View PDF - Western USC
View PDF - Western USC ...burning textbooks since 1906 Western’s Daily Student Newspaper • Est. 1906 High -11C • Low -16C Pan’s Labyrinth is compelling but predictable… p. 5 VOLUME 100, ISSUE 62 • THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 2007 Jonas Hrebeniuk/Gazette PAPER PORN AND ELECTRONIC PORN EACH HAVE THEIR ADVANTAGES. HOW CAN I DECIDE? Though it hasn’t reached great popularity yet, some Canadian universities are experimenting with “e-texts” in favour of the traditional paper textbook format. Some Canadian schools turning to e-texts By Sakthi Kalaichandran Gazette Writer Feeling stiff from carrying a backpack full of thick, hard-covered textbooks? Those days may soon end, as digital textbooks are now available for purchase through several Canadian universities. E-textbooks are an alternative to regular textbooks and are viewable on both PC and Mac platforms. While there are some cost and environmental benefits from e-textbooks, the demand has remained low across university campuses. Debbie Harvie, director of the University of British Columbia book store, believes this market will change substantially over the next few years. E-textbooks have been available at the UBC bookstore since December 2006. However, this term, only seven of the 3,000 books requested by UBC faculty are available as e-textbooks. The online texts can be difficult to read as they are PDF formats of the original book. “As students become more comfortable with reading online, e-textbooks will have a higher demand,” Harvie said. “If books were created to be read electronically from the start, it would be easier for students to read them.” Harvie doesn’t believe e-textbooks will replace all university books, though she said certain subjects can benefit from them. “In a changing field like the sciences, e-texts can be updated quickly,” she said. “Therefore, it may be more beneficial for students in that field.” At Western, digital textbooks are available for purchase through the e-Book Store link on The Book Store at Western’s website. Carolyn Young, The Book Store’s communications manger, said although the link has been there for four years, it has been used sparingly. Last year, The Book Store did a study on e-textbooks with three focus groups. In one group, 12 of the 25 students were interested in digital media. If the price were to be cut in half, 19 students said they were interested. Young said digital books won’t ever be significantly cheaper than traditional books because of copy- right costs. She said the U.S. is far ahead of Canada in terms of copyright legislation. According to Young, some American universities are experimenting with a program called iChapters, in which professors can assign specific chapters from a book and students can choose to purchase those specific chapters. Currently, no legislation exists in Canada for digital content, making it difficult to distinguish between what is a legitimate form of text and what isn’t, Young said. Therefore, The Book Store doesn’t want to sell textbooks if they aren’t copyrighted. “There is a very low profit margin for textbooks,” she said. “Some campus book stores raise the prices on textbooks in order to make a profit. We have chosen not to do that so we can give the students the best prices without incurring a loss to the university.” “Anything more than five pages I would print out,” said Nadia Ahmed, a fourth-year management and organizational studies student. “Reading anything more on the computer screen is hard on the eyes.” Jonathan Ruelens, a fourth-year history student, agreed. “I would absolutely not be interested in purchasing an e-textbook,” he said. “Students, as a group, spend too much time on their computers already. “A book is the last legitimate form in which we can obtain information.” UWO prof’s research could aid nicotine addicts By Mike Hayes Gazette Staff Research currently being conducted by a Western professor may lead to a new treatment for nicotine addiction. Steven Laviolette, assistant professor of anatomy and cell biology, is conducting research which may remove nicotine’s rewarding effects in people’s brains. Though the research is only in its early stages, Laviolette is excited about the possible benefits for people struggling to quit smoking. “Though we’re only studying the effects on lab rats right now, we’ve already seen interesting results,” Laviolette said. “When nicotine is absorbed into the body there are different pathways that are affected. Some of these pathways promote a ‘reward’ effect when exposed to nicotine. “We could establish a pharmalogical intervention, such as a pill, which would inhibit the neural pathway that provides the ‘rewards’ of nicotine. The brain would stop receiving the ‘good’ feeling it gets from smoking and only receive the adverse effects of nicotine, making smoking a lot less enjoyable.” Laviolette’s research has pro- duced other interesting results. “Though smoking is initially unpleasant for many, our research suggests that one may be more likely to continue smoking depending on whether their brain is more susceptible to the ‘good’ effects of nicotine consumption,” he said. Chad Lannon, a fourth-year management and organizational studies student, was skeptical about Laviolette’s research. “Well, smoking regularly is already bad enough, and taking the treatment might not be awful, but [manipulating] hormonal and chemical stuff like that isn’t the smartest idea,” he said. Though Health Canada is currently reporting a drop in smokers, there are still over 4.5 million smokers in Canada. According to Health Canada’s website, nicotine addiction is the main reason many smokers can’t quit. “When a person consumes nicotine, their blood vessels constrict, which increases blood pressure and puts a lot of strain onto the human body,” said Chris Walsh, Western’s campus co-ordinator of Leave the Pack Behind, an organization combating smoking addiction on North American campuses. When a person attempts to overcome a nicotine addiction, these dangers are still present. “If an addict is subjected to a withdrawal of nicotine, they will become irritable and anxious, with an increased appetite and a lowered heart rate,” Walsh said. “Ultimately, the best results [for quitting smoking] come from people who look into the psychological reasons behind their smoking habits. “A person can use a nicotine replacement therapy such as Nicorette or a negative re-enforcement therapy such as Zyban, but those will only help the biological factors affecting smoking addiction. Possessing the will to quit is key.” P2 ➤ news theGazette • THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 2007 GAZETTE PHOTOGRAPHY. Approachable and laidback gentleman Dave Ward seeks a quick-witted, active lady who is easy to talk and joke with. It’s better than getting kicked in the balls. Learn about becoming a photo intern. If you think that’s cute, you sound like the right girl to go on a date with our co-editor and dear friend Dave. Come to Room 263 in the UCC Monday at 1:30 p.m. Campus Life’s Valentine’s Day Date is back. Send us an e-mail at News Briefs Travel and work with AIESEC’s global internship program Western’s chapter of AIESEC is holding two information sessions next week to inform students about its global internship program. AIESEC, which has chapters in 97 countries, sends students around the world to work in management, development or technical fields. AIESEC Western also works with local businesses and helps bring international students to London. AIESEC co-ordinates over 4,000 global internships every year. All Western students are invited to attend the information sessions to see if they’d like to apply. The sessions run from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 31 and Thursday, Feb.1 in Room 3317 of Somerville House. For more information, visit or e-mail Bora Youn at —Claire Neary Ivey receives $2.5-million donation A generous donation has led to another building name change within Western. The Ivey School of Business is renaming its Institute for Entrepreneurship to honour MBA alumnus Pierre L. Morrissette for his $2.5- solution to todays puzzle on page 11 4 6 3 1 9 2 5 8 7 9 1 5 7 8 6 2 4 3 7 8 2 5 4 3 9 6 1 1 3 8 2 7 9 4 5 6 2 5 4 6 1 8 3 7 9 6 9 7 4 3 5 8 1 2 3 7 1 8 2 4 6 9 5 5 4 9 3 6 1 7 2 8 8 2 6 9 5 7 1 3 4 Teach English Overseas million contribution. Western President and ViceChancellor Paul Davenport and Ivey Dean Carol Stephenson unveiled the new Pierre L. Morrissette Institute for Entrepreneurship in a ceremony last Thursday. Morrissette, owner of The Weather Network and founder of Pelmorex Media Inc., praised Ivey’s role in furthering Canada’s economy. The donation provides $250,000 annually for student programs, graduate scholarships and research. —Jaela Bernstien Award-winning novelist comes to Western James Carroll, an acclaimed columnist and award-winning author, will speak at Western next Tuesday at 5 p.m. Carroll has written for newspapers like The Boston Globe and has written several bestselling books, including An American Requiem: God, My Father, and the War that Came Between Us; Constantine’s Sword: The Church and the Jews; and House of War: The Pentagon and the Disastrous Rise of American Power. An opponent of the U.S.’s current foreign policy, Carroll criticizes the current American government “passionately and intelligently, while still showing love for his country,” said Rob McDougall, the associate director of the Centre for American Studies. The Centre for American Studies is hosting the lecture in Room 224 of University College. The event runs until 7 p.m. —Mary Ann Boateng Robarts given funding for Alzheimer’s research A $100,000 donation was recently made to Western’s Robarts Research Institute. Londoner Stewart Geddes generously provided the UWO GRAD RINGS HIGHWOOD RINGS Proudly Canadian 15% OFF FACTORY DIRECT Intensive 60-Hour Program Classroom Management Techniques Detailed Lesson Planning Your Best, Cost Effective Alternative In Hair Removal!! Comprehensive Teaching Materials Internationally Recognized Certificate Teacher Placement Service Money Back Guarantee Included Thousands of Satisfied Students 1-800-779-1779 / 416-924-3240 100% Natural – Best Available & much lower discomfort overall! STUDENT DISCOUNTS Hours Tue-Wed 10-6 Thu-Fri 10-8 Sat 10-4 By Appointment Only 140 Ann St @ Talbot 519 457-9767 Free Parking 100.62.C.06 donation to the Alzheimer Society of London in honour of his late wife, an Alzheimer’s sufferer. The Alzheimer Society of London transferred the donation to Robarts Research Institute to increase funding for its Alzheimer’s research. The research is being conducted by pharmacologist Jane Rylett and image scientist Robert Bartha. According to Rylett, the funding will be used to investigate ultrahigh field MRI, so they can better understand early changes in Alzheimer’s patients’ brains and assist scientists in developing and testing new drugs. “We will look at cellular mechanisms in the brain and collaborate with the medicine imaging group at Robarts,” Rylett said. “[This will let us] visualize some of the disease processes that occur in the brain and look at drug effect on the progression [of Alzheimer’s].” —Matthew Pietrangelo Chinese Culture Festival this Sunday King’s Chinese Students Association is holding its third annual Chinese Culture Festival at Talbot College this Sunday, Jan. 28 at 7 p.m. The theme is “Culture in Minority Areas of China.” “Our goal is to promote Chinese culture to the Western community,” said KCSA member William Wu. Wu said traditional dance, lion dancing, songs and instruments are just a few ways KCSA will promote Chinese culture at the festival. “Our first two years were very successful,” Wu said. Tickets are available in the University Community Centre for $10 and at the door for $15. All proceeds go toward the Chinese Youth Developed Foundation. For reservations and additional information, contact Wu at 519-860-9076. —Matthew Pietrangelo Opera fans, listen up! Western professor Theodore Baerg, an international opera sensation and director of the UWOpera program, presents Puccini’s Il Trittico next month. Il Trittico is three one-act operas based on three different moods. Two of the operas, the tragic and comedic moods, will be performed at Western. Berg is directing the comedy, Gianni Schicch, and Western music professor Sophie Roland is directing the tragedy, Suor Angleica. “They are great operas,” Roland said. “The stories are phenomenal — they have lots of roles which allow our singers to be part of this program. We are rehearsing very intensely.” Il Trittico runs Feb. 9, 10, 16, and 17 at 8 p.m. and Feb. 11 at 2 p.m. at Talbot Theatre. Tickets are $25 for adults and $20 for students and seniors. Tickets can be purchased at the door or from Orchestra London’s box office at 519-679-8778. —Katherine Boleszczuk 3-day forecast Friday Saturday Sunday Light snow High -8ºC Low -18ºC Light snow High -2ºC Low -7ºC A few flurries High -9ºC Low -14ºC Weather theGazette • THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 2007 comics ➤ P3 P4 ➤ opinions theGazette • THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 2007 theGazette Volume 100, Issue 62 ‘Technology — the knack of so arranging the world so that we don’t have to experience it.’ —MAX FRISCH Ian Van Den Hurk Anna Coutts Matt Larkin Editor-In-Chief Deputy Editor Managing Editor Editor - Deputy - Managing - website at University Community Centre Rm. 263 The University of Western Ontario London, Ontario, CANADA. N6A 3K7 Editorial Offices: (519) 661-3580, Fax: (519) 661-3825 Advertising Dept.: (519) 661-3579, Fax: (519) 661-3960 The Gazette is owned and published by the University Students’ Council. E-textbooks: an alternative, not a replacement Closet carnivores shouldn’t fake it The beginning of a new school semester also marks the beginning of another arduous journey: buying textbooks. To battle the high costs — not to mention the weight — of textbooks, the University of British Columbia introduced e-textbooks at its campus book store. E-textbooks are a relief to students who don’t want to lug heavy textbooks; they’re also roughly 20 per cent cheaper than used textbooks. For the environmentally conscious and studious, ebooks can also save thousands of pages of paper for the average student, especially those with hefty reading lists. While selling back textbooks is a way to make back some money, the cash returned may only be a fraction of a given text’s original price. Furthermore, many books can’t be resold when professors continually change course book lists. However, depending on the faculty and the student, an e-book may be an annoyance rather than a convenience if the assigned reading is a lengthy novel or article and the reader finds it difficult and uncomfortable spending extended periods of time facing a computer screen. It also may take students longer to complete e-readings considering the number of online distractions, including talking to friends on MSN Messenger, listening to music, surfing the Internet and playing games. Computer accessibility poses problems for e-textbooks. While many students have laptops, many students don’t. Some courses require continuous reference to textbooks during lectures, which wouldn’t be possible for everyone. Furthermore, e-textbooks can’t be kept for future reference as their “time-bomb” feature destroys them one year after purchase. If they can overcome privacy restrictions like password protection, thrifty students could share copies of the books with their friends by printing or e-mailing readings – saving them money, but threatening e-publishing companies’ financial stability. With tempting features like copy and paste available at students’ fingertips, e-books may also increase the temptation to plagiarize. E-textbooks could be “the way of the future,” especially for younger generations born into the Internet age and comfortable working on computers. However, considering e-textbooks’ drawbacks, they shouldn’t be students’ only option if introduced on a wide scale. Print textbooks should remain available to students who learn better away from a screen. E-textbooks should be a choice — available to those who are technologically savvy, cash-strapped or looking to lighten their heavy backpacks. Editorials appearing under the ‘opinions’ heading are decided upon by a majority of the editorial board and are written by a member of the editorial board but are not necessarily the expressed opinion of each editorial board member. All other opinions are strictly those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the USC, The Gazette, its editors or staff. Letters: Must include the contributor’s name, identification (ie. Economics II, Dean of Arts) and a telephone number, and be typed double-spaced, submitted on disk in Macintosh or IBM word-processing format, or be emailed to Letters more than 300 words or judged by the Editor-In-Chief to be libellous, sexist or racist will not be published. The Gazette reserves the right to edit letters and submissions and makes no guarantees that a letter will be published. • Please recycle this newspaper • Prairie Fire Ravi Amarnath Associate Editor As I grew up in the heart of Alberta, no dish whetted my appetite like a plate of ribs at a local restaurant. However, by the time I was in Grade 4 I was slightly more religious and started pondering whether or not I should refrain from eating red meat for a while. After weighing all other options, I decided to go one step further and stop eating all forms of meat, but continue eating eggs and dairy products. I saw no reason to consume meat if I could survive by eating vegetables, fruits, dairy and protein substitutes. What do Western students think about vegetarianism? “Iron-deficiency anemia — It’s God’s way of saying meat matters.” —Jason Yu Medicine II “I have two roommates who are vegetarians. One does it right and protein counts, the other only really eats [Kraft dinner]. Vegetarianism is a good thing but only if you do it in a healthy way.” —Vicki Maxwell Pharmacology/Physiology II “Either way, if you eat veggies or meat you should choose healthy options, and people should eat whatever makes them happy.” —Rosa Garcia MIT III While initially it was extremely tempting to go out for a Big Mac or eat a hot dog at a barbecue, eventually vegetarianism became natural. Eleven years later, I consider myself a full-fledged vegetarian. Although I’ve chosen to be a vegetarian, I don’t advise others to stop eating meat — ultimately, it’s a personal decision. I’m not bothered at all if the person sitting next to me at dinner chomps away on a large, meaty steak. Over the past few years, however, I’ve noticed a growing trend which does irk me. I’ve met more and more people who claim to be vegetarians just because it’s “cool.” Many of these supposed vegetarians refrain from eating meat for a short time, but then start eating meat occasionally for “special” occasions. Mark my words — if you don’t eat meat Monday through Thursday but “only eat steak at your grandmother’s house on Friday” or if you decide to have salmon while at a fancy restaurant, you’re not a vegetarian. You may seldom eat meat, but you’re not a vegetarian. Many of these individuals claim they’re vegetarians to publicly display their concern for the treatment of animals, while privately still eating their favourite carnivorous dishes whenever a convenient opportunity arises. Don’t get me wrong — I’m not condemning people for only occasionally eating meat. My only request is that people are honest about their true dietary habits. Whether you’re a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore, just be honest about what you prefer to eat. And to answer a common question, no, I don’t plan on marrying a carrot... “I think vegetarianism is a good thing if you do it for the right reasons and if you’re serious about it. Too many people aren’t committed enough and end up going on and off again.” —Ashleigh Mair English III ting their proper daily nutrients from a source other than meat. If they don’t, they are likely to wind up with an iron deficiency or something. That happened to my little sister when she turned vegetarian to impress her loser boyfriend.” —Jonathan Brock Political Science IV “I know a lot of on-and-off vegetarians and some full-out vegetarians. I understand why people choose not to eat meat because of animal rights or concerns over chemicals and by-products in the meat; it’s their personal choice and I support that.” —Ashley Lennox Women’s Studies III “I hate vegetarians. They’re a pain in the ass. If you’re making dinner for someone, you have to make two separate meals if one has meat. My girlfriend is a vegetarian, but she eats some meat.” —Nick Senst HBA II “Vegetarianism can be a healthy way to live your life if you’re smart about it. Vegetarians need to ensure that they’re get- Section Editors 2006-2007 News Jen Davidson Cigdem Iltan Claire Neary Dave Ward Associate Editor Ravi Amarnath Sports Malcolm Aboud James Hayes Stephanie Ramsay Campus Life Allison Buchan-Terrell Sarvenaz Kermanshahi “I won’t eat anything with eyes.” —Kieh Christopherson Health Sciences IV “I’ve done the whole veggie thing before. I personally found it difficult and inconvenient to cut so many options out but people who know enough about it probably don’t find it hard at all. It’s totally an individual decision and I guess good for you if you can live without meat. But I don’t think vegetarians should try to enforce their ‘save the animals’ ideas onto others. That’s just irritating.” —Rachel Halpern Sociology III Gazette Staff 2006-2007 Graphics Brice Hall News - Erin Baker, Marshall Bellamy, Dino Bratic, Jen Boucher, Steve Browne, Krystale Camp- Sports - bell, Rachel Cartwright, Len Caballes, David Chen, Mark Chesterman, Andrew Cionga, Arts & Entertainment Desiree Gamotin Maggie McCutcheon Andrew Sullivan A&E - Chris Clarke, Leah Crane, Dallas Curow, Alana Daley, Kate Daley, Dan Dedic, Ian Opinions Georgia Tanner Photography Jon Purdy Joyce Wang Web Shawn Foster Campus Life - Denomme, Brian Fauteux, Brian Gasparek, Ryan Gauss, Adam Gibson, Nancy Gray, Opinions - Dominika L. Grzelak, Mike Hayes, Conor Houlihan, Nina Janowski, Holleh Javidan, Dave Joyce, Shawn Katuwapitiya, Melissa Kim, Tim Kocur, Travis Kruger, Tyler Kula, Gazette Composing Mike Last, David Lee, Scott Legree, Aaron Lynett, Ryan Mackay, Kyle Malashewski, Ian Greaves, Manager Cheryl Forster, Maja Anjoli-Bilic, Stuart Irvine Kaitlin Martin, Lori Mastronardi, Chad Nevett, Danielle Neziol, Wahid Pabani, Alex Gazette Advertising Alex McKay, Manager Doug Warrick, Mark Ritchie Paterson, Dave Picard, Mark Polishuk, Sarah Prickett, Joel Saucier, Leah StevensonHastings, Antonio Tan, Tina Taus, Elynn Tucker, Mitch Tucker, Sheila Weekes, Lulu Wei, Jennie Wilhelm, Dave Winter, Brad Yandon, Cole Yates, Jonathan Yazer, Aron Yeomanson, Shree Ziradkar P5 THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 2007 STAY TUNED: Comedian Aaron Berg’s shock show... Tuesday ArtsEntertainment WHAT? IS THERE SOMETHING ON MY FACE? CAN YOU GET IT OFF FOR ME? Pan’s Labyrinth follows a young girl as she creates a fantasy world in the midst of war. Pan’s Labyrinth a film about escapism Director Guillermo Del Toro blends fantasy and war By Joshua Hurwitz Gazette Writer Pan’s Labyrinth Directed by: Guillermo Del Toro Starring: Ivana Baquero, Doug Jones, Sergi López Guillermo Del Toro’s actionpacked, Academy Award-nominated Pan’s Labyrinth beautifully blends fantasy and war-thriller genres in an aesthetically pleasing film. It fails, however, to create any interesting