
Opisyal na lingguhang pahayagan ng mga mag-aaral ng Unibersidad ng Pilipinas - Diliman
18 Nobyembre
2010, Huwebes
Ika-88 Taon
Blg. 17
loan sharks
All these years, the Philippine government has had a lame
excuse for scrimping on the budget for basic social services: debt servicing. Read on how and why these debts
deserve to remain unpaid. Lathalain>> pahina 7
Aquino appoints 3 new regents
kultura 06
Mga tala ng karanasan sa 1st sem, 2nd yr
grapix 11
Lahat ng tao, apektado sa baon cut
Enemy territory
s far as the United
Although the Armed Forces of the
States (US) is concerned, Philippines has not yet confirmed the
the Philippines is still report, the residents claimed they saw
a training ground for US soldiers in the hacienda. Even Lt.
Gen. Gaudencio Pangilinan, the chief
The superpower, along with of the Northern Luzon Command, was
countries such as the United Kingdom, quoted as saying that the Balikatan will
China and Australia, has issued travel be held in Tarlac, where Luisita is.
advisories against the Philippines,
But history stands witness to how
claiming that there is a high risk the Cojuangco-Aquinos used guns and
of terrorist activity in the country. deception in a desperate attempt to
The warnings were issued after the retain ownership of the 6,453-hectare
terrorist group Al Qaeda claimed sugar estate. Six years ago, seven were
responsibility for the “mail bombs” killed when the combined force of the
discovered in Yemen. Again, terrorism military and police fired unhesitatingly
has hogged the headlines around the at the unarmed farmers in the picket
US, however, has always used threats
Aquino, as he had done in so many
of terrorism as pretext for military significant issues, is being ominously
intervention. The “war on terror” silent. In fact, he had never issued any
was seen as a legitimate response to statement on the overstaying of US
the September 11 attack, and
troops under the Visiting
was used to justify the entry of
Agreement (VFA).
EditoRyal Forces
US troops in Iraq. US alleged
But for Aquino, there is
that terrorists were developing
no excuse for inaction,
nuclear weapons in the country, and especially when he has all the power to
military might is necessary to confiscate order the eviction of US troops. Any form
these weapons.
of inaction is tantamount to consent.
But after years of war, schools and
Indeed, the inaction can only be
homes were destroyed, many were explained by Aquino’s ulterior motive:
killed and thousands were displaced, to preserve his family’s assets. In the
no weapons were found.
end, Aquino’s commitment is really to
The Philippines should learn a his own clan.
lesson from the Iraq war. If no weapons
Moreover, there is no reason not to
existed in the first place, then the scrap the VFA given the numerous cases
motives of US are nothing less dubious. in which civilians became casualties in
The war on terror was only a guise for the war on terror.
the superpower’s aggression; the entry
The accounts of rape, torture and
of troops as a means to sow fear and even murder committed by US troops
establish US control over a different in the past 11 years are too many to be
dismissed. Last year, a US soldier was
Indeed, US troops have established convicted of raping a Filipina. In the
their presence in the country especially same year, another rape victim under
in what the government perceives the name “Vanessa” has surfaced. Only
as insurgency-prone areas. In these a few months have passed when Gregan
“strategic locations,” the state has always Cardeño, who worked as an interpreter
used force to silence the resistance. for the Joint US-Philippines Special
Therefore, it is not surprising that Operations Task Force, was found
Hacienda Luisita, a glaring example of dead inside a US military facility. The
social injustice, was reported to be the US officers said it was suicide, but the
next site for the Balikatan exercises.
autopsy report showed signs of torture.
Despite the overwhelming evidence,
the VFA has allowed US soldiers to
evade punishment. The government
has always turned a blind eye to these
aggressions against the people, just
as how previous administrations
allowed VFA to bypass the Philippine
Ultimately, Philippine laws are
disregarded for the sake of continued
relations with US, no matter how
lopsided such relations are.
Clearly, the continued existence
of the VFA shows Aquino’s inability
to break free from the reins of the
US government and is therefore no
different from his predecessors.
To continually implement the VFA is
to continually ignore the clamor of the
Filipino people. To implement it is
to forget the stories of all those who
have been killed, raped and tortured
by American soldiers. The Philippines
goes on to fulfill US geopolitical
interests and in turn, becomes US’
entry point to other countries in Asia.
The country’s sovereignty is being
raped as long as VFA is in effect.
Masking the terror of such crimes,
as it seems, has become the work
of one administration after another.
The war against terror waged by the
US, then, is actually not a war against
tagged terrorists but a war against
the Filipino people, their freedom
and interests. It is a war in which
the government is on the side of the
enemy. q
Philippine ColleGian Opisyal na Lingguhang Pahayagan ng mga mag-aaral ng Unibersidad ng Pilipinas - Diliman
PUNONG PATNUGOT Pauline Gidget R. Estella kapatnugot Dianne Marah E. Sayaman patnugot sa Balita Marjohara S. Tucay patnugot sa grapiks
Janno Rae T. Gonzales, Nicolo Renzo T. Villarete, Chris Martin T. Imperial tagapamahala ng pinansiya Mila Ana Estrella S. Polinar MGA KAWANI Ruth Danielle
Aliposa, Patricia Joyce Basmayor, Archie Oclos PINANSIYA Amelyn J. Daga TAGAPAMAHALA SA SIRKULASYON Paul John Alix SIRKULASYON Gary Gabales, Ricky
Icawat, Amelito Jaena, Glenario Omamalin MGA KATUWANG NA KAWANI Trinidad Basilan, Gina Villas PAMUHATAN Silid 401 Bulwagang Vinzons, Unibersidad
ng Pilipinas Diliman, Lungsod Quezon TELEFAX 981-8500 lokal 4522 EMAIL WEBSITE www. KASAPI
Solidaridad: UP System-wide Alliance of Student Publications and Writers Organizations, College Editors Guild of the Philippines
Janno Gonzales
Tungkol sa Pabalat
Dibuho ni Nico Villarete
Disenyo ni Patricia Basmayor
Philippine Collegian
Huwebes , 18 Nobyembre 2010
to stage nat’l
strike against
budget cuts
Call for action
UP students storm Gate 7 of Malacañang
in a lightning rally held last November 15 to condemn the
impending cuts in the budget of state universities. (main) Earlier,
representatives from various sectors of the UP community
convene in Palma Hall to launch an alliance against the P1.39
billion UP budget cut. (small) Chris Martin Imperial and Ma.
M a r j o h ara Tucay
housands of students
are set to launch a
nationwide strike to protest
Macrose Pascual
against cuts in the 2011
proposed budget for the 112 state
universities and colleges (SUCs).
Starting this week, various student
and organizations in
different parts of the country have led
a series of protest actions, walkouts and
noise barrages that would culminate
in a nationwide “student strike” on
November 25 and 26, according to
the National Union of Students of the
Philippines (NUSP).
The nationwide mobilization, which
plans to “paralyze school operations,”
Taguiwalo said.
‘Just in the nick of time’
was prompted by the reduced SUC
Aquino’s appointment came “just in
budget for 2011, said Student Regent
time for the UP president selection,” ‘Serve the people’
All three new regents are alumni of UP. Cori Co. The House of Representatives
said Faculty Regent Judy Taguiwalo.
