November 2014 - Temple Isaiah
November 2014 - Temple Isaiah
November2011 2014 December Cheshvan / Kislev 5775 Kislev / Tevet 5772 Transitions I am honored that Temple Isaiah has offered me the title of rabbi emeritus upon my retirement. Evelyn and I plan to remain in Contra Costa County and continue to make the congregation I have served for so many great years our community. It is here that we were welcomed in a warm embrace, our children grew up, and our friendships were established. In the meantime, let us not start the goodbyes too early. We have well over a year and a half to continue our work Rabbi Roberto together. I celebrate and thank the Holy Graetz One of Being for the blessings bestowed upon me every day: the opportunity to serve this congregation and the privilege of doing so in partnership with a great group of colleagues and superb lay leadership. Chazak, chazak v’nitchazeik! May we go from strength to strength! Rabbi Roberto Graetz photo by Michael Fox When I was ordained as a rabbi in 1972, little did I dream that I would end up in Lafayette, California, serving Temple Isaiah for twenty-five years. I began my rabbinic work in Rio de Janeiro as the assistant rabbi in a large congregation. I went from there to Buenos Aires and then back to Rio as the senior rabbi of the congregation I had previously served. Finally, in 1991 I was chosen to lead Temple Isaiah, succeeding Rabbi Shelley Waldenberg. It is now time for me to begin to contemplate what comes next in my life, and to allow my beloved Temple Isaiah community to do the same. It is for this reason that I am letting you know that I will retire at the end of May 2016. Though my announcement may seem premature, I believe that this advance notice will allow the congregation to embark on a thoughtful and clear-sighted strategic plan for the next five to ten years of Temple Isaiah’s life, factoring my retirement into the planning for our synagogue’s future. I am delighted to know that under Rabbi Shanks’ leadership the clergy team we have assembled will continue to work together, even as we bring new talent on board for future needs. I am confident that under the leadership of Temple Isaiah President David Douglas and a dedicated and generous board of directors and lay volunteers, our community will continue to grow in numbers, in strength, and in Jewish depth well into the future. Noar Night teens hold the Torah encircling our Sanctuary on Simchat Torah. TEMPLE ISAIAH 945 Risa Road, Lafayette, CA 94549 Temple Isaiah’s mission is to embody, enhance, and perpetuate our Jewish tradition by providing a welcoming spiritual home where the membership gathers to worship God, study Torah, engage in acts of Tikun Olam, participate in Jewish rituals and life cycle events, and experience the joy of being a part of a caring community. David Douglas Dan Myers Tony Crea Jasmine Tarkoff Karen Goldberg Steve Lipson Parliamentarian Robert Goldberg Phone Ext Rabbi Roberto Graetz 308 Rabbi Judy Shanks 308 Associate Rabbi Alissa Miller 308 Rabbi Emeritus Shelley Waldenberg 308 Cantor Leigh Korn 308 Executive Director Michael Liepman 301 Education Director Rabbi Nicki Greninger 313 Gan Ilan Director Liz Kaufman 108 Youth Director Jory Gwasdoff 311 Membership Abby Seitelman 306 Facilities Rental Michaela Caughlan 303 Librarian Melissa Gianotti 316 Clergy Secretary Nina Jones 308 Education Asst. Nathan Bellet 315 Communications Dir. Jen Boxerman 310 Hebrew Tutor Joel Siegel 318 Office Staff Sonia Das 300 Melissa Gianotti 304 Bookkeeper Sherry Tsai 302 President Executive Vice President Vice President Vice President Secretary Treasurer More About Mussar Researching Your Jewish Roots It was only a little over a year ago that Rabbi Judy Shanks introduced Temple Isaiah to the teachings and practice of Mussar. In a very short time we have seen congregants embrace our Saturday morning Mussar and Meditation Shabbat services and join together in cohesive groups to study and practice Mussar on a regular basis. To quote Rabbi Shanks,“Mussar is a Jewish practice of mindfulness and character improvement that teaches us to cultivate and deepen positive middot (soul traits) like humility, listening and patience, and to lessen the power of negative traits like anger, self-absorption and mistrust. We study texts from Mussar teachers, work individually and in groups to hone our practice, and use journaling, silent meditation and chanting (or not – whatever works for you) to reinforce the changes we are trying to make.” There will be a number of opportunities to learn about and practice Mussar in the coming months. Mussar and Meditation Shabbat morning services will be held in the Beit Knesset at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, November 22 (with Liz Lerman), December 