Welcome Guests Resistance Today at Conejo... King`s Kamp
Welcome Guests Resistance Today at Conejo... King`s Kamp
August 4, 2013 VOL. XLVII, No. 31 Welcome Guests The members of the Conejo Valley Church of Christ welcome you to our assembly. We are pleased that you are here and pray that you will encounter God as you worship with us. We invite you to join us for our various Bible classes at 9:30 a.m. During our worship services, we have a 2s/3s class and Children's Worship for ages 4 through 5th grade. Look for the dismissal time in our Order of Worship. King's Kamp A large contingent of our fourth through eighth-graders, along with teen counselors and staff volunteers, will depart after second service today for a week at King’s Kamp. The camp will be held at Camp Maranatha in Idyllwild. If you would like to send a note of encouragement to our kids, please send it to: Camp Maranatha P.O. Box CC Idyllwild, CA 92549 Our campers this year include Sheridan Brawner, Sean Burke, Jadyn deBruyn, Kevin and Morgan Garand, Chase Hall, Nicholas Heard, Maegan and Jackson Hinkle, Michael and Jessica Hunnicutt, Nathan Hurley, Hannah Labnow, Jacqueline Lasiter, Adrianna Patenaude, Emma and Dylan Scott, Ashlyn Thomas, Kathryn and Christopher Williams, Marcus Williams, and Braeden Wooten. Staff and counselors attending are members of the Brawner, Hinkle, Hurley, Williams, and Williamson families, Hannah Horton, and Sydney Socquet. Please pray for God’s blessing and protection, but most of all, pray for His presence to be felt by all campers and volunteers. Today at Conejo... 8:00 a.m. First worship service 9:30 a.m. Bible classes for all ages 10:45 a.m. Second worship service Resistance Last week I invited you to reflect on the value of an assist. Setting others up for success, facilitating the progress of others, and enabling others to go farther are all hallmarks of the assist. In Scripture, assists can include an alabaster jar of ointment, a widow’s mite, a friend’s tomb, a boy’s lunch, a brother’s invitation, food provisions in the wilderness, and alms given in secret. This week, I’d like to reflect on resistance. Like an assist but moving the opposite direction, resistance can bring assistance at just the right time, require great courage, and enable God’s will to be carried out in the world. Jochebed and Miriam, Moses’ mother and sister, resisted Pharaoh’s genocidal command to kill all Hebrew boys, setting Moses afloat on the Nile river. Daniel continued to pray before the Lord, resisting the imperial edict of King Darius. On pain of death, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to bow before King Nebuchadnezzar’s golden image, and their silent courage has set the gold standard for resistance ever since. Christians have always confessed “Jesus is Lord,” which during the Roman Empire (and every Empire since) meant they were resisting imperial claims concerning the lordship of Caesar. James urged Christians to “resist the devil,” and Jesus modeled how to do so by living according to biblical wisdom. Spiritual disciplines like solitude, which teaches us to resist the lure of human approval, or fasting, which prevents our stomachs from turning into gods, also form us into the kind of people who can resist the powerful pull of pride and gluttony, as well as greed and lust. One courageous resistor also serves to embolden others to resist injustice, evil, and temptation. Dictators and tyrants of every stripe understand the contagious power of resistance and work hard to squelch dissent at its earliest appearance. In various forms of literature, I find bracing examples of resistance in the characters of Samwise Gamgee (J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings), Puddleglum (C.S. Lewis, The Silver Chair), Dumbledore’s army (J.K. Rowling, The Order of the Phoenix), and Katniss Everdeen (Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games). In history, Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Rosa Parks stand tall as examples of individuals whose courage inspired others to resist the evils of Adolph Hitler and the injustices of racial segregation, respectively. Human courage is