emple B` Nai Bulletin - American Jewish Archives
emple B` Nai Bulletin - American Jewish Archives
- -emple B' Nai Bulletin Overlook Road. Morristown. New Jersey 07960 Library, Hebrew Union College Jewish Institute of Religion 3101 Clifton Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45220 An Affiliate of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations EEBRUARY 1984. - - SCHEDULE OF SERVICES FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd FAMILY SERVICE ( For The Entire Family ) WORKING TOGETHER 8:00 P. M. The issue of CAPPING or NOT CAPPING Temple membership is a significant one, and pro foundly affects the future of B'Nai Or. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10th 8:30 P. M. SABBATH SERVICE The Semon: "IN PURSUIT OF PERFECTION" - Rabbi Z. David Levy FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17th T he Semon: "THE PHENOMENON OF JEWISH PEOPLEI-K)OD" Rabbi Z. David Levy 8:30 P. M. But as I sat through the two-hour long Congregational Meeting I was deeply im pressed and so very gratified by the quality and level of the presentations and discussion. I cannot recall during my long tenure here a more thorough and well organized effort. The result was not only a full and thorough evaluation and appraisal of our Congrega tion that is invaluable but, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24th The Sermon: Rabbi Melanie Aron 8:30 P. M. as important, perhaps just an indication of what a group of intelligent and capable members are able to produce working together in concord. Having been given such a comprehensive and FRIDAY, MARCH 2nd FAMILY SERVICE ( For The Entire Family ) 8:00 P. M. clear presentation, an impressed congrega tion was able to make an appropriate deci sion. There are significant challenges that lie ahead. TED BROOKS will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah and DARA FENIK her Bat Mitzvah at Temple this month. heartfelt Mazel Tov to Dara and Ted and their families. * * We can feel confident that thought ful men and women will enable us to meet these challenges to enhance our Temple and Our our congregation. 1 Capping comndttee, we salute you! Rabbi Z. David Levy (201-539-4539) TEMPLE B'NAI OR An Affiliate of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations. Z. David Levy Melanie W. Aron Dr. Anthony Lubowe Shirley E. Bloom Evelyn B. Boehm Senior Rabbi Assistant Rabbi President Administrator Executive Secy. *** Ellen Konwiser and Marilyn Piermont Dr. Richard Raffman 0000 Sisterhood CoPresidents Men's Club Pres. TEMPLE NOTES 0000 Congratulations! Pll.eA.<.de.nt' -6 MeA-6a.ge. • • • • La.-6:t ye.a.ll. I cU.6 c.u6-6 e.d :the. P0-6.{.:t.{..ve. and ne.ga.:t.<.ve. a.-6 pe.ct6 06 OUlt Il.ie.a.t-<.o n-6 h.<.p w.<.:th :the. UAHC and -6:ta.:te.d :tha.:t yoUlt Temple. BoaJtd woutd c.on-6'<'de.ll. and ll.eAolve. :th.<.-6 -<--6 -6 ue. • I e.xpe.c.:ted :tha.:t e..<.:the.ll. we. woutd c.ontinue. :to pa.y :the..<.Jr. 6u.U a.-6-6eA-6me.nt (12% 06 OM op�ng budge.:tJ all. le.a.ve. :the.U�HC. I:t -6e.e.m6 :tha.:t .<.n Il.e.a..t li6e., eApe.c..<.a.Uy'<'n Temple. li6e., no:th.<.ng -<--6 e.Ve.Il. qu..<.:te. -60 -6'<'mple.. The. de.c..<.-6.<.on Il.e.a.c.he.d by :the. Boa.ll.d Wa.-6 :two60ld: (1 J The.UAHC -<--6 a. wolLthy· .<.n-6 :t.<.:tu.:t.<.on :to wh.<.c.h we. -6 houtd bdong ( 2 J The. d.<.Il.e.c.:t be.ne.6W :to OM Temple. do no:t ju.-6ti6y OM pa.yme.nt :to :the.m 06 yow,. 6und6 .