Happy Hour at Pugsley`s Library - Maverick Region
Happy Hour at Pugsley`s Library - Maverick Region
www.pca.org/mav www.pca.org/mav Volume 39, May 2001, Issue 5 Departments Zone 5 Presidents.....................................................................1 List of Officers/Board Chairs..................................................4 Prez Says....................................................................................5 Pam’s Page.................................................................................6 Maverick Minutes....................................................................6 New Wheels............................................................................27 Anniversaries..........................................................................27 Unclassifieds ...........................................................................28 Advertiser Index.....................................................................28 Events Calendar of Events....................................................................1 May at Mayo’s ...........................................................................2 Happy Hours.............................................................................3 Board Meeting...........................................................................3 Porsche Lunches........................................................................3 One Lap of DFW ......................................................................7 Hill Country Tour recap ..........................................................8 Ladies Autocross School recap..............................................10 Happy Hour at Pugsleys Library recap................................14 Hope Happenings...................................................................15 Father’s Day Picnic .................................................................15 “Nuevo” Member Party recap...............................................16 Zone 5 Shootout DE and Autocross Application...............18 Motorsport Ranch DE Application......................................22 Are You Ready to Autocross?.................................................23 Day 3 5-6 9 12 15 17 19-20 29 May - Events Happy Hour Mayfast Cimarron Region Board Meeting Tour, Rally & “May at Mayo’s” Porsche Lunch Happy Hour Hill Country DE Porsche Lunch Day 2 3 6 9 16 17 23 30 June - Events One Lap of the Metroplex Autocross #3 (Standridge) Board Meeting Zone Shoot-Out (College Station) TSD Rally Workshop Father’s Day Picnic DE at MSR Milwaukee Parade Day 1-7 11 14 21-22 July - Events Parade Board Meeting Gimmick Rally TT #3 & AX #4 (Mineral Ring) Day 4 8 11 25-26 August - Events Time Trial #4 (Mineral Ring) Board Meeting Tech Session & Rally to Dinner Time Trial #5 & AX #5 (Mineral Ring) Day 5 8-9 16 22-23 September - Events Board Meeting Safari Round-Up Autocross #6 (Standridge) DE at MSR Day 6 13-14 20-21 27 October - Events Time Trial #6 (Mineral Ring) Maverick Club Race at TMS Lone Star’s DE at TWS Run Whatcha Brung Charity AX Features Six Points To A Traffic Stop ..................................................13 Photography Corners of the Mind: Teaching Others..............................20 Michael Jones, Mark Gluck, Keith Bird, Kevin Hardison, Wendy Shoffit, Tinker Edwards, Lanean Hughes, Tech and News Articles Porsche Planning GT Version of Boxster Coupe...............19 Just the Details: Why Wash Your Car? ................................24 Cover photo of Porsches parked along a bluebonnet field during the Hill Country Tour. Photo by Mark Gluck. Slipstream (USPS 666-650) is published monthly by the Maverick Region Porsche Club of America, 2973 Timbercreek Trail, Ft. Worth, TX 76118. Subscription price is $12.00 per year. Periodical postage is paid at Ft. Worth, Texas. Postmaster: Send address changes to Jan Mayo, Slipstream, 2973 Timbercreek Trail, Ft. Worth, Texas 76118. Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily endorsed by the Club’s membership or officers. Contributions will be printed on a space available basis. Chartered regions of PCA may reproduce items from this issue provided the author/artist and Slipstream are credited. Slipstream is printed by Ussery Printing Company in Irving, Texas. 2001 Porsche Club Zone 5 Presidents ARK-LA-TEX Bob Kelley (Shirley) h- 318-635-2617 bkelley968@aol.com COASTAL BEND Peter Kendig (Cindy) h-361-853-5350 peter@carczar.nu LONE STAR Steve Olsen (Peggy) h- 281-360-2311 stevenholsen@cs.com CIMARRON John Nanny h- 918-743-6043 jnanny@swbell.net HILL COUNTRY James Morrison h- 512-388-0100 forwheels@aol.com LONGHORN Bob Towsley (Joyce) h- 210-494-5467 MARDI GRAS Brad Bradford h- 504-835-7874 MAVERICK James Shoffit (Wendy) h-972-506-7449 james@shoffit.com OZARK Bud Thurman (Phyllis) h- 501-666-7486 arsailor@aristotle.net OZARK MOUNTAIN Gregg Welsh (Tracy) h- 501-636-0881 twelsh@nwark.net SWAMPLAND (tbd) WAR BONNET Walt Kendall (Barbara) h- 405-749-1776 wkendall@mmcable.com WHISKEY BAY James Broussard (Melinda) h- 225-216-9556 jfbroussard@email.com ZONE 5 REP Jan Mayo h- 817-595-4651 jlmayo@celanese.com 1 Join the fun May 12 at “More Than May at Mayos!” The May at Mayos BBQ and the calendar item "Tour, Rally & Dinner” have metamorphosed into a three-part special event on May 12th. You are invited to participate in any or all activities, so come on out and join in the fun! Part I: Tour the Sturgeon Vehicle Collection - 4:00 p.m. Meet at Sturgeon Cars located at 4950 Eden Rd, off Carson and Hwy 121 (see map at right) from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. for a chance to see 60+ special interest cars, including a 1946 VW, a Dino, and VW Fire Truck. Bill Dugan, caretaker for these cars owned by Ron Sturgeon, will be on hand to answer questions. No reservation is required and parking is available on site. The tour will end in plenty of time to caravan or rally the 10+ miles to the May at Mayo's event. Part II: Poker Run Rally to Dinner - 5:30 p.m. Sturgeon Cars 4950 Eden Rd (Look for sign: “RDS Investments”) Joe McGlohen will get us from the Sturgeon Collection to Ed Mayo's shop in time for dinner. This miniature rally will be a super-easy, just-for-fun Poker Run. No lengthy rules to read, no route-following priorities to interpret. Just follow the simple directions, stop at checkpoint signs and draw a card. Best poker hand gets to keep some slightly used cards. First car departs from Sturgeon's about 5:30 p.m. RSVP not required, but would be appreciated so we'll know how many decks of cards to buy. Rally reservations will be tallied, so contact Teri Davis at 940-682-4719 or email chuxter@rennlist.com. Part III: May at Mayo's - 6:30 p.m. Join us for technical enlightenment, barbecue, and camaraderie at Mayo Performance (see map page 5). As a special treat, Bill Dugan has arranged to have some very interesting educational/technical toys on display at Mayo's Performance. These gadgets, part of the Sturgeon Collection, include cutaway models of a transmission and other automotive systems. Watching the moving parts can be both instructive and interesting. Ed Mayo, Bill Dugan and other technical types will be on hand to answer questions. RSVP IS REQUIRED FOR THE BARBECUE DINNER. Make reservations with Mimi or Carey Spreen at 972-420-9953 or the.spreens@gateway.net by Friday, May 11 to ensure a meal ticket and a good spot in the serving line. Those who arrive without an RSVP are welcome to join the line after those who have meal tickets. Meal Tickets: $15.00 per person. The menu includes barbecue and the traditional trimmings. Beer and soft drinks are included in the price. We'll look forward to seeing you there. If you can't make it for every event, come to the ones you can. If you are going directly to Mayo Performance, plan to arrive about 6:30 p.m. Much appreciation goes out to the coordinators of this event: Ron Sturgeon, Ed and Jan Mayo, Carl and Fran Ussery, Bill Dugan, and Joe McGlohen. 