The Christian Builder - First Christian Church


The Christian Builder - First Christian Church
First Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ)
2000 Bundy Avenue
New Castle, IN 47362
phone: 765.529.2403
The Christian Builder
Volume 79-Number 4
April 2, Maundy
7:00 pm, Sanctuary
April 3, Good Friday
7:00 pm, Sanctuary
Prayer Vigil
8:00 pm, Friday –8:00
pm Saturday, Chapel
April 5
9:00 am, Sunday
School and Coffee
10:00 am, Worship
11:00 am, Egg Hunt
April 5 (Easter Sunday)
Greeters: Lisa Hancock & Mary E. Reyman
Worship Leader: Lee Yates
Acolytes: Isaac Madden and Chase Davis
CWW: Cindy Furbee
Elders: Buck Quigley (B) Don Denney (C)
Deacons: John Cleveland, Connie Quigley,
Bill and Melba McKnight and Ben Yates
April 12
Greeters: Jeremy and Jeri Dunn
Worship Leader: Amy Madden
Acolytes: Claire Davis and Kelsie Dunn
CWW: Cindy Furbee
Elders: Marty Weaver (B) Buck Quigley (C)
Deacons: John Cleveland, Connie Quigley,
Bill and Melba McKnight and Ben Yates
Spring Youth Assembly,
April 17-19
New Revelation Church,
6701 Oaklandon Road,
April 19
Greeters: Isaac and Jayson Madden
Worship Leader: Tami Eversole
Acolytes: Brynlee Powers and Chloe Davis
CWW: Claudia Jackson
Elders: Debby Weaver (B) Marty Weaver (C) Pray for our youth during their time at
Spring Youth Assembly! The event
Deacons: John Cleveland, Connie Quigley,
will include worship, small groups, felBill and Melba McKnight and Ben Yates
lowship, fun and will feature keynote
speaker, Rev. Kelley Dick from Geist
April 26
Christian Church.
Greeters: Virginia Howell & Penny Collins
Worship Leader: Todd Eversole
Thank you to Amy Madden who will
Acolytes: Eli and Ezra Hood
chaperone youth from FCC.
CWW: Barry Keith and Robbie Dunn
Elders: Tracey Bell (B) Debby Weaver(C)
Thank you to Lee Yates who is in
Deacons: John Cleveland, Connie Quigley,
charge of the event.
Bill and Melba McKnight and Ben Yates
“Easter says you can put truth
in a grave, but it won’t stay
Clarence W. Hall
The Month at a Glance
Saturday, April 4
11-4 pm – Use of GH for Birthday
Sunday, April 5 EASTER SUNDAY
9:00 am – Coffee Fellowship/Sunday
10:00 am – Combined Worship
11:15 am – Easter Egg Hunt
Tuesday, April 7
7:00 pm – Scout Troop #465
Wednesday, April 8
1:00 pm – 2nd Wednesday Fellowship (Stacks)
3:00 pm – King’s Kids
5:00 pm – Wednesday Nite Live
Thursday, April 9
1:00 pm – Sorosis Club (FL)
Sunday, April 12
9:00 am – Coffee Fellowship/Sunday
10:00 am – Worship
11:15 am – Board Meeting
Tuesday, April 14
7:00 pm – Scout Troop #465
Wednesday, April 15
3:00 pm – King’s Kids
5:00 pm – Wednesday Nite Live
Thursday, April 16
3:30 pm – Girl Scouts (GH)
Second Wednesday
April 8, 1:00 pm
Stacks Restaurant
Sunday, April 19
9:00 am – Sunday School/Coffee Fellowship
10:00 am – Worship
11:15 am – Elders Meeting
Tuesday, April 21
7:00 pm – Scout Troop #465,
Wednesday, April 22
3:00 pm – King’s Kids
5:00 pm – Wednesday Nite Live
Friday, April 24
Set up for Women’s Event
Saturday, April 25
10:00 am – Churchwide Women’s Event
Sunday, April 26
9:00 am – Sunday School/Coffee Fellowship
10:00 am – Worship
Tuesday, April 28
7:00 pm – Scout Troop #465
Wednesday, April 29
3:00 pm – King’s Kids
5:00 pm – Wednesday Nite Live
Brittani Amos Domiquez, James Adams, Joy Baase, Matt Bays, Doris Canaday,
Mike Cassidy, Nick Catron, Joan Cleveland, Jane Comer, Gretchen Dempsey,
Claudia Falck, Rosie Fowler, Marcia Groves, Kalie Haggard, Jill Devine
