in the assault, as well as the armed rioting at Bukit Panjang have brought to the forefront many deep-seated issues that need to be confronted and tackled. are they law enforcement workers and as such are not trained to handle such situations. Efforts by community groups to tackle these gang activities have been ongoing and it appears from the recent events that we have to continue with our efforts to control and remedy the situation. One such endeavour by Jamiyah Singapore is its Max Out programme; a programme to target out-of school youths (OSY). This is an initiative under the Youth Development Network, and it is a joint venture between Yayasan MENDAKI, Jamiyah Business School and Ain Society. Launched in 2005, Max-Out is a programme that provides an alternative pathway for these OSY youths to resume their education or be trained in the necessary skills to make them job ready. To-date, more '+,&( b[b( 26!'+/( D,/( 6)( YZZcG( +,1$( >$&$7'$"( )-6%( '+4/( programme. =+$( SHO( %!/'( >$( 6)794,**2( "$-$#4/'$-$"( )-6%( /9+66*( before they can be considered for entry into the programme. The majority of the OSYs left school 8-$%,'!-$*2("!$('6(7&,&94,*("4)79!*'2(6-(),%4*2(8-6>*$%/5( Other problems include truancy, lost of interest in studies and inappropriate behavior. These are the youths at risk 6)(>$4&#(4&3!$&9$"()!-'+$-('6($&#,#$(4&(#,&#(146*$&9$5(U'( is hoped that with this programme, this group would be able to acquire the necessary academic foundation to gain entry into post-secondary institutions including ITE ,/( 0$**( ,/( "$1$*68( +4#+( /$*).96&7"$&9$@( /$*).-$*4,&9$( and a positive outlook towards life and the future. Students in the MaxOut program will undergo two components; Academic Studies in Jamiyah Business School and Character Development in AIN Society. The programme offers two pathways being a return to mainstream school for youths who left school for less than 4 years and youths aged 14-18 years and with the :-4%,-2( H9+66*( L$,14&#( 9$-'479,'$@( 0+$-$( '+$2( 04**( >$( prepared to return to mainstream schools by enhancing their competency in literacy and numeracy. At the end of one academic year, Yayasan MENDAKI (YM) will advocate for the youths to return to their school of origin or other schools as recommended by the Ministry of Education. This includes vocational schools like Northlight and Assumption Pathway School. Starting in 2011, students who show good academic potential will be selected to sit for GCE ‘N’ levels as private candidates. The exam fees will be fully borne by YM. All youths pursuing this pathway will be required to attend academic classes conducted by Jamiyah Business School according to their last academic level. Upon return to the mainstream school, the youths will be inducted into the Youth-In-Action (YIA) programme where they would be assigned mentors who serve as positive role models in their lives. Another pathway is where the youths acquire workbased skills. This programme is targeted to youths who have left school for 4 years or more without having -$9$41$"('+$4-(:-4%,-2(*$1$*(9$-'479,'$(,&"(,-$(,#$"([d. 18 years old. This group of youths in Pathway 2 will be equipped 04'+( 06-C.>,/$"( /C4**/( 9$-'479,'46&/( '6( ),94*4','$( '+$4-( entry into the workforce. These include the Workplace Literacy and Numeracy (WPLN), Employability Skill H2/'$%( D_HHG@( ?6-C)6-9$( HC4**/( e!,*479,'46&( D?HeG( accreditation and other job readiness programmes. Picture to be inserted They will also be given a choice after 6 months to pursue ISC in Food & Beverage. Upon graduation, youths will be assisted by MENDAKI SENSE Pte Ltd (MSPL) for job-matching. All youths pursuing this pathway will be required to attend academic classes conducted by Jamiyah Business School to enhance their competency in basic literacy and numeracy based on their last academic level. All these efforts are to ensure that our youths, who are the biggest asset of the community, remain engaged in positive activities and are able to contribute back to the community and society proactively. Over the years, we encounter success stories which act as motivation for other youths. Amongst them would be the success of Md W,-+,"(M!//$4&f(0+6("-688$"(6!'(6)(/9+66*(04'+6!'(,'',4&4&#(,(:HL_(9$-'479,'$5(M$(0,/([[('+$&5(W6!-(2$,-/(6&@(+$( registered as a private N Level student. He passed his exams, attaining a Grade 4 and above for all his subjects! He is now currently pursuing NITEC in Aerospace Manufacturing. =+$()!**(-,%479,'46&(6)('+$(-$9$&'(#,&#(146*$&9$($1$&'/(+,1$(2$'('6(>$(!&"$-/'66"(>!'('+$(86/4'41$(6!'96%$(06!*"( be the renewed actions taken by the many different groups in society to help our at-risk youths and ultimately the community. *Names cited in this article have been changed to protect their privacy 38 VOI Volume 02/2011 .,+#.- $"'(-..$+(;(5.$06,.. '!::*" '(<-1,%-6&'(:"*<$) (.$+0=-=6-+0 "$/$"$+0!1(*/(2343(-+0(,+',56 '(/*"( 6$(5$+$"-.($.$) ,*+'(*/(2344 !"#$%&'()%#!*$#+#,%)%&-,!"#$#.-,/!0)+!1#23!-,!4)%5$3)/6!78%1!9#:$5)$/! 2011 at the West Coast Student Service Centre to mark the completion -;!<*$-=#(%!>#,3?)?@),3!8A7ABC!D1#!4&,E)F-$#!-;'(#!-;!>&,G2)%#$+! 22#,! & Gledhill supports Jamiyah Singapore in this Community Engagement Project. Linklaters Allen & Gledhill’s sponsorship through “Project Lend-a-Hand” has helped up to 70 children from various /9+66*/(0+6(,-$(7&,&94,**2.9+,**$&#$"@(>!'(0+6(/'4**(+,1$('+$(04**('6(/'!"25((=+4/(8-6 $9'(0+49+(/',-'$"(4&(YZZ\(04'+( 52 students was a pilot project to assist students who need a helping hand to score better results in their PSLE Examinations, particularly in the subjects of Mathematics, Science and English. The students whose family household income is below $2000, had been specially selected by their respective schools to attend classes free of charge. This support allows the children to be tutored and prepared for their Primary School Leaving Examinations (PSLEs). The 8-6#-,%%$(0,/(7-/'(/',-'$"(4&('+$(_,/'(`6&$(,&"("!$('6(4'/(1$-2(86/4'41$(6!'96%$@(+,/(/4&9$($J8,&"$"('6(9,'$-('6( students in the West Zone. In Singapore, there is a need to support those from “cradle to the grave”, not only in the Muslim communities, but in the wider area in which Jamiyah plays an important role. Dr Mohd Hasbi Abu Bakar, Vice-President II of Jamiyah Singapore and Chairman of Jamiyah Education Department, 4&(+4/(0$*96%$(,""-$//@($%8+,/4X$"(B,%42,+;/(7-%(>$*4$)(4&('+$(4%86-',&9$(6)(_"!9,'46&(,&"(*4)$.*6&#(*$,-&4&#(,&"(+$( thanked Linklaters Allen & Gledhill for its support of this programme, which highlights its good corporate citizenship. In the background Hon. S. Iswaran and President Hj. Abdul Karim Maidin VOI Volume 01/2011 39 He also commended the school, staff and teachers for carrying out the project diligently. The Guest-of-Honour for the event, Mr S Iswaran, Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Trade & Industry, Ministry of Education and MP for West Coast GRC in his speech, expressed his delight at the success of the project. He also praised Jamiyah Singapore for focusing their assistance programme on the lower economic group of families as well as Linklaters Allen & Gledhill for its commendable corporate social responsibility. Mr S Iswaran, accompanied by Dr Mohd Hasbi Abu V,C,-@( 8-$/$&'$"( '+$( g$-'479,'$/( 6)( :,-'4948,'46&( '6( students. This was followed by a presentation of Letter of Appreciation to Teachers and representatives of Schools. There was an Award presentation to the top 3 students from both the Standard and Foundation level by Mr S Iswaran accompanied by President of Jamiyah Singapore, Tuan Hj Abdul Karim Maidin and Dr Mohd Hasbi Abu Bakar. Tuan Haji Abdul Karim Maidin presented a token of appreciation to Linklaters Allen & Gledhill and a memento to the Guest of Honour. ,'.-1(-+0(>*1$+ ?+$&("4/9!//4&#('+$(/','!/(6)(06%,&(4&(U/*,%@(4'(%!/'(>$(&6'$"('+,'(U/*,%(,*/6(+,/(/8$9479(#!4"$*4&$/@(*4%4','46&/@(-$/86&/4>4*4'4$/(,&"(6>*4#,'46&/()6-(%$&5( Therefore it is crucial to understand that what makes one valuable and respectable in the eyes of Allah, is neither one’s prosperity, position, intelligence physical strength nor beauty, but only one’s Allah-Consciousness and awareness (taqwa). As there are disparities in Islam’s culture just as there are in the cultures 4&3!$&9$"(>2(4'@(U/*,%;/(86/4'46&(6&(4%86-',&'(4//!$/(+,/('6(>$(/','$"(9*$,-*25 =+$(/','!/(6)(06%$&(4/(&6'(,(&$0(4//!$(,&"("$7&4'$*2(&6'(6&$('+,'(+,/(>$$&()!**2(/$''*$"5(=6(!&"$-/',&"(U/*,%;/(86/4'46&(6&$(%!/'(/$8,-,'$('+$(-$*4#46&()-6%( the cultural norms and style of a society. Certain practices thought to be Islam’s practices although practiced in some Muslim societies, are viewed by the vast majority of Muslims as unimaginable, abhorrent and unIslamic. Human Rights There is a verse in the Qur’an, from the chapter entitled “Women,” God says, “O mankind! reverence to your GuardianLord who created you from a single person, created, of like nature, His mate, and from them twain scattered (like seeds) countless men and women;- reverence Allah, through whom ye demand your mutual (rights), and (reverence) the wombs (That bore you): for Allah ever watches over you (4:1). Thus, in Islam women are made equally accountable to God in worshipping and glorifying Him. There were no limitations set to her moral progress and her humanity is equal to that of men as both came from the same essence. Thus, as they are equal in their humanity, women cannot be by nature evil (as some religions believe) or then men would be evil also. Similarly, neither gender can be superior because it would be a contradiction of equality. Civil and Social Liberties Other “rights” thought of to be Islamic such as women being forbidden to drive cars may be a result of certain social situations in particular countries. Subjecting women to the humiliation of “instant” divorce is in fact not Islamic practice at all but dictated by the society in which they live. In Islam, a woman has the basic freedom of choice and expression based on recognition of her individual personality. First, she is free to choose her religion. The Qur’an states: “Let there be no compulsion in religion. Truth stands out clear from error.” (2:256) In the social sphere, women are encouraged in Islam to contribute their opinions and ideas. There are many traditions of the blessed Prophet which indicate women would pose questions directly to him and offer their opinions concerning religion, economics and social matters. In matters of matrimony, a Muslim woman makes her own decision on the choice of husband and maintains her name after marriage. A Muslim woman’s testimony is valid in legal disputes. In fact, in areas in which women are more familiar, their evidence is conclusive The right of a female to seek knowledge is not different from that of the male. The Prophet (saw) said: “Seeking knowledge is a mandate for every Muslim (male and female).” Men and women both have the capacity for learning and understanding. Since it is also their obligation to promote good behavior and condemn bad behavior in all spheres of life, Muslim women must acquire the appropriate education to perform this duty in accordance with their own natural talents and interests. Islam recognizes and fosters the natural differences between men and women despite their equality. Some types of 06-C(,-$(%6-$(/!4',>*$()6-(%$&(,&"(6'+$-('28$/()6-(06%$&5(=+4/(4&(&6(0,2("4%4&4/+$/($4'+$-;/($))6-'(6-(4'/(>$&$7'5(R6"( will reward both sexes equally for the value of their work, though it may not necessarily be the same activity. Concerning motherhood, the Prophet (saw) said: “Heaven lies under the feet of mothers.” This implies that the success 6)(,(/694$'2(9,&(>$('-,9$"('6('+$(%6'+$-/('+,'(-,4/$"(4'5(=+$(7-/'(,&"(#-$,'$/'(4&3!$&9$(6&(,(8$-/6&(96%$/()-6%('+$( sense of security, affection, and training received from the mother. 