13, January 17, March 7, April 18, and in May on a date to be determined. On Sunday, January 25, we will have a chance to learn from our scholar in residence, Alan Morinis, the founder and dean of The Mussar Institute and a leading figure in the contemporary revival of Mussar. Rabbi Shanks also will teach a course on Mussar on Sunday, February 1, 8, and 22 from 11:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Mussar groups are ongoing throughout the year. If you are interested in joining one, please contact Rabbi Shanks at rabbi. Join us on Sunday, November 9, from 1 to 3 p.m. in the Adult Lounge for the first of two programs on Jewish genealogy with Jeremy Frankel, a professional genealogist and president of the San Francisco Bay Area Jewish Genealogical Society. Frankel has been doing genealogical research for 30 years and has broad knowledge of American and British archival resources and special collections. This session will prepare you for the pleasures and pitfalls of researching your family’s past, with plenty of time for questions and answers following the presentation. RSVP to Melissa Gianotti at melissag@ or 925-283-8575 ext. 316. And be sure to mark your calendar for the second installment on Sunday, December 7, 1-3 p.m. in the Adult Lounge. Hosted by the Temple Isaiah Library. Pioneering SF Jews on Film Filmmaker Jackie Krentzman will be on hand for the screening of American Jerusalem: Jews and the Making of San Francisco on Sunday, December 7, at 4 p.m. in the Adult Lounge. An award-winning documentary, American Jerusalem tells the story of the pioneering Jews of San Francisco, their rise to prominence, and their central role in transforming San Francisco from a remote seaside village to a thriving metropolis. Using archival photos, recreations, animation, and interviews with historians and authors such as Marc Dollinger, Kevin Starr and Fred Rosenbaum, American Jerusalem relates how poor Jewish immigrants from Germany parlayed their skills as peddlers to become successful merchants, civic leaders and philanthropists. In the process, a large segment of these Jews abandoned traditional religious practice, embraced “radical” Reform Judaism, and became what the film calls a “distinctly new kind of Jew: they weren’t just American Jews – they were San Francisco Jews.” Office 925-283-8575 Fax 925-283-8355 Religious School 925-284-9191 Gan Ilan Preschool 925-284-8453 Gift Shop 925-284-4933 Website Ruach Vol. 63, No. 4, November 2014 Editor Judy Lipson Photographer Michael Fox Copy Editor Neal Modelevsky Production write.on graphics 2 Temple Isaiah Ruach, November 2014 photo by Michael Fox Ruach is published monthly except in July by Temple Isaiah. Ruach is breath, wind, or spirit. It also means soul. May it be a breeze of fresh Jewish spirit arriving at your home. Rejoicing at Simchat Torah. for the latest information NEWS AND INSPIRATION Do You Have Party Pizzazz? The Gala Committee is looking for people to host Party Pizzazz events -- fun, creative parties of all sorts that will be special auction items at Puttin’ On the Ritz, Temple Isaiah’s fabulous fundraiser on February 28 at Round Hill Country Club. If you enjoy entertaining, meeting new people and having a great time, you’re perfect for Party Pizzazz. You can choose to host a party on your own or together with some friends or your havurah. Select a theme and pick a date for your party, then have fun planning your event. Your party is a donation to Temple Isaiah, and your generosity will really help our bottom line. If you are interested in hosting a party, please contact Lisa Lowhurst at Lisa can answer any questions and suggest party themes if you need them. Maggie Anton and Enchantress Temple Isaiah is proud to present an evening with Maggie Anton on Wednesday, December 10, at 7 p.m. in the Adult Lounge, as part of Under One Tent, the Contra Costa Jewish Book & Arts Festival. Praised for her Rashi’s Daughters trilogy and the award-winning Rav Hisda’s Daughter: Apprentice, the author will discuss her newest novel, Enchantress: A Novel of Rav Hisda’s Daughter, which Library Journal calls her “best book to Maggie Anton date.” Enchantress takes place in Babylonia during Talmudic times and continues the story of Rav Hisda’s daughter as she practices the magic arts in an effort to safeguard her people from the forces of evil. Meticulously researched and featuring characters from the Talmud, Enchantress has it all: Jewish lore, magic, history, romance, and a strong female protagonist. Plan on joining us for a lively talk on Talmud and ancient Jewish magic from a woman’s perspective. Copies of Enchantress will be available for purchase. Admission is free. for the latest information Your Tzedakah Donations at Work Every time you put a