Spring 2014 - Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp


Spring 2014 - Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp
Sky Ranch’s Mission
is to Facilitate an
Encounter with Christ
on the Mountaintops
To unfold the gifts of all participants
To gift our community with diversity
To be fertile soil for the seeds of
To embrace changing needs
To preserve our environments
To build up positive leadership
To celebrate with inspiration and joy
Board of Directors
Meghan Aelabouni - Trinity Lutheran
Church, Fort Collins
Kristen Baltrum - Bethlehem
Lutheran Church, Longmont
Rob Behrens - Our Saviour’s
Lutheran Church, Fort Collins
Ron Bockhaus - Shepherd of the
Mountain, Estes Park
Kevin Dragseth - Bethany Lutheran
Church, Cherry Hills Village
Gene Elder - Zion Lutheran Church,
Ken Gibson - Grace Lutheran
Church, Woodstock, IL
Kim Haguestuen - Spirit of Joy, Fort
Jeff Kelty - Joy, Lutheran Church
Angie McDonald - Our Saviour’s
Lutheran Church, Fort Collins
RC Reiman - Ascension Lutheran
Church, Cheyenne, WY
Ron Roschke - Rocky Mountain
Synod Representative, Denver
Roberta Wentworth - Holy
Shepherd Lutheran Church,
Mike Williams - Christ Lutheran
Church, Highlands Ranch
This 50th Anniversary Special Appeal
started with leadership gifts by the Sky
Ranch Board of Directors, former Sky
Ranch Executive Directors, full-time staff
and donors in the Fort Collins and Loveland
area. As you can see, we are well on our
way to meeting our goal of $550,000! This
spring the special appeal will continue in
Northern Colorado and start spreading to
the rest of Colorado and beyond during
the summer.
This Special Appeal is envisioned as seeking
gifts of $5,000 or more over a two year
period. Our goal will provide funding to
replace the shower house, upgrade water
and power infrastructure, and reduce the
camp’s overall debt by more than a third.
We will continue to build our annual fund
with gifts of all sizes. (Continued Page 2)
Proposed Shower House Design
Last September historic floods hit
Northern Colorado, causing over $2 billion
in damages, touching thousands of lives.
As the waters began to recede, the calls
started rolling in from camp supporters
who wanted to help.
Since September, we have been laying the
foundations for this Summer’s flood relief
program, including hiring Lisa Dunworth
(alumni ‘02 - ‘05) as our Flood Relief
Coordinator. Currently we are excited
to welcome almost 300 weeklong flood
relief participants. Additionally, we will be
working to facilitate projects for another
300 out of state volunteers. Finally, close to
100 high school youth from Colorado will
join these groups for a day of service.
We are excited by this opportunity to
have camp away from camp, bringing the
message of Christ and the passion of Sky
Ranch down the mountain. The majority
of our work will be in Boulder County.
Working with the Rocky Mountain Synod
and Lutheran congregations in the affected
areas, we plan on focusing on projects
within Lyons, Longmont (Continued page 3)
Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp
Page 2
I am continually amazed by the power of
the Holy Spirit at work in the ministry of
Sky Ranch.Three years ago when I arrived
here, I had dreams for the future of Sky
Ranch, but those were nothing compared
to the plans God had for this ministry.
During this time we have had fire, floods,
bears and high winds but through it all
our camper numbers have doubled, with
increases in Day Camps, Main Ranch, and
High School Off-Site programs.
As the Bible repeatedly shows us, with
God nothing is impossible. Each year
brought challenges and possibilities to
help this ministry grow. 2014 looks to
continue that trend with projections of
a 60% increase in High School Off-Site
campers, 5 new Day Camps, and a new
Front Range Flood Relief program with
over 300 participants.
As you read through this newsletter
you can see how God has been at
work creating and reclaiming in the life
of Sky Ranch. Alumni staff and campers
are reconnecting and helping to form
the future (Miriam Schmidt and Frank
Reisinger Endowment articles). The Sky
Ranch Board of Directors continues
to vision and lead (Kevin Dragseth
and 50th Anniversary Appeal articles).
Congregations and Volunteers increase
their partnership and invest of themselves
in programs and facilities (Property
Donors financially support
the growth helping to keep the cost of
camp affordable (Giving, Gift-in-Kind and
50th Anniversary articles). The full-time
staff continues to equip and empower
campers and summer staff (Flood Relief,
Program Changes, and Staff articles).
Our numbers are exciting but the lives
touched by this ministry are even more
important! From its beginning, Sky Ranch
has been a place set apart to promote
Christian growth and fellowship. It’s a
transformational place where lives are
changed, a place where youth and families
experience Christian faith in action, a
place where hearts are softened, eyes
are opened, and the weary can rest.
