September 2002 - Maverick Region
September 2002 - Maverick Region “ THE PORSCHE OF PORSCHE DEALERSHIPS ” ~ Porsche Cars North America DID YOU HEAR WHAT PORSCHE CARS OF NORTH AMERICA CALLED US — PERFECT. ALL OF US AT BOARDWALK PORSCHE ARE PROUD TO EARN THIS YEAR’S PORSCHE PERFECT SERVICE AWARD. Visit us at 5930 W. Plano Parkway, just East of the North Dallas Tollway. Phone 214.576.1911 Volume 40, September 2002, Issue 9 Departments Zone 5 Presidents ..........................................................1 List of Officers/Board Chairs .......................................4 Prez Says..........................................................................5 Because I Said So (Editor’s)..........................................8 Maverick Minutes..........................................................8 New Wheels..................................................................27 Anniversaries................................................................27 Unclassifieds.................................................................28 Advertiser Index...........................................................28 Upcoming Events Calendar of Events..........................................................1 “Moonlight at the Oasis” Happy Hour .......................2 Board Meeting ................................................................2 Autocross #5....................................................................2 Exotic Feline Tour...........................................................3 Porsche Lunches .............................................................5 Tech Session at Park Place .............................................6 Boxstoberfest...................................................................7 DE at Motorsport Ranch.............................................11 Swap Meet .....................................................................11 914 SIG Mid US Ramble.............................................11 Club Racing School......................................................13 Deep in the Heart of Texas Charity Gala ..................13 American LeMans Report...........................................14 Tour to Eureka Springs................................................23 Southwest Airlines Classic Car Show.........................23 Past Event Recaps Happy Hour at Mondo’s ...............................................9 Time Trial #4 & AX #4.................................................20 Boxster Boulevard Tech Session .................................23 Miscellaneous Trivia Contest..................................................................3 Hydraulic Clutch Master Cylinder (Part 2/3)...........12 Shift Rod Coupler Replacement.................................17 The Making of a Track Car.........................................19 Nominating Committee..............................................26 New Member Photos...................................................26 Day 4 7-8 11 14 17 19 21-22 24 27 28 September - Events Board Meeting (p. 2) Lone Star DE @ TWS Charity Gala (p. 13) Autocross #5 (Pennington) (p. 2) Plano & Bedford Lunches (p. 5) Happy Hour (p. 2) DE @ Motorsport Ranch (p. 11) Addison Lunch Southwest Air. Classic Car Show (p. 23) Exotic Feline Tour (p. 3) Day 5-6 9 11-13 15 17 October - Events Time Trial #5 and 6 Board Meeting Club Racing School (Hallett) (p. 13) Plano & Bedford Lunches Happy Hour Photography Dennis Chamberlain, Michael Wingfield, Doug Molny, Bill & Marilyn Stafford, Mike Bridges, Bill Dugan, & Bob Bianconi Day October - Events (cont.) 19 Autocross (MW) *26* Swap Meet (p. 11) 29 Addison Lunch 31-11/3 914 SIG Mid US Ramble (p. 11) Day 1-3 1-3 2 6 9 16 19 21 23 26 November - Events Tour to Eureka Springs (p. 23) Boxstoberfest (p. 7) Charity Autocross (Pennington) Board Meeting Founder’s Day Lone Star DE @ TWS Plano & Bedford Lunches Happy Hour Tour to Winnsboro Addison Lunch Day 7 11 17 19 31 December - Events Holiday Party Board Meeting Plano & Bedford Lunches Happy Hour Addison Lunch Cover Photo Having a little fun with Barbie, Ken, and her two Porsches. Ken is lucky that Barbie is so generous! Photo by Wendy & James Shoffit Slipstream (USPS 666-650) is published monthly by the Maverick Region Porsche Club of America, 2973 Timbercreek Trail, Ft. Worth, TX 76118. Subscription price is $24.00 per year. Periodical postage is paid at Ft. Worth, Texas. Postmaster: Send address changes to Jan Mayo, Slipstream, 2973 Timbercreek Trail, Ft. Worth, Texas 76118. Celebrate Labor Day Thanks! Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily endorsed by the Club’s membership or officers. Contributions will be printed on a space available basis. Chartered regions of PCA may reproduce items from this issue provided the author/artist and Slipstream are credited. Slipstream is printed by Ussery Printing Company in Irving, Texas. 2002 Porsche Club Zone 5 Presidents ARK-LA-TEX Bob Kelley (Shirley) h- 318-635-2617 COASTAL BEND Peter Kendig (Cindy) h-361-853-5350 LONE STAR Stan Wenger (Janelle) h- 713-467-0453 MARDI GRAS Brad Bradford (Sandra) h- 504-835-7874 OZARK Bud Thurman (Phyllis) h- 501-666-7486 WAR BONNET Steele Ford (Genie) h- 405-954-5203 CIMARRON John McDermott (Erin) h- 918-747-6840 HILL COUNTRY Dan Germain h- 512-426-8695 LONGHORN Ron McAtee (Phyllis) h- 210-654-6639 MAVERICK James Shoffit (Wendy) h-972-506-7449 OZARK MOUNTAIN Leslie Morse (Margee) h- 501-530-1537 WHISKEY BAY Ray Quick ZONE 5 REP Jan Mayo (Ed) h- 817-595-4651 1 4 September 19 “Moonlight at the Oasis” The Oasis on Joe Pool Lake 5700 Lakeridge Pkwy in Grand Prairie (817) 640-7676 2 3 2002 Maverick Region - Board, Officers & Chairs Maverick Region President James Shoffit W - (972) 506-7449 H - (972) 506-7449 Vice-President Eric Erz H - (972) 396-2900 122 Estelle Lane 1112 Santa Fe Trail Irving, TX 75063 Lucas, TX 75002 A member since 1997, James has also been co-editor of Slipstream and the Timing & Scoring chair of AX. 2001 PCA Family of the Year. He owns a ‘90 911 C4 Cab and a ‘78 911 SC. Eric has been a member since 1997. He is active in many types of events. He currently owns a '72 911E targa, and a '87 Turbo Look targa. Driving Events - Chair Keith Olcha Logistics & Support - Chair Joe McGlohen W - (817) 706-7678 H - (817) 251-6865 711 Manchester Court Southlake, TX 76092 W - (817) 366-1678 H - (817) 861-2792 704 Bowen Court Arlington, TX 76012 Keith has been a regular at all driving events and has recently been heavily involved in our Driver’s Education program. Joe has been involved in virtually every type of event that the Maverick Region holds. Joe was the 2001 Selcer Memorial award winner. He owns a 912 and a 914 2.0 liter. Secretary Andy Mears Treasurer Bob Knight W - (214) 360-9221 H - (940) 321-8683 1512 Shadow Crest Dr. Corinth, TX 76210 W - (214) 461-1426 H - (214) 349-1108 9047 Oakpath Dallas, TX 75243 Andy has been heavily involved with the mailing and distribution of Slipstream for several years. He now hopes to attend more driving events since he has completed his 911 Coupe project. Communication - Chair Wendy Shoffit Activities - Chair Teri Davis H - (972) 506-7449 1112 Santa Fe Trail Irving, TX 75063 H - (940) 682-4719 P.O. Box 213 Weatherford, TX 76086 A member since 1997, Wendy is the editor of Slipstream and has won the Selcer Memorial Award. 2001 Porsche Club Family of the Year. She owns a ‘90 911 C4 Cab and a ‘78 911 SC. Autocross Cody Sears Safety Joe McGlohen Managing Newsletter Editor Wendy Shoffit W - (214) 357-7000. H - (817) 540-1076 W - (817) 366-1678 H - (817) 861-2792 H - (972) 506-7449 Time Trials Bill Dugan Tech Inspection Ed Mayo Membership H - (817) 265-0704 (<9 PM) Teri is a past Slipstream Editor and the current Rally Chair. She has also been a major force behind Round Up and the recent Rally Schools. Goodie Store Dee & John Lersch W - (214) 697-3291 Charity W - (817) 540-4939 H - (817) 595-4651 Joel Nannis W - (817) 251-7432 H - (972) 722-2735 Lanean Hughes H - (972) 484-3040 Drivers Education Keith Olcha Workers Wendy Shoffit Mentor Program Dennis Chamberlain Tours Ted Glover W - (817) 706-7678 H - (817) 251-6865 H - (972) 506-7449 W - (972) 788-0871 H - (972) 248-7751 Driving Education - Tech John Sandusky Timing & Scoring James Shoffit (972) 506-7449 wk (972) 506-7449 hm Newsletter Printing Fran Ussery Rallies Teri Davis H - (940) 682-4719 Raffles & Door Prizes W - (972) 438-8344 H - (817) 481-8342 DE Registration Bill Dawson AX Chief Driving Instructor Bill Dugan Newsletter Mailing Andy Mears H - (972) 291-8817 (<9 PM) H - (817) 265-0704 (<9 PM) H - (940) 321-8683 W - (214) 360-9221 DE Chief Instructor Bryan Henderson TT Chief Driving Instructor Cody Sears Technology Chair Andy Mears Club Photographer Kevin Hardison W - (817) 858-7526 H - (817) 354-6045 W - (214) 357-7000. H - (817) 540-1076 H - (940) 321-8683 W - (214) 360-9221 H - (972) 401-3955 W - (972) 438-8344 Club Race - Event Chair Glen Gatlin Hospitality Lanean Hughes Web Site Mike Oakes Scrapbook Dorothee Thielisch W - (214) 965-6102 H - (214) 202-7340 H - (972) 484-3040 W - (972) 934-3416 H - (972) 780-2603 H - (972) 392-3195 Driving Rules Bill Dugan Swap Meets Vaughan Garrett Maverick Email List Bob Benson Past President Charlie Davis H - (817) 265-0704 (<9 PM) W - (972) 494-6151 H - (972) 278-6767 W - (817) 264-8357 H - (817) 457-8833 H - (940) 682-4719 Concours Jimmy Carter Tech Sessions John Halla Slipstream Advertising Mike Brodigan Zone 5 Representative Jan Mayo H - (214) 330-6609 W - (214) 290-4429 W- (972) 234-2977 H - (972) 234-6767 H - (817) 488-8520 W - (972) 443-3916 H - (817) 595-4651 W - (817) 777-0421 Please help us to keep growing! 