little something in the beautiful tzedakah box in the foyer outside the Sanctuary, you do a mitzvah that directly benefits the underserved in our community. Each calendar quarter, ViA Isaiah distributes your donations to organizations that address the four focus areas of our social action initiatives: Contra County Interfaith Housing (homelessness), Jewish Family & Children’s Services of the East Bay (caring community), Jewish Coalition for Literacy (education), and Loaves and Fishes (hunger). This quarter your tzedakah donations will go to Loaves and Fishes to help fight hunger in Contra Costa County.Thank you for your generosity! Temple Isaiah Ruach, November 2014 3 ISRAEL AND WORLD JEWRY What Is ARZA and Why Does It Matter? ARZA is the Association of Reform Zionists of America, an affiliate of the Union for Reform Judaism which represents more than 920 Reform synagogues in North America. ARZA will be responsible for selecting our delegates to the World Zionist Congress elections in the coming year. The election, conducted by the American Zionist Movement, will take place from January 15 through April 30, 2015. The results will determine the composition of the World Zionist Congress, convening in Jerusalem in October 2015. Called the “parliament of the Jewish people,” the body has its origins in the First Zionist Congress chaired in 1897 in Switzerland by Theodore Herzl, the father of the modern Zionist movement. Since the creation of the State of Israel, meetings are held every four or five years in Jerusalem. Your participation in voting is critical. As Reform Jews, we can help shape a future for Israel that reflects the values we hold dear, such as religious pluralism, the growth of Reform Judaism in Israel, women’s equality in all areas of life, democracy, and a just solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The larger the Reform Movement’s delegation to the Congress, the greater our impact. In the past five years our strength ensured that $20 million went to our Reform partners in Israel: the Israel Movement for Progressive Judaism, Israel Religious Action Center, Introducing Kehilat Natan Ya We are delighted to welcome Kehilat Natan Ya into the Temple Isaiah family as our new sister congregation in Israel. Natan Ya is a Reform congregation located in Netanya and is an affiliate of the Israel Movement for Progressive Judaism. Its spiritual leader, Rabbi Edgar Nof, was raised in Argentina and made aliyah in 1981. Rabbi Nof, who visited us in February 2013, is active in Bridges for Hope, a nonprofit organization engaged in interfaith dialogue, Jewish education, and social action. Founded in 1969, Natan Ya is made up of Israelis from diverse backgrounds, including olim (immigrants) from South America, the former Soviet Union, and the English-speaking world. The congregation moved into its permanent home in 2012, converting a 1945 building into a warm and welcoming house of worship and study. A biblical garden was planted last Tu BiSh’vat. We look forward to getting to know the members of Natan Ya and engaging in activities that will strengthen both our congregations. If you are interested in helping us build a meaningful relationship with our new partner in Israel, please contact Marlene or Herb Thier at 4 Temple Isaiah Ruach, November 2014 World Union for Progressive Judaism, progressive kibbutzim, and the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. Important issues are debated during the Congress. ARZA’s success in past elections has allowed us to join with Israeli political parties to influence Israeli society in matters of conversion, marriage, and divorce, and to work to pass laws against racism and hate crimes. Joshua Weinberg, the president of ARZA, has said that “being a Jewish family means that we participate in the fate and destiny of our people.” The Israel and World Jewry Committee urges you to participate by voting in the 2015 election.You can help assure the future of progressive Judaism in Israel and a stronger relationship between Jews of North America and Israel. Stay tuned for information about how to vote in this important election. Linda Waldroup and Susan Mautner, Israel and World Jewry Committee Members Alight: ISRAEL Information Session Learn more about Alight: ISRAEL, the April 19-28, 2015 Community Trip with Rabbi Graetz, on Tuesday, November 11, at 7 p.m. in the Adult Lounge. Rabbi Graetz and Maynard Lichterman will provide you with the latest information on the exciting itinerary and special features that make this trip ideal for both first-time and seasoned travelers to Israel. The Community Trip is sponsored by Temple Isaiah and other area congregations in partnership with the Jewish Federation and the Jewish Community Foundation of the East Bay. It’s