Puno, who declined Aquino’s initial (HOR) passed the proposed budget
Since the three have already been
inducted to office, they can legally offer for the post of justice secretary, without amendments on November 8.
“Nanawagan tayo sa Kongreso noon
participate in the interview of the UP finished Law in UP Diliman in 1962. He
presidential nominees slated today and served as chief justice from 2006 until na gawan ng paraan ang binawasang
his retirement early this year. During his pondo para sa SUCs. Ngunit ipinasa
the election scheduled tomorrow.
The BOR has previously decided stay in UP, he served as editor-in-chief of pa rin nila ang 2011 budget nang hindi
in their October 28 meeting to let the Collegian during academic year 1960- nadaragdagan ang pondo ng mga
former Regents Chua and Gonzales to 1961.
Meanwhile, Siguion-Reyna, known
vote in the presidential selection if the
appointments were made later today, to many as renowned actress and
film writer-director “Bibeth” Orteza,
said Student Regent Cori Co.
In this scenario, the BOR will lack graduated from the Imaginative Writing
one vote, as the seat vacated by late Program – known today as the Creative
Regent Sarmiento will not be filled, Co Writing program – of the English
Department in 1975. She is currently
The BOR is composed of eleven directing a parenting show on QTV.
regents, including the chairperson of the
Commission on Higher Education as engineering in UP Diliman in 1956.
the BOR chairperson, the UP President He served as CBA dean from 1980 to
as co-chairperson, the Chairpersons of 1986. According to the CBA website, -Cori Co, Student Regent
the Senate and House Committees on it was under his term as dean that the
Higher Education, a representative each third floor of the CBA building was
from the students, faculty and alumni, constructed to accommodate large pamantasan. Mukhang kinakailangang
humantong na sa isang malawakang
and three presidential appointees.
Aquino urged the three new regents strike upang mapakinggan tayo ng
appointment ng tatlong bagong rehente to “restore the state university into its gobyerno,” Co explained.
In the HOR-approved budget, only
upang maging kumpleto ang BOR sa premier status” given the limited funds
P23.4 billion was allocated for all 112
pagpili ng bagong pangulo ng UP,” from the government.
Meanwhile, in an interview prior SUCs, a 1.7 percent or P400-million
Taguiwalo said. “Maganda ring ngayong
magkakaroon na ng bagong pangulo, to the announcement of the three new decrease from the current P23.8 billion
kasabay ring magkakaroon ng bagong appointees, Co said that whoever the budget.
For the UP system, the government
mga rehente at hindi mananatili ang president appoints should “always
mga dati nang nasa puwesto,” she added. serve the people” and join in the UP has only allotted P5.53 billion, less than
Aquino’s new appointees are community’s call for greater state a third of the P18.53 billion that the
university originally proposed for 2011.
expected to have a great impact on the subsidy. q
The P5.5 billion UP budget for 2011
outcome of the presidential selection,
2 days before UP prexy selection
Aquino appoints 3 new regents
Marjohara Tucay
arely two days before
the UP president selection,
President Benigno Aquino
III appointed three new
members of the Board of Regents
(BOR), the highest policy-making body
of the university.
In an oath taking ceremony at the
Premier Guest House in Malacañang on
November 17, Aquino inducted former
Supreme Court Chief Justice Reynato
Puno, film writer and director Elizabeth
Siguion-Reyna, and former College of
Business Administration (CBA) Dean
Magdaleno Albaraccin Jr.
Regents Puno, Siguion-Reyna and
Albarracin will replace late Regent
Abraham Sarmiento and Regents
Francis Chua and Nelia Gonzales, all
of whom already finished their terms as
regents but were reappointed by former
President Gloria Arroyo early this year.
Sarmiento, Chua and Gonzales’
appointments were revoked due to
Aquino’s Executive Order No. 2 released
last July 30. Under EO 2, all midnight
appointments made by Arroyo will be
withdrawn, resulting in three vacancies
in the 11-member board.
According to Section 12.1.i of the
2008 UP Charter, the president of the
country can appoint “three regents who
have distinguished themselves in their
professions or fields of specialization…
considering the recommendation of the
The three newly-appointed regents
will serve a two-year term ending in
November 2012.
lang natin ito
kung lahat ng
sektor sa bawat
pamantasan ay
is 20 percent or P1.4 billion less than
the current P6.9 billion budget of the
The P1.6 trillion national budgetwill
still undergo deliberations in the Senate
and the Congress Bicameral Committee
before being transmitted to President
Benigno Aquino III for approval.
The two-day national student
strike aims to paralyze not only classes
but also the transportation, business
and administrative transactions of
participating SUCs, Co explained.
“Magagawa lang natin ito kung
lahat ng sektor sa bawat pamantasan
ay makikilahok – mula sa mga guro
hanggang sa mga manininda at mga
driver ng jeep,” Co explained.
In UP Diliman, a group of faculty led
by the Congress of Teachers/Educators
for Nationalism and Democracy
(CONTEND-UP) has already pledged
their support for the strike. The said
professors have launched a teach-in
session in Palma Hall on November 17,
in time for the International Students
In the National Capital Region,
the daily demonstrations are being
led by UP Diliman and Manila, along
with SUCs such as the Polytechnic
University of the Philippines, Eulogio
Amang Rodriguez Institute of Science
and Technology, and Philippine Normal
University – the universities most
affected by the budget cut.
In Baguio, Cebu, Mindanao and other
parts of the Philippines, student groups
are also set to launch simultaneous
walkouts and demonstrations.
The Philippines is not the first to
witness a national student strike, Co
said, explaining that in the past days,
students in countries such as the United
Kingdom, Italy and the United States
have also staged similar large-scale
“Time and time again, we have
warned the Aquino regime that we will
intensify our actions if they will continue
to cut the lifeblood of SUCs. The course
of history of state universities now
heavily depends on how we defiantly
resist against this absurd program,” said
UP Mindanao USC Chair Krista Iris
Melgarejo. q
Philippine Collegian
Huwebes , 18 Nobyembre 2010
UP botanist
killed in
K e i t h R i chard D. Mariano
P Diliman Institute
of Biology (IB) museum
researcher Leandro Co,
considered as one of the
leading botanists in the country, was
killed in a reported crossfire between
the military and the New People’s
Army (NPA) in a forested area in
Kananga, Leyte on November 15.
The 56-year old Co, who was in
Leyte to serve as Energy Development Corporation’s (EDC) biodiversity consultant, was gathering specimens of tree species when the alleged
encounter took place. The specimens
will be used for a forest restoration
program of the EDC.
Two others of Co’s five-member
team were also killed in the crossfire.
They were identified as EDC forest
guide Sofronio Cortez and Tongonan
Farmers Association (TOFA) member Julius Borromeo. Only TOFA
Paghahanda Abala ang mga kawani sa pag-aayos ng Board of Regents room sa Quezon Hall kung saan pagbobotohan ang
ika-20 pangulo ng UP sa Nobyembre 19. Mula sa 11 nominado, pipili ang mga rehente ng susunod na pangulo ng pamantasan
na maninilbihan sa susunod na anim na taon. Richard Jacob Dy
USC upholds Sindayen’s chairmanship
Keith Richard D. Ma r i a n o
espite contentions
on his eligibility to hold
office in the University
Student Council (USC),
elected chairperson Rainier Astin
Sindayen retained his position
through the consensus of the council.