4 A member since 1986, Bob has previously held the offices of President and Vice President, edited Slipstream, and has won the Selcer Memorial award. He owns a 2000 Boxster S. Lanean Hughes H - (972) 484-3040 Prez Says by James Shoffit, Maverick Region President Unfortunately, I am prohibited from talking too much about Parade in this issue – next month is the full writeup about all the fun we had. But I can tell the story of us getting up there and back. 1,800 miles of driving – each way -- with a 5 year old in the car. Who would have thought it could go so smoothly? No flats, no tickets, no trailer problems to speak of. Ok, so the running lights on the trailer didn’t work, but since we always stopped around 7:00 PM for the night, that posed no problem at all. Jasmine handled the trip very well. She had her toys, her games, a PlayStation II, DVD player, VCR, and plenty of books to read. She proved her stamina on the trip up when we arrived in Trinidad, Colorado after driving over 600 miles. When asked if she wanted to get out of the car for a while or drive another hour and a half to get to Pueblo, she exclaimed, “Let’s keep on going, Daddy!” and hundreds of feet down to the valley below! The lush vegetation in the basin was just amazing. Many spectacular pictures were taken there as well. Now that everyone is sound asleep, I suppose I should talk about what a great vacation going to Parade can be – great for the whole family! Our family certainly enjoys the outings, and since Parade moves around from place to place, we get to see a new part of the country each year. Locally, we have a few events coming up quickly. The Board meeting has been moved up to September 4th. Our autocross season resumes September 14th – THIS IS A SATURDAY – at Pennington Field in Bedford. On the 17th, we have our Porsche Lunches at the Good Eats in Bedford and Plano. The Happy Hour on the 19th is our Second Annual Moonlight At The Oasis on Joe Pool Lake in Grand Prairie. Bring bikes, rollerblades, jogging shoes, or just relax (like I will). The trip up took 3 days. I had budgeted 4 days, since I wanted to go several of the places I had lived as a child. Day 1 brought us to Pueblo, and Day 2 started so early that we took a quick detour through Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs. What amazing scenery! And all of those tight mountain roads (include a complete turnaround on a 2-lane road) with a Porsche on a trailer behind our Expedition! Then on the weekend of the 21st of September, we will be having our Drivers’ Education event at Motorsport Ranch in Cresson, sponsored by Boardwalk Porsche (formerly The Porsche Store). Come on out and watch if you want to find out what all the fuss is about! Back on the memory tour, we stopped briefly in Rawlins, Wyoming, and found the exact place I used to live. What a dump! We’ve got something for everyone, so come on out, and join the fun! Last but not least, the Exotic Feline Tour will be on September 18th. See page 3 for all the details. Then on to Rock Springs to find the mountain I used to climb as a child. I had no idea if I was remembering things accurately or not (childhood memories are often a little askew), but as we approached the general area, I spotted the mountain, nearly exactly as I remembered it from so long ago. We drove right up to the base and found some of the places I used to play. The final memory stop on Day 2 was in Evanston, Wyoming. We lived there twice when I was a kid. My dad worked in seismograph and hunted all over Wyoming and Utah for oil reserves, so we traveled around quite a bit. I found where I used to live, and my best friend’s house – an enchanting, magical Victorian house that had three stories and a secret passageway from the kitchen all the way to the attic. And a silver-leaf maple in the front yard that had doubled in size. Then we went by my elementary school. I couldn’t find a single thing that had changed since I attended Kindergarten, and later 3rd and 4th grades there. It was exactly as I remembered it. A sign on the door said it had closed, but no mention of when it ceased operation. There were only 5 classrooms in the building, and most classes had about 10-15 kids each. Amazing how little had changed. Day 3 took us to the Mormon Temple in downtown Salt Lake, then to the Great Salt Lake, and the Bonneville Salt Flats. Jasmine scraped up some salt to show her friends back in Texas. (No, I didn’t pull the Porsche off the trailer and try to find the top speed – our home tracks are plenty capable of extracting every ounce of performance out of my car). Twin Falls, Idaho was one of the biggest surprises. We drove through the town wondering what all the fuss was about. Then we saw a big bridge up ahead. We had no idea that it was hundreds of feet wide 5 September 7, 2002 - Boxster/Boxster S 15,000 mile service 6 Email: or FAX at (817) 267-4939 • ENGINE AND • SUSPENSION TRANSMISSION SERVICE AND ALIGNMENT SPECIALISTS • TIRE SPECIALISTS – O.E.M. DOT COMPETITION RACING SLICKS • SPECIALISTS IN EARLY PORSCHE FUEL INJECTION SYSTEMS 7 Because I Said So by Wendy Shoffit, Editor I t’s hard to believe that a year has passed since the terrorist attacks on September 11th of last year. So much has happened this year. I’m sure the media will be inundating us with a recap of it all, so I certainly won’t get into it here. All of this, however, makes me want to hug my family a little longer and a little tighter. I would imagine you feel the same way. Another event you might have missed (page 23) is the Southwest Airlines 4th Annual CNS Classic Ride show on Fri. September 27th. It looks like it will be a hoot! There is so much going on that I would find it hard believe that you could ever be bored! That’s one thing I’m so thankful for PCA. There is always something going on. On a final note, BIG GIGANTIC CONGRATULATIONS to Lanean Hughes! After getting advice from several members, putting up with endless teasing from even more members, she finally found her Porsche, a 1987 944 Turbo (previously belonging to Don Meredith). She held true to her belief that when the right car came along, she would know. Now she can actually come to PORSCHE club events in her PORSCHE. Congrats again…you deserve it! As James mentioned, Parade coverage will be seriously limited this month. I want to include it all in next month. It was quite a trip! The pictures and stories are wonderful. Maybe I’ll get two months in a row where publishing Slipstream is a lot of fun. Not that it’s ever not fun… it’s just ‘extry’ this time! As others talk about the Maverick events, I’d like to draw your attention to a few non-Maverick ones. First up, on Wed. September 11th, the Speedway Children’s Charities are hosting a “Deep in the Heart of Texas” gala at Texas Motor Speedway. This could be your opportunity to meet an IRL driver and do a good thing for charity. See page 13 for all the details or contact Lanean Hughes at (972) 484-3040 or Photo by Dennis Chamberlain I have enjoyed putting this issue together. I am finally catching up with printing all the wonderful articles so many people have provided to me. I still have a few more to go, but I’m getting there! I hope you enjoy the variety of articles and authors in this issue. Since I’m running out of other articles…you know what you need to do. *grin* Lanean and “Red Hot