new product by combining these genres. In post-civil war Spain, starryeyed, fairytale-loving Ofelia (Ivana Baquero) and her mother Carmen (Ariadna Gil) are relocated to an old mill where the evil fascist Captain Vidal commands a horse troop. As Carmen, pregnant with Vidal’s son, lies sick and weakened by her pregnancy, Ofelia is awakened by a fairy. Spirited to a nearby labyrinth, Ofelia encounters a faun (Doug Jones) who tells her that her soul is that of a great king’s long-lost daughter. To reunite with her father, Ofelia must complete three magical tasks. She sets to work, battling a huge toad and a faceless giant, and nursing a humanoid mandrake root to life. While Ofelia faces fantastical creatures within the maze, republican guerrillas descend on the mill to square off with Captain Vidal. Pan’s Labyrinth is entertaining and intriguing. It smartly combines a dark adult film with a fairy-tale story and a child protagonist. Its fantasy world is a welcome depar- ture from quidditch and Frodo. Jones and Baquero’s strong performances are refreshing. Their characters blend well with the film’s dichotomy between the real and the surreal. However, the film’s central plotline is predictable. While Labyrinth touches on the meaning of death and the value of life, belief, and youthful innocence, it doesn’t elaborate on these themes. Although the film’s 1940s-Spain setting is novel, its simply drawn conflict between good and evil isn’t. Oprah, Martha, and J.K. worth gazillions By Brian Gasparek Gazette Staff • Not surprisingly, the world’s most tired tabloid star Paris Hilton is receiving nothing but a slap on her boney wrist for her recent DUI. Hilton pleaded no contest to her charges and now faces 36 months probation. She must also attend an “alcohol education program” and pay a $1,500 fine. • Former hot pop star and current Cheetos model Britney Spears is denying she has a new boyfriend. Despite US Weekly’s front-page picture of Spears with seemingly broke-ass, dirtbag model Isaac Cohen, she claims they aren’t an item. According to the cheesefaced Spears, the two just like “partying, drinking, watching TV, and going crazy together.” For his sake, lets hope she’s not lying, because no one should have to sleep with Britney Spears. placed first with a worth of $1.5 billion. Looks like someone needs to give away lots more cars. • Forbes Magazine recently ranked the celebrity world’s wealthiest women. Homemaker-turnedfraud artist Martha Stewart placed third with a worth just under $1 billion, Harry Potter author-turnedsellout J.K. Rowling placed second with a worth of $1 billion and every middle-aged woman’s favourite phony talk show host Oprah Winfrey • Rage Against the Machine is making a comeback… for one day. The politically driven rock group which split seven years ago will reunite to headline the eighth annual Coachella Festival this spring. Other bands performing include the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Bjork, Arcade Fire, Arctic Monkeys and Interpol. It’s time to break out those old Ché Guevera shirts... or are they even still in style? • Fall Out Boy press whore and bass-playing midget Pete Wentz got into a brawl with a security guard last week at one of the emorock band’s shows. A YouTube video of the incident shows Wentz jumping off the stage and throwing punches at a guard who supposedly shoved one of the band’s roadies. According to Wentz, “That’s what you get when you fuck with my friends, you fucking asshole!” At least he’s got Jay-Z’s back. • No decision has been made about whether Grey’s Anatomy star Isaiah Washington will lose his job. Washington, who plays the calm Dr. Burke on the show, made another slanderous comment about homosexuals during a Golden-Globes speech last week. In less than three months, Washington has uttered an anti-gay slur toward gay actor and costar T.R. Knight and had a physical altercation with costar Patrick Dempsy. If Washington doesn’t watch out, Burke may lose more than just the use of his hand. Opra h Vidal is a completely maniacal portrait of pure evil, making him as bland and one-dimensional as most of the film’s characters. Ofelia’s labyrinth world is fairly intriguing, but it’s underdeveloped. Surprisingly, her fantasy-world tasks don’t parallel the film’s realworld action. Ofelia seems so unaffected by the real-world violence and so consumed by her alternate reality that viewers are forced to question whether the fantasy world is “real” or simply a form of escapism. U nlike MuchMusic, we do REAL music journalism... and so can you! Come to Room 263 in the UCC tomorrow at 2:30 P.M. to learn about becoming an A&E intern. P6 ➤ advertisement theGazette • THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 2007 Thursday, Jan 25 Thursday, Jan 25 Friday, Jan 26 DIVER PLAYWRIGHTS CABARET never before published works from local playwrights McManus Studio Theatre 471 Richmond St. PRIDE TIGER, PARIS BURNING Call The Office 216 York St. MIKE O’BRIEN & COVER TO COVER Molly Bloom’s 700 Richmond St. TOMMY ROT Norma Jeans 1332 Huron St. LONDON KNIGHTS HOCKEY VS TORONTO ST. MICHAEL’S MAJORS John Labatt Centre, 7:30 pm HORRORCLIX GAMING NIGHT l.a. mood, 350 Richmond St. SOL WITH DJ BENNETT Old Chigago, 153 Carling st. RUKANAS Aeolian Hall, 795 Dundas St. THURSDAYS SPLASH Winks Eatery 551 Richmond St. ARE 1/2 PRICE NATCHOS - All Day TACO TUESDAYS All You Can Eat Tacos 1099 pp $ Piccadilly @ Richmond Call: (519) 453-1197 100.54.C.07 Take the Gazette Trivia win a gift certificate t Labatt’s CALEDONIA 3 pm Grooves , 353 Clarence St. A weekly adve activities at SANDMAN Norma Jean’s, 1332 Huron St. THE BLACK HOLES Victoria Tavern 466 South St. Saturday, Jan 27 MAGIC, THE GAME l.a. mood, 350 Richmond St. A TASTE OF BURNS, WITH HAGGIS STEW, A tribute to Robbie Burns First St. Andrews United Church, 350 Queens Ave. LADIES NIGHT WITH DJ THEORY Old Chicago 153 Carling St. USC CHARITY BALL presents Western’s Formal proceeds to London Special Olympics London Convention Centre 300 York St THE MATADORS, THE LEGENDARY KLOPEKS, GIGGLE SWITCH, ORBAX Call the Office, 216 York St. at Clarence. SPLASH Winks Eatery, 551 Richmond St. JOE AMATO Maggies Jazz Lounge 478 Richmond St. MUSTANG MEN’S HOCKEY VS BROCK Alumni Hall, 7 pm JUSTIN RUTLEDGE DUO London Music Club 470 Colborne VIC HOUSE BAND WITH FRANK RIDSDALE Victoria Tavern 466 South St. RAYGUN Call The Office, 216 York St. KARAOKE Molly Bloom’s, 700 Richmond St. RICK MCGHIE Ceeps 671, Richmond St. THE SATURDAY NIGHT SUPERMIX Club Phoenix 411 Richmond Street Saturday NIGHT DIVA’s thru January & February At The Grill this Saturday Night JESSE ROSS The Mongolian Grill 645 Richmond THE PAUL JAMES BAND CD RELEASE PARTY London Music Club 470 Colborne THE OC BAND WITH DJ DMW Old Chicago, 153 Carling St. London’s own jazz vocal sensation MUSTANG MEN’S BASKETBALL VS LAKEHEAD Alumni Hall, 7 pm Jessie Ross Sunday, Jan 28 100.62.C.05 645 Richmond St. 519 645-6400 Sunday, Jan 28 LONDON KNIGHTS HOCKEY VS SAULT ST. MARIE GREYHOUNDS John Labatt Centre, 7:30 pm Which answer “The Edifice (a) This is a situation where a guy rea (b) The camaraderie found in an orga of the building itself (c) The size of the building doesn’t rea performance. (d) A new building will solve any prob TODAY’S CHALLENGE QUESTION is from available locally at: The Toy Shoppe of Londo HOW TO ENTER : Email your answer to: < and phone number) enter the subject line as before 12 noon on Friday, January 26. CORRECT ANSWERS will be randomly dr Correct entries become eligible to win a priz support USC media. ANSWER TO J The correct answer was (B) Reality is nothing m cause of stress among those in touch with The winner w NOW Every Tuesday afternoon post-time 4pm. Monday & Friday night post-time 7:35pm. 100.54.C.06 RACEWAY THE The 900 King St. 519-438-7203 350 Richmond St. 7-P www advertisement ➤ P7 theGazette • THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 2007 Friday, Feb 2 RSIONS a Challenge today and you could to The Mongolian Grill, Grooves, or Domino’s Pizza ertising feature listing events and UWO and in the London area. Wednesday, Feb 7 KNIGHTS HOCKEY VS SARNIA STING John Labatt Centre 7:30 pm COLIN JAMES, Centennial Hall BILLY TALENT, JLC, 99 King St. Saturday, Feb 3 BUDDHIST MEDITATION AND PHILOSOPHY London Public Library Mondays 7 pm – 9 pm, $10. For information: contact Cheryl-Ann 657-9579 SALSA WITH ORLANDO VALENCIA AND DJ MAURO Free dance lessons at 8:30 Old Chicago’s, 153 Carling St. Tuesday, Jan 30 Thursday, Feb 1 THORNLEY Norma Jean’s, 1332 Huron St. LONDON KNIGHTS HOCKEY VS GUELPH STORM John Labatt Centre, 7:30 pm BLAIR SMITH Molly Bloom’s 700 Richmond St. Friday, Feb 9 LOOK GREAT AND PERFORM BETTER, SYMPOSIUM AT UWO. Hear what the foremost experts in exercise and nutrition have to say. Somerville House, Room 3345 from 9:30 am – 5 pm. To register: e-mail or Friday, Feb 16 HINDER WITH SPECIAL GUESTS BLACK STONE CHERRY, Centennial Hall 609 Wellington St. London ’ s Newest Indie & Alternative Music Store Specializing in Underground Music since 2004 Unique Gift Ideas for the Music Lover on Your List! ROGER SCAMURA AND RITMO FLAMENCO DANCE COMPANY Aeolian Hall, 795 Dundas St. Unload Your CHRISTMAS $$$ Here! 353 Clarence St. (between King & York) • 640-6714 SATURDAY NIGHT DIVAS WITH KARLA REXER Mongolian Grill 645 Richmond St. WED 1/2 Price Nachos Monday, Feb 5 TRAGICALLY HIP John Labatt Centre, 99 King St. SLAYER AND UNEARTH John Labatt Centre, 99 King St. ORANGEMEN Norma Jean’s, 1332 Huron St. r best explains e Complex” NFL Superbowl See Us For All Your Party Needs lly loves his mom. anization can become an integral part ally make a difference to overall OPEN LATE The Labatt Beer Store 700 Richmond St. 675-1212 is OPEN till 11pm both Friday and Saturday Nights blem inherent in an organization. <> (along with your name s Trivia Challenge. Entries must be submitted rawn and announced in the Feb 1 Gazette. zes made available by advertisers who AN ORANGEMEN Norma Jean’s, 1332 Huron St. 18 TRIVIA more than a collective hunch, and is the leading h it says Jane Wagner character “Trudy”. was Ben Cook as low as CALL for your Beer & Keg ORDERS 519 667-7454 9 $$ 99 99 We have a full selection of Kama Sutra products at low prices • pleasure balm • massage oil • bathing gel • honeydust Corner of Horton & Richmond 100.62.C.04 Wednesday’s are HOT Canada’s Best Selection of Adult Movies, Games & Toys! with Orlando Valencia & his Pachanga Band plus DJ Mauro W taking pre-orders on Stephen King’s E DARK TOWER Gunslinger Born Thursday is SOL Nite with DJ Bennett Student Pricing 153 Carling St. 519 434-6600 100.62.C.2 10062C03 Part series 519 432-3987 Smokin’ HOT DVD’s CHARLIE RALLO, DARRYL STACEY AND THERESA WALLIS Friday and Saturday Maggies Jazz Lounge 478 Richmond St. m the game Theories. It is on. 685 Fanshawe Park Rd W. Friday JAN 26 it’s Campfire Poets 1560 Dundas St. E. • 519 455-5454 330 Wellington Rd. S. • 519 439-4114 1-100 Wharncliffe Rd. • 519 439-0505 10am-Midnight 7 days a week 100.58.C.06 100.62.C.1 THE GOLDEN DOGS, YOKO CASIONOS, OH! THE PRETTY THINGS Call The Office 216 York St. at Clarence. Join us for the GAME on Sunday Feb 4 on the BIG SCREEN and PRIZES Bud LONDON KNIGHTS HOCKEY VS SARNIA STING John Labatt Centre, 7:30 pm MON & TUES CHEAP Wings “Take the test, they’re better than the rest” Friday, Feb 2 AMANDA MARTINEZ AND THE LATIN JAZZ ENSEMBLE Aeolian Hall, 795 Dundas St. HIGHER GROUND, Orchestra London tribute to Mowtown 609 Wellington St. Come See … Wednesday, Feb 7 SLEDGE HAMMER BINGO Ceeps 671 Richmond St. LONDON KNIGHTS HOCKEY VS BRAMPTON BATTALION, John Labatt Centre, 7:30 pm 100.54.C.05 Wednesday, Jan 31 CHERRY DOGS Norma Jean’s, 1332 Huron St. Thursday, Feb 8 CHAMBER WORKS, PATRICIA GREEN & JOSEPH LANZA First St. Andrews United Church, 350 Queens Ave. Monday, Jan 29 Friday, Feb 9 P8 THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 2007 CampusLife NEXT WEEK: Western’s philanthropists Today’s young people not wearing condoms Stats Canada says less than 50 per cent wrap up for sex By Melissa Kim Gazette Staff At university, hormones flow like the Euphrates and co-eds bed-hop like it’s going out of style, but are men always wrapping their tools like Bob Vila? According to a 2005 Statistics Canada health report, 44 per cent of people aged 20-24 didn’t use a condom the last time they had sex, the largest demographic to do so. In the same report, twice as many females as males aged 15-24 were diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease. Chris Walsh, health education coordinator at Student Health Services, said unprotected sex is a main factor in spreading sexually transmitted infections, as well as infrequent testing, oral and anal sex, sex toys, and drug use. Walsh recommend getting tested before each new sexual relationship and regularly within a longterm relationship. He emphasized that methods of contraception like birth control pills and hormonal methods don’t protect against STIs, and simply because a student isn’t showing symptoms doesn’t mean he or she isn’t infected or infectious. “There are many people who feel using condoms sacrifices pleasure,” Walsh said. “However, I certainly wouldn’t consider being infected with an STI pleasurable or worth the risk.” Alex McKay, research co-ordinator of the Sex Information and Education Council of Canada, said since the average age of first marriage in Canada is 28 and the average age of first intercourse is 16 or 17, there is often a number of sequential sexual partners before marriage — relationships that are not always monogamous. McKay added 90 per cent of Canadians have sex before they marry. “Even if they think of themselves as being very cautious — if they are practising unprotected sex in those relationships — by the time they’ve reached their mid or late 20s, [they’ve had] unprotected sex with multiple partners.” McKay said a norm should be established on campuses across the country that con- doms are always used, with no ifs ands or buts. He said STIs and unintended pregnancy rates would drop dramatically if this were the case. Western psychology Professor Bill Fisher said though young adults use condoms and practise safe sex early in relationships, they usually stop once trust is established. “Recognition of the fact that familiarity and trust are no substitute for latex is going to have to become an automatic and not a thoughtful behaviour in the same sense that people automatically [don’t light] a cigarette in somebody’s living room,” Fisher said. Chlamydia is the most commonly diagnosed reportable STI at Canadian universities. According to McKay, chlamydia is not only often asymptotic, but can also damage the female reproductive system, making it one of the leading causes of infertility in Canada. “I usually get tested twice a year and I’ve [always] used a condom,” said James Lucas, a first-year social science student. “It’s probably [what others should do] but definitely not what they are doing.” “If you’re going to have sex, then you should wear a condom no matter what.... and get tested regularly,” added Lauren Teremchuk, a third-year history student. “It’s a responsibility for you and the people that you are sleeping with.” If you have questions or concerns about sexual health, visit Student Health Services or call 519-661-3030. Many still face barriers to sexual health care QUICK FACTS By Sarvenaz Kermanshahi Oral contraceptives are the most common method of contraception used by Canadian women (32 per cent), followed by condom use (21 per cent). Gazette Staff A vital component of sexual health is access to health care, but barriers still exist for some looking for such services. Marilyn Evans, assistant professor of nursing at Western, said numerous factors must be in place before young people will seek the help of a health professional, especially on issues about their reproductive health. Students must feel they won’t be judged and, most importantly, that their visit is kept confidential. Evans also said some women feel disempowered vis-a-vis health care professionals and unable to make decisions about their health. Thomas MacFarlane, director of Western Health Services since 1987, said he’s never heard any complaints about the clinic’s staff. He said the quality of the staff’s performance is proven in the number of users: Health Services had 59,411 visits in 2005-06. MacFarlane believes Health Services’ staff is sensitive to the needs of all visitors, noting “Our staff is encouraged and required to be nonjudgmental in its approach.” But barriers to health care need not involve outright discrimination explains Susan Knabe, lecturer in the department of women’s studies and feminist research. “Some… barriers include assumptions of heterosexuality [for instance a focus on heterosexual sexual activity which makes it less likely for a person to come out, and therefore access appropriate care] and assumptions about sexual identity and sexual activity being synonymous. “[For example, the] assumption that lesbians are not at risk for STIs because they don’t sleep with men — wrong on both counts, since some lesbians do have sex with men, and since there is female-tofemale transmission of some STIs like HPV and herpes,” Knabe said. Knabe said other barriers include a lack of regular access to health care — many lesbians don’t get regular screening like paps, pelvic exams, or mammograms — because they don’t routinely visit the doctor for birth control. She added lesbians are at higher risk for some cancers because of other risk factors. “Breast cancer is associated with not having been pregnant, obesity, smoking — all higher factors in the lesbian population on average,” Knabe cited as an example. Out-right homophobia is problematic, as it still exists in some health-care situations. “This also operates as a barrier, both in terms of that specific interaction, but also in terms of making [lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgendered] people less likely to access health care in the future because of this and therefore putting their health at risk,” Knabe said. Walking into a health-care setting takes courage on the part of someone who is transgendered, says Greta Bauer, assistant professor of epidemiology and biostatistics at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry. Some physicians won’t see transgendered individuals for routine medical services based on a concern about adequate training to meet transgendered needs. “One recently completed needs assessment of transgender and two-spirit people in Manitoba and Northern Ontario found that over 20 percent of trans people had relocated to find trans-competent health care,” Bauer says. The average age Canadians have sex for the first time is 16.5. The term sexually transmitted infection (STI) is now commonly used instead of sexually transmitted disease (STD) to include infections that may be asymptomatic. In 2003, 854,817 people aged 15-49 who have had sexual intercourse reported having been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection Chlamydia is the most commonly reported STI in Canada. Gonorrhea is the second most commonly reported STI in Canada. source: Sex Facts in 2006, TIPS FOR PEAK SEXUAL HEALTH - Know your sexual partner, communicate about safe sex, testing, and STIs - Always use a condom, and/or spermacide, for all sexual activity - Get STI testing; it’s quick and can be done in one visit - Get your Hepatitis A and B shots WOMEN - Get a pap smear once a year to detect abnormal cell changes - Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is available for Canadian females aged 9-26; high-risk HPV is linked to most cases of cervical cancer. Three doses are required ($167 per dose); a prescription is required MEN -check your penis and testicles regularly for lumps, sores or any unusual discharge; all are signs of an STI campus life ➤ P9 theGazette • THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 2007 Hockey linemates snipe the Pipe ends have been good, so going into this weekend we’re confident if we carry in those two big games. HARE: Us and Lakehead is one of the huge rivalries, so it’s always nice to be out two times, knowing that they were pulling up on us, and have a chance to leapfrog them. It’s good to get wins there. By Malcolm Aboud Gazette Staff Every week, the Purple Pipe is awarded to a Mustangs athlete or a group of athletes who has put forth an outstanding performance. This week, the nod goes to the men’s hockey line of Craig Kennedy, Steve Benedetti and Ryan Hare, who combined for 14 points in two games versus rival Lakehead this weekend. Gazette Sports caught up with Benedetti and Hare to talk pre-game routines, Paul Newman and Pizza Hut. What’s your pre-game routine? BENEDETTI: Everyone on the team has their own thing that we do, so usually in the morning I play basketball and I eat the same food every day. I go to the rink, all the boys play soccer, and then we play. HARE: I’m not really a superstitious guy. I just always have the same ice time routine, but never anything too serious. Which teammate would you not want hitting you over the middle? BENEDETTI: I’d say [Mike] Sellan — he’s a pretty big boy. HARE: That’d probably be Mike Sellan. He’s a big crusher and he’s always looking for that big hit, hurting everyone for the puck, so you’ve got to keep your head up, especially in practice. What’s your mindset for this weekend’s games against York and Brock? BENEDETTI: The last two week- Kennedy, Benedetti and Hare net 14 points versus Lakehead Who’s your favourite Slap Shot character? BENEDETTI: It’d have to be one of the [Hanson] brothers. HARE: Whomever Paul Newman is. What’s his name? Did you have mini-sticks growing up? How many? BENEDETTI: (Laughs) Yeah. I was a huge fan of mini-hockey, so I’ve probably got every team out there. HARE: I had mini-sticks from all over — wood ones, longer ones, the mini ones. They were all Leafs ones, especially when Gilmour was around — I’m a huge Gilmour fan and collected all his stuff. What’s the best hangover cure? BENEDETTI: I’m still trying to figure that one out. HARE: Just sleep. That’s all, I guess, and Pizza Hut buffet usually does the trick. Does your line’s friendship contribute to success? BENEDETTI: Definitely. We’ve all been playing together for a few years now — we’re all pretty close, so it definitely helps. HARE: Especially with Steve Benedetti and Kenner, it’s all about experience on our line. We’re an older line — five years, four years and three years — what we bring to the table is experience and that’s what we’d like to shed to our teammates. Jonas Hrebeniuk/Gazette MORE GOALS THAN A HIGH SCHOOL GUIDANCE COUNSELLOR. Ryan Hare (left), Steve Benedetti (right) and linemate Craig Kennedy grab the Purple Pipe this week for outstanding offensive prowess against Lakehead last weekend. STUDENT SPECIAL! Gazette Sports needs rappers, dancers, running backs and writers. BEST FITNESS FOR YOUR BUCK If you have a nose for journalism and you need somebody to help you do the Super Bowl Shuffle, bring your deep-dish pizza up to Room 263 of the UCC and party like Walter Payton. 3 Be sure to stop by Tuesday or Wednesday, Jan. 30 & 31, at 1:30 p.m. We’re holding our annual internship meetings and we’ll answer any questions you might have about getting involved. No experience necessary! months for Don’t wait — shuffle by today! At $ $ 204* 399 our Perry Ellis $ 00 is a GREAT Deal! suit At 2 for 700 $ 00 Tanning Group EXercise Personal Training Transferable Memberships Wide Variety of Equipment they’re a Steal! 1-800-597-1-FIT 7 Jeans NOW in stock! 