ATAC SPA: the Rome Mobility Agency for the sustainable
ATAC SPA: the Rome Mobility Agency for the sustainable
ATAC SpA, the Rome Mobility Agency: issues from city sprawling, mobility and environment Europe 12th Annual Conference - New Mobility Requirements within existing and Expanding Urban Fabric 7-9 May 2008, Sheraton Hotel, Zagreb, Croatia Fabio Nussio, Head of International Activities ATAC SpA The context: Rome Municipal Area 1.285 skm Population 2.800.000 Road Network km 5.000 Vehicles 2.550.000 cars 2 wheels goods delivery Daily Trips Peak-hour Trips 1.950.000 450.000 150.000 6.000.000 600.000 •The historic and cultural heritage •Narrow and not modifiable roads •The status of Italian Capital City •The inner presence of the Vatican City •The Attitude (80 vehicles/100 citizens) •The Tourists (>23 millions per year) •Tourist coaches: 200.000 per year IMPACTS Conference – Zagreb 7-9/05/2008 2 Evolution Mobility Demand – Residents extimation IMPACTS Conference – Zagreb 7-9/05/2008 3 Evolution Mobility Demand – workers extimation IMPACTS Conference – Zagreb 7-9/05/2008 4 Rome: The impacts of mobility Modal Shift in Rome Private vehicles 57% Public Transport 21% Pedestrians+bike 22% Traffic inducing : • • • Congestion Pollution Safety risks Impacting on: • Health • City attractiveness • Economic growth • Quality of life IMPACTS Conference – Zagreb 7-9/05/2008 5 Tiburtina Ada 2003 2004 2005 2006 IMPACTS Conference – Zagreb 7-9/05/2008 media mobile al 31ott07 0 0 35 N.V. N.V. Arenula 20 10 0 N.V. Fermi 1998 1999 Cinecittà Bufalotta N.V. N.V. N.V. Grecia Ada Magna 2000 Ada 2001 33 Tiburtina Fermi nuova N.V. Francia Cipro 2002 N.V. Arenula Preneste Cinecittà Francia Magna Grecia 2003 2004 Fermi Tiburtina nuova 2005 89 141 But NO2 and PM10 ….. 86 87 Magna Grecia Cinecittà Libia Bufalotta Entrata in vigore del provvedimento "Anello ferroviario" N.V. N.V. 2006 N.V. 49 30 118 221 0,9 01-nov-98 01-gen-99 01-mar-99 01-mag-99 01-lug-99 01-set-99 01-nov-99 01-gen-00 01-mar-00 01-mag-00 01-lug-00 1-set-00 1-nov-00 1-gen-01 1-mar-01 1-mag-01 1-lug-01 1-set-01 01-nov-01 01-gen-02 01-mar-02 01-mag-02 01-lug-02 01-set-02 01-nov-02 01-gen-03 01-mar-03 01-mag-03 01-lug-03 01-set-03 01-nov-03 01-gen-04 01-mar-04 01-mag-04 01-lug-04 01-set-04 01-nov-04 01-gen-05 01-mar-05 01-mag-05 01-lug-05 01-set-05 01-nov-05 01-gen-06 01-mar-06 01-mag-06 01-lug-06 01-set-06 01-nov-06 01-gen-07 01-mar-07 01-mag-07 01-lug-07 01-set-07 01-nov-07 1,2 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,2 3 µ g/m 2,5 2,8 3,2 3,4 3,5 3,9 3,9 20 78 50 121 120 133 108 8997 95 Ada Francia 45 40 177 176 188 60 110 127 173 mmal 31ott07 NUOVA RETE 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 0 62 105 120 125 125 175 64 140 70 37 2228 1621 46 19 70 65 222 3 mg/m Monossido di carbonio (CO) Medie annuali 01-nov-98 01-feb-99 01-mag-99 01-ago-99 01-nov-99 01-feb-00 01-mag-00 1-ago-00 1-nov-00 1-feb-01 1-mag-01 1-ago-01 1-nov-01 01-feb-02 01-mag-02 01-ago-02 01-nov-02 01-feb-03 01-mag-03 01-ago-03 01-nov-03 01-feb-04 01-mag-04 01-ago-04 01-nov-04 01-feb-05 01-mag-05 01-ago-05 01-nov-05 01-feb-06 01-mag-06 01-ago-06 01-nov-06 01-feb-07 01-mag-07 01-ago-07 01-nov-07 210 193 245 102116 131 92 g/m 3 µ 98 120 78 n. giorni 66 88 81 84 85 86 83 81 87 87 Biossido di azoto - NO2 Medie annuali per stazione Tiburtina nuova 47 35 38 35 41 41 44 61 61 90 Stazioni storiche Cipro Bufalotta Fermi Nuova Francia Cavaliere 20 21 20 19 19 20 21 40 38 42 35 41 42 44 56 54 51 54 85 83 81 82 100 Tutte le stazioni Guido Cinecittà 2002 Montezemolo Libia 81 82 81 81 80 77 74 72 68 70 78 87 93 84 87 72 74 81 74 100 MagnaGrecia 68 ❒ Fermi 60 53 51 52 54 55 54 79 80 4,5 4,0 3,5 3,0 2,5 2,0 1,5 1,0 0,5 0,0 Preneste Arenula 3 µ g/m The mobility-environmental issue Good results for CO and Benzene, ... Medie