Winter 2010 - Insurance Institute of Canada
Winter 2010 - Insurance Institute of Canada
BC Insider Insurance Institute Volume 15, Issue 2 For members of the Insurance Institute of British Columbia Winter 2010 President’s Message In general, our industry has a pretty bad public reputation and is (in my opinion) woefully misunderstood. I recently attended a seminar on demographics in the insurance industry. The research team completed several focus groups across Canada and asked what a typical ‘insurance person’ looked like – more than once the term “Men in Black” was used along with “silver haired men in big fancy cars”. In reality, over 60% of people employed in the insurance industry are female and last time I checked our company cars were Chevy Cavaliers – not big, not fancy. Everyone who works in the industry has the ability to change that perception by taking the time to understand how the industry works and by making a positive difference in the lives of our policyholders/customers. When we attend social functions, how many of us shy away from the inevitable question – “so what do you do for a living?” If we tell them we work in insurance, either they think we are life insurance sales people or they go into a tirade about a horrible claims experience they or some distant friend or relative had that ends with “you guys just rip people off every chance you get”. What a great start to a party! I have been asked on many occasions, what is the point of insurance – “you pay and pay, but only collect if something goes wrong.” My answer to that is the entire premise of insurance is many people pay small amounts to cover the losses of an unfortunate few. Most people don’t understand that the premium they pay here in BC is used to purchase reinsurance Shaun Sinclair, MBA, FCIP, CRM and that their money is used to pay losses around the world – I really don’t mind that a portion of the premium I paid went to cover some losses for 9/11, or the fires in Australia, or any other world disaster – that’s insurance in its truest form – at work – helping those unfortunate few. There is also the idea that insurance is the oxygen of the economy – meaning that the very fact insurance is available provides governments with the support to build and maintain infrastructure like roads, utilities and public facilities along with private enterprises building commercial and residential properties. The provision of liability insurance allows entrepreneurs to offer the goods and services we all need; without the worry that one mistake will wipe them out. After all is said and done, aside from the written contracts, Insurance is a people business that relies on clear concise communication. From the paying customer (by the way who essentially pays the salary for everyone in the industry), looking to protect what they consider an important asset, to the broker who interprets what needs to be covered and presents that interpretation, to the underwriter who has to understand the risks involved to provide coverage at a reasonable rate, to the actuary that has to modify premiums and reserves based on history and forecasting, to the marketing group that tries to encourage more business, to the claims person that has the opportunity to ‘bring the contract alive’ when the customer has suffered a loss - we all have to communicate with each other – so, why not do it in a way that makes a positive difference to those we interact with? I believe that those of us that have chosen a career in the insurance industry have a duty to help people build positive relationships – with our customers, our co workers and our partners. Given the number of people we deal with each day, are we not in the best industry for building these positive relationships? Changing the “men in black” stereotype and negative perception of our industry cannot be achieved through advertising or hype – I believe it takes action, with a genuine desire to make a positive difference in the lives of the people we interact with to foster that change. If each one of us in the industry vowed to make a positive difference in the lives of a client or co-worker each day, there would be over 1 million positive actions every two weeks, or 26 million acts each year – that’s one positive difference made per person, per day; can you imagine the outcome if we could achieve what seems to be a fairly simple objective? One way to make a positive difference is to volunteer and if you are interested, we are always looking for volunteers at the IIBC. Best wishes to all of you for a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. Shaun Sinclair, MBA, FCIP, CRM President, Insurance Institute of BC 1110-800 W. Pender St., Vancouver, BC V6C 2V6 Tel:604.681.5491 Toll Free: 1.888.681.5491 Web: Email: Learning for the real world. Rewarding.