2 Bonus Month! May is The Oasis Restaurant Thursday, May 3rd at 6:30 located at Lynn Creek Marina on Joe Pool Lake 5700 Lake Ridge Pkwy., Grand Prairie 817-640-7676. Bring your gear for a moonlight blade/bike/walk at Joe Pool dam after dinner. Bonus Happy Hour! Champps Americana Thursday, May 17th at 6:30 Bonus Happy Hour! Located in Addison at the NW corner of Beltline and Quorum 972-991-3335 This is a great sports bar with big screen TV’s and a huge menu. So come on out and unwind with us after work! For more information about Happy Hours contact: Benjamin Witry - n.a.r.t@worldnet.att.net, Dennis Chamberlain - Dennis@dennischamberlaincpa.com or Tinker Edwards - tinkedwards@mindspring.com Dinner Board Meeting PORSCHE LUNCHES Wednesday, May 9th 6:30 pm at the home of James and Wendy Shoffit 1112 Santa Fe Trail Irving, TX 75063 (972) 506-7449 At Good Eats Tuesday, May 15th 11:30 AM Collin Creek Mall in Plano - AND - All Members Are Welcome! Tuesday, May 29th N Hwy. 635 I-35 E 1112 Mac Arthur Santa Fe Trail Rodeo Pizza & beverages provided! Belt Line Rd. Belt Line Rd. 11:30 AM Midway Road in Addison 3 2001 Maverick Region - Board, Officers & Chairs Maverick Region President James Shoffit W - (972) 506-7449 H - (972) 506-7449 james@shoffit.com 1112 Santa Fe Trail Irving, TX 75063 A member since 1997, James has also been co-editor of Slipstream and the Timing & Scoring chair of AX. He owns a ‘90 911 C4 Cab and a ‘78 911 SC. Secretary Andy Mears Treasurer Bob Knight W - (972) 501-3400 H - (972) 420-9953 the.spreens@gateway.net 709 Reno Street Lewisville, TX 75077 W - (972) 969-0390 H - (940) 321-8683 amears@attglobal.net 1512 Shadow Crest Dr. Corinth, TX 76210 W - (214) 461-1426 H - (214) 349-1108 bknight@lgt-cpa.com 9047 Oakpath Dallas, TX 75243 Carey has been a member since 1979 and Mimi since 1989. Carey has been an active member of four different regions. They own a ‘70 914-6. Andy has been heavily involved with the mailing and distribution of Slipstream for several years. He now hopes to attend more driving events since he has completed his 911 Coupe project. Logistics & Support - Chair Joe McGlohen Communication - Chair Wendy Shoffit Activities - Chair Teri Davis W - (817) 706-7678 H - (817) 251-6865 OLCHA@aol.com 711 Manchester Court Southlake, TX 76092 W - (817) 366-1678 H - (817) 861-2792 retread@ix.netcom.com 704 Bowen Court Arlington, TX 76012 H - (972) 506-7449 wendy@shoffit.com 1112 Santa Fe Trail Irving, TX 75063 H - (940) 682-4719 chuxter@rennlist.com P.O. Box 213 Weatherford, TX 76086 Joe has been involved in virtually every type of event that the Maverick Region holds. He currently owns a 912 and a 914 2.0 liter. A member since 1997, Wendy has recently completed a two year stint as the editor of Slipstream and was the year 2000 recipient of the Selcer Memorial Award. She owns a ‘90 911 C4 Cab and a ‘78 911 SC. Teri is a past Slipstream Editor and the current Rally Chair. She has also been a major force behind Round Up and the recent Rally Schools. Autocross Graham Lane Safety Joe McGlohen Mentor Program Tinker Edwards W - (817) 421-0141 H - (817) 421-0086 ghlane@email.msn.com W - (817) 366-1678 H - (817) 861-2792 retread@ix.netcom.com W - (972) 447-2723 H - (972) 393-1580 TinkEdwards@mindspring.com Time Trials Bill Dugan Tech Inspection Ed Mayo Membership Charity H - (817) 265-0704 (<9 PM) NYDU@Home.com W - (817) 540-4939 H - (817) 595-4651 Joel Nannis W - (817) 251-7432 H - (972) 722-2735 nannis@airmail.net Lanean Hughes H - (972) 484-3040 Lhughes@fmstech.com Drivers Education Keith Olcha Workers Wendy Shoffit Newsletter Editor Pam Abdalla Tours Nelson Hodges W - (817) 706-7678 H - (817) 251-6865 OLCHA@aol.com H - (972) 506-7449 wendy@shoffit.com H - (972) 208-7725 pa.abdalla@verizon.net H - (817) 633-8161 nhodges@hbarchs.com Driving Education - Tech John Sandusky Timing & Scoring James Shoffit (972) 506-7449 wk (972) 506-7449 hm Newsletter Printing Fran Ussery Rallies Teri Davis H - (940) 682-4719 chuxter@rennlist.com W - (817) 777-0421 john.c.sandusky@lmco.com Goodie Store Kay Leibel H - (214) 739-3355 W - (972) 934-7191 outftr@aol.com james@shoffit.com W - (972) 438-8344 H - (817) 481-8342 fran@usseryp.com DE Registration Bill Dawson AX Chief Driving Instructor Ed Mayo Newsletter Mailing Andy Mears Raffles & Door Prizes John Cochran H - (972) 291-8817 (<9 PM) billdawson@worldnet.att.net H - (817) 595-4651 H - (940) 321-8683 amears@attglobal.net H - (214) 828-4444 W - (214) 324-1771 JohnH@Cochranlaw.com DE Chief Instructor Bryan Henderson TT Chief Driving Instructor John Sandusky Database Andy Mears Equipment W - (817) 858-7526 H - (817) 354-6045 BDHender@home.com W - (817) 777-0421 john.c.sandusky@lmco.com W - (972) 969-0390 H - (940) 321-8683 amears@attglobal.net Club Race - Event Chair Brian Scudder Hospitality Lanean Hughes Web Site Mike Oakes Scrapbook Dorothee Thielisch W - 972-202-8123 H - (972) 247-1720 brian.scudder@xipn.net H - (972) 484-3040 Lhughes@fmstech.com H - (972) 780-2603 moakes@dellepro.com H - (972) 392-3195 dthielisch@hotmail.com Driving Rules Bill Dugan Swap Meets Vaughan Garrett Maverick Email List Bob Benson Past President Charlie Davis H - (817) 265-0704 (<9 PM) NYDU@Home.com W - (972) 494-6115 H - (972) 278-6767 vlgssp@gte.net W - (817) 264-8357 H - (817) 457-8833 bbenson1@airmail.net H - (940) 682-4719 chuxter@airmail.net Concours Tech Sessions John Halla Slipstream Advertising Graham Lane Zone 5 Representative Jan Mayo W- (972) 234-2977 H - (972) 234-6767 hbhalla@cyberramp.net W - (817) 421-0141 H - (817) 421-0086 ghlane@email.msn.com W - (972) 443-3916 H - (817) 595-4651 JLMayo@celanese.com Position Open Please help us to keep growing! 4 A member since 1986, Bob has previously held the offices of President and Vice President, edited Slipstream, and has won the Selcer Memorial award. He owns a 2000 Boxster S. Driving Events - Chair Keith Olcha Keith has been a regular at all driving events and has recently been heavily involved in our Driver’s Education program. ? Vice Presidents Carey and Mimi Spreen ? Position Open Prez Says: by James Shoffit, Maverick Region President Boy am I glad May is almost here. Finally somewhat of a "slow" month on the calendar! There are a few Driver’s Ed events that can be attended, and the ever-popular May at Mayo’s will include a special treat for those interested in seeing some special cars! (See the ad on page 2 for details). I had an interesting adventure back in March. Wendy's birthday was coming up the same weekend as the Club Race down at Texas World Speedway south of College Station. I of course wanted to spend time with my wife, but since she wanted to have a "girl's night out" complete with a slumber party, it was decided that I should take Jasmine down to College Station with me to watch the Club Race. And if any of you know Jasmine, you know how much she likes to see the race cars. So on Saturday morning I got us both packed into the C4 Cab and away we went. The first 200 miles (out of 200 miles) were all steady downpour. It was raining so hard at one point, I got passed by a guy riding a Jet Ski in the drainage ditch! (Ok, not really, but I thought it made a good story). But the story of the trip was rain rain rain. We finally got there just as the rain was clearing up and we got to see the last bit of racing on Saturday evening (mainly because the races were running late due to all the rain!). As we walked around the paddock, I saw quite an array of cars from an old BMW 2002 all the way to the newest 996 race cars. But the most amazing two cars (which I am sure some of you have heard about many times already) were the vintage 906 and 908 that were not just museum pieces, but actively driving and racing! It was so great to see those cars in motion and being driven like their creators intended. A hearty dinner had Jasmine and I longing for sleep, but it was not to come soon (for me at least Jasmine can sleep through the loudest thunderstorms). We inadvertently booked a room on the same floor as the UT swim team, which had just won a swim meet Saturday evening. They had quite a bit of celebrating to do before they could settle down for the night! But they quieted down before 11, so I still got plenty of sleep and since we had no responsibilities at the club race (we were just spectators - a rare occurrence!) we could sleep in as long as we liked. The next morning I got to see at least the start of the enduro where so many of my friends were driving. It was really special getting to see the first races of several newcomers to club racing. Jasmine and I left rather early as we had both seen quite a bit of racing, talked to hundreds of people, and were not looking forward to the drive home. It was best to go ahead and get on the road. My traveling companion was a perfect angel for the entire weekend (quite an accomplishment for a 4-year-old with red hair) and I think the only way I could have had more fun would have been if I were driving with my friends. Someday soon, perhaps. If you have never been to a club race, or any of our driving events, you should make the effort to at least come out and watch. Seeing all the beautiful cars is always a spectacle, and the people are more wonderful than the cars. So come on out, and join the fun! Email: mayos@imagin.net or FAX at (817) 267-4939 • ENGINE AND • SUSPENSION TRANSMISSION SERVICE AND ALIGNMENT SPECIALISTS • TIRE SPECIALISTS – O.E.M. DOT COMPETITION RACING SLICKS • SPECIALISTS IN EARLY PORSCHE FUEL INJECTION SYSTEMS 5 Pam’s Page by Pam Abdalla, Slipstream Editor You know summer’s just about here when the calendar fills with eating activities, and there sure are plenty to go around in the next few months! Finally, let’s not forget the lunches at Good Eats in Addison and Plano twice each month, as well as the free pizza and beverages and other goodies at the Shoffit’s during the monthly board meetings! First, there’s the Happy Hour at The Oasis Restaurant at Joe Pool Lake on May 3rd, then a barbeque at Mayo Performance on the 12th, and then yet another Happy Hour at Champps Americana in Addison on the 17th. Even if you’re not into autocrossing, you can’t tell me you’re not into eating! So come on out and have a great time with your fellow Porsche enthusiasts. Go ahead and stuff your face a little. We don’t mind. Coming up in June, there’s a Father’s Day picnic on the 17th, which is sure to have more than enough food to go around as everyone is to bring a side dish. Maverick Minutes by Andy Mears, Maverick Region Secretary The April Bored, oops, I mean Board meeting tried to get started at 7:10 and was finally restarted at 7:13 when everyone finally agreed to let James have the floor. This month's meeting was again at the child friendly