SEPTEMBER 2016 - Central Church of God


SEPTEMBER 2016 - Central Church of God
THIS FALL • 6:30PM – 8PM
Join us in the sanctuary for
music, scripture, testimonies and
teaching. At the heart of it all is
prayer. There will be individual,
group and corporate prayer. There
will also be anointing services.
Each Wednesday is different, but
something always happens when
we pray.
For preschoolers and kids grades
K-4, this international program
offers a fun, proven approach for
early evangelism and discipleship.
Scripture-based programs, exciting
games and classroom and family
activities promote Bible literacy
and help kids develop lifelong faith
in Christ. The Awana program is
free, and this session concludes in
May. For more information and to
register for Awana, visit centralnc.
Childcare is available for six weeks
to two years of age.
Students meet in their respective
Wednesday Night Experience
that includes music, teaching and
small group interaction. From 5:30
– 6:30, students can enjoy games
and purchase food.
We serve home-cooked dinner
(one hot, two cold choices; $5
combo/$3.50 entrée) from 5 – 6:30.
Of course, hot coffee and delicious
baked goods are always
available before and
after services.
New Hours for the Fall:
SUNDAYS . . . . . . . . .7:30am – 1pm
WEDNESDAYS . . . . .8:30am – 2pm
5pm – 8:30pm
THURSDAYS . . . . . . . 8:30am – 2pm
Life at CentraL MeMbership CLass
Class #1: Sept. 4 or 18
Class #2: Sept. 11 or 25
10:15am – Noon
Family Life Center 203
Adults, high schoolers and middle
schoolers must attend both class #1
and #2 to become a member of Central.
Classes may be taken in any order. No
registration required.
pastor’s perspeCtive
Wednesday, Oct. 5 • 6:30pm – 8pm
Join us in Weatherby Hall as Pastor
Livingston shares his perspective on
membership at Central Church. This
is one of the steps in the membership
process; however, if you would just like
to get more information about Central,
you are welcome to come. Registration
Sundays, beginning Sept. 11
6 – 8pm, CSM JV Building
Celebrate Recovery is for everyone!
It is a Biblical and balanced program,
showing the loving power of Jesus
Christ throughout the process, to help
those with hurts, habits and hang-ups.
Celebrate Recovery is now in more
than 29,000 churches worldwide. Save
the date, and join us as we celebrate
what we’ve gained and recover what
we’ve lost.
What you can expect at a Celebrate
Recovery meeting:
Congregation group setting
Praise and worship
Small group, breakout sessions
Refreshments and fellowship
CeLebrate reCovery nationaL
one-Day training
Saturday, Nov. 19
8:30am – 4:30pm
In just a few hours, gain the tools to start
and run an effective Celebrate Recovery
in your church. Leave encouraged,
equipped, trained and confident to
grow your ministry strong. Rates and
registration information available at
goD’s presCription for
enhanCing your Love Life
Mondays, Sept. 12 – Nov. 14
6:30pm – 8pm
Married and engaged couples, discover
God’s plan for securing and nurturing
genuine love and growing in intimacy
for a lifetime. $50 per couple.
Mondays, Sept. 12 – Dec. 5
6:30pm – 8pm
A Christ-centered, 13-week DVDbased ministry program, DivorceCare
offers a safe place to help people
who are experiencing separation and
divorce. Cost is $25.
Saturday, Oct. 8 • 9am – Noon
Too often we get disappointed in
ourselves because we can’t seem to
stop unhealthy behaviors and relational
patterns. Christian counselors Dr.
Tom and Dr. Bev Rodgers will provide
Biblical insights and strategies for
taking negative thoughts captive. Cost
is $25.
wiDow ConneCtion faLL brunCh
Saturday, Sept. 10 • 10:30am – 12:30pm
Live out your God-given purpose through
fellowship, strength and encouragement
received from the love and support of
other widows. Brunch is free, but please
register. FLC Room 204/208.
Sunday, Sept. 11
MiLLenniaLs Life group
Sundays, Sept. 11 – Nov. 20
9am – 10am
This all-new class for ages 25-30 is
located in FLC 107 and consists of a
short study, food and fellowship each
week. Singles and married welcome.
