Newsletter 2011 MayJun
Newsletter 2011 MayJun
re a Cl Home Builders Association of Central Michigan Gr at i ot from the President... Permits in Motion Isabella Member’s Corner check out our members Follow us on Facebook! May/June 2011 2026 Independence Drive • Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 • (989)775-7747 • Fax (989)775-7748 • The Winning Hand 2011 Membership Campaign National Membership Day is Tuesday, May 24, 2011 g... ldin o H s ’ o h W Join us as we grow our membership! See inside for details!!! In This Issue... • THE KAY FISHER SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS See page 3 • 2011 HBA of CM Golf Outing Sign-up See page 5 • 2011 SUMMER CONVENTION See page 5 Breakfast & Lunch Golfers Wanted to help make our HBA of Central Michigan 22nd Annual Golf Outing a success! Member to Member and Meijer Card Coming Soon! Friday, July 29th, 2011 at the Pohl Cat Golf Course Watch the mail!!! $65 per person • Registration 8:30 a.m. • Shotgun starts 9:00 a.m. sharp Bring your family, friends & employees! Breakfast & Lunch Door Prizes Our Golf Outing Sponsors: Alma partnering with Watch for the new savings card coming to your mailbox in June, 2011! e ar Cl Gr at i ot Isabella OFFICERS A Message from the President... President Al Davis 644-5262 New Homes Benefit More Than Just Buyers and Builders 1st Vice President Steve Johnson 772-3155 Treasurer/ Secretary Aaron Liscomb 773-4462 Associate Vice President Terry Kunst 772-2977 Past President Joanne Theunissen 772-2300 Executive Vice President Carmelina Crisci 775-7747 Administrative Assistant Sharry Cotsman 775-7747 MISSION STATEMENT The Home Builders Association of Central Michigan, chartered in 1966 and affiliated with both the Michigan and National Association of Home Builders, represents and addresses the concerns of the building industry. We are committed to serving our members and the community through member services, education, political and community involvement. Recognized as the voice of the building industry, this association promotes ethical practices and strives to provide safe and affordable housing. 1 Dear Members: Have you ever stopped to think of how many people benefit when a house is built… not only the family members who get to live there and of course you and I as the builders who constructed and sold the home? The positive impact of new residential construction is far-reaching, bringing benefits to families, businesses and services throughout a community immediately, as well as for years to come. According to economists at the National Association of Home Builders, the oneyear estimated local impacts of building 100 single-family homes in a typical metro area include $21.1 million in local income, $2.2 million in taxes and other local government revenue, and 324 local jobs. But what does that economic impact mean in the real, day-to-day lives of community residents? Just think about it. When a family moves to a community and buys a new house, they will likely shop at local stores to buy furniture and accessories to decorate the home. They will fill their cars’ gas tank at local gas stations so they can get to the stores, have local mechanics work on the car when it breaks down or needs the oil changed, or buy a new car at a local dealer when it’s time to replace the old one. The family may need to hire local companies for regular services to maintain their home, such as landscaping, house cleaning, pet sitters or pool upkeep. The children will enroll in local schools. This increases enrollment, meaning more teachers, janitors, cafeteria workers and other school support staff will need to be hired. Those kids will also join sports leagues and other activities, buy equipment and pay registration fees that provide stipends for referees and coaches. All of this economic activity puts income into the pockets of local business owners and their families, who can then afford to go out and spend money themselves, which recycles even more money into the community’s economy. The new family also pays local and state taxes. These tax revenues help pay for a wide range of government services, including school teachers, police departments, refuse collection, parks maintenance and road repairs. Over the long term, as the families who move into new homes become part of the community, their positive impact continues. NAHB estimates that those 100 new homes also provide the community with additional, annually-recurring impacts of $3.1 million in local income, $743,000 in taxes and other revenue for local governments, and 53 local jobs. Families who buy a newly built home enjoy benefits including safety, amenities, energy efficiency and floor plans to fit a modern lifestyle. But the advantages of new homes extend far beyond the buyers and the builders—residential construction has a positive, direct impact on the local community for years. I am proud to be a builder and you should be too. Sincerely, Al Davis e r la C Gr at i ot Al Davis Isabella HBA of CM President 2011 HBA of CM Golf Outing SIGN UP TODAY! Spring is here and it’s time to start thinking about golf. This will mark our 22nd Annual Golf Outing and this time we will be celebrating the event at the Pohl Cat Golf Course here in Mt Pleasant. Check out the information on page 5! e ar Cl Gr at i ot Isabella Carmi’s Desk... Dear Members We are all looking for ways to ease the pinch of these challenging economic times but did you know that some of your most beneficial savings advantages are included right here in your own HBA membership. If you utilize it, the membership will work for