Red” Maverick Minutes by Andy Mears, Secretary T he regular monthly Board Meeting was held on August 7, 2002 at the home of James and Wendy Shoffit. The meeting was preceded by dinner and a fresh-made dessert. The meeting was brought to order at 7:00 PM but with no particular agenda except what notes James had jotted down just minutes before the meeting started. First up was the official announcement that Maverick Region’s bid to host the 2004 PCA National Parade was accepted from the many bids, read as few. Despite the competition, we were selected to host the next three Parades as well….just kidding. The team lead by Jan Mayo created an impressive presentation. Next up was a recap of the many awards won by Mavericks at Parade 2002, look for the article in next month’s issue. Dennis Chamberlain gave an update of the last happy hour and the plans for the few remaining happy hours left this year. Check the calendar and come out and share a round of drinks and dinner with the same folks that share your passion for Porsches. Teri Davis reminded everyone that Maverick Retreat/Round-up weekend is this month and that they need to make their reservations ASAP. Autocross chair, Cody Sears, updated us on the upcoming 8 autocrosses on September 14th to be held in-town at Pennington Field and October 19th in Mineral Wells. Also Bill Dugan, Time Trial chair, updated us on the upcoming two-day time trial October 5th and 6th. An important discussion was held regarding Slipstream costs, including postage rates, advertising rates and circulation numbers. A motion was passed that advertising rates should be raised after the advertising chair researches how much is an acceptable amount to be competitive with other similar publications. All advertisers will be given ample notice before any rate increases go into effect. Lanean Hughes presented the list of nominees for the 2003 elected board seats. For President, Keith Olcha; Vice President, Noby Takahashi; Secretary, Mimi Spreen; and Treasurer, Bob Knight. The ballot for election will appear in the October Slipstream. The meeting was closed at 8:23 PM. The next board meeting is scheduled for September 4 at the same time and location. Maverick Region PCA Board Meetings are held once a month. The meetings are open to all PCA members and your suggestions and opinions are welcome. And there’s free food! Happy Hour At Mondo’s Mondo’s holds a special spot in Dennis Chamberlain’s heart, without even taking the food into consideration. Imagine attending your first Porsche event, before even taking delivery of your new Porsche, to find out from John Hrad that, yes, his Boxster S was on the truck that had arrived at the Porsche Store that day! This was May of 2000. Well, you just had to be there to see the grin on Dennis’ face, which lasted the whole evening. Come to think of it, he’s still grinning. . . . to see the grin on Dennis’ face . . . This happy hour had 42 members, including new members John and Dorothy Teichgraeber, Ty Staviski, and Michael Scott Rankin. Long time member Jack Griffin was attending his first happy hour, and so was Pat Benson, who drove across town from the Ft. Worth area. Also, George Edwards was attending for his first time. We must’ve really enjoyed visiting with old and new members because Dennis had a very hard time getting us to sit down for dinner. He later told me he was getting excited just thinking about the shrimp and spinach ravioli, which is the same dish he ordered that night in 2000. It has become some kind of a tradition for him. We finally did sit down, later than normal, with most of the members staying for dinner. The next Happy Hour is the annual “Moonlight at the Oasis”, at the Oasis Restaurant on Joe Pool Lake. Hope to see you there. John and Dorothy Teichgraeber Photo by Dennis Chamberlain Happy Hour Crew: Dennis Chamberlain, Dee Lersch, and Mark Gluck Michael Scott Rankin Photo by Dennis Chamberlain T he July happy hour took us to Mondo’s in the Galleria area, and I believe this is was our third happy hour there. They have a very eclectic menu, a great list of wines by the glass, plenty of Porsche parking, and space to mingle. Photo by Dennis Chamberlain by Tinker Edwards Ty Staviski and Tom Snodgrass RESTORATION SERVICES & COLLISION REPAIR 3151 Skylane, Suite104 • Carrollton (Dallas), Texas • 972.733.4807 9 10 Driver Education At MotorSport Ranch Sept. 21-22, 2002 Sponsored by: Spectators and Volunteers are Always Welcome! Maverick Region invites you to our PCA Driver Education event at Motorsport Ranch,, located in Cresson, Texas on highway 377, 16 miles southwest of Fort Worth. Novices are encouraged and will be provided comprehensive instruction. Join us for a cookout Saturday evening (moved from Friday) back at the track after the event at 7:00pm. If it’s too hot, we will go inside the newly completed (with SpeedChannel) upstairs clubhouse, which holds 150 people. All cars must be inspected for track worthiness (tech) prior to the event. Tech locations, dates, and forms, along with further information will be sent with your acceptance package but also look for DE information on the Maverick Region web site Clean up at your hotel or right at the track (showers and plenty of hot water). There will be beer and soft drinks included as well. Please let us know below if you’ll join us Saturday, and the $10.00 per person covers everything. This is our last racetrack event for 2002. Spectators are welcome and volunteers are treasured! 11 Hydraulic Clutch Master Cylinder - Part 2: Removal By Michael Wingfield L ast time in Part One of this series, we identified a leaking hydraulic clutch master cylinder, gathered up our tools, and purchased the necessary replacement parts. Looking ahead, replacing the hydraulic clutch master cylinder has three phases: 1. Clutch Master cylinder removal 2. Clutch Master cylinder installation 3. Bleed the clutch system This time, in Part Two of this three-part series, we will remove the hydraulic clutch master cylinder. Part Three will conclude the series by covering installation and bleeding the system. master cylinder and fold out of the way. Note that a small amount of brake fluid will drip from the hose, but is easily caught with a small piece of paper towel. Since the hose is pinched (step 2 above), only the fluid still in the hose will drip. Note: the small plastic fitting connecting the hose to the clutch master cylinder may break or come out of the clutch master cylinder rather than slip out of the hose. It may be easier to just pull the hose with the plastic fitting still attached, free from the clutch master cylinder . . . follow the fluid feed blue hose from the brake reservoir . . . Hydraulic Clutch Master Cylinder – Part Two: Removal Photo by Michael Wingfield 1. Remove hoses and other components within the engine compartment that block access to the clutch master cylinder. In my case, this included several vacuum lines, assorted hoses, and regulators to which the lines and hoses attach. Even with the removal of these items, the cylinder remains rather well hidden, but accessible behind one of the main wiring harnesses. Figure 3 shows the placement of the clutch master cylinder behind the wiring harness. Again the easiest way to locate the clutch master cylinder is to follow the fluid feed blue hose from the brake reservoir. Within Figure 3, label “A” identifies the fluid feed blue hose from the brake reservoir. The dotted line rectangle indicates the placement of the clutch master cylinder behind one of the main wiring harnesses. Figure 3 2. Clamp off the fluid feed blue hose from the brake fluid reservoir. I used needle nose vice grips to pinch the hose, placing the vice grips near the brake fluid reservoir in order to leave as much access room as possible close to the clutch master cylinder. Don’t worry about damaging the hose by crimping it flat. You bought a replacement hose in Part One (didn’t you?). 3. Loosen the hose clamp attaching the fluid feed blue hose to the top of the clutch master cylinder. 4. Remove the fluid feed blue hose from the top of the clutch 12 rather than pull the hose off the fitting. Since the new replacement clutch master cylinder has a new fitting, this is not an issue. 