Community and Relationships – together,
we can do anything. Society values
Materialism and Competition – “I’m #1”,
“I need…I want” and “For everything else
there’s MasterCard”; the Church values
Justice, Peace and Stewardship. Society
values Rules and Laws; the Church values
the Gospel.
Yes, Sky Ranch is different; different
than what we experience from media,
school, even sports and music camps. It’s
a place where our Christian faith is the
foundation for daily living and cannot be
separated from our actions. Immersed in
this caring community we come to find
love, acceptance and a sense of who we
are in God’s ongoing plan of creation.
With God anything is possible and I
look forward to what God has planned
for this ministry. This year the Board of
Directors will start to develop a Strategic
Plan and discern what God has planned
Sky Ranch can be considered “counter for Sky Ranch. So join us as together we
cultural.” We are called to do the work of move forward in faith; better yet, come
the church in a society that is very often join us! As the summer staff arrives and
at odds with the values we, as Christians, prepares to share God’s Gospel of love
value. Society values Independence –“I with all who come, please keep us in your
can do anything”; the Church values prayers.
50th Special Appeal – Continued
We are thankful to those individuals and
congregations that have boldly taken the
lead in starting this Appeal:
Brad & Deb Abbott - Fort Collins, CO
Meghan & Gabi Aelabouni - Fort Collins, CO
Richard Anderson - Fort Collins, CO
Kristen & Rob Baltrum - Longmont, CO
Rob & Leta Behrens - Fort Collins, CO
Ron Bockhaus & Susan Anderson - Estes Park, CO
Charles & Marthann Dahlen - Loveland, CO
Kevin & Katie Dragseth - Aurora, CO
Gene & Angie Elder - Loveland, CO
Kent Garvin - Fort Collins, CO
Ken & Jodi Gibson - Woodstock, IL
Kim & Ben Haugestuen - Fort Collins, CO
Vicki & Terry Johnson - Loveland, CO
Paul Judson Family - Longmont, CO
Jeff & Kim Kelty - Casper, WY
Bob & Kim Keuhner - Lafayette, CO
Dan & Martha Larsen - Fort Collins, CO
Ron & Linda Letnes - Blaine, MN
Angie & Tad McDonald - Fort Collins, CO
Gerry & Delores Mueller - Longmont, CO
Clayton & Lila Nietfeld - Greeley, CO
Dana Peterson - Fort Collins, CO
Ally Plucheck - Fort Collins, CO
Will & Kathy Reents - Loveland, CO
R.C. & Kay Reiman - Cheyenne, WY
Ron Roschke - Denver, CO
Kathryn Seyfarth - Fort Collins, CO
Andy & Erin Sprain - Fort Collins, CO
Leah Sprain & Matt Haskin - Denver, CO
Scott & Ruth Sprain - Loveland, CO
Roberta Wentworth - Westminster, CO
Mike & Margaret Williams - Highlands Ranch, CO
Ralph & Marcia Yernberg - Fort Collins, CO
Bethlehem – Longmont, CO
Grace – Woodstock, IL
Trinity – Fort Collins, CO
While over half of the money has been
raised, we still have work to do. Sky
Ranch began with those who believed
that time away – in the mountains; living
in community – was essential to helping
people grow in faith. So join us as we
move forward in faith. Please consider
supporting Sky Ranch so that together
we can boldly proclaim and facilitate
that encounter with Christ on the
mountaintops for the next 50 years.
Page 3
This summer marks my tenth season
of summer camp at Sky Ranch – one
summer as a cabin counselor; one season
as a spring host, summer high wilderness
guide, and fall host; three years as a part
time program director, and five years
as Associate Director. This milestone
comes as a surprise, really, because fickle
Gen X’er that I am, I figured I would be
well into my second or even third career
by now. And yet, it is a daily blessing to
be doing meaningful work at a ministry
that so many care so deeply about.
On the occasion of this tenth summer,
under the stars high in the Colorado
here is The Top Ten Reasons Working At
Rockies. To train others and invite youth
Sky Ranch Is Simply The Best:
from across the country into that joy
10. Life Skills – At camp I have learned never ceases to fill me with gratitude.
how to a drive tractor, build a website,
5. Relationships – I get to work along
install a hot water heater, and recondition
side many gifted professionals, deeply
residential bears – all important life skills.
invested in the formation of faith, both in
9. The Power of Nature – There have our Synod and from around the ELCA.
been blizzards, wildfires, windstorms, These relationships provide hope as we
and floods. While these bring some strive to be Church together, as well as
inconveniences, they are also a reason to many occasions for laughter.
pause and be reminded of things that are
4. Sacred Space – Since the time when
bigger than yourself.