a wonderful opportunity to strengthen your connection with Israel, fellow temple members, and the greater Jewish community. L’shanah tovah from Rabbi Edgar Nof (back row with shofar) and members of Kehilat Natan Ya, our new Israeli twin. for the latest information COMMUNITY Welcome New Members September 9 — October 10, 2014 This space left intentionally Blank for the latest information Temple Isaiah Ruach, November 2014 5 COMMUNITY photo by Jory Gwasdoff Angel Network – Help Us Help You Wacky Anachnu-ites kicking off the year with a Duck ride in San Francisco. Mazal Tov ■ To Linda and Chuck Carson on the marriage of their son, David Carson, to Emily Pauker, on August 10, 2014. ■ To great-grandmother, Estelle Gracer, and grandparents, Rabbi Judy Shanks and Jamie Gracer, on the birth of Joshua Bernard Ryan, to Talia Gracer and Todd Ryan, on August 16, 2014. ■ To Judy and Terry Matzkin on the birth of their grandson, Hadar Yedidya Matzkin, to Rabbi Laurie Matzkin and Aviv Matzkin, on September 23, 2014. The Angel Network offers comfort and support to Temple Isaiah members and their families in times of need. We encourage all Temple members to get involved and volunteer to help other members, whether one time or often. Loving-kindness during difficult times can be expressed in many ways, from providing meals and transportation to visiting and calling those who need our support. Whether you are in need of assistance or want to volunteer to help, or both, please get in touch with us. If you or someone you know is in need, call Nina Jones, Clergy Assistant, at 925-283-8575 ext. 308. To find out how you can help, contact Angel Network cochairs Ruth Willen ( or Jill Jacobsen ( SCOTT LASKY PHOTOGRAPHY Bar/Bat Mitzvahs - Weddings (408)807-4770 Multiple Past Winner of the J Weekly’s Photographer of the Year Award Over 700 Mitzvahs Photographed and Counting.....Go for Experience DISCOVER THE DIFFERENCE AT CCJDS CONTRA COSTA JEWISH DAY SCHOOL Small Class Sizes State-of-the Art Science Lab Drama/Music/Art/Sports Hebrew/Judaics Financial Assistance Yizkor Elohim September 18, 2014 ■ Joseph Sheldon Goldberg, father of Larry (Karen) Goldberg, grandfather of Tara and Rachel. CAIS and WASC accreditations Lafayette, CA 925-284-8288 CCJDS is a beneficiary of the Koret Foundation, Jim Joseph Foundation, and the Jewish Federation of the East Bay. 6 Temple Isaiah Ruach, November 2014 September 27, 2014 ■ Morris Collen, charter member of Temple Isaiah, father of Arnold (z’l), Barry, Roberta, and Randalla. for the latest information COMMUNITY Fall and Winter Fun Three years ago I built my first sukkah at Temple Isaiah. I didn’t realize what a great opportunity it would be to join other Anshei Isaiah members in doing something special for our temple, making new friends, and sharing a wonderful Jewish experience. Building the sukkah again this year and enjoying another potluck dinner with Rabbi Graetz were very special ways for me to celebrate Sukkot. On Monday, November 17, we’ll get together for another annual event -- Game Night at Dave Solomon’s house in Orinda. Anshei Isaiah members gather to eat, drink, play pool and poker, or just hang out and enjoy each other’s company. All proceeds from our games go to the Temple Youth Fund. Register for this fun event on our website. From December 15 through 29, we will once again support the Winter Nights Rotating Family Shelter at Temple Isaiah. Volunteers are always needed, and if you wish to help out through Anshei Isaiah, please contact Neal Modelevsky at Anshei Isaiah will go to Jewish Heritage Night at the Golden State Warriors on Monday, December 22, when the Warriors play the Sacramento Kings. The event is during Chanukah, and a menorah-lighting ceremony will be part of the evening’s activities. You’ll find more information on our website. Tickets are limited, so please act quickly. Our final December event is Mooshu and a Movie on Wednesday, December 24, featuring a delicious Chinese dinner from Uncle Yu’s and a movie geared to all ages. Stay tuned for more details. Looking ahead, it’s time to get your teams together and start brushing up on useless information. Anshei Isaiah’s eighth annual Trivia Night is coming Saturday, January 10. Emcee Scott Danish will once again dazzle us with his ability to come up with a wide variety of questions designed to stump us, and our own Bill Broussard will create a sumptuous meal for us to enjoy before the competition. Mark your calendar and get ready to have a great time as we raise money for Temple Isaiah’s kids. Our goal is to provide a variety of activities for men and families to have fun, learn, and strengthen their temple relationships. If you have not already joined Anshei Isaiah, I encourage you to do so. Joel Willen, Anshei Isaiah