<.n :the. a.mou.nt-6 ll.e.queA:te.d. • -- NEAL RIEMER, professor of political phil osophy at Drew University, has completed his seventh book, "Political Science: An Introduction to Politics". MITCH LAZRIS, Mountain Lakes Basketball Captain, has been named Daily Record Athlete of the Week and was an all-state doubles selection in tennis last spring. Mitch will attend Princeton next year. VICKI REICH achieved a National Merit Scholarship Commendation. JENNIFER LUBOWE is a National Merit Schol arship Finalist. MITZI SZERLIP, distinguished for her work w-ith Memorial Hospital� is-a recipient of the New Jersey Hospital Association's Master Auxil ian Award. We. w<.ll :the.ll.e.601l.e. - 6e.nd a. ne.gotia.:t.<.ng :team :to :the.UAHC :to Jr..O..ti6y a. pa.yme.nt -6c.he.dute. :tha.:t we. de.em a.ppMpJU.a.:te.. I 6e.d :tha.:t we. c.a.n Il.e.a.c.h a. -6a.:t.<.-66a.c.:toIl.Y a.gll.e.e.me.nt, pa.ll. tic.ui.aJr.ly -6.<.nc.e., a.-6 a.n eA:ta.bli-6he.d Congll.e. ga.:t.<.on, we. utilize. a. m.<.n..<.ma1. a.mount 06 :the..<.Jr. dUte.c.:t -6e.Il. v.<.c. eA • Ho we.Ve.Il., :to have. a.ny c.ha.nc.e. 06 -6 uc.c.eA6 ne.gotia.:t.<.on we. mu.-6:t be. w<.ll.<.ng :to le.a.ve. a.-6 a. .tM:t Il.e/.i a1Lt. I:t wo utd be. un.6abt no:t :to a.d.rn-U :to you :tha.:t :th.<.-6 ma.y happe.n. I6 -60, we. will. Mnd o:the.ll. me.a.n-6 ou.:t-6.<.de. 06 UAHC memoeJt,6h.<.p :to me.e.:t OM c.omm.<.:tme.nt :to Re.601l.m Ju�m a.nd :to m.<.n.<.mize. a.ny .<.nc.on ve.nie.nc.e. :to OM memOeJt,6lU.p. I will. k.e.e.p you '<'n601l.me.d a6 OM pll.ogll.eA-6. A.6 a.&Ja.Y-6, :the. BOa.Jl..d would we..tc.ome. tjOUlt .<.npu.:t on :t1viA all. a.ny o:the.ll. -<--6-6ue.. Tony Lubowe. And our most recent Honor Roll Students are: JENNIFER and ERIC SAMUELS, LAUREN and MITCHELL CAHN, JONATHAN GAEL, DAVID SAGER, JONATHAN COOK, JAY ISAACSON ana MELISSA ALLEN. ***** Very Special Thank-You's. . . To NEAL and BOBBI SCHATZ for supplying and setting up the beau tiful Sanctuary lighting for the Israeli Chassidic Fes tival in honor of Stephen's Bar Mitzvah. And to MIKE BROWN for videotaping the program. Our deepest gratitude. * THE TEMPLE FUND FOR THE PURCHASE OF A NEW ORGAN has been initiated by a very generous contribution from Miss Alice Maleski, our Temple Organist. Donations to this important enter prise may be sent to the Temple office. Thank you. * �isterhood Our evening at Bloomingdales was a huge success. We're all much more knowledge able about decorating and color now! Many thanks to Bobbi Schatz for planning this enjoyable evening. Sisterhood's General Meeting in March will be a lovely event. Rabbi Aron is planning a demonstration Passover Seder. Please watch for the date and details for this special meeting. Another date to remember ... On April 1st we will have an ORIENTAL RUG SALE at Temple. The rugs are beau tiful and there should be something for everyone. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our Sisterhood Board members and everyone who has helped to make this year such a great success thus far, and we look forward to working with more of you on events that are planned for the future. Ellen and Marilyn MEN'S club JOIN US --- ON SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 12t� --9: 30 A.M. AT TEMPLE FOR GOURMET BREAKFAST AND A PROGRAM FEATURING ..... DR. KURT BRANDEN Dr. Branden is an internationally recog nized consulting and therapeutic hypnotist who will give a lecture and, of course, a demonstration. Come see our beloved presi-. dent, Dick Raffman, act like a chicken! Also, mark your calendar for Sunday, March 11th, when William Brooks, Chairman of the Morris County Chamber of Commerce, and Phyllis Bloom of Weichert Realty, will lead a discussion of the growth potential and general demographics for the Morris County area. This is a significant topic which shouldn't be missed. MEN'S CLUB BIBLE STUDY is set for 9:30 a.m. on Sunday, February 5th, in Rabbi Levy's Study. All are encourag�d to attend. %%% **** G E N E S I S Singles 23-33 ) ( TBO Reminder: BRUNCH AT TEMPLE Date: SUNDAY, JANUARY 29th Time: 11 A.M. Minimal Fee. Call Donna Rand for details 540-0457 * - - MIXED MARRIEDS - - The next meeting will be held on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7TH, 8: 00 P.M. In The Temple Library The topic will be "WHY DO PEOPLE NEED RELIGION?", presented by Rabbi Levy. The similarities among religions will also be included in the discussion. 