May 3, 2015 - St. Michael Catholic Church


May 3, 2015 - St. Michael Catholic Church
Serving the Community of Paradise Hills, San Diego since 1957
2643 Homedale Street, San Diego, CA 92139
Phone: (619) 470-1977 · Fax: (619) 267-9397 ·
MAY 03, 2015
Rev. Fr. Manuel Ediza
Co- Pastor
Rev. Fr. Bernard Ranoa
In Residence
Rev. Fr. John Smith
Carl Shelton
St. Michael Academy
Mrs. Mary Johnson, Principal
Mrs. Rowena Lewis, Office Secretary
(619) 470-4880
St. Michael Preschool
Ms. Lucy Zamorano, Director
(619) 472-5437
School of Religion
Buena Algoso
(619) 470-2292
Confirmation /
Youth and Young Adults
Ms. Arla Sigarlaki, Coordinator
(619) 470-2298
Funerals and Bereavement
7:00 AM
1:00 PM (Academy/Children’s Choir)
8:30 AM (Español)
4:30 PM (Youth and Young Adult Mass)
10:00 AM
6:00 PM (Filipino Mass on 1st Sunday)
11:30 AM
7:30 PM (Jazz Mass on 3rd Sunday)
5:00 PM (for Sunday obligation)
Monday to Saturday: 8:00 AM and 7:00 PM (on Tuesday & Friday)
Holy Days:
8:00 AM and 7:00 PM
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM (Saturday); Fridays at 6:30 PM to 7:00 PM
Tuesday, 7:00 PM - Mother of Perpetual Help Mass with Novena (preceded by Rosary at 6:30pm)
Friday, 7:00 PM - Santo Niño (Holy Infant Jesus) Novena with Mass (except First Friday)
First Thursday & Third Thursday, 6:00 PM - Divine Mercy Chaplet / Novena
First Friday, 7:00 PM - Sacred Heart of Jesus Mass and Novena (Holy Hour)
and All Night Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
First Saturday - Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament (before the 8:00 AM Mass)
Third Saturday - Our Lady of Peñafrancia Perpetual Novena (immediately following the 8:00 a.m. Mass)
Ministry Team: Evelyn Buangan, Gloria Jose,
Gloria Signo, Anita OngVaño, Luis Morales,
Erlinda Soriano, Resfina Torrevillas
(619) 472-2657 or (619) 470-1977
Mrs. Barbara Patton, Coordinator
(619) 470-7492
Kim Conda San Pedro, Coordinator
Resfina Macoy-Torrevillas
Parish Office
Ms. Mae Salamat, Parish Secretary
Mr. Nathan Montemayor, Receptionist
(619) 470-1977
Mon.-Thurs. 8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Please make arrangements at least three
months in advance with the Ministry
Staff. Pre-baptismal Seminar is required
for parents and sponsors.
In case of an emergency, or if you need to speak to a priest after office hours, please call (619) 472-2655 and leave a message.
A priest will contact you as soon as possible.
MAY 03, 2015
Mass Intentions
Today’s Gospel Reflection
1st Reading: Acts 9:26-31 * Psalm 22:26-28, 30-32 *
2nd Reading: 1 Jn 3:18-24 * Gospel: Jn 15:1-8
“Children, let us love not in
word or speech but in deed and
truth.” John’s words come to us
on this day when the Gospel passage presents us with the
great image of the vine and the branches. Jesus uses the
image as a warning to those who have begun to distance themselves from the way of the Lord. One of the ways this happens
is when we love God and others “in word or speech” instead of
“in deed and truth.” What does it mean for us to “remain in
Christ”? In an extension of the metaphor, the Lord gives us an
example. If we remain in him, we will bear much fruit. As the
branches, we draw strength from Christ who is the vine. This
strength enables us to bear fruit—to do the work of true discipleship.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
“Let us love not in word or speech but in deed and truth.”
— 1 John 3:18
“Hijos míos: No amemos solamente de
palabra; amemos de verdad y con las obras”.
