August 2014 - Temple Isaiah
August 2014 - Temple Isaiah
August2011 2014 December Av / Elul 5774 Kislev / Tevet 5772 Love for the Project We Call Israel I fervently hope and pray that by the time you read these lines a ceasefire will have taken place in Israel, rockets will have stopped flying and sirens will have stopped blaring. The past few weeks have been hard on us on account of our dead and wounded, hard on us for what Israel needs to do to defend itself, and hard on us for how Israel is portrayed in the media. It also has been hard on us for bringing us to the realization that the status quo is neither a comfortable nor an acceptable solution, that a resolution of the conflict is necessary, and that a ceasefire is just that: a temporary lull in the fighting while hate and rearmament continue to grow among our young and our enemy’s young. During these difficult days I have sensed again the distance between “the Jew in the pew” and her or his people, the fragility of the bond that connects every one of us with the State of Israel and with our brothers and sisters there. When we read about Israel in the press we find it on the pages that deal with international news. But for us as Jews, news about Israel is always “local.” It is about our brothers and sisters, our cousins and grandchildren. It is close to our heart and to the heart of what it means to be Jewish, to be committed to peoplehood. Out of crisis can come some good. Perhaps this time it will be a new awakening to the fact that we are not just another religion, but members of a people with a profound stake in the welfare of the nation that represents for us “the beginning of redemption.” This doesn’t mean that we can’t be critical at times, or that we have to be a silent majority. We can have as many opinions about what goes on in our ancestral land as those who inhabit it have among themselves. But we have to be solid in our love for the project before we can be critical. To have an opinion that is not born out of love is to join the chorus of those who may wish the Jewish State in our time to go away. There is not much we can do from here other than give our material help and express our solidarity. As a friend in the Jewish Agency said, “Pray that this is all over soon and the familiar images stop. Be united in the force for goodness and redeem your little part of the world because you can.” Rabbi Roberto Graetz Rabbi Roberto Graetz ...we are not just another religion, but members of a people with a profound stake in the welfare of the nation that represents for us “the beginning of redemption.” Temple Isaiah kids at Camp Newman, where Ahavat Israel (love for Israel) is a guiding principle. TEMPLE ISAIAH 945 Risa Road, Lafayette, CA 94549 Temple Isaiah’s mission is to embody, enhance, and perpetuate our Jewish tradition by providing a welcoming spiritual home where the membership gathers to worship God, study Torah, engage in acts of Tikun Olam, participate in Jewish rituals and life cycle events, and experience the joy of being a part of a caring community. David Douglas Dan Myers Tony Crea Jasmine Tarkoff Karen Goldberg Steve Lipson Parliamentarian Robert Goldberg Phone Ext Rabbi Roberto Graetz 308 Rabbi Judy Shanks 308 Associate Rabbi Alissa Miller 308 Rabbi Emeritus Shelley Waldenberg 308 Cantor Leigh Korn 308 Executive Director Michael Liepman 301 Education Director Rabbi Nicki Greninger 313 Gan Ilan Director Liz Kaufman 108 Youth Director Jory Gwasdoff 311 Membership Abby Seitelman 306 Facilities Rental Michaela Caughlan 303 Librarian Melissa Gianotti 316 Clergy Secretary Nina Jones 308 Education Asst. Nathan Bellet 315 Communications Dir. Jen Boxerman 310 Hebrew Tutor Joel Siegel 318 Office Staff Sonia Das 300 Melissa Gianotti 304 Bookkeeper Sherry Tsai 302 President Executive Vice President Vice President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Office 925-283-8575 Fax 925-283-8355 Religious School 925-284-9191 Gan Ilan Preschool 925-284-8453 Gift Shop 925-284-4933 Website Ruach Vol. 63, No. 1, August 2014 Ruach is published monthly except in July by Temple Isaiah. Ruach is breath, wind, or spirit. It also means soul. May it be a breeze of fresh Jewish spirit arriving at your home. Editor Judy Lipson Photographer Michael Fox Copy Editor Neal Modelevsky Production write.on graphics 2 Temple Isaiah Ruach, August 2014 Tisha B’Av Service Please join us on Monday, August 4 at 8 p.m. in the Sanctuary as we observe the start of Tisha B’Av, a day of fasting and mourning in remembrance of the destruction of the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem.The Jewish historical imagination has piled tragedy after tragedy onto this date, from the beginning of the Crusades to the mass deportation of Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto during the Shoah. On this evening we will