Haynes, Alberta Hughes, Carol Inman, Carol Johnson, Kay Jones, Keith Kincaid, Dennis Kinser, Adrienne Martin, Kain Massengale, Aaron McLendon
Don Osborne, Tom Ratliff, Joey Robinson, Dolores Seigler, Nancy Stoelting,
Jewel Thornhill, Ellen Walker, Bob Warne, Matt Westerman
SHUT-IN MEMBERS: Iris Alexander, Joy Baase, Dee Benson, Doris
Canaday, Kathryn DeVaughn, LaVaughn Douglas, Mary Phyllis Hayes,
Marjorie Johnson, Cora McLane, Stan and Marge Norrick, Violet Wells
Our FCC Family,
Thank you so much for the wonderful meal after Jayson’s and
Scott’s father’s funeral. The food was delicious and the hospitality amazing. We love and appreciate you all!
Amy, Jayson, Eliza, Gabriella
Scott, Alexa, Corbin and Isaac Madden
With Special Thanks to all of you
“To know you is to know people who are kind, considerate, and
thoughtful. To know you is to be grateful for the special things
you do.” For everything you’ve done…for being the special people that you are…thank you so very much.
Brittany, Connie and Aaron
A belated thank you to all the people who made the delicious
chocolate strawberries. I really enjoyed them!
Joy Baase
The Christian Love Center/Shelter would like to extend a cordial
thanks for your monetary contributions of $76.40. It is because of
caring individuals like you that the CLHC is able to meet the ongoing needs in our community. We appreciate your thoughtfulness in using our agency for your financial contribution. The
CLHC is devoted to the continuation of our mission of ministering to the indigent and helping others help themselves. Thanks
again for your support.
Marjorie Fonzer
(Note: this contribution was from our “Souper Bowl of Caring.”)
Our sincere sympathy is extended to the family and friends of Charlie Madden who
passed away March 4. His family includes
his sons, Jayson and Scott Madden.
Our sincere sympathy is also extended to the family and friends of Kathleen
McCommins who passed away March 5. Buck Quigley is her brother.
Our sincere sympathy is also extended to the family and friends of James Adams who passed away March 23. His parents are Jesse and Margaret Adams.
We extend our condolences to the family and friends of Bob Franke who
passed away on March 27. Joan Cleveland is his sister-in-law.
FCC says Thank You to
Andy Hood for organizing the
March 14 Guitar Swap. The
event filled our building with
people from far and wide with
the added benefit of raising
$700 for the Faith Fund line
in our budget!
Thanks are extended to FCC
members that supported the
event by volunteering time
and effort to ensure that all
went smoothly. Great Job!
Left: Azure
Cross and
friends at the
Mission Team
Italian dinner
on March 8.
Right: Tucker
Feltz at the
March 21 Egg
In our sanctuary pew racks you will find a card printed with the Disciples
of Christ Identity Statement and Principles. There are twelve principles
listed. During 2015, each month’s Christian Builder will feature a principle for us to study. Reverend Lee Yates has written the article below to
help us understand the fourth principle. More information and the complete identity statement can be found at
On the American frontier, faith was an important aspect of daily life. Christians worshipped together, regardless of denominational background. They celebrated the
Lord’s Supper every week so that participants could partake in the tradition of the
various faith communities represented.
