The Parish News - Ebenezer Lutheran Church


The Parish News - Ebenezer Lutheran Church
Reaching out to draw others to Christ.
Office Hours
8:30 am to 4:30 pm
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Parish News
The monthly newsletter of Ebenezer Lutheran Church
Volume 44
Number 10
November 2016
Ebenezer Staff
Interim Senior Pastor
Rev. Melvin E. Amundson
Associate Pastor
Rev. David R. Bauser
Pledge cards will be received at each of our morning services.
The Presbyterian College Choir and PC Ringers will present special music
for our 11:15 am service in celebration of total received pledges* for 2017.
The choir will perform pre-service music beginning at 11:00 am.
Minister of Music &Worship
David E. Turner
Administrative Associate
Diane M. Oliver
Wendy B. Isgett
Church Council
Lois Park Mole, President Buddy Bateman, VPres
Beth Mays, Sec
Phil Bingenheimer, Treas
Bennett Ballentine
Ron Banister
Buddy Bateman
Brian Baucom
Phil Bingenheimer
Ian Grant
Karen Hardy
Rosemary Jones
Beth Mays
Grace Metzgar
Lois Park Mole
Elizabeth Padget
Kaitlyn Siomacco
James Thomas
Tom Tuten
Ministry Teams
& Team Leaders
Evangelism-Hospitality - Beth Baucom
Faith Formation - Elisa Strickler
Finance - Phil Bingenheimer
Member Care - Linda Davis
Outreach - Chris Brown &
Mimi Wortham Brown
Personnel - Rich Roberson
Property - Jay Metts
Worship- Karen Hardy
* Pledge Sunday
* Advent Workshop
* Thanksgiving Worship
* Sing for the Season
Join us as we worship and celebrate through the gift of music,
and our time, talent and treasures.
*If you need an additional card please
call the church office & one will be mailed to you.
There’s never been a better time to invite friends,
family, & neighbors to encounter Christ
through the ministries of Ebenezer!
monthly calendar of events
on line at
Sunday, November 20
4:00 - 6:30 pm
in the Parish Life Center
8:00 am Daybreak, Church
9:15 am Exult , Chapel
11:15 am Classic Liturgy, Church
12:10 pm Mid-Week Worship, Chapel
*Eucharist at each service.
The deadline for the next issue of the Parish News
is Tuesday, 12 noon, November 15.
It will be a combined issue for December 2016 & January 2017.
To have an item included in the newsletter, please submit in writing
to Diane Oliver or e-mail to
Members & friends of all ages are invited
to make unique, handcrafted advent items
for your home, share a meal, and learn
about special opportunities for outreach.
Join us for this afternoon of fun & fellowship.
We encourage you to invite your friends.
Pastor’s Page ...
Thanksgiving Service of Worship
“Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father
and Christ Jesus our Lord.” (II Timothy 1:2b)
As I type this wonderful greeting from the
Apostle Paul, my computer underlines it in
green to indicate a problem. With a “right
click,” the computer tries to offer some help,
as follows: “If the marked words are an
incomplete thought, consider developing this
thought into a complete sentence by adding a
subject or a verb or combining this text with
another sentence.”
No thank you, computer. Paul’s greeting is a
profound prayer and blessing, a welcomed
expression of community and communion,
and just fine the way it is. The “missing
subject” is the very grace, mercy and peace of
God, and the “missing verb” is the action of
God to bless those who receive the greeting.
So, the world (represented by the computer’s
Word program) may think something is
missing, thought of as “subjects” and “verbs.”
But they are here in the community of faith
here at Ebenezer, to those with eyes to see and
ears to hear what God is doing in our midst.
One month into my interim journey with you,
I’d like to reflect on our life together.
To some, it may feel as though “grace, mercy
and peace” had gone missing for a time. And it
may be that many of those who felt that way
over the past several years have gone missing,
“Endings are very often painful. The interim
congregation is much like a family
contending with endings, with change, and
with transition.” (Temporary Shepherds: A
Congregational Handbook for Interim Ministry,
Alban Institute, p. 15.)
(Please note: I’ve discovered that people who work in
geriatric ministries would prefer we use the word
“transformation” since “transition” has a unique
meaning in their context, but on most occasions I’ll
need to use the word “transition” generally-accepted
in reference to the interim journey).
