

Western’s Daily Student Newspaper
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99, ISSUE 81 • TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 2006
Election fit to be tied
Arts presidency decided by a penny
By Claire Neary
giving the deciding vote to the USC president, or getting the current faculty students’
council to vote again but, in the end, none of
This year, for the first time in University Stu- these alternatives were deemed fair to the
dents’ Council history, a faculty presidential students or the candidates,” he added.
Current AHSC President Dan Perry
election was decided by a coin toss.
On Wednesday, Feb. 22, third-year honors expressed his disappointment with the coin
English student Shannon D’Arcy was toss.
“This is the first time in approximately
announced as the 2006-07 Arts and Humaneight years that the Arts and Humanities facities Students’ Council President.
However, D’Arcy’s win was anything but ulty has held an election. Every other year the
conventional. The only other candidate in position has been acclaimed,” he said.
“It’s really unfortunate because the AHSC
this year’s election was Matthew Cole, a
third-year French student, and current USC makes a concerted effort to convey the
importance of voting, and the fact that it all
D’Arcy and Cole tied with 217 votes came down to a game of chance really underapiece. According to section 12.02 of the mines that effort,” he added.
Perry has already met with Forestell to disUSC’s election bylaw, in the event of a tie
between candidates running for any posi- cuss ways the bylaw could be improved in
the future.
tion, the winner is chosen by a coin toss.
“The AHSC accepts the bylaw, and we
Just before the results were announced in
understand its limitafront of a crowd at
tions. However, we
The Spoke Lounge,
hope to never have an
D’Arcy and Cole
election decided this
were called up to
“I asked myself afterwards, would I
way again. It’s unfortuthe USC office
have rather lost by one vote? I really
nate that this rule had
where the coin toss
can’t say. All I know is that a coin
to be invoked but, if
took place.
anything, it highlights
“I was so nertoss is a really disappointing way to
the urgent need to
vous. Walking up
lose an election, especially after I
review the bylaw, and it
those stairs was
dedicated two weeks of my life to a
also reminds students
the hardest thing
that every single vote
I’ve ever done in
really solid campaign.”
counts,” Perry said.
my life,” Cole said.
— Matthew Cole
Although she looks
“I asked myself
Arts & Humanities presidential candidate
forward to her role as
afterwards, would
president next year,
I have rather lost
D’Arcy also expressed
by one vote? I really can’t say. All I know is that a coin toss is a her disappointment.
“The only thing to be proud of is the numreally disappointing way to lose an election,
especially after I dedicated two weeks of my ber of voters who came out,” she said. “It’s
impossible to be proud of a win when there is
life to a really solid campaign.”
According to USC legal affairs officer Dave someone equally deserving of the position. I
Forestell, D’Arcy and Cole were given the have nothing but complete respect for Matt.”
Though he lost, Cole said he respects the
option of having the coin toss in private or in
front of the crowd at The Spoke. Both D’Arcy outcome, and understands the difficulty of
and Cole preferred the coin toss take place coming up with a viable solution. He does,
however, plan to propose a motion in order
Although a coin toss is a controversial way to have the bylaw changed in the future.
Forestell also said the USC understands
to decide something as important as a faculty president, in the eyes of the USC, it the disappointment of everyone involved
and will take any suggestions seriously.
remains the only way to resolve ties.
“In the event of such a controversial deci“As far as I know, the policy has always
been there,” Forestell said. “We realize that sion, it makes sense for us to do a postthis is a bad situation for both candidates mortem. The elections review committee will
but, until further review, this is the only pos- be reviewing the bylaw again, as they discuss
other issues, including residence campaignsible way to resolve this situation.
“We looked at a bunch of possibilities, like ing,” he said.
Gazette Staff
Andrew Mastronardi/Gazette
and the campus is once again filled with students, staff and random folks back to
the daily grind. If you look closely, you’ll even find Waldo.
Mike Last/Gazette
Rec centre good to go
Building planning underway
after students vote to pay fees
By Ravi Amarnath
Gazette Staff
On Feb. 22, by a margin of 4,462 to 2,802
votes, Western students voted in favour of
financially supporting the Western Sports
and Recreation Centre. The result allows formal construction plans to begin.
By voting for the recreational facility, students pay a $60 student activity fee beginning in 2008-09 that will increase by three per
cent each year to reflect the cost of inflation.
With the referendum passed, major work
for implementing the facility’s design will
“Over the next two months the plans have
to be finalized. The paperwork and documents need to be approved by the city, and
then we can start breaking ground,” said University Students’ Council President Ryan
“Right now we have a smaller committee
working on the design of the centre,” he
added. Currently, the committee consists of
representatives from the USC, Society of
Graduate Students, Physical Plant and architects from Diamond and Schmitt Architects
Health sciences dean Jim Weese believes
the construction of the recreational centre
will set Western apart from other universities.
“This facility is going to be absolutely outstanding. The design is unique [from others]
in Canada,” he said.
Weese also indicated that the facility will
allow Western to continue achieving its mandate.
“The Sports and Recreation Centre has
some wonderful amenities that will help us
deliver on the best student experience for our
students,” he said.
As construction plans continue over the
next few months, Dunn said the USC will
attempt to make the process as transparent
as possible.
“If anyone is interested, we are going to be
creating focus groups to discuss particular
designs and what will be going inside the
facility. We want to do what is best for students,” he said.
In addition to voting in favour of the $60
fee, students also voted to increase the existing UCC fee by $17 starting in September
2008. The second fee will pay for the
increased costs the USC will incur after Campus Recreation relocates out of the UCC.
The second vote won by a much narrower margin, with 3,714 students voting for the
fee increase, and 3,489 students voting
With both votes having passed, the USC
will begin looking at how the open space will
be utilized in the UCC, Dunn said.
For the time being, the recreation centre is
scheduled to open in 2008-09, which will
coincide with the expiration of the UCC
expansion fee (currently at $65.49) and the
UCC renovation fee (currently at $19.36).
P2 ➤ news
theGazette • TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 2006
News Briefs
Military Research Debated
Mark Chesterman/Gazette
There’s no crying in
sports!… is there?
By Ian Denomme
Gazette Staff
Any man who sat and cried following Team Canada’s loss to Russia at the Olympics, or has hugged
total strangers in celebration at
sporting events, knows under
other circumstances, crying
would be unacceptable.
Now a study by the British
Mental Health Foundation may
back up that once stereotypical
The study says watching sports
provides men with an opportunity to get in touch with their feminine sides. It provides men with
an appropriate outlet to cry, hug
each other and let out emotions
without being embarrassed, or
feeling like less of a man.
“Men just don’t normally open
up and talk about how they feel,” a
mental health agency spokesman
told the United Press. “They find it
hard to talk to their [doctors]
about how low they are.
“They do, however, get quite
emotional when they are watching football. It is an unembarrassing, acceptable way for men to let
it out.”
Kevin Wamsley, a Western kinesiology professor and an expert on
gender in sports, agrees that
sports provides a more acceptable
avenue to express emotions.
“Generally, men are not supposed to show any affection,” he
said, “but there is a subculture of
sports that can bring men closer
together… It creates different settings to express emotions. It may
be a stereotype, but there is pressure on men not to be emotional.”
However, Wamsley feels the
study may not apply to playing
sports — just watching them. He
said people who actually engage
in sports would disagree with the
study because sports are all about
celebrating, and there is appropriate masculine behaviour that goes
along with it.
A friendly slap on the rear to
celebrate is generally acceptable
on the playing field, but any ‘feminine’ emotion might be a different story.
“There is a sports subculture in
playing,” Wamsley said. “There are
rules and regular appropriate
behaviour that are usually followed. And there is a code on the
streets that is different altogether.”
Free Admission
The Hong Kong Economic
and Trade Office presents:
Hong Kong-Canada
Live Video Career
This Friday, March 10,
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Room 1R40, Richard Ivey School of Business
(please arrive 15 mins before conference begins)
“Featuring speakers live from major
HK corporations discussing market
trends and employment opportunities”
How does the Canadian income
tax system apply to you?
Representatives from the Canada Revenue Agency will present information on:
x Your income tax return
x Determining your residency status for income tax purposes
x Goods and Services Tax Credit (GSTC)
x And more!
Date: Tuesday, March 7, 2006
Times: 1:30 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.
Location: USC Council Chambers, Room 315, UCC
For more information visit: www.sdc.uwo.ca/int
An income tax clinic for international students will be held in SDC’s International Student Centre
(Room 200, UCC) from Wednesday, March 15 to Friday, March 24, 2006
Student Services
A public forum is being held Wednesday March 15 to
discuss military research on Canadian universities,
including Western.
Counter-Stryker is a group formed to express
concerns over the Stryker research project and others like it. The Stryker project is a major research
contract the Western Faculty of Engineering
received in 2004 to research and improve the Stryker Light Armored Vehicle.
The Stryker is manufactured by General Dynamic and built at its London plant. It is an eightwheeled fighting vehicle that can carry troops into
battle and carries a number of weapons.
“This vehicle has been used in Iraq. It has seen
combat in Baghdad, Mosul, Fallujah, and the Tigris
and Euphrates River Valleys. These are the weapons
of destruction. I think it raises important ethical
questions,” said Western media, information and
technoculture professor Nick Dyer-Witheford.
The speakers will include Ken Epps, a researcher
and program co-ordinator with Project
Ploughshares, Stephen Maynard, the NDP candidate for London North Centre and a Western engineering student, and MIT professor Tim Blackmore,
author of War X: Human Extensions in Battlespace.
The event is free to attend and will be held in University College, Room 224 (Conron Hall) at 12:30 p.m.
For more information contact Dyer-Witheford at
—Ian Denomme
Activists Come to Western
Tonight, two speakers will discuss human rights for
International Women’s Day.
“These are very high profile activists in the community on international issues and aboriginals,”
said University Students’ Council VP-campus issues
Kelly Wilson.
The first speaker, Farahnaz Nazir, is a women’s
rights activist, refugee from Afghanistan, and an
advocate for human rights under the Taliban. She
will discuss human rights and international relations in Afghanistan, Wilson said.
The second speaker is Dawn Memee Lavell-Harvard, who is doing her PhD on low academic
achievement and drop-out rates among aboriginal
populations in Canada. Wilson noted that LavellHarvard’s mother challenged the Canadian law that
forbade women from carrying on their native status
when they married non-Aboriginals.
The event is free to attend and will begin at 7 p.m.
in Room 315 of the University Community Centre.
The Wave will offer free appetizers from 6 -7 p.m..
Fighting for Equality and Human Rights
Speaker Flora McDonald will come to Brescia University College for International Women’s Day.
“[McDonald] will be talking about her experiences working in Tibet and Afghanistan, the progression or lack of progress in those countries on
achieving equality, and how they celebrate International Women’s Day in those countries,” explained
Kim Young Milani, co-ordinator at the Circle
Women’s Centre at Brescia.
McDonald was a well-respected Member of Parliament, the first woman to be Canada’s secretary of
state for foreign affairs, and also the first female foreign minister in the world, Milani said.
“We thought [this event] is important to celebrate
at Canada’s only women’s college. She’s a tremendous role model for Brescia and the Women’s Centre,” Milani said.
