DRUŠTVO ZA ISHRANU SRBIJE SERBIAN NUTRITION SOCIETY 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation ISHRANOM DO ZDRAVLJA U 21. VEKU NUTRITION TO HEALTH IN 21st CENTURY IZVODI RADOVA BOOK OF ABSTRACTS Hotel «M», Bulevar Oslobođenja 56a Beograd, 31. oktobar – 3. novembar 2012. godine Belgrade, October 31st – November 3rd 2012 DRUŠTVO ZA ISHRANU SRBIJE SERBIAN NUTRITION SOCIETY 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation ISHRANOM DO ZDRAVLJA U 21. VEKU NUTRITION TO HEALTH IN 21st CENTURY IZVODI RADOVA BOOK OF ABSTRACTS Hotel «M», Bulevar Oslobođenja 56a Beograd, 31. oktobar – 3. novembar 2012. godine Belgrade, October 31st – November 3rd 2012 Organizator kongresa / Congress Organizer Društvo za ishranu Srbije Predsednik kongresa / Congress President Slađana Šobajić Naučni odbor / Scientific Address Dragojlo Obradović, predsednik / President Andrija Šrek Aurelija Spirić Bato Korać Draga Plećaš Dušica Stojanović Ida Leskošek-Čukalović Ilija Vuković Ivan Stanković Ivanka Gajić Jovanka Popov-Raljić Ljiljana Trajković-Pavlović Marija Glibetić Nedeljko Radlović Petrica Ružić Slavica Šiler-Marinković Spasenija Milanović Vera Katić Viktor Nedović Organizacioni odbor / Orginizing Committee Petrica Ružić, predsednik / President Brižita Đorđević Ljiljana Torović Miomir Nikšić Predrag Vukosavljević Slavica Rađen Suzana Dimitrijević-Branković Zoran Pavlović Zorica Basić Počasni odbor/ Committee of Honours dr Elizabeta Monarov prof. emeritus Ivanka Miletić prof. Marija Mirosavljev prof. Marija Pecelj-Gec prof. Milan Mirić prof. Živka Kostić Sekretarijat Kongresa / Congress Secretariat Dragana Balać Milica Zrnić Saša Despotović Skraćenice i oznake sekcija / Abbreviations PP Plenarna predavanja / Plenary presentations SP Sekcijska predavanja / Invited presentations UP Usmene prezetacije / Oral presentations P Poster prezetacije / Poster presentations 01 Sekcija Ishrana i zdravlje stanovništva u periodu sprovođenja milenijumskih ciljeva / Session Nutrition, Population Health and Millenium Goals 02 Sekcija Savremeni trendovi i novi prehrambeni proizvodi u prehrambenoj industriji / Session Modern Trends in Food Industry and New Food Products 03 Sekcija Dijetetski proizvodi / Session Dietary Products 04 Sekcija Ishrana različitih populacionih grupa / Session Nutrition of Specific Population Groups 05 Sekcija Posebne nutritivne potrebe / Session Special Dietary Needs 06 Sekcija Trendovi savremene ishrane u kolektivnoj ishrani, ugostiteljstvu i hotelijerstvu / Session Trends in Community Nutrition and Catering Industry 07 Sekcija Ishrana sportista / Session Sport Nutrition 08 Sekcija Antioksidansi u aterosklerozi i koži / Session Antioxidants in Atherosclerosis and in skin 09 Sekcija Antioksidanti u metaboličkim poremećajima / Session Antioxidants in Metabolic Diseases 10 Sekcija Voda i hrana / Session Water and food 11 Sekcija Sastav i kvalitet namirnica / Session Food Composition and Quality 12 Sekcija Zdravstvena ispravnost namirnica / Session Food Safety 0S2 Okrugli sto - Javnozdravstveni značaj pravilnog obeležavanja hrane: nutritivne i zdravstvene izjave / Round table Public Health Significance of Food Labelling: Nutrition ond Health Claims Okrugli sto - Evropski projekti iz oblasti hrane i ishrane iz vizure srpske nauke / Round table European Projects and Serbian Science 0S3 Okrugli sto - Izazovi bezglutenske ishrane / Round table Chalenges of Gluten-free Diet 0S4 Okrugli sto - Anoreksija nervoza / Round table Anorexia Nervosa 0S5 Okrugli sto - Zaštita dojenja - od slova zakona do kruga podrške / Round table Breastfeeding Support- from the Legislative to the Circles of Support R Radionica Centra za sportsku ishranu i suplementaciju / Center for Sport Nutrition and Supplementation Workshop OS1 PLENARNA PREDAVANJA PLENARY PRESENTATIONS 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation PP.01 NUTRIGENOMICS STUDIES REVEAL THAT POLYPHENOLS INHIBIT ATHEROSCLEROSIS DEVELOPMENT BY AFFECTING EXPRESSION OF GENES INVOLVED IN EARLY STAGES OF DISEASE DEVELOPMENT D. Milenkovic, A. Mazur and C. Morand INRA, Centre Clermont-Ferrand - Theix, UMR1019, Unité Nutrition Humaine, 63122 St Genès Champanelle, France Animal studies revealed that polyphenols are able to prevent the progression of atherosclerosis. Several authors have shown that these effects are independent of their antioxidant capacity or to changes in blood lipids, suggesting that other mechanisms are involved. Recent studies suggest that polyphenols may act at the genomic level by modulating the expression of genes. The aim of the present work is to explore these molecular mechanisms in both apolipoprotein E deficient mice and C57BL6/J mice fed a high-fat/high-cholesterol diet. Mice were fed for 16 weeks a diet supplemented with one of the following polyphenols: catechin, bilberry anthocyanins, naringin or curcumin. The progression of the lesions was estimated by measuring lipid deposition in the aortic root. A significant decrease in the progression of atherosclerotic lesions was observed for the four polyphenols studied. The anti-atherogenic effects were independent from changes in lipid parameters or antioxidant capacity of plasma. Nutrigenomic studies of aorta using pangenomic oligonucleotides have been carried out. Bioinformatic analyses of identified differentially expressed genes revealed that polyphenols modified the expression of a few hundreds genes implicated in cell signalling, cellular functions and metabolic processes. A cluster of common pathways related to cellcell adhesion, cell junctions, focal adhesion, and cell cytoskeleton has been identified for these polyphenols. These cellular functions control transendothelial migration of monocytes into the intima of blood vessels, the initial step of atherosclerosis development. In agreement with this hypothesis, we have observed a reduction in macrophage number in atherosclerotic lesions, as measured by immunohistochemistry, and, in vitro, a lower adhesion of monocytes to TNFα-stimulated endothelial 8 Plenarna predavanja / Plenary presentations cells after exposure to a nutritionally achievable concentration of metabolites. Overall, this study shows that dietary polyphenols attenuate lipid deposition in the aortic root of mice possibly by modulating the expression of genes involved in adhesion and transendothelial migration. Key words: polyphenols, nutrigenomics, atherosclerosis 9 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation PP.02 ETHICS IN FOOD SUPPLY CHAIN Peter RASPOR Chair of Biotechnology, Microbiology and Food safety, Department of Food Science and Technology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Jamnikarjeva 101, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia e mail: peter. Food science, technology and nutrition belong to applied sciences dealing with practical attitude of food production, preservation; distribution and nutrition are all along the food supply chain from food producer to food consumer daily faced with risks and challenges how supply humans with enough (security) healthy (safety) foods. Food production, processing, storage and distribution all face profound changes in last decades because of forced globalisation, extension of shelf live of food products on one side and peculiar demands of consumers (read marketing departments along food supply chain which are focused on creation of new needs). Understanding food holistically, what means understanding food production distribution, and consumption in nutritional view not just logistically, is not strong issue of current human. Consequently a manipulation with quality and safety terms along the food chain has various dimensions. In the food safety program we should be able to identify all hazards, analyze them, evaluate the likelihood of their occurrence and identify measures for their control. Being food professional is a challenge to analyze, processes and preserve food along food supply chain, but also to understand how good practices are implemented in food supply chain, where food microbiology and food microbiologists is actively involved in food safety management from producer to consumer. And this is something which opens dimension of ethics all along food supply chain. Selection of some relevant references: 1. RASPOR, Peter. Total food chain safety: how good practices can contribute?. Trends food sci. technol., 2008, vol. 19, str. 405-412 2. RASPOR, Peter, JEVŠNIK, Mojca. Good nutritional practice from producer to consumer. Crit. rev. food sci. nutr., 2008, vol. 48, 10 Plenarna predavanja / Plenary presentations no. 3, str. 276-292, 3. PLAHUTA, Primož, RASPOR, Peter. Comparative analysis of GMO plant foods current state and trends. International journal of food science, technology & nutrition, 2009, vol. 2, no. 2, str. 29-47. 4. RASPOR, Peter. The European declaration on food, technology and nutrition: editorial. Acta aliment. (Bp.), 2009, vol. 38, no. 1, str. 3-7. 11 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation PP.03 OPTEREĆENOST DRUŠTVA BOLESTIMA I ISHRANA Sandra Šipetić-Grujičić Institut ѕa epidemiologiju, Medicinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Srbija Ishrana je važan faktor u promociji i održavanju dobrog zdravlja tokom čitavog života. Njen značaj, kao determinante hroničnih nezaraznih bolesti (HNB) dobro je poznat i ima važnu ulogu u prevenciji. Opterećenost HNB rapidno se povećava širom sveta. Izračunato je da su 2001. godine HNB bile odgovorne za oko 60% od 56,5 miliona ukupnog broja prijavljenih smrtnih ishoda u svetu, kao i za oko 46% opterećenosti društva bolestima. Očekuje se da će se opterećenost nezaraznim bolestima povećati na 57% do 2020. godine. Skoro polovina od ukupnog broja smrtnih ishoda usled hroničnih nezaraznih bolesti može se pripisati kardiovaskularnim bolestima (KVB). Gojaznost i dijabetes takođe pokazuju zabrinjavajuće trendove i to ne samo zato što su sve češće prisutne kod velikog dela stanovništva, nego jer se sve češće javljaju u ranijim godinama života. HNB ne predstavljaju problem samo u razvijenim regionima sveta. Nasuprot široko rasprostranjenom verovanju, zemlje u razvoju sve više pate od javno zdravstvenih problema vezanih za HNB. Procenjuje se da će do 2020.g. HNB činiti oko ¾ svih smrtnih ishoda širom sveta, i od toga 71% smrtnih ishoda će biti usled ishemijske bolesti srca (IBS), a 70% usled dijabetesa u zemljama u razvoju. Što se tiče prekomerne težine i gojaznosti, ne samo da je sadašnja prevalencija dostigla neslućene vrednosti, nego se ona iz godine u godinu značajno povećava. Dugi niz godina poznato je da ishrana ima ključnu ulogu, kao faktor rizika, za HNB. Ono što je očigledno na globalnom nivou to je da su velike promene zahvatile ceo svet, jer su u drugoj polovini dvadesetog veka, dovele do velikih promena u ishrani, prvo u industrijskim regionima i nedavno u zemljama u razvoju. Tradicionalna, uglavnom ishrana namirnicama biljnog porekla zamenjena je masnom i energetski bogatom hranom i ishranom sa dosta namirnica životinjskog porekla. Ishrana iako je od ključne važnosti za prevenciju HNB, je samo jedan od faktora rizika. Fizička neaktivnost je značajna 12 Plenarna predavanja / Plenary presentations determinanta zdravlja, koja je rezultat progresivne promene načina života u pravcu smanjenja fizičke aktivnosti, u zemljama u razvoju, kao i u industrijskim zemljama. Ključne reči: hronične nezarazne bolesti, ishrana, opterećenost društva BURDEN OF CHRONIC DISEASE AND DIET Sandra Sipetic-Grujicic Institute of Epidemiology, Faculty of Medicine, Belgrade University, Serbia Diet is important factor in the promotion and maintenance of good health throughout the entire life. Role of diet as determinant of chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) is well established and it occupies a prominent position in prevention (1). The burden of chronic diseases is rapidly increasing worldwide. It has been calculated that, in 2001, chronic diseases contributed approximately 60% of the 56.5 million total reported deaths in the world and approximately 46% of the global burden of disease (1). The proportion of the burden of NCDs is expected to increase to 57% by 2020. Almost half of the total chronic disease deaths are attributable to cardiovascular diseases; obesity and diabetes are also showing worrying trends, not only because they already affect a large proportion of the population, but also because they have started to appear earlier in life. The chronic disease problem is far from being limited to the developed regions of the world. Contrary to widely held beliefs, developing countries are increasingly suffering from public health problems related to chronic diseases (1,2). It has been projected that, by 2020, chronic diseases will account for almost three-quarters of all deaths worldwide, and that 71% of deaths due to ischaemic heart disease (IHD), and 70% of deaths due to diabetes will occur in developing countries (3). The number of people in the developing world with diabetes will increase by more than 2.5-fold, from 84 million in 1995 to 228 million in 2025 (4). On a global basis, 60% of the burden of chronic diseases will occur in developing countries. As for overweight and obesity, not only has the current prevalence already reached unprecedented levels, but the rate at which it is annually increasing in most developing regions is substantial. 13 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation Diet has been known for many years to play a key role as a risk factor for chronic diseases. What is apparent at the global level is that great changes have swept the entire world since the second half of the twentieth century, inducing major modifications in diet, first in industrial regions and more recently in developing countries. Traditional, largely plant based diets have been swiftly replaced by high-fat, energy-dense diets with a substantial content of animal-based foods. But diet, while critical to prevention, is just one risk factor. Physical inactivity, now recognized as an increasingly important determinant of health, is the result of a progressive shift of lifestyle towards more sedentary patterns, in developing countries as much as in industrialized ones. Key words: chronic non-communicable diseases, nutrition 14 Plenarna predavanja / Plenary presentations PP.04 Procene i upravljanje rizicima kod Genetički Modifikovanih poljoprivrednih kultura Aleksej Tarasjev Odeljenje za evolucionu biologiju Instituta za biološka istraživanja “Siniša Stanković” Univerziteta u Beogradu, Srbija U ovom radu razmatra se procena rizika i upravljanje rizicima od poljoprivrednih kultura koje mogu biti korišćene u ljudskoj i životinjskoj ishrani a koje su dobijene metodama savremene biotehnologije te stoga predstavljaju genetički modifikovane organizme (GMO). Razmatraju se i postojeće definicije GMO (kao što su to definicija iz dokumenata EU i iz Kartagenskog protokola o biološkoj sigurnosti) i njihova primenjivost na neke od najsavremenijih tehnologija ukrštanja biljaka. Daje se i pregled najnovijeg razvoja metoda procene rizika i upravljanja rizicima kako po zdravlje ljudi tako i po životnu sredinu na međunarodnom nivou (u okviru rada FAO UN, stručnih tela Evropske Unije kao i radnih grupa pri Sekretarijatu Konvencije o biološkoj raznovrsnosti). Analizira se i stanje u toj oblasti kod nas na osnovu iskustava iz realizacije medjunarodnih projekata stvaranja potencijala i rada Nacionalnog saveta za biološku sigurnost koji u Srbiji ocenjuje procenu rizika i predlozene mere za upravljanje rizicima koje su dati u prijavi. Poseban osvrt biće dan na krajnje nezadovoljavajuće stanje postojeće zakonske regulative u Srbiji koja je usvajanjem Zakona o GMO 2009 godine pod krajnje čudnim okolnostima i bez poštovanja pravila struke i međunarodnih standarda postala istovremeno i restriktivna i krajnje nebezbedna. Ključne reči: genetička modifikacija, poljoprivredne kulture, procena rizika, regulativa 15 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation Risk assesSment and risk management in gm crops Aleksej Tarasjev Department for Evolutionary Biology Institute for Biological Research “Siniša Stanković” University of Belgrade, Serbia In this work we present current situation in the field of risk assessment (RA) and risk management (RM) of GM crops that can be used as food or feed. Existing definitions of GMO (Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, EU directives) and their applicability to some of the new breeding techniques are discussed. Latest developments in RA and RM methodology by various bodies and organizations (FAO UN, EU, SCBD Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group and others) are also addressed. Current situation in Serbia is evaluated on the basis of experience from biosafety capacity building programs and projects realized in Serbia, and experience from work of Serbian Expert Council for Biosafety - expert body that evaluates RA and RM presented in dossiers and applications for different uses of GMO. Special emphasis is given on the analysis of current situation with GMO legislation in Serbia (changed in 2009 in Parliament without expert participation) that is in its present state at the same time both unsafe and more restrictive then EU regulations. Key words: GM, crops, risk assessment, risk management 16 Plenarna predavanja / Plenary presentations PP.05 MOLEKULARNI TARGETI REDOKS REGULACIJE: MOGUĆNOST MODULACIJE ISHRANOM Bato Korać Univerzitet u Beogradu, Institut za biološka istraživanja “Siniša Stanković”, Bulevar despota Stefana 142, Beograd, Srbija Poslednjih decenija svedoci smo da reaktivne vrste kiseonika i azota, pre svih, imaju značajne uloge u patogenezi širokog spektra oboljenja ali i regulaciji esencijalnih ćelijskih procesa. Ovo njihovo naizgled opozitno delovanje predstavlja suštinu pojma redoks regulacije. Modulacija produkcije oksidanata sa jedne i regulacija endogenog antioksidativnog nivoa sa druge strane definiše redoks stanje ćelije. Redoks stanje se održava u homeostatskim okvirima aktiviranjem molekulskih igrača na različitim nivoima: transkripcionom, translacionom i posttranslacionom. Svi ovi regulatorni nivoi mogu biti afektovani različitim endogenim i egzogenim faktorima, posebno konstituentima iz hrane: amino kiselinama, masnim kiselinama, mikroelementima, vitaminima, fitohemikalijama ... Cilj ovog izlaganja je da se sagledaju molekularni targeti i mehanizmi modulacije redoks stanja ćelije ishranom u svetlu strategija sprečavanja oboljevanja ljudi. Ključne reči: redoks regulacija, molekularni targeti, ishrana THE MOLECULAR TARGETS OF REDOX REGULATION: POSSIBILITY OF MODULATION WITH THE FOOD Bato Korać University of Belgrade, Institute for biological research “Siniša Stanković”, Bulevar despota Stefana 142, Belgrade, Serbia In recent decades we have witnessed that reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, above all, have a significant role in the pathogenesis of a wide spectrum of diseases, and regulation of essential cellular processes. Their seemingly opposite actions are the essence of the concept of redox regulation. Modulation of oxidant production on one hand, and the regulation of endogenous antioxidant levels on the other, defines the 17 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation redox state of the cell. Redox state is maintained in the homeostatic framework by activation of molecular players at different regulatory levels: transcriptional, translational and posttranslational. All of these regulatory levels can be affected by specific endogenous and exogenous factors, especially from food constituents: amino acids, fatty acids, trace elements, vitamins, phytochemicals... The aim of this lecture is to perceive the molecular targets and mechanisms involved in cell redox state modulation by food in the light of strategies in combating human diseases. Key words: redox regulation, molecular targets, nutrition 18 Plenarna predavanja / Plenary presentations PP.06 NOVI PRISTUP PROCENI RIZIKA MIKROBIOLOŠKIH OPASNOSTI (TOKSINA) KAO REZULTAT MODERNIH TRENDOVA U PROIZVODNJI I FORMULACIJI HRANE Rajković A Katedra za upravljanje kvalitetom i bezbednošću hrane; Institut za prehrambenu tehnologiju i biohemiju, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Srbija Veliki je broj patogenih mikroorganizama, njihovih toksina i metabolite koji mogu da kontaminiraju hranu. Još je veći broj načina na koji hrana biva kontaminirana ovim opasnostima (hazardima). Poznato je da oslanjanje na kontrolu kontaminacije putem analize gotovih proizvoda ne daje traženu pouzdanost u zahteva ni nivo bezbednosti hrane te da se sistemski i preventivni pristup kontroli kontaminacije zasniva na potrebi da se prepoznaju opasnosti i njihov potencijal ni uticaj na javno zdravlje. Ova neophodnost je povezana i sa dodelom adekvatnih resursa za obezbeđenje potrebnog nivoa bezbednosti. Iako je analiza opasnosti (hazard analyzis) implicitna aktivnost unutar HACCP koncepta, ipak ne postoji formalna procedura u izradi HACCP plana kojom se vrši diferencija cija između trivijalnih ili manje verovatnih opasnosti u hrani od onih koji predstavljaju „ozbiljnu“ pretnju po javno zdravlje. Suprotno ovome koncept „rizika“ asimiluje i verovatnoću pojave da te opasnost i težine posledica te pojave, dozvoljavajući identifikovanje opasnosti koje najviše zahtevaju „kontrolu“. Procena rizika (Risk assessment), kao ustoličeni termin je jedan od tri elementa formalnog i objektivnog pristupa analize rizika koje se nalaze u vezi sa specifičnim aktivnostima ili specifičnim proizvodima. Ukupan okvir u kome se vrši procena rizika se naziva analiza rizika (Risk analaysis) i pored procene rizika ukjučuje još dva elementa, naime „upravljanje rizikom“ (Risk management) i „komunikaciju rizikom“ (risk communication). Poznata kompleksnost mikrobiološke procene rizika (procena rizika po javno zdravlje izazavana prisustvom mikrobioloških opasnosti u hrani) se dodatno komplikuje kada se u proizvodnji hrane primenjuju postupci koji ne vode jednostavnoj inaktivaciji mikroorganizama. Blagi tretmani i korišćenje takozvane „hurdle technology“, tj.tehnologije više kombinovanih faktora kojima će se kontrolisati rast mikroorganizama su 19 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation osnova današnje prehrambene industrije. Dalje usložnjavanje se dešava u slučajevima kada je infektivni nivo patogena nizak ili kada je osnova virulentnosti datog patogena toksin. Ova kompleksnost se zasnivana velikom broju parametara koji utiču na konačnu izloženost čoveka datom patogenu/toksinu i velikom broju patrametara koji utiču na zdravstrveni efekat te izloženosti. Dodatan faktor u proceni rizika od bakterijskih intoksikacija i tokisko-infekcija se ogleda nepoznatom odnosu koncetracija i formi toksina i simptoma koje oni izazivaju kod čoveka, kao i činjenici da je prisustvo toksina u trenutku izlaganja nezavisno od trenutnog prisustva samog mikroorganizma i da samo prisustvo gena koji kodiraju toksin nije dovoljno za proizvodnju toksina. Konačna virulentnost, kako kod infekcija sensustricto tako i kod intoksikacija sensulato zavisi i od fiziološkog stanja ćelije patogena koja je u mnogome rezultat uslova procesa primenjenog u proizvodnji hrane. Tako, na primer stanje sub-letalne ozleđenosti ima uticaj ne samo na preživljavanje i rast veći na patogeni potencijal datog mikroorganizma. Većiona komulti parametarska jednačina dobija dodatne elemente kada se u obzir uzme uglavnom nepoznati efekat (sub)hronične izloženostii (sub)kliničkih koncetracija čiji efekti nisu akutno vidljivi, a posebno kada se u produženom period na koji se kategorizacija opasnosti odnosi razmatra efekat izloženosti različtim toksinima. Ovakav scenario višestruke izloženosti je teško okarakterisati i iteracije koje bi datu izloženost matematički opisale zahtevaju prethodna ispitivanja koja do danas nisu rađena. Izlaganje ćelijskih kultura, kao i studije na životinjama kao modelima, mogu delimično da pomognu procenu rizika. No, kako je obim potrebnih ispitivanja veliki, i traženi broj ponavljanja visoku sledinherentne biološke varijabilnosti, ovi podaci se velikim delom moraju substituisati ogledima zasnovanim na transkriptomu i proteomu, kako na nivou patogenih mikroorganizma, tako i (modela) domaćina. Ovaj rad ima za cilj da pokaže najnovija dostignuća iz oblasti procene rizika vezane za višestruku i dugotrajnu izloženost toksinima patogenahran, konkretno tokisnima Bacillus cereus-a i Staphylococcus aureus-a, a u sprezi za modernism načinom proizvodnje i formulacije hrane. Ključne reči: procena rizika, mikrobiološka opasnost, proizvodnja hrane 20 Plenarna predavanja / Plenary presentations NEW APPROACHES IN MICROBIAL (TOXIN) RISK ASSESSMENT AS A RESPONSE TO THE CONTEMPORARY FOOD PRODUCTION AND FOOD FORMULATION Rajkovic A Department of Food Safety and Food Quality Management, Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade University, Serbia There are numerous pathogens that can theoretically contaminate foods and many more scenarios by which that contamination could arise. End-product testing is time consuming, expensive, often invasive and largely ineffective at ensuring the level of food safety required. It is important to be able to recognise hazards and their potential impact on public health and to allocate resources where they will have greatest effect in assuring public health. While hazard analysis is implicit in the HACCP system, there is no formal procedure within HACCP for differentiation of trivial or unlikely hazards in foods from those that pose a serious threat to public health, The concept of ‘risk’ embodies both the likelihood of a hazard occurring and the severity of the consequences if it does, and enables a means of identifying hazards that most require control. Risk assessment is one element of a formal and objective approach to the analysis of risks associated with specific activities. The overall framework has been termed ‘risk analysis’ including also the elements ‘risk management’ and ‘risk communication’. The well-knowncomplexity of microbial risk assessment is further complicated when modern food processing is taken into account. Consumer desire for minimally processed yet safe foods creates a paradox for the food industry, particularly because food must remain ‘affordable’ bringing novel and mild food processing that uses hurdle technology to warrant desired food safety levels. Meeting these competing demands poses a challenge to the food industry and its regulators. The inherent complexity of microbial risk assessment is build up with those pathogens that in their virulence rely on toxins or that have very low infectious dose. The increasing attention for microbial toxins on the public health radar is a consequence of increased number of foodborne outbreaks with toxins as etiological agent, a globalized food supply chain and contemporary food production characteristics. Microbial toxins are often independent in their presence from the simultaneous viability of a respective microorganism. 21 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation Their production may occur in food at almost any stage of food chain and they can remain present and biologically active even when the producing microorganism is inactivated. The mere gene presence on the other hand does not warrant toxin production. Therefore use of cell lines and animal models can provide some information on biological activity and dose-response scenarios. However, as these investigations require large setups to compensate for biological variability and various exposure (concentration, multi-toxin…) scenarios data will also need to come from studies of transcriptomics and proteomics (both on pathogen and host level). The potential to inflict damage is a function of conditions for the toxin production (e.g. extrinsic and intrinsic food factors, relationship to microbial cell density, growth phase and cell injury, (sub)clinical dose, effect of acute and (sub)chronic exposure etc. Many of these factors are dependent on the food processing conditions (Rajkovic et al. 2010). The prior research indicated dangers of sub-lethal injury caused by mild processing and existence of different microbial subpopulations. The surviving cells can be characterized by modified virulence (e.g. toxin production potential (in food and in gut)). Therefore the understanding of the effect of processing technology and overall food environment on the exposure of the consumer to the microbial hazards (e.g. toxins) is one of the key elements that need to be addressed in respective risk assessment. In the context of mounting concern on the exposure to multiple microbial toxins via versatile vectors of food, environment and human activities it has to be realized that (re)emerging toxins need a continuous assessment for the level of threat they pose to the public health. Performing the exposure assessment of the multi-exposure is difficult at this stage of knowledge. The development and application of new tools will help to clarify the grounds of the reported epidemiological findings of measurable human exposure. Since for the vast majority of these toxins, identification and characterization information is absent or limited the assessment of their health significance is complex. This work will focus on latest strategies and achievements when it comes top toxins of Bacillus cereus and Staphylococcus aureus in relation to contemporary food processing. Key words: risk assessment, microbiological hazard, food production 22 Plenarna predavanja / Plenary presentations PP.07 IMMUNONUTRITION: A USEFUL TOOL IN OBESITY Ascensión Marcos Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Spain Obesity is one of the most prevalent non-communicable diseases and a major concern for public health worldwide, mainly due to its well established relationship with alterations like insulin resistance and diabetes, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, amongst other inflammatory pathologies (Alzheimer’s disease, heart attacks or some types of cancer). Indeed, obesity shares with most chronic diseases the presence of an inflammatory component, which is in good part responsible for the development of metabolic and other health alterations associated. This chronic inflammatory response has its origin in the links existing between the adipose tissue and the immune system. Obesity, like other states of malnutrition, is known to impair immune function, leading to a high prevalence of infections and allergies, but even more recently, evidence is arising that an altered immune function contributes to the pathogenesis of obesity. More specifically, measures of body fat have been shown to positively correlate with serum levels of inflammatory proteins, and it is interesting to note that markers of abdominal obesity, such as waist circumference, seem to be more strongly associated with inflammatory markers than the body mass index or total body fat, which indicates a greater impact of central obesity on inflammation. Adipose tissue in general and adipocytes in particular secrete a great number of bioactive molecules of different nature, collectively termed adipokines, many of which have immuno-modulatory actions. This is the case for leptin and adiponectin, to mention only the two most paradigmatic adipokines. As a matter of fact, obesity-associated chronic systemic inflammation has its origin in a dysfunction of the adipose tissue. Furthermore, although genetics is an important factor included into the pathogenesis of obesity, several lifestyle-related determinants, such as physical activity and fitness have been shown to be important protective factors to lessen low-grade inflammation found in obesity. Indeed, fitness and body fat must be considered as important determinants in public health strategies to fight against an inflammatory condition. Key words: obesity, immune system, nutrition 23 Sekcija Ishrana i zdravlje stanovništva u periodu sprovođenja milenijumskih ciljeva Session Nutrition, Population Health and Millenium Goals Sekcijsko predavanje / Session Presentation 01.SP1 MILENIJUMSKI RAZVOJNI CILJEVI, ISHRANA I MASOVNE NEZARAZNE BOLESTI Novaković B, Jovičić Bata J, Grujičić M Medicinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu Uvod: »Тhe Human Development Report« objavljen 1990. godine po prvi put je vratio ljude u centar civilizacijskog procesa u smislu unapređenja zdravlja ljudi kroz ekonomski ostvarivu i humano osmišljenu politiku zdravlja i promociju zdravlja. Deset godina kasnije, 189 država sveta potpisalo je Milenijumsku deklaraciju iz koje su proistekli Milenijumski razvojni ciljevi koji dobro zdravlje ljudi i osiguranje dovoljne količine zdravstveno bezbedne hrane postavljaju za kamen temeljac globalnog razvoja. Cilj: Cilj rada bio je prikaz povezanosti Milenijumskih razvojnih ciljeva i smanjenja rizika za pojavu masovnih nezarazih bolesti (MNB). Metodologija: Povezanost Milenijumskih razvojnih ciljeva i smanjenja rizika za MNB biće prikazan na osnovu Političke deklaracije Ujedinjenih nacija iz 2011.godine. Rezultati: Masovne nezarazne bolesti, pre svega kardiovaskularne bolesti, dijabetes tip 2, maligne bolesti i hronične opstruktivne bolesti pluća, uzrok su u 60% smrti tokom jedne godine globalno. Značajne internacionalne zdravstvene organizacije kažu da se oko 80% svih kardiovaskularnih bolesti i dijabetesa tip 2 i preko 40% malignih bolesti može sprečiti pravilnom ishranom, redovnom i povećanom fizičkom aktivnošću i prestankom pušenja. Zaključak: Realizacija Milenijumskih razvojnih ciljeva može značajno uticati na civilizacijski razvoj, kretanje tradicionalnih, modernih i tranzicionih zdravstvenih rizika odnosno može uticati na regionalnu i globalnu optrećenost bolestima uzrokovanih nepravilnom ishranom. Ključne reči: Milenijumski razvojni ciljevi, ishrana, rizik, masovne nezarazne bolesti 25 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS, NUTRITION AND MASS NON-COMMUNICABLE DISEASES Novaković B, Jovičić Bata J, Grujičić M Faculty of Medicine, University of Novi Sad Introduction: The Human Development Report released in 1990 was the first policy document that emphasized the importance of human-centered health policy. Ten years later, 189 countries signed the Millennium Declaration. The Millennium Declaration is supposed to be implemented through the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) that consider health, food security and food safety to be the cornerstones of global development. Objective: The aim is to present the relationship between MDGs and the reduction of risk factors for mass non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Methods: Presentation of the link between MDGs and the reduction of risk for NCDs was based on the Political Declaration of the United Nations on the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases from 2011. Results: Mass non-communicable diseases, cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases in particular were the cause of 60% of global deaths in one year. Eminent health organizations claim that around 80% of all cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes and over 40% of malignant diseases may be prevented by healthy diet, regular physical activity and smoking cessation. Conclusion: The realization of the Millennium Development Goals can significantly affect the development of civilization and the shift of health risks from traditional to modern. Overall, it could affect the regional and global burden of mass non-communicable diseases and other nutrition-related diseases. Key words: Millennium Development Goals, nutrition, risk, mass non-communicablediseases 26 Sekcijsko predavanje / Session Presentation 01.SP2 CREVNA FLORA KAO POKAZATELJ ZDRAVSTEVENOG STANJA I MEDIJATOR PREKO KOG DODACI ISHRANI OSTVARUJU UTICAJ NA ZDRAVLJE ČOVEKA Rajilić-Stojanović M Katedra za biohemijsko inženjerstvo i biotehnologije, Tehnološko-metalurški fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Beograd Intestinalni trakt čoveka je gusto naseljen mikroorganizmima – crevnom florom – koja obavlja približno isti broj metaboličkih reakcija kao i jetra i ima ogroman uticaj na zdravlje čoveka. Zbog brojnosti i kompleksnosti crevne flore, koju sačinjava nekoliko hiljada, prvenstveno bakterijskih vrsta, tek je primena molekularnih tehnika omogućila njenu adekvatnu analizu. Tako je primena DNK čipa – Human Intestinal Tract (HIT) Chip-a – omogućila definisanje poremećaja sastava crevne flore u vezi sa nekoliko intestinalnih bolesti. Ustanovljeno je da i zdrave i obolele osobe imaju izuzetno stabilnu crevnu floru, ali se sastav ovog ekosistema razlikuje između zdravih i obolelih. Tako je ustanovljeno da osobe obolele od ulceroznog kolitisa imaju umanjen broj bakterija koje proizvode butirat i propionat (metabolita koji imaju anti-inflamatorno dejstvo), ali i 20 puta manju količinu bakterija nepoznate fiziološke aktivnosti iz reda Clostridiales. Sa druge strane, oboleli imaju povećanu količinu potencijalno patogenih bakterija iz rodova Campylobacter, Helicobacter, Peptostreptococcus, Fusobacterium i Clostridium. Interesantno je da su značajni poremećaji sastava crevne flore otkriveni i u vezi sa blažim bolestima poput sindroma iritabilnog kolona. Pacijenti oboleli od ove bolesti, imaju gotovo dvostruko manju količinu bakterija tipa Bacteroidetes koje su odgovorne za varenje nesvarivih ugljenih hidrata, ali i značajno umanjenu količinu bakterija iz roda tipičnih probiotskih bakterija – Bifidobacterim. Analiza crevne flore u kliničkim studijama u kojima se ispituje uticaj probiotika i prebiotika, omogućila je identifikaciju mehanizama pomoću kojih ovi dodaci ishrani ostvaruju svoj pozitivan efekat na zdravlje čoveka. Dok prebiotici imaju sposobnost da izmene količine prisutnih bakterija, uticaj probiotika je kompleksniji jer menja međusobne odnose bakterija, verovatno menjanjem njihove fiziološke aktivnosti. Analize sastava crevne flore su se već pokazale kao 27 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation veoma korisne i realno je očekivati da će imaju veliki značaj u procesu definisanja dodataka ishrani sa pozitivnim efektom na zdravlje čoveka. Ključne reči: crevna flora, medijator, dodaci ishrani THE ROLE OF THE GUT MICROBIOTA IN HUMAN HEALTH AND IN MEDIATING INFLUENCE OF BENEFICIAL DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS Rajilić-Stojanović M Department for Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Belgrade University, Belgrade The human intestinal tract is densely populated by complex microbial ecosystem – gut microbiota – that significantly contributes to human health by performing numerous metabolic transformations. Since gut microbiota is composed of thousands of different species, primarily bacteria, only the application of molecular techniques has enabled appropriate approaches for studying this ecosystem. In that line, application of DNA microarray – Human Intestinal Tract (HIT) Chip – has indentified deviations of the gut microbiota in relation to several intestinal disease. While both healthy and sick subjects have stable microbiota, its composition differs between healthy subjects and patients. Deviations of the gut microbiota of ulcerative colitis patients include lower abundance of butyrate and propionate producing bacteria (metabolites with anti-inflammatory properties). Furthermore, these patients have 20 fold reduced abundance of a Clostridiales bacterium with unknown physiological properties. On the other hand, these patients harbor higher abundance of potentially pathogenic bacteria within Campylobacter, Helicobacter, Peptostreptococcus, Fusobacterium and Clostridium genera. Interestingly, strongly significant deviations of the gut microbiota are also associated with milder intestinal disease – irritable bowel syndrome. These patients have almost two fold reduced abundance of bacteria from phylum Bacteroidetes, which are involved in digestion of resistant carbohydrates. Moreover, these patients have significantly reduced abundance of Bifidobacterium sp., which are typical 28 Sekcijsko predavanje / Session Presentation probiotics. Analyses of the gut microbiota during clinical trials where influence of probiotics and prebiotics is studied provided insight into mechanisms by which these dietary supplements effect human health. While prebiotics influence abundances of bacterial groups within the gut microbiota, influence of probiotics is more complex as probitics are changing interactions between the gut microbiota constituents probably by effecting their physiological activities. Analyses of the gut microbiota composition have proven their importance, and it is rational to expect that they will play an important role in defining dietary supplements that can affect human health. Key words: gut microbiota, mediator, supplements 29 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 01.SP3 UPOTREBA SUPLEMENATA KOD TRUDNICA U REGIJI BANJALUKA Rudić Grujić V1, Novaković B2,3, Grabež M3, Pešević Pajčin J4, Vulin Ž 4 JZU Institut za javno zdravstvo Republike Srpske, 2Medicinski fakultet Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, 3Medicinski fakultet Univerzitet u Banjaluci, 4 JZU Dom zdravlja Banjaluka 1 Zbog povećanih metaboličkih potreba trudnice predstavljaju osjetljivu populaciju za pojavu nedostatka mikronutrijenata. Cilj: Cilj rada je prikazati učestalost upotrebe suplemenata i najčešće upotrebljivane suplemente kod trudnica u regiji Banjaluka. Metod: Uzorak je obuhvatio 196 trudnica od 24. do 28. nedjelje gestacije koje su dolazile na redovnu kontrolu kod ginekologa. Istraživanje je sprovedeno od februara do septembra 2012. godine u domovima zdravlja regije Banjaluka. U istraživanju je korišćen upitnik zasnovan na preporukama sličnih istraživanja. Prlikom statistčke obrade podataka korišćena je osnovna deskriptivna statistika. Rezultati: Najveći procenat ispitanica je u dobi od 25.-29. godine života (39,28%). Vitaminsko-mineralne (multiple) suplemente koristilo je 46,93% trudnica. Najčešće korišćeni pojedinačni suplementi su: folna kiselina 42,34%, gvožđe 15,81%, vitamin C 10,71 %, fluor 4,08 %, B kompleks 3,57%. Savjet o ishrani u toku trudnoće nije dobilo 55,6 % trudnica. Od trudnica koje koriste suplemente 72,44% ih uzima po preporuci ljekara. Nije uočena statistička značajnost u učestalosti upotrebe multiplih suplemenata između trudnica koje su konzumirale pet porcija voća i povrća dnevno u odnosu na one koje su konzumirale manje voća i povrća (χ2=0.6064683, p=0.43612). Diskusija: Deficiti mikronutrijenata imaju visoku prevalenciju u zemljama u razvoju. Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija preporučuje povremenu upotrebu gvožđa da bi se smanjio rizik od anemije i unaprijedilo zdravlje trudnica. Meta anliza više studija pokazala je da upotreba multiplih suplemenata smanjuje rizik od male porođajne težine novorođenčeta, ali može povećati rizik za mrtvorođenje u odnosu na trudnice koje su koristile samo gvožđe i folnu kiselinu. Studija provedena u Irskoj bilježi upotrebu folne kiseline prema preporukama kod 44,4% trudnica, multiple suplemente koristi 10% trudnica. 30 Sekcijsko predavanje / Session Presentation Zaključak: Više od polovine trudnica nije koristilo folnu kiselinu u skladu sa važećim preporukama. Potrebno je veće angažovanje zdravstvenih radnika na savjetovanju trudnica o ishrani. Potrebna su daljnja istraživanja u cilju definisanja potrebe za suplementacijom kod trudnica u našoj zemlji. Ključne riječi: suplementi, trudnoća, folna kiselina, gvožđe SUPPLEMENTATION DURING PREGNANCY IN REGION OF BANJALUKA Rudić Grujić V1, Novaković B2,3, Grabež M3, Pešević Pajčin J4, Vulin Ž 4 Public health institute Republic of Srpska, 2Medical faculty University Novi Sad, Medical faculty University Banjaluka, 4 Health Center Banjaluka 1 Because of the increased metabolic needs, pregnant women are vulnerable populations for the occurrence of micronutrient deficiency. The aim: The aim of the study was to show the frequency of the use of supplements, and witch supplements are commonly used by pregnant women in the region of Banjaluka. Method: The sample consisted of 196 pregnanat women from 24.-28. weeks of gestation who wisited their gynecologist for regular check ups. The study was conducted from February to September 2012 in the Health Center of Banjaluka. The questionnaire was based on recomendation of similar studies.The basic descriptive statistics were used for data processing. Results: The higest percentage of women was at the age of 25-29 years (39,28%). Multiple supplements were used by 46,93% of pregnant women. The most commonly used single supplements are folic acid 42,34%/, Fe 15,81%, C vitamin 10,71 %, fluorine 4,08 %, B complex 3,57%. Dietary advice during pregnancy did not get 55,6 % pregnant women. 72,44% of pregnant women who use supplements, were taken it according their physicians redomendation. There was no statistical significant difference in the prevalence of multiple supplements use among pregnant women who ate five servings of fruits and vegetables, a day compared to those who consumed less fruits and vegetables (χ2=0.6064683, p=0.43612). 31 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation Discussion: Developing countries have a high prevalence of micronutrient deficiencies. The World Health Organization recommends intermittent use of oral iron supplements for prevention of anemia and improvment of the health of pregnant women. Meta-analysis several studies has shown that the use of multiple supplements reduces the risks of low birth weight, but may increase the risk of stillbirth compared to women who used only iron and folic acid. A study in Ireland reported the use of folic acid, as recommended, by 44,4% of pregnant women, multiple supplements are used by 10 % of pregnant women. Conclusion: More than half of pregnant women did not use folic acid in accordance with current recommendations. It takes more commitment of health workers in counseling pregnant women about nutrition. Further studies are needed in order to define the need for the supplementation in pregnant women in our country. Key word: supplements, pregnancy, folic acid, iron 32 Sekcijsko predavanje / Session Presentation 01.SP4 SO: ŠTA STUDENTI ZNAJU O NUTRITIVNIM IZVORIMA I AKTUELNOJ PREPORUCI ZA UNOS? Jovičić Bata J, Novaković B, Grujičić M Medicinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Novi Sad, Srbija Cilj: Cilj istraživanja bio je procena nivoa znanja studenata Fakulteta tehničkih nauka i Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Novom Sadu o nutritivnim izvorima soli i aktuelnoj preporuci za unos soli. Metode: Podaci su prikupljeni tokom zimskog semestra školske 2011/12. godine na Univerzitetu u Novom Sadu. Anketirani su studenti Fakulteta tehničkih nauka i Medicinskog fakulteta. Anketom je procenjivan nivo znanja o nutritivnim izvorima soli i aktuelnoj preporuci za unos soli. Podaci su analizirani programom IBM SPSS Statistics (ver. 20.0). Rezultati: Ukupno 279 studenata je popunilo anketu [srednji uzrast 20.84 god; SD 1.693; CI 95% (20.64, 21.04) god]: 145 studenata Medicinskog fakulteta i 134 studenta Fakulteta tehničkih nauka. Veći procenat studenata medicine (52.4%) je tačno odgovorio na pitanje o aktuelnoj preporuci za unos soli u odnosu na studente tehničkih nauka (48.5%), ali ova razlika nije bila statistički značajna (χ2=1.732, df=2, p=0.421). U poređenju sa 20.1% studenata tehničkih nauka, više studenata medicine (31.7%) smatra da je industrijski proizvedena hrana glavni izvor soli u ishrani (χ2=8.140, df=3, p <0.05). Diskusija: Studenti Medicinskog fakulteta pokazali su bolje poznavanje nutritivnih izvora soli. Većina studenata (64%) pogrešno smatra da je so dodata tokom pripreme hrane u domaćinstvu i tokom jela, glavni izvor soli u ishrani. Procenat studenata koji su upoznati sa aktuelnom preporukom za unos soli je relativno visok. Zaključak: Uz pomoć stručnjaka odgovornih za politiku hrane, zdravstvenih radnika i medija, studentima bi trebalo ukazati na namirnice koje su značajni nutritivni izvori soli. Na taj način, studentima bi se pružila mogućnost informisanog izbora. Navedena aktivnost mogla bi biti značajan pomak u smanjenju ukupnog unosa soli u studentskoj populaciji i smanjenju rizika za hipertenziju. Ključne reči: unos soli, unos natrijuma, studenti 33 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation SALT: WHAT DO UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS KNOW ABOUT DIETARY SOURCES AND CURRENT INTAKE GOAL? Jovičić Bata J, Novaković B, Grujičić M Faculty of Medicine, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia Aim: The aim of this study has been to assess the level of knowledge about dietary sources of salt and current intake goal among undergraduate students of technical sciences and medicine at the University of Novi Sad, Serbia. Methods: The data were collected at the University of Novi Sad during the fall semester of 2011/12 academic year.Students of the Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Technical Sciences participated in the survey. The survey assessed their level of knowledge of dietary sources of salt and current salt intake goal using multiple choice questions.The data were analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics version 20.0. Results: In all, 279 students completed the questionnaire [mean age 20.84 y; SD 1.693; CI 95% (20.64, 21.04)y]: 145 of the Faculty of Medicine and 134 of the Faculty of Technical Sciences.The students of the Faculty of Medicine were more likely to answer correctly when asked about the current daily salt intake goal than the students of the Faculty of Technical Sciences (52.4% vs. 48.5%, respectively), but this difference was not statistically significant (χ2=1.732, df=2, p=0.421).More medical students (31.7%) believed that processed foods were the main source of dietary salt compared to students of technical sciences (20.1%) (χ2=8.140, df=3, p <0.05). Discussion: Medical students show better knowledge about dietary sources of salt. The majority of all students (63%) mistakenly believe that salt added during cooking or at the table is the main contributor to dietary salt intake. The proportion of students aware of the salt intake goal is relatively high. Conclusions: Awareness of dietary salt sources among students should be raised with the involvment of policy makers, healthcare workers and media in order to help students make better dietary choices. This could be a move foreward in salt intake reduction and hypertension prevention. Key words: salt intake, sodium intake, undergraduate students 34 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios 01.UP1 Izloženost sorbinskoj kiselini prehrambenim aditivima kod stanovništva u Nišu Lazarević K1, Stojanović D1,2, Kocić Gordana 2, Djonović N3 Institut za javno zdravlje Niš, 2Medicinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Nišu, 3Medicinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Kragujevcu 1 Cilj: Cilj ovog istraživanja je da proceni dnevni unos sorbinske kiseline prehrambenim aditivima kod stanovništva u Nišu. Metode: Informacije o unosu hrane prikupljene su kod 1004 osobe (uzrasta 15godina i starije) putem semikvantitativnog upitnika o učestalosti unosa namirnica (Food Frequency Questionnaire- FFQ). Sadržaj sorbinske kiseline ispitivan je kod 890 namirnica, u akreditovanoj laboratoriji Instituta za javno zdravlje Niš. Izračunavanje unosa sorbinske vršeno je metodom za ispitivanje unosa aditiva hranom predloženom od Evropske Unije. Rezultati: Prosečan dnevni unos sorbinske kiseline (0.22 mg/kg telesne mase) je bio ispod PDU (Prihvatljivog Dnevnog Unosa) - 25mg/ kg telesne mase. Manji od PDU, bio je i unos sorbinske kiseline kod konzumenata (n=613) sa prosečnim (0.28 mg/kg telesne mase; 1.12% PDU) i visokim dnevnim unosom sorbinske kiseline (0.80 mg/kg telesne mase; 3.2% PDU). Najveći udeo u dnevnom unosu sorbinske kiseline u ishrani imali su fini pekarski pekarski proizvodi i kečap i pire od paradajza (svaki po 31.8%). Zaključak: Rezultati ovo studije ukazuju da izloženost sorbinskoj kiselini prehrambenima aditivima ne predstavlja zdravstveni rizik za stanovništva grada Niša. Ključne reči: sorbinska kiselina, prehrambeni aditivi, ishrana 35 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation dietary exposure to sorbic acid from food additives in population of Niš Lazarević K1, Stojanović D1,2, Kocić Gordana 2, Djonović N3 Public Health Institute Niš, 2School of Medicine, University of Nis, 3School of Medicine, University of Kragujevac 1 The aim: The aim of this study is to estimate dietary intake of sorbic acid through food additives in population of Niš (Serbia). Method: The study was conducted on a random sample of 1004 citizens of Niš (Serbia) aged from 15 or older. They were interviewed using original structured modified self administered food frequency questionnaires (FFQ). The accredited laboratory of the Public Health Institute Nis, determined the content of sorbic acid in 890 foodstuffs. Sorbic acid dietary intake was determined using method recommended by experts of EU. Results: The mean usual intake of sorbic acid (0.22 mg/kg of body weight) per day was much lower than ADI (Acceptable Daily Intake) -25 mg/kg/bw. The intake of sorbic acid was lower than ADI in consumers (n=613) with average (0.28 mg/kg bw; 1.12% ADI) and high daily intake of sorbic acid (0.80 mg/kg bw; 3.2% ADI). The greatest contributor to the total estimated sorbic acid intake was group of fine bakery products and group of ketchup and tomato products (31.8% each of them). Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that dietary exposure to sorbic acid through food preservatives does not represent health risk for the adult population of Niš. Key words: sorbic acid, food additive, diet 36 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios 01.UP2 Uticaj društvene tranzicije na UNOS MLeKA I MLEČNIH PROIZVODA KOD studenata Nikolić M1, Kostadinović A1, Nikolić N2 Faculty of medicine, University of Niš, 2WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business), Austria 1 Nedovoljan unos kalcijuma, kao i mleka i mlečnih proizvoda kod mladih je aktuelni predmet mnogih stručnih debata. Cilj ovog rada je bio ispitivanje uticaja društvene tranzicije na zastupljenost mleka i mlečnih proizvoda u ishrani studenata. Metodologija: Epidemiološko ispitivanje sprovedeno je među 378 studenata Mediicnskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Nišu. Anketiranje studenata je sprovedeno anonimno korišćenjem originalnog 24-h upitnika po sećanju. Ispitano je 69 studenata odseka farmacija u periodu od septembra do decembra 2011. god. Podaci su analizirani i uporedjeni sa rezultatima ispitivanja sprovedenog 2002.god. među 209 studenata odseka medicina. Za statističku analizu upotrebljen je program Excel. Rezultati i diskusija: Aktuelni prosečan dnevni unos mleka kod studenata u Nišu je iznosio 135.79±96.63 g, što je znatno manje u odnosu na period pre 10 godina (223.06±109.95). Najčešće upotrebljene namirnice iz grupe mlečnih proizvoda su bile kiselo-mlečni proizvodi. Pušenje i način ishrane nisu bitno uticali na unos mleka i mlečnih proizvoda kod ispitanih studenata.Ekonomski pokazatelji u ispitanom periodu pokazali su negativan trend. Zaključak: Prosečan dnevni unos mleka i mlečnih proizvoda kod studenata u Nišu zadovoljava minimum. Društvena tranzicija negativno utiče na ishranu studenata i treba raditi na povećanju dostupnosti mleka i mlečnih proizvoda u ishrani. Ključne reči: mleko, mlečni proizvodi, studenti, dnevni unos 37 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation EFFect of tHE Transition on DAIRY intake among students Nikolić M1, Kostadinović A1, Nikolić N2 Faculty of medicine, University of Niš, 2WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business), Austria 1 Issues involving low calcium intake and dairy product consumption among young people are currently the focus of much debate and discussion at both the scientific and community levels. The aim: The aim of this study was to describe changes in dairy intake among students during the transition. Materials and methods: A total of 378 students on School of Medicine University of Nis, Serbia were invwestigated. The 24-hour diet recall method was conducted anonymously. The study was conducted among 69 pharmaceutical students (7 males, 62 females) in the period from September to December 2011 and the data were analyzed and compared with another study conducted in 2002 with medical students (n = 209). The data are compared with each other, and for statistical analysis was used program Excel. Results and discussion: Current average daily milk intake of students in Nis was 135.79 ± 96.63 g, which is significantly less than the period of 10 years ago when it was 223.06 ± 109.95g. Frequently used foods from the milk group were the curdled-milk products. Smoking and diet did not significantly affect the intake of milk and dairy products among the students. Conclusion: Average daily intake of milk and milk products the students in Nis was satisfactory in two investigated year. Social transition has negatively affected the intake of this important food group, and increasing the availability of milk and dairy products is important.. Key words: milk, dairy products, students, daily intake 38 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios 01.UP3 DA LI ODRASLI KOJI BOLUJU OD HIPERTENZIJE PRIMENJUJU SAVET ZA PROMENU NAČINA ŽIVOTA KOJI DOBIJU OD LEKARA? Jović D1, Vuković D2 Institut za javno zdravlje Srbije, Beograd, 2Institut za socijalnu medicinu, Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu 1 Promena načina života (smanjenje telesne težine, smanjenje unosa soli, smanjenje unosa alkohola i prekid pušenja) predstavlja najbolji način za prevenciju i kontrolu hipertenzije kod odraslih. Cilj: Proceniti prevalencu hipertenzije, davanja saveta (od strane lekara) za promenu načina života, kao i mera preduzetih nakon dobijanja saveta za promenu načina života, kod odraslih stanovnika sa hipertenzijom Metod: Sekundarna analiza podataka dobijenih Istraživanjem zdravlja stanovika Srbije sprovedenog 2006. Godine. Rezultati: Od ukupnog broja odraslih osoba (n=14522) koje su učestvovale u istraživanju, 28,3% imalo povišen krvni pritisak.Od tog broja, 53,3% je navelo da u terapiji hipertenzije koristi lekove, a 32,2% da hipertenziju leči lekovima i dijetom. U pogledu saveta za promenu načina života, 5,5% osoba koje su imale hipertenziju je potvrdilo da je od lekara primilo savet za fizičku aktivnost, a 21,3% da je primilo savet za promenu načina ishrane. Mlađe odrasle osobe su ređe primale savete u odnosu na ostale dobne grupe (p<0.01). Povezanost sa primanjem saveta pokazale su sledeće karakteristike učesnika: uzrast (p=0.00, OR=1.185), pol (p=0.02, OR=0.862), stepen obrazovanja (p=0.02, OR=0.879), i indeks blagostanja (p=0.00, OR=0.924),. Od ukupnog broja osoba koje su od lekara dobile savet za promenu načina života, približno svaka deseta je i preduzela neku od savetovanih mera. Žene su, u odnosu na muškarce, češće sledite savet za promenu načina ishrane (p<0.01). Zaključci: Iako su mnogi učesnici u istraživanju koji su imali hipertenziju, dobili savet za promenu načina života od strane lekara, procenat onih koji su primenili date savete je manji od optimalnog. Pružanje saveta o zdravim stilovima života treba da bude sastavni deo rada lekara. Ključne reči: hipertenzija, način života, savet lekara 39 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation ARE ADVICES FROM HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS AND ACTIONS TO REDUCE BLOOD PREASURE TAKEN AMONG ADULTS WITH SELF-REPORTED HYPERTENSION IN SERBIA Jović D1, Vuković D2 Institute of Public Health of Serbia, Belgrade, 2Institute for Social Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Belgrade 1 Lifestyle changes, such as reducing weight if overweight or obese, reducing salt intake, exercising, reducing alcohol intake, quitting smoking, and eating a healthy diet are recommended to lower blood pressure in adults. Using data from the 2006 National Health Survey, we estimated the prevalence of self-reported hypertension, advice received from health professionals, and actions taken to reduce blood pressure. Among 14522 respondents, 28.3% had hypertension, 53.3% of these were currently taking antihypertensive medications, while 32.2 % treated hypertension with antihypertensive medications and diet. Overall, 5.5% to 21.3% reported receiving advice to adopt specific behavior changes, with younger adults and men having a lower prevalence of receiving advice. Age, gender, education level and wealth index was associated with receiving advice. Approximately every tenth respondent took action following the receipt of advice. Women were more likely than men to follow advice to go on a diet. Receiving advice from health professionals and following recommendations to reduce or control high blood preasure are essential to hypertension management. Although many respondents followed advice from their health professional and making lifestyle changes to decrease blood preasure, the proportion of respondents making changes remains suboptimal. Counseling on lifestyle modification should continue to be an integral component of visits to health professionals. Key words: self-reported hypertension, lifestyle, medical advice 40 Poster / Poster Presentation 01.P01 SISTEMATSKI ZDRAVSTVENI PREGLEDI I NJIHOV ZNAČAJ U OTKRIVANJU FAKTORA RIZIKA HRONIČNIH NEZARAZNIH BOLESTI Vešović D, Žilih M, Mirković N, Radojković P, Petrović I, Vitošević S, Đorić S, Vidaković P, Ognjenović V, Škuletić M, Knežević J BEL MEDIC, Beograd Uvod: Najučestalije hronične nezarazne bolesti u svetu su bolesti kardiovaskularnog sistema, maligna oboljenja, hronične obstruktivne bolesti pluća i dijabetes mellitus (dominira tip 2) koje su dovedene u vezu s brojnim faktorima rizika. Sistematski lekarski pregledi analiziraju zdravstveno stanje ispitanika, pre nego se ispolji klinička slika bolesti otkrivajući prisustvo FR. Cilj: Cilj rada je da prikaže zdravstveno stanje ispitanika nakon izvršenog lekarskog sistematskog pregleda i da ukaže na značaj redovnih, godišnjih preventivnih pregleda. Metodologija: Analizirani su medicinski izveštaji osoba zaposlenih u proizvodnoj delatnosti, koji su bili na redovnom sistematskom pregledu tokom 2012. godine. Bilo je ukupno 59 ispitanika. Od ukupnog broja ispitanika, bilo je 25 žena i 34 muškaraca. Prosečna starost analizirane populacije bila je 37 godina. Nepušača je bilo 45 (76.3%), a pušača 14 (23.7%). Sistematski pregled je obuhvatio preglede lekara različitih specijalnosti, EKG, spirometriju, laboratorijske analize (krv, urin), ultrazvučni pregled abdomena. U populaciji žena, sproveden je i kompletan ginekološki pregled i ultrazvučni pregled dojki. Korišćene su osnovne metode deskriptivne statistike. Rezultati i diskusija: Kod 22 ispitanika (37%) uočen je poremećaj metabolizma masti (hiperholesterolemija i hipertrigliceridemija). Prekomerna telesna masa i gojaznost uočeni su kod 13 ispitanika (22%). Povišeni krvni pritisak uočen je kod 7 ispitanika (11%). Nije se radilo o novo-otkrivenim slučajevima oboljenja. Poremećaj plućne funkcije je nađen kod 4 ispitanika (6,7%), pri čemu je uočeno da su svi bili pušači. Problemi s koštano-zglobnim sistemom su uočeni kod 12 ispitanika (20%) (nepravilno držanje, deformiteti kičmenog stuba, cervikalni i lumbalni sindrom). Kod 9 ispitanika (15,5%) uočeno je i prisustvo kamenja/peska u bubrezima. Papa-test test je bio uredan kod svih ispitanika ženskog 41 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation pola; nađene su dobroćudne promene na materici kod dve ispitanice, što je indikovalo dalje praćenje. Displastične promene dojke uočene su kod 68% ispitanica. Svima je savetovano sprovođenje higijensko-dijetetskog režima ishrane, antilipidna dijeta preporučena od strane Srpskog lekarskog društva, aerobna fizička aktivnost, redovno uzimanje terapije kod pacijenata kojima je već ordinirana, redovne laboratorijske i lekarske kontrole. Zaključak: Na redovnom sistematskom pregledu relativno mlade populacije, uočeni su brojni faktora rizika koji još nisu doveli do značajnog i manifestnog oštećenja zdravlja ispitanika. Pravovremenim otkrivanjem faktora rizika sistematskim pregledima i delovanjem u smislu njihovog otklanjanja/umanjenja, značajno se umanjuje incidence hroničnih nezaraznih bolesti. Ključne reči: hronične nezarazne bolesti, faktori rizika, ishrana, sistematski zdravstveni pregledi PERIODICAL MEDICAL CHECK-UP AND ITS IMPORTANCE IN REVEALING CHRONIC NONCOMMUNICABLE DISEASES RISK FACTORS Vešović D, Žilih M, Mirković N, Radojković P, Petrović I, Vitošević S, Đorić S, Vidaković P, Ognjenović V, Škuletić M, Knežević J BEL MEDIC, Beograd Introduction: The most prevalent chronic non-communicable diseases (CNCDs) worldwide are heart and blood vessels disorders, tumors, diabetes mellitus (type 2) and its complication, chronic pulmonary diseases etc. Numerous risk factors (RFs) can be involved in these diseases onset. Systematic medical check-up (SMCU) analyze health condition of people revealing the presence of RFs, prior the diseases give signs and symptoms. Aim: Aim of the paper is to present health condition of examined subjects following systematic medical check-up (SMCU) and to highlight the importance of SMCU performed annually. Methodology: Examinees medical records obtained following SMCU 42 Poster / Poster Presentation during year 2012 were analyzed. Total number of subjects was 59 SMCU was composed of examination of medical doctors of various specialties, ECG, spirometry, laboratory tests (blood, urine), ultrasound examination of abdomen; for female population, complete gynecological examination and ultrasound examination of breasts, were provided. Basic methods of descriptive statistics were applied. Results and discussion: There were 25 females (28, 6%) and 34 (71, 4%) males. The mean age of examinees was 37. There were 45 nonsmokers (76, 3%), and 14. smokers (23, 7%). Lipid metabolism disorders (hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia) were noted in 22 subjects (37%). Overweight and obesity were noted in 13 examinees (22%). Elevated blood pressure (eBP) was found in 7 subjects (11%). Pulmonary function was damaged in 4 examinees (6, 7%); all of them were smokers. Musculoskeletal disorders were noted in 12 subjects (20%) (inadequate body posture, spine problems, cervical and lumbal syndrome). Nephrolithiasis was discovered in 9 subjects (15, 5%). Papsmear showed no pathological changes; only two cases of benign tumors were discovered on uterus which indicated further follow-up. Dysplastic changes revealed in 17 subjects out of 25 examinees. Change of living habits, diet with low intake of fat recommended by Serbian Medical Society, aerobic physical activity, medication taking (to patients to whom was already prescribed), regular medical and lab check-ups, were suggested to all of examined subjects. Conclusion: During regular SMCU of relatively young population, numerous RFs were noted – lipid metabolism disorder, smoking, overweight/obesity, eBP which have not yet caused significant and manifest health damage. By detection of RFs using medical examinations at right time and acting in direction to eliminate/reduce them, can significantly reduce the incidence of CNCDs. Key words: chronic non-communicable diseases, risk factors, nutrition, periodical medical check-ups 43 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 01.P02 STAVOVI, NAVIKE I PONAŠANJA POTROŠAČA U CRNOJ GORI VEZANO ZA POTROŠNJU VOĆA I URAVNOTEŽENU ISHRANU Đorđević Z, Mugoša B, Bajić B, Joksimović I Institut za javno zdravlje Crne Gore Kratak sadržaj: Prema podacima Zavoda za statistiku Crne Gore i Nacionalne zdravstvene ankete stanovništva Crne Gore, dnevni unos svježeg voća u Crnoj Gori je ispod preporučenih vrijednosti i iznosi 3,13% od ukupnog dnevnog energetskog unosa, a 39,4% odraslog stanovništva svakodnevno jede svježe voće. Učestalost je znatno ispod prosjeka među stanovništvom na sjeveru, kod muškaraca, kod ruralnog stanovništva, ljudi sa osnovnim ili nižim obrazovanjem i starijih. Prisutni su i novi trendovi, potrošnja različitih vrsta egzotičnog voća, različitih voćnih prerađevina, kao i voćnih sokova sa zdravstvenim izjavama. Da bi se moglo uticati na povećanje udela voća u svakodnevnoj ishrani, potrebno je bolje razumevanje percepcije o potrošnji voća iz ugla potrošača. Cilj: Utvrditi navike, stavove i ponašanja potrošača vezano za konzumaciju svežeg voća, voćnih prerađevina i sušenog voća, dublje razumevanje značaja koncepta uravnotežene ishrane. Metod: Korišćena je metoda dubinskih intervjua i posebno strukturiran upitnik sa 32 pitanja na uzorku od 30 osoba, koje su bile struktuirane u odnosu na na pol, starost, obrazovanje, regiju, broj članova domaćinstva, zaposlenost i lični dohodak. Rezultati: Kao osrednjeg potrošača svježeg voća, sebe doživljava 18 (60%) konzumenta, a 11 (36,6%) kao velikog. Dvadesetčetiri ispitanika (80%) svježe voće konzumiraju dva i više puta dnevno, po tri ispitanika jednom dnevno i 3-6 puta nedeljno. Voće i prerađevine ispitanici konzumiraju uglavnom kod kuće, voćne prerađevine i sušeno voće u periodima kada svježe voće nije dostupno. Većina ispitanika (93%) je izjavila da u najvećoj mjeri konzumira jabuke, na drugom mestu po učestalosti korišćenja su pomorandže (70%) i banane (40%). Od voćnih prerađevina voćni sok se izdvaja po učestalosti korišćenja. Ispitanici prednost daju sokovima i džemovima iz domaće radinosti bez aditiva. Svi ispitanici smatraju da voće ima važnu ili veoma važnu ulogu u prevenciji bolesti. 44 Poster / Poster Presentation Diskusija i zaključak: Kod ispitanika konzumiranje voća igra važnu ulogu u konceptu zdravih stilova života i konceptu dobro izbalansirane ishrane. Većina ispitanika se slaže da zdrava i uravnotežena ishrana, kao i adekvatan unos svih životnih namirnica u velikoj mjeri podrazumijevaju unos što više voća-naročito svježeg zbog svih korisnih sastojaka (u prvom redu vitamina) neophodnih za pravilno funkcionisanje organizma. Potrošači daju prednost konzumiranju svježeg voća u odnosu na prerađevine i sušeno voće. ATTITUDES, HABITS AND BEHAVIORS OF CONSUMERS IN MONTENEGRO RELATED TO THE CONSUMPTION OF FRUIT AND WELL-BALANCED DIET Đorđević Z, Mugoša B, Bajić B, Joksimović I Institute of Public Health of Montenegro Summary: According to the Statistical Office of Montenegro and the National Population Health Survey of Montenegro, daily intake of fresh fruit in Montenegro is below the recommended range - it makes 3.13% of total daily energy intake, and 39.4% of the adult population eat fresh fruit every day. The frequency is significantly below average among the population living north of the country, in men, in rural population, people with primary or lower education and older population. There are also some new trends in consumption like consumption of different types of exotic fruit, different fruit products and fruit juices with health declarations. Better understanding of the perception of fruit consumption from the perspective of consumers is necessary in order to be able to influence the increase of the fruit share in everyday diet. Objective: To determine the habits, attitudes and behavior of consumers regarding the consumption of fresh fruit, fruit products and dried fruits, to understand deeply importance of the well-balanced diet concept in participants. Method: In-depth interviews were used, as well as specially structured questionnaire with 32 questions on a sample of 30 respondents which were structured in relation to gender, age, education, region, number of household members, status in employment and personal income. 45 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation Results: Eighteen consumers (60%) perceived themselves as moderate, while 11 (36,6%) perceived themselves as significant consumers of fresh fruit. Twenty-four respondents (80%) consumed fresh fruit two or more times a day, three respondents consumed fruit once a day and and three participants 3-6 times per week. Respondents consumed fruits and fruit products mainly at home, fruit products and dried fruits in periods when fresh fruit is not available. Most of the participants (93%) stated that their preferred fruit choice is apples (90%), then oranges (70%), and bananas (49%). Fruit juice is the most consumed fruit product. Most participants stated that they preffered homemade jams and juices, without additives. All respondents agreed that the fruit has an important or very important role in disease prevention. Discussion and conclusion: Fruit consumption plays an important role in the concept of healthy life styles and the concept of a well balanced diet in majority of the participants. Most participants agree that healthy and well-balanced diet as well as adequate intake of foodstuffs to a large extent imply intake of fruit-especially fresh fruit because of all the beneficial ingredients (mainly vitamins) necessary for the proper functioning of the organism. Consumers prefer fresh fruit consumption in comparison to processed and dried fruit. 46 Poster / Poster Presentation 01.P03 ANALIZA UHRANJENOSTI, KVALITETA ISHRANE I NIVOA FIZIČKE AKTIVNOSTI STUDENTKINJA KAO POTENCIJALNIH FAKTORA RIZIKA ZA RAZVOJ OSTEOPOROZE Đorđević M1, Trajković Pavlović Lj 2, 3 Opšta bolnica “Dr Radoje Simonović” Sombor; 2, Institut za javno zdravlje Novi Sad; 3 Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Novom Sadu 1 Iako je učestalost osteoporoze različita u različitim geografskim regijama i socioekonomskim sredinama, ovo oboljenje, koje karakteriše nedovoljna gustina koštane mase, predstavlja globalni javnozdravstveni problem. Nedovoljna gustina koštane mase usled osteoporoze povećava sklonost ka prelomima kostiju, koji su učestaliji kod osoba starije životne dobi, posebno žena. Na razvoj i težinu osteoporoze utiču genetski činioci, hormonski sastus i stil života, posebno način ishrane i fizička aktivnost. Oko 90% koštanog tkiva formira se do dvadesete godine, a proces mineralizacije završva se u periodu od 25. do 28. godine života. Odgovarajući unos kalcijuma, vitamina D i vitamina K, proteina i fizička aktivnost pogoduju, a pothranjenost, veliki unos proteina, posebno životinjskog porekla, pušenje, veći unos alkohola i nedovoljna fizička aktivnost negativno deluju na formiranje i mineralizaciju koštanog tkiva. Cilj rada bio je da se ispita uhranjenost, unosa kalcijuma, proteina, voća i povrća i fizička aktivnost studentkinja starosti 20-26 godina, kao potencijalnih faktora rizika za razvoj osteoporoze u starijem životnom dobu. Utvrđivanje stanja uhranjenoti 50 studentkinja obavljeno je izračunavanjem vrednosti indeksa telesne mase (ITM), a podaci o unosu kalcijuma i proteina dobijeni su sprovođenjem sedmodnevne prospektive ankete ishrane. Podaci o nivou fizičke aktivnosti dobijeni su samoprocenom, obavljenom od strane ispitanica, uz poštovanje preporuka Svetske zdravstvene organizacije. Podaci su obrađeni standardnim statističkim metodama. Rezulatati pokazuju da je 74% ispitanica bilo normalno uhranjeno, 8% predgojazno, 6% gojazno, a 12% pothranjeno. Prosečan dnevni unos kalcijuma iznosio je 683 ± 231,8g, proteina 88,2 ± 19,2g (49,0 ± 15,9g životijskog i 39,2 ± 10,6g biljnog porekla), povrća 192 ± 88,4g i voća 223 47 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation ± 143,0g. Podaci procene fizičke aktivnosti pokazuju da je nivo fizičke aktivnosti bio označen kao lak kod 56%, srednje težak kod 42%, a težak kod 2% ispitanica. Dobijeni podaci pokazuju da pothranjenost, relativno veliki unos proteina životinjskog porekla, nedovoljan unos kalcijuma voća i povrća i nedovoljna fizička aktivnost predstavljaju nepovoljne činioce za dostizanje optimalne gustine koštane mase kod značajnog broja ispitanica. Ključne reči: kvalitet ishrane, fizička aktivnost, osteoporoza, studentkinje. NUTRITIONAL STATUS, DIETARY PATTERN AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY LEVEL OF FEMALE STUDENTS AS POTENTIAL RISK FACTORS FOR OSTEOPOROSIS Đorđević M1, Trajković Pavlović Lj 2, 3 Genaral Hospital “Dr Radoje Simonovic” Sombor; 2, Institute of Public Health of Vojvodina; 3 School of Medicine, University of Novi Sad 1 Osteoporosis is a global public health problem. It is characterized with low bone density and microarchitecturical deteriorization of bone tissue which increase fragility and susceptability to fracture. About 90% of the adult bone mass is accrued by age 20, and thus this early stage of life is a period of special imporatance for osteoporosis prevention. It is well documented that optimal body weight and calcium, protein, vitamin D and vitamin K, fruit and vegetable intake support bone formation and mineralization, while reltively new evidences indicate that relatively high protein and sodium intke have unfavourable effect on bone density. Negative effect on bone formation and mineralization are olso associated with low level of physical activity. The aim of this investigation was to assess nutrition status, nutrition and physical activity of 50 female students. Nutrition status was assessed using body mass index (BMI). Intake of calcium, protein, fruit and vegetable was assessed using seven days prospective dietary records. A self assessment method was used for physical activity level monitoring regarding the FAO/WHO guideline. 48 Poster / Poster Presentation The obtained data indicated that 56% female students had optimal BMI; 8% were overweighted, 4% were obese and 12% was undernurished (BMI below 18.5). In foodstuffs available for average daily consumption the content of protein was 88.2+/-19.2 (49.0+/-15.9g animal and 39.2+/10.6g plant origin, calcium 683+/- 231.8g and fruit and vegetable 223+/143.0g and 192+/-88.4g respectively. Low level of physical activity recorded 56%, moderate 42% and high 2% of controlled. The obtained data indicated that a substantial proportion of controlled female students had unfavorable dietary pattern regarding low BMI, low intake of calcium and fruit and vegetable and relatively high intake of protein of animal origin for reaching optimal bone density Key words: Dietary pattern, physical activity, osteoporosis, female students 49 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 01.P04 ORGANIZACIJA ISHRANE U BOLNICAMA U CRNOJ GORI Barjaktarović-Labović S¹, Jovićević LJ¹, Malisic N², Đurović D², Novaković T³ ¹Dom zdravlja Bar, ²Institut za javno zdravlje Crne Gore, ³Medicinski fakultet u Kosovskoj Mitrovici Cilj: Prikaz organizacije ishrane bolničkih pacijenata u Crnoj Gori. Metode: U drugoj polovini 2011.godine, posebno kreiranim upitnikom od strane Svetske zdravstvene organizacije, sprovedeno je istraživanje o ishrani u bolnicama u Crnoj Gori. Menadžment svake bolnice je, na osnovu kompetencije, formirao tim za odgovore i kontakt u vezi sa upitnikom. Rezultati: Istraživanje je sprovedeno u 13 bolnica. Na radnom mestu predviđenom za planiranje ishrane u šest bolnica (46%) su zaposleni viši dijetetičari. Prema odgovorima u upitniku u tri bolnice (23%) postoje „Komisije za podršku pravilnoj ishrani“ i u sve tri su njihovi članovi dijetetičar, lekar i glavna sestra. U jednoj bolnici se pod „Timom za ishranu“ po odeljenjima podrazumevaju dijetetičar i lekar, a u drugoj koja je odgovorila da ima tim, to je odeljenska sestra. Ostale bolnice (67%) su negirale postojanje takvih timova. Nutritivni skrining pacijenata na prijemu se redovno vrši u tri bolnice (23%), u dve (15%) povremeno, a u ostalim (77 %) se uopšte ne vrši. Preporučeni energetski unos bolničkih menija za pojedine makronutijente postoji u tri bolnice (23%). Dodatna edukacija o pravilnoj ishrani je obezbeđena u samo jednoj bolnici. Međutim, savet o ishrani pacijantima na otpustu se daje u 12 od ispitivanih 13 bolnica. Diskusija: Analizom dobijenih odgovora stiče se utisak da su neka od pitanja ostala nerazumljiva članovima timova koji su odgovarali na upitnik, što navodi na zaključak, da je i njihovo znanje insuficijentno. Neophodno je obezbediti edukaciju o ishrani kao i uspostaviti pisane protokole za nutritivnu negu koje će sprovoditi nutritivni timovi u svim bolnicama. Zaključak: Nedostatak jasno definisanih odgovornosti u planiranju i vođenju brige o ishrani pacijenata u bolnicama u Crnoj Gori, te nedovoljna edukacija o ishrani bolničkog osoblja su ozbiljni javnozdravstveni problemi, ali prilično potcenjeni. Neophodno 50 Poster / Poster Presentation je obezbediti multidisciplinarnost u timovima, uz aktivno učešće specijalista higijene. Ključne reči: ishrana, bolnice, edukacija ORGANISATION OF NUTRITION IN HOSPITALS IN MONTENEGRO Barjaktarović-Labović S¹, Jovićević LJ¹, Malisic N², Đurović D², Novaković T³ ¹Public Health Center Bar, ²Institut for Public Health Montenegro, ³Medical Faculty in Kosovska Mitrovica Goal: Review of organisation of hospital patients’ nutrition in Montenegro. Methodes: In the second half of 2011, with the help of a specially created questionnaire by the World Health Organisation, a research of nutrition in hospitals in Montenegro was conducted. The management of each hospital, based on its competence, has created a team for drafting answers and be contact point for the questionnaire. Results: The research was conducted in 13 hospitals. Six hospitals (46%) are employing dieticians for planning nutrition. According to the answers of the questionnaire, three hospitals (23%) have “Commissions for support of proper nutrition” and in all of these the commission members are a dietician, doctor and chief nurse. In one hospital the “team for nutrition“ in individual departments includes a dietician and a doctor. Another hospital (67%) answered that it had a team - the section nurse. All other hospitals said that they did not have such teams. The nutrition screening of patients at the check in is regularly done in three hospitals (23%), in two (15%) just occasionally and in the rest of them (77 %) it is not done at all. A recommended energetic input of clinical menus for individual macronutrients exists in three hospitals (23%). Additional education about proper nutrition is provided in one hospital only. However, the patients get advice about nutrition when they are checking out in 12 of the polled 13 hospitals. Discussion: When analysing the answers, one gets the impression that some of the questions remained not fully understood by members of 51 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation the team answering the questions, which leads to the conclusion that their knowledge is lacking. It is necessary to provide training about nutrition, as well as written protocols for nutritive care, which will be implemented by the nutritive teams in all hospitals. Conclusion: The lack of clear defined responsibilities for planning and taking care of patient nutrition in hospitals in Montenegro, as well as clinical staff’s insufficient education about nutrition, are serious public health problems, but quite underestimated. It is necessary to provide a multidisciplinary approach in the teams, with active participation of hygiene specialists. Key words: nutrition, hospitals, education 52 Poster / Poster Presentation 01.P05 ZNANJE, STAVOVI I NAVIKE ODRASLIH STANOVNIKA NOVOG SADA U VEZI SA UNOSOM KUHINJSKE SOLI Popović M1,2, Jevtić M1, Ukropina S1,2, Velicki R1,2, Dragić N2 Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Medicinski fakultet Novi Sad, 2Institut za javno zdravlje Vojvodine, Novi Sad 1 Prevelik unos kuhinjske soli je javnozdravstveni problem koji se povezuje sa hroničnim nezaraznim bolestima: hipertenzijom i bubrežnim oboljenjima, moždanim udarom, karcinomom želuca, osteoporozom, gojaznošću, demencijom i težinom astme. Istraživanja ukazuju na to da su industrijski prerađene namirnice često dominantan izvor kuhinjske soli u ishrani u mnogim populacionim grupama. Cilj rada bio je da se utvrdi povezanost znanja, stavova i navika (ZSN) odraslog stanovništva Novog Sada u vezi sa kuhinjskom solju sa njihovom dnevnom konzumacijom soli. Anketno istraživanje o ZSN ispitanika u vezi sa unosom soli i utvrđivanje 24h-časovne urinarne ekskrecije natrijuma sprovedeno je na uzorku od 150 odraslih osoba, starosti od 18-65 godina. Podaci su obrađeni standardnim statističkim metodama: deskriptivna statistika, Fisher test, ANOVA i logistička regresiona analiza. Rezultati su pokazali da procenjeni prosečan unos kuhinjske soli u uzorku odraslog stanovništva Novog Sada iznosi 12,12±4,79g. Gotovo svi ispitanici znaju da prevelika količina soli u ishrani ima nepovoljan uticaj na zdravlje, a 62% ispitanika ima srednji i dobar nivo znanja na osnovu skora znanja, koji je obuhvatio i druga znanja u vezi sa upotrebom soli. Visok procenat ispitanika, stariji češće nego mlađi, povezuju prevelik unos soli sa hipertenzijom, moždanim udarom i bolešću bubrega. Samo 28% ispitanika zna da su industrijski prerađene namirnice dominantan izvori soli u ishrani, a 77,3% ispitanika hleb i pecivo ne prepoznaje kao namirnice sa visokim sadržajem soli. Učestalo korišćenje soli (uvek ili uglavnom uvek) prilikom kuvanja i za vreme konzumacije gotovog jela, utvrđeno je kod 2/3, odnosno kod 20% ispitanika, respektivno. Gotovo svi ispitanici smatraju da u deklaraciji prehrambenih proizvoda treba da postoji informacija o sadržaju kuhinjske soli, kao i da zdrave odrasle osobe treba da ograniče unos soli. Nisu utvrđene statistički značajne 53 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation razlike između ZSN ispitanika i njihovog dnevnog unosa kuhinjske soli. Smanjenje sadržaja kuhinjske soli i obavezno deklarisanje njenog sadržaja u industrijski prerađenim namirnicama, kao i povećanje nivoa znanja stanovništva o dominantnim izvorima soli u ishrani veoma su značajne osnove strategije, kojima je cilj smanjenje unosa soli. Ključne reči: kuhinjska so, znanja, stavovi i navike stanovništva, ekskrecija natrijuma. KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDE AND BEHAVIOR RELATED TO SALT INTAKE AMONG ADULT POPULATION OF THE CITY OF NOVI SAD Popović M 1,2, Jevtić M1, Ukropina S1,2, Velicki R1,2, Dragić N2 University of Novi Sad, School of Medicine; 2Institute of Public Health of Vojvodina 1 Excessive salt intake is a public health issue associated with chronic diseases, such as: hypertension, kidney disease, stroke, stomach cancer, osteoporosis, obesity, dementia, and severity of asthma. Reported data clearly indicate that dominant dietary source of salt is processed food. The aim of this paper was to determine the of knowledge, attitudes and behavior (KAB) associated to salt intake by adult residents of the city of Novi Sad. KAB survey and estimation of 24 hour urinary sodium excretion was conducted on a sample of 150 adult residents of Novi Sad, 18-65 year-old. Descriptive statistics, Fisher test, ANOVA, and logistic regression were used. The estimated average salt intake by adult inhabitants of the city of Novi Sad was 12.12±4.79 g. Almost all subjects were aware that excessive salt intake could damaged their health, while 62% of them had medium and good composite knowledge score regarding the salt usage. A high percentage of the subjects, older more likely than younger, knew that too much salt leads to hypertension, stroke and kidney disease. Only 28% of among subjects knew that processed food is dominant dietary source of salt, and 77% of them did not recognize bread and rolls as food with high salt content. Frequent use of salt during cooking and at the table, was reported by 2/3, and 20% of the subjects, respectively. Mostly all of the 54 Poster / Poster Presentation members of population in question had appropriate attidude regarding the need of labelling of salt content and reducing salt intake. There were no statistically significant differences in subject’s salt intake in relation to their knowledge, attitudes and behavior regarding salt usage. Labelling and reducing salt content in processed food, as well as raising awareness among the population in regard to the main dietary sources of salt are cornerstones of salt reduction strategy in given population. Key words: sodium, attitude, hypertension 55 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 01.P06 PREVALANCIJA POREMEĆAJA METABOLIZMA MASTI UOČENA TOKOM SISTEMATSKIH PREGLEDA Vešović D, Petrović A, Radojković P, Gostović N, Zdravković J, Škuletić M, Pavićević G, Ognjenović V, Đorić S, Petrović I, Knežević J BEL MEDIC, Beograd Uvod: U Republici Srbiji, tokom 2011. godine, najučestalije hronične nezarazne bolesti, kao uzroci smrtnosti, bile su bolesti sistema krvotoka, tumori, dijabetes mellitus i njegove komplikacije, bolesti organa za disanje. Sve ove bolesti jesu preventibilna oboljenja ukoliko se otklane/umanje faktori rizika. Kao faktori rizika, najčešće se navode neadekvatna ishrana, prekomerna telesna masa, nedovoljna fizička aktivnost, pušenje, stres. Cilj: Cilj rada je da ukaže na prevalenciju poremećaja metabolizma masti kod grupe ispitanika koja je bila na sistematskom lekarskom pregledu i da ukaže na značaj sistematskih pregleda u cilju ranog otkrivanja metaboličkih poremećaja Metodologija: Analizirani su podaci iz zdravstvenih kartona osoba koji su upućeni na sistematski pregled od strane poslodavca tokom 2011. godine. Ukupan broj ispitanika bio je 49. (14 žena - 28,6% i 35 muškaraca - 71,4%). Prosečna starost ispitanika bila je 40,1 godinu. Pušača je bilo 6 (12,2%), nepušača 37 (75,5%), a bivših pušača 6 (12,2%). Pored ostalih pregleda i analiza koje su rađene tokom sistematskog pregleda, svim pacijentima rađene su i biohemijske analize krvi, među kojima su određivane i vrednosti holesterola i triglicerida. Primenjene su osnovne metode deskriptivne statistike. Rezultati i diskusija: Povišene vrednosti holesterola i triglicerida uočene su kod 24 ispitanika (49%); kod 6 ispitanika (12,2%) je nađena i steatoza jetre. Od ostalih fsktora rizika, uočeni su i prekomerna telesna masa i gojaznost - čak kod 36,7% ispitanika, kao i povišeni krvni pritisak kod 14,3% ispitanika, pri čemu je kod tri ispitanika prvi put dijagnostikovan. Mikrocitna sideropenijska anemija je otkrivena kod 8,2% ispitanika. Svim ispitanicima je savetovano sprovođenje higijenskodijetetskog režima ishrane, antilipidna dijeta preporučena od strane Srpskog lekarskog društva, aerobna fizička aktivnost, redovno uzimanje terapije kod pacijenata kojima je već ordinirana, redovne laboratorijske i lekarske kontrole, kao i prestanak pušenja. 56 Poster / Poster Presentation Zaključak: U analiziranoj grupi ispitanika, gotovo polovina svih ispitanika ima povišene vrednosti holesterola i triglicerida. Ovaj nalaz je udružen i s pojavom steatoze jetre kod šestoro ispitanika. Visoka prevalencija hiperholesterolemije i hipertrigliceridemije, u određenoj meri, može biti dovedena u vezu s modernim načinom života i ishranom bogatom saturisanim mastima, umanjenim unosom svežeg voća i povrća, vitamina, minerala i oligoelemenata, kao i nedovoljnom fizičkom aktivnosti. Sistematski pregledi imaju veliki značaj u ranom otkrivanju poremećaja metabolizma masti. Ključne reči: metabolizam masti, dislipidemija, hronične nezarazne bolesti, prevencija bolesti PREVALENCE OF LIPID METABOLISM DISORDERS OBSERVED DURING PERIODICAL MEDICAL CHECK-UPS Vešović D, Petrović A, Radojković P, Gostović N, Zdravković J, Škuletić M, Pavićević G, Ognjenović V, Đorić S, Petrović I, Knežević J BEL MEDIC, Beograd Introduction: During year 2011, the most prevalent chronic noncommunicable diseases as a cause of the death in Republic of Serbia, were heart and blood vessels disorders, tumors, diabetes mellitus and its complication, chronic pulmonary diseases. Most of these diseases are preventable diseases if risk factors are avoided/diminished. The most common risk factors are inadequate nutrition, excessive body weight, lack of exercise, smoking, stress etc. Aim: Aim of this paper is to reveal the prevalence of lipid metabolism disorders in examined subjects following systematic medical check-up and to highlight the importance of these check-ups in early detection of metabolic disorders. Methodology: Examinees medical records obtained following systematic medical check-up during year 2011 were analyzed. Systematic medical check-up was composed of various examinations and biochemistry analysis; among them, lab analysis of cholesterol and triglycerides, as risk factors, were performed. Total number of subjects 57 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation were 49 (14 females – 28,6% and 35 males – 71,4%). The mean age of examinees was 40,1 year. There were 6 smokers (12,2%), 37 non-smokers (75,5%), and 6 former smokers (12,2%). For data analysis, basic methods of descriptive statistics were applied. Results and discussion: Elevated values of cholesterol and triglycerides were noted in 24 subjects (49%); in 6 examinees (12,2%) liver steatosis was also revealed. Other risk factors, overweight and obesity, were noted in 18 examinees (36,7%), elevated blood pressure was found in 7 subjects (14,3%), while in 3 subjects hypertension was diagnosed for the first time. Microcytic iron deficiency anemia was found in 8, 2% patients. Change of living habits, diet with low intake of fat recommended by Serbian Medical Society, aerobic physical activity, medication taking (to patients to whom was already prescribed), regular medical and lab check-ups, and smoking cessation, were suggested to all of examined subjects. Conclusion: In examined group of subjects, almost half of them have elevated levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. This finding was accompanied with liver statosis in six examinees. High prevalence of hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia may be attributed to modern lifestyle and nutrition rich in saturated fats, diminished intake of fresh fruit and vegetables, vitamins, minerals, as well as, insufficient physical activity. Systematic medical check-up plays an important role in early detection of lipid metabolism disorders. Key words: lipid metabolism, dyslipidemia, chronic non-communicable diseases 58 Sekcija Savremeni trendovi i novi prehrambeni proizvodi u prehrambenoj industriji Session Modern Trends in Food Industry and New Food Products 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 02.SP1 Bakterijski egzopolisaharidi – primena u prehrambenoj industriji Dimitrijević-Branković S Tehnološko-metalurški fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu Bakterijski egzopolisaharidi (EPS) imaju široku primenu u mlečnoj industriji kao punioci i ugušćivači, u pekarskoj industriji kao punioci i poboljšivači testa, kao komponente majoneza, salatnih preliva, džemova i slično. Mogu biti homopolimeri, koji se sastoje iz jedne monosaharidne jednice, obično glukoze (glukani) ili fruktoze (fruktani) i heteropolimeri, koji, pored glukoze sadrže i druge tipove monomera kao što su galaktoza, ramnoza, glukuronska kiselina. Tipovi monomera kao i njihovo međusobno povezivanje (linearno ili razgranato) određuju fizičkohemijska i funkcionalna svojstva egzopolisaharida. Najčešće primenjivani egzopolisaharidi u prehrambenoj industriji su kurdlan (Agrobacterium sp., Alcaligenes sp.), gelan (Sphingomonas elodea), ksantan (Xanthomonas campestris), dekstran (Leuconostoc sp.) i levan (Streptococcus sp.). Pored poboljšanja senzornih svojstava prehrambenih proizvoda, EPS mogu pokazivati i biološku aktivnost, odnosno, pozitivan uticaj na zdravlje ljudi i životinja. Sa tog aspekta, posebno su značajni egzopolisaharidi bakterija mlečne kiseline (BMK) koje imaju široku primenu u prehrambenoj industriji. Prednost BMK je u tome što one imaju dokazani GRAS status (Generally Regarded as Safe) i mogu se primeniti direktno, bez izdvajanja EPS. Na primer, u mlečnim proizvodima, proizvedeni egzopolisaharidi tokom fermentacije, poboljšavaju teksturu i senzorna svojstva ferementisanog proizvoda, a selekcijom sojeva koji poseduju probiotička svojstva, dobija se proizvod i sa poboljšanim biološkim efektima. Fruktooligosaharidi (FOS), koje produkuju vrste iz grupe BMK, poseduju prebiotička svojstva, a neki EPS ispoljavaju antitumorna, antiulcerozna i imunomodulatorna svojstva. Ovakvi egzopolisaharidi se mogu primeniti kao funkcionalni dodatak u mnogim prehrambenim proizvodima. Novija primena bakterijskih EPS, pojedinično ili u kombinaciji sa drugim polisaharidima, se odnosi na proizvodnju jestivih omotača i filmova za proizvode od voća, povrća, mesa i slično. Jedan od intenzivno proučavanih u tom smislu je kefiran, egzopolisaharid koga produkuju 60 Sekcijsko predavanje / Session Presentation vrste kefirne mikroflore. U kombinaciji sa drugim fiziološki aktivnim komponentama (antioksidantima, antimikrobnim supstancama), ovi jestivi omotači i filmovi mogu uticati na poboljšanje izgleda, teksture ili produženje trajnosti proizvoda. Ključne reči: bakterijski egzopolisaharidi, bakterije mlečne kiseline, probiotici, prebiotici, jestivi omotači BACTERIAL exopolysaccharides use in food industry Dimitrijević-Branković S Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade Bacterial exopolysaccharides (EPS) are widely used in the dairy industry as fillers and thickeners, in the baking industry as extenders and enhancers of the dough, as a component of mayonnaise, salad dressings, jams etc. They may be homopolymers, consisting of a monosaccharide units, usually glucose (glucans) or fructose (fructans) and heteropolymers, which contain other types of monomers such as galactose, rhamnose, glucuronic acid besides glucose. Types of monomers and their linkage (linear or branched) determine the physico-chemical and functional properties of exopolysaccharides. The most prevalent exopolysaccharides in the food industry are kurdlan (Agrobacterium sp., Alcaligenes sp.), gelan (Sphingomonas elodea), xanthan gum (Xanthomonas campestris), dextran (Leuconostoc sp.) and levan (Streptococcus sp). Besides the improvement of the physical and chemical properties of food the exopolysaccharides may show biological activity and positive impact on the health of human and animals. From this point of view especially important is EPS of lactic acid bacteria (LAB), which are widely used in the food industry. Advantage for LAB using is that they have proven GRAS status (Generally regarded as Safe) and can be applied directly, without separation of EPS. For example, in dairy products, EPS produced during fermentation, improve texture and sensory properties of the product. In addition, selection of strains with probiotic properties, gives the product with improved biological effects. 