™ Book It In Your Calendar! February 4 Vancouver Island University Career Fair – Nanaimo February 25 CIP Society PROedge Seminar: Fraud /Identity Theft – Victoria March 1-5 Insurance Institute National Education Week February 22 - March 7 Early Registration for In-Class CIP Courses – Spring Semester March 2 Study Skills Seminar – Vancouver March 3 Study Skills Seminar – Nanaimo March 3 CIP Cocktail Event – Nanaimo March 3 Insurance 101 from Broker to Adjuster – Vancouver March 4 Study Skills Seminar – Victoria March 4 What to Expect at a CIP Exam – Webinar March 8-24 Standard Registration for In-Class CIP Courses – Spring Semester March 10 University of Victoria Career Fair – Victoria March 10 Ambassador Training – Vancouver March 16 CIP Society PROedge Seminar: Environmental Liability – Richmond March 23 Instructors’ Professional Day – IIBC, Vancouver March 25 CIP Society Charity Event – Pop Opera, Vancouver March 30 CIP Society PROedge Breakfast Seminar: Impact of HST – Vancouver April 6 -12 National CIP Examinations – Winter Semester April 13 CIP Classes Begin – Spring Semester April 13 & 15 Building Construction Webinars April 21 CIP Society PROedge Luncheon Seminar: Risk Management – Vancouver May 5 Introduction to Marine Cargo Insurance Seminar – Burnaby Spring Introduction to Earthquake Seminar – Vancouver Spring Professional Liability Seminar – Vancouver June 9 CIP Society Annual Golf Tournament – Hazelmere Golf Course, Surrey June 23 CIP Society Annual Golf Tournament – Cedar Hill Golf Course, Victoria June 24 IIBC Annual General Meeting – Vancouver July 5-9 National CIP Examinations – Spring Semester For more information on courses and seminars, please visit: 2 Academic Division Report by Mike Dakin, BA, CIP, Vice-President, Academic Division We had another very successful convocation last November in Vancouver. It was a great honour for me to have the opportunity of MC’ing this event. This is of course, a great showcase event, not just for the Insurance Institute but for the Insurance industry as a whole. This year was once again, very well attended and supported by all sectors of the Industry. Congratulations to all the graduates! One of the wonderful aspects of the convocation event for me is to meet all the family members who come out and participate. I met a number of grads who introduced me to their spouse, their mom or dad, or their kids who have come out to share the pride of graduation of their loved one. It is particularly special in that we have a blend of insurance people and their families who attend our convocation. Our CIP course enrollments continue to grow. One of the drivers of the recent growth in CIP registrations is the increased participation of ICBC employees in the program. As an employee of ICBC and a member of the Insurance Institute Executive, I am very much aware of the efforts over the past few years to bolster ICBC participation. Thanks to the “rallying efforts” of IIBC, Past President Glenda Ouellette, interest has grown substantially. ICBC President’s Jon Schubert has openly communicated his support for the Insurance Institute programs on numerous occasions. ICBC has undertaken a number of communication initiatives within their organization to promote educational programs offered by the Insurance Institute as a means of enhancing overall insurance industry knowledge and supporting career development. I am very pleased to say that these efforts have been paying off. For example, Fall registrations for ICBC staff (both in-class and distance learning) increased from 77 in 2008 to 205 in 2009. As a percentage of inclass students, ICBC participation rose from 15% to 33% of course registrations. “Great job” to all my colleagues at ICBC and at the IIBC who have worked so hard at promoting the program and congratulations to those who have jumped in! You won’t regret it. Our Marketing and Communications Committee has been very active preparing advertising plans for 2010. We believe that we need to continue to promote the CIP Brand and that past advertising and marketing efforts have contributed to our ongoing growth and success over the past few years. Watch for focused transit ads concentrating on routes to downtown Vancouver, UBC, SFU, and in Victoria starting in March. We are also working on advertising plans focused on the broker conferences this