Newsletter 2009 Feb
Newsletter 2009 Feb
Home Builders Association of Central Michigan Gr e at i ar Cl ot from the President... Permits in Motion Isabella Member’s Corner check out our members February 2009 2026 Independence Drive • Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 • (989)775-7747 • Fax (989)775-7748 • Page 12 Home Show 2008 a publication of Morning Star Publishing Company EXHIBITORS In This Issue... as of February 25, 2008 Ace Hardware of Clare Isabella County Recycling Official Sponsors Page 13 Superior Interiors College Works Al Davis Michigan Construction /JAAD Works Homes Bechtel Irrigation Van Polen Custom Cabinets The Koetje Refinishing Deck & Shop Log Homes Mr. Rooter Plumbing Holton’s LP Gas Independent Bank Custom Home Improvements Mr. Electric Skinner Masonry & Concrete Marine Automated Deck Systems Central Michigan Home Improvement Lakeside Motor Sports Inc. Shattuck Builders CoCo Joe’s e/ 4-D An Oldcastle Company Bluegreen Resorts K-2 Concrete Isabella Quality Community Air & Water Credit of Michigan Union Clear Vision Windows & Siding Wincel Cellular/ Winn Telecom lac Exit Richmar Realty Gutter Zablocki Toppers Construction Closets & More irep eF om e H ’s f th einke R See page 3 The Healthy Gourmet C&C Enterprises Inc. ho WCZY Ultra L.J.’s Kitchens & Interiors Concrete Lifting Walton’s Heating & Cooling Here is your chance to meet customers directly at the Home Show! H&R Block Kubota Central Rustic Hardwood Flooring art He • rising to the occasion Home Show 2008 a publication of Morning Star Publishing Company The Home Builders Association of Central Michigan presents • “Ergo- nonsense” not needed in Michigan Food Court Pella Windows & Doors by Horne Thielen Turf Greenstone Irrigation Financial The Bath Tub Boys Benaske Builders Twin City Howling Landscaping Hammer Inc. Builders True Green Chem-Lawn Benchley’s Amish Furniture Absolute Granite Built On Albaugh Curtice Demand Excavating Construction Gutters Eagle Pointe Development Williams Kitchen & Bath All Weather Seal Coldwell Banker/ Mt. Pleasant Realty Precision Exteriors The Corn Crib NuUnion Credit Union Mid Michigan Security Systems Broadway Realty Associates Rite-Way ServiceMaster Asphalt Clean Paving Inc. $16.3 Billion of $825 Billion Stimulus FRIDAY March 13 5pm-9pm Four Seasons Windows and Doors ens Ow See page 9 ate tW Sof r Moline Heating & Cooling Dinner Schedule Jason The Mason Mt. Pleasant Supply February 17th Buck’s Run, Mt. Pleasant Percha Paint & Wallpaper General Maney Cabinets Mark One Pool & Spa SATURDAY Central Eavestroughing March 14 10am-8pm Greenwald M-Tech/ Mid Michigan Everdry Community Waterproofing College SUNDAY Staples Centennial Wireless Gutter Toppers New Wood Store Girard Fine Carpentry Carter Lumber Mission Lumber & Home Center Mt. Pleasant Agency Simple Shading Solutions The Oak Tree Firstbank Metal Roofs Inc. office atBank2026 Independence Dr., Mt. Pleasant, Ric’s Food Center in Mt. Pleasant, Witbeck’s in Clare, McCarther Insurance Agency/Weidman, Out of Bounds Pizzeria & Citgo Station Bowerman in Weidman & Glen’s in Alma, Mission Lumber & Gallagher DeShano Mt. Pleasant Chemical Peake U.S. Marble Shop Chamber of Realty Inc, Construction Commerce Culligan Bank Home Center Century 21 in Mt. Pleasant and Weidman Pro Hardware. Johnson Door & Central Vac Systems ERA Central Real Estate Home Builders Association of Central Michigan 4th Annual Home Builders Association of Central Michigan March 13th Indoor Athletic Complex, Mt. Pleasant April 21st Doherty Hotel, Clare • May 19th Elk’s Club , Alma Chippewa Lanes Mt. Pleasant, MI Saturday, Feb. 28, 2009 at 1 p.m. Sign up today! Registration form inside. J.T. Construction Basic Communications • • Sherwin Williams Controlled Rowe Environment Incorporated Structures Isabella Bank and Trust Ayers Water Whirlpool & Spa Central Michigan CTI Concrete ABC Seamless March 15 11am-4pm Agency AdultsCompany $3. Children under 16Basement FREE & BC Systemsif accompanied by anCommercial adult. AdvanceAmerican tickets