and pizza abundant home of James and Wendy Shoffit. First issue up for discussion was the repair of the radios that the club uses for driving events. A motion was passed to purchase new batteries for each radio and repair units that are unusable. Next, discussion continued regarding the purchase of new flag sets for use at Club Racing events. This topic was tabled until Joe McGlohen could obtain additional quotes to be presented to the board for future discussion. It was followed by a related discussion regarding the club purchasing a set of vehicle scales for use by club members as well as the possibility of rental to individuals or other clubs to defray the cost. The topic was tabled as well until more details concerning cost and features could be presented to the board. Next, James wanted to make sure that the board members were aware of the fact that Slipstream is subsidized by the club and that it does not profit or even break-even. It was agreed that the quality of the newsletter far exceeds the cost that the club incurs as well as the desire to maintain the existing layout. There was much discussion regarding raising advertising rates as well as how to reduce cost. The issue was tabled. On a more exciting note, Kevin Hardison and Wendy reported on another successful driving school that occurred the weekend of March 31 and April 1. Despite the limited port-a-potty capacity, everyone had a great time and it appears hopeful for more participation by the school attendees at the other driving events this year. The Spreen's reported on upcoming events including May at Mayo's which will be on Saturday May 12, and planning for the location and date of next year's "New Member 6 Party" is in progress. Brian Scudder gave an update on the October Club Race. Plans are for a three-day event with a Friday DE and racing on Saturday and Sunday. Watch for the half page ad in Panorama in May. The One Lap of DFW event is getting finalized and looks like around 20 - 25 car clubs have expressed interest in participating. Check the web site for all the latest details (www.pca.org/mav). Keith Olcha reported on the June Drivers’ Education (DE) event and is expecting the rates to be around $180-185 per driver for the two day event. Kay Leibel generously donated to the club two crystal trophies that may be used for event trophies. Thank you, Kay. Finally, a last minute motion was passed to try and secure usage of the Naval Air Station for a driving event. With all business completed the meeting was brought to close at 9:00. Maverick Region PCA board meetings are held once a month. The board meetings are open to all PCA members and your suggestions and opinions are welcome . . . . . . and there’s FREE Pizza!!! 1st Annual One Lap of D/FW Charity Drive Saturday, June 2, 2001 Saturday, June 2, 2001, the Porsche Club of America/Maverick Region invites you to participate in an All Metroplex Special Car Club event that will be a day long tour (8-5) around the D/FW area to benefit two lesser known local charity organizations that do not receive as much attention or help as other local charity groups: Familiar Footsteps is a home for mentally disabled adults and the Hope Shelter is a center for physically and mentally abused women and children. They are both performing great services for our community and deserve recognition and help. The Charity ONE LAP of D/FW hopes to bring these car clubs together to show, parade and visit with other people who have a passion about their vehicle marque and to generally have fun. We’re asking that each Car Club organization publish information about this Charity Drive in their newsletter and help promote the event. Up to date specific information on the starting location and various driving points and activities at each point can be viewed on the One Lap Link on the Maverick Region’s website: www.pca.org/mav . Our event chair is Nelson Hodges, nhodges@HBArchs.com or (w) 817-602-9280 and our Registrar is Linda Bambina, bina@airmail.net or (w) 972-662-4116. Please pre-register by Saturday, May 23rd so we can plan for catering and other space considerations. The entry fee is a minimum donation of $25 per car with an award given to the individual who brings in the most sponsorship pledges. See our website at www.pca.org/mav for details. Please help us to make a difference for these charities and get to know your North Texas Car Nut neighbors! Copy or Cut out and mail completed form to: Linda Bambina 3120 Golfing Green Dr. Farmers Branch, 75234. Enclose check payable to: MR PCA. Name _________________________________________ E-mail _____________________________ Address _____________________________________________ City/Zip ______________________ Phone (h) ____________________________________ (w) ___________________________________ Car Club Affiliation____________________________________________________________________ I will participate in the morning Shine & Show/Bucket of Bucks (Y) __ (N) __ I will participate in the Catered Lunch at TMS (@$5 per person) (Y) __ (N) __ No. of persons ____ x $5 each = $___________ I am enclosing my Entry-Donation Check for the Charity Drive for the following amount: $___________ *TOTAL Enclosed: $_______________ I understand that I have to bring proof of liability insurance and that I will have to sign the Porsche Club of America insurance waiver before I can participate in the Driving portion of this event. (Initial) ______ * NON-REFUNDABLE * NO RAIN DATE * 7 Hill Country Heaven by Hill Bullock Bluebonnet Driveway. Lining up to start the tour. Having participated in the Fall Arkansas trip, I already knew to expect great driving, wonderful accommodations, and excellent company from one of Nelson Hodges’ tours. I was not prepared, however, for the rare and delicate beauty which awaited us in the Hill Country of Texas. mass about-face to pull it off. The next stop was the Haven River Inn in Comfort, Texas; our base of operations for the next 2 days. The Inn was a quite idyllic old 3-story house, sitting atop a small hill in the midst of a pecan orchard. It had a big wrap-around porch, rocking chairs, and a beautiful view down into the orchard and over a small river. This place practically begged you to sit around and relax, but the road begged more, so we rarely got a chance to get too settled. We set off from Benbrook Friday morning, just southwest of Ft. Worth. It was a treat meeting up again with some of the good friends we had made on the Arkansas trip, like Mike Richardson and Betty Feir from Texarkana. The weather was a little overcast, but it made for very pleasant top-less motoring on the way down to Marble Falls, where we stopped for lunch at the Bluebonnet Café; a name which would prove prophetic before the end of the trip. The place wasn’t much to look at, but oh-my did they have desserts to die for. Everyone at our table, which included Al and Le Stickley, ended up with a healthy slice of pie; everything from Peanut Butter to Pecan to Apple Pie a la Mode. Everyone knows there are no calories on vacation! Yum. After lunch, we proceeded down to Wimberly for a little shopping and winding down. Despite it being a Friday and Wimberly seeming like a relatively quiet, small tourist town, the place fairly bustled with activity and the roads around town were crawling with cars. We managed to get in and out cleanly, though, only requiring one Stretching our legs a little. Dinner was fairly soon after arrival at a very neat old general store-like place called the Welfare Café. We shared a table with Dan and Bonnie Griffith and swapped stories while enjoying the live music and good food. Dinner was followed by dessert back at the Inn provided by our very own Taxi Breithaupt. So far there had been very few bluebonnets, but plenty of great, curvy back roads with sparse traffic; lots of smiles per mile. The next day we were up early, had a nice breakfast at the Inn, and then headed out for some seriously undulating and twisty roads. It was sprinkling a little bit, so the driving was dampened to compensate, but the roads were still incredible. Lunch on the Riverwalk. 