January 25, 2015 - St. Joseph Catholic Parish
January 25, 2015 - St. Joseph Catholic Parish
ST. JOSEPH CHURCH - 703-880-4300 750 Peachtree Street, Herndon, Virginia 20170-3798 - www.sjcherndon.org PASTORAL TEAM Rev. Mike Ciski, T.O.R., Pastor Rev. Alberto Bueno, T.O.R., Parochial Vicar Rev. Tom Bourque, T.O.R., Parochial Vicar MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil Masses: Sunday Masses: ROOM/HALL RENTALS - PRIVATE BOOKINGS Call Mr. Danny Rucker - 703-880-4340 Daily Masses: PARISH OFFICES - Hours - 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Monday - Friday CHURCH OFFICE: 703-880-4300, FAX: 703-880-4320 Facility Superintendent: Mr. Danny Rucker 703-880-4340 Kitchen Manager: Mr. Jim Klenk 703-880-4312 Network/IT Manager: Mr. John Peitler 703-880-4356 Finance Administrator: Ms. Teresa Westhues 703-880-4313 Asst. Bookkeeper and Mrs. Beth Covert 703-880-4357 Child Protection Liaison Music Director: Mrs. Alice Eelman 703-880-4321 Religious Education Dir. Mr. Reyes Ruiz 703-880-4332 Religious Ed. Secretary Mrs. Rosalind Murphy 703-880-4305 Parish Secretary/ Mrs. Tisha Hilliard 703-880-4355 Finance Assistant Parish Secretaries: Mrs. Jeanne Nappier 703-880-4304 Mrs. Mary Kirby 703-880-4302 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES Religious Education Director, Mr. Reyes Ruiz In Case of Absences - CCD Office - 703-880-4307 September - May Grades K-4 Saturday 9:00-10:30 a.m. Pre-School - Ages 3-5 Sunday during 10 a.m. Mass Spanish 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. Grades 5-8 Monday 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Tuesday 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. (RCIC/Special Sacraments) Religious Education Secretary - 703-880-4305 YOUTH MINISTRY Director of Youth Ministry: Mr. David Bristow, 703-880-4309 Jr. High School Youth - Grades 7-8 High School Youth - Grades –9-12 www.sjcyouthministry.webs.com NEW PARISHIONERS: All are welcome! Please call or register at the Church Office. Remember, just attending church here does not automatically make you a registered parishioner. First Friday Masses: 5:00, 7:30 p.m. 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 a.m., 1:00 p.m., 3:30 p.m. (Spanish) 5:00 p.m. 6:30, 8:00 a.m. Monday through Saturday 7:30 p.m. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Wednesdays in the Church - 7-9 p.m. NOCTURNAL ADORATION - following First Friday Mass PASTORAL ADVISORY COUNCIL - We welcome your suggestions. Contact us at pac@sjcherndon.org. CONFESSIONS: Saturday: 3:30 p.m. Eve of First Fridays: 6:30 p.m. BULLETIN DEADLINE: The deadline for copy material is Monday before Noon. Any announcements received after Monday will be in the next bulletin. Please submit material in writing or via e-mail at mkirby@sjcherndon.org. MARRIAGE: Arrangements must begin at least (6) months in advance of the date of the wedding. This is a Diocesan requirement. Call the Church Office for an appointment. BAPTISMS: Held Sunday at 2:00 p.m. in the church. Call the Church Office at least one month in advance. For parishioners who are asked to be Godparents, please contact the Church Office no less than 3 weeks before the event takes place to see if you meet the Diocesan requirements. BAPTISMAL CLASSES: Baptismal classes are required for all parents and God-parents prior to the child being baptized. The next Baptismal Class held here at St. Joseph is February 7, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. in parish meeting room 209. St. Joseph - National Blue Ribbon School OFFICE: 703-880-4350, FAX: 703-880-4320 Grade School K-8 Principal: Mrs. Cindi Conroy Secretaries: Mrs. Mary Lewis Mrs. Barbara Beech Mrs. Debbie Lizama www.sjschoolva.org ST. JOSEPH’S CHURCH HERNDON, VIRGINIA Visit us on our website! http://www.sjcherndon.org MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Monday, January 26 6:30 a.m. + All Souls in Purgatory by The Le Family 8:00 a.m. + Wendell Schwab by The Becker Family Tuesday, January 27 6:30 a.m. + Shirley Montgomery by Pat & Patti Lynch 8:00 a.m. + Ismael Pacheo by The Wilks Family Wednesday, January 28 6:30 a.m. + Steve & Ligaya Valentin by The Hobbs Family 8:00 a.m. + Micae Tran Van Minh by The Tu