Las palabras de Juan nos llegan hoy cuando el
pasaje del Evangelio nos presenta con la gran
imagen del viñedo y las ramas. Jesús usa la
imagen como un aviso a los que se han empezado a distanciar de la senda del Señor. Esto
sucede cuando amamos a Dios y a otros “con palabras o
dichos” y no con “la verdad y las obras”. ¿Qué significa para
nosotros “permanecer en Cristo”? El Señor nos da un ejemplo
con la extensión de la metáfora. Si permanecemos en él,
daremos mucho fruto. Como ramas sacamos la fuerza de
Cristo que es la viña. Esa fuerza nos facilita dar fruto –hacer el
trabajo de los verdaderos discípulos.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
“No amemos solamente de palabra; amemos de verdad
y con las obras.” — 1 Juan 3:18
“It is not the actual physical exertion
that counts towards a one’s progress, nor
the nature of the task, but by the spirit of faith
with which it is undertaken.” —St. Irenaeus
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Acts 14:5-18; Ps 115:1-4, 15-16; Jn 14:21-26
Acts 14:19-28; Ps 145:10-13ab, 21; Jn 14:27-31a
Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122:1-5; Jn 15:1-8
Acts 15:7-21; Ps 96:1-3, 10; Jn 15:9-11
Acts 15:22-31; Ps 57:8-10, 12; Jn 15:12-17
Acts 16:1-10; Ps 100:1b-3, 5; Jn 15:18-21
Acts 10:25-36, 34-35, 44-48; Ps 98:1-4; 1 Jn 4:7-10
or 1 Jn 4:11-16; Jn 15:9-17 or Jn 17:11b-19
MAY 2015
02 Sat
03 Sun
04 Mon
05 Tue
06 Wed
07 Thurs
08 Fri
09 Sat
El Shaddai San Diego Chapter—thanksgiving
† Estanislao Delos Reyes
† Elvira Cervantes
† Edwin Quebada
† Deacon Jun Santos
† Demetria Quindoza—12th Death Anniversary
† Michael Wasko, Jr.
† Wook Bok Seng
† Conrado & † Cirila Besana
† Arturo May, Sr.—death anniversary
† EstanislaMatt Willkie
Ligaya Sy—healing & comfort
† Maria & † Deogracias Batenga
† Anita Chan Tan
Florencio & Guadalupe Luna—58th wedding anniv
Gloria Floss—birthday thanksgiving
If you are unable to get Mass intentions because the Parish calendar is booked, you may purchase a candle at the “Divine Mercy” or
“Our Lady of Guadalupe” shrines in our church. You may have a
candle lit for 7 days, or 42 days. Your intentions will be posted on
the wall and included in the Mass. Call the parish office for details.
