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Email: scooter-news@hotmail.com
Facebook: Steven Davis (Scooter News)
V253 July 2016
Cover Shot goes to… the Saturday practice session! With
Steve Baker, Chris Bullen, Rob Shoemark, Don Sudholz and Tony Lee
Just don’t look at the bikes, look at the scenery – how beautiful it is over there
Harrow 100, VERi Vinduro
31 July 2016
plus Golden Beach 6 Hour & MX Nationals Results
Scooter News is proudly supported by
No river crossing this year – even the caravan park had flooding
It is that time of year, the middle of winter, when real enduros used to be run – that is, when
we actually had them. The last weekend of July means it is Harrow 100 vinduro time. And the
Dandenong MCC had their own bunch of old farts heading there this year, which consisted of
Spencer Harrison, Glenn Capuano, Kurt Goodman, me and the experienced pit crew of
Bryan Noble and Tony Lee.
We also managed to successfully apply for the “State of
Origin” team event and were lucky enough to be chosen
as Team Victoria II.
The lead up to the event had all been about getting the
bikes ready and I was taking my recently restored
KTM250GS 1981 with the PE250 as my reserve bike as
you never know what may happen after such a major
rebuild. The resto by Murray Tainton and Paul Day
had created a real head turner. And Cappa managed to
rustle up some Team Victoria shirts thanks to Rob
Urquhart, old enduro ace and mate of Cappa’s who still
had four shirts from the 1990 Cessnock NSW 4 Day. And
they fitted! Only just (on me and Kurt).
Photographer Jo and I left the Yarra Valley around 10:30am Friday morning and rolled into the
township around 4:30pm where Kurt and Tony had reserved the best camping site at Harrow’s
Johnny Mullagh Reserve for the Scooter News camp. And every once in a while - we
all do it - I managed to forget something. This time I had put in everything except my riding
boots so after a quick phone call to Spence we had Bryan bringing me up his boots, exactly the
same size as me – thank you Bryan!. We took the bikes to scrutineering then it was time to
relax in front of the fire and have a few beers.
Ross Nimmo signs in with Barb
Mmmm, medals
Saturday morning was very relaxed, but there was a bit of a buzz as everyone was getting ready
to go to the grass track motocross practice section at local Lauchie Turner’s place starting at
midday – this wasn’t part of the main event but it was a chance to test and tune your bikes,
race your mates and iron out any bugs in the bike. And also a chance for the many spectators
to see the bikes in action – all in perfect weather conditions.
Dennis Myers #38, ’82 KTM 350GS
Kurt Goodman, #32, ’85 IT200
Scott Fagan #112, ’84 XR500
Rob Shoemark #5, ’79 Husky 420
My good mate Peter Mitchell #25, ’76 KTM400MXC
Ricky Madden (Husky) & Ashley Sprenger (Maico)
Wow, bling chrome pipe guard, Ekka IT490
Stephen Baker #36, SWM 370
“Most Impressive Practice Lap” award
Alan Saint #86, XT550
Tony Lee, like a kid at Christmas, PE175
Col Robbins, #130, roosting up the turf on his PE175 (Force Accessories)
Adrian Gould #6, ’76 KTM250MC5 wins The PRO-Fessor’s
Award for Riding Excellence
Geoff Spurway, #132, ’63 Triumph 650
& Greg Gunn #75, Husky
And the KTM performed that well that I decided that I was going to ride it on Sunday. We all
headed back to camp but before we pushed the bikes into the parc ferme there was time for a
quick photo shoot in front of the Harrow pub:
Saturday night was the VERi AGM followed by dinner in the community hall. The pre90 matter
was raised – and once more rejected. And The PRO-Fessor made an appearance to hand out
some special and prestigious awards ably assisted by his Delvene Delaney (aka Jo): Riding
Excellence (Adrian Gould), Best Practice Lap (Stephen Baker), Best Vinduro Transporter
(Darren Buckley), Best Campsite (The BusBoyz), Best European bike (Donald Sudholz
Bultaco Fontera 250), Best Oriental bike (Glenn Maisey PE175) and Most Embarrassing
Incident (Tony Lee getting pushed out of a ditch). The awards were followed by a special
presentation to the NSW team of some targets to wear on their backs the next day – but I think
they took them straight home to the trophy room. Who knows what he’ll come up with next
The PRO-fessor is never late
carrying his old wind-up clock, perfect timing
He was in his element up on that stage
as the crowd goes wild – he might even sing next year
Tex auctioned off Geoff Spurway’s Triumph 650
front guard covered in multiple vinduro and event
number stickers and in total over $1000 was raised
for Peter “Binladen” who lost his bikes in a shed
fire recently. As he had also lost all his tools,
Scooter News donated a Makita angle
The PRO-Fessor’s award for Best Vinduro Transporter goes to Darren Buckley’s 1977
Valiant Chrysler CL Drifter, 265 Auto. There were 380 built in Australia and there are only 10
currently registered. This is his third time at Harrow and he was riding a 1983 KDX200 #73.