8 We headed into San Antonio for lunch, a quick stroll around on the River Walk, and then headed back out onto the twisty roads to get to the Welfare Country Club for a big, buffet dinner. On the way, the “flower count” started heading skyward, as we encountered a large field solid with bluebonnets. We just had to stop and ogle with the rest of the road-side admirers. Plenty of photo ops there. I have never seen anything like it. We were met at the Welfare Country Club by a large PCA contingent from Austin, but due to arriving a bit late, we were only able to mix for a short while. Still, we had a parking lot fairly brimming over with Porsches. After-dinner entertainment was provided by a half-dozen or so gents who repeatedly tried to pushstart a recalcitrant 911. Unfortunately, a push start was not enough to cure what ailed it and the poor fellow was forced to abandon his car overnight. Fortunately, it was in a locked parking lot though, thank goodness. Sunday morning offered another tasty breakfast at the Inn and a later-than-usual start towards Fredricksburg. When we arrived, half the crowd headed into The National Museum of the Pacific War (previously known as the Admiral Nimitz Museum; very interesting) and the other half headed off to sample the shopping. My wife Lisa and I split up, but according to her when we reconvened, the shopping looked exceptional and we would definitely be coming back when we had more time to shop and a vehicle with more storage capacity. Next we headed to Llano for some barbecue at Coopers. But on the way, we took a little detour suggested by Bonnie Glover through the Willow City Loop. This is where the scenery and wild flower viewing went off the chart. We crawled along a little 1.5 lane road with a goodly amount of traffic both ways. The view off the road into the Welfare, TX Porsche dealership. lower surrounding countryside was absolutely gorgeous, with many areas literally carpeted with wild flowers. You never wanted to go faster than 5 MPH just so that you could take it all in. People were parked all along the roadside, completely caught up in the natural beauty on display. Cows wandered around unrestrained and we had several “tire washes”, driving through very shallow creeks which crossed over low points in the road. Everyone was quite in awe of the landscape and the flowers. After some exceptional barbecue at Coopers, we realized it was getting late and started the journey home in earnest. We stopped one more time for gas and ice cream before getting to I-30 and rejoining the automotive masses. Once on the interstate, the group started to splinter as people headed towards their respective homes. What will always unite the group, however, are the fond memories of the great Hill Country roads, wild flowers, cuisine, hospitality, and time shared with good friends. As with the Arkansas trip, Lisa and I have found another annual event we plan to attend on a regular basis. If you haven’t tried it, you don’t know what you are missing. Many thanks go to Nelson for another wonderful trip, to Ted and Bonnie Glover for acting as “slack”, to Al and Le Stickley for middlepack management, and to Mike Oakes and Tinker Edwards for being such a great caboose. And of course, to Taxi Breithaupt for dessert! BBQ at Coopers. RESTORATION SERVICES & COLLISION REPAIR 3151 Skylane, Suite104 • Carrollton (Dallas), Texas • 972.733.4807 9 Ladies Autocross School by Dolores McAlister - Z Club Member The recent Ladies Autocross School hosted by the Maverick Region Porsche Club of America was not just for Porsche ladies. Some Z car ladies came out to join us and had a great time, too. Following is an article from one of those Z car ladies, who seemed to really enjoy her day with the Porsche club. Saturday morning was a beautiful day, but just before leaving my house to meet up with the other Z Ladies attending the Ladies only Autocross, I decided to grab my coat. I didn’t think I would need it, as it didn’t feel cold at all at home. Was I ever thankful for that coat! The north wind was blowing at about 25 - 30 miles an hour at Standridge Stadium in Carrollton, and that’s cold! Other than the wind, the Porsche Club Ladies (and male helpers) had lined up a wonderful day for all of us! We had a great time, and were very appreciative of the invitation. Jean’s car. We secretly took Jean aside (out of sight of Warren) and assured her that Warren gave her bogus instructions! He was also the cause of her backing up in the autocross to go through a ‘missed gate’. We told her that was also a ‘no-no’. I had never driven in an autocross before, and my times reflected that! But there was almost 20 seconds difference between my first run, and my last run, so I was quite pleased with my improvement! I learned about skid-pads, gates, directional cones, the box, a pivot cone, a chicane, what to do when your instructor starts screaming, etc, etc, etc!!! For those of you who didn’t join us, you missed a great time! But you will have another chance! The Porsche Club is having a regular autocross at this location on June 3! If we leave Warren home, they said we could come back. Some of us did much better than others, and that was to be expected! Jean Marshall, who took private lessons from Warren Bushey, (alias Z CRAZY) was told the object of the game was to hit as many cones as possible! And did she ever! We actually had to stop the slalom runs while an impaled cone was extracted from 10 Wendt Shoffit and Event Chair Jan Mayo address the crowd. Although Jane Willis looked a little lost in the pit area . . . . . . she was definitely not lost on course. She has to instruct next year! Meg Boure and her instructor, Rose Gohlke, cornering hard into the skidpad. Dee Mc Alister exiting the course after a good run. Marina DeFuentes driving Nancy Dugan’s red 914. Linda Delwood practicing slaloms in her yellow Boxster. Linda Last on course with her BMW Z3. Kelly Shanks leaning into the skidpad exercises. Suzanne Cochrane enjoying the school autocross course. Kelly Binek practicing the double skid pad exercise. Christina Bickman entering the decreasing slalom exercise. 11 12 Six Points To A Traffic Stop by Michael Wingfield The red and blue lights atop the car behind me illuminate, creating a strobe effect in my rear view mirror. The crisp wail of a siren blast rings in my ears. There is no doubt about it, the Dallas Police Officer behind me wants MY attention. What could he possibly want with me? We are both sitting in a left turn lane at a traffic light, and have been for two complete cycles of the light. Traffic is heavy and only a few cars make it through the intersection at each cycle of the green light. But there he is, waving his arms and pointing at me. Does he want me to move? How can I? I am stuck with traffic in front of me, to my right, and a light pole in the median to my left. There is no where for me to go. Then it becomes clear that he wants me and my 944 to be the subject of this traffic stop as I see him talking on his radio and preparing to open the door on his patrol car. As I watch in my rear view mirror, he opens his car door and very slowly approaches my vehicle. He turns sideways, presenting only his profile rather than his width as he steps ever so slowly towards my car. His face is backlit by the setting sun; I can not see his face. His head bobs up and down, left and right, appearing more like a boxer in the ring than a police officer, as he peers through the back glass of my car. He is looking in my car, but not with a casual glance. He is looking very intently and seriously as he studies the empty rear cargo area of my car. I see his right hand move to his weapon; he unbuckles the safety strap. He continues to inch slowly toward the driver side of my car. Does he think my car is stolen? Has he mistaken my car for one recently used in a crime? Hundreds of thoughts race through my mind as I sit completely still in the driver seat; my hands firmly gripping the steering wheel at 10-&-2, hopefully in plain sight of the approaching police officer. The insurance card is current and in the glove box, the registration is new as I put the new sticker on the windshield last night, the state inspection is current. What could be wrong? I do not want to give this officer any cause to become more suspicious or alarmed as he stalks up alongside my car. How could I have gotten myself into this situation? It all started the night before. I had just completed the installation of my new Momo seat, harness bar and Deist 6-point harness in my Sapphire 944. I had grown tired of trying to use the steering wheel as leverage during track events to keep my rear end in the stock leather seat, which had become hard, slick, aged, and torn. Since I had to replace the seat, I decided that I might as well get something more appropriate for driving events. I completed the work in time to have the equipment in the car for the Wednesday night technical inspection before the next Maverick track event. I looked forward to driving the car from north Dallas to the mid-cities with the new seating arrangement. After work, I buckle myself snuggly into my new Momo seat and head towards Mayo’s for the driving event technical inspection. On my route, I knew I had some school zones, and being the safe law-abiding citizen that I am, I slowed appropriately for each zone. At the beginning of the first school zone, I notice a Dallas Police car parked in the median, facing my direction. No need to worry; I am traveling below the posted speed limit and slowed sufficiently for the school zone. However, I notice the police car pull away from the median and follow me through the zone. While most folks might start to get a little paranoid at this point, I relax and continue my journey. At the end of the school zone, I notice the police car still pacing me to the next traffic light. At the next traffic light, I signal my right turn intentions, turn right at the green traffic light and proceed down the next street. The police car continues to follow. It must be a coincidence I think to myself. Again, the police car paces me through a second school zone. At the next major intersection, my journey requires that I make a left turn. I signal left and pull into the left turn lane, queuing up behind a long line of other cars also wanting to make a left turn at the intersection. As I watch my mirrors, I notice that the police car has not made any moves to turn left at this intersection. Good – the police car passes me and proceeds through the intersection. As the first police car goes