The event takes place Wednesday, March 8 at 7:30
p.m. in the Brescia Auditorium. Both the lecture and
parking are free and everyone is welcome.
—Nancy Gray
Get Your Arts On
Students looking to indulge in singing, poetry reading and other artistic endeavours can revel in Western’s finest talents over the next few days during
Western’s annual Festival of the Arts Week.
“The week will really showcase the diversity of talent people have here on campus,” said University
Students’ Council VP-student affairs Chris Crighton.
The events began last night in The Spoke Lounge
and will continue on each day at either The Spoke
Lounge and University Community Centre Council
Chambers starting at 8 p.m.
In addition to the regular events, students can get
their picture in next year’s Westernizer.
“The winning picture will be selected by a panelist
of judges on Thursday night. We are looking for a picture that captures Western the best,” Crighton said.
FOA members will be stationed in the UCC atrium for the remainder of the week to accept submissions for the photo contest.
For more info visit www.usc.uwo.ca.
—Ravi Amarnath
3-day forecast
Rain or snow
High 4C
Low -6C
Light rain
High 8C
Low -1C
Variable cloudiness
High 13C
Low 3C
news ➤ P3
theGazette • TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 2006
Moussasoui pleads
of Mauritania. In the first incident, at least 23 people drowned
in rough sea conditions after their
boat crashed into a Moroccan
ship coming to its aid. Twentytwo more people drowned in the
second accident after their boat
By Matt Larkin
Gazette Staff
9/11 Suspect Pleads Guilty to
Conspiracy: Monday marked the
beginning of the sentencing trial
for Zacarias Moussasoui, the only
person indicted in the United
States for direct involvement with
the Sept. 11 attacks.
Moussasoui, a 37-year-old
Frenchman who originally hails
from Morocco, has pleaded
guilty to conspiracy. He was
arrested at an Oklahoma flying
school for suspicious behaviour
in August 2001, but at the time
told federal agents he was training as a pilot for personal enjoyment.
Parliament Curbs Abbas’ Power:
Palestinian parliament restricted
Palestinian leader Mahmoud
Abbas by revoking recent legislation granting Abbas more influence. Fatah MPs walked out of
the parliament session before an
official vote on the issue could
take place.
The Hamas majority parliament was sworn in last month.
The previous parliament, which
had a majority from the Abbasled Fatah party, planned to set up
a constitutional court in which
Abbas picked members.
* The Gazette’s publication
* A list of Gazette pickup locations on campus
* How to buy an advertisement
* How to volunteer
* A revamped archives section
and search engine
* An interactive survey
The Gazette: Providing great
Internet content since 1906…
wait, was there an Internet in
1906? No, Al Gore wasn’t even
born yet.
solution to today’s puzzle
( from page 11 )
Fatal Boating Incidents Near
Mauritania: At least 45 people
died on the weekend in two separate boating disasters off the coast
Canadian Soldiers Killed in
Afghanistan: Master Cpl. Timothy Wilson and Cpl. Paul Davis
died just outside of Kandahar
after their armoured vehicle overturned.
During a meeting with tribal
leaders in Kandahar, Lt. Trevor
Greene was attacked and critically wounded by a man brandishing an axe. The attacker was
shot and killed by other Canadian soldiers.
The Gazette is proud to
announce that our website
(www.gazette.uwo.ca) has been
revamped, remodeled and various other things beginning
with ‘re.’
New site features include:
Lulu Wei/Gazette
IT’S A G-G-G-G-GHOST TUNNEL! The tunnel connecting Talbot
College and the Don Wright Faculty of Music may be haunted by
the spirit of Beethoven, forced to walk the earth until he finishes
his ninth symphony. Or, the weather might just create some weird
shadows — either way.
Conveniently located to
Downtown and WESTERN
Beware the bandit
Camouflaged crook at large
By Nancy Gray
Gazette Staff
Brand New Townhomes
living room
kitchen & dining room
•Large, brand new kitchens…
includes dishwasher
•Quality ceramic flooring
•5 appliances included
•Large bright windows
•High speed internet available in each room.
•Window coverings in every room.
•2 and half bathrooms in every unit.
•Spacious bedrooms
Great location on the Thames River
near Gibbons Park
Tours available
ern R
fe Rd
Crime around campus was quiet
over the break, while a “camouflage
bandit” is being investigated by
London Police Service.
Only one break-in was reported
to Campus Community Police Service over Reading Week, according
to CCPS director Elgin Austen. A
student from Saugeen-Maitland
Hall reported personal possessions
and a television stolen. Police are
investigating the incident.
around Western’s
libraries now display a photograph
of a young woman who was caught
stealing students’ possessions and
was banned from campus.
“[The posters] are to alert the
students and staff this person has
been known to steal from Western,
has no authority to be here, and we
want know when she returns,”
Austen said.
“[The suspect] breached her
release condition. She is out on the
town again and could be back here
The suspect is not a Western
student and has no connections to
the university. She is charged with
several accounts of theft including
identification cards, laptops and
personal property, Austen added.
In other news, the LPS is investigating a camouflage bandit who
recently appeared at a bank in
The male suspect entered a Scotiabank on Speers Road on Feb. 28
only to be recognized by employees from a previous robbery at the
same bank, according to a LPS
media release.
“The suspect was waiting in
line, however, became suspicious
of bank employees watching him
and fled the bank prior to committing a robbery,” the release stated.
The camouflage bandit is also
suspected of five recent bank robberies in London at Scotiabank and
the Bank of Montreal, said LPS
public information officer Amanda
The bandit often uses the same
technique: he enters the branch
and gives a note to bank tellers
telling of his intent to steal, she
“There’s a potential he may
attempt robbery at another London bank,” Pfeffer said.
The camouflage bandit has also
successfully robbed banks in
Guelph, Grimsby, Kitchener,
Hamilton, and Halton Region.
The suspect is described as a
white male, 160-180 pounds, last
seen wearing a puffy black jacket
and sunglasses. His nickname
derives from his occasional outfit of
army fatigues.
Varsity Mills
t. W
rd S
Varsity Mills
P4 ➤ opinions
theGazette • TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 2006
Volume 99, Issue 81
“Life isn’t fair. It’s just fairer than death, that’s all.”
Mark Polishuk
Lori Mastronardi
Aron Yeomanson
Deputy Editor
Managing Editor
Editor - gazette.editor@uwo.ca
Deputy - gazette.deputy.editor@uwo.ca
Managing - gazette.managing.editor@uwo.ca
website at www.gazette.uwo.ca
University Community Centre Rm. 263
The University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario, CANADA. N6A 3K7
Advertising Dept.: (519) 661-3579, Fax: (519) 661-3960
Editorial Offices: (519) 661-3580, Fax: (519) 661-3825
The Gazette is owned and published by the University Students’ Council.
Coin flip not
a total flop
This year’s University Students’ Council Arts and Humanities election was close enough for a coin toss. Literally.
What started as a civilized battle between Shannon
D’Arcy and Matthew Cole ended as a tilt between “heads”
and “tails.” D’Arcy found herself on the right side of the
coin, calling tails and thus being crowned Arts and
Humanities president.
According to USC legal affairs officer Dave Forestell,
the coin toss policy has existed for as long as anyone can
remember. The dreaded coin may not be popular — both
D’Arcy and Cole were disappointed to have it determine
their fates — but the USC felt no other alternative could
pick the victor appropriately.
Have we truly settled on the coin as the only tiebreaker? Searching for alternatives is logical, but finding one
fair for all parties is a daunting task.
Having an authority figure like the USC president or
the Arts dean determine the winner through a vote or an
interview process may sound like a good idea, but it could
allow biases to leak into the decision. A candidate with
more USC experience, or one who has kissed up to the
faculty in the past, would have a better chance of victory.
Any interview process would likely require a committee,
not an individual, to make the decision.
A second vote would have some advantages; apathetic students who originally chose not to vote may realize
the importance of their votes to the election process, and
may therefore reconsider.
The USC could have easily organized the re-vote over
Reading Week, but the idea still poses problems. Those
who voted in the original election may not want to do so
Electing co-presidents in the event of a tie, though not
in the USC constitution, could give two equally deserving candidates a taste of the presidency, but the situation
would likely be problematic.
Co-presidents could find a way to work together, but
what if they had conflicting election platforms? Their
presidential roles would be restricted. Giving each candidate one term as president may solve such a problem, but would also leave them little time to accomplish goals.
A simple yet effective way to resolve the issue may be
to simply extend the voting period by 24 hours in the
event of a tie, and send a mass e-mail to inform prospective voters of the situation. But the extended vote still
wouldn’t guarantee additional turnout.
At first glance, the coin toss may seem as sensible as
having USC President Ryan Dunn send D’Arcy and Cole
on a campus scavenger hunt to find one final vote. However, the toss may be the simplest, most efficient, and
most objective method to break a tie.
The coin toss is by no means perfect; it seems a rather
lazy solution, and could damage the victor’s credibility.
Until we find an unbiased alternative, however, we’ll have
to keep looking to the penny.
Chavez is more democratic than Bush
Re: “Hugo Chavez needs to go,” Feb. 23,
To the Editor:
The mere fact that D. Eric Sayers uses the
words democracy and George Bush in
the same sentence should give those of
us with any sense of right and wrong an
idea of which side of the political spectrum he occupies — somewhere to the
right of Attila the Hun.
Let’s start by getting one thing
straight: Hugo Chavez represents national integrity and democracy at its very
best. He was elected by a majority of his
citizens — a real majority. Remember
how George Bush got into power? Let me
refresh everyone’s memory: through a
coup d’etat assisted by his brother Jeb
Bush in Florida. Thousands of ballots
went missing and have never been
found. Tens of thousands of voters were
disenfranchised by one mechanism or
another. George Bush got into power illegally, and he maintains power by playing
on people’s fears.
Hugo Chavez has closed down the
international oil companies, turning
their headquarters into a free university
and using their vehicles for the transportation of poor students to and from
classes. He has engaged the world in a
discussion about who owns natural
resources and to whom the profits of the
sales of those resources should go. If Sayers doesn’t like Venezuela, he’s going to
be really, really, unhappy, since Hugo
Chavez’s message has been heard and
taken up by another six countries in
South America, all of whom have rejected ‘American’ style democracy and have
elected progressive, left-wing governments. The people of Iraq have also
rejected U.S. style democracy — very
George Bush, and his apologists such
as Sayers, have brought nothing but misery to this world. But don’t take my word
— just any one of those thousands from
New Orleans still waiting in vain for the
Bush administration to provide them
with homes.
Susan M. Beland
French Language and Literature II
To the Editor:
I found this letter quite humorous and
ignorant at the same time. Many of the
points it made were very odd, unless
your sources are news agencies such as
FOX and CNN.
The United States has placed democracy and human rights at the heart of its
foreign policy? Sure, if you live in LaLa
Land, with fairies and leprechauns
singing Irish tunes (titita tititi!).
FACT: U.N. human rights investigators have called for the immediate closure of the U.S. detention camp at Guantanamo Bay; the U.S. has refused to do
FACT: The U.S. holds inmates for
years without trial. Bush has stated that
these prisoners are “enemy combatants”
so they do not fall under the consideration of international law.