Those who took monthly, or quarterly didn’t have to worry whether communion
would be available. Before telephones or
the internet, these Christians were connected by traveling evangelists, written
publications, and their common belief that
Christ unites all Christians as one body. In
the breaking of bread and sharing of a common cup, these early Disciples developed a
practice of worship that still marks our
Church today.
Every Christian Church (Disciples of
Christ) congregation is unique and has its
own communion table. Some are simple
and others ornate. Some resemble the
elaborate altars of ancient cathedrals and
others look more like a family’s dining
room table. Regardless of the design, we all
sit at one table, the Lord’s Table. In worship, this remembrance of Christ’s last
Passover supper with his disciples is commonly referred to as Communion. While
the order of worship is as unique as our tables, each congregation in the Christian
Church (Disciples of Christ) celebrates
Communion every week.
For some, Communion is a time of personal
reflection or confession. For others it is a
time for counting blessings and giving
thanks. As a community, Communion
serves as a reminder of where we came
from and who we are called to be. We are
reminded of Jesus’ earliest disciples who
were taught to love God and love others
while making disciples of all nations. We
are reminded of Jesus' prayer, that all would
be one in God’s love. We are reminded of
the Disciples who came before us, passing
on the story of God’s grace and love, and
uniting the Body of Christ as one. At the
table, we claim both the grace and responsibility that God offers us, for at Christ’s table, all are welcome.
Spring Event Offers Opportunity to Invite Women to FCC
Often evangelism can seem like a daunting task; we are uncomfortable bringing
up the subject of church attendance because it is sometimes tough to start the conversation. The April 25th spring women’s event offers FCC women a wonderful
opportunity to reach out to friends and family and invite them into our building.
The event will feature a wonderful brunch, favors, door prizes and activities in addition to the event speaker, Rev. Sarah Renfro. Tickets are on sale now and are
available in the church office or in the Narthex after Worship service.
April is spaghetti dinner month! Donations of spaghetti and spaghetti sauce are requested for the Christian Love Center food pantry. Please place items in the
collection bin in the Narthex. Our goal is 20 spaghetti
dinners! We collected 18 cans of corn in March.
Thank you!
The morning of March 23rd, the Special
Projects Team met in the Fellowship
Lounge to address birthday cards for FCC
members with April and May birthdays.
The team then cleaned the youth supply
room. It was an enjoyable morning of fellowship. Plan now to join in the team’s next
project. Details will be announced soon.
Please contact Sherry Denney with any
questions at 317-850-1072 or
Team Chair, Tami Eversole, reports that peanut sales have brought in $531.40 so
far and the Italian dinner profit was $426.59. Tami extends a BIG THANKS to all
that have donated! The Mission Team is currently fundraising for their June 15-19
trip to Isle of Palms, South Carolina to work on Habitat for Humanity homes. All
are welcome to come along on the trip. The travel arrangements can be very flexible to accommodate your needs and schedule. Contact Tami for more information
at 765-624-8450. A Mission Team meeting will be announced soon.
Funeral Dinner Ministry
It is a joy to extend the gift of
Christ’s love and hospitality to
FCC family members during a sad
and difficult time in their lives.
The Funeral Dinner Team, headed
by Dee Igo, provides comforting
food and loving fellowship to
those that have experienced a
death in their family. To become a
part of this ministry, contact Dee
at 529-4347.
Funeral Dinner Servers
FCC’s Youth Group and
King’s Kids Programs are
Making a Difference for Children and Our Community
The benefits of our King’s
Kids/Youth Group after
school program can often be
measured immediately in the
form of hunger abated with
healthy snacks and a warm
supper, homework completed
with the help of our tutors,
and childhood anxieties
soothed with calm conversation but other seeds being
planted such as good manners
and civility might take some
time to present themselves.
FCC’s loving investment in
making the world a better
place is priceless. Thank you
for your support!
The King’s Kids play outside as often as possible. Play is an important
part of childhood and teaches valuable lessons such as teamwork and
healthy exercise habits.
First Christian Church
2000 Bundy Avenue
New Castle, IN 47362