40 VOI Volume 01/2011 Political Sphere Islam established the right of women to select their leader and publicly declare so. Muslim women had the right to vote as early as 1400 years ago. On any public matter, a woman may voice her opinion and participate in politics. One example, narrated in the Qur’an (60:12), is that Muhammad (saw) is told that when the believing women come to him and swear their allegiance to Islam, he must accept their oath. Islam believes and does not forbid a woman from holding important positions in government. Economics Allah created men and women to be different as they have unique roles, functions and skills. As in society, where there is a division of labour, in a family, a wife and husband have different roles and responsibilities. Islam upholds that women are entrusted with the nurturing role and men with the guardian role. Thus, women are #41$&('+$(-4#+'('6(7&,&94,*(/!886-'5 N$&( ,-$( #41$&( '+4/( #!,-"4,&/+48( ,&"( #-$,'$-( 7&,&94,*( responsibility by requiring that they provide women with not only monetary support but also physical protection and kind and respectful treatment. When Muslims die, strict laws govern the shares of property and money they may leave to others; daughters usually inherit less than sons because the men in a family are supposed to provide for the entire household. In such situations +60$1$-@( 0+$&( '+$( %$&( ,-$( 7&,&94,**2( /',>*$( ,&"( wealthy, they may choose to give their share to their sisters. However, any money or property owned by women is theirs and are not obligated to be shared. Thus, the Muslim woman has the privilege to earn money, the right to own property, to enter into legal contracts and to manage all of her assets in any way she pleases. She can run her own business and no one has any claim on her earnings including her husband. . Rights and Obligations of a Wife The Qur’an states: “And among His signs is that He created for you mates from among yourselves that you may live in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between you; Verily, in that are signs for people 0+6(-$3$9'5a(DbZKY[G( Marriage is therefore not just a physical or emotional necessity, but in fact, a sign from God. It is a relationship of mutual rights and obligations based on divine guidance. God created men and women with complimentary natures, and in the Qur’an, He laid out a system of laws to support harmonious interaction between the sexes. VOI Volume 02/2011 41 A wife’s rights is to receive mahr, a gift from the husband which is part of the marriage contract and required for the legality of the marriage. The wife is also entitled to maintenance. Despite any wealth she may have, her husband is obligated to provide her with food, shelter ,&"(9*6'+4&#(,&"(7**(6)(*61$5( God tells us that men are guardians over women and are given the leadership in the family. His responsibility for obeying God extends to guiding his family to obey God at all times. Just as he is expected to guard her honor, a wife is to keep her husband’s secrets and protect their marital privacy. Both have rights and responsibilities upon the other. =+$/$(-6*$/(,&"(-$/86&/4>4*4'4$/(,/("$7&$"(4&(U/*,%(%,2( be different because Islam recognizes and cultivates men’s and women’s natural differences despite their equality. Women are given roles, duties and rights just as men are and are designed to keep the balance in society. 6*>(>$.. 6-'( 6$(1$0,-(,+/*"1$0(-@*! )*2(.$9$.'(,+( 6$(-,"? Ask yourself, your friends, family and work associates if they know the answers to the following questions about Carbon Dioxide (CO2). Be sure to write your answers before looking at the following pages. ( 6$ ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Respondent’s Answers: nearly all were 20% - 40%, the highest was 75% while the lowest were 10%- 2%. Question 1. What percentage of the atmosphere do you think is CO2? Question 2. Have you ever seen the percentage given in any media? Question 3. What percentage of the CO2 is man-made? Question 4. What percentage of the man-made CO2 does Australia produce? Question 5. Is CO2 a pollutant? Question 6. Have you ever seen any evidence that CO2 causes a greenhouse effect? The Correct Answer: CO2 is less than a mere four 100ths of 1%! As a decimal it is 0.038%. As a fraction it is 1/27th of 1%. (Measurements for CO2 vary from one source to another from 0.036%- 0.039% due to the "4)79!*'2(4&(%$,/!-4&#(/!9+(,(/%,**(T!,&'4'2(,&"("!$('6(9+,&#$/(4&(04&"("4-$9'46&($5#5(0+$'+$-('+$(,4-(360( is from an industrialized region or a volcanic emission etc) Nitrogen is just over 78%, Oxygen is just under 21% and Argon is almost 1%. CO2 is a minute trace gas at 0.038%. We all learnt the composition of the air in both primary and high school but because most people don’t use science in their day to day living, they +,1$( )6-#6''$&( '+4/5( I*/6@( '+$( 1,/'( >!*C( 6)( '+$( 868!*,'46&( +,1$( 1$-2( *4''*$( C&60*$"#$( 6)( /94$&9$( /6( '+$2( 7&"( 4'( 4%86//4>*$( '6( %,C$( !"#$%$&'/( ,>6!'( $1$&( >,/49( /94$&'479( 4//!$/( *$'( ,*6&$( 6&$/( ,/( 96%8*$J( ,/( 9*4%,'$5( This makes it easy for those with agendas to deceive us by using emotive statements rather than facts. For a detailed breakup of the atmosphere go to: I have asked over 100 people these questions. Virtually everyone says they don’t know the answers so ask them to tell you what their perception is by what they have learnt from the media, the government and Green groups. Let them know there is no right or wrong answer as you are just doing a survey as to what people have perceived the answers to be from these sources. The answers to these questions are fundamental to evaluating the global warming scare YET almost no one knows the facts. However, without this knowledge we can’t make an informed decision about whether Climate Change is natural or not. Q4. What % of man-made CO2 does Australia produce? Respondent’s Answers ranged from 20% to 5%. =+$(g6--$9'(I&/0$-(4/([h(6)('+$(Z5ZZ[h(6)(%,&.%,"$(gSY5(I/(,("$94%,*(4'(4/(,&(4&/4#&479,&'(Z5ZZZZ[h(6)('+$( air. That’s one, one-hundredth thousandth of the air. That is what all the fuss is about! That’s one CO2 molecule from Australia in every 9,000,000 molecules of air. It has absolutely no affect at all. We have been grossly misled to think there is tens of thousands of times as much CO2 as there is! Why has such important information been withheld from the public? If the public were aware that man-made CO2 is so incredibly small there would be very little belief in a climate disaster so the media would not be able to make a bonanza from years of high sales by selling doomsday stories. Governments and Green groups would not be able to justify a carbon tax that will greatly raise the cost of everything. Major international banks and the stock %,-C$'(06!*"(&6'(%,C$(%,//41$(8-67'/(6!'(6)(9,->6&('-,"4&#(,&"(%,&2(4&('+$(/94$&9$(96%%!&4'2(06!*"(&6'( be getting large research grants. Q5. Is CO2 a pollutant? On the following pages are respondent’s perceptions followed by the correct answers. The bulk of the respondents (over 100 to date) are educated fairly well to very well. They comprise business managers in a diversity of large and small companies, those in medical profession, accounting, law, sales, engineering as well as scientists and trades people. Q2. Have you seen a percentage for CO2 given in the media? Respondent’s answers: All said ’No’. Q3. What % of CO2 do humans produce? Respondent’s answers ranged from as high as 100% with most estimating it to be between 75% to 25% and only four said they thought it was between 10% and 2 %. The Correct Answer: Nature produces nearly all of it. Humans produce only 3%. As a decimal it is a miniscule 0.001% of the air. All of mankind produces only one molecule of CO2 in around every 90,000 air molecules! Yes, that’s all. Respondent’s Answers: All thought it was a pollutant, at least to some degree. The Correct Answer: CO2 is a harmless, trace gas. It is as necessary for life - just as oxygen and nitrogen are. It is a natural gas that is clear, tasteless and odourless. It is in no way a pollutant. 42 VOI Volume 02/2011 Calling CO2 a ‘pollutant’ leads many to wrongly think of it as black, grey or white smoke. Because the media deceitfully show white or grey ‘smoke’ coming out of power station cooling towers, most think this is CO2. It is not: it’s just steam (water vapour) condensing in the air. CO2 is invisible: just breathe out and see. Look at it bubbling out of your soft drinks, beer or sparkling wine. No one considers that a pollutant - because it’s not. CO2 in its frozen state is commonly known as dry ice. It is used in camping eskys, in medical treatments and science experiments. No one considers that a pollutant either. CO2 is emitted from all plants. This ‘emission’ is not considered a pollutant even though this alone is 33 times more than man produces! Huge quantities of CO2 are dissolved naturally in the ocean and released from the warm surface. This is not considered a pollutant either. What % of the air is CO2? The climate has always been naturally cyclic and variable due to numerous natural drivers of which CO2 is not one. Over millions of years the climate has shown far greater changes in the geological record than we have seen over the last 200 hundred years - and there was no industrialization back then. The very minor variations we have witnessed over the last 100 years have all occurred several times even in that short period. Today’s changes in climate are common and completely natural. There are now over 50 books that provide numerous reasons why man-made global warming is false. The Effect of the Sun on Earth’s climate It has long been known that the Sun is by far the major driver of all weather on Earth because it is the source of all heat and energy. There is absolutely no real-world evidence that the temperature has continually risen as we were led to believe. The hottest records in the USA and Greenland were in the 1930s due to a strong solar cycle. It became cooler from 1940 to 1970. This was due to a weak solar cycle. It has again become increasingly colder since 2006 due to another weak solar cycle. The Sun’s magnetic storm activity has now moved to an extended minimum so the next 2-4 maximums are expected to be much weaker than the last few have been. By 2011 the solar cycle should have risen half way back to its 11 year maximum but it hasn’t! It’s only just started. The last time the Sun acted this way was during the Dalton Minimum from 1790 to 1830 which produced 40 years of very cold winters with subdued, wetter summers globally - just as we are experiencing now. From 1450 -1750 a more intense Maunder Minimum occurred which caused the Little Ice Age. The next 2-4 solar cyvcles will very likely be low in solar activity causing noticeably cooler global temperatures for a few decades. For details see: and climate-change/another-dalton-minimum/ The effect of the current Solar Minimum is particularly obvious in the northern hemisphere where increasingly colder winter temperatures have caused massive snow falls disrupting transportation across Europe, Asia and the US. Despite more than a decade of continual doomsday predictions of increasing temperatures and never-ending drought globally, the opposite has happened. There have been lower temperatures globally with greatly increased rain and /&60/(61$-(%!9+(6)('+$(8*,&$'(/4&9$(YZZi5(=+4/(+,/(9,!/$"(366"/(,9-6//(%6/'(6)(I!/'-,*4,(,&"(%6/'(6'+$-(96!&'4$/@( as seen on the TV news. This ended the global 10 year drought conditions from the mid 90s to the mid 2000s. There has been no drop in CO2 to cause this: in fact, CO2 has risen. There is no correlation between CO2 levels and climate. The reason CO2 levels have gone up a little is most likely due to the surface of the oceans warming very slightly during the later half of the century and therefore releasing a little CO2. (The oceans are currently cooling very slightly.) Mankind’s contribution to CO2 is so small it’s not measurable. Polls on Climate Change Polls in western countries now show that believers in man-made global warming are now in the minority with a sizable percentage of over 20% who “don’t know” if CO2 is causing any change. The obvious change to a cooler, wetter climate combined with the revelations of climate fraud shown by the Climategate emails has led to the change in public perception. Polls asking people what is the most important threat to them out of a list of 20 issues, place global warming at the bottom! Popular beliefs are not fact The bulk of the population of the western world believed that the 2000 Bug would destroy much of our technology on New Year’s Eve 2000 yet not one disaster occurred anywhere. We were told CFCs caused the Ozone ‘hole’ yet after billions of dollars were spent removing CFCs over 30 years, the slight depletion of Ozone at the South Pole has not 9+,&#$"5(H94$&'4/'/(&60('+4&C(4'(4/(&,'!-,*5(:68!*,-(>$*4$)/(,-$(6)'$&(>,/$"(6&(>*4&"(),4'+@(4"$6*6#2(,&"(8-67'(-,'+$-( '+,&(8-61$&(/94$&'479($14"$&9$5(M4/'6-2(4/(*4''$-$"(04'+(868!*,-(96&/$&/!