Beginning Sept. 11
9am – 10am
JV Building
in your 20s or
30s? We know
can be easy to
feel lost or on your
own, so come mingle with
other young couples – and hopefully
make new friends! Childcare and a light
breakfast provided.
septeMber priMetiMers’ Dinner
(ages 50+) with Ken turner
Tuesday, Sept. 13 • 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Join us in Weatherby Hall for a meal and
music by Southern Gospel singer and
songwriter Ken Turner, who formerly
sang with the Blackwood Brothers and
other groups. Tickets are $8 and on sale
through Sept. 5.
CarDio CLass
Tuesdays, Sept.
20 – Nov. 15
& Jan. 17 – May
30, 2017
6:30pm – 7:30pm
A fun fitness concept designed to
create a workout and provide relational
community for women. REFIT is for all
ages, sizes and abilities, and incorporates
Christian and clean music into the
playlist. Experience fitness and have a
blast while getting in shape.
CC riDers
Friday, Sept. 16 and Saturday, Sept. 17
Motorcycle enthusiasts, we’re going
on an overnight trip to Maggie Valley,
leaving the church on Friday and returning
late Saturday. The journey will include
multiple highways and interstate travel.
This is a fun trip with plenty of activities.
Email Perry ( or
JP ( for
details about hotel accommodations,
RSVP and costs.
goLf tournaMent at CaroLina LaKes
Monday, Sept. 19 • 7:15am – 3pm
Enjoy a friendly, competitive atmosphere
where all are welcome, regardless of
experience level. Range balls and lunch
included. $50 when registering by
Sept. 14, or $55 on event day. Prizes on
tournament day.
oCtober priMetiMers’ Dinner (ages 50+)
Tuesday, Oct. 4 • 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Come out for a delicious meal and
PRIMETIMER BINGO. Tickets are $8 and
can be purchased Sept. 13–26 at the
Welcome Center, by calling the church
office, or on our website.
girLs night out with anita renfroe
Thursday, Sept. 29 • 7pm – 9pm
Known for her comical rendition of everything that
a mother will typically say in the course of a day,
Anita Renfroe has brought laughter to millions.
Purchase tickets at
explore God’s ways of handling money.
The cost for one adult or couple is $97.
Youth can join parents for an additional
hebrews part 1
Thursdays – Nov. 17 • 7pm – 9pm
In this inductive study of Hebrews 1-4,
Old Testament law and prophecy will
be made alive as you learn about Jesus’
superiority over all.
finanCiaL founDations
Sundays, Sept. 11 – Oct. 9
10:15am – 11:45am
This class provides practical guidance
for how to start and maintain a budget,
while focusing on the overall importance
of building and managing your finances
God’s way!
the bibLe in 90 Days
Mondays, Sept. 12 – Nov. 28
6:45pm – 8:30pm
Just 12 pages a day ... that’s all it takes
to read the Bible completely through in
90 days. As you break it down into bitesized pieces, a process that may have
once seemed overwhelming becomes
doable and enjoyable.
betheL series
Wednesdays, Sept. 14 – Dec. 14
6:30pm – 8:30pm
Looking for a good Bible Study of the
New Testament? Meet the true Christ by
reading the scriptures in the context of
the period in which they were written.
waLK as Jesus waLKeD – LaKe parK
Wednesdays, Oct. 12 – Nov. 9
6:30pm – 8pm
From the “Faith Lessons” series, delve
into the fierce passion of the early
Christians for walking as Jesus did – even
when the path becomes treacherous.
war rooM
Sundays, Sept. 11 – Oct. 9
10:15am – Noon
Based on the inspiring movie “War
Room,” this short series includes heartfelt
and humorous movie scenes, and offers
Bible study sessions on prayer, spiritual
lukewarmness, Christian accountability,
grasping grace and the gospel, and
spiritual warfare. Cost is $10.
aCts: witnesses,
eMpowereD by his spirit
Mondays, Sept. 12 – Oct. 31
6:30pm – 8:30pm
Just as Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to
empower the early apostles in the Book
of Acts, we, too, can be full of God’s
power. From the apostles’ example,
explore how to effectively witness to
finanCiaL peaCe for the faMiLy
Mondays, Sept. 12 – Nov. 7
6:30pm – 8:30pm
This class uses video teaching, discussions
and interactive small group activities to
genius of generosity
Sundays, Oct. 23 – Nov. 13
10:15am – 11:45am
This class cuts against the world’s emphasis
on striving to have it all. Instead, the focus
is on how to invest your resources into
God’s Kingdom. Cost is $10 per couple.
the Holy Spirit, and how to follow the
Holy Spirit’s leading as you seek to
experience power and victory in your
life. Cost is $20.
neheMiah: a heart that breaKs
Mondays, Sept. 12 – Oct. 31
6:30pm – 8:30pm
Through the Biblical story of Nehemiah,
learn real-life ways to become the hands
and feet of Jesus to a hurting, lost world.