61 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation Fructooligosaccharides (FOS), produced by some species of LAB, have prebiotic properties, and some exopolysaccharides exhibit antitumor, antiulcer and immunomodulatory properties. These exopolysaccharides can be applied as a functional additive in many food products. The recent application of bacterial EPS, individual or in combination with other polysaccharides refers to the production of edible coating and films for fruits, vegetables, meat etc. One of the extensively studied in this regard is kefiran, exopolysaccharide produced mainly by kefir microflora. In combination with other physiologically active components (antioxidants, antimicrobials), these edible coatings and films may influence the appearance, texture and shelf life of food. Key words: bacterial exopolysaccharides, lactic acid bacteria, probiotic, prebiotic, edible coating 62 Sekcijsko predavanje / Session Presentation 02.SP2 FUNKCIONALNI PROIZVODI OD MESA – SAVREMENI PRISTUP UNAPREĐENJU NUTRITIVNE VREDNOSTI I KVALITETA Vasilev D1, Vuković I1, Saičić S2, Vasiljević N3 Fakultet veterinarske medicine Univerziteta u Beogradu; 2Institut za higijenu i tehnologiju mesa, Beograd; 3Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu 1 U ovom tekstu prikazane su važnije osobine i nutritivna vrednost funkcionalnih proizvoda od mesa, i to fermentisanih, barenih i jetrenih kobasica, sa osvrtom na pojam funkcionalne hrane, nutritivne i funkcionalne osobine mesa i karakteristike najvažnijih funkcionalnih dodataka. Funkcionalna hrana, pored osnovnih nutrijenata, sadrži i sastojke za koje je dokazano da pozitivno utiču na zdravlje ljudi, kao što su probiotici, prebiotici, sinbiotici, antioksidansi, strukturni lipidi, omega-3 polinezasićene masne kiseline, bioaktivni peptidi, mikroelementi i vitamini. Takođe su prikazani i rezultati ispitivanja osnovnog hemijskog sastava, masnokiselinskog sastava i senzornih osobina funkcionalnih fermentisanih, barenih i jetrenih kobasica. Eksperimentalne kobasice su ispitane standardnim fizičko-hemijskim, hemijskim, mikrobiološkim i senzornim metodama. Za razliku od konvencionalnih proizvoda od mesa, funkcionalni proizvodi sadrže više proteina mesa, manje proteina vezivnog tkiva i manje masti, a time imaju i bolji kvalitet, veću biološku, a manju energetsku vrednost. U zavisnosti od količine masnog tkiva koja je zamenjena prebioticima, energetska vrednost kod funkcionalih fermentisanih kobasica je do 17,5% manja nego kod konvencionalne fermentisane kobasice, a kod funkcionalnih barenih kobasica za 12% manja od konvencionalne barene kobasice. Funkcionalne fermentisane kobasice sadrže Lactobacillus casei LC 01 u broju većem od 108 cfu/g pa se ovi proizvodi mogu okarakterisati kao probiotski. Kod funkcionalnih barenih kobasica masnokiselinski sastav je znatno poboljšan zamenom dela masnog tkiva lanenim i repičinim uljem, pri čemu odnos zasićenih i nezasićenih masnih kiselina iznosi 0,49 - 0,53, a odnos n-6 i n-3 masnih kiselina 1,75 - 2,50. Funkcionalne fermentisane, barene i jetrene kobasice obogaćene su inulinom i dijetnim vlaknima graška, tako da sadrže prebiotike u količini od 2,7 do 5,7 g/100g. Ukupan senzorni kvalitet funkcionalnih proizvoda je visoko ocenjen (4,63 – 5,00). Međutim, kod 63 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation barenih kobasica dodatak biljnih ulja (6 %) uticao je nepovoljno na boju, miris i ukus, tako da je ukupni senzorni kvalitet lošije ocenjen (4,36) nego kod konvencionalne (4,88). Kod fermentisanih kobasica dodatak 8% suspenzije inulina uticao je na miris i ukus, tako da je ukupni senzorni kvalitet lošije ocenjen (4,58) nego kod konvencionalne (4,63). Bezbednost funkcionalnih proizvoda od mesa zasniva se na sprovođenju svih mera dobre higijenske i proizvođačke prakse i kontroli proizvodnje u skladu sa načelima HACCP. Ključne reči: funkcionalna hrana, proizvodi od mesa, kvalitet, nutritivna vrednost Napomena: Rezultati ovoga rada proistekli su iz projekta 046009 u okviru programa sufinansiranja integrisanih i inderdisciplinarnih istraživanja, koje finansira Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije. FUNCTIONAL MEAT PRODUCTS – MODERN APPROACH TO IMPROVEMENT OF QUALITY AND NUTRITIVE VALUE Vasilev D1, Vuković I1, Saičić S2, Vasiljević N3 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Belgrade; 2Institue of Meat Hygiene and Technology, Belgrade; 3Belgrade University School of Medicine 1 This paper presents some important properties and nutritive values of functional meat products such as fermented sausage, frankfurter type sausage and liver sausage, with emphasis on the functional food concept, nutritional and functional properties of meat and features of the most important functional ingredients. In addition to basic nutrients, functional food contains ingredients that are proven as having a positive affect on health. These ingredients include probiotics, prebiotics, synbiotics, antioxidants, structural lipids, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, bioactive peptides, microelements and vitamins. The paper also lays out the basic chemical composition, fatty acid composition and sensory properties of experimental fermented, frankfurter type and liver sausages. 64 Sekcijsko predavanje / Session Presentation Experimental sausages were examined by standard physicochemical, chemical, microbiological and sensory methods. Unlike conventional products, functional meat products contain more meat proteins, less connective tissue proteins and less fat and therefore have a better quality, higher nutritional value, and are lower in calories. Depending on the amount of pork backfat that was replaced with prebiotics, functional fermented sausages had up to 17.5% less calories than the conventional sausage and functional frankfurter type sausages up to 12% less calories than the conventional frankfurter type sausage. Functional fermented sausages contained Lactobacillus casei LC 01 more than 108 cfu/g, so these products can be characterized as probiotic sausages. Fatty acid composition of functional frankfurter type sausages was significantly improved by replacing part of the pork backfat with flaxseed and rapeseed oil, wherein the saturated/unsaturated fatty acid ratio was 0.49–0.53, and the n-6/n-3 fatty acids ratio was 1.75–2.50. Functional fermented, frankfurter type and liver sausages were enriched with inulin and pea dietary fiber, so they contained prebiotics in the amount of 2.7–5.7 g/100g. The overall sensory quality of functional products was highly rated (4.63 to 5.00). However, the addition of vegetable oil (6%) to frankfurter type sausages affected their colour, odour and taste, so their overall sensory quality was rated lower (4.36) than the conventional sausage (4.88). The addition of 8% inulin suspension to fermented sausages affected their odour and taste, so their overall sensory quality was rated lower (4.58) than the conventional (4.63). The safety of functional meat products is based on the implementation of good hygiene and manufacturing practice and the control of production in accordance with the principles of HACCP. Key words: functional food, meat products, quality, nutritive value Note: This paper resulted from the research project numbered 046009 in the Framework of co-financing of integrated and interdisciplinary research, funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia. 65 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 02.UP1 SAVREMENI TRENDOVI U TEHNOLOGIJI FERMENTISANIH MLEČNIH PROIZVODA Iličić M, Milanović S, Kanurić K, Vukić V, Ranogajec M, Hrnjez D Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet, Bulevar cara Lazara 1, Novi Sad Savremena istraživanja u tehnologiji mleka i mlečnih proizvoda baziraju se na ispitivanju mogućnosti primene različitih visokosofisticiranih tehnika i uređaja (membranski procesi, električno pulsirajuće polje ili primena ultrazvuka, baktofuge i visokog hidrostatičkog pritiska). Nove tehnologije u procesu prerade mleka mogu veoma uspešno da zamene termički tretman i da poboljšaju mikrobiološki kvalitet mleka što je od velikog značaja za tehnologiju fermentisanih mlečnih proizvoda. Pored primene savremenih tehnika u proizvodnji fermentisanih mlečnih napitaka sve češće se koriste različiti ingradijenti: prebiotici, bioaktivne komponete, monogliceridini gelovi, enzim transglutaminaza i funkcionalni dodaci radi postizanja optimalnih nutritivnih karakteristika finalnog proizvoda. Značajan faktor u postizanju visokog kvaliteta fermentisanih mlečnih proizvoda je odabir odgovarajuće starter kulture, gde se posebno ističe primena probiotika. Fermentisani mlečni napici koji sadrže probiotike/prebiotike pozitivno utiču na zdravstveni status ljudskog organizma, i kao takvi predstavljaju jedan od najznačajnijih primera funkcionalne hrane. Istraživanja primene kombuhe u tehnologiji fermentisanih mlečnih napitaka aktuelna su i inovativna sa aspekta unapređenja tehnologije funkcionalnih fermentisanih mlečnih proizvoda. Primena savremenih tehnika i novijih varijanti starter kultura u kombinaciji sa različitim ingradijentima, poboljšava mikrobiološke, nutritivne i senzorne karakteristike fermentisanih mlečnih proizvoda. Takođe, korišćenjem visokosofisticirane opreme u tehnologiji fermentisanih mlečnih proizvoda postiže se uniforman kvalitet proizvoda i bolja ekonomičnost procesa, što je opravdano sa tehnološkog i ekološkog aspekta. Ključne reči: fermentisani mlečni proizvodi, membranski procesi, električno pulsirajuće polje, funkcionalni ingradijenti 66 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios MODERN TRENDS IN FERMENTED DAIRY TECHNOLOGY Iličić M, Milanović S, Kanurić K, Vukić V, Ranogajec M, Hrnjez D University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology, Bulevar Cara Lazara 1, Novi Sad Modern research in milk and dairy technology depends on novel research equipment implementation (membrane filtration techniques, pulsed electric field processing, ultrasound, bactofuge and high hydrostatic pressure). New techniques in milk processing technology can successfully replace heat treatment and increase microbiological quality of the milk that will be used in further steps of fermented dairy products manufacturing. Furthermore, ingredients such as prebiotics, bioactive components, monoglyceride gels, enzyme transglutaminase and functional components are more frequently used in fermented dairy technology with the aim to optimize nutritive characteristics of the final product. The key point of high quality product manufacturing is usage of selected starter culture, among which the probiotics plays the most important role. Fermented dairy products that contain probiotics/ prebiotics are highly beneficial to human health and therefore represent one of the most significant examples of the functional foods. Kombucha application is one of the recent innovations in fermented dairy technology and represents improvement in functional dairy foods production. Modern methods and new starter cultures application, followed by ingredients addition, improve microbiological, nutritive and sensory characteristics of fermented dairy products. Furthermore, emergency technology and new equipment utilisation in fermented dairy technology provides uniform product quality and better economical efficient that is favourable in technological and ecological aspect. Key words: fermented dairy technology, membrane processing, pulsed electric field, functional ingredients 67 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 02.UP2 NUTRITIVNA VREDNOST VISOKOPROTEINSKOH PROIZVODA SOJINOG ZRNA Stanojević S1, Barać M1, Pešić M1, Pavlićević M1, Janković V2, Vucelić-Radović B1 1 Poljoprivredni fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, 2Jugoinspekt-Beograd, AD Institut “Topčider”, Beograd Proteini soje odlikuju se velikom nutritivnom vrednošću, što pored povoljnih fizičko-hemijskih funkcionalnih osobina i niske cene, omogućuje njihovu primenu u različitim granama prehrambene industrije, masovnoj i pojedinačnoj ishrani, dijetetici i farmaceutskoj industriji, kao i u ishrani životinja. Zrno soje sadrži 30-40% proteina (50% kod tzv.“visokoproteinskih sorti”) 12–24% ulja, 30-34% ugljenih hidrata, 3-6% mineralnih materija i veći broj vitamina. Soja sadrži širok spektar bioaktivnih jedinjenja (tripsin inhibitori, lektini, fitinska kiselina, lizin, izoflavoni, saponini, fitosteroli, lunasin) koja ispoljavaju preventivna i terapeutska dejstva u lečenju bolesti srca, krvih sudova, dijabetesa i kancera, što je svrstava u kategoriju „funkcionalne hrane”. Sojine belančevine su slične belančevinama animalnog porekla, dok lipidi imaju mnogo veću biološku vrednost, ne sadrže holesterol i gotovo nijednu od zasićenih masnih kiselina, koje se nalaze u svim namirnicama animalnog porekla. Proizvodi koji su našli širu primenu u ishrani na našim područijima su: tofu (sir), mleko (ne sadrži laktozu i predstavlja idealnu zamenu za kravlje mleko), okara (gruba kašasta masa preostala nakon pripreme mleka, jedan od retkih izvora dvovalentnog gvožđa koje se lako resorbuje u organizmu) i surutka (bledo-žućkasta tečnost, prijatnog mirisa i ukusa koja zaostaje nakon ceđenja tofua). Želeli smo da osmislimo i definišemo tehnološki proces kojim bi se pripemili ovi proteinski proizvodi poboljšanih nutritivnih i senzornih osobina. Značajna modifikacija tradicionalnog načina pripreme proteinskih proizvoda soje sastojala se u drobljenju i kuvanju namočene soje pod nadpritiskom (0,8 bar), visokom temperaturom (110°C) u kratkom vremenu (8 minuta). Nije korišćena tradiciomnalna metoda koagulacije mleka (dodatak CaSO4 ili MgCl2) već su primenjeni proteolitički enzimi. Dobijeni su proteinski proizvodi sa visokim sadržajem proteina: tofu (43.12-56.15% suve materije), mleko (43.22-56.32%), okara (27.28-56.15%) 68 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios i surutka (22.67-28.00%), kao i niskim sadržajem lektina i povoljnom rezidualnom tripsininhibitorskom aktivnošću (1.97-19.00%) i odličnim ocenama senzorne analize. Ovaj rad je finansiralo Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja (TR31022). Ključne reči: soja, tofu, mleko, okara, surutka, proteini, biološki aktivne komponente NUTRITIONAL VALUE OF HIGH PROTEIN PRODUCTS OF SOYBEAN Stanojević S1, Barać M1, Pešić M1, Pavlićević M1, Janković V2, Vucelić-Radović B1 1 Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, 2Jugoinspekt-Belgrade, AD Institute “Topčider”, Belgrade Soy proteins have high nutritional value, which in addition to favorable functional properties and low cost widely used in various branches of food industry, mass and individual nutrition, dietetics and pharmaceutical industries, as well as in animal nutrition. Soya beans contain 30-40% of protein (50% in so-called “high-protein variety”) 1224% of oil, 30-34% of carbohydrate, 3-6% of minerals and many vitamins. Soy contains a wide range of bioactive compounds (trypsin inhibitors, lectins, phytic acid, lysine, isoflavones, saponins, phytosterols, lunasin) that exhibit therapeutic and preventive effects in the treatment of cancer, heart and blood vessels diseases which categorizes soy in the group of “functional foods”. Among various soy foods, soymilk and tofu are becoming more popular as low cost substitutes of traditional dairy products for consumers and an ideal nutritional supplement for lactose intolerants. Okara and whey are by-products obtained during processing of soybeans for soymilk and tofu that are rarely utilized. The aim of this work was to introduce the new method of producing soymilk, tofu, okara and whey which includes hydrothermal cooking and chymosin-pepsin coagulant. Using several domestic soybean cultivars, the changes during the production of these soy protein products were 69 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation characterized. The influence of the production method on antinutritive components as well as on components which contribute to sensory properties and yield of the obtained protein products were also studied. The procedure used for producing soy protein products contributed to better soymilk and tofu yield and quality. Negative influence of the applied treatments on products characteristics weren’t recorded. The enhancement of the nutritive value of the obtained products was achieved by significant reductions of the activity of protease inhibitors. The applied procedure, which was different from traditional procedure of soymilk and tofu production, significantly improved sensory properties of soybean protein products. The study was financed by the Serbian ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development (TR31022). Key words: soybeans, tofu, milk, okara, whey proteins, biologically active components 70 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios 02.UP3 PROMENA MIKROBIOLOŠKOG PROFILA FERMENTISANOG MLEČNOG NAPITKA DOBIJENOG UZ UPOTREBU KOMBUHA NAPITKA Ivković V, Markov S, Cvetković D, Velićanski A Tehnološki fakultet, Novi Sad Jedan od pravaca istraživanja fermentisanih mlečnih proizvoda je primena kombuha napitka kao novog tipa starter culture za fermentaciju. Za razliku od tradicionalnih starter kultura, sastavljenih jedino od bakterija mlečne kiseline, radni mikroorganizmi kombuha fermentacije su kvasci i bakterije sirćetne kiseline. Cilj ovog rada je ispitivanje promena mikrobiološkog profila fermentisanog mlečnog proizvoda tokom procesa fermentacije uz upotrebu kombuha napitka kao startera. Proces fermentaci je je izvođen na temperaturi 42°C do momenta postizanja pH vrednosti napitka od oko 4,5. Nakon toga je napitak hlađen na temperatura od 4°C. Fermentacija je praćena ispitivanjem osnovnih hemijskih i mikrobioloških parametara. Fermentisani mlečni napitak je željenu pH vrednost dostigao tokom perioda od oko 15h. Najveća promena brojnosti tokom prva 4h fermentacije je detektovana za aerobne mezofilne bakterije čiji se broj povećao sa 1 log na 8 log10 (CFU/ml)jedinica. Obe grupe ispitivanih bakterija mlečne kiseline (laktokoke i laktobacili) su imale isti trend povećanja brojnosti. Tokom prva četiri sata njihova brojnost se povećava za ~ 5 log10 jedinica, dok je na kraju procesa fermentacije i za laktokoke i za laktobacile detektovano >8 log10 (CFU/ml) živih ćelija. U inokulumu nisu detektovane aerobne mezofilne bakterije i bakterije mlečne kiseline. Sa druge strane, brojnost kvasaca je tokom celokupnog procesa fermentacije ostala na inicijalnim vrednostima detektovanim u inokulumu (~ 5 log10 jedinica). Bakterije sirćetne kiseline, kao drugi radni mikroorganizam kombuha fermentacije, već 4h nakon početka procesa nije bilo moguće detektovati iako su u inokulumu bile prisutne u vrednosti od ~ 4 log10 jedinica. Na osnovu eksperimentalnih rezultata moguće je zaključiti da je najveće povećanje brojnosti detektovano za bakterije mlečne kiseline i aerobne mezofilne bakterije koji se inicijalno nalaze u pasterizovanom mleku i/ili koje predstavljaju kontaminirajuće mikrobiote. 71 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation Ključne reči: kombuha, fermentisani mlečni napitak, starter kultura CHANGES OF MICROBIOLOGICAL PROFILE OF FERMENTED MILK BEVERAGE PRODUCED WITH USAGE OF KOMBUCHA BEVERAGE Ivković V, Markov S, Cvetković D, Velićanski A Faculty of Technology, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad One of the fields of research of fermented milk beverages is application of kombucha beverage as a new type of starter culture. Unlike traditional started cultures, consisting only of lactic acid bacteria, working microorganisms of kombucha fermentation are yeasts and acetic acid bacteria. The aim of this research is an investigation of changes in microbiological profile of fermented milk product during the fermentation process using kombucha beverage as starter culture. The fermentation process was carried out at a temperature of 42°C until fermented products reached pH 4.5. After that, fermented products were cooled to a temperature of 4°C.Fermentation process was monitored by determination of the basic chemical and microbiological parameters Fermented milk beverage reached the target pH value during about 15h. The biggest change in microbiological count during the first 4h of fermentation was detected for aerobic mesophilic bacteria whose numbers increased from 1 to 8 log10(CFU/ml) units.Both groups of lactic acid bacteria (lactobacilli and lactococci) had the samemultiplying trend. During the first 4h of fermentation their number increased for ~ 5 log10 units, while at the end both - lactococci and lactobacilli were detected in the number of > 8 log10 (CFU/ml). Aerobic mesophilic and lactic acid bacteria were not detected in the inoculum. On the other hand, number of yeasts during the fermentation process remained at the same values detected in the inoculum (~ 5 log10 units). Acetic acid bacteria, as second working microorganism of kombucha fermentation, 4h after beginning of the fermentation process were not detected although they were found in inoculum in value of ~ 4 log10 unit. Based on the experimental results, it can be concluded that the largest increase was detected for lactic acid and aerobic mesophilic bacteria, 72 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios which were initially present in raw milk and/or which are contaminating microorganisms. Key words: komucha, fermented milk beverage, starter culture 73 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 02.UP4 ISPITIVANJE MOGUĆNOSTI POVEĆANJA SADRŽAJA SELENA U MESU BROJLERA Marković R1, Baltić MŽ1, Šefer D1, Drljačić A 2, Radulović S1, Jovanović D1, Balać D3 1 Fakultet veterinarske medicine Beograd; 2 Superprotein, Zrenjanin; 3 Institut za javno zdravlje Vojvodine, Novi Sad Uvod: Brojni istraživači u svojim radovima ukazuju na značaj selena u ljudskoj ishrani kao i u proizvodnji „dizajnirane hrane“ (jaja i mesa). Povećanje sadržaja selena i vitamina E u mesu živine, pored uticaja na parametre kvaliteta mesa (oksidativna stabilnost, boja, sposobnost vezivanja vode, učestalost pojave belog, mekog i vodnjikavog mesa, kalo i drugo), ima i nutritivni značaj za ljude. Cilj rada: U ovom radu su analizirani efekti dodavanja povećanih količina organskog oblika selena na kvalitet mesa brojlera. Metodologija: Eksperiment je rađen na ukupno 150 jednodnevnih brojlera Hubbard provenijencije podeljenih u tri grupe. Sve životinje su hranjene kompletnim smešama za ishranu brojlera u tovu, standardnog sirovinskog i hemijskog sastava. U toku eksperimenta, prva grupa O-I je bila hranjena smešom u koju je dodat organski selen (u obliku seleniziranog kvasca) u količini od 0.3 ppm. Drugoj O-II grupi brojlera je putem hrane dodato 0.6 ppm, a trećoj O-III 0.9 ppm organskog selena. Sve tri grupe brojlera su hranom dobijale 100 IJ vitamina E. Na kraju eksperimenta izvršeno je žrtvovanje po šest jedinki iz svake grupe i uzimanje uzoraka mesa (meso grudi, bataka sa karabatakom, jetra i srce) za hemijsku analizu (sadržaj selena, vitamina E, proteina, masti i masnih kiselina). Rezultati i diskusija: Na kraju eksperimenta, znatno veći (p<0.01) sadržaj selena u odnosu na druge grupe bio je u O-III grupi i to: 0.61 mg/kg (meso grudi), 0.54 mg/kg (batak sa karabatakom), 0.96 mg/kg (jetra) i 0.48 mg/kg (srce). Sadržaj vitamina E je bio značajno veći (p<0.01) u jetri (4.49 mg/kg) za grupu O-II i O-III u odnosu na O-I grupu. U eksperimentalnm grupama sa povećanim sadržajem selena u hrani i 100 IJ vitamina E značajno (p<0.01) je bilo manje masti u mesu grudi i srca, a sadržaj proteina je bio značajno veći (p<0.01) u jetri. Povećanje količine selena u hrani poviljno utiče na masnokiselinski sastav (povećana količina PUFA i povoljan aterogeni indeks). Ključne reči: selen, meso brojlera, funkcionalna hrana 74 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios POSSIBILITIES OF INCREASING SELENIUM CONTENT IN THE MEAT OF BROILERS Marković R1, Baltić M.Ž,2 Šefer D1., Drljačić A.3, Radulović S1., Jovanović D.1, Balać D4 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Belgrade; 2 Superprotein, Zrenjanin; 3 Institute of Public Health of Vojvodina, Novi Sad 1 Introduction: Numerous researchers in their work highlight the importance of selenium in human nutrition and in the production of “designed food” (meat and eggs). Increasing the selenium content and vitamin E in poultry meat besides its effect on meat quality parameters (oxidative stability, color, water holding capacity, the frequency of white, soft and exudative meat, spoilage, etc) has nutritional importance to humans. Aim of the study: In this study the effects of adding increasing quantities of organic selenium on meat quality of broilers were investigated. Methodology: The experiment was performed on a total of 150 day-old broilers of Hubbard provenance divided into three groups. All animals were fed a complete feed mixture for broilers with standard components and chemical composition. During the experiment, the first group O-I was fed compounds with organic selenium (in the form of selenized yeast) added in an amount of 0.3 ppm. A second group O-II of broilers was added to the feed 0.6 ppm, and a third O-III 0.9 ppm organic selenium. All three groups of broilers were supplemented with 100 IU of vitamin E. At the end of the experiment six animals from each group were slaughtered and meat (breast meat, drumsticks with thigh, liver and heart) was sampled for chemical analysis (content of selenium, vitamin E, protein, fats and fatty acids). Results and discussion: At the end of the experiment, significantly higher (p <0.01) selenium content relative to other groups was in the O-III groups: 0.61 mg/kg (breast meat), 0.54 mg/kg (drumsticks with thighs), 0.96 mg/kg (liver) and 0.48 mg/kg (heart). The content of vitamin E was significantly higher (p <0.01) in the liver (4.49 mg/kg) for group O-II and O-III compared to the O-I group. In experimental groups with increased content of selenium and 100 IU of vitamin E significantly (p <0.01) was less fat in the breast meat and the heart, and the protein content was 75 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation significantly higher (p <0.01) in liver. Increasing amounts of selenium had positive effect on fatty acid composition (increased amount of PUFA and optimal atherogenic index). Key words: selenium, broiler meat, functional foods 76 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios 02.UP5 ODREĐIVANJE SADRŽAJA FLAVONOIDA I UKUPNIH ANTOCIJANINA U PIVU SA DODATKOM GROŽĐA Despotović S1, Atanacković M2, Veljović M1, Cvejić J2, Gojković-Bukarica Lj3, Pecić S1, Đorđevic R1, Leskošek-Čukalović I1 1 Poljoprivredni fakultet Zemun, Institut za prehrambenu tehnologiju i biohemiju, Beograd-Zemun; 2 Labaratorija za ispitivanje farmaceutskih i prirodnih proizvoda, Medicinski fakultet, Zavod za farmaciju, Novi Sad; 3Medicinski fakultet Beograd, Institut za farmakologiju, toksiokologiju i kliničku farmakologiju Pića kao što su vino i pivo su bogat izvor različitih komponenti koje imaju pozitivan uticaj na ljudski organizam i njihovim konzumiranjem u preporučenim količinama mogu imati pozitivan uticaj na ljudsko zdravlje. Najvažnija jedinjenja prisutna u vinu i pivu su fenolna jedinjenja (flavonoidi, neflavonoidi, tanini) koja poseduju antioksidativna svojstva i mogu biti odgovorna za prevenciju mnogih bolesti. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi sadržaj ukupnih flavonoida i monomernih i ukupnih antocijanina u uzorku vina i piva sa dodatkom različitih sorti grožđa proizvedenih u Srbiji. Izvršena je analiza jednog uzorka crvenog vina proizvedenog od Srpske autohtone sorte grožđa, jednog uzorka standardnog piva i sedam uzoraka piva proizvedenih dodatkom šire različitih sorti grožđa u različitim količinama u sladovinu. Sadržaj monomernih i ukupnih antocijanina determinisan je spektorfotometrijski, pH diferencijalnom metodom a sadržaj ukupnih flavonoida kolorimetrijskom metodom po Folin-Ciocalteu posle precipitacije formaldehidom. Izvršena je kvantifikacija antocijanina u svim analiziranim uzorcima, osim u uzorku standardnog piva. Najveća količina antocijanina nađena je u vinu proizvedenog od sorte grožđa Prokupac (270,80 mg/l i 388,79 mg/l ekvivalenata malvidin-3-glukozida, za monomerne i ukupne antocijanine, respektivno) Flavonoidi su bili prisutni u svim analiziranim uzorcima. Uzorak vina je sadržao veće količine flavonoida od standardnog piva i piva sa dodatkom grožđa. Sadržaj antocijanina i flavonoida u uzorcima piva obogaćenih dodatkom grožđa se povećavao sa povećanjem dodate količne grožđa. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na to da se sadržaj ukupnih antocijanina u pivu sa dodatkom grožđa primetno povećava sa povećanjem količine dodatog grožđa. Najveću količinu 77 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation antocijanina sadržao je uzorak piva sa dodatkom 50 % grožđa sorte Cabernet Sauvignon, dok je kod uzorka sa dodatkom 20 % grožđa sorte Pinot Noir sadržaj antocijanina bio najniži. Ključne reči: Pivo, vino, grožđe, polifenoli, antocijanini DETERMINATION OF FLAVONOIDS AND TOTAL ANTHOCYANINS IN GRAPE BEER Despotović S1, Atanacković M2, Veljović M1, Cvejić J2, Gojković-Bukarica Lj3, Pecić S1, Đorđevic R1, Leskošek-Čukalović I1 1 Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Food Technology and Biochemistry, Belgrade-Zemun; 2 Laboratory for Pharmaceutical and Natural Products Analysis, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pharmacy, Novi Sad; 3Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology and Clinical Pharmacology, Belgrade Beverages such as wines and beer are rich sources of different compounds that show positive effects on human body and their consummation in reasonable amounts can improve health. The most important components of wines and beer are phenolic compounds (nonflavonoids, flavonoids, tannins), which possess antioxidative properties and could be responsible for prevention of many diseases. The aim of this study was to determine the content of total flavonoids, monomeric and total anthocyanins in samples of wines from different grape varieties produced in Serbia and beers produced with the addition of grapes. Analysis was performed on 8 samples including 1 red wine made from grape varieties from Serbia, one regular beer, and 7 beer samples obtained by fermentation of conventional brewer`s wort enriched with different varieties and percentage of grape must. Monomeric and total anthocyanins were determined spectrofotometrically by the pH differential method, while the total flavonoid content was determined according to the colorimetric Folin-Ciocalteu method after precipitation with formaldehyde. Anthocyanins were quantified in all analyzed samples, except in regular beer. The highest values were found in wine made from variety Prokupac (270,80 mg/l and 388,79 mg/l malvidine-3-glucoside 78 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios equivalents, for monomeric and total anthocyanins, respectively). Flavonoids were present in all analyzed samples. Wine sample revealed higher content of flavonoids than beer and drinks from beer and grapes. The content of anthocyanins and flavonoids in beer samples enriched with grapes increased with the increase of added amount of grapes. Obtained results showed that beer samples enriched with grape pomace, it is noticeable that increase of grape pomace quantity lead to increase of anthocyanin content. The highest content of anthocyanins was measured in beer sample with 50% Cabernet Sauvignon, while the lowest was in beer with 20% of Pinot Noir. Key words: Beer, wine, grape, polyphenols, anthocyanins 79 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 02.UP6 UTICAJ FILTRACIONOG POSTUPKA NA ANTIOKSIDATIVNU AKTIVNOST LIKERA SA MEDOM Pecić S1,2, Veljović M2, Despotović S2, Davidović S2, Đorđević R 2, Leskošek-Čukalović I2, Vukosavljević P2, Tešević V3, Nikićević N2 1 Ekonomski institut, Beograd; 2 Poljoprivredni fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu; 3 Hemijski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu Likeri su atraktivna pića sa prijatnom slatkom aromom i komponentama sa potencijalnim bioaktivnim dejstvom, koji protiču iz proizvodnih sirovina. Proteklih godina, likeri u čijoj se proizvodnji koristi med kao zaslađivač, i ekstrakt bilja kao aroma su veoma zastupnjeni proizvodi u srpskim marketima. Bilje i med obiliju aromatičnim komponentama, ali takođe sadrže i polifenole, koji poboljšavaju funcionalna svaojstva ovih pića. U tehnološkom procesu proizvodnje likera sa medom, med stvara zamućenje, koje nije poželjno kod ovih pića, ali korišćenje postupaka filtracije da bi se zamućenje uklonilo utiče na bioaktivne komponente ovih pića. U ovom istraživanju ispitivali smo uticaj postupka filtracije na sadržaj ukupnih polifenola i antioksidativnu aktivnost specijalnih likera sa medom. Sadržaj ukupnih polifenola uzoraka ovih likera odrađivani su prema Folin-Ciocalteu-ovom metodu. Antioksidativna aktivnost je određivana korišćenjem DPPH i FRAP metoda. Od ispitivanih uzoraka likera sa medom, značajno veći sadržaj polifenola imali su nefiltrirani uzorci. Ukupni sadržaj polifenola nefiltrovanih uzorka je bio 158.6 mg/L, dok sadžaj ukupnih polifenola filtriranog uzorka bio 109.78 mg/L ekvivalenata galne kiseline. Antioksidativni kapacitet nefiltriranih uzoraka je 0.61 i za filtrirane uzorke 0.41 mMT roloxekvivalenta prema DPPH metodi, i 0.961 i 0.61 FRAP jedinica za nefiltrirane i filtrirane uzorke, prema FRAP metodi. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da process filtracije negativno utiče na zdravstvena svojstva likera sa medom. Ključne reči: liker, filtracija, polifenoli, antioksidativni kapacitet, senzorne karakteristike 80 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios THE EFFECT OF DIFFERENT FILTRATION METHODS ON ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITYOF HONEY LIQUEUR Pecić S1,2, Veljović M2, Despotović S2, Davidović S2, Đorđević R 2, Leskošek-Čukalović I2, Vukosavljević P2, Tešević V3, Nikićević N2 1 Economic institute, Belgrade; 2 Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, 3 Faculty of Chemistry, the University of Belgrade Liqueurs are attractive beveragewith pleasant sweet aroma and potential bioactive compoundswhich derived from the raw material of product. Recent years, the liqueurs with the honey as sweetener and the extract of herbs as flavor base are very interesting products in Serbian markets.The herbs and honey are rich source of aromatic compounds, but also it contains polyphenols, which improve the functional properties of these beverages. The technological problem in production of this beverage is the fact that the honey causes the turbidity, but filtration process affects on the content of bioactive compounds. In this study it was investigated the influence of filtration process on the total polyphenols content and antioxidant activityof special liquers. The total phenolic content of liqueur samples was determined according to the Folin-Ciocalteu spectrophotometric method. The total antioxidant capacity was evaluated using DPPH and FRAP methods. Among the studied samples, the significantly higher content of polyphenols had the unfiltered sample. The total phenol content (TPC) of unfiltered samples was 158.6 mg/L, while the TPC of filtered sample was 109.78 gallic acid equivalents. The antioxidant capacity of unfiltered sample was 0.61 and 0.41 mM Trolox for filtered sample according to DPPH assay, and 0.961 and 0.61 FRAP units, respectively according to FRAP method.The obtained results showed that the process of filtration adverse affect on the healthy properties of honey liqueurs. Key words: liqueur, filtration, polyphenols, antioxidant capacity, sensory characteristics 81 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 02.UP7 FUNKCIONALNA OŠTEĆENJA MIKROINKAPSULISANIH PROBIOTSKIH SOJEVA KAO POSLEDICA PROCESA SPREJ SUŠENJA Petrović T1, Dimitrijević S2, Radulović Z1, Mirković N1, Rajić J1, Nedović V1 Institut za Prehrambenu tehnologiju i biohemiju, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, 2Katedra za biohemijsko inženjerstvo i biotehnologiju, Tehnološko-metalurški fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu 1 Potencijalni nedostatak tehnike sprej sušenja, kao načina konzervisanja probiotika i mikroorganizama uopšte, su oštećenja ćelija koja nastaju delovanjem povišenih temperatura. Većina probiotika ne podnosi dobro ove visoke temperature i dehidraciju, koja se javlja kao posledica sušenja. Da bi se potencijalni probiotici dobijeni sprej sušenjem koristili kao starter kulture poželjno je da imaju visok broj vijabilnih i neoštećenih ćelija koje su sposobne da produkuju dovoljnu količinu mlečne kiseline. Radi toga je,u ovom radu, vršeno ispitivanje acidogene aktivnosti tri potencijalne probotske kulture, Lactobacillus plantarum JS7A, L. plantarum BBA i L. plantarum ZRZ8, posle procesa sprej sušenja i poređenje sa acidogenom aktivnošću njihovih slobodnih ćelija. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da je u oba slučaja došlo do postepenog pada pH vrednosti kod ispitivanih kultura u rekonstituisanom obranom mleku, usled produkovane mlečne kiseline, pri čemu su mikroinkapsulisani sojevi pokazali značajno sporiju acidogenu aktivnost od slobodnih ćelija. Takođe, u ovim istraživanjima je ispitivan efekat povišene temperature, tokom sprej sušenja, na ekstracelularne proteinaze. Proces sprej sušenja je vršen pri pri izlaznoj temperaturi od 80°C i utvrđeno je da je ova temperatura imala značajan uticaj na ekstracelularne proteolitičke enzime, kod sva tri ispitana soja, jer je njihova sposobnost razgradnje β-kazerina značajno umanjena. Ovo bi mogao biti nedostatak u primeni ovih kultura kao startera u proizvodnji nekih prehrambenih proizvoda, kao što su fermentisane kobasice i neke vrste sireva, gde je određena proteolitička aktivnost poželjna. Ključne reči: Sprej sušenje, potencijalni probiotici, funkcionalna oštećenja 82 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios FUNCTIONAL INJURIES OF MICROENCAPSULATED POTENTIAL PROBIOTIC STRAINS AS A RESULT OF SPRAY DEYING PROCESS Petrović T1, Dimitrijević S2, Radulović Z1, Mirković N1, Rajić J1, Nedović V1 Institute of Food Technology and Biochemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, 2Dep. of Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade 1 A potential disadvantage of spray-drying process as a way to preserve microbial cultures is the damage on bacterial cells caused by high temperature. The majority of probiotic bacteria are sensitive to the high temperature and dehydration during the drying process. In order to apply spray-dried potential probiotics as starter cultures it is desirable that they possess high number of viable and undemaged cells capable to produce enaugh quantity of lactic acid. In this paper the acidogenic activity of tree strains of potential probiotics Lactobacillus plantarum JS7A, L. plantarum BBA andL. plantarum ZRZ8 were determined and compared with acidogenic activity of free cells. The results showed that in both cases the pH value were gradualy decreased in reconstituted skim milk due to lactic acid production, but the microencapsulated strains demonstraed significantly lower acidogenic activity compering to free cells. In addition, the influence of high temperature during drying process to the extracellular proteinasewas investigated. The proces of spray drying was conducted at inlet temperature of 80°C and it was performed that this temperature significantly injured extracellular proteinazse in all tested strains. Their ability to degradated β-casein was significantly lowerd. This could be a disadvantage in application of these strains as starter cultures in the production of some food products like fermented sousages and some sources of cheeses where some proteolitic activity is desirable. Key words: Spray drying, potential probiotics, functional injuries 83 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 02.UP8 UTICAJ TEHNOLOŠKIH POSTUPAKA PROIZVODNJE NA ANTIOKSIDATIVNOST VOĆNIH SOKOVA VIŠNJE I MALINE Rajić J, Petrović T, Nedović V, Veljović M, Paunović D, Vukosavljević P Institut za prehrambenu tehnologiju i biohemiju, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu Cilj ovog rada bio je da se ispita uticaj različitih tehnoloških postupaka proizvodnje na antioksidativni kapacitet voćnih sokova, jer u zavisnosti od načina prerade voća u sok (primena termičkog tretmana, enzima i dr.) može se dobiti različita ekstrakcija polifenola i drugih komponenti iz pokožice voća. Sokovi od višnje i maline koji su korišćeni u eksperimentu dobijeni su postupkom hladnog ceđenja na sobnoj temperaturi i primenom postupaka enzimiranja i ceđenja. Poređenje je vršeno sa sokom koji je napravljen razblaživanjem industrijski proizvedenih koncentrisanih voćnih sokova višnje i maline, što je uobičajen način proizvodnje voćnih sokova u prehrambenoj industriji. Antioksidativnost dobijenih sokova je određivana primenom DPPH metode i FRAP testa. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da nije bilo značajne razlike u pogledu antioksidativne aktivnosti u ispitivanim sokovima, bez obzira na primenjeni tehnološki postupak proizvodnje. Takođe, postojala je visoka korelacija između primenjenih metoda za određivanje antioksidativne aktivnosti. Vrednosti antioksidativnog kapaciteta su za sve tri vrste ispitivanih uzoraka bile veoma visoke. Za hladno ceđene i enzimirane voćne sokove dobijene vrednosti su značajno veće nego kod uzoraka dobijenih iz koncentrisanih sokova. Za uzorke dobijene iz koncentrisanih sokova FRAP vrednosti su iznosile 26669 μmol Fe(II)/l soka za sok od višnje i 24444 μmol Fe(II)/l soka za sok od maline, dok su DPPH vrednosti iznosile 7,38 mg TE/ml soka, za sok od višnje, a 6,77mg TE/ml soka, za sok od maline. Može se zaključiti da termički tretman blanširanja i enzimiranje nisu uticali značajno na antioksidativnost ovih sokova, mada su se tretmanom enzimiranja značajnije oslobađala jedinjenja koja doprinose povećanju antioksidativnog kapaciteta. Kod uzoraka dobijenih iz koncentrisanih voćnih sokova dobijene su niže vrednosti antioksidativnosti u odnosu na 84 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios uzorke dobijene primenom ostala dva postupka. Antioksidativni kapacitet koncentrisanih voćnih sokova mogao bi se povećati primenom niskotemperaturnih uparivača čijom primenom bi se smanjili gubici vitamina, mineralnih materija i polifenola, koji doprinose povećanju antioksidativnosti. Ključne reči: voćni sok, višnja, malina, tehnološki postupak proizvodnje, antioksidativnost THE INFLUENCE OF TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESSES OF PRODUCTION ON ANTIOXIDATIVE CAPACITY OF CHERRY AND RASPBERRY FRUIT JUICES Rajić J, Petrović T, Nedović V, Veljović M, Paunović D, Vukosavljević P Institute of Food Technology and Biochemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade The aim of this work was to investigate the influence of different technological processes of production on antioxidative capasity of fruit juices. Depending on the process of production of fruit in fruit juice (by heat treatment, enzymes, etc.) the different extraction of polyphenols and other compounds from the skin of fruit can be obtained. The cherry and raspberry juices used in this experiment were obtained by cold squeezing at room temperature as well as by enzymatic treatment and squeezing. The comparison of samples was done with the cherry and raspberry juices obtained by reconstitution of industrial produced concentrated fruit juices, which is a common practice in production of these juices in food industry. The antioxidative capasity of juices was determined using DPPH and FRAP methods. There were no significant differences in antioxidant activity in the tested juices, regardless of the applied technological process. A high correlation between the applied methods for the determination of antioxidant activity was obtained. Generally, the antioxidant capacity of all tested samples was very high. The antioxidative activity of cold squeezed and enzimatic treated fruit juices was significantly higher than those obtained from the concentrated juices. The FRAP values for the 85 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation samples of concentrated juices were 26 669 mmol Fe (II) / l juice, for cherry juice and 24 444 mmol Fe (II) / liter of juice, for raspberry juice, while the DPPH values were 7,38 mg TE/ml of juice for cherry juice and 6,77mg TE/ml of juice for the raspberry juice. It can be concluded that the blanching and enzymatic treatment did not significantly affect the antioxidative activity of these juices, although enzymatic treatment influenced the release of compounds that significantly increased antioxidative capasity. In the samples obtained from the concentrated fruit juices the lower antioxidant activity was performed compared to the samples obtained by the other two process of production. Genarally, antioxidant capacity of concentrated fruit juices could be enhanced through the use of low temperature evaporator. Their application could reduce the losses of vitamins, minerals and polyphenols which beneficially contribute to antioxidative capasity. Key words: fruit juice, cherry, raspberry, technological process of production, antioxidative activity 86 Poster / Poster Presentation 02.P01 SASTAV PŠENIČNOG GLUTENA I NJEGOV ODNOS SA REOLOŠKIM KARAKTERISTIKAMA TESTA I TOKSIČNOSTI GLUTENA U CELIJAČNOJ BOLESTI Janković M1a, Pešić M2, Barać M2, Dodig D1b, Kandić V1b, Žilić S1a 1 Institut za kukuruz „Zemun Polje“, 1aOdsek sa tehnološka istraživanja i 1b Odsek za selekciju, Beograd; 2Poljoprivredni fakultet, Katedra za prehrambene tehnologije i biohemiju, Univerzitet u Beogradu Sposobnost pšeničnog brašna da se prerađuje u različite namirnice u velikoj meri je određena proteinima glutena. Međutim, gluten može izazvati celiakiju, bolest koja se odlikuje doživotnom netolerancijom na nesvarene peptide poreklom iz proteina glutena. Gluten je glavni skladišni protein pšeničnog brašna koga čine visoko polidisperzni sistem polimera, klasično podeljen i dve grupe: glijadine i glutenine. U ovom radu, sastav glijadinskih i gluteninskih frakcija pšeničnog brašna, proizvedenog mlevenjem pet genotipova hlebne pšenice, ocenjen je primenom SDS-PAGE i denzitometrijskom analizom. Imajući u vidu da disulfidne veze igraju ključnu ulogu u određivanju strukture i svojstava pšeničnog glutena, takođe je određena koncentracija disulfidnih veza, slobodnih sulfhidrilnih grupa i ukupnog cisteina. Posebna pažnja je posvećena utvrđivanju sadržaja glijadinskih subjedinica koje mogu uticati na zdravlje genetski podložnih osoba. Iako distribucija ukupnih glijadina snažno zavisi od genotipa pšenice i uslova spoljne sredine, može se zaključiti da su α/β- i γ-glijadini (S-bogate subjedinice) glavne komponente pšeničnog brašna, dok je ω-glijadin (S-siromašna subjedinica) zastupljen u znatno manjim razmerama. Koncentracija sumporom bogatih subjedinica koje mogu izazvati celiakiju, kretala se od 47.57 do 59.16% od ukupnih ekstrahovanih proteina. Gluteninska slika pšeničnog brašna bila je skoro uniformna sa slikom glijadina, ali sa kvantitativnim razlikama utvrđenim u oblasti molekulskih masa 44.7 do 71 kDa i 87.5 do 108.7 kDa. Koncentracija A-grupe proteina, koja odgovara visoko-molekulskoj subjedinici glutenina (HMW-GS), kretala sa od 4.40 do 25.54% od ukupnih ekstrahovanih proteina, dok je ukupna koncentracija nisko-molekulske subjedinice glutenina (LMW-GS) (B+C+D-grupa) u pšeničnom brašnu bila za oko šest puta viša od koncentracije pomenute HMW subjedinice. 87 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation Imajući u vidu potencijalnu toksičnost pšeničnog glutena kod genetski podložnih osoba, u poslednje vreme pokušava se da se izmene imunogene sekvence glutena kako bi se izbegla reakcija imunskog sistema i omogućila priprema prihvatljive i zdravstveno bezbedne hrane. Ključne reči: Gluten, glijadin, glutenin, disulfidne veze, sulfhidrilne grupe. WHEAT GLUTEN COMPOSITION AND ITS RELATIONSHIP TO DOUGH RHEOLOGICAL PROPERTIES AND GLUTEN TOXICITY IN CELIAC DISEASE Janković M1a, Pešić M2, Barać M2, Dodig D1b, Kandić V1b, Žilić S1a 1 Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje, 1aDepartment of Technology and 1bBreeding Department, Belgrade; 2Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Food Technology and Biochemistry, University of Belgrade The ability of wheat flour to be processed into different foods is largely determined by the gluten proteins. However, the gluten can induced celiac disease that is characterised by a life-long intolerance to undigested peptides derived from gluten proteins. Gluten is major storage protein fraction of wheat flour that comprise a highly polydisperse system of polymers, classically divided into two groups: gliadins and glutenins. In this study, gliadin and glutenin compositions of five wheat flours were evaluated by SDS-PAGE and densitrometric analyses. Given that disulfide bonds play a key role in determining the structure and properties of wheat gluten proteins, the concentration of disulfide bonds (-S-S), free sulfhydryl groups (-SH) and total cysteine were determined. Special attention is paid to the determination of the content of gliadin subunits that can affect health in genetically susceptible individuals. Although the distribution of total gliadins is strongly dependent on wheat genotypes and growing conditions, it can be generalized that α/β- and γ-gliadins (S-rich subunits) are major components in wheat flours, whereas the ω-gliadins (S-poor subunits) occur in much lower proportions. The concentration of S-rich subunits, that can cause celiac disease, ranged from 47.57 to 59.16% of total extractable proteins. Glutenin 88 Poster / Poster Presentation pattern of wheat flours was almost uniform with pattern of gliadins but with high qualitative difference were found in area of molecular weight 44.7-71 kDa and 87.5-108.7 kDa. The concentration of A-group proteins, that corresponds to the HMW-GS, ranged from 4.40 to 25.54% of total extractable proteins, while average value of wheat flours for the total concentration of LMW-GS (B+C+D-groups) was for about 6-fold higher than the concentration of mentioned HMW-GS. Given the potential toxicity of gluten, in recent times, attempts are being made to modify the immunogenic sequences of gluten to avoid recognition by the immune system and to prepare safe and acceptable foods. Key words: Gluten, gliadin, high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS), low molecular weight glutenin subunits (LMW-GS), disulfide bonds, sulfhydryl groups. This study was financially supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia (Grants no. TR-31069). 89 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 02.P02 UtvrĐivanje uticajnih faktora proizvodnje egzopolisaharida pomoću prirodnog izolata Leuconostoc sp. primenom tehnika statističkog dizajna Davidović S, Miljković M, Šiler-Marinković S, Dimitrijević-Branković S Tehnološko-metalurški fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Beograd U cilju povećanja prinosa proizvodnje egzopolisaharida (EPS) pomoću prirodnog izolata Leuconostoc sp. izvršeno je ispitivanje uticajnih faktora procesa primenom Plackett-Burman dizajna (Design Expert, 8.0., trial version). Dizajn je obuhvatao jedanaest promenljivih koje se mogu svrstati u dve grupe ispitivanih faktora: sastav podloge (sadržaj saharoze, glukoze, fruktoze, amonijum-citrata, kvascevog ekstrakta, CaCl2, PEG400 i ekstrakta ovsa) i uslovi gajenja (vreme inkubacije, temperatura, količina inokuluma). U skladu sa faktorijalnim dizajnom izvedeno je osamnaest eksperimenata. Svaki faktor je ispitan na tri nivoa: -1 za donji nivo (granica), 0 za srednji nivo i +1 za gornji nivo. Medju ispitivanim faktorima, pozitivni efekat su imali saharoza, fruktoza, vreme inkubacije, amonijum-citrat, kvasčev ekstrakt i CaCl2. Prinos EPSa je bio u granicama od 0.56 do 21.02 g/l. Rezultati dobijeni statističkim dizajnom pokazuju da testirani soj ima visok potencijal za proizvodnju EPSa. Dalja optimizacija je predvidjena ispitivanjem faktora koji su pokazali pozitivan efekat pomocu druge statisticke metode – metode površine odziva. Kljucne reci: egzopolisaharidi, Leuconostoc sp., Plackett-Burman Determination of effective factors for exopolysaccharide production by natural isolate Leuconostoc sp. using statistical design Davidović S, Miljković M, Šiler-Marinković S, Dimitrijević-Branković S Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, Belgrade In order to increase the yield of exopolysaccharides (EPS) production by natural isolate Leuconostoc sp. an investigation of the factors influencing 90 Poster / Poster Presentation the process was performed by Plackett-Burman design (Design Expert 8.0., trial version). The design was comprised eleven variables that can be classified into two groups of influences: the influence of the substrate (sucrose, glucose, fructose, ammonium citrate, yeast extract, CaCl2, PEG400 and oat extract), and the influence of growing conditions (incubation time, temperature, amount of inoculum). Based on factorial design eighteen experiments were performed. Each factor was examined at three levels: -1 for low level, 0 for intermediate and +1 for high level. Among tested factors positive effect on exopolysaccharide yield had sucrose, ammonium -citrate, fructose, yeast extract, CaCl2 and incubation time. EPS yield varied from 0.56 to 21.02 g/l. The results from statistical design showed that tested strain has high potential for EPS production. Further optimization with positive factors should be done by the other statistical design technique - response surface methodology. Key words: exopolysaccharide, Leuconostoc sp., Plackett-Burman 91 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 02.P03 VIABILITY OF LACTOBACILLUS CASEI AND SHORT-CHAIN-ORGANIC ACID PRODUCTION IN SYNBIOTIC CARROT JUICE DURING REFRIGERATED STORAGE Petreska Ivanovska T, Petrushevska-Tozi L, Kavrakovski Z, Mladenovska K University “Ss Cyril and Methodius”, Faculty of Pharmacy, Skopje, Macedonia Introduction: New approach for microencapsulation of Lactobacillus casei using spray-drying method was employed to improve the viability of the probiotic and achieve targeted delivery in the lower intestine after oral administration. Optimal formulation of the probiotic and prebiotic (fructooligosaccharide) loaded chitosanCa-alginate microparticles was prepared, with the viability of the probiotic after preparation 11.3±0.5 log cfu/g, d 50 8.77±0.4 μm, zeta potential 21.56±1.1 mV and Ca-content 0.94±0.15 mg/10mg. The aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the viability of the probiotic in carrot juice and production of lactic and acetic acid as in vivo promoters of probiotic’s growth during refrigerated storage of the juices at 4°C for 6 weeks when the juice was inoculated with free and encapsulated cells. Method: The synbiotic juices were prepared by extraction of washed and peeled carrots, subsequently pasteurized at 80 °C for 20 min. The viability of L. casei was determined on MRS agar during preparation and then weekly for 6 weeks using a plate-count method. The production of lactic and acetic acid was followed at determined time intervals by HPLC. Results: The viability of L. casei in synbiotic carrot juices with free and microencapsulated cells after 6 weeks of cold storage was 5.74±0.11 log cfu/ml and 8.52±0.2 log cfu/ml, respectively. Accordingly, the analysis of organic acids showed that higher amount was produced in juice containing synbiotic microparticles, 2.7 and 0.69 mg/ml for lactic and acetic acid, respectively, while in free cells juice the respective quantity was 2.1 and 0.37 mg/ml. Conclusion: In conclusion, the effective preservation of the probiotic cells provided survival rate of the microencapsulated L. casei in carrot juice to be above the therapeutic level and ensured 92 Poster / Poster Presentation production of lactic and acetic acid during the investigation period. The sensory and textural properties of the juice were maintained. Key words: Lactobacillus casei, viability, synbiotic carrot juice, short-chain-acid production 93 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 02.P04 AKTIVNOST EKSTRAKTA DVE VRSTE DIVLJE KRUŠKE NA BAKTERIJU SALMONELLA TYPHIMURIUM Kundaković T1, Ćirić A 2, Soković M2 1 Katedra za farnakognoziju, Farmaceutski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, 2 Institut za biološka istraživanja “Siniša Stanković”, Beograd Testirani su dihlormetanski i metanolni ekstrakti listova i kore vrsta Pirus piraster Burgst. i Pirus amygdaliformis Villars (Malaceae) na bakteriju Salmonella typhimurium. S. typhimurium je jedna od dve vrste bakterija roda Salmonella koje su primarno odgovorne za trovanje salmonelom iz hrane. Metanolni ekstrakt listova i kore P. piraster je bogat arbutinom (listovi 71%; kora 49%), dok metanolni ekstrakti P. amygdaliformis imaju niži sadržaj arbutina (listovi 2,4%; kora: 2,0%), određeno HPLC metodom. Biljni materijal je sakupljen na planini Ozren u Srbiji tokom 2010. Kora i listovi su odvojeni i osušeni na sobnoj temperaturi. Ekstrakcija je izvršena cikoheksanom, dihlormetanom i metanolom (70%, V/V) na sobnoj temperaturi. Antimikrobna aktivnost ekstrakata je testirana na bakteriju Salmonella typhimurium (ATCC 13311) i određene minimalne inhibitorne koncentracije (MIC) i minimalne baktericidne koncentracije (MBC) mikrodilucionom metodom. Takođe, standardne substance arbutin, streptomicin i ampicilin su testirani pod istim uslovima. Testirani ekstrakti su ispoljili sličnu antibakterijsku aktivnost protiv testiranog patogena sa MIC vrednostima 0,1-0,2 mg/ml i MBC vrednostima 0,2-0,25 mg/ml. MIC i MBC vrednosti za arbutin su bile iste 0,25 mg/ml, dok su MIC vrednosti za standarne antibiotike bile niže 0,51,0 mg/ml, odnosno MBC 1,0-2,0 mg/ml. Dobijeni rezultati za testirane metanolne ekstrakte mogu biti delimično pripisani prisutnom arbutinu koji je poznat antimikrobni agens. Ključne reči: antimikrobna aktivnost, Pirus piraster, Pirus amygdaliformis, Salmonella typhimurium, arbutin Zahvaljujemo se Ministarstvu prosvete i nauke Republike Srbije (Projekti No. 173021 i 173032) za finansiranje ovog istraživanja. 94 Poster / Poster Presentation ACTIVITY OF THE EXTRACTS OF TWO SPECIES OF WILD PEAR AGAINST BACTERIA SALMONELLA TYPHIMURIUM Kundaković T1, Ćirić A 2, Soković M2 1 Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade, 2 Institute for Biological Research “Siniša Stanković”, Belgrade The dichloromethane and methanol extracts of leaves and bark of Pirus piraster Burgst. and Pirus amygdaliformis Villars (Malaceae) were tested against bacteria Salmonella typhimurium. S. typhimurium is one of the two species of bacteria in the Salmonella genus that are primarily responsible for salmonella food poisoning. The methanol extracts of leaves and bark of P. piraster were rich in arbutin (leaves 71%; bark 49%), while methanol extracts of P. amygdaliformis had lower content of arbutin (leaves 2,4%; bark: 2,0%) determined by HPLC method. Plant material was collected on the Mountain Ozren in Serbia during 2010. The cortex and the leaves were selected and dried at room temperature. The extraction was carried out with cyclohexane, dichloromethane and methanol (70%, V/V) at room temperature. The antimicrobial activity of extracts was tested against Salmonella typhimurium (ATCC 13311) and minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC) were determined using microdilution method. Also, standard substances arbutin, streptomycin and ampicillin were tested under the same condition. The tested extracts exhibited similar antibacterial activity against tested pathogen with MIC values 0,1-0,2 mg/ml and MBC 0,2-0,25 mg/ ml. MIC and MBC values of arbutin were the same 0,25 mg/ml, while MIC values for standard antibiotics were lower 0,5-1,0 mg/ml and MBC 1,0-2,0 mg/ml. The obtained results for tested methanol extracts could be partly attributed to present arbutin which is known as potent antimicrobial agent. Key words: antimicrobial activity, Pirus piraster, Pirus amygdaliformis, Salmonella typhimurium, arbutin Acknowledgements. Authors wish to express their gratitude to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia (Project No. 173021 and 173032) for financial support of this study. 95 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 02.P05 ANTIOKSIDATIVNE OSOBINE BOJENIH MATERIJA U TEHNOLOGIJI ŠEĆERA Šereš Z1, Gyura J1, Šoronja Simović D1, Pajin B1, Sakač M2, Mišan A 2, Lončarević I1 Tehnološki fakultet, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu; 2Naučni institut za prehrambene tehnologije, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu 1 Reakcije tamnjenja predstavljaju zanimljivu oblast istraživanja za implementaciju u prehrambenoj tehnologiji. Razvoj nekih neenzimskih reakcija tamnjenja, kao što je Maillard reakcija, je nedavno povezan sa formiranjem jedinjenja sa snažnim antioksidativnim osobinama. U ovom radu je diskutovan odnos između promena boje usled neenzimskog tamnjenja i formiranje jedinjenja sa antioksidativnim kapacitetom. U tehnološkom postupku proizvodnje šećera zastupljena su karamel boje, melanoidini, polifenolna jedinjenja gvožđa, melanini kao bojene materije. Cilj ovog rada je ispitivanje korelacije između promene boje usled neenzimskog tamnjenja i formiranja jedinjenja sa antioksidativnim osobinama. U tehnologiji šećera bojene materije tipa melanoidina, kao rezultat Maillard reakcije, nastaju tokom procesa uparavanja retkog do gustog soka i tokom procesa kristalizacije. Boja gotovog proizvoda u tehnologiji šećera zavisi od tipa bojenih materija koji dominiraju u polaznom sirupu za kristalizaciju A proizvoda. Melanoidini se ugrađuju u sam kristal i to najčešće u centralni deo, te direktno utiču na boju finalnog proizvoda. Rezultatipotvrđujuda jeizmeđu sadržaja bojenih materija i ukupnih polifenola u međuproizvodima faze uparavanja i kristalizacije pri proizvodnji šećera, postoji pozitivna korelacija. Kako rastu bojene materije u proizvodima, tako raste sadržaj ukupnih polifenola, odnosno proizvodi sa nižim stepenom rafinacije bogatiji su antioksidansima. Koeficijent korelacije r=-0,1908 između sadržaja bojenih materija i antiradikalske aktivnosti međuproizvoda faze uparavanja i kristalizacije ukazuje da se sa povećanjem bojenih materija povećava i antiradikalska aktivnost (smanjuje se IC50 vrednost). Ključne reči:boja, melanoidi, šećeri Rad je finansiran od strane Ministarstva prosvete i nauku Republike Srbije (Projekat TR31014). 96 Poster / Poster Presentation ANTIOXIDATIVE PROPERTIES OF COLOURED MATTER IN THE SUGAR TECHNOLOGY Šereš Z1, Gyura J1, Šoronja Simović D1, Pajin B1, Sakač M2, Mišan A 2, Lončarević I1 Faculty of Technology, University in Novi Sad; 2Institute of food technology, University in Novi Sad 1 Browning reactions are interesting area of researchfor implementation in the food technology. The developmentof somenon-enzymaticbrowning reaction, such as Maillardreaction, has recently beenassociatedwith the formation ofcompounds withpotent antioxidantproperties. Thispaper discusses therelationshipbetweencolor changesdue tononenzymatic browning andcompounds formationwithantioxidantcapacity. Thetechnological process ofthesugarproduction there are few colored compound such as caramels, melanoidines, iron phenoliccompounds and melanins. The aim of this study was to examine the correlation between color changes due to non-enzymatic browning and forming of compounds with antioxidant properties. In the sugar technology the colored compounds such as melanoidin, as a result of Maillard reactions, occures during the process of evaporation of the thin juice to thick juice as well as during the crystallization process. Color of the final product in the sugar technology depends on the type of coloring compounds which dominate in the initial syrup for crystallization of A products. Melanoidines built into the crystal, mostly in the central part, and directly affect the color of the final product. Colorof the final productin the sugar technologydependson the type ofcolored compundswhich dominatein the initialofsyrupfor crystallisationof A product. Melanoidinesbuilt into thecrystal, mostly in the central part, and directlyaffect thecolor ofthe final product. The results confirmthat between the content of colored compoundsand the contentof total polyphenolsinintermediate products in phase of evaporation as well as in the crystallization ofthesugar production, there is a positivecorrelation.How the content of colored compounds increase, so does the totalpolyphenolcontent, which means that the productswith low levels ofrefinementare richerin antioxidants. The correlation coefficientr=-0.1908between the content of colored compounds 97 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation andscavenging activityof intermediateproducts ofevaporation stages as well as of crystallization, indicatesthat the increase ofcontent of colored compounds increases the antiradical activity(IC50valuedecreases). Key words: color, melanoidines, sugar The experiments are supported by the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Serbia (Project TR31014). 98 Poster / Poster Presentation 02.P06 ZNAČAJ PREHRAMBENE INDUSTRIJE U SVETU Nikolić M, Božić D Univerzitet u Beogradu, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd Prehrambena industrija ima značajno mesto u strukturi ukupne industrije i predstavlja jednu od najdinamičnijih grana svetske ekonomije. U zavisnosti od nivoa ukupne ekonomske i agrarne razvijenosti, kao i sirovinske osnove, oko 60-80% primarne poljoprivredne proizvodnje se preradi, obradi i pripremi za finalnu potrošnju u prehrambenoj industriji. Na taj način prehrambena industrija doprinosi rešavanju problema gladi i zadovoljavanju prehrambenih potreba rastuće svetske populacije. U radu se analizira mesto prehrambene industrije u privrednom razvoju i privrednoj strukturi u svetu i po odabranim regionima. Izvršena je i komparacija pokazatelja doprinosa prehrambene industrije privrednom razvoju po grupama zemalja na različitom nivou ekonomskog razvoja. Na osnovu toga moguće je definisati zakonomernosti u pogledu povezanosti ukupnog nivoa ekonomske razvijenosti određenog područja i razvoja prehrambene industrije. Proizvodnja hrane, pića i duvana učestvuje sa oko 10% u strukturi prerađivačke industrije u svetu i predstavlja jednu od najznačajnijih oblasti ovog sektora, koja se po značaju može izjednačiti sa ekstraktivnom industrijom ili sa celokupnom proizvodnjom električne enegrije, gasa i vode. U pogledu zaposlenosti, industrija proizvodnje hrane, pića i duvana angažuje oko 10% radne snage u razvijenim i 20-30% u zemljama u razvoju, potvrđujući svoj dominantan položaj u prerađivačkoj i celokupnoj industriji. Pozicioniranje prehrambene industrije u svetskoj ekonomiji, kao i sagledavanje regionalnih razlika, ukazuje na mogućnosti pojedinih regiona da dostignu nivo samodovoljnosti u proizvodnji hrane, kao i na perspektive razvoja prehrambene industrije. Ključne reči: prehrambena industrija, regionalna analiza, proizvodnja hrane. 99 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation SIGNIFICANCE OF FOOD INDUSTRY IN THE WORLD Nikolić M, Božić D University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade The food industry has a significant place in the structure of the total industry and represents one of the most dynamic sectors of the world economy. Depending on the level of overall economic and agrarian development, and the production of raw materials, about 60-80 percent of the primary agricultural production is processed and prepared for final use in the food industry. Thus, food industry contributes to solving the problem of hunger and meeting the nutritional needs of a growing world population. The paper analyzes the place of the food industry in the economic development and economic structure in the world and selected regions. Regional comparison of importance of food industry points to the regularities concerning the connection between the overall level of economic development of an area and the development of the food industry. The industry of food, beverages and tobacco accounts for about 10 percent in the structure of manufacturing industry in the world and represents one of the most important areas of the sector, whose significance can be equalised with the total mining or the overall production of electricity, gas and water. In terms of employment, the industry of food, beverage and tobacco employ typically about 10 percent of the total labour force in the developed countries and 20-30 percent in the developing countries, confirming its dominant position in the manufacturing and the overall industry. Positioning of the food industry in the world economy, as well as consideration of regional differences, point to the ability of particular regions to reach the level of self-sufficiency in food production, as well as the future development of the food industry. Key words: the food industry, regional analysis, and food production. 100 Poster / Poster Presentation 02.P07 ZP HIBRIDI KUKURUZA KAO SIROVINA ZA PROIZVODNJU HRANE Radosavljević M, Milašinović-Šeremešić M, Terzić D, Todorović G, Pajić Z, Filipović M Institut za kukuruz »Zemun Polje«, Beograd-Zemun Posmatrano sa aspekta ishrane čoveka, žita imaju ogroman značaj. Čovek ih je oduvek koristio u svojoj ishrani. Svakodnevna upotreba integralnih žita predstavlja jedan od osnovnih principa pravilne i zdrave ishrane. Mnoge naučne studije su pokazale da proizvodi od integralnog brašna imaju prednosti nad proizvodima od belog brašna, a redovno konzumiranje hleba i peciva od različitih integralnih žita može znatno da smanji rizik od razvoja nekih bolesti. Kukuruz, pšenica i pirinač čine 87% proizvodnje svih žita širom sveta i obezbeđuju 43% svih kalorija u hrani. U Srbiji je kukuruz tradicionalno nacionalna ratarska biljka broj jedan, ali je i pored visoke nutritivne vrednosti zrna njegovo učešće u ishrani malo. Dostignuća u oplemenjivanju kukuruza omogućavaju da se namenskim gajenjem hibrida posebnih i jedinstvenih svojstava zrna značajno proširi asortiman visokovredne hrane. Polazeći od do sada ostvarenih naučnih rezultata, potencijalnih mogućnosti, stanja i potreba na tržištu, a u skladu sa preporukama nutricionista, proizvodnja hrane poboljšane nutritivne vrednosti na bazi kukuruza se smatra izuzetno aktuelnom i atraktivnom. U ovom radu su opisani kvalitet i mogućnosti korišćenja zrna osam ZP hibrida specifičnih svojstava. Prikazani su rezultati uporednih ispitivanja fizičkih karakteristika (apsolutna i hektolitarska masa, gustina, indeks f lotacije, otpornost na mlevenje, tvrda i meka frakcija endosperma, indeks apsorpcije vode), strukture (sadržaj perikarpa, klice i endosperma) i hemijskog sastava (sadržaj skroba, proteina, ulja, pepela i celuloze) hibrida kukuruza belog i crvenog zrna, hibrida kokičara, polutvrdunca i voštanog tipa kukuruza u odnosu na odgovarajuće parametre dobijene za nove hibride tipa zubana. Sve u radu korišćene metode detaljno su opisane u ranije objavljenim radovima. Velike razlike u ispitivanim fizičkim karakteristikama, strukturi i hemijskom sastavu zrna ZP hibrida specifičnih svojstava pružaju 101 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation raznovrsne mogućnosti njihove primene u proizvodnji visokovredne hrane na bazi kukuruza. Ključne reči: kukuruz, hibridi specifičnih svojstava, hrana ZP MAIZE HYBRIDS AS A RAW MATERIAL IN FOOD PRODUCTION Radosavljević M, Milašinović-Šeremešić M, Terzić D, Todorović G, Pajić Z, Filipović M Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje, Belgrade-Zemun Cereals are very important from the aspect of human nutrition. Man has always used them in their diet. Daily use of whole grain cereals is one of the basic principles of correct and healthy diet. Many scientific studies have showed that the whole grain flour-based products had many advantages over white flour-based products, while regular consumption of bread and pastries made of whole grain flour can significantly reduce risk of certain diseases. Maize, wheat and rice comprise 87% of all cereals production worldwide, and provide 43% of all calories in food. In Serbia, maize has been traditionally cultivated as a number one field crop, but in spite of a high nutritive value of its grain its share in food has been insignificant. The achievements in maize breeding have provided cultivation of hybrids with specific and unique grain traits, which broadened the assortment of highly-valuable food. Based on actually achieved scientific results, potential possibilities, state of the markets and their requirements, and in accordance with the recommendations of food scientists, the production of maize-based food of the improved nutritive value is considered exceptionally actual and attractive. Quality and possibilities of grain use of eight ZP maize hybrids with specific traits were described in the present study. Furthermore, this study presents the results of comparative studies of physical properties (1000-kernel weight, test weight, density, flotation index, milling response, hard and soft fraction of endosperm, water absorption index), structure (contents of pericarp, germ and endosperm) and the chemical composition (contents of starch, proteins, oil, ash and cellulose) of whiteand red-seeded maize hybrids, popping maize hybrids, semi-flint and 102 Poster / Poster Presentation waxy maize hybrids in relation to corresponding parameters obtained for dent hybrids. All methods applied in this study were described in detail in previously published papers. Great differences in physical traits, structure and the chemical composition of grain of observed ZP maize hybrids with specific traits provide diverse possibilities of their use in highly-valuable maize-based food products. Key words: maize, hybrids with specific traits, food 103 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 02.P08 FUNKCIONALNA HRANA Konstantinović Birovljev B Zavod za zašitu zdravlja studenata, Beograd Funkcionalna hrana je hrana koja pored svoje osnovne nutritivne uloge ima korisno dejstvo na zdravlje. Ova hrana sadrži komponente koje su prirodni sastojak namirnica ili su u nju dodate neke druge korisne supstance ili su odstranjene nepoželjne komponente iz neke namirnice. Japan je vodeća zemlja u ovoj oblasti. Godine 1991. postavljen je koncept Hrana za specijalnu zdravstvenu upotrebu (FOSHU). Ovakva hrana mora imati odobrenje od Ministarstva zdravlja i evidentne naučne dokaze da konzumiranje takve hrane povioljno utiče na zdravlje. Danas je sve više takvih naučnih dokaza koji potvrđuju da neke namirnice ili njihove komponente imaju povoljan efekat na zdravlje. U vezi sa tim moderna nauka o ishrani prevazilazi stari klasični koncept o izbegavanju deficita i bazičnom unosu nutrijenasa jednim novim konceptom pozitivne ili optimalne ishrane. Funkcionalna hrana promoviše wellnes, ali ne može biti zamena za dobro izbalansiranu regularnu ishranu ali zajedno sa njom može doprineti smanjenju rizika za nastanak mnogih akutnih i hroničnih bolesti. Ključne reči: funkcionalna hrana, wellnes, rizik FUNCTIONAL FOOD Konstantinović Birovljev B Institute of public health for students, Belgrade Functional foods do more than just provide nutrients – they may play a role in reducing risk of disease or in improving health. These foods include health-promoting ingredients or natural components found in conventional, fortified, enriched or enhanced foods dietary supplement, a medical food or a food for special dietary use. Japan has led the world in this area. In 1991, the concept of Foods 104 Poster / Poster Presentation for Specified Health Use (FOSHU) was established. Foods identified as FOSHU must be approved by the Minister of Health and Welfare after the submission of comprehensive science-based evidence to support the claim for the foods when they are consumed as part of an ordinary diet. There is now increasing scientific evidence to support the hypothesis that some foods and food components have beneficial physiological and psychological effects over and above the provision of the basic nutrients. Today, nutrition science has moved on from the classical concepts of avoiding nutrient deficiencies and basic nutritional adequacy to the concept of “positive” or “optimal” nutrition. Functional foods may help promote wellness, but they can’t make up for poor eating habits. Nutritional research has shown that eating functional foods on a regular basis, as part of a balanced and varied diet, can enhance health and reduce the risk of many acute and chronic diseases. Key words: functional foods, wellness, risk 105 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 02.P09 EFEKAT LANENOG SEMENA U HRANI ZA KOKE NA SASTAV MASNIH KISELINA JAJA Šobajić S1, Đuričić I1, Timić J1, Vicković D2 1 Katedra za bromatologiju, Farmaceutski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2 Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Univerzitet u Beogradu Veliki broj naučnih istraživanja ukazuje na značaj esencijalnih masnih kiselina omega-3 serije na zdravlje ljudi. Među masnim kiselinama omega-3 serije najznačajniju ulogu imaju eikozapentaenska (EPA), dokozaheksaenskakiselina (DHA) poreklom iz riba, kao i α-linolenska kiselina (ALA) poreklom iz biljaka – posebno bogat izvor je seme lana. Obzirom na naučnu dokazanost pozitivnog dejstva na zdravlje ljudi, postoje različiti načini uključivanja omega-3 masnih kiselina u ishranu ljudi. Jedan od načina je konzumiranje dijetetskih suplemenata koji kao aktivnu komponentu sadrže omega-3 masne kiseline, dok je drugi način obogaćivanje (fortifikacija) uobičajenih namirnica. Korišćenje tzv. “dizajnirane hrane” obogaćene odgovarajućom aktivnom komponentom sa dokazanim pozitivnim efektom na ljudsko zdravlje poslednjih godina nalazi sve veću primenu. Cilj studije bio je ispitivanje sadržaja pojedinih masnih kiselina u žumancu običnih konzumnih jaja i u žumancu “dizajniranih” jaja proizvedenih ishranom koka nosilja hranom obogaćenom lanenim semenom. Trideset koka nosilja (Lohman) starosti 23 nedelje, hranjeno je tokom 2 meseca standardnom hranom na bazi kukuruza obogaćenom lanenim semenom, u količini koja je davala sadržaj ALA u lipidima hrane od 0,9%. Lipidi žumanca ovih jaja i lipidi običnih konzumnih jaja su analizirani na sastav masnih kiselina. Nakon ekstrakcije lipida iz žumanaca, masne kiseline su derivatizovane u metil-estre. Identifikacija i kvantitativni sadržaj pojedinačnih masnih kiselina vršena je kapilarnom gasnom hromatografijom. Analize sadržaja masnih kiselina u dve vrste ispitivanih jaja pokazale su da je statistički značajno veći procenat ukupnih masnih kiselina omega-3 serije bio u žumancu nakon korišćenja koncentrata obogaćenog lanenim semenom. U dizajniranim jajima sadržaj α-linolenske kiseline bio je 1,14%, dok je običnim komercijalnim konzumnim jajima iznosio 106 Poster / Poster Presentation 0,25 %. Sadržaj DHA u dizajniranim jajaima bio je 7,17%, dok je u običnim jajima iznosio 3,4%. Takođe je u dizajniranim jajima nađen manji sadržaj arahidonske kiseline. Primenjen način ishrane koka nije značajno uticao na sadržaj zasićenih masnih kiselina u dizajniranim jajima. Na osnovu rezultata može se zaključiti da suplementacija koncentrata za koke nosilje lanenim semenom kao izvorom esencijalnih masnih kiselina omega-3 serije može biti dobar način za povećanje dijetarnog unosa omega-3 masnih kiselina korišćenjem svakodnevnih namirnica. Ključne reči: dizajnirana jaja, omega-3 masne kiseline, laneno seme, hrana za životinje EFFECT OF FLEXSEED IN HENS’ FEED ON YOLK FATTY ACID COMPOSITION Šobajić S1, Đuričić I1, Timić J1, Vicković D2 1 Bromatology Department of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade, Serbia, 2Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Belgrade, Serbia A large number of scientific research shows the importance of essential fatty acids from omega-3 series on human health. Among omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) from fish, and α-linolenic acid (ALA) originating from plants (a particularly rich source is flax seed) are the most important. Given the scientific proof of their positive effects on human health, there are different ways of increasing omega-3 fatty acids intake. One way is by consuming dietary supplements that contain omega-3 fatty acids, while the other one is enrichment (fortification) of common foods. Production of so-called “designer food” that is enriched with appropriate components with known positive effects on human health is increasing. The aim of the study was to examine the effect of enriching usual feed for laying hens with flexseed on the content of individual fatty acids off egg yolk. Thirty hens (Lohman), aged 23 weeks, were fed during 2 months with standard maize-based feed enriched with flaxseed. The content of ALA in designed feed was 0.9%. Yolk lipids of the ordinary commercial eggs 107 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation and designer eggs were analyzed for fatty acid composition. After lipid extraction, fatty acids were derivatized to methyl esters. Identification and quantitative content of individual fatty acids was carried out by capillary gas chromatography. Analysis of fatty acid composition of two types of examined eggs showed that a significantly higher percentage of total omega-3 fatty acids was in the yolk after using flaxseed enriched concentrates. The content of α-linolenic acid was 1,14% in designer eggs, while in ordinary commercial eggs was 0.25%. The contents of DHA in yolk was even more influenced with the feed’ lipid composition (7.17% in designer eggs in comparison with 3.4% in control eggs). The content of arachidonic acid was also lower in designer eggs. There were no statistically significant differences in the content of saturated fatty acids in both analyzed egg types. Based on the results it can be concluded that addition of flaxseed in laying hens’ feed can be a good way for increasing dietary intake of omega-3 fatty acids. Key words: designed eggs, omega-3 fatty acids, flax seed, feed 108 Poster / Poster Presentation 02.P10 Hranljiva i energetska vrednost mešavine brašna pšenice i pečurke Boletus edulis Stojanović J1, Nikolić N1, Karabegović I1, Lazić M1, Mastilović J2 Univerzitet u Nišu, Tehnološki fakultet u Leskovcu, 2Naučni institut za prehrambene tehnologije, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Novi Sad 1 Boletus edulis je jestiva pečurka, bogata kvalitetnim proteinima. Pečurke pored hranljive vrednosti imaju i medicinski značaj. Poznato je da se koriste u lečenju mnogih bolesti kao što su epilepsija, bolesti kože, reumatoidni artritis, dijareja, disenterija, za lečenje bolesti jetre i žučne kese, za jačanje srca i dr. Primenom brašna pečurke Boletus edulis za zamenu pšeničnog brašna, prehrambeni proizvod se obogaćuje proteinima i drugim hranljivim komponentama pečurke. U radu je ispitana hranljiva i energetska vrednost mešavine pšeničnog i brašna od pečurke, u odnosu 80:20 m/m. Korišćeno je pšenično brašno “Fidelinka”, Subotica, tip 500. Brašno pečurke je dobijeno sušenjem sveže pečurke ubrane na lokalitetu Piskupovo, Leskovac, na 35 oC, mlevenjem i sejanjem kroz sito veličine otvora 0.30 mm. Sadržaj proteina (SP) odredjen je metodom po Kjeldahl-u (Nx5.7), sadržaj ukupnih ugljenih hidrata (SUH) metodom po Luff-Schoorl-u, a sadržaj celuloze standardnom metodom po Kürschner-Hanak-u. Sadržaj lipida odredjen je dvostrukom ekstrakcijom sa trihloretilenom (1:20 m/v) uz refluks, na temperaturi ključanja rastvarača, u toku 45 minuta, a sadržaj pepela spaljivanjem materijala na 800oC, u toku 5 h. Energetska vrednost sračunata je kao EV=(SP+SUH)x17+SLx37. Rezultati hemijskog sastava pšeničnog i brašna pečurke ukazuju da dodatak brašna pečurke povećava sadržaj celuloze za 49.7%, proteina za 38,8%, lipida za 24.5% i sadržaj pepela za 4.1%, a smanjuju sadržaj glutena za 20.0%, ugljenih hidrata za 10.1% i energetsku vrednost za 4.0%. Ključne reči: pšenica, mešavina brašna, Boletus edulis, hranljiva vrednost, energetska vrednost 109 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation Nutritional and energetic value of wheat and Boletus edulis mushroom flour mixture Stojanović J1, Nikolić N1, Karabegović I1, Lazić M1, Mastilović J2 University of Niš, Faculty of Technology, Leskovac, 2Institute of Food Technology, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad 1 Mushroom Boletus edulis is edible fungi, delicious nutritional food and good source of high quality protein. Mushrooms have medicinal importance too. It was reported they cure many diseases as epilepsy, skin diseases, heart ailments, rheumatoid arthritis, cholera, diarrhea, dysentery, liver and gall bladder diseases etc. The replacement of wheat flour by Boletus edulis mushroom flour, the food products are enriched by protein and other nutritional components of mushroom, and the content of gluten is decreased. In the present work the nutritional and energetic value of wheat-mushroom flour mixture (80:20 w/w) was observed. The wheat flour, type 500 by “Fidelinka”, Subotica, Serbia, was used and Boletus edulis flour was obtained from fresh mushroom, originated from region Piskupovo, Leskovac, Serbia, after drying at 35 o C, milling and sieving through a 0.30 mm riddle. The protein content (PC) of flours was determined by the Kjeldahl method (Nx5.7), the total carbohydrates content (CHC), by Luff-Schoorl’s method and the content of cellulose according to the standard procedure of KürschnerHanak. The lipids content (LC), was determined by trichloroethylene duplicate extraction, for the same sample, by using reflux (1:20 w/v), at boiling temperature, during 45 minutes and the ash content by staking of material at 800oC, during 5 h. The energetic value was calculated as EV=(PC+CHC)x17+LCx37. Based on results on chemical composition of wheat and mushroom flour, it is shown that the addition of Boletus edulis flour increases cellulose content for 49.7%, protein content for 38,8%, lipid content for 24.5% and ash content for 4.1% while decreases gluten content for 20.0%, carbohydrates content for 10.1% and energetic value for 4.0%. Key words: wheat, Boletus edulis, flour mixture, nutritional value, energetic value 110 Poster / Poster Presentation 02.P11 GvoŽđe i njegova jedinjenja u fortifikaciji bezalhoholnih pića Blazevska Z Vita Nova-ZA d.o.o., Skopje, Makedonija Gvožđe i jedinjenja gvožđa nalaze se u hrani biljnog i životinjskog porekla. Suplemetacija gvožđem praktikuje se u cilju prevencije deficita, a nakon toga i u cilju terapije anemije. Deficit gvožđa je jedna od najčešče zastupljenih mikronutrijentnih deficita. Po statistici dobijenoj iz Svetske zdravstvene organizacije, oko 30% svetske populacije pati od deficit gvožđa u obliku anemije. U toku 1980. do 1990. godine povećava se interesovanje za obogaćivanje bezalkoholnih pića sa mineralima gvožđa, pa se sve više istraživanja vrši sa ovim mineralom i njegovim solima u cilju pronalaženja inovativnih jedinjenja koje bi dali zadovoljavajuće rezultate. Cilj rada je bio da se ispitaju u uporednoj studiji rastvorljivost, stabilnost i boja proizvoda dobijenih dodatkom šest različitih neorganskih jedinjenja gvožđa u količini od 15% preporučenog dnevnog unosa (2,1 mg/l) u dva različita matriksa–nektar od kupine i nektar na bazi vodenog napitka sa ukusom maline. Metodologija: prlikom izrade ove studije koristili smo dvovalena i trovalenta jedinjenja gvožđa u obliku praška koje smo rastvarali u sokovima nektar kupina i nektar na bazi vodenog napitka sa ukusom maline. Oba nektara u kolicini od 330 ml su stavljene u providnim staklenim bočicama i pasterizova na 9PU (referentna temperatura 80oC, z=10). Oba dva napitka su nakon ovoga čuvana na tri različita načina: na dnevoj svetlosti i T=20oC, na tamnom i T=20oC i na tamnom i T=40oC u period od 34 dana. Boja i stabilnost boje je odeđivana preko UV-VIS spektrometara, a rastvorljivost jedinjenja gvožđa preko AAS (atomska absorpciona spektrometrija). Rezultati i diskusija: Jedinjenja dvovalentnog gvožđa su pokazala zadovoljavajuću rastvorljivost. Jedinjenja trovalentnog gvožđa su bila manje rastvorna u vodi i može se pretpostaviti da bi imala lošiju bioiskoristljivost. Jedinjenja trovalentnog gvožđa su manje uticala na senzorne karakteristike napitaka u odnosu na jedinjenja Fe(II). Ključne riječi: gvožđe, oligoelemenat, anemija, obogacivanje. 111 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation IRON AND ITS COMPOUNDS IN FORTIFICATION OF BEVERAGES Blazevska Z Vita Nova-ZA d.o.o., Skopje, Makedonija Iron and iron compounds could be found in foodstuff of vegetable and animal origin. Iron fortification is used for the prevention of iron deficiency, and also anemia treatment. Iron deficiency represents one of the most common micronutrient deficits. According to WHO data 30% of world’s population suffer from iron deficiency induced anemia. In the 1980’s and 1990’s there was much interest in enriching beverages as functional foods with iron minerals, so more studies have been conducted with this mineral and its salts in finding adequate innovative compounds that would give satisfactory results. Main purpose of this study was to compare influence of various iron compounds and its solubility, stability and color in beverages by adding six different inorganic iron compounds in concentration of 15% RDA (2.1 mg/l) in two different matrixes – blackcurrant nectar and near -water drink with raspberry – pomegranate flavor. Methodology: during this study we have used Fe(II) i Fe(III) compounds in powder form which were dissolved in blackcurrant nectar and near -water drink with raspberry – pomegranate flavor. Both beverages were filled in white glass bottles (330 ml each) and fully pasteurized at 9PU (reference temperature 80oC, z=10). Both beverages have been stored under three different sets of conditions – daylight at T=20oC, darkness at T=20oC, darkness at T=40oC in period of 34 days. Color and stability were determined with UV-VIS spectometer, and solubility of iron compounds was determined with AAS (atomic absorption spectometry). Results and discussion: Iron (II) compounds have shown satisfactory results in solubility test. Iron (III) compounds were less soluble in water. Iron (III) compounds showed reduced sensory influence of the final product compared with iron (II) compounds Key words: iron, trace element, anemia, fortification 112 Sekcija Dijetetski proizvodi Session Dietary Products 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 03.SP1 TOKSIČNI METALI U DIJETETSKIM SUPLEMENTIMA Torović Lj 1, 2 1 Institut za javno zdravlje Vojvodine; Novi Sad, 2Medicinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu; Novi Sad Ova studija opisuje prisustvo toksičnih metala u pregledu koji je obuhvatio 408 dijetetskih suplemenata na tržištu Republike Srbije. Suplementi su klasifikovani kao proizvodi sa vitaminima i/ili mineralima (86 uzoraka), biljni suplementi (149) i suplementi namenjeni sportistima (173; suplementi zasnovani na kofeinu, kreatinu, karnitinu, amino kiselinama i proteinima), u različitim doznim formama i sa širokim spektrom nameravane upotrebe. Uzorci su analizirani primenom atomske apsorpcione spektrometrije (Pb i Cd: plamena tehnika, Hg: hladne pare). Ukupno, 17.4% uzoraka je bilo pozitivno bar na jedan od testiranih analita (vitamin/mineral 5.8%, biljni 28.9%, suplementi za sportiste 13.3%). Prisustvo Cd je utvrđeno u 10.8% uzoraka, Pb u 7.1% i Hg u 3.7%. U 4.4% uzoraka detektovano je više od jednog analita. Utvrđeni nivoi Pb, Cd i Hg su upoređeni sa maksimalno dozvoljenim koncentracijama (MDK) i rezultati su izraženi kao odnos između izmerenog nivoa i MDK (medijana, minimum i maksimum, izraženi u %): Pb 6.3, Cd 8.0 (2.042.0), Hg 15.0 (10.0-20.0) u vitamin/mineral suplementima; Pb 6.0 (3.320.7), Cd 6.0 (2.0-40.0), Hg 10.0 (10.0-40.0) u biljnim suplementima; Pb 4.0 (3.3-13.3), Cd 5.0 (2.0-33.0), Hg 20.0 (10.0-100.0) u suplementima za sportiste. Pored iznetih rezultata, u 3 uzorka (0.7%) su prekoračene odgovarajuće MDK za toksične metale. Nivo Pb u jednom mineralnom suplementu je dostigao 3000% MDK, a preporučena doza bi rezultovala unosom od 1.1mg Pb/kg tm/dan. Unos od 1.2mg Pb/kg tm/dan je povezan sa populacionim porastom sistolnog krvnog pritiska od 1mmHg (WHO, 2011). Nivo Hg u jednom biljnom suplementu odgovara 2400% MDK, a u jednom suplementu za sportiste 5400%. Unos preporučenih doza bi bi rezultovao nedeljnim unosom koji dostiže 10.5%, odnosno 78.8% tolerantnog nedeljnog unosa za neorgansku živu (4mg/kg tm; WHO 2010). 