/$/('+,'(0$-$(0-6 A Carbon Tax Taxing CO2 achieves nothing for the environment; in fact, it deprives real environmental issues from receiving funds. A carbon tax will have a disastrous impact on lower and middle income earners. Even if drastic measures were imposed equally on all countries around the world to reduce the total human CO2 contribution by ,/(%!9+(,/(bZh@('+4/(06!*"(-$"!9$('6',*(gSY(>2(,&(4&/4#&479,&'(8$-9$&',#$5(U'(06!*"(+,1$(&6(,))$9'(0+,'/6$1$-( on the climate but it would totally destroy the economies of every country and dramatically lower everyone’s living standards. Most people and politicians are making decisions emotively, not factually about a complex science they know virtually nothing about. Gregg D Thompson Climate Researcher Astronomer Environmentalist Author of two science books Business Manager and Director of 3 companies Author of science magazine articles Designer and project manager of special effects attractions Nature photographer Has a great interest in most sciences Loves creating innovation in art VOI Volume 02/2011 43 "-1@.,+5'(*/(6*.,' ,)(6$-. 6( -+0(1$0,),+$(A)*+ ,+!- ,*+B God has given you your mind and body as a trust and indicated to you symptoms so that you can monitor the well-being of your mind and body or have you delegated that trust to a doctor who supplies you with antibiotics, paracetemol and all those things that don’t bring out the best from you. Does your daily bath truly refresh and renew you? Do you brush your teeth and gums regularly and refrain from sweets as much as possible. Do your bowels move regularly at least twice a day? Do you practice perineal cleanliness with soap dispensers, toilet paper and lots of water ? Have you a good appetite and do you stop eating before satiation with lawful and wholesome foods such as 1$#$',>*$/@)-!4'/(,&"(&6&.9+$%49,*4/$"(%$,'/(8,-'49!*,-*2(7/+F Do you sleep your six to eight hours peacefully? Do you feel enthusiastic about your work empowered by emotions of love and fraternity? Do you feel fresh and active all day OR ARE YOU DRAGGED DOWN BY YOUR ADDICTION TO NICOTINE OR WORSE? Do you behave affectionately with the members of your family? Do your eyes sparkle? Does your face glow ? Does your chest measurement exceed the girth of your abdomen ? A6(26!($& 62(#66"(+$,*'+($1$&(0+$&("4/6-"$-/(*4C$(96*"/(,&"(4&3!$&X,(,'',9C(8$68*$(,-6!&"(26!(F Do you concentrate when you do your prayers and focus on the Source of Love, Power, Knnowledge and Compassion. It is the perfect psycho-spiritual and physical paradigm that protects you from the stressors of life. 44 VOI Volume 02/2011 6$(1*"-.('%' $1(,+ "$9$-.$0("$.,5,*+ (Adapted from original article by S.M.Masum) God has never left humanity without guidance either from within its own psyche, conscience and reason or as guidance from an immaculate Prophet. Revealed religion has always been around since the time of Adam and according to the development of society has laid down fundamental rights, clothed with duties, for humanity that are to be observed and respected Islam came down in the 7th century C.E as the completion of this revealed religion but like all previous divine editions of revealed religion , has gone through the windmill of history for good or for bad. For example we have the spectre of deviant deviationists and extremists and have receded from a veritable middle and moderating nation to playing a backseat among the nations of the world. The saving grace of Islam is that the very same immutable constitution of Islam namely Al Quran is still available in its pristine purity. To assist in understanding the Quran , the entire corpus of the words, silence and actions of the Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings of Allah be upon him are available but with the caveat that it is provided with different levels of authenticity as some of the Hadith were written decades later. In order to realise these duties and rights in one’s everyday social life, Islam provides both legal safeguards and a very effective moral system. In brief, whatever improves the well-being of an individual or a society is morally good, and whatever harms this well-being is morally bad. Islam attaches great importance to the love of God and fellow human beings, and discourages excessive formalism. We read in the Quran (what means): “It is not righteousness that you turn your faces towards East or West, but [true] righteousness is [in] one who believes in Allaah, the Last Day, the Angels, the Book, and the prophets and gives wealth, in spite of love for it, to relatives, orphans, the needy, the traveller, those who ask [for help], and for freeing slaves; [and who] $/',>*4/+$/( 8-,2$-( ,&"( #41$/( `,C,,+j( k'+6/$( 0+6l( )!*7*( their promise when they promise; and [those who] are patient in poverty and hardship and during battle. Those are the ones who have been true, and it is those who are the righteous.” [Quran: 2:177] These verses give a beautiful description of the righteous and religiously committed individual. He should obey VOI Volume 02/2011 45 /,*!',-2(-$#!*,'46&/(>!'(7J(+4/(#,X$(6&('+$(*61$(6)(R6"( and the love of humanity. The main motive power within a human being is not economic as perceived by Marx, the sometimes subtle , sometimes overt power of sex as understood by Freud but the love of God which 4/( -$3$9'$"( 4&( 6&$;/( *61$( )6-( 6&$;/( /$*)@( *61$"( 6&$/@( humanity and eventually all life. Your Destiny’s Prize “The joys of life are great Thought provoking are its pains But unless you have loving God in mind What truly are your gains? You are unhappy not because of what you know But because of what you have not realised, Tis knowing God’s love my dear Which is your Destiny’s Prize! z.i. An individual’s faith should be true and sincere and he must be prepared to show it in deeds of charity to other people and by living as a good citizen and supporter of social organisations. Finally, individual faith must -$%,4&(7-%(,&"(!&/+,C$&(4&(,**(94-9!%/',&9$/5=+4/(4/( the standard by which a particular mode of conduct 9,&(>$(9*,//47$"(,/($4'+$-(#66"(6-(>,"5(U'(,*/6(8-614"$/( the nucleus around which an individual’s and society’s moral code should revolve. Before laying down any %6-,*( 4& !&9'46&/@( U/*,%( /$$C/( '6( 4%8*,&'( 7-%*2( 4&( man’s heart the conviction that his dealings are with God, Who sees him at all times and in all places. While he may hide himself from others or deceive them, he cannot do so with God. Islam teaches that the objective of one’s life is to live a life that is pleasing to God This is a life which can be easily appreciated by a rational human being.. To make such a goal possible, Islam has provided humankind with the highest possible standard of morality. This moral code, which is both straightforward and practical, provides the individual with innumerable ways to embark upon and then continue the path of moral evolution. By making Divine Revelation the primary source of knowledge, moral standards are made permanent and /',>*$5(M60$1$-@('+4/("6$/(&6'(%,C$('+$%(4&3$J4>*$@()6-( there is room for reasonable adjustment and adaptation when needed. The danger of moral relativism, now so widespread in many societies, is thereby avoided. I&6'+$-(>$&$7'(4/('+$(#-,"!,*(4&'$-&,*4/,'46&(6)('+$/$(%6-,*(/',&",-"/@()6-(6&$(/$$C/('6(6>$2('+$%(16*!&',-4*2( to please God, not because some government or people tell him to do so. An individual’s belief in God, when added to his belief in the Day of Judgement, is a powerful motivating factor to live a highly moral life. Islam does not seek to minimise the importance of traditional and commonly accepted moral norms or give exaggerated importance to some and neglect others.The Islamic moral code incorporates all the commonly accepted moral virtues and then endows them with a sense of balance and proportion, by assigning each one a suitable place and function in the scheme of life. It widens the scope of man’s individual and collective life by dealing with his domestic associations, civic conduct, and his activities in the political, economic, legal, educational and social realms. It covers his life from the +6%$('6('+$(/694$'2@()-6%('+$("4&4&#(',>*$('6('+$(>,''*$7$*"(,&"(8$,9$(96&)$-$&9$/5(U&(/+6-'@()-6%('+$(9-,"*$( to the grave – for no sphere of life is exempt from the universal and comprehensive application of the moral principles of Islam. It makes morality reign supreme and ensures that the affairs of life are regulated by moral &6-%/@(,&"(&6'("6%4&,'$"(>2(/$*7/+("$/4-$/(,&"(8$''2(4&'$-$/'/5 A major goal of Islam is to provide humankind with a practical and realistic system of life by which he can conduct his life. It calls upon humankind not only to practice virtue, but also to establish it and to eradicate all that is harmful. It seeks the supremacy of the conscience in all matters so that what is harmful cannot gain the upper hand either in an individual’s life or in society. Those who respond to this call are known as Muslims, which literally means those who have submitted to God. The sole object of the resulting community 6)(N!/*4%/(6-(m%%,+(4/(!&"$-',C4&#(,&(6-#,&4/$"($))6-'('6($/',>*4/+(0+,'(4/(#66"(,&"('6(7#+'(,&"($-,"49,'$( what is evil and harmful. Some of Islam’s basic moral teachings are given below. They cover the broad spectrum of a Muslim’s personal moral conduct as well as his social responsibilities. God-Consciousness The Quran mentions God-consciousness as the highest quality of a Muslim, saying (what means): “…The most noble of you in the sight of Allaah is the most righteous of you…” [Quran: 49:13] M!%4*4'2@(%6"$/'2@(96&'-6*(6)(8,//46&/(,&"("$/4-$/@('-!'+)!*&$//@(4&'$#-4'2@(8,'4$&9$@(/'$,"),/'&$//(,&"()!*7**4&#( one’s promises – all these moral values are mentioned many times in the Quran, such as (what means): “And R6"(*61$/('+6/$(0+6(,-$(7-%(,&"(/'$,"),/'5a(ke!-,&K(bK[nl( The Quran also tells Muslims (what means): “And hasten to forgiveness from your Lord and a garden [i.e., Paradise] as wide as the heavens and the earth, prepared for the righteous. Who spend [in the cause of Allaah] during ease and hardship and who restrain anger and who pardon the people – and Allaah loves the doers of good.” [Quran: 3:133-134] And: “…Establish prayer, enjoin what is right, forbid what is wrong, and be patient over what befalls you. Indeed, [all] that is of the matters [requiring] determination. And do not turn your cheek [in contempt] toward people [Rather, respect them by directing your face and attention to them.] And do not walk through the earth exultantly. Indeed, Allah does not like everyone self-deluded and boastful. And be moderate in your pace and lower your voice; indeed, the most disagreeable of sounds is the voice of donkeys.” [Quran: 31:17-19] The following statement of the Prophet (s.a) summarises the moral behaviour of a committed Muslim: “My Sustainer has given me nine commands: to remain conscious of God in private and in public; to speak justly whether angry or pleased; to show moderation when poor or rich; to rekindle friendship with those who have broken it off with me; to give to him who refuses me; that my silence should be occupied with thought; that my looking should be an admonition; and that I should command what is right.” Social Responsibilities The teachings of Islam regarding social responsibilities are based on kindness and consideration for others. 46 VOI Volume 02/2011 U/*,%( /'-$//$/( /8$9479( ,9'/( 6)( C4&"&$//( ,&"( "$7&$/( the responsibilities and rights that belong to various -$*,'46&/+48/5( S!-( 7-/'( 6>*4#,'46&( 4/( '6( 6!-( 4%%$"4,'$( family – parents, spouse and children, then to other relatives, neighbours, friends and acquaintances, orphans and widows, the needy of the community, our fellow Muslims, our fellow human beings and animals. Parents Respect and care for parents is a very important part of a Muslim’s expression of faith. The Quran says (what means): “And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and to parents, good treatment. Whether one or both of them reach old age [while] with you, say not to them [so much as], ‘uff’ and do not repel them but speak to them a noble word. And lower to them the wing of humility out of mercy and say: ‘My Lord! Have mercy upon them as they brought me up [when I was] small.’” [Quran: 17:23-24] Other Relatives The Quran says (what means): “And give the relative his right, and [also] the poor and the traveller, and do not spend wastefully.” [Quran: 17:26] Neighbours The Prophet (s.a) said: “He is not a believer who eats +4/(7**(0+4*$(+4/(&$4#+>6!