mobili annuali delle concentrazioni di Benzene 25 Entrata in vigore del provvedimento "Anello ferroviario" 15 10 5 Preneste Tiburtina nuova -3 Numero di giorni di superamento del limite di 50 µ gm PM10 Medie mobili annuali delle concentrazioni di Materiale Particolato - PM10 fase 1 - 1 gen 2002 per auto non ecodiesel fase 2 - 1 lug 2002 per auto non catalitiche N.V. N.V. Fermi Bufalotta Cipro Tiburtina nuova Preneste nuova al 31ott07 Fermi nuova 6 The Role of the Mobility Agency Management of the Mobility New undergrounds construction Public Transport Operation metro New Mobility Agency - Planning, Regulating and Controlling Mobility (Public and Private) - Assets Property (Networks, Depots, Rolling Stocks) IMPACTS Conference – Zagreb 7-9/05/2008 Surface Transport -Buses -Tramways -110 Millions Vehicle/km Undergrounds 3 Railways (under regional concession) Private Subjects Winning Call for Tender Surface Transport - Buses - 27 Millions Vehicle/km 7 From the problem to the solution: the Management of Mobility issues Traffic Demand Management (Urban traffic Masterplan where PT priority, access limitations, area pricing are central issues); New “Hard” Mobility Infrastructures (Underground and Urban Rails) New “Mobility Corridors” and Reserved Lanes (Surface Transport) Fleet Renewal & Monitoring (bus and cars, towards lower emissions) Sustainable Mobility package (car sharing, mobility soft measures, awareness) Technologies and ITS for mgmt, monitoring & enforcement International Co-operation fundamental for Best Practices, info exchange IMPACTS Conference – Zagreb 7-9/05/2008 8 Managing Mobility – Restriction Zones Municipality Area – 1285 km2 Emission Check “Blue Label” (yearly all vehicles and PTWs) External Ring (GRA) – 344 km2 Tourist Coaches Regulation Green Belt –154 km2 Pollution emergencies, Multi-modal nodes, Park&ride Rail Ring – 48.4 km2 Emission restrictions, Pay parking schemes LTZ – 5.5 km2 Stop to all vehicles (except permit holders) Pedestrian – 0.5 km2 Zero Emission Area (walking & electric) IMPACTS Conference – Zagreb 7-9/05/2008 9 The International Co-operation EU R&D Framework Programmes: More than 40 projects (1998-2007) Cooperation Rome-Beijing (ITS-TAP & IBOCS project) Cooperation Rome-Tongji Cooperation with Indian MUD Cooperation with International Associations like POLIS, UITP, MMG, ECMT, IMPACTS, C40 IMPACTS Conference – Zagreb 7-9/05/2008 Mobility Infrastructures city plan 2006 – Actual network IMPACTS Conference – Zagreb 7-9/05/2008 11 Mobility Infrastructures city plan 2012 Scenario: the evolution of the PT network IMPACTS Conference – Zagreb 7-9/05/2008 12 IMPACTS Conference – Zagreb 7-9/05/2008 13 Mobility Infrastructures city plan Evolution of PT infrastructure offer Investment Plan of 3.000 MEuro until 2012, 9.200 until 2020 Urban railways (km) Underground (km) Bus Corridors (km) Rail Network (km) Stops (n.) Seats/km (ml) IMPACTS Conference – Zagreb 7-9/05/2008 2006 2012 112 123 (+10%) 36 47 (+30%) 13 130 (+900%) 206 395 (+190%) 365 586 (+160%) 5,8 8,2 (+140%) 14 Bus Fleet Management & Renewal Plan Vehicle Distribution according to emission class • 12 Hybrids Bus • The Largest Electric Fleet in Europe: 52 minibus 1.500 000 km/year 3 mln passengers/year 5 lines • 7 bus powered with biogas • 371 bus EURO III CRT (= EURO IV) • 30 New Bi-modal Trolley Bus 1 new Trolley Bus line • 200 (+200) CNG bus Fleet Average Age: 6 years (12y in 1998) IMPACTS Conference – Zagreb 7-9/05/2008 15 Interventions on road network IMPACTS Conference – Zagreb 7-9/05/2008 16 ITS and Security issues ITS technologies: Rome Mobility Centre Monitoring Regulation Information Public Tra nsport port s n a r eT Privat Control STATIC SYSTEM Safety & Security ITS and Rome mobility system IMPACTS Conference – Zagreb 7-9/05/2008 