Family Thursday, January 29 6:30 a.m. + All Souls in Purgatory by The Le Family 8:00 a.m. + Micae Tran Van Minh by The Tu Family Friday, January 30 6:30 a.m. + All Souls in Purgatory by The Nguyen Family 8:00 a.m. + Micae Tran Van Minh By The Tu Family Saturday, January 31 6:30 a.m. All T.O.R. Priests by The Nguyen Family 8:00 a.m. + Micae Tran Van Minh by The Tu Family 5:00 p.m. + Eugene Burke by the Burke Family 7:30 p.m. + John Gurka by Stan & Betty Ogozalek Sunday, February 1 7:00 a.m. + Dorothea Lindquist by Genie & Joe Conroy & Sons 8:30 a.m. + Josephine Adesso by Elena Adesso 10:00 a.m. In Thanksgiving For The Nguyen Family 11:30 a.m. + Robert Tershak by Terri Egan 1:00 p.m. Living & Deceased Parishioners of St. Joseph Church 3:30 p.m. Spanish Mass 5:00 p.m. + Michael Gatti by The Gatti Family Blessing of Throats in Memory of St. Blaise St. Blaise was the Bishop of Sebaste in Armenia who suffered martyrdom under Licinius about A.D. 316. While in prison, he miraculously cured a small boy who was choking to death on a fishbone lodged in his throat. By the sixth century, St. Blaise's intercession was invoked for diseases of the throat in the East. As early as the eighth century, records attest to the veneration of St. Blaise in Europe, and he became one of the most popular saints in the spiritual life of the Middle Ages. In memory of St. Blaise, we will have the Blessing of the Throats at all the Masses next weekend, January 31 - February 1st. Eucharistic Ministers scheduled for the Masses will be asked to assist the priest with the blessings. Please call the parish office if you have any questions or concerns. January 25, 2015 Today we hear the post-whale story of Jonah. Jonah has already run from what God was asking him to do, the whale has come and swallowed him and after three days spewed him up on shore. Finally, Jonah assents to what God is asking of him as he goes to the city of Ninevah calling for repentance. Even though he just had this experience with the whale, it still took courage to proclaim this message. Ninevah was a huge city dedicated to the Babylonian goddess Ishtar; Jonah, was one small voice in the midst of this big city. Yet, as the people heard God’s message they responded to the call to repentance. However, that’s only part of the story. If we move on to the next verse (which begins a new chapter) we see that Jonah now becomes angry at God. God has seen the repentance of the people and decided to have mercy on the city, but Jonah wants to see vengeance not mercy. He wants the Babylonians to get what’s coming to them. I think many of us have a lot more in common with Jonah than we’d like to admit. Not only do we often run away from what God is asking, but I think we often want to see others get ‘what’s coming to them.’ How many times do we sit in a movie theatre, watch television or read the paper and notice that it feels right when the bad guy gets his ‘upcommance’ (according to the Urban Dictionary this is a valid word). It’s only fair, right? Unfortunately, that’s not how we as followers of Jesus are supposed to respond. We shouldn’t feel good when others experience bad things even if we think they deserve it. How many times do I deserve punishment from God for my sins, yet I go to confession and ask for mercy; and he gives it to me…time and time again. Sure, my sins may not seem comparable to the actions of some of the horrendous things happening in the world; but in God’s sight, sin is sin, and there are consequences for sin, but He extends mercy. If I want God to show me mercy, it’s necessary that I show mercy to others. When we pray the Our Father we say, forgive us our trespasses (debts, sins) as we forgive others (trespasses, debts, sins) … that should be a scary thought for many of us. Our lives have all been affected by negative and evil things that happen in the world, whether it is poverty, racism, sexism or terrorism (or whatever other –ism you can think of). I’m not implying we are called to be a doormat; that’s not what Christianity is either. Yes, something needs to be done about these things; but remember there is a big difference between justice and vengeance. We can’t hold on to anger or rage; it