-(4/(+!&#-2a(,&"K(<M$("6$/(&6'( believe whose neighbours are not safe from his injurious conduct.” According to the Quran and Sunnah (traditions and approved actions of the Prophet (s.a)), a Muslim has to discharge his moral responsibility not only to his parents, relatives, and neighbours but also to all humankind, animals, and useful trees and plants. For example, hunting birds and animals for sport is not permitted. Similarly, cutting down trees and plants that yield fruit is forbidden unless there is a very pressing need for one to do so. Thus, on the basic moral plane, Islam provides humankind with a higher system of morality that can be used by an individual to realise his greatest potential. U/*,%(8!-47$/('+$(/6!*(6)(/$*)./$$C4&#($#6'4/%@('2-,&&2@( wantonness, and lack of discipline. It creates Godfearing men who are devoted to their ideals, motivated by piety, abstinence and discipline, who do not make any compromise with falsehood. It creates moral responsibility and fosters the capacity for self-control. Islam generates kindness, generosity, mercy, sympathy, 8$,9$@( /$*3$//( #66"04**@( /9-!8!*6!/( ),4-&$//@( ,&"( truthfulness towards all creatures in all situations. It nourishes noble qualities from which only good may be expected But the natural equality of man and woman ie. one that does not negate the innate qualities of either sex is never marginalised by Islam. For example while the 06%,&(,/('+$(L,"2(6)('+$(M6!/$(4/('+$(7-/'('$,9+$-(6)( her children, her special qualities which surpass even VOI Volume 02/2011 47 men cannot be glossed over as we see in the story of Balqis who was the sovereign of the great nation of Sheba and who underlined even in those ancient times the importance of shura or mutual consent in government.The spirituality of Mary whose name is mentioned 34 times in the Quran is another case in point so also Aishah on whose account an entire chapter namely Al Nur (The Light) was revealed. “ All human beings are as equal as the teeth of a comb. There is no superiority of an Arab over a non Arab, of a non Arab over an Arab, of a white man over a black man or of a male over a female. The only merit is God-conscious righteousness.” ( Prophet’s words as quoted in Ahmad’s Al Musnad) Conclusion Islam is pre-eminently the religion of Peace and the Prophet only allowed going to war in self defence , or going to the defence of oppressed nations but even in this regard the Prophet and the Quran have clearly forbidden scorch earth policy, destroying fruit crops and grain, poisoning water channels or diverting them, frightening civilians and non-combatants, 06%$&@(9+4*"-$&(,&"(,&9+6-4'$/@(,&"(%6/'(4%86-',&'*2(+$()6->,"$('+$(!/$(6)(7-$(6&(+!%,&/(,&"('+$(*$//$-(9-$,'!-$/5( =+$( $,-*4$/'( )6-%/( 6)( 7-$,-%/( %,2( &6'( -$,**2( +,1$( '+$( "4%$&/46&( 6)( 7-$( >!'( '6",2( %6"$-&( ,-%,%$&'/( /!9+( ,/( +604'X$-/@(%4//4*$/@(*,&"(%4&$/(,-$(+6--$&"6!/($J,%8*$/(6)('+$(!/$(6)(7-$(6)(0+49+(?NA/(,&"(&!9*$,-(0$,86&/(,-$( clearly from the devil. Five times a day most Muslims pray the optional prayer for World Peace O ALLAH YOU ARE PEACE PEACE COMES FROM YOU HALLOWED ARE YOU LORD OF INFINITE MAJESTY AND GLORY The Biblical Jesus said “Blessed are the Peace Makers” and the real Muslim is not just giving the Islamic salutation of Assalamu ‘alaikum wr. wb but doing all that is possible for durable peace in every area of human activity and consciousness. 75,9$( 6$(#,0'(-('1,.$& (/!+0"-,',+5(0,++$" On 21 January 2011, several staff of Jamiyah Singapore attended the ‘Give The Kids A Smile’ fundraising dinner in support of children with cleft palate and lips, organised by Embassy of The Republic of Indonesia with His Excellency Bapak Wardana, Ambassador of The Republic of Indonesia as the Guest of Honour. Mrs Masrifah Wardana, Chairman of the Indonesian Women’s Association gave a welcome speech followed by a presentation by Dr Myra Elliott and acknowledgements by Mrs Gerti Iwatake. There were angklung performances by the Indonesian Women’s Association, a traditional Ngarojeng and Pembubung dance performances and a fashion show. The funds raised from this event held at the Indonesian embassy and which was organised by The Indonesian Women’s Association, would go towards the hospital stay and other associated costs for the affected Indonesian children. 48 VOI Volume Volume 02/2011 01/2011 VOI :CDEFGH(I:CJKF(-CLMNO( The precursor to the current HAARP weapons project that seeks to use nature as a weapon, had as part of its objectives, “looking into ways to cause earthquakes.” The point here is not whether some powers currently possess earthquake creation technology but rather the fact that when an attempt is made at understanding the increased frequency of global earthquakes in the recent past through the possibility that testing of such a weapons system produced them (like the Haiti earthquake for example), the mainstream media immediately discredits these attempts as “loony” or “conspiracy”. Earthquakes can only be a “natural” disaster in their opinion, much like the media presents economic downturns and the misery they cause, as something naturally occurring and unavoidable. Such labeling, that discredits the opposition as being “loony”, overlooks the fact that the cumulative trillions of dollars that go into military research into altering natural patterns and using nature as a weapon, do so because there is an implicit acknowledgment of the potential possibility of doing just those things, like causing earthT!,C$/@(0+49+(,-$('$-%$"(</94$&'479(4&1$/'4#,'46&a(D,&"( not lunacy) when those research projects are approved. This shows how consciousness is manipulated by a system that perfects ways and means of destruction, through both direct propaganda and the vesting of people in a system, questioning which becomes akin '6( ,86/',/2( ,&"( /!886-'4&#( '+$( 6)794,*( 864&'( 6)( 14$0( becomes “natural” and common sense. This is in line with Antonio Gramsci’s concept of Cultural Hegemony, a concept which has attained widespread circulation in the sociological literature. “Between the economic structure and the state with its legislation and its coercion stands civil society, and it is the latter which has to be radically transformed, in concrete terms and not just in the written instrument, for bringing civil society into line with the economic structure...” (Gramsci and Boothman (ed) . Antonio Gramsci. Further Selections from the Prison Notebooks 1995:167) (This article by M. Asadi has been edited to remove names of governments etc.) VOI Volume 02/2011 49 SFDTDLJGQT('UQK(DC(+DH? PQMK=F=-QR Recent gas exploration activity in the south east region of the Arabian desert uncovered a skeletal remains of a human of phenomenal size. This region of the Arabian Desert is called the Empty Quarter , or in Arabic, ‘Rab-Ul-Khalee’. ? VOI: We need to be circumspect about such materials which appear to contradict paleontological evidence. This material has been surfacing from time to time over the last several years. Wallahu ‘Alam Bissawab! 50 VOI Volume 02/2011 5*,+5(@$%*+0( 6$(*"-+5(.-! ( !',+5(P!"-+,)(6*.,' ,)(:",'1( The Malay world boasts the only pyramids in S.E.Asia and the Candi Sukuh on Java island dates back to the early 15th century. Remove the capstone of the Egyptian pyramid and it becomes an observatory but it is even more than that with the Meso-American Candi Sukuh.It actually encapsulates the earliest form of a power-house . Behind the pretence of being a tomb, it symbolizes the power of the early Malays of Java who designed the world’s largest Buddhist complex of the ancient world the Borobodur even though some truths were hidden because those Javanese Malays often took on Chinese names. What is even more interesting about the Candi Sukuh is that it is Mayan in /'2*$@(#-,8+49/(,&"(/'-!9'!-$(,&"(/6%$(6)('+$(/2%>6*/(-$3$9'('+$(06-*"(6)(,&(,&94$&'(H6!'+( American sage whom mufassir Haji Ta’lim Ali surmises could have been a Nabi or Prophet of God. We can only say possibly because we can only guess without clear Quranic support or even the ijma’ But go against the Sunatullah even God’s Law of Nature, and a high civilization becomes extinct. Pyramids which are known as awtad in the Quran lasts long because the bricks as the Quran teaches us were burnt in the furnace as Pharoah instructed the priest magician Samiri to do but more clearly pyramids are a mathematical enigma. Malays ? Mathematics? And why not when the Chinese texts mention that East Sumatran Malays were very adept in mathematics. ?4'+6!'(%,'+$%,'49/(/8$9479,**2(04'+6!'(X$-6(0$(06!*"( not have computers perhaps the creature of earthly materials mentioned in the Quran the “dabbatul ard”. There 4/( 96%8$'4'46&( ,/( '6( 0+6( 7-/'( '+6!#+'( ,>6!'( '+$( X$-6( and history comes up with the Sumerians, the Indians and the Chinese. The Indians had the concept of sunya 6-(&6'+4&#&$//(,&"('+4/(0,/(,*/6(-$3$9'$"(6&(g+4&$/$( drawing boards but they had no symbol . The Khymers had a dot or bindu for zero but it was only the East Sumatrans on Banka Island in the 7th century who can lay claim to inventing the zero as archeology has uncovered (Smith: History of Mathematics.) 200 years later the Hindus passed this symbol on to the Arabs at Gwalior, India VOI Volume 02/2011 51 matra. Indeed orientalist Mubin Shephard would have us believe that King Solomon’s Ophir is the same as Gunong Ledang also known as Mount Ophir where remnants of ancient gold mines have been found allegedly under the aegis of a Balkis-like Puteri Gunong Ledang . Of course talking about beautiful women , we remember the perfumes extracted from camphor which the Indians bought from the Malays who called it kapor barus and the Indians quickly called it kapoorum. Today homeopaths would use camphor for a variety of medical uses including the generating of heat within the body in winter which the British herbalists started with “camphorated oil” But coming back to the contributions of the padi world of the deutero-Malays , it is even plausible to note that the word kafur for camphor in Surah Ar Rahman of the Quran may have come from the Malay word just as iblis in the Quran for the devil comes from the Greek diabolis. This is the miracle ol the Quran , that using apparently mundane words , it has transformed these words into a vehicle for the transmutation of the human into insan. And thus the insight from ALIF LAM MEEM mere words becoming the lafz of Allah ! :$-+,8/(4'(0,/(%,'+$%,'49,*(,/'-6&6%2(0+49+($&,>*$"('+$(N,*,2/('6(>$('+$(7-/'(&,14#,'6-/(0+6(0$&'(,-6!&"('+$( #*6>$5(U'(0,/(&6'(-$,**2('66("4)79!*'('6(>$*4$1$('+4/(/$$4&#('+,'(>6'+(I*)6&/6(A;(I*>!-T!$!(,&"(W$-"4&,&"(N,#$**,&(0+6( made use of the orang laut to help them navigate the seas. Alas for world conquering Alfonso with his Arab amulet that upon returning to Lisbon, he was roundly kicked into the sea by Panglima Awang himself. S)(96!-/$('+$(96*6&4,*4/'/(06!*"(&6'(0,&'(,&(4&7"$*('6(#$'('+$(*,!-$*(,/('+$(7-/'(8$-/6&(0+6(/,4*$"(,-6!&"('+$(06-*"5 Whether it was Panglima Awang or not the fact is that the orang laut have the largest habitat including both oceania and the Indian ocean as their training ground and getting to Australia with their Bugis brethren was not as challenging as going further still, perhaps even beyond Africa. We have evidence that the South East kind of brown skinned tribe still perplexing sociologists visiting the Kalahari Desert are indeed South East Asian. Zainuddin bin Mohd Ismail. Bibliography: Back Issues of Journal of Moors Cultural Home, Sri Lanka The Encyclopaedia of Islam, Leiden Singapore: The Encyclopaedia We can with some research prove that the Sassanid Kings made use of these proto-Malay orang laut to police the waterways of the Persian Gulf, even the seas of Basra . These orang laut also known as Javakas in Southern India and Ceylon apparently worked with the Jats of Sind, India. Their word for boat namely sampan is still in vogue among 7/+$-%$&(4&(g$2*6&5(U'(4/(,(06-"(6)(H6!'