I was a camper, the area around Sky
Ranch has always been special, imbued
8. Breakfast Burritos – Enough said.
with meaning, memories, and ministry.
7. Fire – The small variety (mostly). Gazing upon the mountainscape has the
Cooking fires, evening campfires, or sensation of the Holy.
burning slash piles . . . how many jobs have
3. Compassionate Co-Workers – It’s my
you start fires on a daily basis?
great pleasure to work with great people.
6. Backpacking in the Wilderness – It This includes creative and passionate
is one of my great joys to spend nights young adults on our summer staff,
selfless volunteers who give so much of
themselves, and a year round staff and
Board of Directors who both challenge
to excel and support with love.
2. Transformation In Process – It is true
that Sky Ranch changes lives . . . but the
truly amazing thing is getting to watch
the process, to see the ah-ha moments
where the light goes on and the sense of
hope begins to blossom.
1. A Mission that Still Matters – At
Sky Ranch we Encounter Christ on
Mountaintops. Fundamentally, it is an
encounter that is still transformational for
It is a vibrant time to be a part of the
Sky Ranch story, inviting new campers
and exploring new ways to serve. For
the past 9 summers, for the summer on
the horizon, and for the summers still to
come, all I can say is thanks be to God!
Flood Relief – Continued
and Jamestown. Our work will be in
coordination with partner organizations,
such as United Way of Boulder County,
the Lyons long term flood recovery
group, Habitat for Humanity, and the
Forest Service.
We are thankful for First Lutheran
Church in Longmont who has graciously
offered us space where we will house the
majority of the volunteers. Other groups
will stay at congregations throughout
Northern Colorado.
With all the work to be done, there are
ways for you to get involved!
drive to provide necessary equipment
for projects (see back page).
Skilled Labor: We are looking for local
individuals with experience coordinating
projects, general contracting, or doing
handy-man work. These individuals will
be paired with groups throughout the
summer to train the volunteers and
oversee the quality of work being done.
To add your name to our list of local
skilled volunteers or learn more about
our tool needs, please contact Lisa - 970
213-3113, lisa@skyranchcolorado.org for
more information or questions.
Tool Drive: In coordination with local
congregations, we will be hosting a tool
Please keep our groups, our volunteers,
our staff, and the affected communities
in your prayers as we work to make an
impact throughout Northern Colorado.
Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp
Page 4
Anxious, Excited, Nervous – all ways to
express the emotions of this time of year
as the summer season approaches. For
the year round staff, our days are full of
watching the numbers grow, working with
new congregations, writing curriculum,
planning and implementing new and
creative ways of doing programming, reopening camp and anticipating the ways
in which the Spirit will move through the
community. For returning staff, it’s getting
back to the community that impacted
them in ways they didn’t anticipate their
Over the past three years, Sky Ranch
has been excited to celebrate an
increase in program participation of
more than 100%. We are excited to
share that the increases from the last
several years will continue in 2014.
Based on group contracts and
program projections, here are our
estimates (a year to year program
participant increase of 55%!):
- Four Winds
- High Wilderness
Total Participation
Total # Day Camps
- Flood Relief first summer. For new staff, it’s greeting
the unknown and EVERYTHING that
comes with that. For campers new
and old, it’s looking forward to being at
camp and the adventure of a week in
the mountains growing in faith and in
community. For all of us, it’s witnessing
the ways God is working in our lives and
being uplifted by a loving community that
surrounds us.
As I look towards the summer of 2014
the word “new” comes to mind. This
summer we will welcome a new and
dynamic staff of 50. This staff has an
incredible skill set and a contagious
enthusiasm for working with youth and
sharing their faith. We will welcome new
congregations from all over the nation to
take part in onsite, day camp and offsite
programming. Finally, we look forward to
implementing new ways to do program,
strengthening the ways we meet our
campers where they are at.
New can be scary but also incredibly
refreshing. I am excited, anxious and
ready to experience the new ways the
Spirit will continue to move throughout
Sky Ranch and the community that
will come together up and down the
mountain. I hope you too can find new
ways to experience God’s work in your
life this summer, continuing to witness
God’s unending grace and love through
those around you.
As Sky Ranch continues to work towards
strengthening the quality of our camp
and our faith forming experiences, we
are always looking for new opportunities
to build community and self-esteem. This
summer, we will explore what it means
to be Gifted to Grow by incorporating
several new program components,
including family groups, individual day
hike sign up, and an improved creation
stewardship program.
confirmation program, we are going to go
from a cabin day hike to a system where
campers sign up for the day hike of their
choice. Each day, 2 - 3 cabins will be on
trail, with everyone getting to choose
between several day hike destinations,
providing opportunities for a variety of
ability levels. This will allow campers
to go on a hike that suits their hiking
experience and go on a wider variety of
hikes over the years.