100.40.C.03 Masonville Place 519 850-7904 *Offer expires January 31st, 2007. Valid Student ID required. Must be 18 years of age or older. Platinum and Platinum plus clubs excluded. Other restrictions may apply. See club for details. P10 ➤ classifieds theGazette • THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 2007 $30 To place your ad in this section, call 661-3274 or email: (1 week) 30 words $8 (1 issue) 30 words Housing Housing Housing Housing Housing #1 ABSOLUTELY THE best off campus houses! All sizes of apartments on all sides of campus. Many brand new red brick units are available. These houses go very fast. Call Jon anytime 519-852-7993, #1 ADJACENT TO campus and downtown locations available. Call Eric to book a tour 519-859-3236. #1 AMAZING, JUST built, 4 large bedrooms, luxury apt. Home Like setting, backing onto park, 2 bathrooms, ceramic and hardwood floors, hi-speed internet, 5 new appliances, parking, 2.3km to campus. Call Wendy 667-0047. View at #1 IN OFF campus rentals! All sizes and many locations to choose from. These are the awesome red brick ones, and they go fast. Call Jon 519-852-7993, #1 STUDENT HOUSING in London. 2-7 bdrms. Popular redbrick apartments and townhouses, plus houses in various student locations. Most have 5 appliances, huge rooms and closets and are networked for internet. Call now! These rent on a first come first serve basis. Zach 519-932-0627. #1 STUDENT RENTALS 2-7 Bedroom units in the best students areas around campus and downtown. Houses/apartments and townhouses available. All in great shape, and most include dishwasher and washer/dryer. Call John at (519) 859-5563 for more info. $350/MTH UTILITIES INCL., 1261 Limberlost Rd, 4 bdrm house, bus to UWO stops at bottom of driveway. Sign up for anytime in 2007 before Jan 31/07 and get a free DVD player! Call or e-mail Chris @ 657.4948, or $375 INCLUSIVE! 5 rooms available for rent. Close to all amenities, 1 bus to campus, 1 bus downtown. Great condition, close to UWO. Come check it out, 519-473-3672 or 519-777-2878. 1 BEDROOM IN 3 bdrm house to share. May 1/07Apr 30/08. Steps to Kings and UWO. $375/month +utilities. 4 appliances. Roommates: 1M (MIT4) and 1F (Sci4). Non-smoker. Lisa 519-433-6333, 1,2,3,4,5 BEDROOM APARTMENTS & homes. Inclusive rents. Close to campus -some walking distance, controlled entry, hardwood floors, parking, laundry, near all amenities. Hassle free living. Available May 1st call anytime.858-2674, cell: 852-2674. 1,2,3,4,5,6 Apartments, homes and townhomes for rent. The large new red brick buildings adjacent to campus and downtown. Really large bedrooms and closets, all appliances, high speed networking, well maintained. Many to choose from, all price ranges. Call Jon anytime 519-852-7993, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 BD. RED brick apartments and houses. 519-859-3236. All areas surrounding Western Call Eric to view 519-859-3236. 1,3,4,5 BEDROOM TOWNHOMES. 960 Western Rd. Great location, bus at door, large patios/decks. Free parking and laundry, 4 appliances. Inclusive rates from $385. May 1. Pam 657-8594, Only a few units left! 3 BDRM BRAND new red brick houses, apartments and townhouses. Most feature 5 brand new appliances, huge rooms and closets, open concept kitchen/ living room and free parking. All are in great student areas. Units rented on a first come first serve basis. For more information call Ryan at 519-673-4105. 3 BDRM BRAND new red brick townhouses and single family homes for rent. Most feature 5 brand new appliances, huge rooms and closets, open concept kitchen/living room, free parking and network high speed internet! All are in great student area. Act fastthese won’t last. For more information call Bill at 519670-0327 3 BDRM CLOSE to Masonville, near campus. 7 min walk to campus, very large rooms and closets, includes laundry and dishwasher, parking, on bus route. Call Jon anytime 519-852-7993, 3 BDRM HOUSES for rent on all sides of campus. Many of the units are new and include all appliances, parking, and full time property management. Call Ryan at 519-673-4105 3 BDRM HOUSES for rent on all sides of campus. Many of the units are new and include all appliances, parking and full time property management. Call Bill at 519-670-0327. 3 BDRM TOWN houses and apartments. These units are just steps from campus at the corner of Sarnia and Western road, right next to Perth and Essex residence. These units all have spacious bedrooms and common areas. All come with free parking, maintenance and full-time property management. Call Zach anytime at 519-932-0627. 3 BDRM. APT Yale Street, near Ceeps. $1350 per mth. utilities included. older Victorian home. main floor, completely renovated. private. laundry not coins & pkg. Avail. May 1st, 2007. Call Dave @657-4836 or on the web at PURPLESITES.COM under housing. 3 BDRM. Prime locations & condition, downtown and near UWO, on LTC bus routes. Must see! Rides available to view. Call 519-640-1900 3 BEDROOM ADJACENT Western campus. Live in the new red brick ones next year! Super sized rooms. All appliances, very well maintained. Fully networked for internet, parking. So close to campus. Call Jon for more information or showing 519-852-7993, 3 BEDROOM ADJACENT Western campus. Live in the new red brick ones next year! Super sized rooms. All appliances, very well maintained. Fully networked for internet, parking. So close to campus. Call Jon for more information or showing 519-852-7993, 3 BEDROOM APARTMENT -all inclusive, near Kings and Main. Totally renovated in 2005. Dishwasher, microwave, laundry, parking and deep freezer. Well maintained home, responsible landlord. Call Paul at 519-660-3659. Anytime 3 BEDROOM APARTMENT near the Ceeps. $450 /bedroom. all utilities including: cable and internet. Nice 2 level apartment, hardwood, skylights, laundry, parking 17 Yale St.. Call Stephen 519-870-5235 9-9 email for photos 3 BEDROOM APARTMENTS downtown. All inclusive. Dishwasher, laundry, microwave, hardwood flooring and parking. Well maintained home near Richmond Row. Responsible landlord. Call Paul anytime at 519-660-3659. 3 BEDROOM APARTMENTS for rent. Live on Richmond, near the gates, just south of Masonville or right downtown. With a variety of options for you, we can meet any student’s needs. Most units are newly built and come with all 5 appliances. Call Zach at 519-9320627 anytime to view. 3 BEDROOM BESIDE Perth Hall - So close to campus. Three really large bedrooms, and large living room/kitchen. Very new, clean, utility efficient. All appliances and pre-wired for internet. Live in style! Call Jon anytime 519-852-7993, 3 BEDROOM REDBRICK townhomes on Richmond near Masonville. 10 minute walk to campus, right on bus route to campus and downtown. Great location, near all amenities. All new appliances including washer/dryer and dishwasher. Call John @ (519) 859-5563 to book a tour. 3 BEDROOM, RICHMOND Gates, seconds to campus, laundry, large kitchen, dishwasher, washer/dryer, deck, large rooms, parking, first class accomodation, internet, new windows etc. $425/ person, Groups 519-858-2069. 3 BRM HOUSE 300 Castlegrove Blvd.$450/br available 05/01/2007 12mnth lease Laundry, dishwasher, hardwood, back deck A/C, Dining & Family room, 2 cargarage Non-smokers contact Jamie-Lee or 519-657 -0254 3 RED BRICK apartments and houses. 519-859-3236. All areas. Many to choose from Featuring red brick buildings and houses. Call Eric to view 519-859-3236. 3, 4, 5 bdrm apartments, townhomes, homes, very very close to campus. Large/equal size bedrooms, all appliances, networked for high speed internet, new, spacious. Call for more info or showing anytime, Jon 519-852-7993, 3, 5 BDRMS at 217 Sarnia. Live at one of the most popular student corners in London. Within steps of campus, you can’t get closer. All of these units have big common rooms and spacious bedrooms. Live in style with 5 appliances, free parking, free maintenance and full time property management. Call Zach anytime at 519-932-0627. 3,4 AND 5 Bedroom apartments and houses seconds from front gates on Richmond. Directly on bus route to campus and downtown. Most include washer/dryer and dishwasher. Call John @ (519) 859-5563 to book a tour. 3,4 BD RED BRICK apartments 519-859-3236. Many locations and layouts available. Call Eric to view 519859-3236. 3,4,5 BD. RED BRICK apartments. Sarnia/Western Rd. Across from Essex Hall 519-859-3236. Red brick buildings Call Eric 519-859-3236. 3,4,5, & 6 BEDROOM HOUSES at Oxford and Wharncliffe. Available May 01, 2007. Clean, spacious and carpeted with skylights, fireplaces, dishwasher, laundry and parking. Call Jim Lovell 519-691-5891 4 & 5 bdrm apartments and houses, very close to campus, large/equal bedrooms, all appliances, networked for hi-speed internet, parking included, 2 bathrooms. Call Jon anytime 519-852-7993, 4 AND 5 bdrm homes and townhomes, Live in the awesome red brick ones next year. So close to campus. Super sized rooms, all appliances, parking, prewired for internet. Many to choose from. Call Jon 519852-7993, 4 BD. RED BRICK. Apartments and houses 519-8593236. All areas. Many to choose from. Featuring red brick buildings and houses. Call Eric to view 519-8593236. 4 BDRM #1 student rentals. Newly built red bricks, right across from campus! Dishwasher, washer/dryer include. Huge, spacious rooms with massive closets. Networked for Internet and parking included. These ones always go fast so call soon. Call John anytime at 519-859-5563. 4 BDRM 3-floor townhouse in Private Student Community. $345 plus utilities or $ 395 including. Cable, internet,and phone can be included. 5 min. bus to campus, near shopping and downtown. Won’t last long, always rented!! Joseph 519-671-2671 4 BDRM AMAZING 3 level townhouse. New bathrooms and kitchen, spacious living area. Private student community. Only $425 inclusive Cable, Internet and Phone. Best deal out there, Call Britta 519-933-9331. 4 BDRM BRAND new red brick townhouses and single family homes for rent. Live in style. Most feature 5 brand new appliances, huge rooms and closets, open concept kitchen/ living room, free parking and networked high speed internet! Located in great student areas. Act fast- these won’t last. Call Ryan Anytime at 519-673-4105. 4 BDRM BRAND new red brick townhouses and single family homes for rent. Most feature 5 brand new appliances, huge rooms and closets, open concept kitchen/living room, free parking and network high speed internet! Located in great student areas. Act fast-these won’t last. For more information call Bill at 519-670-0327. 4 BDRM BRAND new red brick townhouses, apartments and single homes for rent. Most feature 5 brand new appliances, huge rooms and closets, open concept kitchen/ living room, free parking and networked for high speed internet! Located in great student areas. Act fast- these won’t last. For more information call Zach at 519-932-0627. 4 BDRM HOUSES for rent on all sides of campus. Many units are new and include all appliances, parking and full time property management. Call Bill at 519-670-0327. 4 BDRM STUDENT houses downtown and near campus. 5 Appliances, open concept living and spacious bedrooms. Call Ryan anytime at 519-673-4105 4 BDRM TOWNHOUSES near all amenities. These 4 bedroom townhouses are 3 floors and 2 washrooms for 4 people! Bedrooms are spacious, bright and have huge closets. Free parking and property management. Call Zach anytime at 519-932-0627. 4 BDRM UNITS -dishwasher, cardio/weight room, underground parking, theatre, social lounge- we have it all! Near downtown and campus -don’t delay these units always sell first! 519-858-2525. 4 BDRM. APT. Yale Street. $1600 Per Mth. Utilities Included. Older Victorian Home, completely renovated. Priv. laundry not coins & pkg. Avail. May 1st, 2006. Call Dave @ 657-4836 or on the web at PURPLESITES.COM under housing. 