+(g+4&$/$(6-4#4&(8-6>,>*2(M6CC4$&5(=+,'('+$2(06-C$"()6-(g+4&$/$(/+488$-/(4/( beyond doubt and certainly for Admiral Cheng Ho (Zheng He) who passed by the Yong Le Man or Dragon Teeth Gate (Batu Layar) off Singapore on the way to fabulous Malacca where he learned about the Menteri system which word was brought back to China and became Mandarin . This was the speculation of Amartya Sen in “The Arguementative Indian.” Of course the word is Sanskrit or Tamil in origin but the Chinese were captivated by Malaccan administration not Goa where Zheng He may have been buried after going round the world in his oil-tanker type of ships. The Batu Layar or Singapore Stone was dynamited in the 19th Century but fragments of it were sent to Calcutta and facsimile of its 50 lines in ancient script show that it is not Pali or Sanskrit. What language is it written in ? Nabatean the mother of languages? Later with the rise of Islam in the 7th century the orang laut were reported to have worked for the Caliph Muawiya. By then they were known by the Arabs and Persians by a different name Sayabidja. The Malays traded their gold from what Ptolemy called the Golden Chersonese and another gold island namely Su- 52 VOI Volume 02/2011 +$>(.$-0$"'6,:(@!,.0'(*+( 6$(' "*+5(/*!+0- ,*+ The tribute and appreciation continues. On Saturday, 19th February 2011, Jamiyah Nursing Home (Darul Syifaa) held a tribute to honour Executive Consultant, Haji Abu Bakar Maidin for the tremendous contributions he has made to Jamiyah Singapore. Mr Harawant Singh,Superintendent, Jamiyah Nursing Home rightly attributed the success of the many developments of the Home as largely through Haji Abu Bakar’s relentless efforts, which has materialized the vision of Jamiyah Singapore. He acknowledged Haji Abu Bakar as a visionary who has devoted a large portion of his life to providing care and attention to the underpriviledged in Singapore, irrespective of their race, language or religion. He also remembers the countless life-lessons he has learnt from his mentor, Haji Abu Bakar Maidin, who was always transparent and fair in his dealings with everyone, including his staff. As stated by Mr Harawant, the principles that Haji Abu Bakar has laid down will certainly continue under the leadership of Jamiyah’s current President, Haji Abdul Karim Maidin who will bring Jamiyah to even greater heights. Haji Abu Bakar Maidin, in his speech, stated that whatever he has done was for the sake of the community and nation and not for any particular desire for recognition. He emphasized that whatever his achievements, it was a result of the help of not only Muslims but also people of other races and religions citing the support from the Lee Foundation, the Singapore Buddhist Lodge, Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple and Business Houses whom he feels indebted to for their support and goodwill in his many years in the organisation. He is grateful to each and every one of them. Haji Abu Bakar emphasized that Jamiyah Nursing Home is important as it serves the wider area of the oldaged and the sick, where the staff serves with patience and tolerance. For that he acknowledges their contribution and commended the staff of Darul Syifaa for carrying out their duties, whether they are a local citizen or foreigner. “Each and every one of you is important to the organisation and your work will certainly be noticed and be recognized” was some of the words he uttered, urging the staff to continue with their good work and bring success to the organisation. Haji Abu Bakar’s words and acknowledgements will certainly spur the staff of Jamiyah Nursing Home to keep up with their good work and continue working diligently and with integrity together with the new President of Jamiyah Singapore, Haji Abdul Karim Maidin, for the progress and betterment of Jamiyah Nursing Home. Residents entertaining the Guest-of-honour Administrator Mr. Harawant Singh presenting memento to the GOH. In the background is Encik Samion Ali of Jamiyah Transport Dept VOI Volume 02/2011 01/2011 53 P!"-+!.6!0AP!"-+,)(5!,0-+)$B Whoever kills a person unless it be (by highest court justice/ due process) for murder or for horrendous deeds in the land, it is as if he has killed all humankind and whoever saves a person, it is as if he has saved all humankind.” Quran Chapter 5:132 The horror of a death sentence underlines the fact that never is death sentence mandatory in Islam whether for apostasy, blasphemy, treason, even murder. This is very clear from study of S.Rahman’s Punishment for Apostasy in Islam and his other books , essays on Criminal Punishment in Islam. Such is sacredness of human life in the sight of God! We recall from Ahadith that a Prophet was reprimanded for setting alight a company of ants . God sent down revelation to rebuke him for killing ants, whatmore human beings? “When they approached the valley of the ants, one ant said, “O you ants, go into your homes, lest you get crushed by Solomon and his soldiers, without their ever being aware of you..” Quran Chapter 27:18 What is more horrendous than modern warfare which blessed Prophet has clearly prohibited by his ban on: !"#$%#&!'(%)&!*$+,#!"#$%&'()*+!%,#!#-&%,.!/&0)%!-*1!'%,#&!2&'3$ !4&)+,%#*)*+!5'*!2'67-%-*%$!.!8'6#*.!9,):1&#*.!#:1#&$.!-*9,'&)%#$ !;')$'*)*+!8-%#&!9,-**#:$! !")<#&%)*+!8-%#&!9,-**#:$ !"#$%&'()*+!,'0$#$!'/!8'&$,)3!=>/!?::-,!1)1!*'%!$%'3!$'6#!3#'3:#!7(!0$)*+!'%,#&!3#'3:#.!9:')$%#&$.!9,0&9,#$.!$(*-+'+0#$.!-*1!!!! mosques in all of which the name of God is plentifully extolled, would have been destroyed.”) Quran; Chap 22:39 Recommended Reading: Weeramantry :Islamic Jurisprudence, Marmaduke Pickthall: Cultural Side of Islam 54 VOI Volume 02/2011 )/01/23')3045632' 35789: !"#$"%&$'(&)*+*++&,' ''''''''''-*.&"')!%&,*"')!.&+$ SETIAP tahun umat Islam menyambut meriah 12 Rabiul Awal – tarikh yang dikaitkan dengan Nabi Muhammad saw. Pelbagai acara dianjurkan sempena hari tersebut dikenali dengan Maulidur Rasul. Antaranya perarakan, majlis-majlis syarahan, bacaan Berzanji dan Dibai’, peraduan syarahan, sayembara menulis sejarah Nabi Muhammad, menjamu fakir miskin dan berbagai lagi. Mereka yang menyokong dan menganjurkan sambutan itu beranggapan ia adalah bid’ah yang baik atau bid’ah hasanah, bertujuan mengagungkan baginda serta mencerminkan kasih sayang kepada baginda. Mentelah ia tidak ada larangan; khusus daripada Allah serta Rasul-Nya. Sambutan Maulidur Rasul bukan isu kerana yang penting ialah bagaimana tata cara sebenar untuk membuktikan kasih sayang serta keagungan kita kepada Nabi Muhammad saw. Mencintai Nabi Muhammad saw adalah satu prinsip agama yang penting serta mendasar kerana seseorang itu tidak dianggap beriman sehingga ia benar-benar mencintai Nabi Muhammad saw melebihi dirinya sendiri, kaum kerabat dan harta-bendanya. VOI Volume 02/2011 55 Firman Allah dalam Surah At Taubah ayat 24 bermaksud: “Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): jika bapa-bapa kamu, anak-anak kamu, saudara-saudara kamu, isteri-isteri kamu (atau suami-suami) kamu, kaum keluarga kamu, harta benda yang kamu usahakan, perniagaan yang kamu bimbang akan merosot dan rumah tempat tinggal yang kamu sukai (jika semua itu) menjadi perkara yang kamu cintai lebih daripada Allah dan Rasul-Nya dan (dari) berjihad untuk agama-Nya, maka tunggulah sehingga Allah mendatangkan keputusan-Nya (azab seksa-Nya); kerana Allah tidak akan memberi petunjuk kepada orang fasik (derhaka). Rasulullah berhak meraih cinta umatnya kerana baginda adalah makhluk yang paling mulia di sisi Allah memiliki akhlak yang luhur dan jalan yang lurus, mengasihi umatnya, memberi petunjuk kepada umatnya, menyelamatkan umatnya dari neraka dan menjadi rahmat kepada seluruh alam. Mencintai Nabi Muhammad saw adalah kesan kesaksian kita bahawa Muhammad itu utusan Allah yang menjadi sebahagian daripada kalimah syahadah. Orang yang benar-benar mencintai Rasulullah saw memiliki ciri tertentu antaranya: Mentauhidkan Allah. Hikmah utama diutus para rasul termasuk Nabi Muhammad saw adalah untuk menyeru manusia kembali kepada tauhid yang murni dan menentang syirik. Membela Nabi saw daripada serangan golongan 60*-@AB!C)*)!A)%-!6#:),-%!)*$%)%0$)!A#*-7)-*.!,0A06D hukum Allah serta sunnah baginda sedang hebat 1)3#&:#A#,A-*!':#,!A#:'63'A!60*-@AB Justeru, tanda kecintaan kita kepada Nabi Muhammad saw ialah membantah hujah golongan itu dan membela baginda dengan memberi penjelasan kepada seluruh umat Islam terhadap isu batil yang dibangkitkan musuhmusuh Allah itu. Demikian antara tanda-tanda yang membenarkan hakikat sebenar mencinta Nabi Muhammad saw. Jelas di sini bahawa mencintai Nabi saw bukan suatu perkara yang datang hanya setahun sekali. Ia adalah suatu proses berterusan dan sentiasa perlu diberi perhatian setiap waktu dan ketika oleh seluruh umat Islam. Firman Allah dalam surah An Nahl, ayat 36 bermaksud: “Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah mengutus di kalangan tiap-tiap umat seorang rasul (agar menyeru mereka). Hendaklah kamu menyembah Allah dan jauhi dari Taghut.” Demi membuktilkan kasih sayang kita kepada Nabi Muhammad saw, hendaklah sekalian umat Islam menghindari amalan syirik dan mengikhlaskan ibadah hanya kepada Allah. Mentauhidkan Allah adalah bukti paling kukuh kecintaan kita kepada Nabi Muhammad saw. Mempelajari al Quran, memahaminya, mengamalnya dan menyebarkan ajarannya. Antara tanda-tana mencintai Rasulullah saw adalah dengan memanfaatkan al Quran yang menjadi mukjizatnya dalam segala aspek kehidupan kita. Ibnu Mas’ud berkata: Janganlah seseorang menanyakan untuk dirinya, kecuali al Quran. Apabila dia mencintai al Quran, maka dia mencintai Allah dan Rasul-Nya. Demi merealisasikan erti mencintai al Quran hendaklah kita mempelajari dan memahami isi kandungan dan beramal dengannya serta menyebarkan pengajaran kepada seluruh umat manusia. Mentaati Sunnah Nabi saw, merupakan satu lagi tanda jelas menggambarkan perasaan sayang kita kepada Nabi Muhammad saw dengan mengerjakan sunnahnya, mengikuti perkataan dan perbuatannya, menjalankan perintahnya dan menjauhi larangannya. Firman Allah dalam surah al Ahzab ayat 21, bermaksud: “Sesungguhnya pada diri Rasulullah itu terdapat contoh teladan yang baik bagi kamu, iaitu bagi orang yang sentiasa mengharapkan (keredaan) Allah dan (balasan baik) hari akhirat serta dia pula menyebut dan mengingat Allah dengan banyaknya (dalam masa susah dan senang)”. Menyebarkan Sunnah Nabi saw. Mencintai Nabi saw bukan sekadar hanya taat kepada sunnah baginda, tetapi hendaklah kita bersungguh-sungguh menyampaikan serta mengajarnya untuk menyambung tugasan baginda. Andai tugas dakwah baginda tidak ada kesinambungan, pasti sunnahnya akan mati dengan digantikan amalan yang bercanggah dengan syarak. Sentiasa memuji dan mengingatinya. Mencintai Nabi Muhammad saw bermakna baginda sentiasa berada di hati kita. Oleh itu, kita hendaklah memperbanyakkan membaca serta mempelajari sejarah hidup baginda serta berusaha menjadikan perjalanan hidupnya sebagai cahaya penyuluh perjalanan kita. Mencintai mereka yang dicintai Nabi saw. Antara tanda cinta kepada Nabi saw adalah mencintai mereka yang dicinta baginda seperti para isterinya, ahli keluarga dan para sahabatnya serta seluruh umat Islam, yang berpegang teguh kepada ajaran baginda. Membenci orang yang dibenci Nabi saw. Hendaklah kita membenci serta menjauhkan diri daripada mereka yang memusuhi Allah dan Rasul-Nya seperti golongan yang kufur kepada agama Allah dan mereka yang bergelimang dengan perbuatan bertentangan dengan syarak. Para ulama dan para pemimpin dunia mengakui bahawa Nabi saw seorang pemimpin yang banyak boleh diteladani sesiapa sahaja yang berhasrat hendak mencontohinya. Baginda memang dikenali seorang pemimpin umat yang tiada bandingannya. Sementara kebaikan dan contoh-contoh yang boleh umat teladani ialah baginda seorang ketua rumahtangga yang tiada duanya; panglima perang yang mahir dengan berbagai strategi kejayaan. Baginda juga seorang pendakwah yang dikagumi dunia dan pendakwah yang dihormati dunia, pemidato berkarisma di samping seorang ayah yang tegas dan penyayang. Rasulullah juga terkenal seorang suami yang adil dan sentiasa mengamalkan sifat kasih sayang. Baginda juga seorang guru yang pintar memahami hati dan para sahabat dan para pengikutnya. Sarjana bukan Muslim telah mengakui keunggulan Rasulullah saw sebagai insan paling berpengaruh. Dari buku cendekiawan Amerika Syarikat, Michael Hart, bertajuk 100, dari tulisan para sarjana semasa termasuk Karen Amstrong, Muhammad bin Abdullah telah ditempatkan sebagai tokoh agung. Rasulullah saw tidak sekadar meninggalkan dua warisan besar yang menjadi pegangan umat Islam: al Quran dan hadis, baginda bahkan mengajarkannya kepada para sahabat yang kemudian menyampaikan kepada generasi pelanjut hinggalah kepada para ulama akhir zaman. Dalam mengkaji dan menilai perjuangan baginda, Rasulullah sebenarnya mengambil masa 23 tahun sahaja untuk menyampaikan risalah Allah hingga berjaya dengan megah mengibarkan bendera Islam ke banyak negara. 