available for $2 at the HBA Retrofoam of Michigan Classic Craftsmen Brad Malley Well Drilling See page 6 • Housing Gets Dewitt Lumber Company The Amazing Race o h t p u Cas n i W 0 in 0 $1,0 Tournament is open to HBA-CM Members & Guest only! Geo Connection Coat Check MAG Insulation Great Way Window & Doors e ar Cl Gr at i ot Isabella rs Official Sponso ION MISS BER & LUM TER HOME CEN 2009 Located at CMU Indoor Facility Athletic Pleasant Mt. FRIDAY March 13 5pm-9pm SATURDAY March 14 10am-8pm SUNDAY March 15 11am-4pm by an adult. if accompanied ren under 16 FREE at Adults $3. Child at the HBA office available for $2 Advance tickets Mt. Pleasant, Dr., ce are, enden 2026 Indep , Weidman Pro Hardw Witbeck's in Clare in Alma r in Mt. Pleasant, Station & Glen's Ric’s Food Cente Citgo & ria Pizze Out of Bounds e ar Cl Gr at i Isabella ot e ar Cl Gr at i ot Isabella Braun kendrick finkbeiner p.l.c. Timothy L. Curtiss Attorney at Law 304 E. Broadway Suite 206 Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 (989) 775-7404 Fax (989) 775-3764 Other Offices: Saginaw, MI Midland, MI DeWitt Lumber Co. 725 Spring St. (800) 968-7883 Blanchard, MI Fax (989) 561-5002 DeWitt Window & Doors 1635 Broomfield (800) 779-2101 Mt. Pleasant, MI Fax (989) 779-2103 PERCHA PAINT & WALLPAPER Devoe Paint, Specialty Finishes, Spray Equipment, Custom Window Treatments, Wallpaper, Fabrics, Floor Coverings Louise Percha Certified Wallcovering Consultant 4820 E. Broomfield Rd. Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 (989) 773-7046 FAX (989) 772-3373 e ar Cl Gr at i ot Isabella 1-877-799-DOOR (989) 772-3155 811 Craig Hill Rd. Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 STEVE JOHNSON Sales Manager e ar Cl Gr at i ot Isabella ident’s message: shawn pnacek eryone is staying warm. I had the opportunity to attend IBS this year in Las versations with builders and associates from all over the country. I would say going to be a better year in 2009. It gave me hope to see the construction d casino’s) and made me remember a time not too long ago around here pace. I am looking forward to those times again real soon as you probably u at the Networking Table Top Night on February 11th. with Congressman Dave Camp to Promote Housing First Recovery Plan with Congressman Dave Camp just prior to his return to Washington, DC as the 111th. Housing Recovery Plan ToWright, Revive A of Midland were; Shawn Pnacek,ADave Dunn, Mark LeVasseur, Rob Jimthe American Economy Effective and meaningful action that works for Main Street ance representing the HBA of Saginaw was Tim Gohm and representing the HBA of n Herren. man about to getting thehome economy healthy again. With home and The solutions Problem: Falling values are at the core ofvalues the current economic crisis. people are not investing in new homes or remodeling. Congressman Camp stressed housing in the stimulus packagevalues and there is time for industry to give • component Home prices and property continue toour dramatically decline across the country, affecting hardincentivesworking and reliefAmericans as being more important than below prime interest rates. It was everywhere. mortgage defaults which caused the largest problem. Although the 2.99% interest looks • Americans are hesitant to buy homes now because they fear prices won’t stabilize anytime soon. spective homebuyers should be purchasing homes that they cannot afford only to loose • Existing home inventory is nearing an all-time high and increasing as foreclosures flood the market. • All sectors of the economy are affected because housing is so central to our daily lives. • there Thousands (soon to proposal be millions) jobs all industries have been lost as a result of the housing appears will be a bi-partisan whichof will helpacross the legislation to succeed. crisis. signs already that the new administration will be reaching across party lines. • Consumers have stopped purchasing, and small businesses are failing. king Republican powerful Ways–&single-day Means Committee. will