What Ebenezer is coming to terms with in
these early months of interim are those
important things: endings, change, and
transition. Even in the best of times they are
difficult and cause stress to the system. We are
not in the best of times. But “interim” is still
part of God’s time!
Therefore, we as God’s people are able to
experience the gifts of grace, mercy and peace.
And I see them at work here. An interim
pastor will look for the evidence of God at
Like this, for example. I see evidence in
watching laity make enthusiastic (“God
within”) and effective efforts in the
congregation’s organizational life. It started
early for me (September 11) in the enthusiasm
and acceptance of the ”community service”
that day, the dedication of those involved in
Rally Day, in the Greek Festival Parking
project to support our youth ministry, the AllTeam meeting, the interest and involvement in
discovering a best plan for a worship schedule,
and in the planning and presenting of the
Stewardship/Pledge kick-off event.
continued on page 3
Almighty God, you have taught us in your Son
that love fulfills the law. Inspire us to love you with
all our heart, our soul, our mind, and our strength, and
teach us how to love our neighbor as ourselves, through
Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.
ELW page 51
at our regularly scheduled Wednesday
November 23
12:10 pm
in the Chapel
WELCOME New Members!
Giving thanks
for all God’s promises and gifts.
Special Gifts continued from page 6
Family Promise
*In memory of Annie Matthews
by Bill, James & Richard Matthews
Euenla Sloan
General Fund
*In honor of Dawn Hiller and
Roger & Linda Davis
by Joel Hiller
Music Ministry
*In memory of Annie Matthews
by Pat Wertz & David Wertz
Matt, Keli, Sam & Lily Handy
Nancy Blanck
Clint & Jamie Blanck
Ruth Counts
*In memory of Bill Austin
by Brenda Argoe
Thanksgiving & Memorial
* In memory of Margaret Floyd
by Jack Sharpe
Larry & Linda Baucom
*In memory of Bill Austin
by Elmer & Mary Frick
*In memory of Annie Matthews
by Gary & Diane Jones
Harriet Ross
Mary Ella Ruff
Lib Carswell
Bill & Reenie Frew
Richard Matthews
Grant & Carol Delbecq
Steven Ross
L-R Stuart O'Shields, Vicki Cleveland,
Drue Bridges & Joyce Rose-Harris.
The next issue of The Parish News will be a
combined edition for December/January.
Tanya Gee, Sept 28
Annie Matthews, Oct 1
- Oct 30
Vicki Cleveland, Stuart O'Shields,
Drue Bridges, Joyce Rose-Harris
Deepwood Estates Mary Hallman
National Health Care, West Cola Birdie Culp
Presbyterian Home Betty Cagle, Joyce O'Sheal
Rice Estate Eddie Moore
Homebound Bernice Folsom, Ruby Ford, Lodd
& Marilyn Havird, Ione Hildebrand, Louise
Hydrick, Sandra Lewis, Gertrude Metze,
Marilyn Minick, Renate Moore, Leesa Smith,
Julian Wise, Sonja Zagata.
Remember these special members with an
occasional greeting card, a telephone call or even
better a visit. They love hearing from their Ebenezer
Five of our handbell players attended an all day
conference with the Raleigh Ringers in September.
Here they are in action!
L-R Beth Mays, Lisa Brassington, Lisa McClain,
Suzanne Amaral, Jane Holmes.
Would you like to join this fun, musical
group? There is still room for more ringers.
Speak with David Turner in person, or call
765.9430 x17 or e-mail
as of October 15
Capital Campaign-Debt Reduction
*In memory of Margaret Floyd
by Steve & Susan Peeples
*In memory of Bill Austin
by Fred & Linda Fellers
Joyce Lybrand
Harold & Betty Park
Rich & Sandy Roberson
Steve & Susan Peeples
Pat Wertz & David Wertz
* In memory of Al Lybrand
by Joyce Lybrand
*In memory of Tanya Gee
by Rich & Sandy Roberson
Ruth Counts
*In memory of Annie Matthews
by Steve & Susan Peeples
Joyce Lybrand
*In honor of Gertrude Metze
by Allen & Sherry Kolb
*In honor of Roger & Linda Davis
by Pat Wertz & David Wertz
Chapel Cupolas
* In memory of Bill Austin
by Harry & Nelle Clayton
Ruth Counts
*In memory of Donald Woolly
by Judy Woolly
*In memory of Margaret Floyd
by Thurmond & Barbara Sharpe
Annette Metz
Euenla Sloan
*In memory of Annie Matthews
by Annette Metz
Joe & Gwen Shealy
Renate Moore
continued on page 7
Complete the form below & return with
payment by Sunday, Nov 13.