Let us keep in our prayers our parishioners, relatives and
friends who are ill or homebound: Fr. Jaime Lares * Claudio Leal *
Irma Castro * Jayanna Ancheta * Nerito Bayongan * Modesta Bayongan
* Sonia Ferma Suela * Corazon Santos * Leona Gurbacki * Monalisa
Lubanga * Fenina Callejo * Edna Torrevillas * Mario Tolentino * Anne
Marie Forbus * Mae Forbus * Jimmy Toledo * Kathy Reyes * Carmelita
James * Canor Gleason * Dolores Flores * Eric Yadao * Althea Guinto *
Antonio Mendoza * Amelita Mendoza * Fernanda Rivas * Adriana Ferrell
Mangus * Pedro Delacruz, Jr. * Dion Furtono * Ligaya Sy * Elmer
Bernardo * Jerome Bernardo * Dian Fortuno * Aguida Serrano * Fe EdizaAseguro * Julia Rice * Ramon Navalta * Erlinda Abelon * Marcela
Aguinaldo * Adorable Navarro * Enriqueta Garrido * Henry Abarentos *
Lainy Baculi * Loida M. Imperial * Nenita Arcedera * Julia Arellano * Julia
Rice * Anthony Gonsalves * Joseph Lipa * Necitas Avila * Annalie Salazar * Kathy Wreschinsky * Violeta Daen * Evelyn Del Rosario * Margaret
Young * Marc Organo * Jesus Lampa David * Antonina Kinghorn * Louise
James * Annabelle Lagos * Norma Short * Mercedes Arellano * Lucy
Tipton * Fr. Nemesio Sungcad * Maria Corbett * Frances Pariel * Yolly
Yadao * Alfredo Flores * Andre Balista * Aileen Villamor OngVaño *
Erlinda Gebo * Nieves Mamaril * Mercedita Mamaril * Jose Daep *
Carmen Daep * Bebie Cahoon * John Avery * Marie Osias * Bing Bascos
* Ricardo Tamoria, Sr. * Joe Trinidad * Laling Castro * Danny Chargualaf
* Terry Diego * Isagani Abaro * Carmelita Devera * Mary Ann Acuario *
Felipa Strominger * Joy Mercado * Florence Timbol * Julie Wood * Christy
Fish * Miguel Antonio Garcia * Julio Sesma * Charlot Medita * Cecile
Gaddi * Ignacio Gaddi * Jesus Bacleb * Corazon Roque * Gloria Jose
This list is updated on a weekly basis. Please call the office to add a name.
Dear Parishioners and friends,
Month of May...Month of Mary!
The month of May is the “month which the piety of the faithful
has especially dedicated to Our Blessed Lady - to Mary, the Mother of
God.” It is the occasion for a “moving tribute of faith and love which
Catholics in every part of the world [pay] to the Queen of Heaven.
During this month Christians, both in church and in the privacy of their
homes, offer up to Mary, the Virgin Mother, more fervent and loving
acts of homage and veneration; and it is the month in which a greater
abundance of God’s merciful gifts comes down to us from our Mother’s
We are delighted and consoled by this pious custom associated with the month of May,
which pays honor to the Blessed Virgin and brings such rich benefits to the Christian people.
Since Mary is rightly to be regarded as the way by which we are led to Christ, the person who
encounters Mary cannot help but encounter Christ likewise. For what other reason do we
continually turn to Mary except to seek the Christ in her arms, to seek our Savior in her, through
her, and with her? To Him men are to turn amid the anxieties and perils of this world, urged on
by duty and driven by the compelling needs of their heart, to find a haven of salvation, a transcendent fountain of life. (Encyclical of Blessed Pope Paul VI on Prayers During May for Preservation of Peace,
April 29, 1965)
Let us turn to Mary, the Mother of God and our Mother, in all our needs. Let us pray that
we will be able to imbibe and follow the examples of Our Lady … that of having a heart to pray,
a heart to share, a heart to serve, a heart to witness, and a heart to build bridges.
Fr. Bernard Ranoa & Fr. Manny Ediza
Remember your own mother. Include her in our Novena for Mothers which will begin next Sunday,
May 10 (Mother’s Day) through May 18. Call the parish office for more information.
“Let us run to Mary, and, as her little children,
cast ourselves into her arms with a perfect confidence.”
- Saint Francis De sales
AMOUNT OF DONATION $____________
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MAY 03, 2015
Blessings from St. Michael Academy to the St. Michael Parish Community!
You are cordially invite you to St. Michael Academy’s Kindergarten Open House on
Saturday, May 16th from 10:00 - 11:00 am. Come and visit the classroom where spiritual
and academic growth happens on a daily basis. See for yourself how students move through their day developing independence, confidence, character skills, and a love of learning. For more information call the Academy
Office: 619 470-4880.
Enrollment/registration is an ongoing process at St. Michael Academy. We are a Kindergarten through 8th Grade
school. Call the office and schedule a tour of the Academy. Give us an opportunity to show you how the cost of your child’s
Catholic education can fit into your budget. Call 619 470-4880, or e-mail Mrs. Lewis @
Fr. Manny offers a $1000 discount to new families enrolling in the Academy.