President Joel Willen Birding Is Back Rise and shine, leave the pussycats at home, and join Women of Isaiah for our next birding adventure on Tuesday, November 11, at 8 a.m. at Heather Farm (in the upper parking lot adjacent to the Garden Center/Camellia Room). On our first bird walk in September we had the good fortune to see 19 species of birds. This month we hope to see some different species, including migrating ducks. Our experienced birder, Cassie Tzur, and Hugh Harvey, field trip chair of the Mt. Diablo Audubon Society, will again lead the walk and discuss key aspects of bird identification, such as shape, size, color, calls, and location. Please bring binoculars and your camera, if you would like to take pictures. For questions and to RSVP, email Cassie at imagesbycassie@earthlink. net or call her at 925-285-4071. for the latest information photo by Neal Modelevsky You oughta be in pictures! Well, maybe you are. Check out our website. www. Judy Feins and Rich London enjoying a potluck dinner in the sukkah built by Anshei Isaiah. Thanks, guys! ViA Isaiah Blood Drive Sign-up now to donate life! Sunday, November 23 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Adult Lounge RSVP to Learn more about ViA Isaiah - Temple Isaiah's Values in Action at Temple Isaiah Ruach, November 2014 7 EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES November 2014 Sunday Cheshvan / Kislev 5775 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Saturday photos by Michael Fox 8:45 a.m. Torah Study 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Service (B’not Mitzvah: Lauryn and Madison Fisher) 7 p.m. Gan Ilan Funraiser 2 3 Daylight Saving Time Ends Adult Education Classes Religious School 11:15 a.m. Hebrew for Travelers 4 10 a.m. Neshamah Yoga 12:30 p.m. Writing Workshop 4 p.m. Religious School 1 p.m. Kleztones rehearsal 3 p.m. P’tach Libeynu 7 p.m. Covered CA 7 p.m. Mervyn Danker Program 7 p.m. WOI Board Meeting 7 p.m. Al Anon 9 10 11 Adult Education Classes Religious School 10:30 a.m. Women’s Torah Study 11:15 a.m. Hebrew for Travelers 1 p.m. Kleztones 7 p. m. Anshei Isaiah rehearsal Board Meeting 1 p.m. Genealogy 7 p.m. Sacred Hebrew 2 p.m. WOI New Member Tea Chant and Healing Circle 4 p.m. TI Reads 8 a.m. WOI Birding 10 a.m. Neshamah Yoga 16 Adult Education Classes Religious School 9 a.m. Peoplehood with Rabbi Graetz 11:15 a.m. Hebrew for Travelers 1 p.m. Kleztones rehearsal 23 17 30 12 18 19 25 10 a.m. Neshamah Yoga 6:30 p.m. Grief Support Group 7 p.m. Al Anon 7 10 a.m. Neshamah Yoga 8 12 p.m. Talmud Study 1 p.m. TEXTorah Study 13 8:45 a.m. Torah Study 9:30 a.m. Tot Shabbat 5:45 p.m. Shabbatarama 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Dinner Service (Bat Mitzvah: Tali Kessler) 6 p.m. Shabbat at Rossmoor 6:30 p.m. Shabbatarama Service 14 15 9:15 a.m. Ganeinu 8:45 a.m. Torah Study 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Service (Bat Mitzvah: Erin Kohn) 10 a.m. Neshamah Yoga 6:45 p.m. Noar Night 24 8 Temple Isaiah Ruach, November 2014 4 p.m. Religious School 6:45 p.m. Noar Night 6:30 p.m. Grief Support Group 7 p.m. Al Anon 7 p.m. Al Anon 7:15 p.m. Board Meeting 7 p.m. P’tach Libeynu 11:45 a.m. Lunch and Learn 4 p.m. Religious School 6 p.m. Anshei Isaiah Game Night 7 p.m. Knitting and Handwork 6 9:15 a.m. Ganeinu 4 p.m. Religious School 10 a.m. Neshamah Yoga 12:30 p.m. Writing Workshop 4 p.m. Religious School Adult Education Classes Religious School 9 a.m. Blood Drive 9 a.m. Talmud Circle 9:15 a.m. Liz Lerman 12:30 p.m. Mah Jongg Adult Class 3 p.m. Liz Lerman Dance Class 5 12 p.m. Talmud Study 1 p.m. TEXTorah Study 11:30 a.m. WOI Arts and Culture Outing 8 p.m. Shabbat Service followed by Oneg 20 21 22 9:15 a.m. Ganeinu 8:45 a.m. Exploring Torah with Liz Lerman 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Service (Bat Mitzvah: Ashley Abramson) 10:30 a.m. Mussar service with Liz Lerman 10 a.m. Neshamah Yoga 4 p.m. Religious School 12 p.m. Talmud Study 1 p.m. TEXTorah Study 6:45 p.m. Noar Night 6 p.m. Happy Half Hour Oneg 6:30 p.m. Shabbat Service with Liz Lerman 26 27 28 29 8:15 a.m. WOI Hike Office Closed: Thanksgiving Office Closed 8:45 a.m. Torah Study 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Service (Bar Mitzvah: Noah Kline) 5 p.m. Tot Shabbat Snack 5:30 p.m. Tot Shabbat Service followed by dinner 8 p.m. Shabbat Service followed by Oneg for the latest information YOUTH AND EDUCATION Coming Up: An Extraordinary Weekend with Liz Lerman We are thrilled to welcome modern dance legend and MacArthur Fellow Liz Lerman as our artist in residence from Friday, November 21, through Sunday, November 23. Ms. Lerman is a choreographer, performer, writer, educator, and speaker. As founder of Liz Lerman Dance Exchange in 1976, she was one of the first to take an