114 Sekcijsko predavanje / Session Presentation Zaključno, upotreba dijetetskih suplemenata je samo jedan od brojnih doprinosa dnevnom unosu toksičnih metala i neophodno je ukloniti sa tržišta proizvode koji nisu bezbedni. Ključne reči: toksični metali, dijetetski suplementi TOXIC METALS IN DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS Lj. Torović 1, 2 1 Institute of Public Health of Vojvodina; Novi Sad, 2Faculty of Medicine, University of Novi Sad; Novi Sad This study describes the occurence of toxic metals in a survey of 408 dietary supplements marketed in Serbia. Supplements were classified as products containing vitamins and/or minerals (86 samples), herb-based supplements (149) and supplements intended for sportspeople (173; caffeine, creatine, carnitine, amino acids or protein-based supplements), with different dosage forms and broad scope of intended use. Analysis was conducted using atomic absorption spectrometry (Pb and Cd: flame technique, Hg: cold vapor). Overall, 17.4% of samples were positive for at least one of tested analytes (vitamin and/or mineral 5.8%, herbal 28.9%, sport supplements 13.3%). The incidence of occurence was following: Cd in 10.8% of samples, Pb in 7.1% and Hg in 3.7%. In 4.4% of samples more than one analyte was detected. Determined levels of Pb, Cd and Hg were compared with maximum allowed levels (MALs), and results expressed as ratio between measured level and MAL (median, minimum and maximum; expressed as %): Pb 6.3, Cd 8.0 (2.0-42.0), Hg 15.0 (10.0-20.0) in vitamin/ mineral supplements; Pb 6.0 (3.3-20.7), Cd 6.0 (2.0-40.0), Hg 10.0 (10.040.0) in herbal supplements; Pb 4.0 (3.3-13.3), Cd 5.0 (2.0-33.0), Hg 20.0 (10.0-100.0) in sport suplements. Apart from the above stated results, toxic metals exceeded respective MALs in 3 samples (0.7%). Pb in one mineral supplement reached 3000% of MAL, and recommended dose would result with intake of 1.1mg Pb/kg bw/day. Intake of 1.2mg Pb/kg bw/day is associated with population increase in systolic blood pressure of 1mmHg (WHO, 2011). Level of Hg in one herb-based supplement 115 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation corresponded to 2400% of MAL, and in one sport supplement 5400%. Ingestion of recommended doses would cause a weekly intake of Hg to reach 10.5% and 78.8%, respectively, if compared with tolerable weekly intake for inorganic Hg (4mg/kg bw; WHO 2010). To conclude, use of dietary supplements is just one among all possible yields contributing to daily intake of toxic metals, and unsafe products have to be eliminated from the market. Key words: toxic metals, dietary supplements 116 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios 03.UP1 OZNAČAVANJE ALERGENA NA DIJETETSKIM SUPLEMENTIMA SA TRŽIŠTA SRBIJE Vidović B1, Stanković I1, Zrnić M1, Šobajić S1, Vasiljević N2, Milanović-Stevanović M3, Janković S3 1 Katedra za bromatologiju, Farmacutski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu; 2 Medicinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu; 3 Institut za higijenu i tehnologiju mesa, Beograd Uvod: Dijetetski suplementi mogu da sadrže potencijalne alergene kao aktivne komponente i/ili pomoćne supstance i aditive ali i kao moguća onečišćenja u toku postupka njihove proizvodnje. Cilj i metod: U cilju provere načina označavanja alergena i usklađenosti sa zahtevima aktuelne zakonske regulative, analizirane su deklaracije 197 dijetetskih suplemenata koji su prisutni na tržištu Srbije. Rezultati: Analizom deklaracija utvrđeno je da 74 (37,6%) dijetetska suplementa sadrže aktivne i pomoćne sastojke sa potencijalnim alergogenim delovanjem. Najzastupljeniji alergeni u analiziranim dijetetskim suplementima su skrobovi žita koja sadrže gluten, soja i proizvodi od soje, riblji proizvodi kao i proizvodi od mleka. Na deklaracijima 17 proizvoda posebno u vidu upozorenja naglašen je status alergena. Korišćeni termini su: „sadrži“ (47,1%), „ne sadrži“ (29,4%), „ne preporučuje se“ (17,6%) i „može da sadrži“ (5,9%). U okviru liste sastojaka prisustvo alergena je označeno u skladu sa zahtevima Pravilnika o zdravstvenoj ispravnosti dijetetskih proizvoda (Službeni glasnik RS, br. 45/2010, 27/2011 i 50/2012). Od 123 dijetetska suplementa, koji na osnovu liste sastojaka ne sadrže alergene, njihovo odsustvo je naglašeno na 19,5% deklaracija , a na 4,1% deklaracija navedeno je da dijetetski suplement „može da sadrži tragove“ alergena. Od ukupnog broja analiziranih deklaracija, na 21,8% posebno je naglašeno da dijetetski suplement „ne sadrži gluten“, dok je na deklaraciji jednog dijetetskog suplementa naglašeno prisustvo glutena. Zaključak: S obzirom da eliminacija alergena iz ishrane predstavlja jedini tretman, pravilno označavanje i deklarisanje prisustva alergena na prehrambenim proizvodima, uključujući i dodatke ishrani, je neophodno u cilju zaštite zdravlja osoba sa nutritivnim alergijama. Ključne reči: alergeni, dijetetski suplementi, deklaracija 117 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation Ovaj rad je finansiran od strane Ministarstva prosvete i nauke, Republike Srbije (Projekat broj III-46009). FOOD ALLERGEN LABELLING ON DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS FROM SERBIAN MARKET Vidović B1, Stanković I1, Zrnić M1, Šobajić S1, Vasiljević N2, Milanović-Stevanović M3, Janković S3 1 Department of Bromatology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade; 2 Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade; 3 Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, Belgrade Introduction: Dietary supplements may contain active ingredients, additives or contaminated products that may cause allergic reactions. Aim and Method: The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence and appropriate labeling of food allergens on dietary supplements. The study was conducted on 197 dietary supplements from Serbian market. Results: Obtained results showed that 74 (37,6%) of dietary supplements contained potential allergens. The most common food allergens were: starches, soy and soy products, fish and milk products. Seventeen dietary supplements contained a warning statement on the label. The used phrases included: „ products contains“(47,1%), „free from “ (29,4%), „ don’t recommended“ (17,6%) and „may contains“ (5,9%). The allergen information on the ingredient list was in agreement with the regulations in Serbia. Among analyzed dietary supplements, 21,8% had specifically mentioned that „gluten free“, and one products mentioned that contain gluten. Conclusion: The labeling of the food allergens on food products, including dietary supplements is very important in order to protect the health of people with food allergy. Key words: food allergy, dietary supplements, labeling This work was supported by the Project No III-46009, Ministry of Education and Science, Republic of Serbia 118 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios 03.UP2 PRIMENA LC-MS/MS TEHNIKE U ODREĐIVANJU SIBUTRAMINA U DIJETETSKIM PROIZVODIMA Tadić M, Vuković G, Vlajković J Gradski zavod za javno zdravlje, Beograd Sibutramin-hidrohlorid monohidrat je oralno sredstvo za lečenje gojaznosti i često je predmet ilegalne upotrebe. U ovom radu je prikazana metoda za detekciju sibutramina u dijetetskim proizvodima, koja se zasniva na jednostavnoj ekstrakciji organskim rastvaračem i kvantifikaciji primenom tečne hromatografije u kombinaciji sa tandem masenom spektrometrijom (LC-MS/MS). Sibutramin se ekstrahuje iz 1g uzorka sa 100 ml metanola u blenderu na 3000 obrtaja/min u trajanju od dva minuta. Metanolni ekstrakt uzorka se filtrira i dodatno razblaži 1000 puta smešom metanol/voda (50/50, v/v) sa 0,1% mravljom kiselinom. Analiza se vrši LC-MS/MS tehnikom u pozitivnoj elektronsprej jonizaciji, koristeći MRM („multiple reaction monitoring“) mod. Za kvantitativno određivanje posmatrani m/z prelaz jona je 280,0→124,6, a za kvalitativnu potvrdu posmatran je m/z prelaz jona 280,0 →178,9. Za hromatografsko razdvajanje korišćena je RP-C18 kolona i mobilna faza koja se sastoji od metanola i 0,1% mravlje kiseline (50/50, v/v). Razvijena metoda je validovana na matriksu zelenog čaja, a određena granica kvantifikacije (LOQ) je iznosila 0,1 pg (RSD 2,07%). Tačnost je određena na tri koncentraciona nivoa u tri ponavljenja i kretala se od 95 do 101% (RSD≤12%). Linearnost metode je potvrđena u opsegu od 10 do 200 ng/ ml, sa koeficjentom korelacije 0,9959. Metoda je primenjena na uzorke sa tržišta uzorkovane metodom slučajnog odabira, kao i uzorke dostavljene od strane granične sanitarne inspekcije. Analizirana su 84 uzorka: 32 uzorka zelene kafe, 20 uzoraka čajeva i 32 dijetetska proizvoda. U 13 uzoraka (15,5%) je bilo potvrđeno prisustvo sibutramina (12 uzoraka zelene kafe i jedan uzorak čaja). Ovim rezultatima je ukazano na neophodnost kontinuirane kontrole dijetetskih proizvoda na prisustvo nedozvoljenih farmakološki aktivnih supstanci. Ključne reči: Sibutramin, LC-MS/MS, dijetetski proizvodi 119 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation APPLICATION OF LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHYELECTROSPRAY TANDEM MASS SPECTROMETRY FOR DETECTION OF SIBUTRAMINE IN DIETARY PRODUCTS Tadić M, Vuković G, Vlajković J Institute of Public Health, Belgrade The purpose of this paper was to develop a method for detection of sibutramine in dietary products, using simple extraction procedure, LC separation and tandem mass spectrometric detection (LC-MS/MS). Sibutramine was extracted from 1 g sample by 100 mL of methanol in blender jar, for 2 minutes. The methanol extract of samples, was filtrated and diluted 1000 times with mixture of methanol and water (50/50, V/V), both containing 0,1% formic acid. The final extract was analyzed by LC-MS/MS in +ESI using multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode. For quantitative determination we observed ion transition m/z 280,0 → 124,6 and for qualitative m/z 280,0 → 178,9. A RP-C18 column was used for separation, with a mobile phase consisted of methanol/0.1% formic acid (50/50, V/V). The developed method was validated in real sample matrix (green tea), with LOQ of 0,1 pg (with RSD 2,07%) for sibutramine. Validation of the method for its accuracy, precision, matrix effect and stability was carried out with regard to real sample analysis. Sample recoveries at three spiking levels ranged from 95 to 101% (RSD ≤ 12%). The response was linear over the dynamic range from 10 to 200 ng/mL with correlation coefficient of 0,9959. This work also included an application of the method to samples obtained from retail markets and from border inspection. The method was successfully applied for qualitative and quantitative determination of sibutramine in 84 samples: 32 green coffees, 20 tea and 32 other dietary product samples. Thirteen samples (15,5%) were found to be adulterated with sibutramine (12 green coffee samples and 1 tea). These results show the necessity of permanent control of dietary supplements for illegal drug adulterations. Key words: Sibutramine, LC-MS/MS, dietary products 120 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios 03.UP3 SAFETY OF DIETETIC FOODS AND DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS ON MACEDONIAN MARKET IN 2011 Spiroski I, Dimitrovska Z, Chuleva B, Dimitrovska M Institute of Public Health – Skopje, Republic of Macedonia Objective: Dietetic foods include variety of foods aimed at a specific population group and able to meet their particular requirements. Food supplements are concentrated sources of nutrients or other substances with a nutritional or physiological effect whose purpose is to supplement the normal diet. The objective of the research was to determine the safety of these products analyzed in the laboratories of the Institute of Public Health. Methods: Total of 274 samples were analyzed by implementing laboratory methods accredited according to ISO/IEC 17025. Analyses of quality, residues of pesticides, heavy metals, mycotoxins, antibiotics, testing of food additives and microbiological safety tests were performed on samples, as requested by national legislation or the requirements of the producers/retailers. Results: Out of all samples, 16 (15 food supplements and 1 food for special medicinal purposes) were assessed as not in accordance with the food safety regulations. All of the analyzed foods for infants and young children were in accordance with the food safety regulations. 11 of the unsafe products were from domestic production and 5 were imported. 87.5% of the products were unsafe due to deviations in the analyses of quality and 12.5% were microbiologically unsafe. Discussion: It is clear that food supplements from domestic production are most frequent analyzed products which are assessed as unsafe. Although all of the foods for infants and young children were safe, the number of analyzed samples doesn’t satisfy according to the size of the Macedonian market for those products. Higher number of delivered samples by Food inspectorate at the Food and Veterinary Agency, as well as future research of the assessed safety of these products in following years is needed in order to have clearer picture about the safety of these products on Macedonian market. 121 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 03.P01 ZABLUDE I PREDRASUDE KOD DIJETETSKIH PROIZVODA Bugarski M Dom zdravlja Obrenovac Pod dijetetskim namirnicama podrazumevaju se namirnice namenjene ishrani lica kod kojih je izmenjen ili poremećen normalni proces asimilacije ili metabolizma ili ishrani lica kod kojih je potrebno postići određeno dejstvo kontrolisano upotrebom namirnica,a koje se,zbog posebnog sastava ili izmenjenih fizičkih,hemijskih,bioloških ili drugih svojstava,u procesu proizvodnje bitno razlikuju od drugih namirnica iste vrste. Poremećaj metabolizma ugljenih hidrata,kao i svih etioloških problema može se prvenstveno usmeriti na edukaciju u vezi pravilnog izbora dijetetskih proizvoda, sprečavanje nastanka i razvoja gojaznosti kao i povećan unos suplemenata, odnosno, akcenat se stavlja na dopunu svakodnevne ishrane. Cilj ovog projekta bio je da obuči zaposlene radnike PD TENT-a o zdravim stilovima života kako kod obolelih, tako i kod još uvek zdravih, sa rizikom, u cilju preveniranja nastanka bolesti i pojmovima sta su dijetetski suplementi i kad ih je potrebno upotrebljavati. Pri inicijalnom anketiranju radnika, 46% anketiranih dalo je zadovoljavajuće rezultate testiranja. Nakon sprovedenih edukacija na testovima u vezi sa stilovima zivota kod pacijenata obolelih - statistički je značajno povećan broj zadovoljavajuće urađenih testova (73%). Najveći broj radnika je sa vrlo dobrim rezultatima savladao tehnike prevencije i edukacije kod zdravih. Dijetetski proizvodi su namenjeni dopuni ishrane, mogu imati terapeutske efekte i imaju ulogu da poboljšaju kvalitet života. Ključne reči: edukacija, stil života, ishrana 122 Poster / Poster Presentation ILLUSIONS AND PREJUDICES WITH THE USE OF DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS Bugarski M Health centre Obrenovac Under the dietary food, food intended for persons whose diet is altered or the normal process of assimilation or metabolism is disrupted, is implied, or persons whose diet is necessary to achieve a specific effect of the controlled use of foods, which, due to the special composition or altered physical, chemical, biological or other properties, in the manufacturing process substantially different from other food of the same kind. Dietary supplements are intended to supplement the diet, can have therapeutic effects and play a role in improving the quality of life. The aim of this project was to provide a high degree of awareness of the employees in the Corporate Enterprise “Power Plant Nikola Tesla” about healthy lifestyles and nutrition in patients with diabetes, and in still healthy people at risk for disease development. The program was run within preventive medical examinations in TENT A Ambulance during 2011. The employees were surveyed at the beginning of the research, afterwards we applied the method of of professional presentation in a form of lectures, work in small groups and individual education on several occasions, as well as distribution of professional writings. Evaluation of the knowledge acquired was made by testing the participants. Most of the workers have excellently mastered the technics of prevention and education about consumption and importance of dietary products and supplements, as well as improving the quality of life for those already suffering or at risk of developing diabetes. People with diabetes mellitus believe that only drugs achieve and maintain good glycemia neglecting excellent effects and lifestyle changes with the consumption of supplements. It is therefore of great importance to educate workers to significantly influence their own awareness. Key words: dietary products, supplements, lifestyle 123 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 03.P02 PRIMENA HACCP PRINCIPA U PROIZVODNJI DIJETETSKIH SUPLEMENATA Korčok Đ1, Korčok MM2 1 Abela Pharmd.o.o., Beograd; 2ZU Medica Pharma, Beograd Dijetetski suplementi predstavljaju koncentrovane izvore nutrijenata ili drugih supstanci sa nutritivnim ili fiziološkim dejstvom, svrstavaju se u namirnice, iako se na tržištu nalaze u farmaceutskim, doziranim oblicima. Osnovni razlog primene dijetetskih suplemenata su promocija zdravlja i vitalnosti, kao i prevencija određenih stanja ili bolesti. Zbog toga je jako bitno da se racionalno i bezbedno primenjuju, a to se može postići samo ako se unaprede znanja zdravstvenih radnika o fiziološkim funkcijama i preporučenom dnevnom unosu nutrijenata. U prethodnom periodu su dijetetski suplementi bili uglavnom vitaminsko-mineralni, a danas su to često kombinacije različitih biološki aktivnih jedinjenja. Poslednjih godina je sve veći interes potrošača za upotrebom dijetetskih suplemenata, što su prehrambena i farmaceutska industrija prepoznale, kako u svetu tako i u Srbiji, pa je sve veći broj proizvođača ove grupe proizvoda i zbog toga je jako važno da se u ovu oblast uključe sve relevantne institucije. Kako bi se na tržište plasirali bezbedni, kvalitetni i efikasni dijetetski suplementi proizvođači istih su u obavezi da obezbede da se proces proizvodnje odvija po HACCP principima, što je i zakonska obaveza. HACCP je sistem upravljanja u kome se bezbednost proizvoda razmatra kroz analizu i kontrolu bioloških, hemijskih i fizičkih opasnosti poreklom od ulaznih sirovina, rukovanja, proizvodnje, distribucije. Sastoji se od dve osnovne komponente HA i CCP. HA predstavlja analizu rizika odnosno identifikaciju opasnosti u svakoj fazi proizvodnje i procenu njihove štetnosti. CCP predstavlja postupke u proizvodnji u kojima se može sprečiti ili eliminisati rizik po sigurnost proizvoda ili njegov uticaj svesti na prihvatljiv nivo. Svaki HACCP sistem je sposoban za unošenje izmena poput unapredjenja dizajna opreme, procedura obrade ili tehnološkog razvoja. HACCP principa je sedam i sprovode se kroz dvanaest koraka, a da bi bili uspešno realizovani potrebno je pre svega sprovesti skup postupaka tzv.preduslovne programe kojima se definisu osnovni uslovi sredine neophodni za dobijanje bezbednog 124 Poster / Poster Presentation dijetetskog proizvoda. Preduslovne programe čine dobra proizvođačka praksa i dobra higijenska praksa, i oni predstavljaju osnovu bez koje ne može ni da počne da se priprema sa implementacijom HACCP principa. Dobra proizvođačka praksa predstavlja niz preporuka o tome šta je potrebno da se uradi, kada i ko to treba da sprovede, a dobra higijenska praksa može da se opiše kao skup postupaka kojima se obezbeđuje čisto, sanitarno okruženje zaproizvodnju.Međunarodni standard koji objedinjuje HACCP principe i preduslovne programe je ISO 22000:2005. Ključne reči: dijetetski suplementi, zdravstveni radnici, HACCP, ISO 22000:2005. THE IMPLEMENTATION OF HACCP PRINCIPLES IN FOOD SUPLEMENTS MANUFACTURING Korčok Đ1, Korčok MM2 1 Abela Pharmd.o.o., Beograd; 2ZU Medica Pharma, Beograd Food supplements represent concentrated sources of nutrients, or other substances with nutritive or physiological effects, consideredfood even though they are found in pharmaceutical forms on the market. The main reason for using food supplements is health promotion and prevention of chronicle incommunicabledisease, and therefore it is very important to use them rationally and safely. This can be achieved by advancing the health care professionalsknowledge about the physiological effects of nutrients and their recommended daily intakes. Until recently, the food supplements were limited to vitamins and minerals, and today, various biologically active compounds arebeing used. Nowadays, the interest in taking food supplements is growing, which has been recognized by both food and pharmaceutical industry, worldwide, as well as in Serbia. As the result there are more and more manufacturers of these kinds of products and it is essential to include all the relevant institutions indispensable for this area. In order to sell safe, quality and efficient food supplements, all the manufacturers are legally obliged to ensure that the whole process of production is done according to HACCP standards. 125 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation HACCP is a managing system for determining safety of the product, which is done by analyzing and controlling biological, chemical and physical hazards which can get into the product through raw materials, or during handling, production, distribution. It consists of two basic components HA and CCP. HA represents the analysis of hazards, in other words it identifies dangers in every phase of production and estimates the harm they may cause.CCP represents production procedures by which all the hazards that may endanger the safety of the product are prevented, eliminated or brought to an acceptable level. Every HACCP system is capable of introducing alternations, for example it can advance the design of the equipment, the processing procedures or the technological development. There are seven HACCP principles and they are implemented through twelve steps. In order to realize all the steps successfully, it is necessary to implement a number of procedures socalled preconditioned programs which define the basic environmental conditions necessary for obtaining a safe product. The preconditioned programs consist of good production practice and good hygienic practice, and they represent the indispensable basis for beginning the implementation of HACCP principles. Good manufacturing practice represents a number of recommendations what to do, when and by whom; while the good hygienic practice can be described as a number of procedures for ensuring clean, sanitary environment for production.The international standard which unites HACCP principles and prerequisite programs is ISO 22000:2005. Key words: Food supplements; Health care professionals, HACCP, ISO 20000:2005 126 Poster / Poster Presentation 03.P03 DODACI ISHRANI ZA REGULISANJE TELESNE TEŽINE-SAVREMENI TRENDOVI I INOVACIJE Lazić S Esensa d.o.o., Beograd Gojaznost izaziva psihološke probleme, ali što je važnije, predstavlja zdravsteni rizik za razvoj brojnih hroničnih nezaraznih bolesti. U svetlu ove pretnje raste tržište suplemenata koji pomažu rešavanje ovog problema. Tržiše nudi preparate koji previše obećavaju, čak su u domenu potpune fikcija, ali postoje suplementi koji iza sebe imaju naučnu podršku. Od ukupnog tržišta suplemenata za pomoć u regulaciji telesne mase u SAD, oko 13% zauzimaju preparati koji deluju na pružanje osećaja sitosti. Pinotin i mrke alge su dva dodatka ishrani koja mogu biti od pomoći osobama koje žele da redukuju telesnu masu. Pinotin je potpuno prirodan patent kompanije koja se bavi izučavanjem lipida koji povoljno deluju na zdravlje. Radi se o masnom ulju koje se dobija iz semena šišarki koreanskog bora - Pinus koraiensis. Mehanizam delovanja pinotina je promovisanje osećaja sitosti izazivanjem lučenja dva „glasnika“, dva hormona sitosti - GLP 1 (glukagonu sličan peptid) i CCK (holecistokinin), koji se luče lokalno na intenstinalnom nivou i javljaju centru za glad i sitost da je stomak „pun“. Pinotin je dostupan kao ulje i može da se koristi u mnogim aplikacijama, a trenutno se na tržištu več nalaze, pored suplemenata, i funkcionalna hrana obogaćena ovom supstancom. Nutricionistički trendovi ističu i naučno potvrđuju delovanje braon algi kao efikasnu pomoć u regulisnju telesne mase. Japan, zemlja koja ima najveću potrošnju algi u svetu, ima i najmanji procenat gojaznih i pozno vitalnih ljudi. Alge, povrće mora, sadrže mikroelemente i nadoknađuju njihov manjak koji se javlja kao posledica promene u režimu ishrane osoba koje žele da smršaju. Veoma je važno prisustvo značajne količine joda, minerala, koji je direktno uključen u metaboličke procese. Ima radova koji ukazuju da bogat sastav polifenola, posebno florotanina, značajno deluje nakon dva meseca primene ne dovodi do promena u statusu enzima jetre. Ključne reči: regulacija telesne mase, dodaci ishrani, pinotin, mrke alge 127 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS FOR BODY WEIGHT REGULATION-CURRENT TRENDS AND INNOVATIONS Lazić S Esensa d.o.o., Beograd Obesity impairs a person’s self-confidence and causes many problems, first of all – it endagers health. As a result of this health threat, the offered market of supplements has been growing lately. The market offers various products that are over- promising, a pure fiction; however, there are the supplements that are scientifically supported. In the overall market of supplements for body weight reduction in the USA, 13% of products are meant for triggering the sense of satiety. Pinnothin and brown algae are two dietary supplements from this group that may be useful and effective for the people trying to reduce their body weight. Pinnothin is a natural patent of a company dealing with analyzing and studying healthy fats. Pinnothin is fatty oil derived from the seeds of Korean pine codes – Pinus koraiensis. It triggers the sense of satiety, causing the excretion of two ’messengers’, two hormons of satiety – glucanon- like peptid (GLP1) and cholecystokinin (CCK) that are excreted locally, on intestinal level, sending the information to the center of satiety and hunger. It can be consumed either before or between meals. Pinnothin is also available in the form of oil and it can be used not only as a supplement, but also as a component of functional foods. Nutritional trends are emphasizing and providing scientific facts confirming the positive effects of brown algae – they are effective for body weight regulation. Japan is the largest consumer of brown algae in the world – it has the lowest percentage of obese people and large percentage of vital people even in their old age. Algae, known as the sea vegetables, contain micro-elements and make up for their insufficiency provoked by food regime changes in the organisms of persons trying to lose weight. It is significant to point out the presence of iodine, mineral directly included in metabolic processes. A prolific composition of polyphenols, especially phlorotannin, has proved to be effective for reducing fat in the most visible areas. It has to be emphasized that a two-month therapy does not lead to changes in the status of liver enzymes. Key words: bodx weight regulation, food supplements, pinnothin, brown algae 128 Sekcija Ishrana različitih populacionih grupa Session Nutrition of Specific Population Groups 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 04.SP1 UZROCI POTHRANJENOSTI U DEČJEM UZRASTU Šrek A Institut za zdravstvenu zaštitu dece i omladine Vojvodine, Novi Sad Neadekvatni unos hrane je najčešći uzrok pothranjenosti kod dece širom sveta. U zemljama u razvoju nastaje zbog nedovoljne ili neadekvatne količine ili vrste hrane, kao i zbog ranog prekidanja dojenja. U nekim regionima običaji vezani za lokalnu kulturu ili religiju igraju značajnu ulogu u nastanku pothranjenosti. Neadekvatni sanitetski uslovi i higijena povećavaju rizik za infektivne bolesti te tako povećavaju nutrutivni deficit i menjaju metaboličke zahteve. Uzroci pothranjenosti u razvijenim zemljama su mnogo ređe vezani za neadekvatan unos hrane. Ovde važnu ulogu u etiologiji malnutricije igraju bolesti, posebno hronične bolesti. Slabo napredovanje (“failure to thrive”) može se definisati prema dva principa – kao stanje (status) niske telesne težine tokom perioda odojčeta i malog deteta i/ili kao slabo napredovanje u telesnoj težini (dinamika napredovanja). Slabo napredovanje u telesnoj težini (dinamika napredovanja) se procenjuje u odnosu na pad preko dve standardne devijacije na CDC ili WHO krivama tokom 6 meseci. Za početnu procenu praćenje je neophodno tokom najmanje 2 meseca. Slabo napredovanje (rast naročito) nije uvek udruženo sa razvojnim/ emocionalnim problemima u detinjstvu i, uopšte, nema uvek spoljašnje uzroke. Ciljevi kliničke procene uhranjenosti su: identifikacija stanja koja negativno utiču na potencijal rasta (razne bolesti), stanja koja povećavaju osnovne kalorijske potrebe (npr. hronične infekcije), stanja koja smanjuju raspoloživost, odnosno iskoristljivost kalorija (npr. malapsorpcija), kao i stanja koja negativno utiču na sposobnost roditelja da zadovolji nutritivne potrebe deteta (“ne može/neće da jede”). Od izuzetne je važnosti i procena da li je potrebno hospitalizovati dete ili je tretman pothranjenosti moguće obavljati ambulantno. Smatramo da je pravilno prepoznavanje uzroka pothranjenosti kod dece veoma važno, naročito u najranijem, odojčadskom uzrastu, a pridržavanje gore navedenih stavova i protokola olakšaće i pravovremeni i adekvatan tretman ovih pacijenata. 130 Sekcijsko predavanje / Session Presentation CAUSES OF MALNUTRITION IN CHILDREN Šrek A Institute for Children and Youth Health Care of Vojvodina, Novi Sad Inadequate food intake is the most common cause of malnutrition in children worldwide. In developing countries malnutrition in children is caused by lack of or inadequate amounts or types of food, and the early termination of breastfeeding. In some areas, customs related to the local culture and religion play a significant role in the development of malnutrition. Inadequate sanitation and hygiene increases the risk for infectious diseases, thus increasing the nutritive deficit and changing metabolic demands. The causes of malnutrition in developing countries are much less likely related to inadequate food intake. An important role in the etiology of malnutrition plays diseases, especially chronic diseases. Poor progression (»failure to thrive«) can be defined by two principles - a condition (status) of low body weight during the infant and young child and / or as little progress in weight (dynamic progression). Poor progress in weight (dynamic progression) is evaluated in relation to the decline in more than two standard deviations of the CDC or the WHO curves for 6 months. For an initial assessment of monitoring is necessary for at least 2 months. Poor progress (especially growth) is not always associated with behavioral / emotional problems in children and, in general, there are always external causes. The objectives of the clinical assessment of nutritional status are: identification of conditions that adversely affect the growth potential (various diseases), conditions that increase the basic calorie needs (chronic infection), conditions that reduce the availability and usability of the calories (eg, malabsorption), as well as the conditions that adversely affect the ability of parents to meet the nutritional needs of the child (»can not / will not eat«). It is imperative to evaluate whether it is necessary to hospitalize the child or the treatment of malnutrition can be done as outpatient procedures. We believe that the proper identification of the causes of malnutrition in children is very important, especially in the earliest, toddler age, and compliance of the above positions and protocol will facilitate the timely and adequate treatment of these patients. 131 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 04.SP2 ZNAČAJ DEPURINIZOVANOG MLEKA U ISHRANI OSOBA SA PRIMARNOM I SEKUNDARNOM HIPERURIKEMIJOM Kocić G, Stojanović D, Nikolić G Medicinski Fakultet Univerzitet Niš Istraživanja na polju nutrigenomike su ustanovila da ishrana značajno utiče na regulaciju glavnih metaboličkih puteva odgovornih za razvoj hroničnih oboljenja. Sa nutritivnog aspekta, mleko je od esencijalne vrednosti za celokupnu ljudsku populaciju, a naročito za decu, starije i bolesnike. Jedan od neželjenih sastojaka mleka je mokraćna kiselina. Tokom procesiranja sirovog mleka, posebno tokom homogenizovanja, dolazi do razbijanja masnih globula, koje su bogate ksantin oksidazom, tako da se u konačnom proizvodu za tržište uglavnom javlja mokraćna kiselina, kao jedini, tj krajnji purinski derivat. Količina mokraćne kiseline u uzorcima kravljeg mleka, prema podacima u literaturi, kao i našim, se kreće oko 200 µmol/L, a ostalih purinskih baza do 100 µmol/L. Rezultati brojnih istraživanja, realizovanih poslednjih godina, ukazuju da je mokraćna kiselina neželjeni pratioc gotovo svih hroničnih oboljenja. Hiperurikemija je metabolički problem, jer je mokraćna kiselina veoma loše rastvorljivo jedinjenje, bilo kao kiselina ili u vidu svojih soli urata. Ona se opisuje ne kao udruženi, već izolovani i nezavisni faktor rizika za pogoršanje niza oboljenja i stanja, kao što su giht i uratna nefropatija, kardiovaskularne bolesti i hipertenzija, preeklampsija i eklampsija, konzumiranje alkohola,.dijabetes, gojaznost, ekstremni fizički napori sportista, »menadžerska bolest« i sli. Osnovna dijetetska mera kod povećane mokraćne kiseline u krvi je „apurinska dijeta“, koja podrazumeva unošenje esencijalnih proteina mleka, jer meso sadrži veoma veliku količinu purina, iz kojih inače nastaje mokraćna kiselina procesom degradacije. Na taj način se može umanjiti poboljšati kvalitet života smanjiti stope prevremene smrtnosti, invaliditeta i ishoda porođaja i rođenja. Nakon laboratorijskih eksperimenata konstruisan je filter za proizvodnju ovog tipa mleka, za koji je dobijen sertifikat zdravstvene ispravnosti. Eksperimenti na životinjama pokazali su ne samo uspešnost ovog mleka da se smanji nivo mokraćne kiseline u serumu, već i efekat na nivou signalnih ćelijskih puteva odgovornih za regeneraciju (odnos AKT kinaza/fosfo AKT kinaza, ERK kinaza/fosfoERK kinaza, CD34, Bcl2/Bax odnos). 132 Sekcijsko predavanje / Session Presentation THE IMPACT OF DEPURINIZED MILK IN THE DIET OF PEOPLE WITH PRIMARY AND SECONDARY HYPERURICAEMIA Kocić G, Stojanović D, Nikolić G Medical Faculty University Nis Nutrigenomic research has found that diet can significantly affect the regulation of major metabolic pathways responsible for the development of chronic diseases. From the nutritional point of view, milk is of essential for human population, especially children, the elderly and the patients with diseases. One of the desirable substance of milk is uric acid. During the processing of dairy milk, especially during homogenization, after breaking up of the fat globules, via enzyme xanthine oxidase, liberates uric acid as the final product of purine degradation. The amount of uric acid in samples of cow’s milk, according to data from the literature and our own, is about 200 mmol / L, and of the other purine bases to 100 mmol / L. The results of numerous studies, published in recent years, indicate that hyperuricemia is present in almost all chronic diseases. Hyperuricemia is a metabolic problem, because of very poorsolubility, either as acids or their salts. It is not described only as a common, but rather as an independent risk factor for deterioration of a number of diseases and conditions, such as gout and urate nephropathy, cardiovascular disease and hypertension, preeclampsia and eclampsia, alcohol consumption,. diabetes, obesity, extreme physical demand of athletes, “manager disease” etc. One of basic approaches during hyperuricemia is “apurine diet”, which involves the introduction of essential milk proteins, because meat contains a very high amount of uric acid, from purine degradation process. In this way, it can improve the quality of life and can reduce the rate of premature mortality, disability and outcomes of pregnancy. After a number of laboratory experiments designed to produce depurinized milk and a filter device it has been certified for healthe safety. Animal experiments have shown that this milk was not only successfull in reducing the level of uric acid in the serum, but the effect on the level of cell signaling pathways responsible for the regeneration (the ratio of kinase AKT / phospho AKT kinase, ERK / fosfoERK kinase, CD34, Bcl2/Bax relationship) . 133 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 04.SP3 ISHRANA STARIH OSOBA Rađen S1, Radaković S1, Vasiljević N2 1 Univerzitet odbrane, Medicinski fakultet VMA, Beograd; 2Medicinski Fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Institut za higijenu i medicinsku ekologiju Sve bolji uslovi života, kao i bolja zdravstvena zaštita doveli su do povećanja očekivane dužine života, te je broj starih osoba u svetu, kao i u našoj zemlji u porastu. Mnoga istraživanja pokazuju da je pravilna ishrana jedan od glavnih faktora koji utiču na unapređenje zdravlja i usporenje starenja. Starije osobe imaju specijalne nutritivne potrebe koje se pre svega odnose na unos energije, proteina, vitamina D i B12, kao i kalcijuma. Mada se sa starošću energetske potrebe smanjuju, pre svega, kao rezultat promena metabolizma i smanjenja fizičke aktivnosti, potrebe za nutrijentima ostaju iste, ili se u nekim slučajevima i povećavaju. Zbog toga je važno koristiti hranu veće nutritivne gustine. Kako krvni pritisak često raste sa godinama, neophodno je smanjenje unosa soli, da bi se ovaj rizik smanjio. Novi vodič za ishranu Amerikanaca predložio je „Moj tanjir“ kao novo rešenje. U saglasnosti sa ovim vodičem je i modifikovan „Moj tanjir za starije odrasle osobe“ koji je zamenio „Moju piramidu za starije odrasle osobe“ iz 2008. godine. Ove preporuke ističu specifičnost potreba starih osoba u odnosu na ishranu i fizičku aktivnost. „Moj tanjir za starije osobe“ prikazuje hranu sa visokim sadržajem vitamina i minerala po porciji i u skladu je sa novim Vodičem koji preporučuje ograničenje unosa hrane bogate trans i zasićenim mastima, smanjenje unosa soli i šećera, a ističe unos integralnih žitarica, voća i povrća. Osim svežeg preporučuje se i unos smrznutog, sušenog i konzervisanog voća i povrća (sa niskim sadržajem šećera i soli), koje je po sadržaju nutrijenata slično svežem, ali je lakše dostupno, lakše se priprema i duže traje. Zbog smanjenog osećaja žeđi starije osobe često ne uzimaju dovoljno tečnosti i u riziku su od dehidracije, te ovaj vodič ističe i važnost adekvatnog unosa različitih vrsta tečnosti. Takođe je odgovarajućim simbolima pokazana neophodnost redovne fizičke aktivnosti različitih vidova. Ključne reči: stare osobe, ishrana, preporuke 134 Sekcijsko predavanje / Session Presentation NUTRITION FOR THE ELDERLY Rađen S1, Radaković S1, Vasiljević N2 1 University of Defence, Medical Faculty MMA, Belgrade; 2Faculty of Medicine, Belgrade University, Institute of Hygiene and Medical Ecology Trend of constant increasing elderly population and rising life expectancy is present. Eldery have special nutritional requirement. This refers especially to energy intake, protein, vitamins D and B12, as well as calcium. Although calorie requirements decline with age, as a result of a slowdown in metabolism and physical activity, nutritional requirements remain the same or even in some cases increase. Therefore, it is important to focus on nutrient-dense food items. Considering the fact that blood pressure naturally increases with age, it is recommended to older adults to limit their sodium intake in order to minimize their risk of hypertension. My Plate for Older Adults replaces the Modified My Pyramid for Older Adults. It calls attention to the unique nutritional and physical activity needs associated with advancing years. My Plate for Older Adults provides examples of foods that contain high levels of vitamins and minerals per serving and are consistent with the federal government’s 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which recommend limiting foods with trans and saturated fats, salt and added sugars, and emphasize whole grains, fruits and vegetables. It is also included icons representing frozen, dried and certain lowsodium, low-sugar canned options. Fruits and vegetables in those forms contain as many or more nutrients as fresh, they are easier to prepare, more affordable, and have a longer shelf life. The inclusion of several examples of liquids addresses the common, age-related decline in thirst that can put older adults at risk for dehydration. My Plate for Older Adults also promotes regular physical activity with icons depicting common activities. Key words: elderly, nutrition, recommendations 135 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 04.UP1 ANALIZA PRISUSTVA GOJAZNOSTI KOD ŠKOLSKE DECE IZ OPŠTINE SUBOTICA Berenji K1, Ćopić J1, Pavlović M2 Zavod za javno zdravlje Subotica, 2Visoka škola strukovnih studija za obrazovanje vaspitača i trenera u Subotici 1 Cilj: Cilj ovog istraživanja je analiza gojaznosti dece nižih razreda osnovnih škola. Metode: Transverzalna antropometrijska merenja telesne mase i visine su urađena kod 426 dece nižih razreda osnovnih škola. Dečaka je bilo 217 (50,9%) dok je devojčica bilo 209 (49,1%). Uzrast naših ispitanika je bio 8,5-13,4 god ( =10,7). Stanje uhranjenosti je ocenjeno na temelju pokazatelja indeksa telesne mase (ITM) prema uzrastu i polu. Pri ocjenjivanju stanja uhranjenosti, vrednosti ITM između 85. i 95. percentila označavale su povećanu telesnu masu, a ≥ 95. percentila gojaznost. Rezultati: U našoj grupi dece 52 (12,2%) je bilo gojazno, dok je 33 (7,7%) imalo povećanu telesnu masu. Ukoliko analiziramo strukturu dece prema polu, u grupi gojazne dece bilo je 18 devojčica (34,6%) i 34 dečaka (65,4%), dok je u grupi dece sa povećanom telesnom masom bilo 12 (36,3%) dečaka i 21 (63,7%) devojčica. Struktura gojazne dece prema uzrastu, odnosno prema razredu koji pohađaju-prvi razred 11 dece (21,1%), drugi 10 (19,2%), treći 11 (21,1%) i četvrti 20 (38,4%). Ukoliko posmatramo decu sa povećanom telesnom masom-u prvom razredu je bilo 7 dece (21,2%), drugom 7 (21,2%), trećem 9 (27,2%) i četvrtom 10 (30,3%). Diskusija i zaključak: Naši rezultati ukazuju na sličan procenat gojazne dece u Subotici i dece u okolnim i razvijenim zemljama. Iako rezultati drugih studija ukazuju na povećanu gojaznost kod devojčica u odnosu na dečake, naš nalaz je suprotan, što se može objasniti relativno malom veličinom uzorka. Takođe, gojaznost i povećana telesna masa su bili zastupljeniji u starijim u odnosu na niže razrede. Obzirom da je gojaznost dokazani uzrok za više hroničnih masovnih nezaraznih bolesti, za svu decu čiji indeks telesne mase pokazuje gojaznost je urađeno savetovanje sa roditeljima, a putem rada Savetovališta za ishranu urađene su dijetetske konsultacije sa 136 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios korigovanim dnevnim energetskim potrebama i nastavljeno njihovo praćenje. Ključne reči: Indeks telesne mase (ITM); Gojaznost; Povećana telesna masa. ANALYSIS OF OBESITY IN SCHOOL CHILDREN IN THE AREA OF SUBOTICA MUNICIPALITY Berenji K1, Ćopić J1, Pavlović M2 Public Health Institute Subotica, 2Preschool Teacher and Sport Trainer High School Subotica 1 Aim: The aim of this study is the analysis of obesity in school children of lower grades. Methods: Transverse anthropometric measurements of body weight and height were performed in 426 children. There were 217 boys (50.9%) and 209 girls (49.1%). Age of our patients was 6.5 to 11.4 years (X = 8.7). Nutritional status was assessed on the basis of indicators of body mass index (BMI) by age and sex. In assessing the nutritional status, BMI between the 85th and 95th percentiles shown as increased body weight, and ≥ 95th percentile obesity. Results: One tenth of the sample group (52 children, 12.2%) were found to be obese, while 33 (7.7%) were overweight. The frequency of obesity was higher in male pupils, since in a group of obese children, there were 18 girls (34.6%) and 34 boys (65.4%). The frequency of overweight was higher in female respondents: 21 (63.7%) girls and 12 (36.3%) boys. Structure of obese children by age or school grade they are attending was as follows: in the first class 11 children (21.1%), the second class 10 (19.2%), the third 11 (21.1%) and the fourth 20 pupils (38.4%). Analyzing children that are overweight, increased body mass was found among 7 (21.2%) children in the 1st grade, 7 (21.2%) in the second grade, 9 (27.2%) in the third grade and 10 pupils (30.3%) in the fourth grade. Discussion and Conclusion: Our results indicate that a percentage of obese children in Subotica are similar to children in the surrounding or developed countries. Although the results of other studies suggest 137 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation an increased obesity in girls compared to boys, our findings show the opposite, which can be explained by the relatively small sample size. Also, overweight and obesity were more common in older than in the lower school grades. Considering that obesity is a proven cause for different chronic massive non-infective diseases, in all children that were found obese a counseling with parents was performed, along with adjusted daily energy requirements, and nutrition consultation and continued monitoring. Key words: Body mass index (BMI); Obesity; Overweight. 138 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios 04.UP2 DOZNO-ZAVISAN EFEKAT INTERVENCIJE GVOŽĐEM NA TEŽINU NOVOROĐENČADI: SISTEMATSKI PREGLEDNI RAD Vučić V1, Berti C2, Arsić A1, Ristić-Medić D1, Glibetić M1, Gurinović M1 Centar izuzetnih vrednosti u oblasti istraživanja ishrane i metabolizma. Institut za medicinska istraživanja, Univerzitet u Beogradu; 2 Odeljenje za ginekologiju i akušerstvo i Centar za istraživanja na fetusu Giorgio Pardi, Univerzitet u Milanu, Italija 1 Cilj: Ispitati dozno-zavisan efekat intervencije gvožđem na težinu beba na rođenju metodom sistematskog preglednog rada sa meta analizom randomiziranih kontrolnih studija (RCT). Metode: Ovaj sistematski pregledni rad je deo međunarodnog FP6 projekta European Micronutrient Recommendations Aligned (EURRECA) network of excellence, čiji je cilj identifikacija potreba za mikronutrijentima za optimalno zdravlje u evropskoj populaciji (www. U struktuisanom sistematskom pretraživanju postojeće literature do februara 2010. korišćene su baze podataka MEDLINE, EMBASE i Cochrane Library. RCT koje su ispitivale suplementaciju trudnica gvožđem, pratile težinu na rođenju i imale adekvatnu kontrolnu grupu, analizirane su za uključenje u meta analizu. Prihvatane su studije na zdravim trudnicama kao i onima sa anemijom ili nedostatkom gvožđa. Za svaku pojedinačnu studiju izračunat je koeficijent regresije (β) za težinu novorođenčadi u odnosu na unos gvožđa tokom trudnoće, na osnovu pretpostavke o linearnoj korelaciji između težine i unosa gvožđa naloge-loge skali. Rezultati: Svega 6 RCT je ispunilo kriterijume za uključenje u meta analizu. Njima je obuhvaćena težina na rođenju ukupno 1941 novorođenčeta. Od tog broja 992 majke su uzimale suplemente gvožđa tokom trudnoće, a 949 trudnica je uzimalo placebo i činilo kontrolnu grupu. Većina trudnica na početku studije nije bila anemična. Udruživanjem podataka iz 6 RCT u meta-analizu rezultiralo je dobijanjem ukupne vrednosti β [95% CI] od 0.01 [-0.03, 0.04]. Efekat nije bio statistički značajan (p=0.65). Zbog velike heterogenosti uključenih RCT (I2 = 83%), studije su grupisane prema dnevnoj dozi gvožđa i trajanju suplementacije. Međutim, ni stratifikacija studija nije pokazala značajan efekat gvožđa na težinu novorođenčadi (p>0.05) a heterogenost među studijama je bila relativno mala samo za RCT u kojima su korišćene najviše doze gvožđa (40-66mg). 139 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation Zaključak: Naša meta analiza nije pokazala značajan efekat suplementacije gvožđem na težinu novorođenčadi i zato bi trebalo posebno razmotriti da li je trudnicama koje nisu anemične potrebna suplementacija. Ključne reči: težina na rođenju, suplementacija, gvožđe, meta analiza DOSE-RESPONSE EFFECT OF IRON SUPPLEMENTATION ON WEIGHT AT BIRTH: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW WITH META ANALYSIS Vučić V1, Berti C2, Arsić A1, Ristić-Medić D1, Glibetić M1, Gurinović M1 Centre of Research Excellence in Nutrition and Metabolism. Institute for Medical Research. University of Belgrade, Belgrade; 2 Unit of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Center for Fetal Research Giorgio Pardi, University of Milan, Italy 1 Aim: To evaluate the dose response effect of iron intervention on newborns’ weight through a systematic review with meta analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Method: This systematic review is a part of the European Micronutrient Recommendations Aligned (EURRECA) network of excellence that aims to identify micronutrient requirements for optimal health in European populations ( Structured electronic searches were conducted to February 2010 on MEDLINE, EMBASE and the Cochrane Library. Double blind placebo controlled RCTs with iron supplementation, evaluating weight at birth, were analyzed for inclusion. Apparently healthy pregnant women and those with iron deficiency or anemia but otherwise healthy were included in meta analysis. For each individual study we calculated a regression coefficient (β) for birth weight on the intake, based on the assumption of a linear relation on the logeloge -scale. Results: Only 6 supplementation RCTs, providing data on birthweight for 1941 newborns, met the inclusion criteria. The newborns were born from 992 pregnant women who received iron during pregnancy, and from 949 pregnant women belonging to the control group. Most of the pregnant women were non-anemic at the beginning of the studies. 140 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios Pooling data from the 6 RCTs in one meta-analysis yielded a betarandom effect [95% CI] of 0.01 [-0.03, 0.04]. No significant effect was found (p=0.65). Due to the large heterogeneity (I2 = 83%), a subgroup analysis according to the dose of supplemented iron and duration of intervention was performed. However, the effect of iron remained similar after stratification (p>0.05) and the obtained heterogeneity was relatively small only for the highest doses (40-66mg) of iron. Conclusion: Our meta analysis did not document any significant effect of iron intervention on birth weight in newborns. Thus it should be revised whether non-anemic pregnant women need iron supplementation. Key words: birth weight, iron supplementation, meta analysis 141 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 04.P01 STANJE UHRANJENOSTI DECE NIŽIH RAZREDA OSNOVNIH ŠKOLA PRIGRADSKIH NASELJA OPŠTINE SUBOTICA Berenji K1, Ćopić J1, Pavlović M2 Zavod za javno zdravlje Subotica, 2Visoka škola strukovnih studija za obrazovanje vaspitača i trenera u Subotici 1 Cilj: Praćenje rasta i razvoja, odnosno procena stanja uhranjenosti je najbolji način utvrđivanja zdravlja dece, kao i potrebe preventivnog delovanja na individualnom i populacionim nivou. Cilj ovog istraživanja je ispitivanje stranja uhranjenosti dece u subotičkim prigradskim naseljima. Metode: Tokom 2010. godine su sprovedena antropometrijska merenja visine i telesne mase kod 426 učenika prva četiri razreda osnovnih škola iz prigradskih naselja grada Subotice. Prosečan uzrast naših ispitanika je iznosio 8,7 god. (6,5-11,4 god.). Dečaka je bilo 217 (50,9%) dok je devojčica bilo 209 (49,1%). Stanje uhranjenosti je ocenjeno na temelju pokazatelja visina-za-dob, telesna masa-za-visinu i indeksa telesne mase prema uzrastu i polu, u poređenju sa međunarodnim NCHS/SZO referentnim vrednostima. Rezultati: Prema distribuciji z-vrednosti telesne mase-za-visinu 60 (14,1%) izmerene dece je imalo manjak telesne mase. U rasponu z-vrednosti -2 do -3, 22 (5,1%) dece je bilo blago neuhranjeno, dok je krivulju z-vrednosti -3 i ispod imalo 38 (8,9%) dece, što je ukazalo na izraženu pothranjenost. Povećanu telesnu masu (z-vrednost +2) je imalo 61 dete, odnosno 14,3%. Percentilna distibucija indeksa telesne mase (ITM) je pokazala slična obeležja. ITM između 85. i 95. percentila je imalo 7,7% dece, dok je ITM iznad 95. percentila, odnosno gojaznost je imalo-52 (12,2%) dece. Prema distribuciji z-vrednosti telesne mase-zavisinu 71,6 % dece je bilo pravilno uhranjeno. Diskusija i zaključak: Epidemiološka istraživanja kako u svetu, tako i kod nas, ukazuju na gojaznost kao zdravstveni problem koji dostiže epidemijske razmere u opštoj i dečjoj populaciji. Pri tome se na pothranjenost, odnosno mršavost kod dece u poslednjim godinama obraća manja pozornost i ona danas predstavlja zdravstveni problem uglavnom u nerazvijenim i siromašnim zemljama. Prikazani podaci 142 Poster / Poster Presentation ukazuju da je kod dece u ruralnoj sredini okoline Subotice sličan procenat mršave, odnosno neuhranjene dece kao i one sa povećanom telesnom masom, što može biti uzrokovano različitim preduslovima. Ključne reči: Indeks telesne mase (ITM); Antropometrijska merenja; Pothranjenost; Povećana telesna masa. NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF SCHOOL CHILDREN 6-11 YEARS OLD IN SUBURBS OF SUBOTICA MUNICIPALITY Berenji K1, Ćopić J1, Pavlović M2 Public Health Institute Subotica, 2Preschool Teacher and Sport Trainer High School Subotica 1 Aim: Monitoring of growth and development, as well as assessment of nutritional status is the best way to determine the health of children and the need for preventive action at the individual and population level. The aim of this study was to assess the nutritional status of school children in the muncipality of Subotica suburbs. Methods: In 2010, anthropometric measurements of the body height and weight of 426 students from the first to the fourth grade of 2 primary schools in the suburban areas of the municipality of Subotica were conducted. The average age of our pupils was 8.7 years (6.5 to 11.4 yr.). There were 217 boys (50.9%) and 209 girls (49.1%). Nutritional status was assessed on the basis of anthropometric indices: height-for-age, weightfor-height and body mass index by age and sex, compared with the international NCHS / WHO reference values. Results: According to the weight-for-height z-score distribution 60 (14, 1%) of children are being malnourished. The range of z-values in the z-score range between –2 and -3, 22 (5.1%) of children are mildly malnourished, while the curve of the z-values below -3 and lower had 38 (8.9%) children, indicating a severe malnutrition. On the other hand, increased body weight (z-score +2) was found in 61 children or 14, 3%. Percentile distribution of body mass index (BMI) had similar characteristic. BMI between the 85th and 95th percentile had 7.7% of the children, while a BMI above the 95th percentile indicating obesity had 52 143 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation (12.2%) children. According to the distribution of z-values of weight-forheight 71.6% of children were properly nourished. Discussion and conclusion: Epidemiological research in the world and in our country indicates that obesity is a health problem with epidemic proportions in children and in the general population. Less attention has been payed to the underweight or malnutrition in children in recent years, and nowadays it is a health problem of mainly poor and underdeveloped countries. The data presented indicate that children in rural areas of municipality of Subotica show similar percentage of malnourished and those with increased body mass index, which can be caused by different preconditions. Key words: Body mass index (BMI); anthropometric measurements, malnutrition, overweight 144 Poster / Poster Presentation 04.P02 ISHRANA I ZDRAVLJE PREDŠKOLSKE DECE Filipović M, Bugarinović-Milovanović K Zavod za javno zdravlje Užice Uvod: Nepravilna ishrana jedan je od glavnih razloga za prekomernu telesnu težinu i gojaznost kod dece. Smatra se da oko 20-40% gojazne dece u ranom detinjstvu ostaje gojazno i u adolescenciji, a oko njih 80% i u odraslom dobu. Etiologija gojaznosti je kompleksna i multifaktorijelna. Porodica utiče na formiranje ponašanja vezanog za ishranu. Dete nauči da voli određene namirnice od detinjstva. Cilj rada: Ispitati navike u ishrani predškolske dece i proceniti njihovo zdravlje. Metod: Populaciju istraživanja čini 497 dece uzrasta od 2-7 godina, smeštenih u osam objekata Dečjeg vrtića grada Užica. Putem anketnog upitnika koji je podeljen roditeljima, ispitivane su navike u ishrani dece. Za procenu zdravstvenog stanja korišćeni su sledeći parametri: indeks telesne mase, obim struka i krvni pritisak. Za obradu podataka korišćen je SPSS paket. Rezultati: Više od polovine dece (56.9%) u ishrani je koristilo pretežno beli hleb. Životinjsku mast za pripremu obroka koristi 37.8% anketiranih majki. Sveže povrće svakodnevno je konzumiralo 42.3% dece, a sveže voće 65.9% dece. 23.3% koristi ribu manje od jednom nedeljno. Slatkiši su zastupljeni svaki dan kod gotovo četvrtine ispitivane dece (23.3%), a slatka bezalkoholna pića kod 27.6% dece. Meso je zastupljeno vrlo malo u ishrani dece (uglavnom u 65% ispitanika). Deca piju u proseku po 2 šolje dnevno obranog i delimično obranog mleka. Normalnu telesnu težinu ima 70.35%, predgojazne dece je 18.61%, a gojazna deca čine 11.04%. Razlike u ishrani su prisutne među ove tri kategorije, ali one nisu statistički značajne, osim u: predgojazna deca u svojoj ishrani više koriste testeninu u odnosu na ostalu decu (X²=15.988, p=0.014); predgojazna i gojazna deca jedu više mesnih prerađevina u odnosu na decu sa normalnom telesnom težinom (X²=15.180, p=0.019). Normalan krvni pritisak ima 74.22%, granični pritisak 20.7% dece, a hipertenzija je zabeležena kod 5.08%. dece. Utvrđena je pozitivna korelacija između vrednosti krvnog pritiska i indeksa telesne mase (r=0.219, p<0.01). Normalne vrednosti obima struka prisutne su kod 86.75%, dok 13.25% dece imaju povećani rizik za kardiovaskularne bolesti ili insulinsku intoleranciju. 145 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation Zaključak: Gotovo svako treće dete u ispitivanoj populaciji spada u kategoriju predgojazne i gojazne dece, što je više u odnosu na prosek na nivou Srbije. Potrebno je osmisliti adekvatan program za prevenciju nepravilne ishrane kod dece u ovom uzrastu. Ključne reči: ishrana, navike u ishrani, predškolska deca, zdravlje, prevencija nepravilne ishrane. NUTRITION AND HEALTH OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN Filipović M, Bugarinović-Milovanović K Institute of Public Health of Uzice Introduction: Inadequate nutrition is one of the main reasons for overweight and obesity in children. It is considered that about 20-40% of obese children remain obese in early childhood and in adolescence, and around 80% of adults. Etiology of obesity is complex and multifactorial. Family influences the formation of eating behavior. Child learn to like certain foods from childhood. Objective: To examine the eating habits of preschool children and assess their health. Methods: The study population consists of 497 children aged 2 to 7 years, placed in eight locations in the City of Uzice kindergartens. A questionnaire about eating habits of children was distributed to parents. To assess the health status following parameters were used: body mass index, waist circumference and blood pressure. For data processing we used SPSS package. Results: More than half of the children (56.9%) in their diet predominantly used white bread. Animal fat was used in food preparation in 37.8%. Fresh vegetables was consumed every day in only 42.3% of children and 65.9% consumed fresh fruit. 23.3% used fish less than once a week. Sweets are present in daily diet in almost quarter of children studied (23.7%), and sweetened soft drinks in 27.6% of children. Meat is very little present in the diet (usually once a week in 65% of respondents). Children drink an average of 2 cups per day of skimmed or partially skimmed milk. Normal weight was found in 70.35%, 18.61% children are overweight, and there was 11.04% of obese children. 146 Poster / Poster Presentation Differences in diet were present among these three categories, but they were not statistically significant, except for: overweight children use more pasta than the other children (X²=15.988, p=0.014); overweight and obese children eat more meat products than children with normal weight (X²=15.180, p=0.019). Normal blood pressure have 74.22%, borderline blood pressure have 20.07% of children, and hypertension was observed in 5.08% of children. There is a positive correlation between blood pressure and body mass index (r=0.219, p<0.01). Normal waist circumference was present in 86.75% of children, while 13.25% of children are at increased risk for cardiovascular disease or insulin intolerance. Conclusion: Almost every third child in the population is in the category of overweight and obese children, which is more than the average in Serbia. It is necessary to develop an adequate program for prevention of malnutrition among children in this age. Key words: nutrition, eating habits, preschool children, health, prevention of malnutrition 147 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 04.P03 RADIONICA “VRTIĆ ZDRAVLJA” Isailović G, Trbović M, Vasiljević Blagojević M, Mandić A Visoka zdravstvena škola strukovnih studija u Beogradu, Medical SPA Asocijacija Srbije Zdravstveno edukativna radionica “Vrtić zdravlja” je nastavak projekta Medical SPA Asocijacije Srbije iz oblasti dečje zaštite, finansiranog od strane grada Beograda. Projekat „Vrtić zdravlja – pripremna škola za zdrave stilove života“, podržan CD-om i pisanim materijalom uvid u knjige, predstavlja novinu na našim prostorima. Učenje o konkretnim aromatičnim biljkama pruža deci mogućnost da saznaju nešto novo o njihovim karakteristikama i praktičnoj primeni u ishrani, tradicionalnoj i alternativnoj medicini. Pored toga, kreiranje, stvaranje i negovanje vrta sačinjenog od aromatičnih lekovitih i začinskih biljaka, stvara pogodne uslove za unapređenje dečije kreativnosti, kao i psihičkog razvoja uopšte. Začinske aromatične biljke, zahvaljujući složenom sastavu i aktivnim jedinjenjima dokazanog farmakološkog delovanja, povoljno deluju na ljudsko zdravlje. Mogu se koristiti u prevenciji, ali i u lečenju mnogih bolesti, te ih treba vratiti u svakodnevnu ishranu, na značajnije mesto od onog koje danas imaju. Iz tog razloga, edukaciju treba početi od mladog uzrasta, što čini suštinu projekta i radionice. Cilj: Cilj radionice “Vrtić zdravlja” jeste razvijanje dečije kreativnosti, promovisanje zdravlja, zdravog načina ishrane i pravilnog psihofizičkog razvoja, kao i razvijanje svest o značaju ekologije, očuvanju prirode i žvotne sredine. Metode: Metode primenjene u radionici jesu deskriptivna, istorijskokomparativna i eksperimentalna. Tehnike teorijskog dela radionice: analiza dokumentacije. Rezultati i diskusija: projekat i radionica “Vrtić zdravlja” uspešno su realizovani u 11 predškolskih ustanova opštine Stari grad uz postizanje planiranih efekata: pedagoški - podsticanje samostalnosti, individualne odgovornosti i autentičnosti izraza, razvijanje svesti o značaju zaštite i očuvanja prirodne sredine, razvijanje svesti o zdravlju, zdravom načinu ishrane, razvijanje interesovanja za aromatične začinske biljke i njihovu primenu u ishrani i estetski - direktno delovanje na ostvarivanje 148 Poster / Poster Presentation autentičnosti izraza uz usvajanje estetskih principa uočavanjem lepog i harmoničnog u prirodi. Zaključak: program radionice obuhvata teorijsku obuku o zdravstvenom značaju konkretnih aromatičnih biljaka i njihovoj primeni u ishrani, tradicionalnoj i alternativnoj medicini, kao i teorijsku i praktičnu obuku sađenja i gajenja ovih biljaka i osmišljavanja i dizajniranja “Vrtića zdravlja”. Ključne reči: karakteristike aromatičnih biljaka, primena, ishrana, zdravi stilovi života, dizajniranje vrta WORKSHOP “KINDERGARTEN OF HEALTH” Isailović G, Trbović M, Vasiljević Blagojević M, Mandić A Medical college of professional studies in Belgrade, Serbian Medical Spa Association Health-educational workshop “Kindergarten of Health” is a sequel of the project of Serbian Medical Spa Association in the field of child care, funded by the city of Belgrade. The project “Kindergarten of Health - a preparatory school for healthy lifestyles,” supported by CD and printed material in book form, is an innovation in our region. Learning about specific aromatic plants offers children the opportunity to learn something new about their characteristics and practical applications in nutrition, traditional and alternative medicine. In addition, creating and nurturing a garden made up of aromatic herbs and spices, create favorable conditions for improving children’s creativity and mental development in general. Spicy aromatic herbs, owing to the complex composition of the active ingredients with proven pharmacological effects, have a positive effect on human health. Spicy aromatic herbs can be used in prevention, but also in the treatment of many diseases, and should return to the daily nutrition, on the more important place than the one they have today. For this reason, education should start from the young, which is the essence of the project and workshop. Objective: of the workshop “Kindergarten of Health” is to develop children’s creativity, health promotion, healthy nutrition and proper physical and mental development, as well as raising awareness of the 149 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation importance of ecology, nature conservation and environment. Method applied in the workshop are: historically -comparative, descriptive and experimental. Research techniques of theoretical part of the workshop: analysis of documents. Results and discussion: workshops and project “Kindergarten of Health” have been successfully implemented in 11 preschools of Stari Grad municipality with achievement of the planned effects: pedagogic - encouraging independence, individual responsibility and authenticity of expression, raising awareness about the importance of protecting and preserving the environment, raising awareness about health, healthy eating habits, developing interest in aromatic herbs and their use in nutrition and aesthetic- direct effects on the achievement of authenticity with the adoption of the term aesthetic principles by noticing the beautiful and harmonious in nature. Conclusion: The workshop program includes theoretical training on the health significance of specific aromatic plants and their applications in nutrition, traditional and alternative medicine, as well as theoretical and practical training in planting and cultivation of these plants and the creation and design of “kindergarten of health.” Key words: aromatic plant characteristics, uses, nutrition, healthy lifestyles, designing a garden 150 Poster / Poster Presentation 04.P04 NAVIKE U ISHRANI DECE PREDŠKOLSKOG UZRASTA U ĆUPRIJI Despotović M1, Ilić B1, Igrutinović Z, Marković S 1 Visoka medicinska škola strukovnih studija, Ćuprija, 2Klinika za pedijatriju, Klinički centar Kragujevac Uvod: Pravilan način ishrane je važan deo zdravog stila života i kao takav trebalo bi da bude usvojen u najmlađem životnom dobu. Novije studije u svetu posvećene su uticaju stila života i navika u ishrani na stepen uhranjenosti, naročito na sve česću pojavu predgojaznosti i gojaznosti kod dece. Cilj rada: Procena navika u ishrani dece predškolskog uzrasta u Ćupriji. Materijal i metode: Podaci o navikama u ishrani dobijeni su anonimnim anketiranjem roditelja predškolske dece na redovnom sistematskom pregledu. Rezultati i diskusija: Anketiranjem je obuhvaćeno 212 deteta rođenih u periodu 01.03.2002-28.02.2003 i 304 deteta rođena u periodu 01.03.2003-28.02.2004, 265 ispitanika je bilo muškog pola a 251 ispitanica je bila ženskog pola. Redovan doručak nema 1.7 % dece. Voće i povrće najveći broj ispitanika jede 3-5 puta nedeljno, dečaci svakodnevno uzimaju slatkiše u 28.3% slučajeva. Skoro četvrtina dece (25.8%) uopšte ne uzima bezalkoholna pića (sokove, coca-cola) a fizičkom aktivnošću redovnije se bave dečaci u 33.9% slučajeva. Devojčice više vremena provode ispred TV i/ili kompjutera. Zaključak: Poboljšati rad na prepoznavanju dece koja pripadaju rizičnim kategorijama, edukovati roditelje o načinima ishrane dece predškolskog uzrasta, težiti povećanju fizičke aktivnosti, smanjenju unosa energije i promenama faktora koji su od uticaja na preveliku telesnu masu i na gojaznost a potiču iz spoljašnje sredine. Ključne reči: deca, predškolski uzrast, ishrana 151 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation EATING HABITS OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN IN ĆUPRIJA Despotović M1, Ilić B1, Igrutinović Z2, Marković S2 1 College of Health Education Ćuprija, 2Pediatric Clinic, Clinical Center Kragujevac Introduction: Proper diet is an important part of a healthy lifestyle and as such should be adopted at the earliest age. Recent studies in the world are devoted to the impact of lifestyle and eating habits to the degree of malnutrition, especially to higher incidence of obesity and obesity in children. The aim: Assessment of eating habits of preschool children in the city of Cuprija. Material and methods: Data on dietary habits were obtained from anonymous survey of parents of preschool children on the regular medical exam. Results and discussion: The survey included 212 children born in the period 01.03.2002-28.02.2003 and 304 children born in the period 01.03.2003-28.02.2004, 265 respondents were male and 251 respondents were female. 1.7% of children do not have regular breakfast. The majority of subjects eat fruit and vegetables 3-5 times a week, the boys take daily sweets in 28.3% of cases. Nearly a quarter of children (25.8%) do not take soft drinks (fruit juices, Coca-Cola) and physical activity is regularly performed by boys - in 33.9% of cases. Girls spend more time in front of the TV and / or computer. Conclusion: Work has to be improved on identifying children who belong to high-risk categories, education of parents about the diet of preschool children has to be improved, physical activity has to be increased, energy intake has to be reduced and changes have to be made in factors that affect overweight and obesity and originate from the external environment. Key words: children, preschool, nutrition 152 Poster / Poster Presentation 04.P05 NAVIKE U ISHRANI TRUDNICA U SRBIJI Ivanović N1, Đorđević B1, Gojković T 2, Odalović M3 Katedra za Bromatologiju, Farmaceutski fakultet u Beogradu; 2 Katedra za Biohemiju, Farmaceutski fakultet u Beogradu, 3 Katedra za Socijalnu farmaciju, Farmaceutski fakultet u Beogradu 1 Uvod i ciljevi: Trudnoća je jedno od nutritivno najzahtevnijih perioda u životu žene. Optimalna ishrana je od izuzetne važnosti, kako za zdravlje majke, tako i za normalan razvoj ploda. Deficit u makro- i mikronutrijentima može imati negativan uticaj na tok i ishod trudnoće (prevremeni porođaj, mala masa deteta na rođenju i drugih fetalnih problema). Cilj ovog rada je bio da se procene navike u ishrani trudnica u Srbiji, kao i uticaj ekonomskog statusa i nivoa obrazovanja trudnica na dostizanje preporuka o unosu pet grupa namirnica predstavljenih Piramidom ishrane. Metodologija: Informacije o navikama u ishrani trudnica su prikupljene kroz upitnik u tri privatne apoteke u Beogradu i na ginekološkom odeljenju bolnice u Aleksincu. Rezultati: Upitnik je popunilo 46 trudnica, prosečnih godina 27.5. Ppreporuke za unos 2-4 porcije voća dnevno postiglo je 63% trudnica, dok je njih 61% postiglo preporuke za unos 3-5 porcija povrća dnevno. Što se tiče ostale tri grupe namirnica, rezultati su bili nešto niži: preporuke za unos tri porcije mlečnih proizvoda postiglo je samo 28% trudnica, zatim 6 i više porcija žitarica imalo je njih 41%, a 2-3 porcije mesa 54% trudnica. Samo je 8,7% trudnica dostiglo preporuke za unos svih pet grupa namirnica. Nije nađen statistički značajan uticaj ekonomskog statusa i nivoa obrazovanja u postizanju preporuka. Zaključak: Ovi podaci ukazuju na potrebu donošenja nacionalnih preporuka i strategije kojima bi se ukazalo na značaj optimalne ishrane u trudnoći i uspostavile zdrave navike u ishrani. Ključne reči: trudnoća, ishrana, preporuke 153 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation DIETARY HABITS OF PREGNANT WOMEN IN SERBIA Ivanović N1, Đorđević B1, Gojković T 2, Odalović M3 Department of Bromatology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade, Serbia;2Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade, Serbia; 3Department of Social Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade, Serbia 1 Introduction and aim: Pregnancy is one of the most nutritionally demanding periods in a woman’s life. Appropriate nutrition in pregnancy is fundamental for maternal and fetal health. Deficiency in macro- and micronutrients can cause low birth weight, premature birth, and other fetal problems. Our aim was to determine nutritional habits of pregnant women in Serbia. Methodology: The quantitative food frequency questionnaire was designed to gather information on dietary habits of pregnant women. Women were recruited from hospital in Aleksinac and 3 private pharmacies in Belgrade. Results: A total of 46 pregnant women participated in study. Our results showed that 63% of women achieved recommended intakes of 2-4 portions of fruit and 61% 3-5 portions of vegetables daily. Achievement of the recommended intakes from other Food Pyramid food groups is lower: 28% of pregnant women achieved the recommended 3 portions per day of dairy products, 41% recommended 6+ portions per day from bread and cereal group, and 54% recommended 2-3 portions per day of meat and poultry. Only 8.7% of women achieved recommended intakes from all food groups. Conclusion: These findings provide important prevalence data and highlight the need for more concerted and supportive health promotion interventions during pregnancy. Key words: pregnancy, dietary habits 154 Poster / Poster Presentation 04.P06 HIGIJENSKO DIJETETSKI REŽIM U TRUDNOĆI I RIZIK OD PREVREMENOG POROĐAJA Milinčić N1, Čanković P2 Medicinski fakultet - Kosovska Mitrovica, Klinika za ginekologiju i akušerstvo KCS – Beograd; 2Ginekološko akušerska klinika Priština - Gračanica 1 Cilj: Cilj rada je bilo ispitati epidemiološke karakteristike za pojavu prevremenog porođaja, kao i ispitati uticaj načina ishrane, konzumiranja duvana i kontakta sa kućnim ljubimcima na pojavu infekcije u trudnoći i prevremenog porođaja. Metode: Korišćeno je kliničko, prospektivno i statističko istraživanje. Rezultati: U cilju istraživanja formiran je uzorak od 312 majki prevremeno porođene dece. Prirast telesne mase do 10 kg imalo je 138 (44,2 %) trudnica i u ovoj grupi trudnica nađeno je 67 (48,6%) inficiranih posteljica. Prirast mase od 10 kg do 20 kg zbog nepravilne ishrane imalo je 149 (47,7%) trudnica i ovaj prirast se smatra velikim. U ovoj grupi bilo je 59 (39,6 %) trudnica sa inficiranom placentom. Ekstremno veliki prirast telesne mase, više od 20 kg, u slučajevima potpuno nepravilne i neadekvatne ishrane, imalo je 25 (8,1%) trudnica u prevremenom porođaju. Među njima 11 (44,0 %) trudnica imalo je infekciju placente. Studentov t test pokazuje da je signifikantno visoka verovatnoća pojave infekcije posteljice kod porodilja u prevremenom porođaju koje su konzumirale duvan. Od 93 trudnice kod 65 (69.9%) razvila se infekcija, a kod 28 (30.1%) je izostala. Diskusija: Telesna masa trudnice, kao i povišen prirast telesne mase tokom trudnoće zbog nepravilne ishrane, mogu imati značajnog uticaja na tok trudnoće, porođaj, pa i sam ishod porođaja ali nismo statistički dokazali da ima uticaja na povišen stepen rizika od razvoja intrauterine infekcije. Pušenje u trudnoći povećava incidencu prevremenih porođaja, utiče na smanjenje telesne mase ploda na rođenju što uz ostale socio – ekonomske faktore dodatno rizikuje trudnoću. Zaključak: Savetovati trudnicama uredan higijensko dijetetski režim života i ishrane. Zabraniti pušenje trudnicama. Povišen prirast telesne mase može imati uticaja na tok trudnoće ali ne utiče na razvoj intrauterine infekcije. Ključne reči: prevremeni porođaj, ishrana u trudnoći, konzumacija duvana, kućni ljubimci 155 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation DIET DURING PREGNANCY AND RISK OF PRETERM LABOR Milinčić N1, Čanković P2 Faculty of Medicine - Kosovska Mitrovica, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, CCS –Belgrade, 2Gynecology and Obstetrics Pristina - Gracanica 1 Aim: The aim of this study was to examine the epidemiological characteristics of preterm labor and to examine the effect of diet, smoking and contact with pets on the occurrence of infection in pregnancy and preterm delivery. Methods: A clinical, prospective and statistical survey was used. Results: A group of 312 pregnant women delivered prematurely was investigated. A weight gain up to 10 kg had occurred in 138 (44.2%) of pregnant women and in this group of women it was found that 67 (48.6%) had an infected placenta. A weight gain of 10 to 20 kg due to an incorrect diet had a total of 149 (47.7%) pregnant women, and this is considered a great gain. In this group, there were 59 (39.6%) patients with infected placenta. Extremely large weight gain, more than 20 kg, in the case of a completely improper and inadequate diet, was determined in 25 (8.1%) pregnant women who produced an early labor. Among them, 11 (44.0%) pregnant women had placental infection. Student’s t test showed a significantly higher probability of infection of the placenta in pregnant women in early labor who consumed tobacco. Of the 93 pregnant women, 65 (69.9%) developed an infection and 28 (30.1%) did not. Discussion: Body weight of pregnant women and weight gain during pregnancy due to improper diet can have a significant impact on the course of pregnancy, childbirth, and the very outcome of childbirth, but it has not been statistically proven to have an impact on the increased level of risk of developing a intrauterine infection. Smoking during pregnancy increases the incidence of premature births, decrease fetal weight at birth, which along with other socio economic factors further increases risk in pregnancy. Conclusion: • Advise pregnant women normal diet and lifestyle • Ban smoking to pregnant women. • Increased weight gain can have an impact on the course of pregnancy but does not effect the development of intrauterine infection. 156 Poster / Poster Presentation Key words: preterm labor, nutrition during pregnancy, consumption of tobacco, pets 157 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 04.P07 UTICAJ ISHRANE NA ZDRAVLJE ŽENA Jović M1, Nikolić M1, 2, Jović M1 Medicinski fakultet u Nišu, 2Institut za javno zdravlje Niš 1 Odgovarajuća ishrana žena treba da ispuni opšte zahteve pravilne ishrane, ali i specifične ciljeve. Cilj rada bio je da se na osnovu naučnih činjenica ukaže na značaj ishrane u važnim razdobljima života žene (od detinjstva do senijuma), a posebno u prevenciji bolesti reproduktivnog sistema. Metodologija rada podrazumevala je analizu stručnih članaka koji su se bavili kliničkim i epidemiološkim ispitivanjima uticaja ishrane na zdravlje žena. Rezultati su pokazali da usvajanje specifičnih preporuka u ishrani žena povoljno utiče na njihovo reproduktivno zdravlje. Poseban značaj za obezbeđivanje pravilne ishrane žena ima promocija pravilne ishrane koju treba sprovoditi pre svega u okviru primarne zdravstvene zaštite. U radu su analizirani nutritivni problemi karakteristični za određene bolesti koje su značajne za žene, kao što su: sindrom policističnih jajnika, anoreksija nervoza, bulimija nervoza, anemija u trudnoći i dr. Može se zaključiti da odgovarajuća ishrana omogućuje pravilan razvoj i funkciju genitalnog sistema i organizma žene u celini, a popravlja i kvalitet života. Edukacija zdravstvenih radnika i razmena iskustava u ovoj oblasti neophodna je radi unapređenja zdravstvene zaštite žena. Ključne reči: ishrana, reproduktivni sistem, zdravstvena zaštita žena IMPACT OF DIET ON WOMEN’S HEALTH Jović M1, Nikolić M1, 2, Jović M1 School of Medicine University of Nis, 2Institute for Public Health Nis 1 The appropriate nutrition of women has to meet general requirements of healthy diet, but also the specific demands. The goal of this study was to show the significance of nutrition in important periods of woman’s life (from childhood to senility), especially in prevention of reproductive system diseases. Metodology of paper involved the analysis of scientific articles which covered clinical studies of nutrition in women. Results 158 Poster / Poster Presentation have shown that adoption of specific diet recommendations has a positive influence on women’s reproductive health. A promotion of heathy eating that should be conducted within the primary health care system has a remarkable significance for ensuring the proper diet. This study analized nutritive problems, typical for certain diseases that are specific in women, like: sindrome of polycistic ovary, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, anemia in pregnancy etc. It can be concluded that appropriate nutrition enables the proper development and function of women’s genital system and body in general, while in the same time improving the quality of life. Education of medical personnel and exchange of work experiences in this area is needed to improve the system of health care for women. Key words: nutrition, reproductive system, women’s health care 159 Sekcija Posebne nutritivne potrebe Session Special Dietary Needs Sekcijsko predavanje / Session Presentation 05.SP1 TRETMAN GOJAZNOSTI STARIH OSOBA Vasiljević N Medicinski Fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Institut za higijenu i medicinsku ekologiju Populacija starih osoba pokazuje globalni trend porasta na planeti. Stare osobe su vulnerabilna kategorija koja ima specijalne nutritivne probleme i zahteve u ishrani. Promena nutritivnog statusa se kod starih može manifestovati involutivnim gubitkom telesne mase na jednoj strani i pojavom gojaznosti na drugoj. Prevalencija gojaznosti je 4 puta veća u populaciji starih u poslenj dve decenije. Sa starenjem se povećava vrednost univerzalnog pokazatelja stanja uhranjenosti – indeksa telesne mase – BMI, bez obzira na nivo fizičke aktivnosti. Izrazito povećane vrednosti ovog indeksa su praćene povećanim morbiditetom ali ne i mortalitetom, što se označava kao “obesity paradox”. Važna odrednica gojaznosti starih osoba je akumulacija visceralnog adipoznog tkiva u odnosu na subkutano, kao i masna infiltracija mišića i jetre, a što je glavni faktor rizika za brojne zdravstvene problem ove populacije. U tom pogledu, dijetoterapija gojaznosti kod starih osoba treba da bude usmerena na redukciju visceralnih depoa masnog tkiva. Kako bi se ovaj efekat ostvario uz maksimalno očuvanje mišićne mase, neophodno je da režim ishrane bude kombinovan sa odgovarajućom prilagođenom, redovnom fizičkom aktivnošću. To je veoma važno imati na umu jer je sarkopenija, redukcija mišićne mase, prisutna kod starih, a koja se neadekvatnom ishranom može i pogoršati. Za očuvanje mišićne mase i prevenciju sarkopenije preporučuje se dovoljan unos proteina od 20-25 g visoke biološke vrednosti čime se obezbeđuje unos od 10 g esencijalnih aminokiselina čime bi se maksimalno stimulisala sinteza protein u mišićima. Unos esencijalnih aminokiselina se može ostvariti i suplementima, a posebno se savetuje suplement leucina. Dijetoterapija gojaznosti starih treba da bude po tipu dijete sa “malo kalorija” kao blagi redukcioni režim uz deficit od 500-750 kcal/dan, a da se istovremeno obezbedi I nutritivna adekvatnost. Kako bi se to ostvarilo važno je da u režimu bude dovoljno kalcijuma, vitamina D, vitamina B6, vitamina B12, cinka, magnezijuma, selena, vitamina E i vitamina C. Ključne reči: gojaznost starih, redukcioni režim, dijeta, sarkopenija 161 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation WEIGHT LOSS TREATMENT IN ELDERLY OBESITY Vasiljević N Faculty of Medicine, Belgrade University, Institute of Hygiene and Medical Ecology Population aging shows a global rising trend. Elderly have special nutritional problems and requirements, in the first place due to involutionary physiological processes but also to metabolic changes synergistically affecting, together with social medical factors and nutritional status. Obesity prevalence is 4 times higher among elderly within the last few decades. Body mass index (BMI) as main obesity indicator increases with aging regardless the level of physical activity; subsequently, higher BMI values are followed by higher morbidity but not always mortality rates –“obesity paradox”. In elderly, the quantity of visceral adipose tissue represents a disease risk much more important than BMI values although dietary treatment contributes to the reduction of visceral adipose tissue, physical exercise improves cardio-respiratory state, reduces overall and intra-abdominal fat tissue, preserves muscle mass and thus increasing muscular strength and endurance, and also reduces insulin resistance. Weight loss treatment must take in caution if the sarcopenia and osteopenia are present. Reduced and insufficient protein intake will result in sarcopenia and even osteopenia appearance in the elderly. Muscular restoration and preservation in elderly depend on qualitative and quantitative protein content in food, as well as appropriate physical activity. Intake of 20-25 g proteins of high biological value per meal results in 10 g essential amino acids which maximally stimulate protein synthesis in skeletal muscles. Intake of essential amino acids can also be obtained by supplements. Leucine intake through adequate protein meals is suggested if there is no insufficiency of renal function. During weight loss treatment in elderly people it is necessary to create individual hipocaloric diet with mild deficit of 500-750 kcal and provide nutritional adequacy. In that way diet content include calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, zinc, magnesium, selenium, vitamin E and vitamin C. Key words: obesity elderly, weight loss treatment, diet, sarcopenia 162 Sekcijsko predavanje / Session Presentation 05.SP2 METABOLIČKI SINDROM KAO FAKTOR RIZIKA ZA ATEROSKLEROTSKU BOLEST Maksimović M Institut za higijenu i medicinsku ekologiju, Medicinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Srbija Cilj: Procena značaja metaboličkog sindroma u nastanku aterosklerotske bolesti. Metode: Pregled literature korišćenjem u pretraživanju termina faktori rizika, metabolički sindrom (MSy), aterosklerotska bolest i značaj MSy za aterosklerotsku bolest. Rezultati: Prema podacima iz literature učestalost MSy varira od 9% do 34%, u zavisnosti od ispitivane populacije, ali i od definicije metaboličkog sindroma koja je korišćena u istraživanju. Učestalost MSy se povećava sa godinama starosti i veća je kod žena nego kod muškaraca. Prevalencija MSy je veća kod osoba sa utvrđenom aterosklerotskom bolešću. Sve je više dokaza da MSy može da utiče na progresiju aterosklerotske bolesti i da osobe sa MSy imaju povećan rizik od obolevanja i umiranja od aterosklerotskih oboljenja (karotidna bolest, koronarna bolest, periferna arterijska bolest i aneurizmatska bolest). U našim istraživanjima MSy je bio prisutan kod 55.6% pacijenata sa karotidnom bolešu (65.3% kod žena i 49.8% kod muškaraca) i kod 59.8% pacijenata sa perifernom vaskularnom bolešću. Diskusija: Rezultati naših istraživanja o učestalosti metaboličkog sindroma kod obolelih od kardiovaskularnih bolesti su u skladu sa rezultatima drugih istraživača i ukazuju na povezanost MSy i njegovih pojedinacnih komponenti sa različitim oblicima aterosklerotske bolesti. Zaključak: Prevencija pojedinačnih komponenti MSy može dovesti do smanjenja incidencije MSy, a samim tim i do smanjenja učestalosti aterosklerotskih oboljenja. Ključne reči: faktori rizika, metabolički sindrom, aterosklerotska bolest 163 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation METABOLIC SYNDROME AS A RISK FACTOR FOR ATHEROSCLEROTIC DISEASE Maksimović M Institute of Hygiene and Medical Ecology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Serbia Aim: To assess impact of metabolic syndrome (MSy) on atherosclerotic disease. Methods: Review the literature using the terms risk factors, metabolic syndrome, atherosclerotic disease and the impact of risk factors on atherosclerotic disease. Results: According to the data from the literatute the incidence of MSy varies from 9% till 34%, depending on observed population and on MSy definition used in investigation. Frequency increased with age, and is higher in women than in men. MSy frequency is higher in patient with atherosclerotic disease. There is increasing evidence that MSy may affect the progression of atherosclerotic disease and those with MSy have an increased risk of morbidity and mortality from atherosclerotic disease (carotid artery disease, coronary artery disease, peripheral arterial disease and the aneurysmatic disease). In our studies, MSy frequency was 55.6% in patients with carotid disease (65.3% in women and 49.8% in men) and 59.8% in patients with peripheral arterial disease. Discussion: The results of our investigations conserning the frequency of MSy in patients with cardiovascular diseases are in line with the results of the other researchers, and they suggest relationship between MSy and its individual components with different forms of atherosclerotic disease. Conclusion: Prevention MSy individual components can lead to a reduction in the incidence of MSy, and therefore to a decrease in the prevalence of atherosclerotic disease. Key words: risk factors, metabolic syndrome, atherosclerotic disease 164 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios 05.UP1 HIPERHOMOCISTEINEMIJA KAO FAKTOR RIZIKA ZA NASTANAK POREMEĆAJA MOTILITETA GASTROINTESTINALNOG TRAKTA Šćepanović Lj1, Stojanović M1, Đurić D1, Mitrović D1, Kojić Z1, Šćepanović V2, Stojanović T3 1 Institut za medicinsku fiziologiju ,,Rihard Burijan», Medicinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, 2Institut za neurohirurgiju, Klinički centar Srbije, 3 Institut za neonatologiju, Beograd Cilj: Povišen plazma nivo homocisteina je udružen sa povećanim rizikom za nastanak ateroskleroze i tromboze kao i osteoporoze, dijabetesa i bubrežnih oboljenja. Hiperhomocisteinemija je povezana sa inflamacijom i remodelovanjem vaskulature digestivnog trakta a takođe je poznato da dovodi do pogoršanja inflamatorne bolesti creva. Hiperhomocisteinemija dovodi do smanjenja intestinalnog motiliteta preko MMP-9 indukovanog intestinalnog remodelovanja koje dovodi do opstipacije. Metabolizam homocisteina katalizovan je brojnim enzimima koji zahtevaju vitamine B grupe kao kofaktore, a nivoima homocisteina naročito odgovara status folata. Snižavanje nivoa homocisteina suplementacijom enzima rezultira proporcionalnim smanjenjem rizika za nastanak gastrointestinalnih oboljenja i aterotrombotičnih događaja. Brojni podaci iz literature dovode u vezu hiperhomocisteinemiju i folatni status sa oksidativnim stresom. In vitro studije su pokazale da homocistein oštećuje ćelije povećanjem produkcije H2O2, oštećenjem antioksidantnog sistema kao i potenciranjem lipidne peroksidacije. Oralna dijeta u trajanju od 12 nedelja dovela je do smanjenja opstipacije, upotrebe laksativa i poboljšala je stanje gastrointestinalnog trakta. Pretpostavlja se da će to dovesti do poboljšanja plazma nivoa vitamina B6, vitamina B12, folata kao i homocisteina. Materijal i metode: Eksperimenti su vršeni na izolovanom duodenumu, Wistar albino pacova, muškog pola, telesne mase 250-300g. Mehanička aktivnost duodenalnih segmenata, pod bazalnom tenzijom od 1 g, merena je izometrijskim transdjuserom. Posle perioda adaptacije od 1 h, spontana aktivnost duodenuma je registrovana tokom 30 min, posle čega su praćeni efekti D,L-homocisteintiolaktona. Rezultati: D,L-homocisteintiolakton (10 μmol/L) dovodi do trenutnog porasta tonusa, amplitude i frekvence spontanih pokreta duodenuma. 165 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation L-NAME (30 μmol/L) dovodi do porasta bazalnog tonusa, amplitude i frekvence kontrakcija longitudinalne muskulature. Efekat nastaje odmah nakon aplikacije i traje 5 min. Inkubacija u 10 μmol/L L-arginina efekte L-NAME značajno redukuje, ali u potpunosti ne blokira. Diskusija: Homocistein značajno povećava motilitet tankog creva. Dovodi do smanjenja aktivnosti NO sintetisanog od L-arginina. Naši rezultati ukazuju na to da homocistein može imati uticaj na biosintezu i bioraspoloživost azotmonoksida. Hiperhomocisteinemija može značajno kompromitovati moć relaksacije najčešće korišćenih NO donora. Zaključak: Homocistein povećava tonus, amplitudu i frekvencu spontanih kontrakcija duodenuma i smanjuje nitrergičku aktivnost. Snižavanjem plazma nivoa homocisteina možemo poboljšati regulaciju motiliteta gastrointestinalnog trakta. Ključne reči: homocistein, azotmonoksid, motilitet HYPERHOMOCYSTEINEMIA AS A RISK FACTOR FOR GASTROINTESTINAL MOTILITY DISORDERS Šćepanović Lj1, Stojanović M1, Đurić D1, Mitrović D1, Kojić Z1, Šćepanović V2, Stojanović T3 1 Institut za medicinsku fiziologiju ,,Rihard Burijan»,Medicinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, 2Institut zaneurohirurgiju, Kliničkicentar Srbije, 3 Institut za neonatologiju, Beograd Objective: Elevated plasma homocysteine levels are associated with an increased risk of atherosclerosis and thrombosis, as well as osteoporosis, diabetes and renal disease.Hyperhomocysteinemia (HHcy) has been implicated in inflammation and remodeling in intestinal vasculature and it is also known to aggravate the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Hyperhomocysteinemia decreased intestinal motility through MMP-9 induced intestinal remodeling leading to constipation. Homocysteine metabolism is catalyzed by a number of enzymes that require B-vitamins as cofactors, and homocysteine levels are particularly responsive to folate status. Reduction of homocysteine levels by vitamin supplementation might result in a commensurate reduction is the risk of atherothrombotic events and gastrointestinal disorders. A large body of 166 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios data links hyperhomocysteinemia and folate status with oxidantstress.In vitro studies have shown that homocysteine damages cells by increasing H2O2 production, affecting antioxidant defense systems and promoting lipid peroxidation. Oral diet for 12 weeks was able to reduce constipation and laxative use and improve gut health. It is assumed that this will lead to improved plasma levels of vitamins B6, B12, folate, and of homocysteine. Material and methods: Experiments were performed on isolated duodenum of male albino Wistar rats, body weight 250-300g. The mechanical activity of duodenal segments under the basale tension of 1g was measured using isometric transducers. After 1 hour adaptation period spontaneous activity of the duodenum was recorded during the period of 30 min, after that effects of D,L-homocysteinethiolacton were examined. Results: D,L-homocysteinethiolacton concentration of 10 μmol/L leads to immediate increase in tone, amplitude and frequency of spontaneous movements of duodenum. L-NAME (30 μmol/L) leads to an increase in basale tone, amplitude and frequency of spontaneous contractions of longitudinal muscle strips. The effect occurs immediately after application and lasts for 5 minutes. Incubation in 10 μmol/L L-arginine, the effects of L-NAME significantly reduced, but does not completely blocked. Discussion: Homocysteine strongly potentiated motility of small intestine. Homocysteine inhibited bioactivity of exogenously supplied NO by L-arginine. Our findings indicate that homocysteine may have aneffect on NO bioproduction and bioavailability. Relaxing efficacy of commonly used NO donors may be seriously compromised by hyperhomocysteinemia. Conclusion: Homocysteine increases tone, amplitude and frequency of spontaneous contractions of duodenum and decreases nitrergic activity. Lowering the plasma homocysteine level we can improve regulation of gut motility. Key words: homocysteine,nitric oxide, motility 167 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 05.UP2 EURRECA PRIORITETNI BIOMARKER STATUSA JODA U FUNKCIJI DIJETARNOG UNOSA: SISTEMATSKI PREGLEDNI RAD SA DOZNO ZAVISNOM META ANALIZOM Ristić-Medić D1, Vucić V1, Petrović-Oggiano G1, Popović T1, Glibetić M1, Cavelaars A 2, Gurinović M1 1 Univerzitet u Beogradu, Centar izvrsnosti za istraživanja iz oblasti ishrane i metabolizma, Institut za medicinska istraživanja, Beograd; 2Division of Human Nutrition, Wageningen University and Research Centre, Wageningen, Netherlands Uvod: Adekvatni unos joda je neophodan za sintezu hormona štitne žlezde. EURopean RECommendations Aligned Network of Exellence (EURRECA) je međunarodni FP6 projekt kolaborativne mreže harmonizacije nutritivnih preporuka širom Evrope, naučno zasnovanih na bazi sistematskog pretraživanja podataka odnosa između unosa mikronutrienata, njihovih biohemijskih biomarkera (statusa) i efekta na zdravlje u svim populacionim grupama. Cilj: Ispitati dozno-zavisan efekat intervencije jodom na prioritetni biomarker statusa joda metodom sistematskog preglednog rada sa meta analizom randomiziranih kontrolnih studija (RCTs). Metode: U struktuisanom sistematskom pretraživanju postojeće literature korišćene su baze podataka EMBASE, Medline (obe na OvidSP) i Cochrane Central Library. Ukjučenje studija baziralo se na strogim Eurreca kriterijumima i podatci su izdvojeni u elektronsku bazu podataka za svaku pojedinačnu studiju. Ukupan zbirni koeficijent regresije (β) i SE (β) je određen randomiziranim (slučajnim) modelom meta-analize na bazi izračunatog koeficijenta regresije (β) za status joda i unos za svaku pojedinačnu studiju bazirano na pretpostavci o linearnoj korelaciji između statusa i unosa joda na loge-loge skali. Rezultati: Svega 29 RCTs je ispunilo kriterijume za uključenje u sistemski pregledni rad sa meta analizom (deca i adolescenti 13 RCTs, adultna populacija 7 RCTs, trudnice i dojilje 9 RCTs). Meta analiza je pokazala da suplementacija jodom dovodi do statistički visoko značajnog efekta na urinarnu ekskreciju joda kod dece i adolescenata (udruženi efekat β: 0.19 (95%CI: 0.15-0.22), p<0.00001), kod trudnica (udruženi efekat: β 0.62, (95%CI: 0.38-0.86) p<0.00001) u adultnoj populacji (udruženi 168 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios efekat β: 0.65, (95%CI: 0.39-0.90) p<0.00001). Dozno-zavistan odgovor kao rezultat meta analize RCTs je pokazao da dvostruko povećanje unosa joda dovodi do povećanja koncetracije joda u urinu za 14% kod dece i adolescenata, 60% u adultnoj populaciji i 81% kod trudnica. Zaključak: Model dozno zavisnog odgovara korišćen u našoj meta analizi kao kvantifikacija unosa i statusa joda može se u budućnosti primeniti u harmonizaciju preporuka za unos joda u različitim populacionim grupama. Ključne reči: jod, sistematski pregledni rad, biomarkeri statusa, meta analiza, EURRECA EURRECA’s prioritized biomarker of iodine status as a function of iodine intake: a systematic review with dose response meta-analyses Ristić-Medić D1, Vucić V1, Petrović-Oggiano G1, Popović T1, Glibetić M1, Cavelaars A 2, Gurinović M1 1 Institute for Medical Research, Centre of Research Excellence in Nutrition and Metabolism, University of Belgrade, Serbia; 2Division of Human Nutrition, Wageningen University and Research Centre, Wageningen, Netherlands Background: Optimal dietary intake of iodine is essential for the synthesis of thyroid hormones. The EURRECA (EURopean micronutrient RECommendations Aligned) Network of Excellence ( is working towards aligned micronutrient recommendations and carried out the systematic reviews focussed on the relationships between dietary micronutrient intake, status markers (of exposure or body stores) and health outcomes in all population groups. Objective: To systematically review the relationship between iodine intake and biomarkers of iodine status, and to estimate dose-response associations using meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs).. Methods: A structured, systematic search for RCTs, was carried out using EMBASE, Medline (both on OvidSP), and Cochrane Central databases. Studies were selected using strict inclusion criteria and data 169 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation were extracted into electronic databases. The overall pooled regression coefficient (β) and SE (β) was estimated using random-effects metaanalysis on a double-log scale from the calculated intake-status regression coefficient (β) for each individual study. Results: Twenty nine RCTs studies (13 RCTs in children & adolescent, 7 in adults & elderly, 9 in pregnant and lactating women) were included in the systematic review. The meta-analyses showed that iodine supplementation exerts a significant effect on urinary iodine excretion in children & adolescents (pooled effect size: 0.19, (95%CI: 0.15-0.22) p<0.00001), in pregnant women (pooled effect size: 0.62, (95%CI: 0.380.86) p<0.00001) and adults (pooled effect size: 0.65, (95%CI: 0.39-0.90) p<0.00001). The pooled dose-response relationship of RCTs indicated that a doubling of the iodine intake increased the urinary iodine concentrations by 14% in children and adolescent, 60% in adults and elderly and 81% in pregnant women. Conclusions: This model of dose-response quantification used to describe the intake-status relationships for iodine in this review may in the future be applied to setting iodine requirements in different population groups. Key words: iodine, systematic review, status biomarker, deficiency, meta-analysis, EUREECA 170 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios 05.UP3 UTICAJ ANTOCIJANA IZ „ARONIЕ MELANOCARPЕ“ NA ODABRANE BIOHEMIJSKE PARAMETRE KOD ŽENA U POSTMENOPAUZI SA METABOLIČKIM SINDROMOM Petrović-Oggiano G, Kardum N, Takić M, Petrović S, Popović T, DebeljakMartačić J, Konić-Ristić A, Glibetić M Univerzitet u Beogradu, Centar izvrsnosti za istraživanja iz oblasti ishrane i metabolizma, Institut za medicinska istraživanja, Beograd Cilj: Cilj našeg istraživanja bio je da se ispita uticaj dijetnog suplementa –ekstrakta Aronia melanocarpa (bogate antocijanima), na odabrane metaboličke, hematološke i parametre oksidativnog stresa kod postmenopauznih žena sa metaboličkim sindromom. Metode: Tridesetdve žene, u postmenopauzi starosti 45-65 godina sa metaboličkim sindromom saplementirane su sa 100ml soka Aronia melanocarpa (188kJ, 4200 mg polifenola, fruktoze 11g, vitamina C 0,7g, Nutrika, Beograd, Srbija) u jednoj dozi tokom perioda praćenja od 4 nedelje. Pacijentkinje su bile na svom uobičajenom režimu ishrane, u kombinaciji sa umerenom fizičkom aktivnošću. Selektovani metabolički, hematološki i parametri oksidativnog stresa određeni su korišćenjem standardnih biohemijskih metoda. Rezultati: Posle 4 nedelje suplementacije nađeni su povoljni efekti u pogledu nekih metaboličkih parametara. Suplementacija sokom od Aronia melanocarpa dovela je do statistički značajnog smanjenja sistolnog i dijastolnog krvnog pritiska (p <0,05). Ispitivanje je pokazalo sniženje vrednosti LDH (p <0,05), kreatinina (p <0,05) i uree (p <0,05). Dodatno, evidentno je poboljšanje lipidnog statusa i odabranih hematoloških parametara, posebno MCH (p <0,05) i MCHC (p <0,01) u poređenju sa bazalnim vrednostima. Zaključak: Suplementacija sokom od Aroniе melanocarpе ima povoljne efekte na odabrane metaboličke i hematološke parametre kod žena u menopauzi sa metaboličkim sindromom. Ipak potrebne su dodatne randomizirane kontrolisane studije da bi se potvrdili ovi preliminarni rezultati. Ključne reči: Aronia melanocarpa, suplementacija, metabolički sindrom, žene u postmenopauzi 171 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation THE INFLUENCE OF ANTHOCYANINS FROM „ARONIA MELANOCARPA“ ON SELECTED BIOHEMICAL PARAMETARS IN POSTMENOPAUSAL WOMEN WITH METABOLIC SYNDROME Petrović-Oggiano G, Kardum N, Takić M, Petrović S, Popović T, Debeljak-Martačić J, Konić-Ristić A, Glibetić M Univeristy of Belgrade, Center of Research excellence for nutrition and metabolism, Institute for medical research, Belgrade Aim: The aim of our investigations was to estimate the influence of dietary supplement of Aronia melanocarpa extract (rich in anthocyanins), on selected metabolic, haematologic and oxidative stress parameters in postmenopausal women with metabolic syndrome. Methods: Thirty-two postmenopausal women aged 45-65 years with metabolic syndrome, were supplemented with 100 ml of Aronia melanocarpa juice (188 kJ, 4200 mg of polyphenols, fructose 11 g, vitamin C 0.7 g, Nutrika, Belgrade, Serbia) in a single dose during period of 4 weeks. Patients were on their usual diet combined with moderate physical activity. Selected metabolic, hematological and oxidative stress parameters were determined using standard biochemical methods. Results: After 4 weeks of supplementation, favorable changes related to the some metabolic parameters were detected. Supplementation with Aronia melanocarpa juice induced statistically significant decrease of systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure (p<0.05). Investigation showed that the values of LDH (p<0.05), creatinin (p<0.05), urea (p<0001) were decreased. In addition, the lipid status and hematological parameters, expecially MCH (p<0.05) and MCHC (p<0.01), were improved when compared with the baseline values. Conclusion: Supplementation with Aronia melanocarpa has shown beneficial effects on selected metabolic and hematological parameters in postmenopausal women with metabolic syndrome. Future randomized controlled trials are needed to confirm these preliminary investigations. Key words: Aronia melanocarpa supplementation, metabolic syndrome, postmenopausal women. 