During its November 15 general
assembly (GA), the 33 members
present—including Sindayen, the
vice chair, 11 councilors, and 20
to uphold his tenure as chair of the
In a November 5 letter, Office of
Student Affairs (OSA) Coordinator
Oscar Ferrer informed the USC that
Sindayen was dismissed from his
academic program, which “[implied
the] cessation of [his] tenure from
the USC.”
The Psychology Department
dismissed Sindayen from his
academic program BS Psychology
after failing to reach the maintaining
general weighted average of 2.25 for
students with probationary status.
Sindayen was placed under his second
probationary status last semester.
Under university rules, a student
can be put in probationary status
only twice, with the third time
corresponding to dismissal from the
academic program.
Article II, Section 5.d of the USEC
states that “upon disqualification
from reenrolment for any semester
or term during the academic year
in his current academic program
for scholastic reasons,” the term of
office of an incumbent officer shall
“automatically terminate.”
In the November 5 letter to the
USC, Ferrer told the council to “take
the appropriate action” on Sindayen’s
pending case, whether he will be
dismissed or reinstated, provided that
the USC follow existing rules set by
the USEC.
Sindayen explained that the grounds
for expulsion of any member of the
council should only be based on the
provisions of the USC constitution,
explaining that he did not violate any
provision in the USC constitution.
Noncompliance to the USEC
provision cannot be used as a basis
to expel any officer in the council,
said USC Councilor Jemimah Garcia,
adding that the USEC applies only to
the general elections.
In the GA, several USC councillors
and college representatives countered
Sindayen’s argument. “We cannot
disregard the USEC [because] when
you ran for office, you agreed to be
bound by it [and] it’s a continuing
requirement,” said Secretary General
Kristine Borja. “He is not being
expelled, [rather] he is ineligible to
hold office,” she added.
“You are a student and a leader
at the same time. [You should]
give importance to both academic
excellence and [your] responsibilities
[as a leader],”Borja told Sindayen in
the GA.
With the provisions for expulsion
of officers in the USC constitution
and the USEC “seemingly contradict
each other,” Garcia explained that the
USC should follow the constitution
as it “takes precedence” over all other
rules governing the council.
“Wala namang [provision] sa
constitution [na nagsasabing] dapat
sundin ang USEC [sa pagtanggal ng
isang USC member],” College of
Education Representative Montana
Dominguez added.
As of press time, the resolution
on Sindayen’s case has yet to be
submitted to Vice Chancellor for
Student Affairs Elizabeth Enriquez,
who refused to comment on the issue
until she receives a copy of the said
resolution. q
If there was
no lapse [on
the part of the
military], why are
they remorseful?
Remorseful ka
lang kung may
pinagsisisihan ka
-Dr. Perry Ong, UP Institute
of Biology director
member Policarpio Balute and EDC
forester Roniño Gibe survived the
L apse?
In a press conference, 19thInfantry Battalion commanding officer Lt.
Col. Federico Tutaan said that the
incident was not a lapse on the part
of the military, adding that he is not
blaming anybody for the death of the
three civilians.
Co’s team was given security clearance by the military to proceed to the
area. When the military was about
to launch an offensive against NPA
rebels,the soldiers were not able to
see Co and his team due to the thick
foliage, Tutaan explained. The military was “remorseful” with the turn of
the events, he added.
“If there was no lapse [on the part
of the military], why are they remorseful? Remorseful ka lang kung
may pinagsisisihan ka,” said UP Institute of Biology Director Perry Ong, a
colleague and close friend of Co.
Meanwhile, the Communist Party
of the Philippines (CPP) expressed
doubts on the military’s report that
Co’s team was caught in a crossfire.
“It is the [National Democratic
Front-Eastern Visayas’] belief that
Dr. Co’s group was mistaken for an
NPA unit by the 19th IB elements
who attacked based on a flimsy intelligence report, and who furthermore
violated the rules of engagement by
indiscriminately firing without verifying their targets,” the CPP said in a
The NPA is the armed wing of the
The Philippine National Police
and the Armed Forces of the Philippines are currently conducting an investigation on the incident.
‘G reat
loss ’
Co was the president of the Philippine Native Plants Conservation
Society. He was also a staff member
of the Community Health, Education, Services and Training in Cordillera Region, listing the scientific
and common names of 122 medicinal
He also authored several books
like “The Forest Trees of Palanan,
Philippines: A Study in Population
Ecology” among others.
To honor his contribution to Philippine taxonomy, a newly-discovered
specie of the world’s biggest flower
Rafflesia was named after him—Rafflesialeonardis.
“[He] is a great loss to Philippine
botany and environment conservation,” said Ong.
Co’s body is lying in state at Funeraria Paz in Quezon City and will be
transferred on Saturday to UP Diliman. His remains will be cremated,
and in accordance to his wish, part
of the ash will be scattered in Palanan
and a tree in the UP campus. q
Philippine Collegian
Huwebes , 18 Nobyembre 2010
against PAL
mass lay-off
Gino N. Chang
abor groups continue
to protest the Philippine
management’s plans to
outsource services for several flagcarrier operations, resulting to the
retrenchment of more than 2,600
Employees Association (PALEA),
the union representing the ground
crew of the flag carrier, along with
labor groups such as Kilusang Mayo
Uno and Trade Union Congress of
the Philippines, have also criticized
the Department of Labor and
Employment’s (DoLE) October 29
decision which favored PAL’s plans
and declared the outsourcing “just
and legal.”
PALEA has also called on
President Benigno Aquino III to
suspend the implementation of the
said DoLE decision.
The DoLE’s go
signal for the
of half of the
means the death
of job security
at PAL,” said
PALEA President
Gerry Rivera
In a press release following the
October 29 decision, DoLE said the
outsourcing measure was an “exercise
of the management prerogative in
a just, reasonable, humane, and
lawful manner,” and as pursuant
of the provisions in the Collective
Bargaining Agreement between PAL
and the employees.
PALEA and various labor groups,
however, decried the plan as a
DoLE’s go signal for the retrenchment
of half of the workforce means the
death of job security at PAL,” said
PALEA President Gerry Rivera.
On November 5, PALEA filed a
notice of strike at DoLE, claiming that
PAL committed unfair labor practices
in persuading union members to
concede to the mass lay-off.
Instead of “[parroting] every
argument of the PAL management”
and supporting the outsourcing
scheme, the DoLE should first
investigate the fiscal situation of PAL,
said Kilusang Mayo Uno (KMU)
chairperson Elmer Labog.
S everance
PAL bared plans to outsource
services for three of its units early
this year, amid claims that the airline
company needs to recover the losses
suffered in the past years.
The laid-off employees shall be
absorbed by the third-party providers
of services namely SkyKitchen
Phil. Inc. for catering; SkyLogistics
Philippines. Inc. for airport services;
and ePLDT Ventus, a PLDT
subsidiary for call center operations,
according to the DoLE decision.
The PAL management claimed
that affected workers will each
receive a severance pay ranging from
half a million to P1million.
“A number of PAL staff belonging
to PAL Employees Association
(PALEA) have been discretely
calling or emailing HRD’s Employee
Benefits & Services division to ask
for an exact computation of their
total separation pay,” according to a
November 5 statement released by
PAL in its official website.
Rivera denied the allegations, and
insisted that the severance pay does
not rule out the possibility of longterm unemployment.