spring, similar to our very well received advertising campaign in Kelowna a couple of years ago. Thanks to Jan Brownridge, BA Hons, FCIP, CRM, Chair of the Marketing and Communication Committee and her team for the great job! I hope everyone has a happy and prosperous 2010. Professional Division Report by Wes M. Chowen, BA, CIP, CRM, Vice-President, Professional Division Professionals, such as we, at times suffer authors who rely upon famous quotations to dress up their compositions. Anyways, I was reading Greek philosophy the other day, and I was struck with this Plato quotation: “A hero is born among a hundred, a wise man is found among a thousand, but an accomplished one might not be found even among a hundred thousand men.” This past year in BC, 114 very accomplished professionals graduated with either a CIP or FCIP designation. Three separate convocation ceremonies were held: in Vancouver, with 414 attendees; Victoria, with 125 attendees; and Kelowna, with 32 attendees. These gold medal deserving ceremonies were conducted to perfection thanks to the organizational skills of Drinda Ribeiro, her Events Committee and Kim Durocher; Sylvia Bernat and Donna Salahor of our Vancouver Island Chapter; and Shannon Willford and her Okanagan Committee. I would like to recognize and thank Drinda Ribeiro, BSc, FCIP, FRM, CIM for her contributions with the Insurance Institute of BC. She started to volunteer with our Seminars Committee in 2004, and then chaired over subsequent years our Seminars Committee, Education Committee, Operations Committee, and most recently our Events Committee. Drinda is stepping away from her role with IIBC, but will be continuing her work in the industry from her new home in Victoria. Danielle Bolduc BComm, CIP Although she will be missed, we will not be surprised to see her resurface with the Vancouver Island Chapter. Manager Lynne Vetter, FCIP is another bright light volunteering with IIBC who will continue as a member of Marketing and Communications Committee and will now take on the added responsibilities of chairing the Events Committee. We wel604-681-5491 ext. 22 come Lynne into Council after seven years of dedicated volunteer service. Lynne and her committee is busy planning the Charity event “Battle of the Insurance Bands” which be will held at Pop Opera in Vancouver on March 25; plan to be there! Kim Durocher The Ancient Olympic Games were first organized in Olympia, Greece in 776 B.C. So far this year, our Seminars ComSeminars & Events Coordinator mittee, chaired by Jasmine Kaila, BA, CIP held nine Success Series seminars in Kelowna, Victoria, and Vancouver; and nine CIP ProEdge seminars in Vancouver, Surrey, Burnaby, Nanaimo, Victoria, and Kelowna. We also offered for the first 604-681-5491 ext. 21 time 10 free study skills seminars in Vancouver, Langley, Victoria, Kelowna and Prince George; thank you to Karen Graves Karen Graves BA, CIP, ACS for coordinating those. Another gold medal performance by the Seminars Committee, and I’m certain the Ancient Greeks Education Coordinator would be envious. Like the origin of the Ancient Olympic Games, our Future Directions Committee, chaired by Mark Francis, FCIP, ACS is 604-681-5491 ext. 29 shrouded in mystery and legend. Unlike the Ancient Greeks, who are immortalized in poems and statues, Future DirecDonna Salahor CIP tions committee will be immortalized through their work producing our Strategic Plan, Governance Model, and Risk Marketing Coordinator, Vancouver Island Management Plan. Each of these documents is worthy of a gold medal. To accommodate the 2010 Olympics, IIBC has modified the Winter Course Semester, for the last three weeks of Febru250-216-9393 ary no CIP classes will be held downtown and North Vancouver. Another year has ended, our 62nd since Adam McBride presided over our inaugural term in 1947. As you can see, Laine Atkins BA IIBC’s Professional Division is setting a direction for future generations of professionals within the insurance industry. As Customer Service Representative Plato once said: “The direction in which education starts a man will determine his future in life.” IIBC’s Professional Division sincerely hopes that all of our members, volunteers, and staff enjoy the 2010 Olympics, 604-681-5491 ext. 0 and we welcome you all to 2010! B C STA F F 3 Vancouver Island Chapter Report by Lucie Ferguson, CIP, CAIB, CRM President, Vancouver Island Chapter Wow, where does the time go! Another wonderful and successful year has gone by and the Vancouver Island Chapter has been busy. This is good news as we continue to surpass the