172 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios 05.UP4 DUGOROČNI EFEKTI MERA ZA SMANJENJE TELESNE TEŽINE KOD GOJAZNIH OSOBA Avramović D1, Vasiljević N 1, 2, Jorga J1, 2 Medicinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, 2Institut za Higijenu, Savetovalište za dijetetiku 1 Za gojaznost se kaže da je bolest savremenog sveta, odnosno stila života modernog čoveka. Jedan od najčešćih navoda stručne literature je i da smanjenje telesne težine, kao rezultat primene savremene terapije (dijeta, farmakoterapija, bihevioralna terapija), gojazne osobe gotovo uvek nadoknade tokom vremena. Cilj: Ova studija ima za cilj da odgovori da li postoje pokazatelji prema kojima možemo predvideti da li će terapija za smanjenje telesne težine kod gojazne osobe imati dugoročan uspeh ili ne. Metod: Kod 99 gojaznih odraslih ispitanika, oba pola, pratili smo određene činioce koji utiču na promenu telesne težine, izvršili antropometrijska merenja, na početku terapije, na kraju terapije, kao i prosečno 33 meseca nakon prestanka terapije. Rezultati: Uspeh u dugoročnom održanju telesne težine, nakon izlaska iz programa za smanjenje telesne težine, ima 39 ispitanika, odnosno 39.4 %, dok 60 ispitanika (60.6%) koji nemaju uspeha u dugoročnom održanju telesne težine. Od svih ispitanica uključenih u ovu studiju, uspešnih u dugoročnom održanju telesne težine bilo je 38.4% (33 ispitanice), dok 61.6% (53 ispitanice) nisu imale uspeha. Kod muškaraca je odnos bio nešto drugačiji, 46.2% (6 ispitanika) imalo je uspeha u dugoročnom održanju telesne težine, a 53.8 % (7 ispitanika) nije imalo uspeha. Diskusija: Niža telesna težina na početku terapije, odsustvo komorbiditeta, nastavak praćenja dijete i bavljenje rekreativnom fizičkom aktivnošću i nakon terapije, kao i viši stepen svesne restrikcije tokom obroka, statistički značajno su povezani sa dugoročnim uspehom terapije. Zaključak: Činioci koju mogu predvideti dugoročan uspeh terapije za smanjenje telesne težine su: niži stepen gojaznosti (niža telesna težina, niži indeks telesne mase, kao i mlađa životna dob udružena sa kraćim trajanjem gojaznosti), prihvatanje promene stila života (dijeta i fizička aktivnost i nakon terapije), kao i veći stepen svesne restrikcije tokom obroka. Ključne reči: gojaznost, smanjenje telesne mase, dugoročni efekti 173 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation THE LONG-TERM EFFECTS OF WEIGHT REDUCTION THERAPY IN OBESE INDIVIDUALS Avramović D1, Vasiljević N 1, 2, Jorga J 1, 2 Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, 2 Insitute of Hygiene, Belgrade 1 Obesity is the disease of the contemporary world, or the modern lifestyle disease. One of the most frequent citations in the scientific literature is that the weight-loss as a result of the applied modern therapy (dieting, pharmacotherapy, behavioral therapy), obese person almost always regains over time. Aim: This study aims to answer if there exist a set of parameters that can predict the longterm success of the different weight-reduction methods. Method: For 99 (86 f, 13 m) adult obese subjects, we have registered different anthropometric measures and number of parameters that can influence body weight change, at the beginning of the therapy, at the end of the therapy, and followed-up for average 33 (30- 36) months. Results: Successful long-term weight reduction, after end of weightloss program, has been recorded in 39 individuals (39.4%), while 60 individuals (60.6%) has not succeeded in long-term weight maintenance, after finishing weight reduction program. Among all female subjects enrolled in this study, successful long-term weight reduction has been recorded in 33 individuals (38.4%), while 53 subjects (61.6%) have not been successful. Among all male subjects enrolled in this study, successful long-term weight reduction has been recorded in 6 individuals (46.2%), while 7 subjects (53.8%) have not been successful. Discussion: Lower baseline body mass, the absence of co-morbidities, continued dieting and recreational physical activity after the therapy, as well as higher grade of the cognitiverestrained eating, are in statistically significant relation to the long-term success in weight maintenance. Conclusion: Factors that can predict successful weight maintenance in obese person are: the lower grade of obesity (lower baseline body mass, lower baseline Body mass index, younger age with shorter duration of the obesity), accepting lifestyle changes (dieting and regular physical activity after the therapy), and higher degree of the cognitive-restrained eating. Key words: obesity, weight reduction, long-term effects 174 Poster / Poster Presentation 05.P01 C-REAKTIVNI PROTEIN KAO MARKER INFLAMACIJE, I HOLESTEROL KOD PREDGOJAZNIH I GOJAZNIH ŽENA Mraovic T1, Radakovic S1, Rađen S1, Jankovic Mandic Lj2, Tepsic Ostojic V3, Ranđelovic D4 1. Institut za higijenu, Vojnomedicinska akademija, Beograd, Srbija; 2.Univerzitet u Beogradu, Institut za nuklearne nauke Vinča, Beograd, Srbija; 3Klinuka za psihijatriju, Vojnomedicinska akademija, Beograd, Srbija; 4Institut za vazduhoplovnu medicinu, Beograd , Srbija Uvod: Gojaznost i prateći poremećaji zdravlja predstavljaju ozbiljnu pretnju sadašnjim i budućim generacijama širom sveta. U proceni zdravstvenih rizika kog predgojaznih i gojaznih osoba vrednosti metaboličkih parametara u serumu ( jedan od njih je ukupan holesterol i HDL holesterol) i pokazatelja inflamacije C reaktivnog proteina imaju svoje značajno mesto. Metodologija: Istraživanje je sprovedeno u savetovalištu za ishranu, SPM, VMA u Beogradu, od januara do aprila 2012.g. Tokom prvog pregleda predgojaznih i gojazni žena bez prisustva komorbiditeta, antropometrijskim ispitivanjima utvrđen je indeks telesne mase (ITM), a merenje koncentracije holesterola i C-reaktivnog proteina u serumu obavio je Institut za biohemiju VMA. Rezultati i diskusija: Ispitanice smo podelili u tri grupe u zavisnosti od vrednosti ITM (ITM od 25-29.9 kg/m2 ИТМ od 30-34.9 kg/m2 i ITM veći od 35 kg/m2). Rezultat poređenja vrednosti ITM i vrednosti C-reaktivnog proteina u serumu pokazuju: Prosečne vrednosti C-reaktivnog proteina su povišene u sve tri ispitivane grupe, pri čemu je uočeno da su one najniže u grupi ispitanica sa najmanjim ITM, a njegove vrednosti rastu sa porastom ITM. Vrednosti holesterola su u sve tri ispitivane grupe bile u fiziološkim granicama. Analiza rezultata sprovođenja propisanih restriktivnih kalorijskih režima ishrane, u cilju postizanja promene antropometrijskih i parametara inflamacije, daće odgovor na to da li i kada dolazi do normalizacije praćenih parametara, a to će imati odjeka u svetlu razložnosti, neophodnosti i motivacijske prihvaćenosti propisanih režima u dijetoterapiji. Ključne reči: C reaktivni protein, holesterol, gojaznost, žene. 175 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation C-REACTIVE PROTEIN AS A MARKER OF INFLAMMATION, AND CHOLESTEROL IN OBESE AND OVERWEIGHT WOMEN Mraovic T1, Radakovic S1, Rađen S1, Jankovic Mandic Lj2, Tepsic Ostojic V3, Ranđelovic D4 1 Institut Hygiene, Military Medical Academy, Belgrade, Serbia; 2University in Belgrade, Institute of Nuclear Sciences Vinca, Belgrade, Serbia; 3Clinic of Psychiatry, Military Medical Academy, Belgrade, Serbia; 4Institute of Aviation Medicine, Belgrade, Serbia Introduction: Obesity and related health disorders are a serious threat to current and future generations around the world. In any assessment of the health risks of overweight and obese people the values of metabolic parameters in serum (one of tham is the total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol), and markers of inflammation C-reactive protein have important place. Methodology: The survey was conducted in counsel for dietotherapy Institute of Hygiene, MMA in Belgrade. During the first examination the patients’ anthropometric measurinig calculated including body mass index (BMI). Indicators of inflammation markers C-reactive protein and cholesterol was determined at the Institute of Medical Biochemistry, Military Medical Academy. The subjects were examined from January to April 2012. Results and discussion: The subjects were divided into three groups according to BMI (BMI of 25-29.9 kg/m2 BMI of 30-34.9 kg/m2 and BMI greater than 35 kg/m2). The result of the comparison of the BMI and the values of C-reactive protein in serum showed the following: Values of C-reactive protein were elevated in all three groups, where it was noted that they are the lowest in the group of patients with the lowest BMI, and they increase their value with increasing BMI. Valeus of cholesterol levels were normal range in all three groups. Analysis of the results of calorie-restrictive regime given, in order to achieve changes in anthropometric parameters and inflammation, will answer to whether and when it will come to normalization of these parameters. This will have repercussions regarding of reasonableness, necessity, and motivational acceptance of prescribed regime in dietotherapy. Key words: C-reactive protein, cholesterol, obesity, women. 176 Poster / Poster Presentation 05.P02 POTHRANJENOST I NJENE POSLEDICE – PRIKAZ SLUČAJA Zimonja D1, Joca S2 Opšta bolnica Vršac, 2Specijalna bolnica za psihijatrijske bolesti „Dr Slavoljub Bakalović“Vršac 1 U ovom radu je prikazan slučaj pacijentkinje koja je primljena u Opštu bolnicu Vršac u jako lošem stanju i sa velikim stepenom pothranjenosti. Metoda rada: Merenje telesne visine i telesne mase obavljeno je na prijemu u bolnicu nakon čega je izračunat indeks telesne mase (BMI) koji je iznosio 10,19. Navedeni parametri kao i podaci biohemjskih analiza krvi poslužili su kao osnova za izradu plana dijete koja se sastojala iz 3 etape: Prva etapa: energetska vrednost pripremljenog celodnevnog obroka: – 2030 kcal. Ishrana je vršena putem sonde i pacijentkinja je unosila prvo 50%, a zatim 60% predviđene vrednosti obroka. Druga etapa: energetska vrednost pripremljenog dnevnog obroka2050 kcal/dan, ali je pacijentkinja u drugoj etapi primala hranu u kašastom obliku u količini od 70-90% predviđene vrednosti. Treća etapa: energetska vrednost dnevnih obroka 2040 kcal/d. U ovoj etapi primenjen je normalan način pripreme hrane i pacijentkinja je u ovoj fazi unosila svih 100% obroka. Rezultati: U toku perioda od mesec dana telesna masa pacijentkinje je povećana sa 24,3 kg na 29 kg, BMI sa 10,19 na 12,07, nivo glukoze je smanjen sa 11 na 4,9 mmol/L; nivo kreatinina se povećao sa 27 na 36 umol/L, a ukupnih proteina sa 64 na 68 g/L, dok se nivo albumin smanjio sa 49 na 41,4 g/L. Praćen je i nivo aktivnosti enzima aminotransferaza: vrednost AST je smanjena sa 97 na 23 U/L, a nivo ALT sa 112 na 21U/L. Zapažene su i manje promene u nivou elektrolita: nivo Na sa 138 se povećao na 141 mmol/L i K sa 3,71 na 4,59 mmol/l. Povećana je i vrednost hemoglobina sa 112 g/l na 127 g/l. Diskusija: Teški oblici pothranjenosti predstavljaju zahtevan zadatak za dijetoterapeuta i podršku stručnog multidisciplinarnog tima. Dijetetski režim zahteva postepeno povećenje energetskog unosa sa više manjih obroka u toku dana (6-8 obroka dnevno) sa dovoljnom količinom hranjivih i zaštitnih materija, uz postepeni prelazak na mešovitu ishranu i upotrebu. Uspeh dijetoterapije ocenjuje se na osnovu: porasta težine, 177 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation vrednosti hemoglobina i belančevina u krvi, do dostizanja poželjene težine. Iz navedenih podataka se vidi da je u bolničkim uslovima lečenja slučaja pothranjenosti postignuto poboljšanje svih navedenih parametara. Zaključak: Dobijeni podaci pokazuju da se primenom određenog dijetetskog programa u bolničkim uslovima i izuzetno teški oblici pothranjenosti mogu biti uspešno lečeni. MALNUTRITION AND ITS CONSEQUENCES – CASE STUDY Zimonja D1, S Joca 2 General Hospital Vršac, 2Special Hospital for Psychiatric Diseases „Dr Slavoljub Bakalović“Vršac 1 In this study is presented a case of extremly malnurished woman admitted to General Hospital Vrsac in very poor condition. Objective: The aim of this study was to present the results of the application of a dietary regime to the patient who was drastically malnourished after complicated pregnancies and deliveries with serious complications. Methodology: Measuring body hight and body weight was performed on admission to the hospital and the calculated body mass index was (BMI) 10.19. Those parameters and the results from the blood tests were used to develop a dietary regiment that included a 3 step-diet. First step: Energy value of prepared daily meals - 2030 kcal/day. Feeding was done with gavage and patient received at first 50%, and than 60% of prepared meals. Second step: energy value - 2050 kcal/day. In this stage meals were in puree state and patient received 70-90% of prepared meals. Third step: energy value - 2040 kcal/day. In this stage it was full normal diet and patient consumed 100% of prepared meals. Results: During the period of one month patient’s weight increased from 24.3 kg to 29 kg, BMI from 10.19 to 12.07. Blood glucose level decreased from 11 to 4.9 mmol/L, creatinine levels increased from 27 to 36 nmol/L, total proteins changed from 64 to 68 g/L, and albumin from 49 to 41.4 g/L. The level of enzyme activity was also monitored: AST decreased from 97 to 23 U/L, and ALT from 112 at 21 U/L. The electrolyte 178 Poster / Poster Presentation levels changed: Na from 138 to 141 mmol/L and K from 3.71 to 4.59 mmol/L. Haemoglobin level increased from 112 to 127 g/L. Discussion: Dietotherapy of severe malnutrition is a difical task, even in hospital environment. Energy value of food should gradually increase and should not exceed 50% requirements, and in extreme malnutrition cases 10% of this value. Success of diet therapy is evaluated based on weight gain, hemoglobin and protein levels, and final goal is to achieve desirable body weight. Conclusion: The results of this case study showed that applied hospital treatment was successfull in treating serious malnutrition. 179 Sekcija Trendovi savremene ishrane u kolektivnoj ishrani, ugostiteljstvu i hotelijerstvu Session Trends in Community Nutrition and Catering Industry Sekcijsko predavanje / Session Presentation 06.SP1 ISHRANA DECE U PREDŠKOLSKIM USTANOVAMA–STANJE I TENDENCIJE Pantić-Palibrk V, Koprivica D, Mandić-Miladinović M, Stepanović M, Ristić M, Ristanović-Ponjavić I Gradski zavod za javno zdravlje Beograd Ishrana dece je preduslov za pravilan rast, razvoj i zdravlje buduće nacije. Za decu koja borave u predškolskim ustanovama 5 dana nedeljno po 8-9 sati, kolektivna ishrana ima bitnu ulogu jer treba da obezbedi 7075% dnevnih nutritivnih potreba (normativ Srbije), koriguje nepravilnosti prisutne u nacionalnoj i porodičnoj ishrani i uspostavi pozitivne navike kod dece. Cilj: Cilj rada bio je sagledavanje stanja i mogućnosti za poboljšanje uporednim prikazom organizacije ishrane i preventivnih aktivnosti u predškolskim ustanovama Beograda na početku uspostavljene kontrole 1979. i 2011.godine. Metod: Vršena je uporedna analiza izveštaja Gradskog zavoda za javno zdravlje iz 1979. i 2011.godine sa aspekta kontrole planiranja i kvaliteta ishrane dece (sezonskih analiza nedeljnih jelovnika, pratećih magacinskih lista sa brojem pripremljenih obroka i vrstom i količinom utrošenih namirnica i hemijsko-bromatološkog ispitivanja energetske vrednosti i sadržaja makronutrijenata u celodnevnim obrocima), kontrola sanitarno-higijenskih uslova (mikrobiološka ispravnost briseva) i organizacionih podataka (broj dece i zaposlenih na poslovima ishrane). Rezultati: Prosečne energetske vrednosti u kolektivnoj predškolskoj ishrani u posmatranim godinama na nivou grada bile su u okviru normativa (70-75% dnevnih potreba). Sadržaj pojedinih makronutrijenata pokazao je odstupanja od normativa u 1979. godini. Dobijene vrednosti u 1979. i 2011. godini bile su sledeće: za uzrast 1-3 godine učešće masti iznosilo je 39.9%/32%, ugljenih hidrata 46.1%/52.9%; za uzrast 4-7 godina učešće masti iznosilo je 38.4%/32.8%, ugljenih hidrata 47.8%/52%. Neujednačenost kvaliteta obroka je bila veća u 1979. godini u odnosu na 2011. Uočene varijacije u dnevnom unosu masti iznosile su 34,7-44,3% (1979. godine) / 28,5-36,7% (2011.godine), odnos životinjskih i biljnih masti u 1979. godini varirao je od 1:1 do 4:1, a u 2011. godini od 0,87:1 do 1,5:1. Broj nutricionista je 1979. iznosio 8, a 2011. čak 33 u posmatranim 181 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation ustanovama. U 1979. godini neispravnost je utvrđena u 25%, a u 2011. godini samo u 1,5% uzetih briseva. Diskusija: Analiza rezultata kvaliteta dečjih obroka i sanitarnohigijenskih uslova u kuhinjama je pokazala poboljšanja u 2011. godini u odnosu na 1979. godinu, posebno u dnevnom unosu masti i odnosu životinjske/biljne masti, kao i ujednačavanje kvaliteta između ustanova zahvaljujući povećanju broja angažovanih nutricionista i uspostavljenim preventivnim aktivnostima. Zaključak: Kontinuiranom edukacijom i preventivnim radom, rezultati mogu biti dalje poboljšani. Ključne reči: ishrana dece, predškolske ustanove, kvalitet dečijih obroka, sanitarno-higijensko stanje NUTRITION IN PRESCHOOL CENTERS –CURRENT SITUATION AND TENDENCIES Pantić-Palibrk Vesna, Koprivica D, Mandić-Miladinović M, Stepanović M, Ristić M, Ristanović-Ponjavić I Institute of public health Belgrade Nutrition of children is a precondition for their normal growth, development and future health of the nation. For the children who spend 5 days a week, for 8-9 hours per day in preschool centers, food served at these centers has an important roll by providing 70-75% of their daily nutritional needs (Serbian regulation), correcting irregularities in national and family diet and creating healthy dietary habits. Goal: Review the situation and the possibilities for further improvement through a comparative analysis of the organization of nutrition and preventive activities in preschool centers in Belgrade at the beginning of established controls 1979th and in 2011th. Method: Comparative analysis of the 1979th and 2011th reports conducted by the Institute of public health Belgrade, concerning control of planning and quality of child meals (by seasonal analizing weekly menus, the accompanying storage lists with a number, type and amount of prepared food as well as chemical-bromatological testing of daily 182 Sekcijsko predavanje / Session Presentation meals in terms of energy value and contents of macronutrients), control of sanitary-hygienic coditions (by microbiological testing of swabs) and data on organization of nutrition (number of children and employees engaged in nutrition related work). Results: Average energy value in both followed years at the city level were within the norms 70-75% of daily needs. The contents of some macronutrients were beyond norms in 1979 (1979/2011-at the age 1-3: fats 39.9%/32%; carbohydrates 46.1%/52.9%; age 4-7: fats 38.4%/32.8%, carbohydrates 47.8%/52%). There were obvious discrepancies among the institutions in terms of quality of preschool meals in 1979 in comparison to 2011. Next variations were noticed: in daily intake of fats 34,7-44,3% (1979)/28,5-36,7% (2011) and the animal/vegetable fats ratio in 1979 from 1:1 up to 4:1; in 2011 from 0,87:1 to 1,5:1. Number of nutritionists in 1979 was 8, in 2011 were 33. In 1979 contamination was found in 25%, and in 2011 in 1.5% of swabs. Discussion: The quality control of children’s meals and sanitaryhygienic conditions in kitchens have shown an improvement most obviously demonstrated in daily intake of fats, especially in the animal/ vegetable fats ratio as well as decrease in varibiality between institutions due to an increase of employed nutritionists and established preventive activities. Conclusion: Continuous education and preventive work will output in further improvement of results. Key words: child nutrition, preschool centers, quality of children`s meals, sanitary-hygienic conditions 183 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 06.SP2 MED KAO SASTOJAK HRANE/ISHRANE U UGOSTITELJSTVU I HOTELIJERSTVU Popov-Raljić J, Blešić I, Laličić-Petronijević J, Popov V, Portić M, Đurić V, Penić M Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Departman za geografiju, turizam i ugostiteljstvo, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu Osnovni cilj ovog rada je da ukaže na primenu meda kao pojedinačnog proizvoda ali i kao prirodnog dodatog visokovrednog sastojka u pripremi/konzumaciji različitih vrsta poslastica i pića, u odabranim kafeposlastičarnicama i hotelima visoke kategorije - Novog Sada. Med je sladak, gust, kristalisan, viskozan proizvod koji po nijansi boje može biti vrlo svetle tj. tamnožute boje, ali i crvenkaste ili smeđe. Boja, ukus i miris, odnosno aroma meda u osnovi zavise od vrste cvetova sa kojih pčele sakupljaju slatke sokove. U prometu se nalazi kao: sortni med bagrema, lipe i slično, cvetni med od poljskog cveća i šumski med (medljikovac). Sa aspekta ishrane veoma je važno naglasiti da med sadrži različite vrste šećera, a prvenstveno fruktozu i glukozu, zatim proteine, aminokiseline, enzime, organske kiseline (glukonsku, jabučnu, limunsku, sirćetnu, mlečnu i mravlju), mineralne materije, polen i druge materije. Od biljnih pigmenata med sadrži: karotin, ksantofil, derivate hlorofila, koji mu daju svojstvenu boju. Med je prirodni proizvod, visoke energetske vrednosti, sa varijabilnim senzornim karakteristikama u zavisnosti od porekla i raznolikosti sastava. Pored hiljada „domaćih“ receptura, med se koristi i u pripremi pekarskih proizvoda, bombona, marmelada, džemova, namaza, žita za doručak, pića, proizvoda od mleka i drugih konzervisanih proizvoda. Relativno novi trendovi primene meda zasnivaju se na potpunoj ili delimičnoj zameni rafinisanog šećera (trščani i repni šećer) kod pripreme različitih vrsta hrane. U radu su predstavljni rezultati anketnog istraživanja koje je sprovedeno tokom 2011. godine u 10 ugostiteljskih objekata u tipu kafeposlastičarnica i 4 hotela visoke kategorije, u Novom Sadu. Osnovni cilj anketiranja bio je istraživanje primene meda (vrste meda i mesečni utrošak) za pripremu jela (hladnih i toplih poslastica) i pića (koktela, hladnih i toplih napitaka). Rezultati istraživanja primene meda u ugostiteljstvu tj. odabranim 184 Sekcijsko predavanje / Session Presentation kafe-poslastičarnicama na teritoriji grada Novog Sada, ukazuju na činjenicu da se med primenjuje pri pripremi: poslastica na bazi meda, kao što su: mešani, sitni kolači, torte, sladoled, voćna salata, kompot i ostali deserti, dok se od pića/napitaka, isključivo pripremaju/konzumiraju, topli/hladni napici na bazi meda – čaj, neke vrste koktela i limunada. Za razliku od analiziranih kafe-poslastičarnica, u hotelima visoke kategorije lociranih u Novom Sadu, interesantno je primetiti pa i zaključiti da se med kao sastojak hrane/ishrane najviše koristi kao pojedinačni finalni proizvod za prvi dnevni obrok – doručak, ili kao sastavni deo hrane u tipu žita za doručak, dok je njegova primena kod pripreme hladnih i toplih jela/poslastica, znatno manjeg obima u odnosu na kafeposlastičarnice. Smatramo da je neophodno proširiti asortiman primene meda u hotelima, kako u ponudi za prvi dnevni obrok - doručak, tako i za drugi - ručak i treći - večeru. Od žestokih pića na bazi meda u ponudi se nalazi rakija i viski sa medom, a od toplih/hladnih napitaka isto kao i u kafe-poslastičarnicama – kokteli, čaj i limunada. Umesto zaključka, moglo bi se konstatovati, da je primena meda u ugostiteljstvu i hotelijerstvu zastupljena uglavnom pri pripremi/ konzumiranju poslastičarskih proizvoda, koji imaju visoku energetsku vrednost, žestokih pića kao i toplih i hladnih napitaka na bazi meda. Ključne reči: med, primena, ugostiteljstvo, hotelijerstvo HONEY AS A COMPONENT OF FOOD/NUTRITION IN CATERING INDUSTRY AND HOTEL MANAGEMENT Popov-Raljić J, Blešić I, Laličić-Petronijević J, Popov V, Portić M, Đurić V, Penić M Faculty of Sciences, Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management, University of Novi Sad The main goal of this scientific paper is to point out the use of honey as a single product as well as a natural, added, highly-valuable component in preparation/consummation of various types of desserts and drinks in selected café-confectioneries and high-class hotels in Novi Sad. Honey is a sweet, dense, crystallized, viscous product, the hue of which may vary from very bright i.e. dark yellow to reddish or brown. 185 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation Colour, taste and smell, in fact, the flavor of honey basically depend on the type of flowers from which bees collect sweet juices. On the market, there are: sort honey from acacia, linden etc, floral honey from wild flowers and forest honey (honeydew). In terms of nutrition ,it is very important to point out that honey contains various types of sugars , primarily glucose and fructose, as well as proteins, amino-acids, enzymes, organic acids (gluconic, malic, citric, acetic, lactic and formic acid), mineral substances, pollen and other substances. Honey contains: carotene, xanthophylls, chlorophyll derivatives, which give its specific colour. Honey is a natural product, of high energy value, with variable sensory characteristics depending on its origin and diversity of its contents. Besides thousands of “domestic” recipes, honey is used in preparation of baked goods, candies, marmalades, jams, spreads, muesli cereals, drinks, dairy products and other tinned products. Relatively new trends of the use of honey are based upon complete or partial replacement with refined sugar (sugar cane and sugar beet) when preparing different types of dishes. In this paper are represented the results of a survey conducted during 2011 in 10 catering objects, such as café-confectioneries, and 4 high-class hotels in Novi Sad. The main goal of the survey was to explore the use of honey (types of honey and monthly consumption) for preparation of dishes (cold and hot desserts) and drinks (cocktails, cold and hot drinks). The results of research of the use of honey in catering industry, i.e. in selected café-confectioneries in the area of Novi Sad, point out the fact that honey is used for preparation of: honey-based desserts such as various types of cookies, cakes, ice-cream, fruit salad, compote and other desserts, and as for drinks, there are exclusively prepared/consumed hot/ cold honey-based drinks: tea, some types of cocktails and lemonade. Opposite to the observed café-confectioneries, in high-class hotels located in Novi Sad it is interesting to notice and thus conclude that honey as a component of nutrition is mostly used as a single-final product for the first daily meal-breakfast, or as an integral part of food such as muesli cereals, while its use in preparing cold and hot dishes/desserts is on much smaller scale in comparison with café-confectioneries. We consider it necessary to widen a range of the use of honey in hotels, not 186 Sekcijsko predavanje / Session Presentation only on offer for the first daily meal-breakfast, but also for the secondlunch and third-dinner. As for spirits based on honey, there are snaps and whisky with honey on offer, and hot/cold drinks are the same as in café-confectioneries: cocktails, tea and lemonade. Instead of a conclusion, a statement could be made that the use of honey in catering industry and hotel management is represented mostly in preparation/consummation of confectionaries of the high energy value, spirits and honey-based hot and cold drinks. Key words: honey, application, catering, hotel management 187 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 06.UP1 TRADICIONALNA SRPSKA JELA U ZDRAVSTVENOM I ETNO TURIZMU Trbović B1, Kurteš M2,Isailović G1, Stojanović J3, Babić B1, Trbović M1, Škodrić S1, Sekulović I1 1 Visoka zdravstvena škola strukovnih studija u Beogradu,2Specijalna bolnica za rehabilitaciju Banja Koviljača, 3IRVA klinika, Beograd Uvod: Tradicionalna ishrana Srba menjala se kroz istoriju. Na ishranu je imao uticaj grčki Istok i latinski Zapad (srednji vek, doba Nemanjića). Turska kuhinja postala je deo srpske kuhinje (uticaj vekovnog života u okviru Osmanskog carstva), ili su podunavski Nemci imali uticaj na ishranu Srba u Vojvodini (do Prvog svetskog rata), a zatim se širila na prostorima južno od Save i Dunava. Na dvoru Nemanjića ishrana je bila vrlo interesantna sa aspekta nutricionizma. Namirnice su obezbeđivale potrebne hranljive sastojke, priprema hrane je bila jednostavna, a jela ukusna. Mnoge od tih namirnica se danas ne koriste ili manje koriste (npr. proso, geršla, kimovača, hleb od proklijalog zrna is dr.) a imaju visoko mesto u dijetalnoj ishrani po svojoj nutritivnoj vrednosti. Cilj: Kreiranje receptura jela koja su deo tradicionalne ishrane, visoke nutritivne i biološko-dijetetske vrednosti, sa niskim glikemijskim i aterogenim indeksom, ugljenohidratnom jedinicom, ekonomične i njihova primena u SPA i etno kuhinji. Metod: Primena istorijsko - komparativne, deskriptivne i eksperimentalnemetode. Tehnike istraživanja: analiza dokumentacije, kreiranje receptura jela, kulinarna priprema, senzorna kontrola jela. Rezultati i diksusija: Kreirane su recepture jela (npr. kuglice od prosa sa sremušom i gljivama, pita razljevuša, kuvana geršla sa povrćem, duvan čvarci od gljiva, meso kunića sa medom, hleb od proklijalih žitarica, medovača, kimovača i dr.); izvršena su potrebna obračunavanja. Jela su pripremljena u okviru SPA kuhinje (Specijalna bolnica za rehabilitaciju Banja Koviljača) i u etno kuhinji (Turistički savez-Gornji Milanovac) i poslužena korisnicima usluga.Pripremljena jela prihvaćena su od strane konzumenata, izazvala su veliku pažnju, domaćice u etno kuhinjama su edukovane za njihovu pripremu, procenu veličine porcije i vreme (termin) služenja. Jela su bila ukusna i jeftina. 188 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios Zaključak: Ishrana u turizmu, kako u SPA centrimatako i u etno turizmu, treba da bude i edukativna za korisnike usluga; za svako jelo treba da bude naznačeno energetska vrednost, sadržaj hranljivih satojaka, holesterola, biljnih vlakana; ugljenohidratna jedinica; u timu koji vodi ishranu treba da bude i nutricionista dijetetičar. Primena tradicionalnih srpskih jela u turizmu, pored edukativnog, može imati i značajan efekat na poboljšanje nutritivne vrednosti ponuđenih obroka korisnicima. Ključne reči: tradicionalna srpska ishrana, recepture jela, priprema hrane, edukacija. TRADITIONALA SERBIAN DISHES IN HEALTH AND ETNO TOURISM Trbović B1, Kurteš M2,Isailović G1, Stojanović J3, Babić B1, Trbović M1, Škodrić S1, Sekulović I1 1 Visoka zdravstvena škola strukovnih studija u Beogradu,2Specijalna bolnica za rehabilitaciju Banja Koviljača, 3IRVA klinika, Beograd Introduction: The traditional Serbian cuisine has been changed through history. The food was influenced by Greek East and Latin West (middle Ages, the era of Nemanjić). Turkish cuisine has become part of Serbian cuisine (the impact of centuries of living within the Ottoman Empire), or the Danube Germans had an impact on the nutrition of Serbs in Vojvodina (the First World War), that then spread to the region south of the Sava and Danube. At the court of Nemanjić food was very interesting from nutritional point of view. Foods used secured the necessary nutrients, food preparation was simple and meals were tasty. Many of these foods are not being used or are less used today (eg. millet, barley, drink made of caraway - kimovača, bread made from germinated grain etc.) although they are of high nutritional quality. Objective: Creating the recipes of the meals which are part of the traditional Serbian cousine, with high nutritive and biological value, with low glycemic and atherogenic index, with calculated carbohydrate units, and their applicationin the SPA and etno cuisine. 189 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation Method: Application of historically-comparative, descriptive and experimental methods. Research techniques: analysis of documents, creating the recipes of meals, culinary preparation, sensory control of meals. Results and discussion: Recipes of the meals were created and they were applied to the ethno as well as SPA cuisine, also the necessary calculations were made. The meals were prepared in the SPA kitchen (Special Hospital for Rehabilitation Banja Koviljača) and ethnic cuisine (Tourist Association of Gornji Milanovac-) and served to customers. The prepared meals were accepted by the consumers, attracted great attention, house wives in ethnic cuisines were trained for their preparation, serving, the amount of servings and the time (term) of serving. The meals were delicious and of low cost. Conclusion: Nutrition in health tourism should be educational for clients, energy values hold be specified for every meal, then the content of basic nutritive ingredient, cholesterol, fiber, carbohydrate units; nutritionist should be a part of a team that takes care of nutrition. The use of traditional Serbian dishes in tourism could have educational impact, but also could have positive impact on nutritive value of served meals. Key words: traditional Serbian nutrition, recipes of the meals, preparation of food, education. 190 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios 06.UP2 PREDNOSTI I ZNAČAJ PRIMENE PROIZVODA OD INTEGRALNOG PŠENIČNOG BRAŠNA U KOLEKTIVNOJ ISHRANI, UGOSTITELJSTVU I HOTELIJERSTVU Đurić V1, Mladenov N1, Hristov N1, Kondić-Špika A1, Popov-Raljić J2 Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad, 2Poljoprivredni fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu 1 Teme o zdravlju i značaju korišćenja proizvoda od celog pšeničnog zrna su postale aktuelnije sredinom ’90. tih godina kada je utvrđena veza između sadržaja pšeničnog zrna i pojedinih bolesti i ako mehanizmi delovanja nisu potpuno jasani. Značajna uloga proizvoda od celog pšeničnog zrna (integralno brašno, integralni hleb) u strukturi ishrane može se lako razumeti, imajući u vidu da integralno, za razliku od belog pšeničnog brašna sadrži i mekinje, prirodni omotač zrna koji sadrži veliku količinu dijetalnih vlakana. Vlakna u želucu povećavaju volumen i imaju zaštitničko dejstvo, vezuju masnoće i lakše ih odstranjuju umesto da odlaze direktno u krv, a nemaju kaloričnu vriednost. Međutim, u većini slučajeva integralni hleb se u stvari proizvodi od mešavine integralnog i belog pšeničnog brašna, obojeno do smeđe karamel boje dodavanjem malih količina drugih obojenih komponenata (melasa, pržene žitarice, cikorija itd) što dovodi u zabludu potrošača da konzumira “crni hleb”. Upotreba integralnog brašna za izradu hleba menja reološka svojstva testa koja su manje pogodna za laku i uspešnu obradu, zbog čega integralni hleb ima obično manju zapreminu, gustu i vlažniju sredinu produžene trajnosti. Ipak, navedene karakteristike stvaraju predrasude i otpor koji su najčeščće psihološkog tipa, zbog kojih mnogi potrošači ne prihvataju 100% integralni hleb, peciva ili testenine i ako su ukusniji, zdraviji i zahtevaju kratku listu dostupnih i jednostavnih sirovina. Hoteli, ugostiteljski objekti, kolektivne ustanove, bolnice i dr. mogu biti najbolji primer posvećenosti zdravoj ishrani velikog broja korisnika njihovih usluga. Primenom različitih instrukcija u strukturi masovne ishrane lakše se prihvata i razume značaj integralnog hleba kao neizostavne životne narmirnicu u svakodnevnoj ljudskoj ishrani. Ključne reči: pšenica, celo zrno, hleb, integralno brašno, reologija, ishrana 191 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation BENEFITS AND IMPORTANCE OF WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR PRODUCTS IN THE FOODSERVICE INDUSTRY Đurić V1, Mladenov N1, Hristov N1, Kondić-Špika A1, Popov-Raljić J2 Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, 2Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade 1 Health benefits of the products from whole wheat grains (whole wheat flour or 100% whole wheat flour) came into focus of attention in the mid 1990s, when a connection was established between the content of wheat grains and certain diseases, although the mechanisms of action are still not completely clear. The role of products from whole wheat grains (whole wheat flour, whole wheat bread) in the nutrition framework can be easily understood when we take in consideration that the whole wheat flour, as opposed to the white wheat flour, contains the bran, the natural grain coat that contains a large proportion of dietary fibers. In most cases, however, the commercial whole wheat bread is made from a mixture of whole wheat and white flour, colored to the caramel brown color by adding small amounts of colorants (molasses, roasted cereals, chicory, etc.). The colorants are added in order to mislead the consumers into believing that they consume proper black bread. Use of whole wheat flour in bread making changes the rheological properties of the dough. Because of that, the whole wheat bread typically has smaller volume and dense and moist crumbs. These characteristics create psychological bias and invite resistance among consumers. Many consumers do not accept whole wheat bread, pasta or pastries although they are tastier, healthier and require a short list of simple and readily available ingredients. Hotels, restaurants, schools, hospitals and similar facilities may give good example by providing healthy diet to a large number of people. By applying different instructions in the structure of welfare food service it is easier to accept and understand the importance of whole grain bread as a regular item in the daily human diet. Key words: Wheat, bread, whole wheat flour, rheology, whole wheat bread, nutrition 192 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios 06.UP3 PROGRAM ISHRANE ZA NUTRICIONISTEDIJETETIČARE NA PERSONALNOM RAČUNARU Cvejić D, Cvejić Ž Predškolska ustanova ”Naše dete” Šabac Cilj rada: Društvena ishrana predškolske dece ima veoma važno mesto u pravilnom rastu i razvoju deteta, a posebno u prevenciji masovnih nezaraznih bolesti. Upravo zbog toga cilj ovoga rada bio je ispitati stepen uhranjenosti dece uz primenu programa “Ishrana-Normativi” na personalnom računaru. Metod: Za ispitivanje stanja uhranjenosti korišćen je metod merenja težine i visine po standardima rasta dece od 1-5 godina datim od strane Svetske Zdravstvene Organizacije (WHO Child Grovth Standards, 2006.). U predškolskoj ustanovi (P.U.) “Naše dete” izvršeno je istraživanje stepena uhranjenosti dece. Od ukupno 1450 dece prisutne u objektima do sada je izmereno 483 deteta i određen im je stepen uhranjenosti. Rezultati stepena uhranjenosti dece u P.U.”Naše dete”: 1. Izrazita pothranjenost 1,66% 2. Umerena pothranjenost 18,22% 3. Fiziološka uhranjenost 62,32% 4. Predgojaznost 9,94% 5. Gojaznost 7,87% Diskusija: Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata pri istraživalju stepena uhranjenosti došli smo do zaključka da mali broj dece (1,66%) ima izrazitu pothranjenost dok je zabrinjavajući broj dece predgojazno (9,94%) i gojazno (7,87%) što je gotovo petina dece (17,81%) koja se hrane u predškolskoj ustanovi a kod kojih su izvršena merenja. Utoliko je prednost primene programa ishrane na personalnom računaru koji sadrži podatke o nutritivnom sastavu namirnica te je zavisno od dobijenih rezultata moguće program uskladiti sa potrebama određene kategorije. Pritom promena jelovnika, vrste i količine namirnica postiže se na brži i efikasniji način. Zaključak: Ishrana predškolske dece i rad na personalnom računaru je kompleksan i odgovoran posao nutricioniste-dijetetičara. Za uspešno provođenje zadatih ciljeva neophodno je poznavanje: planiranja ishrane i pripremanja hrane, organizacije i ekonomike ishrane, ishrane zdravih, dijetetike, prehrambene tehnologije uz obavezno poznavanje rada na računaru. 193 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation Ključne reči: ishrana predškolske dece, nutricionista-dijetetičar, program “Ishrana-Normativi“ PROGRAMME NUTRITION FOR NUTRITIONIST DIETETICIAN ON A PERSONAL COMPUTER Cvejić D, Cvejić Ž Pre-school facility “Naše dete”, Šabac Aim: Social nutrition of preschool children has an important role and spot in regular growing for children, but also we have to say that main part in prevention of many diseases. According to that the aim of this paper was to examine ranges of alimentation of children with application programme “Nutrition- Normatives” on a personal computer. Method: The method to examine ranges of alimentation was used to measure weight and height standards for children 1-5 years given by WHO (WHO Child Growth Standards, 2006.). In this institution we have done many research works such as well feded children. Total of 1450 children present in the objects so far 483 were measured and detetmined their level of nutrition. Results of ranges of alimentation in istitution “Naše dete” are: Underweight 1,66% Moderate healthy 18,22% Healthy 62,32% Overweight 9,94% Obese 7,87% Discussion: Above all these results during this research we have come to a conclusion that small number of children (1.66%) are underweight while a large of children are overweight (9.94%) and obese (7.87) it means almost one fifth all children. The application of the programme “Nutrition- Normatives” on a personal computer can solve these problems because it possible to change menu according to the needs of different kind of categories children. Conclusion: Nutrition of pres-chool children and work on the personal computer is very complex and responsible engagement for 194 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios nutritionist- dietetician. It is necessary much knowledge for successful work: planning nutrition and preparing food; organization and economic nutrition; nutrition healthy children; dietetics; food technology and the facilites to work on a programme of personal computer at the same time. Key words: nutrition of preschool children, nutritionist- dietetician, program ”Nutrition- Normatives” 195 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 06.UP4 KAFA I PROIZVODI OD KAFE U KAFEPOSLASTČARNICAMA BEOGRADA Bogojević P, Popov Raljić J, Laličić Petronijević J Univerzitet u Beogradu, Poljoprivredni fakultet Kafa je svojom primamljivom aromom, izvanrednim ukusom i delovanjem na čovečiji organizam osvojila ceo svet. Ni naš narod nije ostao imun na ovaj napitak, tako da ima dugu kulturu i tradiciju ispijanja kafe, odnosno postala je sastavni deo života. Imajući u vidu ovo saznanje, cilj rada je bio da se na osnovu odgovarajuće ankete sprovede analiza ponude kafe u karti pića i tako sagleda prihvatljivost od strane potrošača i zdravstveni aspekti konzumiranja. Sagledavanjem karte pića ustanovljena je veoma široka i bogata ponuda od najuobičajnijih kao što su: tzv. turska, ness, cappuccino, espresso kafa, itd; do specifičnih vrsta koje pored kafe sadrže još neki dodatak koji ih obogaćuje, poput mleka, pa tako postoje kafe sa raznim ukusima: kafa sa alkoholom, hladne kafe (frappe), itd. Samo ocenjivanje je obavljeno metodom anketiranja grupe anonimnih potrošača(30), pri čemu im je postavljeno niz kratkih pitanja npr.: da li uopšte konzumiraju kafu, da iz grupe najčešće ponuđenih kafa u karti pića odaberu koju kafu najčeće konzumiraju, preko toga da li naručuju kafu bez kofeina, itd. Analizom rezultata se došlo do interesantnih zaključaka: Od očekivanih da preko 85% ispitanika pije kafu, do iznenenađujućih da oko 60% ispitanika naručuje instant kafu, turska kafa je zauzela drugo mesto poželjnosti sa 35%, a filter kafu gotovo niko ne konzumira. Ne treba zaboraviti da je najvažniji sastojak kafe kofein - stimulant nervnog sistema, koji se lako rastvara u vodi. Pri tome treba imati u vidu da šoljica espresso sadrži 110-150 mg kofeina, instant 40-108 mg, filter 64-124 mg, turska 50-175 mg, dok dekofeinizirana sadrži svega 2-3 mg. Kafa ima i izvesna korisna dejstava: podstiče raspoloženje i volju za rad, ublažava astmatične napade, pomaže savladavanje umora, jača mentalnu i fizičku energiju i štiti zube od karijesa. Umesto zaključka treba napomenuti da se smatra da je dovoljno popiti 3-5 šoljica kafe u toku dana, a preterane doze kao što su preko 10 196 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios šoljica, mogu izazvati neke neželjene pojave kao što su: uznemirenost, glavobolja, drhtavica, lupanje srca, nesanica i nadražaj za povraćanje. Ključne reči: vrste kafe, kofein, zdravstveni efekat Coffee and coffee products in the coffeepastry SHOPS OF BELGRADE Bogojević P, Popov Raljić J, Laličić Petronijević J University of Belgrade-Faculty of Agriculture Coffee with its alluring aroma, excellent taste and effect on human body had conquer the whole world. Our nation also was not so immune to this drink, so we have a long tradition and culture of coffee drinking and it has become an integral part of life. Given this knowledge, the aim of the study was, based on convenient questionnaire to conduct survey of coffee drinks offer in the beverages list in coffee shops and also to examine acceptability by the consumers and to consider the health aspects of drinking coffee. Seizing the beverages list very rich and broad offer was determined from the most common such as the so-called: Turkey, Ness, cappuccino, espresso, etc., to very specific types of coffee that apart from coffee, contain several other supplement that enriches them, such as milk, so there are a variety of coffee flavors: coffee with alcohol, cold coffee (frappe), and so on. The evaluation was conducted by interviewing groups of anonymous consumers(30), where they were asked a series of short questions e.g.: do they generally consume coffee; from the group of usually offered coffee drinks in the beverages list, witch coffee they usually consume, whether they order decaffeinated coffee, etc. By analyzing the results some interesting conclusions come up: from the expected that over 85% of respondents drink coffee, to amazing that about 60% of them order instant coffee, Turkish coffee took second place with 35% of desirability, and the filter coffee consumed almost no one. It should not be forgotten that the most important ingredient in coffee is caffeine - a stimulant of the nervous system, which is easily soluble in water. It should be bear in mind that a cup of espresso coffee contains 197 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 110-150 mg of caffeine, Instant coffee 40-108 mg, filter coffee 64-124 mg, Turkish coffee 50-175 mg, and decaffeinated coffee only 2-3 mg. Coffee has some beneficial effects: stimulate mood and willingness to work, relieve asthma attacks, helping overcome fatigue, strengthens mental and physical energy and protect the teeth from cavities. Instead of a conclusion it should be noted that it is considered enough to drink 3-5 cups of coffee a day, and excessive doses such as more than 10 cups can cause some side effects such as agitation, headache, tremors, heart palpitations, insomnia and irritation vomit. Key words: types of coffee, caffeine, and health effects 198 Poster / Poster Presentation 06.P01 TRENDOVI SAVREMENE ISHRANE NA TURISTIČKIM BRODOVIMA Vuksanović N1, Tešanović D1, Kalenjuk B1, Gagić S2 Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Departman za geografiju, turizam i hotelski menadžment, Novi Sad, 2Visoka škola strukovnih studija za menadžment i poslovnu komunikaciju, Sremski Karlovci 1 Uticaj ishrane na zdravlje čoveka postala je ključna tema širom sveta. Shodno tome, ugostiteljstvo kao privredna i uslužna delatnost, ima za cilj svog opstanka praćenje i primenu savremenih trendova u ishrani. Cilj rada je analiza trendova ishrane medju korisnicima usluga, odnosno turistima na brodovima i mogućnost zadovoljenja njihovih raznovrsnih potreba u ishrani. Rezultati i diskusija: Predmet rada je istraživanje strukture gostiju i njihovih potreba u ishrani na turističkim brodovima Evrope, kompanije ``Grand Circle Cruise Line“, na kojima dominiraju turisti iz SAD. Istraživanje je proizašlo iz potreba turista za adekvatnom ishranom i mogućnosti turističkih brodova za zadovoljenja tih potreba, kao i želje da se utiče na ostale subjekte u ugostiteljstvu u cilju zadovoljavanja alternativnih potreba u ishrani svih korisnika usluga uz istovremeno praćenje savremanih trendova u ishrani. Pri istraživanju je korišćena interna dokumentacija brodova kompanije o ponudi i potražnji hrane, koja su dala neravnomernu popularnost gangova u kojoj dominiraju jela od mesa sa 65%. Analizom polne strukturi, muškarci dominiraju sa preko 50%, u svim starosnim dobima sem u period od 25 – 35 godina, gde žene preuzimaju većinu od 61%. Sagledavanjem specijanih potreba turista i mogućnosti zadovoljenja tih, ukazaće se na alternativne potrebe u ishrani svih korisnika usluga i praćenje savremanih trendova u ishrani Dobijeni podaci su statistički obrađeni i grafički prikazani. Zaključak: Istraživanje ukazuje na nedostatak upotrebe namirnica, koje mogu da učine ponudu potpunijom, kvalitetnijom i prihvatljivijom od strane korisnika. Takođe se preporučuje zapošljavanje visoko kvalifikovanog osoblja, koje poznaje principe pravilne ishrane kao i njene zdravstvene aspekte. Istovremeno je potrebno uvažiti goste i prihvatiti njihove specijalne zahteve za odredjenom vrstom hrane. Ključne reči: ishrana, hrana, trendovi, turistički brodovi 199 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation MODERN FOOD TRENDS ON THE TOURIST BOATS Vuksanović N1, Tešanović D1, Kalenjuk B1, Gagić S2 University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management, Novi Sad, 2College of professional studies in management and business communication, SremskiKarlovci 1 The influence of diet on human health has become an issue of great importance around the world. Therefore, the restaurant business, as a part of both industrial and service sectors, attempts to follow and apply the modern trends in nutrition in order to remain relevant. The aim of this research is the analysis of nutrition trends among the users of catering services on cruise ships, the tourists, and the ability of those ships to meet a variety of their needs. Results and Discussion: The subject matter of the paper is the analysis of the guest structure and their nutrition needs on European tourist ships of the ``Grand Circle Cruise Line`` company, which is dominated by tourists from the United States. The study was conducted in order to show the importance of providing the suitable diet to tourists on the cruise ships, as well as the ability of the ships to meet their demands. There is a need to influence various caterers to include the alternative to a common food offer, while following modern trends in nutrition. While conducting this research, the internal documentation on demand and supply of food on the ships of the noted company was used. This revealed an uneven popularity of gangs, dominated by meat dishes with 65%. According to the analysis by gender, men dominate with over 50% in all age groups, except among 25 - 35 year olds, where women are in the majority with 61%. By recognizing the special tourist needs and creating an environment to meet them, the research will show the importance of meeting alternative dietary needs of all users of catering services, and of following modern trends in nutrition. The data used in the paper is statistically analyzed and graphically presented. Conclusion: The research shows a lack in the use of various ingredients which make the food offer complete, improved, and desirable by the users. It is recommendable to hire highly qualified staff, which is trained in the principles of proper nutrition and health. 200 Poster / Poster Presentation Similarly, there is a need to consider the guest demands, and meet their requirements for certain special types of food. Key words: nutrition, food, trends, cruise ships, tourists. 201 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 06.P02 doručak sa Samoposluživanjem i engleski doručak - kompArativne prednosti i nedostaci u savremenoj ishrani korisnika hotelskih usluga Božović R1, Jovanović D1, Muhi B2 1 Departman za geografiju, turizam i hotelijerstvo, PMF, Novi Sad; 2Fakultet poslovne ekonomije, Univerzitet Educons, Novi Sad Doručak sa samoposluživanjem – švedski sto i engleski doručak razlikuju se prema svom sastavu i načinu služenja. Takođe, efikasnost radnog vremena povećava se primenom švedskog stola i istovremeno smanjuje primenom engleskog doručka u ponudi hotelskih objekata.Prvo, rad prikazuje organizacione razlike u ponudi ove dve vrste doručaka, s obzirom na zahteve koji se iznose pred osoblje i menadžment. Drugo, rad se bavi efikasnošću radnih sati osoblja, doprinos radnog osoblja u odnosu na poslovne prihode i rashode. Treće, rad se bavi aspektom nutritivne vrednosti nekoliko mogućih doručaka, i to pomoću tabličnog određivanja energetske vrednosti namirnica upotrebljenih u engleskom doručku i namirnica koje su u sastavu dve varijante doručka uzetog sa švedskog stola. Rezultati rada su pokazali da je bečki način usluživanja pri služenju engleskog doručka daleko zahtevniji od načina usluživanja švedskog stola (bife doručka) sa aspekta uposlenog osoblja i njihove efikasnosti, a sa aspekta organizacije jezaključeno da nije optimalno sa istom organizacionom strukturom poslužiti data dva obroka. Takođe, rezultati su pokazali da nutritivna vrednost engleskog doručka – između 8772,92 kJ i 9413,67 kJ prevazilazi minimalnu obzerviranu nutritivnu vrednost doručka sa švedskog stola 3570,45 kJ, ali je zbog nedostatka kontrole primećena mogućnost neumerenosti u doručku uzetom sa švedskog stola, u kom slučaju nutritivna vrednost od 10712,76 kJ ili 15238,57 kJ prevazilazi hranjivu vrednost engleskog doručka i nutritivne potrebe konzumenta. Ključne reči: švedski sto, engleski doručak, ishrana, hranjiva vrednost, hotel. 202 Poster / Poster Presentation Buffet Breakfast and english breakfast – the comparative advantages and dissadvantages FOR the contemporary hotel services users Božović R1, Jovanović D1, Muhi B2 1 Department for geography, tourism and hotel management, Science Faculty, University of Novi Sad; 2Faculty for business economics, Educons University, Sremska Kamenica, Novi Sad Self service breakfast – breakfast buffet and English breakfast differ in contents and service methods. Also, the efficiency of the work hours increases with buffet system application and at the same time decreases with English breakfast service in hotels. Firstly, the article shows the organizational differences in these two breakfast offers, from the manager’s and staff point of view. Secondly, the article shows the efficiency of the staff work hours, the contribution margin of working staff in comparison to business incomes and outcomes. Thirdly, the article shows the nutritional value of several possible breakfasts. It is done by matrix determination on the basis of general reference data for nutrition values of foods. Foods are shown for English breakfast and two variants of breakfast taken off the buffet table. The Results have shown the Vienna style service of the English breakfast is far more demanding than the buffet breakfast service system from aspect of staff and its work efficiency. From organizational aspect it has been concluded that it’s not optimal to serve both variants of the meal with the same organizational structure. The results also showed the nutritional value of English breakfast between 8,772.92 kJ and 9,413.67 kJexceeds the minimum observed nutritional value of the buffet breakfast of 3,570.45 kJ. On the other hand, uncontrollability of food consumption is the reason for overindulgence at the buffet breakfast. In that case the nutritional value of buffet breakfast in range of 10,712.76 kJ or 15,238.57 kJ, may outbalance the value of the English breakfast. Key words: buffet breakfast, English breakfast, nutrition, nutrition value, hotel. 203 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 06.P03 Savremena ishrana u poslovnom i diplomatskom protokolu u Vojvodini Božović B1, Muhi B2, Jovanović D1 1 Departman za geografiju, turizam i hotelijerstvo, PMF, Novi Sad; 2Fakultet poslovne ekonomije, Univerzitet Educons, Sremska Kamenica, Novi Sad Protokol je skup pravila koja opisuju dobre manire u profesionalnim međuljuskim odnosima, bilo da su u pitanju državni, diplomatski ili poslovni. Države u bilateralnim odnosima koriste državni protokol, u situacijama kada lica koja obavljaju visoke državne funkcije posećuju druge države. Kada diplomate, u multilateralnim odnosima sa različitim državama posećuju ili borave van zemlje, tada se u njihovom ugošćavanju koristi diplomatski protokol. Poslovni protokol se koristi u poslovnim odnosima privrednih društava sa drugim organizacijama. Osim navedenog,poslovni protokol se koristi u situacijama kada je neophodan susret kompanije sa spoljnim organizacijama na korporativnom ili izvršnom nivou. Pošto se velika većina ljudi oseća neprijatno u prvom susretu sa dotada nepoznatom osobom, protokol je veoma važan skup takvih pravila. Uz opšta pravila ponašanja, veliku ulogu u pravilima igraju obroci u protokolu. U radu se analizira savremena ishrana u protokolu u Vladi Autonomne Pokrajine Vojvodine i savremena ponuda poslovnog protokola u ugostiteljstvu Novog Sada. Rad se bavi protokolom iz tri ugla. Prvo, rad se bavi ishranom u protokolu diplomatskog tipa, tj. u odnosima između dve zvanične institucije. Drugo, rad analizira ishranu u protokolu između zvanične institucije i poslovnog subjekta. Treće, rad analizira ishranu u protokolu između dva poslovna subjekta. Komparacija ove tri ishrane u protokolu treba da donese uvid u različitosti ugošćavanja i predloge za unapređenje ova tri vida protokolarne ishrane.Rezultati komparacije prikazuju podatke o osnovnim karakteristikama jela i pića koja se služe u date tri vrste protokolarnih susreta. Diplomatski susreti između dve zvanične institucije zahtevaju kvalitativne odlike gastronomskih proizvoda najvišeg ranga, drugi po redu su protokolarni događaji između državnih organa i privrede, a na najnižem kvalitativnom nivou u ovoj analizi nalaze se poslovni susreti. Sa aspekta ishrane, rezultati su pokazali da su najhranljiviji ručak u diplomatskom i večera u poslovnom protokolu. 204 Poster / Poster Presentation Ključne reči: ishrana, poslovni protokol, diplomatski protokol, Vojvodina. Contemporary nourishment in business and diplomatic protocol in Vojvodina Božović B1, Muhi B2, Jovanović D1 1 Department for geography, tourism and hotel management, Science Faculty, University of Novi Sad; 2Fakultet poslovne ekonomije, Univerzitet Educons,Sremska Kamenica, Novi Sad Protocol is a set of rules describing the fine manners in professional interpersonal relations, either in state, diplomatic or business affairs. Countries in bilateral relations use the state protocol in the cases when high government officials visit other countries. Whenever other diplomats in multilateral relations with different countries visit or reside out of their home country, the diplomatic protocol is used. Business protocol is used in business relations between the companies and other organizations. Apart from the previously mentioned, business protocol is also used in other situations.It is used when the company needs to meet with other organizations at the corporate or executive level.As the most of the people feels unpleasant in their first encounter with up to that time unfamiliar person, it represents an important set of rules. With general rules of conduct, the important part of these rules is the rules for meals in protocol. In the article the contemporary nourishment in protocol in the Vojvodina regional government is analyzed. Also the contemporary business protocol offers in the hospitality industry of Novi Sad is analyzed. The article shows these protocols from three aspects. Firstly, the article does the nourishment in diplomatic protocol, which is the relation between two official institutions. Secondly, the article analyses the nourishment in protocol between the public institution and business subject. Thirdly, the article analyses the nourishment in the business protocol. The comparison of these three nourishments should provide an insight in differences of hospitality application and propositions for protocol nourishment improvement. Results show the data on basic characteristics of the food and beverage served at the three 205 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation kinds of protocol events mentioned. Diplomatic meetings between two official institutions demand the highest quality value of the food and beverage. Protocol events between official institution and companies have shown the second best quality and the third best were business protocol events.From the nutritional aspect the highest result was the luncheon in diplomatic and dinner in business protocol. Key words: nourishment, business protocol, diplomatic protocol, Vojvodina. 206 Poster / Poster Presentation 06.P04 Gastronomske inovacije kao odgovor na savremene trendove u ishrani stanovništva Gagić S1, Kalenju B2, Erdej I2, Jovičić A 2, Vuksanović N2 Visoka škola strukovnih studija za menadžment i poslovne komunikacije, Sremski Karlovci 2 Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Departman za geografiju, turizam i hotelijerstvo, Novi Sad 1 Uticaj ishrane na zdravlje čoveka postao je ključna tema brojnih rasprava širom sveta, pa stoga nije zaobišla ni ugostiteljstvo kao privrednu i uslužnu granu čiji je temelj opstanka, upravo baziran na praćenju trendova u ishrani. Cilj rada je da se ukaže na nužnost praćenja želja i potreba potrošača u ugostiteljstvu u cilju opstanka na veoma konkurentnom tržištu. U radu su predstavljene gastronomske inovacije poput kreiranje ponude na bazi molekularne gastronomije, sa funkcionalnom hranom, sa organski gajenim namirnicama, bez glutena, uz širu upotrebu integralnih žitarica kao i uz povećanu upotrebu kratko procesuiranog i svežeg voća i povrća. Rad prikazuje i rezultate online istraživanja izvršenog decembra 2011. godine, na uzorku od 74 ispitanika na području Republike Srbije. Prikazane su navike u ishrani potrošača, uključujući i brzu ishranu i njen uticaj na zdravlje. Na pitanje u vezi sa navikama u ishrani njih 60,8% je odgovorilo da uglavnom vode računa o ishrani, 27 % je odgovorilo da uglavnom ne vode računa, a samo 12,2 % da to retko rade. Veći deo ispitanika (56,8%) smatra da brza hrana ima negativan uticaj na zdravlje konzumenta, dok samo 2, 7% smatra da nema. Veliki procenat ispitanih zastupa i umerenost kod ovakvih navika, pa se 40,5% ispitanih slaže sa tim da se negativan uticaj odražava samo kada se konzumira svakodnevno. Ono što je proizašlo kao vrlo važan podatak iz ovog istraživanja je to da se čak 91,9 % ispitanika slaže da u restoranima brze hrane bude raznovrsnija ponuda obogaćena jelima sa značajnijim zdravstvenim aspektima. Loše prehrambene navike su posledica, pre svega, nedovoljne upućenosti u ovu problematiku, nedostatka slobodnog vremena i 207 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation dinamike života pri čemu se hrana uglavnom konzumira izvan kuće pa dizajneri inovativnog jelovnika treba da nađu način i da edukuju goste i ukažu im na dobro poznate činjenice vezane za pravilnu ishranu. Ovo će ujedno biti i dobar marketing za ugostiteljski objekat. Ključne reči: ugostiteljstvo, inovacije, zdrava ishrana, savremeni trendovi Innovation in Gastronomy as a Response to Current Trends in Human Nutrition Gagić S. 1, Kalenju B.2, Erdej I. 2, Jovičić A.2, Vuksanović N. 2 College of professional studies in management and business communication, Sremski Karlovci, Serbia, 2University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management, Novi Sad, Serbia 1 The impact of nutrition on human health has become a key topic of many discussions over the world. It did not pass by catering as an economic and service branch, which the basis of survival is based on monitoring trends in nutrition. The paper aim is to point out the necessity of monitoring consumer needs in the hospitality industry in order to survive in a very competitive market. The paper presents the gastronomic innovations such as creating an offer on the basis molecular gastronomy, with a functional food, with organically grown groceries, gluten-free, with greater use of whole grains as well as the increased use of short prosecuted and fresh fruits and vegetables, as well. The paper shows the results of an online survey conducted in December 2011, by 74 examinees in the Republic of Serbia as well as the eating habits of consumers as well as the perception of fast food and its impact on health. The percent of 60.8 answered that they generally take care of their diet, 27% answered that they generally do not take care about their diet and only 12.2% said that they rarely take care of their diet. Most of the examinees (56.8%) consideres fast food to have a negative impact on 208 Poster / Poster Presentation their health, while only 2.7% thinks otherwise. A great percentage of the examinees propose a balanced diet, thus 40.5% of the examinees agree that the negative impact is reflected only when if the food is consumed on a daily basis. A very important information which is the result of this research is that 91.9% of the examinees agree that fast food restaurants should offer some other healthier alternatives. The results suggest that there is a market segment that is willing to make changes in terms of nutrition, and the restaurant owners should be adapted to these changes. Key words: catering, innovation, healthy diet, current trends 209 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 06.P05 ZASTUPLJENOST KALCIJUMA I FOSFORA U ISHRANI PREDŠKOLSKE DECE Vuković Mirković B1, Stojanović D 1,2, Lazarević K 2 Medicinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Nišu,2 Institut za javno zdravlje Niš 1 Uvod: Kalcijum i fosfor učestvuju u mineralizaciji kostiju i brojnim metaboličkim procesima. Kalcijum ima antihistaminska svojstva i utiče na produkciju vitamina D. Fosfor je neophodan je za nervnu aktivnost i normalnu kontraktilnost srčanog mišića. Nedostatak kalcijuma u organizmu može dovesti do nervne osetljivosti, grčeva mišića i tahikardije, dok nedostatak fosfora dovodi do gubitka apetita i podložnosti infekcijama. Dnevne potrebe za kalcijumom u dečijem uzrastu su od 600 mg/dan za decu uzrasta 1-3 godine do 800 mg/dan za decu uzrasta 4-10 godina. Potrebe za fosforom su 600 mg/dan za decu uzrasta 1-3 godine, odnosno 800 mg/dan za decu uzrasta 4-10 godina (Pravilnik o normativu društvene ishrane dece u ustanovama za decu, Službeni glasnik Republike Srbije br. 50/94). Cilj: Cilj rada je ispitivanje zastupljenosti kalcijuma i fosfora u ishrani predškolske dece u dečijoj ustanovi „Pčelica“ u Nišu u periodu od 20012010 god. Materijal i metode: Ispitivanje ishrane u predškolskoj dečijoj ustanovi „Pčelica”, u Nišu, izvršeno je anketom na osnovu magacinskih lista. Za analizu sadržaja kalcijuma i fosfora u namirnicama su korišćene Tablice hemijskog sastava prehrambenih proizvoda (Jokić N, 1999). Dobijeni rezultati su interpretirani u odnosu na Pravilnik o normativu društvene ishrane dece u ustanovama za decu (Službeni glasnik Republike Srbije, br.50/94). Rezultati: Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da je zastupljenost kalcijuma u dečjem obroku bila niža od vrednosti predviđenih Normativom (x=547,4±55,04 mg) i iznosi tj 68.42% u odnosu na Normativom predviđene dnevne potrebe deteta. Sadržaj fosfora (x=787±61,39 mg) približno odgovara Normativom predviđenim vrednostima (98.37%) datim za decu ovog uzrasta. U dečijem obroku učešće grupe namirnica mleko i mlečni prizvodi u ukupnom energetskom unosu je najčešće je bilo sniženo (8-11%). Zaključak: U ishrani predškolske dece u ustanovi „Pčelica“ u Nišu zastupljenost kalcijuma nije usklađena sa vrednostima predviđenim 210 Poster / Poster Presentation Normativom. Zastupljenost fosfora u dečijem obroku je bila zadovoljavajuća. Neophodno je izvršiti korekciju jelovnika u smislu povećanja unosa mleka i mlečnih proizvoda. Ključne reči: kalcijum, fosfor, ishrana predškolske dece DISTRIBUTION OF CALCIUM AND PHOSPHORUS IN NUTRITION OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN Vuković Mirković B1, Stojanović D1,2, Lazarević K 2 1 Medical faculty, University of Niš, 2Public health Institute Niš Introduction: Calcium and phosphorus are involved in the mineralization of bone, and a number of metabolic processes. Calcium has antihistamine properties and affects the production of vitamin D. Phosphorus is necessary for normal nerve activity and contractility of the heart muscle. Lack of calcium in the body can cause nerve sensitivity, muscle cramps and tachycardia, whereas phosphorus deficiency leads to loss of appetite, susceptibility to infections. Daily requirement for calcium in childhood are 600 mg/day for children aged 1-3 years to 800 mg/day for children aged 4-10 years. The need for phosphorus are 600 mg/day for children aged 1-3 years and 800mg/day for children aged 4-10 years (Regulations on social of norms nutrition of children in children institutions, Official journal of the Republic of Serbia no. 50/94). Aim: The aim was to investigate the presence of calcium and phosphorus in the diet of preschool children in a children’s nursery institution “Pčelica” in Niš in the period of 2001-2010 year. Material and Methods: The study of nutrition in preschool children’s institution “Pčelica” in Niš, was performed based on the survey list of warehouses analysis of the meal. Food composition tables were used for the analysis of the calcium and phosphorus content in food (Jokic N, 1999). The results were interpreted compared to the Regulation on the social norms of nutrition of children in children institutions (Official journal of the Republic of Serbia, no.50/94). Results: The results show that the presence of calcium in children’s diet was lower than the values predicted by norms (x = 547.4 ± 55.04 mg), 211 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation and that is 68.42% compared to standards prescribed daily needs of the child. Phosphorus content (x = 787 ± 61.39 mg) was up to the standard prescribed values (98.37%) for children of this age. In children meal, participation of food group of milk and milk products in total energy intake was usually reduced (8-11%). Conclusion: In the diet of preschool children in the institution, “Pčelica” in Niš, presence of calcium and phosphorus is not consistent with the values prescribed by norms. Presence of phosphorus in the children’s meal was satisfactory. It is necessary to adjust menus in order to increase intake of milk and milk products. Key words: calcium, phosphorus, nutrition of preschool children 212 Sekcija Ishrana sportista Session Sport Nutrition 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 07.SP1 RELACIJE TELESNOG SASTAVA SA NAVIKAMA U ISHRANI I FIZIČKOJ AKTIVNOSTI KOD STUDENATA BEOGRADSKOG UNIVERZITETA: PILOT ISTRAŽIVANJE Đorđević-Nikić M1, Dopsaj M1, Kasum G1, Macura M1, Eminović F2, Vuković M3 Univerzitet u Beogradu, Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, 2Univerzitet u Beogradu, Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju, 3KriminalističkoPolicijska akademija u Beogradu 1 Uvod: Period univerzitetskog života studenata često je pun izazova vezanih za odvajanje od roditelja i samostalan život, stres koji prati postizanje akademskih ciljeva i finansijskih problema. Svi ovi faktori mogu nepovoljno uticati na životni stil i ponašanja studenata, koja predstavljaju rizik za zdravlje. Navike u ishrani, fizička aktivnost, uzimanje alkohola i pušenje cigareta, osnovne karakteristike životnog stila svakog pojedinca, mogu nepovoljno uticati na telesnu kompoziciju, koja može biti povezana sa najčešćim hroničnim bolestima savremenog čoveka. Metod: Uzorak ispitanika je bio sastavljen od 56 studenata Univerziteta u Beogradu i to 36 mladića i 20 devojaka. Studenti 9 fakulteta, bili su saglasni da učestvuju u ovom istraživanju. Oni su činili 0.07% ukupne univerzitetske populacije studenata. Podaci koji su se odnosili na navike u ishrani, fizičkoj aktivnosti i konzumiranju alkohola i cigareta, dobijeni su na osnovu validiranog upitnika. Merenje telesnog sastava izvršeno je primenom metoda bioelektrične impedance, na aparatu najnovije generacije In Body 720. Rezultati i diskusija: Utvrđeno je da 30.5% mladića i 5% devojaka ima BMI iznad 25 m/kg2. Sadržaj telesnih masti premašivo je prosečne granične vrednosti (American Council Exercise) kod 2.7% studenata i 15% studentkinja. Rezultati pokazuju da među studentima postoji generalna statistički značajna razlika (p=0.000) po polu u odnosu na sve ispitivane varijable, što se takođe beleži i među pojedinačnim varijablama, izuzev količine masnog tkiva. Studenti su pokazali viši skor fizičke aktivnosti, dok su studentkinje pokazale viši skor vezan za navike u ishrani. Statistički značajne povezanosti između varijabli telesnog sastava (%BFM, visceralno FM, %mišićne mase i fitnes skor) i skora fizičke aktivnosti zabeležene su kod devojaka, dok korelacije među drugim varijablama nisu utvrđene.Na osnovu stepena objašnjenja varijanse merenja (94.2%) 214 Sekcijsko predavanje / Session Presentation i snage izračunatog modela (nivo 100%) može se zaključiti da su dobijeni rezultati validni za interpretaciju. Zaključak: Telesna kompozicija, navike u ishrani i fizička aktivnost signifikantno se razlikuju između studenata i studentkinja. Fizička aktivnost je bila signifikantno povezana sa telesnom kompozicijom kod devojaka.Promocija zdravih životnih stilova u skladu sa potrebama ovih mladih ljudi je važna, obzirom da je ovo jedan od senzitivnih perioda života, koji može uticati na učvršćivanje životnih navika u adultnom periodu. Ključne reči: navike u ishrani, bioelektrična impedanca, telesna kompozicija, studenti RELATIONS OF BODY COMPOSITION, EATING HABITS AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY WITH BELGRADE UNIVERSITY STUDENTS: PILOT RESEARCH Đorđević-Nikić M1, Dopsaj M1, Kasum G1, Macura M1, Eminović F2, Vuković M3 University of Belgrade, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education,2University of Belgrade, Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation, 3Criminal Police Academy in Belgrade 1 Introduction: Period of students’ university life is often full of challenges related to separation from their parents and independent life, stress accompanying academic goals achievement and financial problems. All these factors can unfavorably affect students’ lifestyle and behavior, and therefore they represent health hazards. Eating habits, physical activity, alcohol consumption and smoking as basic features of each individual’s lifestyle can negatively affect body composition that can be closely connected to the most frequent chronic diseases of the modern man. Method: Тhe sample of subjects consisted of 56 students of the University of Belgrade, of which 36 males and 20 females. Students of 9 faculties agreed to participate in this research. They represented 0.07% of the overall university population of students. The data related to eating habits, physical activity and alcohol and cigarette consumption, were obtained based on a validated questionnaire.Body composition was 215 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation analyzed by application of bioelectric impedance method, using the latest generation analyzer In Body 720. Results and discussion: It was established that 30.5% of males and 5% of females has BMI over 25 m/kg2. The content of body fats exceeded the threshold limit values (American Council Exercise) in 2.7% males and in 15% females. The results indicate that there is a statistically significant difference (p=0.000) among the students per gender with regard to all the examined variables, which is also noted between the individual variables except for the quantity of fat tissue. The male students scored better in physical activity, while the females scored better in eating habits. The statistically significant correlation between the variables of body composition (%BFM, viscerally FM, % muscular mass and fitness score) and physical activity score were recorded with girls, while no correlations were determined between other variables. Base on the level of measurement variance explanation (94.2%) and power of the calculated model (level 100%) it can be concluded that the obtained results are valid for interpretation. Conclusion: Body composition, eating habits and physical activity significantly differ with males and females. Physical activity was significantly correlated with body composition in girls.Promotion of healthy life style in accordance with the needs of these young people is important, since this is one of the sensitive periods of life that can affect establishment of life habits later in adulthood. Key words: eating habits, bioelectrical impedance, body composition, students 216 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios 07.UP1 KONTROLA ISPRAVNOSTI HRANE ZA VREME VELIKIH SPORTSKIH MANIFESTACIJA Radaković S. S1, Šurbatović M1, Ristanović E1, Rađen S1, Jovanović D2, Tambur Z2, Savić D1, Lazić S1 1 Univerzitet odbrane, Medicinski fakultet VMA, Beograd, 2Vojnomedicinska akademija, Sektor za preventivnu medicinu, Beograd Uvod: Masovne sportske manifestacije predstavljaju veoma veliki izazov za obezbeđenje preventivno-medicinske zaštite učesnika, između ostalog i zbog masovne ishrane. Cilj rada: U ovom radu želimo da evaluiramo dobijene rezultate u pogledu bezbednosti hrane u okviru preventivno-medicinskog obezbeđenja velike sportske manifestacije, kao i da izvršimo procenu rizika po zdravlje učesnika. Metode: U okviru preventivno-medicinskog obezbeđenja učesnika 25. Univerzijade u Beogradu 2009. godine, Institut za higijenu Sektora za preventivnu medicinu VMA bio je angažovan u kontroli hrane u sledećim tačkama: prijem i priprema uzoraka hrane, analiza mikrobiološke ispravnosti, interpretacija rezultata i procena rizika. Uzorci su ananlizirani klasičnim mikrobiološkim metodama i primenom real-time PCR. Uvidom u proizvodne kapacitete i osobenosti angažovanih kuhinja, pre početka manifestacije utvrdili smo moguće kritične tačke i to: hladnu kuhinju za pripremu doručka, pripremu salata i kolača. Sa druge strane, kao najbezbedniju tačku procenili smo centralnu kuhinju za pripremu kuvanih jela. Rezultati: U toku 21 dana rada kuhinje, ukupno smo primili 2 568 uzoraka hrane (0,5% pripremljenih obroka), od kojih je 1 283 uzeto u rad, a isto toliko je zamrznuto. Ukupno je 14 113 mikrobioloških analiza dostavljenih uzoraka hrane, odnosno između 363 i 759 analiza dnevno. Procenat neispravnih uzoraka bio je veoma mali (0-7% dnevno), što ukazuje na poštovanje principa dobre proizvođačke prakse od strane subjekata uključenih u proizvodnju hrane. Dobijeni rezultati su bili u skladu sa prethodno izvršenom procenom kritičnih tačaka: kuvana jela su bila veoma bezbedna, dok je najveći broj neispravnih uzoraka poticao iz hladne kuhinje gde se pripremao doručak (50% ukupno neispravnih uzoraka). Osim toga, neispravnost je utvrđena u kremastim kolačima i svežim salatama, što je takođe u skladu sa našim predviđanjima. 217 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation Zaključak: Prema izveštajima epidemiološke službe, tokom manifestacije nije zabeležena nijedna epidmija zarazne bolesti koja se prenosi hranom, što ukazuje da je pravilno odabranim merama sprečen rizik koji prati ovu vrstu masovnog okupljanja. FOOD SAFETY CONTROL DURING MASS SPORTS EVENTS Radaković S. S1, Šurbatović M1, Ristanović E1, Rađen S1, Jovanović D2, Tambur Z2, Savić D1, Lazić S1 1 University of Defence, Medical Faculty MMA, Belgrade, 2Military Medical Academy, Sector of Preventive Medicine, Belgrade Introduction: Mass sports events impact a huge challenge for providing preventive medical care of the participants. The possible risks include the characteristics of collective nutrition. Aim: We wanted to evaluate the results regarding food safety and to estimate the risk factors for foodborne diseases in participants of the 25th Univerisade in 2009 in Belgrade. Methods: Institute of Hygiene was engaged in microbiological control of foods which included: preparation of samples, microbiological analysis, interpretation of results and risk assessment. The samples were investigated by classical microbiological methods, as well as by realtime PCR. Previous to expected event, we did some prerequisite controls of employed capacities and established possible critical points: cold breakfast kitchen, salad and dessert preparation. On the other hand, the preparation of cooked meals in the Central kitchen was assessed as the safest link. Results: During the period from June 24th till July 14th, we received the total of 2 568 samples of food (0.5% of all prepared meals), and completed the total of 14 113 microbiological analysis. A single item for even one meal was not missed without being sampled, analyzed and results interpreted. Percentage of samples with microbiological contamination was considerably small, which indicated food preparation with respect to principles of good manufacture practice. Results were in agreement with the previous risk assessment: cooked meals were very safe, while 218 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios the largest number of contaminated samples originated from cold kitchen were breakfast have been prepared. Additionally, we identified microbiological contamination in some fresh salads and creamy desserts. Conclusion: According to epidemiological data, risk assessment and measures for food safety control were successful. The overall health of the participants was not impaired and any possibility of foodbornе outbreak was completely prevented. 