Family Groups. Starting with the
Mountaineer (6th-8th) programs, we will
provide time each day for all campers
within each program to join together for
a 2 hour activity. This will give campers
the opportunity to meet other people in
their age group outside of their cabins. It
will also provide for expanded community
building, new activity options, and more
vibrant conversation as we discover what
it means to be Gifted to Grow.
Creation Stewardship. In the past two
years, Sky Ranch has added 8 new
raised garden beds and a new 12’ x 12’
greenhouse. With these new additions
and a curriculum created by Metigoshe
Ministries in North Dakota, cabins will
invest more of their time tending the
gardens, especially fitting for our Gifted
to Grow summer theme.
Day Hikes. Starting with the Seekers
Join us this summer as we witness the
positive impact these changes have on
our programs, helping our campers to
Encounter Christ on the Mountaintops.
Page 5
For the last several years, we have let Sky
Ranch get snowed in during the winter
months, providing a nice window for the
year round staff to step away and focus
on other tasks. In early April, the city of
Greeley plows the roads to gain access
to the reservoirs above camp. Once the
road is open, the race is on to get camp
facilities ready for campers.
This year, on our first trip to camp after
the roads were plowed, we were greeted
by snow. Lots and lots of snow. Up to
9’ snowdrifts by the shower house and
cabin areas!
With such a short window to get camp
ready – an even shorter window than
usual given the time it will take for snow
to melt and to gain access to buildings
around camp – we need your help! To
help get camp ready and to make some
necessary repairs and improvements
around camp, you are invited to
participate in one of our spring work
weekends. For each of these weekends,
projects will be previously identified and
supplies will be waiting. All we need is
some helping hands.
To join a work weekend, please call our
office at 970-493-5258 and talk with Ally,
our Office Manager. There is no cost . . .
simply come and help get camp looking
great before summer and campers arrive.
MAY 2 - 4: Saw Mill Training;
Showerhouse Storm Repair; Nurse’s
Cabin Plumbing Replacement
May 9 - 11: Low Ropes Expansion
(including Bouldering Wall); Staff
Apartment Loft; Nurse’s Cabin Pergo
Flooring Installation; Water & Plumbing
to Hosptiality Bar in Christ Lodge
MEMORIAL DAY (May 23 - 26):
Backpack Center Porch Rennovation;
Greenhouse Completion; Carpet in
Christ Lodge Office
Thrivent Financial and its members have
long been great supporters of Sky Ranch.
Over the years this support has taken
many forms: matching funds for donations,
grants from local chapters and, most
recently, reoccurring support through
Thrivent Choice. In a wide variety of
ways, these efforts have strengthened the
ministry of Sky Ranch and made possible
programs and outreach that would not
have been possible otherwise.
We are excited to share a new way
for Thrivent members to share their
generosity by making an impact at Sky
Ranch: Thrivent Action Teams! Action
teams are a way for you to identify a
need in your community – like Sky Ranch!
– and to act to meet that need.
Thrivent has made the process of
proposing an action team easy. Simply go
to www.thrivent.com/actionteam/ and
click ACT NOW. After signing in, fill out
the brief form, including a description of
the project and completion date – make
sure to tell your Sky Ranch story and
how you hope to impact our ministry!
After the project has been approved,
you will receive a $250 debit card and an
action kit to help complete your project.
You can also contact your local financial
representative to sign up for an action
team. Each Thrivent member is eligible for
up to two Thrivent Action Team projects
each year.
For ideas on how your Thrivent Action
Team could impact Sky Ranch, feel free
to call our office (970-493-5258) and
brainstorm ideas. Some suggestions
include adopting a project during one of
our work weekends, hosting a fundraiser
for camperships, or contributing to our
flood relief tool drive . . . but really the
options are limitless!
How will you live generously and leave an
impact? What will your action team story
Thank you to Thrivent Financial and
its members for the years of support
and the creative ways you strengthen
community and strengthen Sky Ranch.
Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp
Page 6
These are the faithful servants that will serve as the 2014 Sky Ranch summer
staff. Their summers will be filled with laughter, caring conversations, worship
and Bible study, and gentle guidance as they walk along side our campers
a week at a time. We are excited to see how they will share their youthful
passion with our community and offer warm and grace-filled hospitality to
all of our guests. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers this summer,
as they share the love of Christ with all who come to Sky Ranch.