minimum 400 members in order to have a voice at the Board of Governors meeting. On October 22nd, 2009, we held our annual CIP Cocktail Party at the Highland Pacific Golf course, Victoria’s newest public golf course. Over 30 people in attendance enjoyed a fabulous buffet of hors d’oeuvres, drinks and networking opportunity with others in the insurance industry. The Vancouver Island Chapter offered several seminars this year such as: “ABCs on Electrical, Heating & Plumbing”, “How do I Get Through to You”, “Asbestos Awareness” and “Liquor Liability”. I would like to thank Donna Salahor, Marketing Coordinator for Vancouver Island, IIBC’s newest addition for her tremendous efforts and dedication for making these happen. Donna, we could not have done it without you! Although our course registrations have been a bit low, we continue to strongly promote the CIP program at all information sessions. We recently hosted an “educate the instructor” session for our newest instructors. We reviewed the Instructors’ manual as well as various on-line tools, Instructor Exchange and E-Learning websites to ensure the instructors have the tools needed to be outstanding instructors. This past semester, we had the largest GIE class (licensing course) with 31 new members, great news!! On November 27th, we held our Annual Awards Dinner & Dance which some of us like to refer to as “the Ball”. We recognized nine graduates of the CIP program. These graduates have demonstrated their commitment to continuous learning and professionalism; it was a pleasure to pay tribute to them. Over the years, this event has become a highlight for us on Vancouver Island as again it was a sell out with 125 in attendance. Special guests included Peter Hohman, President & CEO of IIC; Chris Fawcus, Chair of the Board of Governors, IIC; Shaun Sinclair, President of IIBC and his wife, Karen. Great fun, great people and great prizes! Congratulations again to our graduates! Our goal for 2010 is to continue working hard and increasing our membership to a record high and to offer more courses, events and educational seminars to help our current students achieve their well deserved CIP designation. Together, I know we can do it! I am very pleased to serve on another term as President. I look forward to the opportunities this role entitles me such as making new contacts and building further relationships with those working in the Insurance Industry. 2009-2010 Vancouver Island Council Members President Lucie Ferguson, CIP, CAIB, CRM Coast Capital Insurance Services PAST PResident Muriel Sitter, CIP, CAIB, CRM Coast Capital Insurance Services EDUCATION CHAIR Dale Rogoza, CIP, CRM ClaimsPro Inc. SEMINARS CHAIR Wayne Coates, BA, CIP Insurance Corporation of British Columbia EVENTS CHAIR Sylvia Bernat, CIP Intact Insurance COMMITTEE MEMBERS Shawn Blennerhassett, CIP Victoria Claim Works Inc. Lorraine Cuthbert, CIP, CAIB Coast Capital Insurance Services Jim Robinson, FCIP, CRM Aviva Insurance Company of Canada Shevaun Ward Intact Insurance Location 686 W. Hastings, Vancouver BATTLE OF THE Insurance Bands members benefit Time 5:00-9:30pm Tickets $35 in advance INCLUDES APPETIZERS & FANTASTIC ENTERTAINMENT! BUY YOUR TICKET NOW – LIMITED SPACE! NO HOST BAR · 100% OF TICKET SALES DONATED TO VARIETY VIP Table $500 · Includes 6 Tickets PLUS DESIGNATED SEATING AREA & ONE FREE DRINK PER PERSON · ONLY 4 TABLES AVAILABLE!! CHARITY EVENT featuring FRONT PAGE, inCIPients, AXIOM and WEST COAST ROCK REVUE with opening act ALEX POLLINGTON March 25 @ Pop Opera 4 Buy Tickets UNABLE TO ATTEND BUT WOULD LIKE TO DONATE TO VARIETY ON BEHALF OF THIS EVENT? PLEASE VISIT CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP AVAILABLE! FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 604.681.5491 OR EMAIL Convocation and Awards Days 2009 The 2009 Convocation and Annual Awards ceremonies were held at the Delta Grand Okanagan on Friday November 20, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Vancouver on Thursday November 26, and at the Victoria Golf Club on Friday November 27. The functions which honoured our graduates and award winners were attended by 32 people in Kelowna, 420 people in Vancouver and 125 in Victoria. BC Awards National CIP Awards FCIP The School of Loss Control Technology Prize Silver Award Gold – Norman Bortnick Memorial Yvonne Crowley CNS Silver – CNS Award Maggie (Jun) McCumber (Xie) Commonwealth Insurance Company Bronze – Robert Yates Memorial Tommy Tsang Sovereign General Insurance Company CIP Gold – Leonard J. DeVito Memorial Barbara Powell ICBC Silver – Malcolm