219 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 07.P01 ISHRANA DECE U SPORTU – EDUKACIJOM DO ZDRAVLJA I REZULTATA Aćimović-Đumić S Dom zdravlja “Dr. Milorad Mika Pavlović”, Inđija Cilj: Adolescencija (lat.adolescere - rasti, razvijati se, sazrevati) je prelazni period između detinjstva i odraslog doba, od 12. do 19. godine, u kome dolazi do intenzivnog rasta, fizičkog i psihičkog sazrevanja. Zbog svih ovih promena koje se dešavaju energetske i nutritivne potrebe u ovom periodu ljudskog života su najveće i postižu svoj maksimum. Cilj rada je da približi osnove pravilne ishrane adolescentima koji se bave sportom u kontekstu njene primene u svakodnevnom životu. Metodologija: Radi utvrđivanja značaja pravilne ishrane adolescenata koji se bave sportom kao i njhove svesti o istom, izabran je reprezentativan uzorak od 40 dece, starosti od 15-17 godina koji treniraju fudbal i košarku. Kod svih ispitanika je obavljena anketa o navikama u ishrani, izvršena su antropometrijska merenja, ocenjeno je stanje uhranjenosti, sprovedena su biohemijska ispitivanja i ocenjena motorička sposobnost pomoću baterije testova. Ispitivanja su započeta krajem jula. Na osnovu prvih dobijenih rezultata preporučena je promena ishrane. Postoje dve grupe ispitanika: kontrolna grupa od 24 dece koja nisu promenila način ishrane i grupa od 15 dece koja primenjuje preporučen način ishrane. Ispitivanje je jos u toku i planira se do polovine oktobra kada će se ponoviti isti pregledi da bi se uradila komparacija rezultata sa ciljem da se potvrdi uticaj i značaj pravilne ishrane. Rezultati: Rezultati prvog ispitivanja su ukazala na gojaznost (BMI iznad P 85) se nalazi kod 25% ispitane dece, kao i na pothranjenost (BMI ispod P 5 kod 19 % ispitane dece), povišene vrednosti ukupnog holesterola (3 % ispitane dece), povišene vrednosti triglicerida (3 % ispitane dece). Kod jednog ispitanika utvrđene su vrednosti AST 463 U/L , ALT 291 U/L , GGT 1646 U/L. Anketom o navikama u ishrani kod svih ispitanika utvrđene su loše navike u izboru namirnica, unosa tečnosti , rasporeda i broja obroka u toku dana. Zaključak: Usvajanaje pravilnih navika u ishrani kod adolescenata je složen proces, a nosioci su adolescenti, porodica, stručno lice, sportski klub. Svakodnevno razvijanje korisnih navika u ishrani može pozitivno 220 Poster / Poster Presentation uticati na promene telesnog sastava što će značajno uticati na bolje rezultate u izabranoj fizičkoj aktivnosti. Ključne reči: Adolescenti, pravilna ishrana, sport CHILDREN SPORT NUTRITION -TO HEALTH AND THE GOOD RESULTS TROUGHT EDUCATION Aćimović-Đumić S Health center “Dr.Milorad Mika Pavlović” Objectives: Adolescence (latin: adolescere - to grow, to progress, to become mature), is the transitional period between puberty and adulthood, from the age of 12 until the age of 19, where the intensive growth and psycho-physical maturity is taking place. Due to all of these changes energetic and nutritive needs are peaking during this period of life. The objective of this study is to explain and teach the basics of the proper nutrition to adolescents who play sport. Methodology: In order to determine the significance of proper nutrition of the adolescents who play some sport and their awareness of the same topic, 40 children, training basketball and football, aged 1517, have been chosen as a sample. Each examinee went through a survey about their nutrition habits and anthropometric variables. Their body fat was measured, a biochemical analysis has been done and various tests have been completed to estimate their ability to move. The examinations started at the end of July, and according to the first gained results, the change in nutrition was recommended. There are two groups of examinees: the control group consists of 24 children that did not change the nutrition, and the group of 15 children that applied the recommended nutrition. The study is still underway, and is planned until the middle of October. Then, children will be reexamined at the end of the study in order to compare the results. The aim was to show the influence and the significance of the proper nutrition. Results: The first examination-obesity as BMI over P 85 can be found with 25% of the examined children; underweight as BMI under P 5 can be found with 19% of examined children; higher values of the cholesterol 221 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation with 3% of examined children; higher values of the triglyciride with 3% of examined children. With one of the examinee, AST 463 U/L, ALT 291 U/L, GGT 1646 U/L values have been established. Bad habits while choosing the ingredients, liquid consumption, schedule and the number of the meals during the day have been determined by doing the survey about the nutrition habits. Conclusion: The adoption of proper nutrition with the adolescents is a complex process, so the family, school, nutritionists and the sports club have to be involved. Developing the proper nutrition habits, amongst the other, changes the body weight, which will have the influence on the better results in the chosen physical activity. Key words: Adolescents, proper nutrition, sport 222 Poster / Poster Presentation 07.P02 ANTIOKSIDANTI U ISHRANI SPORTISTA Miletić A, Dodić S, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki faklutet, Katedra za biotehnologiju i farmaceutsko inženjerstvo, Novi Sad U poslednje vreme se među naučnicima dosta raspravlja o uticaju slobodnih radikala na organizam. Slobodni radikali su jako reaktivni molekuli koji nastaju pod uticajem stresa, duvanskog dima, zagađenja, izlaganja suncu. U našem organizmu pokreću lančane reakcije koje predstavljaju oksidativni stres za naš organizam, pod čijim uticajem se naš organizam, u nekim slučajevima, bespovratno oštećuje. Do sada je oko 50 bolesti okarakterisano kao ˝bolest slobodnih radikala˝, a postoji tendencija da se ovaj broj poveća. Ovaj negativan uticaj slobodnih radikala se može smanjiti pomoću antioksidanata. Naš organizam proizvodi antioksidante, ali ne u dovoljnoj količini. Zato je potrebno da što raznovrsnijom hranom unesemo dovoljnu količinu antioksidanata. Međutim, za razliku od ljudi koji se ne bave sportom, sportisti imaju mnogo veću potrebu za antioksidantima, usled velikog opterećenja organizma i velikih potreba za nutrijentima, pa oni posežu za korišćenjem dijetetskih suplemenata. Najčešće korišćeni su suplementi koji sadrže vitamine (A, C i E) i koenzim Q10. Vitamini se najčešće koriste kombinovani u obliku vitaminsko-mineralnih kompleksa, dok se koenzim Q10 koristi sam. Cilj ovog rada je da se prikažu antioksidanti koji su najčešće korišćeni među sportistima, da se uporede dozvoljene i potrebne doze antioksidanata u dijetetskim suplementima i opravda upotreba većih količina antioksidanata u suplementaciji sportista, a možda, u nekoj budućnosti, stvori inicijativa za uvođenje posebne kategorije dijetetskih suplemenata – suplementi za sportiste. Koliko su antioksidanti bitni za sportiste pokazuju brojni radovi u ovoj oblasti, a koji će u ovom radu biti objedinjeni i iskorišćeni za upoređivanje i diskusiju potreba sportista za antioksidantima. Ključne reči: antioksidanti, sportisti, suplementi za sportiste, dijetetski suplementi 223 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation ANTIOXIDANTS IN SPORTS NUTRITION Miletić A, Dodić S, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology, Department for biotechnology and pharmaceutical engineering, Novi Sad There is a debate among scientists about the effects of free radicals in the body. Free radicals are highly reactive molecules that occur under stress, cigarette smoke, pollution, sun exposure. In our body starts a chain reaction which present oxidative stress for our body, under whose influence our body, in some cases, irreversible damage. So far, about 50 diseases characterized as ˝free radical’s disease ˝, and there is a tendency to increase this number. This negative impact of free radicals can be reduced by antioxidants. Our body produces antioxidants, but not in sufficient quantity. Therefore it is necessary to diversify the food get enough antioxidants. However, unlike the people who do not do sports, athletes have a much greater need for antioxidants due to high loads and high body needs nutrients, so they resort to the use of dietary supplements. The most used supplements are ones that consist of vitamins (A, C and E) and coenzyme Q10. Vitamins are most often combined in vitamin-mineral complexes, and coenzyme Q10 is used alone. The aim of this paper is to show that antioxidants are commonly used among athletes, to compare the allowed and required doses of antioxidants in dietary supplements and justify the use of larger amounts of antioxidant supplementation in athletes, and perhaps, in some future, creating an initiative to introduce a special category of dietary supplements - supplements for athletes. How are antioxidants important for athletes showed numerous works in this field, which in this work will be compiled and used for comparison and discussion of the need for athletes antioxidants. Key words: antioxidants, athletes, supplements for athletes, dietary supplements 224 Poster / Poster Presentation 07.P03 NUTRITIVNE NAVIKE SPORTISTA I FIZIČKI NEAKTIVNIH OSOBA Ralić Maričić S Dom zdravlja Obrenovac Cilj: Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrđivanje nutritivnih navika sportista i fizički neaktivnih osoba, oba pola, kao i poređenje ispitanika i njihovih nutritivnih navika. Metode: Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 104 osobe, koje su bile podeljene u dve grupe po 52 ispitanika. Prvu grupu činili su sportisti i drugu fizički neaktivne osobe. U obe grupe bilo je po 26 muškaraca i devojaka. Svi ispitanici su imali između 18 i 25 godina. Utvrđivanje nutritivnih navika obavljeno je anketom o ishrani sa 20 pitanja. Uhranjenost ispitanika određena je izračunavanjem indeksa telesne uhranjenosti (BMI=TT (kg)/ TV (m²)). Rezultati: Analizom dobijenih rezultata utvrđeno je sledeće: sportisti i sportistkinje značajno su se razlikovale od fizički neaktivnih mladića i devojaka u sledećim navikama: po redovnosti konzumiranja voća (svakodnevno to čini 50% sportista i 30,8% fizički neaktivnih osoba), namirnica iz grupe meso, riba i jaja (88,5% sportista svakodnevni unosi neku od ovih namirnica, dok to čini 65,4% ispitanika iz druge grupe), gazirane napitke tipa cola redovno pije 34,6% sportista i 69,2% fizički neaktivnih osoba. Vitaminske preparate redovno koristi 61,5% sportista i svega 3,8% ispitanika koji nisu fizički aktivni. Utvđena je razlika u angažovanosti da dobiju stručnu preporuku o ishrani, kao i načinu na koji su dobijali informacije o pravilnoj ishrani. Utvđeno je da sportistima u manjoj meri stres utiče na ritam ishrane, dok fizički neaktivne osobe kada su pod stresom jedu više (30,8%) ili jedu manje nego obično (30,8%). Zaključak: Utvrđeno je da su osobe oba pola koje se bave sportom više motivisane da dođu do preporuka o ishrani i da te preporuke primene u svakodnevnom životu, pa otuda i utvrđene značajne razlike u nutritivnim navikama u odnosu na osobe koje se ne bave sportom. Ključne reči: nutritivne navike, sportisti, fizički neaktivne osobe 225 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation NUTRITIONAL HABITS OF ATHLETES AND PHYSICALLY INACTIVE Ralić Maričić S Health Centre, Obrenovac Objective: The objective of this study was to determine the nutritional habits of athletes and physically inactive people of both sex, and comparison of their nutritional habits. Methods: The study included 104 people who were divided in two groups. Therewere 52 subjects in each group. In the first group were athletes, and in the second group were physically inactive. In both groups there were the 26 men and women. All respondents were between 18 and 25 years. Questionnaire on eating habits with 20 questions was used to determine the nutrition value of the groups. Nutritional status of patients was determined by calculating the body mass index (BMI = BW (kg) / TV (m²). Results: Athletes are significantly different from physically inactive people in the following habits: daily intake of fruit (50% of athletes in comparison to 30.8% of physically inactive people), meat, fish and eggs (88.5% of athletes every day consume some of these foods, but only 65.4% of respondents from other group), cola-type soft drinks almost every day drink 34.6% of the athletes and 69.2% of physically inactive people. Vitamin products often used 61.5% of athletes and only 3.8% of physically inactive. It was found that the rhythm of feeding was less affected by increased stress in athletes, while physically inactive have tendency to eat more under stress (30.8%) or eat less than usual (30.8%). Conclusion: It was found that both sex engaged in sport were more motivated to come up with recommendations on diet and nutrition, which they would apply in everyday life. These are significant differences in nutritional habits in comparison to people who are not physically active. Key words: nutritional habits, athletes, physically inactive people 226 Poster / Poster Presentation 07.P04 NUTRITIVNI POTENCIJAL MESA U ISHRANI SPORTISTA Janković V1, Matekalo-Sverak V1, Vranić D1, Lakićević B1, Pajić Z2, Janković I3 1 Institut za higijenu i tehnologiju mesa, Beograd; 2Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Beograd 3 Fudbalski savez Srbije, Beograd Uvod: U opštoj definiciji zdravog života značajno mesto zauzima sport, u vidu aktivnog ili rekreativnog angažovanja, a pravilna i zdrava ishrana je veoma važna za celokupnu dobrobit i vitalnost organizma. Posebno mesto u ishrani sportista zauzima meso, jer predstavlja važan izvor biološki vrednih proteina, gvožđa (hem-gvožđa koje se bolje usvaja od strane našeg organizma), cinka, bakra, fosfora i vitamina B12. Zbog toga, u ishrani sportista poželjno je odabrati posnija mesa, kao što su: belo meso brojlera, ćureće meso, pačije, guščije belo meso bez kože, teleće i juneće. Cilj ovog rada je da se prikaže potencijal pilećeg belog mesa u ishrani sportista. Materijal i metode: Sadržaj proteina (Nx6,25) određen je metodom po Kjedahlu korišćenjem poluautomatske destilacione jedinice Analyse Unit, KjeltecTM 8400 (FOSS, Sweden), na aparatu za digestiju Digestor Basic 250, Tecator TM (Foss, Sweden), (SRPS ISO 937/1992). Sadržaj holesterola određen je prema metodi Maraschiella i dr. (1996). Sadržaj masti određen je prema SRPS ISO 1443/1992. Ukupno je ispitano 30 uzoraka mesa i to: svinjsko meso (n=15), pileće meso grudi (n=10) i teleće meso (n=5). Rezultati i diskusija: Od ukupno 30 pregledanih uzoraka, sadržaj proteina (prosečne vrednosti) je varirao u opsegu od 20.6 g/100 g (teleće meso) do 23,4 g/100 g (pileće meso), dok je kod uzoraka svinjskog mesa utvrđena vrednost od 21.5 g/100 g. Sadržaj holesterola je bio u rasponu od 60 -100 mg/100 g, sa tim da je najniža koncentracija utvrđena u uzorcima pilećeg mesa. Sadržaj masti se kretao od 0.8 (pileće meso), do 7.7 g/100 g (svinjsko meso). Zaključak: Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da uzorci pilećeg mesa sadrže veću količinu proteina, manju količinu masti kao i niže vrednosti holesterola u odnosu na ispitivane uzorke svinjskog i telećeg mesa. S obzirom na to da sportisti, posebno mlađeg uzrasta, obavezno moraju 227 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation unositi optimalan sadržaj belančevina (u odnosu na njihovu telesnu masu), kao i da nije poželjno da u obrocima ima više od 25% masti, pileće meso predstavlja odličan izbor. Ključne reči: meso, sport, ishrana, proteini, holesterol NUTRITIVE POTENTIAL OF MEAT IN NUTRITION OF ATHLETES Janković V1, Matekalo-Sverak V1, Vranić D1, Lakićević B1, Pajić Z2, Janković I3 1 Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, Belgrade; 2Faculty of Sports and Physical Education, Belgrade; 3Football Association of Serbia, Terazije 35, Belgrade Introduction: A significant factor in a general definition of healthy lifestyle is sport either as active or recreational engagement and regular and healthy diet is very important for the overall well-being and vitality of an organism. Meat has a special role in nutrition of athletes because it is an important source of biologically valuable proteins, iron, (hemeiron, which is more efficiently absorbed in organism), zinc, copper, phosphorous and vitamin B12. Therefore, it is desirable for the diet of athletes to choose lean meat, such as: broiler white meat, turkey meat, duck meat, skinless goose white meat, veal and young beef. The aim of this study was to show the potential of white chicken meat in nutrition of atheltes in comparison with other meat types. Materials and methods: The content of protein (Nx6,25) was determined by the Kjedahl method on the KjeltecTM Analyzer Unit (Foss, Sweeden), with Digestor Basic 250, Tecator TM (Foss, Sweden), (SRPS ISO 937/1992). The content of cholesterol was determined according to the method by Maraschiella et al. (1996). The fat content was determined according to SRPS ISO 1443/1992. Altogether, 30 meat samples were tested, such as: pork (n=15), chicken white meat (n=10) and veal (n=5). Results and discussion: Out of total of 30 meat samples, protein content ranged from 20.6 g/100 g (veal) to 23,4 g/100 g (chicken), while detected concentration in pork samples was 21.5 g/100 g. Cholesterol content was between 60 and 100 mg/100 g. Fat content ranged from 0.8 (chicken) to 7.7 g/100 g (pork). 228 Poster / Poster Presentation Conclusion: According to the test results, chicken white meat has a high content of proteins, a limited fat content and small amounts of cholesterol. The sportspersons, especially younger ones, must intake an optimal amount of proteins (in relation to their body mass) and since it is not desirable for meals to contain more that 25% fat, the chicken white meat is an excellent choice. Key words: meat, sport, nutrition, proteins, cholesterol 229 Sekcija Antioksidansi u aterosklerozi i koži Session Antioxidants in Atherosclerosis and in skin Sekcijsko predavanje / Session Presentation 08.SP1 TERAPIJSKI POTENCIJAL SELENA, VITAMINA C I E Buzadžić B Univerzitet u Beogradu, Institut za biloška istraživanja "Siniša Stanković", Beograd Još od 1747. godine kada je otkriveno da u citrusnom voću postoji supstanca (danas je poznato da je to vitamin C) koja sprečava skorbut i prvog sintetisanog vitamina (opet vitamina C, 1935.), do danas, neprekidni su pokušaji upotrebe vitamina u prevenciji i terapiji najrazličitijih patoloških stanja, kao i poboljšanju kvaliteta života. I tretman mikroelementima ima dugu istoriju. Još 1896. je vršeno tretiranje kožnih bolesti cink oksidom. Od sedamdesetih godina prošlog veka intenzivirana su istraživanja vezana za mikroelemente i zdravlje. Nedostatak vitamina i mikroelemenata u ishrani se naziva i "skrivena glad". Selen (Se) je otkrio Bercelijus 1817. godine i on je prvo postao poznat po svojoj toksičnosti. 1957. godine je prvi put pretpostavljeno da selen može biti esencijalan, a potvrda toga je dobijena 1973. kada je Rotruk pokazao da se selen nalazi u aktivnom centru enzima glutation peroksidaze. Naša grupa je već 80. godina prošlog veka bila uključena u pionirsko i brzo rastuće interesovanje za slobodne radikale i antioksidativnu odbranu i u okviru toga i za aktivnost selen-zavisnih enzima i količine vitamina C i E u različitim fiziološkim i patološkim stanjima, kao i u ispitivanje efekata tretmana selenom i vitaminima C i E. U brojnim naučnim radovima selenu i vitaminima C i E se pripisuje svemogući efekat u prevenciji i lečenju velikog broja bolesti, što je objašnjavano zaštitom ćelija i tkiva od oštećenja izazvanih reaktivnim kiseoničnim vrstama (ROS, engl. reactive oxygene species), odnosno, antioksidativnim svojstvima. Međutim, danas i dalje nije u potpunosti jasna uloga ROS u nastanku i progresiji većine bolesti kod ljudi. Takođe, mali je napredak u razvoju efektivne antioksidativne terapije kod bolesti kod kojih je dokazana uloga ROS. Mega doze antioksidanata su, pokazale nemogućnost prevencije, delom i zato što je, dobrim biomarkerima, potvrđeno da ne smanjuju oksidativna oštećenja in vivo. Najnoviji rezultati sugerišu da povećanje endogenog nivoa antioksidanata može biti bolji pristup terapiji i prevenciji bolesti od konzumiranja velikih doza antioksidanata. 231 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation THERAPEUTIC POTENTIAL OF SELENIUM, VITAMINs C AND E Buzadžić B University of Belgrade, Institute for Biological Research “Siniša Stanković”, Belgrade Continuous efforts of vitamin use for the prevention and treatment of different pathological states, as well as for improving the quality of life last since 1747, when it was discovered that an nutrient in citrus food (now known to be vitamin C) could prevent scurvy and especially after the first synthesis of vitamin in 1935 (again vitamin C). Microelement treatments also have a long history. Treatment of skin disease with zinc oxide was applied in 1896. Research on connections between microelements and health has especially intensified since the 1970’s. A chronic lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet is called “hidden hunger”. Selenium (Se) was discovered by Berzelius in 1817. It was initially known by its toxicity. In 1957, it was assumed for the first time that Se might be an essential element. The assumption about the biochemical role of Se was confirmed in 1973, when Rotruck et al. demonstrated that Se is a structural component of the active centre of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase. Our research group was involved in pioneering and fast growing interest in free radicals and antioxidative defence already in 80s. We examined the activity of Se enzymes and the amount of vitamins C and E in different physiological and pathological conditions as well as the effect of the treatment with Se and vitamin C and E. In numerous scientific papers, Se and vitamins C and E were attributed almighty effect in the prevention and treatment of many diseases, due to their antioxidant properties, i.e. protection of cells and tissues from the damage caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS). However, the role of ROS in development and progression of most human diseases is still unclear. There is only a minor progress in developing efficient antioxidant treatments in diseases in which the role of ROS has been proved. Megadoses of dietary antioxidants have failed in the prevention of human diseases in part because they do not decrease oxidative damage in vivo (as revealed by new biomarkers). Most recent results suggest that increasing endogenous antioxidant levels may be a better approach to therapy and disease prevention than consuming large doses of dietary antioxidants. 232 Sekcijsko predavanje / Session Presentation 08.SP2 ANTIOKSIDANSI U ATEROSKLEROZI I HIPERTENZIJI Kotur-Stevuljević J Katedra za medicinsku biohemiju, Farmaceutski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu Smatra se da je oksidativni stres jedan od patofizioloških mehanizama koji dovode do razvoja disfunkcije endotela što predstavlja ključni događaj u razvoju hipertenzije i ateroskleroze. Mnoge studije su proučavale zaštitne efekte različitih prirodnih i sintetičkih antioksidanasa, samih ili u kombinaciji. Uglavnom je proučavano delovanje različitih oblika vitamina E, vitamina C, beta-karotena i selena, pri čemu se većina studija fokusirala na vitamin E. Tema ovog predavanja su patofiziološki mehanizmi oksidativnog stresa u aterosklerozi i hipertenziji, kao i analiza rezultata velikih studija, čiji su delovi bili posvećeni ispitivanju uloge određenih antioksidanasa u ovim bolestima. Interesantno je da su zaštitni efekti antioksidansa u patofiziološkim mehanizmima ateroskleroze dokazani in vitro, ali u samo malom broju animalnih studija. Različite epidemiološke i opservacione humane studije su pokazale oprečne rezultate u pogledu protektivne uloge antioksidanasa, pri čemu većina studija nije uspela da dokaže njihov konkretan zaštitni efekat u sprečavanju razvoja neželjenih kardiovaskularnih događaja povezanih sa hipertenzijom i/ili aterokslerozom. Oksidativni stres je dobro potencijalno mesto delovanja terapije budućnosti; da bi ta terapija bila efikasna potrebno je dublje poznavanje mehanizama delovanja, izvora nastanka i sveukupne uloge oksidativnog stresa u patologiji vaskularnog sistema. Trenutno važeće preporuke za održanje zdravlja govore u prilog konzumiranju svežeg voća, povrća i nerafinisanih žitarica koji obiluju različitim antioksidansima i pomoćnim supstancama čije udruženo delovanje jedino može biti efikasno. Ključne reči: antioksidansi, vitamin E, vitamin C, beta-karoten, ateroskleroza Ovaj rad je finansiran od strane Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije (Projekat broj OI 175035) 233 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation ANTIOXIDANTS IN HYPERTENSION AND ATHEROSCLEROSIS Kotur-Stevuljević J Department for Medical Biochemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade It is well-known that oxidative stress one of the pathophysiological mechanisms of endothelial dysfunction, which is key feature in hypertension and atherosclerosis development. Many studies are investigated protective effects of natural and synthetic antioxidants alone or their combination. The most frequent is different vitamin E species investigation, than vitamin C, beta-carotene and selenium. The topics of this lecture are pathophysiological mechanisms of oxidative stress in atherosclerosis and hypertension, so as large studies results analysis, especially their part devoted to antioxidants role in this kind of diseases. It is interesting that antioxidants protective effects reported and well documented in vitro, but in few animal studies. Several epidemiological and observational human studies showed opposite results. Moreover, many of them didn’t succeed to document their clear protective effect in preventing unwanted cardiovascular events connected with hypertension and/or atherosclerosis. Oxidative stress is promising target of future therapy; in order to achieve better therapy effectiveness deeper insight in mechanisms of action, cellular sources and basic reactive oxygen species role in vascular system pathology is needed. Current recommendations for healthy life speak in favour fresh fruits and vegetables, so as whole grain consummation. This kind of healthy food is reach in natural antioxidants and helper substances, whose united action could be effective. Key words: antioxidants, vitamin E, vitamin C, beta-carotene, atherosclerosis Funded by Ministry of Education, Science and Environmental Development Republic of Serbia (Project No. 175035). 234 Sekcijsko predavanje / Session Presentation 08.SP3 ANTIOKSIDANTI I OKSIDATIVNI STRES U KOŽI Janković A Univerzitet u Beogradu, Instutut za biološka istraživanja “Siniša Stanković Beograd Koža podleže stalnim uticajima spoljašnje sredine koji dovode do adaptivnih promena u njenom metabolizmu i strukturi. Važni medijatori morfo-funkcionalnih promena u koži su različite reaktivne vrste kiseonika i azota. Reaktivne vrste se nalaze u dinamičnoj ravnoteži sa endogenom antioksidativnom odbranom - mrežom enzimskih i neenzimskih konstituenata, od kojih tioredoksin reduktaza u koži ima poseban značaj. Narušavanje ćelijskog redoks balansa, povećanom produkcijom i/ili neefikasnim uklanjanjem reaktivnih vrsta antioksidantima, vodi oksidativnim oštećenjima DNA, lipida i proteina, posebno na nivou mitohondrija. Suplemetacija različitim jedinjenjima sa antioksidativnim svojstvima (vitaminima C, E i A, karotenoidima, flavonoidima, polifenolima i dr.) je veoma popularan način da se asistira u borbi protiv oksidativnih oštećenja u koži. Sve veća pažnja se usmerava na delovanje na kožu „iznutra”, tj. dijetalnim unosom specifičnih antioksidanata i (mikro)nutrijenata. U tom smislu kombinacija nutrijenata i antioksidanata fokusiranih na mitohondrijalni, energetski metabolizam i redoks status ima sve veći značaj. Suplementacija L-argininom, kao i različitim kombinacijama L-arginina ili kreatina sa glutationom, N-acetil cisteinom i koenzimom Q10 dovodi do jačanja energetske efikasnosti ćelija, i pokazuje obećavajuće efekte u prevremenom starenju i bržem zarašćivanju rana. Za efikasnu primenu antioksidanata i nutrijenata neophodno je poznavanje njihove distribucije u različitim slojevima kože i ćelijskim kompartmentima, odnosno njihove bioraspoloživosti, načina delovanja, njihovih međusobnih interakcija, kao i uticaja na tkivnu antioksidativnu odbranu. Primena antioksidanata u kozmetičke i terapeutske svrhe je široko zastupljena, sa svim kontroverzama koje sa sobom nosi. Zato ostaju da se definišu brojni detalji uticaja redoks aktivnih supstanci na plastičnost i regenerativni kapacitet kože. 235 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation ANTIOXIDANTS AND OXIDATIVE STRESS IN THE SKIN Janković A University of Belgrade, Institute for Biological Research “Siniša Stanković”, Belgrade Skin is subjected to constant environmental influences that lead to its adaptive metabolic and structural changes. Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species are important mediators of morpho-functional remodeling of the skin. Reactive species are in dynamic equilibrium with endogenous antioxidant defense, enzymes and non-enzymatic constituents. In the skin, thioredoxin reductase is of the specific importance. Disturbance in cellular redox balance, due to increased production and/or inefficient removal of reactive species leads to oxidative damages of DNA, lipids and proteins, especially at the level of mitochondria. Supplementation with vitamins (C, E and A), carotenoids, flavonoids, polyphenols, etc. is a popular way to assist against oxidative damage in the skin. Modulation of the skin “from the inside”, i.e. with dietary intake of specific antioxidants and (micro)nutrients seems to be the most effective admission. Contemporary approaches are focused on the examination of the effects of nutrients and antioxidants combination aimed at mitochondrial energy metabolism and redox status. L-arginine supplementation, as well as various combinations of L-arginine or creatine and glutathione, N-acetyl cysteine and coenzyme Q10 already showed promising effects in aging and wound healing, precisely by enhancing cells energy efficiency. For greater efficiency of these compounds, it is necessary to get insight into their distribution in the different layers of the skin and cellular compartments, i.e. bioavailability, the mode of action, their mutual connections and the interaction with endogenous antioxidant defense. Application of antioxidants in the cosmetic and therapeutic purposes is widely applied, with all the controversy it entails. It remains to specify the impact of redox regulation on the plasticity and regenerative capacity of the skin. 236 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios 08.UP1 UPOREDNI PRIKAZ PRISUSTVA ANTIOKSIDATIVNIH KOMPONENTI U SASTAVU EKSTRAKATA PROPOLISA KOMERCIJALNO DOSTUPNIH U SRBIJI Maksimović V, Dragišić Maksimović J Institut za multidisciplinarna istraživanja, Univerzitet u Beogradu Propolis predstavlja tamno obojenu smešu voska i smolastih materija koje pčele sakupljaju sa pupoljaka biljaka u svrhu zatvaranja pukotina i fortifikaciju saća u pčelinjoj zajednici. Sem potporne uloge, propolis pokazuje širok antibiotski i antimikotski spektar čime vrši biološku zaštitu pčelinjeg staništa. Po sastavu osnovni sastojak propolisa su polifenolna jedinjenja, vosak i smola dok su u manjem procentu zastupljena etarska ulja i terpeni. Iako sličnog izgleda, hemijski sastav propolisa značajno varira među pčelinjim zajednicama kao posledica različite ishrane pčela, odnosno porekla polena. Najveći varijabilitet u kvalitativnom i kvantitativnom smislu je zapažen pretežno u polifenolnim komponentama za koje se i smatra da predstavljaju nosioce najkorisnijih karakteristika propolisa. S obzirom na široku i viševekovnu primenu u narodnoj medicini, propolis se danas često koristi kao dijetetski suplement pre svega zbog svojih antibakterijskih, antimikotskih, antiviralnih i anti-inflamatornih svojstava. U Srbiji se propolis najčešće upotrebljava u vidu alkoholnih ili propilenglikolnih tinkura, stoga smo u našem radu izvršili uporedni pregled prisutnih polifenolnih component poznatih po svom zdravstveno korisnom potencijalu. Korišćena je metoda reverzno fazne tečno-masene hromatografije, sa elektro sprej jonizacionim interfejsom i pojedinačnim kvadrupol detektorom (RPHPLC-ESI). Ova metoda je posebno pogodna jer omogućava direktno injektiranje razblaženih tinktura propolisa uz odlično hromatografsko razdvajanje polifenolnih komponenti i istovremenu preciznu UV i masenu analizu pojedinačnih pikova. U svim testiranim komercijalnim uzorcima različitih proizvođača detektovano je značajno prisustvo kafeinske, para-kumarne i ferulinske kiseline, njihovih estara, kao i prisustvo flavonoida pinocembrina, kampferola, apigenina i kvercetina. Uzorci različitih proizvođača su bili kvalitativno slični, dok se značajna kvantitativna razlika mogla primetiti između alkoholnih i bezalkoholnih 237 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation tinktura. Naime, alkoholne tinkturesu bile do 40% bogatije kafeinskom kiselinom i njenim derivatima, kao i većinom flavonoida u odnosu na propilenglikolske rastvore. Paralelno sa analizom pojedinačnih komponenti urađen je i antioksidativni kapacitet tinktura i rezultati su bili u pozitivnoj korelaciji sa RP-HPLC-ESI analizama. Ključne reči: propolis, HPLC-ESI, polifenoli, antioksidativni kapacitet. COMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF ANTIOXIDATIVE COMPONENTS PRESENT IN COMMERCIALLY AVAILABLE PROPOLIS EXTRACTS IN SERBIA Maksimović V, Dragišić Maksimović J Institute for multidisciplinary research, University of Belgrade Propolis is dark colored mixture of wax and resin materials collected by the bees’ from various plants used for closing gaps or fortification of beeswax. Beside supportive role, propolis exhibits various antibacterial and antifungal effects thus protecting bee settle. Propolis mainly consists of polyphenol compounds, wax and resin, with essential oils and therpens in smaller amounts. Although similar by appearance, propolis from different bee communities have different chemical constitution due to various origins of collected pollen.Quantitatively and qualitatively variability is most indicated in polyphenol content which carries most of its health benefit characteristics. In Serbia propolis is used in form of alcoholic or non-alcoholic tinctures and we have done comparative evaluation of polyphenol components known for their health benefit properties in commercially available tinctures.We used reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography with electrospray ionization (HPLC-ESI) and simultaneous UV and mass detection. This method is especially suitable giving excellent chromatographic separation of components at the same time with reliable individual component identification of samples directly injected in form of diluted propolis extracts. In all samples tested from different suppliers we detected caffeic, p-coumaric and ferulic acids and their esters, as well as various flavonoids such as pinocembrin, quercetin, apigenin and kaempferol. Samples from 238 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios different suppliers were qualitatively similar being most distinctive in polyphenol content in alcoholicvs. nonalcoholic extracts. Alcoholic tinctures contained almost 40% more caffeic acid and its derivates, also displaying higher quantities of various flavonoids in comparison to their non alcoholic counterparts. Concurrently with polyphenol analysis we have measured antioxidant capacity of propolis extracts and gathered results positively correlated with ones from HPLC-ESI analysis. Key words: propolis, HPLC-ESI, polyphenols, antioxidative capacity. 239 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 08.UP2 FENOLNE KOMPONENTE, ANTOCIJANININI I KAROTINOIDI U OBOJENOM ZRNU KUKURUZA SA VISOKOM ANTIRADIKALSKOM AKTIVNOŠĆU Žilić S1a, Gökmen V2,3, Serpen A3, Akıllıoğlu G2, Vančetović J1b 1 Institut za kukuruz „Zemun Polje“, 1aOdsek sa tehnološka istraživanja i 1bOdsek za selekciju, Beograd; 2Katedra za prehrambeno inženjerstvo; 3Istraživački centar, Univerzitet Hacettepe, Ankara, Turska Cilj ovih istraživanja bio je da se odredi sadržaj ukupnih fenola, flavonoida, antocijaninina, β-karotina i luteina, kao i sadržaj slobodnih, konjugovanih i nerastvorljivih vezanih fenolnih kiselina u celom zrnu 10 različito obojenih genotipova kukuruza. Pored toga, antioksidativni kapacitet je ocenjen kao antiradikalska aktivnost primenom ABTS (2,2-azino-bis/3-ethil-benothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) i DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) reagenasa. Naši rezultati ukazuju na visok nivo zdravstveno korisnih fitohemikalija i antioksidativni kapacitet zrna obojenog kukuruza koji je iznosio od 15,68 до 35,66 mmol Trolox/kg d.m. Razlike u antioksidativnom kapacitetu crvenog, plavog i bordo zrna kukuruza verovatno su povezane sa specifičnim sastavom antocijanin derivata kao što su cijanidin, pelargonidin ili peonidin. Ukupan sadržaj antocijaninina u antocijanininima bogatim genotipovima kukuruza kretao se od 2,50 to 696,07 mg CGE/kg suve materije sa cijanidin 3-glukozidom (Cy3-Glu) kao dominantnim oblikom. Među antocijanininima bogatim genotipovima, najviši sadržaj ukupnih fenola detektovan je u zrnu svetlo plavog kukuruza ZPP-2 (10528,8 mg GAE/kg SM), sledi tamno plavi kukuruz ZPL-7 sa sadržajem od 7352,5 mg GAE/kg SM. Rezultati naših istraživanja pokazuju da se u zrnu kukuruza oko 76-91% od ukupnog sadržaja ferulinske i p-kumarinske kiseline nalazi u vezanoj formi. Među ispitivanim genotipovima kukuruza, svetlo plavi kukuruz ZPP-2 sadrži najviši sadržaj ferulinske kiseline (452,26 μg/g d.m.). Treba napomenuti da boja kukuruznog zrna kao i njihov antioksidativni kapacitet, između ostalog, strogo zavisi od konjugovanih veza i različitih funkcionalnih grupa prisutnih u molekulima karotinoida. Antocijaninin pigmenti kukuruznog zrna mogu biti koncentrisani procesom suvog mlevenja i frakcionisanja. Sadržaj antocijaninina u 240 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios frakcijama perikarpa i aleurona može biti čak i mnogo viši od onog koji se nalazi u pojedinom voću i povrću. Rezultati ukazuju da bi kukuruz obojenog zrna potencijalno mogao da obezbedi izvor prirodnih antioksidanasa koji mogu da imaju ključnu ulogu u sprečavanju bolesti izazvanih procesima oksidacije. Ključne reči: Fenolne komponente, antocijaninini, karotinoidi, antioksidativni kapacitet, kukuruz. PHENOLIC COMPOUNDS, ANTHOCYANINS AND CAROTENOIDS IN COLORED MAIZE KERNELS WITH A HIGH RADICAL-SCAVENGING ACTIVITY Žilić S1a, Gökmen V2,3, Serpen A3, Akıllıoğlu G2, Vančetović J1b 1 Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje, 1aDepartment of Technology and 1b Breeding Department, Belgrade; 2Department of Food Engineering; 3Food Research Center, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey In this study, the contents of total phenolics, flavonoids, anthocyanins, β-carotene, and lutein, as well as free, conjugated and insoluble bound phenolic acids were determined in whole kernels of 10 different colored maize genotypes. In addition, the antioxidant activity was evaluated as radical scavenging activity with ABTS (2,2-azinobis/3-ethil-benothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) and DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1picrylhydrazyl) reagents. Our results provided the evidence of high levels of health beneficial phytochemicals and antioxidant capacity of colored maize (15.68 to 35.66 mmol Trolox/kg d.m.).The differences in the antioxidant capacity among red, blue and purple colored maize genotypes are possibly related to the specific composition of anthocyanin derivatives such as simple or acylated glycosides of cyanidin, pelargonidin or peonidin. The total anthocyanin contents of anthocyanin-rich colored maize genotypes ranged from 2.50 to 696.07 mg CGE/kg d.m. with cyanidin 3-glucoside (Cy-3-Glu) as the most dominant form. Among the tested anthocyaninrich genotypes, the highest total phenolic content was detected in light blue ZPP-2 selfed maize followed by dark blue ZPL-7 maize having the 241 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation value of 10528.8 and 7352.5 mg GAE/kg d.m., respectively. Results show that approximately 76−91% of the total ferulic and p-coumaric acid in maize kernels is in the bound form. Among tested maize genotypes, the light blue ZPP-2 selfed genotype contained the highest total ferulic acid content (4521.26 μg/g d.m.). Also, it should be noted that the maize kernel color and their antioxidant capacity , among other things, strictly depends on conjugated double bonds and the various functional groups contained in the carotenoid molecule. The anthocyanin pigments in maize kernels can be concentrated by dry milling and fractionation processes to produce fractions that are high in anthocyanin contents, even much higher than those found in fruits and vegetables. The results suggest that the colored maize would potentially provide sources of natural antioxidants that may play a crucial role in the prevention of oxidation-related diseases. Key words: Phenolic compounds, anthocyanins, carotenoids, antioxidant capacity, maize. This study was financially supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia (Grants no. TR-31069). 242 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios 08.UP3 UTICAJ SUPLEMENTACIJE ALFA-LIPOINSKOM KISELINOM NA NIVO MARKERA OKSIDATIVNOG STRESA KOD OSOBA SA DISLIPIDEMIJOM Vidović B1, Đorđević B1, Milovanović S2,3, Kotur Stevuljević J4, Stefanović A4, Ivanišević J4, Miljković M4 1 Katedra za bromatologiju, Farmacutski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu; 2 Medicinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu; 3 Klinika za psihijatriju, Klinički centar Srbije, Beograd, 4 Katedra za medicinsku biohemiju, Farmaceutski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu Rezultati brojnih istraživanja in vitro, studije na eksperimentalnim životinjama, kao i određeni broj kliničkih studija ukazuju na snažnu antioksidativnu aktivnost alfa-lipoinske kiselinekao i potencijalnu korist suplementacije u prevenciji razvoja kardiovaskularnih bolesti. Cilj ove studije je bio da se utvrdi uticaj suplementacije alfa-lipoinskom kiselinom na parametre oksidativnog stresa i antioksidativne zaštite kod osobasrednjih godina sa dislipidemijom. U studiji je učestvovalo 28dislipidemičnih osoba (10 muškaraca i 18 žena), prosečne starosti 42,4±10,7 godina, indeksa telesne mase(kg/m2) 24,9±3,1. Kriterijum za postojanje dislipidemije je bio da koncentracija LDL-holesterola bude iznad 3,36 mmol/L i/ili koncentracija triglicerida veća od 1,69 mmol/L.Svi ispitanici su uzimali po jednu kapsulu alfalipoinske kiseline(500mg)dnevno, tokom 90 dana. Od parametara oksidativnog stresa presuplementacije, kao i45 i 90dana nakon suplementacije, određivani su: nivo superoksidanjon radikala(O2·–), koncentracija TBARS (engl. Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances)i koncentracijaAOPP (engl. Advanced Oxidation Protein Products). Status antioksidativne zaštite procenjivan je određivanjem aktivnosti enzima superoksiddizmutaze (SOD), koncentracije ukupnih sulfhidrilnih (SH) grupa,kao iTAS (engl. Total Antioxidant Status). Nije uočena statistički značajna razlika u nivou O2·– tokom perioda suplementacije (p=0,202). Koncentracija TBARS se značajno smanjila posle 90 dana suplementacije (p<0,001).Tokom prvih 45 danasuplementacije došlo je do značajnog smanjenjaAOPP (p< 0,05), kao i povećanja TAS (p<0,01) čiji se nivoi do kraja suplementacije nisu statistički značajnomenjali. Aktivnost SOD i koncentracija SH grupa se povećalatokom prvih 45 dana suplementacije, a zatim se statistički značajno smanjila na početni nivo. 243 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation Suplementacija alfa-lipoinskom kiselinom dovodi do smanjenja lipidne peroksidacije i oksidativnog oštećenja proteina. Inicijalno povećanje enzimske antioksidativne zaštite, i njeno kasnije suprimiranje, verovatno je posledica jačanja neenzimskog dela antioksidativne zaštite usled suplementacije alfa-lipoinskom kiselinom. Ključne reči: alfa-lipoinska kiselina, oksidativni stres, antioksidativna zaštita, dislipidemija. Ovaj rad je finansiran od strane Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvojaRepublike Srbije, Projekat broj III-46001. EFFECT OFALPHA LIPOIC ACID SUPPLEMENTATIONONOXIDATIVE STRESS MARKERS IN DYSLIPIDEMIC SUBJECTS Vidović B1, Đorđević B1, Milovanović S2,3, Kotur Stevuljević J4, Stefanović A4, Ivanišević J4, Miljković M4 1 Department ofBromatology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade¸2 Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade¸3 Clinic of Psychiatry, Clinical Centre of Serbia, Belgrade, 4Department of MedicalBiochemistry,Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade In vitro, animal and preliminary human studies indicate that the strong antioxidative effect of alpha lipoic acid may be beneficial in improving cardiovascular health. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of alpha lipoic acid supplementation on parameters of oxidative stressand antioxidative defensein middle-age, dyslipidemic subjects. The study included 28 dyslipidemic subjects (10 men and 18 women), mean age 42.4±10.7 years, and body mass index (kg/m2) 24.9±3.1. The criteria for the inclusion was if the LDL cholesterol concentrations was above 3,36 mmol/L and/or the triglyceride concentration was above 1,69 mmol/L.All participants were taking one capsule per 500mg alpha lipoic acid daily, for a period of 90 days. Venous blood samples were withdrawn before, after 45 days and after 90 days of supplementation. The following parameters were measured: oxidative stress status parameters,level of superoxide anion radical (O2.-), concentrations ofthiobarbituric acid 244 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios reactive substances (TBARS) and advanced oxidation protein products (AOPP), as well as antioxidative defense parameters, superoxide dismutase (SOD), total sulfhydryl (SH) groups and total antioxidant status (TAS). O2·– levels were not affected by supplementation with alpha lipoic acid. Obtained results showed a significant decreaseof lipid peroxidation (p<0.001) at the end of supplementation. AOPP significantly decreased (p< 0,05), and TAS significantly increased (p<0,01) after 45 days of supplementation. SOD activity and SH groups increased after 45 days and then returned to baseline levels at the end of supplementation. Alpha lipoic acid decreased lipid peroxidation and oxidative damage to proteins. We assume that the initial rise in enzymatic antioxidant activityanditssuppressed during supplementation, are results of strenghtening non-enzymatic antioxidant activity. Key words: alphalipoicacid, oxidative stress,antioxidativedefense, dyslipidemia. This work was supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Tehnological Development, Republic of Serbia, Project No III-46001. 245 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 08.P01 PROTEINSKI HIDROLIZATI PASULJA KAO ANTIOKSIDANTI Šiler Marinković S, Dimitrijević Branković S, Pavlović M Univerzitet u Beogradu, Tehnološko-metalurški fakultet U radu je ispitivana mogućnost dobijanja proteinskih hidrolizata pasulja sa izraženom antioksidativnom aktivnošću, delovanjem komercijalnih enzima iz grupe endopeptidaza: Everlase™ I Savinase™ (Novo Nordisk). Kao materijal je korišćeno zrno crvenog pasulja lošeg kvaliteta, koje nije pogodno za ljudsku ishranu, iz koga je izolovana proteinska frakcija taloženjem proteina u izoelektričnoj tački, nakon alkaline hidrolize. Enzimska hidroliza proteina se odvijala u alkalnoj sredini, na 55 °C u toku 3h . Varirane su koncentracije enzima od 0,25% do 5%. Proces hidrolize je praćen određivanjem sadržaja azota u peptidnim vezama metodom po Lowry-u i slododnog α-amino azota ninhidrinskom metodom, na osnovu kojih je izračunavan stepen hidrolize. Antioksidativna aktivnost je određivana DPPH (engl. 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) i FRAP (engl. Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power) metodom. Utvrđeno je da se veći stepen hidrolize pri istim koncentracijama enzima postiže enzimom Savinase™. Krajnji stepeni hidrolize sa 5% enzima su: 47% za Savinase™ i 43% za Everlase™.Proteinski izolat ima značajnu antioksidativnu aktivnost (28% inhibicije DPPH radikala), koja raste sa porastom stepena hidrolize. Hidrolizat dobijen sa 5% enzima Savinase™, čiji je stepen hidrolize 47%, ima antioksidativnu aktivnost 58%, dok potpuni kiselinski hidrolizat ima DPPH aktivnost 60%. Enzimski proteinski hidrolizati pasulja, zbog svoje izražene antioksidativne aktivnosti mogu se primeniti kao multifunkcionalni aktivni sastojci u hrani. Ključne reči: crveni pasulj, proteinski hidrolizati, antioksidativna aktivnost Rad je deo projekata TR31035 i IP 1/139 koje finansira Ministrastvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije 246 Poster / Poster Presentation PROTEIN HYDROLYSATES FROM BEANS AS ANTIOXIDANTS Šiler Marinković S, Dimitrijević Branković S, Pavlović M University of Belgrade, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy In the paper we examined the possibility of obtaining protein hydrolysates from red beans with distinctive antioxidant activities with commercial endopeptidase enzymes: Everlase™ and Savinase™ (Novo Nordisk). Protein fraction isolated from red beans by precipitation of proteins in the isoelectric point after alkaline hydrolysis was used for the analysis. Hydrolysis of proteins took place in an alkaline medium at 55 °C for 3h. The enzyme concentration varied from 0.25% to 5%. The process of hydrolysis was monitored by determining nitrogen content in peptide bonds using Lowry’s method and determining free α-amino nitrogen content using the ninhydrin method which is used for calculation of the degree of hydrolysis. Antioxidant activities were determined by DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) and FRAP (Ferric Reducing Antioxidnt Power) methods. It was assumed, that at the same concentration of the enzymes, aslightly higher degree of hydrolysis was achieved with Savinase™. The final degree of hydrolysis (5% of the enzyme) was 46% for Savinase™ and 43% for Everlase™. Protein isolate has a significant antioxidant activity (28% DPPH radical inhibition), and it increases with the degree of hydrolysis. Hydrolysate obtained with 5% Savinase™ has antioxidant activity of 58%, while total acid hydrolysate has a 60% DPPH activity. The red bean protein hydrolysates, because of their distinctive antioxidant activities, have a high potential for application as multifunctional active ingredients in food. Key words: red beans, protein hydrolysate, antioxidant activity 247 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 08.P02 PROTEINSKI HIDROLIZATI GRAŠKA KAO ANTIOKSIDANTI Šiler Marinković S, Dimitrijević Branković S, Pavlović M Univerzitet u Beogradu, Tehnološko-metalurški fakultet U radu je ispitivana mogućnost dobijanja proteinskih hidrolizata graška sa izraženom antioksidativnom aktivnošću delovanjem komercijalnih enzima iz grupe endopeptidaza: Everlase™ I Savinase™ (Novo Nordisk). Kao materijal je korišćena proteinska frakcija izolovana iz svežeg zrna graška taloženjem proteina u izoelektričnoj tački, nakon alkaline hidrolize. Hidroliza proteina se odvijala u alkalnoj sredini, na 55 °C u toku 3h . Varirane su koncentracije enzima od 0,25% do 5%. Proces hidrolize je praćen određivanjem sadržaja azota u peptidnim vezama metodom po Lowry-u i slododnog α-amino azota ninhidrinskom metodom, na osnovu kojih je izračunavan stepen hidrolize. Antioksidativna aktivnost je određivana DPPH (engl.2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl)i TBARS (engl. Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances) metodom. Utvrđeno je da je se mnogo veći stepen hidrolize pri istim koncentracijama enzima postiže enzimom Savinase ™. Krajnji stepeni hidrolize (sa 5% enzima) su 46% za Savinase™ i 28% za Everlase™.Proteinski izolat ima vrlo malu antioksidativnu aktivnost (3,1% inhibicije DPPH radikala) i ona raste sa porastom stepena hidrolize. Hidrolizat dobijen sa sa 5% enzima Savinase™, čiji je stepen hidrolize 46%, ima antioksidativnu aktivnost 23%, dok potpuni kiselinski hidrolizat ima DPPH aktivnost 26%. Enzimski proteinski hidrolizati graška, zbog svoje izražene antioksidativne aktivnosti imaju visoki potencijal za primenu kao multifunkcionalni aktivni sastojci u hrani ili kozmetičkim preparatima. Ključne reči: grašak, proteinski hidrolizati, antioksidativna aktivnost Rad je deo projekata TR31035 i IP 1/139 koje finansira Ministrastvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije 248 Poster / Poster Presentation PROTEIN HYDROLYSATES FROM GREEN PEAS AS ANTIOXIDANTS Šiler Marinković S, Dimitrijević Branković S, Pavlović M University of Belgrade, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy In the paper we examined the possibility of obtaining protein hydrolysates from green peas with distinctive antioxidant activities with commercial endopeptidase enzymes: Everlase™ andSavinase™ (Novo Nordisk). Protein fraction isolated from green peas by precipitation of proteins in the isoelectric point after alkaline hydrolysis was used for the analysis. Hydrolysis of proteins took place in an alkaline medium at 55 °C for 3h. The enzyme concentration varied from 0.25% to 5%. The process of hydrolysis was monitored by determining nitrogen content in peptide bonds using Lowry’s method and determining free α-amino nitrogen content using the ninhydrin method which is used for calculation of the degree of hydrolysis. Antioxidant activities were determined by the DPPH (2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) and TBARS (Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances) methods. It was assumed, that a much greater degree of hydrolysis is achieved at the same concentration of the enzyme with Savinase™. The final degree of hydrolysis (5% of the enzyme) was 46% for Savinase™ and 28% for Everlase™. Protein isolate has a very low antioxidant activity (3.1% DPPH radical inhibition), and it increases with the degree of hydrolysis. Hydrolysate obtained with 5% Savinase™ has antioxidant activity of 23%, while total acid hydrolysate has a 26% DPPH activity. The enzymatic pea protein hydrolysates, because of their distinctive antioxidant activities, have a high potential for application as multifunctional active ingredients in foods and cosmetics. Key words: green peas, protein hydrolysate, antioxidant activity 249 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 08.P03 DIETARY CURCUMIN LESSEN ATHEROSCLEROSIS DEVELOPMENT BY MODULATING EXPRESSION OF GENES INVOLVED IN LEUKOCYTE ADHESION AND TRANSENDOTHELIAL MIGRATION Milenković D1, Coban D1, Chanet A1, Khallou-Laschet J2, Sabbe L3, Vanden Berghe W3, Mazur A1, Morand C1 1 INRA, Centre Clermont-Ferrand - Theix, Unité Nutrition Humaine, France, 2 INSERM UMRS698, Team 4 «Cardiovascular Immunopathology », GH BichatClaude Bernard, France, 3Laboratory for Eukaryotic Gene Expression and Signal Transduction LEGEST, Department Physiology, University Ghent, Belgium Curcumin, the principal curcuminoid in turmeric, is a spice obtained from the rhizomes of Curcuma longa that is commonly consumed in South and South-East Asian countries. Several animal studies have reported hypocholesterolemic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antiplatelet activities of this compound; properties which are potentially interesting in atherosclerosis prevention. The aim of the study was to examine the atheroprotective effect of dietary curcumin in apoE-/- mice and to identify, using transcriptomics, its cellular and molecular targets at the vascular level. ApoE-/- mice were fed with curcumin at 0.2% (wt/ wt) in diet for 4 months. Curcumin supplementation reduced the extent of atherosclerotic lesion by 26% compared to control diet. In response to curcumin, changes in expression of genes implicated in cell adhesion, transendothelial migration and cytoskeleton organization were revealed by transcriptomic analyses of the aorta. These changes in gene expression could be related to the observed increased expression of IκB protein as quantified by western-blot. The expression profile of these genes suggests reduction in both leukocyte adhesion and transendothelial migration. In agreement with this hypothesis, we have observed a reduction (-37%) in macrophage infiltration in the plaque, revealed by immunohistochemistry, and, in vitro, a lower adhesion of monocytes to TNFα-stimulated human endothelial cells (-32%) after exposure to a nutritionally achievable concentration of curcumin. In conclusion, our findings have pointed out that the antiatherogenic effect of dietary curcumin which could be related to its effect on gene networks associated to leukocyte adhesion and transendothelial migration via NF-κB dependent pathways. 250 Poster / Poster Presentation 08.P04 MODULATION OF EXPRESSION OF miRNA BY POLYPHENOLS: POTENTIAL NEW MOLECULAR TARGET UNDERLYING THEIRS HEALTH EFFECTS Milenkovic D, Deval C, Scalbert A, Morand C, Mazur A INRA, Centre Clermont-Ferrand - Theix, Unité Nutrition Humaine, France Polyphenols are the most abundant antioxidants in the human diet and are widespread constituents of fruits and beverages, such as tea, coffee or wine. Epidemiological, clinical and animal studies support a role of polyphenols in the prevention of various diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, cancers or neurodegenerative diseases. Recent findings suggest that polyphenols could interact with cellular signaling cascades regulating the activity of transcription factors and consequently affecting the expression of genes. However, the impact of polyphenol on the expression of microRNA, small non-coding RNAs, has not yet been studied. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of dietary supplementation with polyphenols at nutritional doses on miRNA expression in the livers of apolipoprotein E-deficient mice (apoE-/-) jointly with mRNA expression profiling. Using microarrays, we measured the global miRNA expression in the livers of wild-type (C57B6/J) mice or apoE-/- mice fed diets supplemented with one of nine different polyphenols or a control diet. This analysis revealed that knock-out of the apoE gene induced significant modulation in the expression of miRNA. Moreover, changes in miRNA expression were observed after polyphenol supplementation, and five miRNAs were identified as being commonly modulated by these polyphenols. We also observed that these polyphenols counteracted the modulation of miRNA expression induced by apoE mutation. Pathway analyses on these five miRNA-target genes revealed common pathways, some of which were also identified from a pathway analysis on mRNA profiles. This in vivo study demonstrated for the first time that polyphenols at nutritional doses modulate the expression of miRNA in the liver. Even if structurally different, all polyphenols induced a similar miRNA expression profile. Common pathways were identified from both miRNAtarget and mRNA analysis, revealing cellular functions that could be regulated by polyphenols at both the miRNA and mRNA level. 251 Sekcija Antioksidanti u metaboličkim poremećajima Session Antioxidants in Metabolic Diseases Sekcijsko predavanje / Session Presentation 09.SP1 DIJETALNA RESTRIKCIJA I PROMENE U MOZGU TOKOM STARENJA Kanazir S1, Smiljanić K1, Mladenović Đorđević A1, Perović M1, Rakić Lj2, Ruždijić S1 Odeljenje za neurobiologiju, Institut za biološka istraživanja „Siniša Stanković”, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Beograd, 2Srpska Akademija Nauka i Umetnosti, Beograd 1 Starenje predstavlja veliki izazov očuvanju integriteta mozga i jedan je od najznačajnijih faktora rizika za pojavu većine neurodegenerativnih bolesti. Fiziološko starenje je povezano sa smanjenjem sposobnosti neurona za preživljavanje i regeneraciju. Iako se kapacitet mozga za plastične promene smanjuje sa starenjem, procesi sinaptičke reorganizacije i plastičnost se kontinuirano dešavaju i podložni su modifikacijama. Dijetalna manipulacija (restrikcija unosa količine ili kalorija) je trenutno jedini terapeutska intervencija koja može da ublaži starosno-zavisne promene i produži životni vek mnogih organizama uključujući i sisare. U nervnom sistemu dijetalna restrikcija (DR) odlaže neurodegenerativne promene i promoviše plastičnost neurona. Da bi ispitali efekat DR na plastičnost mozga tokom starenja pratili smo promene u ekspresiji proteina markera sinaptičke platičnosti (GAP-43, sinaptofizin, sinuklein), kao i ključnih proteina u metabolizmu holesterola (HMGCR, Cyp46, ApoE) u korteksu i hipokampusu. Takođe smo pratili i promene u metabolizmu holesterola u mozgu. Eksperimenti su rađeni na mužjacima pacova soja Wistar starim 3, 12 i 24 meseca. Životinje su imale neograničen pristup hrani (AL) ili su bile podvrgnute dijetalnoj restrikciji (DR) od 3. meseca života. Promene u ekspresiji proteina su praćene Western blot analizom. Holesterol, njegovi prekursori i metaboliti, kao i biljni steroli su određeni gasnom hromatografijom/masenom spektrometrijom (GC/ MS). Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da DR suprimira starosno-zavisne promene u ekspresiji presinaptičkih proteina i da utiče na ekspresiju proteina uključenih u metabolizam holesterola (ApoE, HMGCR) na regionalno-specifičan način. DR je smanjila prekursore holesterola, dok je nivo holesterola i njegovih metabolita ostao nepromenjen, 253 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation ukazujući da DR održava stabilan nivo holesterola u korteksu i hipokampusu. Zaključno, ova studija ukazuje na još jedan aspekt pozitivnog delovanja dijetalne restrikcije koji se ispoljava kroz modulaciju sinaptičke plastičnosti i održanje homeostaze holesterola u mozgu. Ključne reči: starenje, dijetalna restrikcija, korteks, hipokampus, holesterol, biljni steroli. DIETARY RESTRICTION AND THE AGEING BRAIN Kanazir S1, Smiljanić K1, Mladenović Đorđević A1, Perović M1, Rakić Lj2, Ruždijić S1 Department of Neurobiology, Institute for biological research „Sinisa Stankovic”, University of Belgrade, 2Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, Serbia 1 Aging poses a great challenge to the structural and functional integrity of the brain and represents the most important risk factor for the majority of neurodegenerative diseases. Physiological brain aging is linked to decreased neuronal capabilities for survival and regeneration. Although, the capacity for plastic reorganization/remodeling of an adult brain is limited, age-associated synaptic reorganization takes place in many brain areas. Dietary manipulation (dietary or calorie restriction) is currently the only therapeutic intervention known to attenuate agerelated changes and to extend the life span of many species, including mammals. In the nervous system it postpones age-related neurodegeneration and promotes late neuronal plasticity. In order to evaluate the effect of DR we examined changes in the expression patterns of proteins that serve as markers of synaptic plasticity (GAP-43, synaptophisin, synuclein), and of key proteins of cholesterol metabolism (HMGCR, Cyp46, ApoE) in specific brain regions: the cortex and the hippocampus. We also examined changes in cholesterol metabolism. Experiments were performed on 3-, 12-, and 24-month-old male Wistar rats fed ad libitum (AL) or exposed to long-term dietary restriction (DR-100% every other day), starting from 3 months of age. Protein levels were determined by Western blot analysis while cholesterol, its 254 Sekcijsko predavanje / Session Presentation precursors and metabolites, as well as phytosterols, were measured by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. DR counteracted age-related changes in the expression of presynaptic proteins and affected the expression patterns of proteins implicated in cholesterol metabolism (ApoE, HMGCR) in a region-specific manner. DR decreased cholesterol precursors while the level of cholesterol and its metabolites remained unaffected, indicating that DR had no effects on steady-state levels of cholesterol in the cortex and hippocampus. The obtained results confer new insight into the beneficial effects of dietary restriction in the brain and point to its ability to modulate synaptic plasticity and preserve cholesterol homeostasis in the brain. Key words: ageing, dietary restriction, cortex, hippocampus, cholesterol, phytosterols. 255 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 09.SP2 BILJNI EKSTRAKTI I KANCER Maksimović-Ivanić D, Mijatović S Odeljenje za imunologiju, Institut za biološka istraživanja “Siniša Stanković”, Univerzitet u Beogradu Biljke su izvor brojnih, dobro izbalansiranih aktivnih komponenti sa izrazitim sinergističkim delovanjem. Dosadašnja saznanja pokazala su da različiti ekstrakti biljaka i gljiva preveniraju ili suprimiraju niz patoloških stanja poput kardiovaskularnih tegoba, inflamacije, autoimunskih bolesti ili kancera. Povoljan efekat konstituenata biljaka na rast malignih ćelija u in vitro i in vivo model sistemima potvrđen je u brojnim studijama, a neretke su i situacije kombinovanja različitih suplemenata sa zvanično propisanom terapijom kod obolelih od ove bolesti. Međutim, obično se neadekvatno efekti jedne ili više biljnih komponenata izjednačavaju sa direktnim uticajem istih na vijabilitet transformisane ćelije, kojom prilikom se zanemaruje njeno okruženje, predstavljeno kako ćelijama zdravog tkiva tako i nizom biološki aktivnih molekula koje one produkuju. Pored toga, suplementacija biljnim agensima u velikoj meri može da promeni efekte konvencionalne terapije. Aloeemodin, antraciklin poreklom iz biljaka rodova Aloe, Senna i Rheum, jedan je od najilustrativnijih primera gore pomenutog. Direktni efekti ovog molekula na ćeliju kancera uključuju indukciju ćelijske smrti apoptozom ili autofagijom kao i mogućnost reverzije malignog u normalni fenotip. Posebnu osetljivost na tretman Aloe emodinom pokazali su tumori neuroektodermalnog porekla poput astrocitoma i melanoma. Ishod tretmana definisan je brojnim faktorima poput redoks statusa ćelije i njenih inicijalnih karakteristika vezanih za aktivnost značajnih signalnih puteva poput MAPK i PI3/Akt. Međutim, antitumorski potencijal ovog agensa drastično može biti promenjen u prisustvu proinflamatornih citokina. Dalje, citocidni potencijal pojedinih medijatora imunskog odgovora usmerenog protiv tumora ili cistostatska terapija u značajnoj meri mogu biti iskompromitovani. Dakle, antitumorski efekti Aloe emodina na malignu ćeliju su nesporni ali se teško mogu predvideti obzirom na složenost svih navedenih interakcija. Ovo dalje implicira opreznost u kombinovanju konvencionalne sa biljnom terapijom. 256 Sekcijsko predavanje / Session Presentation HERBAL EXTRACT AND CANCER Maksimović-Ivanić D, Mijatović S Department of Immunology, Institute for Biological Research „Sinisa Stankovic“, University of Belgrade Plants are the source of numerous, well balanced compounds with strong synergistic interactions. Plenty of studies confirmed the effectiveness of plant and fungal extracts in prevention and treatment of serious pathological conditions such as cardiovascular, inflammatory, autoimmune diseases and cancer. Beneficial effect of herbal constituents on malignant cells in vitro and in vivo was shown in several studies.In order to minimize the side effects of chemotherapy, patientsoftenuse different supplements in parallel with official therapeutic protocols. However, frequently the effectiveness of one or more plant components are extrapolated to their direct influence on cancer cell viability while the tumor microenvironment represented by nontransformed cells and their soluble mediators are mainly ignored. Beside, herbal supplementation can significantly influence the effectiveness of conventional therapy. Aloe emodin, anthracycline derived from Aloe, SennaiRheum, is one of the most illustrative example of mentioned above. Direct effect of this molecule on cancer cell includes induction of apoptotic andautophagiccell death, as well as the reversion of malignant into normal phenotype. Neuroectodermal tumors, like astrocytoma and melanoma, revealed special sensitivity to its tumoricidal activity.The outcome of the treatment was defined by several factors such as redox status of cell and its intrinsic characteristics like the activity of the most important signaling pathways (MAPK, PI-3K/Akt). On the other hand, antitumor potential of this agent could be drastically changed in the presence of proinflammatory cytokines. Moreover, cytocidal potential of immune system mediators as well as cytostatic therapy is strongly affected by Aloe emodin. In summary, antitumor potential of Aloe emodin is certain, but due to the complexity of discussed interactions is almost unpredictable. This underlines the caution in combined application of alternative approaches with chemotherapy. 257 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 09.SP3 ANTIOKSIDANTI U DIJABETESU, GOJAZNOSTI I METABOLIČKOM SINDROMU Stančić A Univerzitet u Beogradu, Institut za biloška istraživanja „Siniša Stanković’“, Beograd Dijabetes je kompleksno metaboličko oboljenje koje se karakteriše smanjenom sekrecijm insulina i/ili njegovim smanjenim delovanjem. Dijabetes je često povezan sa gojaznošću, gde adipozno tkivo posreduje u razvoju insulinske rezistencije na nivou skeletnih mišića i jetre. Nastanak oba metabolička poremećaja u dijabetesu, periferne rezistencije na insulin i njegove sekrecije, povezan je sa oksidativnim stresom. Povećenje oksidativnog pritiska u dijabetesu je posledica povećane produkcije reaktivnih vrsta kiseonika, usled hiperglikemije/hiperlipidemije i/ili smanjene antioksidativne odbrane. To u fokus stavlja primenu antioksidanata u terapiji dijabetesa kao kompleksnog metaboličkog oboljenja. Upskos tome, opsežne kliničke studije sa klasičnim antioksidantima, uključujući antioksidante iz hrane (npr. vitamin E, vitamin C) nisu pokazale pozitivne efekte kod pacijenata sa dijabetesom. Radi se uglavnom o antioksidantima koji uklanjaju već formirane produkte oksidacije. Stoga je predložen novi pristup koji se zasniva na uklanjanju uzroka oštećenja, tj. na kontroli produkcije reaktivnih vrsta. Istraživanja su takođe nametnula još jedan kriterijum neophodan za uspešnost antioksidanata u terapiji dijabetesa, njihovu selektivnost. Dobri kandidati za ovakav tip antioksidativne terapije su nisko-molekulske komponete koje deluju kao mimetici superoksid dismutaze i katalaze. Razlog zbog koga bi kontrolisanje redoks signalne kaskade na samom njenom početku mogao da da dobre rezultate u terapiji dijabetesa je visoka reaktivnost reaktivnih vrsta i njihova kompleksna interakcija. Naime, povećanje nivoa superoksida u dijabetesu izaziva promene na nivou drugih reaktivnih vrsta, pre svega azot oksida (NO). Smanjenje bioraspoloživosti NO može se dovesti u vezu sa etiologijom i patogenezom dijabetesa. Alternativni način za regulaciju nivoa NO u dijabetesu jeste korišćenje NO donora i prekursora. Dosadašnje studije su pokazale da suplemetacija L-argininom ostvaruje pozitivne efekte na dijabetesomindukovane metaboličke poremećaje kao i kod gojaznosti. 258 Sekcijsko predavanje / Session Presentation Stoga, čini se da je za pronalaženje i razvoj adekvatne i efektivne antioksidativne terapije u dijabetesu potrebno bolje razumevanje redoks zavisnih mehanizama koji leže u osnovi metaboličkih poremećaja vezanih za dijabetes. To bi posebno moglo doprineti razvoju novih dijetetskih pristupa za postizanje što boljeg dejstvo antioksidanata iz hrane u terapiji dijabetesa. ANTIOXIDANTS IN DIABETES, OBESITY AND METABOLIC SYNDROME Stančić A University of Belgrade, Institute for biological research „Siniša Stanković“, Belgrade Diabetes is complex metabolic disorder characterized by defect in insulin secretion and/or insulin action. It is usually coupled with obesity when adipose tissue mediates development of insulin resistance in skeletal muscle and liver. Both metabolic perturbations of diabetes, peripheral insulin resistance and insulin secretion, are closely linked with oxidative stress. Increased oxidative pressure in diabetes is consequence of increased production of oxygen species, due to hyperglycemia/ hyperlipidemia, and/or diminished antioxidative defense. This raises the concept that antioxidants can be used as a complementary therapeutic approach for this multi-face metabolic disorder. However, large scale clinical trials with classic antioxidants, including dietary antioxidants (eg. vitamin E, vitamin C) failed to demonstrate any benefit for diabetic patients. Those antioxidants work by scavenging already-formed toxic oxidation products. This suggests new and attractive “causal” antioxidant therapy, based on strategy to control the formation of reactive species. The research imposes one more criteria for success of antioxidant in diabetes treatment, its selectivity. Candidate agents include low molecular mass compounds that act as superoxide dismutase and catalase mimetics. The reason why the management of redox-signaling cascade in the early beginning could give promising results is the high reactivity of reactive species and their complex interactions. Namely, increased superoxide level in diabetes triggers changes on the level of other redox 259 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation molecule, first of all nitric oxide (NO). Decrease NO bioavailability is related to both diabetes etiology and pathogenesis. Alternative way for regulation of NO level in diabetes could be NO donors and precursors. Dietary L-arginine supplementation has already shown beneficial effects in diabetes-associated metabolic disturbances and obesity. Thus, the main effort in the future studies should be to shed the light on redox sensitive molecular mechanisms underlying diabetesrelated metabolic disorders in order to develop appropriate and effective antioxidant therapy. This especially could improve dietary treatment and the therapeutic effects of nutritional antioxidants in diabetes. 260 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios 09.UP1 ANTIOKSIDATIVNI POTENCIJAL JESTIVE GLJIVE GRIFOLA FRONDOSA Klaus A, Kozarski M, Vunduk J, Nikšić M Univerzitet u Beogradu, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Institut za prehrambenu tehnologiju i biohemiju, Beograd Grifola frondosa (Dicks.: Fr.) S.F. Gray je jestiva gljiva, dobro poznata na dalekom istoku kao tradicionalni dodatak hrani. Novija istraživanja su pokazala da plodonosna tela, kao i micelijumi ove gljive gajeni submerzno, sadrže mnoge tipove biološki aktivnih glukana (npr. β-1,6 i β-1,3). Cilj ovog istraživanja je da se odredi antioksidativni potencijal, uključujući sposobnost hvatanja slobodnih DPPH (engl.1,1-difenil-2pikrilhidrazil) radikala, redukciona sposobnost i potencijal heliranja fero jona delimično prečišćenog vrelog vodenog ekstrakta (VE) i vrelog alkalnog polisaharidnog ekstrakta (PE), koji su dobijeni od svežih, u prirodi nađenih plodonosnih tela gljive G. frondosa, sakupljenih u Bojčinskoj šumi u Beogradu, Srbija. Delimično prečišćen vreli VE dobijen je vrelom vodenom ekstrakcijom (45 min na 121°C) u Milli-Q vodi (MQ) i dijalizom u MQ (24h na sobnoj temperaturi) da bi se uklonili rezidualni mali molekuli, kao što su polifenoli, peptidi i polisaharidi <8-10 kD. Vreli alkalni PE dobijen je iz filter pogače koja se dobija u prvom koraku pravljenja vrelog VE, autoklaviranjem sa rastvorom natrijum hidroksida (1 mol/l). Za praćenje antioksidativnog potencijala korišćeni su ekstrakti koncentracija 0.1-20 mg/ml. Sposobnost hvatanja slobodnih radikala rasla je sa porastom koncentracije testiranih uzoraka. Pri 10 mg/ml, sposobnost uzoraka VE i PE da hvataju slobodne DPPH radikale bila je vrlo visoka (89.8±2.0% i 98.3±2.2%, respektivno). Redukciona sposobnost uzoraka VE i PE zavisila je od koncentracije i dostigla nivoe 2.1±0.1 i 2.4±0.1, respektivno, pri 20 mg/ml. Helirajuća sposobnost delimično prečišćenog vrelog VE i vrelog alkalnog PE takođe je rasla sa porastom koncentracije. VE i PE helirali su 87.9±0.8 i 91.3±1.9% fero jona, pri 20 mg/ml, respektivno. Rezultati ukazuju da gljiva G. Frondosa, nađena u prirodi, predstavlja vredan izvor prirodnih antioksidativnih komponenti koje mogu da budu korisne u prevenciji ili smanjenju oksidativnih oštećenja. 261 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation Ključne reči: Grifolafrondosa, antioksidativni potencijal, redukciona snaga, helirajući efekat, polisaharidi. ANTIOXIDANT POTENTIAL OF EDIBLE MUSHROOM GRIFOLA FRONDOSA Klaus A, Kozarski M, Vunduk J, Nikšić M University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Institute for Food Technology and Biochemistry, Belgrade Grifola frondosa (Dicks.: Fr.) S.F. Gray is an edible mushroom, wellknown in the Far East as a traditional food additive. Recent studies showed that fruit body and liquid-cultured mycelium of this mushroomcontain many types of biologically active glucans (e.g., β-1,6 and β-1,3). The objective of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant potential, including scavenging effects on DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) radicals, reducing power and chelating ability on ferrous ions of partially purified hot water extract (WE) and hot alkali extracted polysaccharides (PE) which were prepared of fresh wild-growing fruiting bodies of G. frondosa, collected from the Bojčinska forest Belgrade, Serbia. Partially purified hot WE was prepared by hot water extraction (45 min at 121°C) in Milli-Q water (MQ) and dialysis against MQ for 24h at room temperature to removeresidual small molecules as polyphenols, peptides and polysaccharides<8-10 kD.Hot alkali PE were obtained from the filtercake originated from the first step of making hot water extractby autoclaving in 1 mol/l sodium hydroxide solution.To observe antioxidant effects,extracts of 0.1-20 mg/ml concentration were used. The radical scavenging ability of tested samples increased with the increase of concentration.At 10 mg/ml, scavenging abilities of WE and PE toward DPPH radicals were very high (89.8±2.0% and 98.3±2.2%, respectively).The reducing powers of WE and PE were concentration dependent and reached the levels of 2.1±0.1 and 2.4±0.1, respectively, at 20 mg/ml. Chelating ability of partially purified hot WE and hot alkali PEalso increased with increasing the concentration. WE and PE chelated 87.9± 0.8 and 91.3±1.9% of ferrous ions at 20 mg/ml, respectively. The results suggest that the wild mushroom G. frondosacould be a 262 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios valuable source of naturally-derived antioxidant compounds which might be beneficialin preventing or reducing oxidative damage. Key words: Grifola frondosa, antioxidative potential, reducing power, chelating ability, polysaccharide. 263 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 09.UP2 EFEKAT SUPLEMENTACIJE RIBLJIM ULJEM NA PARAMETRE OKSIDATIVNOG STRESA KOD STARIH WISTAR PACOVA Popović T1, Borozan S2, De Luka S3, Debeljak-Martačić J1, Takić M1, Petrović-Oggiano G1, Glibetić M1 1 Institut za medicinska istraživanja Univerziteta u Beogradu; 2Veterinarski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu; 3Institut za patofiziologiju Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu Starenje se posmatra kroz više različitih nivoa regulatornih mehanizama. Starenje uključuje progresivne promene u slobodnoradikalsko-posredovanim regulatornim procesima. Cilj: je bio praćenje promena izazvanih ribljim uljem na enzimima antioksidativne zaštite superoksid-dismutaza (SOD), katalaza (CAT), lipidne peroksidacije (MDA), koncentracije plazma nitrita i tiolnih (SH) grupa kao i aktivnost paraoksonaza (PON1) kod starih Wistar pacova. Materijal i metode: Pacove Wistar soja stare 22 meseca, telesne težine 350-400g. podelili smo na kontrolnu grupu (uobičajena hrana i voda ad libitum) i tretiranu grupu (riblje ulje 45mg EPA +30mg DHA, dnevno). Tretman je trajao 6nedelja. Određivanja SOD, CAT, MDA, koncentracija SH grupa i PON1 rađena su sa standardnim laboratorijskim kitovima a merenja na spektrofotometru (Cecil CE 2021 UV/VIS). Koncentracija nitrita je određena ELISA testom. Rezultati: Suplementacija ribljim uljem dovela je do povećanja aktivnosti SOD (U/gHb) (304.74 ± 25.52 vs. 350.95 ± 17.03), p<0.01, CAT (U/gHb) (43.55 ± 10.37 vs 54.64 ± 5.12), p<0.05 , koncentracije SH grupa (μmol/L) (599.96 ± 26.48 vs 643.86 ± 37.65), p<0.05 i aktivnosti PON1 (U/L) (115.16 ± 9.04 vs 126.33 ± 6.74), p<0.05 dok je dovela do smanjenja MDA (nmol/gHb) (56.39 ± 3.51 vs. 40.31 ± 3.11), p<0.001 i plazma koncentracije nitrita (μmol/L) (72.69 ± 13.58 vs. 30.77 ± 8.67), p<0.001 u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. Zaključak: Antioksidativni efekat ribljeg ulja u dozi 45mg EPA i 30mg DHA u trajanju od 6 nedelja ogleda se u smanjenju lipidne peroksidacije i koncentracije nitrita, povećanju aktivnosti SOD, CAT i PON1, i količine SH grupa kod pacova Wistar soja. Tretmanom ribljim uljem mogu se izbeći oksidativna oštećenja koja doprinose starenju. Ključne reči: riblje ulje, Wistar pacovi, lipidna peroksidacija, CAT, SOD 264 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios THE EFFECT OF FISH OIL SUPPLEMENTATION ON OXIDATIVE STRESS PARAMETERS IN AGED WISTAR RATS Popović T1, Borozan S2, De Luka S3, Debeljak-Martačić J1, Takić M1, Petrović-Oggiano G1, Glibetić M1 1 Institute of Medical research, University of Belgrade; 2Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Belgrade; 3Institute of Pathophysiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade Aging includes progressive changes in reactive oxygen species related regulatory processes. Different levels of regulatory mechanism figures in aging per se. Aim of study: was to examine changes before and after fish oil supplementation in aged Wistar rats in activity of antioxidative enzyme activity, lipid peroxidation, plasma nitrite concentration and thiol groups as well as activity of paraoxonase. Material and methods: Wistar rats (22 months aged, b.w. 350400g, were divided in control group (animal food and water ad libitum) and treated group (fish oil, 45mg eicosapentanoic acid (EPA) +30mg docosahexanoic acid (DHA), daily). Treatment last for 6 weeks. Measurment of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) activity, malondialdehide (MDA), thiol (SH) groups and PON1 activity were determined with standard laboratory kits (spectrophotometer,Cecil CE 2021 UV/VIS). Nitrite concentration were determined by ELISA. Results: Fish oil supplementation led to increased activity of SOD (U/ gHb) (304.74 ± 25.52 vs. 350.95 ± 17.03), p<0.01, CAT (U/gHb) (43.55 ± 10.37 vs 54.64 ± 5.12), p<0.05 , concentration of SH groups (μmol/L) (599.96 ± 26.48 vs 643.86 ± 37.65), p<0.05 and activity of PON1 (U/L) (115.16 ± 9.04 vs 126.33 ± 6.74), p<0.05 and decreased MDA concentration (nmol/gHb) (56.39 ± 3.51 vs. 40.31 ± 3.11), p<0.001 and plasma nitrites (μmol/L) (72.69 ± 13.58 vs. 30.77 ± 8.67), p<0.001 compared to control group. Conclusion: Antioxidative effect of fish oil in daily dose of 45mg EPA and 30mg DHA in six week treatment decreased lipid peroxidation and plasma nitrite concentration, increase activity SOD, CAT and PON and increased SH concentration in aged Wistar rats. Fish oil treatment could avoid oxidative damages in aging. Key words: fish oil, Wistar rats, lipid peroxidation, CAT, SOD 265 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 09.UP3 ODREĐIVANJE UKUPNOG SADRŽAJA POLIFENOLNIH JEDINJENJA I NJIHOVA ANTIOKSIDATIVNA SVOJSTVA U IZABRANIM UZORCIMA VINA SRBIJE Čakar U, Čakar N, Đorđević B, Vidović B Farmaceutski Fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu Od otkrića prirodnih supstanci koje pokazuju povoljan efekat na organizam, intenzivno su proučavane biološki aktivne supstance sa antioksidativnim osobinama. Postoje čvrsti naučni dokazi koji dovode u vezu upotrebu vina i funkcionisanje kardiovaskularnog sistema, a po prvi putto je opisano kaoFrancuski paradoks. Polifenoli su uključeniu značajnoj meri u smanjenje rizika od oboljenja prouzrokovanih oksidativnim stresom. Cilj ovoga rada je bio da se ispitaju in vitro antioksidativne osobine polifenolnih jedinjenja izabranih sorti srpskih vina. Analiza antioksidativnih osobina je sprovedena različitim spektrofotometrijskim metodama. Određivanje ukupnog sadržaja polifenola sprovedeno je Folin-Ciocalteu metodom,a sadržaj antocijana metodom izbeljivanja. Antioksidativna sposobnost uzoraka je određivana DPPH(engl. 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl)metodom, preračunavanjem stepena inhibicije DPPH radikala. Obezbojavanje je mereno spektrofotometrijski na 518nm. Sva određivanaja su sprovedena u sedam sorti vina (četiri bela, dva crna i roze). Metode se sastoje u određivanju izabranih antioksidativnih supstanci (flavonoida,antocijana). Određeni su ukupni polifenoli, flavonoidi i ne-flavonoidi. Sadržaj flavonoida je bio u opsegu od 141-1674 mg/L, izraženo kao sadržaj galne kiseline. Antocijani, u vodi rastvorljivi pigmenti, su određivani metodom izbeljivanja i njihov sadržaj je bio u intervalu od 0,001-0,072 mg/L. Pored uobičajene DPPH metode primenjena je iBriggs-Rauscher oscilirajuća reakcija zasnovana na određivanju perioda inhibicije oscilacije u odnosu na sadržaj antioksidanata. Rezultat je izražen kao sadržaj galne kiseline i iznosio je0,74-13,43 mg/L. Korišćena je i FRAP (engl. Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power) metoda, kojom su direktno određivane antioksidativne osobine vina. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da su izabrane sorte vina bogat izvor antioksidanata. Crna vina pokazuju veću antioksidativnu sposobnost, što 266 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios je i očekivano, jer je crno grožđe veći izvor antioksidanata. Vino pokazuje povoljan efekat na zdravlje uopšte. Ključne reči: Antioksidanti, spektrofotometrijsko određivanje. polifenolna jedinjenja, vina, DETERMINATION OF TOTAL POLYPHENOL COMPOUNDS CONTENT AND THEIR ANTIOXIDANT PROPERTIES IN SELECTED SAMPLES OF SERBIAN WINE Čakar U, Čakar N, Đorđević B, Vidović B Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade Since the discovery of some natural occurring substances with a health promotive effect, biologically active compounds with antioxidant properties have been extensively studied. There is a strong evidence for positive relationship between wine consumption and cardiovascular health, described as French paradox. Polyphenols are compounds responsible for reducing the risk of diseases associated with oxidative stress. The aim of this study was to investigate the profile and in vitro antioxidant properties of the principal wine polyphenolic compounds of selected Serbian wines. The analysis of antioxidant properties was conducted by various spectrophotometric methods. Determinations of total polyphenol content were conducted usingFolin-Ciocalteumethod and anthocyanins content by whitening procedure.Antioxidant capacity of samples was determined by DPPH(2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl)method, by calculating the extent of inhibition of DPPH radicals. Discoloration was measured on spectrophotometer at 518nm. All the determinations were conducted in seven sorts of wine (four whites, two reds and one rose). Methods comprised ofidentifying selected antioxidative substances (flavonides, anthocyanins). The flavonoids´ content was in a range 141-1674 mg/L expressed as gallic acid. Non-flavonoid was also determinate. The anthocyanins, water soluble pigments, were determined by whitening procedure, and their content was in a range 0,001- 0,072 mg/L. Besides usual DPPH test, 267 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation the new methodology was also performed, Briggs-Rauscher oscillating reaction, based on determing the period of the inhibition of oscillation in relation of antioxidants´ concentration. The results were expressed through concentration of gallic acid, and were 0,74-13,43 mg/L.We also used FRAP (Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power) procedure for direct determination of antioxidant property of vine samples. The obtained results indicate that selected sorts of wine are rich sources of antioxidants. Red wines promote the highest antioxidant capacity, which was expected, for the red grapes are known to be better sources of antioxidants.Wine has potential benefits for overall health. Key words: Antioxidants, polyphenol spectrophotometric determination. 268 compounds, wine, Poster / Poster Presentation 09.P01 ODREĐIVANJE SADRŽAJA UKUPNIH POLIFENOLA U SIROVOM I PEČENOM JEZGRASTOM VOĆU Slavković J1, Šobajić S2, Stanković S2 Agencija za lekove i medicinska sredstva Srbije, 2 Farmaceutski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu 1 Uvod: Fenolna i polifenolna jedinjenja u biljkama nastaju, u najvećem broju slučajeva, fenilpropanskim biosintetskim putem iz šikiminske kiseline. Postoje različite klasifikacije polifenola, ali najpoznatija je ona koja prati biosintetski put i složenost strukture: jednostavni fenoli, fenolne kiseline, fenil-propenske kiseline, lignani i lignoidi, kumarini, flavonoidi, antocijani, flavani i tanini. Biološka aktivnost, naročito antioksidativna, veoma često je povezana sa prisustvom ortofenolnih grupa. Polifenoli imaju različite biološke aktivnosti; deluju spazmolitički, smanjuju agregaciju trombocita i adhezivnost endotela zida kapilara, suprimiraju rast ćelija kancera, deluju kao antioksidansi i redukuju oksidativni stres ćelija. Polifenoli se mogu naći u različitim vrstama namirnica: povrću, voću, tamnoj čokoladi, vinu, napicima od kafe i lista čaja. Ukupna koncentracija polifenola, kao i odnos u okviru polifenolnog kompleksa u ovim namirnicama su različiti. Cilj: Cilj ovog rada je da se odredi sadržaj ukupnih polifenola u sirovom i pečenom jezgrastom voću, kao i da se utvrdi da li pečenje jezgrastog voća utiče na ukupni sadržaj polifenola. Metodologija: Ukupni polifenoli su odredjeni metodom po FolinCiocalteu. Određen je ukupan sadržaj polifenola u sirovim i pečenim uzorcima kikirikija, brazilskog oraha, lešnika, badema i oraha. Rezultati: Dobijeni su sledeći rezultati u mgGAE/100g: Za sirovo jezgrasto voće: kikiriki 377.98 ± 35.72, brazilski orah 267.53 ± 22.16, lešnik 228.25 ± 34.57, badem 102.40 ± 20.44, orah 2228.68 ±355.70. Za pečeno voće: kikiriki 317.26 ± 26.78, brazilski orah 208.92 ± 25.13, lešnik 172.64 ± 20.57, badem 72.66 ± 11.27, orah 1656.65 ± 283.78. Diskusija i zaključak: Seme oraha je najbogatije polifenolima sa višestruko većim sadržajem u odnosu na ostale vrste ispitivanog jezgrastog voća. Izlaganje toploti prilikom pečenja, značajno smanjuje sadržaj polifenola u plodovima. 269 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation Ključne reči: jezgrasto voće, ukupan sadržaj polifenola DETERMINATION OF TOTAL POLYPHENOLS IN RAW AND ROASTED NUTS Slavković J1, Šobajić S2, Stanković S2 ¹Medicine and Medical devices Agency of Serbia, ²Faculty of Pharmacy, Belgrade University Introduction: Phenolic and polyphenolic compounds are synthesized in plants, in most cases in shikimic acid in phenylpropanoid biosynthetic patway.There are different classifications of polyphenols, but the most important is the one following biosynthetic patway and structure complexity: simple phenols, phenolic acids, pheyl-propen acids, lignin and lignoids, antocyanins, coumarins, flavans, tanins and flavonoids. Antioxidative biological activity, is very often related to presence of ortophenolic groups. Polyphenols have different biological activities such as spasmolytic function, they decrease platelat agregation and endothelial adhesion, supress cancer cell growth, have antioxidative function and reduce oxidative stress. Polyphenols can be found in various foods such as vegetables, fruit, dark chocolate, vine, coffee and tea leaf beverages. Total polyphenolic content and ratio of polyphenolic complexes in this food are different. Aim: This paper presents authors intent to determine the total polyphenol content in raw and roasted nuts, and to determine whether roasting the nuts has influence on total polyphenols content. Methodology: Total polyphenol content was determined in raw and roasted nuts using Folin-Ciocalteu method. The following samples were used: peanut (3 samples), brazil-nut (3 samples), chestnut (3 samples), almond (3 samples), walnut (3 samples). Results: The total polyphenol content was expressed as gallic acid equivalent (GAE) in g/100g or g/100ml. Following results were found for total polyphenol content: For raw nuts: peanut 377.98 ± 35.72, brazil-nut 267.53 ± 22.16, chestnut 228.25 ± 34.57, almond 102.40 ± 20.44, walnut 2228.68 ±355.70. For roasted nuts : peanut 317.26 ± 26.78, brazil-nut 208.92 ± 25.13, 270 Poster / Poster Presentation chestnut 172.64 ± 20.57, almond 72.66 ± 11.27, walnut 1656.65 ± 283.78. Discussion and conclusion: Walnut is the best source of dietary polyphenols. What is of particular importance is that roasting the nuts, decreases the total polyphenols content. Key words: nuts, total polyphenols content 271 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 09.P02 SOKOVI BOBIČASTOG VOĆA KAO ZNAČAJNI ANTIOKSIDANTI I PRIRODNI IZVORI POLIFENOLNIH JEDINJENJA Čakar U, Đorđević B Farmaceutski Fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu Voće sadrži različitesupstance koje pozitivno deluju na zdravlje ljudi. Najznačajnije među njima su biološki aktivne supstance koje imaju antioksidativne osobine. Bobičasto voće predstavlja bogat izvor polifenolnih jedinjenja koja su u velikoj meri uključena u zaštitiu organizma od oboljenja povezanih sa oksidativnim stresom. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispitaju in vitro antioksidativne osobine polifenolnih jedinjenja u svežem plodu kao i u soku bobičastog voća. Za ispitivanje antioksidativnih osobina korišćene su različite spektrofotometrijske metode. Određivanje ukupnog sadržaja polifenola vršeno je Folin-Ciocalteu metodom,a sadržaj antocijana metodom izbeljivanja. Antioksidantivni potencijaluzoraka određivan je DPPH(engl. 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) metodom, preračunavanjem stepena inhibicije DPPH radikala. Obezbojavanje je merenona talasnoj dužini 518nm. Sva određivanja su sprovedena u devet vrsta bobičastog voća gde su za ispitivanje korišćeni neposredno ceđeni sokovi iz svežeg ploda voća i komercijalni sokovi koji se nalaze u prodaji. Metode su zasnovane na određivanju antioksidativnih supstanci (flavonoida, antocijana). Određeni su ukupni fenoli, flavonoidi i ne-flavonoidi. Sadržaj flavonoida je bio u opsegu od 290 mg/L do 1324mg/L, izražen kao sadržaj galne kiseline. U vodi rastvorni pigmenti, antocijani, određivani su metodom izbeljivanja i njihov sadržaj je bio u intervalu od 0.041-0.346 mg/L. Pored DPPH metode primenjena je i Briggs-Rauscher oscilirajuća reakcija, zasnovana na određivanju perioda inhibicije oscilacije u odnosu na sadržaj antioksidanata. Rezultat je izražen kao sadržaj galne kiseline i iznosio je 0.34-21.53 mg/L. Korišćena je i FRAP(engl. Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power) metoda kojom je direktno određivanantioksidativni potencijal voćnih sokova. Rezultati pokazuju dasu bobičasto voće i proizvodi od njega bogat izvor antioksidanata. Sokovi od sveže ceđenog voća pokazuju veću 272 Poster / Poster Presentation antioksidativnu sposobnost u odnosu na komercijalne uzorke. To je i očekivano, jer se u toku procesa proizvodnje komercijalnih sokova antioksidativna sposobnost smanjuje. Bobičasto voće i proizvodi od njega pokazuju izuzetno povoljan efekat na opšte zdravstveno stanje ljudi. Ključne reči: Antioksidanti, sokovi bobičastog voća, polifenolna jedinjenja, spektrofotometrijsko određivanje. BERRY FRUIT JUICES AS SIGNIFICANT ANTIOXIDANTS AND NATURAL SOURCES OF POLYPHENOL COMPOUNDS Čakar U, Đorđević B Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade Fruit consists of significant amount of compounds which show beneficial health effects on the human organism. The most important among them are biological active substances with antioxidant properties. Berry fruit represents a rich source of polyphenol compounds which are important, and are involved in the protection of organism from diseasesconnected to oxidative stress. The aim of this study was to investigate the profile and in vitro antioxidant properties of fresh berry fruit and also juice. The analysis of antioxidant properties was conducted by various spectrophotometric methods. Determinations of total polyphenol content were conducted usingFolin-Ciocalteumethod and anthocyanins content by whitening procedure.Antioxidant capacity of samples was determined bythe DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) method, by calculating the extent of inhibition of DPPH radicals. Discoloration was measured on spectrophotometer at 518nm. All the determinations were conducted in nine kinds of fruit where we used juice from fresh fruit and commercial juices from market. Methods are based on determination of antioxidant compounds (flavonoids, anthocyanins). Total polyphenolic content, flavonoids and non-flavonoids were determined. The flavonoids’ content was in a range of 290-1324 mg/L expressed as gallic acid. The anthocyanins, water 273 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation soluble pigments, were determined by whitening procedure, and their content was in a range of 0.041-0.346 mg/L. Besides the usual DPPH test, the new methodology was also performed, Briggs-Rauscher oscillating reaction, based on determining the period of the inhibition of oscillation in relation of antioxidants´ concentration.The results were expressed through concentration of gallic acid, and were 0.34-21.53 mg/L.We also used FRAP(Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power) procedure for direct determination of antioxidant properties of samples. The results show that berry fruit and their products are rich sources of antioxidants. Fresh juices show better antioxidant properties than commercial samples. This is expected because during the production of commercial products antioxidant properties decrease. Berry fruit and products show anexceptionallybeneficialeffecton overall health. Key words: Antioxidants, berry juices, polyphenol compound, spectrophotometric determination. 274 Poster / Poster Presentation 09.P03 ODREĐIVANJE SADRŽAJA UKUPNIH POLIFENOLA U CITRUSNOM VOĆU Todorović V, Zrnić M, Orlić J, Šobajić S Katedra za bromatologiju, Farmaceutski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu Uvod: Polifenolna jedinjenja su najrasprostanjeniji sekundarni metaboliti biljaka. Nekoliko hiljada polifenolnih jedinjenja identifikovano je u jestivim biljkama. Najznačajniji izvori polifenolnih jedinjenja su razni napici (čajevi, crno vino, kafa, pivo, voćni sokovi), voće, povrće, čokolada itd. Fenolna jedinjenja, posebno flavonoidi, imaju jako izraženu antioksidativnu i antiradikalsku aktivnost, i zbog toga im se pripisuju mnoga terapijska delovanja poput: antibakterijskog, antiinflamatornog, antialergijskog, antimutagenog, antiviralnog i antikancerogenog. Cilj: Cilj rada bila je kvantifikacija ukupnih polifenolnih jedinjenja u uzorcima citrusnih vrsta voća (pomorandža, limun, mandarina i grejpfrut) sa različitih prodajnih mesta (marketi, pijaca) na teritoriji grada Beograda. Metod: Sadržaj ukupnih polifenola u citrusnom voću (pomorandža, limun, mandarina i grejpfrut) određenje metodom po Folin-Ciocalteu sa dva različita standarda (galna kiselina i katehin). Pre samog određivanja, metoda je validirana (linearnost (R 2=0,9997); preciznost (R.S.D=1,18%); tačnost (Recovery=93%, RSD=7%); limit detekcije (LOD=0,25 µg/ml); limit kvantifikacije (LOQ=0,45µg/ml)). Dobijeni rezultati izraženi su kao ekvivalenti galne kiseline (GAE) u mg na 100 g svežeg voća i kao ekvivalenti katehina (CE) u mg na 100 g svežeg voća. Rezultati: Dobijeni rezultati prikazani su u tabeli 1. Tabela 1. Sadržaj ukupnih polifenola u mg/100 g svežeg voća Voće Ekvivalenti galne kiseline (GAE) u mg na 100 g svežeg voća Ekvivalenti katehina (CE) u mg na 100 g svežeg voća Pomorandža (n=3) 71,85±3,724 15,73±0,956 Mandarina(n=3) 58,40±1,720 12,86±0,403 Limun(n=3) 64,65±7,463 14,06±1,550 Crveni grejpfrut(n=3) 77,58±6,641 16,99±1,278 n=broj uzoraka 275 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation Metoda saFolin-Ciocalteu-ovim reagensom je relativno jednostavna, ali nije specifična. Polifenolne komponenete su heterogenih struktura, te reaguju različitim intenzitetom sa bojenim reagensom, a takođe prisustvo drugih oksidabilnih supstanci prisutnih u biljnom materijalu utiče na rezultate. Zbog toga se mora uzeti u obzir da rezultati za ukupan sadržaj polifenolnih supstanci mogu biti preveliki ili premali zavisno od korišćenog standarda. U ovom pilot istraživanju je pokazano da katehin nije pogodan standard za određivanje sadržaja ukupnih polifenola u citrus vrstama voća, zato što su najvažnija polifenolna jedinjenja u citrusima flavanoni, dok su flavan-3-oli prisutni samo u tragovima. Zaključak: Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, može se izvesti zaključak da je najbolji izvor polifenola crveni grejpfrut, a najniži sadržaj polifenola je u mandarini. Razlike u sadržaju polifenola među korišćenim uzorcima su bile najizraženije kod limuna.Upoređujući vrednosti za sadržaj ukupnih polifenola koje su dobijene sa različitim standardima, više vrednosti dobijene su sa galnom kiselinom zbog razlika u strukturi galne kiseline i katehina, kao i različite osetljivosti metode. Ključne reči: citrusne vrste voća, ukupni polifenoli, GAE, CE Ovaj rad je finansiran od strane Ministarstva za prosvetu i nauku Republike Srbije (Projekat broj III-46001). DETERMINATION OF TOTAL POLYPHENOLS IN CITRUS FRUIT Todorović V, Zrnić M, Orlić J, Šobajić S Department of Bromatology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade Introduction: Polyphenols are the main secondary products of a plant. There are several thousands of different polyphenols identified from the eatable plants. The most importante sources of polyphenols are different beverages (tea, red wine,coffee, beer, juices), fruit, vegetables, chocolate etc. Phenols, specially flavonoids, have strong antioxidative and antiradical potential and because of that a lot of terapeutical effects: antibacterial, antiinflammatory, antialergic, antimutagenic, antiviral and 276 Poster / Poster Presentation anticancerogenic. Aim: The aim of this studywas quantitation of total polyphenols in samples of citrus fruit (orange, mandarin orange, lemon, red grapefruit) sampled from different markets in Belgrade. Method: Total polyphenols content in citrus fruit (orange, mandarin orange, lemon, red grapefruit) was determined using Folin-Ciocalteu method with two different standards (gallic acid and catechin). Before polyphenol analysis the method was validated: Linearity (R 2=0,9997); Precision (RSD=1,18%); Trueness (Recovery=93%, RSD=7%); Limit of detection (LOD=0,25 µg/ml); Limit of quantitation (LOQ=0,45 µg/ml)). The amount of total polyphenols was expressed as gallic acid equivalents (GAE) and as catechin equivalents (CE) in mg/100 g fresh fruit. Results: Obtained results are given in table 1. Table 1. Content of total polyphenols (mg/100 g fresh fruit) Fruit Gallic acid equivalents (GAE) in mg/100 g fresh fruit Catechin equivalents (CE) in mg/100 g fresh fruit Orange (n=3) 71,85±3,724 15,73±0,956 Mandarin orange (n=3) 58,40±1,720 12,86±0,403 Lemon (n=3) 64,65±7,463 14,06±1,550 Red grapefruit (n=3) 77,58±6,641 16,99±1,278 The Folin-Ciocalteu method usued for polyphenol content determination is relatively simple, butnot specific.Heterogeneity of phenolic compounds and the presence of easily oxidized substances other than phenols can interfere with the result. Moreover, the total phenolic content based on certainstandards may underestimate or overestimate the real total phenolic value which is clear from the results obtained in this pilot study. Since in citrus fruitsflavanones are the most represented polyphenols and flavan-3-ols are present in traces, catechin is not suitable standard for total polyphenol content analysis. Conclusions: Results obtained have shown that the best source of polyphenols was red grapefruit and smallest content was determined in mandarin orange. The most variable polyphenols’ content was noticed 277 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation in lemon fruit. Catechinwas not suitable as a standard for polyphenol analysis in citrus fruit. Key words: citrus fruit, total polyphenols, GAE, CE 278 Poster / Poster Presentation 09.P04 GENES INVOLVED IN TRANSENDOTHELIAL MIGRATION PRESENT COMMON MOLECULAR TARGET OF POLYPHENOLS UNDERLYING THE ANTIATHEROGENIC EFFECT Milenkovic D, Mauray A, Chanet A, Coban D, Scalbert A, Mazur A, Morand C INRA, Centre Clermont-Ferrand - Theix, Unité Nutrition Humaine, France ERU « Facteurs de risque vasculaires », CHU-Université Bordeaux 2, Bordeaux, France Animal studies revealed that polyphenols are able to prevent the progression of atherosclerosis. Several authors have shown that these effects are independent of their antioxidant capacity or to changes in blood lipids, suggesting that other mechanisms are involved. Recent studies suggest that polyphenols may act at the genomic level by modulating the expression of genes. The aim of the present work is to explore these molecular mechanisms in both apolipoprotein E deficient mice and C57BL6/J mice fed a high-fat/high-cholesterol diet. Mice were fed for 16 weeks a diet supplemented with one of the following polyphenols: catechin, bilberry anthocyanins, naringin or curcumin. The progression of the lesions was estimated by measuring lipid deposition in the aortic root. A significant decrease in the progression of atherosclerotic lesions was observed for the four polyphenols studied. The anti-atherogenic effects were independent from changes in lipid parameters or antioxidant capacity of plasma. Nutrigenomic studies of aorta using pangenomic oligonucleotides have been carried out. Bioinformatic analyses of identified differentially expressed genes revealed that polyphenols modified the expression of a few hundreds genes implicated in cell signalling, cellular functions and metabolic processes. A cluster of common pathways related to cellcell adhesion, cell junctions, focal adhesion, and cell cytoskeleton has been identified for these polyphenols. These cellular functions control transendothelial migration of monocytes into the intima of blood vessels, the initial step of atherosclerosis development. In agreement with this hypothesis, we have observed a reduction in macrophage number in atherosclerotic lesions, as measured by immunohistochemistry, and, in vitro, a lower adhesion of monocytes to TNFα-stimulated endothelial cells after exposure to a nutritionally achievable concentration of 279 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation metabolites. Overall, this study shows that dietary polyphenols attenuate lipid deposition in the aortic root of mice possibly by modulating the expression of genes involved in adhesion and transendothelial migration. 