you. Membership is the lifeline of this association and all businesses can merit from a healthy home builders association. First off, just being a part of the HBA will give you access to the most powerful, successful and influential people in the entire three county-communities that make up our association. Sincerely, Carmi The return on your membership includes: • Nine Dinner Meetings with your meal and endless Networking • Discounts on Home Show • Parade of Homes • Numerous Networking/Socializing Events i.e. Bowling Tournament, Golf Outing, Archery Shoot • Member to Member Discount Card • Monthly Newsletter • Listing in the annual HBA Membership Directory (Also inserted in 20,000 copies of the Morning Sun) • Legislative Representation/ Locally, State Wide & Nationally • Gas Savings Program on All Speedway, Marathon, Super America, Pilot & Valvoline Stations • Discounts on Educational Seminars Group Benefit Programs/Discounts On: • Blue Cross Blue Shield • Property Casualty • Workers Compensation • Life, Dental • Liability, Business, Auto/ Home Owner Discounts • Meijer’s Monthly Discounts on Groceries, General Merchandise and Gas • Discounts on Automobiles/Cars & Trucks Your membership enables you to profit in group activities, improve your business, increase your contacts, be better informed on the housing industry, further your own industry, support the industry that supports you and acquire the prestige and numerous advantages of membership. Please feel free to contact me at the office any time to discuss any or all of these membership benefits and be sure to keep checking the mail for your new Meijer’s and Member to Member Card coming very soon to all members. D E PIR Upcoming Continuing Education Classes: EX Last Chan ce! Check one of the following and send back form to the HBA office. May 24th 6pm-9pm continuing competency class May 26th 6pm-9pm continuing competency class All participants will receive a certificate at the end of the class noting their attendance and completion of the competency requirements for their records. COST: $57.00 Members Only Company Name______________________________________ Contact Name_______________________________________ Number Attending____________________________________ Contact Phone #_____________________________________ Please Respond By: April 3rd for the April 6th Class Credit Card information Visa MC Amercian Express Discover Card No.___________________________________________ V-Code (on back)____________________________________ Card Address No.____________________________________ Fax Form Back To: Email Form To: Mail Form To: 989-775-7748 HBA of Central Michigan 2026 Independence Drive, Mt. Pleasant MI 48858 1105 N. Mission St. Mt. Pleasant, Michigan 48858 (989) 773-2132 • Fax (989) 773-2791 Custom Cabinets • Corian Countertops Appliances • Design Consulting 2 e ar Cl Gr at i ot Isabella CPA Message: MICHIGAN’S NEWLY ENACTED SWEEPING TAX CODE CHANGE CPA-turned- Governor, Rick Snyder, made good on his campaign pledge to revamp the tax code in Michigan. The new law eliminates the state’s tax exemption for most pension income, scraps the unpopular Michigan Business Tax and repeals a number of credits, exemptions and loopholes in an effort to attract more business investment. Michigan lawmakers are not alone as other states with freshly elected Republican governors and more conservative legislatures are working on tax changes of their own to promote business growth. House Bill 4361 narrowly passed the state Senate with Lt. Gov. Brian Calley casting the tie-breaking vote. The bill replaced the Michigan Business Tax with a flat 6% tax on C-corporations. This is expected to reduce corporate income taxes by $1 billion for the fiscal year beginning Oct 1. Democrats say the version of the bill that passed added back some credits to business and they estimate the tax break to corporations to be more like $2 billion. By scrapping the Michigan Business Tax, nearly 100,000 small to medium sized employers will no longer have to file a state business tax return. to those with household incomes of $50,000 or less. The new plan also reduces credits for charitable giving. The plan institutes a public pension tax. A compromise change from Snyder’s original plan does phase in the tax treatment. Older seniors will not be taxed, but those born after 1945 will be. Republicans say that having a growing number of retirees exempt from income tax undermines the fiscal structure of the state. Snyder finances his business tax cuts with $1.5 billion in higher income tax revenue. Democrats call that a huge tax shift. It is a departure from longtime Republican practice of cutting taxes now and deal with revenue damage later by cutting budget funding. Compliments of Susan Murray, CPA Murray & Associates CPAs PLLC 1234 E. Broomfield St, Ste 5, Mt. Pleasant MI 48858 (989) 779-7799 or The Senate-approved plan reduces the Earned income Tax Credit for low-income workers. The Michigan League for Human Services said it was glad that the plan that passed preserves a portion of the State Earned Income Tax Credit by giving low-income filers a 6% match rather then the 20% match as the credit stands today. Under current law, the income tax rates are supposed to drop to 3.9% by year 2015. The new plan keeps the income tax rate at 4.25%. This measure amounts to approximately $800 million difference to the budget each year. The plan reduces the refundable income tax credits designed to offset property tax burdens. The Michigan property tax credit will be limited THE KAY FISHER SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS Congratulations to the following four CMU Chapter students Terry Michael Stewart, Michael William King, Stephanie Lofgren and Trevor Thomas as they received scholarships from our HBA to continue to complete their degrees in the Construction Management program at CMU. On hand were the Senior Officers to present them with their awards at our last general membership meeting at the Alma Elks Club. 3 1-877-799-DOOR (989) 772-3155 811 Craig Hill Rd. Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 STEVE JOHNSON Sales Manager e ar Cl Gr at i ot Isabella Membership Committee National Membership Day is Tuesday, May 24th The local office is participating again, and has formed teams to attempt to boost our membership past the 400 member plateau. The theme this year is “The Winning Hand”. The association needs YOUR help to STACK THE DECK (in a good way) and build up our membership! Prospect packets are available from the HBA office that you can pick up and deliver, OR, you can call Carmi with contact information for your prospect and she’ll mail out a packet. •$410 annual dues is a 3-in-1 membership! •80% is Deductible As An Oridinary Business Expense. •Local, state, and national benefits apply! … Along with a great incentive package for the new members that join on the 24th. For each new member recruited, a playing card will be given, with the best 5 card hand winning the grand prize. We are trying to focus on recruiting new builder members that have attended continuing education classes, but, any other potential builder or affiliate member will be welcomed. As always a number of incentives are being offered to join on membership day, and we have generated a list of potential new members that is available from Carmi at the HBA office. If you are interested in joining one of the teams, please contact one of the captains, or, if you believe you can help individually please contact Carmi to find out how to participate. Dave Smith • Terry Kunst • Michelle Duke The stronger our membership becomes, the stronger our voice is heard in Lansing. Or as Terry Kunst says (frequently) “if you’re not at the table you’re on the menu” G e Regards, Dave Smith Membership Vice Chairman C r la ra ti ot Braun kendrick finkbeiner p.l.c. Timothy L. Curtiss Attorney at Law 304 E. Broadway Suite 206 Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 (989) 775-7404 Fax (989) 775-3764 Other Offices: Saginaw, MI Midland, MI CONROY EAVESTROUGHING LICENSED • INSURED Let us take care of your water problems outside and inside your home. • 5” Seamless Aluminum Eavestroughing - .032 gauge, hidden hangers, many colors available • Basement waterproofing New! Ultimate gutter guards now available - invisible from the ground, no damage to shingles, self-cleaning Owned and Operated by Jim Conroy for over 28 years. y for a Call toda ate! free estim 4242 S. Shepherd Rd. Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 (989) 560-2774 2011 SUMMER CONVENTION Isabella JULY 20-22 at the Grand Hotel See page 5 for details! 4 e ar Cl Gr at i ot Isabella 2011 HBA of CM Golf Outing SIGN UP TODAY! Spring is here and it’s time to start thinking about golf. This will mark our 22nd Annual Golf Outing and this time we will be celebrating the event at the Pohl Cat Golf Course here in Mt Pleasant. The date is set for Friday July 29th so be sure to mark your calendars for our annual event. We had a great time last year with a great number of members in attendance and we are looking forward to another successful event. So, if you haven’t already, dust off those clubs and get your team ready to tee off with your friends at the Pohl Cat this summer for the Home Builders Association of Alma Central Michigan Golf Outing. I am asking for everyone’s support and participation again at this year’s event. If you are interested in being on the golf committee or have any questions or suggestions, we would love to hear from you. You can call Carmi at at the HBA office or reach me at 517-204-4741. Breakfa & Lunch Aaron Liscomb Mr. Electric Mid State Electric st in Come jon! the fu Dear Golf Outing Sponsors and Participants: The Home builders Association of Central Michigan would like to thank you for your generous support of the Golf Outing. As Golf Outing Chairperson, I'm asking for your support for this years golf outing set to take place Friday, July 29th. Here are the four levels of sponsorship: Platinum: $275.00 4 Golfers, hole sponsorship with sign Gold: $150.00 2 Golfers, hole sponsorship with sign Silver: $100.00 Hole sponsorship Bronze: $50.00 Prize donation of your choice f golf 18 holes o Or $65.00 per person If you have any questions call me at 517-204-4741 or Carmi at 775-7747. Sincerely, Aaron Liscomb Golf Outing Chairperson Please send confirmation of your sponsorship and check before July 20th. Payment method _____ Check enclosed made payable to the HBA of Central Michigan _____ Please charge my credit card in the amount of $__________ Credit Card information Visa MC Amercian Express Discover Card No.