ESSENTRICS the Ultimate Stretch Workout


ESSENTRICS the Ultimate Stretch Workout
Friday August 12th, 2016 – 8:00am-9:15am
ESSENTRICS®: Movement for Aging Backwards
with Megan Feeney
Friday August 12th, 2016 – 3:00pm-3:25pm
ESSENTRICS®: Rebound Injury free from your Workouts
with Miranda Esmonde-White
Saturday August 13th, 2016 – 3:15pm-4:45pm
ESSENTRICS®: The Ultimate Stretch Workout
with Gail Garceau
Flexibility · Mobility · Strength
Friday August 12th, 2016 (8:00AM –9:15 AM)
ESSENTRICS® Movement for Aging Backwards
with Megan Feeney
Reawaken the power of your 650 muscles and increase mobility, improve
flexibility, and build strength. Essentrics uses techniques proven to be
effective in rehabilitation and injury prevention for countless Olympic and
professional athletes. This session focuses on functional mobility and is
designed for those with atrophy-related stiffness, chronic aches and pains,
or who are beginning to exercise after a long sedentary period. Learn how
to work with a variety of clients who can benefit from a fluid combination of
strengthening and stretching that will make them look and feel young and
vibrant. Programming by ESSENTRICS®.
Friday August 12th, 2016 (3:00PM –3:25 PM)
ESSENTRICS® Rebound Injury free from your Workouts
with Miranda Esmonde-White
The human body is designed to be pain-free, energetic, and healthy. Most
of us are unaware that most pain can be prevented and relieved with a
simple series of exercises and techniques that unlock tight muscles, free
your joints and ensure long-term health of your body. Programming by
Saturday August 13th, 2016 (3:15PM –4:45 PM)
ESSENTRICS®: The Ultimte Stretch Workout
with Gail Garceau
A program that offers trainers a way to safely rebalance and condition the
entire body in one dynamic workout. Standing, floor, and barre work allows
your muscles to strengthen and stretch through more effective angles,
resulting in deeper stretches, higher muscle engagement, and more
targeted and elongated toning. You’ll learn the science behind Essentrics
and see why it, not only improves fitness and performance but also
slenderizes, relieves pain, and heals injuries. NHL hockey teams, Olympic
athletes, and actors are all using this unique, effective, and enjoyable
program. For men and women of all ages and fitness levels. Programming
What to Expect from the Sessions
These sessions will combine an educational component mixed within
an Essentrics Workout. As a participant, you will be learning various
neuromuscular techniques commonly used in Essentrics and applying
them immediately into your workout. You will leave the session with an
understanding of why students become hooked after just one class, and
you’ll experience the feeling of freedom in all your joints and elongated
strength in your muscles.
Covered in the Sessions:
How to achieve the objective of elongated healthy muscles with
active (rather than passive) stretching.
How this equipment-free strengthening workout improves posture
and shapes the body through movement and resistance exercises
using your own body weight.
Understanding how the physical signs of aging can be slowed down
and even reversed by engaging the powerhouses of our cells (the
mitochondria) through strengthening and stretching of the muscles.
How every Essentrics class purposefully and systematically works
with the muscles, connective tissue, fascia and muscle chains to
leave participants looking and feeling their best.
Learn about some of the scientific formulas used in every Essentrics
Workout and how they have the potential to: rapidly and safely
change the shape of your clients’ bodies and improve their health,
reduce many common aches and pains, and prevent injuries.
Visit us at Booth #1623
All in one fun, flowing workout.
ESSENTRICS® is a full-body workout that rapidly
changes the shape of your body through a
dynamic combination of strengthening and
stretching. The technique develops lean, strong
and flexible muscles with immediate changes to
your posture. Perfect for men and women of all
fitness levels, this program rebalances the body,
prevents and treats injuries and unlocks tight
joints. With a diverse music playlist accompanying
each routine, this equipment-free workout leaves
you feeling energized, youthful and healthy.
For the past 15 years, Essentrics has integrated
the barre into its regular workouts. Keeping up
with the fundamental principles of the program:
elongating the muscles and challenging them
in the lengthened position, strengthening while
lengthening, zero impact without the use of
weights—the Essentrics Barre Workouts will tone
and shape your body, create long lean muscles
and increase your flexibility.
“ESSENTRICS® is not a combination of
things from the past; it is innovation.”
– Miranda Esmonde-White, Creator
The elegant, intelligent movements within the
Essentrics program work scientifically through the
muscle chains to unlock rigid muscles and achieve:
Slenderized & toned abs, waist, thighs, arms and back
Immediate changes to posture
Range of motion
Injury prevention
Accelerated injury recovery
Musculature rebalancing for relief of tension, chronic
pain and injuries
Anti-aging benefits
Increased energy, positivity and general health
Learn to teach the dynamic strength and flexibility workout followed by the NHL’s Montreal Canadiens,
Olympians, A-list Hollywood actors and people of all ages and fitness levels. ESSENTRICS® is taught at top
fitness clubs, studios, physiotherapy clinics and dance schools, as well as to a variety of sports teams.
Live Teacher Trainings are highly recommended, but not required. Both Distance Learning Education and Live
Teacher Trainings follow the same certification guidelines and require home study, apprentice hours, and exams.