280 Poster / Poster Presentation 09.P05 THE ROLE OF HESPERIDIN IN THE NUTRIGENOMIC EFFECT OF ORANGE JUICE ON BLOOD LEUKOCYTES IN HUMAN VOLUNTEERS: CONTROLLED CROSS-OVER STUDY Milenkovic D1, Deval C1, Dubray C2, Mazur A1, Morand C1 INRA, Centre Clermont-Ferrand - Theix, Unité Nutrition Humaine, France 2 Inserm, Clermont-Ferrand 1 We have showed, in healthy, middle-aged, moderately overweight men, that orange juice decreases diastolic blood pressure and significantly improves postprandial microvascular endothelial reactivity and that hesperidin could be causally linked to the observed beneficial effect of orange juice (Morand et al., AJCN 2011). The objective of the present study was to determine the effect of chronic consumption of orange juice on the gene expression profile of leukocytes in healthy volunteers and to assess to what extent hesperidin is involved in the genomic effect of orange juice. Volunteers were included in a randomized, controlled, crossover study. Throughout three 4-week periods, volunteers consumed daily: 500 ml orange juice, 500 ml control drink plus hesperidin or 500 ml control drink and placebo. Blood samplings were performed on 10 overnight-fasted subjects after the 4-week treatment period. Global gene expression profiles were determined using human whole genome cDNA microarrays. Both orange juice and hesperidin consumption significantly affected leukocyte gene expression. Orange juice consumption induced changes in expression of, 3,422 genes, while hesperidin intake modulated the expression of 1,819 genes. Between the orange juice and hesperidin consumption groups, 1,582 regulated genes were in common. Many of these genes are implicated in chemotaxis, adhesion, infiltration and lipid transport, which is suggestive of lower recruitment and infiltration of circulating cells to vascular wall and lower lipid accumulation. In conclusion, this study shows that regular consumption of orange juice for 4 weeks alters leukocyte gene expression to an anti-inflammatory and anti-atherogenic profile, and thathesperidin displays a relevant role in the genomic effect of this fruit juice. 281 Sekcija Voda i hrana Session Water and food Sekcijsko predavanje / Session Presentation 10.SP1 VODA I ZDRAVLJE Bijelović S 1, 2 Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Medicinski fakultet, 2Institut za javno zdravlje Vojvodine 1 Cilj: Cilj rada bio je da prikaz zdravstvene bezbednosti, odnosno ispravnosti (ZB/ZI) vode za piće i stepen hidriranosti populacije Južnobačkog okruga (JBO). Metode: ZB/ZI vode za piće u JBO tokom 2011. utvrđena je u 8882 uzoraka vode za piće {7281 prečišćene hlorisane (PHV), 984 neprečišćene hlorisane (NHV) i 617 neprečišćene nehlorisane (NV)}. Monitoring ZB/ZI zasnovan je na akreditovanim i standardizovanim metodama. Preliminarni stepen hidriranosti populacije starosti 14 i više godina u 2012. godini utvrđen je na osnovu sprovedenog anketnog ispitivanja 96 ispitanika u skladu sa Dijetetskim Referentnim Vrednostima za vodu (DRVW) Evropske Agencije za bezbednost hrane (EFSA) iz 2010. Statističke analize obavljene su uz pomoć softvera Microsoft Excel 2003 i Microsoft Visual Fox Pro, a statistička značajnost utvrđena je testovima proporcije. Rezultati: ZB/ZI vode za piće utvrđena je u 74,07%, 2,85% i 5,01% kontrolisanih uzoraka PHV, NHV i NV. Osnovni uzroci neispravnosti su mikrobiološki u 3,41%, 29,17% i 23,66% i fizičko-hemijski u 23,80%, 96,87% i 87,74% kontrolisanih uzoraka PHV, NHV i NV. Prisustvo mikrobioloških opasnosti, poznatih kao prisustvo Escherichia coli (E.coli) i Streptococcus faecalis (S.faecalis), utvrđeno je u 0,05%, 1,63% i 17,83% kontrolisanih uzoraka PHV, NHV i NV, dok je prisustvo hemijskih opasnosti, definisanih kao koncentracija nitrata (NO3-), nitrita (NO2-) i arsena (As) iznad graničnih vrednosti, utvrđeno u 0,95%, 26,92% i 16,23% kontrolisanih uzoraka PHV, NHV i NV. Prosečan dnevni unos tečnosti, bez unosa čvrste hrane, iznosio je 2,40 l/dan, gde najveći udeo čini voda za piće sa 28,80%. Diskusija: E.coli, S.faecalis, NO3-, NO2- i As, poznati kao opasnosti u vodi za piće, su takođe prisutni i u vodi javnih bunara na teritoriji JBO, kao i u neprečišćenim vodama u Vojvodini. Prosečan dnevni unos tečnosti odraslog stanovništva JBO je u skladu sa EFSA DRVW. Zaključak: Prikazani podaci ukazuju da je stanovništvo JBO adekvatno hidrirano, dok voda za piće sa utvrđenim mikrobiološkim i hemijskim opasnostima predstavlja rizik po zdravlje populacije. 283 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation Ključne reči: Javno zdravlje, voda za piće, terapija fluidima, opasne supstance, karcinogeni iz životne sredine HEALTH AND WATER Bijelović S 1, 2 University of Novi Sad, School of Medicine, 2Institute of Public Health of Vojvodina 1 Aim: Aim of the work is to determine the benefits of drinking-water safety and quality as well as hydration status of South Backa District (SBD) population. Methods: Drinking-water quality and safety in SBD was established during 2011 in 8882 samples of drinking-water {7281 of treated and disinfected water (TDW), 984 of untreated and disinfected water (UDW) and 617 of untreated and non disinfected water (UNDW)}. Monitoring of drinking-water quality and safety was based on standardized and accredited methodology. Preliminary hydration status of population aged 14 and older was determinate according to analyses of 96 specially designated questionnaires in 2012 in accordance with European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) Dietary Reference Values for water (DRVW) from 2010. Statistical analyses were done by Microsoft Excel 2003 and Microsoft Visual Fox Pro software and by test of proportion. Results: Drinking-water safety was determined in 74.07%, 2.85% and 5.01% of controlled samples of TDW, UDW and UNDW, respectively. The main reasons of unsafety were microbiological in 3.41%, 29.17% and 23.66% and physical and chemical in 23.80%, 96.87% and 87.74% samples of TDW, UDW and UNDW, respectively. The presence of microbiological hazards, defined as presence of Escherichia coli (E.coli) and Streptococcus faecalis (S.faecalis), was determinate in 0.05%, 1.63% and 17.83% of TDW, UDW and UNDW samples respectively, while the presence of chemical hazards, defined as nitrate (NO3-), nitrite (NO2-) and arsenic (As) concentration above guideline value, was determinate in 0.95%, 26.92% and 16.23% of TDW, UDW and UNDW samples respectively. Average daily total water intake, without food, was 2.40 l/day, where the greatest amount made the drinking-water with 28.80%. Discusion: The E.coli, S.faecalis, NO3-, NO2- and As, known as hazards 284 Sekcijsko predavanje / Session Presentation in drinking water, are also present in public wells in the territory of SBD, as well as in untreated drinking water in Vojvodina. The average daily total water intake is in accordance with EFSA DRVW. Conclusion: The obtained data showed that people in SBD have good hydration status, but the drinking-water with its microbiological and chemical hazards represents the risk for population health. Key words: Public Health, Drinking Water, Fluid Therapy, Hazardous Substances, Carcinogens Environmental 285 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 10.UP1 NITRATNO-NITRITINI INDEKS U VODI ZA PIĆE JUŽNOBAČKOG OKRUGA TOKOM 2011. GODINE Živadinović E2, Bijelović S1,2, Dragić N2 Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Medicinski fakultet; 2Institut za javno zdravlje Vojvodine 1 Cilj: Cilj rada je da se utvrdi da li koncentracija nitrata i nitrita iskazana na osnovu „nitratno-nitritnog indeksa“ (indeks) predstavlja opasnost u vodi za piće na teritoriji Južnobačkog okruga (JBO). Metode: U radu su korišćeni podaci Instituta za javno zdravlje Vojvodine za 2011. godinu, a odnose se na uzorke vode za piće sa teritorije JBO, uzorkovane i analizane prema standardizovanoj i akreditovanoj metodi. Analizirano je 639 uzoraka neprečišćenih voda (NV) javnih bunara, izvora i kaptaža, 952 uzorka neprečišćene hlorisane vode za piće (NHV) u naseljima koja imaju lokalne vodovode i 7363 uzorka prečišćene hlorisane voda za piće (PHV) iz gradskih vodovoda. Indeks je određen po metodologiji Svetske zdravstvene organizacije, po kojoj zbir odnosa koncentracija nitrita i nitrata u odnosu na propisanu graničnu vrednost ne sme biti veći od „1“. Rezultati: Indeks je veći od „1“ u 12,36% (u 79 od 639) uzoraka NV, i to prvenstveno u kontrolisanim uzorcima vode bunara u Sremskoj Kamenici, Petrovaradinu, Bukovcu, Ledincima, Viziću i Radičeviću. Indeks veći od „1“ je utvrđen u 12,61% (u 120 od 952) uzoraka NHV lokalnih vodovoda Savinog Sela, Ravnog Sela, Begeča, Despotova, Kulpina, Bačkog Maglića, Silbaša i Vizića. U PHV indeks veći od „1“ je utvrđen u 1,06% (u 78 od 7363) kontrolisanih uzoraka, isključivo u Vrbasu. Diskusija: Dobijene koncentracija nitrita i nitrata iznad graničnih vrednosti su karakteristične i za druge delove AP Vojvodine, te bi bilo preporučljivo uporediti koncentracije nitrata i nitrita, kao i učestalost indeksa većeg od „1“ u vodi za piće sa prisustvom mikroorganizama pokazatelja fekalnog zagađenja i upotrebom dezinfekcionog sredstva. Takođe bi bilo od interesa odredi udeo nitrata i nitrita iz vode za piće u ukupnom dnevnom unosu. Prečišćavanje vode za piće je u značajnoj meri doprinelo smanjenju nitratno-nitritnog indeksa. Zaključak: Koncentracije nitrita i nitrata, kao i njihov odnos, predstavljaju opasnost u vodi za piće JBO, a rizik po zdravlje ljudi je posebno prisutan među stanovništvom koji koristi neprečišćenu vodu za piće poreklom iz bunara ili lokalnih vodovoda. 286 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios Ključne reči: javno zdravlje, joda za piće, nitriti, nitrati NITRATE-NITRITE RATIO IN DRINKING WATER OF SOUTH BACKA DISTRICT IN 2011 Živadinović E2, Bijelović S1,2, Dragić N2 University of Novi Sad, School of Medicine; 2Institute of Public Health of Vojvodina 1 Objective: The aim of this work is to examine if the concetration of nitrate and nitrite in drinking water is the health risk in the territory of the South Backa District (SBD) - Vojvodina, Serbia, using “nitrate-nitrite ratio” (index). Methods: In this paper we used collected data from 2011 in Institute of Public Health of Vojvodina (IPHV). Data refer to the drinking water from SBD, sampled and analysed by standardized and accredited methodology. There were analyzed samples of the untreated water (UW) (n=639) (public wells, springs), untreated chlorinated water (UCW) (n=952) (local water supplies) and purified chlorinated water (PCW) (n=7363) (municipal water supplies). Index is established according to World Health Organization methodology, which is based on the fact that the sum of the ratios of the concentration of nitrate and nitrite should not exceed “1”, considering its guideline value. Results: Index exceeded “1” in 12.36% (79 of 639) samples of UW, mostly in controlled public-wells in Sremska Kamenica, Petrovaradin, Bukovac, Ledinci, Vizić and Radičević. Analyses of UCW showed that index exceeded “1” in 12.61% (120 of 952) controlled samples, especially in local water supplies in Savino Selo, Ravno Selo, Begeč, Despotovo, Kulpin, Bački Maglić, Silbaš and Vizić. Index exceeded “1” in 1.06% (78 of 7363) samples of PCW, in particular, in town Vrbas. Discussion: The nitrite and nitrate concentration above guideline value is also present in drinking water in Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, so it would be advisable to correlate its concentration with presence of fecal microorganisms and disinfectant usage and to calculate the contribution of nitrate and nitrite from drinking water in total daily intake. Purification of water significantly lowered nitrate-nitite ratio. Conclusion: The concentration of nitrate and nitrite, as well as their ratio, represents the hazard in drinking water in SBD and there is a health 287 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation risk for population which uses especially drinking water from the public wells and local water supplies in SBD. Key words: Public Health, Drinking Water, Nitrite, Nitrate 288 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios 10.UP2 PRIKAZ MIKROBIOLOŠKE KONTROLE U PROCESU PUNJENJA MINERALNE VODE Filipović F Knjaz Miloš, a.d., Aranđelovac Iako je mineralna voda, s obzirom da potiče iz velikih dubina, dosta stabilan proizvod, ona sadrži, mada u malim količinama, sastojke koje mikroorganizmi mogu da koriste za svoj rast ako se nađu u većem broju, što se može odraziti na kvalitet mineralne vode u pogledu hemijskog sastava i senzorskih karakteristika. S druge strane, u toku transporta, procesa pripreme i procesa punjenja veoma se lako može doći do sekundarne mikrobiološke kontaminacije. S obzirom da je mineralna voda veoma rasprostranjen proizvod koji koriste i deca i odrasli, proces proizvodnje zahteva strogu mikrobiološku kontrolu. Cilj ovog rada je da se praćenjem tehnološkog procesa punjenja mineralne vode utvrde koji su najčešći mogući izvori i putevi mikrobiološke kontaminacije kako bi moglo da se preduzimaju preventivne mere sa ciljem dobijanja mikrobiološki bezbednog proizvoda. Polazni materijal čiji je kvalitet ispitivan u ovom radu je gazirana prirodna mineralna voda “Knjaz Miloš” i negazirana prirodna mineralna voda Aqua Viva sa niskim sadržajem rastvorljivih mineralnih materija i natrijuma. Kontrola mikrobiološke ispravnosti mineralne vode podrazumeva kontrolu bunara ili izvorišta, procesnu kontrolu koja obuhvata mrežu kontrolnih tačaka i završnu kontrolu gotovog proizvoda, pri čemu su korišćene standardne ISO metode. Takođe je izvršena mikrobiološka kontrola ambalaže za punjenje, kontrola higijene radnih površina i ruku operatera i mikrobiološka kontrola vazduha u prostoru za punjenje. Dobijeni rezultati su statistički obrađeni i njihovom analizom dobio se realan pregled opasnosti koje mogu da utiču na ispravnost mineralne vode. Dobio se uvid u to koje su proizvodne faze osetljivije, koje kontrolne mere efikasno ili dovoljno redukuju opasnosti, koju vrstu kontrole je potrebno primeniti u kontrolnim tačkama i slično. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata mogu će je izvršiti izmene tehničkog režima proizvodnje i uspostaviti operativne preduslovne programe u cilju poboljšanja kvaliteta proizvoda, pri čemu je osnovni zadatak zaštita zdravlja potrošača. 289 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation Ključne reči: mineralna voda, mikrobiološka kontrola, analiza rizika PREVIEW OF MICROBIAL CONTROL IN THE PROCESS OF FILLING MINERAL WATER Filipović F Knjaz Milos ad, Aranđelovac Even though the mineral water, since it comes from a great depth, is a stable product, it contains, although in small amounts ingredients that microorganisms can use for their growth, which may affect the quality of mineral water regarding chemical composition and sensory characteristics, especially in the case of higher cell numbers. On the other hand, during transport, preparing process and filling it is very easy to get secondary microbial contamination. Since the mineral water is a wide spread product used by both children and adults, the production process requires a strict microbiological control. The aim of this study was to determine, following the technological process of filling mineral water, the incidence and possible sources and pathways of microbial contamination in order to take preventive measures to obtain microbiologically safe product. Initial materials whose quality are studied are carbonated natural mineral water “Knjaz Milos” and noncarbonated mineral water “Aqua Viva” with a low content of soluble minerals and sodium. Microbiological control of mineral water includes control wells or springs, process control network that includes checkpoints and final inspection of the finished product, according to ISO method. A microbiological control for filling containers, hygiene control work surfaces and arm operator and microbiological control air space filling have also been performed. The results were statistically analyzed and the data have given realistic overview of hazards that may affect the quality of mineral water. It has been found which production phases are more sensitive, which control measures are effective or sufficient to reduce the risk and what type of control should be applied to the control points and similar. On the basis of these results, it is possible to make technical changes to the production regime and establish operational prerequisite programs 290 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios to improve product quality, with the main task of protecting the health of consumers. Key words: mineral water, microbiological control, risk analysis 291 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 10.UP3 Kontrola sadržaja trihalometana u vodi za piće gradskog vodovoda u Zaječaru u letnjem periodu 2010.i 2011. godine Veličković M1, Vugdelija S1, Miljković D1, Šobajić S2 1 Zavod za javno zdravlje “Timok” Zaječar, 2Univerzitet u Beogradu, Farmaceutski fakultet, Katedra za bromatologiju U gradskom vodovodu u Zaječaru dezinfekcija vode za piće vrši se hlorisanjem i ozonizacijom. Upotreba hlora predstavlja potencijalni zdravstveni rizik zbog formiranja kancerogenih ili mutagenih haloorganskih jedinjenja kao što su trihalometani (THM). Formiranje trihalometana (THM) u vodi za piće uglavnom zavisi od kvaliteta sirove vode. Zbog niske cene hlora i jednostavne primene, hlorisanje je najrasprostranjeniji način dezinfekcije vode za piće. To je dovelo do naglog smanjenja oboljevanja od bolesti čiji je uzročnik higijenski neispravna voda za piće, ali hlor u procesu dezinfekcije reaguje sa prirodnim organskim materijama (POM) iz sirove vode gradeći čitav niz neželjenih sporednih proizvoda dezinfekcije. Najznačajnija grupa sporednih proizvoda dezinfekcije su trihalometani, koji uključuju hloroform (CHCl 3), bromdihlormetan (CHCl 2Br), dibromhlormetan (CHC1Br2) i bromoform (CHBr3). Cilj istraživanja je procena sadržaja trihalometana u vodi za piće gradskog vodovoda u Zaječaru. Uzorci su uzimani u duplikatu sa jedne lokacije u gradu Zaječaru tokom deset uzastopnih nedelja u letnjem periodu 2010. i 2011. godine. Voda je uzorkovana iz česmenske cevi nakon nekoliko minuta isticanja u staklene bočice u kojima se nalazi konzervans natrijumtiosulfat koji služi za uklanjanje rezidualnog hlora. Za analizu korišćen je gasni hromatograf (6890 GC Agilent) sa EC detektorom (63Ni). Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je hloroform jedini trihalometan pronađen u značajnijoj količini u svim uzorcima vode za piće. Sadržaj ukupnih trihalometana u letnjem periodu 2010. godine se kretao u rasponu od 7,79 µg/l do 24,40 µg/l, a srednja vrednost je bila 14,86 µg/l. U 2011. godini te vrednosti su se kretale od 10,55 µg/l do 24,46 µg/l, a srednja vrednost je bila 16,04 µg/l. Sadržaj ukupnih 292 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios trihalometana u svim uzorcima vode je ispod granice od 100 µg/l koje preporučuje naša zakonska regulativa. Ključne reči: trihalometani, hlorisanje, voda za piće EVALUATING TRIHALOMETHANE CONTENT IN DRINKING WATER IN Zaječar DURING SUMMER MONTHS OF 2010 AND 2011 Veličković M1, Vugdelija S1, Miljković D1, Šobajić S2 1 Health protection Center “Timok” Zaječar, 2 Department of Bromatology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade Municipal water treatment plants in Zaječar use chlorination and ozonitation for drinking water desinfection. The use of chlorine posed potential health risk due to formation of cancerogenic or mutagenic haloorganic compounds as desinfection by-products such as trihalomethanes (THMs). Formation of trihalomethanes (THM) in drinking water depends mostly on raw water qualities.Because of the low cost of chlorine and convenience of application, chlorination is the most widely used disinfection process for drinking water. This led to a sharp reduction in illness rate from many water born diseases, but the chlorine from the disinfection process reacts with naturally occurring organic matter (NOM) in the raw water to form a series of undesired by-products. The most significant group of disinfectant by products is trihalomethanes , which include chloroform (CHCl3), bromodichloromethane (CHCl2Br), dibromochloromethane (CHC1Br2), and bromoform (CHBr3). A study was carried out of assess the THMs level in drinking water supply from Zaječar. Samples were taken from one locations in the city of Zaječar in duplicates during the ten weeks in the summer 2010 and 2011. They were collected directly from tap of consumers after letting the water run for several minutes before collecting the water in pre-cleaned glass containers with sodiumthiosulfate preservative to eliminate any residual chlorine. The samples were analyzed for THMs using gas Chromatograph (6890 GC Agilent) with electron capture detector (63Ni). 293 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation The results of the study indicate that chloroform constituted the principal fraction of the THMs in all sample analyzed. For the summer period year 2010, total trihalomethanes (TTHMs) were present in range of 7,79 - 24,40 µg/l (mean of 14,86 µg/l). As for the summer period year 2011, TTHMs were present in range of 10,55 - 24,46 µg/l (mean of 16,04 µg/l). Comparasion of the levels with maximum permissible level of 100 µg/l for total trihalomethanes (TTHMs), shows general compliance. Key words: trihalomethanes, chlorination, drinking water 294 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios 10.UP4 (NE)POSTOJANJE BIOFILMA U BOCAMA PRIRODNE IZVORSKE VODE SKLADIŠTENE NA POVIŠENOJ TEMPERATURI Đukić T, Markov S, Cvetković D, Velićanski A Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet, Novi Sad Problem kvaliteta javno dostupne vode za piće otvorio je potrebu za drugim oblicima mikrobiološki i hemijski ispravne vode za piće. Sa pojavom flaširane vode pojavio se novi problem koji obično nije prisutan u vodi za piće. U boci se može javiti izrazito velik rast bakterija koje obično to ne bi imale prilike u vodi za piće. S druge strane, biofilm nastaje zahvaljujući sposobnosti bakterija da se zadržavaju na vlažnim površinama i da stvaraju mikrokolonije. Biofilmovi mogu da sadrže mikrobiote koje su potencijalno od zdravstvenog značaja ili dovode do kvarenja proizvoda. Cilj ovog rada bilo je ispitivanje (ne)postojanja biofilma u bocama sa višestrukim porastom broja mikroorganizama tokom skladištenja na povišenoj temperaturi, tj. mogućnost stvaranja biofilma u gotovom proizvodu. Da bi se ispitala mogućnost stvaranja biofilma na zidovima PET boca osmišljen je postupak određivanja. Za određivanje broja viabilnih ćelija primenjena je metoda poseva (pour plate) na dve kultivacione podloge (PUB i R2A) koje su inkubirane za propisano vreme na temperaturama 37°C i 22°C. Na osnovu obrade rezultata ispitivanih šarži, beleži se uglavnom povećanje ukupnog broja mezofila i psihrotrofa u periodu do 14. nedelje skladištenja, i smanjenje istog broja u periodu od 14-17. nedelje od punjenja na obe kultivacione podloge. Broj bakterija koje zaostaju na zidovima ambalaže je višestruko uvećan u odnosu na broj u gotovom proizvodu (3,3-28,6 puta na PUB i 2-18,4 puta na R2A za mezofile, odnosno 1,5-122,5 puta na PUB i 4,1-74,5 puta na R2A za psihrotrofe). Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata ispitivanja može se zaključiti da izvestan broj bakterija zaostaje na zidovima ambalaže, tj. stvara se njihov biofilm i to bez obzira da li broj mezofila i psihrotrofa u gotovom proizvodu raste ili opada dužim periodom skladištenja. Ključne reči: biofilm, voda, temperatura 295 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation (NON) EXISTENCE OF BIOFILMS IN BOTTLED NATURAL SPRING WATER STORED AT ELEVATED TEMPERATURE Đukić T, Markov S, Cvetković D, Velićanski A University of Novom Sadu, Faculty of Technology, Novi Sad The problem in quality of publicly available drinking water has opened the need for other forms of microbiological and chemical safe drinkig water. Advent of bottled water cause new problems, that are not usually present in drinking water. Very large growth of bacteria that normally would not have a chance in drinking water may appear in the bottle. On the other hand, biofilm bacteria generated due to its ability to stay on wet surfaces and grow into microcolonies. Biofilms can contain microbiota that are potential public health significance or leads to spoilage. The aim of this study was to examinate the (non)existence of biofilm in bottles with multiple growth of microorganisms during storage at elevated temperatures, i.e. the potential for biofilms formation in the finished product. In order to examine the possibility of creating a biofilm on the walls of PET bottles determination procedure was designed. To determinate the number of viable cells was applied pour plate method using two different medium (PUB and R2A), incubated for a prescribed time at 37OC and 22OC. Based on the results of tasted batches, mainly increase in the total count of mesophilic and psychrotrophic bacteria in the storage period of 14 weeks is recorded as well as decrease of the same number in 14-17 week period, on both medium. The number of bacteria that residue on the walls of containers is multipled against the number in the finished product (3.3-28.6 times on PUB and 2-18,4 on R2A for mesophilic bacteria, i.e. 1.5-122.5 times on PUB and 4.1-74.5 on R2A for psychrotrophic). Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that a number of bacteria residue on the walls of the containers, regardless of whether the number of bacteria in the final product increases or decreases for a longer period of storage. Key words: biofilm, water, temperature 296 Poster / Poster Presentation 10.P01 OPASNOSTI U VODI ZA PIĆE POREKLOM IZ JAVNIH BUNARA U SREMSKIM KARLOVCIMA Bijelović S1,2, Živadinović E2, Dragić N2, Trajković-Pavlović Lj1,2 Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Medicinski fakultet; 2Institut za javno zdravlje Vojvodine 1 Cilj: Cilj rada je da utvrdi prisustvo opasnosti u vodi za piće iz javnih bunara u Sremskih Karlovcima, uzimajući u obzir da voda javnih bunara predstavlja alternativni izvor vodosnabdevanja, posebno u vanrednim situacijama i od uticaja je na zdravlje ljudi. Metode: Kontrola zdravstvene ispravnosti vode za piće iz javnih bunara sprovodila se mesečno u periodu 2005-2011. Ukupno je uzorkovano, analizirano i stručno ocenjeno 426 uzoraka vode za piće (426 za mikrobiološke i 147 za fizičko hemijske analize) iz 14 javnih bunara. Monitoring zdravstvene ispravnosti vode za piće sproveden je prema standardizovanoj i akreditovanoj metodologiji. Za statističku obradu podataka korišćen je test proporcija. Rezultati: U kontrolisanom periodu zdravstvena ispravnost je utvrđena u 60,54% (89) kontrolisanih uzoraka. Prisustvo opasnosti, definisano kao prisustvo indikatorskih mikroorganizama, Escherichia coli (E.coli) i Streptococcus faecalis (S.faecalis), i koncentracija nitrata iznad propisanih vrednosti (NO3-), utvrđeno je u 10,33%, 9,86% i 14,29% kontrolisanih uzoraka. Prisustvo E.coli i S.faecalis utvrđeno je u dva (14,28%), dok je NO3- utvrđena u četiri (28,57%) kontrolisana javna bunara. Istovremeno prisustvo sve tri opasnosti (E.coli, S.faecalis i NO3) utvrđeno je samo u jednom (7,14%) objektu. Prisustvo E.coli tokom celog perioda ispitivanja se statistički razlikovalo između dva javna bunara (p=0,02675), dok prisustvo S.faecalis nije bilo statistički različito (p=0,13499). Koncentracija nitrata iznad propisanih vrednosti između četiri objekta u celokupnom posmatranom periodu je bila statistički različita (p=0,00361; p=0,00786; p=0,02361). Diskusija: E.coli, S.faecalis i NO3-, poznati kao opasnosti u vodi za piće, posebno za osetljivu populaciju, su takođe prisutni i u vodi za piće javnih bunara na teritoriji Grada Novog Sada, kao i u netretiranim vodama za piće na teritoriji Južnobačkog okruga. Zaključak: Obrađeni podaci ukazuju da u vodi za piće poreklom iz javnih bunara u Sremskim Karlovcima postoje mikrobiološke i hemijske 297 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation opasnosti po zdravlje ljudi, te se u cilju zaštite zdravlja ljudi preporučuje revitalizacija i rekonstrukcija javnih bunara. Ključne reči: javno zdravlje, voda za piće, Escherichia coli, Streptococcus faecalis, nitrati HAZARDS IN DRINKING-WATER FROM PUBLIC WELLS IN SREMSKI KARLOVCI Bijelović S1,2, Živadinović E2, Dragić N2, Trajković-Pavlović Lj1,2 University of Novi Sad, School of Medicine; 2Institute of Public Health of Vojvodina 1 Aim: Aim of this paper is to determine the hazards in drinking-water of public wells in Sremski Karlovci, considering the fact that public wells represents alternative option of public water supply system with great public health significance, particularly in possible emergency situations. Methods: Control of drinking-water quality and safety of public wells was performed monthly during period 2005-2011. There were totally sampled, analyzed and professionally studied 426 samples of drinkingwater (426 for microbiological and 147 for physical/chemical analyses) from 14 public wells. Monitoring of drinking-water quality and safety was based on standardized and accredited methodology. Statistical analyses were done by test of proportion. Results: In the controlled period drinking-water safety was determined in 60.54% (89) of controlled samples. The presence of hazards, defined as presence of indicator microorganisms Escherichia coli (E.coli), Streptococcus faecalis (S.faecalis) and nitrate concentration above guideline value (NO3-) were determined in 10.33%, 9.86% and 14.29% of controlled samples, respectively. The presence of E.coli and S.faecalis was determined in 2 (14.28%), while the NO3- was determined in 4 (28.57%) controlled public wells. The concurrent presence of E.coli, S.faecalis and NO3- was determinate only in 1 (7.14%) controlled public well. The presence of E.coli between two public wells according to whole controlled period was statistically different (p=0.02675), while there were not found statistical differences for presence of S.faecalis (p=0.13499). The NO3- according to whole controlled period was statistically different 298 Poster / Poster Presentation between four object (p=0.00361; p=0.00786; p=0.02361). Discusion: The E.coli, S.faecalis and NO3-, known as hazards in drinking water, especially for sensitive population, are also present in some public wells in the city of Novi Sad, as well as in untreated drinking water in South Backa District. Conclusion: The obtained data showed that microbiological and chemical hazards are present in drinking-water from public wells in Sremski Karlovci and in order to protect public health there is a need for revitalization and reconstruction of chosen public wells. Key words: Public Health, Drinking Water, Escherichia coli, Streptococcus faecalis, Nitrates 299 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 10.P02 PRIKAZ ANALIZE HLOR - DIOKSIDA PREMA STANDARDU EN 12671 Stanisavljev A, Đorđević M Gradski zavod za javno zdravlje, Beograd Hlor – dioksid (ClO2) je najefikasnije sredstvo za dezinfekciju vode na bazi hlora. Od elementarnog hlora je 2,5 puta jače oksidaciono sredstvo. Hlor – dioksid je nestabilan gas i ne može se skladištiti ni transportovati. Zbog toga se mora proizvoditi na licu mesta u obliku vodenog rastvora ili u obliku gasa. Hlor-dioksid je žuto-zeleni gas koji se dobija u generatorima. Otrovniji je od hlora i ima intenzivniji miris. Vrlo je nepostojan i eksplodira prilikom zagrevanja. U laboratoriji za predmete opšte upotrebe Gradskog zavoda za javno zdravlje Beograd, u 2011. i 2012. urađena je analiza 10 uzoraka TwinOxide-a. TwinOxide, preparat na bazi hlor-dioksida, je dvokomponentni praškasti proizvod čijim se rastvaranjem u vodi dobija hlor-dioksid velike čistoće. Jedna komponenta je praškasti proizvod na bazi natrijum hlorita a druga komponenta je praškasti proizvod na bazi natrijum bisulfat monohidrata. U dobijenom rastvoru određivana je koncentracija hlor-dioksida prema standardu EN 12671 titracijom standardnim rastvorom natrijum tiosusulfatom uz dodatak fosfatnog pufera u prvoj fazi i sumporne kiseline u drugoj fazi. Analiza pripremljenih uzoraka TwinOxide-a je pokazala da se koncentracija hlor-dioksida kreće u rasponu od 3,0 – 3,2 g/l i da se koncentracija hlor-dioksida neznatno menja (maksimalno 5%) od prvobitne koncentracije u periodu od 15 dana od dana pripreme rastvora što pokazuje da su ovi proizvodi ispunili zahteve standarda, proizvođačkih specifikacija i korisnika. Ključne reči: voda, hlor, standard 300 Poster / Poster Presentation ANALYSIS OF THE CHLORINE – DIOXIDE ACCORDING TO STANDARD EN 12671 Stanisavljev A, Đorđević M Institute for Public health, Belgrade Chlorine - dioxide (ClO2) is the most effective chlorine-based desinfectant for water. This desinfectant is 2,5 times stronger than gaseous chlorine. Chlorine dioxide is an unstable gas that can not be stored or transported. That is why it must be produced on site in the form of an aqueous solution or in the form of gas. Chlorine - dioxide is yellow-green gas produced in generators. It is more toxic than chlorine and has more intensive smell. It is unstable and explodes during heating. In the laboratory for analysis of the items of general use, in the Institute for public health, Belgrade, in 2011. and 2012. the analysis of 10 samples of TwinOxide was performed. TwinOxide, product based on chlorine-dioxide, is two-component powder product whose dissolution in water gives Chlorine – dioxide high purity. One component is powder product based on sodium chlorite and the other component is powder product based on sodium bisulfate monohydrate. In the result solution, the determination of concentration of chlorine dioxide according to standard EN 12671 was performed by titration with standard solution of sodium thiosulfate with the addition of phosphate buffer in the first phase and sulfuric acid in the second phase. Analysis of the prepared samples of TwinOxide showed that concentration of clorine-dioxide was in the range from 3,0 to 3,2 g/l and that the concentration of chlorine dioxide only slightly variable (maximum 5%) of the initial concentration in the period of 15 days from the date of preparation of the solution, which shows that these products satisfy the requirements of standards, product specifications and users. Key words: water, chlorine, standard 301 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 10.P03 BIOFILM PRODUKTORI IZ FLAŠIRANE VODE Gusman V, Medić D, Jelesić Z, Ostojić M, Strajin Z Centar za mikrobiologiju, Institut za javno zdravlje Vojvodine, Novi Sad Uvod: Flaširane mineralne vode namenjene za piće treba da bude bez mikroorganizama koje imaju potencijalni zdravstveni rizik. Bakterijski sojevi Cupriavidus i Delftia su široko rasprostranjeni u prirodi, ali mogu biti izolovani iz flaširane vode za piće. Ove bakterije mogu dovesti do promene organoleptičkih svojstava vode, a mogu dovesti do infekcije, kao što su pneumonija, peritonitis, tendosinovitis. Cilj: Prikazati izolaciju retkih bakterija Cupriavidus pauculus i Delftia acidovorans produktore biofilma iz flaširane mineralne vode. Materijal i metode: Krajem 2011, neposredno iz supermarketa, klijent je doneo neotvorenu flaširanu mineralnu vodu na mikrobiološko ispitivanje u Odeljenje za sanitarnu bakteriologiju, Instituta za javno zdravlje Vojvodine u Novom Sadu. Mikrobiološko ispitivanje je bilo sprovedeno po standardnoj mikrobiološkoj metodi u skladu sa Pravilnikom o kvalitetu i drugim zahtevima za prirodnu mineralnu vodu, prirodnu izvorsku i stonu vodu („Službeni list SCG“ 53/2005). Dalja identifikacija suspektnih bakterijskih kolonija na krvnom agaru identifikovana je korišćenjem Vitek 2 Compact sistem, bioMerieux, Francuska. Produkcija biofilma ispitana je prema modifikovanoj metodi po Stepanoviću i sar. Optička gustina (OD) je merena za svaku jažicu na 620nm korišćenjem ELISA čitača, i poredjenjem sa OD negativne kontrole (ne zasejan bujon). Na osnovu intenziteta boje, svi izolati mogu biti definisani kao neadherentan, slabo, umereno i vrlo adherentan bakterijski soj. Rezultati: Iz ispitivane mineralne vode izolovana su dva mikroorganizma, koja su identifikovana kao Cupriavidus pauculus i Delftia acidovorans. Oba testirana bakterijska izolata pokazala su vrlo intenzivnu sposobnost produkcije biofilma, dok je kontrola bila neadherentna. Vrlo adherentni izolati imaju 4 puta veće OD vrednosti od kontrole. Zaključak: Naši rezultati pokazuju da su izolati Cupriavidus pauculus i Delftia acidovorans sposobni da formiraju biofilm. Ove retke bakterije treba razmotriti kao moguće uzročnike infekcija koje se razvijaju kod 302 Poster / Poster Presentation imunokompromitovanih domaćina. Adekvatno upravljanje vodenim izvorištima se stoga preporučuje kako bi se zagarantovala mikrobiološki bezbedna flaširana voda. Ključne reči: Cupriavidus pauculus, Delftia acidovorans, flaširana mineralna voda BIOFILM PRODUCERS FROM BOTTLED WATER Gusman V, Medić D, Jelesić Z, Ostojić M, Strajin Z Center for Microbiology, Institute of Public Health of Vojvodina, Novi Sad Introduction: Bottled mineral water intended for drinking should be free of microbes involving potential health hazard. Bacterial strains of Cupriavidus and Delftia are widely distributed in nature, but can be isolated from bottled drinking water. These bacteria may lead to changes in the organoleptic properties of water, and could cause infections like pneumonia, peritonitis, tenosynovitis. Aim: To present the isolation of rare bacteria Cupriavidus pauculus and Delftia acidovorans producers of biofilm from bottled mineral water. Material and methods: At the end of 2011, directly from the supermarket, client brought unopened bottled mineral water on microbiological examination in the Department of sanitary bacteriology, Institute of Public Health of Vojvodina in Novi Sad. Microbiological examination was based on standard microbiological method according to Serbian Regulation on quality and other requirements for natural mineral and spring water (Serbian Rulebook 53/2005). Further identification of suspected bacterial colonies on blood agar were done using VITEK 2 Compact system, BioMerieux, France. Biofilm formation was examined according to modified method by Stepanović at al. Optical density (OD) was measured for each well at 620nm using ELISA reader, and compared with the OD of the negative control (non cultured broth). Based on intensity of colour, all isolates could be referred as non-adherent, weakly, moderately and strong adherent. Results: From tested mineral water two microorganisms were isolated and identified as Cupriavidus pauculus and Delftia acidovorans. 303 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation Both tested bacterial isolates showed a strong biofilm-producing ability and the control was non-adherent. Strongly adherent isolates had 4 times higher OD values than the control. Conclusion: Our results show that Cupriavidus pauculus and Delftia acidovorans isolates are capable of biofilm formation. These rare bacteria should be considered the possible causative agents of infections that develop in immunocopromised host. Adequate management of water sources, that would guarantee microbiologically safe bottled mineral water, is therefore recommended. Key words: Cupriavidus pauculus, Delftia acidovorans, bottled mineral water 304 Sekcija Sastav i kvalitet namirnica Session Food Composition and Quality 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 11.SP1 MOGUĆNOSTI SAVREMENIH METODA ZA ODREĐIVANJE SADRŽAJA VITAMINA U HRANI Basić Z Vojnomedicinska Akademija, Beograd Uvod i cilj: Cilj ovog rada je da ukaže na značaj i mogućnosti određivanja sadržaja vitamina u hrani, jer uneta količina nutrimenata može značajno da nadmaši preporučen dnevni unos, a takođe, ako sadržaj ne odgovara deklarisanom, može da dovede potrošača u zabludu. Danas se reklamiraju brze simultane analize, koje traju nekoliko sati, koriste gotove reagense i specifičnu opremu. Aplikativne metode su bez dovoljno podataka, upućuju na specifičnu opremu, materijal i softversku podršku. Koja god metoda se odabere mora se proveravati interno i eksterno. Metode: Određivanje sadržaja vitamina u hrani vrši se generalno, na dva načina: biološkim i hemijskim metodama. Složenost apsorpcije, metabolizma, skladištenja, transporta i raspoloživosti vitamina integrisana je u smislenu celinu samo kroz biološke testove. Ove metode su specifične i pogodne za pojedine vitamine. Hemijske metode su široko rasprostranjene i to su: kolorimetrija, spektrofotometrija, gasna hromatografija, tečna hromatografija, masena spektrometrija, primena X-zraka. U ovom radu primenjena je metoda tečne hromatografije sa različitim detekcionim sistemima. Za određivanje sadržaja vitamina ovom metodom potrebna je opsežna priprema uzoraka, radi ekstrakcije samo željenih vitamina. Kako se vitamini u hrani nalaze u različitim (hemijskim) oblicima, neophodno je poznavati njihov izvor, da bi analiza tekla ciljano. Liposolubilni vitamini A i E su prirodno u obliku alkohola, a kao suplementi najčešće kao acetati i palmitati, koji se hromatografski različito ponašaju. Hidrosolubilni vitamini se veoma razlikuju i u prirodnom i u sintetskom obliku, tako da je za određivanje ukupnog sadržaja neophodno primeniti kiselu, alkalnu ili enzimsku hidrolizu. Rezultati: Od ukupno 214 uzoraka, 8,1% imalo je niži, a 5,1% viši sadržaj vitamina od deklarisanog. Tri uzorka su dvosmisleno deklarisana tako što je uz oznaku za vitamin bilo ime drugog. Analizom je utvrđeno da je navedena oznaka za vitamin bila pogrešna. Zaključak: Zavisno od namirnice koju analiziramo vršimo i izbor metode, koja mora biti dovoljno proverena i pogodna za primenu. 306 Sekcijsko predavanje / Session Presentation Poznavanjem sastava i pravilnom upotrebom namirnica, moguće je uticati na očuvanje zdravlja. Ključne reči: vitamini, tečna hromatografija, hrana POSSIBILITIES OF MODERN METHODS FOR DETERMINATION OF VITAMIN CONTENT IN FOOD Basić Z Military Medical Academy, Belgrade Introduction and goal: The aim of this work is to point out to the importance and possibilities of vitamin determination if food. The taken amount of nutriments can be significantly higher than recommended. Also, if the actual content doesn’t match the declared, consumer can potentially be misled. Fast, simultaneous analyses, that last for couple of hours, are promoted nowadays. They require ready-to-use reagents and specific equipment. Applicative methods have insufficient data, and rely on specific equipment, material and software packages. Any chosen method must be verified both internally and externally. Method: Generally, vitamin content in food is determined using biological and chemical methods. The complexity of absorption, metabolism, storage, transport and vitamin availability can be considered through biological tests only. These methods are specific and suitable for certain vitamins. Chemical methods are wide-spread. Those are: colorimetry, spectrophotometry, gas chromatography, liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry, X-rays. In this work a method of liquid chromatography is applied with various detection systems. For vitamin content determination using this method, an extensive sample preparation is needed, to extract only desired vitamins. As vitamins in food are present in various (chemical) forms, it is neccesary to know their source, so that the analysis would flow targeted. Liposoluble vitamins A and E are naturally found in form of alcohol, and as supplements mostly as acetates and palmitates, which chromatographicaly behave different. Hydrosoluble vitamins differ 307 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation significantly in natural as well as in syntetic shape, so that it is neccesary to use acid, alkali or enzym hydrolysis for the determination of their total content. Results: We examined a total of 214 samples, 8,1% had lower and 5,1% higher vitamin content than declared. Three samples were ambiguous declared because near the vitamin sign was a name of another. We determined by an analysis that the mark for the vitamin was wrong. Conclusion: Depending on a foodstuff analysed we choose a method, which must be enough checked and suitable for application. Knowing composition and through a correct use of foodstuff it is possible to influence health preservation. Key words: vitamins, liquid chromatography, foodstuff; 308 Sekcijsko predavanje / Session Presentation 11.SP2 ZNAČAJ HEMIJSKIH OBLIKA MIKROELEMENATA U HRANI Pavlović Z1, Miletić I2 1 Zavod za javno zdravlje Požarevac, 2Institut za bromatologiju, Farmaceutski fakultet, Beograd Esencijalni mikroelementi neophodni su za normalno funkcionisanje organizma i očuvanje zdravlja. Intenzivna poljoprivredna proizvodnja i neravnomerna distribucija mikreoelemenata u zemljištu negativno utiču na sadržaj minerala u hrani. Pretpostavlja se da je u ovom trenutku, deficit mikroelemenata zdravstveni problem za više od polovine humane populacije. Za pravilnu ishranu pored količine mikroelemenata u hrani značajna je i njihova bioraspoloživost. Na bioraspoloživost mikroelemenata utiču brojni faktori. U spoljašnje faktore spadaju hemijski oblik mikroelementa i prisustvo drugih dijetarnih komponenata sa kojima su mikroelementi u interakciji. Unutrašnji faktori povezani su sa karakteristikama idividue kao što su status mikroelementa u organizmu, starost, pol, produkcija želudačne kiseline, fiziološko stanje (trudnoće, laktacija) i dr. U hrani se mikroelementi nalaze u neorganskom ili organskom obliku. Od organskih jedinjenja najznačajniji su helati sa aminokiselinama i peptidima, metaloporfirini, i kompleksi sa aminokiselinama, organskim kiselinama i polisaharidima. Helati sa amino kiselinama, selenoamino kiseline, proteinati metala i hem, resorbuju se u intaktnom obliku uz minimalne interference sa sadržajem digestivnog trakta. Na apsorpciju preostalih organskih jedinjenja, kao i neorganskih oblika mikroelemenata utiče prisustvo dijetarnih vlakana, fitinske kiseline, fenolnih jedinjenja, organskih kiselina, amino kiselina i proteina, ugljenih hidrata, nekih makroelemenata i dr., a prisutna je i kompeticija između pojedinih elemenata. Dijetarni unos mikroelemenata može se poboljšati povećanjem koncentracije u hrani i, u zavisnosti od hemijskog oblika, povećanjem količine supstanci koje poboljšavaju iskoristljivost mikroelemenata i primenom postupaka obrade hrane koji smanjuju sadržaj dijetarnih inhibitora resorpcije mikroelemenata. Ključne reči: mikroelementi, bioraspoloživost, hemijski oblik. 309 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation SIGNIFICANCE OF THE CHEMICAL FORM OF TRACE ELEMENTS IN FOOD Pavlović Z1, Miletić I2 1 Institute for Public Health Pozarevac, 2Institute of Bromatology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Belgrade Essential trace elements play fundamental roles in the normal development and health of an organism. The total trace elements content in food and their bioavailability are both important for achieving proper nutrition. Intensive agricultural production and uneven mineral distribution in the soil influence the herbal mineral content, so estimation is that microelement deficiency affects more than a half of the world’s human population. The bioavailability of trace elements is influenced by external and internal factors. External factors include the chemical form of an ingested mineral and the amounts and forms of other dietary components with which the mineral interacts. Internal factors include the mineral status, age, gender, pregnancy, lactation, production of gastric acid, etc. Trace elements in food exist in the inorganic form or as organic compounds such as amino acid chelate, metal-binding peptides, metalloporphyrins, complexes with amino acid, organic acid, polysaccharides, and peptides. Amino acid chelates, selenoamino acids, metal proteinates and haem iron, are absorbed in the intact form, with minimal influences from the intestinal content. On the other side, the intestinal absorption of the inorganic form and the remaining organic compound of microelements is influenced by competition between some trace elements and the presence of dietary fibre, phytic acid, phenolic compunds, organic acids, amino acids and proteins, carbohydrates (fructose), some macroelements, etc. The dietary intake of trace elements can be improved by increasing the concentrations of nutrients in food, increasing the quantity of substances that enhance the utilization of micronutrients or by food processing which decreases the quantity of dietary inhibitors for the microelement absorption. Key words: trace elements, bioavailability, chemical form. 310 Sekcijsko predavanje / Session Presentation 11.SP3 ETANOL IZOTOP METODA ZA UTVRĐIVANJE AUTENTIČNOSTI VINA Smajlović I1, Spark L.K 2, Spark J.P2, Leskošek Čukalović I3, Jović S3 SG Isotech Inc, SAD, 2 COIL (Cornell University, Stable Isotope Laboratory), SAD; 3 Katedra za fermentacione tehnologije, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Beograd 1 Ovde je opisana nova razvijena i verifikovana izotopska metoda za analizu vina i šire. Ethanol Isotope Measurement – Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (EIM-IRMS®) je u mogućnosti da obezbedi jedinstveni molekulski otisak prsta koji se ne može reprodukovati ili falsifikovati. EIM-IRMS® metoda se može koristiti za razumevanje i verifikaciju praksi koje se koriste u proizvodnji grožđane šire, stonog i kvalitetnog vina, bez potrebe za referentnim uzorcima iz baze podataka. EIM-IRMS® metoda je mnogo preciznija, analiza uzoraka traje znatno kraće, a oprema koja se koristi, Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (IRMS) je mnogo dostupnija i jeftinija od nuklearne magnetne rezonance (NMR) i metode koja se trenutno koristi u svetu samo za utvrđivanje vrhunskih vina sa poznatim geografskim poreklom. Sa ovom novom izotopskom metodom, dodavanje vode i šećera u vinu se može utvrditi sa većom tačnošću, ponovljivošću i pouzdanošću. Ključne reči: Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (IRMS), autentičnost vina, stabilni izotopi, utvrđivanje porekla. ETHANOL ISOTOPE METHOD FOR DETERMINATION OF WINE AUTHENTICITY Smajlović I 1, Spark L.K 2, Spark J.P2, Leskošek Čukalović I3, Jović S3 SG Isotech Inc, USA, 2 COIL (Cornell University, Stable Isotope Laboratory), USA, 3 Department for Fermentation Technologies, Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade University, Belgrade, Zemun 1 Here we describe a new developed and verified isotope method for analysis of wine, grape must. Ethanol Isotope Measurement - Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (EIM-IRMS®), is capable of providing unique 311 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation molecular fingerprint that cannot be reproduced or counterfeited. EIMIRMS® method can be used to understand and certify practices used in production of grape must, table and quality wine without the need of raw samples. EIM –IRMS® method is a lot more precise, sample analysis lasts significantly shorter, and the equipment used, Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (IRMS) is much more readily available and cheaper than nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and the method, which is used only for high quality wine with known geographical origin. With this new isotope method, addition of water and sugar in wine can be determined with higher accuracy, repeatability and reliability. Key words: isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS); authenticity of wine; stable isotopes; determination of origin 312 Poster / Poster Presentation 11.UP1 DISPERZIJA KVALITETA FLAŠIRANIH VODA NA TRŽIŠTU SRBIJE Božidarević D, Nikolić-Đorić E Poljoprivredni fakultet, Novi Sad Flaširane vode su sve značajniji deo potrošnje vode za piće u nas. Tome doprinosi i slabost sistema vodosnabdevanja, koji pored nedovoljnih količina često poseduje pojedine elemente štetne za zdravlje i neprimerene za piće. To je jedan od razloga što flaširana voda postaje supstitut bunarskoj i vodi iz česme, te je sve više potreba za koju se u domaćinstvu izdvajaju značajna sredstva. Cilj ovoga rada je da ispita stanje kvaliteta flaširanih voda na tržištu Srbije kako bi se potrošačima pružila mogućnost opredeljenja pri kupovini i upotrebi vode za piće. Za kupca – potrošača kvalitet flaširane vode podrazumeva tri osnovna dela; sadržaj (broj i količina makro i mikro elemenata i pH vrednosti), pakovanje i obeležavanje. Metod: Analizirane su 24 flaširane vode proizvedene na području Srbije na bazi podataka naznačenih na pakovanju; suvog ostatka na 180o C, Bikarbonata (HCO3-), Hlorida (Cl), Sulfata (SO42-), Natrijuma (Na+), Kalijuma (Ka+), Kalcijuma (Ca ++), Magnezijuma (Mg ++) i pH vrednosti koja se na svega 9 voda stavlja na uvid potrošačima. Podaci su obrađeni primenom metoda multivarijacione analize – klaster analizom i metodom glavnih komponenata. Rezultati: Kvantifikovanjem razlika u sadržaju pojedinih elemenata utvrđene su značajne divergencije u ponudi flaširane vode. Za svaku od 24 analiziranih voda sadržaj HCO3-, Na+, Ca ++ i Mg ++ je upoređen sa vrednostima iz važećeg Pravilnika o kvalitetu i drugim zahtevima za prirodnu mineralnu vodu, prirodnu izvorsku vodu i stonu vodu (sl.l. SCG br. 53/05). Pravilnik propisuje da gornje granica za HCO3-, Na+, Ca ++ i Mg ++ iznose 600mg/l, 200 mg/l, 150 mg/l i 50 mg/l, respektivno. Utvrđeno je da je kod sedam analiziranih voda sadržaj HCO3-, kod četiri vode sadržaj Na+, kod dve vode sadržaj Ca ++ i kod jedne vode sadržaj Mg ++ veći od propisanog. Zaključak: Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da je potrebno uniformno isticanja onih elemenata koje određena flaširana voda sadrži u većem iznosu od količine propisane Pravilnikom kao i obaveznog isticanja pH vrednosti radi informisanja potrošača. 313 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation Ključne reči: flaširana voda, pH vrednost, prirodna mineralna voda, prirodna izvorska voda, stona voda DISPERSION QUALITY OF BOTTLED WATER IN THE SERBIAN MARKET Božidarević D, Nikolić-Đorić E Faculty of Agriculture, Novi Sad Bottled water is an increasingly important part of the consumption of drinking water in Serbia. This is helped by the weakness of the water supply system, which in addition to insufficient amounts contains certain elements often harmful to the health and unsuitable for drinking. It’s one of the reasons why bottled water is becoming a substitute for well water and tap water, and is all the more need for which households allocate substantial domestic funding. The aim of this paper is to examine the state of the quality of bottled water in the Serbian market in order to provide consumers the possibility of choice when buying and using the water for drinking. For the customer - the consumer of bottled water quality involves three major parts: the content (the number and amounts of macro and micro elements and pH values), packaging and labelling. Methods: We analyzed 24 bottled water produced in Serbia based on the information declared on the packaging; dry residue at 180 º C, Bicarbonate (HCO3-), Chloride (Cl-), Sulphate (SO42-), Sodium (Na+) , Potassium (Ka+), Calcium (Ca ++), Magnesium (Mg ++) and pH value that is on only 9 bottled waters available for consumer insights. Data were analyzed using multivariate methods - cluster analysis and principal component analysis. Results: Quantifying differences in the content of individual elements showed significant divergence in the offer bottled water. For each of the 24 analyzed water contents of HCO3, Na+, Ca ++ and Mg ++ were compared with values from the current Regulation on the quality and other requirements for natural mineral water, natural spring water and table water (SCG. 53/05). Regulation sets that upper limits of elements HCO3-, Na+, Ca ++ i Mg ++ are 600mg/l, 200 mg/l, 150 mg/l i 50 mg/l, respectively. It was found that 314 Poster / Poster Presentation in seven cases content of HCO3-, in four cases the content of Na+, in two cases the content of Ca ++ and in one case the content of Mg ++ is higher than prescribed. Conclusion: The aim of this paper is to highlight the need for uniform labelling of those elements that some bottled water contains in amount more than prescribed by the Regulations and the mandatory labelling of pH values, in order to inform consumers. Key words: Bottled water, pH value, mineral water, natural spring water, table water 315 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 11.UP2 β-GLUKAN – VAŽNA KOMPONENTA SVAKODNEVNE ISHRANE Dodevska M1, Đorđević B2, Miletić I2, Sobajič S2, Đorđević P3, Dimitrijević-Srećković V3 1 Centar za ispitivanje namirnica doo, Beograd, Srbija; 2Katedra za bromatologiju, Farmaceutski Fakultet, Beograd, Srbija; 3Institut za endokrinologiju, dijabetes i bolesti Metabolizma, Klinički centar Srbije, Beograd, Srbija U promociji zdravog i kvalitetnog načina ishrane u današnje vreme dijetna vlakna zauzimaju značajno mesto. Dijetna vlakna su polimeri ugljenih hidrata sa tri ili više monomernih jedinica, koji se ne apsorbuju u tankom crevu. Brojne naučne studije ukazuju na fiziološki značaj ukupnih dijetnih vlakana kao i pojedinačnih frakcija vlakana. Prva frakcija vlakana za koju je vezana zdravstvena izjava je β-glukan. Evropska agencija za bezbednost prehrambenih proizvoda (European Food Safety Authority, EFSA) je 2009, a Američka agencija za hranu i lekove (Food and Drug Administration, FDA) je 1997, odobrila prvu zdravstvenu izjavu da dnevni unos od 3 g β-glukana, poreklom iz ovsa smanjuje nivo holesterola u krvi. Cilj rada je bio da se odredi sadržaj dijetnih vlakana i β-glukana u hrani koja je dostupna, uobičajena i koja se preporučuje kao zdrava i korisna po ljudsko zdravlje. U 30 uzoraka cerealija (sedam vrsta žitarica u sirovom i kuvanom stanju, žita za doručak i nekoliko vrsta komercijalnih hlebova), određivana su ukupna dijetna vlakna, β-glukan i energetska vrednost. Korišćene su standardne AOAC metode. Za statističku obradu podataka je korišćena ANOVA i post hoc Tuckey test. Rezultati pokazuju da su ražane pahuljice najbogatije ukupnim dijetnim vlaknima (18,4%), najnižu energetsku vrednost poseduje kuvana pšenica (98 kcal), a β-glukan je najzastupljeniji kod ovsenih pahuljica (4,6%). Adekvatan unos vlakana je jedan od važnih uslova za pravilnu ishranu i dobro zdravlje. Pravilnom kombinacijom različitih namirnica bogatih ukupnim dijetnim vlaknima i β-glukanom može se doći do količina koje su pokazale povoljan efekat u smanjenju faktora rizika za razvoj hroničnih nezaraznih bolesti. Ključne reči: dijetna vlakna, β-glukan, cerealije 316 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios β-GLUCAN – IMPORTANT COMPONENT OF EVERYDAY DIET Dodevska M1, Đorđević B2, Miletić I2, Sobajič S2, Đorđević P3, Dimitrijević-Srećković V3 1 Center for food Analysis, Belgrade, Serbia; 2 Department of Bromatology, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Pharmacy, Serbia; 3 Institute for Endokrinology, Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases, Clinical Center of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia Nowadays it is almost impossible to promote healthy and quality lifestyle without considering the important role of dietary fiber as „an essential part of a healthy diet“. By the composition dietary fiber represents carbohydrate polymers containing three or more monomer units, which cannot be absorbed in small intestine. Many studies show that physiological effect of fibres, as well as their particular fractions are directly dependent of their amounts. European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have approved in 2009. and 1997. respectively the health declaration that daily intake of 3 g β-glucan from oats lowers serum cholesterol level. The aim of this study was analytically to verify that the food in our everyday diet, can satisfy the recommended amount of fiber as well as amount of β-glucan which give positive results in promotion of healthy lifestyle. In 30 samples of commonly consumed foods, seven sorts of grains (raw and thermally treated) and several sorts of bread and breakfast cereals, the content of total dietary fiber, β-glucan, and well as the energy value was determined. The analyses were performed by standard AOAC procedures. The data were statistically analyzed by ANOVA and post hoc Tuckey test. The most prominent source of fiber is rye flakes (18.4±0.64%). The lowest energy value has a cooked wheat. The best sources for β-glucan is oat flakes (4.6±0.25). The adequate intake of fiber is one of the important premises for optimal nutrition and good health. Proper combinations of various foods rich in total fibers and β-glucan could provide amounts that have shown a positive health effect. Key words: dietary fiber, beta glucan, cereals 317 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 11.UP3 ANALIZA ŠEĆERA U VOĆNIM SOKOVIMA PRIMENOM VISOKOEFIKASNE TEČNE HROMATOGRAFIJE Bušatlić A1, Krstić M2, Basić Z3, Ražić S1 Katedra za analitičku hemiju, Farmaceutski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu; 2 Katedra za farmaceutsku tehnologiju, Farmaceutski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu; 3Vojnomedicinska Akademija, Beograd 1 Cilj: Brojne supstance, koje se mogu određivati u različitim vrstama namirnica, mogu biti različitog biološkog hemijskog ili fizičkog porekla. Analiza šećera, naročito u voćnim sokovima, je veoma važna imajući u vidu nutritivni značaj, kao i povećane zahteve u kontroli hrane kada su u pitanju pojedine frakcije ugljenih hidrata u sveže pripremljenim proizvodima. S obzrom na ekspanziju industrijske proizvodnje voćnih sokova i značaj stabilnosti mono- i disaharda za kavlitet proizvoda, domaći sokovi, kao «funkcionalna hrana» postaju predmet sve veće pažnje naučne javnosti. Metode: U ovom radu je analiziran sadržaj osnovnih šećera u voćnim sokovima primenom visokoefikasne tečne hromatografije (HPLC). Analiziran sadržaj glukoze, fruktoze i saharoze u sokovima od ribizle, višnje, breskve, kajsije i jagode, kao i u dva sirupa od višnje i kajsije, domaće proizvodnje. Određivanje je bilo zasnovano na poređenju hromatograma rastvora standarda saharoze, glukoze i fruktoze i rastvora razblaženog soka. Temperatura na kojoj je hromatografska analiza izvođena je 90⁰C , eluiranje je bilo izokratsko, kao mobilna faza korišćena je voda, separaciona kolona Nucleogel Sugar Ca, i refraktrometrijski detektor. Rezultati: Analizom je pokazano da sadržaj glukoze varira u rasponu od 3,149-38,405 g/100 mL, fruktoze od 1,931-30,851 g/100 mL, i saharoze od 0,670-6,072 g/100 mL. Sadržaj glukoze i fruktoze se ne razlikuje mnogo između sokova, dok je u sirupima za 10 puta veći u odnosu na sokove. Zaključak: U analiziranim uzorcima nisu uočene veće varijacije kad je u pitanju sadržaj saharoze u sokova i sirupima pripremljenim za upotrebu, osim u jednom uzorku sa značajno nižom koncentracijom zbog uticaja enzima i voćnih kiselina. Ključne reči: voćni šećeri, HPLC 318 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios THE ANALISYS OF SUGAR IN FRUIT JUICES BY HIGH PERFOMANCE LIQUID CROMATOGRAPHY Bušatlić A1, Krstić M2, Basić Z3, Ražić S1 Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Belgrade University; 2 Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Belgrade University; 3Military Medical Academy, Belgrade 1 Objectives: Numerous substances, of different kinds, in groceries could have diverse biological, chemical or physical origin. Analysis of sugars, especially in fruit juices, is very important because of its nutritive importance and the increased demands in food control, especially for fractions of carbohydrates in fresh products. Home-made juices as „functional food“ are in the focus of scientific attention because of the expansion of industrial manufacturing of fruit juices and importance of monosaccharides and disaccharides stability for the products quality. Method: In this work determination of content of basic sugar in fruit juices, by applying a high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), was performed. Content of glucose, fructose and saccharose was analysed in currant, cherry, peach, apricot and strawberry juices and in home-made cherry and apricot syrups. Quantification was based on comparison of chromatograms of standard solutions of saccharose, glucose and fructose with our samples. Applied temperature of the procedure was 90⁰C, the elution was isocratic, water as mobile phase, column Nucleogel Sugar Ca and refractrometric detector. Results: The obtained results showed that concentrations of gucose vary in the range 3,149-38,405 g/100 mL, fructose in the range 1,931-30,851 g/100 mL and saccharose in the range 0,670-6,072 g/100 mL. Measured concerntrations of glucose and fructose do not exhibit significant variations in juices however, they are ten times higher in syrups. Conclusion: In all samples, juices and syrups, concentrations of saccharose do not differ significantly, except for one sample where much lower content was measured probably due to enzymatic decomposition. Key words: fruit sugars, HPLC 319 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 11.UP4 KVALITET MEDA PROIZVEDENOG U CRNOJ GORI Đuričković M¹, Mališić N¹, Mugosa B¹,Nedić A 2, Bajić B1, Jovićević Lj3 Institut za javno zdravlje Crne Gore; 2NIS GASPROM, Novi Sad ³JZU Dom zdravlja Bar 1 Cilj rada je ispitivanje kvaliteta meda proizvedenog u Crnoj Gori. Materijal: Za analizu je uzeto 42 uzorka meda različitih vrsta. U svum uzorcima određivan je sadražaj vode, ukupnih kisjelina, ukupnih šećera, direktno redukujućih šećera, saharoze, hidroksimetilfurfurola, mineralnih materija, Pb, Cd, As, Hg, Zn, Fe, Cu, Mn, Cr i Ni. Korišćene su uobičajene analitičke tehnike i AAS. Rezultati: Sadržaj vode u ispitivanim uzorcima kretao se od 17,0 % kod bagremovog meda do 19,2% kod meda kadulje.Sadržaj ukupnih kisjelina bio je najmanji kod bagremovog meda (10,0 mmol/kg) a najveći kod meda kadulje (40,0 mmol/kg), dok je sadržaj ukupnih šećera manje varirao i iznosio je od 76,2% do 82,0%, kao i direkto redukujućih šećera (od 73,7% do 76,7%). Nešto veća razlika zapažena je u sadržaju saharoze od 3,3% kod livadskog meda do 7,0% kod meda kadulje. Bagremov med imao je najmanji sadržaj hidroksimetilfurfurola (6,0 mg/kg) a cijetni med najveći (20,6 mg/kg). Najmanji sadržaj mineralnih materija imao je livadski med (0,35%), dok su šumski i bagremov med imali 0,55% mineralnih materija. Sadržaj Pb, Hg, As, Cd i Cr u svim uzorcima bio je ispod granice detekcije. Šumski med imao je najveći sadržaj Zn (4,5 mg/kg) a najmanji livadski (1,10 mg/kg). Šumski med imao je takođe i najveći sadražaj Fe, Cu, Mn i Ni, a bagremov najmanji. Zaključak: Ispitani uzorci meda odlikovali su se dobrim kvalitetom. Povoljni klimatsko-vegetacijski uslovi, saraznovrsnom pašom za pčele, velike površine prirodnih livada i pašnjaka, koji obiluju medonosnim biljem u Crnoj Gori rezultiraju proizvodnjom vrlo kvalitetnog meda. Ključne reči: med, sadržaj, kvalitet 320 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios QUALITY OF HONEY PRODUCED IN MONTENEGRO Đuričković M¹, Mališić N¹, Mugosa B¹,Nedić A 2, Bajić B1, Jovićević Lj3 Institute of Public Health of Montenegro; 2NIS GASPROM, Novi Sad 3 JZU Health center Bar³ 1 The aim of this study is to evaluate the quality of honey produced in Montenegro. Materials and methods: Total of 42 collected samples of different types of honey were analyzed. In accordance with relevant national legislation all samples were analyzed for moisture, acidity, total sugars, total reducing sugar, sucrose content, but also for hydroxymethyl furfural (HMF), minerals, Pb, Cd, As, Hg, Zn, Fe, Cu, Mn, Cr and Ni content. Usual analytical techniques and AAS were used. Results: The moisture content of analyzed honey samples ranged from 17.0% in acacia honey to 19.2% in sage honey samples. Total acidity was lowest in acacia honey (10.0 mmol / kg) and the highest in sage honey (40.0 mmol/kg), while the total sugar content less varied and ranged from 76.2% to 82.0%, similar to total reducing sugar (from 73.7% to 76.7%). Slightly larger difference was noticed in the content of sucrose, which ranged from 3.3% in meadow honey to 7.0% for sage honey. Acacia honey had the lowest content of hydroxymethyl furfural (6.0 mg / kg) while flower honey had the largest (20.6 mg / kg). Meadow honey had the lowest (0.35%), while forest and acacia honey had the highest (0.55%) mineral matter content. Content of Pb, Hg, As, Cd and Cr in all samples was below method detection limits. Forest honey had the highest content of Zn (4.5 mg / kg), while the wild flower honey had the lowest (1.10 mg/kg). Forest honey also contained the highest concentration of Fe, Cu, Mn and Ni, while acacia honey contained lowest concentration of the mentioned ingredients. Conclusion: Favorable climatic and vegetation conditions followed with diverse pastures for bees, large areas of natural meadows and pastures that are rich with honey plants, resulted in production of high quality honey in Montenegro. Key words: honey, content, quality 321 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 11.UP5 SADRŽAJ UKUPNE MASTI I HOLESTEROLA U SVEŽEM I PEČENOM PILEĆEM MESU Vranić D1, Milić D2, Milićević D1, Matekalo-Sverak V1, Trbović D1, Babić J1, Korićanac V1 1 Institut za higijenu i tehnologiju mesa, Beograd, 2 Perutnina Ptuj-Topiko ad, Bačka Topola Sadržaj masti i holesterola u mesu je, s obzirom na njihov značaj za kvalitet i nutritivnu vrednost mesa, veoma važan za potrošače. Cilj rada bio je određivanje i poređenje sadržaja ukupne masti i holesterola u svežem i pečenom pilećem mesu, u belom mesu (meso grudi) i crvenom mesu (meso bataka sa karabatakom). Uzorci mesa grudi i mesa bataka sa karabatakom, uzimani su od ohlađenih trupova brojlera provenijencije Ross 308. Brojleri su hranjeni kompletnim smešama koje su zadovoljavale potrebe brojlera u tovu koji je trajao 42 dana. Sadržaj ukupne masti i holesterola određivan je u svežem i pečenom mesu grudi (m. pectoralis major) i mesu bataka sa karabatakom (mišići tibio-femoralne regije). Sadržaj ukupne masti određen je ekstrakcijom masti petroletrom po Soxhletu, nakon kisele hidrolize uzorka (SRPS ISO 1443/1992). Sadržaj holesterola, određen je, nakon direktne saponifikacije (bez predhodne ekstrakcije lipida), prema metodi Maraschiello i sar. (1996), tehnikom visoko efikasne tečne hromatografije. Sadržaj ukupne masti bio je u svežem mesu grudi 5,53 ± 0,61%, a u svežem mesu bataka sa karabatakom 9,64 ± 0,64%. U pečenom mesu grudi, utvrđen je manji sadržaj ukupne masti (6,05 ± 0,31%) nego u pečenom mesu bataka sa karabatakom (14,73 ± 0,56%). Sadržaj holesterola bio je veći u svežem mesu bataka sa karabatakom (83,95 ± 9,20 mg/100g) nego u svežem mesu grudi (62,09 ± 12,57 mg/100g), što je u skladu sa literaturnim podacima. Takođe, u pečenom mesu bataka sa karabatakom, utrvrđen je veći sadržaj holesterola (93,95 ± 9,00 mg/100g) nego u pečenom mesu grudi (88,58 ± 5,20 mg/100g). Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, može se zaključiti da je sadržaj ukupne masti i holesterola bio manji u svežem i pečenom belom mesu (meso grudi) u odnosu na njihov sadržaj u svežem i pečenom crvenom mesu (meso bataka sa karabatakom). Ključne reči: pileće meso, mast, holesterol 322 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios FAT AND CHOLESTEROL CONTENT IN FRESH AND ROASTED CHICKEN MEAT Vranić D1, Milić D2, Milićević D1, Matekalo-Sverak V1, Trbović D1, Babić J1, Korićanac V1 1 Institute of meat hygiene and technology, Kaćanskog 13, 11 000 Beograd, Srbija, 2 Perutnina Ptuj-Topiko ad, Petefi Brigade 2, 24 300 Bačka Topola, Srbija Fat and cholesterol content of meat, due to their importance for meat quality and nutritional value, are very important for consumers. The aim of this paper was determination and comparison of total fat and cholesterol content in fresh and roasted chicken meat; in white meat (breast meat) and red meat (drumstick meat). Samples of breast and drumstick meat were taken of chilled broilers’ carcasses, provenience Ross 308. Broilers fed the complete feed mixtures that met broilers’ nutritional needs during the fattening period for 42 days. Total fat and cholesterol content were determined in fresh and roasted breast (m. pectoralis major) and drumstick meat (muscles of regio tibio-femoralis). Total fat content was determined by extraction of fat by petroleter (Soxhlet) after acid hydrolysis of samples (SRPS ISO 1443/1992). Cholesterol content was determined according to Maraschiello et al. (1996) by efficient liquid chromatography, after direct saponification (without prior lipid extraction). The total fat content in fresh breast meat was 5.53 ± 0.61% and in fresh drumstick meat 9.64 ± 0.64%. In roasted breast meat, the total fat content (6.05 ± 0.31%) was less than total fat content in roasted drumstick meat (14.73 ± 0.56%). Cholesterol content was higher in fresh drumstick meat (83.95 ± 9.20 mg/100g) than in fresh breast meat (62.09 ± 12.57 mg/100g), that is in accordance to literature data. Also, in roasted drumstick meat, the cholesterol content 93.95 ± 9.00 mg/100g) was higher than in roasted breast meat (88.58 ± 5.20 mg/100g). The obtained results indicate that total fat and cholesterol content were lower in fresh and roasted white meat (breast meat) in comparison with their contents in fresh and roasted red meat (drumstick meat). Key words: chicken meat, fat, cholesterol 323 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 11.UP6 VALIDACIJA METODE ZA ODREĐIVANJE SINTETIČKIH PREHRAMBENIH BOJA U OSVEŽAVAJUĆIM BEZALKOHOLNIM PIĆIMA I DIJETETSKIM PROIZVODIMA HPLC-DAD TEHNIKOM Vlajković J, Stanković M, Tadić M, Vuković G Gradski zavod za javno zdravlje, Beograd Upotreba bojenih agenasa, kako bi se hrana učinila psihološki i estetski prihvatljivijom, poznata je vekovima. Primena sintetičkih boja, međutim, datira od sredine XlX veka. Zbog svoje potencijalne toksičnosti, upotreba sintetičkih boja je regulisana zakonima i vrednostima za prihvatljiv dnevni unos (PDU). U našoj zemlji, upotreba sintetičkih boja je definisana Pravilnikom o kvalitetu i uslovima upotrebe aditiva u namirnicama i o drugim zahtevima za aditive i njihove mešavine (Sl. list SCG br. 56/03.4/04, 5/04,16/05). Najčešće tehnike za analizu sintetičkih boja su: UV-VIS spektrofotometrija, tankoslojna hromatografija (TLC), kapilarna elektroforeza (CE), jonska hromatografija (IC) i tečna hromatografija visoke performanse (HPLC). Cilj ovog rada je bio postavka, validacija i primena HPLC metode sa UV detekcijom u određivanju sintetičkih boja kao aditiva u hrani. U našem radu, analizirano je jedanaest sintetičkih boja (E102, E104, E110, E122, E123, E124, E129, E131, E132, E133, E151), reverzno-faznom tečnom hromatografijom uz upotrebu DAD detektora, nakon separacije na C-18 koloni. Mobilna faza se sastojala od vodenog rastvora amonijum acetata (pH 6,5) i smeše metanola i acetonitrila (50/50, v/v) u gradijentnom modu. Metoda je optimizirana na maksimumu apsorpcije za svaku sintetičku boju. Rezultati ispitivanja su dati kao parametri validacije metode. Relativne standardne devijacije (RSD%) za retenciona vremena i površine pikova za 11 sintetičkih boja su se kretale u opsegu od 0,01% za E133 do 0,08% za E123, odnosno od 0,02% za E133 do 0,57% za E104. Tačnost metode je određena na spajkovanom uzorku osvežavajućeg bezalkoholnog pića (OBP) na tri koncentraciona nivoa u tri ponavljanja (od 2 mg/L do 10 mg/L) za sve boje i kretala se od 77,9% (RSD 0,56%) za E110 do 106,8% (RSD 0,54%) za E122. Limiti detekcije (izračunati kao odnos signala i šuma bazne linije 3/1), kretali su se od 0,02mg/L za E131, do 0,34 mg/L za E104. Optimizovana metoda je primenjena za identifikaciju i kvantifikaciju sintetičkih boja u 324 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios uzorcima osvežavjućih bezalkoholnih pića i dijetetskih proizvoda. Zbog relativno jednostavne pripreme uzorka, pouzdanosti, osetljivosti i brzine analize, metoda se pokazala primenjivom i efikasnom u rutinskom laboratorijskom radu. Ključne reči: sintetičke boje, dijetetski proizvodi, OBP, HPLC, DAD VALIDATION OF THE METHOD FOR DETERMINATION OF SYNTHETIC FOOD DYES IN SOFT DRINKS AND DIETARY PRODUCTS BY REVERSED-PHASE HIGHPERFORMANCE LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY WITH DIODE-ARRAY DETECTOR Vlajković J, Stanković M, Tadić M, Vuković G Institute of Public Health, Belgrade The use of colours for making foodstuffs aesthetically and psychologically attractive has been known for centuries. The use of an array of synthetic dyes started in food industry in the middle of the 19th century. Due to its toxicity, synthetic dyes are strictly controlled by laws and acceptable daily intake (ADI) values for food safety. In our country, the maximum permissible levels for synthetic food dyes in different commodities are defined by National regulative. A large number of analytical methods for food colors have been proposed, such as UV/ VIS spectrophotometry, thin layer chromatography (TLC), capillary electrophoresis (CE), ion chromatography (IC) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). In this paper eleven synthetic dyes (E102, E104, E110, E122, E123, E124, E129, E131, E132, E133, E151) commonly used as colorant in soft drinks and dietary products, were separated on RP-C18 column and quantified by high performance liquid chromatography with photodiode array detection (DAD). The aim of this work was development, validation and application of HPLC-DAD method in determination of synthetic dyes as additives in food. Mobile phase consisted of 0, 1 mol/L of ammonium acetate aqueous solution (pH 6, 5) and methanol–acetonitrile (50:50, v/v) in gradient mode. Results of 325 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation experimental work have been presented as method validation parameters. Detection wavelengths for HPLC were selected from the optimum absorbance for each compound. Relative standard deviations of retention time and peak area for eleven synthetic dyes were from 0, 01% for E133 to 0, 08% for E123; from 0, 02% for E133 to 0, 57% for E104, respectively. The detection limit (at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3) ranged from 0, 02 mg/L for E131, to 0, 34 mg/L for E104. The recoveries of these compounds added to soft drink at tree concentration levels (2 mg/L - 10 mg/L) analyzed in triplicates ranged from 77,9% (RSD 0,56%) for E110 to 106,8% (RSD 0,54%) for E122. The method was applied to the identification and determination of synthetic dyes in several soft drinks and dietary products. Sample preparation simplicity, reliabillity, sensitivity and relativelly short time of analysis of the method has prooved that it can be successfully applied in routine laboratory work. Key words: synthetic dyes, dietary products, soft drinks, HPLC, DAD 326 Poster / Poster Presentation 11.P01 NEKE VRSTE SNEK PROIZVODA KAO IZVOR MOLIBDENA Jančić D, Anđelić S, Raičević Lj JU Centar za ekotoksikološka ispitivanja Crne Gore Uvod: Molibden u organizmu čovjeka igra važnu ulogu u smanjenju količine toksina na bazi sulfita i nitrozamina koji nastaju u metabolitičkim procesima, a može spriječiti karijes i anemiju. Takođe je bitan faktoru u procesu normalnog rada ćelija i u metabolizmu azota. Molibden je dio sulfit-oksidaze, enzima koji razgrađuje sulfite. Sulfiti se nalaze u hrani bogatoj proteinima, kao i u konzervansima i ljekovima. Molibden je takođe sastavni dio enzima ksantin-oksidaze i aldehid-oksidaze koji u organizmu učestvuju u proizvodnji genetskog materijala i proteina. Ksantin-oksidaza takođe učestvuje u oksidaciji purina i pirimidina i proizvodnji mokraćne kiseline. Uzimajući ovo u obzir možemo govoriti o antioksidativnim svojstvima ovog mikronutrijenta. Cilj: Cilj ovog rada je utvrđivanje sadržaja molibdena u snek proizvodima i definisanje količine ovih proizvoda čije konzumiranje može zadovoljiti njegov preporučeni dnevni unos (PDU) koji za odrasle osobe iznosi 50 mg. Metode: Sadržaj molibdena određen je u sedam uzoraka snek proizvoda: pečeni lješnik, prženi indijski orah, pečene leblebije, pečeni kikiriki, pečene sjemenke bundeve, pečeni pistaći i pržena soja. Uzorci su pripremljeni za analizu upotrebom mikrotalasne razgradnje, a sadržaj molibedena određen je korišćenjem ICP-OES tehnike. Istovremeno je u navedenim proizvodima procijenjena energetska vrijednost na osnovu sadržaja proteina, ugljenih hidrata i masti. Rezultati i diskusija: Utvrđeni sadržaj molibdena u analiziranim proizvodima kreće se od 35,2 mg/100 g u indijskom orahu do 163,7 mg/100 g u sjemenkama bundeve. Uzimajući u obzir procijenjenu energetsku vrijednost ovih proizvoda koja se kreće od 312 kcal/100 g za leblebije do 689 kcal/100 g za pečeni lješnik, njihova količina neophodna za zadovoljenje PDU molibdena kreće se od 31 g sjemenki bundeve do 142 g indijskog oraha. Ovo predstavlja 9,0 - 43,8% energije režima ishrane baziranog na unosu 2000 kcal dnevno. Zaključak: Zaključuje se da snek proizvodi predstavljaju dobar izvor molibdena. Imajući u vidu njihovu visoku energetsku vrijednost, samo 327 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation neki od njih konzumirani u potrebim količinama ne čine više od 10% ukupne dnevno potrebne energije. Ključne riječi: molibden, snek proizvodi, sadržaj SOME SNACK PRODUCTS AS DIETARY SOURCES OF MOLYBDENUM Jančić D, Anđelić S, Raičević Lj PI Center for Ecotoxicological Research of Montenegro Introduction: Molybdenum has an important role in the breaking down of sulfite toxin and nitrosamines made in metabololitical processes in the body and may prevent cavities and anemia. It is also an important factor for normal cell function and nitrogen metabolism. Molybdenum is part of sulfite-oxidase, an enzyme that metabolise sulfites. Sulfites are found in protein reach food as well as food preservatives and drugs. Molybdenum is also part of xanthine-oxidase and aldehyde-oxidase both involved in the body’s production of genetic material and proteins. Xanthine-oxidase also helps the body to oxidize purine and pyrimidine and produce uric acid. Based on that, we can talk about the antioxidant properties of these micronutrients. Objective: The objective of this paper was to determine the molybdenum content in selected snack products and to define the amount of consumption of these products which can satisfy recommended daily allowance (RDA) of 50 mg for this micronutrient. Materials and methods: Molybdenum content was determined in seven samples of snack products: roasted hazelnut, fried cashews, roasted chickpeas, roasted peanuts, roasted pumpkin seeds, fried pistachio nuts and fried soybeans. Samples were prepared for analysis using a microwave digestion and molybdenum content was determined using ICP-OES. At the same time for these products energy value was estimated based on the content of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Results and discussion: Determined molybdenum content in the analyzed products ranged from 35.2 mg/100 in fried cashews to 163.7 mg/100 g in pumpkin seeds. The intake necessary to satisfy RDA for 328 Poster / Poster Presentation molybdenum was in the range from 31 g of pumpkin seeds to 142 g of cashews. Taking into consideration the estimated energy value of these products, which was in the range from 312 kcal/100 g for chickpeas to 689 kcal/100 g for roasted hazelnut, daily intake of snack products necessary to fulfill RDA values would comprise 9.0 - 43.8% of daily energy based on 2000 kcal daily intake. Conclusion: Based on these results it can be concluded that thermally treated seeds and nuts as snack products are important sources of molybdenum but only some of them consumed in needed amounts represent no more than 10% of total daily required energy. Key words: molybdenum, snack products, content 329 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 11.P02 KONTROLA KVALITETA PEKARSKIH PROIZVODA U BRANIČEVSKOM I PODUNAVSKOM OKRUGU Milošević M, Pavlović Z, Đurić S Zavod za javno zdravlje Požarevac Uvod i cilj: Pekarski proizvodi, a naročito hleb, važni su izvori hranljivih materija i energije i veoma su zastupljeni u svakodnevnoj ishrani stanovništva Srbije. Cilj ovog rada je da se ispita kvalitet pekarskih proizvoda u Braničevskom i Podunavskom okrugu. Metodologija: U Zavodu za javno zdravlje Požarevac tokom 2011. godine izvršena je kontrola kvaliteta 603 uzorka pekarskih proizvoda, akreditovanim metodama, a izbor parametara je bio u skladu sa „Pravilnikom o kvalitetu žita, mlinskih i pekarskih proizvoda, testenina i brzo smrznutih testa“. Analizirane su sledeće vrste pekarskih proizvoda: 299 uzoraka punjenog peciva, 88 uzoraka hleba, 65 uzoraka bureka, 61 uzorak belog peciva, 37 uzoraka brzo smrznutog testa, 27 uzoraka pogačica kao i 26 uzoraka ostalih pekarskih proizvoda. Rezultati i diskusija: Dobijeni rezultati pokazali su da je od ukupno 603 uzorka pekarskih proizvoda, 28 bilo neispravno. Najveći procenat neispravnosti je zapažen u pogačicama, od 27 uzoraka analizom je dobijen smanjeni sadržaj masti u 11 uzoraka, odn. U 40,7%. Analizom brzo smrznutog testa sa nadevom, utvrđena je neispravnost 4 uzorka (10,8%), zbog smanjenog sadržaja nadeva. Zbog smanjenog sadržaja masti neispravno je bilo 9,2% uzoraka bureka, a kod punjenog peciva, usled smanjenog sadržaja mase za punjenje, 6 uzoraka je bilo neispravno (2%). Za ostale vrste proizvoda dobijeni su rezultati koji odgovaraju uslovima Pravilnika. Zaključak: Analiza pekarskih proizvoda pokazala je da su pekarski proizvodi na području Braničevskog i Podunavskog okruga zadovoljavajućeg kvaliteta, kada je u pitanju fizičko-hemijski sastav, jer je od ukupnog broja uzoraka samo 4,6% neispravno, pri čemu se neispravnost uglavnom odnosi na smanjeni sadržaj masti i nadeva u proizvodu, što ne ugrožava značajno zdravlje stanovništva. Ključne reči: kontrola kvaliteta, pekarski proizvodi, hleb, pecivo 330 Poster / Poster Presentation QUALITY CONTROL OF BAKERY PRODUCTS IN BRANIČEVO AND PODUNAVLJE REGIONS Milošević M, Pavlović Z, Đurić S Institute for Public Health Požarevac Introduction and objective: Bakery products, especially bread, are important sources of nutrients and energy, and are highly represented in the Serbian nutrition. The purpose of this work was to determine the quality of bakery products in Branicevo and Podunavlje regions. Methodology: In 2011 the laboratory of the Public Health Institute Pozarevac performed quality control in 603 samples of bakery products by accredited analytical methods in accordance with the Serbian Regulation. The following types of bakery products were analyzed: 299 samples of filled pastry, 88 samples of bread, 65 samples of burek pies, 61 samples of white pastry, 37 samples of quickly frozen dough, 27 samples of pastry “pogačice“, and 26 samples of other bakery products. Results and discussion: The results discovered 28 incorrect samples from a total of 603 analyzed bakery products. Pastry “pogačice” had the highest percentage of incorrect samples (40.7%) because fat content was lower than allowed. The analysis of quickly frozen dough with filling found 10.8% incorrect samples due to a reduced content of the filling. A reduced content of the filling was also the reason of the incorrectness of 2% of filled pastry. From the total number of the samples of burek pies, a fat content lower than allowed was present in 9.2%. For other types of products, the obtained results are according to the Regulation. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the quality of bakery products in Branicevo and Podunavlje is satisfactory, since out of the total number of samples only 4.6% are incorrect, and the fault is mainly related to a reduced content of fat or filling in the product, which does not significantly threaten human health. Key words: quality control, bakery products, bread, pastry 331 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 11.P03 KONTROLA KVALITETA MEDA U BRANIČEVSKOM OKRUGU Đurić S, Pavlović Z, Milošević M Zavod za javno zdravlje Požarevac Uvod i cilj: Med je prirodna, visokokalorična i lako svarljiva namirnica visoke biološke vrednosti. Da bi se med kao namirnica mogao koristiti neophodno je da zadovolji određene zahteve kvaliteta. Cilj ovog rada je da se ispita kvalitet meda u Braničevskom okrugu, tradicionalno poznatom po pčelarskoj proizvodnji. Metodologija: U Zavodu za javno zdravlje Požarevac, tokom 2010. i 2011. godine, akreditovanim metodama, izvršeno je ispitivanje fizičko hemijskih parametara 75 uzorka cvetnog, 73 uzorka bagremovog, 3 uzorka lipovog i 3 uzorka suncokretovog meda. Uzorci su analizirani u skladu sa Pravilnikom o kvalitetu i drugim zahtevima za med, druge pčelinje proizvode, preparate na bazi meda i drugih pčelinjih proizvoda. Ispitivani su organoleptički pregled, sadržaj redukovanih šećera, saharoze, vode, mineralnih materija, materija nerastvornih u vodi, kiselost meda, aktivnost dijastaze i sadržaj hidroksimetilfurfurola. Rezultati i diskusija: Analizom ukupno 154 uzorka meda pronađena je neispravnost 4 uzorka (1 uzorak bagremovog meda i 3 cvetnog meda). Glavni uzrok neispravnosti predstavlja smanjena aktivnost dijastaze, a u istim uzorcima utvrđen je i povećan sadržaj hidroksimetilfurfurola. Izuzetno visoke vrednosti hidroksimetilfurfurola (iznad 100 mg/kg) detektovane su u dva uzorka. Utvrđene neispravnosti ukazuju na mogućnost falsifikovanja, termičkog izlaganja ili nepravilnog čuvanja meda. Zaključak: Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da je na području Braničevskog okruga kvalitet meda na zadovoljavajućem nivou jer je samo 2,6% uzoraka bilo neispravno. Ključne reči: kontrola kvaliteta, med. 332 Poster / Poster Presentation QUALITY CONTROL OF HONEY IN BRANIČEVO DISTRICT Đurić S, Pavlović Z, Milošević M Institute for Public Health Pozarevac Introduction and objective: Honey is a natural, high-calorie and easily digestible food with a high biological value. Certain quality requirements must be reached for honey as a natural material. The aim of this study was to investigate the quality of honey in Branicevo District, traditionally known for its honey production and beekeeping. Methodology: During 2010 and 2011, the Institute for Public Health Pozarevac conducted a research of the quality of 75 samples of floral honey, 73 samples of acacia honey, 3 samples of linden honey and 3 samples of sunflower honey. The samples were analyzed in accordance with the Regulations on the quality and other requirements for honey, other bee products, and products based on honey and other bee products. The research included an organoleptic examination, the determination of the content of reduced sugar, sucrose, water, minerals and matter insoluble in water, the acidity of honey, diastase activity and content of hydroxymethylfurfurol. Results and discussion: The analysis of 154 samples of honey found that 4 samples were not in accordance with the Serbian Regulation (1 sample of acacia honey and 3 samples of floral honey). The main cause of failure was a decreased activity of diastase and, in the same samples, increased content of hydroxymethylfurfurol. Extremely high values of hydroxymethylfurfurol (above 100 mg / kg) were detected in two samples. Identified faults indicate the possibility of fraud, heat exposure or improper storage of honey. Conclusion: Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that the quality of honey in Branicevo District is satisfactory since only 2.6% of samples were incorrect. Key words: quality control, honey. 333 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 11.P04 KONTROLA KVALITETA PROIZVODA OD MESA U BRANIČEVSKOM I PODUNAVSKOM OKRUGU Đurić S, Pavlović Z, Milošević M Zavod za javno zdravlje Požarevac Uvod i cilj: Meso i proizvodi od mesa zauzimaju važno mesto u ishrani ljudi i tradicionalno su veoma zastupljeni u svakodnevnoj ishrani našeg stanovništva. Značajan su izvor punovrednih belančevina, vitamina B grupe, mineralnih materija (Mg i P) i mikroelemenata (Fe, Zn ,Cu, Se). Cilj ovog rada je da se ispita kvalitet proizvoda od mesa u Braničevskom i Podunavskom okrugu. Metodologija: U Zavodu za javno zdravlje Požarevac, tokom 2010. i 2011. godine, akreditovanim metodama, izvršeno je ispitivanje fizičko hemijskih parametara u 88 uzoraka proizvoda od mesa. Uzorci su analizirani u skladu sa Pravilnikom o kvalitetu i drugim zahtevima za proizvode od mesa. Ispitivani su sadržaj proteina, relativan sadržaj proteina vezivnog tkiva, sadržaj ukupnih fosfata u 54 uzoraka grubo i fino usitnjenih barenih kobasica, 9 uzoraka drugih vrsta kobasica, 7 uzoraka slanine, 13 uzoraka dimljenih proizvoda i 5 uzoraka ostalih proizvoda od mesa. Po zahtevu inspekcije u 13 uzoraka različitih proizvoda od mesa određen je sadržaj nitrita. Rezultati i diskusija: Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da je od ukupnog broja ispitanih uzoraka 9 (10,23 %) odstupalo od propisanih vrednosti. Najčešći uzrok neispravnosti predstavlja povećan sadržaj ukupnog fosfora (4,55%) a zatim sledi povećan relativan sadržaj proteina vezivnog tkiva (3,41 %). Zabrinjava podatak da je čak 2 od 13 uzoraka (15,38%) imalo povećan sadržaj nitrita. Uzroci neispravnosti nisu u korelaciji sa vrstom proizvoda od mesa, izuzev sadržaja nitrita kod kojih svi neispravni uzorci pripadali grupi dimljenih proizvoda. Zaključak: Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da je na području Braničevskog i Podunavskog okruga neophodna kontinuirana kontrola kvaliteta proizvoda od mesa. Pojačan monitoring uticao bi na povećanje odgovornosti proizvođača i poboljšanje kvaliteta proizvoda od mesa, što bi smanjilo i rizike po zdravlje stanovništva povezane sa lošim kvalitetom ovih proizvoda. Ključne reči: kontrola kvaliteta, meso, proizvodi od mesa 334 Poster / Poster Presentation QUALITY CONTROL OF MEAT PRODUCTS IN BRANIČEVO AND PODUNAVLJE REGIONS Đurić S, Pavlović Z, Milošević M Institute for Public Health Požarevac Introduction and objective: Meat and meat products occupy an important place in the human diet and have been traditionally very present in the daily nutrition of our population. They are a significant source of protein, B vitamins, minerals (Mg and P) and trace elements (Fe, Zn, Cu, Se). The aim of this study was to investigate the quality of the meat products in Branicevo and Podunavlje regions. Methodology: During 2010 and 2011, the Institute for Public Health Pozarevac conducted a research of the quality of 88 samples of meat products by accredited methods. The samples were analyzed in accordance with the Regulations on the quality and other requirements for meat products. The research included the determination of protein content, the relative content of connective tissue protein and total phosphate content in 54 samples of coarse and finely cut sausages, 9 samples of other sausages type, 7 samples of bacon, 13 samples of smoked meat products and 5 other meat products. In inspections on request, 13 different samples of meat products were analyzed for the content of nitrite. Upon the request of the Inspection, 13 different samples of meat products were analyzed for the content of nitrite Results and discussion: The results showed that 10.23% of analyzed samples were not in accordance with the Serbian Regulation. The most common cause of failure was an increased phosphorus content (4.55%) followed by a relative increase in the connective tissue protein content (3.41%). A worrying fact is that 2 out of 13 analyzed samples (15.38%) had a higher concentration of nitrite, and that all incorrect samples belonged to the group of smoked meat products. Conclusion: Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that Branicevo and Podunavlje regions need continuous quality control of meat products. Enhanced monitoring would result in increased accountability of manufacturers and improved quality of meat products, and thus reduce the risks to human health associated with the poor quality of these products. Key words: quality control, meat, meat products. 