______________________________________ V-Code (on back)________________________________ Card Address No._________________________________ Fax Form Back To: Email Form To: Mail Form To: 989-775-7748 HBA of Central Michigan 2026 Independence Drive, Mt. Pleasant MI 48858 2011 SUMMER CONVENTION JULY 20-22 at the Grand Hotel All MAHB members are welcome to attend! • Low registration fee • Free $25 Speedway gas card to each registered member • Discounted ferry/parking at Sheppler’s • Special “Bed & Breakfast” rate at the Grand — $355.00 night for up to 4 people in a room. • Countless activities to enjoy on the island, and no meetings Thursday afternoon so you can enjoy family FREE TIME! • Free top-of-the-line reception with food on the Grand Porch (late Thursday afternoon) • Free Dinner with entertainment in a private room at the Grand (Thursday evening) Don’t miss this opportunity to enjoy the beauty of summer in northern Michigan, to spend quality time with your family, to network with your fellow MAHB members, and to show the strength of the building industry! For complete information and to register, please go to MAHB’s website, and click on the EVENTS button. Convention information and registration forms were also published in the Spring issue of Michigan Builder magazine, which came to your mailbox the last week of March. 5 e ar Cl Gr at i ot Isabella A MESSAGE from LEE SCHWARTZ Regarding NEW FALL PROTECTION RULES and TRAINING I know that some of our members are quite frustrated and upset at the new fall protection rules and that, on rare occasions, that emotion could spill over into the tone of the questions they ask of the presenters at the fall protection seminars. I’d ask you to please remind the attendees at the seminars neither MIOHSA or the MAHB are responsible for these rules. The NAHB asked OHSA to revise these rules and we here in Michigan are stuck with what happened at the federal level. The MIOHSA CET staffers putting on these seminars are there to try and help the members and, even though they may not have all the answers, they’re not the ones to be mad at. New Codes Every Six Years, Not Three At the request of the MAHB, State Representative Joe Haveman (R) has introduced House Bill 4561 which would move Michigan from a three-year cycle of adopting construction codes to a sixyear cycle. The Michigan Municipal League has already voted to support this change. Last fall, well before the 2009 Michigan construction codes went into effect on March 9, 2011, plans were underway to appoint the five review committees to begin work on the 2012 codes. The code promulgation process, on both the state and national levels has become a never-ending effort costing the state, local units of government and contractors millions of dollars while yielding very few critical changes to the previous edition of the code. Look for more on this issue as the legislation moves forward. Competency Training Offered Online - Must Take by May 31st Michigan state law requires that all contractors complete at least 3 hours of continuing competency training by May 31st in order to renew their license. The training deadline is quickly approaching and the courses are vital for license renewal. The best learning opportunity is to attend one of our in person sessions, the last one being held May 26th, however, if you are unable to attend in person an online tool for completing this training will be available for a few short weeks prior to the deadline. The Michigan Association of Home Builders (MAHB) has teamed up with the Michigan Propane Gas Association to present an easy to use resource to complete continuing competency training online at Participants can watch three podcasts and can print off a certification of completion Capitol Update for the Week • Ending May 13, 2011 An Update for members of the Michigan Association of Home Builders Tax Compromise Plan Passes the Senate – Yesterday a major tax overhaul package passed the Senate and was concurred in by the House. For weeks we have been updating you on Governor Snyder’s reinvention of the tax code, for both businesses and individuals. History was made yesterday when the Senate passed the key reform bill (HB 4361) with a vote of 20-19 with Lt. Governor Brian Calley casting the tie breaking vote. This vote is attached along with the Lt. Governor’s remarks. With this major overhaul, the Michigan Business Tax has been replaced with a 6% tax on those businesses structured as a C corporation. For businesses structured as S corporations, LLC’s, LLP’s, etc, they will pay a 4.35% tax on their personal income tax. This eliminates the double taxation for those smaller businesses. House Bill 4362 would allow companies holding certificated credits to be able to continue to file under the Michigan Business Tax should they chose to do that. HB 4362 passed the Senate with a vote of 27-10. On the individual side there were changes made as well. The income tax rate will be 4.35% until it lowers to 4.25% in 2013. Changes were made to the Homestead Property Tax Credit and the Earned Income Tax Credit. For additional information, contact Dawn Crandall at The entire package of bills now heads to Governor Snyder’s desk for signature. at the conclusion of the videos. This documentation must be kept on file (in case of an audit) by the participant. There is no grace period for completing this training. If you are audited and it is determined that you have not completed your continuing competency training by May 31st, you may be required to complete 60-hours of pre-licensure training before re-establishing your license. Since Since 1955 1955 Licensed Licensed && Bonded Bonded Lead Lead Certified Certified Nace Nace Inspecting Inspecting Hi-End Residential • Commercial • Industrial Painting • Wallpapering • Specialty Coatings • Aerial Work Don Don P. P. Gallo Gallo 989-382-7390 989-382-7390 •• Fax Fax 866-941-4537 866-941-4537 Cell Cell 231-250-0741 231-250-0741 •• 5930 5930 Watling Watling Rd. Rd. •• Diamond Diamond Lake Lake •• Barryton, Barryton, MI MI 49305 49305 6 e ar Cl Gr at i ot Isabella Investing Beyond Short-term CDs With Financial Advisor, Mark Cashen Many people depend on certificates of deposit (CDs) to provide extra income. Yet CD rates have been fairly low for a while. In recent months, in fact, one-year CDs were paying about 0.5%, two-year CDs topped out at around 1%, and five-year CDs paid in the 2% to 2. 