Cost is $14.
woMen of graCe
Tuesdays, Sept. 13 – Nov. 15
Jan. 10 – March 14, 2017
7pm – 8:30pm
Wednesdays, Sept. 14 – Nov. 16
Jan. 11 – March 15, 2017
9:30am – 11:30am
As believers it should be our ultimate
goal to overflow with Christ. This
study provides practical guidance for
“Experiencing the Fullness of God.”
Cost is $40.
heart to heart
Wednesdays, Sept. 14 – Nov. 16
9:30am – 11:30am
Do you know His voice? Learn to discern
God’s voice through His Word, His
character and His Spirit. Class is open to
all women at no cost, and young moms
are encouraged to attend. Childcare
available by registration.
20 soMethings for woMen
Thursdays, Sept. 22 – Nov. 10
6:30pm – 8pm
At a place in life where you just feel stuck
pursuing more stuff to make you happy?
God can help you. Located in FLC 109.
this i Know for sure
Thursdays, Sept. 22 – Nov. 17
9:30am – 11:30am
Drawing upon the words of 2 Timothy
1:12, this study will challenge you to
believe God’s Word, regardless of your
feelings or circumstances. Cost is $13.
run before the winD: aCts
Thursdays, Sept. 22 – Nov. 17
9:30am – 11:30am
Explore what it means to be filled with
CoMMunity bibLe experienCe
Thursdays, Sept. 22 – Nov. 17
9:30am – 11:30am
Read the Bible a different way – one
that makes it less like a reference book
and more like a big story. Reignite your
passion for the scriptures. Cost is $7.
woMen’s Life group – the booK
of ruth
Sundays, Oct. 2 – Nov. 20
8:30am – 10am
Find encouragement from other women
whose hearts are set on worship, prayer
and studying God’s Word as you delve
into the inspirational story of Naomi and
Ruth. Located in FLC 109.
teaCup Ministry
To help women connect in a deeper way
with God, each other and themselves,
groups are gathering in Mint Hill, Indian
Land, Gastonia, Lake Wylie and at
our Charlotte campus.
See our website to
register and get
more details.
proverbs & eCCLesiastes:
wisDoM goD’s way
Thursdays, Sept. 8 – Dec. 15
6:45pm – 9pm
This study offers instruction on how to
discern Godly wisdom from the Bible
and exercise that wisdom daily in an
ungodly world.
Men’s bibLe stuDy & feLLowship
Fridays, Sept. 9 – Nov. 18
6:30am – 7:30am
It might be early, but there’s no better
way to start a day than by delving into
the scriptures. We’ll open the books
of Psalms and Proverbs and see how
they can change, impact and guide us
through life.
saLvation arMy
Center of hope outreaCh
Tuesday, Sept. 6 and Oct. 4
4 – 7pm
Find out more on our website.
fooD Drive
Sunday, Sept. 18 & Oct. 16
Drop off donations, before or
after services, for Central’s food pantry
that supports our families in need.
presChooL anD CsM KiDs
awana teaChers neeDeD
Awana, a discipleship program for
children, is coming to CSM Kids
and the CSM
Preschool on
nights this fall.
We need volunteer
teachers to help
with children in first
through fourth grade.
If you are interested
in helping, email
Assistance is also needed with the
preschool children, ages two through
kindergarten. Email kimg@centralnc.
org to learn more.
Junior varsity anD varsity – sunDay
serMon series, “goaLs” anD “the
Sundays at 8:30am or 10:30am in the
months of September and October,
frienD Day
Sunday, Sept. 11
8:30am & 10:30am
Bring a friend or bring several as JV and
Varsity Students come together and
hang out in the Varsity Building! We’ll
have fun games, an awesome service
and some cool giveaways, too!
Sunday, Sept. 4 • 8:30am & 10:30am
JV and Varsity students come together
for an all-out worship experience in the
CSM Varsity Building.