335 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 11.P05 ANALIZA SADRŽAJA MASNIH KISELINA U UZORCIMA REČNE RIBE Đuričić I, Šobajić S, Timić J Katedra za bromatologiju, Farmaceutski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu Uvod: Riba je značajan izvor dugolančanih polinezasićnih masnih kiselina n-3 serije (PMK), od kojih su najvažnije eikozapentaenska (20:5 n-3 EPA) i dokozaheksaenska kiselina (22:6 n-3 DHA). Morske ribe su poznate kao dobar izvor ovih masnih kiselina, dok su slatkovodne ribe nedovoljno ispitane. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je analiza sadržaja masnih kiselina odabranih vrsta rečne ribe koje su dostupne na tržištu Srbije. Materijal i metoda: U četiri vrste rečne ribe (šaran, smuđ, som i deverika) analiziran je sadržaj masnih kiselina nakon lipidne ekstrakcije. Masne kiseline su prevođene u isparljive metil-estre, a zatim su određivane metodom gasne hromatografije. Rezultati i diskusija: Analizom sadržaja masnih kiselina u rečnim ribama potvređena je zastupljenost zasićenih masnih kiselina (ZMK) u količini od 21,8-25,4%, mononezasićenih (MMK) 18,4-25% i polinezasićenih (PMK) 41-48,4%. Sadržaj svih masnih kiselina je značajno varirao u ispitivanim vrstama riba. Palmitinska kiselina (16:0) je bila najzastupljenija među zasićenim masnim kiselinama, dok je oleinska kiselina (18:1n9) bila najznačajnija MMK. Procenat ukupnih n-3 masnih kiselina bio je veći od ukupnih n-6 masnih kislina u svim ispitivanim vrstama, osim u šaranu. Sve vrste ribe imale su značajno veći sadržaj DHA u odnosu na EPA. Smuđ i som su imali najveći sdržaj DHA- 23,4% odnosno 19,5%. Rezulatati su pokazali da je najveći odnos n3/n6 nađen u smuđu (4,3), dok je najmanja vrednost utvrđena u šaranu (1,02). Zaključak: Analizirani uzorci rečnih riba su najčešće korišćeni u našoj ishrani, tako da se mogu preporučiti kao dobar izvor dugolančanih n-3 PMK. Ključne reči: masne kiseline, rečne ribe, analiza 336 Poster / Poster Presentation FATTY ACID PROFILES OF SELECTED FRESHWATER FISH SPECIES Đuričić I, Šobajić S, Timić J Department of Bromatology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade Introduction: Fish are known to be rich dietary sources of n-3 longchained polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFAs) such as eicosapentaenoic (20:5 n-3 EPA) and docosahexaenoic (22:6 n-3 DHA) acids. Fatty marine fish are known to be good sources of these FAs but the potential of freshwater fish is not very well known. The aim of this study was to analyze the fatty acid profile and to define good n-3 LC-PUFA sources among freshwater fish available on the Serbian market. Material and method: In four species of freshwater fish (common carp, zander, catfish and bream) the content and composition of fatty acids were analyzed. After lipid extraction, fatty acids were derivatized into volatile methyl-esters. Fatty acids were determined using capillary gas chromatography. Results and discussion: The fatty acid composition in the edible meat of freshwater fish species were found to be 21.8-25.4% saturated (SFA), 18.4-25% monounsaturated (MUFAs) and 41-48.4% polyunsaturated (PUFAs). All fatty acids varied significantly among analyzed fish species. Palmitic acid (16:0) represented the most abundant saturated fatty acid, whereas the most abundant individual MUFA was oleic acid (18:1n9). As for PUFA, percentage of total n-3 fatty acid was higher than total n-6 fatty acid in all analyzed fish species except in common carp. All analyzed fish samples had significantly higher DHA than EPA content. Zander and catfish had the highest content of DHA - 23.4% and 19.5%, respectively. The results showed that the highest ratio of n3/n6 was found to be 4.3 for zander while the lowest value was noticed in common carp (1.02). Conclusion: Studied fish species are commonly used in Serbian diet, and therefore can be recommended as good sources of n-3 LC-PUFAs. Key words: fatty acids, freshwater fish, analysis 337 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 11.P06 SASTAV MASNIH KISELINA U SLANINI PROIZVEDENOJ NA TRADICIONALAN NAČIN Đinovic-Stojanovic Ja, Popovic Ab, Ristic Mc, Freudenreich Pc, Vranic Da, Spiric Aa a Institut za higijenu i tehnologiju mesa, Beograd; bHemijski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu c Max Rubner Institut, Federalni istraživački centar za ishranu i hranu, Kulmbach, Nemačka Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrđivanje promena u masnokiselinskom sastavu u slanini sa i bez kože u toku procesa hladnog dimljenja. Slanina je bila dimljena 15 dana, dimom proizvedenim sagorevanjem drveta bukve. Uzorci slanine (sa kožom – uzorak I i bez kože – uzorak II) poticali su od iste životinje. Uzorci su uzimani 0, 3, 6, 9, 12 i 15-tog dana dimljnja. Masne kiseline u uzorcima slanine su analizirane kao metil estri (FAME), gasnim hromatografom sa plameno jonizujućim detektorom (GC/FID) i odgovarajućom kapilarnom kolonom. Sve masne kiseline identifikovane su korišćenjem odgovarajućih standarda. U ispitanim uzorcima slanine sa kožom dokazano je prisustvo 26 masnih kiselina, dok je u uzorcima slanine bez kože dokazano prisustvo 25 masnih kiselina. Sadržaj analiziranih masnih kiselina veoma se malo menjao u toku dimljenja. U gotovim proizvodima, koji su bili spremni za konzumiranje, mononezasićene masne kiseline su bile predominantne (46,2% - uzorak I; 47,2% - uzorak II). U uzorcima slanine sa kožom i slanine bez kože najveće količine zasićenih masnih kiselina (ZMK), mononezasićenih masnih kiselina (MNMK) i polinezasićenih masnih kiselina (PNMK) poticale su od C16:0, C18:1 cis n-9 i C18:2 cis n-6, respektivno. Odgovarajući udeli za navedene masne kiseline su iznosili: 22,5% (ZMK), 38,0% (MNMK) i 13,7% (PNMK), u slanini sa kožom i 23,0% (ZMK), 40,0% (MNMK) i 12,0% (PNMK), u slanini bez kože. Odnosi (MNMK+PNMK)/ZMK i PNMK/ZMK u obe dimljene slanine, koje su bile spremne za konzum, bili su približno isti (1,6 i 0,4 respektivno). Σn-6/Σn-3 odnos bio je 18,9, u slanini sa kožom, dok je isti odnos u slanini bez kože bio neznatno veći (19,8). Ključne reči: masne kiseline; slanina sa kožom, slanina bez kože 338 Poster / Poster Presentation FATTY ACID PROFILE IN BACON PRODUCED IN TRADITIONAL WAY Đinovic-Stojanovic Ja, Popovic Ab, Ristic Mc, Freudenreich Pc, Vranic Da, Spiric Aa a Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, Belgrade; bDepartment of Chemistry, University of Belgrade, Belgrade; cMax Rubner-Institut (MRI), Federal Research Centre for Nutrition and Food, Kulmbach, Germany The aim of this paper was to establish changes in fatty acid (FA) profile in bacon, with and without skin, during cold smoking. Bacon was continuously exposed to smoke for 15 days. Smoke was produced by beech wood combustion in open firebox. Both samples (bacon with skin – sample I and bacon without skin – sample II) originated from the same animal. Samples were collected on 0, 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15th day of smoking. Fatty acids in bacon samples were analysed as fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) on gas chromatography equipped with flame ionisation detector (GC/FID) and capillary column. All fatty acids were identified using appropriate standards. Twenty six FA were determined in all samples of bacon with skin, while the number of identified FA in samples of bacon without skin was twenty five. The content of analysed FA did not change during smoking. In final products the monounsaturated FA (MUFA) were predominant in both samples (46.2% - sample I; 47.2% - sample II). C16:0 was predominant saturated, cis C18:1 n-9 was predominant monounsaturated, while cis C18:2 n-6 was predominant polyunsaturated FA (PUFA) both in bacon with and bacon without skin. The percentages of these FA were: 22.5%, 38.0%, 13.7% in bacon with skin, respectively and 23.0%, 40.0%, 12.6% in bacon without skin, respectively. The ratios of (MUFA+PUFA)/SFA and PUFA/SFA in both smoked samples were similar (approximately 1.6 and 0.4, respectively). Σn-6/Σn-3 ratio was 18.9 in smoked bacon with skin, while the mentioned ratio was slightly higher (19.8) in bacon without skin. Key words: Fatty acids; bacon with skin; bacon without skin 339 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 11.P07 KONTROLA HEMIJSKIH PARAMETARA ALKOHOLNIH PIĆA Torović LJ1, 2, Mihajlović B1, Červenka I1, Trajković-Pavlović Lj1,2, Popović M1,2 Institut za javno zdravlje Vojvodine, Novi Sad, 2Medicinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu 1 Vrednost alkoholnih pića u ishrani može biti upitna, ali je njihova široka prihvaćenost od strane potrošača dobro poznata. U ovom radu su provereni hemijski parametri vezani za kvalitet i bezbednost alkoholnih pića predstavljenih 31 uzorkom prikupljenim tokom 2011.-2012. godine. Uzorci su kategorizovani i okarakterisani u skladu sa Pravilnikom o kategorijama, kvalitetu i deklarisanju rakije i drugih alkoholnih pića (Sl. Glasnik RS 74/10 i 70/11). Za analize su korišćene analitičke metode opisane u Sl. Listu SFRJ 70/87, kao i AAS tehnika za analizu toksičnih metala, odnosno TLC za skrining veštačkih boja. Dobijeni rezultati za procentualni sadržaj etanola u kategorijama rakije su varirali od 40.0-50.0 u voćnoj rakiji (6 uzoraka), 40.0-40.5 u viskiju (7 uzoraka), a jedan uzorak ruma je pokazao rezultat od 40.0% v/v. U kategoriji žestokih alkoholnih pića ovaj parametar se kretao u opsegu od 16.1-55.0% v/v u likerima (14 uzoraka), a vodka, džin i brendi, zastupljni sa po jednim uzorkom, su takodje zadovoljili zahtevane limite. Jedan od parametara koje je potrebno kontrolisati je i metanol, pre svega u cilju prevencije rizika usled njegove toksičnosti. Vrednosti izmerene u voćnim rakijama (1379.0-2900.0 mg/L a.a.) bile su ispod respektivnih zakonskih granica. Sadržaj isparljivih sastojaka je bio u opsegu 1786.1-5123.0mg/L a.a u voćnim rakijama (1 uzorak ispod minimuma od 2000mg/L a.a.), a 2997.7mg/L a.a. je nadjeno u jednom uzorku ruma. Likeri su pokazali sadržaj invertnog šećera od 169.9g/L do 376.0g/L, i time zadovoljili zakonski zahtev za minimum od 100g/L. Definisani su maksimalni dozvoljeni nivoi za toksične metale u alkoholnim pićima i zasebno u likerima (Sl.Glasnik RS 28/11); svi analizirani uzorci su pokazali usaglašenost. Detektovano je prisustvo dozvoljenih veštačkih boja u 3 od 23 analizirana uzorka, sva 3 likeri. 340 Poster / Poster Presentation Rezultati kontrole hemijskih parametara su pokazali da su svi osim jednog od analiziranih uzoraka usaglašeni sa zakonskim limitima, ali treba imati na umu umerenost u konzumaciji. Ključne reči: alkoholna pića, kvalitet hrane, bezbednost hrane CONTROL OF CHEMICAL PARAMETERS OF ALCOHOLIC DRINKS Torović LJ 1, 2, Mihajlović B1, Červenka I1, Trajković-Pavlović Lj1,2, Popović M1,2 Institute of Public Health of Vojvodina; Novi Sad, 2Faculty of Medicine, University of Novi Sad; Novi Sad 1 Value of alcoholic drinks in nutrition may be questionable, but their wide acceptance among consumers is well known. In this work, chemical parameters related to the quality and safety of alcoholic drinks have been checked in 31 sample collected during 2011-2012. Samples were categorized and characterized according to the requirements layed down by RS Official Gazette 74/10 and 70/11. Analytical methods described in SFRJ Official Gazette 70/87 were used for measurement, as well as AAS for the analysis of toxic metals, and TLC for screening of artificial colours. Obtained results for percentage ethanol content by volume in the categories of rakija varied from 40.0-50.0 in fruit rakija (6 samples), 40.040.5 in whisky (7 samples), and one rum sample showed result of 40.0% v/v. In the category of strong alcoholic drinks this parameter ranged from 16.1-55.0% v/v in liqueurs (14 samples), and vodka, gin and brandy, each represented by one sample, also fulfiled required limits. One of the parameters that needs to be controlled is methanol, above all to prevent the risk caused by its toxicity. Values measured in fruit rakija (1379.02900.0mg/L a.a.) were below respective legal limits. Content of volatile matters was in the range 1786.1-5123.0mg/L a.a. in fruit rakija (one sample below the minimum of 2000mg/L a.a.), and 2997.7mg/L a.a. in one rum sample. Liqueurs showed content of invert sugar from 169.9g/L to 376.0g/L, thus passing the minimal quantity of 100g/L. Maximum levels have been established for toxic metals in alcoholic drinks, separately 341 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation for liqueurs (RS Official Gazette 28/11); all analysed samples showed compliance. Presence of permitted artificial colours was detected in 3 out of 23 analysed samples, all 3 liqueurs. Measured chemical parameters showed that all but one of analysed samples of alcoholic drinks were in compliance with legal limits, but moderation in consumption should be kept in mind. Key words: alcoholic drinks, food quality, food safety 342 Poster / Poster Presentation 11.P08 KONTROLA HEMIJSKIH PARAMETARA PIVA Torović Lj1,2, Mihajlović B1, Milojević-Miodragović G1, Velicki R1,2, Bijelović S1,2 Institut za javno zdravlje Vojvodine; Novi Sad, 2Medicinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu 1 Uvod: Pivo se proizvodi u procesu alkoholnog vrenja iz slada, hmelja, vode i pivarskog kvasca i jedno je od najstarijih poznatih alkoholnih pića. Cilj: U svrhu ocene kvaliteta i bezbednosti piva odredjeno je nekoliko hemijskih parametara u 30 piva uzorkovanih tokom 2011.-2012. godine. Metode: Realni ekstrakt slada je odredjen na osnovu merenja gustine nakon destilacije (EBC 9.4), kao i sadržaj alkohola (EBC 9.2.1). pH vrednost je merena u skladu sa MEBAK 2.17 EBC metodom. Kao mera boje piva odredjena je apsorbancija na 430nm (EBC 9.6). Toksični metali su analizirani AAS metodom, a konzervansi HPLC tehnikom, izuzev SO2 koji je odredjen destilacionom metodom MEBAK 2.29.2. Rezultati: Više hemijskih parametara je povezano sa kvalitetom piva. Realni ekstrakt slada je mera količine šećera koji nisu podlegli fermentaciji, već zaostaju u finalnom proizvodu. U analiziranim uzorcima originalni ekstrakt se kretao u opsegu 10.0-12.9%, a za specijalna piva 13.8-13.9%. Procentni sadržaj alkohola je varirao od 4.53-6.00, odnosno 1.70-2.29 kod lakih piva. Jedan od parametara koje je potrebno kontrolisati je i pH, koji sprečava rast mikroorganizama i ključni je faktor stabilnosti piva. Takodje, pH ima veliki uticaj na ukus piva, a izmerene vrednosti su se kretale od 3.03 do 4.60 pH jedinica. Apsorbancija na 430nm se koristi u pivarstvu kao parametar koji karakteriše boju. Izmerene vrednosti su bile u opsegu 6.79-25.2 za svetla piva i do 88.25 EBC jedinica za tamna piva. Uspostavljeni su maksimalni dozvoljeni nivoi za toksične metale u pivu, kao i za aditive. U analiziranim uzorcima toksični metali nisu detektovani, a sadržaj aditiva je bio ispod maksimalno dozvoljenih nivoa. Zaključak: Ispitani uzorci su u skladu sa važećim zakonskim propisima. U odnosu na analizirane parametre može se reći da je pivo na našem tržištu bezbedno osvežavajuće piće. Ključne reči: pivo, kvalitet hrane, bezbednost hrane 343 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation CONTROL OF CHEMICAL PARAMETERS OF BEER Torović Lj1,2, Mihajlović B1, Milojević-Miodragović G1, Velicki R1,2, Bijelović S1,2 Institute of Public Health of Vojvodina; Novi Sad, 2Faculty of Medicine, University of Novi Sad 1 Introduction: Beer is produced by the yeast fermentation of cereals germinated in water and is one of the oldest known alcoholic beverages. Goal: With the aim of evaluation of quality and safety of beer, several chemical parameters have been determined in 30 beers sampled in 2011-2012. Methods: Real extract of beer was determined from density measurements after distillation (EBC 9.4), as well as alcohol content (EBC 9.2.1). The pH measurements were performed according to MEBAK 2.17 EBC method. As a measure of the colour of beer absorbance was registered at 430nm (EBC 9.6). Analysis of toxic metals was performed by AAS method, preservatives by HPLC and SO2 by distillation method MEBAK 2.29.2. Results: There are several chemical parameters related to the quality of beer. Real extract is a measure of the amount of sugars that did not undergo fermentation and remain in the final product. In analysed samples original extract was in the range 10.0-12.9%, and for special beer 13.813.9%. Percentage alcohol content by volume varied from 4.53-6.00; in light beers from 1.70-2.29. One of the parameters that needs to be controlled is pH, which prevents the growth of microorganisms and is a key factor of stability of beer. Also, pH has a great influence on the taste, and measured valus were from 3.03 to 4.60 pH units. Absorbance at 430nm is used in brewery as a parameter associated to the wort colour. Measured values were in the range 6.79-25.2 for ligh-coloured and up to 88.25 EBC units for dark beers. Maximum levels have been established for toxic metals in beer, as well as for additives. In analysed samples, toxic metals were not detected, and content of additives was below permitted levels. Conclusion: All analysed samples were in compliance with current regulations. In respect to analysed parameters, it can be said that beer on our market is safe refreshing drink. Key words: beer, food quality, food safety 344 Poster / Poster Presentation 11.P09 KONTROLA HEMIJSKIH PARAMETARA KUHINJSKE SOLI Torović Lj1,2, Lukić D1, Mihajlović B1, Trajković-Pavlović Lj1,2, Popović M1,2 Institut za javno zdravlje Vojvodine; Novi Sad, 2Medicinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu 1 Cilj: U svrhu ocene kvaliteta i bezbednosti kuhinjske soli odredjeno je nekoliko hemijskih parametara u 77 uzoraka kuhinjske soli uzorkovanih tokom 2011-2012. godine. Metode: Kao osnovni parametri, odredjeni su sadržaj natrijum hlorida, vode, mineralnih nečistoća nerastvornih u HCl i pH vrednost 20% aq. rastvora. Toksični metali su analizirani AAS tehnikom (Pb, Cd i Cu: plamena tehnika, Hg: hladne pare, As: generisanje hidrida). Sadržaj kalijum jodida je proveren volumetrijskom metodom. Rezultati: Sadržaj natrijum hlorida se kretao u opsegu od 98.0100%, sa medijanom 99.45% (31 analizirani uzorak). Procenat vode u istim uzorcima je varirao od 0.01-0.40%. Mineralne nečistoće odredjene u 18 uzoraka su iznosile od 0.01-0.04%, ali su dva uzorka sa deklaracijom „za upotrebu u slanim napicima“ sadržala 0.17 i 1.02% (iznad maksimalno dozvoljenog nivoa za kuhinjsku so). Merenje pH vrednosti 20% aq. rastvora u 26 uzoraka pokazalo je zahtevanu neutralnu reakciju. Svih 44 uzorka analiziranih na toksične metale su sadržali bar jedan od analita iznad limita kvantifikacije, 40.9% dva, a 11.4% tri, ali ni u jednom nisu nadjeni Hg ni As (limiti kvantifikacije 0.01mg/kg). Dominantno detektovani element je bio Cu (97.7% uzoraka), praćen sa Cd (40.9%) i Pb (25.0%). Dobijene su sledeće medijane (opsezi) koncentracija, izražene u mg/kg soli: Pb 0.2 (0.10.6); Cd 0.07 (0.02-0.16); Cu 1.87 (1.04-2.00). Ni jedan od uzoraka nije prekoračio maksimalnu koncentraciju dozvoljenu ranije važećim propisima Republike Srbije (novi propisi od maja 2011. godine ne definišu MDK za toksične metale u kuhinjskoj soli). Najveći odnos izmedju izmerene koncentracije metala i odgovarajuće MDK je odredjen za Cu (medijana, minimum i maksimum; izraženi u %): 93.5 (52.0-100). Sadržaj kalijum jodida u 51 analiziranom uzorku se kretao od 16.04-24.0 mg/kg, sa medijanom 21.02 mg/kg, i tako pokazao usaglašenost sa važećom regulativom. 345 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation Zaključak: U skladu sa dobijenim rezultatima, može se reći da je kuhinjska so na našem tržištu dobrog kvaliteta i bezbedna u pogledu sadržaja toksičnih metala. Ključne reči: kuhinjska so, kvalitet hrane, bezbednost hrane CONTROL OF CHEMICAL PARAMETERS OF TABLE SALT Torović Lj 1, 2, Lukić D1, Mihajlović B1, Trajković-Pavlović Lj1,2, Popović M1,2 1 Institute of Public Health of Vojvodina; Novi Sad, 2Faculty of Medicine, University of Novi Sad Goal: With the aim of evaluation of quality and safety of table salt, several chemical parameters have been determined in 77 samples of table salt collected in 2011-2012. Methods: As basic parameters, content of sodium chloride, water, mineral immpurities insoluble in HCl and pH value of 20% aq. solution were determined. Analysis of toxic metals was performed by AAS method (Pb, Cd and Cu: flame technique, Hg: cold vapor, As: hydride generation). Content of potassium iodide was checked using a volumetric method. Results: Sodium chloride content was in the range 98.0-100%, median value 99.45% (31 sample analysed). Percentage of water in the same samples varied from 0.01-0.40%. Mineral immpurities determined in 18 samples ranged from 0.01-0.04%, but 2 samples with labels „for use in salty drinks“ contained 0.17 and 1.02% (above legal limits for table salt). Measurement of pH value of 20% aq. solutions of 26 samples showed required neutral reaction. All of 44 samples analysed for toxic metals contained at least one metal above LOQ, 40.9% two, and 11.4% three, but not in one Hg nor As were found (LOQs 0.01mg/kg). Dominantly detected element was Cu (97.7% of samples), followed by Cd (40.9%) and Pb (25.0%). The following median concentrations (ranges), expressed as mg of analyte per kg of salt, were obtained: Pb 0.2 (0.1-0.6); Cd 0.07 (0.020.16); Cu 1.87 (1.04-2.00). Not one of samples exceeded maximal levels (ML) permitted by earlier Serbian regulation (new regulation valid from may 2011 does not define ML for toxic metals in table salt). Highest ratio between measured metal level and respective ML was determined for 346 Poster / Poster Presentation Cu (median, minimum and maximum; expressed as %) 93.5 (52.0-100). Potassium iodide content in 51 analysed samples ranged from 16.0424.0mg/kg, median value 21.02mg/kg, and thus showed compliance with current regulation. Conclusion: In accordance with obtained results, it could be said that table salt on our market is of good quality and safe concerning toxic metals. Key words: table salt, food quality, food safety 347 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 11.P10 PRIMENA TEČNOHROMATOGRAFSKE (HPLC) METODE ZA ODREĐIVANJE SADRŽAJA LAKTOZE U PREHRAMBENIM PROIZVODIMA Petronijević R1, Milanović-Stevanović M1, Janković S1, Stanković I2, Vasiljević N3, Šobajić S2, Vidović B2 1 Institut za higijenu i tehnologiju mesa, Beograd, 2Farmaceutski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 3Medicinski fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu Uvod: Intolerancija na laktozu zahteva poseban način ishrane, pri čemu se preporučuje delimična ili totalna zamena mleka proizvodima sa smanjenim sadžajem laktoze ili bez nje. Sadržaj laktoze u kravljem mleku iznosi oko 4,8 % dok je u osušenim proizvodima od mleka, koji se najčešće koriste u prehrambenoj industriji, značajno veći (od 50% kod obranog mleka u prahu do 70% kod surutke u prahu). Na našem tržištu se već mogu naći proizvodi od mleka namenjeni osobama sa intolerancijom na laktozu, pa je značaj primene pouzdane metodologije za određivanje prisustva i sadržaja laktoze u hrani od izuzetnog značaja. Metodologija: Od analitičkih metoda za određivanje sadržaja mono i oligosaharida u prehrambenim proizvodima metode tečne hromatografije sa refraktometrijskom (RI), elektrohemijskom (EC) i sa masenom detekcijom (MS) su dobile na značajnosti poslednjih decenija. Cilj: Cilj ovog istraživanja je ispitivanje mogućnost primene prilagođene tečnohromatografske metode sa RI detekcijom za analizu različitih prehrambenih proizvoda sa širokim opsegom sadržaja laktoze. Metoda je primenjena za određivanje laktoze u pasterizovanom mleku, dugotrajnom mleku (sa i bez laktoze), jogurtu, jogurtu sa probiotskim kulturama, obranom i punomasnom mleku u prahu, surutki u prahu, supama i sosovima. Rezultati: U ispitivanim prehrambenim proizvodima vrednosti povratnog prinosa sadržaja laktoze (recovery) su se kretale u intervalu od 91% do 108%, sa standardnim devijacijama od 0,21 do 2,2% i kvadratom regresionog koeficijenta R 2 = 0,999. Zaključak: Iz dobijenih rezultata se može zaključiti da se prilagođena metoda može uspešno primeniti za određivanje sadržaja laktoze u mleku, proizvodima od mleka i drugim prehrambenim proizvodima. Ključne reči: laktoza, prehrambeni proizvodi, HPLC 348 Poster / Poster Presentation Napomena: Prezentovani rezultati su proistekli iz Podprojekta 4:„Intolerancija na sastojke namirnica životinjskog porekla“ u okviru projekta „Unapređenje i razvoj higijenskih i tehnoloških postupaka u proizvodnji namirnica životinjskog porekla u cilju dobijanja kvalitetnih i bezbednih proizvoda konkurentnih na svetskom tržištu“ Ev. Br.46009, koji u oblasti integralnih i inerdisciplinarnih istraživanja finansira Ministarstvo za nauku i tehnološki razvoj Republike Srbije, za period 01.01.2011-31.12.2014. godine APPLICATION OF LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY METHOD (HPLC) FOR DETERMINATION OF LACTOSE CONTENT IN FOOD PRODUCTS Petronijević R1, Milanović-Stevanović M1, Janković S1, Stanković I2, Vasiljević N3, Šobajić S2, Vidović B2 1 Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, Belgrade, 2Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade, 3Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade Introduction: Lactose Intolerance requires a special diet, with the recommended partial or total replacement of milk products with reduced lactose media yet or not. The content of lactose in cow’s milk is about 4.8%, while in dried milk products, which are commonly used in the food industry, significantly higher (50% for skimmed milk powder and 70% of whey powder). In domestic market, already can be found milk products intended for people with lactose intolerance, and the importance of applying reliable methodology for determining the presence and lactose content in foods is of great importance. Methodology: Analytical method for the determination of monoand oligosaccharides in food products by liquid chromatography method coupled with various detecting techniques, like measuring the refractive index (RI), electrochemical detection (EC) and mass spectrometry (MS) were given the significance of recent decades. Aim: The objective of this research is the possibility of use adjusted liquid chromatography method with RI detection for the analysis of various food products with a wide range of lactose content. The method was applied to the determination of lactose in raw milk, long-life milk 349 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation (with or without lactose), yogurt, yogurt with probiotic cultures, skimmed and whole milk powder, whey powder, soups and sauces. Results: In the studied food products recovery value of lactose content have ranged from 91% to 108%, with standard deviations from 0.21 to 2.2% and the square regression coefficient R 2 = 0.999. Conclusion: From the results it can be concluded that the adjusted method can be successfully applied for the determination of lactose in various food products. Key words: lactose, food products, HPLC 350 Poster / Poster Presentation 11.P11 KVALITATIVNO ODREĐIVANJE 13 PREHRAMBENIH BOJA HPTLC TEHNIKOM Stanković M Gradski zavod za javno zdravlje, Beograd Prehrambene boje su najinteresantnija i najšire korišćena grupa aditiva, jer se boja namirnice vezuje sa njenom privlačnošću za potrošače. Cilj ove metode je da omogući kvalitativno određivanje 13 sintetičkih boja: E102 (Tartrazin), E104 (Hinolin žuta), E110 (Sunset žuta), E122 (Azorubin), E123 (Amarant), E124 (Košenila crvena), E127 (Eritrozin), E129 (Alura crvena), E131 (Patent plava), E132 (Indigotin), E133 (Brilijant plava), E142 (Zelena S), E151 (Brilijant crna). Uzorci su pripremljeni ekstrakcijom pomoću 10% rastvora sirćetne kiseline i vezivanjem boja za niti bele vune. Spiranje vezanih boja je izvršeno 5% amonijačnim rastvorom u etanolu. Ekstrakt je uparen i rekonstituisan u metanolu. Boje su razdvojene na TLC ploči silika gela 60 F254 (Merck, Nemačka), pri čemu je kao mobilna faza korišćena smeša etilacetat:metanol:voda:sirćet na kiselina (65:23:11:1=V:V:V:V). Uzorci i standardi su nanošeni pomoću Camag Automatic TLC Samplera 4 (2µl). Ploče su skenirane pomoću Camag TLC Scannera 3 na 450 i 600 nm, a podaci obrađeni pomoću Wincats softvera. Limit detekcije je 5 ng/mrlji za većinu ispitivanih boja, osim za E104 (10 ng/mrlji) i E132 (50 ng/mrlji). Primenom ove metode na realne uzorke namirnica identifikovane boje su u 10% slučajeva odstupale od boja navedenih u deklaraciji. Ključne reči: HPTLC, prehrambene boje QUALITATIVE DETERMINATION OF 13 FOOD DYES WITH HPTLC TEHNIQUE Stanković M Institute of public health, Belgrade Food colors are most used and interesting group of additives, because the color of the food determines its attractiveness to the consumers. 351 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation The aim of this work was to find the screening method for 13 artificial food dyes: E102 (Tartrazine), E104 (Quinoline yellow), E110 (Sunset yellow), E122 (Azorubine), E123 (Amaranth), E124 (Ponceau 4R), E127 (Erythrosine), E129 (Allura red), E131 (Patent blue), E132 (Indigo Carmine), E133 (Brilliant blue), E142 (Acid Green S), E151 (Brilliant black). Samples were prepared by extraction with 10% acetic acid solution, and their bonding to white wool. The dyes are stripping from wool with 5% ammonia solution in ethanol. Extract is then evaporated till dryness and reconstituted in methanol. For separation of dyes TLC silica gel 60 F254 (Merck, Germany) chromatographic plates were used, and mobile phase was mixture of ethylacetate:methanol:water:acet ic acid (65:23:11:1=V:V:V:V). Samples and standards were applied using Camag Automatic TLC Sampler 4 (2µl). Chromatographic plates were scanned using Camag TLC Scanner 3 at 400 and 600 nm, and results were analyzed by Wincats software. Limit of detection for most dyes was 5 ng/spot, except for E104 (10 ng/spot), and E132 (50 ng/spot). Applying this method on real samples of food, identified food dyes did not match with declaration in 10% of cases. Key words: HPTLC, food dyes 352 Poster / Poster Presentation 11.P12 VARIJABILNOST SADRŽAJA TOKOFEROLA U GENOTIPOVIMA KUKURUZA I SOJE Mladenović Drinić S1, Perić V1, Filipović M1, Basić Z2, Žilić S1 Institut za kukuruz Zemun Polje, Beograd, 2Vojno Medicinska Akademija, Beograd 1 U prirodi biljke jedine sintetišu tokoferole koji su esencijalni mikronutritienti za ljude i životinje. Pored zrna kukuruza, koji sadrži visoke koncetracije tokoferola u odnosu na ostala žita, seme soje je takođe bogat izvor istih. U zrnu kukuruza i soje se nalaze četiri izomera tokoferola, α, β, γ, δ. Maslinovo i suncokretovo ulje bogato je alfatokoferolom, dok je gama-tokoferol najzastupljenija forma u sojinom i kukuruznom ulju. U radu je ispitan sadržaj tokoferola u zrnu 18 genotipova kukuruza i 4 sorte soje sa žutom, odnosno crnom semenjačom, HPLC metodom. Utvrđena je visoka varijabilnost sadržaja tokoferola u genotipovima kukuruza, kao i različit odnos α- i γ-tokoferola. Sadržaj γ-tokoferola je varirao od 2,99 do 17,11 µg/g, a sadržaj α-tokoferola je bio u opsegu od 3,21 µg/g do 16,52 µg/g. Devet genotipova je imalo viši sadržaj α- u odnosu na γ-tokoferol. Odnos α- i γ-tokoferola je varirao od 0,39 do 5,5. β+γ-izomeri tokoferola su predominatne forme u sortama soje. Sadržaj ukupnih tokoferola je bio značajno viši u crnim u odnosu na žute sorte soje i varirao je od 264,3 do 266,7 μg/g u crnim, odnosno od 216,3 do 246,7 μg/g u žutim sortama. Najniži sadržaj je α-tokoferola, od 5.91 do 13.58% od ukupnih tokoferola u svim sortama. γ-Tokoferol ima najveći antioksidativni potencijal in vitro, ali je njegova in vitro aktivnost niska. Mada, u odnosu na ostale, α-tokoferol ima niži antioksidativni potencijal u biološkim sistemima on pokazuje veću vitaminsku aktivnost u ćelijama živih bića. Tokoferoli imaju značajnu ulogu u proizvodnji hrane jer sprečavaju oksidaciju ulja. Takođe, imaju važnu ulogu u prevenciji kardiovaskularnih bolesti, kancera i jačanju imunog sistema. Ključne reči: tokoferoli, antioksidansi, kukuruz, soja 353 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation VARIJABILITY OF TOCOPHEROL CONTENTS IN MAIZE AND SOYBEAN GENOTYPES Žilić S1, Mladenović Drinić S1, Perić V1, Filipović M1, Basić Z2 Maize Research Institute ZemunPolje, Belgrade, 2Military Medical Academy, Belgrade 1 Plants are the only organisms in nature that produce tocopherols, which are essential micronutrients for human and animals. Beside maize seed, that among cereals contains the highest concentration of tocopherols, soybean is relatively good sources of tocopherols. All four isomers of tocopherols, i.e. α, β, γ, δ tocopherols are found in soybean and maize seeds. Olive and sunflower oil are rich with α-tocopherol while γ-tocopherol is the most common form in soybean and maize oil. The objectives of this study were to estimate tocopherol contents in 18 maize genotypes and 4 black and yellow soybean varieties, by HPLC method. A high amount of variation for tocopherol content was present among genotypes, as well as for ratio between α- and γ-tocopherols. Content of γ-tocopherol varied from 2.99 to 17.11 µg/g, and content of α-tocopherol from 3.21 to 16.52 µg/g. Nine genotypes has higher content of α- comparing with γ-tocopherol. The ratio of α- and γ-tocopherols ranged from 0.39 to 5.5. β+γ-tocopherol isomers were dominant in all soybean varieties. The total tocopherols were significantly higher in black than in yellow soybean varieties, and ranged from 264.3 to 266.7 μg/g and from 216.3 do 246.7 μg/g in black and yellow soybean varieties, respectively. In all soybean varieties the content of α-tocopherol was the lowest and ranged from 5.91 to 13.58% of the total tocopherols. γ-Tocopherol is the most powerful antioxidant in vitro but its in vivo activity is low. Although α-tocopherol has lower antioxidant potency in biological systems than other tocopherols, it shows more vitamin E activity in all cells of living tissues. Tocopherols has important role in food production preventing lipids from oxidation. Also, they play an important role in enhancing the function of the immune system, and in the treatment or prevention of cardiovascular disease and cancer. Key words: tocopherols, antioxidants, maize, soybean 354 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios 11.P13 UTICAJ INFRACRVENOG ZRAČENJA NA NIVO PRODUKATA MAILLARD REAKCIJE I UKUPAN ANTIOKSIDATIVNI KAPACITET SOJINIH I KUKURUZNIH PAHULJICA Žilić S1a, Gökmen V2,3, Mogol BA 2, Akıllıoğlu G2, Serpen A3, Delić N1b, Srebrić M1b Institut za kukuruz „Zemun Polje“, 1a Odsek za tehnološka istraživanja i 1b Odsek za selekciju, Beograd, 2Katedra za prehrambeno inženjerstvo, 3 Istraživački centar, Univerzitet Hacettepe, Ankara, Turska 1 Razvoj bezbednih proizvoda sa zdravstvenim efektom predstavlja značajan cilj prehrambene industrije. Međutim, formiranje potencijalno štetnih jedinjenja izazvanih termičkom obradom oteževa ostvarenje ovog cilja. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se istraže potencijalni rizici i koristi uslovljeni termičkom obradom zrna soje i kukuruza pri proizvodnji pahuljica. Zrno soje i kukuruza zagrevano je 50 do 100 sekundi infracrvenim zračenjem, a zatim flekovano. Izlazna temperatira zrna podešena je na 110, 115, 120 i 140oC da bi se utvrdio uticaj temperature na formiranje proizvoda Maillard reakcije u pahuljicama. Određen je nivo akrilamida, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural-a (HMF), furozina, kao i vrednost parametara obojenosti i ukupan antioksidativni kapacitet pahuljica QUENCHER metodom. Pripremljeni ekstrakt je filtriran kroz Oasis MCX ketridž pre analize akrilamida na LC-MS sistemu, odnosno kroz 0.45 µm najlon filter za određivanje HMF-a na UFLC sistemu. Za određivanje furozina uzorak je hidrolizovan sa 7,95M HCl tokom 23 h na 110oC, a čist ekstrakt je injektovan u HPLC sistem. Kinetika furozina, indikatora rane faze Maillard reakcije, pokazuje tipično kinetičko ponašanje sa brzim porastom do očiglednog maksimuma, a zatim smanjenje sa daljim povećanjem temperature zračenja. Međutim, maksimalna vrednost sadržaja furozina u sojinim pahuljicama bila je dva puta viša nego u kukuruznim pahuljicama. Tokom zagrevanja, na temperaturi između 110 and 140oC sadržaj akrilamida u kukuruznim pahuljicama povećan je na 704,51 ng/g, što je za oko 10 puta više nego u pahuljicama soje. Akrilamid i HMF prati sličan kinetički obrazac sa visoko značajnom pozitivnom korelacijom između ovih jedinjenja (r2=0,97**). Navedeni kontaminenti su poznati kao potencijalno kancerogeni, a sumnja se da imaju genotoksične i mutagene efekte. 355 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation Evidentno je da smanjenje sadržaja prirodnih antioksidanasa koje se javlja u termički obrađenim pahuljicama soje i kukuruza može biti balansirano formiranjem novih jedinjenja sa antioksidativnom aktivnošću. Prema našim istraživanjima nava antioksidativna jedinje-nja formirana kao rezultat Maillard reakcije povećavaju ukupni antioksidacioni kapacitet pahuljica. Posle 100 s zagrevanja, ukupni antioksidativni kapacitet sojinih i kukuruznih pahuljica bio je viši za 46 odnosno 22% u odnosu na inicijalnu vrednost. Ključne reči: Infracrveno zračenje, akrilamid, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural-a (HMF), furozin, antioksidativni kapacitet. EFFECT OF INFRARED HEATING ON MAILLARD REACTION PRODUCT LEVELS AND TOTAL ANTIOXIDANT CAPACITY OF SOYA AND CORN FLAKES Žilić S1a, Gökmen V2,3, Mogol BA 2, Akıllıoğlu G2, Serpen A3, Delić N1b, Srebrić M1b Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje, 1aDepartment of Technology and 1b Breeding Department, Slobodana Bajića 1, 11085 Belgrade-Zemun, Serbia; 2 Department of Food Engineering, 3Food Research Center, Hacettepe University, 06800 Beytepe, Ankara, Turkey 1 The development of safe and healthy products for the customers represents the significant goals of the food industry. However, the formation of potentially harmful compounds induced by thermal processing make difficult the attainment of this objective. This study aimed to investigate potential risks and benefits associated with thermal processing of soya and corn breakfast foods. Soya and corn kernels were heated for 50 to 100 s by infrared heating and flaked. The output was set to 110, 115, 120 and 140oC to determine the effect of temperature on the formation of certain Maillard reaction products in flakes. Acrylamide, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) and furosine levels, as well as color and total antioxidant capacity of flakes were measured by QUENCHER method. The extrat was filtered through a Oasis MCX cartridge and a 0.45 µm nylon syringe filter prior to LC-MS and UFLC analysis of acrylamide and HMF, respectively. The sample was hydrolyzed 356 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios with 7.95 M HCl at 110oC for 23 h for furosine determination and the clear extract was injected onto a HPLC system. Kinetics of furosine, an indicator of the early stages of Maillard reaction, showed a typical kinetic behavior with a rapid increase to an apparent maximum followed by decrease during heating. However, the maximum value of furosine in soya flakes was 2-fold more than in corn flakes. At temperatures between 110 and 140oC for different time, acrylamide content of corn flakes increased to 704.51 ng/g which is approximately 10 times more than in soya flakes. Acrylamide and HMF followed a similar kinetic pattern with a significant correlation between these compounds (r2=0.97**). This contaminants has been recognized as potentially carcinogenic for humans or suspected to have genotoxic and mutagenic effects. It is evident that the depletion of the natural occurring antioxidants in processed soybean and corn could be balanced by the formation of novel compounds with antioxidant activities. New antioxidants that were formed as a result of the Maillard reaction increased the total antioxidant capacity. After 100 s of heating, the total antioxidant capacity of soya and corn flakes was higher by about 46 and 22%, respectively, than their initial values. Key words: Infrared heating, acrylamide, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, furosine, antioxidant capacity. This study was financially supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia (Grants no. TR-31069). 357 Sekcija Zdravstvena ispravnost namirnica Session Food Safety Sekcijsko predavanje / Session Presentation 12.SP1 GENETIČKI MODIFIKOVANE BILJKE U HRANI I HRANIVIMA Nikolić Z, Zdjelar G Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad Tehnologijom genetičkog inženjerstva su, u cilju poboljšanja kvaliteta i povećanja proizvodnje hrane, stvorene genetički modifikovane biljke (GM) otporne na patogene i insekte, tolerantne na herbicide, stresne uslove sredine, sa izmenjenim kvalitetom ulja i proteina. U svetu se, u više od 30 zemalja, komercijalno gaje GM sorte soje, uljane repice, kukuruza ili pamuka, a preko 20 biljnih vrsta je u ogledima ili je već komercijalizovano. Prehrambena industrija Evrope u velikoj meri uvozi robu i derivate iz SAD, Brazila, Argentine i Kanade, koje su vodeće zemlje po površinama pod GM kulturama. Procena rizika od GM useva i upotrebe hrane i hraniva koji sadrže GM fokusira se na moguće dugoročne štetne uticaje na životnu sredinu, zdravlje ljudi i održivost ove nove poljoprivredne tehnologije. Zakonska regulativa GM tehnologije varira od zemlje do zemlje, od slobodnog gajenja i upotrebe, do sistema u EU gde je oslobađanje u okolinu, gajenje, uvoz, upotreba kao hrane ili sastojaka hrane regulisana setom striktnih procedura. U Srbiji su zakonski propisi u skladu sa EU regulativom koji nalažu obeležavanje proizvoda koji sadrže više od 0,9% GM, dok je gajenje GM useva zabranjeno. Na polju metoda za detekciju, identifikaciju i kvantifikaciju sadržaja GM u uzorcima hrane i hraniva napravljeni su značajni pomaci, ali i dalje postoje određena ograničenja. Kontrolu uvozne hrane i hraniva, kao i hrane proizvedene u našoj zemlji namenjene izvozu vrše laboratorije akreditovane za testiranje GM prema međunarodno standardizovanim metodama. Ključne reči: genetički modifikovane biljke, hrana, hraniva 359 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation GENETICALLY MODIFIED CROPS IN FOOD AND FEED Nikolić Z, Zdjelar G Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad Aiming at improved quality and increased food production, genetically modified (GM) crops have been created using genetic engineering technology. Such crops are resistant to pathogens and insects, tolerant to herbicides and environmental stress, and have altered oil and protein quality. In more than 30 countries worldwide, GM cultivars of soybean, oilseed rape, corn and cotton are commercially grown, and over 20 plant species are currently in trials or have already been commercialized. The European food industry largely imports goods and products from leading countries regarding area under GM crops, namely the USA, Brazil, Argentina and Canada. Risk assessment of GM crops and use of food and feed containing GM focuses on possible long-term adverse impacts on the environment, human health and sustainability of this new agricultural technology. Legislation on GM technology varies by countries, ranging from free growing and use to the EU system where the release into the environment, cultivation, import, use as food or food ingredients are regulated by a set of strict procedures. In Serbia, the legislation is in line with EU legislation requiring labelling of products containing more than 0.9% GM, while the cultivation of GM crops is prohibited. Significant progress has been made in the field of methods for GM content detection, identification and quantification in food and feed samples, but still certain limitations remain. Laboratories accredited for GM testing according to internationally standardized methods monitor imported food and feed, and control nationally produced food intended for export. Key words: genetically modified plants, food, feed 360 Sekcijsko predavanje / Session Presentation 12.SP2 PROCENA UNOSA ŽIVE HRANOM U SRBIJI Janković S1, Antonijević B2, Ćurčić M2, Stefanović S1, Nikolić D1, Radičević T1, Petrović Z1 1 Instititut za higijenu i tehnologiju mesa, Beograd, 2Katedra za toksikologiju „Akademik Danilo Soldatovic“, Farmaceutski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu Živa je toksični element koji zahvaljujući fiziko-hemijskim karakteristikama, ulazi u čovekov lanac ishrane i može ispoljavati štetne efekte.Primarno toksično dejstvo žive je na nervni sistem, a dokazana je i teratogenost, genotoksičnost i nefrotoksičnost. Cilj rada je da proceni nedeljni unos žive preko hrane opšte populacije u Srbiji. Ispitivan je sadržaj žive u namirnicama koje se koriste u ishrani. Pripremauzoraka je izvedena mikrotalasnom digestijom. Sadržajžive određivan je metodom atomske apsorpcione spektrometrije korišćenjem tehnike hladnih para.Limit kvantifikacije je iznosio 5 ngg-1. Kvalitet ispitivanja je kontrolisan korišćenjemsertifikovanog referentnog materijala BCR 186. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da se živa dominantno unosi preko ribe i proizvoda od ribe. Od 16 grupa namirnica, detektovana je još samo u jestivim iznutricama, lignjama, rakovima i školjkama. Procenjena prosečna nedeljna konzumacija ribe i ribljih proizvoda iznosi 158,2g, jestivih iznutrica 82,6g, rakova 1,4g i školjki i glavonožaca takođe 1,4g. Prosečan sadržaj žive u ribi bio je 0,034μgg-1, u iznutricama 0,013μgg-1, u rakovima 0,008μgg-1 i u školjkama i glavonošcima 0,028μgg-1.Procenjeni nedeljni unos ukupne žive zasnovan na srednjoj vrednosti sadržajažive i na prosečnoj telesnoj težini od 70 kg,je 0,093μg/kg t.m./nedelja što odgovara unosu 0,1μg/kg t.m./nedelja metilžive.Na osnovu preporuka FAO/WHO o maksimalnom unosu metilžive od 1,6μg/kg t.m./nedelja, kao i na osnovudobijenih rezultata, može se zaključiti da je procenjeni način ishrane prosečnog stanovnika Srbije zdravstveno bezbedan sa aspekta unosa žive. Ključne reči: unos, riba, živa. 361 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation Intake assessment of mercury in Serbia Janković S1, Antonijević B2, Ćurčić M2, Stefanović S1, Nikolić D1, Radičević T1, Petrović Z1 1 Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, Belgrade, 2Department of Toxicology „AkademikDaniloSoldatovic“, Faculty of Pharmacy, Belgrade University Mercury is a toxic element that, due to its physico-chemical properties, enters the food chain and can produce several harmful effects on human health. Organic system that is primarily affected by toxicity of mercury is central nervous system, with well documented teratogenic effects, genotoxicity and nefrotoxicity. The aim of this work is to assess weekly intake of mercury through food consumption in Serbian population. Mercury content was determined in various food commodities. Samples were prepared by microwave digestion. Mercury content was measured by atomic absorption spectrometry – cold vapor technique. Limit of quantification was 5 ngg-1. Quality assurance was provided using certified reference material BCR 186. Obtained results indicate that major mercury intake occurs through fish consumption. Besides fish, mercury presence was established in edible offal, squids, crustaceans and shellfish. Estimated average weekly intake of fish and fish products is 158.2 g, of edible offal – 82.6 g, crustaceans and mollusks– 1.4 g respectively. Average mercury content in fish, offal, crustaceans, shellfish and mollusks was 0.034 µgg-1, 0.013 µgg-1, 0.008 µgg-1 and 0.028 µgg-1 respectively. Estimated weekly consumption of mercury based on mean value of mercury content in food, and average body weight of 70kg, is 0.093 µg/kg b.w. per week which corresponds to the intake of 0.1 µg/kg b.w. per week of methyl-mercury. On the basis of FAO/WHO recommendations concerning maximum methylmercury intake of 1.6 µg/kg b.w. per week, as well as of obtained results, it can be concluded that the estimated average nutritive habits of Serbian population can be considered as safe, from the aspect of mercury intake. Key words: consumption, fish, mercury 362 Sekcijsko predavanje / Session Presentation 12.SP3 VIRUSI KOJI SE PRENOSE HRANOM I BEZBEDNOST HRANE Radin D Univerzitet u Beogradu – Poljoprivredni fakultet Povećano interesovanje u pogledu mikrobiološke / virusološke bezbednosti hrane jasno je ukazalo na pitanje vrlo male korelacije između nivoa bakterija, kao indikatora organizama kojima se definišu kriterijumi bezbednosti hrane, i prisustva ili odsustva virusa. Virusi su, posle bakterija roda Salmonella, identifikovani kao drugi najznačajniji i najčešći etiološki agensi alimentarnih pojava oboljenja koje je registrovala Evropska agencija za bezbednost hrane. Generalno, norovirusi i hepatitis A virus su najčešći uzročnici oboljenja koja se prenose hranom, ali su identifikovani i drugi virusi, kao što su sapovirusi, enterovirusi, astrovirusi, adenovirusi, humani rotavirus i hepatitis E virus, mada u znatno manjoj meri. Virusi koji su izazvali veliku pažnju a mogu se prenositi hranom su SARS coronavirus, H5N1 virus ptičijeg gripa i Nipah virusi. Zapaža se trend povećanja broja virusnih epidemija izazvanih hranom u različitim zemljama, delimično i zbog poboljšanih dijagnostičkih metoda koje se primenjuju za detekciju nekih grupa virusa, kao i zbog intenzivne globalne trgovine i prema tome, širom sveta dostupne hrane visokog rizika. Virusi se ne umnožavaju i ne proizvode toksine u hrani, ali zadržavaju infektivnost čestica u hrani i spoljašnjoj sredini duži vremenski period, što doprinosi njihovom prenosu putem hrane. Virusi mogu kontaminirati proizvode tokom svih faza procesa proizvodnje, prerade i snabdevanja hranom. Tokom primarne proizvodnje najkritičnija je primena kontaminirane vode za navodnjavanje, dok je tokom dalje obrade i rukovanja hranom, najznačajnija neadekvatna higijena, pre svega zaraženih rukovalaca hranom. Zbog karakterisitka proizvodnje, različite kategorije namirnica, kao što su povrće, voće, školjke i hrana spremna za konzumiranje poput sendviča, proizvoda od mesa, peciva, su vrlo često prenosioci virusa i uzročnici alimentarnih virusnih infekcija. Kao najveći rizik za zdravlje ljudi, WHO i FAO su izdvojile kombinacije virus/ proizvod: Norovirus i hepatitis A virus u školjkama, svežim proizvodima i pripremljenoj hrani, kao i humani rotavirus u vodi koja se koristi u proizvodnji hrane. 363 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation Ključne reči: virusi koji se prenose hranom, norovirusi, bezbednost hrane FOODBORNE VIRUSES AND FOOD SAFETY Radin D University of Belgrade – Faculty of Agriculture Increased focus on microbiological/virological food safety clearly emphasized the question of very little correlation between levels of bacteria indicator organisms used to determine food safety criteria with the presence or absence of viruses. Viral agents were identified as the second most common causative agent group, after Salmonella, of the total of foodborne outbreaks reported to the European Food Safety Authority. In general, the viruses most frequently involved in foodborne infections are noroviruses and hepatitis A virus, but other viruses such as sapoviruses, enteroviruses, astroviruses, adenoviruses, human rotavirus and hepatitis E virus have been implicated in foodborne outbreaks of illness, although to a lesser extent. The examples of emerging viruses that have been occasionally reported as foodborne are SARS coronavirus, H5N1 avian influenza virus and Nipah viruses. An increased number of foodborne viral outbreaks are recorded in several countries, partially due to the improved diagnostic methods that have enhanced detection of some virus groups and the increased global trade and a worldwide availability of high risk food. Viruses do not multiply or produce toxins in foods, but may persist for extended periods of time as infectious particles in the environment or in foods contributing to a significant foodborne transmission. Food may be contaminated by virus during all stages of the food supply chain, during primary production through human sewage and faeces pollution, or during further processing and handling through inadequate hygiene practices, primarily of infected food handlers. Consequently many different food items such as vegetables, fruits, shellfish and a great variety of ready-to-eat foods like sandwiches, cold meat, pastries etc. have been implicated in foodborne viral infections. Accordingly, WHO and FAO prioritize Norovirus and hepatitis A virus in shellfish, fresh produce 364 Sekcijsko predavanje / Session Presentation and prepared foods as virus/commodity combinations of greatest public health concern, as well as human rotavirus in water for food preparation. Key words: foodborne viruses, noroviruses, food safety 365 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 12.SP4 EPIDEMIOLOŠKE KARAKTERISTIKE ZARAZNIH BOLESTI KOJE SE PRENOSE HRANOM Pavlović N, Garotić- Ilić L, Purtić-Kljajić D, Vujović- Utješinović V Gradski zavod za javno zdravlje Beograd Cilj rada je sagledavanje učestalosti oboljevanja od zaraznih bolesti koje se prenose hranom u odnosu na uzročnike bolesti, mesto izloženosti i vrste namirnica uključenih u prenošenje uzročnika bolesti. Primenom deskriptivne epidemiološke metode obrađeni su podaci dobijeni iz prijava zaraznih bolesti, godišnjih izveštaja Programa zdravstvene zaštite stanovništva od zaraznih bolesti na teritoriji Beograda, rezultata istraživanja epidemija i mikrobioloških ispitivanja obavljenih u laboratorijama Gradskog zavoda za javno zdravlje Beograd. U periodu 2006-2011 godine na području Beograda registrovano je 14.683 obolelih od crevnih zaraznih bolesti koje se dominantno prenose hranom, sa prosečnom incidencijom 152,94/100.000 i prosečnim mortalitetom 0,09/100.000. Prema podacima iz prijava zaraznih bolesti najučestalije su dijareje i gastroenteritisi infektivnog porekla 31,6% (4637) i bakterijske infekcije creva neoznačenog uzročnika 29,4% (4323), slede salmoneloze 17,5% (2570), bakterijske alimentarne intoksikacije 15,0% (2198) i kampilobakterioze 3,8% (564). U isto vreme je, po uputu lekara iz domova zdravlja, u laboratoriji Gradskog zavoda za javno zdravlje obavljen bakteriološki pregled 7396 stolica, od kojih su u 4830 dokazani sojevi Campylobacter spp., u 2394 Salmonella spp., u 165 Yersinia spp. i u 7 Shigella spp. U posmatranom periodu registrovane su 153 alimentarne epidemije sa 1724 obolelih (11,7% od ukupnog broja obolelih). Najbrojnije su epidemije salmoneloza (84), stafilokoknog trovanja hranom (18), trihineloze (15) i dijareje i gastroenteritisa infektivnog porekla (14). Kao put prenosa poslužili su mlečni prozvodi, kolači, torte, jaja, meso i mesne prerađevine, sendviči i kombinovane salate. Prema podacima o mestu izloženosti, prednjače individualna domaćinstva (71,2%), a u znatno manjem procentu ugostiteljski objekti (7,2%), predškolske (7,8%) i ustanove internatskog tipa (3,9%). Podaci dobijeni istraživanjem epidemija direktno ukazuju na povezanost između uzročnika, njihovih izvora i obolelih na određenom 366 Sekcijsko predavanje / Session Presentation području, i mogu se višestruko koristiti. Prvenstveno u cilju preduzimanje mera iz domena epidemiologije, ali i planiranja aktivnosti različitih profila stručnjaka koji se bave bezbednošću hrane na svim nivoima proizvodnje, pripreme i distribucije. Ključne reci: zarazne bolesti koje se prenose hranom; epidemije; izloženost; put širenja infekcije EPIDEMIOLOGICAL CHARASTERISTICS OF INFECTIOUS FOODBORNE DISEASE Pavlović N, Garotić- Ilić L, Purtić-Kljajić D, Vujović- Utješinović V Institute of Public Health of Belgrade The aim of paper is review the frequency of infectious foodborne disease, in relation to causes of disease, the place of exposure and the type of food involved in the transmission of pathogens. By using descriptive epidemiological method the data were obtained from the reports of infectious diseases, the annual report of the Program of protection against infectious diseases in Belgrade, results of investigated outbreaks, and microbiological testing carried out in the laboratories of Institute of Public Health Belgrade. In the period 2006-2011 in Belgrade were registered 14,683 cases of intestinal infectious diseases that predominantly foodborne, with average annual incidence 152.94 / 100,000 and an average mortality 0.09/100,000. According to this reports most common diagnosis including Diarrhea and gastroenteritis of infectious origin, 31.6% (4637) and Intestinal bacterial infections of unspecified causes 29.4% (4323), followed by Salmonellosis 17.5% (2570), Bacterial food poisoning 15.0 % (2198) and Campylobacteriosis 3.8% (564). At the same time, according to the instruction of doctors from medical centers, in the laboratory of the Institute of Public Health Belgrade were conducted bacteriological tests of 7396 stool samples, of which in 4830 are proven strains of Campylobacter spp., in 2394 Salmonella spp., In 165 Yersinia spp., in 7 Shigella spp. In observed period we registered 153 alimentary epidemics of 1724 cases (11.7% of total cases). The most numerous outbreaks were caused 367 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation by Salmonellosis (84), Staphylococcal food poisoning (18), Ttrichinosis (15) and Diarrhea and gastroenteritis of infectious origin (14). The food involved in the transmission of pathogens were dairy products, eggs, pastries, cakes, meat and derived products, sandwiches and combined salads. According to data of the place of exposure, to a leading place in the households (71.2%), then restaurants (7.2%), kindergartens (7.8%) and boarding facilities (3.9%). Data obtained from outbreaks survey can be used repeatedly. Primarily for epidemiologists, but also for all professionals who deal with food safety. Key words: infectious foodborne disease; outbreaks; exposure; vehicle of infection transmission 368 Sekcijsko predavanje / Session Presentation 12.SP5 ZNAČAJ KONTROLE RADIOAKTIVNOSTI MLEKA I MLEČNIH PROIZVODA U NUKLEARNIM/ RADIJACIONIM AKCIDENTIMA Đurović B, Rađen S, Vukmirović Đ, Radaković S Medicinski fakultet VMA, Univerzitet odbrane u Beogradu Proizvodnja i primena radioaktivnih izvora u vojne i mirnodopske svrhe nosi i rizike za nastanak nuklearnih/radijacionih akcidenata širih razmera. Naša zemlja imala je takva iskustva posle akcidenta u Černobilju, primene osiromašenog uranijuma tokom dejstava NATO snaga tokom 1999. godine i događaja u Fukušimi. Posledice ovih nesreća su pored neposredne ugroženosti zaposlenih i stanovništva i dugotrajna kontaminacija životne sredine koja dodatno, posredno i dugoročno može značajno uticati na zdravlje stanovništva kontaminiranih teritorija. U cilju zaštite zdravlja stanovništva od posledica moguće kontaminacije, međunarodnim preporukama i nacionalnim propisima u svim zemljama sveta regulisana je stalna kontrola kontaminacije životne sredine. Jedan od načina kontaminacije radioaktivnim izotopima je i ingestijom, unosom kontaminirane hrane i vode. Našim propisima određena je lista namirnica koje se obavezno moraju kontrolisati, a sačinjena je prema učestalosti, količini i značaju namirnica. Posebna pažnja posvećena je kontroli kontaminacije mleka i mlečnih proizvoda, kao najvažnijoj meri u zaštiti dece. U radu će biti prikazani rezultati redovnih mesečnih merenja vrednosti Cs-137 i K-40 mleka i mlečnih proizvoda (jogurt, kiselo mleko, beli sir, trapist, pavlaka, krem sir, maslac i mleko u prahu) tokom perioda od 2000-2010.godine. Merenja su obavljena gamaspektrometrijskom metodom na sistemu sa poluprovodničkim HP Ge detektorima firme EG&G Ortec visoke rezolucije i relativne efikasnosti 30. Obrada spektra urađena je softverskim paketom Gamma Vission. Rezultati su pokazali očekivane razlike između pojedinih proizvoda uslovljene načinom njihove proizvodnje. Iako promenljivih vrednosti tokom navedenog perioda, rezultati merenja ovih proizvoda na našem tržištu su unutar granica preporučenih našim i međunarodnim standardima, te su se u potpunosti mogli smatrati radiološki ispravnim i bez ograničenja su se mogli koristiti za ishranu dece. 369 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation Ključne reči: radioaktivnost, gamaspektrometrija. mleko, mlečni proizvodi, THE IMPORTANCE OF MILK AND DIARY PRODUCTS MONITORING IN THE CASE OF NUCLEAR/ RADIOLOGICAL ACCIDENTS Đurović B, Rađen S, Vukmirović Đ, Radaković S Medical Faculty in MMA, University of Defense in Belgrade Production and use of radioactive isotopes for the military and industrial purposes causes the risks of major nuclear/radiological accidents. Our country experienced few such situations: during Chernobyl accident, deployment of depleted uranium projectiles during NATO forces air strikes in 1999, and lately Fukushima accident. Besides the acute effects in professionals and population, long-term contamination of the environment and it s health effects on the inhabitants of contaminated territories are possible. In order to protect the health of population from the effects of possible contamination, monitoring of the environment is regulated by international recommendations and national legislation. One of the most important ways of the internal contamination is ingestion, through contaminated food and water. According to the frequency, importance, and intake, the list of the most important food products is established for monitoring. Monitoring of the milk and dairy products is organized with special attention, as one of the most important measures in radiation protection of the children. In this paper we presented the results of regular month radiometric measurements of the Cs-137 and K-40 in the samples of milk and dairy products (jogurt, butter, white cheese, yellow cheese, cream cheese, double creams, and evaporated milk) from 2000-2010. All the measurements were performed by gamma-spectrometry high resolution HP Ge detectors (EG&G Ortec), relative efficiency of 30. Spectral analysis was performed by Gamma Vision software package. Result showed expected differences between the products resulted from the technological process. 370 Sekcijsko predavanje / Session Presentation Even the results of the products from the Serbian market showed wide variations during the period, they still were under the international and national limits, so they were radiological safe and they could be used for children without any limitations. Key words: milk, dairy products, radioactivity, gamma spectrometry 371 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 12.UP1 ANALIZA 17 ELEMENATA U MIŠIĆU, JETRI I ŠKRGAMA SEDAM EKONOMSKO ZNAČAJNIH VRSTA RIBA Lenhardt M1, Gačić Z2, Višnjić-Jeftić V2, Jarić I2, Mićković B2, Subotić S2, Skorić S2 Hegediš A 2 1 Institut za biološka istraživanja “Siniša Stanković”, Univerzitet u Beogradu; 2 Institut za multidisciplinarna istraživanja, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Beograd Dunav kod Beograda je opterećen neprečišćenim industrijskim i komunalnim otpadnim vodama što može imati negativan uticaj kako na populacije riba, tako i na ljude koji konzumiraju ribu ulovljenu na ovom sektoru Dunava. U maju 2012. godine registrovano je oko 500 komercijalnih ribara na Dunavu. Pre nego što bude konzumirana od strane potrošača, ova riba, koju ulove ribari, ne podleže nikakvim detaljnijim analizama. U ovim istraživanjima praćeno je prisustvo Al, As, B, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se, Sr and Zn u mišićima, škrgama i jetri sedam komercijalno važnih vrsta riba (soma, smuđa, šarana, tolstolobika, deverike, krupatice i manića), ulovljenih u Dunavu kod Beograda, primenom metoda induktivno spregnute plazme – optičko emisione spektrometrije (ICP-OES). Najmanje koncentracije od svih analiziranih elemenata su nadjene u mišićima, dok su najveće koncentracije Cu i Mo zabeležene u jetri, Al, B, Ba, Mn i Sr u škrgama, a Fe i Zn su u većim koncentracijama zastupljeni i u jetri i u škrgama. PCA i post-hoc Duncan test ukazuju da se škrge i jetra manića izdvajaju po povećanim koncentracijama As, dok su se sva tri ispitivana tkiva šarana izdvajala po povećanim koncentracijama Zn. Koncentracije Pb, Cd, As, Cu i Fe u mišiću su bile ispod maksimalno dozvoljenih koncentracija (MDK) po nacionalnoj i EU legislativi. Samo je Zn u mišiću smuđa, soma i šarana pokazivao vrednosti iznad MDK. Koncentracije Fe, Zn i Cu su bile iznad MDK u jetri i škrgama kod pojedinačnih vrsta. Podaci iz ovog rada ukazuju da je meso riba zadovoljavajuće za ishranu ljudi (osim koncentracije Zn u pojedinim uzorcima), ali da treba izbegavati korišćenje jetre za ishranu. Pojedine vrste mogu akumulirati veće koncentracije određenih elemenata što se može objasniti ili njihovom fiziologijom (šaran) ili vezanošću za specifična staništa (manić). Navedena istraživanja ukazuju na neophodnost kontinuiranog monitoringa riba izlovljenih u komercijalnom ribolovu na Dunavu. Ključne reči: slatkovodne ribe, Dunav, teški metali, zagađenje, ICP-OES 372 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios ACCUMULATION LEVELS OF 17 ELEMENTS IN MUSCLE, LIVER AND GILLS OF SEVEN COMMERCIALLY EXPLOITED FISH SPECIES Lenhardt M1, Gačić Z2, Višnjić-Jeftić V2, Jarić I2, Mićković B2, Subotić S2, Skorić S2 Hegediš A 2 1 Institute for Biological Research “Siniša Stanković”, University of Belgrade; 2 Institute for Multidisciplinary Research, University of Belgrade The Danube River near Belgrade receives substantial amounts of untreated industrial and communal wastewaters, which produces negative impacts on fish populations that inhabit this area, as well as on humans who utilize such fish in their diet. In May 2012, there were 500 registered commercial fishermen in the area of the Danube in Serbia. Fish caught through commercial fishery in the Danube in Serbia are usually not subjected to any quality analysis before they are marketed. In the present study, concentrations of Al, As, B, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se, Sr and Zn were analyzed in muscles, gills and liver of the seven economically important fish species (wels catfish, zander, carp, silver carp, bream, white bream and burbot) caught in the Danube River near Belgrade, by the use of inductively-coupled plasma optical spectrometry (ICP-OES). The lowest concentrations of all analyzed elements were found in muscles. The highest Cu and Mo concentrations were present in liver, Al, B, Ba, Mn and Sr in gills, while Fe and Zn had high concentrations in both liver and gills. PCA and posthoc Duncan test indicated that burbot gills and liver were differentiated from the other analyzed tissues and species by high As concentrations, while all three analyzed tissues of carp were differentiated by high Zn concentrations. Concentrations of Pb, Cd, As, Cu and Fe in muscles were below maximum acceptable concentrations (MAC) established by the European Union and the national legislation. The only exception were Zn concentrations in muscles of wels catfish, zander and carp, where the MAC were exceeded. Concentrations of Fe, Zn and Cu also exceeded MAC in liver and gills of some of the analyzed species. Results indicate that the meat of these species from the Danube River in Serbia should be safe for utilization in human diet, with the exception of Zn in some fish species. On the other hand, the use of fish liver in human diet should be avoided. Some fish species are able to accumulate higher concentrations 373 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation of particular elements, which might be explained either by their specific physiology (carp) or by the influence of specific habitats they inhabit (burbot). Results of this study indicate the need for continual monitoring of fish caught by commercial fishery in the Danube. Key words: freshwater fish, Danube, heavy metals, pollution, ICP-OES 374 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios 12.UP2 PRIMENA NOVOG MIKROBIOLOŠKOG PRAVILNIKA U PROCESU PROIZVODNJE SLADOLEDA Racković Stefanović N Frikom AD Beograd Novi mikrobiološki pravilnik (Sl.glasnik RS 72/2010) definiše dva kriterijuma u kontroli hrane: kriterijum bezbednosti hrane i kriterijum higijene u procesu proizvodnje. Ovaj drugi kriterijum je naročito značajan za proizvođače hrane, koji su u obavezi da definišu i sprovode svoj sistem mikrobiološke samokontrole. Cilj ovog rada je da prezentuje kako je novi mikrobiološki pravilnik implementiran u kompaniji Frikom AD u procesu proizvodnje sladoleda, pre svega kontrole ulaznih sirovina, a na kraju i gotovog proizvoda. U proizvodnji sladoleda se koristi veliki broj sirovina, a za dobar deo njih nisu definisani mikrobiološki kriterijumi novim mikrobiološki pravilnikom, pa se pri formiranju kriterijuma pri analizi sirovina koristilo više faktora. Kao najznačajniji faktor je uziman tehnološki postupak kome podležu sirovine (pre svega da li prolaze proces pasterizacije, ili se nepromenjene ugrađuju direktno u proizvod), zatim sastav sirovine, dosadašnje iskustvo sa korišćenim sirovinama u pogledu potencijalnih patogenih mikroorganizama, temperatura skladištenja, kao i konsultacija sa mikrobiološkim pravilnicima, vodičima drugih zemalja i naučnim činjenicama. Ispitivani su sledeći mikroorganizmi: Salmonella spp., Listeria monocytogenes, E. coli, Enterobacteriaceae, koagulaza pozitivne stafilokoke, plesni i kvasci i ukupan broj mikroorganizama, a od metoda su korišćene: SRPS EN ISO 6579, SRPS EN ISO 11 290-1, SRPS EN ISO 16 649-2, SRPS ISO 21 528-2, SRPS EN ISO 6888- 1, EN ISO 21527, SRPS EN ISO 4833. U radu su predstavljene sirovine po kategorijama sličnosti sastava i navedeni su mikrobiološki kriterijumi na osnovu kojih se sprovodi mikrobiološka analiza uzoraka. Ispitivanje sirovina i gotovog proizvoda po ovako utvrđenim mik. kriterijumima propraćeni su i dobrom higijenskom praksom, koja podrazumeva redovnu kontrolu pranja metodom briseva opreme, radnih površina i ruku radnika. Ovakav način kontrole se pokazao uspešnim od trenutka primene novog mikrobiološkog pravilnika do sada, jer se dobija mikrobiološki bezbedan proizvod, što se dokazalo kako internim, tako i eksternim mikroiološkim analizama. 375 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation Ključne reči: novi mikrobiološki pravilnik, mikrobiološki kriterijumi, sirovina za sladoled, sladoled. APPLICATION OF THE NEW MICROBIOLOGICAL REGULATIONS IN THE ICE CREAM PRODUCTION Racković Stefanović N Frikom AD Belgrade New microbiological Regulations (Sl.glasnik RS 72/2010) defines two criteria in the control of food: food safety criterion and the criterion of hygiene in the production process. The latter criterion is particularly important for food manufacturers, who are required to define and implement a system of microbiological self-control. The aim of this paper is to present how the new regulations have been implemented in the company AD Frikom during the production of ice cream, especially control of raw materials, and finally the finished product. A large number of raw materials are used in the ice cream production, yet for a good portion of them, microbiological criteria have not been esablished by the new regulation. Therefore, for the formation of criteria during the raw material analysis, several factors have been used. As the most important factor, technological process applied to certain raw materials has been used (especially if undergoing pasteurization, or having been incorporated directly into the product), followed with the composition of raw materials, experience so far with the utilized raw materials in terms of potential micro-organisms, storage temperature, as well as consultation with microbiological regulations and guidelines of other countries and scientific facts. The following microorganisms have been investigated: Salmonella spp, Listeria monocytogenes, E. coli, Enterobacteriaceae, coagulase-positive staphylococci, yeasts and molds, the total number of microorganisms. As for the methods which have been used there are SRPS EN ISO 6579, SRPS EN ISO 11 290-1, SRPS EN ISO 16 649-2, SRPS ISO 21 528-2, SRPS EN ISO 6888- 1, EN ISO 21527, SRPS EN ISO 4833. This paper presents the raw material categories by the similarity of composition and lists the microbiological criteria according to which 376 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios microbiological analysis of the samples is carried out. Testing of raw materials and finished products at such established microbiological criteria have been accompanied by good hygiene practice which involves regular control method for swab of equipment, work surfaces and hands of workers. This method of control has proven to be successful since the use of the new microbiological regulations, as microbiologically safe product is obtained, which can be proved by both internal and external microbiological analysis. Key words: new microbiological regulations, microbiological criteria, the input raw materials for ice cream, ice cream. 377 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 12.UP3 RASPROSTRANJENOST Listeria monocytogenes U NEKIM MLEČNIM PROIZVODIMA NA PODRUČJU TERITORIJE NOVOG SADA Klisara N, Markov S, Cvetković D, Velićanski A Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet Listerioza je bolest ljudi i životinja, koja je uzrokovana L. monocytogenes, kao posledica kontaminacije hrane, životne sredine i infekcije životinja. U svetu, listerioza se ubraja među opasnije bakterijske bolesti izazvane hranom, sa niskom učestalošću ali visokim stepenom smrtnosti. Poznato je, na osnovu istrazivanja u Švedskoj, Portugalu i Brazilu, da mladi sirevi mogu biti kontaminirani sa L. monocytogenes. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se izoluje i identifikuje L. monocytogenes iz maloprodaje sireva (kriška sir, sitni sir) i sireva kupljenih na pijaci na području teritorije Novog Sada. Trideset devet uzoraka svežeg sira, od kojih je 23 kupljeno u maloprodajnim objektima, a 16 sa pijaca ispitano je od aprila do jula 2011. godine. Otkrivanje L. monocytogenes izvedeno je po međunarodnom standardu (SRPS ISO 11290-1+A1), a identifikacija izdvojenih izolata urađena je primenom aparata VITEK 2 Compact. Od 39 testiranih uzoraka svežeg sira, više od 2/3 pokazivalo je pozitivan rezultat za predobogaćenje i selektivno obogaćenje, a pozitivan rezultat na obe selektivne podloge je detektovan za 1/5 uzoraka. Na osnovu identifikacije i konfirmacionog testa u samo jednom uzorku dokazano je prisustvo L. monocytogenes, a kod jednog tipa uzorka ali iz različitih ponavljanja identifikovana je L. innocua. Na osnovu toga se može proceniti da je orijentaciono 0,25% uzoraka kontaminirano, odnosno može biti nebezbedno za tržište. Ključne reči: sveži sitni sir, kriška sir, L. monocytogenes 378 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios DIFFUSION OF Listeria monocytogenes IN SOME DAIRY PRODUCTS IN THE TERRITORY OF NOVI SAD Klisara N, Markov S, Cvetković D, Velićanski A University of Novom Sadu, Faculty of Technology, Novi Sad Listeriosis is a disease of humans and animals, which is mostly caused by L. monocytogenes, as a result of contamination of food, environment and animal infections. In the world, listeriosis ranks among bacterial dangerous foodborne diseases, with a low incidence but high mortality. It is known, based on research in Sweden, Portugal and Brazil, that fresh cheese may be contaminated with L.monocytogenes. The aim of this study was to isolate and identify L. monocytogenes from retail cheese (slice of cheese, small curd) and cheese brought at a market in the territory of Novi Sad. Thirty-nine samples of fresh cheese, of which 23 were brought in retail stores and 16 were brought at the market, were investigated from April to July 2011. Detection of L. monocytogenes was performed according to international standard (ISO 11290-1), and identification of selected isolates was performed using the VITEK 2 Compact apparatus. Of the 39 tested samples of fresh cheese, more than 2/3 showed a positive result for half Fraser broth and Fraser broth, a positive result on both selective media was detected for 1/5 of samples. Based on identification and confirmation test in only one sample confirmed the presence of L.monocytogenes, and in a sample of one type but from different repetitions of selective enrichment was identified L. innocua. On that basis, it can be estimated that the approximate 0,25% of samples contaminated, or may be unsafe for the market. Key words: cheese, L. monocytogenes 379 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 12.UP4 MIKROBIOLOŠKA BEZBEDNOST ČOKOLADA Petković S AD Štark, Beograd Cilj ovog rada je bio da prikaže spoj nauke i prakse u konditorskoj industriji kao i značaj detekcije izvora i puteva mikrobiološke kontaminacijeradi osiguranja ispravnosti i bezbednosti čokolada.Iako čokolade spadaju u relativno stabilne proizvode one u sebi sadrže sastojke које mikroorganizmi mogu da koriste za svoj rast i razmnožavanje a u slučaju autolize većeg broja ćelija mikroorganizama može doći do pogoršanja kvaliteta čokoladnih proizvoda.Značajni parametri kontrole su prisustvo patogenih mikroorganizama kao i vrednosti indikatorskih mikroorganizama posebno plesni kao mogućih izvora mikotoksina iz sirovina koje ako su lošeg kvaliteta sigurno mogu prredstavljati potencijalni izvor mikotoksina. Mikrobiološka ispitivanja se zasnivaju na kontroli ulaznih materijala (sirovina i ambalaže, načina skladištenja), kontrole higijene mašina i pribora za rad, kao i kontrole čistoće vazduha i vode kao potencjalnih izvora sekundarne kontaminacije.Čokolade povremeno mogu biti i nosioci patogenih mikroorganizama ako se ne primenjuje odgovarajuća higijenska praksa u toku procesa proizvodnje kod zaposlenih i ako se ne kontrolišu ulazne sirovine na patogene i indikatorske mikroorganizme. Značajno je kontrolisati sledeće parametre:Enterobacteriaceae, Salmonella spp, Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli, Clostridium perfringens, aerobne mezofilne bakterije, kvasce i plesni kako bi imali sliku kvaliteta i higijenske ispravnosti ulaznih materijala. S druge strane u toku procesa pripreme i procesa pakovanja veoma lako može doći do sekundarne mikrobiološke kontaminacije. Za prikaz rezultata korišćeni su podaci iz kompanije AD Štark uz kratki prikaz rezultata analiza za sirovine koje se najčešće koristeza proizvodnju čokolada, pri čemu su navedeni mikroorganizmi koji su najčešće prisutni u sirovimama i finalnim proizvodima. Analizom svih dobijenih rezultata i vezom izmedju ulaznih sirovina i gotovog proizvoda može se zaključiti da se samo korišćenjem kvalitetnihsirovina, osiguranjem sledljivosti kroz proces proizvodnje i 380 Usmeno predavanje / Oral Presentatios distribucije, primenom adekvatne higijene pribora i osoblja, monitoringom štetočina i održavanjem parametara skladištenja u zadatim granicama može dobiti mikrobiološki bezbedan proizvod. Ključne reči: Čokolada, kontaminacija, patogeni mikroorganizmi, bezbednost MICROBIOLOGICAL SAFETY OF CHOCOLATE Petković S AD Štark, Belgrade The goal of this presentation is a combination of science and practice in the confectionery industry and the importance of detecting the sources and pathways of microbial contamination to ensure the safety and security of chocolate. Although chocolate products are generally regarded as a stable, they contain ingredients that can be used by microorganisms for their growthand reproduction and in the case of a higher numbers, cell autolysis can caused eterioration of quality. Important control parameters are the presence of pathogens and number of indicator microorganisms especially molds as a possible source of mycotoxins in row materials and also their ability to get in to finished product especially if there is a raw material of a very bad quality. Microbiological methods are based on the control of input materials (raw and packaging), storage, control machinery hygiene and other operation resources, control of air and water purity as potential secondary contamination sources. Chocolates occasionally can be carriers of pathogenic microorganism if the proper personal hygiene is not applied during production process and if there is not a control of incoming raw materials of indicator pathogenic microorganisms. It is important to control the following parameters: Enterobacteriaceae, Salmonella spp, Listeriamonocytogenes, Staphylococcusaureus, Bacilluscereus, Escherichiacoli, Clostridiumperfringens, aerobic mesophilic bacteria and yeasts and moldsin order to have an image of quality and hygienic quality of incoming materials. On the other hand, during the process 381 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation of preparation and packaging one can easily get a secondary microbial contamination. To display the results, the data from the companyAD Stark briefly present the outcome of analysis of the raw materials that are commonly used for the manufacture of chocolate, where those microorganisms are usually present in raw materials and final products. From the results of the analysis and from the connection between raw materials and finished products it can be concluded that the only use of high quality materials, ensuring tracebility through the production process and distribution, with adequate equipment and staff hygiene, pest monitoring and maintening parameters in the given boundaries, microbiologically safe product could be obtained. Key words: Chocolate, contamination, pathogenic microorganisms, safety 382 Poster / Poster Presentation 12.P01 ISPITIVANJE PRISUSTVA OVOMUKOIDA U PROIZVODIMA OD MESA I PANIRANIM PROIZVODIMA Zrnić M1, Stanković I1, Šobajić S1, Milanović-Stevanović M2, Janković S2 1 Katedra za bromatologiju, Farmaceutski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2 Institut za higijenu i tehnologiju mesa, Beograd Uvod: Jaja i proizvodi od jaja nalaze se na listi sastojaka namirnica čije je navođenje obavezno u smislu označavanje alergena.U sastav jaja ulaze različiti proteini, od kojih su mnogi snažni alergeni. Ovomukoidi su alergogeni proteini belanceta jaja. Cilj i metod: Obzirom da se jaja i proizvodi od jaja koriste u proizvodnji namirnica, ili da prehrambeni proizvodi mogu da budu kontaminanti u procesu proizvodnje, cilj rada bio je da se izvrši provera sadržaja ovomukoida u proizvodima od mesa (paštete i fino usitnjene barene kobasice) i paniranim proizvodima. Analizirano je ukupno 38 proizvoda (28 proizvoda od mesa i 10 paniranih proizvoda) sa tržišta Srbije domaćih i inostranih proizvođača. Određivanje ovomukoida u analiziranim uzorcima vršeno je imunohemijskom ELISA metodom korišćenjem komercijalnog kompleta I’screen egg (code AL316/AL306). Rezultati: Od ukupnog broja analiziranih uzoraka, u 9 uzoraka (24%) sadržaj ovomukoida bio je manji od limita kvantifikacije metode (0,5 mg/kg). U većini analiziranih proizvoda (74%) sadržaj ovomukoida bio je u količini 0,5-5 mg/kg, pri čemu je na samo 7 proizvoda deklarisano moguće prisustvo proteina jaja. Jedan panirani proizvod, za koji je kao napomena i navedeno da može sadržati tragove jaja, imao je sadržaj ovomukoida u količini preko 20 mg/kg. Zaključak:Restriktivna dijetabez alergena je doživotni tretman za preosetljive osobe. S obzirom da minimalne količine alergena mogu dovesti do imunog odgovora organizma neophodna je sistematska kontrola proizvoda, poštovanje principa dobre proizvođačke prakse u smislu sprečavanja kontaminacije alergenima, kao i pravilno deklarisanje prehrambenih proizvoda, a sa ciljem njihove bezbedne upotrebe kod osetljivih osoba. Ključne reči: proizvodi od mesa, panirani proizvodi, alergije, ovomukoidi 383 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation Ovaj rad je finansiran od strane Ministarstva za prosvetu i nauku Republike Srbije (Projekat broj III-46009). PRESENCE OF OVOMUCOIDS IN MEAT PRODUCTS AND BREADED PRODUCTS Zrnić M1, Stanković I1, Šobajić S1, Milanović-Stevanović M2, Janković S2 1 Department of Bromatology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade, 2 Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, Belgrade Introduction: Eggs and egg products are on the list of food allergens which presence has to be declared on the food label. Eggs contain different group of proteins and many of them are potent allergens. Ovomucoids are allergenic proteins from egg white. Objective and method: The aim of this study was detection and quantification of ovomucoidsin meat products (cooked and boiled sausages) and breaded products. In 38 food products (28 meat products and 10 breaded products) from the market of Serbia the content of ovomucoids was determined using ELISA immunochemical test I’screen egg (code AL316/AL306). Results: Results obtained showedthat in 9 samples (24%) the content of ovomucoids was less than the limit of quantification of 0,5 mg/kg. In the analysis of 28 products (74%) the presence of ovomucoids was determined in the quantities 0,5-5 mg/kg, of whom only 7 products were declared that may contain eggs. Ovomucoids content over 20 mg/kg was determined in one analyzed product where the possible presence of eggs was labeled. Conclusion: Consideringthe fact that for sensitive persons the minimum amounts of allergens can cause an immune response it is necessary to control these products and to respect the principles of good manufacturing practice to avoid contamination with allergens, as well as proper labeling of food products in order to protect health of sensitive people. Keywords: meat products, breaded products, allergy, ovomucoids This work was supported by the Project No III-46009, Ministry of Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia 384 Poster / Poster Presentation 12.P02 IZOLACIJA CRONOBACTER SAKAZAKII KORIŠĆENJEM HROMOGENIH PODLOGA Protić N EKO-LAB DOO, Padinska Skela Cilj: Cronobacter sakazakii je patogeni mikroorganizam. Izolovan je iz mleka u prahu za ishranu odojčadi, vode, biljnih čajeva, mulja i zemljišta. Cilj rada bio je da se ispita izolacija C. sakazakii iz mleka u prahu korišćenjem hromogenih podloga. Metode: Korišćene su metode ISO 6887-5:2010. i ISO 22964:2006., Cronobacter bujon za obogaćenje (Biomerieux) i hromogene podloge: chromID™ Sakazakii (BioMérieux), Chromogenic Cronobacter Isolation Agar (CCI), ChromoCult® C. sakazakii Agar (Merck), Harlequin™ CSA-DFI (LabM), API 20E i referentni soj C. sakazakii ATCC 12868 u koncentraciji od 10 cfu/g do 100cfu/g mleka u prahu. Rezultati: Korišćenjem specifičnog bujona i hromogenih podloga omogućava se bolja senzitivnost i bolji oporavak C. sakazakii u odnosu na podloge prema ISO 22964: 2006. Zaključak: U cilju izolovanja C. sakazakii neophodni su bolja kontrola i ispitivanja, kao i nova saznanja o ovom patogenu. Ključne reči: Cronobacter sakazakii, hromogene podloge ISOLATION OF CRONOBACTER SAKAZAKII USING CHROMOGENIC MEDIUM Protić N EKO-LAB DOO, Padinska Skela Aim Cronobacter sakazakii are an emerging food-borne pathogen. It has been isolated from powder infant formula, water, herbal teas, sediment and soil. The aim of this study was to investigate the isolation of C. sakazakii powdered milk from using chromogenic medium. Methods For isolation C. sakazakii were used methods ISO 6887-5:2010. and ISO 22964:2006., Cronobacter Enrichment Broth (Biomerieux) and 385 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation chromogenic medium: chromID™ Sakazakii (BioMérieux), Chromogenic Cronobacter Isolation Agar (CCI), ChromoCult® C. sakazakii Agar (Merck), Harlequin™ CSA-DFI (LabM), API 20E and reference strain C. sakazakii ATCC 12868 in concentration of 10 cfu/g to 100 cfu/g powdered milk. Results Using specific broth and cromogenic media provides higher sensitivity and greater recovery than the ISO 22964 protocol. Conclusion: Better control and improve testing C. sakazakii as well as new facts about this pathogen are necessary. Key words: Cronobacter sakazakii, chromogenic medium. 386 Poster / Poster Presentation 12.P03 KONTROLA ZDRAVSTVENE BEZBEDNOSTI HRANE PRIMENOM HACCP U OPŠTOJ BOLNICI LAZA K. LAZAREVIĆ U ŠAPCU Milošević B Opšta bolnica Laza K. Lazarević, Šabac Cilj: Cilj rada je provera i prikaz sveobuhvatnosti kontrole bezbednosti hrane primenom HACCP sistema u opštoj bolnici Laza K. Lazarević u Šapcu. Metode: Kontrola kritičnih tačaka, provera validnosti dokumenata, kontrola temperature utovara.Dokumenta koja se kontrolišu su sertifikati o bezbednosti, otpremnice, pečata, datuma, temperature na prijemu namirnica animalnog porekla. Kritične kontrolne tačke u proizvodnji i distribuciji hrane: Prijem namirnica animalnog porekla Kontrola temperature frižidera i komora Kontrola trmperature zamrzivača Kontrola keteringa Kontrola sterilizacije belog posuđa na Infektivnom odeljenju Rezultati i diskusija: Kontrola dokmenata je otkrila da je sveže meso primano u bolnicu imalo sve veterinarske sertifikate i pečate u okviru vremenskog ograničenja. Temprature frižidera i rashladnih komora su bile redovno proveravane sa kalibrisanim termometrom. Za vreme jenog meseca temperature zamrzivača sa bile u prihvatljivom opsegu -180C-210C .Kao jedna od kritičnih kontrolnih tačaka u pripremi i distribuciji obroka je poštovanje rasporeda isporuke hrane, da utovarena hrana nema temperaturu ispod optimalne. Poverava se temperatura jela pre utovara, završetak termalne obrade i vreme utovara i zapisuje u ček listu. Tip materijala koji dolazi u dodir sa hranom je takođe važan za bezbednost hrane. Ako se jelo ohladi ispod 640C, korektivna mera je ponovna termička obrada. Odstupanje temperature komora od zadate vreednosti zapaženo je dva puta, oko podne, 9 0C,zbog velikih vrićina. Unutašnje temperature se nisu povećale više od 70C. Korektivna mera bila bi je ugradnja klima uređaja. Temperatura mesa proveravana je kalibrisanim termometrom i imala je razliku samo 0,10C četiri puta u mesecu. Upoređenjem sa drugom 387 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation studijom o primeni HACCP u mlekari u Šapcu, kritične vrednosti za čuvanje mlečnih proizvoda i korektivne mere su bile iste. Zaključak: Primenom sistema HACCP na minimum su svedene mogućnost proizvodnje i distribucije nebezbedne hrane. Ključne reči: kontrola bezbednosti, HACCP, dokumentovanje, rizik, unutrašnja temperatura temperature, THE CONTROL OF FOOD SAFETY IN THE GENERAL HOSPITAL’’LAZA K.LAZAREVIC’’ IN SABAC USIN HACCP SYSTEM Milošević B General Hospital Laza K. Lazarević, Šabac The aim: The purpose of work was to check and show universality of the safety control using the HACCP system. Methods: The control of critical points, checking the validity of documentation, temperature and packaging control. Control of the documentation: safety certificate, dispatch, seal, the control of the inner meat temperature. In production and distribution of the food in hospital next critical control points were chosen: reception of food items of animal origin; control of the temperatures of refrigerators and chambers; control of the temperature of the freezer; control of catering; control of the sterilization of white dishes at the Department of Infectious Diseases. Results: The control of the documents revealed that the fresh meat received at the hospital had all veterinary certificates and seals, within the time limit. Temperatures of the refrigerators and cold chambers were regularly checked with calibrated thermometer. During one month temperatures were in the acceptable range from -18°C to -21°C. One of the critical control points in meal preparation and distribution within hospital is compliance of food delivery schedule in order not to cool down the meals below the optimal temperature. The temperature of the meals is 388 Poster / Poster Presentation checked before the loading, the time of thermal treatment and the time of loading is documented. The type of material that comes into the contact with the meals is also of the importance for the meals’ safety. If the correct material is not used in the meal preparation corrective measures have been conducted. If the temperature of meal comes below 64 the thermal treatment is correction measure. Temperatures of the meat cold chambers were between 4 i 80 C, twice the temperature was 90C. The corrective measure in this case should be implementation of acclimatized conditions. The temperature of the meat was checked using calibrated thermometer and on four occasions the unwanted rise of the temperature was noticed (0,10C). Conclusion: The implementation of HACCP principles in hospital catering service could minimize the risk of unsafe and hazardous food. Key words: Safety control, HACCP, temperature, documentation, risk, the inner temperature 389 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 12.P04 KONCEPT BEZBEDNE HRANE Konstantinović Birovljev B Zavod za zašitu zdravlja studenata, Beograd Prema podacima centra za kontrolu i prevenciju bolesti (CDCP) u Sjedinjenim državama u Americi procenjuje se da godišnje 76 miliona osoba oboli usled konzumiranja kontaminirane hrane, 325 000 biva hospitaliziovano, a 5000 završi smrtnim ihodom. Bezbednost hrane je naučna disciplina koja se odnosi na pravilno rukovanje, pripremu i skladištenje namirnica da bi se prevenirale bolesti trovanja hranom. To uključuje brojne procedure koje je potrebno slediti da bi se izbegao opasan zdravstveni rizik. Bolesti usled zatrovane hrane odnosno trovanje hranom je bilo koja bolest nastala kao posledica konzumiranja zagađene hrane bilo da je uzročnik patogena bakterija, virus ili parazit, ili su to hemikalije ili pak prirodni toksini prisutni u hrani kao što je to slučaj sa otrovnim gljivama. Pored ovoga ove bolesti mogu nastati i usled nepravilnog postupanja sa namirnicama tokom skladištenja, priprememe i čuvanja gotovih proizvoda gde ljudski faktor ima važnu ulogu. Postoji konscenzus da lična higijena, dakle regularno pranje ruku predstavlja najefikasniju meru da bi se sprečilo prenošenje ovih bolesti. Stalni monitoring procedura u vezi sa namirnicama od „njive do trpeze“ odnosno od sirovih namirnica do finalnog proizvoda je poznat kao HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) sistem upravljanja kontrolom da bi se obezbedila bezbedna hrana. Ključne reči: bezbedna hrana, trovanje hranom, HACCP kontrola CONCEPT OF SAFE FOOD Konstantinović Birovljev B Institute of public health for students, Belgrade In the United States, using data from the CDCP estimated that that foodborne diseases cause approximately 76 million illnesses, 325,000 hospitalizations, and 5,000 deaths in the United States each year.Food 390 Poster / Poster Presentation safety is a scientific discipline describing handling, preparation and storage of food in ways that prevent foodborne illness. This includes a number of routines that should be followed to avoid potentially severe health hazards. Foodborne illness (also foodborne disease and colloquially referred to as food poisoning) is any illness resulting from the consumption of contaminated food, pathogenic bacteria, viruses, or parasites that contaminate food, as well as chemical or natural toxins such as poisonous mushrooms. Foodborne illness usually arises from improper handling, preparation, or food storage. Good hygiene practices before, during, and after food preparation can reduce the chances of contracting an illness. There is a consensus in the public health community that regular hand-washing is one of the most effective defenses against the spread of foodborne illness. The action of monitoring food to ensure that it will not cause foodborne illness is known as food safety. HACCP is a management system in which food safety is addressed through the analysis and control of biological, chemical, and physical hazards from raw material production, procurement and handling, to manufacturing, distribution and consumption of the finished product. Key words: food safty, foodborne diseases, HACCP management sistem 391 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 12.P05 UKUPAN BROJ MIKROORGANIZAMA I ATP KAO PARAMETRI HIGIJENE U KUHINJAMA UGOSTITELJSKIH OBJEKATA Petrović I, Markov S, Cvetković D, Velićanski A Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet, Novi Sad Kuhinje ugostiteljskih objekata predstavljaju mesta visokog rizika po bezbednost hrane. Kako bi se taj rizik sveo na prihvatljiv nivo, neophodno je sprovesti monitoring higijene u skladu sa dobro pripremljenim sanitarnohigijenskim planom. Da bi se ispoštovali visoki standardi bezbednosti hrane, pojavila se potreba za brzom i pouzdanom procenom higijenskog statusa površina koje dolaze u dodir sa hranom, pre samog početka procesa proizvodnje. To je dovelo do uporedne primene alternativnih metoda koje obezbeđuju brzu povratnu informaciju vezanu za sanitaciju i proizvodne procese. Detekcija adenozin trifosfata (ATP) metodom bioluminescencije jedan je od najvažnijih brzih metoda monitoringa higijene u prehrambenoj industriji. Cilj rada je bio da se sagleda higijenski status površina koje dolaze u neposredan dodir sa hranom u jednoj hotelskoj kuhinji. Izabrano je 4 mesta za uzorkovanje, od kojih je sa svakog uzorkovano po 24 brisa za praćenje ATP metodom bioluminescencije koristeći luminometar i odgovarajuće briseve. Za deo tih briseva (po 8 sa svakog mesta) standardnom procedurom je određivan ukupan broj mikroorganizama na 37°C. Dobijeni rezultati obe metode su međusobno upoređeni i procenjeni na osnovu određenih normativnih akata. Procenat neprihvatljivih uzoraka sa stanovišta RLU vrednosti kretao se od 4,2% (tanjir) do 45,83% (daska za povrće), dok se procenat neprihvatljivih uzoraka u pogledu ukupnog broja mikroorganizama kretao od 0% (tanjir) do 37,5% (mesoreznica i daska za povrće). Kod daske za povrće je osim povećanog procenta neprihvatljivih uzoraka uočeno najveće neslaganje između rezultata dve metode. Neravna površina daske za sečenje predstavlja mesto gde zaostaju ostaci hrane, pa je organska materija kao izvor ATP doprinela takvom rezultatu. Poređenjem razultata dve metode dobijena je dobra korelacija, pa bi pored nezamenljivih klasičnih mikrobioloških metoda i tehnika metodu bioluminescencije bilo korisno primeniti kao dodatnu informaciju o higijeni površina u kuhinjama ugostiteljskih objekata. 