FACT: In U.S. custody, there have
been over 100 deaths, not counting ones
in custody of Afghan and Iraqi forces, as
reported by Human Rights First and
Amnesty International.
FACT: Bush has allowed wire taps
without court approval.
FACT: The U.S. has not allowed the
Red Cross to visit some detainees.
Oh, there are more, but I don’t want
to write an essay here. Let’s move on to
the next point.
Sayers writes, “Although the focus of
the Bush Doctrine has remained the
Middle East, there are other areas of the
world that deserve attention.” They
deserve attention? I don’t think innocent
people deserve carpet bombing, depleted uranium bombs, or cluster bombs
(which are illegal by every known convention).
Sayers also writes, “First, the U.S.
(with Canadian help?) should exhaust
every avenue possible (United Nations,
Organization of American States, NGOs)
to ensure international pressure is put
upon Chavez.”
As my previous point stated, the U.S.
does not give two shits about the U.N.,
unless it is for their benefit. I hope Canada does not get involved with a nation
that is directed by a person that gets his
war tactics from a little voice he calls God.
Oh, and let us not forget that most of
today’s dictators were put into power by
the U.S. I do hope Venezuela has fair
elections, but I do not wish upon the
people of Venezuela a U.S. intervention.
Rafal Olaf Schubert
Commercial Aviation Management I
To the Editor:
D. Eric Sayers is hardly the honest promoter of democracy he lets on to be. His
letter was adorably idealistic, comically
naive and rife with glaring omissions and
half-truths. He mentions something
about a failed coup attempt in 2002.
But does he mention anything
about who orchestrated that coup? Of
course not. Anybody with half a brain
knows America was fully behind that
coup plot and it had nothing to do with
that magical word people from the auspices of puppet campus coalitions and
international development firms like to
call ‘democracy.’
Another laughable assertion he made
was that Chavez does not have the support of his people. I think somebody has
been drinking too much Fox News KoolAid because those of us who look beyond
the frame of America’s corporate news
outlets are fully aware that Hugo
Chavez’s rise to power and that of others
like him, such as Bolivia’s Eva Morales, is
emblematic of a shift to the left all over
Latin America.
The shift to the left isn’t about oppressive regimes, terror or antagonizing
America; it’s about nationalizing Latin
America’s natural resources and taking
power away from the ‘gringos’ who have
plundered and exploited Latin America
for too long to further their own imperial interests.
Venezuela happens to have one of the
largest oil reserves in the world. It’s funny
how all the places America feels are in
most need of democratic reform are also
the ones that happen to sit on top the
biggest reserves of oil. But does Mr. Sayers mention anything about the oil in
Venezuala? Of course not.
Jonah Paritzky
Biology II
Editorials appearing under the ‘opinions’ heading are
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board member. All other opinions are strictly those of
the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions
of the USC, The Gazette, its editors or staff.
Section Editors 2005-2006
Ravi Amarnath
Ian Denomme
Nancy Gray
Mitch Tucker
Arts & Entertainment
Anna Coutts
Chad Nevett
Associate Editor
Dallas Curow
News - gazette.news@uwo.ca
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Letters: Must include the contributor’s name, identification (ie. Economics II, Dean of Arts) and a telephone
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than 300 words or judged by the Editor-In-Chief to be
libellous, sexist or racist will not be published. The
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opinions ➤ P5
theGazette • TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 2006
By law, gays Misogyny?
can already
get married
Re: “Tearing up her insides: not a
sexy issue,” Feb. 23, 2006.
Re:“Sounding off on same-sex marriage,” Feb. 21, 2006.
To the Editor:
“Marriage: the formal union of a
man and a woman, by which they
become husband and wife” —
Oxford English Dictionary.
“Marriage: the union of one
man and one women to the exclusion of all others” —1999 Canadian Parliament.
Discrimination is discrimination, whether you claim moral
superiority (as Mr. Lawless does),
or scream bigotry and homophobia (as Ms. Keating and Mr. Van
Ymeren do). In Canada, straight
men have the legal right to marry
straight women; therefore, equal
rights would dictate that gay men
have the right to marry lesbians (I
suppose a gay man could marry a
straight woman, or a straight man
could marry a lesbian; any combination of one man and one
woman, assuming both are adults,
not related to one another, and
neither are already married to
someone else).
But proponents of same-sex
unions are not interested in equality or having the SAME rights.
Instead, they want extra privileges
and to simply change the definition of marriage to suit their own
interests and whims.
To the Editor:
I echo Ms. Wilson’s concerns regarding a violent response from the Sex
Issue Score Card without hesitation.
She is absolutely right to tell readers
that sexual violence is a ubiquitous
problem and that all those who are
suffering should contact the appropriate resources for help.
I think she’s mistaken, however,
in her assertion that the response
was “absolutely unrelated to sex”
and that it was purely a violent
problem, as if violence and sex are
mutually exclusive. It’s dangerous to
perpetuate the idea that all sex in
our society is completely void of any
violence and demeaning attitudes,
even when it does not meet the
legal definition of rape or assault.
Certainly, The Gazette’s Sex
Issue demonstrates my point. I
imagine that this heterosexist
piece, which objectifies and
degrades women and disseminates archaic ideas about relations
between the sexes, was intended to
be shocking and revolutionary.
Instead, it’s part of the same misogynist culture that has tyrannized
women for centuries.
As long as the media — student
newspapers included — presents
such ideas without serious reflection, the emancipation of women
will elude us, and violent attitudes
like those expressed by the participant in your survey will continue
to surface.
Annick MacAskill
Arts II
Tories fail
to make us
part of U.S.
To the Editor:
If you listened to the naysayers in
the last election, it seemed as if a
Conservative government of any
kind would mean the end of Canada as we know it. Curiously
enough, except for the men’s hockey team losing in the Olympics, it
seems to me like the country is
doing just fine!
Harper is hard at work behind
the scenes enacting the policies
that Canadian voters elected him to
follow through on. The last month
has had its ups and downs, but one
thing is certain: the country is no
worse off, and we haven’t become a
part of the United States.
Instead, we have begun to
repair our relationship with our
largest trading partner by appointing Mike Wilson as U.S. Ambassador; we have stood up for freedom of speech in the cartoon fiasco; and we have hurt the separatist
cause in Quebec, as a recent Globe
and Mail poll showed.
Overall, we’ve got a lot more
work to do but, rest assured, your
country is on the right track. Thanks
again for letting us serve you.
John Cameron
President, UWO Tories
Fire bush
gets red
with anger
Caruso,” Feb. 22, 2006.
To the Editor:
I have grown weary of the endless
comments against redheads like
that of Sho Araki, who of David
Caruso said, “He’s a redhead. Fire
bush. Not cool.”
As a proud natural redhead, I
refuse to sit idly by and be slandered by comments tantamount to
racism. Since prejudice against
redheads is common in our society, a new term has been coined to
represent racism against redheads:
redism. Although we’re a minority
(less than four per cent of the
world’s population), we deserve
the same amount of respect as
other human beings.
I find it sad that someone with a
clearly ethnic name would propagate racism that they or their
faced. Araki may deem redheads
“not cool,” but clearly there is
something to be said about our
hair’s hue judging by the amount of
fake redheads I see every day
around campus.
Although our lustrous ruby
locks may invoke jealousy on the
part of others, please remember
that red hair is simply a quirk of
nature, and certainly not a solid
basis to judge whether or not a person is cool!
Redheads unite!
Beth Brudnicki
Tim J. Leader
Religious Studies II
Be on time
or die, Dyer!
Re: “Dyer visits Wave,” Feb. 22, 2006.
To the Editor:
I am confused about why Mr.
Gwynne Dyer got such a rave
review in The Gazette.
Mr. Dyer was over 30 minutes
late for his presentation on Tuesday. I don’t care if you’re the Queen
of England; if you make a promise
to be somewhere and people are
relying on you then you need to be
there. Perhaps something out of
Mr. Dyer’s control delayed him, but
could he not have called someone
at the University Students’ Council
and informed them of the problem?
It is probable that Mr. Dyer
apologized to his die-hard fans
who waited over half an hour to see
him speak. However, this apology
was not printed in The Gazette,
which merely ran a fabulous
review of Mr. Dyer’s talk. Perhaps
The Gazette could have realized
that it is generally unacceptable for
people to be ridiculously late. As a
fourth-year student with no time
to waste, I wasted 30 minutes sitting around for a man who did not
Mr. Dyer, I have only two
months left at Western. It would be
nice to see you back (on time) so
that I, and others who had to leave
Tuesday, could have the privilege
of hearing you speak.
Meaghan Owens
Honors History IV
What’s your opinion?
Let us know at
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STAY TUNED: Dave Chappelle throws a Block Party... Wednesday
Gazette File Photo
MILLA’S NOTHING BUT A MATRIX WANNABE: Resident hottie Milla Jovovich stars in the dull dud Ultraviolet.
Ultraviolet proves to be ultimately awful
By Dino Bratic
Gazette Staff
Directed by: Kurt Wimmer
Starring: Milla Jovovich, Nick Chinlund, Cameron Bright
It’s official: the ozone layer has
completely deteriorated, leaving
harmful Ultraviolet rays to reach
out and take over the silver screen.
With its amateurish acting, perplexing plot, and badly shot scenes,
Ultraviolet is nothing but a great
big ball of boredom and confusion.
The second Matrix-like movie
by director Kurt Wimmer, Ultraviolet is set in a future world that,
according to its central character,
Violet (Jovovich), “you may not
The film begins in a world where
a viral outbreak has changed most
people into vampires called hemophages. In an effort to kill them off,
the government releases a weapon
in the shape of a boy called Six
Violet, an Aeon Flux-like hemophage assassin, randomly finds Six
in a suitcase and, for some reason,
takes it upon herself to protect him
from the hemophages who want
him dead, and the government that
needs him back.
Confused yet? Don’t worry — so
was everyone who saw this flick, as
it is nothing but one big, muddled
For starters, the movie is filled
with endless plot twists full of
holes. For example, hemophages
are irritated by light, yet the whole
movie is lit up like a supernova.
And this is supposed to make
sense... how?
Of course, the pathetic plot is
accompanied by extra dry acting.
Like in the two Resident Evil films,
Jovovich plays a woman who has
contracted a virus. One might think
she’d have the character down cold;
however, nothing could be farther
from the truth.
Jovovich puts in a fair performance to start but, as soon as she
attempts to develop her character,
her acting becomes unbelievable
and cringe-worthy.
Cameron Bright also disappoints in his portrayal of the young
Six. His attempt to feign a neverending state of despair seems like
the quality of acting one might find
in a Grade 9 drama class.
However, these lacklustre performances are not entirely the
actors’ fault. The dialogue is flat,
boring, and capable of making an
audience drift off to sleep.
As well, although the bulk of
the film’s budget went into developing the CGI and stunt
sequences, the movie still fails
miserably in this department. The
action is shot at weird camera
angles and at such a fast pace that
the CGI is blurry.
As well, the high-budget action
sequences are too unbelievable.
For example, Violet activates some
kind of anti-gravity device on her
motorcycle and is suddenly able to
scale the sides of skyscrapers. And,
of course, even though she is being
shot at by army helicopters and
everything around her is being
destroyed, she is still able to drive
away unscratched.