Junior varsity faLL retreat
Friday, Nov. 11 – Sunday, Nov. 13
Students in grades 5-7, join JV pastors
Rich and Johnny for a weekend of
spiritual renewal and fun at Camp
Longridge in South Carolina. The cost
is $145.
hiring presChooL teaChers
Central Weekday Preschool & Extended
Day Program is now hiring part-time
teachers, assistants, and substitute
teachers for the 2016/2017 school
year. Prior experience with children
is required. There are morning and
afternoon positions available. Please
send your resume and cover letter to
Carla at
Bring your family, friends and lawn chairs to this year’s
Fall Festival. At 10:30 all our campuses are invited to join
Pastor Livingston and the sanctuary choir and orchestra for
a time of worship and message under a covered outdoor
arena. There will be no services at the Charlotte campus
or at Lake Park. Come early and enjoy coffee and donuts
for a youth missions fundraiser.
Sunday, Oct. 16
10:30am – 4:30pm
Why Not An
American Ark
1126 Charlie
Williams Rd
Monroe, NC 28112
Children K-5 will gather at the Ark Workshop for their own
outdoor service. There will be no preschool childcare.
After the service there’s fellowship, food and fun. Eighteen
vendors will be on site to provide delicious festival food.
This will be the only cost for you.
Other activities include:
• The three-time world champion Disc-Connected K9s
• Bubble Man and his amazing bubbles
• Rides and inflatables for the children
• Carnival games
• 17 Arts and Crafts booths featuring
the art of Central’s family
• Prize-winning Catch & Release Fishing Competition
• Exotic & Farm animal zoo
• Pony rides and hay rides
• Displays by the police, fire, medic,
NASCAR and more
Please bring all donations to the entrance of the Fall
Festival. Let’s fill the shelves of Central’s food pantry that
supports our families in need.
There are many areas where we need help at the Fall
Festival. Email to be part of
making this day a great success. You will receive a
tasty meal and enjoy a fun time of fellowship with other
pray for the foLLowing who
have been in the hospitaL reCentLy:
Virgie Long, Juanita C. Kelly, Deloris
McCreary, Andjukendra Chantal, Ross
Whittington, Camille Gaddy, Joann
Marks, Andy Gazak, David Bracy,
Ouida Gregory, Joy Hendrickson,
Charles Bruce Heggen.
Charlotte Campus
8:30aM & 10:30aM
Service | Adult Life Groups
Youth Services | Elementary Service
Preschool & Nursery
Live on church website and mobile app
8:30am and 10:30am
Lake Park Campus
9am Life Groups | 10:30am Service
Gastonia Campus
9:30am Life Groups | 10:30am Service
Wilmington Campus
10:30am Service
Prayer Service | Life Groups
Youth Services | Elementary Service
Preschool & Nursery
Main Office . . . . . . . . . . . 704.364.5003
Life Care Center . . . . . . . 704.365.6112
Hospital & Death Emergency
after 5pm & weekends . . 704.364.5003
Monday – Thursday: 9am-5pm
Friday: 9am-1pm
5301 Sardis Road | Charlotte, NC
Senior Pastor, Loran Livingston
Central Lake Park
3624 Lake Park Road
Indian Trail, NC
we extenD our Love anD syMpathy to:
Sterling Funderburk on the death of his
father; David Alexander on the death
of his wife and Vivian Richardson on
the death of her sister Cyril Alexander;
Tara Leatherwood on the death of her
sister, and Mary Hankins on the death
of her daughter; Connie Pressler on
the death of her sister; Verlina Shay
Berger on the death of her mother;
Rhamonda Hudson on the death of
her father; David Thompson on the
death of his wife, and Brooke and
Erika Thompson on the death of their
mother Cathy Thompson; Jim and
Jenna Flowers on the death of their
son David Flowers; John Scott on
the death of his mother; Perry Tuttle
on the death of his brother; Camille
Gaddy on the death of her husband
Jerry Gaddy; Willie and Amanda Smith
on the death of their son and Cynthia
Smith on the death of her grandson
William Smith Jr.; Chris McSwain on
the death of her sister; Sherri Harper
West on the death of her daughter
Angela Harper; Adam Burke on the
death of his father; Walter and Lauren
McDonald on the death of their son
Donnell McDonald.
grief reCovery support group
Thursdays, Sept. 15 – Nov. 17
6:30pm – 8:30pm
GriefShare is a weekly seminar/
support group for people who are
dealing with the death of a loved
one. It is a place where you can
be with people who understand
how you feel and the pain of your
loss. At GriefShare, you’ll learn
valuable information that will help
you through this difficult time in
your life. To participate, contact the
church office or email registrations@