Darren Buckley, Drifter, The PRO-Fessor’s choice
Mal Pitcher, Chevvy GT20 (Jo’s choice)
Mal Pitcher came in his 1983 Chevrolet GT20 van (350, petrol with 290 hp – can do 80mph in
3rd gear) which he has owned for 4 years. It was shipped over from Louisville Kentucky, having
done 80,000 miles. The van came third in its class in the Van Nationals at Moe this year. Mal is
the Shannons vehicle insurance Regional Development Officer based in Stawell. Quotes are free
and could be very handy insurance to have. Ph: 134646 www.shannons.com.au
Adam Jackman’s 1962 Bedford bus. Adam was here with his partner Jade, and riding a PE250 1979
Saturday night rolled on in the usual Harrow vinduro fashion with some people not getting to
bed till 2am so we hear, and some not being able to get into bed when they got locked out of
the caravan. Good job I found the door handle for you Tony Lee (all it need was a half turn,
but when you get that blitzed you tend forget how door handles and things work).
After a couple of overnight showers, Sunday morning rolled round with light fog but not rain. I
was a little bit excited and out of bed at 5:30am. We attended the rider’s briefing from the Pres
Paul Kalika, Rachelle “The Nurse” Wilkinson and Steve Baker who told us a few gems:
“the course is 83 kilometres long, of which 80 kilometres is bog” “the bridges are not table top
jumps” “hold it pinned across the paddocks” “watch out for deer, emu, kangaroos and sheep”
and my favourite “a few of the directional signs have been eaten by sheep, or curled over in the
rain. Look for the rusty staples on the trees and fence posts if you get lost”.
And then it was time for the cold start.
Our Team Vic II team strategy was that we all needed to finish as a team to win Gold which
meant all of us had to complete one full 83km lap. Cappa and Spence wanted to get going and
get in two full laps before the course closed, and me and Kurt just wanted to do one. I have
been booked in for a hernia operation in a couple of weeks’ time so I didn’t want to push the
boundaries as just even normal riding can aggravate it. So Cappa and Spence were to go out
hard and fast and me and Kurt would just cruise. Well that was the plan…
Cold start, Team Vic II
Cappa gets a helping hand from Team NSW Baker
The cold start had Cappa kicking his KTM250 1983 and kicking and kicking. Whilst Kurt on his
IT200 was gone like a rat up a drain pipe with me and Spence on his XR250 1984 trying to
catch him. Meanwhile Steve Baker of Team NSW was assisting Cappa to start his bike – and it
finally coughed into life. Me and Spence eventually caught Kurt after the paddock section in
the sandy bush and then Cappa, who was not far off, caught up as well. Then we began riding
as a team, admiring the scenery as we rode along.
Photos: Rachelle
After leaving the fuel dump at the end of stage 1 everything was going fine, until we came
down along a fence line to where there was a small creek and Spence and Cappa went through
it first. I followed but took a different line and ended up getting stuck, putting my left foot out
but the creek had no bottom and over I went with the tank and seat going under the water and
the bike filling up, still running. So me and Kurt pulled it out and started working on it and had
the thing upside down resting on the handlebars and seat, kicking it over – I told Kurt to get
going, and around 40 mins later it started and I was back on the trail again. Don Britt on his
Ossa had also met the same fate but had managed to hit the kill switch before the bike hit the
water, and another bloke on a Honda also went in whilst I was there.
Spence and Cappa near the end of lap 1
However the news had been passed down the line that I was out of the event and needed
assistance to get the bike back to camp. But just as I started the bike no less than THREE
quads arrived like the cavalry – the first guy on the red quad mono’d through the creek, two
front wheels up in the air – spectacular style.