5. Disconnect the high-pressure line from the forward end of the clutch master cylinder. A brake-line wrench works best here since you do not want to round off the head of the line nut. Use care to not bend the line, but gently push it aside, toward the center of the car. The line does not need to move far to allow the clutch master cylinder room. Cap off the end of the line with a rubber cap or catch the dripping fluid. Only a small amount of fluid will drip from the line since it feeds the clutch slave cylinder below the line. 6. Cap off the open line end of the clutch master cylinder. The plastic plug that ships on the new master cylinder works well here to prevent fluid from leaking out of the clutch master cylinder. 7. Loosen the lock nut on the pushrod where it attaches to the clutch pedal clevis in the interior foot well. This step requires some creative body contortions as you work upside down in the foot well. Figure 4 illustrates the pushrod lock nut tight against the clutch pedal clevis. Within Figure 4, label “A” identifies the lock nut; label “B” identifies the pushrod. The clutch master cylinder bellows can be seen on the right end of the pushrod. Figure 4 8. Unscrew the push rod from the clutch pedal clevis. This will free the pushrod for removal with the clutch master cylinder. Photo by Michael Wingfield Clutch Master Cylinder Removal 9. Remove the clutch master cylinder mounting nuts and spring washers from the firewall attachment bolts inside the engine bay. A 12-inch socket extension and universal joint aid in the removal of the nuts. Likewise, having a magnetic socket to hold the nut and a washer will prevent you from searching for dropped parts. 10. Remove the clutch master cylinder, pulling the bellows and pushrod through the firewall. Club Racing School 11. Remove the paper gasket from the firewall. Figure 5 shows the opening in the firewall (illustrated by the arrow) after removing the clutch master cylinder and gasket. By Gary Bernard This concludes Part Two of this series. Next time, in Part Three, we install a new hydraulic clutch master cylinder, and bleed the clutch system. C imarron Region in cooperation with PCA National will be conducting a first ever National Club Racing School at the Octoberfast Club Race and Driver Education at Hallett, October 11-13. This event will include classroom and track sessions that focus on teaching race specific techniques and skills. We're not just talking about the basics of high performance driving here. The course will be fairly in-depth and have low student-toinstructor ratios. It will include written evaluations and instructed track sessions specific to racing, and more. Upon successful completion of the course, students will receive race credit and have the option of running in Sunday’s enduro event. Photo by Michael Wingfield If you know of a potential driver in your area that may be interested in this program, please make them aware of it. More information and event registration forms can be found on our website at Entry into this group will be limited and early registration (postmarked by 9/13/02) is required! For more information, visit or contact event registrar, Christy Thomas, by phone at 918-622-9123 or by e-mail at Figure 5 • Increased Horsepower • Lower Temperatures • Superior Protection • Longer Oil Life • API Certified the performance oil that outperforms Top racers and performance shops know that Royal Purple Motor Oil will give them a performance advantage-and now you can enjoy the same benefits! Royal Purple allows your engine to run with less friction, producing more horsepower and offering superior protection. Royal Purple is the choice of champions; try it today and Feel the Performance! Military Distribution: North Texas Lubricants 1-800-364-3025 13 American LeMans Report By Bill and Marilyn Stafford W hen we arrived at the NEW Sears Point International Raceway this year for the Fosters Lager Grand Prix of Sonoma, I thought I was at the wrong track. kink at turn 7 was creating a traffic jam. David Donohue (#49 Panoz LMP) said that the track changes were fantastic for the spectator, as they get to see the whole back of the track and all the action. From the driver’s standpoint, it is still bumpy, but not as harsh as it used to be and no one gets airborne at the carousel any more. You can’t please everybody. As I mentioned in last year’s article about the ongoing construction, it’s different. This year, NASCAR style Grandstands have been built along the main straight and all of the above ground bleachers are gone. Everything has been built into the hillsides. They say that wherever you sit, you can see 80% of the track. It’s amazing what a 50 million dollar renovation can do. Unfortunately, moving the bleachers into the ground required the removal of most of the trees that used to be around the outside of the track giving the track a more sterile look. The Race The timing of this year’s event dictated that several of the big gun LeMans Prototypes (LMP) factory teams would not show due to the ongoing testing at LeMans for the 24 hour race in June. (The calendar spot that Sears has had for the past few years has been taken by a new Washington, D.C. event.) The Audi factory “borrowed” a two-year-old car from Champion Porsche Audi of Florida because their new cars were in France. Their thinking was hey, even if they didn’t win, there was still a good chance that the new model Champion R8 would be on the podium and Audi still sells cars on Monday. Cadillac chose to concentrate on LeMans and did not show (the Champagne is better in France anyway). Other LMP teams are just running a few events this year, so it was Panoz and Audi as far as Factory cars go. Rob Dyson was there with his Riley and Scott hot rod Lincoln and there were two Lola EX257-AER MG’s that qualified 4th and 6th. (They really need a shorter name.) The ALMS “for the fans” slogan is more than just that. This year they have added a series of three lights on the sides of the cars so that anyone unable to hear the track announcer (that’s everyone, during the races) can tell the lead cars. If one light is on, that car is leading its respective class, two lights is second, etc. No lights usually means “not in the running”, unexpected incidents, or Lucas electrics. They have also added the ability of the drivers to speak on their radio to the crowd during the race as well as a “Helmet” cam that can be seen on television. Driver comments on new track layout The race started in a drizzling rain and progressed to a downpour, got colder and finished dry and warm. It seemed to suit the Photo by Bill Stafford Photo by Bill Stafford Andy Pilgrim (#4 Corvette C5-R) did not mind the changes. He stated that they did take away some of the over-taking spots, and you have to follow the leader through 3 corners. James Weaver (#16 R&S MKIIIA/Lincoln) stated that it is probably safer, but the NASCAR Kevin Buckler on his way to a second place finish in GT Photo by Bill Stafford Photo by Bill Stafford Alex Job's #22 leads the Justin Jackson/Mike Fitzgerald J3 Racing 911 GT3 RS 911 GT3 RSes also have rears. This is at the end of the race. 14 Johnny Herbert in a new Audi R8 leads the Audi Factory entry (Biela, Pirro, Capello) in a leased 2-year old model Panozes as they pretty much led the entire race finishing 1st and 3rd with the Champion Audi in second place. In the GTS category, there were only 6 entries. Two factory Corvette C-5R’s, Franz Konrads’ German team driving a Saleen S7R (nee Mustang), an Italian team with a Ferrari 550 Maranello and two Vipers. The once invincible Vipers have been penalized with so many restrictions that they just aren’t competitive in the class anymore. Konrad has deserted Porsche to campaign the Saleen. Co-driver Terry Borcheller was seen communicating by hand signals to the German speaking Konrad team. The GTS race was never close. The Corvettes driven by Ron Fellows and Andy Pilgrim were never really challenged and finished one & two. The apparent third place finisher was the Ferrari, but was disqualified after the race (with no reason given), which gave the points to the German Mustang. In the GT class (aka the Porsche class) there were eleven cars on the grid and ten were 911GT3 RS’. This was a good race with the two Alex Job cars pitted against the ever-stronger Kevin Buckler Racers Group cars. Buckler was on the pole for the first time ahead of the Job entries. Pit Rat Notes . . .doomed to watch pseudo cars with carburetors turn left . . . Human Interest Earlier this spring Corvette drivers, Andy Pilgrim, Kelly Collins, Ron Fellows and Johnny O’Connell spent five days visiting U.S. Navy personnel in the Persian Gulf. The group visited military installations, including an aircraft