The National Conciliation and
Mediation Board will hold the third
conciliation meeting between PALEA
and the PAL management today to
settle the labor dispute. q
"Daang Matuwid"
Naglunsad ng kilos-protesta ang mahigit 1,000 mga drayber ng kuliglig at pedikab sa Andres Bonifacio
Shrine sa Maynila noong Nobyembre 15, bilang pagtutol sa Executive Order (EO) No.16 . Nanganganib na mawalan ng kabuhayan
ang mga drayber bunsod ng paglabas ng EO na naglalayong tanggalin ang mga kuliglig sa kalsada at limitahan ang pagbiyahe
ng mga pedikab. Erma Dianne Decena
Groups urge gov’t to realign CCT fund
Gino Chang
he P21-billion Conditional Cash Transfer
(CCT) program is only a
“temporary solution” to
poverty and its budget should instead
be realigned to other ”high-impact”
services such as education and health,
multisectoral groups said.
In the P1.6 trillion budget for
2011 approved by the House of
Representatives on November 8, the
allocation for CCT program took a
lion’s share of P21 billion, more than
100 percent increase from the P10
billion allotted this year.
The proposed budget will still
undergo deliberations in the Senate and
the Congress Bicameral Committee,
before being passed into law.
Under the CCT, or “Pantawid
Pamilyang Pilipino Program,” the
government will offer a monthly
stipend of P1,400 to poor households
with children ages 14 years and below,
provided that the children will go to
school and the mother will receive
prenatal care. The program was first
implemented in select provinces in
However, the CCT program only
provides “temporary relief ” instead of
sustainable livelihood opportunities,
said Carlito Badion, vice chairperson of
urban poor organization Kalipunan ng
Damayang Mahihirap.
“After the money is spent and the
poverty statistics artificially increased,
what’s left [is]the same poor, jobless
family who cannot get decent services
from government,” according to a joint
statement signed by the representatives
of partylist groups such as Kabataan
Partylist and Anakpawis.
“Doling out cash for the poor to
avail of health services and send their
kids to school is, in essence, a fake
fix for our [Millenium Development
Goals (MDG)] targets,” the partylist
groups said.
The CCT “focuses on building the
human capital of poorest families,”
according to the Department of
Social Welfare and Development
(DSWD) concept paper on CCT. The
implementation of the CCT program
should help meet the MDG, such
as “eradication of extreme poverty
and hunger” and “reduction of child
mortality,” DSWD explained.
Former U.S. President Bill Clinton,
who was in the country last November
10, “expressed full support” for the
CCT program, said Presidential
and Strategic Planning head Ricky
Carandang in a press conference.
Clinton was in Manila to deliver
a lecture titled “Embracing Our
Common Humanity” on the same day.
The conditions in other countries
implemented are still different from
those in the Philippines, said Elmer
Labog, chairperson of labor group
Kilusang Mayo Uno. The government
should instead realign the CCT fund
to the allocations for social services,
which suffered “significant cuts,” he
Moreover, the CCT program may
also lead to increased corruption,
especially if the local officials are given
discretion over the funds, said Badion.
While CCT programs may help
increase school attendance and
access to health services, “it does not
necessarily translate to better learning
and health outcomes” if schools and
health centers are lacking in facilities
and personnel, the partylist groups
“The P363.7 million and P970.6
million cuts from our public and
specialty hospitals, respectively, can
be reallocated and increased to help
improve and maintain facilities,” said
the partylist groups. A portion of the
CCT fund should also be reallocated to
the budget for higher education, which
decreased by P400 million, they added.
The Aquino administration’s move
to retain and expand CCT program
reflects its “lack of foresight” on the
issue of poverty, said Labog. Instead of
implementing programs like the CCT,
“it should invest on sustainable means
of livelihood, more stable employment
opportunities [and] education,” he
added. q
reshie ka?”
Tuwing tatanungin ako ng ganito,
nagdadalawang isip ako
kung ano ang dapat kong isagot.
Maaaring ‘Oo’ dahil 2010 ang student number na nakasulat sa UP ID
ko. Pwede rin namang ‘Hindi’ dahil
ikalawang taon ko na talaga sa kolehiyo at nangangarap na matapos sa
darating na 2014.
Kung pipiliin ko ang ikalawa,
siguradong marami pang susunod
na mga tanong. Maraming tanong na
ibinabato sa isang transferee, at minsan nakakasawa na ring ulit-ulitin ang
kwento ko. Kulang na lang gumamit
ako ng tape recorder, dahil sa paulitulit na usapan.
Galing ako sa Technological Institute of the Philippines, kung saan
kumuha ako ng kursong BA Accountancy. Kakalipat ko lamang noong nakaraang semestre sa UP. Ngayon, BA
Filipino na ang kinukuha kong kurso
na tumatalakay sa wika. Halos walang
koneksyon ang BA Filipino sa una
kong kurso, pero wala akong magagawa dahil hindi inabot ng average ko sa
TIP ang 1.5 na kailangan para makapasok ang isang transferee sa College of
Business Administration.
Hindi ako nakakuha ng UPCAT
noong patapos na ako ng high school.
Hindi ako nakasama sa libu-libong estudyante na kumuha ng UPCAT dahil
nagbakasyon ako sa probinsya. Pinilit
kong humabol noong pasukan ngunit
hindi na rin umabot dahil marami pang
rekisito na kailangang ipasa. Kumuha
na lang ako ng exams sa ibang unibersidad. Sa huli, pinili ko ang TIP kung
saan pinakamura ang tuition.
Tila ritwal lang ang UPCAT para sa
mga estudyante ng ibang high school.
Subalit sa maliit at pribadong high
school na pinanggalingan ko, kakaunti
lamang ang nakipagsapalarang kumuha
ng UPCAT. Walang lakas ng loob ang
karamihan sa amin na kumuha ng
exam at ang iba’y nanghihinayang rin
sa entrance fee. Sa totoo lang, mabibilang sa daliri ang nakakapasa sa UPCAT mula sa aming eskwelahan. Isa
lang ang pinalad na makapasa sa aking
mga kaklase.
Pinaghirapan kong maging iskolar
ng bayan, lalo na’t hindi ako kabilang
Dibuho ni RD Aliposa
Disenyo ni Patricia Basmayor
sa mga UPCAT passer.
Dalawang bagay ang habol ko
sa UP: ang dekalidad na edukasyon at
ang murang tuition.
akong lumipat ng UP
matapos ang taon, nagsipag akong mag-aral sa TIP
para maabot ang mataas na
markang kailangan para lusutan ang quota sa UP. Sa Unibersidad ng Pilipinas, kulang ang
pangarap at pangangailangan para
Ilang beses akong nagpabalik-balik
sa UP: nagtatanong, nagpapapirma, at
nag-aabang ng interbyu. Sa hirap ng
proseso at sa dami ng perang nasayang ko, nasanay na rin akong magpalipas ng gutom. Iginugol ko ang buong
bakasyon ko sa pag-aasikaso ng mga
Nagbunga ang lahat ng hirap at pasakit. Dumating ang unang semestre, at
sa wakas, isa na akong ganap na estudyante ng UP.