You read in last month's Parish News that Bishop
Yoos encouraged Ebenezer to host a "Listening
Post" to hear from a broad spectrum of Ebenezer
members as part of our preparation to call a new
senior pastor. Church Council, at its September meeting, approved engaging Rev. Dr. Tony
Everett to assist us in this effort. Your Pastors
and church leaders met with Dr. Everett recently
to map out a schedule. Specific dates and times
for the Listening Posts will be decided in November and more details will be announced and
shared with the congregation as soon as possible.
The listening sessions will be offered on most
days of the week and over a three week period in
January. Sign up for members to select their ten
minute one on one confidential listening session with Dr. Everett will be available in December for the sessions to be held in January, just
after Epiphany! Openness and honesty is key
during the interview. Everyone will be able to
see who has signed up but each session is confidential. In February, Dr. Everett will provide
summary information from all interviews to
Council who will in turn share the same information with the congregation prior to Ash
More information, all scheduling and reporting
details will be widely shared with every member
of Ebenezer Church by US mail, email, bulletins, Parish News and telephone blasts. This initiative is very important! It is about God, not
us. It is designed to help us discern where God
is in our life as a congregation. You will receive
the interview questions in advance. You are
guaranteed confidentiality. Every member is
encouraged to participate regardless of age
or ability to travel. This event is individualized,
anonymous, inclusive. Yet, once our private
interview conversations are compiled and summarized, Dr. Everett will present us with themes,
perceptions and opportunities! These will also
be widely shared with the congregation.
Please, each of you, look forward to this opportunity! Share your thoughts, feelings and perspectives and be heard. Collectively, the sum of
all our voices will better tune us in to hear
where and how God is drawing us and others in
Christ! Enclosed is $_________ ($11 each) for
________#Potted Poinsettias
Enclosed is $_________ ($11 each) for
Pastor's Page... continued from page 2
________#Alternative Poinsettias
Another important example: the conscientious
efforts of the congregation council to check
and double check for transparency and open
communications. These efforts are matched by
the concern to manage inevitable or likely
change (e.g., worship schedule) with patience,
attention to details, clear communication,
wide acceptance, and fervent prayer.
In memory
In honor
given by
Orders are due by Sun. Nov 13.
Checks payable to “Ebenezer Lutheran Church”.
You may drop off your order on Sundays or mail to the
church at 1301 Richland Street,
Columbia, SC 29201.
Do you know what the evidence is telling me?
Transformation in this time of transition is
possible! A renewed and harmonious
fellowship can emerge as part of God’s
preferred future for Ebenezer.
“The Lord be with your spirit. Grace be with
you all.” (II Timothy 4:22)
Pastor Mel Amundson
Lay Home Communion Assistants: These
members are commissioned to visit with and
take communion to our home bound and
others as needed. This does not take the place
of but is an addition to the visits from the
Altar Flower Delivery: Each week after the
Sunday services the flowers are taken to our
sick, hospitalized, shut in or someone in need
of some cheer.
Daily Prayer Ministry: Each Sunday a list of
members are prayed for by name in worship. A
card is sent to each member on behalf of the
congregation that they are being prayed for by
their church family.
Telephone Ministry: Care Team members
makes telephone calls to those on our concerns
and prayer list.
Care Team: Provides support to our
members, including the sick and homebound
and can provide limited transportation. We
have several people who visit our homebound
and others each month. A group also regularly
visits The Rice Estate and The Heritage at
Lowman each month.
CD Ministry: Recordings are made of the
11:15 am service each week and mailed to our
homebound and others, at their request.
New Generation: A ministry for adults 55
& older. Special outings, trips and monthly
meetings are planned for this target group.
All are welcome!