past, I notice a second police car parked in a strip mall across the street. As soon as the first police car passes me, the second police car drives rapidly from the parking lot, crosses three lanes of traffic, and queues up behind me at the traffic light. This brings me back to where I started: two cars in a row, waiting patiently for the traffic to clear and for the traffic light to turn green; then the lights and siren from the police car and the Dallas Police officer slowly approaching the driver window of my car. As the Police officer nears the left rear quarter panel of my car, he stops. Again his head bobs as he looks through the rear window and now the left quarter panel window. He stands with his back toward the car fender; head turned ninety degrees, looking over his right shoulder. In my driver side mirror, I clearly see his right hand on his weapon. He studies the empty contents of the car back seat area and then looks toward the driver side window and me. He slowly and cautiously takes another step. Suddenly he stops. He stretches out his left hand he makes a slight waving motion and says, “Never mind.” He then takes a step back toward his patrol car. “Wait a minute! Stop! Where are you going?” I shout to the police officer as I still sit almost statuesque, as my hands continue to firmly grip the steering wheel. “Did I really say that out loud,” I think to myself in startled disbelief. In my mirror I see the officer stop and pivot back toward my car. “What’s wrong? Is there a problem? Is something wrong with my car?” I ask. “Nothing,” the officer replies. Again he starts to make his way back to his car. “Wait!” I shout again. “Why did you stop me?” The officer turns slowly toward my car once again. However, this time while he continues to move slowly, he appears to move with less concern for caution and more with regret. He approaches the driver side window, he stops short of coming up next to the door. I turn my head to look at him; his face is still hidden from my view as the setting sun lingers his head. I see him reach out with his left hand, as if he is going to reach into the open driver side window. His hand stops just behind the door post, his index finger points to the B-pillar, and he waves it in a rather nonchalant manner. “I saw this,” he says as he points to the factory seat belt clasp hanging from the B-pillar. He next reaches his hand toward the open window and waves it in an up and down motion in front of me, from my neck to my waist. He says in an embarrassed, almost inaudible voice, as he moves back toward his patrol car, “But I didn’t see all of these,” indicating my 6-point harness. Thus, while one freely hanging seat belt buckle can warrant a traffic stop, a snug fitting 6-point harness will certainly prevent the issuance of a traffic ticket! 13 Happy Hour at Pugsley’s Library by Tinker Edwards For the March happy hour we did something different. It was opening night of the NCAA basketball tournament (I’m not sure if we knew this or not when we scheduled the happy hour but The Happy Hour Crew: Dennis Chamberlain (co-chair), it worked and we Tinker Edwards (chair) & Witry (co-chair) looked like we had everything under control) so we visited a sport bar call Pugsley’s Library on March 15th. We had a good turnout with six new members attending: Jeffrey Allen, Leonard Boyer, Kent Haven, Rick Illes, Mike Jones and Ken Perry and a couple of new members from the previous happy hour: Jeff Bryant and Ellis Cokes. Even Maverick Region President, James Shoffit, stopped by to meet the new members. 14 All members are invited to come out and unwind after a hard day’s work, so we’ll see you at the next one... or should I say “two” because there will be two happy hour’s in May (see page 3). The gang having dinner. Martin Custer with new members Rich Illes and Ken Perry. New members Jeffrey Allen and Leonard Boyer. New members Ellis Coke and Jeff Bryant. Jimmy Carter and Wiley Alexander of Royal Purple. Hope Happenings by Lanean Hughes With all the events going on last month, I was able to send donations in the amount of $330 to the Hope shelter. These donations came from our Parade Lap at the DE in February, and picture money from photos taken at the AX school by Kevin Hardison. All monetary donations are so appreciated. The shelter has been quite busy with several residents and we have again been able to provide critical help when needed to the staff at Hope. My thanks to those of you who have been regularly donating to this great cause. If you have not visited the shelter, please take time to make the trip to Mineral Wells and meet the wonderful people whose continued efforts help to keep individuals from abusive situations. I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to Tom & Annette Snodgrass, Charlie Grubbs, Werner Foltz and all the other volunteers at TMS who gave their time to work the NASCAR race and make great money for the shelter. We have been volunteering for the Hospitality Village since TMS opened, and the “Porsche Club” is always the winner of the Golf Kart Series. If you have not volunteered, then call Lanean at 972-484-3040 let me know and I will put your name on the list, so when events are taking place at TMS and they need workers, you will be volunteered! Mark your calendar now for Maverick Region’s Father's Day Picnic at the Casey house Sunday, June 17th! More details to come in the next Slipstream. Please RSVP: the.spreens@gateway.net or call 972-420-9953 THE PORSCHE STORE 405 SOUTH CENTRAL EXPWY RICHARDSON, TX 75080 15 "Nuevo" Member Party by Wendy Shoffit The ‘nuevo’ Nuevo Leon (formerly La Valentina) in North Dallas was the perfect setting for our annual Nuevo (new) member’s party. Okay, enough with the nuevos. Sorry, I couldn’t resist! Anyway, like I was saying the restaurant was absolutely gorgeous and could not have been nicer. Over 50 members who had joined since January 2000 came out to meet nearly 25 ‘old’ members. It was a small sampling of our overall membership, but they were certainly among the best and most active. While the beer and margaritas flowed, everyone was having a great time getting to know each other. I heard a rumor that the appetizers were delicious, but was never quick enough to reach the table. I was too busy having fun socializing. Not to worry, 16 though, the owner, Luis, had selected a few tasty menu items to serve us later if we wanted to stay for dinner. Top that off with some scrumptious cookies made by our very own pastry chef, Mimi Spreen. Needless to say, I did not go home hungry! Lanean Hughes had yet another trick up her sleeve for the evening. Somehow, she managed to get some really cool raffle prizes. They included a few Porsche Motorsports bears, lots of shirts, and a few special St. Patrick’s Day trinkets. As always, proceeds from our raffles go to benefit the Hope Shelter. Many thanks to Luis and Nuevo Leon for their wonderful hospitality. New and old members alike seemed to really enjoy their evening. An impressive entrance. Wendy Shoffit, Kay Liebel, Keith Olcha, and James Shoffit. Jimmy Carter and ‘Johnnie’ Cochran Erika Nannis talking with Jan Mayo Mimi Spreen - aka, “the greeter”. Carey Spreen grabbing for some grub. Telling driving stories. New members Amor and Mala Bhattacharya PRINTER OF SLIPSTREAM SINCE 1982 Specializing in mechanical repair, Maintenance, 4-wheel alignment, and complete German automobile body repair. USSERY PRINTING 3402 CENTURY CIRCLE IRVING, TEXAS 75062 972-438-8344 FAX 972-721-1847 A.S.E. certified Master A.S.A. Glasurit certified 1118 S. Airport Circle, #120 Euless, Texas 76040 Metro (817) 540-0712 Member Automobile Service Association 17 18 Porsche Planning GT Version of Boxster Coupe Courtesy of Autoweek Autoweek (4/13/2001): Reports from those who have seen Porsche's proposed Boxster Coupe indicate the German sports car maker is planning a GT version that would also offer Audi TT-fighting all-wheel drive. Porsche has been hosting focus groups of owners of similar two-door models, apparently as part of planning for a coupe to compete with the Chevrolet Corvette, Audi TT, Mercedes-Benz CLK and BMW Z3 coupes. A 230-horsepower 2.7-liter flat six would power Porsche's coupe, though the company has suggested to focus groups the possibility of offering an engine with up to 315 horsepower. Porsche North America officials declined to comment on the Boxster Coupe. Boxsters and Boxster S’s. 19 Corners of the Mind: Learning By Teaching Others By Paul Young, San Diego Region (from The Windblown Witness) How long should it be until a driver becomes an instructor? This is a question I am often asked by an entrant at an autocross or time trial. Some ask it at their first event, and some after a year or two. Of course, every driver is ultimately responsible for his or her own education, so in a sense we are all instructors. Still, the question remains: How much experience is necessary to become an officially recognized driving instructor? To answer this question, we should look at the motivations, benefits, responsibilities, and qualifications associated with being a driving instructor. Some are motivated by the prestige associated with the title of Driving Instructor: An ego-boosting feather in the hat; I have arrived; I have been recognized as a competent driver. A normal feeling, but we should