will consume us. We also can’t try to reconcile the Law of Talons (an eye for an eye) with the Gospel of Jesus, it simply won’t work. We are called to pray for our persecutors and love our enemies (Matthew 5:44), and yes, that can be at times almost impossible. But, Jesus never said that following Him would be easy, He just said He would help us with our burdens. And, He has always been faithful to his word. I’d encourage you to read the book of Jonah, it’s only 4 chapters long, but if you can’t do that try to read the 11 verses of chapter 4 (including the footnotes) where God confronts the anger of Jonah. (http://usccb.org/ bible/jonah/4) ST. JOSEPH’S CHURCH HERNDON, VIRGINIA Visit us on our website! http://www.sjcherndon.org THE MOST HOLY TRINITY January 25, 2014 2015 June 15, Collections: In Baptism we are reborn as children of God, made members of His Church, and heirs to the Kingdom of Heaven. With this in mind, we welcome these children of God who were baptized on January 18, 2015: Keegan Riley Fitzgerald son of Michael & Kate; Eamon Joseph MacDonell son of Jimmy & Leah; Teresa Ann Mongin daughter of Stephan & Megan Feast of Candlemas - February 2nd - The Blessing of the Candles - Simeon called Jesus “a light to the nations.” The light to Jesus’ presence in the world has been celebrated on this day, February 2nd, for many centuries. The Presentation of the Lord, “Candlemas” is a feast of light. Traditionally, on this feast, or close to the feast, enough candles are blessed to last the whole year. On the weekend of January 31 - February 1, you are invited to bring a candle from home to represent all candles in your home to be lighted on birthdays, baptismal anniversaries, first Holy Communion, and in sickness. You are asked to place your candle near the basket in front of the altar before Mass. Please remember to collect your candle after Mass. 2015 BISHOP’S LENTEN APPEAL BEGINS! This month Bishop Loverde will send a mailing regarding the 2015 Bishop’s Lenten Appeal (BLA). The theme for the 2015 BLA is “Stewards of Christ Sharing Gospel Joy!” After reflecting upon the many blessings that God has given you, please prayerfully consider making a sacrificial pledge of support to this important appeal that funds many programs and ministries that serve thousands of people in our diocese. When we join together as one Body in Christ, we can do so much for so many! Eagle Scout Support Dear Parishioners: Thank you for your support towards the coat drive that was held last weekend. With your generosity, we collected 406 coats, 135 gloves, 128 hats, 91 scarves, and 37 other winter items. On behalf of the Cornerstones Foundation and Boy Scouts of America, we appreciate your donations to help local families in need this winter. ~Christopher Lee The Weekend of January 18, 2015: 1st Collection: $26,115 plus Faith Direct: $12,996 2nd Collection: Parish Catholic Education Fund $4,790 plus Faith Direct: $3,182 Your continued support and kind generosity is greatly appreciated. The flowers on the altar this weekend were donated by The Nguyen family in thanksgiving. “NATIONAL BLUE RIBBON” Give your child the gift of Catholic Education St. Joseph School Open House Tuesday, January 27, 2015 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. St. Joseph School is hosting an Open House on Tuesday, January 27, 2015, 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. – You are cordially invited to attend a brief overview by the principal and hear from some of our current students, prior to visiting all classrooms. Come experience for yourself, “Catholic Education at Its Best!” We look forward to seeing you at 9:30 a.m. in the Parish Hall. For more information, please call the school office at 703-880-4350. COMING SOON St. Joseph's School's Annual Spring Fling Saturday, February 7, 2015 Parish Hall This year our theme is Mardi Gras. If you are interested in attending or donating to this wonderful fundraising event, please contact Suzette Hoffman or Danielle Amos at smruffino@aol.com or danis13s@msn.com. Thank you. ST. JOSEPH’S CHURCH HERNDON, VIRGINIA THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (CCD) FAIRFAX COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOL (FCPS) STUDENT HOLIDAYS Catechism (CCD) classes will not be held on Saturday, January 31st for Religious Education classes (Kindergarten – 4th ) since FCPS will be having a Teacher Workday and Staff Development day (aka Student Holiday) on January 30th through February 2nd . However there still be will be classes held on February 1st & 2nd. St. Joseph’s Religious Education program, in general, follows FCPS school calendar with regards to holidays and vacation times. ARE YOU AN ADULT CATHOLIC WHO NEEDS TO BE CONFIRMED? St. Joseph’s Parish is offering a seven week class for those baptized Catholic adults who have received their First Holy Communion but still have not received Confirmation. Classes will be held every Wednesday from 7-8:30 p.m. beginning on April 8th in Room 216. Confirmation will be given by our bishop, The Most Rev. Bishop Paul S. Loverde ,Saturday, May 23rd at 7:30 p.m. at the Cathedral of St. Thomas More in Arlington. To register, contact Mr. Reyes Ruiz call 703-880-4332 or email at rruiz@sjcherndon.org. January 25, 2015 Ecumenical News: The annual Prayer Service to celebrate the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity will be held on Tuesday, January 27, 2015, 7:30 p.m. at Mount Olivet United Methodist Church, 1500 North Glebe Rd., Arlington, VA 22207. For further information, please contact Mrs. Troiani at 703-437-1196 or email: ehtroiani@att.net. Adult Faith Formation and Bible Study - Now is a great time to resolve to spend more time enjoying God’s Revelation and relating it to your everyday life. You are invited to join us Fridays 6:15 to 7:15 p.m. when we meet in room 205, except Holidays and inclement weather. We study the upcoming Sunday readings and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Creed section. For further information, please contact Mrs. Troiani at 703-437-1196 or email: ehtroiani @att.net. COME SEE CATHOLIC BUSINESSES AT WORK 2nd Annual Business EXPO on February 10, 2015 At ReMax Premier Conference Center 44675 Cape Court #110, Ashburn, VA from 3pm to 6pm with a cocktail recepƟon Sponsored by Catholic Business Network of Northern Virginia Dulles Chapter FREE ADMISSIONS TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC Booth Spaces available at a nominal fee of $25.00!! Register Now Space is Limited Great way to showcase your business and network with other Catholic Businesses THE YOUTH MINISTRY CORNER “Revolving Our Lives Around Christ” High School Open Gym / Game Night - Jan. 25th: All high school youth can join us this Sunday for open gym / game night in the St. Joseph's gymnasium from 6:00-7:30 p.m. You must wear closed toe sneakers to attend this night. For more information on the St. Joseph's Youth Ministry program, call the youth office at 703.880.4309. We Encourage Faith Direct - Manage your giving on line with your own login. Sign up today by picking up a Faith Direct enrollment form from the Church office or, easier yet, visit www.faithdirect.net and use parish code VA101 to enroll on line. Contact MaƩhew@bridgmancom.com or call 703-904-6806. ST. JOSEPH OUTREACH PRAYER TEAM Whether you or a loved one is sick or in trouble and in need of God’s help, or you want to offer praise for the good things He’s done, all your needs can be prayed for. The volunteers from the St. Joseph Outreach Prayer Team receive prayer requests from the church and community and activate the prayer chain. If you, a family member, or a friend is in need of special prayers, please call our Hotline at (703) 880-4343 to leave us your prayer requests. If you are interested in becoming a member of the St. Joseph Outreach Prayer Team, please call (703) 880-4343 and someone will return your call. “Through this work, those who are frail and/or homebound will know the very special place they have within the heart of the church and realize the very powerful gifts and graces God has given them and their families.” ST. JOSEPH’S CHURCH HERNDON, VIRGINIA Visit us on our website! http://www.sjcherndon.org January 25, 2015 Contribution Statements for 2014 Your 2014 Contribution Statements will be available upon request only. To have your statement emailed, send your request to bcovert@sjcherndon.org. Indicate