Natikman ko ang kalayaang ipinagmamayabang sa UP. Form 5 lang ang
hinihingi ng guwardiya bago ako papasukin sa mga gusali. Sa dati kong eskwelahan, bubulatlatin pa ng guwardiya ang bag at kakapkapan ka mula ulo
hanggang paa. Dito ko lang rin naranasan ang mag-ayos
ng sariling iskedyul sa tulong ng CRS
na minsan parang walang naitutulong,
pre-rog pa rin ang bagsak mo. Naaalala
ko tuloy ang dating proseso na kinalakhan ko simula pa noong high school
kung saan ibinibigay na lang ang schedule namin na ready-to-pay na lamang sa
Finance office.
Ibang-iba rin ang kalakaran ng mga
klase sa UP. Masiglang nagpapalitan
ng opinyon at kaalaman ang aking mga
kaklase. Wala ring pagpabor sa wikang
Ingles hindi tulad sa dati kong eskwelehan.
Nakakapanibago ang lahat ng ito
sapagkat hindi ako sanay sa malayang
batuhan ng mga ideya. Nasanay ako na
sasagot lang kung kinakailangan; ito
ang patakaran sa mga pinanggalingan
kong eskwelahan. Minsan, naiilang din
akong makilahok sa mga diskusyon sa
takot na mapahiya. Baka kapag nagsalita na ako, malayo pa sa planetang Pluto
ang masabi ko.
Mabuti na lang, puro transferees ang
kasama ko sa block. Sabay-sabay naming pinag-aaralan ang bagong mundong
aming ginagawalan. Para dumali ang
aming adjustment, sumali kami sa mga
org kung saan nakakasalamuha namin
ang mga upper year.
Sa pagkilala sa mga nauna na sa
amin, mas lalo kong nakilala
ang UP. Masaya man ako
sa mga panibagong
karanasan, nalaman
p a l a n g
Alam kong
ang UP, subalit
na kailangan
ng tuition
para lamang
ang UP
pinagdaanan ang UP nitong mga
nakaraang taon na tila naglalayo sa
UP sa tunay nitong layunin bilang
uniberisdad. Kung tutuusin, ito rin
ang mga dahilan kaya sinikap kong
makalipat ng UP.
Bunsod ng pagtataas ng tuition sa
UP, lalo pang naging eksklusibo ang
UP. Dati, UPCAT lang ang pagsubok
sa pagpasok sa UP. Ngayon, malaking
usapin na rin ang babayarang tuition.
Masuwerte ako at nakakuha ng Bracket
E1 sa STFAP, pero para sa karamihan,
pagsubok ang mag-ipon ng isang libo
para sa tuition. Isa pa, hindi man lang
pinapayagan dito ang installment para
bigyan ng panahon ang mga magulang
na mag-ipon.
Alam kong prestihiyoso ang UP, subalit nahihirapan akong tanggapin na kailangan magtaas ng tuition para lamang
mapanatiling prestihiyoso ang UP. Para
sa akin, at sa marami ring nangangarap
na mag-UP, kakabit na ng dekalidad na
edukasyon sa UP ang murang tuition.
Hindi magkasalungat na ideya ang
abot-kayang tuition at dekalidad na
edukasyon sa UP—ito ang paniwala ko
bago ako pumasok ng UP. Ito rin ang rason kaya nagsumikap akong magtransfer. Hanggang ngayon, ito pa rin ang
pinanghahawakan ko.
Maraming estudyante ang
walang kakayahang
Ga n i to
ang kwento
ng kaklase ko
gradeshool. Hindi siya
nung nakaraang semestre kahit na nakapasa siya sa UPCAT
sa kursong Political
Science. Ayon sa kanya,
hindi kaya ng kanyang
nanay ang mataas na tuition at ang pamasahe
sa araw-araw. Hindi rin
niya nagawang mag-apply sa STFAP dahil wala
silang perang panggastos
para sa mga kailangang papeles.
Isang malaking oportunidad ang makapasok
sa UP. Araw-araw, lalong
tumitimo sa akin kung
gaano ako kaswerte at
nabigyan ako ng pagkakataong makalipat.
Araw-araw rin, unti-unti
akong namumulat na hindi
tamang makuntento ako sa pribilehiyong mag-aral sa UP. Sa UP
na pinapangarap ko, hindi hadlang ang matataas na bayarin
sa makabuluhang pagaaral. q
Ma. Elena
Philippine Collegian
Huwebes , 18 Nobyembre 2010
Philippine Collegian
Huwebes , 18 Nobyembre 2010
loan sharks
Prospects of Philippine debt cancellation
Kevin Mark R. Gomez
hilippine debt could not get
any worse. Last November
8, House of Representatives
approved the proposed
2011 budget in which government
allocation for debt servicing is thrice
that of the education budget, and
21-folds higher than spending for
health. Like in the previous years, debt
servicing and the military spending
take up a lion’s share in the budget pie.
For the last two decades, debt
servicing has amounted to a third of
the nation’s annual budget, dwarfing
expenditures for social services such
as education, health and housing (See
sidebar). Budget for these services often
suffer massive cuts to allow increased
spending for debt servicing and the
The meager allocation for social
services has resulted in increased dropout rates among the youth, deteriorating
facilities in public hospitals, soaring
prices of basic commodities, among
others, according to independent
think-tank IBON Foundation.
However, the government leads us
to think that the huge allocation for
debt servicing is necessary to pay off
the debts that were incurred decades
ago. This is not really the case.
Dibuho ni Nico Villarete
Disenyo ni Patricia Basmayor
Source: IBON Foundation
Foundation, I. (2009). The Urgency of Debt Cancellation . IBON Facts & Figures SPECIAL
RELEASE Vol. 32, No. 16 .
Third world debts such as those
incurred by the Philippines began in the
1970s, when large banks wanted to make
profit out of the surplus money in the
Middle East after the oil-rich region hiked
oil prices four times. Subsequently, banks
in rich countries like the United States
(US) loaned huge amounts to third world
countries at low interest rates.
World Bank (WB) consultants urged
third world governments to avail of these
loans, which were supposedly used for
development projects like construction of
roads and bridges.
Despite swelling obligations and
growing debt-dependency, third world
governments continued borrowing using
sufficient export revenues. However,
during the early 1980s, lending countries
imposed higher interest rates. Prices of
third world exports began to plunge as
a result of recession in rich countries,
which crippled debtor countries from
paying their debts.
Unable to honor their obligations,
debtor countries turned to international
foreign institutions (IFIs) such as WB and
the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
In exchange, these governments would
have to adhere to IMF-WB structural
adjustment programs (SAPs) such as
reduction of social spending, privatization
of public enterprises and opening of the
domestic economy to free trade.
Since then, third world countries
entered the cycle of incurring new
debts with IFIs to pay previous ones.
Governments adopted policies consistent
with the conditions set by IFIs, which is
exactly the situation in the Philippines.
In 1977, Marcos signed Presidential
Decree 1177, authorizing the executive
branch to automatically allocate budget
for debt servicing without the scrutiny
and approval of Congress. Even after the
Marcos regime, the same provision was
reinstated in the 1987 Administrative
Code under President Corazon Aquino.
Under the current administration,
debts come under the guise of “foreign aid,”
such as the P21.4-billion from Japan for
road improvement and $400-million from
the Asian Development Bank, another
IFI. While these debts were packaged as
financial aid for poverty alleviation and
national development, they are not really
spent for the benefit of the people.
Onerous debt
Economic problems escalated as the
government continued implementing
IMF-WB impositions such as SAPs. By
Debts have
subjected third
world countries
under the whims
of the wealthy.