hear the sad melody of the Book of Lamentations and study its message and that of the prophet Jeremiah, and we will reflect on the words of our sages as they sought to find reason in so much suffering. At a time when we mourn the loss of life by violent means around the world and in the center of our existence, the State of Israel reborn, we will connect the old with the new as we strive to find sources of hope. High Holy Days Prep On Thursday, September 4, 11 and 18 at 7 p.m. Rabbi Graetz and Rabbi Greninger will lead classes designed to help prepare the heart, mind and soul for the High Holy Days. Watch your email for course details and location. Neighborhood Havdalah: Just Around the Corner Plan on joining your Temple Isaiah neighbors on Saturday, September 13, at 5:30 p.m. for dinner, conversation and Havdalah at a home near you. This popular annual event is a wonderful way to connect with other Temple Isaiah members. Everyone is welcome, and childcare is provided. Be sure to watch for your email invitation. Want to help? Co-chairs Joani deVries, Robin Bach and Carrie Paulus hope to bring Neighborhood Havdalah to as many locations as possible and are looking for volunteers to serve as hosts and coordinators. If you would like to host a group at your house or help coordinate the event at a neighbor’s house, please contact Joani at or 925-216-4324. High Holy Days Passes High Holy Days passes are included in your Temple membership renewal. Renew your membership commitment by August 25, and we will mail your High Holy Days passes and information to you the first week in September. If you have not yet renewed your membership commitment, you can renew online at If you are a member in good standing and have not received the packet by September 18, please call the Temple office at 925-283-8575. To see the full High Holy Days schedule, to purchase additional passes or to make a special seating request, visit Cell Antenna Update The east-facing cell antennas on our campus are now live. Before and after the antennas were turned on, our consulting engineers, Hammett & Edison, Inc., took radio frequency measurements at 28 locations representing the exposure conditions in different areas of the site and compared them with the applicable federal standards. They reported that “every reading at every point was less than 1% of the limit, that is, more than 100 times below.” The full report, including a table of all the readings, a map of the measured locations, and a technical explanation of the federal standards, is posted on our Cell Antenna Resource page at, along with some typical questions and answers and other information. If you have any questions, please contact Jen Boxerman, our Communications Director, at or 925283-8576 x310. We thank outgoing Ruach editor and volunteer of the year, Julie Candau, for her many years of hard work and dedication to our community. Yasher koach! for the latest information NEWS AND INSPIRATION Leading a Great Congregation At a recent conference in Atlanta for incoming presidents of Reform congregations, I sat quietly as other attendees spoke of problems at their synagogues, such as the lack of good youth programming, clergy who do not work as a team with lay leaders, balloon mortgage payments coming due, and declining membership. Representing Temple Isaiah, I had nothing to complain about. None of these items, or others that keep presidents up at night, are issues at our synagogue. On the contrary, when I spoke about Temple Isaiah others looked on with admiration (and probably a bit of envy). I am leading a growing congregation that is financially sound and enjoys a superb relationship between clergy and lay leadership. I thank my predecessors for this and consider myself fortunate to be able to represent such a wonderful community. Speaking of wonderful, I came away from our annual board retreat in June feeling truly blessed to have such an enthusiastic, energetic and warm group of people serving with me on the Temple board. This group will certainly keep me on my toes – and will make me look good in the process. Expect great things from this board in the months and years ahead. A lot of people ask me, “What will be your big initiative as president?” After hearing this a few times I began to think I had to introduce something big. In reality, though, something big is not needed. Temple Isaiah is in great shape. During my term I simply want to expand on the good things we are doing and continue with the wonderful programming, inspirational worship, and community-building that are the foundation of our temple. In keeping with this goal, we are making a few changes to our committee David Douglas structure, including one in particular that I am excited about: the addition of a new Membership and Engagement Committee. Headed by enthusiastic board members