Rachel Brooks
Kadie Buteris
Drew Churchill
Evergreen, CO
Luther College
Barneveld, WI
U of Wisonsin - Madison
Eden Praire, MN
Mankato State University
Taylor Grooms
Kelsey Gustaveson
Luke Hanson
Caitlin Almer
DeAira Cooper
Lisa Dunworth
Grad, Colorado State University
Julia Jaecks
Hailey Johnson
Brookings, SD
Grad, Luther College
Denton, TX
Grad, U of North Texas
Ally Miller
Andrea Mondragon
Meagan Murphy
Alysha Newsom
Grad, U of Northern Colorado
Erika Storvick
Keyla Spahr
Milo, IA
Luther Seminary
Woodbury, MN
Luther College
Johnsburg, IL
Fort Collins, CO
Lynwood, IL
Colorado College
Boone, NC
Grad, UNC - Chapel Hill
Greeley, CO
Kalispell, MT
Pacific Lutheran University
Vanwert, OH
University of Cincinnati
Granville, IL
Illinois State
Hannah Anderson
Littleton, CO
Luther College
Highlands Ranch, CO
Luther College
Siri Olsen
Augustana - Rock Island, IL
Stanchfield, MN
Carthage College
Pacific Lutheran University
Joel Stremmel
Maddie Thomas
Alison Vuolo
Brookings, SD
Gustavus Adolphus University
Delta, OH
Grad, Adrian College
Fort Collins, CO
Eden Priarie, Mn
Luther College
Page 7
Kimberly Belleville
Fort Collins, CO
Donna Berardinelli
Pacific Lutheran University
Albuquerque, NM
New Mexico State
Emily Ebert
Elyssa Eull
Columbus, OH
Trinity Lutheran Seminary
Liz Jones
Jenny Bonnell
Matt Borchart
Colorado State University
Apple Valley, MN
Luther College
Jeff Fairfax
Joel Freeman
Karley Gosselin
Sarah Bibbey
Laporte, CO
Savage, MN
Luther College
St Michael, MN
Luther College
Cape Coral, FL
U of Central Florida
Loveland, CO
U of Northern Colorado
Grafton, WI
U of Wisonsin - Madison
Colt Luedtke
Lauren Mendez
Parker, CO
University of Denver
Joe Kiel
Denton, TX
University of North Texas
Paul Larson
Roseville, CA
Luther College
Hampshire, IL
Carthage College
Auburn, WA
Pacific Lutheran University
Joey Petrillo
Megan Sawyer
Zack Schrank
Nate Smith
Taylor Sommers
Bloomington, IL
Heartland Community College
Fort Collins, CO
Grad, Luther College
Castle Rock, CO
U of Northern Colorado
Tommy Wangaard
Nicci Watson
Taylor Wiese
Eden Prairie, MN
Regis University
Fort Worth, TX
Texas A&M
Bloomington, IL
Valparasio Universtity
Alma, MI
Carthage College
Gustavus Adolphus University
Ally Williams
Erich Zeddies
Highlands Ranch, CO
U of Northern Colorado
Rosemount, MN
Chicago, IL
Colorado State University
Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp
Page 8
I can’t wait to get back to camp this
summer. I love that feeling of being
welcomed, and nobody does that better
than the fine people at Sky Ranch
Lutheran Camp.
climb a 4 foot ladder are jumping onto a
zip line, because of the encouragement
of their peers. Youth who would never
pray in front of a small group of people
at church are volunteering to lead the
prayers for an all camp worship. Youth
I have been attending Sky Ranch since who have never been able to put the
July of 2007. It has become a place very language of their faith journey into words
close to my heart as a Youth Director at can feel comfortable with speaking of
Bethany Lutheran Church, a parent of their faith in a conversational manner.
two, a husband, and a board member Youth that didn’t feel they could add
since 2009. I will always remember the any value to a group of their peers are
first time I entered the Christ Lodge, and now the leaders of those peers because
was immediately greeted by Andy Sprain they were given the chance to be heard
who sought me out to say “Welcome, we during a low ropes challenge. This is why
are glad you are here, and do not hesitate I encourage our youth to attend a week
to let us know of anything you may need, of camp, they come back changed and
we want this to feel like home for you ready to serve. We now have a youth
this week.” What a great first impression led worship in August of every summer
to have and I believe that there are that is put on by both mission trip youth
hundreds of other campers who have felt and confirmation camp attendees.
that hospitality for possibly the first time
in their lives.