56 VOI Volume 02/2011 VOI Volume 01/2011 02/2011 57 &);&(&.&%'$)+& '%$ <('+!)%! =!(+*.&"'-&"%*&"'*"%*.'-!(-&>&$'.!>$&%&" &);&(&.&%'$)+& '?$'%$ <('+!)%!@';&">' ! =*";&$')!.$%&('A@BBB'=!"?*?*.' $)+& @' ! !(+*.&"'-&"%*&"'*"%*.' !"$">.&%.&"''-!(-&>&$'.!>$&%&"";&:' ?&.C&,@'=!"?$?$.&"'?&"'.! &);&(&.&%&"D Masyarakat Islam di Timor Leste mempunyai 10 buah rumah ibadah. Enam daripadanya bertaraf masjid sementara bakinya berbentuk surau. Semuanya dibina masyarakat Islam sendiri. Mereka juga mempunyai dua buah wisma anak-anak yatim: Yayasan An Nur dan Yayasan Yaqin. Kekeduanya dikendalikan oleh Organisasi Islam yang juga bertindak sebagai penghubung dengan pemerintah. Moto kegiatan dakwah mereka yang berpegang kepada “Islam rahmat untuk seluruh alam” diterima baik masyarakat umum.. Hubungan organisasi Islam Timor Leste dengan pemerintahnya adalah baik. Justeru mereka dibenarkan berdakwah dengan bebas “asalkan tidak melanggar peraturan-peraturan negara.” Malah agama Islam dan dua agama lain Protestan dan Katolik merupakan tiga agama yang diakui pemerintah. Para pemimpin ketigatiga agama itu bermusyawarah setiap enam bulan demi meningkatkan kerjasama dan saling bantu-membantu dalam hal-hal yang diperlukan. R to L: Mr Ipolito Soaves, Mr Syamsul Bahri Ribeiro Demikian ditegaskan oleh dua pemimpin Organisasi Islam negeri itu, yang mengunjungi Pusat Islam Jamiyah barubaru ini. Mereka ialah Encik Ipolito Soares, Presiden, lulusan Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia dan Encik Syamsul Bahri Ribeiro, lulusan fakulti Undang-undang Universiti Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta.Menurut mereka kegiatan-kegiatan pendidikan, dakwah dan kebajikan yang dijalankan di sana boleh dikatakan serba kekurangan. Justeru dua pegawai organisasi itu, berusaha menemui beberapa buah badan Islam dan masjid di sini untuk mendapatkan bantuan dan sokongan. Negeri itu kaya dengan hasil minyak dan gas. Sementara pekerjaan masyarakat umum di negeri bekas tanah jajahan Portugis itu adalah sebagai nelayan dan petani. Negeri itu 20 gaanda besarnya dari Singapura. Indonesia telah menjajah negeri itu selama 24 tahun sejak 1975. Ia memperoleh kemerdekaannya pada tahun 2002 setelah memenangi pungutan suara 1999 yang disokong Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu. – Sulaiman Jeem. “Kami gembira dan berterima kasih kerana badan-badan yang kami temui itu telah menyambut baik rayuan kami, malah ada yang telah memberikan bantuan mereka secara sepontan”. Antara bahan-bahan yang telah didermakan itu ialah komputer, buku-buku, kewangan, pakaian dan lain-lainnya. Para pemimpin organisasi yang telah mereka temui itu hujung minggu lalu ialah Darul Arqam, Muhammadiyah, Masjid Al Amin dan Masjid Darul Ghufran. Mereka juga gembira kerana Kerajaan Arab Saudi, Kuwait dan Malaysia memberikan bantuan dengan menawarkan biasiwa kepada para pelajar Timor Leste yang belajar di negeri-negeri tersebut. Kekedua pemimpin itu juga gembira kerana dapat berkenalan dengan para pemimpin organisasi dan masjid-masjid itu serta mempelajari bagaimana mereka menganjurkan berbagai kegiatan. Mereka juga telah mengundang wakil-wakil organisasi dan masjid-masjid tersebut supaya melawat negeri mereka “untuk mengetahui sendiri keadaan sebenar masyarakatnya yang serba kekurangan dalam berbagai kegiatannya”.. Sementara itu, untuk mengunjungi negeri itu, menurut mereka, kini terdapat tiga penerbangan langsung dari Singapura ke Timor Laste setiap minggu. 58 VOI Volume 01/2011 02/2011 Bistari Brunei Jalin Kerjasama Sebahagian dari para anggota rombongan Koperasi Bistari bergambar bersama sebahagian dari jawatankuasa Jabatan Wanita Jamiyah. BISTARI telah mengunjungi Jamiyah untuk menjalin kerjasama dengan Jamiyah, khususnya dalam usahanya hendak membina Rumah Jagaan Siang Hari. Koprasi Bistari - cabang perniagaan Badan Kebajikan Para Isteri Pegawai-pegawai, Para Pegawai dan Kakitangan Wanita Kerajaan Negara Brunei Darussalam – merancang penubuhan rumah tersebut untuk kanakkanak, khususnya untuk anak-anak para anggotanya. Datin Hajah Masnah Binti Haji Tuah, Pengerusi Bistari menyatakan demikian ketika berucap di majlis mengalu-alukan kunjungan rombongannya seramai 10 anggota di Pusat Islam Jamiyah baru-baru ini. VOI Volume 02/2011 59 Sebelum ini, Bistari telah melaksanakan berbagai aktiviti memajukan kebajikan untuk para anggota, menganjurkan malam amal, ceramah-ceramah agama, bazar yang sebahagian dari hasilnya disumbangkan kepada badan-badan yang memerlukan. Kini telah sampai masanya Bistari meluaskan kegiatannya dengan menubuhkan Pusat Jagaan Siang Hari “kerana terdapat ramai warga emas dari para anggota kami dan masyarakat lain yang memerlukan jagaan rapi demi meneruskan kehidupan mereka”. Justeru dengan mengunjungi Jamiyah dan PPIS – Persatuan Pemudi Islam Singapura mereka dapat mengumpulkan berbagai bahan penting dan contoh-contoh menarik untuk membina rumah itu, tambah Datin Hajah Masnah. Malah peruntukan kewangan dan kawasan pusat Jagaan Siang Hari itu juga telah ditetapkan. Pembinaan pusat itu, kini dirasakan lebih penting, menimbang sukar mendapatkan guru-guru yang berkebolehan dan sanggup menjaga kanak-kanak.Beliau menghargai tawaran Jamiyah untuk menyiapkan Memorandam Persefahaman untuk membina rumah tersebut. Bagaiamanapun beliau akan merujukkannya kepada jawatankuasanya untuk menimbangkannya. Bistari sebuah badan bukan pemerintah. Ia telah ditubuhkan 27 tahun lalu. Ia juga merupakan salah sebuah dari 13 badan kerabat Majlis Wanita Brunei yang aktif. Terdapat sekitar 2,000 anggota dari 13 badan yang dinaungi Majlis Wanita itu. Selain dari Bistari, antara badan-badan kerabat lain yang bernaung di bawah Majlis itu ialah: Bakti, Siswazah, Polis, Tentera, Pertiwi, wanita dan lain-lainnya. . Datin Hajah Masnah Binti Haji Tuah (tengah) menyampaikan derma wang dan buku-buku penerbitan Bistari kepada Datin Hajah Zainab Khamis, Penasihat Jabatan Wanita Jamiyah (dua dari kiri). Kiri Cik Faridah Saim Nordin, Setiausaha Jabatan tersebut, nombor dua dari kanan Datin Hajah Maimoonah Haji Omar (Timbalan Pengerusi Bistari) dan kanan Datin Hajah Asmah binti Haji Abdul Rahman(anggota Jawatankuasa Bistari). Ketua rombongan itu menjelaskan, antara objektif Bistari ialah: - Mengembangkan potensi para anggota untuk meneroka dunia perniagaan. - Memberi peluang kepada para anggota membina ilmu dalam pengurusan koperasi. - Menanamkan semangat kerjasama demi amal. - Menjalankan pelbagai aktiviti perusahaan dan perdagangan termasuk fungsi pengguna. Koprasi Bistari mempunyai sebuah bangunan sendiri di atas sebidang tanah seluas 2 ekar. Kini ia disewakan kepada sekolah swasta yang mengajar sekitar 1,300 pelajar. Mengunjungi negara-negara Asean dan di luarnya juga merupakan antara objektif kegiatah-kegiatan Bistari dalam usahanya mengeratkan hubungan dan meluaskan pandangan melalui perbincangan dan bertukar-tukar pandangan. Derma sebanyak $2,000 dan beberapa penerbitannya telah disampaikan oleh pengerusinya itu kepada Datin Hajah Zainab Khamis, Penasihat Jabatan Wanita Jamiyah. Para pemimpin Bistari dan anggota rombongan itu terdiri: Datin Hajah Masnah Haji Tuah (Pengerusi dan ketua rombongan), Datin Hajah Maimoonah binti Haji Omar (Timbalannya), Dayang Hajah Fatimah binti Haji Hassan (Setiausaha), Datin Hajah Khadijah binti Haji Akbar (Penolongnya), Datin Hajah Aminah binti Ibrahm (Bendahari), Dayang Yong Pao Hoon (Yvonne- Penolongnya), Datin Hajah Jauyah binti Mohd Daud (Setiausaha Perhubungan), Datin Hajah Siti Mariam binti Ahmad, Datin Hajah Armah binti Haji Sulaiman dan Datin Hajah Asmah binti Haji Abdul Rahman (semuanya anggota). – Sulaiman Jeem. 60 VOI Volume 02/2011 .*$ ''%$ -&'=!">&+& &"' ?$'E& $;&,' Kedua-dua ketua rombongan Kolej Universiti Islam Melaka (KUIM) Cik Faliza Erylina Rameli (kiri) dan Cik Siti Aisyah Yahya (kanan) gembira dapat kumpulkan banyak bahan setelah menghabiskan enam hari bersama rombongannya melawat Jamiyah dan rumah-rumah kebajikannya. LAWATAN selama 6 hari oleh seramai 16 pelajar dari Kolej Universiti Islam Melaka di berbagai rumah tumpangan dan kebajikan Jamiyah serta kelas-kelas pendidikannya ialah untuk menimba pengalaman. Lawatan itu juga sejajar dengan tujuan yang terkandung dalam Memorandam Persefahaman yang telah JamiyahKUIM tandatangani November tahun lalu. “Sepanjang masa lawatan itu berbagai pengalaman telah dapat kami kumpulkan”, ujar Cik Faliza Erylina Ramlli (pensyarah jurusan Kejururawatan) dan Siti Aisyah Yahya (Pensyarah jurusan Psikologi). Kekeduanya yang merupakan ketua bersama rombongan KUIM, berkata: “Meskipun baru 14 tahun KUIM ditubukan, namun ia telah melahairkan ramai graduanya dalam berbagai jurusan. Ramai dari mereka telah melanjutkan pelajran mereka di beberapa universiti di Malaysia. Ada juga yang lain telah bertugas dengan kerajaan dan swasta. VOI Volume 02/2011 61 Cik Faliza lulusan Mahkota Kolej Melaka. Beliau telah bertugas di KUIM sejak empat tahun lalu. Sementara Cik Siti lulusan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysi dan telah bertugas di KUIM tiga tahun lalu. Menurut mereka terdapat seramai 30 pensyarah dari Malaysia dan Indonesia. Sementara Naib-Cencelornya Prof. Emeritus Datuk Wira Dr. Mohd Yusof. Sejak ditubuhkan KUIM ditadbirkan oleh Kerajaan negeri Melaka. Kini ia telah diswastakan. Sekitar 2,000 pelajar dari berbagai bangsa dari Malaysia dan dari luarnya melanjutkan pelajaran mereka di KUIM. Antara fakulti yang diajar di dalamnya ialah Urusan Perniagaan, Sejarah, Agama, Psikologi dan Kejururawatan. Kekedua pensyarah itu menyatakan demikian dalam pertemuannya dengan pegawai-pegawai Jamiyah di Pusat Islamnya minggu lalu. Rombongan KUIM telah menghabiskan masa mereka dengan melawat rumah tumpangan - Darul Ma’wa, Darul Syifaa, Darul Islah dan Darul Takrim, kelas-kelas di Sekolah Perniagaan Jamiyah Tadika dan Pusat Jagaan Kanak-kanak. “Amat banyak faedah dan pengalaman yang telah kami pelajari selama berada di sini. Kami amat menghargai kerjasama dan layanan Jamiyah hingga matlamat kunjungan kami dapat dipenuhi dengan sebaik-baiknya”, ujar mereka. “Sedapat mungkin berbagai pengalaman yang telah kami timba itu akan kami sebarkan kepada para pelajar KUIM”, tambah Cik Siti Erylina. Antara tujuan yang telah ditandatangani oleh kekedua pihak itu ialah: a) Kekedua pihak bersetuju mengadakan langkah-langkah perlu demi memajukan kerjasama dan meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pembangunan intelektual serta untuk terus menggalakkan hubungan pendidikan dan pertukaran sebagai berikut: Encik Yunos Mohd Syarif, Setiausaha Agung Jamiyah (kanan berbaju hitam) memberi taklimat kepada para anggota rombongan mengenai kegiatan-kegiatan Jamiyah. i. * ii. b) c) Untuk menggalakkan pertukaran para peajar, pakar-pakar dan para petugas pendidikan dalam berbagai rancangan yang memberikan faedah kepada kekedua pihak. KUIM akan menganjurkan berbagai seminar dan bengkel dalam bidang: Kewangan Islam, Kaunsling dan Pengurusan perancangan. JBS (Sekolah Pendidikan Jamiyah) akan menganjurkan bengkel-bengkel Bahasa Inggeris dan Bahasa Arab, Kaunseling untuk belia yang berisiko dan latihan para pelatih (untuk pendidikan belia). Untuk menggalakkan para pelajar setiap institusi/negeri mempelajari institusi/negeri lain. Untuk menggalakkan pembangunan berbagai rancangan dua hala bagi para pelajar antara institusiinstitusi pendidikan cemerlang di pendidikan tinggi yang akan memberi faedah kepada kekedua pihak: Kegiatan-kegiatan luar, debat dan pertukaran budaya. 62 VOI Volume 02/2011 &*+$?