carrier. No word on lap times. Finally Friends and associates tell me that attendance, as well as participation, is down about 50% at most of the small tracks in California which are the training grounds for almost every type racing in America. This could be due to the recession. However, the number of people attending the NASCAR type events is growing and the ALMS and GARRA series are suffering pronounced declining attendance, and if you don’t believe me, look at the stands during the televised races. Are we shooting ourselves in the foot here? Are we doomed to watching pseudo cars with carburetors turn left and racing without any semblance of reality? Support your local racetrack. Go to an ALMS or GARRA race. They won’t be there forever. Photo by Bill Stafford Johnny Herbert (former Formula 1 driver) was trying to do a “Robbie Gordon” on Sunday. He was going to attempt to qualify Sunday morning for the Indianapolis 500 and fly to Sonoma for the ALMS race. Herbert said he was unable to secure an aircraft with sufficient range and speed (the Corporate F-18 was busy) to allow the Indy/Sears Point double. It’s been a lifelong ambition for Johnny to compete at Indy but unfortunately the time available to accomplish both feats was just too tight to make it work (contract clauses being very unforgiving). Johnny co-piloted the Champion Audi to 2nd place in LMP. Kevin Buckler’s Racer’s Group has been invited to participate in LeMans, but that necessitates big sacks of money as well as new clothes and a funny hat. Pit rumor has it that the owner of Suncoast Porsche is going to write the check. Apparently, their sponsorship of the Racer’s Group has helped sales and increased Suncoasts’ allotment of Porsches. Photo by Bill Stafford Pole sitter Kevin Buckler's GT class 911 GT3 RS ahead of Andy Pilgrim's Factory Corvette in the Carousel. Jorg Bergmeister leaving a wake ahead of Larry Schumacher/David Murry #99 911 GT3 RS 15 Specializing in mechanical repair, Maintenance, 4-wheel alignment, and complete German automobile body repair. A.S.E. certified Master A.S.A. Glasurit certified 1118 S. Airport Circle, #120 Euless, Texas 76040 Metro (817) 540-0712 Member Automobile Service Association 16 Shift Rod Coupler Replacement By Ted Glover I s the shifting in your 911/912/930 more sloppy than usual for a Porsche? Did you get into your Porsche and find you could not shift into reverse? Well, the latter happened to me and the first thought that went through my mind—after I said “dang-it” was, “Great! My transmission is shot, it will cost a million dollars, and I have a tour to go on!” As I usually do when I have a problem for the first time, I ask around to see if any other owners have had this same problem. No sense in re-inventing the wheel when I can copy excellence. After getting opinions ranging from maladjusted clutch to major (read expensive) internal transmission problems, I decided to start from the pedal box and work back towards the engine to start eliminating possible problem areas. Behind the front seats and under the carpet is a metal cover secured to the tunnel by four Phillips head screws. Under this cover is the shift rod coupler, which connects the shift rod, which is connected to the gearshift lever, to the input shaft of the transmission. The shift rod coupler allows you to engage a gear by making it possible to push or pull or rotate the input shaft, thereby letting you select a gear. The weak links in this coupler are the two cheap plastic bushings which connect the rod and the yoke. (Aftermarket suppliers realize this and sell superior polyurethane.) Also available from aftermarket suppliers are aircraft quality “precision” or “universal” couplers, which will “eliminate slop,” give you “a more positive feel of your transmission,” and allow you to “shift with confidence and precision.” The problem with my coupler was a failure of one (left side) of the plastic bushings, and this prevented engagement of reverse gear. (My car is a 1977 930 with about 56,000 miles.) Since I was doing this repair on a Saturday and needed the car yesterday, I did not have time to order new bushings to rebuild the coupler. A phone call to a local Porsche dealer revealed that the coupler is indeed available and in stock. The price was less than $100, which is pretty good for anything Porsche, but I do not think plastic, mild steel, and coke bottle cap metallurgy will stand up as long as the over-twice-the-price aircraft-quality couplers. . . .it will cost a million dollars and I have a tour to go on . . . Installation of the coupler is only about a ten-minute job, which, again, is good for Porsche. The critical step is to mark where the coupler is situated in the rod and how it is clocked in relation to the rod. If you over-insert or under-insert the coupler into the shift rod, or clock it in a different rotational position, you will find you are not getting into the gears you want and will have to try to find the proper position of the coupler by trial and error. After the new coupler was installed, gear selection was back to normal. Even with the new coupler, there was still a slightly sloppy or rubbery feel, so I believe I will be trying the aircraft-quality ones the next time I have a shift rod coupler failure. 17 View Your Pictures Online! Jay Walker PRINTER OF SLIPSTREAM SINCE 1982 Mean Green Travel Motorsport Ranch Maverick Maverick Region Region Driver’s Driver’s Education Education Go to High resolution 8” x 10” digital photos start at $15.00. Email for more info. Gray Mouser Graphics 18 Layout • Design • Hats • Shirts Banners • Posters • Calendars Track Photography • Car Numbers Digital Photo Editing Kevin Hardison Irving, Texas • (214) 957-8193 USSERY PRINTING 3402 CENTURY CIRCLE IRVING, TEXAS 75062 972-438-8344 FAX 972-721-1847 The Making of a Track Car By Doug Molny A Removing the oil loop cooler from the right front fender. tions to make the bumper fit flush with the fenders and the oil cooler took a little extra coaxing to fit into the opening securely along with some special mounts to attach into the frame rather than the bumper. This was designed to protect the oil cooler in case the bumper makes contact with another object. Power Haus II custom builds a 20" long x 6" tall x 3" wide oil cooler with 12 rows of fins, full flow continuous circulating to keep the Porsche cool in this Texas heat under racing (DE) conditions ($750.00) including the mounting brackets and a protective front screen. Once the oil cooler was mounted and secured we added the front RSR spoiler. The tail was easy enough but I had to forfeit the hydraulic lifts and will be using half of a broom stick to hold up the deck lid. We will also have to mount some type of a hook for towing in case I ever have one of those off track experiences we hear about and dread... when help is needed to make it back to the grid for the “pull of shame.” The clearance is approximately 3 1/2" in the front from the ground to the bottom lip of the spoiler. Torsion bars will be added to help stiffen the ride to keep the car from bottoming out (I will happily accept donations). Photo by Doug Molny The following is my account of this very exciting, sometimes frustrating, yet thoroughly rewarding endeavor. I admit I have an obsessive need for speed. (who doesn't?) This passion compelled me to begin my adventure and education in “lighter = faster.” I began with the removal of the AC/Heat units and all the belts, mounts, fans, windshield washer tank, and hoses that go with this equipment. The console, seat belts, seats, mats, ash tray, air pump, spare tire and trunk carpet went as well. I added the racing seats you saw in the last Slipstream article, but did I stop there? You don't even have to ask, of course not! The front bumper and bumper shocks, rear deck lid, and rear bumper were next. Hank at GT Racing provided a fiberglass 911 IROC whale tail, RSR bumper with a front mount oil cooler opening, and a rear RSR bumper to replace the items removed. The cost was slightly over $1,100.00 (see the pictures shown). These items come with a gel coat in white which just happened to almost match the color of my 911. Park Place Porsche agreed to share in my excitement transforming my 23-year old Porsche into a pre-club racer. Photo by Doug Molny s a 2nd year DE student, I have taken my 1979 911 SC from a full street restoration to a bonafide track car. (If you are questioning my needn't read further.) Upon finishing our project I took a test drive