Like the CGI, the fight scenes
share the problem of tight shots
and an overly fast pace. To top it all
off, sometimes the action isn’t even
shown: in one instance, Violet
walks in front of a large firing
squad, the screen goes black, and
when the light come back on,
everyone but Violet is dead.
The film’s one — and only —
redeeming quality is Nick Chinlund’s portrayal of the villainous
Daxus. He is completely absorbed
in his character and clearly outshines his co-stars.
Yet even Chinlund can’t save
Ultraviolet from being the latest
movie on the list of films that should
never, ever be seen by anyone.
Blocks able to triumph
rather than tumble down
By Chad Nevett
Gazette Staff
16 Blocks
Directed by: Richard Donner
Starring: Bruce Willis, Mos Def, David Morse
Bruce Willis
A note to every Hollywood producer: it’s time
to stop pairing well-known action stars with
hip hop artists. With 16 Blocks it’s clear that
this concept has reached its peak in quality,
so, please, just let this trend go out with a
In this latest mismatch, New York detective and alcoholic Jack Mosley (Willis) is
assigned to transport Eddie Bunker (Mos
Def) to a courthouse 16 blocks away within
two hours. It seems like a simple enough
assignment — until Eddie is almost killed
while Jack is buying booze.
The next thing they know, Jack and
Bunker are running from a gang of corrupt
cops who are trying to prevent Eddie from
implicating one of them in court. Adding to
their troubles, the duo discovers that the
gang leader is Jack’s former partner Frank
Nugent (Morse), who knows Jack almost better than he knows himself.
Therefore, every time Jack thinks he’s lost
the cops, Frank is right behind him. If they
only had to contend with the police, fleeing
would be much simpler, but Frank’s knowledge, and the time limit on getting Eddie to
the courthouse before the grand jury’s tenure
expires, largely complicates things.
This interplay between Jack and Frank is
engaging, and it supplies the movie’s core.
Frank constantly talks down to Jack, using a
patronizing, but friendly, tone that comes
from watching his ex-partner’s self-destruction at the hands of alcohol. He knows the
power he has over Jack and uses it at every
arts&entertainment ➤ P7
theGazette • TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 2006
Perfecting Spring Break pickups
Tips and tricks for next year’s vacation
Yes, people are likely intoxicated,
but that doesn’t mean they’ll
respond to lewd cat calls and
pathetic one-liners. Girls aren’t stupid, and you won’t be able to make
them believe outrageous lies — no
matter how hard you try.
By Anna Coutts
Gazette Staff
Everyone knows Spring Break is all
about beaches, beer and hooking
up with beautiful people.
However, despite the break’s
sexified swankiness, some guys
are still luckier with the ladies
than others.
So, for all those boys baffled by
how they consistently strike out
while everyone else sluts it up, here
are a few dos and don’ts to help you
improve. After all, everyone
deserves a little lovin’ on vacation,
Gazette File Photo
“STOP SAYING THAT!” Jack Mosley (Bruce Willis) helps a wounded Eddie Bunker (Mos Def) in 16 Blocks.
16 trys to get it right
Rapper/actor combo works
DON’T grope and grind girls
without at least saying hi first.
This is a no brainer: if it doesn’t
work at home, it won’t work while
you’re away.
While girls are drunk and more
likely to dance with you, make out
with you, and even sleep with you,
remember that some standards of
behaviour still apply.
DO dance.
You may be able to pick up a pretty
DON’T go totally berserk
trying to get some attention.
Yes, you want people to notice you,
but wearing an elephant thong or a
banana costume is not exactly a
turn on. You’re better buying a girl a
drink than putting on an oddball
DO make sure
not to get too drunk.
While there’s nothing wrong with
spending Spring Break in a drunken haze, a little coherence and balance goes a long way when you’re
trying to impress the ladies.
If you can’t maintain at least a
fraction of your wit while drinking, don’t be surprised if all the
action you get is a porcelain puking party.
DO use humour.
Every girl loves a guy who can make
her laugh. Laughter is especially
key when you’re vying for the attention of the same ladies as 100 other
drunk, sexually-charged men.
On Spring Break, making an ass
of yourself to entertain the ladies
can actually work — if you do it
right, that is.
DON’T use cheesy pickup lines.
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However, this interplay is often
interrupted by Jack and Eddie’s
somewhat irritating interactions,
which are, by far, the film’s biggest
cliché. Eddie talks a mile a
minute, while Jack is silent and
stand-offish — pretty much like
every other film in this vein. And,
to make things worse, Mos Def
talks in a whiny, near-lisp that is
more agitating than nails on a
Another annoyance is the failure to explain Jack’s change in character through the course of the
film. Why does he go against his expartner and the other cops to save
Eddie? Hints are given, but, ultimately, it seems far too convenient
and quick.
As well, when Jack first picks up
Eddie, he is hungover and out of
shape, which is overlooked when
the chase takes over the plot. Jack
becomes too good and too smart
far too quickly. After all, this is a
character who only moments
before was so drunk he could bare-
ly walk straight — how on earth
does he suddenly become so quick
on his feet?
Yet, despite these minor irritations, director Richard Donner
shows that at age 75 he can still
make an engaging action film. The
film’s flaws are forgotten once the
plot’s suspenseful story kicks into
All in all, 16 Blocks is a great
action flick that proves pairing an
action star with a hip hop artist can
actually result in a worthwhile film.
DO stick to one girl.
While it may be hard to resist staring at the plethora of scantily clad
women, you won’t get any from
anyone if you keep changing which
chick you’re chatting up.
So, if you find a lovely lady who
seems to enjoys your company,
stick to her all night.
lady at home without hitting up the
dance floor, but it helps to shake
your ass a little if you want to pick
up on Spring Break. Nothing like a
little dance floor romp to pave your
way to a girl’s bedroom door. And,
don’t forget, a little shirtlessness
never hurts, especially once you’ve
got a tan.
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P8 ➤ arts&entertainment
theGazette • TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 2006
Aquamarine a bubbly tween
comedy full of cheesiness
By Houda Soltani
Gazette Writer
Directed by: Elizabeth Allen
Starring: Emma Roberts, Joanna
“JoJo” Levesque, Sara Paxton
Don’t expect any surprises from
Aquamarine: it is truly a stereotypical “tween” film. If you don’t enjoy
reverting to the days when you were
a 13-year-old girl — especially if you
were a 13-year-old boy — this movie
might be a bit too bubbly to tolerate.
However, for anyone looking for
a blast from her teenage past,
Aquamarine’s delightfully innocent
tale will surely leave you smiling.
Based on the 1991 Alice Hoffman
novel, Aquamarine is the story of 13year-olds Claire (Roberts) and Hailey (Levesque) who wish for a miracle to keep them together when Hailey’s mom gets a job in Australia.
The girls get their miracle in the
form of Aquamarine (Paxton), a
real-life mermaid in search of true
love. The 18-year-old mermaid tells
the girls that if they help her win
over Raymond (Jake McDorman),
she will grant them one wish.
Of course, the girls set out to
apply all their knowledge about
relationships — with a little help
from a few magazines — to get Raymond to fall in love with Aquamarine in three days.
Yet, no plan is without a hitch. In
this case, the hitch is Cecilia (Arielle
Kebbel), the stereotypical spoiled
girl looking to steal Raymond for
herself by any means necessary —
even if it means destroying Claire
and Hailey’s friendship.
In true tween flick fashion,
Aquamarine is chock-full of giggly
girly fun. It even comes complete
with a “girls at the mall” scene similar to those in the classic Clueless.
Unfortunately, while the film’s
girl bonding scenes work well, its
few serious moments are ruined by
random disturbances. It’s fine that
the movie’s bubbly nature doesn’t
allow much room for depth; however, it’s unclear why it bothers to
try to obtain any at all.
As well, the film’s superficial
nature results in a lack of a consistent emotional atmosphere. For
example, Claire goes from crying
over her fear of water to smiling
giddily at Raymond’s interest in
Aqua within seconds, making her
emotional outburst seem fake and
out of place.
Despite this, Elizabeth Allen’s
direction is fair, avoiding the amateurism to which this kind of comedy is so prone.
The acting is also surprisingly
good, considering the script doesn’t
leave much room for interpretation
and the actresses are so young. In
fact, once you get over the fact that
the stars are a teenage pop star and
Julia Roberts’ niece, the plot is pretty interesting.
Aquamarine can be summed up
in one word: cute. It’s not the type
of movie to see in theatres unless
you’re looking to bond with your
little sister, but it is definitely a film
to pick up on DVD when you’re in
the mood for some reminiscing or a
movie about best friends.
Dem Franchize Boyz
On Top of Our Game
Virgin Records
If you like… David Banner, Ying
Yang Twins
Kick-ass tracks: “I Think They Like
Me,” “Lean Wit It, Rock Wit It”
✔ Buy ❑ Burn ❑ Frizbee
The Atlanta-based rap group Dem
Franchize Boyz has proven to be
enormously popular in the southern U.S. rap scene. In 2004, Jermaine Dupri, Urban Division president at Virgin Records, took the
Boyz under his wing and brought
them into the mainstream with
their second album On Top of Our
Heavy exposure of the single “I
Think They Like Me,” featuring
Dupri, Bow Wow and Da Brat,
helped push for the album’s
release. Airplay on urban radio and
BET of their second single, “Lean
Wit It, Rock Wit It,” has put them
over the top.
The group consists of Jamal
“Pimpin” Willingham, Maurice
“Parlae” Gleaton, Bernard “Jizzal
Man” Laverette and Gerald “Buddie” Tiller. These guys are innovators of the “Snap” and “New Age
Crunk” movements in southern
rap, with artists such as the Ying
Yang Twins.
DFB brings a new creativity to
the rap game that hasn’t been seen
since the southern invasion in the
late 1990s. The Boyz’ music is
inspired by the southern streets
they grew up in. The lifestyle, clothing, dialect and daily activities of
Atlanta and the rest of the south
resonate in the music.
Like sushi, it will take time for
many listeners to develop a taste for
this new sound, but it is worth it.
—Steven Browne
arts&entertainment ➤ P9
theGazette • TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 2006
Ken Finkleman
Je s s i c a A l b a
Hopefully they’ll kill each other:
The Kid Rock/Scott Stapp sex
tape continues to make headlines, as the infamous pair began
taking shots at each other last
Kid Rock called Stapp an
“idiot” for losing the tape before
adding that it will probably help
sales for his upcoming live
Stapp defended himself by
saying, “Obviously someone
wants to hurt me and doesn’t
want me to be successful in my
solo career.”
Throw in a lawsuit against
Stapp by one of the women and
maybe his solo career will actually be sabotaged. We can only
She didn’t even get naked for
Sin City: Jessica Alba is threatening to sue Playboy over the
unauthorized use of her image
on the cover of its March issue.
The issue includes an article
about the year’s 25 Sexiest
Celebrities, where Alba surfaced
as No. 1. However, despite being
the top pick, she refused to pose
for the cover.
So, instead, the magazine
used a promo photo from Into
the Blue without her permission.
Lawsuit time!
But the worst part is being
one of many men to buy the
issue thinking Alba appears
naked inside. That’s false advertising of the worst kind!