in the subject line “2014 Contribution Statement Request”. Please include in the email your name, address and Parish ID/Envelope number and phone number. If you wish a paper copy, please call (703)880-4357. Please leave your name, address and Parish ID/Envelope number in your message. Indicate if you wish to have the paper statement mailed or if you will pick up at the Church Office. For planning purposes, please note that any donations received after 3:00 pm Wednesday, December 31, 2014, including those at Masses on December 31st for the January 1, 2015 Holy Day, have been processed by St. Joseph Church in calendar year 2015. Save the Date: Saturday, March 21, 2015, for the 12th Annual Live Jesus, a Lenten morning of reflection, fellowship and prayer hosted by the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales. This year’s theme: “Living Gently: Finding God in the Turmoil”. Please note change of venue: to St. John Neumann Catholic Community, 11902 Lawyer’s Road, Reston, VA. Citizenship Classes Catholic Charities-Hogar Immigrant Services offers Citizenship classes at Christ the Redeemer Church in Sterling. The cost is $40 for the semester and includes the textbook. For more information call Hogar Immigrant Services at 571-208-1572 x106. Spiritual Exercises Weekends Experience the Person of Christ! Experience the Spiritual Exercises! Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center offers silent retreats based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Upcoming Retreats include: Lenten Spiritual Exercises for Women Feb 19-22 / Price: $270 per person Mar 27-29 / Price: $180 per person Spiritual Exercises for Men January 30-February 1 / Price: $180 per person March 12-15 / Price: $270 per person Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center 7007 Bradley Blvd., Bethesda, MD 20817. Visit our website to register for these or other upcoming retreats www.ourladyofbethesda.org. Or call 301-365-0612. ANNUAL DIOCESAN MEN’S CONFERENCE - March 7th - All men of the parish are invited to the sixth annual diocesan Men's Conference on March 7th. This year's conference - entitled Victory Over The Common Enemy will feature renowned speaker Fr. Larry Richards and author Neal Lorenzo exploring the presence of sin and evil in our lives, and how to overcome them. Breakfast, lunch and Mass with Bishop Loverde will be included. Registration began January 1st. PLEASE NOTE THE NEW CONFERENCE LOCATION - FOXCHASE MANOR IN MANASSAS. Go to www.arlingtondiocese.org/men for more details or to register. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION - Making adoration of the Blessed Sacrament a regular part of your devotional life can change your lives! Please take this opportunity to strengthen your friendship with the Lord and with one another by making visits to Christ in the tabernacle. On Wednesdays from 7 p.m. - 9 p.m., we have Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm, ending with Benediction. Prayerfully consider taking advantage of spending time in prayer in the presence of our Eucharistic Lord. Please visit www.vacatholic.org and sign up for the Virginia Catholic Conference’s alerts and updates, including religious liberty issues in our Commonwealth. Church in Latin America Today, we will take up the Collection for the Church in Latin America. Your gifts to the collection will fund catechesis, marriage and family life programs, and seminarian education in Latin America and the Caribbean. The support you give today will provide opportunities for years to come. Please support the Church in Latin America and be generous in today’s collection. From the Office of Vocations Morning of Reflection - All are invited to join the St. Therese Vocation Society at Our Lady of Angels in Woodbridge on Feb. 7 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. for a Mass, continental breakfast, spiritual conference, and Holy Hour. Sr. Mary Jordan Hoover, O.P., principal of St. John Paul the Great High School, will speak. Please RSVP with the Office of Vocations by Feb. 2 at (703) 841-2514 or vocations@arlingtondiocese.org. Make Plans Now for the 2015 World Meeting of Families to be Held in Philadelphia