Julie Bell and Dave Bressler, this group will endeavor to get everyone at Temple Isaiah engaged in something, with the ultimate aim of building even closer relationships and lifelong ties to our community. I look forward to sharing more about this in the coming months. David Douglas, President Temple Isaiah’s officers and board members are a diverse group who volunteer their time and talents to lead our congregation. The board is the decision-making body of the Temple and is authorized to develop and implement the Temple’s vision and transact business on its behalf. For a complete list of the officers and board members plus some Frequently Asked Questions about Temple governance, visit Be sure to check out the overview of the Temple committees that help guide our many different activities and programs. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact the committee chair or any officer or board member. The Fun Is Free at Ganeinu Temple Isaiah’s facilitated playgroup for babies and toddlers is now free of charge. Enjoy a Jewish environment as you play, learn, and celebrate Shabbat and holidays with your child. It’s a wonderful opportunity to connect with other parents and create lasting friendships. Ganeinu is open to little ones from birth to 30 months and their parents or caregivers. (We love grandparents at Ganeinu.) Non-Temple members are welcome, too. Drop-in sessions meet Friday mornings from 9:15 to 10:45 a.m. in the Adult Lounge inside the Temple House building. New sessions begin September 5. For more information and a schedule of sessions visit or contact for the latest information photo by David Douglas The Way Things Work Julie Bell, Vivian Poettgen, Sue Adler-Bressler, Dave Bressler, Karen Goldberg, Peter Bluford, Abby Seitelman, and Michael Liepman at the first meeting of our new Membership and Engagement Committee. How Do You Jew? Watch the first two installments of our new video series starring Temple Isaiah’s clergy. Learn how to put up a mezuzah and do an Aliyah to the Torah. Stay tuned for more. Temple Isaiah Ruach, August 2014 3 COMMUNITY Mazal Tov ■ To Chere and Paul Elsinga on the birth of their granddaughter, Sylvia Sage Hall, to Elysia Elsinga and Edward Hall, on May 16, 2014. ■ To Arlene Jacobs on the birth of her grandson, Ellis Rockford Flores, to Jennifer Jacobs and Hector Flores, on May 18, 2014. ■ To Marina Birman and Michael Fox on the birth of their grandson, Justin Fox Berko, to Laura Fox and Jeffrey Berko, on May 27, 2014. DISCOVER THE DIFFERENCE AT CCJDS CONTRA COSTA JEWISH DAY SCHOOL Small Class Sizes State-of-the Art Science Lab Drama/Music/Art/Sports Hebrew/Judaics Financial Assistance ■ To Kim and Stuart Weinstein on the birth of their granddaughter, Brooke Elise Bailey, to Lynn and Tim Bailey, on June 11, 2014. ■ To Mala Subramanian and Ben Winig on the birth of their son, Ravi Shai Winig, on June 22, 2014. Proud grandparents are Mary Anne and Hugh Winig. ■ To Cynthia Frankel and William Haber on the birth of their granddaughter, Laurel Skye Hern, to Ashlie Hern and John Cone on June 27, 2014. ■ To Melissa and Dustin Gianotti on the birth of their son, Shane Lucas Gianotti, on June 29, 2014. CAIS and WASC accreditations Lafayette, CA 925-284-8288 CCJDS is a beneficiary of the Koret Foundation, Jim Joseph Foundation, and the Jewish Federation of the East Bay. Welcome New Members May 15 – July 12, 2014 This space left intentionally Blank 4 Temple Isaiah Ruach, August 2014 for the latest information COMMUNITY Angel Network News For over six years, everybody’s favorite angel, Jan Trzesniewski, has led the group of dedicated volunteers who help make Temple Isaiah a true caring community. With characteristic grace and wisdom Jan recently turned over the leadership of Angel Network to two experienced and tireless workers, Jill Jacobson and Ruth Willen. As the new co-chairs of Angel Network, Jill and Ruth pledge to do their best to continue reaching out to those in need. To do so, they need your help, and they encourage everyone to become part of Angel Network, helping with a card, a meal, a ride, or a visit, whether once a year or more frequently. As Jill and Ruth put it,“[w]e have seen firsthand the difference Angel Network makes; we’ve accepted the sincere thank you when a card was received, a shivah attended, a baby gift delivered, and a hand held…no deed is too small.” For more information and to sign up to volunteer, contact Jill at or Ruth at If you need the support of Angel Network or know of a Temple member who does, please call Nina Jones, Clergy Assistant, at 925-283-8575. Calling All Bridge Players A chorus of angels thanks Jan Trzesniewski for her years of leading Angel Network and welcomes new co-chairs Ruth Willen and Jill Jacobson. Grief Support Group Back in Fall Our Grief Support Group for those in the local Jewish