—Chad Nevett
If drunken cowboys toying with
slide guitars and wailing about
“half moon blues” is your cup of
tea, then the Great Outdoors’ new
album, A Scant Sixty-Three, should
be as well.
When listening to this collection of down-tempo, twanged-out
tunes, it becomes quite apparent
that the album’s über-cute packaging — the CD comes in a book — is
necessary given its lousy content.
Evidently, you really can’t judge a
Daily Tours ask for
High Speed
Available in
each room
album chronicles the duo’s experiences touring Europe without the
luxuries of fame or fortune.
Singer/guitarist Dave Doughman croons on 15 blues-based,
pop love songs about life on the
road, while Joseph Siwinski backs
him with simple garage-style
On “Timing is Everything,”
Doughman wails, “The cover of a
magazine is one place you won’t
find me, and that’s fine with me…”
over an organ, keyboards and
“Wake up on Waterloo” shows
Doughman’s ability to write a
radio-friendly song that sounds
like Franz Ferdinand.
Swearing at Motorists doesn’t
waste any time with repetitive choruses or instrumental solos. The
album is honest indie rock at its
—Rachel Cartwright
—Claire Neary
Swearing at Motorists
Last Night Becomes this Morning
Secretly Canadian
If you like… Franz Ferdinand, the
White Stripes
Kick-ass tracks: “Timing is Everything,” “Wake up on Waterloo”
✔ Buy ❑ Burn ❑ Frizbee
Last Night Becomes this Morning is
the sixth album from Swearing at
Motorists, a.k.a. “the two-man
Who.” In just under 40 minutes, the
Your Best, Cost Effective
Alternative In Hair Removal!!
FREE move!
—Chad Nevett
If you like… cowboys who try to
sound indie
Kick-ass tracks: “Half Moon Blues
Pt. 1,” “Half Moon Blues Pt. 2,”
“Half Moon Blues Pt. 3”
❑ Buy ❑
✔ Burn ❑ Frizbee
Back from vacation and ready to
check into The Hotel: Break
week may be over, but lovers of
quality TV will receive a treat as
CBC’s six-part series At the Hotel
begins tonight.
The series is written and
directed by Ken Finkleman, the
man behind the hit series The
Newsroom. The show promises to
be full of smart drama mixed with
some arty touches. Clearly, it’s an
hour of guaranteed TV goodness.
One week wasn’t enough,
dammit! Slack week is over and
all that’s left is a month of classes,
essays and then exams. How
utterly depressing.
You know what was great?
Back in the day when March
Break was two weeks. That’s
what we need in university. One
week isn’t enough. You spend
the first three days sleeping, the
next three vegging out, and
then have to return to classes.
So unfair.
The Great Outdoors
A Scant Sixty-Three
DDG Records
book by its cover.
It must be something about the
vocals on this disc that makes it
incredibly unappealing, as the only
bearable songs are instrumentals.
Indeed, the southern cowboyesque vocals seem oddly misplaced with an otherwise decent —
although somewhat rough around
the edges — musical backbone.
Apparently, the Great Outdoors
missed a couple memos. Firstly,
there was the notification that, generally speaking, quality is better
than quantity. While the Great Outdoors brag a member count of nine,
their musical output is still less than
stellar. Secondly, the band should
note that Broken Social Scene
already covered the “artsy album
packaging, large member count”
thing — and BSS did it way better.
All things considered, this
album is woefully disappointing.
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Permanent Hair Removal
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The Spoke and Wave
Depressed about being back in London, buried in snow?
Then dream of the warm weather of summer or the crisp, beautiful leaves of autumn,
and submit something for the upcoming Arts issue!
This year’s theme is seasons, and we want your poems, prose, photos, illustrations
and anything else artsy!
Send your submissions to gazette.entertainment@uwo.ca by March 10
and stave off those winter blues!
a iga
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P10 ➤ classifieds
theGazette • TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 2006
To place your ad in this section,
call Sandy at
Ads can be placed in person, by going to
Room 267 in the University Community Centre
(Mon-Fri 9 am-12 noon, 1 pm-4pm).
Ads can be sent by email to: adoffice@uwo.ca
661-3274 9am -4 pm (M-F)
Ads deemed to be sexist, racist, or libelous will not be published.
#1 1- 2 BDRM Absolute prime locations, downtown
and near UWO, on LTC bus routes. Must see! Rides
available to view. Call 645-7368, Matt: 694-0590, Ted
2-7 BEDROOMS UNITS available. Apartments,
townhouses and houses located in all the great locations across London. All places are in excellent condition! Call John any time to view. 859-5563 or
3 BEDROOM APARTMENTS! Luxury apartments
right across from campus! All appliances, full time
property management, free parking. Call Zach any
time 932 0627.
4 AND 5 bdrm homes & townhomes. Live in the awesome red brick ones next year. So close to campus.
Super sized rooms, All appliances, parking, prewired
for internet. Many to choose from. Call Jon 852-7993
4 BDRM BRAND new red brick townhouses and single family homes for rent. Most feature 5 brand new
appliances, huge rooms and closets, open concept
kitchen/ living room, free parking and networked high
speed internet! Located in great student areas. Act
fast- these won’t last. For more information call Bill at
4 BDRM 3 floor townhouse in private student community. $330 plus or inclusive package available.
Modern updated, open concept with 5 appliances.
Parking, Backyard and on direct bus-route. www.exclusiverentals.ca., Britta 933-9331
4 BDRM HOME. Excellent location. Large, clean and
spacious with lots of character and charm. All appliances, networked computer, parking, and full time
management included. Please call Bill at 670-0327
4 BDRM HOUSE, $1360/ month, close to
UWO/downtown, utilities included, 5 appliances, 1.5
baths, parking, close to bus. Call Rich or Tara, 6866006.
4 BDRM HOUSE. Only 3 yrs old. New appliances,
deck, garage, parking (2), landscaping & snow removal provided. 2-4 pc bathrooms, 2 large common
rooms, close to all amenities, on major bus routes,
2400 sq. ft. $375/per month. Females preferred. Rob
4 BDRM, 2 storey home, 5 appliances, porch, yard, direct bus (6 minutes) to campus. Only $350 +utilities or
$435 inclusive. Ole Norgaard 657-6911 or 878-3008.
4 BDRM. ADJACENT to campus. Homes and townhomes. Live in the new red brick one next year! Super
sized rooms, all appliances, very well maintained, fully networked for internet, parking, so close to campus.
For more info or showing call Jon 852-7993.
4 BDRM. APARTMENTS and Houses. 859-3236. All
areas. Many to choose from. Featuring Red Brick
buildings and houses. Call Eric to view. 859-3236. ericb@londonprop.com
4 BDRM. GREAT location at Wharncliff/ Oxford. All
appliances included, full time property management
and parking included. Will be leased on a first come,
first serve basis. Zach- 519- 932-0627
4 BDRMS- Open concept living in immaculant 3-story
condo. large spacious rooms, all newly renovated in
Ikea decor. 1.5 baths, 6 appliances, including laundry
and dishwasher. Internet, cable, phone in each room.
Short walk to UWO and shopping. On direct bus rout.
Non-smoking, females preferred. $440/bedroom inclusive. Mike 777-0472.
4 BEDROOM $450 inclusive. Separate entrance to
basement. Walk to Western, Regent/Waterloo, heat,
hydro, laundry included. 12 month lease, lots of windows, new carpet and paint, new appliances. Barry
4 BEDROOM -BILLARDS, 2 minute walk to campus.
Luxury rental, huge modern kitchen. Marble baths,
fireplace, basketball net, bar, wireless internet.
$385/mth+ or $435/mth inclusive. (416) 835-5293, enmars@hotmail.com
4 BEDROOM AMAZING, brand new large luxury apt.
Home like setting, backing onto park, 2 bathrooms,
ceramic and hardwood floors, parking, 2.3km to campus. Call Wendy 667-0047, view at www.oxfordrentals.ca
4 BEDROOM APT. Near Ceeps. Available May 01/06.
All utilities included and hi-speed wireless internet, cable, dishwasher, 2 bathrooms, parking, laundry.
$400/per bedroom. Call Steve 870-5235.
4 BEDROOM HOME, $290 +utilities. Close to U.W.O.
Well maintained with dependable landlord. Appliances, laundry, plenty of parking. Available May 1st. Call
4 BEDROOM HOUSE available May 1, 2006. Walking
distance to UWO, 2.5 baths, appliances, parking, quiet
neighbourhood, fireplace, and well maintained.
$1260+. Call 471-1874
4 BEDROOM ON Barrington Ave. Fridge, stove, laundry and parking. Utilities included. 868-9207.
4 BEDROOM TOWNHOMES. Live in style in these 3
Floor town homes. All appliances, full time property
management and parking included. Call Zach Anytime @ 519-200-0627.
4 BEDROOM, 3 floor townhouse in private student
community. $345 plus utilities or $395 including. Cable, hi-speed internet and telephone can also be included. Totally redecorated, dishwasher, washer/dryer. Volleyball, baseball and tennis courts. 5 min bus to
campus, near shopping and downtown. Won’t last
long, always rented! Joseph 495-8717
4 BEDROOM- 1 only left. Townhouse in private student community. 5 minutes to UWO, shopping and
downtown. 6 appliances (2 fridges or 1 fridge & 1
freezer). Free washer and dryer, 1.5 baths. All utilities
included, wireless and cable in each bedroom. $425
negotiable depending on summer occupancy. Teddi
657-8135, 657-8338, teddihh@execulink.com.
4 OR 3 bdrms in 5 bdrm house. Near Kings. Newly
renovated, 2 bathrooms, 2 living areas, 2 fridges, laundry. rooms have internet, phone, cable. $390 +utilities
or inclusive option. Kelly 434-3017
#1 3 BDRM Prime locations, downtown and near
UWO, on LTC bus routes. Must see! Rides available
to view. Call 645-7368, Matt: 694-0590, Ted 868-5622
#1 4 BDRM Prime locations, downtown and near
UWO, on bus routes. Must see! Rides available to
view. Call 645-7368, Matt: 694-0590, Ted 868-5622
#1 5 BDRM Prime locations, Downtown and near
UWO, on bus routes. Must see! Rides available to
view. Call 645-7368, Matt: 694-0590, Ted 868-5622
#1 6 BDRM Prime locations, Downtown and near
UWO, on bus routes. Must see! Rides available to
view. Call 645-7368, Matt: 694-0590, Ted 868-5622
#1 7 BDRM Prime locations, Downtown and near
UWO, on bus routes. Must see! Rides available to
view. Call 645-7368, Matt: 694-0590, Ted 868-5622
#1 8 BDRM PRIME locations, Downtown and near
UWO, on bus routes. Must see! Rides available to
view. Call Absolute first Call 645-7368, Matt: 6940590, Ted 868-5622
#1 A+ STUDENT housing. Call me first so you don’t
miss out! All sizes, all areas. Call Eric to view 8593236
3 BEDROOM APARTMENTS. All the best locations
around London! Newly built, incredibly spacious and
clean. They go quickly, so call soon. John 859-5563
or john_miles@rogers.blackberry.net
3 & 4 bdrm adjacent campus. Large/equal rooms,
large closets, all appliances, networked for internet,
parking. Newly constructed, very clean and spacious.
Call Jon 852-7993 anytime.