Complete your entire 4 levels of certification from
home, with the flexibility of scheduling studying
and workouts around your lifestyle. The Essentrics
Academy is a comprehensive and interactive,
distance-learning program that uses a multitude
of teaching platforms. In-depth manuals with
accompanying educational training DVDs, PowerPoint
week-by-week timeline guides, and online support
tools, offer everything you need to know to become a
highly qualified and educated Essentrics Instructor.
These highly interactive trainings are an invaluable
experience in terms of building your technique,
confidence and teaching skills. Master classes,
seminars and team teaching show you how to
work with various body types and develop the
skills to modify and adjust the exercises according
to students’ needs. There is no substitute for the
knowledge that you will attain about yourself and
others in a Live Teacher Training. Plus—when
attending an Essentrics Live Teacher Training—you
will receive an official honors certificate and make
a strong impact towards advancing your teaching
career. Sign up for your Live Teacher Training now!
Become a Certified Essentrics Instructor in
~ 8 STEPS ~
Purchase the Level 1 Instructor Manual
(Principles of the Essentrics Technique),
which is accompanied by the first
Pre-Choreographed Workout (PCW1),
that you will learn to teach.
Guided by time management tools, online
tutorials and videos—learn your first
Essentrics routine (PCW1), as well as the
fundamentals of the Technique.
You are now a Certified Level 1 Essentrics
Instructor and part of the Essentrics family!
Continue teaching PCWs of your choice until
you reach Level 4.
As you work through the 4 Levels—attend
Live Teacher Trainings hosted throughout
North America and Europe for an interactive
learning experience that will perfect your
technique and teaching skills. (Optional)
Memorize PCW1 and practice, practice,
practice! Complete your 30 hours as an
Apprentice Instructor by teaching friends,
family or other students.
Film yourself teaching PCW1! Send us your
filmed workout and written exams for
Complete your Certification with Levels 2-4 to
refine your classes, and gain the tools to work
with specialty groups (athletes, seniors
and private clients).
Become a Master Essentrics Trainer—an
expert instructor and leader in the Essentrics
community who is able to develop, support
and examine other instructors throughout their
training, at Live Teacher Trainings and in all areas
of their career as Essentrics Instructors.
ESSENTRICS Headquarters
3437 Stanley, Suite 100
Montreal, Qc
Canada H3A 1S2
Jonathan Guilmette, Olympic Speed
Sergio Pessoa, Olympic Judo
Meagan Duhamel, Olympic Pair Skater
Lex Albrecht, Professional Road Cyclist
Canadiens de Montreal, NHL
Max Talbot, NHL
Alexandre Despatie, Olympic Diver
Kim St. Pierre, Olympic Hockey Goaltender
Joannie Rochette, Olympic Figure Skater
Jonathan Power, World Squash Champion
Jean-Luc Brassard, Olympic Skier
Emilie Heymans, Olympic Diver
Bryce Davison, Olympic Figure Skater
Jessica Dubé, Olympic Figure Skater
Jennifer Abel, Olympic Diver
Roseline Filion, Olympic Diver
Meaghan Benfeito, Olympic Diver
Jean-Romain Delaloye, Swiss Olympic
L’École supérieure de ballet du
WHL Saskatoon Blades
University of Saskatoon Huskies
Lily Cole
Sarah Gadon
Enrique Murciano
Tatiana Maslany
Isabelle Boulay
Karine Vanasse
ESSENTRICS® co-owner Sahra Esmonde-White
and Essentrics Instructors Megan Feeney and
Gail Garceau at the Montreal Canadiens training
Miranda Esmonde-White is one of America’s greatest advocates and
educators of healthy aging. She is best known for her PBS fitness show,
Classical Stretch, which has been airing since 1999 and is rated the #1
fitness show on the network, and for creating Essentrics - the technique
which Classical Stretch is based on. She has filmed over 300 episodes of
Classical Stretch workouts, most of them distributed worldwide on DVD.
Following her career as a professional ballerina, Miranda developed
Essentrics, and became a flexibility trainer and consultant to numerous
professional and Olympic athletes, celebrities and other notable clients.
Esmonde-White’s New York Times bestselling book, Aging Backwards
(Harper Collins/Random House) and award-winning documentary Age
Reversed, are revolutionizing the way we understand the role fitness
plays in slowing down the aging process while keeping our bodies
young, attractive, strong and healthy. Based in Montreal, Miranda spends
her time developing the technique, writing and training new instructors.
She also travels extensively giving lectures, leading weeklong teacher
training sessions and hosting fitness retreats.
Sahra Esmonde-White is co-owner and CEO of Essentrics and host of
the Essentrics DVD Series. She has been named one of the top health
experts in Canada by both Fashion Magazine and Flare, two of Canada’s
top women’s publications, and her DVDs have won “Top Workout”
awards in both Canada and the UK. She works closely with celebrities
such as UK model/actress/entrepreneur Lily Cole, Canadian actress
Sarah Gadon, and professional athletes including the NHL’s Montreal
Canadiens. With a Master’s degree in Economics and graduate studies
in Public Health, Sahra has made her life’s mission to help people lead
healthy lives through intelligent fitness and a thoughtful lifestyle.