and immediately noticed the lighter feel. The engine was running cooler and...she looks gorgeous! The ultimate test was to be the very next day at TMS for the DE event. She passed with flying colors.... she ran great...plenty of down force and greater stability under heavy braking. (see the picture below) I swear those numbers did not have flames when I started the first run group. If you have any technical questions please feel free to contact Jimmy Hayes at Park Place Porsche. Jimmy was a tremendous help to me and I enjoy working with him. Also, Park Place has expanded their operation to include these specialty additions needed to make your Porsche handle better and run just a little faster. Fiberglass parts to help with the transformation. Jimmy Hayes, the service shop foreman for Park Place, initiated the removal of all of the bumper and tail assemblies and began installation of the oil cooler and fiberglass parts as soon as they arrived at the dealership. The fiberglass parts weighed in at approximately 8 lbs., or less, each. The spoiler and tail should add quite a bit of down force and the weight loss should give me more of what I need.....speed! Unfortunately, I could not remove the rear bumper as I would then lose my trailer hitch. I decided to return the rear fiberglass bumper to GT Racing and they were kind enough to have their shipper pick it up. As you can see, in the next set of pictures we removed the oil loop cooler in the right front fender and used the oil cooler braided lines provided by Power Haus II to connect into those oil lines to the front cooler (don't ask me about the 2 new oil lines I had to purchase due to the fact they were both severely crimped.... there goes my sway bar and torsion bar budget). The brackets took some special modifica- Photo by Doug Molny . . . should give me more of what I need . . . Lighter = Faster = Flaming Numbers 19 TT #4-Hope these new tires/wheels improve my times I Photo by Mike Bridges ’ve been consistently driving at the PCA Time Trial events starting this year with the Autocross 102/Time Trials class last March (which I highly recommend to everyone). Up until Mike’s old wheels and tires recently my ’94 Z-28 has been mainly stock, running on my daily driver street tires on 16” wheels. Photo by Bill Dugan By Mike Bridges But, then I decided to get some new wheels and tires (17” up front, 18” in back). I’m hoping that my times improve with the better rubber. What do you think? Photo by Mike Bridges George Edwards getting even more track time. tail! (Didn’t know tigers came in blue, did’ya?) I spun out twice on corner 4 (we were running course #1), and had the tires squealing and complaining everywhere else. Going into turn #3 was great fun, screaming into the hairpin in 3rd gear at better than 100 mph (according to my HUD), down into 2nd gear, powering off the corner towards that EVIL corner 4. “Please, Lord, don’t let me screw up!” Finally, Mike’s consistent “smooth, Smooth, SMOOTH!” . . . don’t let me screw up . . . entered my hind-brain and I slowed down in both turns 4 and 5 (felt like I was just coasting), and dropped my lap times down by 1.2 seconds! So, when you hear someone say “slow down to go quicker,” you REALLY need to slow down! The new upgraded wheels and tires. Anyway, PCA’s time trials are just the greatest fun I’ve ever had in a car, and the people are the best! See you at the next time trials! On to the time trials. It’s commonly said that the secret of success of any group is the people involved, and that’s certainly the case with MR PCA’s time trials and autocrosses. Literally everyone works together to help each other out. Mitch Williams and Mike Lockas have been instructing me in both cars, and the one thing I’ve learned is I DON’T KNOW HOW TO DRIVE! On the other hand, that’s what makes racing at the Mineral Ring so much fun! Myra Sutton winning top family honors in their 911! Photo by Bill Dugan Photo by Bill Dugan Now, on to the racing. The first time I took my new “wheels” on the track I left the traction control system engaged in the name of sanity, but felt I wasn’t really learning what the car would do. So, the 2nd time out I disengaged it, and WOW, did I have a tiger by the Photo by Bill Dugan She’s a 2000 Corvette Fixed Roof Coupe that I got the Friday before Father’s Day (gonna be hard to top that one next year!) I’ve been wanting a Vette for 30 years, and finally sold enough unused toys to pay for it. David Baker cornering hard. 20 Alan Lage looking ahead. Autocross #4 Results Time Trial #4 Results Pts. 9 7 9 9 7 5 4 9 9 9 7 5 4 3 2 9 9 9 7 9 9 9 9 9 Photo by Bill Dugan Class Car # Name Car Time Plc Class 2 1 Sears, Cody Red 914 71.379 1 26 Bailey, Ron Blue 914 77.357 2 Class 3 31 Lockas, Mike White 944 72.400 1 Class 4 332 Baker, David White 911 T 72.108 1 102 Erz, Eric Brown 911E 73.023 2 21 Halla, John Tangerine 911E 75.771 3 55 Gauthier, Rick Black 911 E 80.519 4 Class 5 64 Shoffit, James Black 911 SC 70.001 1 Class 5L 11 Shoffit, Wendy Black 911 SC 71.757 1 Class 6 311 Machala, Chuck Silver Boxster 69.826 1 161 Randall, Rick Black 911 Carerra 72.580 2 3111 Machala, Charles Silver Boxster 73.342 3 68 Lage, Alan Black 968 73.692 4 750 Graidage, Colin Red 911 Targa 74.963 5 62 Boone, Rick Maroon 944 Turbo75.109 6 Class S6 76 Miller, Bill Black 911 Coupe 73.510 1 Class 7 257 Takahashi, Noby Silver Boxster S 69.076 1 Class S7 619 Johnson, Rocky Silver Boxster S 73.033 1 222 Edwards, George Black 911 C4 79.909 2 Class 8 99 Steele, Mark Red 993 67.653 1 Class 8L 9 Steele, Lisa Red 993 72.524 1 Class 13 242 Shaffer, Darron W-Green Boxster S73.996 1 Class 15 5 Mayo, Ed Black 914 (Cockroach) 65.107 1 Class 16 550 Diller, Richard Red 911S 67.519 1 Class OG 999 Name Withheld Red 328is 77.808 1 66 Copeland, Scott Gray TT 79.711 2 Class OGL 1999 Name Withheld Red 328is 83.510 1 Class OJ 148 Balachandra, Sanjeeva Yellow S2000 71.325 1 74 Garner, Gabby White WRX 73.883 2 Class DD 61 Bridges, Michael White Camaro Z-28 73.969 141 Boss, Brian Blue 911 78.352 125 Solorzano, Mike Green Boxster 78.652 Top Time Of Day Men : Mayo, Ed Class 15 Time 65.107 Top Time Of Day Ladies : Shoffit, Wendy Class 5L Time 71.757 Drivers arriving early at the track were greeted with a beautiful sunrise. Class Car # Name Car Time Plc Pts. Class 2 37 Davis, Charlie Green 914 72.067 1 9 1 Sears, Cody Green 914 74.305 2 7 26 Bailey, Ron Blue 914 77.625 3 5 Class 3 31 Lockas, Mike White 944 73.173 1 9 Class 4 102 Erz, Eric Brown 911E 73.419 1 9 332 Baker, David White 911 T 73.862 2 7 54 Sutton, Jerry Red 911T 76.352 3 5 55 Gauthier, Rick Black 911 E 83.007 4 4 Class 4L 45 Sutton, Myra Red 911T 73.404 1 9 154 Sutton, Aubrey Red 911T 83.088 2 7 Class 5 64 Shoffit, James Black 911 SC 70.446 1 9 911 Stafford, Bill Brown 911 SC 70.940 2 7 Class 5L 11 Shoffit, Wendy Black 911 SC 72.644 1 9 Class 6 311 Machala, Chuck Silver Boxster 71.844 1 9 3111 Machala, Charles Silver Boxster 74.293 2 7 161 Randall, Rick Black 911 Carerra 74.541 3 5 750 Graidage, Colin Red 911 Targa 77.178 4 4 Class S6 76 Miller, Bill Black 911 Coupe 74.793 1 9 176 Miller, Grant Black 911 Coupe 77.252 2 7 Class 6L 108 Dugan, Nancy White Boxster 76.940 1 9 Class 7 27 Olcha, Keith Red Boxster S 69.591 1 9 257 Takahashi, Noby Silver Boxster S 72.433 2 7 Class S7 619 Johnson, Rocky Silver Boxster S 74.802 1 9 222 Edwards, George Black 911 C4 79.554 2 7 Class 8 99 Steele, Mark Red 993 69.635 1 9 Class 8L 9 Steele, Lisa Red 993 75.677 1 9 Class 13 242 Shaffer, Darron W-Green Boxster S73.545 1 9 Class 15 5 Mayo, Ed Black 914 (Cockroach) 66.979 1 9 48 Dugan, Bill Black 914 (Cockroach) 71.760 2 7 Class OA 818 Yamada, Dean Black Firebird 71.395 1 50 Prilliman, Steve Red Trans Am 72.391 2 49 Jacobowski, Brian Black Mustang 80.958 3 Class OG 999 Name Withheld Red 328is 77.176 1 88 Name Withheld Arctic Gray 325is 78.239 2 26 Name Withheld Red M Roadster 78.300 3 Class OGL 1999 Name Withheld Red 328is 84.341 1 Class OJ 61 Esmond, Greg Blue S2000 71.233 1 75 Peebles, Iain Green Miata 72.485 2 67 Lochhead, Jason Silver WRX 72.982 3 91 Garcia, Jeremy White S2000 73.188 4 74 Garner, Gabby White WRX 74.432 5 199 Lo, James Green Integra 77.845 6 Class DD 72 Heragu, Keerthi Speed Yellow Boxster S 78.427 Top Time Of Day Men : Mayo, Ed Class 15 Time 66.979 Top Time Of Day Ladies : Shoffit, Wendy Class 5L Time 72.644 Time Trial - Top 10 Autocross - Top 10 Mayo, Ed 65.107 Diller, Richard 67.519 Steele, Mark 67.653 Takahashi, Noby 69.076 Machala, Chuck 69.826 Shoffit, James 70.001 