recognize it as such and not let this be our only reason. An instructor has the opportunity to ride in (and perhaps drive) a variety of Porsches; some similar, some different. This affords some insights into what improvements can be made to one’s own car, as well as some thrilling experiences and test drives or rides. Again, a common incentive, but hopefully not the sole consideration. A fairly obvious benefit of being an instructor is the extra track time, which helps improve the instructor’s driving, too. This obviously selfish motive is a genuinely good reason for wanting to instruct. Instead of just seeking a thrill, the desire is to better one’s own driving as well as the 20 student’s. How we approach the benefit of extra track time has a great deal to do with how we benefit from it. Of course we should not just use the student as a means to get track time for ourselves, but we can make the situation one where both the student and instructor profit. The first order of business is our instructing attitude. The title of Driving Instructor does not mean that we know it all (we never will) and we shouldn’t think that there is nothing for us to discover. This open-minded approach will allow us to learn, and the students will see it as a good model for themselves. I usually share with my students that I am still a student too. The beauty of driving is that no matter how good one becomes, there is always something more for learning and growth. A great deal of the fun comes from this learning and growth process itself. Next, I try to find out where the student is at with their driving skill. I ask about their experience and observe their driving (a single lap will usually suffice). I run through a mental checklist, starting with the basics (seating, hand position, and controls). Even if they have some training and experience, it is important to ensure a solid foundation. The list goes on through turn types, finding the line, using all the course, optimizing braking, and so forth. I try to assess what the student needs most, and determine some quick, reasonable, meaningful goals. It might be simply to complete a lap with decent hand position, or refining leftfoot braking, but it should be tailored to the individual student and their needs. Depending on the situation, some students can work on several improvements at once. For example, I may have a student focus on smoother braking and not fighting the steering wheel while exiting a corner on the same lap or run session. As they become better during the day, I move them on to other topics, but I am always sensitive to what they need to concentrate on next, working at their own pace. Meanwhile, in the background of my mind, I am also studying the course, becoming more familiar with it. This will help me to instruct the student better, but I can also apply it to my own driving. Perhaps I will drive the track mentally while riding with the student, assuming I can still monitor the aspects of their driving that I want to. Sometimes, all I need to do is visualize that my subconscious mind is a tape recorder, registering the track while I am focusing on helping the student drive. When it’s over, I am surprised at how much I can recall about the course as it pertains to what I want to teach myself. While instructing requires a good deal of effort and concentration, at times the freedom from driving myself will allow me to see things more clearly. The instructor-student relationship should not be purely one-sided. Naturally, a beginner may not be able to suggest the optimum apex for a turn, but I have actually learned a lot from my students. It may be obvious, such as a student riding with me and suggesting that I try a different line. Hey, I am always open to suggestions, so I’ll test it out. Even if I have my doubts, it will be instructive to the student and reinforce their own willingness to learn. Sometimes while riding with students, they will try differ- ent approaches on their own volition. I’ll be the first to admit that I learned something myself. Sometimes just another individual’s perspective will offer new insights into the driving experience. While working with a student on a particular situation, I find it worthwhile to see if I can apply it to my own driving. It doesn’t matter if it’s a basic item like hand position, I’ll review it with myself as well as the student. This technique of brushing up helps ensure I haven’t lapsed into bad habits. I have also found that I can work on the same thing as the student when I am driving. For example, I often find students that fight the steering wheel while accelerating out of a corner, leaving too much room to the outside and not using all the course. While I work on this point with them, I myself will use the lesson to refine my own driving in this area. When the student is riding with me, I will focus on optimizing my apex and throttle application to use all of the track. Not only am I illustrating the point for the students, I am taking the opportunity to instruct myself on the same subject. An added benefit is that, although I may be working at a different level on the same problem, it is good for the student to see my approach to teaching myself and therefore, the student’s learn to teach themselves, also. The process of instructing is in itself helpful to the improvement of our own driving. In order to explain something and teach someone about it, we must put some thought into it ourselves. This thought process helps us to better understand the situation, and this improved understanding will lead to better driving. The more we clarify a technique to a student, the better we will become at that skill ourselves. Also, there are some things that we seem to do subconsciously. By going over these issues with the student, we bring them to the conscious level where we can focus on improving them. Although it is good to have some skills that are automatic (at the subconscious level), it is valuable to at least know what these are. We should look at our habits from time to time to be sure we aren’t developing bad ones. The more proficient we become as instructors, the better it is for our own driving. Since we are our own best teacher, it makes sense that we want to improve our driver training ability. Our talent at clarifying things to our students helps our own driving as we can apply this knowledge to educate ourselves. Sometimes though, we need a break from instructing others. It is prudent to recognize this and perhaps drive alone for an event. This sabbatical can help us focus our driving and gather some fresh ideas as well. What are the responsibilities of a driving instructor? Of foremost importance is safety. Our driving events are fun, but without safety we can’t have fun (we can’t have events at all for that matter). It is the instructor's responsibility to look for safety issues. Impress on the students the importance of always being aware of safety. Along with the prestige of being an instructor comes the visibility of the position: we are examples and ambassadors for PCA. We are responsible to help these folks get more out of their Porsche: more fun, confidence, skill, and bonding. Encouragement and motivation are key issues to enhancing the students’ experiences. Instructors should share amongst themselves too. Ride with each other, constantly network, sharing tips and techniques for both driving and teaching. So, what is necessary to become a driving instructor? Obviously, the instructor should be a competent driver, at least demonstrating the basics: positions, turn types, apex, smoothness and a bit of vehicle dynamics. Driving ability is just one qualification. The greatest driver may not necessarily be good at instructing. The instructor needs to have decent teaching ability. We don’t want to illustrate bad habits to a newcomer; it is much more important that we are able to communicate the basic concepts involved. To demonstrate beautiful driving without imparting any knowledge is useless. Simply being able to drive well or having attended school does not suffice by itself. Driving talent and the ability to communicate and teach are skills that can be learned by anyone. We must also have a certain attitude to instruct, which can be more difficult to develop. The instructor must be dedicated to driving excellence, sportsmanship, and helping the student learn about their Porsche and how it handles, while having fun at the same time. This, coupled with an open mind about driving, learning, and instructing, will go a long way to being an effective instructor and ensuring the success of the students and the club. Individual instructors have different styles. This is good. What’s important is that each instructor works closely with the students, adapting to their individual needs. I had been driving at events for a year before I was ready to start instructing. For me, teaching is now the most rewarding part of PCA. The satisfaction of driving well at an event can’t compare with seeing the gleam in the eyes of a new member who has bonded with their Porsche. You have helped them achieve something they could only dream of. They have discovered the magic of the marque and the club. 21 Maverick Region PCA Driver Education At Motorsport Ranch June 23-24 , 2001 Maverick Region PCA invites you to participate in a PCA