intergenerational approach to dance. Her recent projects involve integrating dance and movement with varied academic disciplines such as science and medicine as well as the visual arts. Ms. Lerman maintains a busy schedule of speaking and teaching engagements and has been a scholar or artist in residence at major colleges and universities throughout North America and Europe. The recipient of the 2014 Dance/USA Honor Award, she continues to create and choreograph exciting new works. Her Healing Wars, an exploration of warfare’s trauma on both soldiers and their healers, had its world premiere in June at Arena Stage in Washington, D.C. You won’t want to miss this unique opportunity to study, worship – and dance – with Liz Lerman: Friday, November 21 Shabbat service, at 6:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Liz Lerman joins our clergy and the Mizmor Band as we joyfully welcome Shabbat. Saturday, November 22 “Exploring Torah” at 8:45 a.m. in the Beit Knesset. A special Torah study with Liz Lerman and our clergy. Mussar and Meditation Shabbat morning service at 10:30 a.m. in the Beit Knesset. Liz Lerman joins our clergy, adding her creative input to our service. Sunday, November 23 Making Connections, Unexpected Meaning: A Workshop for Adults at 9:15 a.m. in the Social Hall. Liz Lerman leads us in a series of investigations, partnerships, and actions that involve storytelling, moving, talking, and reflecting. We will do some morning stretches and midrash and learn some tools for interacting with text, our families, and our Jewish lives.You may find unexpected meaning as you spend some time not separating mind and body, but actually bringing them together. Religious School Tefillah at 11 a.m. in the Sanctuary. Liz Lerman joins our clergy for a special Tefillah. Dancing, Judaism, and Life: A Workshop for Dancers at 3 p.m. in the Social Hall. If you ever took dance classes or wish you could dance more, if you want to connect your dancing to the rest of your life or find new ways to consider the world and express your ideas, or if you wish synagogue were a more active place, come to this workshop and explore the intersection of dance, Judaism, and life. We will renew our delight in dancing for its own sake, discover connections between dancing and our contemporary Jewish lives, and create a dance together using contemporary methods developed by Ms. Lerman over the past 40 years. The weekend is made possible in part by the Covenant Foundation’s Pomegranate Prize awarded to Rabbi Greninger. First Friday Family Service 5:45 p.m. Dinner in the Social Hall (note time change!) 6:30 p.m. Shabbat Service in the Sanctuary Come as you are for an interactive service with lively singing and visual tefillah, plus dinner, dessert, gaga, arts and crafts, and more! photo by Scott Langbein Nov. 7: Pajama Shabbat with Storytelling Dec. 5: Drum and Strum Musical Shabbat Jan. 2: Kickin’ off the Year Feb. 6: 'Round the Table Shabbat Mar. 6: Hip Hop Shabbat Apr. 3: No Shabbatarama. First Seder. Happy Passover! May 1: Magical Shabbat Kulanu families gather round the campfire at Sukkot in the Wilderness. for the latest information Temple Isaiah Ruach, November 2014 9 YOU MAKE THE DIFFERENCE – SPECIAL GIFTS Special Gifts September 1 – 30, 2014 Angel Network Fund A donation from: Seth Moldoff In appreciation of: Alex and Jan Trzesniewski, from Penny Kermit In honor of: The birth of our clergy’s children and grandchildren during this year, from Jill and Alan Jacobson Ellen Emold receiving the Woman of Valor Award, from Mel and Barbie Bacher General Fund A donation from: Beverly Kivel In appreciation of: Nina Jones, from Penny Kermit In memory of: Naomi Gandle, from Aron and Ellen Rolnitzky Joseph Sheldon Goldberg, from Helene and Dan Casella In memory of: Arnold Ferrick, from Stephen and Tracy Gordon Elaine Ferrick, from Stephen and Tracy Gordon Herbert Gordon, from Stephen and Tracy Gordon For the yahrzeit of: Ruth Goldenhar, from Zida Levy Morton Levy, from Zida Levy Sandra Pratt, from Donna and Seth Moldoff Jack York, from Trudi York Gardner For the yahrzeit of: Molly Berkowitz, from Eugene and Lillian Berkowitz Lionel Comaroff, from Nancy and Norman Price Ellie Gordon, from Ricky and Tanuka Gordon Robert Maron, from Steven Maron Dave Nelson, from Paul Nelson Jack Price, from Nancy and Norman Price Cantor’s Music Fund In appreciation of: The Cantor’s CD, from Shondell Potozkin Cantor Korn for his support, from Karen and Larry Goldberg In memory of: Basil Clyman, from Seymore and Marilyn Hertz In honor of: Cantor Korn, from Ruth and Marvin Epstein For the yahrzeit of: Milton P. Jacobson, from Mel and Barbie Bacher In memory of: Michael Deitch, from Debra Deitch Joseph Sheldon Goldberg, from Sandy and Dave Anderson and Gloria and