'Y' CALENDAR... A stimulating evening is in store for all! FAMILY SWIM AT NORTHFIELD 'Y'. Bonus for 'Y' members only. Sun., Feb. 19, 9-5. For further information contact: TRIP TO NEWARK MUSEUM, K-3 grades. 'Y' members $ 10, non-members $ 13. Tues., Feb. 21. SKI AT CRAIGMUER, 4th-6th grades. 'Y' members $ 30, non-members $ 35. Tues., Feb. 21. MINI-CAMP, K-3 grade, Temple Shalom, Succasunna. '�' members $ 10, non-members $ 13. Wed., Feb. 22nd. For details: 'Y' Office: 584.1851. Helene and Michael Marcello Marcia and Horst Schran Carolyn and Steve Stein Rabbi Levy or Rabbi Aron 267-4536 895-3808 267-4627 539-4539 * DEAR COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS: We wi11 be so grateful i.f you will keep i.n mi.nd t he 10th of the precedi:ng month for Bulletin material suomission. If the 10tl1 is on a weekend, the fo11 owing Monday will be fine! Thank you. JUSTIN WAYNE MEMORIAL FUND DONATIONS: FLOWER AND TRIBUTE FUND DONATIONS: IN MEMORY OF IN HONOR OF Joseph Zucker Franziska Zucker Rosa Weinschenk Mrs. Liese Wayne Bar Mitzvah of son Ted Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Brooks* * MARK GELLER MEMORIAL FUND DONATIONS: IN MEMORY OF Mark L. Geller Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gilbert * ' DR. CARL I. ROSENBERG MEMORIAL FUND: IN HONOR OF Grandson Michael David Rosenberg Dr. and Mrs. Alvin Rosenberg Dr. and Mrs. Morton Beer IN MEMORY OF Rita Schmidl Dr. and Mrs. Alvin Rosenberg * JERUSALEM FOUNDATION DONATION: IN MEMORY OF Jaime Benes Mr. and Mrs. Leon Gruber * THE LEON CHESKIN MEMORIAL FUND DONATIONS: IN MEMORY OF Leon Cheskin Mr. and Mr. and Mr. and Mr. and Mr. and Mr. and Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Ralph Stern Lawrence Horn John Clyne Neil Hooper Harold Elleen Allen Schindler Murray Cohen * (Donations to the Memorial Funds may be sent to the Temple office. ) Bat Mitzvah of daughter Dara Mr. and Mrs. Martin Fenik* Grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wolff Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Aresty Gene Gordon's IEEE Thomas A. Edison Award Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Lubowe Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Levy Grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Weinstein Birth of son to Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wein Mr. and Mrs. Sol Baron Birth of Aviva Aron-Dine Dr. and Mrs. Simon Leventhal Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Levy Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kurland Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hecht Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heyman Mrs. Sybil Haym Speedy Recovery of Joseph Gross Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cohen Speedy Recovery of Joe Frischman Dr. and Mrs. Simon Leventhal Speedy Recovery of Gerry Baker Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kurland Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Levy IN MEMORY OF Fritz Rosenthal Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Perr Jack Kaplan, Father of Gail Hecht Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kurland Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Levy Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heyman Mrs. Sybil