what allows resistance to function like an assist. When we make assists, we can enable others to overcome, grow, and flourish. When we resist evil, we embolden others to stand up, do the right thing, and help create a world in which all of God’s children may flourish. Conejo Clipboard May God fill us with his Spirit so that we may help others thrive through making “assists” and also embolden others to oppose evil by our resistance against it. Love in Christ, Our second summer class, held in the north overflow room, is a “singing in worship” class, taught by Chris Stivers. This class will explore our motivation and attitude about participating in worship singing; it will also include some basics of music appreciation/reading and vocal production that will be helpful to us in singing a cappella. Conejo School Supply Drive Summer Adult Education Our auditorium class is a study of Paul’s letter to the Philippians. Philippians is a New Testament example of a letter of friendship, written from prison, yet filled with a joyful tone and Christ-focused spirit. What does it mean for us to be a good neighbor as a church? One thing we can do is to share what we have with those in need. For the past eight years, we have gathered back-to-school supplies for our neighbors at Conejo Elementary School. During the month of August, you’re We Are Praying For... Pregnant Moms: otherapy for Stage IV ovarian cancer. James Hawn (Daphne Green's brother-in-law) – lung cancer. Betty Demuth (Kathy Cocke's sister) – breast cancer, also cancer in hip and Praises: spine. The birth of Isabel Rose Matute, daughter of Mario and Shelia, on Susie Baston (Cindy Randolph's cousin) – cancer in spine. July 31. Devote yourself Odalis Rivera (friend of Rosie Patenaude) – breast cancer. The recent baptisms of Sydney Socquet, Chase Hall, Raquel Robin Zolares (friend of Karla Chismar) – cancer. Katch, Noah Socquet, and Dylan Scott. to prayer, being Judy Long (Loree Hunnicutt's mother) – breast cancer. New Members: Samantha Dencer; Celeste Florea; David, Steve Hewgley – battling cancer. watchful and Michele, Jake, Julia, and Jaden Chesson. Jim Lindley – has completed stem cell transplant. Kellie Van Atta (September), Bonnie Rockey (November). Those Grieving: thankful. Various Concerns: The family of Mark Scarberry -- following the death of his Colossians 4:2 Martin Guerrero (friend of Alex Vasquez) -- recovery followsister, Patricia Barlow, on 5/7. ing train accident. The family of Kenny Blumhorst (Josh Budde's relative) – following Sue Wilson - upcoming spinal surgery; prayers for pain relief. Kenny's death. Emma Dixie – recovery for recent MS exacerbation (numb hands); seekThe family of Gary Edwards (Char Hurley's brother-in-law) – following ing new treatment options. Gary's death on 5/18; he accepted Christ and was baptized Nancy McChessney (Daphne Green's neighbor) – battling MRSA infecbefore his death. tion in her spine. The family of Marilee Augustine (Daphne Green's friend) – following Mike Jensen (Char Hurley's brother) – recovery from knee surgery; no Marilee's death on 5/12; she leaves a husband heart surgery at this time. and 3 young children. Cecilio Rivera (Jose Rivera's father) – recovery from surgery for blocked The family of Sue Wilson – following the sudden death of her arteries. husband, Jack Wilson, on 4/23. Edith Schwartz (Miriam Gunderson's sister) – Parkinson's Disease; The family of Christy Guilbault – following the death of her prayers that the doctors can adjust medications for maximum benefit. grandmother, Toni Quintana. Those in the Armed Forces: The family of Kevin Byers (friend of Jackie Milgrom) – following Kevin's Josh Budde - deployed for 8-months with the Navy; Ricky Vasquez (Rosie accidental death; he leaves a wife and 2 young children. Patenaude's son) – stationed in Texas with the Marines; Nathan Reeves The family of Cindy Randolph – following the death of her great aunt, (Janie Condley's grandson) – deployed to Afghanistan with the Army; Margaret Cox. Derek Willis (Tim Willis's nephew) – in Afghanistan with the Army; The family of Linda Marcinkoski -- following the death of her mother, Michael Warford – stationed