community who have lost a loved one will start up again in September. The group offers a safe, supportive, and confidential place to share your loss and grieve with others who understand what you are experiencing. We will meet for eight sessions, twice a month on Tuesday evening. After a mid-winter break, the group will resume in January, when new members can join. There is no charge to participate, but you must register in advance. No drop-ins are allowed. For more information and to sign up, please contact or call the Temple office at 925-283-8575. The group facilitator will return your call, confirm availability, and answer any questions you may have. for the latest information It’s time to sign up to play in Women of Isaiah’s Bridge Marathon. We are actively seeking new players to join our friendly group. The games are fun, relaxed, and a terrific way to get together with old friends and make new ones, too. Partners may be any two bridge players, at least one of whom belongs to Women of Isaiah. We play once a month from fall through May in each other’s homes on mutually convenient dates. A gala dinner and roundrobin game takes place at Temple Isaiah in June with prizes awarded to the winners. The cost to participate is $40 per person. The fee covers operating costs (supplies, party and prizes) and a donation to Women of Isaiah. For more information and to sign up, contact Andrea Green at 925-376-7087or Joyce Ellenberg at 925-376-6743 by September 20. Temple Isaiah Ruach, August 2014 5 COMMUNITY Yizkor Elohim May 23, 2014 Adrienne Segol, mother of Richard (Wendy) Segol, ■ grandmother of Lillian, Nathaniel, Ruthe, and Samantha. May 27, 2014 ■ Sally Rubinstein, wife of Michael Rubinstein, mother of Cara (Timothy) Hoxie and Dan (Abigail) Rubinstein, grandmother of Phillip, Benjamin and Theodore Hoxie and Alexandra and Olivia Rubinstein. May 29, 2014 ■ Miriam Menzin, mother of Jane Sondel, grandmother of Eric and Aliya. May 29, 2014 ■ Leonard Morgenstern, past president of Temple Isaiah and a former editor of the Ruach. Welcome to The Reutlinger, a nonprofit senior living community that is proud to offer a true continuum of care, allowing you to age in place. 2014 Respite Special!!! June 2, 2014 Irving G. Peiser, father of Michael (J. Virginia) Peiser, ■ grandfather of Jason and Erica. One month FREE when you make The Reutlinger home. Do not miss out on this fantastic offer! June 8, 2014 ■ Fred Weinzimmer, father of Steven (Karen Maas) Weinzimmer, grandfather of Elissa, Lauren and David. Call Elizabeth TODAY, for details and to schedule a tour (925) 964-2066 4000 Camino Tassajara, Danville CA 94506 June 10, 2014 ■ Mark Torban, father of Regina (Simon) Yanovsky, grandfather of Vlad and Faina. The Reutlinger provides all services regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, disability, gender or sexual orientation. License number 075600335 June 14, 2014 ■ Bella Krawetz, mother of David Krawetz. June 25, 2014 Melvin Littman, grandfather of Rabbi Alissa (Dan) Miller, ■ great-grandfather of Leo. June 30, 2014 ■ Madeleine Bertram Carmel, mother of Richard (Marjorie) Carmel, grandmother of Erica and Bryan Carmel. June 30, 2014 ■ Michael Ludmer, father of Paul (Robin) Ludmer, grandfather of Evan and Mara. July 1, 2014 ■ Lily Silverman, grandmother of Alan (Jill) Jacobson, great-grandmother of Corey, Matthew, and Danielle. July 9, 2014 Herb Berkowitz, brother of Helene Weber, uncle of ■ Roberta, Sue, and Margo. July 12, 2014 ■ Bernard Siegel, father of Joel Siegel, Temple Isaiah’s Song Leader and B’nai Mitzvah Tutor. 6 Temple Isaiah Ruach, August 2014 for the latest information COMMUNITY – ANSHEI ISAIAH Spotlight on Anshei Isaiah There was a surprise in store for everyone who attended Anshei Isaiah’s annual Kick Off Dinner on May 19, which featured Comcast SportsNet reporter and anchor Kate Longworth and “All A’s” producer Justin Bercovich.Their cameraman, Rob Lembo, came along, too, and filmed a segment about the dinner which was broadcast that night on SportsNet Central. So Anshei Isaiah had its fifteen minutes of fame. Okay, it was more like thirty seconds of fame; nonetheless it was very cool to see our event on Bay Area television. At the dinner we also announced the results of our election of officers and directors. Serving as vice presidents this year are Roger Lamm, Administration; Paul Nelson, Membership; Yariv Robinson, Budget and Finance; Bob Coleman, Programming; and Neal Modelevsky, Communications. We welcome two new directors, Roy Kaplan and Rich London, to the board; they join returning directors Alan Gennis, Nadav Rave and Dave Solomon. Seth Moldoff is our immediate past president, and we are also fortunate to have two other past presidents, Michael Swernoff and Alan Jacobson, attend our meetings and lend their experience and historical perspective to our