3% range. Those rates are scanty enough, but they can seem even lower in an economic environment marked by rising food and gas prices. Before you consider alternatives, keep in mind that CDs still offer a key advantage: safety of principal. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) typically insures CDs up to $250,000. And since CDs are relatively short-term in nature, you don’t have to worry about locking away that money for long periods of time. So there can be a place for CDs in the fixedincome portion of your portfolio. However, during times such as these, you might consider looking at additional options, keeping in mind that, when seeking greater income, you’ll likely be taking on more risk. Let’s consider a few alternatives: Fixed annuities — Many people buy fixed annuities to supplement their retirement income. But most annuities also allow you to take up to 10% of your account value each year without penalty. Plus, the interest rate you receive on a fixed annuity may be more competitive than that currently paid by a CD. Keep in mind, though, that annuities are not backed by FDIC insurance, and any guarantees are backed solely by the paying ability of the insurance company. Additionally, early or excessive withdrawals may be subject to penalties. If you believe a fixed annuity might be appropriate for your situation, speak with your financial advisor. MAHB Endorses Frankenmuth for Workers Comp. Insurance MAHB has named Frankenmuth Insurance as its endorsed provider of workers compensation insurance for our members. Member only benefits and discounts will be provided. One of the items they have committed to is the ultimate set-up of a monthly self-audit system. This type of system allows members with fluctuating payrolls to adjust their premium payments each month. Frankenmuth has pledged to work with us in carving out more and more member only value. Given our long partnership with them in providing property and casualty coverage to our members, broadening our partnership to workers compensation was a logical step. 7 Frankenmuth receives A (Excellent) rating Continued on page 7. Edward Jones Bond ladders — If appropriate for your situation, you can potentially gain extra income through a strategy known as a bond “ladder.” To build a ladder, you buy several bonds with varying maturities — short-, intermediate- and long-term. Once you’ve constructed your ladder, you could gain some advantage in various interest rate environments. When market rates are low, you’ll still have your longer-term bonds earning higher interest rates. And when market rates rise, you can reinvest your maturing short-term bonds at the higher rates. But if you need income in addition to your regular interest payments, you can get it from the maturing bonds. Unlike CDs, however, bonds are not covered by FDIC insurance and are subject to credit risks. Bonds are also subject to interest rate risk: When interest rates rise, bond prices generally fall, and you may lose some or all of your principal if you sell your bond prior to maturity. But by holding your bonds until maturity, you can avoid loss of principal, assuming the issuer doesn’t default. Dividend-paying stocks — Some companies have paid — and increased — their stock dividends for many years now. If you don’t need the dividends to boost your cash flow, you can reinvest them to help boost your ownership stake. However, companies can reduce or discontinue their dividends at any time, and since stock prices fluctuate, you risk losing some or all of your principal. By exploring alternatives to short-term CDs, you may find other appropriate investments that may better position you to reach your financial goals — so look around to see what’s available in the financial marketplace. This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor. e ar Cl Gr at i ot Isabella One Company, One Call, We Do It All. Fire & Water Damage Restoration & Reconstruction Fire, Water, Smoke & Mold Cleanup Carpet Cleaning & Air Duct Cleaning Board Ups, Structural Drying 989.773.8038 or 888.289.7362 Bob & Karen Heydenburg - Owners Insulation • Drywall • Paint Polyurethane Foam • Nu-Wool Wallseal • Retrofit Competitive Pricing - Speed & Reliability Quality and Service - Package Pricing Available Over 25 Years Experience Residential • Commercial Industrial •Licensed & Insured Save up to 40% on Utility Bills by adding Nu-Wool Premium Cellulose. The Energy Saving Spray-On Insulation 989-833-7553 4401 N. Lumberjack Rd., Riverdale Email your order to Providing builders with what they need to build their business. (989) 773-7343 Fax (989) 772-5127 Check out the 22nd Annual Golf Outing on page 5! 