4 BDRM. Prime locations & condition, downtown and near UWO, on LTC bus routes. Must see! Rides available to view. Call 519-640-1900 4 BEDROOM ADJACENT to campus. Homes and townhomes. Live in the new red brick ones next year! Super sized rooms. All appliances, very well maintained. Fully networked for internet, parking. So close to campus. Call Jon for more information or showing 519-852-7993, 4 BEDROOM AMAZING, brand new large luxury apt. Home like setting, backing onto park, 2 bathrooms, ceramic and hardwood floors, high speed internet, 5 new appliances, parking, 2.3km to campus. Call Wendy 667-0047, view at 4 BEDROOM APARTMENT -all inclusive, near Kings and Main. Totally renovated in 2004 with two bathrooms, Dishwasher, microwave, laundry, parking and deep freezer. Large bedrooms. Responsible landlord. Call Paul 519-660-3659. Anytime. 4 BEDROOM APARTMENTS Downtown. All inclusive. dishwasher, laundry, microwave, hardwood flooring and parking. Well maintained home near Richmond Row. Responsible landlord. Call Paul anytime at 519-660-3659. 4 BEDROOM HOME on bus route to UWO. Well maintained. Appliances, laundry, May 1st. $375 all inclusive. 657-0608 519- 661-7494 4 BEDROOM HOUSE for group to share. Gas fireplace, 3 bathrooms, all appliances, laundry, parking. Wharncliffe /Western Road area. May lease. $385 /person plus utilities, $475/person inclusive. Murray Black 519-642-2525 4 BEDROOM HOUSES with skylights, fireplace, hardwood floors, laundry and parking. Available May 01, 2007. Call Jim at 519-691-5891. 4 BEDROOM REDBRICK townhomes on Oxford. 10 minute walk to campus, right on bus route to campus and downtown. Great location. Three floors, two full washrooms! Huge rooms and closets. All new appliances including washer/dryer and dishwasher. Call John @ (519) 859-5563 with questions or to book a tour 4 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE located on Oxford, 1 block from Richmond. 4 private bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms with 2 showers, parking, full kitchen, free laundry. Bus route 1 block away and all amenities within 1 minute. walk. $450 utilities included. per bedroom. Call Derek @ 519-429-2060 or 519-4293398 (evenings) 4 LARGE BEDROOMS. 4 bath ensuites downtown location hardwood floors, gas fireplace, dishwasher, sun deck, top floor of 1 year old house quiet mature students only $450 per. Call Michelle 519-777-6019 or 519-679-2512 4 PERSON HOUSE for rent. Double car garage, 2 patios, large fenced backyard, big screen TV, 3 bathrooms, fitness room, 5 min. bus to UWO, plazas nearby. $535 /month all inclusive, $435 /month in summer. 519-474-6751 4, 5 BDRM apartments and townhomes and houses. many locations, all spacious, fully applianced, parking, networked for internet. For more info or to view call Jon anytime 519-852-7993, 4,5 BD RED BRICK Apartments and townhouses. 519-859-3236. Many locations and layouts. Call Eric to view 519-859-3236 4,5,6 & 7 BEDROOM housing (Broughdale Ave,, Barrington St., Wharncliffe Rd). Fridge, stove, laundry and parking. $425-475 Utilities included. 519-679-1027. 4-6 BDRM HOUSES and town homes for rent. Units are modern, clean and close to campus. Get everything you could ask for, with 5 appliances, free parking, spacious bedrooms and common rooms and full time maintenance. Bedrooms are networked for internet. Call Zach anytime at 519-932-0627. 5 AND 6 BEDROOM houses, close to gates and downtown, large bedrooms, dishwasher, parking, brand new, Rents from $400-$475. Utilities included. They won’t last long! Call now 519643-6014. 5 BD RED BRICK Apartments and houses. 519-8593236. All areas. Many to choose fro,. Featuring red brick buildings and houses. Call Eric to view 519-859-3236 5 BD RED BRICK Townhouses. 519-859-3236. Red brick buildings. Call Eric to view 519-859-3236 5 BDRM #1 student rentals. Newly built red bricks, right across from campus! Dishwasher, washer/dryer include. Huge, spacious rooms with massive closets. Networked for Internet and parking included. These ones always go fast so call soon. Call John anytime at 519-859-5563. 5 BDRM AMAZING 3 level townhouse. Spacious living area. Private student community. Only $425 inclusive Cable, Internet and Phone. Won’t last long, Call Britta 519-933-9331. 5 BDRM APARTMENTS, houses and townhouses. 2 full baths, large rooms, open concept layout with fridge, stove, washer/dryer and dishwasher. Call Jon anytime 519-852-7993, 5 BDRM BRAND new apartments and townhouses for rent. Units have open concept kitchens, centre island eating areas, spacious bedrooms and huge closets. All are in great student areas. Act fast- these won’t last! For more information call Ryan at 519-673-4105. 5 BDRM BRAND new red brick townhouses and single family homes for rent. Most feature 5 brand new appliances, huge rooms and closets, open concept kitchen/living room, free parking, and network high speed internet! All are in great student areas. Act fast-these won’t last. For more information call Bill at 519-670-0327. 5 BDRM HOUSE: Huron and Sunset 0.2 km from Sydenham Hall) within supervised area of UWO Foot Patrol. $415/bdrm. 3 bathrooms, 2 fridges, washer, dryer, good common areas. Well maintained by dependable local landlord. 12 month lease beginning May 1/07. Call Sarah: 519-438-2426. 5 BDRM HOUSES for rent on all sides of campus. Many of the units are new and include all appliances, parking and full time property management. Call Bill at 519-670-0327. 5 BDRM LUXURY townhouse brand new starting at $460. Large rooms, 2.5 baths, dishwasher, A/C and washer/dryer. Next to Gibbon’s park, recreational paths, a short walk to campus -don’t wait! 519-8580825. 135 ST.GEORGE. Ideal downtown location for students. 3 bedroom unit for rent (main floor of house). 3 bedrooms, 2 full washrooms, parking, laundry, deck and BBQ. 519 933 - 5048. 2 BD. APARTMENTS 519-859-3236. Walk to campus. Heat and water included. Hardwood floors, parking, and on a major bus route as well. Call Eric to view 519-859-3236. 2 BDRM. Prime locations & condition, downtown and near UWO, on LTC bus routes. Must see! Rides available to view. Call 519-640-1900 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS close to campus. Hardwood floors, loads of space. Great student area, right on Western bus route. Great price, and utilities included. Loads of free parking. These places truly are a steal! Call me (John) at (519) 859-5563. 2 BEDROOM Richmond at Regent, steps to UWO, five star, eat in kitchen, sky lights, parking, laundry, internet, new windows etc. $425/person, Groups 519858-2069. 2 MINUTES FROM UWO (.1 miles). Large, clean, bright basement apartment in quiet environment, ideal for graduate student. Newly renovated, completely self-contained apartment with own laundry facilities. Utilities included: A/C, parking, microwave. No pets, no smoking. 519-434-8164 2 ROOMMATES needed, female. For 3 bedroom red brick apartment beside Subway (Western & Sarnia), $490/month plus utilities. Clean, large bedrooms, full kitchen, laundry, walk to campus. 519-433-2698 anytime. 2, 3, & 4 B.R. homes very close to campus and on direct bus route. Clean and in good condition. Prices from $350 inclusive. Only a few left. 519-657-6911 Ole Norgaard 2,3 BDRM ADJACENT to campus. Newly built, supersized rooms, all appliances, very clean, parking, networked for internet. Call Jon 519-852-7993, 2,3,4 BDRM UNITS available -utility pkg. available! Dishwasher, balcony and gym/cardio room. Top of Richmond Row and close to campus- right where you want to be. Limited number- call now. 519-8582525. 2-4 BEDROOMS -relax on your balcony, enjoy underground parking, dishwashers, gym, theatre and lots of study space. This is affordable student luxury. Call now for a tour. 519-858-2525. 3 & 4 bdrm adjacent to campus. Large/equal rooms, large closets, all appliances, networked for internet, parking. Newly constructed, very clean and spacious. Call Jon anytime 519-852-7993, 3 & 4 bdrm apartments and townhomes. These are the awesome red brick ones. Newly built, very spacious, and so close to campus. All appliances, very clean and well maintained. For more information or showing please call Jon anytime 519-852-7993, Student Renters Stop Throwing Your Parents Money Away On Rent Thousands of dollars each year go into the pockets of landlords. Our specialized team can help you and your parents save on these expenses by getting you access to Housing Property. Email now to find our how. 519 851-7653 JASON SIMS Sales Representative ReMax Centre City Realty Ltd. 3 AND 4 bedroom apartments and townhomes. These are the awesome red brick ones. Newly built, very spacious, and so close to campus. All appliances, very clean and well maintained. For more information or showing please call Jon anytime 519852-7993, 3 AND 5 Bdrm 217 and 200 Sarnia Rd. Across the street from campus. Very spacious new units include all appliances, parking, networking for internet. Very nice. Call Jon anytime 519-852-7993, 3 B.R. Very Spacious, with all appliances including dishwasher. Walking distance or direct bus. 1 block to grocery, bank, drug store, etc.. Only $400 inclusive. Ole Norgaard. (519) 657-6911 3 BDRM #1 student rentals. Newly built red bricks, right across from campus! Dishwasher, washer/dryer included. Huge, spacious rooms with massive closets. Networked for Internet and parking included. These ones always go fast so call soon. Call John anytime at 519-859-5563. Prime Rentals! UWO GATES & DOWNTOWN 100.48.C.01 Refer a Friend Program - Get $100 Cash! Great Prices and Locations Call: 519 645-7368 classifieds ➤ P11 theGazette • THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 2007 Housing Housing Housing Employment Wanted 5 BDRM. Prime locations & condition, downtown and near UWO, on LTC bus routes. Must see! Rides available to view. Call 519-640-1900 6 BDRM BRAND new red brick townhouses and family homes for rent. Most feature 5 brand new appliances, huge rooms and closets, open concept kitchen/living room, free parking and networked high speed internet! All are in great student areas. Act fast-these won’t last. For more information call Bill at 519-670-0327. ABSOLUTE RENTALS. Prime locations on bus routes, near UWO and downtown, Richmond Row. Many units available. Refer a Friend Program -get $100 cash! Must see. Rides available to view. Call 519-645-7368 SP-100 FOREST FIREFIGHTING Course, London, March 7-11 or Waterloo, March 14-18, 2007. To register, please call Wildfire Specialists Inc. 2233 Radar Road, Suite 5, Hanmer, ON P3P 1R2. Toll Free: 1877-381-5849. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Accredited. No Guarantee of Employment. SUMMER CAMP COUNSELORS On-Campus interviews for premier camps in Massachusetts Positions available for talented, energetic, and fun loving students as counselors in all team sports including Roller Hockey and Lacrosse, all individual sports such as Tennis & Golf, Waterfront and Pool activities, and specialty activities including art, dance, theatre, gymnastics, newspaper, rocketry & radio. Great salaries, room, board, travel and US summer work visa. June 16th - August 11th. Enjoy a great summer that promises to be unforgettable. Apply Now! For more information or to apply: 1-800392-3752. Interviewer will be on campus Monday, March 5th in the UCC Building, Atrium 4 from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. SUMMER CAMP NORTH of Montreal hiring instructors for in-line skatepark, high ropes/climbing, waterski, windsurf, sailing, canoeing, kayaking, swim, tennis, basketball. soccer, gymnastics, archery, football, baseball, pottery, arts & crafts, beads/jewelry, jazz dance, electric guitar, drama director, female jr. section head, and nursing students to assist camp doctor., SUMMER OF YOUR life! Camp Wayne for Girls children’s sleep-away camp, North-east Pennsylvania (6/16-8/12/07). If you love children and want a caring, fun environment we need Counselors and Program Directors for: Tennis, Swimming (W.S.I. preferred), Golf, Gymnastics, Cheerleading, Drama, High/Low Ropes, Camping/Nature, Team Sports, Waterskiing, Sailing, Painting/Drawing, Ceramics, Silkscreen, Printmaking, Batik, Jewelry, Calligraphy, Photography, Sculpture, Guitar, Aerobics, Self-Defense, Video, Piano. Other staff: Administrative, CDL Driver (21+), Nurses (RN’s and Nursing Students), Bookkeeper, Mothers’ Helper. On Campus Interviews February 6th. Select The Camp That Selects The Best Staff! Call 1.215.944.3069 or apply on-line at WORK AT SUMMER camp in the United States. Males and Females Needed. Waterfront, Land Sports, Arts and More! Waterski, Tennis, Hockey, Ropes, etc. Apply at CanadianCampStaff.Com AT THE LONDON and District Distress Centre, highly trained and caring volunteers provide people in need with short-term empathetic and confidential telephone support. We are training new volunteers early in 2007. To learn more about volunteering, call Wendy Stewart at 519-667-6710 or visit our website: DATING /MARRIED COUPLES are wanted to participate in research on relationships. Couples will receive monetary compensation in appreciation for their contribution. For more information please email us at: 5 BDRMS. LIVE steps from campus in a 5 bedroom apartment or townhouse. Live in style in a modern building, all built within the last few years. Huge kitchens come with tons of cupboards and counter space, and centre island eating areas. Spacious bedrooms are well lit and have huge closets. Call Zach anytime at 519-932-0627 and view one of these units before they are gone! 6 BDRM HOUSES for rent on all sides of campus. Many of the units are brand new and include all appliances, parking, and full time property management. Call Bill at 519-670-0327. 5 BEDROOM ADJACENT and very close to campus, or downtown. These are the awesome red brick ones. Really large room sizes, all appliances, networked for internet, parking. Call Jon for more information or showing anytime 519-852-7993, 6 BDRM HOUSES on all sides of campus. Most feature 5 new appliances, spacious rooms and huge closets, open concept kitchen/ living room, free parking and networked for high speed internet. Act fastthese won’t last! For more information call Zach at 519-932-0627. 5 BEDROOM ADJACENT campus. Live in the awesome red brick ones next year! Super sized rooms. All appliances. Very well maintained. Fully networked for internet, parking, many to choose from. Call Jon for more information or showing 519-852-7993, 6 BDRM STUDENT houses downtown and near campus. Most feature 5 brand new appliances, huge rooms and closets, open concept kitchen/ living room, free parking and networked high speed internet! All are in great student areas. Call Ryan anytime at 519673-4105. 5 BEDROOM ADJACENT campus. Live in the awesome red brick ones next year! Super sized rooms. All appliances. Very well maintained. Fully networked for internet, parking, many to choose from. Call Jon for more information or showing 519-852-7993, 6 BDRM TOWNHOUSES and houses for rent on all sides of campus. Many of the units are new and include all appliances, parking, and full time property management. Call Ryan at 519-673-4105. 5 BEDROOM HOME. Great location in the near west area on Paperbirch Cr. Close to bus, easy to walk, all the amenities. $405/month utilities included. 10 month lease, and/or pay your own utilities negotiable. All large bedrooms, living room, family room, exercise room, parking, 6 appliances, and more. Check it out at or call Dave at 471-8126 for an appointment. 5 BEDROOM HOMES Really close to campus. Really large room sizes and very clean. Prewired for internet, all appliances, large closets. Parking included. Call Jon anytime 519-852-7993, Live in style! 5 BEDROOM HOUSE 12 month lease, $380/month all-inclusive. Clean, 5 appliances. Oxford and Wharncliffe area, bus #2 right outside door. Also a 4 bedroom available 519-672-7206 5 BEDROOM house downtown. Newly renovated with skylights, glassblock, ceramic tile, laundry and parking. Available May 01, 2007. Call Jim at 519-6915891. 5 BEDROOM HOUSE for group to share. Gas fireplace, 3 bathrooms, all appliances, laundry, parking. Wharncliffe /Western Road area. May lease. $340 /person plus utilities or $420 /person inclusive. Murray Black 519-642-2525 5 BEDROOM HOUSE, Richmond Gates, steps to UWO, safe walk to campus, renovated excellent rooms with new windows, 2 modern kitchen/baths, parking, dish washer & laundry, internet, well maintained, $395/bd, Groups 519-858-2069 5 BEDROOM HOUSE. Available May 1 Min/Max Lease 12 mth, Rooms from $350-400/per. Public transit, laundry facilities, A/C, parking, walking distance to UWO and Kings, newly renovated house. Bedrooms wired for tel/cable/internet. Call 519-438-8665, 519615-2377 or email: 5 BEDROOM HOUSE. Available May 1/07. Close to bus, minutes to campus. 147 Paperbirch Cres, $340+. Fridge/stove, dishwasher, washer/dryer, freezer, 2 baths, large livingroom & large familyroom, wireless internet/cable. 519-289-2374 5 BEDROOM HOUSES and apartments right on bus route to campus and downtown. Great locations. Huge rooms and closets. Most have all new appliances including washer/dryer and dishwasher. Call John @ (519) 859-5563 with questions or to book a tour. 5 BEDROOM HOUSES and townhouses for rent on all sides of campus. All places have free parking, free maintenance and full time property management. Units are rented on a first come first serve basis. Call Zach at 519-932-0627. 6 BDRM. HOUSE. Grosvenor St. at Maitland. $2400 Per Mth. Utilities Included. Older Victorian Home, Large bedrooms & 2 baths completely renovated. Priv. laundry not coins & pkg. Avail. May 1st, 2006. Call Dave @657-4836 or on the web at PURPLESITES.COM under housing. 6 BDRM. Prime locations & condition, downtown and near UWO, on LTC bus routes. Must see! Rides available to view. Call 519-640-1900 6 BEDROOM BOTH sides of campus, and some downtown. These are the awesome red brick ones. Newly built, all appliances, sprawling room sizes. exactly what you thought off campus was going to be like. Ready to be seen. Call Jon anytime 519-8527993, 6 BEDROOM HOME. Minutes away from main gates. Newly renovated home features huge living area, new hardwood floors, 3 bathrooms, all appliances, large deck and backyard. Call Dave anytime. 519-495-8859 6 BEDROOM HOMES, $325-380 +utilities. Close to U.W.O. Well maintained with dependable landlord. Appliances, laundry, plenty of parking. Available May 1st. Call 519-472-7343. 6 BD TOWNHOUSES. 519-859-3236. Red brick. All areas. Call Eric to view 519-859-3236. 6 BDRM #1 student rentals. Newly built red bricks in all the best student areas around campus and downtown! Dishwasher, washer /dryer include. Huge, spacious rooms with massive closets. Networked for Internet and parking included. These ones always go fast so call soon. Call John anytime at 519-859-5563. 6 BDRM A+ LOCATION. Steps away from UWO, behind Med/Syd. 2 kitchen, 2 bathrooms, very modern and all spacious rooms. Won’t last long. Call now. 519-933-9331. RIVER VIEWS! 5 bdrm townhouse on bike path to park and campus- large rooms, big closets, 2.5 baths, dishwasher, A/C and washer/dryers. Won’t last long at current price. Call Now- 519-858-0825 TO SHARE EPWORTH Ave.. 1 female 3/4th student to share with same. Large, very modern, and clean 2 bedroom apartment. Available May 1st $425/month includes utilities. Call Cathy 519-657-6911 WALK TO UNIVERSITY! Quiet 4 bedroom home. From $400 inclusive. 4 bathrooms. Large, renovated kitchen, deck. Carpeting, treed backyard. Clean, double garage /drive. Near Brescia /Althouse.. Feb 1/07 References 519-636-6567 Upcoming Events Services 6, 7 BDRM houses downtown and near campus. Huge houses with lots of common area and spacious bedrooms. Places include new appliances, free parking, and full time property management. Great prices. Call Zach anytime at 519-932-0627. 6,7 BDRM ADJACENT campus and downtown really spacious, newly constructed homes, all appliances, 2 fulls bathrooms, multi car parking, large/equal size bedrooms. Call for more information or viewing 519 852-7993 any time 7 BD a great large house with 3 kitchen, 3 bathrooms and all good size bedrooms. balcony, backyard, parking. Old north, walking distance to Kings and UWO. 519 933-9331 7 BDRM #1 student rentals. Newly built red bricks in all the best student areas around campus and downtown! Dishwasher, washer /dryer include. Huge, spacious rooms with massive closets. Networked for Internet and parking included. These ones always go fast so call soon. Call John anytime at 519-859-5563. 6 BD RED BRICK all area . Large houses. 519-8593236. Many to choose from. Featuring red brick houses. Call Eric to view 519-859-3236. FRIGGINLANDLORD.COM 5 bed Sydenham St. Local family run for 21 years. Uncommon landlord. Ask my tenants. Huge rebates, rides. $350+ All is negotiable. Rob & Janet Heffernan 519-657-1202 6 OR 5 BEDROOM House. $400/room, 2 kitchens, large rooms, dishwasher, laundry, wireless! Brandnew ceramic, carpet, paint. 4 Parking, close to UWO, major bus route. Lease May/1/2007. Pat: 519-8709941 anytime. 5 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE for rent. $450/room utilities,cable, laundry included. Minutes to UWO. Whitehills area Contact Andy 519-859-2159. 6 AND 7 bedroom adjacent campus. The awesome red brick homes and townhomes. Really large room sizes. All appliances, fully networked for internet, parking included. For more info or showing call Jon anytime 519-852-7993, END UNIT CONDO for rent 3 +1 bedroom 5 appliances, shows like new. 2 minute drive to campus. Lease terms negotiable. $1400 plus utilities. Please contact: Carol at cell 519-854-1305 STUDENT RENTAL TOWNHOUSE Condo end unit. Previously model suite. Minutes from campus. Central air, 5 appliances, Inquiries please call Carol at 519854-1305 7 BDRM HOUSES for rent downtown and near campus. Most feature 5 brand new appliances, huge rooms and closets, open concept kitchen/ living room, free parking and networked high speed internet. Call Ryan at 519-673-4105 6 AND 7 bdrms all areas around campus. New and spacious, with large/equal size bedrooms. Prewired for high speed internet, much parking, all appliances including washer/dryer, dishwasher. Call Jon anytime 519-852-7993, BACHELOR APARTMENTS all inclusive downtown. near Richmond Row, private entrance, fridge, stove, microwave. May 1st. Responsible landlord. Call Paul anytime at 519-660-3659. 6 BEDROOM VICTORIAN house downtown. Newly renovated with skylights, glassblock, ceramic tile, laundry and parking. Available May 01, 2007. Call Jim at 519-691-5891. 5 BEDROOM HOUSES. Bus stop at door. Wharncliffe /Western Road. Large bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, all appliances, laundry, parking. May lease. $340/person plus utilities or $440/person inclusive.Call Murray Black 519-642-2525 5-6 BEDROOM, Huge 3 story house, 1 block to Oxford and Richmond. Hardwood floors, gas fireplace, 2 living-rooms, laundry, dishwasher, parking, large bedrooms, big yard May 1. $400 inclusive 519-673-2400 ATTENTION UPPER YEAR students, brand new luxury 4 bdrm apt. Home like setting, backing onto park, 2 bathrooms, ceramic and hardwood floors, hi-speed internet, 2.3 km to campus. Call Wendy 667-0047, view at GET IN SHAPE for 2007! Weight Watchers at Work: Meetings Tuesdays at lunch. Convenient on-campus location. Great prices. E-mail for more information. Students, faculty and staff welcome. 7 BD. ALL areas. Large houses. 519-859-3236. Many to choose from. Featuring red brick houses. Call Eric to view 519-859-3236. 5 BEDROOM, POPULAR red brick buildings in many great locations. Huge bedrooms and spacious modern kitchens. Live in the finest student housing in London! Call Jon anytime 519-852-7993, AMAZING 3 BEDROOM house to share in quiet family neighborhood. 