The cycle of
lending and
borrowing is
part of a system
of domination
where the rich
take advantage
of the poor
1980’s, an anti-debt campaign in the
country surfaced.
Following the 1986 People Power
Revolt, there was international clamor
to forgive Philippine debt accumulated
during Marcos’ dictatorship. Corazon
Aquino’s administration, however, still
chose to honor these onerous debts.
Even then, legislation attempts and
lobbying efforts to waive the country’s
debt grew stronger. Such actions called
for immediate debt cancellation to
channel funds to productive expenditures
such as social services and infrastructures.
Since the 1990s, various bills repealing
the automatic appropriation provision
were filed before Congress mostly by
progressive lawmakers. However, no such
bills have been signed into law.
appropriations act, the government
should also learn to stand against the
conditions set by IFIs, says Sonny Africa,
research head of IBON Foundation. In
the case of many third world countries,
the government fears the “retaliation” of
creditors should they stop honoring their
debts. IFIs, for instance, threaten debtor
countries through economic sanctions.
Many economists, in fact, are skeptical
to this concept of retaliation. In the case of
Brazil, the country still received funding
even though it refused to pay its debt for
two years. Argentina also succeeded to
significantly reduce its debt obligations
after stubbornly defying its creditors.
The legitimacy and necessity
of incurring a debt is vital in debt
management. As Russian Professor
Alexander Sack puts it, odious debts
should not be paid by the people as
it lacks the legal requisite of being
“employed for the needs and in the
interests of the State.” The government
then should identify which debts are
As of August 2010, the national
outstanding debt is at P4.7 trillion,
according to the Bureau of Treasury.
Even if the government allocates its
entire P1.65 trillion budget for 2011
to service debt, it would still require
another two years’ budget to completely
pay off the country’s debt. No matter
how large the government appropriates
for debt servicing, it can never outpace
its growing debts.
“Debt [cancellation among countries
require] a government that is genuinely
biased toward the immediate and
long-term interests of [its] people,”
says Africa. The government then
should stop honoring odious debts,
and instead should gain control of the
country’s economy by defying IMF-WB
of domination
Debts have subjected third world
countries under the whims of the wealthy.
The cycle of lending and borrowing is part
of a system of domination where the rich
take advantage of the poor.
According to IBON, total assets of
the 15 biggest corporations based on first
world countries, reached $21.99 trillion
in 2008—higher than the combined
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of
202 countries. GDP refers to the total
value of all goods and services rendered
domestically by a nation for a year. As rich
countries have the ability to lend finances,
these countries will never allow third world
countries to prosper and shall keep them
indebted, says Africa.
As the government continues to
prioritize debt servicing obligations, more
youth are robbed of their right to education,
more sick Filipinos die without even seeing
a doctor, and more people could not afford
basic necessities such as food and water.
Only a government with enough political
will to stand for its people could end this
debt bondage that has hampered the
country’s development for four decades. q
alaking isyu ang maghubad sa
kalye. Marami ang naeeskandalo
na makakita ng hubad na katawan,
na para bang hindi pa nila nakikita
ang sarili na walang saplot. Nakakatawag pansin
ang kawalan ng damit ng mga taong nagtatanggol
sa karapatan ng mga hayop. Taun-taon namang
ibinabalita ang Oblation Run kung saan tumatakbo
nang walang saplot ang mga miyembro ng isang
fraternity. Sa isang sikat na kwentong pambata,
naging isyu rin ang pagparada nang hubad ng isang
Marami tayong angal sa kawalan ng damit. Sa
ganitong pagtingin, halos hindi sumasagi sa ating
isipan na punahin ang mga saplot sa ating katawan.
Sa halip, nagpapasalamat tayong may takip ang
ating mga hubad na katawan, at pinaniniwalaang
walang kinalaman ang mga damit sa kahit ano
maliban sa pagtatakip ng hubad na katotohanan.
Madaling kalimutan na ang mga kasuotan, bilang
instrumento ng pagkukubli, ay may sariling
kasaysayan at kontekstong nagtatahi sa mga
ideolohiya at tunggalian.
Philippine Collegian
Huwebes , 18 Nobyembre 2010
paggawa upang panatilihing eksklusibo sa iilang
Sa pag-unlad ng pagtingin sa damit, mula
simpleng saplot tungong pagpapahayag ng sarili,
lumaki ang industriya ng damit. Noong 2006,
tinuturing na isa sa pinakamalalakas na industriya
sa buong mundo ang fashion. Tinatayang kumikita
ito ng bilyun-bilyong dolyares kada taon.
Sa paglipas ng panahon, nagmistulang
produkto ang mga damit na binibili, hindi lamang
para sa kanilang praktikal na gamit, kundi maging
sa halaga nito sa mata ng mga tagamasid. Naging
sukatan ito ng fashion sense o ng kapasidad ng
isang tao na sumunod sa uso.
Masusing pinag-aaralan ng mga fashion
company ang mga disenyo at istilo ng damit
na kanilang ibebenta. Sa pamamagitan ng mga
fashion show, inilalabas ng mga tanyag na fashion
house ang mga disenyo na diumano’y patok sa
darating na season, na tinatawag nilang spring,
autumn, winter o summer collection. Kadalasang
Sinasalamin ng isang damit ang iba’t ibang
aspekto ng taong nagsusuot nito. Mula trabaho,
edad, hanggang partikular na panlasa sa mga
damit, mahihinuha sa piniling damit ang katauhan
at pinagmulan ng isang tao.
Ayon sa mga eksperto sa mundo ng
fashion, nahahati sa tatlong uri ang mga
damit batay sa disenyo, materyales at
availability sa mamimili. Haute couture ang
pinakamataas na uri kung saan personal
na ipinapagawa sa isang designer ang
isang kasuotan. Kadalasang mayayaman
lamang ang nakagagamit ng haute couture.
Matatagpuan ang kauna-unahang haute
couture house sa Paris, na isa sa kinikilalang
fashion capitals ng mundo
kahanay ang New York,
Milan at London.
Mass market
naman ang turing sa
mga damit na gawa
sa mumurahing tela
at makikita sa mga
department store na
maramihan ang benta.
Kombinasyon naman
diumano ng haute
couture at mass market
ang ready-to-wear o
RTW, na limitado ang
Artwork ni Chris Imperial
Disenyo ni Patricia Basmayor
inilalathala sa mga high-fashion magazine ang mga
koleksyong ito, na siyang daanan upang ipaalam
sa mga mamimili ang ilalabas na disenyo ng mga
kumpanya ng damit para sa isang partikular na
Subalit paglabas sa runway at mga magasin,
inilalarawan ang mga koleksyong ito bilang
halimbawa ng mga damit na magiging patok o uso
sa susunod na mga buwan. Nililikha diumano ang
mga bagong koleksyon upang maglahad ng isang
trend o fad, subalit kung tutuusin, ang mismong
mga fashion house ang nagtatakda ng mga trend
na ito.
Sa halip na ipakilala ang mga damit bilang mga
produktong ibebenta, binibigyan ng artipisyal
na halaga ang mga damit na magtutulak sa mga
mamimili na bilhin ang mga produkto. Dito
pumapasok ang glamor na bitbit ng isang damit,
dala ng istilo, disenyo at pinagmulan ng isang
damit. Kaagapay ng malalaking kumpanya ng
damit ang mga midya upang ikondisyon ang mga
mamimili kung anong mga damit ang kanilang
tinuturing ng ganitong kaisipan na
simpleng manikin ang mga tao. Sa
katunayan, nakikisabay rin ang fashion
sa pagbabagong-bihis ng lipunan
dapat bilihin.