Sky Ranch is also in the midst of
transformational times. When I joined
In the midst of recruiting youth, the board in 2009, one of the first
registrations, health forms, and questions, meetings was about the chances of Sky
it is hard to picture us at camp in a few Ranch making it. One of the board
months but I am assured that this week members joked that the newbie to the
will change the lives of the youth that we board was going to have to lock the gate.
will escort up the hill. Our youth change. Five years later and we are in the process
They change right in front of us in a matter of growing and growing big. Few camps
of a few days. Youth who would never in the country are in the same position as
the camps of the Rocky Mountain Synod,
and I think that the relationship between
Sky Ranch and Rainbow Trail is proof that
we are better together, and for this I am
grateful. It is now exciting to attend a
board meeting. What project is coming
up? Where is program participation?
How do we best align ourselves to fit the
needs of the greater church? These are
exciting times for Sky Ranch and we are
grateful for giving us that graceful “one
more chance” just a few years ago. Thank
My family loves camp because it is one of
the places where we truly feel like family.
My daughter loves hiking, playing, and
moving rocks, but she always remembers
that people made her feel loved, they
let her sing her heart out to her favorite
songs, they gave dozens of high fives, hugs
and invitations to join activities. My wife
Katie and I met at a camp in Minnesota
eleven years ago, so camp is important
to us and we are determined to bring
as many people to experience that life
changing love of Christ that camp can
provide in a more tangible way than most
other approaches.
I cherish the many relationships that
have been formed through camp and
I’m looking forward to another great
summer with more memories at camp.
See you at camp!
Page 9
purse, no bag, no sandals.”
After years at seminary in Philadelphia,
my first call took us back west -- to the
The work was varied, exhilarating, Montana Rockies. There, among other
prayerful, and my fellow counselors soon parish pastoral work, we took our little
became dear friends.
youth group to the rock face at the edge
of town, so they could try their hand at
My college was Quaker, and while I climbing. We pitched our tents with them
alternatively attended Quaker meetings a few hours north, and sang Night Prayer
and the Episcopal church near campus, around the campfire.
my closest friends were not what you
would call church people. So Sky Ranch Now I serve through ELCA Global
I will never forget the first ride I took Lutheran Camp was a critical place for Mission in Central Europe. My call is
up the mountain. It was May, foggy and me to re-enter a living community of faith two-fold: I am both the pastor of the
Bratislava International Congregation,
snowy in the Rockies, and I found myself – entirely familiar and entirely new.
and Coordinator for the Young Adults
traveling in a van, up and up, hairpin turns,
in Global Mission Program in Central
no guard rails, for the last bit, not even
pavement. This New York City girl had no diverse Lutheran communities – my Europe. At present, our five YAGM work
idea where the Holy Spirit was leading home congregation, Saint Peter’s with our Hungarian Lutheran partners.
Church (ELCA) in midtown Manhattan; We are far from the Rockies, but not so
Lutheran Summer Music Program during far from good mountains: Last summer,
(Truth be told, when I got on the plane high school; Holden Village in the WA we concluded our final retreat with the
on the east coast, I didn’t exactly know Cascades, where I served during my mid- YAGM in Slovakia’s High Tatras. We hiked
where my Colorado destination was twenties – that formed me in faith and high into a rocky basin on our last day,
on the map. An ignorant east coaster helped me articulate a call to ordained and worshipped together at the side of
a tarn, poured out like a great baptismal
whose geographical awareness stopped ministry.
font in an open-air cathedral.
somewhere around Indiana, the Rocky
Mountain west was uncharted territory.) With gratitude to the many who guided
me along the way, I am now an ELCA Sky Ranch schooled me well through
After being jostled up the mountain, it pastor. In some ways, what I do now is boulder fields and prayer, but most
was three days before the skies cleared. simply an extension of what I learned importantly through the community that
Finally, I saw the silhouette of the range to do at Sky Ranch – help others to welcomed me with open, Christ-like
that is visible from the main lodge. Ever worship God, pray in Jesus’ name, study arms, and sent me out again, renewed.
since that day, the Rockies have had a the scriptures, explore the mountains;
and experience the grace of the crucified -The Rev. Miriam Schmidt
hold on me; they became home.
and risen one in our shared life together, Sky Ranch Counselor, Summers of 1995
and 1996
That summer and the following, I was a in moments of sorrow and joy.
Sky Ranch camp counselor. I threw myself
into the life – leading hikes to Golgotha
with fourth grade girls half the size of
some of the boulders we scrambled
past; singing camp songs around a roaring
fire; sitting in sacred silence not fifty
yards away from a moose; listening to
children discuss the world’s injustice after
a Hunger Meal; scraping away old paint
from a Habitat house, side by side with
high school youth; leading Vacation Bible
School programs; traveling as far as Pine
Ridge reservation for a week of service
learning; leading Bible studies on Luke’s
sending out of the 70 disciples: “Carry no
Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp
Page 10
In December 2013,
Scot (and Heather)
Reisinger and Sarah
(and Frank) Hester,
donated $55,000
in memory of their
father, Rev. Frank
Resinger III. The
monies were given
to establish the Rev.