FLEXIBLE, INTEGRATED AND PREDICTIVE SYSTEM 17 ITS and Security issues Information & Services: Atac Mobile Roma Radio SMS/WAP Contact Center WEB Chioschi Informativi Depliant Moby IMPACTS Conference – Zagreb 7-9/05/2008 PMV Paline 18 ITS and Security issues Infomobility – ATAC Mobile ATAC Mobile project: infomobility prototypal application on mobile devices (palmtop and smart phone) AIM Produce a new interaction mode with the citizen in which the mobile devices is a direct communication channel between ATAC and Rome citizens: A city on the move! Traffic bulletin Travel times Video surveillance cameras images Events (works, closures, demonstrations…) Forecasts on arrival times of public transport to each stop IMPACTS Conference – Zagreb 7-9/05/2008 ITS and Security issues ATAC Mobile: UTT, PT information Winner of the International Mobile Application award: Barcelona – 10/2007 IMPACTS Conference – Zagreb 7-9/05/2008 20 2006-2012 Peak hour: Traffic flow comparison IMPACTS Conference – Zagreb 7-9/05/2008 21 Results 2006-12 from models Total movements in Peakhour 2006: 563.445 Total movements in Peakhour 2012 : 584.778 IMPACTS Conference – Zagreb 7-9/05/2008 22 Pollutants emission from mobility Comparison 2006 – 2011 in each traffic plan zone POLLUTANT Municipality Of ROME Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 CO -18% -26% -26% -17% -9% -19% NOX -25% -31% -29% -28% -27% -28% PM -18% -23% -19% -10% -3% -11% COV -14% -22% -21% -17% -14% -18% IMPACTS Conference – Zagreb 7-9/05/2008 23 Emission comparison 2006-11 Medium working day PM10 - MMG (kg/h) 250 200 150 2006 2011 100 50 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 (*) Elaborazioni ARIANET su dati ATAC IMPACTS Conference – Zagreb 7-9/05/2008 24 NO2 Pollution changes COMPARISON 2011-2006 SCENARIO 2006 SCENARIO with intervents - 2011 Positive changes indicates a decrease of pollution values negative changes indicates an increase of pollution values IMPACTS (*) Elaborazioni Conference ARIANET – Zagreb –7-9/05/2008 Regione Lazio 25 Benefits on environment Trends on CO2 emissions in the city (1990 – 2012) 1990 – 2006 2006 – 2012 CORRECTIVE ACTION CO2 Kt/annue in 2012: 4.355,6 (+9% vs. 1990) IMPACTS Conference – Zagreb 7-9/05/2008 Zone 1 2 3 4 5 Total % -47,2% -19,2% -18,7% -19,3% +23,9% -8,0% 26 Further steps • Completing the analysis of further policies towards the reduction of emissions from private traffic, according to city development (PRG); • Implementation of local policies – Local Traffic Plan to integrate the General Mobility Urban plan - the case of XV° Borough; • Integration with policies on air pollution (new EU Directive) and the adoption of Regional Lazio plan for air quality; • Next months: Finalisation of the Municipal Plan for emission reduction for the respect of Kyoto protocol; • Adoption by Municipal Council in autumn 2008. IMPACTS Conference – Zagreb 7-9/05/2008 27 Mobility Infrastructures city plan Subways in Rome – year 2020 IMPACTS Conference – Zagreb 7-9/05/2008 28 Mobility Infrastructures city plan Subways in Rome – figures A+B + B1 A+B + B1 + C Network km 39,8 65,2 84,7 Total number of stations (inside the historical Centre) 52 81 105 23 34 46 Direct coverage (residents) 400.000 680.000 820.000 Direct coverage (workplaces) 310.000 430.000 560.000 Served demand (displ./day) 860.000 1.280.000 1.700.000 IMPACTS Conference – Zagreb 7-9/05/2008 A+B + B1 + C + D 29 Rome approach: Integration into a unique picture… Management of Public and Private Mobility Urban and Mobility Infrastructure Planning Monitoring of Congestion and Environmental Threats Integration and Use of New Technologies IMPACTS Conference – Zagreb 7-9/05/2008 30 Thank you! Fabio Nussio, ATAC SpA Head of International Relations IMPACTS Conference – Zagreb 7-9/05/2008 31