Our Father - Edicei of America
Our Father - Edicei of America
O ur Father By the Spirit Meimei FRANCISCO CANDIDO XAVIER O ur Father By the Spirit Meimei Copyright © 2009 by FEDERAÇÃO ESPÍRITA BRASILEIRA Av. L 2 Norte – Q. 603 – Conjunto F (SGAN) 70830-030 – Brasilia (DF) – Brazil All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of a phonographic recording; nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise be copied for public or private use without prior written permission of the publisher. ISBN: 978-85-7945-426-4 Original title: PAI NOSSO (BRAzIL, 1952) Translated by: Tonia L. Wind and Darrel W. Kimble Layout and Cover design by: Dimmer Com. Integradas Imaging and Illustrations: Dimmer Com. Integradas Edition of INTERNATIONAL SPIRITIST COUNCIL SGAN Q. 909 – Conjunto F 70790-090 – Brasilia (DF) – Brazil www.edicei.com edicei@edicei.com +55 61 3038 8400 Sales: + 55 61 3038 8425 First Edition 11/2011 Authorized edition by Federação Espírita Brasileira INTERNATIONAL DATA FOR CATALOGING IN PUBLICATION (ICP) M449p Meimei (Spirit). Our Father / by the Spirit Meimei ; [psicographed by] Francisco Candido Xavier ; [translated by Tonia L. Wind and Darrel W. Kimble] – Brasilia, DF (Brazil) : International Spiritist Council, 2011. 104 p. ; ill. Original title: Pai Nosso ISBN 978-85-7945-426-4 1. Children´s Literature. 2. Spiritist Children´s Literature. I. Xavier, Francisco Cândido, 1910-2002. II. Title. CDD 133.93 CDU 133.7 Table of Contents 7 I n M eimei`s Book 9 O ur F ather, who art in heaven 21 H allowed be thy name 33 T hy kingdom come 45 T hy will be done on earth as it is in heaven 57 G ive us this day our daily bread 69 F orgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors 81 D o not let us fall into temptation 93 B ut deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever. A men. I n M eimei`s Book Meimei is not only a beloved missionary of the good and the light in our realm of action, but she is also a devout children’s guide who, in the spirit world, watches over the development of young minds in the light of the Redemptive Gospel. Employing sensitivity and intelligence in her beautiful ideal of service, she has taken the Lord’s Prayer and has turned it into an enchanting poem filled with commentaries and stories, fables and thoughts, which will compel us to think back on the unforgettable lessons of our Divine Master. In the Lord’s Prayer, she has unearthed both a lesson to be learned and a solution, a point of reference and a blessing for all of life’s trying situations and problems, and she has bequeathed it to all children in these pages, radiant fragments of her heart in the form of words. May God multiply all her efforts to sow the seeds of goodness, and may her blessed spiritual motherliness grow and send out rays of love to all children everywhere. These are our wishes. EMMANUEL Pedro Leopoldo, Brazil, June 12, 1952 O ur F ather, who art in heaven
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