C. Simpson Memorial Miranda Lee Insurance Bureau of Canada FCIP Gold Award: Chris Gibson of ICBC presents to Yvonne Crowley. Barbara Powell ICBC The Canadian Independent Adjusters’ Assoc. Prize Top Graduate – Independent Adjuster Bryan McRoberts SCM Risk Management Services Inc. The Canadian Board of Marine Underwriters Prize Top Graduate – Marine Major FCIP Silver Award: Tony Hayes of CNS presents to Maggie McCumber. Alain Matkin AXA Pacific Insurance Company The Gerald E. Hackett Memorial Prize Top Student Mihaela Stelck Commonwealth Insurance Company Bronze – Advance Claims Service Award FCIP Bronze Award: Shaun Sinclair presents on behalf of Travelers to Tommy Tsang. Louisa Cheung CNS Top Graduate – Vancouver Island Chapter Allison L’Arrivee ICBC Runner Up – Vancouver Island Chapter Kira Kenny Megson FitzPatrick Inc. CIP Runner Up, Vancouver Island: Jim Robinson of Aviva presents to Kira Kenny. CIP Gold Award: Donnie Wing of ICBC presents to Barbara Powell. National CIP Silver Award: Chris Fawcus, IIC Board of Governors Chair presents to Barbara Powell. Top Marine Major: Chris Fawcus presents to Alain Matkin. CIP Silver Award: Gary Horga of Economical Insurance presents to Miranda Lee. Top Graduate Independent Adjuster:Chris Fawcus and Patti Kernaghan, President of CIAA, presents to Bryan McRoberts. Top Student: Chris Fawcus presents to Mihaela Stelck. CIP Bronze Award: David Porter of Advance Claims presents to Louisa Cheung. 5 Insurance Institute of Canada Graduates 2009 FELLOW, CHARTERED INSURANCE PROFESSIONAL GRADUATES – FCIP Paul Crema Yvonne Crowley Ricardo de Guzman Bryan Finstad Marilyn Leung Maggie (Jun) McCumber (Xie) Karin Marianne Singbeil Harmony Financial Group CNS T.S. McKenzie Insurance Agencies Ltd. ICBC Lombard Canada Ltd. Commonwealth Insurance Company ICBC Emilia Sulpizio Colin Trinczek Tommy Tsang Sarah Tung Mardon Group Insurance Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company Sovereign General Insurance Company Intact Insurance FCIP Continuing Education Ian Neil Sovereign General Insurance Company CHARTERED INSURANCE PROFESSIONAL GRADUATES – CIP Rosemary Adams Jim Ainsley William Arrowsmith Mary Ma Lai Au Daphne Aw Harpriya Bakshi Blair Benoit Renate Boorman Heather Bradie Melanie Brennan Suzanne Brodziak Scott Broughton Janine Bryant Sheldon Burwash Laura Caulder Catalina Chan Emily Chen Louisa Cheung David Chipangura Leo Chiu Iain Chow Ida Chow Patricia Coe Sharon Craver Lorna S. Crisologo Christena deBodt Rosenland Jessie Dhaliwal Fanny Feng Nina Finter David Fitz-Gerald Gemma Fournier Julie Fun Paul Galbraith Matthew Gook Alastair Gray Stephanie D. Hansen Jason Harrison Jaymee Ho Dennis Huber Rachelle Irvine Sanja Ivica Dan (Judy) Jiang Jane (QiuXia) Jiang Dong Yup Jo Kira Kenny Allison L’Arrivee Kathy Po King Lee Miranda Lee Ronald Lee Dianne Lee-Hansen Denis Lemiere Suzanne P. Lima 6 Waterborne Underwriting Services Ltd. J. Ainsley and Associates AXA Pacific Insurance Company GNK Insurance Services Inc. CNS Intact Insurance RSA ICBC ClaimsPro Crawford & Company (Canada) Inc. ICBC The Corp of the District of Saanich ICBC Aviva Insurance Company of Canada AXA Pacific Insurance Company Shaw Sabey & Associates Ltd. The Economical Insurance Group CNS Aviva Insurance Company of Canada Canadian Direct Insurance The Economical Insurance Group Westland Insurance Mutual Fire Insurance Company of B.C. ICBC Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company Waterborne Underwriting Services Ltd. RSA The Economical Insurance Group McLarens Canada Commonwealth Insurance Company Zurich Canada Intact Insurance Coast Capital Insurance Services Ltd. David J Gook Ins Agencies Ltd. Harlock Murray Underwriting Ltd. Aviva Insurance Company of Canada Commonwealth Insurance Company Marsh Canada Ltd. ICBC Sovereign General Insurance Company Pemberton Insurance Corporation Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company CNS West Canada Insurance Services Megson FitzPatrick Inc. ICBC Murrick Insurance Insurance Bureau of Canada Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company ICBC — Pemberton Insurance Corporation Ena Buu Y Ly Tony McAteer Ryan Gary McAvena Nicole A. McDonough Scott McLaren Bryan McRoberts Christopher Mah Michelle G. Man Alain Matkin Carson Mau Jennifer Mills Carrie Mitamura Judi Montgomery Kevin Munt Jennifer Ju Ou Angela Owens Glen Per Ivette Piedade Barbara Powell* Chris Pragnell Nelson Rivero John Romanchuk Andre Scali Tina Scott Isabelle Seow Megan Shi Rajesh Shori Amy Smiley Bonnie Somers Rossetti Song Patricia St. Marie Roslyn Stephen Nick Stinson