be a very • Time on is the of the essence marketHechanges can quickly wipe out the $700 billion economic hs and years. We are grateful recovery plan. for the opportunity to talk with him and be able to work forward. The Solution: Short-term, targeted incentives will encourage Americans to buy homes again. In 1975, Congress passed a short-term $2,000 tax credit for all new homes ($12,000 adjusted for today’s 2008-2009 BoARd MEMBERs median home prices) coupled with subsidized mortgage rates. The stimulus jump-started the depressed Joe Kozuch economy ..................................................631-2500 and the effects continued long after the measure expired. What’s needed now to create a HBAM Life Directors Mark LeVasseur ...........................................662-4848 housing recovery: Joel Beeck....................................................633-8366 • James 1105 N. Mission St. Reichard............................................684-2820 Julie Ratcliffe ..............................................839-9450 Greg48858 Weckesser ................................ (989) 239-1383 Mt. Pleasant, Michigan o Enhance the Home Buyer Tax Credit 773-2132 • Fax (989) 773-2791 Dick Peterson ..............................................835-1104 (989) Eligible purchases: STAFFprimary residences between April 9, 2008, and December 31, 2009. • Corian Countertops Custom CreditCabinets amount: 10% ofOfficer home price capped at 3.5% of FHA loan limits (geographically Executive Connie Valliere ..............835-2562 Rob Wright .................................................835-4111 Appliances • Design Office Consulting Professional Jodi Sasse......................835-2562 dependent) – ranging between approximately $10,000 and $22,000. Mike Rapanos .............................................839-0541 Eliminate current recapture: Only repayable if home is sold within 3 years. Monetization: credit available at time of closing. HBA oF MIdLAnd BUILdER BIts e ar Cl Gr at i ot Isabella You Won’t Need to be an Expert to WIN!!! TOURNAMENT IS OPEN TO HBA-CM MEMBERS, EMPLOYEES & SIGNIFICANT OTHERS Saturday, Feb. 28, 2009 at 1 p.m. Chippewa Lanes - Mt. Pleasant, MI COST IS $15.00 PER PERSON & INCLUDES: • • • • 3 – Games of Bowling Bowling Shoes Team T-Shirts Provided By C&C Enterprises A Delicious Meal After The Event By: ENTRY DEADLINE: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13TH, 2009 Each team will bowl 3 games. Handicap will be added to scores to determine winners. Cash prizes will be awarded during the meal. 1. Teams may be 2 men, 2 women or mixed. 2. Handicap to be determined on the day of event. Limited to first 48 Paid Doubles Teams • Check-in at 12 Noon Bowling starts at 1 p.m. Name Phone League Name Avg Bowling Center Payment Method: _ ________ Check enclosed made payable to HBA of Central Michigan and mailed to: 2026 Independence Dr., Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 Credit Card _ ______ Visa ________ Master Card ________ Discover ________ Diners Club Card# _ ____________________________________________ Exp____________________________________ ______ Please Invoice My Company _____________________________ & Fax Entry Form to: 989-775-7748 IF YOU ARE NOT BOWLING BUT WOULD LIKE TO ATTEND THE MEAL AND AWARDS CEREMONY ONLY NAME ________________________________ Company NAME:____________________ Cost:$6.00 MEAL ONLY e ar Cl Gr at i ot Isabella We are MCIM. Michigan Construction Industry Mutual Workers’ Comp Knowledgeable Responsive Committed Resourceful Service-Driven Innovative Nothing has changed but the name... Michigan Commercial Insurance Mutual Workers’ Comp That Works 800.262.4743 e ar Cl Gr at i ot Isabella Welcome new members... e ar Cl Gr at i ot Isabella Providing builders with what they need to build their business. (989) 773-7343 Fax (989) 772-5127 e ar Cl Gr at i ot Isabella 30 years of fabricating experience VALET AUTO CARE, INC. Since 1983 A.R.E. Commercial Toppers Tool Boxes by Weather Guard Ladder Racks Because you love your