Sa ganitong paraan, nagiging simbolo ang
damit ng katayuan sa buhay at pagkakakilanlan sa
lipunan. Kung paano naging kakabit ng nobilidad
ng mga Ingles ang tights at petticoats noon, gayon
rin namang naging palatandaan ng pagiging
maykaya ang ang Hermes o Louis Vuitton na bag.
Tila kontrolado na ng mga kumpanya ng
damit ang pag-ikot ng mundo ng fashion. Tanging
ang kanilang mga arbitraryong desisyon ang
nagtatakda ng mga disenyong papatok; sila rin
ang magsasabi kung kailan ito malalaos. Subalit
tinuturing ng ganitong kaisipan na simpleng
manikin ang mga tao. Sa katunayan, nakikisabay
rin ang fashion sa pagbabagong-bihis ng lipunan.
Ginagamit rin ang mga damit upang markahan
ang isang panahon sa kasaysayan. Sa Pilipinas,
madaling iguhit ang kasaysayan sa pamamagitan ng
imahen ng mga damit. Nakasuot ng makukulay na
mga damit pangkatutubo ang sinaunang Pilipino.
Napalitan ito ng baro’t saya at barong tagalong
nang dumating ang mga Kastila. Sa pananakop
ng mga Amerikano, nagbago ang nilalaman ng
mga aparador. Nag-Americana ang mga lalaki at
nagsuot ng mga bestidang may slim silhouettes
ang mga babae.
Tinutukoy rin ng pagpapalit ng kasuotan
kung anong ideolohiya ang naghahari sa lipunan.
Konserbatismo ang pangunahing ideya sa likod
na pagbabalot ng mga katawan ng babae noong
panahon ng mga Espanyol. Samantala, sa panahon
ng mga Amerikano, binigyang-daan naman ng
pagususot ng mga damit na nagibigay-diin sa
pigura ng babae ang panibagong uri ng pangaalipin sa katawan ng babae. Bagaman paglaya
sa kumbensyon ng relihiyon ang pagususuot ng
damit na naglalantad sa katawan, bahagi naman
ito ng isang kulturang mapanghusga sa sinumang
hindi sumusunod sa pinapaborang estetika ng
kagandahan: maninipis na baywang.
Sa panahon ng globalisasyon, pinapasok ng ibaibang trend sa pananamit ang Pilipinas. Mistulang
nagpantay ang Pilipinas at mga bansang First
World sa paglulunsad ng Pilipinas ng sarili nitong
fashion week—pagpapahiwatig na may kakayahan
na rin ang mga lokal na kumpanyang lumikha ng
sariling mga trend. Nagawa na rin ng Pilipinas
na magpalabas ng lokal na mga bersyon ng sikat
na reality shows ukol sa fashion gaya ng Project
Runway at America’s Next Top Model.
Subalit hindi naging matagumpay ang dalawang
palabas sa Pilipinas. Patunay lamang ang mga ito na
gaano man kagaling ang mga damit na ikubli ang
mga relasyon ng kapangyarihan at ekonomiya,
tiyak na hindi nito kayang kumawala sa tunay
na sukat at disenyo ng lipunan. q
T urning P oint
Philippine Collegian
Huwebes , 18 Nobyembre 2010
Jean Gonzales
Gino n. Chang
try it for a few months, and if it didn’t work out,
I would leave.
It has now been a few months.
I have acquired some trappings of the office:
it was all I could do to muster up the
an ID, a blazer, a pair of closed shoes (I went
energy to drag myself to work, and days when I
through college in slippers). There are those
burst out of the office glowing with excitement at
who’ve become my friends. I’m learning the
what I had learned and covered that day.
ins and outs of informal office protocol (which
My desk is still the only clean one in our row.
people it’s safe to gossip about; niceties of word
Next to me, one editor’s desk contains photos
usage which include a preference for ‘amid’
of her family, a crucifix, a calendar, a personal
instead of ‘amidst;’ what we can eat at our desk
mug, a small potted plant, a stuffed bear. On
instead of in the office dining area. That kind of
my other side, one of our photographers keeps
a neat stack of collected clean paper bags in
But just as I couldn’t stop thinking about
one corner; the
rest of the
bailing out on the application process, I can’t
desk is hidden by
stop thinking about resigning. And just as I
folders, documents,
ended up going through with
and newspapers.
the application, I’m worried that
Of course, my
I’ll end up staying at work out of
editor is sweet, friendly,
I guess that makes me nondescript as an
sheer inertia. Just because I’m not
employee, as yet unwilling to leave any personal
sure what I’ll do once I quit this
involved with her family and
mark on a space I still don’t consider mine
meticulous in her dietary
It’s startling, really, the extent
habits. Our photographer
of my indecisiveness about the
is a man on the go, busy and
quick in his tasks, but he always makes time to more often than not. My mother sees me rushing future. And now it sinks in — I’ve written this
buy a cup of coffee, take-out, served in a brown out of the house ten minutes after the start of my doubts-about-the-future column already. Months
paper bag, which he carefully smooths out after shift, and shouts irritably after me that I should after that last column, which was released after
finishing his drink, placing it on the growing be more motivated. “At least make an effort! my graduation, I’m still uncertain what’s next.
Except now I’m employed.
Don’t just go through the motions!”
stack on his desk.
I’m right back where I started. And perhaps
It’s a constant battle between us — I wanted
When I’m not around, my own desk is literally
empty. Upon my arrival, I place my bag on one to try other things, but she thought I shouldn’t that will be the impetus for me to choose
side, and keep a supply of coffee and junk food let my journalism degree go to waste. I said I’d differently, this time around.q
he saga of my three-month stint as
mainstream reporter is messy and
T aconfusing,
littered with days when
(Editor’s note: Gino Chang informed us
that he could not submit a column before
the deadliest deadline, so we have decided to
publish his letter of apology that he sent via
email. )
Dear All,
Nothing will stop you from killing me
after you finished reading this email. That is,
of course, if you can lay your hands on me. I
am somewhere in the countryside, befriending the crickets, lost in the foliage, loving the
silence and the solitude for the first time. No,
I am not “soul-searching,” I am here for reasons I’d rather keep to myself.
I understand that this is really an inconvenience for the newspaper. I understand
that you are so tired of always reminding me,
sending me death threats through text or
facebook, mutilating me in your imagination.
I have heard of your crackshots on my lousy
work ethics, or lack thereof. This time, really,
I feel remorseful. But remorse is not enough
to churn a work of art.
I am terribly sorry. I promise to explain
everything the next time we meet. Not to
worry, at the very least, I attached my news
articles here. At least my smartbro did not
fail me.
I am yours sincerely,
I trust that you could come up with an instant article to fill up the space. That’s what
we’re all good at.
in one corner, behind the computer screen. On
my way out, I throw out the trash and take my
bag with me.
I guess that makes me nondescript as an
employee, as yet unwilling to leave any personal
mark on a space I still don’t consider mine. I’m
not really sure how long I’ll continue to work
for this media network — in truth, up until the
moment I signed the contract, I wasn’t sure I’d be
working in the mainstream media industry at all.