Join Pope Francis and families from throughout the world on Sept. 22-27, in Philadelphia. This gathering will underscore the family’s importance and its positive impact on society. The 2015 theme is “Love is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive.” The days will be filled with Mass, Exposition, and dynamic speakers. During the evenings, there will be film festivals, concerts, and more. There will also be an Exhibition/ Marketplace area, as well as a youth track and day care. To learn more, visit www.worldmeeting2015.org. Registration is now open! ST. JOSEPH’S CHURCH HERNDON, VIRGINIA Visit us on our website! http://www.sjcherndon.org January 25, 2015 COLORING PAGE FOR THE YOUNG OR THE YOUNG AT HEART Women’s Conference - March 28th All women of the Diocese are encouraged to attend the annual Women’s Conference at Foxchase Manor in Manassas on March 28th with the lovely Kerri Caveizel and the founder of Mary’s Shelter, Kathleen Wilson. The conference will focus on Transforming Suffering into Joy. It will begin with Mass celebrated by Bishop Loverde at 8:45 a.m. Confessions will be offered from 7 to 8:45 a.m. Online registration started Jan. 1st . No registration at the door. Please visit www.arlingtondiocese.org/women for more details. THE WEEK AHEAD Sunday, January 25 Second Collection: Church in Latin America 10:00 a.m. - Preschool CCD (SCH) 1:30 p.m. - Spanish Religious Education Classes (SCH) 1:30 p.m. - Spanish Youth Adult Mtg. (Rm. 217) 2:00 p.m. - CS913, Den 10 (Rm. 214) 2:00 p.m. - CS913, Den 11 (Rm. 212) 5:00 p.m. - Spanish Prayer Group (Rms. 212-215) 6:00 p.m. - Youth Group Open GYM (GYM) 7:00 p.m. - Great Adventure Bible Study (Epic Series) (Rm. 210) 7:30 p.m. - Adults Only Open BB (GYM) Monday, January 26 10:00 a.m. - Mother’s Weekly Gospel Mtg. (Rms. 214-215) 7:00 p.m. - Religious Education Classes (CCD) Grades 5-8 (SCH) 7:00 p.m. - Great Adventure Bible Study (James/Psalms) (Rm. 209) 7:00 p.m. - Spanish Choir Rehearsal (CH) Tuesday, January 27 7:00 a.m. - St. Joseph’s Men’s Society Prayer Group (Rm. 210) 9:00 a.m. - Little Messenger’s Co-Op (Rms. 214-217) 9:30 a.m. - St. Joseph School Open House (HALL B) 1:00 p.m. - Great Adventure Bible Series (Rm. 210) 7:00 p.m. - Religious Education Classes (CCD) Grades 5-8 (SCH) 7:00 p.m. - Great Adventure Bible Series (Rm. 212) 7:00 p.m. - Spanish RCIA (Rm. 205) 7:30 p.m. - Adult Handbell Choir Rehearsal (CH) 9:30 p.m. - Men’s BB II (GYM) Wednesday, January 28 7:00 p.m. - English RCIA (Rm. 209) 7:00 p.m. - BSA Troop 913 PLC Mtg. (Rm. 208) 7:00 p.m. - Spanish Adult Catechism (Rms. 212-213) 7:00 p.m. - Eucharistic Adoration (CH) Thursday, January 29 7:15 p.m. - Choir Rehearsal (CH) Friday, January 30 8:45 a.m. - Great Adventure Bible Series (Matthew) (Rm. 209) 9:30 a.m. - School Mass (CH) SJS - 11:30 a.m. Dismissal 5:00 p.m. - Knights of Columbus Father/Daughter Dance (HALL A) 6:15 p.m. - Adult Bible Study (Rm. 205) 7:00 p.m. - CS913 Pack Mtg. (HALL C) 9:30 p.m. - Men’s BBII (GYM) Saturday, January 31 8:00 a.m. - CS913 Pinewood Derby (HALL C) 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. - No Religious Education Classes (CCD) Grades K-4 (SCH) 9:00 a.m. - Spanish Legion of Mary (Rm. 214) 3:30 p.m. - Confessions (CH) Eucharistic Holy Hour You are invited to a diocesan-wide Eucharistic Holy Hour sponsored by the Arlington Division of the World Apostolate of Fatima ( the Blue Army) on Sunday, January 25, from 3:00 – 4:00 P.M. at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, 271 Winchester St., Warrenton. At Fatima, Our Lady asked for prayer and sacrifice for the conversion of sinners, peace in the world, and an increase in vocations; we hope you will join us in prayer. We received a thank you note from one of our Gabriel Moms. She wishes to thank the parishioners for their generous support. She recently delivered a beautiful baby girl. God Bless You All! Dr. Terryl A. White THANKS TO OUR SPONSOR OF THE WEEK Board Certified Orthodonist White Orthodontics Countryside Professional Building www.WhiteOrthodontics.Net 703-444-5337
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ST. JOSEPH CHURCH - 703-880-4300 750
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