Driver Education event at Motorsport Ranch. Motorsport Ranch www.motorsportranch.com is located in Cresson, Texas on highway 377, about 15 miles southwest of Fort Worth. The Ranch is a sports car country club with a 1.7 mile 40 foot wide racetrack that is extremely smooth, and lots of fun. Instructors will be assigned to all beginning and novice drivers. All cars must be inspected for track worthiness (tech) prior to the event. Tech locations, dates, and forms, along with further information will be sent with your acceptance package but also look for new DE information on the Maverick Region web site www.pca.org/mav/DE. PCA Driver Education events are almost always sold out, so do not wait to send in your registration. Acceptance priority will be: Maverick Region members and all instructors, other PCA members, other Porsche drivers, and other cars, in that order, all based upon postmark date within assigned run group. Expect to have a response (In/Out/Waiting List) on or before June 7. Special consideration will be given to Maverick Region members applying for this DE, whose applications were rejected due to space limitations in the February DE earlier this year. Event registration will open with MAY 10 postmark dates. Earlier postmarks will process last. No postage meters. Event registration for Instructors should be submitted to the Registrar. The new cost is $185 each, payable to Maverick Region PCA. Applications without payment will not be processed. Sorry, due to limited availability we are unable to issue refunds. One Application and check Per Entrant, please! Mail application with check to Bill Dawson, Registrar 1041 Nottingham Drive Cedar Hill, TX. 75104 972-291-8817 before 9:30 pm billdawson@worldnet.att.net General Information Instructor Information Keith Olcha Bryan Henderson 817-706-7678 817-354-6045 OLCHA@aol.com BDHender@Home.com Tech Information John Sandusky 817-777-0421 John.C.Sandusky@LMCO.com Entrant: _________________________________________ Sharing Car With:__________________________ Address: _________________________________ City:___________________ St:______ Zip:____________ Phone: Day ( ) _________________ Eve. ( ) ________________ e-mail: _______________________ Do You Prefer Contact By: US MAIL or E-MAIL Driver’s Lic #: ___________________state:______ PCA Region: ___________________ PCA #:_______________ Helmet type: M90 / SA90 / M95 / SA95 Car Year _______ Make ______________ Model _____________ Color ___________ Cabriolet? YES / NO Recent DE Experience? YES / NO If YES, complete: # of Days/Dates Organizing Club Track Run Group Car # If NO, explain any driving experience or rate yourself: (use another sheet of paper if necessary) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– BEGINNER / NOVICE / INTERMEDIATE / ADVANCED I am an Instructor assigned to TEAM # ___________ Car # First Choice: _______________ Second Choice: _______________ Third choice: ________________ If over-booked, do you want on the waiting list? YES / NO 22 Signed: ________________________________ Are you ready to... Mark these dates on your calendar and come out and compete for Series Trophy! Autocross #3 Time Trial #3 Autocross #4 Time Trial #4 June 3rd Standridge July 21st Mineral Wells July 22nd Mineral Wells Aug. 4th Mineral Wells Every driver must bring his or her vehicle to the pre-tech session at Mayo Performance (1521 Baccarac Ct. in Euless - see map below) on the Wednesday preceding an event weekend between 6-8 PM. Call them at (817) 540-4939 if you are unable to attend. Entry forms and classification forms will be available at pre-tech.There will also be lots of people there to help you fill them out. Come on out and have fun at the track! Time Trial #5 Autocross #5 Autocross #6 Time Trial #6 Aug. 25th Mineral Wells Aug. 26th Mineral Wells Sep. 16th Standridge Oct. 6th Mineral Wells New ing lop ss! e v e D Cla le at r e v i Dr tion availab c s stru cros Full In very Auto rial! e ime T T d n a Event Pre-Tech at Mayo Performance MineralRing, Mineral Wells, Texas Saturday Sunday Entry Fees per Driver: Member Non-Member $25 $30 $15 $20 Call Wendy Shoffit at (972) 506-7449 or email her at wendy@shoffit.com to register or for more information. (Registration form on page 22) 23 Just The Details: Why Wash Your Car? by David Bynon, San Diego Region (from The Windblown Witness) It was European coach builders that first applied coatings of animal fats and wax to protect the custom paint on their horse drawn carriages. This tradition has endured over 100 years and is still the best way to protect the paint on modern-day coaches. Today, the multi-layered finish on your car, from the primer through the top (clear) coat is only .006 to .008 of an inch thick. Regardless of how fine the finish is now, it will deteriorate and dull. Radiant and ultraviolet energy, acid rain, salt, atmospheric pollution, insect fluids, and bird droppings wage a constant war on your car’s finish. Waxing provides an easily renewable transparent barrier between the finish and a hostile environment. Waxing also makes your car, new or old, look better. Quality waxes now combine enriching oils that wet the surface with protective formulas of Brazilian Carnauba or modern polymers for a high gloss shine. This brings us to the subject of selecting a wax. Waxes can be made from a natural wax, usually Brazilian Carnauba, or synthetically made of polymers and acrylic resins. In choosing a wax, here are some things to consider: Carnauba Waxes Carnauba comes from the fronds of the ‘Tree of Life’ (Copernica Cerifera) native to Brazil. It is nature’s hardest, purest, and most transparent wax. Carnauba car waxes tend to produce a deeper, darker, richer shine that is often described as three-dimensional. Many enthusiasts and show-car owners prefer the shine of Carnauba waxes, especially on black and red and other dark colors. Carnauba waxes bead water nicely, absorb 24 the acid content in rain and hide minor swirls in the paint. Meguiar’s No. 26 Pure Wax, Mothers California Gold, Eagle One Pure Carnauba Paste Wax, and Pinnacle Paste Glaz are a few of the many Carnauba waxes available. On the minus side, Carnauba waxes are not as durable as synthetic waxes. Depending on your climate, they typically last up to 90 days Paste Carnauba waxes will outlast liquid Carnauba waxes due to their higher wax content). Some Carnauba waxes can be more difficult to apply and remove. Also, Carnauba waxes can be temperamental, occasionally streaking under certain conditions. Synthetic Waxes Made from modern polymers and acrylic resins, synthetic waxes offer excellent durability and ease of application. Synthetic waxes can last six to nine months or longer and typically wipe on and off easily. These waxes create a very bright shine and are resistant to clouding and streaking. On the down side, many enthusiasts feel synthetic waxes lack depth and richness. Black cars can look a little sterile or silvery white in the direct sunlight. And, the mirror-like polymers can collect minor swirls and highlight flaws. Show-Car Tricks Detailers that prepare show cars will often layer a Carnauba wax on top of a synthetic wax. The synthetic wax acts as a gloss layer while the Carnauba wax adds depth and luquidity. One combination that works well is an initial coating of Klasse AllIn-One followed by one or more coats of Pinnacle Paste Glaz or Souveran wax. The latter two waxes are super-pure Carnauba waxes that can be layered without any yellowing effects. German Engineering With Southern Hospitality. Personal Service. At Nine-Eleven, we’ve built a reputation for understanding our customers’ needs — quality service, convenient location, state-of-the-art diagnostics, and personalized service that is unmatched in the Metroplex. When you trust your car to us, you will have the peace of mind that it will be serviced correctly the first time. Every time. Access. We strongly believe in access to those who will actually work on your car. Our technicians are available in person, by phone, and even by pager if you have questions or need timely information about your car. Facility. Our clean shop, well-stocked parts department, and comfortable waiting room ensure that you and your car will get the kind of service you deserve. Maintained tools and equipment. Clean cars. We are meticulous about details. Parts. Our parts department is also second to none. Our knowledgeable staff will assist you in finding that necessary part or after-market option you require. We are an authorized dealer for high-performance Recaro seating, Yokohama Tires, Bilstein Shocks, Bosch, and many others. This ensures that whether you are a casual driver or an enthusiast who needs race prep assistance, Nine-Eleven has the experience and knowledge to keep your car running at peak performance. Joe Field Rd. I-35 Newkirk IXXI Royal Lane Emerald Crown Rd. Cindy Lane Nine-Eleven Enterprises, Inc. Service, Accessories & Parts for BMW, Mercedes & Porsche 2120 Cindy Lane, Dallas, Texas 75229 972-241-2002 www.nine-eleven.com Convenience. We are conveniently located near the intersection of Stemmons and LBJ Freeways in Dallas. We offer emergency towing service 24 hours a day and have arranged for special rental car rates with area rental agencies. Come by for a visit between 7:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday, or call for a service appointment. 