If you would like to help with any of the above
or have suggestions, contact Linda Davis,
Member Care Team Leader, 772-7690 or
The Common Cup
The language in The House of Seven Gables was
certainly challenging! Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote in
the vernacular of the mid 1800s, one that is foreign
to our ears today. However, once readers got
accustomed to the speech pattern and plowed
through the first several chapters, it became easier to
understand the prose. It was wonderful to have our
"guest member" here to lead the discussion. Jane had
read the book in high school and, even then, thought
it was a great book. To prepare for our meeting, Jane
not only reread the novel but also used Cliff’s Notes
for reference material. She provided many
clarifications and insights for our discussion.
The individual characters were well
developed and Hawthorne made it easy to form
decided opinions about them. Called both a romance
novel and Gothic mystery, there were characters to
both like and dislike. The novel includes many moral
and remarkable truths. We spent some time
discussing our favorite quotes and marveling at
Hawthorne’s ability to speak these truths with such
clarity. With Jane’s help, we learned a lot about the
novel and the author and came to appreciate this
classic work.
There was interesting discussion about the
reason this book is considered a classic. We enjoyed
Mark Twain’s take on the subject, that a classic is: “…
something that everybody wants to have read and
nobody wants to read.”
This is a new piece in the Parish News that will help all
of us at Ebenezer think deeply about our faith, reflect
on the teachings of the Bible and the church, and help
us realize that we are all in fact receiving our faith from
the same Holy Spirit. In other words, we are all
drinking from a common cup. We’ll ask questions,
encourage conversation, and pray for the guidance of
the Spirit.
Next meeting Thurs, Nov 3. We will discuss
The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin.
All women are welcome to join us. Diane Jones
NOV 6: Called Congregation meeting to adopt
2017 Spending Plan after the 11am worship
service & elect Council & Ebenezer Foundation
members after each worship service.
NOV 13: Called Congregation meeting for run-off
elections, if needed after each worship service.
This month’s topic: Baptism!
There is no better place for us to begin than in the
water where we were marked with cross of Christ and
sealed with the Holy Spirit forever! But what is
baptism really all about? For generations we have
heard that it is a salvation issue; that to be baptized is
the only way to be saved and go to heaven. But what if
it is actually bigger than that? In our understanding as
Lutherans, baptism is more about what God has
already done in our lives. Being washed in the water is
the reminder that Jesus Christ has already died and
been raised and so we have already been forgiven. This
is the tangible sign that God’s action is what has saved
us from ourselves.
We emphasize infant baptism for this very reason.
The child can do nothing and has done nothing to
deserve God’s grace. They have made no choice. They
have taken no action. They are brought to the water
and God’s grace is poured out upon them. In the same
way, each of us are brought to God, having done
nothing to deserve a gift, and the grace of God is
lavished upon us. God takes the action to forgive us.
So here is your assignment for this month, talk to
your family (whatever that looks like for you) about
your baptism and what it means to each of you. Use
these questions as a guide and let the presence of the
Holy Spirit guide your time together:
Do you remember your baptism?
Who was with you?
Do you have any rituals that help you
acknowledge your baptism now?
How do you feel when you are told
"God takes the action to forgive us?"
~ Pastor Bauser
The following is a brief summary of major
actions taken by council at their October meeting:
* Approved four new members to be received
October 30.
* Approved Communications Team project for a
new website.
* Discussed Ebenezer's worship life together.
Began planning more Sundays for united worship
and fellowship while continuing two styles of
*Discussed Listening Post scheduled for January.
*Reviewed Spending Plan forum
This is a summary of the actions taken by council.
Full minutes for every meeting are available by request.
Council meetings take place on the third Tuesday of
each month at 5:45 pm in the PLC Dining Room. All
Ebenezer members are welcome to attend and observe
Council meetings.
CHILDREN & YOUTH (ages 4-grade 12) will
gather in the PLC Sunday afternoons from
4-5pm Nov 6, 13, 20, 27, Dec. 4, 11 for
pageant practice. Dress rehearsal Dec17 at
10am. Pageant on Dec 18.
FOR ADULTS AS WELL. All adults at Ebenezer
are invited to sing with the chancel choir for
the TELEVISED Christmas Eve service. We
will sing Vivaldi’s Gloria and lead the
glorious music for this service. If you would
like to sing with us but are not able to
commit all year long please join us for
rehearsals on Weds, Nov. 30, Dec. 7, 14, 21
at 7:00pm in the choir room. If you are
interested please call or email David Turner
(765-9430 or so
we make sure we have a robe and folder
ready to go with your name on it.