Noreen Tablan Yukiko Takahashi Brenda Taylor Rajpreet Thind Jimmy Tran Tommy Truong Gabriel Urtusastegui Linda van de Kamp Joanne van Pelt Lee Varseveld Juvy Vicencio Barbara Vig Denise G. Wilson Enrika S.Y. Wong Yu Mei Yan Galina Zaitchik Kerri Zinger Canadian Direct Insurance ICBC ClaimsPro Megson FitzPatrick Inc. Brouwer Claims Canada & Co. Ltd. SCM Risk Management Services Inc. Aon Reed Stenhouse Inc. ICBC AXA Pacific Insurance Company Intact Insurance Integro Insurance Brokers City of Vancouver BCAA Insurance ICBC Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company Coast Capital Insurance Services Ltd. ICBC ClaimsPro ICBC Canadian Direct Insurance AXA Pacific Insurance Company Brouwer Claims Canada & Co. Ltd. ICBC CNS ICBC Optimum West Insurance Intact Insurance ICBC Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company — Liberty International Underwriters The Economical Insurance Group Aviva Canada Inc. Sovereign General Insurance Company Johnston Meier Insurance Agencies Group BFL Canada Insurance Services Inc. GCAN Insurance Company Can-Sure Underwriting Ltd. The Economical Insurance Group Hendry Swinton McKenzie Insurance Services Inc. Coast Capital Insurance Services Ltd. Pacific Coast Fishermen’s Mutual Marine Insurance Intact Insurance CNS ICBC The Economical Insurance Group Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company ICBC *Honours Congratulations to the Class of 2009! Vancouver CIP Graduates Vancouver CIP Graduates Vancouver CIP Graduates Vancouver FCIP Graduates Vancouver Island CIP Graduates Okanagan Graduates You may view your individual graduate picture at: 7 Special Awards 2009 Instructor of the Year David C. Skingsley Memorial Award Martin Dunstan BA, FCIP ICBC BC Volunteer of Distinction Carol Kuzyk FCIP, CRM Volunteer of Distinction Award: Shaun Sinclair, IIBC President, presents to Carol Kuzyk. Award of Merit Bruce MacDonald MBA, FCIP, CRM Mardon & Campbell Insurance Brokers Ltd. National Leadership Award Established Leader Andrew Janzen BComm, FCIP, FRM, CAIB Mardon & Campbell Insurance Brokers (White Rock) Award of Merit: Chris Fawcus, IIC Chair, Board of Governors, presents to Bruce MacDonald. National Leadership Award: Andrew Janzen is the proud recipient of the new National Leadership award. Special Thanks to Our Convocation Sponsors VANCOUVER Advance Claims Service Ltd. Aon Reed Stenhouse Inc. Excel Adjustco Inc. Canadian Direct Insurance Aviva Insurance Company Harbord Insurance Services Ltd. AXA Pacific Insurance Company Belfor Restoration Services Insurance Corporation of British Columbia Boorman Investment Company Ltd. Intact Insurance The Economical Insurance Group Brown Bros. Agencies Limited Kernaghan Adjusters The Honorable Order of the Blue Goose CNS & RSA Megson FitzPatrick Inc. Intact Insurance Capital Auto Glass & Upholstery Ltd. On Side Restoration Services Ltd. Insurance Corporation of British Columbia Carfra & Lawton Lawyers Payne, Travis & Associates Claimworks Coast Capital Insurance Services RCC – Rocky Cross Construction (Victoria) Ltd. Coast Claims Service Ltd Smartway Restoration Ltd. Travelers Downs Construction Ltd. Verico Select Mortgage Corp. Wawanesa Insurance The Economical Insurance Group Wawanesa Insurance CNS Crawford & Company (Canada) Inc. Jardine Lloyd Thompson Kernaghan Adjusters 8 VANCOUVER ISLAND IIBC Executive Governing Council 2009-2010 President Shaun Sinclair, MBA, FCIP, CRM 1st VICE PRESIDENT – ACADEMIC DIVISION Mike Dakin, BA, CIP Insurance Corporation of British Columbia 2ND VICE PRESIDENT – PROFESSIONAL DIVISION Wes M. Chowen, BA, CIP, CRM Pat Anderson Insurance Group SECRETARY/TREASURER Pierre Chavigny, CIP, CRM From left to right: Pierre Chavigny, Mike Dakin, Lucie Ferguson, Graham Haigh, Shaun Sinclair, Wes Chowen. Book it in your calendar. ClaimsPro Inc. PAST President Graham Haigh, BA, FCIP, CAIB Wawanesa Insurance VANCOUVER ISLAND CHAPTER PRESIDENT Lucie Ferguson, CIP, CRM, CAIB Coast Capital Insurance Services MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS Jan Brownridge, BA Hons, FIP, CRM Munich Reinsurance Company of Canada FUTURE DIRECTIONS Mark Francis, FCIP, ACS Insurance Corporation of British Columbia SEMINARS Jasmine Kaila, BA, CIP Insurance Corporation of British Columbia The second annual Insurance Institute National Education Week. We are pleased to offer the following FREE* seminars at the Insurance Institute of BC: Tuesday, March 2, 2010. Study Skills Seminar - Vancouver HUB International Insurance Brokers EVENTS Wednesday, March 3, 2010. Intro to the Industry Seminar: Insurance 101 from