Frank H. Reisinger
III Endowed Seminary Summer Staff
Position Fund.
Sarah recently wrote, “It gives our family
great happiness to begin the Frank
Reisinger Seminarian Endowment Fund
to supplement the salary of a seminary
student to be on camp staff every
summer. My father loved Sky Ranch
Lutheran Camp. We feel it is important to
maintain a high quality of theology within
the training and everyday occurrences
at Sky Ranch. The camp was a special
place for my brother and I and we feel
it helped build our strong relationship
with God. We hope and pray this gift
will allow other adults to make the same
statements in the future.”
June 29 - July 4
With six action packed days and all
meals, lodging, great summer staff, and
Christ-centered activities provided, this
is the supreme family getaway!
Family camp is a great option for families
with kids that are too young for summer
camp! For more info about family
camp, go to the Sky Ranch website,
deposited with the Lutheran Community
Foundation and the interest will provide
annual dividends to fund a staff position
for a current seminary student to work
at Sky Ranch during the summers. Sky
Ranch is thankful to Scot and Heather for
their wonderful gift in memory of their
father. This endowed gift will benefit Sky
Ranch for many generations to come.
Frank Reisinger was involved with Sky
Ranch since his pastoral beginnings as
an ALC Pastor in Clay Center, NE. He
was active at camp and assisted with
staff training for many years during the
mid 70’s and early 80’s. During that time
Frank also served as pastor at Christ the
King in Denver (75-78) and Lord of Love
in Omaha, NE (78-97), bringing his family
and youth up to Sky Ranch for many
different programs.
was great working one-on-one with staff
and campers.”
Frank suffered from Alzheimer’s later
in life but was always supportive of the
ministry at Sky Ranch. He passed away in
December 2012, and his children believe
this endowed seminary staff position is a
great way to support their father’s legacy
of theological education for the youth
and staff at camp.
Scot and Heather are also in the process
of reaching out to all the congregations
where their father served as pastor, asking
them to donate to this fund as well.
Additional donations may be accepted to
increase the value of this fund.
Former Sky Ranch Executive Director
Bob Kuehner recalls, “Frank was a huge
help to me during my first years at Sky
Ranch. He was very involved with staff
training and helped teach Lutheran
Theology and many other sessions. He
Make a difference without using cash?
You can touch the lives of generations to
come by including Sky Ranch in your will,
trust, life insurance policy or other estate
plan. The first step in this process is to
develop a will. 80% of givers give through
bequests, but alarmingly only 30% of
people have a will when they pass away.
A will helps to provide for your loved
ones, allows you the opportunity to give
a percentage of your remaining estate to
Sky Ranch and/or your favorite charity
while safeguarding against probate costs.
Are you WILLing? You are the caretaker
of the unique God-given gift of life. You
have rejoiced in your talents by being a
lifelong steward. The distribution of your
estate is the last witness of your faith.You
can continue your Christian stewardship
by providing for the work of the church
long after your life ends. Your will is just
one way that you could include Sky Ranch
Lutheran Camp in your estate planning.
As a partner with the ELCA Foundation,
Sky Ranch has access to the services
of an ELCA Gift Planner. The planning
services are at no charge to you when
you plan to give to an ELCA ministry. If
you have been thinking about your estate
plans and would like to know more
about giving options that can benefit
both your family and Sky Ranch, please
contact Brad Abbott, Executive Director,
Page 11
For 50 years, literally tens of thousands of
campers have “Experienced Christ on the
Mountaintops” at Sky Ranch. Our legacy
is one of changed lives. Your gift helps
to continue the transformative ministry
that is Sky Ranch. And this is vital for our
church and society today. In the past three
years camper numbers have doubled at
Sky Ranch. For some weeks during the
summer we are at our maximum capacity.
Creative programming ideas (such as
Servant Adventure trips, flood relief and
adding weeks to the summer schedule)
have allowed us to expand our ministry
beyond these limits. What a wonderful
problem to have.
This increased use means we were able to
minister to more lives but it also presents
some financial challenges for the camp.
Currently, program fees only cover 70%
of the costs to run camp, the remaining
30% comes from church membership
and individual gifts, like yours. As our
summer numbers continue to grow, so
does the amount of money we need to
raise beyond our camper fees. For many
years your board has made a conscious
decision to keep camper fees low,
allowing for all children to attend camp.
Here are some encouraging statistics
posted by the Northwest Minnesota
Synod, Congregations Magazine – March/
April 2001, and Luther Seminary:
• Over 50% of Seminary Students
attribute the #1 reason for going on to
seminary is because of their experience
at an outdoor ministry like Sky Ranch.