Yours in Christ,
Mary Johnson, Principal
St. Michael Preschool
Lucy Zamorano, Director 619-472-5437
We are accepting
We are DRIVEN to teach Catholic-values based life.
The preschool is a year round school which is open twelve
months and closed only on Diocesan holidays.
Our programs are tailored to meet your family budget with a
variety of full-days, half-days, 2 days, 3 days and 5 days a week.
Teachers are present from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
For more information, please contact our Director, Ms. Lucy at
(619) 472-5437.
Culture of Life
Be a life saver. Please come and pray the Rosary to
promote a Culture of Life every Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.,
in the Church. The Music Ministers will lead the
Rosary in May.
Divorced and Separated persons ready to move beyond their grief
are invited to attend a BEGINNING EXPERIENCE WEEKEND on
June 5-7, 2015 at Whispering Winds, Catholic Camp in Julian, CA.
A trained team of peers leads participants through a healing and
growth experience. If you are willing to put your feeling of anger
and despair behind you and desire a new beginning, this weekend may be for you. For further information call Linda 858-3350915 or Cathy 619-222-9093.
LIVING GOD’S WORD. Jesus tells us: “If you remain in me and
my words remain in you, ask for whatever you want and it will be
done for you” (John 15:7). Which words of His are calling you to
life? Ask Him to help you to trust in the Father and surrender to
what the Father wills for you.
Copyright © 2014, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.
Page 4
Religious Education
Buena Algoso (619)470-2292
GOD’S WORD TODAY. The familiar passage
proclaimed in today’s Gospel reminds us that we are branches
on the vine and the vine is Jesus Christ. At the moment of our
baptism we were grafted onto that vine, and from that moment
on much has been expected of us. The closer we are to Christ
the vine the more others will learn to recognize Christ through
our own actions. To find out what those actions need to be, look
no further than today’s second reading. There Saint John tells us
to love one another just as Christ commanded us. As you sit in
church today, look around and see the other grafts on the vine—
those sitting around you. Pray that the vine and its branches will
be strengthened so that Christ’s love will be shown to others all
the more.
- From Saint Margaret Sunday Missal, copyright © J. S. Paluch Company
REFLECTING ON GOD’S WORD. Hearing Jesus’ words, “I am
the vine, you are the branches,” sounds comforting at first. But
then comes “and my Father is the vine grower” (John 15:1). The
task of the vine grower is to prune and pruning can be tricky. The
danger is cutting the main vine and not the branches, or cutting
the branches that carry this year’s fruit and not the old ones from
last year. But Jesus tells us that it is the Father who is out there
with the pruning shears, not some careless hired hand. He is
cutting away the dead wood, and cutting back the good branches
so they bear even more fruit.
Nevertheless, you might think, who wants to be pruned, even
metaphorically? Who wants God snipping away? It’s hard to be
pruned. There is a dying in that. But that is the ongoing story of
Easter: dying and rising, pruning and bearing more fruit. God is
there pruning us to bring out life, to make us life bearers and life
givers. The Father continues snipping away, separating us from
our selfishness, our self-centeredness, and all those things we
hold on to that do not give us life: resentments, old grievances,
desires for getting even.
God is about life, committed to an abundance of life—not just life
today but eternal life. That’s the divine plan. Are we part of it?
- James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.
Copyright © 2014, World Library Publciations. All rights reserved.
Parish News and Announcements
Comunidad Latina
St. Michael Parish Youth Group
Arla Sigarlaki: (619)470-2298
EL GRUPO PASTORAL FAMILIAR los invita a sus reunions
Attention all high schoolers! NEW YEAR! NEW
todos los Viernes de 6:30pm—8:30pm en el salón parroquial.