Haym Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lewis Philip Feigenbaum, Brother of Deena Lewis Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Levy Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kurland Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hecht Leon Cheskin Dr. and Mrs. Simon Leventhal Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gordon* Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Lubowe David K. Marx, Sr., Father of David Marx Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cohen Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Levy Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heyman (Please send Flower donations to Joyce Levy, Chairperson 539-5757. ) RABBIS' DISCRETIONARY FUNDS DONATIONS: THE JASON LEWIS FUND FOR SPECIAL EDUCATION: IN MEMORY OF IN HONOR OF Philip Feigenbaum, Brother of Deena Lewis Lillian Izenberg Mr. and Mrs. Don Piermont, Jr. Birth of Aviva Aron-Dine The Robert Grant Family Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Lissak Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hess David K. Marx, Sr., Father of David Marx Dr. and Mrs. David Lerman Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Horn Father of Iris Stock Dr. and Mrs. David Lerman Miska Vidor Mr. and Mrs. Eliot Steinberg Mrs. Edna Saperstein Harold Arens, Father ( Yahrzeit) Dr. and Mrs. Robert Siroty Essie Aronofsky Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cohen Charles L. Schwartz Mrs. Shirley Bloom Miss Carey Schwartz Morris Futeran, Father of Ira Futeran Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Horn IN HONOR OF Birth of Aviva Aron-Dine The Horn Family Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gould Mrs. Lillian Ossre Cohen* Mr. and Mrs. Ira Futeran* Mr. and Mrs. Don Piermont, Jr. • Speedy Recovery of Rabbi Daniel Freelander Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hess Anniversary of the Bernard Meislins Anniversary of the Milton Litwins Speedy Recovery of Emanuel Rothenberg Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Lewis IN MEMORY OF Dr. Nathan Schlossman, Father of Stan Schlossman Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Bernstein Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Lewis Norman Milch Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Lissak Claire Kurland,_ Mother of Leon Kurland Leon Cheskin Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Lidsky Miska Vidor Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Lewis TEMPLE YOUTH GROUP FUND DONATIONS: IN HONOR OF Bat Mitzvah of Meredith Kurland Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wacks Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Lidsky Speedy Recovery of Allan Barbarosh Mr. and Mrs. Eliot Steinberg Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gilbert Bar Mitzvah of grandson David Leviss Mrs. Alice Leviss Appreciation to Rabbi Levy and Rabbi Aron Mr. and Mrs. David Marx Birth of Aviva Aron-Dine Mr. and Mrs. Philip Glucksman Mr. and Mrs. David Marx Appreciation to Rabbi Levy Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hecht IN MEMORY OF Bat Mitzvah of daughter Heather Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pearlman Bat Mitzvah of daughter Amy Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sarasohn Recovery of Dr. Alan Yagoda Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Rand # ( Donations to the Discre tionary Funds may be sent to the Temple office. ) David K. Marx, Sr., Father of David Marx Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Levy Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Lidsky Mr. and Mrs. Philip Glucksman Morris Futeran, Father of Ira