3 & 4 bdrm apartments & houses. Close to campus.
Students only. Call Eric to view 859-3236
3 & 5 BDRM. Apartment. Newly built red brick building, right across from campus!! Only a couple left!
Huge bedrooms, beautiful modern kitchens. All appliances included and full time property management.
Parking included. Call Zach Anytime @ 519-9320627.
3 AND 4 BEDROOM apts and townhomes. These are
the awesome red brick ones. Newly built, very spacious, and so close to campus. All appliances, very
clean and well maintained. For more information of
showing please call Jon 852-7993 anytime.
3 BEDROOM APTS. Luxury, large with many great
features. Located in clean, quiet, actively managed
heritage homes. Premium residential neighbourhoods.
Very unique and appealing. For information/showing
Jeff 439-4411.
3 BEDROOM HOMES. Only three left! Oxford &
Wharncliffe area, direct bus to UWO, close to shopping & entertainment. From $300 inclusive to $435 inclusive. Won’t last. Call today. Ole Norgaard 657-6911
or 878-3008
3 BEDROOM HOUSE right behind Kings College library, clean and bright with new windows, parking and
laundry facilities. $350/month each room. 1058 Patricia St. Call Ryan 859-9355.
3 BEDROOM LUXURY living. Over 400 properties
and we are 90% rented out. All appliances, huge
rooms, free parking. Zach 932 0627.
3 BEDROOM NEW basement apt., Large spacious
rooms, separate entrance, laundry, cable, heat, hydro
all inclusive. Walk to Western, Ambleside Dr..
$450/per, 12 month lease. Jennifer 433-1977.
#1 ABSOLUTE RENTALS. Prime locations on bus
routes, near UWO and downtown, Richmond Row. On
LTC bus routes. Many units available. Must see!
Rides available to view. Call Absolute first 645-7368
3 AND 4 BEDROOM apts and townhomes. These are
the awesome red brick ones. Newly built, very spacious, and so close to campus. All appliances, very
clean and well maintained. For more information of
showing please call Jon 852-7993 anytime.
3 BEDROOM RED Brick Apartment, near Masonville.
10 minute walk to campus, right on Richmond bus route. Great location. Modern Kitchens with center island and bar stools. Appliances included, full-time
property management. Call Zach @ 519-932-0627.
#1 ABSOLUTELY THE best off campus houses! All
sizes of apartments on all sides of campus. Many
brand new red brick units are available. These houses go very fast. Call Jon 852-7993 anytime.
3 AND 5 Bedrooms. 217 Sarnia, a stone’s throw from
campus! Spacious new units include all appliances
and laundry. 24 hour property management. Call
soon. Some styles are almost gone! John – 859-5563.
3 BEDROOM RED brick apartments. Limited availability, almost sold out for 2006. Masonville and Western Rd. locations available. Call Eric to view.
#1 AMAZING, JUST built, 4 large bedrooms, luxury
apt. Home Like setting, backing onto park, 2 bathrooms, ceramic and hardwood floors, hi-speed internet, 5 new appliances, parking, 2.3km to campus. Call
Wendy 667-0047. View at www.oxfordrentals.ca
3 BDRM BRAND new red brick townhouses and single
family homes for rent. Most feature 5 brand new appliances, huge rooms and closets, open concept kitchen/ living room, free parking and networked high speed
internet! All are in great student areas. Act fast- these
won’t last. For more information call Bill at 670-0327
#1 CONTACT FOR red brick apartments. Almost sold
out call Eric for more info. 859-3236.
#1 IN OFF campus rentals! All sizes and may locations to choose from. These are the awesome red
brick ones, and they go fast. Call Jon 852-7993.
#1 IN STUDENT rentals! All sizes of apartments on all
sides of campus. Many brand new red brick units are
available. These houses go very fast. Call Bill 6700327
1 BDRM ALL Victorian apartments. Richmond/Picadilly area. Attractive, bright, cathedral ceilings, hardwood, fireplaces, brass lights, appliances, eat-in kitchen, microwave, parking. May 1/06. $440-$598/month
utilities included. 679-8323.
1 HUGE MASTERBEDROOM! Available May 1/06.
Private ensuite bathroom, 2 closets, laundry, dishwasher, double garage, 5 min bus to campus (Sarnia/Wonderland). walk to gym, groceries, restaurants.
$500 all inclusive/school term, $435 -summer. Kayla
1,2,3 BEDROOMS FOR rent, seeking mature students (prefer male), lots of appliances, very close to
downtown, quick bus route and located near convenient shopping centers. $345/month bed. +utilities.
George 519-858-1697.
1,2,3 BEDROOMS. MASONVILLE Gardens Condos.
Close to shopping and UWO. Includes 3 appliances,
fireplace & balcony. On-site laundry and controlled
entry. Call Bonnie 474-4107.
1,2,3 PERSON ACCOMMODATION (room & apartments) on Western Rd. Walk/bus to campus. Specializing in small group, quiet, serious student housing.
$350-$500/month, per person includes utilities, washer.dryer, parking, 24/7 management. 673-1843
1,2,3,4,5,6 Apartments, homes and townhomes for
rent 852-7993. The large new red brick buildings adjacent to campus and downtown. Really large bedrooms and closets, all appliances, high speed networking, well maintained. Many to choose from, all
price ranges. call Jon anytime 852-7993.
1,2,3,4,5,6 bedroom apts & homes available. Don’t
look any further!. Great student homes. Reasonable
rent, utilities included, hassle free living. parking, laundry & all amenities near by. Near UWO. Call for info &
viewing anytime. 858-2674, Cell: 852-2674
1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Bdrm. apartments and houses. 8593236. All areas surrounding Western. Call Eric to view
859-3236. ericb@londonprop.com
1,3,4,5 BEDROOM TOWNHOMES. 960 Western Rd..
Great location, bus at door, large patios/decks. Free
parking and laundry, 4 appliances. Inclusive rates from
$370. Pam 657-8594, 852-2910. Only a few units left!
2 AND 3 bedroom homes. Downtown and near campus. Best qualities with lot’s of space, open concept,
hardwood floor, direct bus route, 5 appliances, parking. $425 inclusive. www.exclusiverentals.ca. Britta
2 BDRM ALL Victorian apartments. Richmond St.
area. Attractive, huge bedrooms, deck, appliances,
microwave, blinds, direct bus to UWO, parking, laundry. May 1/06 -starting $369/per bedroom, utilities included, internet. 679-8323.
2 BDRM. APT. 9 month lease. Very clean, 5 min. walk
to Masonville & UH, 10 min walk to UWO. No pets,
non-smokers, partially furnished, laundry. $450/per inclusive. 858-4781.
2 BEDROOM APARTMENT. Spacious, walk to UWO,
laundry, parking. All inclusive. Available May1/06. 6497320.
2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS in house. Rooftop deck,
parking, laundry. Oxford/Wharncliffe area. May lease.
$800-$850 monthly including utilities. Call Murray
Black 642-2525.
2 BEDROOM HOUSE. 600/month +heat and electricity. Water, laundry and parking is included. Located at
Horton and Wellington st. Call Eric to view. 859-3236.
2 BEDROOM LOWER level apartment in house.
Laundry, parking. Western/Wharncliffe area. May
lease. $375/person monthly including utilities. Call
Murray Black 642-2525
3 BDRM ALL Victorian apartments. Richmond St.
area. Large, high ceilings, fireplaces, bay windows,
microwaves, appliances, parking, laundry, direct bus
to UWO. May 1/06 -starting $349/per bedroom utilities included, internet. 679-8323.
3 BDRM BESIDE Perth Hall - So close to campus.
Three really large bedrooms, and large livingroom/kitchen. Very new, clean, utility efficient. All appliances and pre-wired for internet. Live in style! Call
Jon 852-7993 anytime.
3 BDRM HOME. Tons of character and charm. Parking, laundry, full time management, and networked internet included. Located very close to campus.
Please call Bill at 670-0327.
3 BDRM. ADJACENT western campus live in the new
red bricks ones next year! Super sized rooms. All appliances, very well maintained. Fully networked for internet, parking. So close to campus. Call Jon for more
information or showing 852-7993.
3 BDRM. ADJACENT western campus live in the new
red bricks ones next year! Super sized rooms. All appliances, very well maintained. Fully networked for internet, parking. So close to campus. Call Jon for more
information or showing 852-7993.
3 BEDROOM– ALL inclusive including utilities and
high-speed internet. Fully renovated, new bathroom,
new carpet, hardwood, ceramic flooring, new windows, new washer and dryer. Bus route to UWO.
Blake 434-1791
3 LARGE BEDROOMS in fabulous house. Near MedSyd, located just off University Dr. , huge livingroom/kitchen, laundry, 5 appliances, parking, very well
maintained, good neighbourhood. The closes you will
get to campus. Cory or Ava 519-933-3397.
3,4 BDRM. APARTMENTS and Houses. 859-3236.
Many locations and layouts available. Call Eric to view.
859-3236 ericb@londonprop.com
3,4,5 & 7 bedroom units. 12 month lease, parking and
4 appliances. Contact Ron 673-0000 Ext. 11 or 8689207
3,4,5 BDRM. Apartments. Sarnia/Western rd. Across
from Essex hall. 859-3236. Red Brick Buildings. Call
Eric to view. 859-3236 ericb@londonprop.com
3-4 BEDROOM. Oxford/Wharncliffe area. large livingroom and kitchen. Laundry, parking, close to UWO, 5
min bus ride. $1125/month inclusive. 474-3244.
3-4-5 BEDROOM HOUSE. Available May 1/06. Close
to bus, minutes to campus. 147 Paperbirch Cres,
$340+. Fridge/stove, dishwasher, washer/dryer, freezer, 2 baths, large livingroom & large familyroom, wireless internet/cable. 289-2374
3 BDRM. LIVE in Style. Newly built red brick building,
right across from campus! All appliances included and
full time property management. Parking included.
Call Zach Anytime @ 519-932-0627.
4 + 1=1 free pizza party + 4 bd home! Free pizza party when you stay in this clean, spacious & quiet 4 bd
home! For only $325/mo+, you will receive top of the
line service you deserve. Instant access to bus stops,
minutes to UWO, shopping and more. (Sarnia/Wonderland). Call toll free 1-866-837-5558, email
info@jccrosshomes.com now! It won’t last long!
3 BDRMS. BEAUTIFUL, large units right across from
campus. Dishwasher and Laundry included in each
unit. Networked for Internet and cable. Going fast. Call
John at 859-5563 anytime for info.
3 BEDROOM APARTMENT. Right next to Perth Hall
Residence. Full appliances, huge rooms, networked
for internet. Call Zach Anytime @ 519-200-0627.
3 BEDROOM APARTMENTS and houses located
right beside campus! Great condition, clean and spacious with huge rooms and giant closets. All appliances included. Call John any time for info or viewing at 859-5563 or email john_miles@rogers.blackberry.net
3-7 BEDROOM Houses Downtown. Various locations, all close to the happening London night life.
Only a few units, will rent on a first come first serve basis. Call Zach anytime @ 519- 932-0627.
4 & 5 bdrm apartments & houses. very close to campus, large equal bedrooms, all appliances, networked
for hi-speed internet, parking included, 2 bathrooms.