truck Truck Accessories James Motz - Owner 610 N. Mission (3 blocks S. of Meijer) (989) 773-3477 Toll-free: (866) 773-3477 One Company, One Call, We Do It All. Fire & Water Damage Restoration & Reconstruction Fire, Water, Smoke & Mold Cleanup Carpet Cleaning & Air Duct Cleaning Board Ups, Structural Drying 989.773.8038 or 888.289.7362 Bob & Karen Heydenburg - Owners e ar Cl Gr at i ot Isabella CONROY EAVESTROUGHING LICENSED • INSURED Let us take care of your water problems outside and inside your home. • 5” Seamless Aluminum Eavestroughing - .032 gauge, hidden hangers, many colors available • Basement waterproofing New! Ultimate gutter guards now available - invisible from the ground, no damage to shingles, self-cleaning Owned and Operated by Jim Conroy for over 28 years. y for a Call toda ate! free estim 4242 S. Shepherd Rd. Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 (989) 560-2774 e ar Cl Gr at i ot Isabella PERMITS ISSUED THIS PERIOD YTD TOTAL LAST YTD TOTAL Type No. No. No. Valuation Valuation Valuation Commercial Accessory 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Commercial Addition 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Commercial Alteration 5 $143,800 5 $143,800 2 $146,608 Commercial, New 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Demolition 0 $0 0 $0 1 $0 Fence 0 $0 0 $0 2 $21,500 Moving 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Multi-family, Addition 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Multi-family, Alteration 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Multi-family, New 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Other 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Reroof 3 $29,300 3 $29,300 5 $16,200 Reside 1 $3,500 1 $3,500 0 $0 Residential Accessory 0 $0 0 $0 2 $10,463 Residential Additon 1 $10,000 1 $10,000 1 $2,500 Residential Alteration 5 $24,051 5 $24,051 7 $83,269 Residential, New (manufactured) 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Residential, New (single-family, att. & det.) 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Sign 3 $980 3 $980 6 $8,525 TOTAL PERMITS 18 $211,631 18 $211,631 26 $289,065 $2,230 TOTAL FEES TYPE $2,230 THIS PERIOD (January 09) No. $2,927 YEAR TO DATE Permit Value Permit Fee No Permit Value Permit Fee Commercial Accessory 0 $0 $0 0 $0 $0 Commercial Remodel 2 $79,000 $143 2 $79,000 $143 Commercial New 0 $0 $0 0 $0 $0 Demolition 0 $0 $0 0 $0 $0 Exempt 0 $0 $0 0 $0 $0 Residential Accessory 0 $0 $0 0 $0 $0 Residential Remodel 1 $3,000 $26 1 $3,000 $26 Residential New 0 $0 $0 0 $0 $0 Totals 3 $82,000 $169 3 $82,000 $169 re a Cl Gr at i ot Home Builders Association of Central Michigan 2026 Independence Drive • Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 Isabella Lawmaker’s Addresses State Rep. Bill Caul (99th District) State Capitol 509 Olds Plaza Building Lansing, MI 48913 Phone: 517-373-1789 Rep. Scott Hummel (93rd District) Rm. N. -1197 Anderson Bldg. Lansing, MI 48909 Phone: 1-877-859-8086 Rep. John Moolenaar (98th District) Rm. S. -1287 Anderson Bldg. Lansing, MI 48909 Phone: 1-800-626-8887 Sen. Alan Cropsey P.O. Box 30036 1005 Farnum Bldg. Lansing, MI 48909 Phone: 1-866-305-2133 nsors Official Spo ION MISS BER & LUM CENTER HOME 2009 d at Locate or CMU Indo lity Faci Athletic nt Mt. Pleasa FRIDAY March 13 5pm-9pm AY SATURD March 14 SUNDAY March 15 11am-4pm by an adult. 10am-8pm if accompanied at 16 FREE office Children under $2 at the HBA Adults $3. available for Mt. Pleasant, are, Pro Hardw Advance tickets ndence Dr., Weidman 2026 Indepe k's in Clare, Alma nt, Witbec & Glen's in Mt. Pleasa Center in & Citgo Station Ric’s Food s Pizzeria Out of Bound Saturday, Feb. 28, 2009 Sen. Tim Moore 97th District Rm. 1286 Anderson Bldg. Lansing, MI 48909 Phone: 1-517-373-8962 Governor Jennifer Granholm Governor’s Office State Capital Building An Independent Insurance Agency, Auto Owners, Frankenmuth Mutual Insurance, Citizens Insurance Company of America
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