Futeran Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Lidsky Leon Cheskin Mr. and Mrs. Philip Glucksman ( Please send donations to the Youth Group Fund to Pat Glucksman, Chair person - 221-1142) TZEDAKAH FUND DONATIONS: .:�:. IN HONOR OF Gifts For "Kids" Of All Ages Plus 20% Discount On Invitations! And........ 13 SoutII SIrMI • Moi,,*»,,,, • 531-101. Sendy Held....,. (0I'I'0SIn 1M1 COlllIIUMITY TMUTUI& UNOP TMl IOOIC IHOP) lIP '1111 'AMINO ....., IUIL.DING Deli Full Line: . and Smoked Fish - plus Creative Catering from 6 to 600 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK BAGEL BUFFET RESTAURANT 35 South StrMI. Mon'IIlown. NJ 07810 JEFFREY FREEMAN II Morri. SIr"t Morristown, N. J. 07geO 201·217·6700 At .•1, J. M. Field, PIau Plnipp.,y, N. J. 07064 201·3:M·9200 CAMERA AND AUDIO EXCHANGE $hoppin, Piau a.m.,dwille, N. J. 07924 201·716- 31 MALKA SINGER Travel Agent & Consultant . (ask for me) - Interior Plantscaplng Outdoor Landscaping FlO\lem��� East Orange, NJ. 07018 "Write" On ... Personalized Invitations & Announcements Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, Weddings, Births Stationery and Unusual Gifts West Main Boutiques 625-2120 20% Discount IN MEMORY OF Dr. Nathan Schlossman, Father of Stan Schlossman Mr. and Mrs. Eliot Steinberg Miska Vidor Dr. and Mrs. Morton Silk Mr. and Mrs. Martin Fenik Dr. and Mrs. Murray Cohen * DARYL GEHR ROSENFARB SCHOLARSHIP FUND: Daryl Gehr Rosenfarb Mr. and Mrs. Charles Riback The Herbert Tarutz Family Mrs. Sophie Rosenfarb &Ott�"1 == 524 Central Ayenue Birth of Aviva Aron-Dine tks. Shirley Bloom Miss Carey Schwartz IN MEMORY OF PEC'S TRAVEL Morris County Mall Ridgedale Ave., Cedar Knolls CALL 201-267-7550 IF NO ANSWER 201-538-1130 Speedy Recovery of Gerry Baker Dr. and Mrs. Sol Schaffer Mr. and Mrs. Eliot Steinberg 4 W. Main Street Rockaway, NJ 07866 Claire Kurland, Mother of Leon Kurland Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ricken Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pearlman Jack Kaplan, Father of Gail Hecht Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pearlman Mr. and Mrs. Ira Futeran Father of Leo Horowitz Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ricken IN HONOR OF New Office of Dr. Joel Rose Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Tarutz * ( Donations to the above Funds may be sent to the Temple office. ) DA VE STERN TIRES ===== OF MOltlt,. 'NC. ===== •• F. GOODIt,CH • M,CHEL,N 108·112 RIDGEDALE AVENUE DONALD K. PIERMONT. JR. MORRISTOWN. N.J. 071160 PRAYERBOOKS and PRAYERBOOK FUND DONATIONS: , IN MEMORY OF rPhylli� 9u.t£rr.an Personal Shopper for Furs Representative to The New York Fur Market Belle Roth Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kalina (201) 538-6832 Dr. Nathan Schlossman, Father of Stan Schlossman Mrs. Robert R. White MARCIA KAPLAN SALES REPRESENTATIVE Weicherj Realtors MORRISTOWN WEST OFFICE: ' 122 WASHINGTON STREET MORRISTOWN, N.J. 07960 OFF: (201) RES: (201) 455·1900 539 3421 OR (201) 267·7355 JODO GIFT SHOP To Our Temple Friends - A 20% Saving On All Imprinted Invitations & Announcements ANNIVERSARY - BAR/BAT MITZVAH BIRTH - ENGAGEMENT - WEDDING �. 20 PARK PLACE 5 . =---=- 539-2289 MORRISTOWN e..t Main Street, DenYiIIe RESALE SHOP MOO;! =s!�,o-5:lO. Pl.... brl� gently used clothing or hou....r.. or btk:.a-brK to store for to credit In the morning. between 10 ancI12. CLOTHING • HOUSEWARES. TOYS 627-2507 A Full Service Off-Premises Caterer. .. . M. C. Soath Coter.,.. 0/ Distinction BUFFETS or FULL SIT DOWN "Beautifully Served" DINNERS' To.cicl thai speciallouch -.CAII o"r n_ phone number 11 SoIIIh Sl Philip Feigenbaum, Son Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Feigenbaum 285-0070 CHEZ CHEF Momslown .. 