organization. Thanks to Programming VP Bob Coleman and friends we have some great events on our calendar. Following our successful for the latest information event at Jewish Heritage Night at AT&T Park on July 28 (all 90 tickets sold), we are excited to offer an Evening at Yoshi’s in Oakland on Saturday, August 16, with a performance by legendary Jazz vibraphonist Bobby Hutcherson. Anshei Isaiah members (plus spouses and significant others) are invited to join us for dinner and the show, or just for the show. Register online at www. Stay tuned for other popular Anshei Isaiah events: our annual Sukkah-building, potluck dinner and Sukkah tear-down in October; game night at Dave Solomon’s house in November; Moo Shu and a Movie on the last night of Chanukah, December 24. Looking ahead to 2015, Trivia Night is January 10; and the men’s retreat in Mill Valley is March 27-29. If you are not yet a member of Anshei Isaiah, please join us.You can learn more about us at Joel Willen, Anshei Isaiah President Joel Willen Temple Isaiah Ruach, August 2014 7 EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES August 2014 Sunday Av / Elul 5774 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1 Friday 2 Saturday 8:45 a.m. Torah Study 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Service (Bat Mitzvah: Kiara Kunnes) 6:30 p.m. Shabbat Service followed by Sha-Bar-B-Q 3 4 5 6 7 8 9:15 a.m. Torah Study 9:30 a.m. Tot Shabbat 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Service w/vegetarian potluck 12:30 p.m. WOI Writing Workshop 3 p.m. P’tach Libeynu 7:15 p.m. Al Anon 7 p.m. Summer Clergy Course 8 p.m. Tisha B’Av Service 10 11 Camp Kefli 8 p.m. Shabbat Service followed by Oneg 12 Camp Kefli 10 a.m. Neshamah Yoga 13 14 15 16 Camp Kefli Camp Kefli 10am Neshamah Yoga Camp Kefli 8:45 a.m. Torah Study 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Service (Bat Mitzvah: Melissa Pearl) 6 p.m. Happy Half Hour Oneg 6:30 p.m. Shabbat Service 7 p.m. WOI Board Meeting 7 p.m. ECE Meeting 7:15 p.m. Al Anon 17 19 20 21 22 23 Camp Kefli Camp Kefli 10 a.m. Neshamah Yoga Camp Kefli Camp Kefli Camp Kefli 9:15 a.m. Torah Study 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Service w/vegetarian potluck 25 12:30 p.m. WOI Writing Workshop 5:30 p.m. Tot Shabbat 7:15 p.m. Board Meeting 7:15 p.m. Al Anon 8 p.m. Shabbat Service followed by Oneg 26 10 a.m. WOI Board Retreat 7 p.m. Adult Choir Rehearsal 31 Anshei Isaiah Evening at Yoshi’s 18 7 p.m. Anshei Isaiah Board Meeting 7 p.m. WOI Knitting and Handwork 24 9 27 28 29 8:15 a.m. WOI Hike 8:45 a.m. Torah Study 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Service (Bar Mitzvah: Ethan Fishlow) 12:30 p.m. Mah Jongg 7 p.m. P’tach Libeynu 8 Temple Isaiah Ruach, August 2014 6:30 p.m. Grief Support Group 7:15 p.m. Al Anon 7 p.m. Adult Choir Rehearsal 30 7 p.m. Gan Ilan Parent Orientation 6 p.m. Happy Half Hour Oneg 6:30 p.m. Shabbat Service for the latest information YOUTH AND EDUCATION B’nai Mitzvah Revolution: An Update Since 2012 Temple Isaiah has participated in the B’nai Mitzvah Revolution, a project of the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion and the Union for Reform Judaism that encourages communities to “rethink b’nai mitzvah so synagogues and their members can focus on what is most important about Jewish living and learning.” Temple Isaiah was one of 13 congregations selected to pilot this program which now involves hundreds of synagogues throughout the country. We started the “revolution” by asking our Temple community what we could do better or differently in b’nai mitzvah preparation and observance. Through surveys and small group conversations we sought the input of families whose children had become b’nai mitzvah in the previous year and engaged our Temple board in a discussion about balancing communal Shabbat morning worship with the individual family’s expectations. We learned that although much of what we already do works well, there are always ways to improve and deepen the b’nai mitzvah experience. In response to ideas from our members and clergy we made a number of changes in the Shabbat morning service, such as how we pass the Torah from generation to generation and how students connect with Haftarah. Students have the option of chanting the Haftarah in Hebrew or becoming “modern-dayprophets” by describing their mitzvah project and how it reflects Jewish values. We created a helpful guide to mitzvah projects and now start the process of selecting projects in 6th rather than 7th grade. We are continuing to hold small group conversations with parents in the two or three months following their children’s b’nai mitzvah, as a way for them to connect with each other and have a chance to reflect on the experience.There is also a Temple Isaiah B’nai Mitzvah Facebook group enabling parents of children in grades 6 