*('(&)*+')&C Beberapa hari yang lalu kita telah menyambut satu hari yang tidak kurang pentingnya dalam kalender Hijriah iaitu hari kelahiran baginda Muhammad S.A.W. Termaktub didada-dada kitab sirah, sejarah kelahiran Nabi junjungan, Muhammad S.A.W yang mana telah dilahirkan pada hari Isnin 12 Rabiulawal Tahun Gajah bersamaan 22 April 571 Masihi (Riwayat Hadis Muslim). Tahun kelahiran baginda dinamakan Tahun Gajah disebabkan satu peristiwa yang termaktub didalam surah al-Fil: “Tidakkah engkau mengetahui bagaimana Tuhanmu telah melakukan kepada angkatan tentera (yang dipimpin oleh pembawa) Gajah, (yang hendak meruntuhkan Kaabah)? Bukankah Tuhanmu telah menjadikan rancangan jahat mereka dalam keadaan yang rugi dan memusnahkan mereka? Dan Ia telah menghantarkan kepada mereka (rombongan) burung berpasuk-pasukan, Yang melontar mereka dengan batu-batu dari sejenis tanah yang dibakar keras, Lalu Ia menjadikan mereka hancur berkecai seperti daun-daun kayu yang dimakan ulat” (Al-Quran: 105) Allah SWT telah menerangkan dengan jelas didalam surah diatas peristiwa yang tidak pernah disaksikan oleh masyarakat Arab ketika itu. Mereka telah didatangi oleh askaraskar bergajah diketuai oleh Abrahah, gabenor Yaman, untuk menghancurkan Kaabah. Namun, Allah SWT telah memelihara kota Makkah dan menunjukkan kekuasaannya dengan mengagalkan rancangan tentera bergajah tersebut hanya dengan menghujankan batu-batu panas dari neraka melalui burung Ababil. Tentera Abrahah yang terkena batubatu panas tersebut mati bergelimpangan dan diumpamakan seperti daun-daun kayu yang dimakan ulat. Selain tahun yang sangat diingati penduduk Makkah, tanggal 12 Rabiulawal juga merupakan hari yang bersejarah. Ia adalah tanggal wafatnya nabi khatimul anbiya’, Nabi Muhammad SAW, iaitu pada tahun 11 hijrah, ketika baginda berusia 63 tahun. (Abu Hasan ‘Ali al-Husaini al-Nadawi, al-Sirah al-Nabawiyyah, dar ibn Kathir, Dimasyq, 2009, cet: 5, hlm:539). Bahkan Diriwayatkan oleh Ibnu Abi Syaibah di dalam karyanya dengan sanad daripada Jabir dan Ibnu Abbas bahawasanya pada 12 Rabiulawal juga Baginda diangkat ke langit (mikraj) (Ibn Kathir, al-Sirah al-Nabawiyyah, dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, cet:1, 2005, hlm: 35). Umat Islam secara umumnya menyambut perayaan dan hari-hari bersejarah dalam Islam dengan berpuasa sesuai sunnah Nabi Muhammad SAW yang berpuasa pada hari tersebut. Abu Qatada al-Ansari meriwayatkan didalam Sahih Muslim, kitab as-siyam (puasa), bahawa Rasulullah SAW apabila ditanya mengapa beliau berpuasa pada hari Isnin, baginda bersabda,”Itulah hari aku dilahirkan dan itulah juga hari aku diangkat menjadi Rasul.” Manakala bacaan selawat serta puji-pujian secara beramai-ramai keatas Nabi Muhammad SAW telah dianjurkan walaupun tidak khusus pada hari kelahiran beliau. Ia malah !"#$%&!'(#)*%+!,#(*-#'%)#"#&%.! *#-%./"# 0%.!1#2#*&#'#% !"#$%1!343&#'%5""#$%678%)#"#&%.93#$%5":5$;#1%#<# %=>0 “Sesungguhnya Allah dan para Malaikat berselawat keatas Nabi, wahai orang-orang yang beriman! berselawatlah kamu dan berilah salam keatasnya.” (Al-Quran, Al-Ahzab:56). Hari ini, kita melihat umat Islam secara kreatifnya telah mempelbagaikan sambutan Maulidur Rasul. Dalam konteks setempat, terdapat berbagai-bagai acara yang diadakan seperti syarahan agama, deklamasi sajak, bacaan Maulid Nabi, memberi makan fakir miskin dan lain-lain untuk menzahirkan kecintaan dan ingatan kita pada Nabi Muhammad SAW .!3 #%&!&-!3$#"9.*%-!'2! #$9#'%+* #% !' #'2%+!-!3*1#)*#'%3#.9""9#$?%6!(#(#3%)!'2#'%43&#'%5""#$%678%)*)#"#&%.93#$%5"%@&3#'A VOI Volume 02/2011 63 “Jika kamu mencintai Allah, ikutlah (dan cintai dan hormati) aku, dan Allah akan mencintai kamu” (Al-Quran, 3:31) Manakala didalam sebuah hadith sahih yang diriwayatkan oleh Bukhari dan Muslim, Rasulullah SAW telah bersabda,”Tidak sempurna iman kamu sehingga aku lebih dicintainya daripada anak, ibu bapa dan manusia seluruhnya.” Dalam sebuah hadith lain yang diriwayatkan oleh Bukhari, Rasulullah SAW bersabda, “Tidak sempurna iman kamu sehingga aku kamu lebih cintai daripada diri kamu sendiri.” Berdasarkan dalil-dalil diatas, ulama terdahulu telah mengharuskan pertemuan dengan objektif memperingati sejarah dan pengorbanan nabi Muhammad SAW. Pertemuan dengan niat mendapatkan mardhatillah ini juga bertujuan mendidik dan menghembuskan rohul Islam kepada setiap lapisan masyarakat apatah lagi masyarakat Islam dinegara sekular ini. Oleh itu, dalam kita meraikan hari yang bermakna ini, pembaziran, pergaulan bebas dan perkara-perkara yang bertentangan dengan ajaran suci Islam harus dielakkan. Walaupun terdapat hujjah bahawa menyambut kelahiran Nabi Muhammad SAW adalah bidaah yang bertentangan dengan syariat namun para ulama sepakat menyatakan bahawa sambutan hari kelahiran Nabi Muhammad SAW adalah bidaah hasanah kerana terdapat maslahah seperti pendapat Ibnu Taimiyyah mengenai majlis zikir yang boleh didapati didalam kitab Majmu ‘at fatawa Ibnu Taimiyyah edisi King Khalid ibn ‘Abd al-Aziz. Ibnu Taimiyyah telah ditanya mengenai pendapat beliau mengenai perbuatan berkumpul beramai-ramai untuk berzikir, membaca Al-Quran, berdoa sambil menanggalkan serban dan menangis sedangkan niat mereka bukanlah kerana riak ataupun menunjuk-nunjuk tetapi hanyalah kerana hendak mendekatkan diri kepada Allah s.w.t. Adakah perbuatan-perbuatan ini boleh diterima? Beliau menjawab,”Segala puji hanya bagi Allah, perbuatan-perbuatan itu semuanya adalah baik dan merupakan suruhan didalam Syari’ah (mustahab) untuk berkumpul dan membaca Al-Quran dan berzikir serta berdoa.” Jesteru, marilah sama-sama kita berkumpul dan berselawat ke atasnya..Allahumma Solli ‘Ala Sayyidina Muhammad. 64 VOI Volume 02/2011 .$)&,')!E&(&, =*"#&'.!)< -<">&"'$-+$) Sulaiman Jeem .!)< -<">&"'$-+$)')*E*?'.!=&?&'"&-$'&?& '&)'%!(";&%&'%!+&,' ?$ *(.&$'&++&,')C%D'%!%&=$'$-+$)' !"!($ &'.*%*.&"'&++&,'$%*'?!">&"' -!();&(&%:'$&'&.&"' !">><?&'&"&.F#*#*'&?& ' !+&.*.&"'.!E&,&%&"' ,$">>&'.!',&($'.$& &%D Punca kesombongannya itu ialah kerana katanya ia dicipta dari api. Sementara Adam dicipta dari tanah yang katanya hina dan sentiasa dipijak-pijak.Apakah yang dimaksudkan sujud itu? Siapakah iblis? Sujud adalah suatu sikap yang merendah. Demikian pendapat pengarang kitab “Tafsir Mahzari”. Manakala pendapat Imam Raghib: sujud adalah menempatkan kepala di bawah dengan segala kerendahan hati. Sesuai dengan pendapat itu, al Quran menggunakan kata-kata ini khusus untuk bersujud kepada pohonpohon dan batu-batu. Tetapi bukan demikian. Maksud .9(9)% )*% .*'*% 19+#'"#$% -!'!&-# #'% 4.*+% )!'2#'% meletakkan kepala di atas tanah.“Tidakkah engkau perhatikan bahawa semua yang ada di langit dan di bumi bersujud kepada Allah?.” – Demikian Allah bertanya kepada Iblis dalam surah al Haj ayat 8. Perintah ini diterima Bani Israil ketika memsuki gerbang Palestin setelah mendapat kemenangan. Mereka memasukinya sambil bersujud.Dua penafsir al Quran terkenal, Ibnu Abbas dan Imam ar Razi, mengertikan; “sujud” itu sama dengan merendahkan hati, menunduk, merendahkan diri, ketabahan dan kesabaran. “Sujud” dalam al Quran pernah digunakan dengan erti “Tasbih”. Kedua-duanya adalah benda hidup dan benda mati.“Apa sahaja yang ada di langit dan di bumi bertasbih kepada-Nya.” Jelas Allah dalam surah al Jumu’ah ayat 44. Tasbih juga bukan bererti ucapan dalam bentuk seperti yang telah dilakukan manusia. Menurut maksud tasbih itu ialah: Menyucikan Allah. Memuliakan kesucian-Nya melalui perkataan-perkataan yang penuh khusyuk dan tawaduk, dengan tunduk kepada Yang Maha Kuasa. Para sarjana yakin dengan pendapat ini. Yakni para malaikat bersujud kepada Adam bukanlah seperti yang dilakukan manusia kepada Allah swt di dalam solat. VOI Volume 02/2011 65 Mereka hanya diperintahkan tunduk di hadapan 5)#&?% 8! #-*% )*&#+.9)+#'% .9(9)% .!B#3#% 4.*+% )!'2#'% meletakkan kepala dan tangannya di atas tanah. Terdapat sarjana yang berpendapat bahawa: sujud *'*% &!39-#+#'% .9(9)% .!B#3#% 4.*+?% C!"#.'<#0% *#% $#'<#% berbeza caranya sahaja, iaitu sujud kerana segan yang sudah dibolehkan oleh syariat terdahulu sejak Yaakub dan anaknya memasuki Mesir untuk menemui Yusuf. Hal ini terdapat dalam al Quran bermaksud “Mereka merendahkan diri untuk bersujud di depan Yusuf.” Para penafsir memberikan gambaran bahawa yang dimaksudkan dengan “Sujud” di sini ialah “sujud kerana segan”. Suatu tindakan yang telah diperkanankan syariat terdahulu. Tetapi untuk ini kita harus mengikuti syariat yang ada sekarang. Perintah syaraiat terdahulu telah terhapus.Dalam kitab hadis Termizi dan Abu Daud, terdapat sebuah hadis yang menggambarkan tentang sujud dan contoh yang hampir sama dicantumkan di dalam Bab Nikah. Pandangan dari beberapa penafsir al Quran lain menyatakan meskipun para malaikat itu bersujud kepada Adam, namun mereka secara langsung bersujud kepada Allah swt, sumber segala perintah. Adam hanya seperti kiblat atau Kaabah. Ertinya solat tidak ditujukan kepada Kaabah tetapi kepada yang menjadikan Kaabah itu. Melalui contoh-contoh yang para mufassir huraikan itu, membuktikan bahawa perintah Allah kepada para malaikat bersujud bukanlah untuk memberikan gelaran atau darjat ketuhanan kepada Adam menjadikannya suatu benda yang disembah. Dalam hal ini pandangan malaikat kepada Adam tidaklah lebih daripada pandangan orang terhadap Kaabah di dalam solat. Martabat yang tinggi ini meliputi kawalan manusia terhadap alam. Ia menduga bahawa kalau ia menjadi tuan terhadap yang ada di dalam alam ini, di langit dan di bumi ini, kelakuan dan gerak-gerinya akan dibimbing oleh Allah swt. Adapun perintah Allah kepada mereka untuk bersujud di hadapan Adam as adalah semata-mata kerana keunggulannya. Malaikat selalu bersama manusia. Apakah Adam memenuhi kekhalifahannya atau tidak. Apakah ia menggunakan kekuasaannya secara adil atau ia melanggar batasan sebagai wakil Tuhan di bumi? Mereka mengawasi manusia, di samping Allah sendiri mengawasi dengan rahmat dan hidayah-Nya.Al Quran menjelaskan mengenai bantahan Iblis terhadap perintah Allah: “Maka bersujudlah mereka (para malaikat) kecuali Iblis; ia enggan dan takbur ia adalah termasuk golongan <#'2%+#43?D%E%5"%F#G#3#$A%HI? Ayat ini menunjukkan bahawa para malaikat sahajalah yang diperintahkan sujud kepada Adam.Abu Jaafar Tabari berpendapat bahawa Iblis adalah terputusnya upaya untuk memperbaiki diri dari dosa dan noda serta dukacita dalam dirinya sendiri. Al Quran dalam beberapa ayat menggunakan kata-kata ‘syaitan’ untuk Iblis. Syaitan bererti lepas, tergelincir ketika Iblis itu terlepas dari rahmat Allah, ia disebut dengan nama As Syaitan.Beberapa ulama berpendapat kalimah itu dalam 1!' 9+% J4K"#'K% E% )9#% -!3+# ##'?% 5.#"% +# #'<#% J.<#*D% bererti ‘membakar dan mematikan’. Pada saat Iblis itu terbakar dengan bara api kecemburuan di dalam dunia dan diberikan waktu yang panjang untuk melakukannya disebutlah ia dengan ‘syaitan’. Perbezaan antara dua penggunaan kata-kata ini adalah: Iblis bererti syaitan yang tinggi. Sedangkan syaitan termasuk orang-orang yang berada di antara manusia dan jin yang bersikap angkuh dan sombong menentang perintah Allah.Dalam ayat 112 surah al An’aam, Allah menghuraikannya bermaksud: “Dan demikianlah kami jadikan bagi tiap-tiap nabi itu musuh, iaitu syaitansyaitan (dari jenis) jin, sebahagian mereka membisikkan kepada sebahagian yang lain perkataan-perkataan yang indah-indah untuk menipu manusia agar tidak beriman kepada Nabi…” ‘‘Manusia merupakan makhluk yang serba sempurna kemampuannya. Ia laksana penguasa di atas bumi ini. Bersamanya disertai malaikat untuk membantunya di dalam segala urusan.Rasulullah pernah bersabda bahawa Allah swt telah mengatur para malaikat itu sesuai dengan tugas masing-masing.’’ Manusia merupakan makhluk yang serba sempurna kemampuannya. Ia laksana penguasa di atas bumi ini. Bersamanya disertai malaikat untuk membantunya di dalam segala urusan.Rasulullah pernah bersabda bahawa Allah swt telah mengatur para malaikat itu sesuai dengan tugas masing-masing. 