1 km east of Masonville Mall. Check us out at $1000 /month plus utilities. Call Jill 519-672-1829 6 BEDROOM HOMES. Great locations on Trott Dr. and Walmer Grove. Modern Homes. Easy to walk to school or take the bus. Both have many extras such as decks, 2.5 baths, Jacuzzi tub, large bedrooms, family room, parking, and 6+ appliances. $395/month utilities included. Utilities not included and/or 10 month lease can be arranged. Check them out at or call Dave at 471-8126 for an appointment. 5 BEDROOM HOUSES for rent on all sides of campus. Live in an apartment, house or townhouse. Many of the units are new and include all appliances, parking, and full time property management. Call Ryan at 519-673-4105. 5 BEDROOM, 3-FLOOR townhouse in Private Student Community. All utilities, TV cable, internet and telephone included. Totally redecorated, 3 bathrooms, dishwasher, laundry. 5 minute bus to campus. Walking distance to mall and 5 min to downtown. $345 plus utilities or $395 inclusive. Won’t last long, always rented!! Joseph 519-671-2671 AFFORDABLE LUXURY! Brand new 5 bdrm townhouse close to the University. Surrounded by nature with large river-view rooms, 2.5 baths, dishwasher, A/C, washer/dryer, on site parking. Won’t last- call 519-858-0825 today 7 BD. DOWNTOWN 519-859-3236. Richmond Row. These go fast, call now. Eric 519-859-3236. 7 BDRM BRAND new red brick townhouses and single homes for rent. With 5 brand new appliances, huge rooms and closets, you’ll be living in style. Act fast- these won’t last! For more information call Ryan at 519-673-4105. 7 BDRM BRAND new red brick townhouses and single family homes for rent. most feature 5 brand new appliances, huge rooms and closets, open concept kitchen/living room, free parking and networked high speed internet! All are in great areas. Act fast-these won’t last! For more information call Bill at 519-670-0327. For Sale ESL TUTORING. TOEFL prep. Academic editing. Improve your speaking, reading, writing, and grammar skills through professional, private sessions. Free consultation. Details 519-719-7846 or (TESOL certified). NEED HELP? The Ombudsperson advises students about rights, investigates complaints of unfair treatment and can intervene or mediate on your behalf. Confidential service. Contact info: UCC-251, 519-6613573,, Employment COACHES NEEDED for learn to skate, powerskating /hockey skills, and goalie programs. Email resume to or call 519-645-1136. Winter sessions. GYMNASTIC COACHES REQUIRED. Gym World is growing again! North & South locations $9-12.50 per hour. Call Vicki at 519-649-4177 ON CAMPUS Student Job $8/Hour +Attendance Bonuses + Tuition Assistance evening and weekend shifts ONLY 10.5 Hours/Week Contact Alumni to make Western #1! 7 BEDROOM ADJACENT campus or Richmond & Oxford area. Live in the awesome red brick ones next year. Supersized rooms all appliances, wired for internet. Much parking, dynamite homes. Call Jon for more information or showing anytime 519-852-7993, 7 BEDROOM HOUSES. Many to choose from. Both sides of campus and downtown. Live in the awesome red brick ones. All appliances. Lots of parking, fully networked for internet. Very well maintained, super sized rooms. For more info please call Jon anytime 519-852-7993, 7 BEDROOM SEVERAL great seven bedroom homes for rent. All recently constructed. Cavernous room sizes, all appliances. Located a short walk to campus or downtown. Off-campus bliss awaits. Please call Jon anytime 519-852-7993, 8 BDRM. Prime locations & condition, downtown and near UWO, on LTC bus routes. Must see! Rides available to view. Call Matt, Ted, 519-868-5622 residence life staff Applications are invited from full-time undergraduate UWO students for the (live-in) positions of: • • Head Dons Residence Dons for the 2006-2007 academic year. Members of the Residence Life Staff are responsible for ensuring the overall aims of residence life are achieved, and that these aims are in keeping with the mission of Huron University College. For more information about the positions and the application process, please contact Ms. Sharon Robertson at 438-7224, ext. 202. Head Don applications are due by 4pm Jan. 26, 2007. Don applications are due by 4pm on Feb. 9, 2007. Applications are available in the Student Services Office. Sharon Robertson Director of Student Services Huron University College 1349 Western Rd. London, ON N6G 1H3 RES STAFF POSITIONS at King’s University College. Come join our Team! Applications now available at the Residence Office, or online Looking for full time students with strong leadership skills. Email for more information. Deadline: January 29, 2007. Today’s Difficulty level City Golf/Jetta $14,900* SENIOR $16,700* *prices plus freight, PDI, registration & all taxes 7 BDRM HOUSES for rent on all sides of campus. Many of the units are new and include all appliances, parking and full time property management. Call Bill at 519-670-0327. 7 BDRM. Prime locations & condition, downtown and near UWO, on LTC bus routes. Must see! Rides available to view. Call 519-640-1900 Ads deemed to be sexist, racist, or libelous will not be published. Stumped? turn to p.2 4 9 HOW TO PLAY Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. Solving time is typically from 10 to 30 minutes, depending on your skill and experience. The Gazette publishes Sudoku puzzles with varying degrees of difficulty. This week, they will be identified from easiest to most difficult as follows: Frosh, Soph, Senior, Grad 1 2 4 9 6 1 6 3 5 7 4 1 4 7 1 3 2 9 7 3 6 7 6 8 4 Solution, tips and computer program at: WIN A T-SHIRT Email the 1st row of correct numbers of today’s puzzle to: and you could win an EWEB Therapy t-shirt. One correct winner will be chosen per day. 5 Bedroom Sydenham St $350+ 519-657-1202 P12 THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 2007 Sports ON DECK: Keepin’ the action fast and furious in the winter months... Friday Tuna retires, Britney rejected, Bengal arrested By Len Caballes and James Hayes Gazette Staff Jon Purdy/Gazette TAKING SANDBOX PLAY TO A WHOLE NEW LEVEL. Western’s track and field teams notched wins all over the board at the Don Wright Challenge this past weekend, a strong sign of what may come for the men’s and women’s squads. Future is bright after Don Wright Very successful meet a reason for optimism By Mallory Daley Gazette Staff The Mustangs track and field teams left their competitors in the dust last weekend at the 24th annual Don Wright Team Challenge. Both the men’s and women’s athletes posted massive point totals to run away with the overall team titles and beat out DetroitMercy, Oakland University and the University of Waterloo. Western’s women won 13 of 15 events and accumulated an eyepopping 152 points, dwarfing second-place Detroit-Mercy’s 56. The men captured nine of 15 events and tallied 144.5 points; Oakland placed second with 53. The Mustangs excelled especially in sprints and hurdles, as well as weight throw, shot-put, high jump, long jump and triple jump. Head coach Vickie Croley was impressed with her team’s consistency throughout the meet. “We’re pretty solid across the board in all events,” Croley said. Among the dominating athletes wearing purple and silver was 2006 Ontario University Athletics Rookie of the Year Jen Cotten, who won gold in three events. “This is a big meet for Western,” Cotten said. “We definitely got momentum.” Women’s team member and pentathlete Shellie McParland had a strong showing with a gold and a personal best in long jump and a third-place finish in hurdles. “It’s still very early in the season,” McParland said. “[This meet] definitely gets things going. It’s a great start.” Standouts from the men’s team included Abdull Zubair and Randy McAuley. With two gold medals each, they displayed the improving strength of a men’s team plagued by injuries. “On the men’s side, we are dealing with some injuries,” Croley said. “We need some of our injured bodies to get healthy so they can compete for us at the level they’re capable of.” “This is the first big meet for times and results,” Zubair said. “We started getting the big times and getting ready for [Canadian Interuniversity Sport] nationals.” Despite his recent passing, former Mustangs track and field star and long-time program patron Don Wright remained a prevailing force this past weekend. “We were really motivated because it’s one of our most important meets,” Zubair explained. “With [Don Wright] passing away this year, it was especially important to perform and give a good presence.” Western showed motivation and teamwork. In a primarily individual sport, the ’Stangs emphasize team unity above all things on and off the track. “We need to have a team focus in order to be supportive of others reaching their individual goals,” Croley said. “Our focus is to continue to train to work towards achieving personal bests at championship times.” The future looks bright for both the men’s and women’s teams, which have the talent to contend for top spots in the country. “We work hard,” McParland said. “We train hard and it pays off in the end.” Mustang Winners — 24th annual Don Wright Team Challenge 60m — Tara Paluzzi, 7.94 Randy McAuley, 6.95 300m — Andrea White, 41.60 Abdull Zubair, 35.84 600m — Vicky Siemon, 1:38.46 1500m — Michael Del Monte, 3:57.68 3000m — Ashley Korman, 10:20.60 60m Hurdles — Jen Cotten, 9.08 800m Relay — Tara Paluzzi & Jen Cotten, 1:45.14 Miguel Wason & Matt Middleton, 1:31.21 1600m Relay — Jen Perrault & Andrea White, 3:56.68 Randy McAuley & Joel Newbert, 3:24.21 3200m Relay — Sara Leo & Jen Webber, 9:46.83 Blaine Woodcock & Robbie Watson, 8:00.76 High Jump — Jen Cotten, 1.55 Mitch Vermue, 2.02 Long Jump — Shellie McParland, 5.61 Andrew Judge, 6.88 Triple Jump — Alanna Boudreau, 11.54 Andrew Judge, 14.42 Shot Put — Heather Patterson, 13.37 Chris Greave, 13.00 Weight Throw — Julie Montes, 14.82 Hats off to the Bengals for putting the “sin” back in Cincinnati. Rookie cornerback Johnathan Joseph was arrested this week for possession of marijuana, making him the ninth Bengal arrested in nine months. Devoid of boats, strippers, and the Minnesota Vikings, the Bengals are well on their way to spending more time in the slammer than Ogie Oglethorpe. In other football news, Britney Spears contacted CBS hoping to perform at its Super Bowl halftime show. The network promptly rejected her request. Britney singing and gyrating onstage was a tremendously exciting prospect — in the 20th century. Apologies to KFed, and if we just got Britney’s knickers in a twist, we’re sure a vodka tonic (or eight) will cure what ails her. Famed head coach Bill Parcells has retired from the Dallas Cowboys. Apparently the Tuna had enough headaches and ulcers from trying to rein in Terrell Owens, the wooden-headed league idiot. Parcells is 65 years old and already left the New York Giants in 1991 due to heart trouble. Having to deal with the hotair-balloon egos of Owens and team owner Jerry Jones can’t be good for the Tuna’s ticker. Not everyone likes Parcells and his coaching methods, but no one wants to see him on toast with a dill pickle on the side. Middleweight champion boxer Oscar de la Hoya will have his hands full if he wants trainer Floyd Mayweather Sr. for his match against Mayweather’s son, welterweight Floyd Mayweather Jr. Mayweather Sr. wants a pay bump to $2 million to help de la Hoya beat his son, saying he is “the only one who can tell [de la Hoya] how to do that.” That’s one way to avoid social services — have someone else beat the living piss out of your son for you and then get paid for it. In a show of sportsmanship and respect for elders, New York Yankees two-bagger Robinson Cano has agreed to switch his number 22 jersey to number 24 if pitcher Roger Clemens comes back to pitch for the pinstripes. Whether Clemens, the biggest jerk this side of the St. Lawrence River, deserves this respect is up for debate.
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