and 7 (and beyond) to communicate easily with one another and exchange information about all aspects of the b’nai mitzvah experience. In 2014 we implemented a new approach to Hebrew education that has become a model for many other congregations around the country. We are busy evaluating how the program is working, asking all students in grades 3-6 about their experiRabbi Nicki ences learning Hebrew, observing children Greninger in grades K-6 in the classroom, holding small group interviews with children in grades 3-6, and talking with students when they begin b’nai mitzvah tutoring with Joel Siegel. Where do we go from here? One important goal is to continue our efforts to evaluate our new Hebrew program and then share our findings with our Temple Isaiah community and other synagogues. We are also piloting a B’nai Mitzvah “Creative Worship” option for families who choose to attend five Shabbat morning services along with a class taught by Rabbi Ruth Adar to learn more about the Shabbat morning liturgy. Participants will work with our clergy to shape their own bar or bat mitzvah service, based on what they learned in the class and by attending services. For more information about the B’nai Mitzvah Revolution, visit Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, ideas or suggestions that you would like to share! Rabbi Nicki Greninger, Education Director Strike Up the Band The Mighty KlezTones teen band is looking for young musicians to perform at Shabbat services and at Temple and community events. The band, which is under the direction of Cary Nasatir, an experienced conductor and avid Klezmer fan, rehearses its diverse repertoire twice a month on Sunday afternoons after Religious School. Players in grades 8-12 who have at least two years of middle school or high school band or orchestra experience are eligible to join this exciting ensemble. There are openings for low brass, guitar, mandolin, accordion, percussion, and saxophone (alto, tenor, and baritone); clarinets and violins are always welcome. For more information email Car y at with “klezmer” in the subject line or call him at 510-612-5527. Happy Torah Trekkers assemble at the Lafayette Reservoir to celebrate Shavuot. for the latest information Temple Isaiah Ruach, August 2014 9 YOU MAKE THE DIFFERENCE – SPECIAL GIFTS Special Gifts May 1 - June 30, 2014 Angel Network Fund In honor of: Emily and Zach Lowhurst’s b’nai mitzvah, from Linda and Stephen Goldschlag Jan Trzesniewski’s work as Angel Network chair, from Linda and Milford Waldroup For the yahrzeit of: Lena Bernstein, from Tina and David De Stephen Mildred Goldberg, from Karen and Stewart Kupetz Harold Mann, from Carol Mann Dorothy Tornheim, from Tina and David De Stephen Cantor’s Music Fund A donation from: Michael Prilutsky In appreciation of: Cantor Korn, from Carol Mann and Beryl and Ivor Silver Helen Sokol, from Penny Kermit Don Wayne, from Penny Kermit In honor of: Phyllis Ceasar’s special birthday, from Margaret and Herbert Eder In memory of: Renee Denwitt, from the Solomon Family Irving Peiser, from Michael, Virginia, Erica, and Jason Peiser and Beryl and Ivor Silver Sally Rubinstein, from Michael Rubinstein Irene Solomon, from the Solomon Family Elsie Toppel, from Debra Deitch Fred Weinzimmer, from Sandy and Dave Anderson and Arlene and Yale Downes For the recovery of: Nancy Solomon, from the Solomon Family For the yahrzeit of: Irving H. Assael, from Kevin Assael Jack Goodman, from Steve Goodman Trude Modern, from Anna Marie Levy Pearl Redsun, from Harold and Betty Redsun Evelyn V. Stevens, from Virginia and Michael Peiser Cantor Ted Cotler Library Fund In honor of: Melissa and Dustin Gianotti on the birth of their son, Shane Lucas Gianotti, from the Glicklin Family In memory of: Albert and Sara Wallach, from JCF of Southern Arizona 10 Temple Isaiah Ruach, August 2014 Carlene Berman Flowers Fund In memory of: Len Morgenstern, from Beryl and Ivor Silver Sally Rubinstein, from Beryl and Ivor Silver Daniel Baron Feed the Hungry Fund In honor of: Bobbi Baron’s special birthday, from Debra Kalan, Sol and Jo Postyn, and Lynn Wolff In memory of: Irving Peiser, from Trudi and Alan Gardner For the yahrzeit of: Marvin Baron, from Bobbi and Michael Baron Clara Friedman, from Frank and Deanne Winer Roma Peterson, from Julie Magilen Endowment Fund In memory of: Fred Weinzimmer, from Diane Portnoff For the yahrzeit of: Mimi Epstein, from Tonna Lusareta-Stevens General Fund In appreciation of: Cantor Korn for helping to make Rabbi Asher’s retirement party so wonderful, from Rabbi Asher’s Farewell Tour Committee Lisa Hirsch for her service and leadership, from Steve Ellis and Ellen Bernstein-Ellis Rabbi Shanks for teaching at Christ the King Church, from Father Brian Joyce In honor of: Celia Douglas, from Richard and Gloria Marchick David Douglas, from Nancy and Dick