• Over 75% of paid Youth Directors
accredit the primary reason for serving
in the youth ministry to their Camp
• Over 75% of the 20-30 year olds
participating in their congregation relate
their current participation directly back to
Gifts come to camp in many shapes and
sizes. Sky Ranch is pleased to accept all
kinds of gifts in addition to cash donations.
Lumber, vehicles, medical supplies and
other items have helped support the
ministry we are called to do.
Last year, we were able to build four
new tent cabins because of a generous
gift of lumber donated from Lee & Gayle
Currie. We were also able to build new
picnic tables for our Chuck Wagon area
assembled by Bert Pedri. Bob & Elaine
Beckman donated a gently used mini-van
to transport staff safely to Day Camps
across the Front Range.
professional services, equipment, building
supplies and more.
Whether people give their time,
money, knowledge, resources, or talent
– collectively it makes a tremendous
difference to Sky Ranch! How can you
help Sky Ranch? We have created a list
of items needed to improve or maintain
our program. Please take a look and see
if you could help with something on our
list. If you have items that may be useful
please call 970-493-5258 or email us at
We are thankful for your support, helping
to provide needed supplies for our
These creative gifts allow Sky Ranch programs and facility. Sky Ranch would
to save thousands of dollars and often not be where it is today without the
provide resources that we could not faithful gifts of time, talents, and treasures
otherwise afford or obtain. An in-kind of supporters like you! Thank you for
gift is a non-cash gift of goods or service. helping us to continue to grow in our
Examples of in-kind gifts include, but ability to serve!
are not limited to: program supplies,
their experience at an outdoor ministry
like Sky Ranch.
We have witnessed it first hand for 50
years at Sky Ranch! A camper becomes
a counselor and a counselor becomes
a pastor, youth director or a leader in
their congregation. At a time when young
adults are quickly disappearing from the
pews in our congregations – or have left
altogether – we have the gift of their
presence in abundance at camp. We
know it through experience, we read it
in the statistics and we believe it without
a doubt! Sky Ranch makes a difference to
our youth and ultimately to our church!
Your Gift Gives Opportunity; Your Gift
Builds Faith; Your Gift Grows Faithful
Please pray about how you can make a
difference; a difference that will have a
long-lasting impact for many youth, adults,
families and our world.
With good stewardship in mind, here
is a list of things Sky Ranch Lutheran
Camp can use:
• Food Processer
• Airline miles – for staff recruiting &
camp promotion
• 15 Passenger Van
• Soil for Greenhouse & Boxes
• Oven Mitts
• DVDs for Camp Outreach
• Postage stamps
• iMac for Camp Media
• 10” Chef Knives
• iPad or Tablet for Store Cashier
• 10’ Utility Trailer
• Twin mattresses for the lodge
• Adirondack or rocking chairs for
deck use
• Tools for Flood Relief (Back Page)
In response to the flooding throughout
Northern Colorado last fall, Sky Ranch is
preparing to facilitate work projects for
almost 700 high school and adults volunteers
throughout 2014! In addition to lining up work,
we also need to coordinate materials and all
necessary tools. And we need your help!
Suggested Tools
Sturdy Wheelbarrow
Scoop Shovel
Bow Rake
Large Push Broom
6’ Ladder
3-Step Stool
Pry Bar
Paint Scrapper
Paint Brushes
Large Cooler (100 QT +)
Safety Glasses
Dust Mask
Work Gloves
We welcome any new or used (but in good
working order!) tools that could help these
projects. We hope to have all tools donated by
June 1 so we can prepare for volunteers the
next week. For more information, please go to
www.SkyRanchColorado.org/tooldrive or call
Lisa, our flood relief coordinator, at 970-4935258. Thanks for your great support!
May 8 - 10
Rocky Mountain Synod Assembly,
Now through June 1
St Thomas Chapel - Fort Collins
First Lutheran - Longmont
Holy Cross - Wheat Ridge
Joy Lutheran - Parker
Call the Sky Ranch office at 970493-5258 to arrange drop off.
Stay up to date with what’s going on at camp by reading the Sky Ranch
Blog. Go to our website, the News menu, and Sky Ranch Blog.
Andy Sprain - Associate Director
Kathryn Seyfarth - Program Director
Ally Plucheck - Office Manager
Brad Abbott - Executive Director
Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp
805 S Sheilds St
Fort Collins, CO 80521
We are looking for equipment to prepare us
for four primary project types: Hiking Trail,
Park, and River Bed Clean Up; Residential
Debris Removal; Dry walling; and Painting. We
also need some supplies to support housing
and feeding working groups.