Bob Schiller Bernard Siegel, from the Glicklin Family A donation from: Mitchell and Karen Tarkoff For the yahrzeit of: Ted Eder, from Herbert and Margaret Eder Bessie Harris, from Mildred Hauer Sheldon Harris, from Mildred Hauer Marvin Heller, from Linda and Charles Carson and Family Hilda Krakovsky, from Mildred Hauer Helene Weber, from Betty and Harold Redsun Daniel Baron Feed the Hungry Fund In memory of: Saul Postyn, from Bobbi Baron For the recovery of: Herbert Eder, from Harvey and Phyllis Ceaser For the yahrzeit of: Reuben Glick, from Bobbi Baron Lois Hilman, from Bobbi Baron 10 Temple Isaiah Ruach, November 2014 Rabbi Graetz’ Discretionary Fund Daniel Baron Feed the Hungry Fund Cont’d For the yahrzeit of cont’d: Harry Winer, from Frank and Deanne Winer Lillian Winer, from Frank and Deanne Winer Ivy Blum Memorial Fund Donations from: Carole Korb Marilyn and Jay Schiffman Randi and Warren Schultz In appreciation of: Rabbi Graetz for his support, from Karen and Larry Goldberg In honor of: Rabbi Graetz, from Ruth and Marvin Epstein In memory of: Morris Collen, from Karla and Neil Smith Ruth Graetz, from Beth Trafton For the yahrzeit of: Jack Carson, from Linda and Charles Carson Raquel Guerstein, from Charlotte Nagel Max Kaufman, from Charlotte Stolback Harold Langert, from Steven Weinzimmer and Karen Maas Millie Levene, from Steven Weinzimmer and Karen Maas Leo Miller, from Joel and Rochelle Hassen Norman Snyder, from Ken and Barbara Serwin Larry Tannenbaum, from Zida Levy Rabbi Greninger’s Discretionary Fund In appreciation of: Rabbi Greninger for her support, from Karen and Larry Goldberg Jacob M. Tarkoff Gan Ilan Scholarship Fund Prayer Book Fund For the yahrzeit of: Max Feldman, from Rose Michaels Hy Karsh, from Barbara Reikes Project Hearth for the Homeless Fund In honor of: Mary Jane Levy’s special birthday, from Anna Marie Levy In memory of: Joseph Sheldon Goldberg, from Daniel Weiner and Lynn Gitomer Alfred Howe, from Arlene and Larry Kaufman For the yahrzeit of: Selma Gitomer, from Daniel Weiner & Lynn Gitomer Lawrence May, from Nora, Ken, Scott, & Julie Fishbach Elaine Siegel, from Daniel Weiner & Lynn Gitomer Rabbi Miller’s Discretionary Fund In appreciation of: Rabbi Miller for her support, from Karen and Larry Goldberg In honor of: Rabbi Miller’s son, Leo, from Beth Trafton Rabbi Shanks’ Discretionary Fund In appreciation of: Rabbi Shanks, from Barbara Knibbe Rabbi Shanks’ support of our family, from Karen and Charles Fiske Rabbi Shanks for her support, from Karen and Larry Goldberg In honor of: Eliana Mann’s Bat Mitzvah, from Estelle Gracer Rabbi Shanks, from Ruth and Marvin Epstein for the latest information YOU MAKE THE DIFFERENCE Rabbi Shanks’ Discretionary Fund Cont’d In honor of cont’d: The birth of Rabbi Shanks and Jamie Gracer’s grandson, Joshua Bernard Ryan, from Sondra Altman and Cal Podrid, Sandy and Dave Anderson, Mel and Barbie Bacher, Helene and Daniel Casella, Harvey and Phyllis Ceaser, the Glicklin Family, Steven Weinzimmer and Karen Maas, and the Rideout Family In memory of: Maddy Carmel, from Phyliss and Michael Loonin Ann Lieberman, from JoAnn Lieberman Irving (Bud) Leiber, from Doris Leiber Helene Weber, from Doris Leiber For the yahrzeit of: Harry Muscat, from Mike and Angie Kurtzman Religious School & Youth Fund In appreciation of: Jory Gwasdoff as the new youth director, from Robert and Sandy Goldberg In honor of: Rabbi Shanks and Jamie Gracer’s grandson, Joshua, from Robert and Sandy Goldberg Religious School & Youth Fund Cont’d For the yahrzeit of: Max Felsman, from Rick and Mina Kravitz Arnie Kravitz, from Rick and Mina Kravitz Social Action Fund In honor of: Jane Sedley’s special birthday, from Anna Marie Levy Jasmine Tarkoff, from Mitchell and Karen Tarkoff For the yahrzeit of: Gary M. Green, from Lois Green Waldenberg-Zwerling Youth Fund For the yahrzeit of: Eric Goldman, from Andrea and Paul Goldman Winter Nights Shelter Fund Women of Isaiah Fund In appreciation of: Rabbi Shanks’ support of our family, from Karen and Charles Fiske In honor of: Sandy Anderson’s special birthday, from Dave Anderson Ellen Emold’s hard work in preparation for the High Holidays, from Jenette Woskow Leah Felson, from Sandy, Steve, Geoff, Misha, and Mila Wolfe Sherry Rowen, from Sandy, Steve, Geoff, Misha, and Mila Wolfe Jane Sedley’s special birthday, from Judy and Mike Feinstein In memory of: Joseph Sheldon Goldberg, from Lynn HarringtonGolde For the yahrzeit of: Marjorie Singer, from Sandy and Dave Anderson For the yahrzeit of: Herman Fishman, from Beth Trafton It’s Time to Sign Up for Winter Nights Renewed by the High Holy Days and lifted by Sukkot and Simchat Torah, we look forward now to a season of gratitude, and giving back. Loved ones will soon gather in homes for Thanksgiving