in San Diego with the Navy; J.D. Burnham Pauline Hendrickson. (son of Jan Williamson/nephew of the Scotts’) – stationed in Northern Those Fighting Cancer: California with the Navy. Mary Bell (Alexis Lasiter's mother) -- rare form of lymphoma; Missionaries/Mission Efforts: chemotherapy treatments. A future Friend Speak Ministry at CVCC for the Thousand Oaks Shawna Hawn (Daphne Green's sister) – completed chemo for breast community. cancer; prayer for her strength to return and that she is able Shannon Jack and Kaitlyn Sample – teaching orphans in Guatemala. to handle her depression. Julie Broyles – WEI in Cambodia. Marlene Michaels (friend of Lisa Scott) – diagnosed with Raul & Betty Alvarado – mission efforts in Panama. Adenocarcinoma (non-smoker's lung cancer); metastasized to the brain. Charles & Darlene Coulston – Made in the Streets Ministry in Kenya. Connie Roberts (friend of Penny White) – recovering from recent Scott & Kim Lambert and Kairos – church-planting ministry. surgery; continuing chemotherapy. Pattie Gilmore (friend of Sheryl Sanders) – ovarian cancer. Tom Bonner (Tami Williamson’s father) – mission work in Albania. Julie Smith (former member) – ovarian cancer. David and Danna Willis and family (brother of Tim Willis) – ministering Ruthie Marek (friend of Lisa Scott) – has begun another round of chemat Tafuna Church of Christ in American Samoa. Conejo Clipboard invited to shop for and bring a variety of basic school supplies that we will share with Conejo Elementary. We will be gathering these items at the designated area in the foyer until Labor Day. The school needs the following items: • Crayons (24 to a pack) • Colored pencils (12 to a pack) • Colored markers (8 to a pack) • #2 pencils (Ticonderoga) • Expo Vis a Vis blue fine point markers (12 to a box) • Glue sticks (0.23 oz) • Yellow highlighters • Expo dry erase markers (black, red, blue, and green) • 12 x 18 construction paper (all colors) • 8 ½ x 11 card stock (white, yellow, blue, pink) • Regular 8 ½ x 11 white copy paper (20 pound) • Regular 8 ½ x 14 white copy paper (20 pound) All Church Game Night Plan to bring your favorite board and card games to the building next Sunday evening, August 11, for a time of friendly competition and fellowship. Each family should bring your favorite snacks and munchies to share and a 2-liter bottle of soda, being mindful that some of our members have peanut and tree-nut allergies. Sycamore Canyon Hike-N-Bike & Beach Picnic On Saturday, August 17, you’re invited to lace up your hiking boots, air up your bicycle tires, and join us at Big Sycamore Canyon in Newbury Park for our eighth annual church Hike-N-Bike, followed by a beach picnic at Sycamore Cove Beach. Depending on your tolerance for adventure, you’ll have the option of hiking or biking Big Sycamore Canyon or simply showing up at the beach. The eight-mile trail is scenic, well maintained, and virtually all downhill! This year, there’s the added bonus of seeing how new life has sprung up following the recent fires. It’s the perfect way to wind down the summer before the new school year begins. Hikers will depart from the Rancho Sierra Vista parking lot (at the end of Via Goleta in Newbury Park) at 9:00 a.m.; cyclists will depart at 10:30 a.m. If you would like to volunteer to show up early at Sycamore Cove Beach and secure tables for our group, please contact Andy Wall or Ed Sanders. Welcome Isabel Rose Matute Isabel Rose Matute was born at Los Robles hospital in Thousand Oaks at 12:20 p.m. on Wednesday, July 31. She weighed 7 lbs. 7 oz. Both Sheila and little Isabel are doing fine. Christy Guilbault is coordinating meals for the Matute family as they adjust to life with little Isabel Rose. Christy has set up a schedule for the Matute's meals at www.TakeThemAMeal.com. Once at that site, you will need to type in the recipient's last name: Matute and the password: Conejo. Then, click "take" and fill in your name and the requested information. If you want to prepare a meal but do not want to go through the web site, please contact Christy (christy_dyan@yahoo.com) so that she can fit you into the schedule. Flower Ministry Today’s flowers