Broker to Adjuster - Vancouver Study Skills Seminar - Nanaimo Thursday, March 4, 2010. Study Skills Seminar - Victoria What to Expect at a CIP Exam - Webinar * The above events are free for Insurance Institute of BC members. For more information, please contact us at 604-681-5491 or Visit EDUCATION & CAREER CONNECTIONS Jennifer Perry, CHRP, CPM Lynne Vetter, FCIP Wawanesa Insurance OKANAGAN Learning for the real world. Rewarding.TM Shannon Willford, CIP, CAIB Western Financial Group 9 Licensing Courses – Spring 2010 Licensing Program General Insurance Salesperson / Adjuster Level 1 License General Insurance Essentials (GIE) - Part 1 & 2 Did You Know? This course provides the training required by the Insurance Council of BC for anyone wanting to obtain a Level 1 Salesperson (Broker) or Level 1 Adjuster’s License. It introduces the student to the insurance business, insurance intermediaries, the insurance company, basic documents, insurance practices and automobile insurance. Within one year of completing the program, the successful candidate must obtain the sponsorship (employment) of a licensed insurance agency, broker or adjuster in order to obtain a Level 1 license through the Insurance Council of BC. Are you looking to obtain a level one adjuster’s license? If so, look no further! The Insurance Institute of BC is currently the only education provider in the province offering the educational requirement for a level one adjuster’s license. Home Study (Distance Learning) Successful completion of the GIE (General Insurance Essentials) exam will fulfill the Insurance Council of BC’s licensing requirement. Dates: Continuous intake – up to one year to write an exam Fee: $450, includes $60 IIBC membership fee, textbooks, online tutorial and licensing exam (Click licensing link) Langara College (Vancouver) Instructor: Karen Graves, BA, CIP, ACS Location: W. 49th Ave Campus Dates: March 1, 2010 – April 12, 2010 Days: Monday & Thursday – 13 sessions Times: 6pm – 9pm GIE Fast Track (Kelowna) Instructor: Scott Tumak, CIP Dates: April 10, 11, 24, 25, May 8, 9 Fees: $594.30 includes textbooks, online tutorial & licensing exam Douglas College (New Westminster): Saturdays – Fall 2010 Already have your GIE? With only 2 additional CIP courses, and two years as a level one adjuster, you can obtain your Level 2 Adjuster’s License: • C110 Essentials of Loss Adjusting • C111 Advanced Loss Adjusting For more information, please visit our website at: (licensing) or the Insurance Council of BC at: Camosun College (Victoria): Weeknights – Fall 2010 Watch this Spring as CIP takes to the street! We’re promoting your designation! For the month of March, the CIP designation will be visible in 50 buses in Victoria. And this April, in Vancouver, the CIP designation will be riding in 100 buses, 80 skytrains, 30 Canada line trains, and will be displayed at the seabus terminal. 10 SPRING 2010 – IN-CLASS, ONLINE & FAST TRACK SCHEDULES REGISTRATION DEADLINES EARLY: February 22-March 7 / STANDARD: March 8-24 (Deadlines apply to Online, Fast Track and Evening Classes) Late Registration Fee Effective March 25: Late registrations will be accepted subject to $55 late fee and space availability. Transfers between In-Class, Fast Track and Online courses will be accepted, subject to a $25 administration fee after March 1 To check course availability please see individual course titles at – click on the BC link and then LOCAL CLASSES COURSES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE FAST TRACK – Spring 2010 *mandatory course COURSE NUMBER & TITLEINSTRUCTORDAYSDATESTIME LOCATIONEXAM DATE C11* C12* C14* C130 C121 C16* Principles & Practice of Insurance must be taken as one of the first 4 courses Insurance on Property Automobile Insurance Essential Skills for the Broker Advanced Underwriting Business of Insurance must be taken as one of the last 3 courses Rick Pickens Saturdays May 29, June 5, 19, 26 9am-4pm Vancouver July 5, 9:30am Mary Dehod Tim Provenzano Darlene McBride Muriel Sitter Scott Tumak Saturdays Fridays Saturdays Saturdays 2 Saturdays/Sundays May 29, June 5, 12, 26 June 4, 11, 18, 25 May 29, June 5, 12, 26 May 29, June 5, 12, 26 June 5, 6, 19, 20 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm New West North Van New West Victoria Kelowna July 7, 9:30am July 9, 9:30am July 6, 9:30am July 6, 9:30am July 5, 1:30pm ONLINE – One night/week, 2.5 hours, for 11 weeks *mandatory course COURSE NUMBER & TITLEINSTRUCTORDAYSSTARTTIMESTART DATE LOCATIONEXAM DATE C14* Online Automobile Insurance Rose Tomlinson Tuesdays 6pm April 16 July 9, 9:30am