meals. And a few weeks later, from December 15-29, some 400 Temple Isaiah members will transform our social hall and oneg area into a warm, safe haven for 30 homeless people — all in families with children. Yes, it’s time to host Winter Nights Rotating Family Shelter, an 11-year tikkun olam tradition, a community mitzvah that honors and assists our neighbors in need. This year, Winter Nights encompasses all eight nights of Chanukah. Each volunteer, then, will be a shamash candle, a light whose efforts, large or small, can kindle a glow in the hearts of our guests. The true Chanukah miracle is your dedication to so many tasks. You cook meals, buy supplies and gifts, plan a Christmas party, wash dishes, lead arts and crafts, read with kids, sing, stay overnight, take guests on outings, and much more. Now is the time to sign-up to help! Volunteers must register online in advance at SignUpGenius, an easy-to-use website that lets us add new jobs as needed. To help volunteers feel comfortable and prepared when they arrive, we’ve made a new orientation video that shows how Winter Nights works at Temple Isaiah. for the latest information We hope veterans and newbies alike will view it. Links to both registration and the video are at We’re excited. To see guests delight in balanced, homemade meals. To watch dinner crews orchestrate their kitchen magic. To be entertained by LAFTY and talented musicians. To hear carols sung, stories told, and children shriek with joy when Santa arrives. To bake challah for Shabbat, and share blessings in the nightly circle.To be inspired by our guests’ courage, and humbled by their gratitude. If you can’t volunteer, please donate whatever you can comfortably give. Practical, portable items are always needed, such as new toiletries and $5 and $10 gift cards for BART, gasoline,Target, and Walmart. Bring them to the Temple office now. Above all, we hope that Winter Nights at Temple Isaiah will be a sukkat shalom – a dwelling of peace -- where our guests can find comfort, calm and renewal. You make that possible. We are incredibly grateful. Winter Nights is sponsored by the Interfaith Council of Contra Costa County and is a program of ViA Isaiah. You can contact us at Joanne Peterson and Neal Modelevsky, Winter Nights Co-Chairs Temple Isaiah Ruach, November 2014 11 Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE Shabbat Worship Services Saturday, November 1 8:45 a.m. Torah Study 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service Lauryn and Madison Fisher, B’not Mitzvah Paid Lafayette, CA 94549 Permit No. 30 945 Risa Road Lafayette, CA 94549 (925) 283-8575 Address Service Requested Gen. 12:1-17:27, Lech L’cha Friday, November 7 5:45 p.m. Shabbatarama Dinner 6:30 p.m. Shabbatarama Saturday, November 8 8:45 a.m. Torah Study 9:30 a.m. Tot Shabbat 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service Tali Kessler, Bat Mitzvah Ti m e ly i n fo r matio n EN C LOS ED: P lea se d eliv er b y Nov em b er 1 Gen. 18:1-22:24, Vayera Friday, November 14 8:00 p.m. Shabbat Service followed by Oneg Saturday, November 15 8:45 a.m. Torah Study 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service Erin Kohn, Bat Mitzvah Gen. 23:1-25:18, ChayeSarah Friday, November 21 6:00 p.m. Happy Half Hour Oneg 6:30 p.m. 3rd Shabbat Service with Mizmor Band Saturday, November 22 8:45 a.m. Torah Study 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service Ashley Abramson, Bat Mitzvah Gen. 25:19-28:9, Toledot Friday, November 28 5:30 p.m. Tot Shabbat 8:00 p.m. Shabbat Service followed by Oneg Saturday, November 29 8:45 a.m. Torah Study 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service Noah Kline, Bar Mitzvah Gen. 28:10-32:3, Vayetze Liz Lerman: Artist in Residence “Innovative” “Inspiring” “Visionary” Choreographer, performer, writer, educator, and MacArthur “genius grant” award-winner Liz Lerman comes to Temple Isaiah for an exciting weekend of worship and learning experiences for all ages! Friday, November 21 6:30 p.m. Shabbat service with Liz Lerman, the Mizmor Band and our clergy in the Sanctuary with Happy Half Hour oneg beforehand at 6:00 p.m. in the foyer Saturday, November 22 8:45 a.m. “Exploring Torah” with Liz Lerman and our clergy in the Beit Knesset 10:30 a.m. Mussar service with Liz Lerman and our clergy in the Beit Knesset Sunday, November 23 9:15 a.m. “Making Connections, Unexpected Meaning: A Workshop for Adults” with Liz Lerman in the Social Hall 11:00 a.m. Religious School Tefillah with Liz Lerman and our clergy in the Sanctuary 3:00 p.m. “Dancing, Judaism, and Life: A Workshop for Dancers” with Liz Lerman in the Social Hall See page 9 for more information about our distinguished artist in residence.
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