are in honor of Buzz Guilbault. Buzz has been a “ninja” (rough translation: “awesome ministry helper”) in numerous phases of our youth ministry program. This year, Buzz has helped co-teach our high school Sunday morning class and provided maintenance for our church van. He was an enthusiastic member of our Mexico mission team, making positive contributions in various aspects of the trip, including helping troubleshoot and repair a broken-down car. At Teen Camp, he served as a cabin counselor and small group leader, bringing his unique brand of creative fun to morning wake-up times and afternoon recreation. He is also helping our church leaders explore options for getting a newer church van. Buzz, thank you for your passionate faith and your enthusiastic commitment to helping our teens grow in Christ – your service is greatly appreciated! Youth News Last Sunday Funday's Disc Golf All King’s Kamp All Week Long This week several of our teens are serving as counselors at King’s Kamp, along with several of our families who are there working Kamp together. We also have a long list of Conejo kids at Kamp this week. Please keep us all in prayer as we share this great, faith-building experience together! Children's Ministry Upcoming Events Save the Date Aug 11................................CVCC Game Night For Aug 17................................Sycamore Cyn Hike-N-Bike Sunday, July 28, 2013 Aug 25................................Kindergarten Blessing Attendance at Sep 15.................................Cowboy Church 8:00 a.m. assembly: 73 10:45 a.m. assembly: 190 Total attendance: 263 This Week at Conejo Contribution: $12,889.46 2013 Weekly Average: $11,462.18 Weekly Budget: $10,000 SUNDAY, Aug. 4 - SATURDAY, Aug. 10 Building Fund (Total): Please Sign In King's Kamp in Idyllwild Please remember to sign your children in and $ 107,415.00 Kindergarten Blessing – Sunday, August 25 out of children’s worship and Bible class. It's Rattlesnake Season!! Last Week's Paradise Falls Hike It's snake season! Please do not allow children to play in the flowerbeds or at the back of the church property. Also, the playground must be checked before children are allowed to play outside. Volunteers Needed We are currently in need of volunteers to serve as worship coordinators. The worship coordinator ensures that we have the various leadership positions for our worship services covered for both services on any given Sunday. This role involves confirming volunteers during the week, arranging for substitutes as needed, and meeting with worship volunteers on Sunday mornings to finalize arrangements. Because this task requires the coordinator to be present at both services, we’d like to find a number of additional volunteers to help share this important responsibility. Please contact the church office if you are willing to help. 2013 Lectures Online The 2013 Pepperdine Lectures and some classes are online this year. Just go to iTunes U and then Pepperdine University and Lectures. (The app and downloads are free!) 2012 CDs are still available for check-out on the table in foyer. Cowboy Church -- Save the Date! Mark your calendars for the Fall Kickoff at Paramount Ranch on September 15. Come worship in the beautiful outdoors, learn about the various small groups which will be starting for the new school year, enjoy grilled burgers and a day of fun at the old west town. Church Office 141 Duesenberg Drive #11, Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 • 2525 E. Hillcrest Drive, Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 Fax: (805) 371-1384 • Website: www.conejochurch.org Rick Marrs Elders Michael Murrie Tim Pownall Mike Rivas Chris Stivers elders@conejochurch.org Rene Heard/Tina Scruggs Office Managers (805) 371-1381 office office@conejochurch.org Zach Lunde Youth Minister (805) 300-0818 cell zach.lunde@gmail.com Leslie Stephens Children's Minister (818) 645-5675 cell leslie.stephens@sbcglobal.net Stu Warford Andy Wall Minister (805) 331-0187 cell Andy@conejochurch.org Tim Willis Jack Williamson Youth and Family Minister (805) 331-0183 cell Jack@conejochurch.org
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