Kurt updates Bryan and Tony “he’s stuck in a bog”
Les Dew #9, ’80 DR400 – loving the riding for Team Vic I
Not long after taking off I reached another valley/creek where half a dozen bikes on each side
were lined up and waiting to get across or were waiting for their mates which meant I had to
queue with another 6 bikes in front of me to get my shot at being pulled through the creek by
VERi sweep riders and up the other side. But I am not a patient man (ask Jo) and circled
around looking for a crossing point and decided to jump it, motocross style. And after I jumped
it I did a victory lap punching my fist in the air like Robbie Maddison to the cheers of the
waiting riders (even though it was probably only a metre or two wide). I believe it’s on a GoPro somewhere
if you don’t believe me!
CanAm spark plug change
Heading out from the fuel dump
Plenty of off-camber
Up & Over’s
Photo team Camel Toe
Jo, Bryan and Tony were further down the line waiting to see our team come through and had
heard I was out of the event. But as they waited at yet another of the hundred creek crossings
they saw me come down the fence line – Jo yelling “it’s Steve – he’s going again!”.
Like Lazarus…
Kurt and I were happy with our lap, but Spence and Cappa went back out to do the two short
loops again. But we had achieved what we had set out to do – gold for Team Vic!
We heard that 8 other riders had done the full course 3 times – that would have been a tough
gig. But as usual Harrow didn’t disappoint – it may have been a shorter course than previous
years but it was still quite an achievement to complete the full loop given the very wet ground
conditions – even the usual Glenelg river crossing was ruled out this year. A huge well done to
Duncan Wise, Rob Shoey Shoemaker, Steve Baker, Drakie and Sean Hamilton who had
taken a week off work to set this course out.
It is a beautiful ride too, many stunning countryside views to be seen as you ride around. At
one stage I was riding on top of a levee bank with the river on one side and the paddocks on
the other.
Duncan Wise from NSW #7 had been in Harrow
much of the week doing course set out. Riding
his ’84 KTM250GS he wasn’t to finish this year
after injuring his scapula. He sent in this
And another Harrow 100 is over. Having heard
some of the reports it sounds like it was a
success even though the course had to be slightly
shorter than planned due to a bit of rain.
The Harrow community and organisers would like
to thank everyone who made the effort (some
from QLD - a 23 hour drive away) to come to this
fantastic event.
It is also much appreciated the time and energy
that was given by all the volunteers who help this
occasion to work. Not to forget the property
owners who give up their land for us to ride on.
Thanks again to everyone
Curtis Pullinger #93 (aged 34), 1976 XT500
Darren Buckley #73, KDX200 1983
Brendan and Brenton Walsh, PE400 & PE175
AMTRA’s Patrick Rose #69, ’85 XR250
Lucky someone found Peter Mitchell’s mug guard
Lauchie Turner
Des and Stacey Heaney, Stacey one of 3 ladies riding today
Barry Collins #74, XR350 (Photo Team Camel Toe)
Team SA’s Todd Nicholson, #7, ’84 IT200
“The Nurse”
Bill Campbell VTR B Team #39, ’78 KTM GS6 250
One of the best parts of Harrow is the bikes
Yup the ag bikes get around just as good
Proud moment, James & Jamie Aked Team “Has Beens”
Tolmie Beards win the Teams trophy
Big thanks to the course setter-outerers: Peter Drakie Drakeford, Sean Hamilton, Rob
Shoemark, Stephen Baker, Duncan Wise. This would not have been easy as the course
would have been changing daily with the rainfall as creeks and bogs got flooded.
President Paul Kalika, Treasurer Leisha & Jamie Aked, Vice Pres Geoff Morris, Comms
Manager John “Tex”O’Brien, Don Britt, Col Harper, Barb and George Goddard,
Rachelle “The Nurse” Wilkinson, John Douglas, the Marshalls and sweeps including Steve
Juzzy Juzva.
The St Johns medical crew, the canteen helpers, CFA, DEWLP, the local police. And to Lauchie
Turner and all the people of the community of Harrow for their continuing support of the event.
Monies raised from the event are donated to several local worthy causes like the Mechanics
Institute and the Harrow Bush Nursing Centre.
And a very big thank you to VERi for their generous contribution towards Scooter
News – it will go towards our new website development. Much appreciated.
Harrow “Living History”
And supporters:
E-mail geoff@geoffmorrisconcepts.com
Also the VTR (Vintage Trail Riders) run
by Dennis Myers and Greg Holmes have
vinduro events throughout the year just
over the border in NSW. The next one is at
Buladelah on 6-7th August then it’s
Braidwood in NSW (outside Canberra), 1011th September
Casual eligibility: no upside down forks, no
rear disk brakes and you need a headlight.