8 e ar Cl Gr at i ot Isabella 1 st T i m e E v e r – A One Day Fall Home & Lifestyle Improvement Show – Dear Members: It’s time to mark your calendars and prepare yourself for our first ever one day Fall Home & Lifestyle Improvement Show on Saturday September 17th at Finch Fieldhouse. This event came to us by demand of our members and prior Home Show Exhibitors that requested we put on …..a one day only event geared towards assisting you in potentially generating more work/leads to get you through the fall and winter months. We are looking to make this one day event as affordable as possible. Contracts will be out very soon so, be sure to keep your eye on the mail…as booth allocation will be on a first come first serve basis. We are also looking for creative and innovative ideas in helping us make this a great show so please contact the office if you are interested in serving on the committee. Contact either myself or Carmi at 989-775-7747. Don’t miss out on this all NEW EVENT! Steve Johnson Steve Johnson Chairman Johnson Door & Central Vac 989-772-3155 MAHB Endorses Frankenmuth for Workers Comp. Insurance Continued from page 7 May 4, 2011 Citing Frankenmuth Insurance’s strong capitalization and solid regional market presence, A.M. Best affirmed its “A” (Excellent) rating and stable outlook. A.M. Best’s rating represents its overview of Frankenmuth Mutual Insurance Company and its property and casualty insurance subsidiaries: Ansur America Insurance Company, Patriot Insurance Company, ASure Worldwide Insurance Company and Fortuity Insurance Company. “This rating and outlook affirmation are testament to our financial strength and performance,” says Frankenmuth Insurance President & CEO John Benson. “The collaborative efforts of our talented employees and you, our agency partners, are fundamental to our continued success.” To get a quote on worker’s compensation insurance and/or property & casualty insurance, contact any of the following HBACM members: Mt. Pleasant Agency – Kurt Feight 989-772-2977 McCarthur Agency – Terry Kunst – 989-644-3465 Joe Fabiano Or Ryan Holbein – General Agency -989-773-6981 Jeb Gilbert 9 Food Pantry Donation From Bowling Tournament Bowling Tournament – Renee Patterson …Back on February 26th we held our 6th Annual Bowling Tournament and once again we were fortunate through the assistance of Julie Rush of Mt. Pleasant Abstract whose father kindly donated a weekend for two to Indian River and with the major sponsors on the lap top purchased at Staples which included: Konwinski Construction, Aaron Liscomb of Mr. Electric, Tanner Tracking/Estel Tanner, Johnson Door & Central Vac Systems and Pella Windows & Doors by Horne …without their donations we couldn’t have afforded to purchase these prizes which turned out raising $1,000.00 that was donated to Central Michigan Chapter of The American Red Cross -Food Pantry at our May membership meeting. On hand to accept the check was Irene Little of the Central Michigan Chapter of the American Red Cross – Food Pantry which currently provides food to over 300 families a month in our area. e ar Cl Gr at i ot Isabella in the Members Corner this month... 116 N Mission, Mt Pleasant, MI 48858 989-773-3917 | The Shaheen Automotive Group realizes Companies are more concerned than ever about reducing expense and maximizing profit. To help National Association of Home Builders business members reduce costs associated with maintaining a fleet of vehicles, Shaheen Buick, GMC Truck, Cadillac is offering a 15% discount on all parts and service. Our ASE, state certified technicians maintain and repair all makes and models – even imports. Call 989-773-3917 and speak with our service advisor to schedule your next service visit. nesses dramatically reduce costs associated with purchasing and/or maintaining small or medium sized fleets of vehicles. Shopping for a vehicle? Presently, members are eligible to receive an additional $500.00 rebate towards the purchase of most new cars or trucks. Call Mark Durfee at (517) 712-4719 or email at As an additional benefit, members are able to take advantage of Shaheen Fleet Analysis -- a free consulting program for small and medium size businesses. This is a comprehensive program proven to help busi- PERCHA PAINT & WALLPAPER Devoe Paint, Specialty Finishes, Spray Equipment, Custom Window Treatments, Wallpaper, Fabrics, Floor Coverings E room eld d t Pleasant, L C P W C Melissa Kee 989.773.4224 F 10 Gr at i e ar Cl ot Isabella City of Mt. Pleasant Department of Building Safety Reports for April 2011 • Permits in Motion 401 N. Main Street • Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858-1698 • Phone (989) 799-5302 • Fax (989) 773-6791 PERMITS ISSUED THIS PERIOD Type No. YTD TOTAL Valuation No. LAST YTD TOTAL Valuation No. Valuation Commercial Accessory 0 $0 1 $20,000 1 $30,000 Commercial Addition 1 $70,000 1 $70,000 2 $1,280,000 Commercial Alteration 3 $75,665 8 $488,957 16 $1,196,700 Commercial, New 0 $0 0 $0 1 $506,000 Demolition 2 $0 3 $0 3 $40,300 Fence 0 $0 1 $450 8 $9,786 Moving 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Multi-family, Addition 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Multi-family, Alteration 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Multi-family, New 0 $0 2 $300,000 1 $181,000 Other 1 $25,000 1 $25,000 0 $0 Reroof 19 $102,119 29 $176,107 35 $191,444 Reside 0 $0 0 $0 3 $13,968 Residential Accessory 0 $0 1 $5,000 2 $2,850 Residential Addition 0 $0 1 $49,086 0 $0 Residential Alteration 14 $196,678 39 $566,708 22 $53,118 Residential, New (manufactured) 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Residential, New (single-family, att. & det.) 3 $420,000 4 $713,700 1 $200,000 Residential (Rooming Dwelling) 1 $160,000 7 $638,580 1 $150,000 Sign 3 $22,000 10 $66,617 16 $35,146 TOTAL PERMITS 47 $1,071,462 108 $3,120,205 112 $3,890,312 $9,305 TOTAL FEES $26,152 $24,086 Union Township Building Permits -Year to Date TYPE THIS PERIOD (April 11) No. YEAR TO DATE Permit Value Permit Fee No Permit Value Permit Fee Commercial Accessory 0 $0 $0 0 $0 $0 Commercial Remodel 3 $25,000 $255 3 $25,000 $255 Commercial New 0 $0 $0 0 $0 $0 Demolition 0 $0 $0 0 $0 $0 Exempt 0 $0 $0 0 $0 $0 Residential Accessory 0 $0 $0 0 $0 $0 Residential Remodel 2 $6,000 $100 4 $69,000 $360 Residential New 0 $0 $0 1 $3,000 $80 