Bernheimer Lee Douglas, from Richard and Gloria Marchick Joshua Goldberg’s graduation, from Robert Goldberg Carl Jonas Naden, from Nadine Lush Rosemary Wheeler’s bat mitzvah, from Andrea Higgins In memory of: Joel Dobin, from Deborah Dobin and Family Betty Issacson, from Ellen and Jay Israel Leonard Morgenstern, from Karen Epstein and Mary Wezelman Lois Sherer, from Jill Student Fred Weinzimmer, from Elaine and Herbert Lederman For the yahrzeit of: Izia Blumin, from Eugenia Blumin Matthew Robert Brunstein, from Leah RolnickBrunstein Leo Cohen, from Doris Leiber General Fund Cont’d For the yahrzeit of cont’d: Annette Day, from Shirley Nankin Benson Ellis, from William Ellis June Lauer, from Sheryl Lauer Anne Lavine-Kilbourne, from George Kilbourne Isadore Nisenbaum, from Steve and Judy Carney Jay Norek, from Josh Norek Leiser Pfeifer, from David L. Millstein Lillian Pincus, from Neil and Cheryl Pincus Miriam Snider, from Richard Snider Ivy Blum Memorial Fund In memory of: Marshall Eidex, from Seymore and Marilyn Hertz For the yahrzeit of: Helen Hallert, from Steven Hallert and Family Jacob M. Tarkoff Scholarship Fund In honor of: David Douglas’s installation as president, from Karen and Mitchell Tarkoff In memory of: Sally Rubinstein, from Karen and Mitchell Tarkoff For the yahrzeit of: Aaron Chinn, from Judy Chinn Miriam Simon, from Belinda Simon Harris Prayer Book Fund For the yahrzeit of: Charles Lapidus, from Lisa and Richard Cohen Project Hearth for the Homeless Fund In honor of: Adam’s wedding, from Donna Kaulkin Rabbi Graetz, from Robert Goldberg Rabbi Shanks, from Robert Goldberg In memory of: Carl Jonas Naden, from the Gitomer-Weiner Family For the yahrzeit of: Scott Baum, from Sandra and Steven Wolfe Antionette Himmelreich, from the Rideout Family Irving Israel, from Jay and Ellen Israel Leonard Neham, from Sandra and Steven Wolfe Rabbi Graetz’ Discretionary Fund Donations from: Michael Prilutsky Frank Trafton In appreciation of: Rabbi Graetz, from Beryl and Ivor Silver for the latest information YOU MAKE THE DIFFERENCE – SPECIAL GIFTS Rabbi Graetz’ Discretionary Fund Cont’d In honor of: Al Polak’s 90th birthday, from Havurah Neshoma Josh Douglas’s confirmation, from Beryl and Ivor Silver Jordan Sherman’s bar mitzvah, from Victoria and Michael Sherman In memory of: Cecile Gilbert, from Bruce Kaufman Bernard Kaplan, from Marc and Marilyn Kaplan Bette Kaplan, from Marc and Marilyn Kaplan Norman Levenson, from Shirley Maccabee Irving Peiser, from Michael, Virginia, Erica, and Jason Peiser Sally Rubinstein, from Arlene and Yale Downes and Michael Rubinstein Rose Schuster, from Stewart and Bette Schuster Fred Weinzimmer, from Zvi and Rosalie BenJoseph, Gloria Schiller, Beryl and Ivor Silver, and Steven Weinzimmer For the recovery of: Roy Kaplan, from Roy Kaplan For the yahrzeit of: Bernard Freedman, from Rochelle Hassen Frieda Hassen, from Joel Hassen Irwin Hassen, from Joel Hassen Reuven Hasson, from Shalom and Shoshana Eliahu Rose Hyman, from Allan and Eva Hyman Arthur Nagel, from Charlotte Nagel and Raul Poniachik Cari Rodman, from Stephen Rodman Rabbi Miller’s Discretionary Fund In appreciation of: Rabbi Miller for leading the Passover Seder, from Roy Kaplan Rabbi Miller, from Steven Weinzimmer In honor of: Leo Miller’s baby naming, from Susan Mautner In memory of: Adele Kaplan, from Roy Kaplan Rabbi Shanks’ Discretionary Fund In appreciation of: Aunt Judy for the naming of Zoey Lynne Miles, from Dawn and Jeremy Miles Rabbi Shanks, from Kendra and Dave Fried, Carol Mann, and Michael Rubinstein Rabbi Shanks for her inspirational leadership, from Deeni and Howard Schoenfeld Rabbi Shanks for the Jewish Book Group and Mussar and Meditation services, from Linda Waldroup for the latest information Rabbi Shanks’ Discretionary Fund Cont’d In appreciation of cont’d: Rabbi Shanks for teaching at Christ the King Church, from Father Brian Joyce In honor of: The birth of Greta and Jerry Frantz’s new grandson, Ezra Abraham, from Gloria and Robert Schiller Amanda Howard’s college graduation, from Howard Rose Zina Rosen-Simon’s 60th birthday, from Andrea Harris Barry Simon’s 60th birthday, from Andrea Harris Ben Tarkoff’s confirmation, from Beryl and Ivor Silver In memory of: Irving Peiser, from Michael, Virginia, Erica, and Jason Peiser Jack Pinsler, from Lorraine Marshall Sally Rubinstein, from Michael Rubinstein For the recovery of: Nancy Crevin, from Beverly Kivel and Howard Rose Roy Kaplan, from Roy Kaplan For the yahrzeit of: Helen Castle, from Leonard and Irene Osias Ida Feldman, from Rose Michaels Sema Goldberg, from Edward Goldberg Annette Goldman, from Stephen Goldman Louis Lowenthal, from Terry Lowenthal Sam Lowitz, from Robert Lowitz Pauline Rubin, from Steve and Judi Rubin Gussie Schoenfeld, from Deeni and Howard Schoenfeld Religious School & Youth Fund In appreciation