Call Jon 852-7993 anytime.
3 BDRMS. POPULAR red brick townhouses located
near Masonville Mall. 5 Minute walk from Campus.
Spacious, new units. Includes dishwasher and laundry
in each unit. Full time property manager service. Call
John at 859-5563 anytime for info.
• 3, 5 Bedroom houses, all have 2
bathrooms, dishwasher, parking.
(2 near Richmond Row, 1 on Sunset)
• 3 bedroom house on Richmond.
• 4 bedroom, 4 bath house in Masonville
3-6 BEDROOM HOUSES downtown. Our places are
all well kept, spacious and include 24 hour property
management service. Call soon as downtown rents
out quickly. John 859-5563.
3 BDRM. APARTMENTS and Houses. 859-3236.All
areas. Many to choose from. Featuring Red Brick
buildings and houses. Call Eric to view. 859-3236. ericb@londonprop.com
3 BDRM. MASONVILLE location. Built for students,
only a few left. Call Eric to view 859-3236
Great Locations!
You don’t want to live on Campus forever
but you do want to live Nearby
•Walk or take the bus to UWO…
it stops at our front gates and
takes you directly to campus
•Every unit is equipped with a
dishwasher, stove, washer and
dryer, 2 fridges and 2.5 bathrooms
•Basketball court, bike racks
•Bedrooms are internet, telephone
and cable ready
Great Prices and
Call: 645-7368
Call 519-672-0637
A Student Community
2,3 BDRM ADJACENT to campus. Newly built, super
sized rooms, all appliances, very clean, parking. Networked for internet. Call Jon 852-7993.
3 BDRM ALL Victorian apartments. Richmond & Huron. Some, large, 2 levels, hardwood floors, oak staircases, archways, pillars, high ceilings, fireplaces,
decks, brass lights, appliances, microwaves, parking,
laundry, internet. Utilities included. From $339-$380
per bedroom. May 1/06. 679-8323
2 ROOMS IN 5 bdrm house to share with three 4th yr
females. $425/rm inclusive! On Richmond, three
blocks from gates, 15 min walk to Nat Sci! Contact Andrea: 858-5801.
3 BDRM ADJACENT campus. Live in the new red
brick ones next year. Super sized. All appliances, very
maintained. Fully networked for internet. Includes
parking, snow removal. Walk to campus. Call Jon for
more information or viewing 852-7993 anytime.
3 BEDROOMS. THESE newly built units are on a direct bus line downtown and are within steps of campus. Spacious bedrooms, huge closets and fully networked for Internet and cable. Call John soon at 8595563 as they always go fast!
$350-450 PER MONTH. Utilities included. 3 roommates wanted for May 1st. 1261 Limberlost Road.
Just minutes to UWO and ammenities. Great Location! Contact Chris @ 657-4948, cledsham@uwo.ca
3 BDRM & Bachelor Apts. 128 Woodward. $595
Bach., $425 per room for shared apt.. Includes utilities, cable, TV, hi-speed internet. Clean, good location. Bus at front door. Call 630-6127.
3 BEDROOM SPACIOUS apartment located in downtown London. 2 full baths, newly renovated, backyard,
front deck. Available May 1st. 519-476- 2625. Call
after 5 or leave a message.
classifieds ➤ P11
theGazette • TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 2006
Gazette Classified Advertising Rate: 1 week for $30
Monopoly was invented on this date in 1933. It's 13 days until spring (March 20)
4 ROOMS IN renovated 6 bedroom house. $500/per
+utilities. Behind Ceeps (Mill St). Available May 01/06.
Laundry, dishwasher, new kitchen, hardwood/ceramic floors, 2 bathrooms, parking, deck. Andrew 519850-2405 ext.10244, cover_ed@rogers.com.
4,5 BDRM ADJACENT campus. Very large/equal
bedrooms, spacious living room and kitchen. Fully networked for hi-speed internet. Newly constructed,
includes parking, snow removal, all appliances. Call
Jon anytime 852-7993.
4,5 BDRM APARTMENTS and Townhouses. 8593236. Many locations and layouts. Call Eric to view.
859-3236. ericb@londonprop.com
4,5 BDRM. ADJACENT campus. These are the awesome red brick ones. Newly built, super sized rooms,
all appliances, very clean, parking and so close to
western. For more information or showing call Jon
852-7993 anytime.
5 ADMIRABLE BEDROOM home, 1.5 Klm to campus. $440/per bedroom all inclusive! All bedrooms accommodate double bed. Direct bus to campus every
5 min. Laundry, parking, 5 min walk to groceries, library. Non-smokers. 1-519-380-0644 leave message.
5 BDRM BRAND new red brick townhouses and single family homes for rent. Most feature 5 brand new
appliances, huge rooms and closets, open concept
kitchen/ living room, free parking and networked high
speed internet! All are in great student areas. Act fastthese won’t last! For more information call Bill at 6700327
5 BDRM 3 floor townhouse in private student community. Newly renovated, mint condition. Updated
kitchen, ceramic tile, 3 bathrooms, 6 newer appliances, washer/dryer, walk to UWO/Shopping.Always rented!! Only $345+ or $425 All utilities, hi-speed internet,
cable included. Jason 495-8717
5 BDRM BROUGHDALE House. Walking distance 2
full bathrooms and spacious kitchen, dishwasher,
laundry, hardwood floor, backyard and parking for
$450 all inclusive. Great deal! www.exclusiverentals.ca. Call Britta 933-9331
5 BDRM HOME. Excellent location. Large, clean and
spacious with lots of character and charm. All appliances, networked computer, parking, and full time
management included. Please call Bill at 670-0327
5 BDRM- in spacious 3 story condo. Open concept
living with large rooms and large windows throughout.
Newly renovated (Ikea style) with 7 appliances (incl. 2
fridges, dishwasher, etc) Wireless internet, cable,
phone in each room. Short walk to UWO and shopping, on direct bus route. $525/bedroom inclusive.
Mike 777-0472.
5 BDRM. ADJACENT campus. Live in the awesome
red brick ones nest year!. Super sized rooms. All appliances. Very well maintained, fully networked for internet, parking, many to choose from. Call for more
information or showing. Jon 852-7993.
5 BDRM. ADJACENT campus. Live in the awesome
red brick ones nest year!. Super sized rooms. All appliances. Very well maintained, fully networked for internet, parking, many to choose from. Call for more
information or showing. Jon 852-7993.
5 BDRM. APARTMENTS and Houses. 859-3236. All
areas. Many to choose from. Featuring red brick buildings and houses. Call Eric to view. 859-3236. ericb@londonprop.com
5 BDRM. APARTMENTS, Houses and townhouses. 2
full baths, large rooms, open concept layout with
fridge, stove, washer/dryer and dishwasher. Call Jon
852-7993 anytime
5 BEDROOM APARTMENT. Right next to Perth Hall
Residence. Full appliances, huge rooms, networked
for internet. Will lease on a first come, first serve basis. Call Zach Anytime @ 519-200-0627.
5 BEDROOM APARTMENTS. These newly built
units are on a direct bus line downtown and are within steps of campus. Spacious bedrooms, huge closets and fully networked for Internet and cable. Call
John soon at 859-5563 as they always go fast!
5 BEDROOM APARTMENTS. 355 Wharncliffe. Very
popular redbrick buildings, in great condition. All appliances included, networked for internet, parking included. Call Zach @ 519-932-0627.
5 BEDROOM BARGAIN! 10 month lease. $289+ per
room. Modern house, Huron/Adelaide area. 2 kitchens, 2 full baths, laundry, recroom, parking, direct bus,
walk to shopping. Responsible groups 868-1700.
5 BEDROOM BEAUTY 10 minute walking distance
to campus. Ample parking, laundry facilities, 2 bathrooms. High ceilings, multiple common rooms.
$400/room. (208 Bernard St.) Call Ryan 859-9355
5 BEDROOM BESIDE Subway on Sarnia Rd. Very
few left for this year. Call Eric to view 859-3236
5 BEDROOM HOME, 209 Huron. 1km from UWO has
2 full baths, 2 kitchens, laundry, shared living area,
parking, good size rooms, very spacious backyard.
$450/mth. inclusive. Call 936-2301 today!
5 BEDROOM HOMES. Really close to campus. Really large rooms sizes and very clean. Pre-wired for internet, all appliances, large closets. Parking included.
Call Jon 852-7993 anytime. Live in style!
5 BEDROOM HOUSE for group to share. Rooftop
deck, 2 kitchens, 2 bathrooms, all appliances, laundry, parking. Oxford/Wharncliffe area. May lease. Very
affordable $1500 plus utilities or $1800 including utilities. Call Murray Black 642-2525
5 BEDROOM HOUSE, 80 Huron. $375/per bedroom
+utilities. Hardwood floors, 2-4pc baths, extra large
livingroom and dinningroom, washer/dryer, 2 fridges,
stove, dishwasher, steps to UWO, .1 klm from campus. 857-4232, 660-1299.
5 BEDROOM HOUSE. Beautiful well maintained,
close to UWO. Includes house cleaning lady once per
month, all appliances, 2 baths, parking, internet access, close to Sarnia bus route, non-smokers, no pets.
$400/per month +utilities. May1-April 31. Dave 519651-9133, dgow@golden.net
5 BEDROOM HOUSE– Completely renovated with
new windows, 2 completely new bathrooms, new
kitchen, ceramic & hardwood, dishwasher, washer/dryer, parking, quiet cul-de-sac on park, bus route
to UWO. Blake 434-1791
5 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSES. 859-3236. Red Brick
Buildings. Call Eric To View. 859-3236. ericb@londonprop.com
5 BEDROOM, 3 floor townhouse in private student
community. All utilities, cable, hi-speed internet and
telephone can be included. Totally redecorated, 3
bathrooms, dishwasher, washer/dryer. Volleyball,
baseball and tennis courts. 5 min bus to campus.
Walking distance to shopping and 5 min downtown.
$345 plus utilities or $395 all inclusive. Won’t last long,
always rented!! Joseph 495-8717
5 BEDROOM, BRAND new, never lived in, Victorian
style home. Bargain @ $395/room. Located downtown, where everyone wants to live! On bus route, located at 26 Regina . Includes 5 huge bedrooms,
new full size washer, dryer, dishwasher, range and
fridge. Individual cable & internet connections.
Great parking, fun & convenient location. Professional management.
Call Carl 933 4040.
5 BEDROOM- 1 only left. Townhouse in private student community. 5 minutes to UWO, shopping and
downtown. 6 appliances (2 fridges or 1 fridge & 1
freezer). Free washer and dryer, 2.5 baths. All utilities
included, wireless and cable in each bedroom. $425
negotiable depending on summer occupancy. Teddi
657-8135, 657-8338, teddihh@execulink.com.
5 BEDROOMS. 4 years old, across from UWO gates
on Richmond. all hardwood floors, 2 full bathrooms, 2
fridges, dishwasher, washer/dryer, sundeck. Available
May 01/06. Rides available, $425/per. Call Michelle
777-6019 or 679-2512.
5 OR 6 bedroom house Laundry facilities, close to
campus. Very spacious: 3 levels with living room and
bath room on each. $395/room 211 Bernard St. Call
Ryan 859-9355
5/6 BEDROOM HOME. 5 min. to teachers college
(west side). Lots of parking, A/C, dishwasher, laundry.