Private property so no rego required, blue
and red arrow trail options
Email: vintagetrailriders@hotmail.com and
look them up on the OZVMX forum
More vintage fun over the next few weeks
The next VERi Vinduro will be just over the border into South Australia at Narracoorte on 28th
August. www.verivinduro.com.au
Book out the next Harrow 100 weekend, most likely to be the last weekend of July 2017. You
don’t want to miss this event.
Back in the modern world, the 6 Hour Golden Beach Pony Express took place over the weekend
and here’s the Skinner Family’s report:
Honda Golden beach 6 hour
KooWeeRup MCC, 31st July 2016
Report by Skin Dogz Racing #89
With 2 sons racing different disciplines, MX and Off road, our household has for years been one
of constant arguing, bitching and ridicule between Michael and Lachie as to which is the better
genre. At times Lachie has ridden MX so Dave and I decided to it was about time Michael tried
Offroad and we entered them in the Honda Golden Beach 6hr Fastest Family class.
Neither of them seemed keen at all but we told them the 'show WILL go on!' Funny thing was,
as soon as the entry was received Michael started arguing about going first! The fact that they
drove down separately indicates their sibling bonding status. With trepidation Dave and I
headed down Sunday morning a little later, wondering if we'd pushed them too far this time. To
our surprise the pit tent was set up and most required items were under it. Lachie won the first
rider argument mainly because he has the electric start and off he went to race the first lap.
Back to the pits and Michael meanders off to get changed into his riding gear. Meanwhile Dave
and I sat wondering if he was ever going to be ready to swap over when Lachie comes in.
Trying not to stress, I walked over to the canteen to purchase breakfast, egg and bacon sangas,
only to have my egg explode all of its yolk down my sleeve!
Upon returning to the pit tent the first crossover happened extremely smoothly and off rode
Michael. As the race continued Michael even admitted he was enjoying himself. Surprisingly
they were completing each lap with extremely close times and even more surprisingly they were
faster times than we predicted. At one point towards the end of the race, they were 9th overall.
With the pressure on to get the transponder swapped over, it was imperative that they be
organised and stick to a plan and surprise, surprise they did it! They were civil to each other and
stuck to their plan.
It's surprising how quickly 6 hours can go and before we knew it Michael was completing the
final lap. Skin Dogz Racing had come 2nd in Fastest Family and 13th outright. All in all the
whole event was fantastic and Michael and Lachie proved they can get on with eachother and
maybe, just maybe, we might even get Michael to another off road event in the future.
Many thanks to the KooWeeRup MCC for a great weekend. Brenda, Neil, Terry, Wayne, Gary,
the level 3 first aiders, canteen crew, track set up, CFA parking team and sponsors. Looking
forward to 2017!
Lisa Skinner
If you had a great day, a good day or a badly average day at Golden Beach then send in your
photos and a short report.
Wayne Newton teamed up with son Jack but it seems his Beta got eaten by a crocodile
Best Lap time in the Six Hour: The Sand Slayer Goons 26:11.222
Best Lap time in the Four Hour: Gatha Goons 27:43.390
Full results can be seen on www.mylaps.com but here is a summary:
Four Hour XC Team 15-16 Years
4 Hour Ironman Bigger Juniors
Six Hour Teams
Six Hour 3 Man
Jake & Tyran #41 (9 laps)
Gatha Goons #36 (9 laps)
Helfin #39 (9 laps)
Hot Shotz #34 (8 laps)
FX Bro’s #38 (8 laps)
1. Fason Racin #37 (13 laps)
2. 123 Not It Racing #21 (13 laps)
3. Shake N Bake #25 (13 laps)
Six Hour Fastest Family
1. Grattan #90 (12 laps)
2. Skinner #89 (12 laps)
3. Burt #132 (12 laps)
Ryley Oakes #14 (8 laps)
Matt Carter #13 (8 laps)
Josh Linthorne #11 (8 laps)
Jaylan Lessio #16 (8 laps)
Jack Christie #12 (6 laps)
1. Hillbillyz #110 (12 laps)
2. SEFU #126 (12 laps)
3. Sherco Pigs #122 (12 laps)
Six Hour Ironman
1. Deon Javni #14 (11 laps)
2. Trent Tucci #13 (11 laps)
3. Aaron Cousins #7 (11 laps)
Motul mx nationals
Round 8
Shepparton 31st july
Goulburn Valley Junior MCC, Mooroopna
Kirk Gibbs #1
Caleb Makeham #17 & Kale Makeham #9 MX2
Round 8 saw championship positions tightening up, no more so than in MX2 where the two front riders are
now on equal points. Cody Dyce has had a standout campaign in the Rising Star Rookies and wins the
championship on 132 points. Full reports at MX Nationals, Motoonline and Fullnoise.