Balachandra, Sanjeeva 71.325 Sears, Cody 71.379 Shoffit, Wendy 71.757 Baker, David 72.108 Mayo, Ed Olcha, Keith Steele, Mark Shoffit, James Stafford, Bill Esmond, Greg Yamada, Dean Dugan, Bill Machala, Chuck Davis, Charlie 66.979 69.591 69.635 70.446 70.94 71.233 71.395 71.76 71.844 72.067 21 1033 N. Henderson St. Fort Worth, TX (817) 877–1772 Forgeline • Brembo • Eibach • Sparco • Borla • Hoosier • MOMO • Red Line • OMP • Teamtech • Fuel Safe German Engineering With Southern Hospitality. Personal Service. At Nine-Eleven, we’ve built a reputation for understanding our customers’ needs — quality service, convenient location, state-of-the-art diagnostics, and personalized service that is unmatched in the Metroplex. When you trust your car to us, you will have the peace of mind that it will be serviced correctly the first time. Every time. Access. We strongly believe in access to those who will actually work on your car. Our technicians are available in person, by phone, and even by pager if you have questions or need timely information about your car. Facility. Our clean shop, well-stocked parts department, and comfortable waiting room ensure that you and your car will get the kind of service you deserve. Maintained tools and equipment. Clean cars. We are meticulous about details. Parts. Our parts department is also second to none. Our knowledgeable staff will assist you in finding that necessary part or after-market option you require. We are an authorized dealer for high-performance Recaro seating, Yokohama Tires, Bilstein Shocks, Bosch, and many others. This ensures that whether you are a casual driver or an enthusiast who needs race prep assistance, Nine-Eleven has the experience and knowledge to keep your car running at peak performance. Royal Lane Joe Field Rd. 22 I-35 Newkirk IXXI Emerald Crown Rd. Cindy Lane Nine-Eleven Enterprises, Inc. Service, Accessories & Parts for BMW, Mercedes & Porsche 2120 Cindy Lane, Dallas, Texas 75229 972-241-2002 Convenience. We are conveniently located near the intersection of Stemmons and LBJ Freeways in Dallas. We offer emergency towing service 24 hours a day and have arranged for special rental car rates with area rental agencies. Come by for a visit between 7:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday, or call for a service appointment. Boxster Boulevard - July 20th Tech Session By Bob Bianconi T here’s no question about it. On July 20th, Southlake had the biggest collection of Boxsters it’s ever seen. The occasion was the Boxster Tech Session held at the home of Bill Kasdorf. Fifteen Boxsters lined the street and the full color-spectrum was represented: red, grey, silver, green, blue and yellow. Present were: Steve Frost, Mike and Melissa Solorzano, Garry Chandler, Rocky Johnson, John Kenefick, Eric Beeby, Mike Jones, Scott Olson, Bob Bianconi, Dee Lersch, Darron Shaffer, Keethi, soon to be newest Mav member David Sumner, tech guru, Keith Olcha, and of course, our host Bill Kasdorf. The final demonstration consisted of changing the front brake pads on Darron Shaffer’s car along with a brake fluid change. Keith makes the pad-change job look easy. During the fluid change, we ragged on Darron for twice letting the fluid drain tube fall into the collection container where he had to fish it out! All in all, everything finished up smooth. If you are not already on the North Texas Boxster e-mail list (current membership is 51), then e-mail: The list provides access to Maverick Boxster scheduled and last-minute activities. Photo by Bob Bianconi Bill’s garage is the home-mechanic’s dream. We used his lift to great advantage that day. First up was an oil and filter change on Mike Jones’ arctic silver Boxster. Next, Keith Olcha demonstrated how to change the brake fluid on Scott Olson’s guard’s red Boxster. After Scott’s car was completed, we took a short break from the lift and demonstrated the process to access the engine compartment on Bob Bianconi’s car. Many of those present hadn’t had a chance yet to see the engine, up close and personal. We also took the time to show how to change the air and pollen filters. do at the next Boxster tech session. The consensus was to have an electrical ‘hack’ session to install the so-called “OBC” hack (on board computer) using a dash mounted rocker switch or the factory column-mounted stalk. Several of the guys have already performed this mod. This modification allows you to access the temperature, MPG, etc., readings if you don’t have the factory installed option. We’ll also do the driving light hack and top-down hack. So, stay tuned for date and time. Or better yet… Keith Olcha demonstrates a brake fluid change. While the work progressed, there was much talk about what to 4th Annual CNS Classic Ride Show CUSTOMS STREET RODS TRUCKS MUSCLE & CARS BIKES Vehicle Entry Fee*: $20.00 ($25.00 if registered after September 17) * A portion of the entry fee will benefit a local charity TROPHIES, GIVEAWAYS, RAFFLES, FOOD, DRINKS AND MORE! Entry fee includes: Car Show T-shirt ✈ 1 raffle ticket ✈ 3 food/beverage tickets and the opportunity to show off your ride and win a trophy! For more info about entering your vehicle, phone Rod Stallings at 214-792-7140 or email him: Friday, September 27, 2002 4:30 - 7:00 p.m. Southwest Airlines Data Center (2425 Wyman St., Dallas - off Denton Drive) - non-entrant parking at HDQ (2702 Love Field Drive) or outside parking lot gate Live Music provided by “Cruise Control” - Presented by Southwest Airlines Co. Systems Computer and Network Services Group - 23 214-965-6102 or 1-800-527-5746 100 Crescent Court, Suite 600, Dallas, TX 75201. 24 25 Nominating Committee Welcome! By Wendy Shoffit There has been some discussion regarding how people are nominated for Maverick Region offices. I thought it would be educational for people to see exactly what the bylaws say.You can view the entire bylaws online at ARTICLE IX: Election of Officers - Section 1: Nominations At the July Board Meeting, the Board shall appoint a Nominations Committee consisting of three members who are not currently serving as elected officers. The August newsletter shall contain the names, addresses, and phone numbers of those serving on the Nominations Committee, as well as a call for nominations for the following year's elected officers from the membership. The Nominations Committee shall provide the Club Secretary with a slate of candidates willing to run for the four elected offices. Should a member wish to place his or her own name on the ballot, he may do so by presenting the Club Secretary with a petition so requesting before September 1. Before any member's name can be placed on the ballot there must be at least three (3) members entitled to vote sponsoring each candidate. The Club Secretary shall cause to be printed in the October newsletter an official ballot listing all candidates for office. Should no nominations be received for any office, the current officer shall remain in office until the succeeding Board of Directors can appoint a replacement. This year’s committee is as follows: Lanean Hughes 972-484-3040, Bill Dugan 817-265-0704, Wendy Shoffit 972-506-7449, Charles Chilcoat and his 2001 996 Turbo. Gregory Smith and his brand new 2002 996 Turbo. Complete Collision Repair Featuring the latest Shark & Hunter Equipment. We work closely with your insurance company on all repairs. • Track Alignments and Suspension Setups • Your convenient Drivers Education inspection location for North Dallas Steve Watkins in the Streetwerks 944 S2 at Motorsport Ranch. 