of: The Lamms, from Penny Kermit In honor of: David Douglas becoming president, from Arlene and Yale Downes Josh Douglas’s confirmation, from Sandra and Steven Wolfe Josh Goldberg’s graduation, from Steven Weinzimmer and Karen Maas Stephen Trzesniewski’s graduation, from Steven Weinzimmer and Karen Maas Social Action Fund In appreciation of: Casey Sasner, from Robert Goldberg Jasmine Tarkoff, from Robert Goldberg Waldenberg-Zwerling Youth Fund For the yahrzeit of: Albert Lepawsky, from Lucy and Anthony Di Bianca Women of Isaiah Fund A donation from: Janet Saunders In appreciation of: Steve and Judy Lipson’s friendship and warm hospitality, from Tom Hazlett In memory of: Betty Issacson, from Sandy and Dave Anderson For the yahrzeit of: Ellen Singer, from Sandy and Dave Anderson Mah Jongg Rules Women of Isaiah’s next Mah Jongg Monday is August 25 from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. in the Adult Lounge. All Temple members, beginners and longtime players alike, are welcome to drop in for a friendly game. Bring your Mah Jongg card and set if you have them. For the full schedule of monthly sessions visit women-isaiah/ongoing-programs. Mahj players won’t want to miss Project Mah Jongg, the Contemporary Jewish Museum’s lively new exhibit that explores how an ancient Chinese game became part of the fabric of Jewish American culture from the 1930s to the present day. The show runs through October 28 and features vintage photos, oral histories, mah jongg sets, fashions, and collectibles relating to the mah jongg phenomenon. The museum is offering classes and special group tour packages for mahj lovers, including reserved play in the gallery. See for details. In memory of: Len Morgenstern, from Virginia and Michael Peiser and Len and Robbie Cohn For the yahrzeit of: Louis Berg, from Judy and Marty Berg Magna Gabor Gyongyosi, from Martin and Anna Lackner Elaine Kravitz, from Rick Kravitz Temple Isaiah Ruach, August 2014 11 Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE Shabbat Worship Services Friday, August 1 6:30 p.m. Shabbat Service followed by Sha-Bar-B-Q Dinner Saturday, August 2 Paid Lafayette, CA 94549 Permit No. 30 945 Risa Road Lafayette, CA 94549 (925) 283-8575 Address Service Requested 8:45 a.m. Torah Study 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service Kiara Kunnes, Bat Mitzvah Deuteronomy 1:1-3:22, Devarim Friday, August 8 8:00 p.m. Shabbat Service followed by Oneg Saturday, August 9 9:15 a.m. Torah Study 9:30 a.m. Tot Shabbat 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11, Vaetchanan Ti m e ly in fo r matio n EN C LOS ED: P lea se d eliv er b y A u gu st 1 5775 High Holy Days Schedule Friday, August 15 6:00 p.m. Happy Half Hour Oneg 6:30 p.m. 3rd Shabbat Service Saturday, August 16 8:45 a.m. Torah Study 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service Melissa Pearl, Bat Mitzvah Deuteronomy 7:12-11:25, Ekev Friday, August 22 5:30 p.m. Tot Shabbat Dinner 6:00 p.m. Tot Shabbat 8:00 p.m. Shabbat Service followed by Oneg Saturday, August 23 9:15 a.m. Torah Study 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17, Re’eh Friday, August 29 6:00 p.m. Oneg 6:30 p.m. 5th Shabbat Service Saturday, August 30 8:45 a.m. Torah Study 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service Ethan Fishlow, Bar Mitzvah S’lichot Saturday, September 20 8:30 p.m. S’lichot study followed by dessert reception in the Adult Lounge 10:30 p.m. Service in the Sanctuary Graveside Gathering of Prayer and Remembrance Sunday, September 21 9:30 a.m. at Isaiah Garden at Oakmont Memorial Park and Gan Shalom Erev Rosh Hashanah Wednesday, September 24 8:00 p.m. Service in the Sanctuary Rosh Hashanah Thursday, September 25 8:45 a.m. Tot Service in the CCJDS Makom 8:45 a.m. Family Service in the Sanctuary followed by a Tashlich ritual at the Lafayette Reservoir. Bring a picnic lunch! 11:00 a.m. Teen Service in the Adult Lounge 11:00 a.m. Morning Service in the Sanctuary followed by a Tashlich ritual at the Lafayette Reservoir Friday, September 26 9:00 a.m. Rosh Hashanah 2nd Day Service in the Beit Knesset 8:00 p.m. Shabbat Shuva Intergenerational Service in the Sanctuary followed by Oneg Kol Nidre Friday, October 3 5:15 p.m. Kol Nidre Service in the Sanctuary 5:15 p.m. Kol Nidre Children’s Program in the Talmud Torah Center 8:15 p.m. Kol Nidre Service in the Sanctuary Yom Kippur Saturday, October 4 8:45 a.m. Tot Service in the CCJDS Makom 8:45 a.m. Family Service in the Sanctuary 11:00 a.m. Teen Service in the Adult Lounge 11:00 a.m. Morning Service with Yizkor in the Sanctuary followed by study, contemplation and Hebrew sacred chant in the Beit Knesset 4:00 p.m. Afternoon Service in the Sanctuary 5:30 p.m. Neilah Service in the Sanctuary Deuteronomy 16:18-21:9, Shof’tim More details at
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