392 Poster / Poster Presentation Ključne reči: ukupan broj mikroorganizama, bioluminescencija, higijena kuhinja ugostiteljskih objekata TOTAL NUMBER OF MICROORGANISMS AND ATP AS HYGIENE PARAMETERS FOR RESTAURANT AND HOTEL KITCHENS Petrović I, Markov S, Cvetković D, Velićanski A University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology, Novi Sad Restaurant and hotel kitchens are places of high risk for food safety. In order to reduce such risk to an acceptable level, it is necessary to carry out hygiene monitoring in accordance with well-prepared sanitaryhygiene plan. To meet such high standards of food safety, there is a need for rapid and reliable assessment of the hygienic status of surfaces that come in contact with food, before the start of the production process. Detection of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) by bioluminescence method is one of the most rapid methods of monitoring hygiene in the food industry. The aim of this study was to examine the hygienic status of surfaces that come in direct contact with the food in one hotel kitchen. 4 sites were selected for sampling, one of which was sampled with 24 swabs for monitoring ATP by bioluminescence method using luminometer and appropriate swabs. Part of the swabs (8 for each site) was tested by the standard procedure for total number of microorganisms at 37 ° C. The results of both methods are mutually compared and evaluated on the basis of certain normative acts. Percentage of unacceptable samples from the point of RLU values ranged from 4.2% (plate) to 45.83% (chopping board for vegetables), while the percentage of unacceptable samples in terms of the total number of microorganisms ranged from 0% (plate) to 37.5% (slicing machine and chopping board for vegetables). Uneven surfaces of chopping board was the place where particles of food remains, so organic matter as a source of ATP contributed to this outcome. Comparing the results of two methods a good correlation was obtained, so except irreplaceable conventional microbiological methods and techniques, 393 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation bioluminescence method should be applied as a useful additional information about hygiene of surfaces in restaurant and hotel kitchens. Key words: total number of microorganisms, bioluminescence, hygiene of restaurant and hotel kitchens 394 Poster / Poster Presentation 12.P06 PRIKAZ ORGANIZACIJE I KONTROLE BEZBEDNOSTI HRANE U BOLNICAMA U CRNOJ GORI Jovićević Lj¹, Barjaktarović-Labović S¹, Malisic N², Đuričković M², Novaković T³ Dom zdravlja Bar1, Institut za javno zdravlje Crne Gore2, Medicinski fakultet u Kosovskoj Mitrovici3 Cilj: Prikaz organizacije i kontrole bezbednosti hrane u Crnoj Gori. Metode: Krajem 2011. godine sprovedeno je istraživanje o ishrani u bolnicama u Crnoj Gori. Koriščen je posebno kreiran upitnik Svetske zdravstene organizacije podeljen u nekoliko oblasti ispitivanja. Istraživanjem su obuhvaćene sve opšte i specijalne bolnice u Crnoj Gori, uključujući i dve privatne bolnice. U radu će biti prikazani podaci koji se odnose na organizaciju i kontrolu bezbednosti hrane. Za odgovore na upitnike su bile zadužene osobe koje su određene od strane odgovornih lica (nutricionisti, šefovi kuhinja, glavne sestre i dr). Rezultati: Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 13 bolnica. U svakoj postoje timovi za ishranu i bezbednost hrane. U sedam bolnica (54%) timove čine dijetetičari/nutricionisti, glavne sestre, šefovi kuhinja i lekari različitih specijalnosti, dok u šest bolnica (46%) nema dijetetičara. Hrana se u svim bolnicama u Crnoj Gori priprema unutar samih bolnica, uz poštovanje jedinstvenog obrasca dnevnih obroka: tri glavna obroka i dve užine. Vodom za piće se snabdevaju iz sistema javnog vodosnabdevanja. U postupku pripreme hrane primenjuju se pravila „Pet ključeva Svetske zdravstvene organizacije za bezbednu hranu“. Međutim, obavezu primene HACCP principa nije ispunila nijedna bolnica u Crnoj Gori. Diskusija: U Crnoj Gori ne postoje nacionalna upustva ili preporuke za zdravstvenu bezbednost hrane u bolnicama. Zaposleni zaduženi za bezbednost hrane su najčešće neodgovarajuće stručnosti i nedovoljno edukovani. Nadzor nad bezbednošću hrane u bolnicama vrši Sanitarna inspekcija Uprave za inspekcijske poslove u redovnom inspekcijskom nadzoru i po epidemiološkim indikacijama. Zaključak: Istraživanje je pokazalo nedostatak odgovarajućih stručnjaka i potrebu uspostavljanja HACCP sistema ili nekog drugog preventivnog sistema za osiguranje zdravstvene bezbednosti hrane u svim bolnicama, što je inače predviđeno Akcionim planom za ishranu i bezbednost hrane u Crnoj Gori (2010-2014) i obaveza je menadžmenta svih bolnica. 395 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation Ključne reči: bolnice, bezbednost hrane, HACCP FOOD SAFETY IN HOSPITALS IN MONTENEGRO Jovićević Lj¹, Barjaktarović-Labović S¹,Malisic N², Đuričković M², Novaković T³ Health Centre Bar1, Public Health Institute of Montenegro2, Faculty of Medicine in Kosovska Mitrovica3 Objective: Presentation organization and control of the Food Safety in hospitals in Montenegro including all general and special hospitals in Montenegro, including two private hospitals. Methods: At the end of 2011 was carried a research on nutrition in hospitals in Montenegro. We used a specially designed questionnaire World Health Organization. It was divided into several areas of questioning.. Researching was Covered all general and specialized hospitals in Montenegro, including two private hospitals. The paper will present data relating to the organization and control of food safety. The results regarding food safety will be shown on this paper. People who were in charge to answer the questions were appointed by certain authorities (nutritionists, chefs, matrons, etc.). Results: The research covered 13 hospitals. In each hospital there are teams for nutrition and food safety. In seven hospitals (54%) the teams consist of dieticians and nutritionists, matrons, chefs and doctors with different specializations, whereas in six hospitals (46%) there are no dieticians. In all hospitals the food is prepared within the hospitals respecting the unique pattern of daily meals: three main meals and two snacks. Water is supplied by the public water supply system. In the process of preparing food the rules “five keys of the World Health Organization for food safety” are applied. However, the obligation to implement HACCP principles was not fulfilled by any hospitals in Montenegro. Discussion: There are no national instructions or recommendations for food safety in hospitals. The staff in charge of food safety is often with inadequate profession and qualifications. Supervision of food safety in hospitals is carried out by Sanitary Inspection in regular inspections and upon epidemiological indications. 396 Poster / Poster Presentation Conclusion: The research showed that there is a deficit of professional staff and a necessity to implement HACCP system or other preventive systems to ensure food safety in all hospitals as planned by the Action Plan for Nutrition and Food Safety in Montenegro (2010-2014) and it is the obligation upon the management of all hospitals. Key words: hospitals, food safety, HACCP 397 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 12.P07 ODREĐIVANJE SADRŽAJA NITRATA I NITRITA U SVEŽEM POVRĆU SPEKTROFOTOMETRIJSKOM METODOM I PROCENA UTICAJA ČUVANJA I TERMIČKE OBRADE NA NJIHOV SADRŽAJ U SPANAĆU Radišić S1, Ivanović N2, Šobajić S2 Zavod za javno zdravlje Zrenjanin, Zrenjanin; 2 Katedra za Bromatologiju, Farmaceutski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu 1 Uvod: Neke vrste povrća imaju sposobnost akumulacije azota zbog čega se ranije sadržaj nitrata u tom povrću smatrao prirodnim, međutim, danas se taj sadržaj može svrstati u kontaminante. Ciljevi: U ovom radu je određen sadržaj nitrita i nitrata u različitim vrstama svežeg povrća koje se nalazi na tržištu i procenjen uticaj termičkog tretmana i različitih uslova čuvanja na sadržaj nitrita i nitrata u spanaću. Materijal i metode: Sadržaja nitrata i nitrita određen je spektrofotometrijskom metodom u osam različitih vrsta svežeg povrća. Analiza uticaja termičkog tretmana i različitih uslova čuvanja rađena je na uzorcima spanaća šest različitih proizvođača. Rezultati: Nizak sadržaj nitrata (40–190 mg/kg) nađen je u šargarepi, korenu peršuna, kupusu i crvenom kupusu dok su bela rotkva, keleraba, spanać i zelena salata sadržali višestruko veću količinu nitrata (1100 – 2500 mg/kg). Sadržaj nitrita u ispitivanim uzorcima kretao se u intervalu od 0,4 – 1,6 mg/kg. Prosečno smanjenje sadržaja nitrata i nitrita nakon termičkog tretmana je iznosilo oko 58%, odnosno 77%. Sadržaj nitrita u spanaću bio je najviši nakon branja, a zatim se u narednih 2-3 dana zapaža trend opadanja vrednosti kod uzoraka čuvanih i na sobnoj temperaturi i u frižideru. Nakon toga, kod uzoraka čuvanih na sobnoj temperaturi zapaža se povećanje sadržaja nitrita u nekim uzorcima. Sadržaj nitrata je uglavnom konstantan tokom 5 dana čuvanja kako na sobnoj temperaturi, tako i u frižideru. Zaključak: Uzorci svežeg povrća se po sadržaju nitrata mogu podeliti u grupu sa niskim sadržajem nitrata (< 100 mg/kg) i grupu sa visokim sadržajem nitrata (> 1500 mg/kg). Termički tretman može smanjiti sadržaj nitrata i nitrita za više od 50%, što ukazuje na značaj termičke obrade spanaća u domaćinstvu. Temperatura ima važnu ulogu na sadržaj 398 Poster / Poster Presentation nitrita i nitrata što ukazuje na značaj čuvanja svežeg povrća u frižideru u cilju sprečavanja povećanja sadržaja nitrita. Ključne reči: nitriti, nitrati, povrće, termički tretman DETERMINATION OF NITRATE AND NITRITE CONTENT IN FRESH VEGETABLES USING SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC METHOD AND THE EVALUATION OF THE IMPACT OF STORAGE AND HEAT TREATMENT ON THEIR CONTENT IN SPINACH Radišić S1, Ivanović N2, Šobajić S2 Institute for Public Healt Zrenjanin; 2Department of Bromatology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Belgrade 1 Introduction: Some sorts of vegetables have the ability to accumulate nitrogen, therefore increased nitrogen content used to be considered as natural. However, today the same nitrogen content is considered as contamination. Goals: In this paper the nitrite and nitrate content in different kinds of fresh vegetables available on the market was determined. Also, the impact of heat treatment and different storage conditions on nitrite and nitrate content was evaluated. Materials and methods: Nitrate and nitrite content was determined using spectrophotometric method in eight different kinds of fresh vegetables. The analysis of heat treatment and different storage conditions was done on samples from six different spinach producers. Results: Low nitrate content (40–190 mg/kg) was found in carrot, parsley root, cabbage and red cabbage, while white radish, kohlrabi, spinach and lettuce contained much higher concentrations of nitrate (1100 – 2500 mg/kg). Nitrite content in analyzed samples was constant and ranged from 0,4 – 1,6 mg/kg. An average decrease of nitrate and nitrite levels in spinach after heat treatment was around 58% and 77%, respectively. The nitrite content in the spinach is the highest immediately after harvesting, then the concentration lowering trend is observed in the next 2-3 days in samples stored both at room temperature and in 399 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation the refrigerator. After that period an increase of the nitrite content was observed in some samples stored at the room temperature. The nitrate content was relatively constant during the five days of storage at both room temperature and in the refrigerator. Conclusion: Samples of fresh vegetables can be divided in two groups, based on their nitrate content. The first group has low nitrate content (< 100 mg/kg) and the second has high nitrate content (> 1500 mg/kg). Heat treatment can lower nitrate and nitrite content by more than 50%, which indicates the importance of heat treatment of spinach in households. Temperature plays an important role in nitrate and nitrite content, which indicates the importance of storage of fresh vegetable in the refrigerator, in order to avoid the increase of nitrite level. Key words: nitrate, nitrite, vegetable, heat treatment, storage 400 Poster / Poster Presentation 12.P08 OdrŽivost L. monocytogenes u kajmaku Katić V, Savić Radovanović R, Stajković S, Lazetić V Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Univerzitet u Beogradu Uvod: Ubikvitarnost L. monocytogenes i povećana sposobnost da se razmnožava ili opstaje pri temperaturama hlađenja u poređenju sa najvećim brojem drugih patogenih mikroorganizmama, čini da ovaj mikroorganizam s gledišta bezbednosti hrane predstavlja značajan problem. Ovaj problem je posebno izražen kada je u pitanju hrana spremna za konzumiranje u kojoj L. monocytogenes može da se razmnožava. Kajmak se uglavnom u ishrani koristi bez predhodne toplotne obrade, pa se postavlja pitanje da li ovaj proizvod podržava rast L. monocytogenes i u odnosu na koju graničnu vrednost treba ispitivati ovaj proizvod. Stoga je cilj ovog rada bio da se ispita da li kajmak podržava rast L. monocytogenes. Metode: Ispitivanja su izvedena na uzorcima mladog i starog kajmaka proizvedenog u domaćinstvu, eksperimentalno kontaminiranim sa sojevima Listeria monocytogenes ATCC 19115, L. monocytogenes izolovane iz hrane, L. ivanovii ATCC 19119 i L. innocua ATCC 33090, i čuvanim na temperaturi od 4°C. Veličina inokuluma kontaminacije je bila 1 cfu/25 g kajmaka. Mladi kajmak je 0, 1, 5,10 i 20 dana, a stari kajmak 0, 1, 5,10, 15 i 45 ispitivan na prisustvo L. monocytogenes primenom metode ISO 112901, ukupan broj bakterija je određivan metodom ISO 4833:2003, a broj bakterija je određivan zasejavanje decimalnih razblaženja kajmaka na MRS agar koji je potom inkubiran 72 časa pri temperati od 37°C. U isto vreme u uzorcima kajmaka je merena pH vrednost i određivan sadržaj NaCl titrimetrijskom metodom (IDF12/ ISO1738:2004). Rezultati: Od prvog do poslednjeg dana ispitivanja dokazano je prisustvo L. monocytogenes u svim ispitivanim uzorcima kajmaka. Ni u jednom uzorku nije utvrđeno povećanje broja L. monocytogenes. U uzorcima mladog kajmaka pH vrednost se snizila sa 6,64±0,07 na početku ispitivanja na 6,10±0,03 20. dana ispitivanja, a u uzorcima starog kajmaka pH vrednost se snizila sa 4,49±0,07 na početku ispitivanja na 4,42±0,02 petnaestog dana, a 45. dana ispitivanja je utvrđen porast pH na 5,54±0,22. Sadržaj NaCl u uzorcima mladog kajmaka se povećavao sa 1,51%±0,13 na početku ispitivanja na 1,98%±0,03 dvadesetog dana ispitivanja, a u uzorcima starog kajmaka sadržaj NaCl se povećao sa 1,80%±0,06 na 401 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation početku ispitivanja na 1,85±0,04 desetog dana ispitivanja, a zatim se 45. dana ispitivanja smanjio na 1,66±0,10. Ukupan broj bakterija i broj bakterija mlečne kiseline se povećavao tokom perioda čuvanja mladog i starog kajmaka. Zbog sadržaja NaCl i pH vrednosti moglo bi se pretpostaviti da je kajmak namirnica koja podržava rast L. monocytogenes. Međutim, rezultati dobijeni u našem ispitivanju pokazuju da tokom vremena ne dolazi do porasta broja ovog mikroorganizma u mladom i u starom kajmaku. Na osnovu podataka iz literature predpostavljamo da je velika količina slobodnih masnih kiselina u kajmaku delovala inhibitorno na razmnožavanje L. monocytogenes. Ključne reči: L. monocytogenes, razmnožavanje, kajmak, NaCl, pH, preživljavanje SURVIVAL OF LISTERIA MONOCYTOGENES IN KAJMAK Katić V, Savić Radovanović R, Stajković S, Lazetić V Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Belgrade Ubiquitous nature of Listeria monocytogenes and increased ability to multiply and survive at cooling temperatures comparing to most other microorganisms appears to be a significant problem from the food safety point of view. This problem is particularly expressed in case of ready to eat food where Listeria monocytogenes can multiply. Kajmak is usually used in diet without prior heat treatment, so the question is appointed does this product support the growth of Listeria monocytogenes. Therefore, the purpose of this investigation was to determine does kajmak support the growth of Listeria monocytogenes. The study was carried out on samples of fresh and old kajmak produced in household, artificially contaminated with strains of Listeria (Listeria monocytogenes ATTC 19115, Listeria monocytogenes isolated from the food, L. ivanovii ATCC 19119, L. innocua ATCC 33090) and kept at temperature of 4°C. The size of conatmination inoculum was 1 cfu/25 g of kajmak. The presence of Listeria monocytogenes was determined using ISO 11290-1 method, total bacterial counts was determined by ISO 402 Poster / Poster Presentation 4833:2003 method, and number of lactic acid bacteria was determined by plating decimal dilutions on MRS agar following incubation 72 h in air at 37 °C after 0, 1, 5, 10, 15 and 20 days storage fresh kajmak and 0, 1, 5, 10, 45 days storage old kajmak. In the same time in samples of kajmak were determined pH by pH-meter and content of NaCl by titrimetric method (IDF12/ISO 1738:2004). Listeria monocytogenes was detect in samples of kajmak from the first to the last day of the study. Increase in number of Listeria monocytogenes was not found in all examined samples. The pH in fresh kajmak ranged from 6,64±0,07 at first day of the study up to 6,10±0,03 at day 20. and the pH in old kajmak decreased from 4,49±0,07 at the beggening of study to 4,42±0,02 at day 15. than increased up to 5,54±0,22 day 45. The content of NaCl in samples of fresh kajmak was increased from 1,51%±0,13 at the begging of study up to 1,98%±0,03 day 20. and content of NaCl were increased from 1,80%±0,06 at the begging of the study to 1,85±0,04 day 10. and than decreased up to 1,66±0,10 day 45. in the samples of old kajmak. Total bacterial counts and number of lactic acid bacteria increased during storage period of fresh and old kajmak. Comparing the content of NaCl and pH it can be assumed that kajmak could be categorized as ready to eat food which supports the growth of Listeria monocytogenes. However, the obtained results in our study showed that there is no increase in number of Listeria monocytogenes during storage at 4°C in fresh and old kajmak. On the basis of literature facts we assume that large amount of free fatty acids in kajmak had inhibitory effect on growth of Listeria monocytogenes. Key words: Listeria monocytogenes, growth, kajmak, NaCl, pH, survival 403 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation 12.P09 ZDRAVSTVENA BEZBEDNOST MALINE U ZLATIBORSKOM OKRUGU Prošić V, Janjić O, Lekić J Zavod za javno zdravlje Užice Uvod: Malina, po kojoj su neki krajevi Zlatiborskog okruga veoma poznati, predstavlja izuzetno dragoceno voće popularno nazvano „crveno zlato“. Osim što je ukusno i zdravo ovo voće se ceni i zbog svog sastava. Da bi plodovi maline zadržali ova svojstva moraju biti ispunjeni svi zahtevi za njihovu zdravstvenu bezbednost, te je u procesu proizvodnje neophodno isključiti sve potencijalne hazarde (mikrobiološke i fizičkohemijske). Cilj: Cilj rada je da se na osnovu analiza uzoraka maline obavljenih u skladu sa važećom zakonskom regulativom, proceni zdravstvena bezbednost ovog proizvoda na teritoriji Zlatiborskog okruga i da se na osnovu dobijenih rezultata da predlog mera proizvođačima u cilju eliminisanja potencijalnih rizika. Metod: Mikrobiološke analize, analiza na prisustvo norovirusa, kao i fizičko-hemijske analize uzoraka sveže i zamrznute maline obavljane su u laboratorijama Zavoda za javno zdravlje Užice metodama akreditovanim od strane Akreditacionog tela Srbije. Manji broj hemijskih analiza urađen je u laboratorijama akreditovanih podugovarača – Gradski zavod za javno zdravlje Beograd i Institut za medicinu rada Srbije „Dr Dragomir Karajović“ Beograd. Rezultati rada: Ispitivanje je obuhvatilo 120 uzoraka sveže i zamrznute maline u periodu januar – avgust 2012.godine. U 49 uzoraka ispitivani su parametri zdravstvene bezbednosti, a u ostalim uzorcima obavljane su analize parametara po zahtevu korisnika i sagledana je njihova usaglašenost sa važećom zakonskom regulativom. Rezultati analiza su pokazali da je 11 uzoraka (21,57%), od ukupno 51 u kojima je ispitivano prisustvo teških metala, imalo povišene vrednosti kadmijuma (od 0,055 do 0,080 mg/kg). Svi drugi parametri ispitivanja usaglašeni su sa propisanim normama. Diskusija: U 57,5% uzoraka maline u kojima su urađene bakteriološke analize, lista ispitivanih parametara je bila znatno proširena, na zahtev proizvođača koji su bili u obavezi da obave analize u skladu sa 404 Poster / Poster Presentation standardima kupaca iz inostranstva. Samim tim postavlja se pitanje tumačenja dobijenih rezultata kada u važećoj zakonskoj regulativi ne postoje referentne vrednosti za te parametre. Prisustvo kadmijuma u koncentraciji većoj od MDK može povećati rizik od oboljenja. Zaključak: Na osnovu ispitivanih uzoraka sveže i zamrznute maline na teritoriji Zlatiborskog okruga tokom 2012.godine, možemo konstatovati da je zdravstvena bezbednost ovog voća zadovoljavajuća. Neophodno je da proizvođači što hitnije pristupe uvođenju standarda, kako bi se potencijalni hazardi sveli na najmanju moguću meru. Ključne reči: maline, norovirus, zdravstvena bezbednost, Zlatiborski okrug health safety of RASPBERRY in the Zlatibor District Prošić V, Janjić O, Lekić J Institute of Public Health Užice Introduction: Raspberries are extremely valuable fruit popularly called the “red gold” and some parts of Zlatibor District are very well known by them. Besides being tasty and healthy this fruit is appreciated for its content. All the requirements for the fruit health safety must be fulfilled to keep this raspberry fruit characteristics as they originally are. It is very important to exclude all potential hazards (microbiological, physical and chemical) in the process of production. The aim: The aim of this paper is to evaluate health safety of this product in the Zlatibor District based on the analyses of samples of raspberry fruit which are done in accordance to relevant legislation. According the obtained results, farmers will be given advice in order to eliminate potential risks. Method: Microbiological analyses, analysis for the presence of norovirus, and physical-chemical analyses of samples of fresh and frozen raspberries were done by methods which have been accredited by the Accreditation Board of Serbia in the laboratories of the Institute of Public Health Užice. Some chemical analyses were performed in laboratories 405 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation of accredited subcontractors - Institute of Public Health of Belgradе and the Institute of Occupational Health of Serbia “Dr Dragomir Karajović” Belgradе. Results: The study included 120 samples of fresh and frozen raspberries in the period January - August 2012. Parameters of health safety were tested in 49 samples, and analyses of the parameters, according tо the requests of the customers, were tested in the other samples. All of these were coordinated to normalized values of existing legislation. The results of the analyses showed that 11 samples (21.57%) of 51 which were tested to content of metals, had higher values of cadmium (from 0.055 to 0.080 mg/kg). All other test parameters were normalized according to the existing legislation. Discussion: In 57.5% of raspberry samples which underwent bacteriological analyses, the list of observed parameters has been significantly extended, because the farmers were required to perform more analyses by foreign buyers. There have been some difficulties during the interpretation of the obtained results if referent values for these parameters do not exist. If the concentration of cadmium increases above the level of the MPC, the risk of disease increases too. Conclusions: On the basis of tested samples of fresh and frozen raspberries in the Zlatibor District during 2012, we can conclude that the health safety of this fruit is satisfactory. It is essential for farmers to accept standards as soon as possible in order to reduce potential hazards. Key words: raspberry, norovirus, health safety, Zlatibor District 406 Poster / Poster Presentation 12.P10 ISPITIVANJE PRISUSTVA SALMONELLA SPP. U RAZLIČIM VRSTAMA ČAJA Tambur Z1, Opačić D2, Mašić S1, Rađen S1, Radaković S1 Institut za higijenu, Vojnomedicinska akademija, Beograd; 2 Institut za epidemiologiju, Vojnomedicinska akademija, Beograd 1 Ciljevi: Prema Evropskoj agenciji za bezbednost hrane, biljke ili biljni preparati mogli bi predstavljati opasnost po zdravlje ljudi kao rezultat propusta u procesu proizvodnje. U periodu od 2008-2009., ispitano je 90 uzoraka čaja na prisustvo Salmonella spp., dobijenih od jednog nacionalnog proizvođača u Beogradu, Srbija. Metode: Analiza je izvršena po Pravilniku o načinu vršenja analiza i superanaliza životnih namirnica (Sl. list SFRJ 25/80, drugi deo). Rezultati: Salmonella Senftenberg je izolovana iz 4 (4.4%) od 90 uzoraka čaja. Diskusija: Tokom prethodnih decenija, Salmonella Senftenberg je, u pojedinim delovima sveta, po učestalosti treći najčešće izolovan serotip među izolatima humanog porekla. Glavni izvor zaraze je čovek, međutim, ovaj organizam je takođe izolovan iz različitih izvora kao što su kanalizacija, otpadne vode, klanice, biljke, mesne prerađevine, domaće i divlje životinje, kao i živina. Rastuća stopa izolacije Salmonella Senftenberg među izolatima humanog porekla (novorođenčad, bebe, deca, odrasli i imunodeficijentni pacijenti), učinila je ovaj serotip važnim patogenom. U 2006. i 2008. godini, 8 i 10 slučajeva infekcije Salmonellaom Senftenberg, redom, prijavljeno je kod odojčadi <12 meseci. Istraga je otkrila 13 (39.4%) pozitivnih uzoraka čaja za bebe na Salmonella-u Senftenberg (Ilic et al., 2010). Zaključak: Salmonella Senftenberg ima sposobnost preživljavanja u spoljašnjoj sredini, kao i na temperaturama do 70 °S. S obzirom na rezistenciju Salmonella spp. na visoke temperature, potrebno je preduzeti dalja ispitivanja o prisustvu ovog serotipa u uzorcima čaja, kako bi rizik od izazivanja bolesti bio sveden na minimum. Ključne reči: Salmonella Senftenberg, čaj, serotip 407 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation INVESTIGATION OF SALMONELLA SPP. PRESENCE IN DIFFERENT TYPES OF TEA Tambur Z1, Opačić D2, Mašić S1, Rađen S1, Radaković S1 Institute for Hygiene, Military Medical Academy, Belgrade; 2 Institute for Epidemiology, Military Medical Academy, Belgrade 1 Aims: According to the European Food Safety Authority all botanicals or botanical preparations could become hazardous as a result of flaws in the production process. We report the results of a 2-year Salmonella spp. surveillance of tea samples (n=90) derived from one national manufacturer in Belgrade, Serbia. Methods: The analysis was performed by the Regulations on methods of performing analyses and superanalyses of foodstuffs (Official Gazette of SFRY 25/80 part two). Results: Salmonella Senftenberg was isolated from 4 (4.4%) of 90 tea samples. Discussion: During previous decades, in some parts of the world, Salmonella Senftenberg was ranked third most common amongst the isolates from human sources. The main source of infection for this serotype is man, but this organism has also been isolated from various sources like drains, sewage samples, abattoirs, plants, meat products, domestic and wild animals and from poultry. The increasing rate of Salmonella Senftenberg isolation from human sources (neonates, infants, children, adults and immunocompromised patients), has made this serotype an important pathogen. In 2006 and 2008, 8 and 10 cases of Salmonella Senftenberg infection, respectively, were reported among infants <12 months of age. That investigation revealed 13 (39.4%) baby tea samples positive for Salmonella Senftenberg (Ilic et al., 2010). Conclusion: Salmonella Senftenberg seems to survive well in the environment and has been reported to withstand temperatures up to 70°C. Considering the heat resistance of Salmonella spp., the further research is needed to investigate the presence of this serotype in tea samples, so that the risks of disease could be minimized. Key words: Salmonella Senftenberg, tea, serotype 408 Poster / Poster Presentation 12.P11 DIOKSINI U HRANI Đolić M1, Janković-Mandić Lj1, Mraović T2,Onjia A1 1 Univerzitet u Beogradu, Institut za nuklearne nauke Vinča, Beograd, 2 Vojnomedicinska akademija, Institut za higijenu, Beograd Pod terminom dioksini se podrazumevaju sledeća jedinjenja: polihlorovani dibenzodioksini (PCDDs) (dioksini); polihlorovani dibenzofurani (PCDFs) (furani); polihlorovani bifenili (PCBs). Identifikovano je oko 419 tipova jedinjenja tipa dioksina, ali samo 30 su toksični. Najtoksičniji je 2,3,7,8-tetrahlorodibenzo para dioksin (TCDD). Dioksini su nus-proizvodi različitih industrijskih procesa. Dioksini se mogu naći u vazduhu (potiču od gasova koji nastaju prilikom spaljivanja medicinskog, gradskog, opasnog otpada i otpada iz domaćinstva), zemljištu, vodi, sedimentima i u hrani kao što je meso, mlečni proizvodi, ribe i školjke. U ovom radu prikazan je pregle dsadržaja dioksina u hrani različitih područja. Gasna hromatografija-masena spektrometrija visoke rezolucije (HRGC/HRMS) pruža tačnu, osetljivu i selektivnu analizu i smatra se referentnom metodom za analizu dioksina. Dioksini su hidrofobni i izrazito lipofilni. Zbog ovog svojstva najčešće se akumuliraju u tkivima koja sadrže mast (jetra, bubrezi, masno tkivo) kao i u serumu i mleku. Kako se ne rastvoraju u vodi, većina njih se u vodenoj sredini vezuje za neki materijal sa većim organskim sadržajem, poput mikroskopskih biljaka i životinja (plankton) koje predstvaljaju hranu većim životinjama. Ovo je način na koji dioksini cirkulišu i akumuliraju se na svakom koraku u lancu ishrane. Kada dioksini uđu u organizam,jedan deo se metaboliše i eliminiše, ali drugi deo biva skladišten u telesnoj masti (bioakumulacija). Biološko vreme poluživota za TCDD je između 5 i 11 godina. Eliminacija dioksina zavisi od doze, starosne dobi i količine telesne masti i brža je kod muškaraca i mlađih ljudi.Svetska zdravstvena organizacija je preporučila da je dozvoljen dnevni unos za dioksine 1 – 4pg/kg telesne mase ili 10 - 30 pg/g serumskih masti. Ključne reči: hrana, dioksini 409 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation DIOXINS IN FOOD Đolić M1, Janković-Mandić Lj1, Mraović T2, Onjia A1 University of Belgrade, Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, 2 Military Medical Academy, Insitute of Hygiene 1 The term dioxins can include the following compounds: polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDDs) (dioxins), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) (furans), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). We identified about 419 types of dioxin-type compounds, but only 30 are toxic. 2,3,7,8-tetrahlorodibenzo pair dioxin (TCDD) is the most toxic dioxin. Dioxins are by-products of various industrial processes. Dioxins are found in the air (derived gases resulting from the incineration of medical, municipal, hazardous waste and household waste), soil, water, sediments and food such as meat, dairy products, fish and shellfish. Thispaper presents anoverview of the contentof dioxinsins in foodsof differentareas. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry with high resolution (HRGC /HRMS) providesan accurate, sensitive and selectiveanalysisand is considered thereference methodfor the analysisof dioxins. Dioxins are highly hydrophobic and lipophilic. Because of this feature usually accumulate in tissues that contain fat (liver, kidney, fat) as well as in serum and breast milk. As they are not soluble in water, most of them in the aquatic environment are bound with a material with a higher organic content, such as microscopic plants and animals (plankton), which areused as food for larger animals. This is how dioxins circulate and accumulate at each step in the food chain. When dioxins enter the body, some of it is metabolized and eliminated, but another part is being stored in body fat (bioaccumulation). The biological half-life of TCDD time is between 5 and 11 years. The elimination of dioxin depends on dose, age and fat mass and is faster in men and younger people. The World Health Organization has recommended permissible daily intake of dioxins 1-4 pg /kg body weight or 10 - 30 pg/ g serum fat. Key words: food, dioxins 410 Okrugli sto Javnozdravstveni značaj pravilnog obeležavanja hrane: nutritivne i zdravstvene izjave Round table Public Health Significance of Food Labelling: Nutrition ond Health Claims 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation OS1 JAVNOZDRAVSTVENI ZNAČAJ PRAVILNOG OBELEŽAVANJA HRANE: NUTRITIVNE I ZDRAVSTVENE IZJAVE Trajković Pavlović Lj1,2, Velicki R1,2, Popović M1,2, Bijelović S1,2, Balać D1,2 Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Medicinski fakultet 2, Institut za javno zdravlje Vojvodine (IZJZV) 1 Prema Vodiču za obeležavanje hrane Komisije Kodeks Alimentarijus, međunarodno priznatog tela za izradu standarda i vodiča u oblasti bezbednosti hrane, nutritivna izjava podrazumeva oznake (tekst, crtež, fotografija) na pakovanju hrane koje tvrde, sugerišu i upućuju da navedena hrana ima posebna nutritivna svojstva, a zdravstvena izjava podrazumeva oznake (tekst, crteže, fotografija), koje tvrde, sugerišu ili upućuju na povezanost navedene hrane ili sastojka hrane sa zdravljem. Ovaj bazični dokumet daje mogućnost proizvođačima hrane da imaju posebnu vrstu komercijalne komunikacije sa potrošačima. Upakovana hrana koja sadrži nutritivne i zdravstvene izjave predstavlja vrstu promocije proizvoda. Povećana upotreba takvih proizvoda može imati uticaj na promene kvaliteta ishrane što može imati pozitivan ali i negativan uticaj na zdravlje i druge interese potrošača. Organi uprave odgovorni za izradu i primenu zakonske regulative u ovoj oblati, suočavaju se sa teškoćama jer imaju obavezu zaštite interesa potrošača uz poštovanje načela nesmetanog odvijanja prometa robe. Velikim iskušenjima izloženi su navedeni organi uprave u svim zemljama a posebno zemljama u razvoju jer izrada i primena legislative iz ove oblasti zahteva unapređenje administrativnih i stručnih kapaciteta. Zakonska osnova i publikovana naučna literatura pokazuju da u zemljama članicama Evropske Unije (EU) ključnu ulogu u kontroli nutritivnih i zdravstvenih izjava ima Eropska agencija za bezbednost hrane (EABH). Naučna mišljenja ove agencije dostupna su javnosti i imaju uticaj na proizvodnju i promet hrane i izvan EU. Zakonska regulativa iz ove oblasti Republike Srbije prepoznaje međunarodno priznate standarde i naučna dokaze, ali u nedostatku stručnog tela za podršku organima uprave, Institut za javno zdravlje Vojvodine (IZJZV) koristi publikovana naučna mišljenja EABH. IZJZV u je periodu od 2011-2012 razmotrio 475 zdravstvenih izjava od kojih su 187 (39,4%) bile a 288(60,6%) nisu bile zasnovane na naučnim 412 Okrugli sto / Round table činjenicama. Neodgovarajuće zdravstvene izjave bile su na pakovanjima dijetetskih proizvoda namenjenih odraslim osobama (67,7%); na proizvodima namenjenih sportistima (27,2%), odnosno deci (25,2%). Ključne reči: Javno zdravlje, hrana, nutritivne i zdravstvene izjave PUBLIC HEALTH SIGNIFICANCE OF FOOD LABELLING: NUTRITION AND HEALTH CLAIMS Trajković Pavlović Lj1,2, Velicki R1,2, Popović M1,2, Bijelović S1,2, Balać D1,2 University of Novi Sad, School of Medicine; 2Institute of Public Health of Vojvodina (IPHV) 1 Regarding the internationally recognized guideline on food labeling of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, nutrition claim means any representation which states, suggests or implies that food has particular nutritional properties while the health claim means any representation that states, suggests or implies the relationship between food or food constituent and health. This basic document allows industry to have a special commercial communication with consumers. Food promoted with claims may be perceived by the consumers as having nutritional, physiological or other health advantage over other similar products and may encourage consumers to make choice that could have impact on individual or population dietary pattern. The changes may contribute to nutrition improvement but also may have negative influence on consumer health and consumer rights and thus public health impact could not be neglected. It is expected of the national authorities to establish criteria allowing consumers to be properly informed in order to make right choice. An establishment of criteria regarding full consumer protection and free food trade is not an easy task for national authorities, especially of the developing countries as it requires administrative capacities upgrading. An experience of the Institute of Public Health of Vojvodina (IPHV) showed that the scientific opinions of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), made for the health claims submitted for authorization, published in a fully transparent manner, were of a special value. Within a period of two years, 2011/12y, IPHV considered 475 nutrition and health claims. Following the provisions of the Food Safety Law and Act on 413 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation Dietetic Product Health Safety of the Republic of Serbia, who recognize internationally accepted scientific approach, and following the EFSA’s published scientific opinions, 187(39.4%) nutrition and health claims were accepted and 288(60.63%) were rejected. The claims of the dietary products dedicated to healthy adult individuals were the most frequently rejected (67.7%), followed by the claims of the products dedicated to sportsmen (27.2%) and products dedicated to children (25.2%). Key words: Public health, food, nutrition, health claims 414 Okrugli sto - Evropski projekti iz oblasti hrane i ishrane iz vizure srpske nauke Round table European Projects and Serbian Science 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation OS2 EVROPSKI PROJEKTI CENTRA IZUZETNIH VREDNOSTI U OBLASTI ISTRAŽIVANJA ISHRANE I METABOLIZMA U SRBIJI Gurinović M, Glibetić M Centar izuzetnih vrednosti u oblasti istraživanja ishrane i metabolizma, Institut za medicinska istraživanja, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Srbija Uvod: Centar izuzetnih vrednosti u oblasti istraživanja ishrane i metabolizma (CENM) ( je deo Instituta za medicinska istraživanja koji realizuje bazična i primenjena istraživanja iz oblasti ishrane u Srbiji. Tokom poslednjih godina CENM je ostvario izuzetnu saradnju sa mnogim naučnim institucijama u EU i regionu Centralne i Istočne Evrope uglavnom preko aktivnosti EC projekata i networka. Metode: CENM je partner u nekoliko projekata Evropske komisije za nauku, uključujući FP6 NoE EURRECA ( 2007-2012, FP7 NoE EuroFIR–Nexus ( 2011-13, FP7 BaSeFood ( 2009-2012; CHANCE FP7 (http://www. 2011-2014; dva EFSA projekta 2012-2013; BACCHUSSFP7 2012-2016. Na regionalnom nivou CENM je koordinator dve COST akcije, dva bilateralna projekta. Od 2005. godine CENM je koordinator Networka za razvoj kapaciteta iz oblasti ishrane u centralnoj i istočnoj Evropi (CIE) ( čiji je jedan od glavnih ciljeva razvoj saradnje i međusobno povezivanje istraživačkih projekata. Rezultati: U sklopu aktivnosti Evropskih projekata CENM je inicirao i realizovao razvoj kapaciteta naučnih istraživanja i treninga iz oblasti ishrane na osnovu utvrđenih potreba u Srbiji.Najvažniji postignuti rezultati u saradnji sa Evropskim projektima su: razvoj naučnih kapaciteta, edukacije, treninzi, širenje znanja, kreiranje programa i softwera sa bazom harmonizovanih nutritivnih preporukama mikronutrijenata (NutriRecQuest), validacija metoda ispitivanja nutritivnog unosa i razvoj baza podataka namirnica u skladu sa EuroFIR standardima. Bazična istraživanja hrane i bioaktivnih efekata na kardiovaskularno zdravlje u humanoj populaciji CENM istraživači realizuju u saradnji sa više od 50 partnera u Evropi. Kao rezultat ovih aktivnosti razvijene su nove naučne metode analiza i primenjene u svakodnevnom istraživačkom radu CENM. 416 Okrugli sto / Round table Zaključak: Edukacije, razmena iskustva, sticanje i širenje znanja i međunarodna saradnja u okviru Evropskih projekata i networka su bile izuzetne mogućnosti za razvoj kapaciteta istraživanja iz oblasti ishrane. CENM je razvio jaku mrežu istraživača na nivou regiona i Evrope sa ciljem unapređenja znanja i kapaciteta u oblasti nauke o hrani i ishrani. Saradnja i učešće u Evropskim projektima podstiče regionalno povezivanje i identifikuje potrebe i mogućnosti razvoja kapaciteta naučnih istraživanja, inovacije i transfera znanja u oblasti hrane i ishrane u Srbiji, CIE i na Balkanu. Ključne reči: Evropski projekti; nauka o ishrani; Srbija, razvoj kapaciteta EUROPEAN PROJECT ACTIVITIES IN THE CENTRE OF RESEARCH EXCELLENCE IN NUTRITION AND METABOLISM IN SERBIA Gurinović M, Glibetić M Centre of Research Excellence in Nutrition and Metabolism, Institute for Medical Research University of Belgrade, Serbia Introduction: The Centre of Research Excellence in Nutrition and Metabolism (CENM) ( is a part of Institute for Medical Research which conducts basic and applied nutritional research in Serbia. In last year’s CENM developed strong collaboration with many EU and CEE region research institutes mainly through EC projects activities and networking. Methods: CENM researchers are involved in several European Commission (EC) funded projects, including FP6 NoE EURRECA ( 2007-12, FP7 NoE EuroFIR–Nexus (www.eurofir. net) 2011-13, FP7 BaSeFood ( 2009-2012; CHANCE FP7 ( 2011-2014, BACCHUSSFP7, 2012-16 and two projects with EFSA. On regional level CENM is a lieder of two COST action and two bilateral projects. Since 2005. CENM is chairing the Network for the capacity development (CD) in nutrition in Central and Eastern Europe ( 417 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation were one goal is in developing strong networking between research projects. Results: Through activities in European projects CENM initiated and supported capacity development (CD) activities in research, training and dissemination of nutritional research based on country specific needs. As the immediate results many basic nutritional research tools were developed such as: food composition data base harmonized with EuroFIR standards validated dietary intake methods, data base of harmonized micronutrient recommendations (NutriRecQuest), etc. Basic nutritional research activities of CENM are analyzing the food bioactive actions on human health in strong collaboration with more then 50 partner research organizations in Europe. As the results of these activities many new research methods were developed and are applied in everyday research in CENM. Conclusions: Nutritional trainings, exchange of information and collaboration with European projects and networks are excellent opportunities for capacity development in nutritional research in Serbia and Balkan region. CENM developed a strong network of EU and regional nutritional researchers with a goal of enhancing knowledge in nutrition and food science in Serbia. Collaboration within EC projects foster regional involvement and identify needs and opportunities in regional CD, involvement in education, basic nutritional research, innovation and knowledge transfer in Serbia, CEE and Balkan region. Key words: EC projects; nutritional research; Serbia, capacity development 418 Okrugli sto / Round table CAPINFOOD - POBOLJŠANJE OKRUŽENJA I PODIZANJE SVESTI JAVNOSTI O ZNAČAJU INOVACIJA U PREHRAMBENOM SEKTORU JUGOISTOČNE EVROPE PUTEM TRANSNACIONALNE SARADNJE Nedović V1, Lević S1, Petrović T1, Spasojević I1, Sebők A 2 1Univerzitet u Beogradu, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Institut za prehrambenu tehnologiju i biohemiju, 2Campden BRI Hungary Ltd. 1096 Budapest, Hungary CAPINFOOD je projekat koji je podržan i finansiran od strane Programa transnacionale saradnje u zemljama Jugoistočne Evrope (EOI Ref. No: SEE/ B/0027/1.3/X), a čiji je glavni ciljunapređenje okruženja za inovacije u oblasti proizvodnje hrane putem izgradnje kapaciteta za institucionalnu podršku, smanjenja prepreka za primenu inovacija i putem podizanja svesti javnosti o značaju inovacija u prehrambenom sektoru, a sve to kroz transnacionalnu saradnju. Specifični ciljevi projekta su sledeći: razvoj nacionalne inovacione strategije u prehrambenom sektoru u svim zemljama Jugosistočne Evrope koje su partneri na ovom projektu (Mađarska, Grčka, Italija, Slovenija, Rumunija, Bugarska, Srbija, Bosna i Hercegovina, Crna Gora + Ukrajina), unapredjenje koordinacije odgovarajućih institucija na nacionalnom i regionalnom nivou, razvoj veština zaposlenih u institucijama za promociju inovacija u Jugoistočnoj Evropi za korišćenje efikasnih načina za pomoć sektoru malih i srednjih preduzeća (MSP) u oblasti proizvodnje hrane, promovisanje informacionih i komunikacionih alatki u cilju podsticanja inovacija u prehrambenom sektoru, razvoj pilot sistema za institucije u ovim zemljama za potrebe podrške inovacijama u MSP sektoru koji se bavi proizvodnjom hrane, povećanje društvene svesti o značaju inovacija i preduzetništva, informisanje šire zajednice, pogotovo mladih i onih koji svojim radom nisu upućeni na sektor proizvodnje hrane, o rezultatima istraživanja u prehrambenom sektoru, integrisanje zemalja koje nisu EU članice u proces razvoja Jugoistočne Evrope, usklađivanje težnji i razmena iskustava dobre prakse u prehrambenom sektoru putem osnivanja regionalnog foruma u Jugoistočnoj Evropi, koji bi takođe poslužio za ramenu iskustavca i dobrih praksi rada Nacionalnih tehnoloških platformi „Hrana za život“. 419 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation Ključne reči: inovaciona strategija, podrška sektoru malih i srednjih preduzeća, izgradnja kapaciteta za institucionalnu podršku inovacijama, inovacione i komunikacione alatke u službi podrške inovacijama CAPINFOOD-IMPROVING THE ENABLING ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC AWARENESS FOR INNOVATION IN THE SOUTH-EAST-EUROPEAN FOOD SECTOR THROUGH TRANSNATIONAL COLLABORATION Viktor Nedović1, Steva Lević1, Tanja Petrović1, Ivana Spasojević1, Andras Sebők 2 Dept. of Food Technology and Biochemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, Serbia, 2Campden BRI Hungary Ltd. 1096 Budapest, Hungary 1 The CAPINFOOD project is funded by the South East Europe TransnationalCooperation (SEE) programme(EOI Ref. No: SEE/ B/0027/1.3/X). It is aimed atimproving the enabling environment for food innovation in SEE countries bycapacity building of the supporting institutions, by reducing the barriers ofinnovation, by promotion of public awareness on benefits of food sectorinnovation through transnational collaboration. Specific objectives are: todevelop/upgrade national food innovation strategies for the food sector in 9+1 SEEcountries (Hungary, Greece, Italy, Romania, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Montenegro + Ukraine), to improve the coordination of the related institutional framework atboth national and SEE regional level, to develop skills of innovation promotioninstitutions in using comprehensive tools for supporting SMEs, to promote theuse of ICT based tools for fostering innovation in the food sector, to develop pilotsystems for institutions for provision of collective innovation support services forfood SMEs, to improve the social appreciation of food innovation andentrepreneurship, to disseminate the results of the project to a wider community– especially to young people– and also beyond the food sector, to integrate nonEU countries into the development of south East Europe, to concert efforts andshare successful approaches related to food innovation by establishing aregional forum in the South East European area for exchanging experiences andsuccessful 420 Okrugli sto / Round table practices of the National technology Platforms of the ETP Food forLife and other voluntary initiatives of the stakeholders. Key words: Food innovation strategies, collective support for SMEs, capacitybuilding of innovation supporting institutions, ICT forfood innovation 421 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation AGINFRA – RAČUNARSKA INFRASTRUKTURA ZA POLJOPRIVREDNE NAUČNE ZAJEDNICE: PROMOCIJA RAZMENE PODATAKA I POVERENJA U POLJOPRIVREDNIM NAUKAMA Vudragović D1, Slavnić V1, Spasojević I2, Nedović V2, Balaž A1 1 Institut za fiziku, Univerzitet u Beogradu, 2Poljoprivredni fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu agINFRA je projekat iz inicijative za integrisanu infrastrukturu (I3) Evropske komisije koji viziju digitalnog pristupa nauci, baziranu na otvorenoj razmeni podataka, uvodi u poljoprivredne naučne zajednice. agINFRA dizajnira i razvija računarsku infrastrukturu za poljoprivredne nauke, sa ciljem da olakša razvoj i promociju razmene podataka između naučnika, i da razvije poverenje između istraživača u poljoprivredi. agINFRA pokušava da ukloni prepreke u pristupu naučnim informacijama i podacima u poljoprivredi, kao i da olakšava upravljanje i pretraživanje relevatnih podataka. agINFRA će pokazati kako se postojeće računarske infrastrukture mogu upotrebiti za istraživanje u poljoprivrednim naukama: za smeštanje i stvaranje novih podataka i meta-podataka, provere i procene njihovog kvaliteta, anotacije, navigacije i upravljanja. agINFRA - A DATA INFRASTRUCTURE TO SUPPORT AGRICULTURAL SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITIES: PROMOTING DATA SHARING AND DEVELOPMENT OF TRUST IN AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES Vudragović D1, Slavnić V1, Spasojević I2, Nedović V2, Balaž A1 1 Scientific Computing Laboratory, Institute of Physics Belgrade, University of Belgrade, 2Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade agINFRA is an Integrated Infrastructure Initiative (I3) project that will try to introduce the agricultural scientific communities into the vision of open and participatory data-intensive science. In particular, agINFRA aims to design and develop a scientific data infrastructure for agricultural sciences that will facilitate the development of policies and the deployment 422 Okrugli sto / Round table of services that will promote sharing of data among agricultural scientists and develop trust within and among their communities. agINFRA will try to remove existing obstacles concerning the open access to scientific information and data in agriculture, as well as improve the preparedness of agricultural scientific communities to face, manage and exploit the abundance of relevant data that is (or will be) available and can support agricultural research. Ultimately, agINFRA will demonstrate how a data infrastructure for agricultural scientific communities can be set up to facilitate data generation, provenance, quality assessment, certification, curation, annotation, navigation and management. 423 Okrugli sto - Izazovi bezglutenske ishrane Round table Chalenges of Gluten-free Diet Okrugli sto / Round table OS3 PACIJENT SA CELIJAKIJOM U ORDINACIJI IZABRANOG LEKARA Marinković J1, Pavkov V2 1 KBC Zemun-Beograd, Beograd, 2Udruženje za celijakiju Srbije Ranije se smatralo da je celijakija redak malapsortivni sindrom koji se javlja u detinjstvu, dok su novija saznanja pokazala da je ovo poremećaj koji je mnogo češći, da može da se javi u bilo kom životnom dobu i da pogađa mnoge organske sisteme. Epidemiološka istraživanja su pokazala da GSE pogađa približno 1% populacije.Čak i do 50% obolelih nema nikakve simptome od strane gastrointestinalnog trakta, tako da je kod tih pacijenata postavljanje dijagnoze pravi izazov. Nutritivni deficiti su uobičajena pojava kod pacijenata sa celijakijom i prisutni su, kako u manifestnoj formi bolesti, tako i kod pacijenata koji imaju latentnu i „nemu“ celijakiju. Stepen nutritivnih deficita zavisi od trajanja bolesti pre postavljanja dijagnoze, stepena oštećenja crevne sluznice i stepena malapsorpcije. Stoga je od izuzetne važnosti da se kod svakog novodijagnostikovanog pacijenta izvrši sveobuhvatna procena nutritivnog stanja. Dijeta bez glutena je trenutno jedina terapija za osobe koje boluju od celijakije. Većina pacijenata ima brz odgovor na uvođenje dijete i pokazuje kliničko poboljšanje simptoma u okviru prvih nekoliko nedelja. Princip dijete bez glutena je krajnje jednostavan: pšenica, raž i ječam su toksični za osobe sa GSE i sve namirnice koje ih sadrže moraju da budu isključene iz ishrane. Međutim, apsolutno eliminisanje ovih žitarica je izuzetno teško. Pored očiglednih izvora, gluten je prisutan i u velikom broju namirnica kao, takozvani „skriveni“ gluten. Sprovođenje dijete bez glutena zahteva pacijenta koji je upućen u prirodu svoje bolesti, koji poznaje moguće izvore glutena u hrani i koji je visoko motivisan. Zato je od izuzetne važnosti dati pacijentu što iscrpnije informacije, uputiti ga na izvore informacija koji su merodavni. Kako je GSE učestalije oboljenje nego što se ranije smatralo, neophodna je kontinuirana edukacija lekara, i to ne samo pedijatara i gastroenterologa, već i lekara drugih specijalnosti i lekara u primarnoj zdravstvenoj zaštiti, kako bi bolest bila što ranije prepoznata i dijagnostikovana i kako bi pacijenti što pre mogli da dobiju validne informacije i uputstva. 425 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation Uloga i značaj Udruženja obolelih od celijakije je da stvori bolje uslove života za ljude sa celijakijom kroz popularizaciju, edukaciju i svesnost o celijakiji. Ključne reči: celijakija, dijetoterapija, bezglutenska dijeta PATIENTSWITH CELIAC DISEASEIN THEGENERAL PRACTITIONERS OFFICE Marinković J1, Pavkov V2 1 University Hospital Zemun-Beograd, Belgrade, 2Coeliac Association of Serbia Previouslyit was thoughtthat theceliac diseaseis a raremalabsorptivesyndrome thatoccurs in childhood, but the latest studiesshowedthat thisdisorderis muchmore common, itcan occuratany ageand thataffects manyorgan systems. Epidemiologicalstudies have shown thatceliac diseaseaffectsapproximately 1% of the population. Up to 50% of the patientshave no gastrointestinal symptoms, so diagnosis of celiac disease in these patients is quitechallenging. Nutritionaldeficienciesare commonin patientswith celiac diseaseand are presentin themanifestform of the disease, andin patientswho have latentand “silent” celiac disease. The degree ofnutritionaldeficitdepends on theduration ofdisease beforediagnosis, the degree of impairmentof the intestinalmucosaand the degree ofmalabsorption. Therefore, it isof utmostimportance toperforma comprehensive assessment ofthe patient’snutritionalstatus. Gluten-freedietis currently theonly treatmentforpeople who sufferfrom celiac disease. Most patients have arapid response to theintroduction ofa dietandshowclinical improvementwithin thefirst fewweeks. The principle of thegluten-free dietisvery simple: wheat, rye and barleyare toxic topeople withceliac diseaseandall foods thatcontain themmust beexcludedfrom the diet. However, the absoluteelimination ofthese grainsisextremelydifficult.Besides the obvioussources, gluten ispresent inmanyfoodsas so-called”hidden” gluten. Implementation ofgluten-free dietrequiresthe patientwho knows thenature of his illness, who knows thepossible sources ofglutenin foods 426 Okrugli sto / Round table and who ishighlymotivated.Therefore, it is veryimportantto give the patientvery detailedinformation, refer himtothe information sources that are valid. Asceliac disease is morecommonthan it was previously thought, it is necessary to continually educatedoctors, not only pediatriciansandgastroenterologists, but alsoother specialistsand doctorsin primary care, so thatthedisease can berecognized anddiagnosed in early stages andthat patientscan obtainvalid informationandinstructions. The aim of associations of celiac patients is to create better living conditions for people with celiac disease through popularization, education, and awareness of celiac disease. Key words: celiac disease, nutrition therapy, gluten free diet 427 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation STANDARDI BEZBEDNOSTI HRANE U PROIZVODNJI BEZGLUTENSKE HRANE Stanković I1, Milanov R 2 Farmaceutski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu – Katedra za bromatologiju; 2 Ministarstvo zdravlja RS – Sektor za javno zdravlje i sanitarnu inspekciju 1 Dijeta bez glutena je doživotni tretman osoba sa intolerancijom na gluten i uslovljava njihovo lečenje. Standrad Codex Alimentarius-a za namirnice za osobe sa intolerancijom na gluten dozvaljava prisustvo najviše 20 mg/kg glutena za namirnice bez glutena i 100 mg/kg za namirnice sa veoma niskim sadržajem glutena. AOECS - Asocijacija evropskih udruženja za celijakiju usvojila je poseban AOECS standard za hranu za lica sa intolerancijom na gluten. Proizvodnja zasnovana na AOECS standardu mora biti minimalno u skadu sa dobrom proizvođačkom praksom (GMP) i dobrom higijenskom praksom (GHP). Zahtev AOECS standarda upućuje i na obaveznu primenu HACCP koncepta – Analiza opasnosti i kritične kontrolne tačke. Svrha standarda zasnovanog na navedenim pristupima je da se isključi, koliko je god moguće, rizik kontaminacije glutenom u proizvodima koji su bez glutena po svojoj prirodi i sastojaka hrane koji se dobijaju od derivata pšeničnog skroba da bi bili sigurni da njihov sadržaj glutena ne prelazi 20 mg/kg u hrani koja se prodaje ili distribuira potrošaču. Tehnički zahtevi za proizvodnju hrane podrazumevaju obavezu kompanija da ispunjava nacionalne zakonske uslove za hranu i odgovarajuću registraciju proizvodnog mesta (lokacije) na osnovu pregleda nadležnih državnih organa za kontrolu bezbednosti hrane (dijetetski proizvodi). Dalje, HACCP koncept mora biti primenjen zasnovano na analizi opasnosti koja u ovom slučaju mora da obuhvati i rizik od potencijalne kontaminacije glutenom i koji obezbeđuje nemogućnosti kontaminacije glutenom tokom svih faza proizvodnje, skladištenja, transporta i rukovanja. HACCP vodič za posebne proizvodne grupe je sastavni deo standarda AOECS –a i sadržan je Aneksima II-IV. Sve vrste hrane za osobe sa intolerancijom na gluten takođe su bliže navedene u AOECS standardu. Tim kompanije, zadužen za bezbednost hrane, treba da realizuje analizu opasnosti i procenu rizika koja se odnosi na mogućnost kontaminacije glutenom u sastojcima koji se 428 Okrugli sto / Round table koriste u proizvodnji bezglutenske hrane. Pored navedenog, proizvođači su dužni da ispune i sve druge zahteve koji su konkretizovani u AOECS standardu za proizvodnju i obezbeđenje bezglutenske hrane. Bez obzira na već postojeću potvrdu primene HACCP koncepta putem certifikacije od treće strane (certifikaciono telo), proizvođači bezglutenske hrane moraju proći i proveru i biti pod stalnom kontrolom od strane stručne komisije Nacionalnog udruženja za celijakiju, a svi zaposleni u proizvodnji bezglutenske hrane moraju da prođu odgovarajuću obuku. Ključne reči: hrana bez glutena, celijačna bolest, AOECS FOOD SAFETY STANDARDS IN THE PRODUCTION OF GLUTEN-FREE FOOD Stanković I1, Milanov R 2 Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade - Department of Bromatology; 2 Ministry of Health - Department of Public Health and Health Inspection 1 Gluten-free diet is a lifelong treatment of people with gluten intolerance and is essential for their medical treatment. Codex Alimentarius standard for foods for people with gluten intolerance allowes by the presence of maximum 20 mg/kg gluten in gluten-free foods and 100 mg/kg for foods with very low gluten content. AOECS - The Association of European Association for celiacs has adopted a special AOECS standard for foods for people with intolerance to gluten. Production based on AOECS standard should be at least in line with good manufacturing practice (GMP) and good hygiene practices (GHP). Request of AOECS standards is the mandatory application of the concept of HACCP - Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points. The purpose of these standards-based approach is to exclude, as far as possible, the risk of contamination of gluten-free products that are gluten-free by nature and food ingredients obtained from derivatives of wheat starch to make sure that their gluten content does not exceed 20 mg/kg in the food that is being sold or distributed to the consumers. Technical requirements for food production companies include the obligation to meet national legal requirements for food production and 429 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation the corresponding registration of sites (locations) on the basis of the review of the competent state authorities to control the safety of food (food for particular nutritional uses - PARNUTS). Furthermore, the HACCP concept should be applied based on the risk analysis, which in this case must include the potential risk of contamination of gluten and to exclude the gluten contamination throughout all stages of production, storage, transport and handling. HACCP Guide for specific product groups is an integral part of the AOECS standard contained in Annexes II-IV. All kinds of foods for people with gluten intolerance are also listed AOECS standard. The company team in charge of food safety should implement hazard analysis and risk assessment relating to the possibility of contamination of gluten in the ingredients used in the production of gluten-free food. In addition, manufacturers are required to meet all the other requirements that are concretized in AOECS standard for the production of gluten-free food. Regardless of the existing certificate of HACCP concept through certification by a third party (certification authority), gluten-free food manufacturers have to pass the checking and be under constant supervision by an expert committee of the National Association of celiac disease, and all employees in the production of gluten-free foods have to undergo appropriate trainings. Key words: gluten-free, celiac disease, AOECS 430 Okrugli sto - Anoreksija nervoza Round table Anorexia Nervosa 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation OS4 ANOREKSIJA NERVOZA Stojadinović A1, Šrek A 2, Marković J1, Sedlecki K3 1 Medicinski fakultet Novi Sad, 2Institut za zdravstvenu zaštitu dece i omladine Vojvodine, Novi Sad, 3Republički centar za planiranje porodice, Beograd, Institut za zdravstvenu zaštitu majke i deteta Srbije ”dr Vukan Čupić”, Novi Beograd Anoreksija nervoza je poremećaj u ishrani koji se svrstava u psihijatrijska stanja i koji karakteriše niska telesna težina i poremećaj percepcije tela uz opsesivan strah od dobijanja težine. Osobe koje boluju od anoreksije telesnu težinu često kontrolišu voljnim gladovanjem, bulimijom, povraćanjem, prekomernim vežbanjem ili drugim merama, kao što su lekovi za mršavljenje ili diuretici. Prvenstveno se javlja kod mladih devojaka u adolescenciji i ima jednu od najvećih stopa mortaliteta među psihijatrijskim poremećajima, budući da oko 10% pacijenata sa anoreksijom umre od posledica ove bolesti. Anoreksija nervoza je složen poremećaj, koji uključuje psihološke, neurobiološke i sociološke komponente. Uz gubitak telesne težine, karakteriše se sekundarnom amenorejom, poremećajem sna, slabošću, glavoboljom, opstipacijom, šetajućim abdominalnim bolom i nepodnošenjem hladnoće. Terapija se sastoji od medikamentne (antidepresivi, antipsihotici, supresori apetita), dijetoterapije, psihoterapije, porodične i grupne terapije. Plan dijetoterapije se sprovodi individualno, u zavisnosti od stepena malnutricije kao i pratećih laboratorijskih i drugih pokazatelja. Posebnu opasnost predstavlja „refeeding“ sindrom, koji, zbog elektrolitnog dizbalansa, može uzrokovati oštećenje srčanog mišića i voditi u kardiovaskularni kolaps. Anoreksija nervoza je poremećaj koji zahteva multidisciplinarni rad – saradnju specijalista za adolescentnu pedijatriju i psihijatriju, juvenilnog ginekologa i nutricioniste. ANOREXIA NERVOSA Stojadinović A1, Šrek A 2, Marković J1, Sedlecki K3 1 Medical Faculty Novi Sad, 2Institute for Child and Youth health Care of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, 3Republic Center for Family Planning, Belgrade, Institute for Health Care of Mother and Child of Serbia »dr Vukan Čupić«, Novi Beograd Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that is classified as a psychiatric condition and which is characterized by low body weight and body 432 Okrugli sto / Round table perception disorder with obsessive fear of weight gain. Individuals with anorexia often control body weight by voluntary starvation, bulimia, vomiting, excessive exercise, or other measures, such as drugs or diuretics intake for weight loss. It primarily occurs in young adolescent girls and has one of the highest mortality rates among psychiatric disorders, since about 10% of patients with anorexia die from the consequences of this disease. Anorexia nervosa is a complex disorder, involving psychological, neurobiological, and sociological components. Apart from weight loss, it is characterized by secondary amenorrhea, insomnia, weakness, headache, constipation, abdominal pain and striding cold intolerance. Treatment consists of medication therapy (antidepressants, antipsychotics, appetite suppressors), diet therapy, psychotherapy, family and group therapy. Plan of diet therapy is conducted individually, depending on the degree of malnutrition and related to laboratory and other indicators. A particular danger is »refeeding« syndrome, which, due to electrolyte imbalance, can cause damage to the heart muscle and lead to cardiovascular collapse. Anorexia nervosa is a disorder that requires multidisciplinary work – cooperation of specialist for adolescent psychiatry and pediatrics, juvenile gynecologist and nutritionist. 433 Okrugli sto - Zaštita dojenja - od slova zakona do kruga podrške Round table Breastfeeding Support- from the Legislative to the Circles of Support Okrugli sto / Round table OS5 ZAŠTITA DOJENJA - OD SLOVA ZAKONA DO KRUGA PODRŠKE Miljković T, Radulović A Udruženje Roditelj, Beograd-Zemun Uvod – Praksa nam pokazuje da je potrebno što pre povećati nivo saradnje svih činilaca koji mogu uticati na povećanje broja dojene dece u Srbiji. Cilj rada - Zajedničkim radom i saradnjom svih faktora uključenih u podršku dojenju postići cilj, a to je povećanje broja dojene dece u Srbiji. Kako bi se povećao broj dojilja u Srbiji odnosno broj dojene dece mora se raditi na više polja. Na dojenje utiču, pored lične odluke i podrške iz najbliže okoline, i jako važni faktori koji se kreću od zakonskih okvira poput usvajanja Kodeksa odnosno Međunarodnog Pravilnika o marketingu zamena za majčino mleko, stavova lekara pedijatara i patronažne službe sa kojima su majke najčešće u kontaktu pa i grupa za podršku kao što je naša grupa savetnica za dojenje. U Srbiji se nažalost smanjuje broj dece koja se u prvih šest meseci života hrane samo majčinim mlekom. Prema poslednjem MICS-41 istraživanju, svega 13,7 odsto beba je isključivo dojeno, što je poražavajuća brojka. Usklađivanjem stavova i načina rada kao i uzajamnom saradnjom i pre svega poštovanjem preporuka SZO moguće je popraviti trenutnu situaciju. Prema UNICEF-ovim podacima broj dojene dece je u padu. Baš zbog ove činjenice hitno je potrebno napraviti zajedničku strategiju na ovom polju. Uprkos nedvosmislenim dokazima o dobrobiti dojenja za dete, majku i zajednicu, stopa dojenja na globalnom nivou porasla je za 15 godina (tj od 1995. do 2010.) godine sa 32 na svega 39 odsto. Majčino mleko najbolje zadovoljava sve nutritivne potrebe bebe i jedna je od najboljih investicija u budućnost dece. Ključne reči: dojenje, rizik, podrška 1 The Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS), UNICEF Serbia, December, 2011 435 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation BREASTFEEDING SUPPORT- FROM THE LEGISLATIVE TO THE CIRCLES OF SUPPORT Miljković T, Radulović A Udruženje Roditelj, Beograd - Zemun Introduction – Practice shows that it is necessary to increase the level of cooperation among all the actors that might inf luence the increase in number of breastfed children in Serbia. Aim of the work- to increase the number of breastfed children in Serbia through joint work and cooperation of all the factors involved in breastfeeding support. In order to increase the number of breastfeeding women in Serbia, i.e. number of breastfed children, it is necessary to work on many different fields. Breastfeeding is inf luenced, apart from personal decision and support of the closest environment, by very important factors that start from, legal frameworks such as adoption of the Code, i.e. The International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes, attitudes of medical doctors- pediatricians and visiting nurse services with whom the mothers most frequently get in touch, as well as support groups like our group of breastfeeding counselors. Unfortunately, number of exclusively breastfed children in first six months decreases in Serbia. According to the last MICS-4 2 research only 13.7% of children were exclusively breastfed which is devastating number. By harmonization of attitudes and ways of cooperation and above all, respect, and of WHO recommendations it is possible to improve the current situation. According to UNICEF data, the number of breastfed children is declining. And right because of this fact there is an urgent need to make a joint strategy in this regard. Despite clear evidence of the benefits of breastfeeding for the child, mother, and community, breastfeeding rate has globally increased for 15 years (i.e. from 1995. till 2010.), from 32 to 39 percent only. 2 The Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS), UNICEF Serbia, December, 2011 436 Okrugli sto / Round table The risk of death in infants in the first six months is 14 times higher among babies that were not breastfed compared to exclusively breastfed children. Breast milk best meets all the nutritional needs of babies and it represents one of the best investments in the future of children. Key words: breastfeeding, risk, support 437 Radionica Centra za sportsku ishranu i suplementaciju Center for Sport Nutrition and Supplementation Workshop Okrugli sto / Round table PRESEK PROBLEMA SA KOJIMA SMO SE SUSRETALI PRILIKOM RADA SA SPORTISTIMA U CIS-U Anđelković M1 ,Baralić I1, Đorđević B2, Dikić N1, Vukašinović Vesić M2, Antić T2 1 Centar za sportsku ishranu i suplementaciju, Beograd, Srbija, 2 Udruženje za medicinu sporta Srbije, Beograd, Srbija Cilj ovog rada je da se analiziraju nutritivne navike više od 70 profesionalnih sportista Srbije koji su bili u programu Centra za sportsku ishranu i suplementaciju (CIS) u prethodnih godinu i po dana. Program obuhvata sledeće metode: analize krvi, internististički pregled, određivanje energetskog unosa i potrošnje pomoću trodnevnog dnevnika ishrane i akcelerometra, propisivanje dijete i programa suplementacije, nutritivnu edukaciju i redovno praćenje sportiste kroz kontrole. Rezultati su pokazali da je razlog dolaska u CIS prevashodno bio smanjenje (67%) ili povećanje (14%) telesne težine, povećanje mišićne mase (6%) ili sticanje pravilnih navika (13%). Prosečan energetski unos je bio 3041 kcal/dan a unos vode 2483 g/dan. Proporcionalni odnos ugljenih hidrata, masti i proteina je bio 52:31:17 tj.pomeren u korist većeg unosa masti od preporučenih vrednosti a smanjenih ugljenih hidtrata koji su neophodni za nadoknadu glikogena. Deficiti mikronutrijenata su najčešće bili vezani za kalcijum (posledica smanjenog unosa mleka i mlečnih proizvoda), a suficiti za natrijum, kalijum, zasićene masne kiseline i holesterol (posledica uzimanja brze hrane bez dovoljnog unosa voća i povrća). Analizom dnevnika je uočena neredovnost obroka koje su sportisti podjednako imali kod kuće i izvan nje. Kod 10% sportista su pronađeni klinički, biohemijski i subjektivni simptomi anemije. Nedovoljna saznanja o ishrani, nesposobnost spremanja hrane kod kuće, česta putovanja i finansijska nesigurnost su osnovni faktori za razvijanje nepravilnih navika vezanih za ishranu. Kod većine sportista je zapaženo preskakanje doručka, nepostojanje obroka pre utakmice i nedovoljno uzimanje tečnosti i ugljenih hidrata tokom meča i između utakmica. U zaključku možemo istaći potrebu za razvijanjem individualnog programa ishrane i stalnom edukacijom sportista sa ciljem razvijanja zdravih životnih navika tokom cele godine. Neophodno je razviti praktične aktivnosti u vezi sa ishranom (npr.kupovina u supermarketima, časovi kuvanja, učenje kućnih poslova i razvoj samopouzdanja u pripremanju 439 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation odgovarajućih obroka). Potencirati postizanje visokog unosa ugljenih hidrata između utakmica/ treninga kako bi se proizvela dovoljna količina energije i obavezna rehidracija sportskim napicima nakon dugotrajnih fizičkih napora. Ključne reči: sportisti, ishrana,navike ANALYSIS OF HE PROBLEMS WE HAVE FACED DURING OUR WORK WITH ATHLETES IN CIS Andjelkovic M1, I1 Baralić, Djordjevic B2, N1 Dikic, Vukašinović Vesić M2, T2 Antic 1 Centre for sports nutrition and supplementation, Belgrade, Serbia, 2 Sports Medicine Association of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia The aim of this paper is to analyze the nutritional habits of more than 70 professional athletes of Serbia, who were in the program of the Centre for sports nutrition and supplementation (CIS) in the past year and a half. The program includes following methods: blood tests, internistic examination, determination of energy intake and expenditure using three-day diet record and accelerometers, prescription of diet and supplementation programs, nutritional education and regular monitoring of the athlete through the controls. The results showed that the reason for visiting the CIS was primarily decrease (67%) or increase (14%) of body weight, increase of muscle mass (6%) and develop of regular habits (13%). Total energy intake was 3041 kcal / day and water intake was 2483 g / day. The ratio of carbohydrates, fats and proteins was 52:31:17 in favor of higher fat intake than the recommended values and reduced carbs that are necessary for compensation of glycogen. Deficiencies of micronutrients were most commonly associated with calcium (due to decreased intake of milk and dairy products), and the excess of sodium, potassium, saturated fatty acids and cholesterol (the result of taking fast food without sufficient intake of fruit and vegetables). Analyzes showed irregularity of meals that athletes had. In 10% of athletes we have found clinical, biochemical, and subjective symptoms of anemia. Lack of knowledge about nutrition, inability to prepare food at home, frequent 440 Okrugli sto / Round table travel and financial insecurity are the main factors for the development of irregular habits related to nutrition. For most athletes skipping breakfast is observed and also the absence of a pre-match meal and insufficient intake of fluids and carbohydrates during the match and between games. In conclusion, we emphasize the need to develop individual nutritional programs and continued education of athletes in order to develop healthy habits throughout the year. It is necessary to develop hands-on activities related to diet (shopping in supermarkets, cooking classes, learning the housework and the self-confidence to prepare adequate meals). The achievement of high carbohydrate intake between games / training is important in order to produce a sufficient amount of energy and rehydration with sports drinks after a long physical activity. Key words: athletes, diet, habits 441 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation DA LI JE VODA DOBAR IZBOR PIĆA ZA REHIDRACIJU KOD FIZIČKI AKTIVNIH OSOBA? Vukašinović Vesić M1, Dikić N1, Oblaković Babić J1, Anđelković M1, Vujić S2, Radivojević N1, Antić T1, Ćurčić Đ2 Antidoping agencija Republike Srbije1, Udruženje za medicinu sporta Srbije2 Uvod: Zahtevi pojedinca za vodom razlikuju se u različitim fazama i okolnostima u zdravom životnom ciklusu na primer: detinjstvo, trudnoća, dojenje, starost, fizička aktivnost. Prema sugestijama ACSM iz 2007. fizičke aktivne osobe moraju da piju sportska pića jer čistom vodom ne mogu da nadoknade gubitak elektrolita koji ostvare prilikom fizičke aktivnosti. Materijal i metode: U okviru velikog istraživanja FIBA Europe na U20 Evropskom šampionatu 2011- B divizija analizirali smo hidracione navike 96 košarkaša iz 8 nacionalnih selekcija. U cilju procene stanja hidracije u zavisnosti od toga šta su pili, uzimali smo prvi jutarnji urin tri uzastopna dana kao i urin posle utakmice. Merili telesnu težinu pre i posle utakmice, količinu i vrstu popijene tečnosti i izlučenog urina tokom utrakmice. Procenu hidracije vršili smo analizom sledećih parametara: specifična težina urina (Usg), boje urina (Ucol), osmolalnosti urina (Uosmol), sweat rate (SwR), unos tečnosti (FI) i količina izlučenog urina (UO). Rezultati: Košarkaši uzrasta 19±0,79 godina. Gubitak telesne težine nakon utakmice 0,9±0,7 kg, procenat dehidriranosti 0,99±0,7%, FI 1868±816 ml (435 – 3987) i SwR 2,7±0,9 L/h (5,54 - 1.16), UO 55±61 ml. Srednja vrednost Usg prvog jutarnje urina Usg 1024±6 i urina posle utakmice 1026±6, Ucol prvog jutarnjeg urina 5,67±1,12 i urina posle utakmice 5.97±1,37, Uosmol prvog jutarnjeg urina 883±229 osmol/L i urina posle utakmice 852±228 osmol/L. Diskusija: Sportisti nisu unosili dovoljnu količinu tečnosti kako bi nadoknadili ono što su izgubili tokom utakmice. Pili su vodu i veoma malu količinu sportskog pića što je dovelo do toga da budu dehidrirani. Nesumnjivo je potrebno koristiti veću količinu sportskog pića odgovarajućeg sastava da bi se postigla rehidracija. Zaključak: Neophodno je kroz odgovarjuću edukaciju upoznati trenere, timske doktore i sportiste sa značajem odgovarajuće hidracije i korišćenja sportskog pića kao sredstva za rehidraciju. 442 Okrugli sto / Round table IS WATER A GOOD DRINK CHOICE FOR REHYDRATION IN PHYSICALLY ACTIVE PEOPLE? Vukašinović Vesić M1, Dikić N1, Oblaković Babić J1, Anđelković M1, Vujić S2, Radivojević N1, Antić T1, Ćurčić Đ2 Anti Doping Agency of Serbia1, Sports Medicine Association of Serbia 2 Introduction: Individual requirements for water varies at different stages and circumstances in a healthy life cycle such as: childhood, pregnancy, lactation, age, physical activity. According to the suggestions of the ACSM in 2007. physically active people need to drink sports drink instead of clean water because with water only they can’t make up for the loss of electrolytes during physical activity. Method: Ninety-six basketball players of eight national teams were assessed during the official FIBA Europe U20 Championship Men 2011 - Division B held in Sarajevo in July 2011. In order to estimate hydration we collected three morning urines of each player on consecutive days and once after the game, then we measured body mass of all players before and after one game, the quantity of consumed fluid and urine output during the game. Hydration assessments were evaluated by urine specific gravity (Usg), urine color (Ucol), urine osmolality (Uosmol), sweat rate (SR), fluid intake (FI) and urine output (UO). Results: Players age was 19±0,79 years. After the game body mass loss was 0,9±0,7 kg, percentage of dehydration 0,99±0,7%, total fluid intake 1868±816 ml (range 435 – 3987) and sweat rate 2,7±0,9 L/h (range 5,54 1.16). Urine output during the game was 55±61 ml. Mean morning Usg 1024±6 and after the game 1026±6, mean morning urine color 5,67±1,12 and after the game 5.97±1,37, mean morning urine osmolality 883±229 osmol/L and after the game 852±228 osmol/L. Discussion: Most athletes did not intake enough fluids to match sweat losses during the game and they were significantly dehydrated. They drank water and a very small amount of sports drinks, which led to being dehydrated. Undoubtedly, it is necessary to use a larger amount of sports drinks properly constituted to achieve rehydration. Conclusion: It is necessary to educate the coaches, team doctors and athletes of the importance of proper hydration and the use of sports drinks as a means of rehydration. 443 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation SPORT, ISHRANA I SLOBODNI RADIKALI: DA LI POSTOJI VEZA? Baralić I1, Đorđević B2, Dikić N1, Anđelković M1, Vukašinović Vesić M1, Antić T1 Udruženje za medicinu sporta, Beograd, Srbija, 2Institut za Bromatologiju, Farmaceutski fakultet, Beograd, Srbija 1 Iako redovna i umerena fizička aktivnost ima brojne povoljne fiziološke efekte na organizam, intenzivni i/ili dugotrajni treninzi mogu dovesti do nastanka oksidativnog stresa u skeletnim mišićima, krvi, pa i u drugim organima. Poremećaj ćelijske homeostaze u mišićima uzrokovan oksidativnim stresom rezultira oštećenjem mišića, zamorom i smanjenjem sportskih performansi. Ipak, kompleksna mreža enzimskih i neenzimskih antioksidanasa strateški raspoređenih u intra i ekstracelularnom prostoru, neutrališe slobodne radikale pre nego što dovedu do oksidativnih oštećenja proteina, lipida i DNK. Dijetarni antioksidansi predstavljaju važnu dodatnu zaštitu protiv oksidativnog stresa, koja sa endogenim antioksidansima čini jednistven antioksidativni odbrambeni sistem organizma. Važni dijetarni antioksidansi su vitamin E, vitamin C, karotenoidi i flavonoidi. Vitamin E je jedan od najrasprostranjenijih antioksidanasa u prirodi, koji štiti ćelijske membrane od radikalima posredovanih oštećenja. Slično vitaminu E, karotenoidi su liposolubilni antioksidansi. Zbog svoje lokalizacije u ćelijskoj membrani i značajnog kapaciteta neutralizacije slobodnih radikala, karotenoidi predstavljaju efikasne antioksidanse protiv oksidativnih oštećenja membrana. Za razliku od vitamina E, vitamin C je hidrosolubilan i svoju antioksidativnu aktivnost ispoljava u vodenoj sredini. Vitamin C može direktno da neutrališe slobodne radikale, ali ima važnu ulogu i u regeneraciji oksidovanog vitamina E. Flavonoidi su grupa od preko 4000 jedinjenja, koji su široko rasprostranjeni u biljkama zastupljenim u ljudskoj ishrani. Pokazano je da flavonoidi imaju različite biološka dejstva, uključujući antioksidativna i antiinflamatorna dejstva. Da li povećanje oksidativnog opterećenje kod sportista tokom perioda intenzivnih treninga zahteva suplementaciju antioksidansima? S obzirom da fizička aktivnosti uslovljava povećanu produkciju slobodnih radikala, povećan unos antioksidanasa može biti opravdan da bi se sprečilo 444 Okrugli sto / Round table oksidativno oštećenje ćelijskih komponenti. Pored toga, mnogi sportisti nemaju dobro izbalansiranu dijetu sa dovoljnim unosom antioksidanasa, što bi moglo da utiče negativno na sportske performanse. Sa druge strane, redovna fizička aktivnost povećava kapacitet endogenih antioksidanasa, koji štite ćelijske komponente od slobodnih radikala, pa se suplementacija može smatrati nepotrebnom. Konačan sud o tome da li je suplementacija antioksidansima neophodna ili ne, u ovom trenutku još uvek nije moguće doneti. Ipak, ograničena upotreba ovih suplemenata u određenom periodu može imati povoljne efekte, dok primena prekomernih količina antioksidansa može ugroziti zdravlje sportiste. SPORT, NUTRITION AND FREE RADICALS: IS THERE A CONECTION? Baralić I1, Đorđević B2, Dikić N1, Anđelković M1, Vukašinović Vesić M1, Antić T1 Sports Medicine Association of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia, 2Institute for Bromatology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade, Serbia 1 Although regular physical exercise provides many health benefits, it results in increased production of free radicals. Indeed, prolonged and/ or intense exercise can lead to oxidative stress in skeletal muscles, blood, and perhaps other tissues. Importantly, exercise-induced oxidative stress can reduce maximal force production in skeletal muscles and promote fatigue during prolonged exercise sessions. Fortunately, a network of enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants exists in both the intracellular and extracellular environments to remove radicals before they damage proteins, lipids, or DNA. Moreover, dietary antioxidants cooperate with endogenous antioxidant defense systems to form a united antioxidant network in muscle fibers. Important dietary antioxidants include vitamin E, vitamin C, carotenoids, and flavonoids. Vitamin E is one of the most widely distributed antioxidants in nature and protects cell membranes against radical-mediated damage. Similar to vitamin E, carotenoids are lipidsoluble antioxidants. Because of their location in cell membranes and their radical-scavenging capacity, carotenoids are efficient biological antioxidants against radical-mediated damage to membranes. In 445 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation contrast, vitamin C is hydrophilic and therefore, is located in the aqueous compartment of the cell. As an antioxidant, vitamin C can directly scavenge numerous radical species, but also plays an important role in the recycling of vitamin E. Flavonoids are a family of more than 4,000 compounds found in many plants. Numerous flavonoids have been studied and several compounds possess important biological activities, including both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Does the increased oxidant load experienced by athletes during intense training necessitate antioxidants supplementation? Increased dietary intake of antioxidants seems warranted to avoid exessive radicals production and significant oxidative damage to cellular components. Also, it has been suggested that many athletes do not consume wellbalanced diets, which could result in an increased susceptibility to exercise-induced damage by free radicals thus lead to impaired exercise performance. On the other hand, regular exercise training increases endogenous antioxidants, resulting in improved protection against exercise-induced radical production, so it can be argued that dietary supplementation is unnecessary. While a firm case for the necessity of dietary antioxidant supplementation in athletes can not be made at this time, limited supplementation of antioxidants may not harm the athlete. Nonetheless, mega-dosing antioxidant supplements can be detrimental to health. 446 INDEKS INDEX 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation A Aćimović-Đumić S 220 Akıllıoğlu G 240, 355 Aleksej Tarasjev 15 Anđelić S 327 Anđelković M 439 Anđelković M 442, 444 Antić T 439, 444, 442 Antonijević B 361 Arsić A 139 Ascensión M23 Atanacković M 77 Avramović D 173 B Babić B 188 Babić J 322 Bajić B 44, 320 Balać D 74, 412 Balaž A 422 Baltić MŽ74 Barać M 68, 87 Baralić I 439, 444 Barjaktarović-Labović S 50, 395 Basić Z 306, 318, 353 Berenji K 136, 142 Berti C 139 Bijelović S 283, 286, 297, 343, 412 Blazevska Z 111 Blešić I 184 Bogojević P196 448 Indeks / Index Borozan S 264 Božić D 99 Božidarević D313 Božović B204 Božović R202 Bugarinović-Milovanović K 145 Bugarski M 122 Bušatlić A 318 Buzadžić B 231 C C. Morand 8 Cavelaars A168 Chanet A250, 279 Chuleva B121 Coban D250, 279 Cvejić D 193 Cvejić J 77 Cvejić Ž 193 Cvetković D 71, 295, 378, 392 Č Čakar N 266 Čakar U266, 272 Čanković P 155 Červenka I 340 449 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation Ć Ćirić A94 Ćopić J136, 142 Ćurčić Đ 442 Ćurčić M 361 D D. Milenković 8 Davidović S80, 90 De Luka S264 Debeljak-Martačić J 171, 264 Delić N355 Despotović M 151 Despotović S 77, 80 Deval C251, 281 Dikić N 439, 442, 444 Dimitrijević Branković S 246, 248 Dimitrijević S82 Dimitrijević-Branković S 60, 90 Dimitrovska M 121 Dimitrovska Z121 Djonović N35 Dodevska M1316 Dodić S223 Dodig D87 Dopsaj M214 Dragić N 53, 286, 297 Dragišić Maksimović J 237 Drljačić A74 Dubray C281 450 Indeks / Index Đ Đinovic-Stojanovic J 338 Đolić M 409 Đorđevic R77, 80 Đorđević B 153, 243, 266, 272, 316, 439, 444 Đorđević M 47, 300 Đorđević P 316 Đorđević Z44 Đorđević-Nikić M214 Đorić S41, 56 Đukić T 295 Đuričić I106, 336 Đuričković M 320, 395 Đurić D165 Đurić S 330, 332, 334 Đurić V184, 191 Đurović B369 Đurović D50 E Eminović F214 Erdej I 207 F Filipović F 289 Filipović M 101, 145, 353 Freudenreich P38 451 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation G Gačić Z 372 Gagić S 199, 207 Garotić- Ilić L 366 Glibetić M 139, 168, 171, 264, 416 Gojković T 153 Gojković-Bukarica Lj 77 Gökmen V240, 355 Gostović N56 Grabež M30 Grujičić M 25, 33 Gurinović M 139, 168, 416 Gusman V 302 Gyura J96 H Hegediš A 372 Hristov N191 Hrnjez D 66 I Igrutinović Z 151 Iličić M66 Ilić B51 Isailović G148, 188 Ivanišević J243 Ivanović N 153, 398 Ivković V71 452 Indeks / Index J Jančić D327 Jankovic Mandic Lj 175 Janković A 235 Janković I 227 Janković M87 Janković S 117, 348, 361, 383 Janković V68, 227 Janković-Mandić Lj 409 Janjić O 404 Jarić I 372 Jelesić Z 302 Jevtić M53 Joca S 177 Joksimović I 44 Jorga J 173 Jovanović D 74, 202, 204, 217 Jovičić A 207 Jovičić Bata J 25, 33 Jović D39 Jović M 158 Jović S 311 Jovićević Lj 50, 320, 395 K Kalenju B 207 Kalenjuk B199 Kanazir S253 Kandić V87 Kanurić K66 Karabegović I109 453 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation Kardum N171 Kasum G214 Katić V 401 Kavrakovski Z92 Khallou-Laschet J250 Klaus A261 Klisara N 378 Knežević J 41 Knežević J 56 Kocić G35, 132 Kojić Z165 Kondić-Špika A191 Konić-Ristić A171 Konstantinović Birovljev B 104, 390 Koprivica D181 Korać B17 Korčok Đ124 Korčok MM 124 Korićanac V 322 Kostadinović A37 Kotur Stevuljević J 232, 243 Kozarski M 261 Krstić M318 Kundaković T94 Kurteš M188 L Lakićević B227 Laličić Petronijević J 184, 196 Lazarević K 35, 210 Lazetić V 401 Lazić M109 Lazić S 127, 217 454 Indeks / Index Lekić J 404 Lenhardt M 372 Leskošek Čukalović I 77, 80, 311 Lević S 419 Lončarević I 96 Lukić D345 M Macura M214 Maksimović M 163 Maksimović V237 Maksimović-Ivanić D 256 Mališić N 50, 320, 395 Mandić A 148 Mandić-Miladinović M 181 Marinković J 425 Markov S 71, 295, 378, 392 Marković J 432 Marković R74 Marković S 151 Mastilović J 109 Mašić S 407 Matekalo-Sverak V 227, 322 Mauray A279 Mazur A 8, 250, 251, 281 Medić D 302 Mićković B 372 Mihajlović B 340, 343, 345 Mijatović 256 Milanov R 428 Milanović S66 Milanović-Stevanović M 117, 348, 383 Milašinović-Šeremešić M 101 455 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation Milenković D 250, 251, 279, 281 Miletić A223 Miletić I 309, 316 Milić D322 Milićević D322 Milinčić N155 Milojević-Miodragović G 343 Milošević B 387 Milošević M 330, 332, 334 Milovanović S243 Miljković D292 Miljković M 90, 243 Miljković T 435 Mirković N41 Mirković N82 Mišan A96 Mitrović D165 Mladenov N191 Mladenović Drinić S 353 Mladenović Đorđević A 253 Mladenovska K 92 Mogol B A355 Morand C 250, 251, 279, 281 Mraović T175, 409 Mugoša B 44, 320 Muhi B 202, 204 N Nedić A320 Nedović V 82, 84, 419, 422 Nikićević N 80 Nikolić D 361 Nikolić G 132 456 Indeks / Index Nikolić M 37, 99, 158 Nikolić N37, 109 Nikolić Z359 Nikolić-Đorić E 313 Nikšić M 261 Novaković B 25, 30, 33 Novaković T 50, 395 O Oblaković Babić J 442 Odalović M 153 Ognjenović V 41, 56 Onjia A409 Opačić D 407 Orlić J275 Ostojić M 302 P Pajić Z101, 227 Pajin B96 Pantić-Palibrk V181 Paunović D84 Pavićević G56 Pavkov V 425 Pavlićević M68 Pavlović M 136, 142, 246, 248 Pavlović N 366 Pavlović Z 309, 330, 332, 334 Pecić S77, 80 Penić M 184 457 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation Perić V353 Perović M 253 Pešević Pajčin J 30 Pešić M68, 87 Peter R10 Petković S 380 Petreska Ivanovska T 92 Petronijević R348 Petrović A56 Petrović I 41, 56, 392 Petrović S171 Petrović T 82, 84, 419 Petrović Z 361 Petrović-Oggiano G 168, 171, 264 Petrushevska-Tozi L92 Popov Raljić J 196 Popov V184 Popovic A338 Popović M 53, 340, 345, 412 Popović T 168, 171, 264 Popov-Raljić J 184, 191 Portić M184 Prošić V 404 Protić N 385 Purtić-Kljajić D 366 R Racković Stefanović N 375 Radakovic S 134, 175, 217, 369, 407 Radičević T 361 Radin D 363 Radišić S 398 Radivojević N 442 458 Indeks / Index Radojković P 41, 56 Radosavljević M101 Radulović A 435 Radulović S74 Radulović Z82 Rađen S 134, 175, 217, 369, 407 Raičević Lj 327 Rajić J82, 84 Rajilić-Stojanović M 27 Rajković A 19 Rakić Lj253 Ralić Maričić S 225 Ranđelovic D 175 Ranogajec M66 Ražić S 318 Ristanović E217 Ristanović-Ponjavić I 181 Ristic M181, 338 Ristić-Medić D 139, 168 Rudić Grujić V 30 Ruždijić S 253 S Sabbe L250 Saičić S63 Sakač M96 Sandra Šipetić-Grujičić 12 Savić D217 Savić Radovanović R 401 Scalbert A251, 279 Sebők A 419 Sedlecki K 432 Sekulović I 188 459 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation Serpen A 240, 355 Skorić S 372 Slavković J269 Slavnić V 422 Smajlović I 311 Smiljanić K253 Sobajič S316 Soković M94 Spark J.P311 Spark L.K311 Spasojević I419, 422 Spiric A 338 Spiroski I121 Srebrić M 355 Stajković S 401 Stančić A 258 Stanisavljev A 300 Stanković I 117, 348, 383, 428 Stanković M 324, 351 Stanković S 68, 269 Stefanović A 243, 361 Stepanović M181 Stojadinović A 432 Stojanović D 35, 132, 210 Stojanović J 109, 165, 188 Stojanović T 165 Strajin Z 302 Subotić S 372 Š Šćepanović Lj165 Šćepanović V165 Šefer D74 460 Indeks / Index Šereš Z96 Šiler Marinković S 90, 246, 248 Škodrić S188 Škuletić M41, 56 Šobajić S 106, 117, 269, 275, 292, 336, 348, 383, 398 Šoronja Simović D 96 Šrek A 130, 432 Šurbatović M217 T Tadić M119, 324 Takić M171, 264 Tambur Z 217, 407 Tepsic Ostojic V 175 Terzić D101 Tešanović D199 Tešević V80 Timić J 106, 336 Todorović G101 Todorović V275 Torović Lj 114, 340, 343, 345 Trajković Pavlović Lj 47, 297, 340, 345, 412 Trbović B188 Trbović D322 Trbović M 148, 188 U Ukropina S53 461 12. KONGRES O ISHRANI sa međunarodnim učešćem / 12th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION with international participation V Vančetović J 240 Vanden Berghe W 250 Vasilev D63 Vasiljević Blagojević M 148 Vasiljević N 63, 117, 134, 161, 173, 348 Velicki R 53, 343, 412 Veličković M292 Velićanski A 71, 295, 378, 392 Veljović M 77, 80, 84 Vešović D41, 56 Vicković D 106 Vidaković P41 Vidović B 117, 243, 266, 348 Višnjić-Jeftić V 372 Vitošević S41 Vlajković J 119, 324 Vranic D 227, 322, 338 Vucelić-Radović B 68 Vucić V168 Vučić139 Vudragović D 422 Vugdelija S292 Vujić S 442 Vujović- Utješinović V 366 Vukašinović Vesić M 439, 442, 444 Vukić V66 Vukmirović Đ 369 Vukosavljević P 80, 84 Vuković D39 Vuković G119, 324 Vuković I63 Vuković M 214 462 Indeks / Index Vuković Mirković B 210 Vuksanović N 199, 207 Vulin Ž30 Vunduk J261 Z Zdjelar G 359 Zdravković J56 Zimonja D177 Zrnić M 117, 275, 383 Ž Žilić S 87, 240, 353, 355 Žilih M41 Živadinović E 286, 297 463 CIP - Katalogizacija u publikaciji Narodna biblioteka Srbije, Beograd Vlasnik i izdavač / Owner and Publisher: Društvo za ishranu Srbije - Beograd 464 str. - 21 cm ISBN 978-86-909633-2-4