$425/bedroom +utilities. 455-4071
5/6 BEDROOM HOUSE all oversize rooms. Large
kitchen and family room. 2 full baths, dishwasher,
laundry. Oxford and Wharncliffe area. $390/375 dollars Jason at 521-9521 471-7959
5/6 LARGE BEDROOMS. Spacious house. Several
common areas. HW floors. central a/c. fireplace. All
appliances. 2 bath. Parking. Very close to campus &
on bus route. $350/bdrm. Colin 642-7885
6 BDRM BEAUTIFUL and spacious. Walking distance
to campus, 2 kitchens, 2 bathrooms, 6 appliances,
hardwood floor, big rooms, parking and a huge backyard. $410. www.exclusiverentals.ca., Call Britta 9339331
6 BDRMS. 2 bath. Huge lot, spacious throughout. air
cond. HW floors. 6 appliances. Parking with garage.
0.1km from campus on Hollywood Cres. $350/bdrm.
Neil 857-6998
6 BEDROOM BROUGHDALE. Directly behind
Med/Syd. Huge modern kitchen with extra fridge, large
rooms, workout room & foosball. Won’t last! $385+ or
$465 inclusive. (416) 835-5293 (leave message). enmars@hotmail.com
6 BEDROOM HOUSE available May 1, 2006. Walking distance to UWO, 3.5 baths, laundry, parking, bus,
2 fireplaces, quiet neighbourhood, appliances, bus route $1800+. Call 471-1874
6 BEDROOM HOUSE, 2 kitchens, 2.5 bathrooms.
Great location close to campus, Richmond and Windermere. Call Andrew 691-7651
6 BEDROOM HOUSE. A steal at $350 including utilities/cable, groups. Excellent size rooms. 3 washrooms.
Prime location by bus-route. Large porch, garage, bar,
48” TV, furnished common areas. Dave 933-6516.
6/7 BEDROOM house. 1556 Western Road (at Ambleside). Parking, dishwasher, 3 bathrooms, all gas
appliances 2 living rooms, free laundry, bus stop
close. Phone, cable & internet cable in every bedroom. 6 years old $350-$375/bedroom (all inclusive
lease available) 788-8966 (London)
7 BDRM BEAUTIFUL and huge. Open concept, large
rooms, hardwood floor, backyard, garage, 6 Appliances, 3.5 bathrooms, 2 kitchen, direct bus-route or walking distance. $330 plus. www.exclusiverentals.ca..
Call Britta 933-9331
A+ STUDENT HOUSING $425/rm. 5 bdrms, 5 bathrooms, huge kitchen, fridge, stove, dishwasher, microwave, eating area. Large livingroom, walkout patio,
laundry, A/C, parking, garage, 1km. to UWO, on major
bus routes, next to stores, grocery, gym, rogers,
LCBO. Live like a king. Don’t miss out. Groups welcomed. 519-697-2237.
ALL INCLUSIVE- 6 bdrm home. Walk to Richmond
Row, Central Ave. 2 bathrooms, laundry, parking (4),
available may 1/06. $2250 inclusive . 433-3678,
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2 bathrooms, ceramic and hardwood floors, hi-speed
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view at oxfordrentals.ca
AWESOME 5 OR 6 bedroom home. located steps
from UWO, 2 livingrooms, large bedrooms with phone,
cable and internet hookups, 3 baths, laundry, dishwasher. Lots of parking, garage for storage, large
yard. $425+ per room. May1/06. 642-1342 Heather
BARGAIN! 3 B.R. , very clean, warm & cozy. Private
entrance, direct 6 minute bus to UWO. 2 car parking,
5 appliances. $300 ea. inclusive! Ole Norgaard 6576911 or 878-3008.
BARRINGTON AVE. 4 bedroom. Fridge, stove, laundry and parking. Utilities included. 868-9207.
IDEAL STUDENT RENTAL. 6 bedroom house, walking
distance to UWO. Ample parking, close to bus stop, excellent condition. Won’t last long. For details and pics call
now: (416)998-2578, email: adrianofiacconi@hotmail.com
LANDLORD A JERK? Lucky you - cause you just
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NO STAR ABSENT Landlord? We’re at least a 2
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bathrooms, loads of charm. 288 Hyman Street by Victoria Park -close to Ceeps, TJs, Joe Kools & UWO.
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Place your ad in The Gazette for a
full week (4 issues) for $30 including tax
(for up to 30 words)
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look forward to meeting you soon!
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am to 3:00 pm.
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5 1
4 3
4 7
8 3
2 9 5
4 8 3
7 1
9 2
1 8
5 9
Fill in the grid so that
every row, every
column, and every 3x3
box contains the digits
1 through 9. Solving
time is typically from 10
to 30 minutes,
depending on your skill
and experience.The
Gazette will publish
Sudoku puzzles with
varying degrees of
difficulty. These will be
identified from easiest
to most difficult as
Lancer, Gryphon,
Golden Gael, and
Mustang Level
Lancer Level
turn to pg. 3
Solution, tips and computer program at:
For Upcoming Features visit:
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HELP US FULFILL a dream. Looking for a generous
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Confidential. fourababy@hotmail.com.
Band. Looking for competent musician with excellent
leadership qualities. Previous marching experience
recommended but not required. For application information, please visit http://westernmustangband.tripod.com.
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01/06. Call Michelle 777-6019 or 679-2512
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Student Renters Stop
Throwing Your Parents
Money Away On Rent
P12 TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 2006
ON DECK: Men’s hockey team falls in a shocker... Thursday
’Stangs attack podium at OUA Championships
By Ryan Gauss
Gazette Staff
Photo courtesy of Western Athletics
ACID REIGN OF TERROR. Jen Sulpher earned a bronze medal in
the women’s long jump at the OUA finals last week.
While enthusiastic Western students prepared for Reading Week
adventures, Western’s track and
field team travelled down Highway
401 to compete in the Ontario University Athletics Track and Field
With both the men’s and
women’s squads competing for
provincial titles and several Mustangs contending for individual
medals, one might have assumed
the athletes would be nervous
from the moment they stepped on
the bus. However, the Mustangs
appeared calm, collected, and
ready to take on Ontario’s best
Fortunately, on opening day
those calm and collected attitudes
led to the start the Mustangs were
hoping for.
Western’s 4x200m relay team —
made up of Randy McAuley, Abdul
Zubair, Andrew Judge and Jason
Kerr — led the way and turned in a
blistering season-best time of
1:28:26, which was more than
enough to defend the OUA title.
Judge, who also picked up a silver medal in long jump on day one,
was happy with his team’s performance, and hoped it would be the
spark the team needed going into
the weekend’s competition.
“Gold, gold, gold, what else can
I say,” Judge said. “Hopefully we
can keep this energy going.”
One athlete who kept the energy
alive was OUA rookie of the year Jen
Cotten. Cotten — considered the
favourite in the pentathlon— did
not disappoint, claiming the gold
medal with a combined point total
of 3,515.
Cotten was also a member of the
silver medalist 4x200m relay team.
Rounding out day one’s medal
winners were Mike Fraser, competing in the men’s pentathlon, and
shot-putter Heather Patterson,
both of whom captured gold.
Western also claimed bronze in
the men’s 4x800m relay and Jen
Sulpher solidified third in women’s
long jump.
On day two, it was more of the
same for the Mustangs, as the
medal haul continued.
Patterson won her second gold
of the championships in the weight
throw with a 15.78m toss, smashing
her personal best of 14.93m.
“I wasn’t expecting two golds,”
Patterson said. “It is an amazing
feeling. It felt easier than all the
other throws I did. I guess I just
caught the weight properly. A lot of
it is just luck.”
Jeff Edwards also tasted provincial glory, winning the pole vault
with a jump of 4.67m.
However, that would be the last
time a Mustang would stand atop
the podium on day two.
A string of Mustang silvers
included medals for Judge, Mitch
Vermue, Cole McLarty, and three
for Kerr, one of which was with the
4x400m relay team. Sulpher,
Bethany Janzen and Alanna
Boudreau all won silver on the
women’s sides.
In the end, both squads settled
for second overall in the team competitions.
Nathan deWitt, Zubair, Scott
Emberley, and the women’s
4x400m relay team were also strong
on day two, all securing bronze
medals in their respective events.
Sulpher, the women’s co-captain, said the ’Stangs would use the
OUAs as a springboard to this weekend’s national championships.
“We actually have a chance at the
championship if we can just stay
close and have the performance of
our [lives],” Sulpher stated.
Head coach Vickie Croley added
that Western was pegged by many
as the underdog.
“Going into this meet we
believed it was Windsor’s meet to
lose,” Croley said. “We have been
having personal bests every meet
leading up to the championships.
[I] can’t ask for more from our athletes.”
Given Western’s success in
Windsor, expect the Mustangs to be
serious contenders at the upcoming national championships in
Outside the Western gates
By Ian Van Den Hurk
Gazette Staff
The Toronto Raptors finally found a new
general manager in 2005 NBA executive
of the year Bryan Colangelo. Hopefully,
the move will bring some closure to the
nightmare known as the Rob Babcock
era. We tried preparing a list of the former GM’s moves, but an intern’s brain
hemorrhaged hours into the research
process, killing him instantly.
The Raptors failed so badly under
Babcock’s reign that he can only be
remembered wearing an apron and
wielding a meat cleaver. The hiring
inspires two hopes: that Colangelo can
save basketball in Toronto and that
Jimmy Hoffa will haunt Babcock in his
dreams for all eternity... or at least until
that intern’s parents come and pick up
his stuff.
Spike TV’s Pros Vs Joes debuted last
night. Admittedly, the premise is a good
one: crappy, washed-up athletes battle
head-to-head with crappy, never-made
it athletes. The show has fantastic potential. If the retired professionals can
muster any semblance of their former
selves, it will be like watching the 1974
Philadelphia Flyers take on a squad of
12-year-old nerds a week removed from
space camp.
The pros include John Rocker, Dennis
Rodman, Jim McMahon and Jerry Rice.
Most of those names aren’t surprising,
but isn’t anybody else starting to worry a
little bit about Jerry Rice?
After hanging around the NFL about
three years too long, Rice joined the cast
of Dancing with the Stars. Now he’s starring in Pros Vs Joes? Did Rice already
squander the millions of dollars he made
during his career? Does he have a
Michael Jordan-like gambling problem?
A Darryl Strawberry-like drug addiction?
Shawn Kemp-esque alimony payments?
If Rice shows up on Wife Swap next year,
we may need to start a “Save Jerry Rice”
Speaking of reality television, Barry
Bonds spent a few days in drag last week
dressed as Paula Abdul. Bonds’ San Francisco Giants hosted an American Idolstyled event to raise money for charity.
Though there’s little doubt that
Bonds’ rampant “flax seed oil” abuse has
shrunken his baseballs into marbles, this
might be carrying things too far. If things
get any worse, the slugger will be adding
a bra to the armour he wears during atbats and changing tampons during the
seventh inning stretch.
Gazette File Photo
beers, babes, BALCO and, as evidenced by his
Paula Abdul drag, a hearty dose of progesterone.
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