YOUTH GROUP! Youth Group meetings are
Juntos aprenderemos a ser mejores Cristianos, mejores
moving from Sundays to Fridays. Join us in the
esposos, mejores padres de familia, mejores hijos y mejores
Youth Room every 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Friday to
seres humanos. Vengan con toda la familia! Para mayores
celebrate life, love, and our Lord. On the 1st
informes comuniquese con los Señores Gonzales al (619) 479Friday, we attend the 7pm Mass. Meet in the Youth Room at
6:30 pm. On the 2nd & 3rd Friday, we will meet from 5pm to 7pm.
El grupo de Oración los invita a su reunión Get to know other youth within our parish and bring a friend!
los Jueves de 6:30 p.m. a 8:30 p.m. en el Everyone is welcome to Youth Group. For more information and
Salón de los Jóvenes frente a la capilla. to keep up-to date on our current events, join our Youth Group
(“Donde están dos o tres reunidos en mi Facebook page: St. Michael Parish Youth Group.
nombre allí estoy yo” - Mateo 18:20)
Open Youth Room: Every Monday and Wednesday, the Youth
Nota: El ultimo Jueves del mes nos reunimos en Santa Rosa de Room will be open from 3:00 – 5:30pm for anyone who wants to
Lima para la misa y hora santa de 6:30pm a 9:30pm y el primer stop by to do homework, play games, talk, or just hang out.
Miércoles del mes nos reunimos en San Juan de la Cruz,
(8086 Broadway Ave, Lemon Grove) para la misa de Sanación de Young Adults (18 years and up and out of high school)
las 6:45pm a 9:00pm. Informes con Lucy Moncado al teléfono
Arla Sigarlaki: (619)470-2298
(619) 656-9131.
Young Adult Meetings are held on the
ULTREYA: El Movimiento de Cursillos de
4th Friday of the month. We attend the 7:00
Cristiandad de la Diócesis de San Diego los
p.m. Mass followed by our fellowship in the
invita a su Ultreya mensual en el Salón
Youth Room. All Young Adults, 18-30s are
Parrroquial de San Miguel a las 7:30 pm. Una
invitación cordial a todas las personas que han vivido su cursillo
para convivir Christianamente y compartir como estamos
caminando en nuestro Cuarto día. Nos reunimos cada Tercer MAY 9—SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER
Lunes del Mes. Los esperamos!!!
5:00 pm R.C. Edoria, Cristian Piamonte, Branden Sussman
El Apostolado de Maria en La Iglesia Domestica les invita a MAY 10—SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER
7:00 am Ajay Demesa, Neala Mendoza, Nikki Mendoza
una Misa de Sanación y Hora Santa con el P. Ramón Esparza
8:30 am Yanitza Millan, Hans Millan, Jorge Peraza
de Sonora, México, Martes 5 de Mayo, 2015 de 6:00 a 9:30 PM, 10:00 am Jeffrey Lipa, Jerald Lipa, Mickaela Segbefia
Quinta de Guadalupe (938 18th St., San Diego 92154). Entrada 11:30 am Patrick Desamparo, Maryanne Gapasin, Poyeen Longno
gratis. Informes: 619-863-6934, 619-966-8131. 619-253-8274,
1:00 pm Timothy Boyd, Donna Llanda, Sara Marty
4:30 pm Jan Bautista, Jeffrey Pantig, Jeremy Pantig
6:00 pm Jharen Flores, Phoebe San Pedro, Kayla San Pedro
El Apostolado de Maria en La Iglesia Domestica les invita a un
7:30 pm Adrien del Basa, Jenessa Edora, Jezelle Edora
taller de sanación y liberación, Martes 12 de Mayo, 2015 de 6:00
a 9:30 PM (conferenciá, misa y Hora Santa); Miércoles 13 de
SMALL TASKS—“Each small task of everyday life is part
of the total harmony of the universe.” - St. Therese of Liseux
Mayo de 6:00 a 9:30 PM (celebración especial de Ntra Sra de
Fatima) con el P. Juan Gonzalo Callejas de Columbia, Quinta de
Guadalupe (938 18th St., San Diego 92154). Entrada gratis.