5401 I-35 • Corinth, Texas 76205 • 940-270-8000 • Fax 940-270-8001 • 26 New Wheels If you have any changes that you would like to make to the MRPCA membership guide, call Joel Nannis at (972) 722-2735 by Joel Nannis, Membership Chair Michael Allen & Michael Ivy 5913 Harbor Town Drive Garland, TX 75044 1977 911 Rahim Hassasally & Ron Gorski 5103 Spyglass Drive Dallas, TX 75287 2002 911 Turbo Robert & Ann Schults 5864 Bridle Bend Court Plano, TX 75093 2002 986 Robert & Robert II Backus 9607 Custer Road #318 Plano, TX 75025 1999 986 Randall & Sandi Jones 4901 Silverweed Drive McKinney, TX 75070 2001 986 Mark & Debra Spagnolo 6641 Woodland Hills Lane Dallas, TX 75024 2002 996 Clay & Shiela Bailey 2200 Hickory Hill Argyle, TX 76226 1973 911 Bryan & Joanna Lipinski 4308 Castle Rock Irving, TX 75038 2002 986 David Sumners 2835 Keller Springs Road Carrollton, TX 75006 2002 986 Glen Barlow 5521 Roland Drive Plano, TX 75093 2002 986 S Edel Manalastas 1005 Ontario Drive Garland, TX 75040 1987 924 William Uhr 5401 Byers Avenue Fort Worth, TX 76107 1989 944 Doug Bridges 5217 Seascape Lane Plano, TX 75093 2002 996 David Martindale 5913 Newgate Lane Plano, TX 75093 1998 911 Stanley Zalewski 1012 Hackberry Court Carrollton, TX 75007 2002 986 Scott & Janice Calkins 2402 Arbor Trail Colleyville, TX 76034 1986 911 John Mayes 5353 Keller Springs Road #1527 Dallas, TX 75248 2002 996 Turbo Brady Scott 5907 Willow Wood Lane Dallas, TX 75253 1985 930 Transferred From Lone Star Scott & Inge Carson 4413 Lansbury Lane Plano, TX 75093 1981 928 Harry Moulter 7123 Blythdale Drive Dallas, TX 75248 2002 996 Michael Dunagan 3024 Westminister Avenue Dallas, TX 75205 1998 911 Don Perry 1734 Anglers Plaza Grapevine, TX 76051 2002 996 John Erickson 6301 Kenwick Avenue Fort Worth, TX 76116 2002 996 C4 Frank & Terry Roberts 611 Griffith Avenue Terrell, TX 75160 1997 911 Mike Fleischer 1353 Kesser Drive Plano, TX 75025 2002 986 Alan Lancello’s gorgeous 1997 993 C2S. Anniversaries 5 Years Mike & Kathleen Christodolon .......................Dallas Donald Crusios............................................Arlington John & Emily Pinkston .....................................Dallas Robert & Dina Redmon.........................Wichita Falls 20 Years Ed & Susan Cullen ......................................Southlake 35 Years William Evans.................................................Garland Happ y Anniv ersar y! 27 Unclassifieds Unclassifieds are available free to Maverick Region Members and are $5 to all others (Payment to MR-PCA must accompany ad). Please limit size to no more than 6 lines. Ads will run for 3 issues. Call 972-506-7449 or e-mail ad to by the 10th to have your ad run the following month. Be certain to include a contact name and phone number. Check your ad for accuracy the first time it runs. Contact the editor to have your ad pulled sooner. Photo inclusion based on space constraints. 1991 911 C2 Turbo White with Supple Cashmere, 99K miles, complete B&B exhaust, H&R Springs, garaged, records, excellent throughout, have all takeoffs, $32K, Steve Maynard, 972-424-1398 or (1) 1973 914 with Trailer Race ready, 2.0L, speed yellow w/black interior, 71K miles, includes harness, seatbelt, helmet, aluminum wheels, 4-wheel double axel trailer. $5500 Call (817) 261-1100. (1) 1991 Mercedes 500SL Red with stone interior. 49,600 miles. Dallas car bought at Autohaus. Chrome wheels. Windscreen. No accidents. Serviced at NineEleven Enterprises. $29,000. Two PSL Tickets at Texas Motor Speedway $2050. Ted Glover 972-248-7751. (1) 1987 911 Turbo, Guards Red / Black lea., In dash CD, radar f & r, 17k miles, extra clean. $37,500. Charley Poellet 817 994-0451 or (1) 944 Phone Dial Wheels 4 from 1987 944 with 215/60 Pirelli P6's - Inner wheel painted black with gold crest - been collecting dust for ten years, somebody might want to use'em! Email for pics if interested. One-million dollars. Will consider a counter offer. Contact Michael J. Martin at h: 214-328-2886 / o: 214-328-9091 / e: (1) 1987 911 Carrera Coupe, Red / tan interior, 68K miles, factory whale tail, sunroof, new rear tires. $18,000. Mike Underwood 972-370-0407 or (1) Early 911 Fuchs Factory early deep offset 911 wheels 15x6. No center caps. Freshly refinished and verified straight and true by Wheels of America. Never had a tire mounted since refinishing. I decided to put flares on my 914, so this set of wheels are too narrow. 1000.00 or will trade for 2 16x8 Fuchs that are in usable condition. Contact Clay Perrine. Home: 817-514-9892, Work: 469-775-7262 or e-mail (1) 1997 911/993 Cabriolet Ocean Blue Metallic/Savannah Beige, black top. Tiptronic, Premier stereo w/CD mag. Full electric seats, coca floor mats, 43,000 miles and excellent condition. Dennis Clark, 214-789-3125 (cell) or email $50,500 (2) 911/930 parts. G50 racing Ring&P., gas tank, 930 flares, BBS wheels. Dyno adapter. Call for other parts. Brian 214 352-3019. (2) 2000 C2 Cabriolet, Mirage/Space Gray, 23K miles. Black top, 6 speed manual, CD, all leather, 18" Rally II rims with new Dunlop 9000's. 3 spoke steering wheel, aluminum doorsills/instrument cluster/shifter, Litronic headlights, power seats with memory. Great condition, a few small stone chips on the bonnet. Carfax report available. Moving out of state, need the money. Contact (2) 1991 911 C2 Targa. Grand prix white/blk lea power seats plus blk cloth Recaro seats, 5-speed, only 17,100 mi, AC, power windows, mirrors, alarm, cruise, dual airbags,AM/FM/CD, bra, garaged, covered, $36,500. Rick Burleigh, 817-237-2766, or (2) 1983 911 SC Coupe White/Brown Interior, 5 speed, 1??K miles, Motor removed and Cleaned/Resealed/Powder Coated/Polished, new Paint, new Wheels and Tires, White Face Gauges, about 5K miles since above work, new Stereo w/CD, Stainless Steel Sport exhaust, Sunroof, Garaged, Professionally Maintained, Interior needs a few touch ups, can finish out to Concours level, $15K OBO (as is), Call 972.754.5345 or email (2) 1999 427 Shelby Cobra Kit Car – Hottest ride around. Silver with red racing stripe, red leather interior. Made by Lonestar Classics in Forth Worth. Professionally built with 1965 FE 428 (bored 0.030), rated around 425 HP, with Edelbrock intake manifold and Harland Sharp roller-rockers. No top, no A/C, no heater, just lots of motor. Includes extra set of Firestone Firehawk high performance tires on Team III all-aluminum psuedo-knock-off rims. 4xxx miles. Asking $32,000 O.B.O. Contact Hill Bullock at or 972 867-0257. (2) 1986 944 Turbo WPOAA0952GN154948 Red w/Black interior. 89K. All original. Garage kept w/car cover. Mobil 1. Dealer serviced & records. Immaculate inside & out. A must see! $12,400.00 or trade for same condition, older 911. Contact Jerry. 817-431-5078. (2) 1995 993 C2, guards red/black leather int., 6-speed trans., new 17" 996 wheels/michelin pilot tires, sound pkg., chrome exhaust tips, k & n filter, original 17" alloy wheels, colgan bra, all records, original window sticker, DFW area car, garaged, no dings or scratches, excellent cond., $45,500, Dave Raffa, 817-579-0893 (2) 1991 911 Carrera 2, 7800 original miles, mint condition always garaged. Red with tan interior, sun roof, 5 speed, $44,000. Call Steve Haines @ 254-631-0754 or e-mail: (2) 1998 911 C2 Coupe, Last 993, Black/Black, 2 power seats, 18" Technology wheels, Hi-Fi sound, 16,500 miles, garaged, all records, New rear P-Zero @12K, Excellent, $60K OBO, Nobuo @972-758-7270, (3) 1990 911 C2 Black Exterior/Tan Interior, 5 spd. 123K Miles, sunroof, a/c, alarm, all original. Near perfect condition. Runs exceptionally fast. Professionally maintained by Zims. $19,900. Contact Dan 817-235-7155. (3) 1995 Carrera Coupe, 22K miles, Tiptronic, Black metallic/grey, 17" light allow wheels, Hi-Fi Sound PKG/10 speakers, active brake differential, sunroof, computer, 6-CD changer added. Never in shop for repairs, garaged, all records, great condition. $39.500. 214.999.4757 (day ph.) (3) 1964 Chris Craft: Classic mahogany 17' Deluxe Runabout boat with custom trailer. Chevy 283 cu. inch V8 inboard with very low hours. New interior with fresh varnish and bottom paint. I have owned this boat for 24 years and the second overall. Excellent condition and a great ski boat! $9,500.00. Steven Snay @ 940-464-3289 (3) Slipstream Advertiser Index These advertisers support the Maverick Region . . . the Mavericks support these advertisers! Autoscope Bobby Archer’s Motorsports Dallas Auto Sports Eurowerks German Technologies Glen Gatlin, Jr. Gray Mouser Graphics Louden Motorcar Jerry DeFeo Designs Mayo Performance Mean Green Travel (972) 867-7467 (817) 877-1772 (214) 320-2228 (972) 733-4907 (817) 540-0712 (214) 965-6102 (214) 957-8193 (214) 241-6326 (972) 240-5800 (817) 540-4939 (940) 565-8111 Page 10 Page 22 Page 25 Page 9 Page 16 Page 24 Page 18 I.B.C. Page 16 Page 7 Page 15 Metro Volkswagen 911 Enterprises Park Place Porsche PartsHeaven Pithy Productions Royal Purple Boardwalk Porsche Soundwerk Ussery Printing Watkins Streetworks Zim’s Autotechnik (972) 659-9999 (972) 241-2002 (214) 559-4222 (800) 767-7250 (512) 914-3826 (800) 364-3025 (214) 576-1911 (817) 281-9381 (972) 438-8344 (940) 270-8000 (817) 267-4451 For ad rates and for more information contact Mike Brodigan at (817) 488-8520 28 Page 18 Page 22 Page 6 Page 16 Page 25 Page 13 I.F.C. Page 25 Page 18 Page 26 B.C. Jan Mayo, Slipstream 2973 Timbercreek Trail Ft. Worth, TX 76118 Periodical Postage Paid at Ft.Worth, TX
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