EVENING CLASS – Spring 2010 – One night/week, 2.5 hours, for 11 weeks *mandatory course COURSE NUMBER & TITLEINSTRUCTORDAYSSTARTTIMESTART DATE LOCATIONEXAM DATE C11* Principles & Practice of Insurance must be taken as one of first 4 courses C12* Insurance on Property C13* Insurance Against Liability C14* Automobile Insurance C16* Business of Insurance must be taken as one of last 3 courses C110 Essentials of Loss Adjusting Wayne Hickey Darlene McBride Monica Woldring Marnie Richardsen David Porter Tim Provenzano Graham Haigh Wednesdays Thursdays Mondays Mondays Thursdays Mondays Thursdays 5:15pm 6pm 5:15pm 6pm 5:15pm 5:15pm 5:15pm April 14 April 15 April 19 April 19 April 15 April 19 April 15 Vancouver Coquitlam Vancouver Surrey Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Shaun Sinclair Wednesdays 5:15pm April 14 Vancouver July 5, 9:30am July 7, 9:30am July 6, 1:30pm July 9, 9:30am July 5, 1:30pm July 8, 9:30am VANCOUVER ISLAND – Spring 2010 – Address of locations is listed below schedule *mandatory course COURSE NUMBER & TITLEINSTRUCTORDAYSSTARTTIMESTART DATE LOCATIONEXAM DATE C13* C72 C121 TBD TBD July 6, 1:30pm July 5, 1:30pm July 6, 9:30am Insurance Against Liability Intro to Risk Management & Commercial Lines Advanced Underwriting Shawn Blennerhassett Lucie Ferguson TBD TBD Muriel Sitter TBD TBD TBD TBD FAST TRACK – SEE ABOVE KELOWNA – Spring 2010 – Address of locations is listed below schedule *mandatory course COURSE NUMBER & TITLEINSTRUCTORDAYSSTARTTIMESTART DATE C16* Business of Insurance must be taken as one of last 3 courses Scott Tumak LOCATIONEXAM DATE FAST TRACK – SEE ABOVE Course Locations Vancouver (Downtown) IIBC (Insurance Institute of BC) 1110 - 800 West Pender Street (corner of West Pender & Howe) Surrey ICBC Out-of-Province Claims 10470 - 152nd Street, Room 4C New Westminster Douglas College 700 Royal Avenue North Vancouver ICBC 151 West Esplanade Kelowna Stutters Restoration 201 - 1216 St. Paul Street Victoria TBA TBA July 5, 1:30pm IIBC SPRING 2010 COURSE FEES (Evening, Online and Fast Track) EARLY: February 22-March 7 COURSE (fees include 5% GST) Tuition & Exam STANDARD: March 8-24 Textbook† TOTAL Exam Textbook† TOTAL C11** $474.60 $157.50 $632.10 $508.20 $157.50 $665.70 C12, C110, C120, C130** $430.50 $157.50 $588.00 $464.10 $157.50 $621.60 All Other Courses $430.50 $126.00 $556.50 $464.10 $126.00 $590.10 † TEXTBOOKS If you already have a current edition textbook, please let us know and the textbook fee will not apply. FAST TRACK Add $10.50 to the above fees for S&H. Textbook must be read prior to the first class and will be shipped to your office via ICS. ONLINE Add $10.50 to the above fees for S&H. Texts will be shipped to your office via ICS. EVENING CLASS Textbooks are handed out in the first class. **STUDENT RESOURCE GUIDES Includes access to online tutorial Resource Guides contain sample questions and answers matching the question styles of the national exams. You will find review questions, case study questions and other additional material to enhance the learning experience and to help prepare for the exam. C11, C12 and all Applied Courses: Fee above includes the mandatory student resource guide and online tutorial. ONLINE COURSE This course will require students to have access to high-speed internet and speakers. The midterm will be a daytime exam to be written at the IIBC office or proctored by your supervisor. For further details please contact IIBC. CANCELLATION POLICY Evening Class, Online and Fast Track Once your registration form is received in our office you are registered. Approved withdrawals will be subject to a $55.00 withdrawal fee and course text charge. No refunds will be made for texts that are not current, or have been marked in. All cancellations/withdrawals must be made in writing (email, fax or mail). Membership fees are non-refundable. FAST TRACK Deadline: May 1, 2010. Requests must be made prior to this date. NO REFUNDS after this date. EVENING CLASS & ONLINE Deadline: Requests MUST be received prior to the second class. NO REFUND will be given after the second class. Transferring to distance learning is not permitted and is considered a cancellation. Transfers to other In-Class, Online or Fast Track courses can be arranged, however, after MARCH 1st it will be subject to a $25 administration fee. THREE WAYS TO REGISTER (1) If paying by credit card, please do so online at (2) If paying by cheque, please complete the form at If you have any questions, please contact us at 604.681.5491 or email us at 12
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