Informes:, 619- • SMP Cursillo Team Reunion: Please join the SMP Team
Reunion every Monday, 7:30pm to 9:00pm, Collier Center.
863-6934, 619-966-8131. 619-253-8274,
• Accepting applications for Class 111 and 112 for Men’s and
Women’s Cursillo Retreats for 2015. Please contact Luz for
Filipino Community of St. Michael
more information at 619-228-3338.
• Annual Camping, May 28-31, 2015, $30 per family. For
Jose F. Gomez, Grand Knight
more information, call 619-228-3338.
• If you are interested to host the Rosary devotion in your
home, please contact Fe Endaya at 619-507-7816 or Precy Meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month,
Portacio at 619-807-2872.
7:30pm, at the Collier Center. Be a Knight. Call 619-207-1848 .
St. Michael Cursillo Team
Page 5
MAY 03, 2015
Funeral and Bereavement
Team Ministry:
Our participation in the 2015 Annual Catholic
Appeal is a tangible expression of our response to Jesus’ call to
be His disciples. As we are “Called to be Merciful” we in turn
encounter God’s love when we express mercy and compassion,
through stewardship, service, and sacrifice. Thank you for your
prayers and financial support as we participate in living the
Church’s mission to love the Lord in those whom we serve.
ACA Update as of 04-19-15
$ Pledged
$ Goal
# Pledges
$ 38,799
$ 29,166
$ 70,000
100 %
Registered parishioners: 3,266
Pledges received on the weekend of 04-19-2015:
Anonymous (7) * Jaime & Penafrancia Adriano * Erlinda Aquino *
Jumely & Marcelino Dumbrique * Fe Endaya * Emerald Espiritu * Iris
Estrella * Carmelita Flores * Jannette & Raynaldo Fuentes * Lois
Gaskin * Erasmo & Marissa Hernandez * Robert Lansang * Guadalupe
Luna * Ildefonso Luna * Mark & Penn Marcelo * Estrellita Nerona *
Nancy Potts * Salvador Serrano * Isagani & Erlinda Soriano *
Josephine Vitug.
Nenita (Neth) Timbol & Regina (Nena) Rin, ACA Co-Coordinators
“A cheerful giver does not count the cost of what he gives. His heart is set
on pleasing and cheering the one to whom the gift is given.” —St. Julian
Called to be Merciful Prayer
Loving God, we thank you for calling us
together. In you we are one. Help us to remember that united, we are called to be merciful and
love one another through the generous sharing
of our time, gifts, and resources. Please bless
our efforts and help us to grow as a unified and
vibrant community of faith. Give us the grace to generously
support the Annual Catholic Appeal so that we may faithfully do the work of Your Church. Amen.
Have you recently moved?
If so, please call our office as soon as possible so that we may update
our records. We want to be able to get important information to all
parishioners in a timely manner. You may also fill out the slip below and
place it in the collection basket or drop it off at the office.
Evelyn Buangan, Gloria Jose,
Gloria Signo, Anita OngVaño, Luis Morales,
Erlinda Soriano, Resfina Torrevillas (619) 472-2657
We pray for and remember:
For those who recently passed away:
Josefina Tuyay Serquiña
On the 40th day of his death:
Monday, May 4th— Felisa Angeles-Thorburn
Thursday, May 7th— Robert Bottomley
On the anniversary of their death:
Monday, April 27th— Roberto Manalata
Tuesday, May 5th— Emilio Edquilang
Friday, May 8th— Barbara Blodgett & Domingo Dulay
Senior Ministry
Nora Villarosa: (619) 470-1977
EXERCISE CLASSES at the Collier Center
Zumba – Monday from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Yoga – Tuesday from 4:30 p.m. to 5:50 p.m.
“What better proof of your pride could you have given
than to claim you were not proud?”
—St. John Climacus
DIVINE MERCY— Novena/Chaplet every first Thursday &
third Thursday of the month at 6:00 pm. To schedule appointments for home visits, please call Vi Daen at 619-434-5831 or
619-274-7386, or the parish office.