Totals 5 $31,000 $355 8 $97,000 $695 Insert e ar Cl Gr at i ot Isabella A Message from the Women’s Council... Each year the Home Builders Assocation of Central Michigan Women’s Council awards two scholarships to graduating seniors. This year we were fortunate enough to have a generous private donation which allowed us to honor three graduates. The three recipients were recently honored at the May 17th dinner meeting. They are: Whitney Himes – Whitney will be graduating from Mt Pleasant High School and plans to attend Grand Valley State University to pursue a degree in Dance and Chemistry. Samantha Duke – Samantha will be graduating from Mt Pleasant High and plans to attend Davenport University in Grand Rapids to pursue a degree in the Paralegal program. Kyle Hahn – Kyle will be graduating from St. Louis High School and plans to attend DePauw University in Indiana to pursue a degree in Physics and Music. Congratulations to all three students! Also, we’ve had a busy month. Thanks to all who came to Greenwald & BC to help wrap over 1,300 tree seedlings that we’re delivered to the 3rd grade classrooms of 18 participating schools. Thanks again to Greenwald & BC for donating the location and to everyone that helped out as you can see in the photos. Carrie Smith Chairperson, Women’s Council 779-6368 Renewing Members...the very heart of our association! A & L Agency Dawn Augustine .......................................989 620-6646 Ace Plumbing & Heating Matt Meyers ..............................................989 772-5134 Americast Dan Bishop .................................................989 681-4800 Anderson Windows Galen Voss .................................................800 952-9442 Buck’s Run Golf Club Jeff Sweet ..................................................989 779-0754 Chippewa Lanes Carl Malish ...............................................989 773-9531 D & D Asphalt Specialists LLC/Cooper Invest Dean Cooper ..............................................989 835-4011 DeWitt Lumber Company Jason Scott ................................................989 561-2100 Eck-Sperienced Builders Mike Ecker ..................................................989 772-5295 Everdry Waterproofing Robert VanSuilichem ..............................616 406-0808 Finnerty Builder Dominic Finnerty .....................................989 644-6910 NES Rentals Troy Stoike .................................................989 77508705 Great Lakes Construction Lonnie Smith ..............................................989 560-3881 Heartwood Construction Edward Newberg .....................................989 785-0210 Hoffman Construction Ron Hoffman .............................................989 866-2591 Homeview Improvements Tim Alana ...................................................989 725-6190 Inniger Building Orland Inniger .........................................989 236-5149 Isabella Bank Connie Katt ................................................989 842-3191 Kesco Construction Kurt Schafer .............................................989 644-3467 Kieff’s Roofing Inc. Dennis Kieff ...............................................989 762-5073 Koetje Deck & Log Home Terry Koetje ...............................................231 942-1094 Krapohl Ford Lincoln Mercury Stan Miller ................................................989 772-2991 Lakeside Motor Sports Ed Richter ..................................................231 972-4146 Main Street Audio/Video Scott Wager ..............................................989 773-7370 Marine Automated Deck Systems Tom Dewey ................................................989 539-9010 Martin Heating & Cooling Brad Martin .............................................989 386-3791 McArthur Insurance Agency Terry Kunst ...............................................989 644-3465 Menards Mitchell Hoover ......................................989 779-5090 Michigan Odor Control & Sanitizing Alberta McBride ......................................989 400-0260 Mick Straus Construction Mick Straus ...............................................989 644-5224 Mid Michigan Security Systems David Dell ..................................................989 772-2348 Mission Lumber & True Value Home Center Traci Florian .............................................989 772-0906 Moline Heating & Cooling Terry Moline .............................................989 463-8767 Mr Electric of Central Michigan Aaron Liscomb ..........................................989 773-5063 Coldwell Banker/Mt Pleasant Realty Inc Larry Bean ................................. 989 773-5972 Ext 244 R & R Drywall & Insulation IncAaron Ridenour .......................................989 386-7606 Rite Way Asphalt Paving Co. Jerry Struble............................................ 