Cody Dyce takes the championship in Rookies class (Photos: MX Nationals)
“GVJMCC would like to thank all our Flaggies, Start Line, Finish Line, Lap Scorer, Canteen & BBQ workers, the
carpark retrieval team, the floating members & the people who took time off from their jobs to get the track
ready. You are all amazing!
To our Track Prep workers we could not have done it without you. You did an awesome job in very trying
Viper Vintage MX display
Thor MX1 450cc Pro
1. Kirk Gibbs (KTM) #1 (65 points)
2. Todd Waters (Suzuki) #47 (65 points)
3. Dean Ferris (Yamaha) #111 (64 points)
Motul MX2 250cc Pro
1. Jed Beaton (Yamaha) #12 (67 points)
2. Caleb Ward (KTM) #17 (61 points))
3. Nathan Crawford (Husqvarna) #199 (60 points
Pirelli MXD Under 19s
1. Mitchell Evans (Yamaha) #43 (70 points)
Yamaha Rising Star Rookies 125cc
1. Kirk Gibbs 538 pts
2. Dean Ferris 529 pts
3. Todd Waters 522 pts
1. Jed Beaton 507 pts
2. Nathan Crawford 507 pts
3. Caleb Ward #17 492 pts
2. Wade Kirkland (KTM) #5 (62 points)
3. Cooper Pozniak (KTM) #17 (56 points)
1. Mitchell Evans 416 pts
2. Connor Tierney 413 pts
3. Wade Kirkland 404 pts
1. Cody Dyce (Yamaha) #1 (70 pts)
2. Morgan Fogarty (KTM) #38 (60 pts)
3. Jy Roberts (Husqvarna) #100 (60 pts)
1. Cody Dyce 132 points
2. Caleb Grouthes 123 points
3. Callum Norton 113 points
The Motul MX Nationals will be heading to the Echo Valley track in Toowoomba in QLD for
round 9 on 21st August. This round will include the Amateur Cup.
Live satellite coverage of the racing via www.nrgtv.com.au
Sponsors/Advertisers: We are excited to a announce our latest advertiser, Comdain
Homes, and you can see their quality building projects on www.comdainhomes.com.au.
Director James Coen is an avid Scooter News reader!
But we are also proud to have Mk1 Motorcycles on board for their support of the DMCC off-road
series. Located in Carrum Downs they can meet all your motorcycling needs, so visit their shop
or website www.mk1motorcycles.com.au.
And Cisco’s Race Tuning supports us and the sport as advertisers – your business can also be
seen by over 1650 readers so drop us a line and get the ball rolling.
Steven Davis
(Scooter News)
Email: scooter-news@hotmail.com
#v165 mobile: 0412 999 905
If you are receiving this email from a mate and want to get it straight
from us – send us an email!
Nothing better than riding with your mates
Dandenong MCC www.dmcc.com.au
L-R: Kurt, Bryan, Tony, Spence, Glenn, me and Jo
Specialists in motorcycling servicing, performance tuning,
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Cisco's Race Tuning
Unit 1/12 Jesmond Road Croydon VIC 3136
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All your domestic and commercial needs
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(well, it is my newsletter...)
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Carpenters, Concreters, Bricklayers, etc.
James: 0419 581 277
Email: jbcoen@comdain.com.au
1/ 3 Lathams Road, Carrum Downs 3195 VIC
Scooter News has advertising space available – sell your motorbike items or promote your
business – motorbike related please. Circulation: OVER 1,650 motocross riders, and rising!
Adverts are a bargain - $10 a week for business card size ads and no commission on the sale.
Front page sponsorship packages also available. Contact Steve to discuss
0412 999 905 / scooter-news@hotmail.com
Looking for Photos?
Jo will hunt out the best of photos of you from
an event and all we ask for is a donation to
help our support of the sport. Contact us for
Remember all profits are put back into
supporting this wonderful sport!
Email us your event poster – it’s FREE!