EL SHADDAI: Prayer/fellowship every Saturday, 6:00pm, at
the Parish Hall or Collier Center.
LEGION of MARY: Meeting every Monday, 7pm, Youth Room.
Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m.
(The Holy Infant Jesus), Fridays except First Friday, at 7:00
p.m. “Whoever receives one child such as this in my
name, receives me.” (Mk 9:37)
at 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. Every third Saturday of the month.
Thanks to our advertisers who sponsor this
bulletin. Support them with your business.
Change of Address. If you moved to a new address, please Cut and Mail New Parishioners.
NAME: _________________________________________
Welcome to St. Michael Church!
Please register with the Parish Office if you live within the parish
boundaries by completing the form below and sending it to us.
Membership has its privileges.
NEW ADDRESS:__________________________________
NAME: ________________________________________
ADDRESS: _____________________________________
complete form below and send it to us.
PHONE NUMBER: (______)_________________________
If you will be changing your parish, please call the Parish Office at (619)
PHONE NUMBER: (______)_________________________
Page 6
Upcoming Events / Schedule of Services 2015
May 10, Sunday
May 10 to 18
May 23 & 30, Saturday
May 25, Monday
May 30, Saturday
Mother’s Day Novena
First Communion at 10:00 a.m.
“Everything comes from love, all is ordained for the salvation of man,
God does nothing without this goal in mind.” - Saint Catherine of Siena
For only $20 per ticket you will
have 2 chances to win one of two
Grand Prizes - 2015 Toyota
Corolla plus Sedan - during our
Annual Auction and Car Raffle on May 30, 2015, 6:00 p.m. in the
Parish Hall. Need not be present to win. Buy your tickets now at
the Courtyard, after all Sunday Masses, or at the Parish Office.
The more tickets you buy the more chances of winning!
Our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of
Lourdes and the HOLY LAND.
August 31—September 14, 2015
Walk with Fr. Bernard on the land where
Jesus walked, and at other places
visited by our Blessed Mother. See the
astonishing unfinished “Sagrada
Familia” church in Barcelona, and the
spectacularly beautiful Monastery of the Benedictine monks in
the mountain of Montserrat, Spain. We will venerate the image
of the Black Madonna, the Virgin of Montserrat, before whom St.
Ignatius of Loyola laid down his military accoutrements before
founding the Society of Jesus Visit some of the holy shrines in
Spain. Experience the healing bath of Lourdes and the therapeutic Dead Sea. Ten seats available. Call (619) 470-1977 or
619-261-2544 before May 15.
(located adjacent to the parish office.)
Open from 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Closed on Sundays & holidays.
On June 14, 2015 (Sunday), there
will be a special renewal of
wedding vows for married couples
50 years or more during the 1:00
p.m. Mass. Call the parish office at 619-470-1977 for more
Warm season is here again. Please wear modest attire
when coming to church—the house of God.
“Give to the Lord the glory due His name;
Adore the Lord in holy attire.” - Psalm 29:2
Prayer for the Year of
Consecrated Life
O God, throughout the ages you have
called women and men to pursue lives of
Saint Michael the Archangel,
perfect charity through the evangelical counsels of poverty,
defend us in battle. Be our
chastity, and obedience. During this Year of Consecrated
against the wickedness and
Life, we give you thanks for these courageous witnesses of
devil. May God rebuke
Faith and models of inspiration. Their pursuit of holy lives
him, we humbly pray; and do Thou,
teaches us to make a more perfect offering of ourselves to
Prince of the Heavenly Host - by the
you. Continue to enrich your Church by calling forth sons and
daughters who, having found the pearl of great price, treasure Divine Power of God - cast into hell,
the Kingdom of Heaven above all things. Through our Lord Satan and all the evil spirits, who roam
Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the throughout the world seeking the ruin
unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
of souls. Amen.
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