989 828-6368 Rory Harsh Builder Rory Harsh ................................................989 465-1326 Shaffer Construction Joshua Shaffer ........................................989 466-1419 Steve O’Day Enterprises Joshua O’Day .............................................989 429-7806 T Coulter Home ImprovementTim Coulter ................................................248 561-6090 Thomas Krchmar IncorporatedThomas Krchmar .....................................989 539-7386 Annettes Construction & Seawall Mike Florian ..............................................989 828-7799 Bechtel Irrigation Tim Bechtel ..................................................989 7728141 Central Eavestroughing LLC Jeb Gilbert .................................................989 828-6279 Central Michigan Home Improvement Alan Satterlee .........................................989 832-6300 Central Plumbing & Heating Raymomd “Ed” Bissett ..............................989 772-9190 Commercial Blueprint Inc Doug Schmidt ............................................517 372-8360 Corporate Title Agency Cy Tope ........................................................989 773-3241 Custom Heating & Plumbing Daniel Rons ...............................................989 772-2270 DeShano Companies Jeff Zettel ..................................................989 426-2521 Design Builders of Clare, Inc Mary Casebere ..........................................989 386-2491 Door Heating & Cooling Dane or Erin Bjerke .................................989 772-1760 Four Seasons Windows Neil Satterlee ...........................................989 588-7000 Freed Construction Co., Inc. Jerry Freed ...............................................989 463-8611 General Agency Company Joe Fabiano................................................ 989 773-6981 Great Way Window & Door Henry Lehman ...........................................989 433-2282 Green Stone FCS Nancy Blaauw ..........................................989 773-5175 Habitat for Humanity of Isabella County Edwina Clark ...........................................989 317-4650 Haynes Masonry & Construction Brian Haymes ............................................989 584-3623 Reinke’s Hearth of the Home James Reinke .............................................989 539-3551 Insulation Technologies of Michigan Russ Potts ..................................................989 386-3292 Isabella Community Credit Union Jay Anders .................................................989 773-5927 L J’s Kitchen & Interiors Scott Holmes ............................................989 773-2132 Lawrence Builders David Lawrence ........................................989 539-5396 Leatherer Truss Inc Steven Letherer .......................................989 386-4999 Brad Malley Well Drilling Brad Malley ..............................................989 772-2765 Mid-State Exposition Service Terry Slaggart .........................................989 386-3834 Morey’s Logo’s Ron & Max Morey .....................................989 772-4492 Mr Rooter Plumbing Amanda Walton ........................................989 779-9913 Mt Pleasant Rental Center, Inc Brent & Lisa Myers ..................................989 773-4620 RSP Paul Jordan ...............................................888 898-3049 Retrofoam of Michigan Inc Mark Massey .............................................989 746-0320 Steve O”Day Enterprises Steve O’Day ..................................................989 539 3757 Superior Concrete Construction Larry Plough ............................................989 539-4390 Team Concrete Gary Reed ...................................................989 386-8999 Thelen Construction Terry Thelen .............................................989 463-6041 Frontier Todd Hansen ..............................................989 772-0220 Welcome New Members... Capital Equipment of Clare Kevin Holt ..................................................989 386-2192 Homestead Heating Wes Friesen ................................................989 236-5016 R U Designing Robert Uhl................................................. 989 235-1013 Straus Builders Michael Straus ........................................989 644-2301 Thank you! Insert e ar Cl Gr at i ot Home Builders Association of Central Michigan 2026 Independence Drive • Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 Isabella Governor Ric Synder State Capitol Building Lansing, Michigan 48913 ∙ 517-373-3400 Lieutenant Governor Brian Callie State Capitol Building Lansing, Michigan 48913 ∙ 517-373-3400 Senator Roger Kahn 32nd District State Senate P.O. Box 30036 ∙ S 324 Capitol Building Lansing Michigan 48909-7536 517-373-1760 Senator Judy Emmons 33rd District State Senate P.O. Box 30036 ∙ 1005 Farnum Building Lansing Michigan, 48909-7536 517-373-3760 Senator Darwin Booher 35th District State Senate P.O. Box 30036 ∙ 520 Farnum Building Lansing, Michigan 48909-7536 517-373-1725 Representative Paul Opsommer 93rd District State P.O. Box 30014 ∙ N 1197 HOB Lansing, Michigan 48909-7514 517-373-1778 Representative Joel Johnson 97th District State P.O. Box 30014 ∙ S 1286 HOB Lansing, Michigan 48909-7514 517-373-8962 Representative Kevin Cotter 99th District State P.O. Box 30014 ∙ S 1288 HOB Lansing, Michigan 48909-7514 517-373-1789 Congressman Dave Camp 4th District Michigan 135 Ashman Street ∙ Midland, MI 48640 989-6321-2552 Are You Ready if MIOSHA Visits Your Job Site? As the heart of the building/remodeling season begins MIOSHA can and will visit residential building sites to conduct inspections. As a matter of fact, MIOSHA inspectors have been directed to put a greater emphasis on residential construction sites. If you are not in compliance with the standard workplace safety rules, including the use of written safety plans, you will be fined. There are steps you can take to review your safety program to insure compliance. First, take time to read the MIOSHA website relative to construction rules, which you can link to as follows:,1607,7154-11407_15368_23452---,00.html Second, join us for a MIOSHA Fall Protection Safety Class on Thursday, June 9, 2011. Download a copy of the registration form at or follow us on facebook.
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• All sectors of the economy are affected because housing is so central to our daily lives.