25 26 New Wheels If you have any changes that you would like to make to the MRPCA membership guide, call Joel Nannis at (972) 722-2735 by Joel Nannis, Membership Chair John & Sherri Baer 3416 St Johns Drive Dallas TX 75205 2001 911 David Lindell 9216 Highedge Circle Dallas TX 75238 1986 951 Peter Svendsen 822 N Main Cleburne TX 76031 2001 Boxster Donald & Michele Butler 2319 Stanley Avenue Ft Worth TX 76110 1983 911 Jerry Mc Carthy P O Box 366 Bullard TX 75757 1978 911 Mans & Elin Theorin 5202 Live Oak Street #129 Dallas TX 75204 1988 928 Calvin Cahail 3040 Green Hill Drive Plano TX 75093 1997 Boxster David Mize 4209 Honset Hill Court Carrollton TX 75010 2000 Boxster Michael & Mary Anne Tinsley 4516 Southgate Drive Plano TX 75024 1999 996 Chris Cowan 4025 Greenbrier Dallas TX 75225 1991 911 John & Cathy Moore 710 Shady Creek Drive Kennedale TX 76060 2001 Boxster Robert & Kimberly Turner 1703 Rosebriar Lane Keller TX 76248 1976 911 Nathan Dunning 18725 North Dallas Parkway #2314 Dallas TX 75287 Dennis & Janie Moser 3114 Beverly Drive Dallas TX 75205 2001 Boxster Brett Warren & Nathan Dunning 2728 Winnpage Road Flower Mound TX 75022 1996 911 Daniel & Niki Payne 4827 Worth Street Dallas TX 75246 2001 Boxster John & Yvonne Welte 7221 Mesa Verde Trail Fort Worth TX 76137 1968 911 Robert & Roberta Pedersen 5729 Pershing Avenue Fort Worth TX 76107 2001 Boxster Ron & Tish Witten 3912 Bryn Mawr Dallas TX 75225 2001 Boxster Clay & Betty Perrine 5730 Cancun N Richland Hills TX 76180 1973 914 Steve & Nanette Pilipchuk 4113 Ryan Lane Richardson TX 75028 1978 911 Sc Transferred From Chicago Chad & Roy Geer 1732 Sun Glow Drive #3327 Arlington TX 76006 1975 914 Philip & Donna Harper 510 Greenwich Lane Coppell TX 75019 1982 911 Robert & Janet Jones 2700 Cr 2110 Pittsburg TX 75686 1986 911 Andrew Kelly 6210 Oram Street #9 Dallas TX 75214 2001 Boxster John & Angelina Kenefic 3916 Davis Circle Plano TX 75023 2000 Boxster Gerry Krupp 4203 Chrismac Way Colleyville TX 76034 1987 930 Anniversaries 5 Years William & Karen Kruder, Plano Anthony Pershouse & Carrie Hall, Arlington Paul Saunier, Addison 10 Years David & Cynthia Carter, Rockwall Ted & Bonnie Glover, Plano William & Christine Rosenberg 4561 Rugby Lane Grand Prairie TX 75052 2001 Boxster James Shovlin & Hillary Roberts 6120 Dilbeck Lane Dallas TX 75240 1984 911 Mark Smith 224 Brookview Hurst TX 76054 1985 944 10 Years continued: Brian Scudder, Farmers Branch William & Anita Phelps, Dallas Lee Knuth, Dallas 15 Years C.L. & Virginia Lakey, Wichita Falls Floyd Cox, Fort Worth Robert & Marco Marich, APO David & Susan Scholes 533 Rosedale Road Princeton NJ 08540 2000 Boxster Transfer From Schattenbaum R Vilkutaitis 1205 Sabine TX 76092 1977 930 Transfer From Chicago 20 Years Marc Tuno & Laura Peterman, Plano 25 Years Jeffery & Joyce Hammill, Colleyville Geffrey Hamilton, De Soto 27 Unclassifieds Unclassifieds are available free to Maverick Region Members and are $5 to all others. Please limit size to no more than 6 lines. Payment to MR-PCA must accompany ad. Ads will run for 3 issues. Call 972-208-7725 or e-mail pa.abdalla@verizon.net by the 12th to have your ad run the following month. Be certain to include a contact name and phone number. Check your ad for accuracy the first time it runs. Contact the editor to have your ad pulled sooner. For Sale: 1986 911 Cabriolet, Black/Black/Black. One owner. Meticulously and professionally serviced. All records. Never tracked or run hard. Car is in excellent condition, has been recently serviced, and is ready to go. 145k miles. $21,000 or best offer. Call Mike Baggett, 214-745-5400. (1) For Sale: Pristine 2000 Boxster S. Partial leather seats, 2,850 miles. Guards red black /black. Six-speed manual; heated front seats; Boxster S sport package; CD shelf center console; wheel caps with colored crest. Garaged, covered, no accidents $53k. For details contact Carl Hill at carlh1966@aol. Com or (214) 956-2901(w); (972) 991-6993 (h). (1) For Sale: Gorgeous 1995 Porsche 968 Cabriolet, 34K miles, 6 speed, white with gray leather, gray top and 17" wheels. Rare car in perfect condition, must see to appreciate. This vehicle is equipped with power locks, power windows, power steering, alarm, cassette, AM/FM stereo, alloy wheels, ABS, dual airbags, leather seats, cruise control, great A/C and new floor mats. I guarantee you will not find a cleaner car at this price! Contact Ralph Trevino work 972-788-1030, cell phone 214-454-4948 or email ralph@iebsolutions.com. (1) For Sale: 1974 911 Engine. Complete 2.7 CIS engine for sale with 89,000 original miles. This is a strong running engine that has been correctly maintained since new. Records available. $1,500 firm. Contact Jim Sewell, 109 Pinehurst Ct., New Ulm, TX 78950 (979) 992-3641 jimnanne@industryinet.com. (1) For Sale: 1995 993 Carrera Coupe, Grand Prix White with cashmere/black partial leather interior, 3.6 liter 6-speed, Torque Limited Slip/ABD, dual power seats, power sun roof, power side mirrors and windows, headlight washer, am-fm cassette stereo-6 speakers, 6 CD changer, 17” light alloy wheels with painted rim caps. Vin # WP0AA2996SS322308, 57,000 miles, asking $44,500. Contact George Weems at 972-304-7900 or gweems@gte.net. (2) For Sale: Original 914-6 racecar chassis # 9140432612 w/ 2.8 liter twin plug engine with RSR crank rods and cams. Long and short gearboxes both with Quaiffes. Dual master cylinders with cockpit adjustable balance. 8 Compomotive and 4 BBS wheels. Ed Mayo built and maintained. Much more info available. $20,000 Contact Les Moncus at 972-458-0396 or lesmoncus@msn.com (3) For Sale: 1987 911 Carrera Targa, marine blue with blue leather interior, 95k miles, recent Michelins, Blaupunkt, cruise control, runs great. $18,500. Call Bob at 214-953-6095 (work) or 214-739-1440 (home). (3) For Sale: 1988 Carrera Coupe. #WPOAB0919JS121688. Grand prix white/black leather, sunroof, 16" Fuchs, limited slip, short shift, sport shocks. 29,500 miles. Completely stock, showroom condition. No smoke/salt/racing/accidents. All records. Locally serviced at IXXI. Flawless example of R&T's "Best 911 Ever." Please contact Brian Hurst, 214-978-3075 (days), brian.j.hurst@bakernet.com. (3) For Sale: Open Race Car Trailer. Includes trailer brakes/ locking tire rack (6-8 tires depending on size) very large locking storage box, new tires plus 2 spares. Fuel jug rack for 3 jugs built in. New decking (treated lumber) installed recently. Tows very well. First $1200 takes it. Glen Gatlin 214-202-7340 or email at porschenut@hotmail.com (3) For Sale: 1996 993 Coupe. Guards Red/tan leather. 2nd owner. Dealer serviced with all books and records, clean CARFAX, comes with a 4 yr/45k Warranty. Well equipped standard with AC, cruise, power windows/locks/sunroof plus power leather seats, factory phone, Alpine CD, 17" wheels, Porsche wheel crests, Tiptronic S package, includes steering wheel shift buttons and Trip computer. Clean and well cared for! 50K miles. $49.5K. Glen Gatlin 214-202-7340 or email porschenut@hotmail.com. (3) For Sale: All Porsche factory shop manuals volumes 1-7, plus all service bulletins and technical updates through 1983. $250. Contact Klaus Koch 817-358-8854 (2) For Sale: 1986 Carrera Cabriolet, white Ext., wine int., leather, all power accessories, 124k miles. Owned for last 7 years and serviced religiously by owner, no driving events, new 993 cab forces sale, pictures available, $19,500. Jim Williamson 817-371-1371, or send an email to jwillia915@earthlink.net. (3) For Sale: 1992 C2 Coupe #XP0AB296XNS420359 Guards Red w/ Black interior. 49,500 miles. Bilstein shocks, Euro Springs. All mechanical updates. Full Colgan Bra, garaged and covered. Clarion CD & Premier Speaker system. 3rd owner, all local, all records from birth. Excellent Condition $34,500. Contact Jim @ 972-529-6960 or e-mail Schnitz47@aol.com. (2) For Sale: 1988 911 Cabriolet, #WPOEB0915J5JS170274. Diamond blue w/f. Porsche signature seats (commemorative issue), tonneau, 16” wheels with crests, AC, Blaupunk amplifier, Autothority chip, B&B dual exhaust, non-smoker, 35k miles, garaged, mechanically and visibly perfect. $39,000. Dr. Peter A. Alivizatos, 3600 Gaston Avenue, Dallas 75246 (owner). Contact Wayne Pennington 972-279-0233. (3) Slipstream Advertiser Index These advertisers support the Maverick Region . . . the Mavericks support these advertisers! Baris Italian Cuisine Bobby Archer’s Motorsports Eurowerks Executive Inn German Technologies Glen Gatlin, Jr. Louden Motorcar Jerry DeFeo Designs Mayo Performance Page 19 Page 25 Page 9 Page 19 Page 17 Page 12 I.B.C. Page 24 Page 5 (940) 325-0333 (817) 877-1772 (972) 733-4907 (940) 328-1111 (817) 540-0712 (214) 761-7907 (214) 241-6326 (972) 240-5800 (817) 540-4939 Mean Green Travel 911 Enterprises Park Place Porsche PartsHeaven The Porsche Store Royal Purple (N. Texas Lubr.) Soundwerk Ussery Printing Zim’s Autotechnik Page 20 Page 25 Page 26 Page 19 I.F.C. Page 15 Page 21 Page 17 B.C. For ad rates and for more information contact Graham Lane at (817) 421-0141 (work) 28 (940) 243-3788 (972) 241-2002 (214) 559-4222 (800) 767-7250 (214) 576-1911 (972) 241-2011 (817) 281-9381 (972) 438-8344 (817) 267-4451 Jan Mayo, Slipstream 2973 Timbercreek Trail Ft. Worth, TX 76118 Periodical Postage Paid at Ft.Worth, TX
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