66 VOIVolume Volume01/2011 02/2011 VOI Al Muzaffar Pencetus Sambutan Maulid UMAT Islam memasuki bulan Maulud Rasul saw. Bulan keputeraan baginda junjungan Nabi Muhammad rahmatan lil alamin. Namun harta yang banyak dikeluarkan itu bukan untuk para pegawai kerajaan atau para penghibur ternama atau sebaliknya seperti yang lazim dilakukan orangorang kaya ketika itu. Di sela-sela menikmati hidangan lazat, beliau tiba-tiba menghentikan suapannya, lalu berkata kepada pembantunya supaya hidanganhidangan itu dikirimkan kepada beberapa ulama yang dikenalinya. Demikian juga ketika beliau sedang mengenakan pakaian yang dianggap baik. Pakaian itu segera ditanggalkan dan diberikan kepada orang-orang saleh dan fakir miskin yang memerlukannya. Malik al Muzaffar menyedekahkan hartanya tanpa berkira-kira. Semua golongan masyarakat dihulurkan sedekahnya dari masa ke masa. Termasuk para ulama dan masyarakat marhain. Lazimnya sepanjang bulan ini – Rabiulawal hingga Jamadil akhir - berbagai acara menyambut kelahiran Rasul saw diadakan. Dari peringkat pemerintah hinggalah berbagai organisasi dan para individu perayaan-perayaan itu dianjurkan. Setiap hari beliau menyediakan sekian banyak roti untuk dibahagi-bahagikan kepada fakir miskin di dalam dan di luar kota. Malah beliau terkadang berdiri di tengahtengah pasar dengan membawa berguni-guni roti untuk diagih-agihkan. Kadangkala beliau mengunjungi dari rumah ke rumah untuk memastikan setiap rakyat mendapatkan makanan harian yang sewajarnya. Bagaimana sambutan itu bermula? Siapakah pencetusnya? Mengapa sambutan itu dilakukan? Untuk mengetahuinya ikutilah kisah ini. Bagi Malik Al Muzaffar, setiap manusia bernyawa yang hidup di muka bumi ini, tidak kira semiskin mana mereka, wajib mendapakan makanan asas untuk mengisi perut dan demi kelangsungan hidup. Makanan asas seperti roti, gandum dan nasi layak mereka dapat secara percuma. Sama halnya seperti merek perlu menghirup oksijen secara percuma tanpa sebarang bayaran kepada Allah. Pendirian seperti ini sebenarnya bukan merupakan cakap-cakap kosong seperti yang kerap diungkapkan para politikus atau para pegawai kerajaan dalam upaya memujuk hati rakyat. Ia sesungguhnya berdasarkan dari kebiasaan atau amalan Muzaffar nenyedekahkan hartanya kepada masyarakat miskin. Selain membantu fakir miskin, beliau juga berupaya memenuhi keperluan asas lainnya kepada masyarakat di sekitarannya. Pendeknya masanya lebih banyak dihabiskan untuk bersedekah dan berkorban demi masyarakat yang memerlukan. VOI Volume 02/2011 67 Tidak dapat diragukan bahawa setiap rakyat di kota Mosul dan di sekitarnya menikmati makanan roti hasil kemurahan hatinya. Malah mereka tidak sedikitpun dipersukar untuk mendapatkannya. “Andai manusia boleh menghirup udara sepuas-puasnya tanpa bayaran setiap hari, maka mengapa mereka harus dipersukar untuk mendapatkan bahan makanan itu?” Demikian perinsip keyakinan hidup Muzaffar. Beliau juga begitu bersimpati kepada para ulama. Mereka mendapat perhatian khusus dan berat daripadanya. Dengan perhatian itu beliau membantu para pendakwah atau muballigh yang memerlukan. Justeru beliau sering menghadiri kelas-kelas pengajian ilmu dan gembira menerima berbagai nasihat para ulamanya. kepada mereka yang memerlukan. Pentas itu juga merupakan wadah pertemuan para pedagang dan para pengusaha dari berbagai negeri melalui pameran besar-besarannya. Perayaan itu dimulakan pada malam Maulid dengan menyemblih banyak ternakan seperti unta, lembu dan kambing, Dagingnya kemudian dimasak dan dihidangkan dalam acara-acara tersebut. Seluruh yang hadir gembira menikmati hidangan yang disediakan. Di samping itu mereka sukacita mendapat hadiah dan gembira mendengar bacaan sirah Nabi Muhammad saw. Malik al Muzaffar seorang pesara tentera. Dalam masa perang beliau menjawat jawatan komandan “elite” Sultan Salahuddin al Ayubbi. Beliau pernah dilantik sebagai gabenor di kota kelahirannya bernama Arbil, suatu wilayah dekat Mosul, Iraq. Makam Rasulullah di masjid Nabawi Demikian gambaran kedermawanan Al Malik Muzaffar yang dikenali rakyat di seluruh pelosok negerinya. Tidak hairanlah apabila setiap kali pulang dari pejabat, di depan pintu rumahnya telah menunggu ramai fakir miskin. Melihat itu beliau tidak pernah menghampakan hati mereka tanpa sebarang pertanyaan. Keperihatinannya kepada para pesakit juga begitu besar. Lebih-lebih lagi para pesakit warga emas dan yang sukar sembuh. Justeru sebuah hospital untuk mereka dibina. Selain berbagai pakar perubatan disediakan, para ulama juga dihantar ke hospital itu demi memberikan santapan rohani kepada para pesakit itu. Dari masa ke masa para pesakit itu dikunjungi dengan menyamar sebagai orang biasa. Tujuannya untuk mengetahui perkembangan kesihatan mereka dan untuk megetahui mereka mendapat rawatan yang diperlukan. F!"*#9%(92#%&!"#)!'*%.!-!'9$'<#%-#3#%&9.#43%4%.#1*"*""#$% – para pengembara ke jalan Allah - yang mengunjungi kotanya dari masa ke masa. Sebuah bangunan penginapan khusus untuk mereka juga dibina. Setiap &9.#43%)*1!'#3+#'%&!'2*'#-%)*%39&#$%* 9%.!"#&#% *2#% hari dengan percuma, termasuk menanggung makan dan minum mereka. Sebuah sekolah untuk pendidikan percuma juga dibina. Ia dibahagikan kepada dua bahagian. Sebahagian 9' 9+%-#3#%-!"#(#3%1!3&#;$#1%6<#4*%)#'%.!1#$#2*#'%"#*'% 9' 9+%-#3#%-!"#(#3%1!3&#;$#1%L#'#4?%M#3#%-!')*)*+'<#% pula merupakan tenaga para pengajar pilihan yang mendapat gaji mencukupi. Biasiswa untuk para pelajar dan kemudahan pembelajaran seperti perpustakaan juga disediakan. N9#%19#$%.!+/"#$%+$9.9.%9' 9+%+#"#'2#'%.94%(92#% *)#+% dilupakan. Pendeknya berbagai bantuan dan kebajikan untuk meningkatkan kemajuan rakyat dan negaranya diusahakan. Termasuk usahanya untuk membantu para pelajarnya di luar negara dan kemudahan-kemudahan untuk para jemaah haji di tanah suci Makkah. Dari semua kebaikan yang diusahakan itu, peringatan Maulid Nabi saw yang diterokai selama hidupnya dipercayai menjadi salah satu sumbangan yang tidak lekang sepanjang masa. Selesai perang, Al Muzaffar menjalani hidup penuh sejahtera dan adil serta mengamalkan amalan-amalan sosial yang tinggi. Sementara ayahnya seorang Turki berjiwa satria yang mendapat jolokan Kujuk (bahasa Arabnya Khusyu’) bahasa Turkinya bererti kecil dan bertubuh pendek. Namun beliau sangat kuat imannya serta memiliki jiwa kepahlawanan yang amat kental. Muzaffar menggantikan ayahnya, ketika usia ayahnya mencecah 100 tahun setelah berjaya menguasai kota Arbil. Muzaffar mengagumi kepahlawanan dan menyokong perjuangan Salahuddin al Ayubbi. Malah mereka berdua sering berjuang bersama di medan juang demi menegakkan Islam. Di medan perang Hittin, Muzaffar bersama pejuang Salahuddin al Ayubi, tetap bertahan di saat para pejuang dan ramai pahlawan lari. – Sulaiman Jeem. Perayaan Maulid yang dianjurkannya itu ialah dengan membina sebuah pentas amal. Ia tidak lebih dari memberikan hiburan dan bantuan makanan dan pakaian 68 VOI Volume Volume 01/2011 02/2011 VOI G$.&%&"'-&?&"'& &+'$)+& ' C$+&;&,'=!()!.*%*&"H'I$)$%)' E& $;&, They came from Malaysia, not just for a visit but also to get an understanding of how Jamiyah Singapore operates effectively. VOI Volume 02/2011 69 The delegation from Kuala Lumpur consisting of 19 Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO), civil society group ‘Ikatan Badan Amal Islam Wilayah Persekutuan’ consisting of about 40 delegates visited Jamiyah Singapore on 31 January 2011 to exchange ideas and in the process learn more about how Jamiyah Singapore manages its Human Resource, Finance and Capital as well as fund management activities. At the moment the group’s funding is derived from the OP4B!%/P% $!%Q9P *%#.%,!""%#.%P9')3#*.*'2%#B *R* *!.%19 % they hope to learn more about Jamiyah’s infrastructure and fundraising activities from this visit.The group’s main focus is helping families, women and children. Head of the delegation, Hj. Ir Jamaludin bin Shamsudin shared with Voice of Islam that they are an alliance that hopes “it would not just be politicians who make the decisions for the people but civil society too (who) '!!)% /% *'S9!'B!% -/"*B*!.% -/.* *R!"<% P/3% $!% T&&#$0% Community and nation”. Thus, he hopes that their organization would be able to bring NGOs, Mosques and other community groups there to a more systematic and higher level of professionalism. &E+$)'*+& &'J(< '$"?<"!)$&' .!=*+&*&"F($&*' Dr Haji Razali Yahya, Head, Jabatan Wilayah Kementrian Agama Daerah Kepulauan Visitors from Majlis Ulama Indonesia, Provinsi Kepulauan Riau, came to Jamiyah Singapore recently. This visit was a follow-up to submit a proposal to JBS on the train-the-trainer for English Language. The proposal was to engage JBS’ English Lecturers to teach teachers in Batam for a period of at least 6 months. The visitors’ schedule included visits to Jamiyah HQ, Darul Ma’wa where the delegates had lunch and then to JBS. After a discussion at JBS, the delegates went to Darul Shifa and Darul Islah. The delegation was headed by Dato’ Setia Amanah Putera Negri H. Huzrin Hood, SH. 70 VOI Volume 02/2011 $28K8368L'&45'-3M3N' 38982'' -823''?3N57''$K73O'98K32P52Q SETIAP perubahan bukan mudah dilakukan. Apa lagi kepada seseorang penagih atau bekasnya. Hanya dengan kekuatan iman dan azam yang kuat, barulah perubahan itu boleh dilakukan dengan berjaya. Justeru, Perunding Kanan Jamiyah, Haji Abu Bakar Maidin (dulu Presiden) gembira dan memuji sikap ramai penghuni Rumah Pemulihan Sementara Jamiyah (Darul Islah) yang telah mengubah tabiat penagihan mereka.“Kini ramai dari mereka telah lulus dan meraih sijil ITE dan telah bekerja di berbagai perusahaan. Ada juga yang telah bekerja di berbagai restoran”, tambahnya. Perubahan diri mereka, menurutnya, hasil usaha Darul Islah, yang telah menganjurkan kursus ITE dan Menyiapkan Pemakanan kepada para penghuni rumah pemulihan sementara itu. Menurutnya, hanya Darul Islah yang menganjurkan kursus-kursus itu kepada para penghuninya. Tujuannya untuk memberikan bimbingan yang diperlukan demi memudahkan mereka mendapatkan pekerjaan yang sesuai setelah keluar dari rumah itu.Majlis Menghargai inisiatif Haji Abu Bakar Maidin, mewujudkan umah itu di Pasir Panjang diadakan baru-baru ini. Ramai para undangan dan bekas penghuni dan keluarga mereka menghadirinya. Beliau telah disambut meriah dengan pukulan kompang dan pancak silat oleh warga Rumah Peralihan itu. Acara-acara nyanyian dan hiburan telah juga menyusul. Dua bekas penghuni rumah itu telah diberikan penghargaan dan cenderahati kerana kejayaan dalam kerjaya mereka: Para pakar kesihatan, ustaz, guru, kaunselor dan lain-lain seumpamanya hanya sebagai pembantu kepada seseorang penagih atau bekas penagih bercita-cita melakukan sesuatu peruba,-*! ! 0*%0A! 1)&)*(-BE-:! )*)! 1)3#&A0-%A-*! ':#,! @&man Allah dalam surah Ar Ra’d ayat 11, bermaksud: “Sesungguhnya Allah tidak mengubah apa yang ada pada sesuatu kaum, hinggalah kaum itu sendiri mengubahnya”. VOI Volume 02/2011 71 U %V'B*+%L9..#*'%1*'%8#13#'*%W'#&#%.##'X%Y! 9#%M!2#,#*%V+.!+9 *P%.!19#$% syarikat. U V'B*+%@&3#'%Y#.&#)*%W'#&#%.##'X%M!'/"/'2%M!'2939.%.!19#$%-!39.#haan. Haji Abu Bakar juga telah menyampaikan sijil kelulusan ITE kepada sembilan penghuni yang telah berjaya dalam ujiannya.Mereka ialah: Encik-encik Meor Ahmad bin Meor Idris, Abdul Rahman bin Sutoh, Suhaimi bin Naib, Suhairi bin 69K!10%51)9"%Z#$&#'%1*'%[$#;#"*0%5 *%1*'%N#.9+*0%Q/$)%Z#4%1*'%51)9"% Karim, Maizan bin Rohani dan Mohd Azlan bin Haniba. Perunding Kanan Jamiyah itu mengucapkan tahniah kepada mereka yang telah lulus itu. Beliau mengharapkan mereka akan mendapat pekerjaan yang sesuai setelah keluar dari rumah pemulihan itu.Kepada mereka yang masih belum membuat perubahan, Haji Abu Bakar Maidin, menasihatkan mereka supaya “segera kembali ke pangkal jalan”. “Ini kerana tabiat menagih seseorang tidak sahaja memburuk dan memalukan diri sendiri, malah ibu bapa dan keluarga mereka selain menjadi hamba yang tidak mematuhi perintah Allah dan Rasul-Nya,” tambahnya. Sebagai penghargaan atas jasa baktinya, majlis telah menghadiahkan tanjak dan keris kepada Haji Abu Bakar Maidin. Sementara kepada isterinya, Hajah Zainab Khamis, dihadiahkan selendang khas sempena menyambut ulangtahun perkahwinan mereka yang 58. Sementara itu, dalam ucapan ringkasnya sebagai Naib Pengerusinya, Haji Jaafar Majori, menyatakan, Rumah itu telah mendidik ramai bekas para penagihnya “menjadi manusia berguna dengan memberikan berbagai pelajaran dan bimbingan”. Sejak dirasmikan pembukaannya pada 17 Ogos 1996 oleh Prof. Ho Peng Kee, Menteri Negara Kanan Kementerian Dalam Negeri, “Rumah ini juga telah banyak berusaha menyatukan semula keluarga yang retak akibat gejala dadah”.Kini, tambahnya, seramai 63 penghuni sedang menjalani berbagai latihan dan kursus ITE, Menyiapkan Pemakanan, Perkebunan dan kursus Pertukangan. Mereka juga telah sering membantu berbagai kegiatan Jamiyah dan badan-badan lain. Antaranya majlis menyambut hari-hari kebesaran Islam seperti Maulud Nabi, Tahun Baru Hijrah, Israk Mikraj, Nuzulul Quran dan lain-lainnya yang diadakan di berbagai stadium, di Pusat Islam Jamiyah dan di masjid-masjid.Sejak ditubuhkan, sekitar 300 penghuninya telah “keluar-masuk”. Ramai dari mereka telah mendapat pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan kebolehan mereka. Ada juga yang telah menunaikan haji dan umrah serta telah diterima semula oleh keluarga mereka. -Sulaiman Jeem. 72 VOI Volume 02/2011 VOI Volume 02/2011 73 74 VOI Volume 02/2011 * * * * * * ! - ! ! ! ! ! ! * * * ! 1967 ! ! ! ! VOI Volume 01/2011 02/2011 75 __________________________________________________________________ _ THE IMPORTANCE OF >!"%+!"!))'&"?'J<(>$I!"!)) It is part of the Mercy of Allah that you do deal gently with them. Had you been severe or harsh-hearted, they would have broken away from about you: so pass over (their faults), and ask for (Allah’s) forgiveness for them; and consult them in affairs (of moment). Then, when thou hast taken a decision, put thy trust in Allah. For Allah loves those who put their trust (in Him). 3:159 VOI Volume 01/2011 02/2011