822-2890 DISTINCTIVE COOKWARE For All Your Kitchen Needs: Better cookware; gadgets; bakeware; cook books; aprons, mitts, potholders; cutlery; copper; porcelain and more. GERRY RAMIERI 41 KINGS ROAD MADISON, N.J. NORMA SCHWARTZ Nathan Weinstein, Father of Phyllis Veloric Jack Veloric, Father of Harold Veloric Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lowenstein * Mr. and Mrs. Selwyn Bandes Leon Cheskin Mr. and Mrs. Paul Faber Mr. and Mrs. Fred Glickman Grandmother of Joan Sirota Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Friedman David K. Marx, Sr., Father of David Marx Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wacks " Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Friedman Claire Kurland, Mother of Leon Kurland Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Bittens Miska Vidor Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stern Mr. and Mrs. Allen Schindler Mrs. Jeannette Bachrach Nathan Weinstein, Father of Phyllis Veloric Mr. and Mrs. Martin Chase Monroe ( Mickey ) Feinsod Mr. and Mrs. George Clegg Barbara Welger Mr. and Mrs. Joel Krie"gsfeld Gilda Avarian and Robert Steinman Mr. and Mrs. Harry Steinman IN HONOR OF Bat Mitzvah of Heather Pearlman Birth of Aviva Aron-Dine Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Friedman Birth of Grandson to the Bernard Schulmans Birth of Aviva Aron-Dine Speedy Recovery of Ethel Parris Mr. and Mrs. Fred Glickman *Bibles. ( Prayerbook DISCOUNT • LAVETTES SHOP AT HOftE PARTIES , BABY GIFTS , NEWBORN TO SIX "ONTHS 61FT "AILING FOR TE"PLE "EftBERS .CAll...susAH RflCH 267-1413 and Prayerbook Fund donations may be sent to the Temple office. ) SUNDAY F E B R U A R Y I 1 9 8 4 ��NDAY - '. , TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY �-- ----------� - - ----------_+------ ------�r_----------�+_----------��------_,r__ 2 1 ,; Rel.Sch. 4 SISTERHOOD BIBLE Come Fly With Me! Tu Bishvat ------------ � �� STUDY - 10 AM HARRIETTE DAVIS GUARANTEED TRAVEL 646 Speedwell Avenue 6 5 CONFIRMATION CLASS PARENTS MTG. 8-9pm 1, (Financial Plan ning Workshop at Sharey Tefilo for Execs. 7:30 p.m.) � Christian-Jewish tl SISTERHOOD BIBLE Understanding STUDY - 10 AM Meeting - 8:30 am Morris Plains. N.J. ·07950 Telephone (201) 540·1 770 MEN'S CLUB BIBLE 9:30 AM Seder World-Wide Experience 13 7 MIXED MARRIEDS 8 PM 14 15 16 SISTERHOOD BIBLE STUDY - 10 AM MEN'S CLUB BKFST. 9:30 SYG MEETING 5-8 PM BOARD OF TRUSTEES 8 PM 19 20 RELIGIOUS SCHOOL REL.SCHOOL BOARD 21 OUTREACH COMMITTEE 7:30 PM 22 FAMILY SERVICE 8 PM 10 11 SABBATH SERVICE 8:30 PM 11 Itl TED BROOKS Bar Mitzvah SABBATH SERVICE 8:30 PM 23 ACATION THROUGH FE�RUARY 26th --------------------------- 24 No School 25 DARA FENIK Bat Mitzvah SABBATH SERVICE 8:30 PM No School 26 27 REL.SCHOOL RESUMES YOUTH GROUP PAR ENTS MTG. 7:30 28 29 T EMPL E BOARD M EMB ERSHIP TH E NOMINATING COMMITT E E of Temple BINai Or will be meeting in March to consider Board of Trustees membership for 1984-85. If you are interested in worklng on the Board or any of its Committees, please contact Lynn Ross (377-6728). Your participation in Board activities is essential to the continued success of our already hardworking and devoted Board. New Temple members, and veteran Temple members as well, have much to contribute to our Board of Trustees. Please share your talents with your Temple Family. NOMINATING COMMITT E E Lynn Ross, Chainman 377-6728 *** SO CIAL A CTION R EMINDER PROJ ECT SURVIVAL The Social Action Committee invites the Congregation to a General Meeting to discuss plans for an Information-Action Program on Nuclear Arms. TU ESDAY, JANUARY 31st, 8:00 P.M. At Temple Please attend. Joy Stone. Chairman 627-9276