I drifted through the application process in a haze
of deliberate delays and constant uncertainty.
Then suddenly I had committed myself, so I
began going to work.
Nine hours a day, five days a week; by my
count I’ve been absent at least 8 days. And tardy,
agising ako ng isang araw at namalayan
lagpas na pala sa normal na apat
N kong
na taon ang inilalagi ko sa UP. Sa haba
ng itinagal ko rito, nasaksihan ko ang
unti-unting pagbabagong-anyo ng unibersidad,
mapa-pisikal man o hindi.
Tuition Fee
Martin Imperial
sa mga araw ng Sabado at Linggo. Kung may
positibong epekto man ito sa daloy ng trapiko sa
loob ng unibersidad, hindi ko masasabi.
UP Gates
Wala pang gate na nakalagay sa Shuster street
noon. Dati, kung gabihin man ako sa Kule, ok
lang dahil makalalabas naman ako nang maayos.
Di tulad ngayon na kakailanganin ko pang
umakyat ng mataas na gate para makalabas.
Dati, malayang nakalalabas-masok ang mga
were the
Punung-puno pa dati ng customers ang
University Food Service (UFS). Sa mga hindi
nakakaalam, ito yung madilim na kantina sa
unang palapag ng Vinzons Hall. Dati, maganda
ang ambiance, maraming pagpipilian, at
masasarap ang pagkain. Ngayon, masuwerte
ka na kung merong handang pagkain bukod sa
spaghetti at palabok pagsapit ng mga alas-dos ng
hapon. Dahil sa pagbabawas ng badyet ng admin
sa kanila, nanganganib silang mawala.
Natawa ako nang marinig ko ang usapan
ng dalawang freshie noon sa AS. Para kasing
medalyang nakasabit sa isang freshie ang pagkaBracket A niya. Ang dating
sa akin, parang buong
Parking Space
pagmamalaki niyang sinabi
na kaya nilang bayaran
parking space noon sa
ang ganoong kalaking
UP. Halos walang lamang
Sa haba ng itinagal ko rito, nasaksihan
halaga. Sa kaso ko, bilang
sasakyan ang AS Parking
ko ang unti-unting pagbabagong-anyo ng
batch 2006, halos P6,500 kada
Lot dati maliban sa iilang
unibersidad, mapa-pisikal man o hindi
semestre lang ang binabayaran ko.
pagmamay-ari ng mga
Ang nakakatawa nga eh, mahal pa
propesor at dean. Kakaunti
pala ang halagang iyon kumpara sa binabayaran taong galing ng Katipunan at Balara. Hindi pa lang ang mga estudyanteng nagmamay-ari ng
pahirapan pumasok sa loob ng UP noon. Inilagay sarili nilang sasakyan noong freshie pa lang ako.
daw ang mga harang na ito para mabawasan ang
Marami pa akong napansing pagbabago sa
Two-Way Acad Oval
UP. May mabuti, may masama. May malaki at
Hindi pa noon pahirapan sumakay at hindi
maliit. Kahit ano man ito, iisa lamang ang tiyak:
rin mahaba ang biyahe ng Toki. Marahil ang No ID? Oks ang Entry
Sa paglipas ng panahon, susunod at susunod ang
naging sanhi ng pagkabawas ng bilang ng mga
Hindi pa noon fad ang pagsusuot ng ID gaya UP sa hubog ng panahon. q
Toki jeepney ay dahil sa pagkalugi ng mga driver. ng sa Ateneo. Dati kasi parang may imahen ng
Wala pa noon ang “bike lane” na hindi naman pagmamayabang ang pagsusuot nito. Hindi rin
masyadong dinadaanan ng bisikleta. Wala pa rin required sa mga dormer na suotin ang mga ganoon ang mga jogger na makikita lamang dati higanteng ID para lang makapasok sa dorm.
h t t p : / / w w w . k u l e 1 0 1 1 . d e v i a n t a r t . c o m
Write to us via snail mail or submit a soft copy
to Rm. 401, Vinzons Hall, UP Diliman Quezon City
Email us Save
Word attachments in Rich Text Format, with
INBOX, NEWSCAN or CONTRIB in the subject.
Fax us 9818500 loc 4522. Always include your full
name, address and contact details.
We welcome questions,
constructive criticism, opinions, stands on relevant issues andv other reactions. Letter may be edited for brevity or clarity.
Due to space constraints, letter must have only
400 words or less. Send the letters to
Get free publicity! Email us
your press releases, invitations, etc. DON’T TYPE
IN ALL CAPSB and, go easy on... the punctuations?!
Complete sentences only. Don’t use text language
please. Please provide a short title. Be concise 100
words maximum.
Send in your opinions and feedback
via SMS! Type KULE<space> YOUR
(optional) and send to:
0 9 1 5 8 5 4 1 6 3 9
Non-UP students must indicate any
school, organizational or sectoral affiliation.
Editor’s note:
Dahil naputol ang textback noong
nakaraang linggo at hindi nailathala
ang textback questions, minabuti
naming ilathala na lamang sa isyu 18
ang pinagsamang textback ng isyu 16
at 17. :P
Next week’s questions:
1. Sasama ka ba strike laban sa
budget cut? bakit o bakit hindi?
2. Anong masasabi mo sa labang
Philippine Collegian
Huwebes , 18 Nobyembre 2010
15 November 2010
Dr. Patricia B. Licuanan
Chair, UP Board of Regents
University of the Philippines
Diliman, Quezon City
Re: Selection of UP President
Dear Dr. Licuanan,
I am writing as a concerned
alumnus of the University of the Philippines, which, through its Board of Regents,
is now in the process of selecting its next
president. My name is Myra E. Villamin
(BS, 1977 and MS, 1979). Through most
of my professional life I had been affiliated
with the University as Instructor from 1979
to 1981, and as Senior Lecturer from 1985
to 1988 and from 1998 to 2004. In the
intervening years, I held posts in government and in the United Nations system
(doing volunteer work for UNDP as UNVLecturer of Mathematics and Applied Statistics in Bhutan and Papua New Guinea).
What I would like to share with you and
the Board of Regents concerns one of
the nominees. I fear that if I did not volunteer this information, the Board might
be misled into appointing this nominee,
and the University and humanity would be
the poorer because I did not do my duty.
On 31 July 2008, I filed a complaint with the Office of the Ombudsman
against Dean Lisa Grace Bersales et al.
Chancellor Sergio Cao is co-respondent
in the complaint which included “particularly but not limited to violations
of constitutional mandate against the
denial of the right to due process of
laws: violations of statutes and laws
relative to crimes committed by public officers such as RA no. 3019 (The
Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act);
any and all provisions of the Revised
Penal Code; P.D. No. 1829 (Obstruction
and Apprehension and Prosecution of
Criminal Offenders); R.A. No. 7877
(Anti-Sexual Harassment Act); grave
misconduct, dereliction of duty, indiscretion in the performance of duty,
oppression, obstruction of justice,
among others, not to mention illegal
dismissal and other violations relative
thereto.” The said complaint was docketed as criminal case OMB-C-C-08-0482J
and administrative case OMB-C-A-080519J. The criminal case was dismissed
by the Ombudsman but is now the subject
of a petition for certiorari GR 194050 I
filed with the Supreme Court on 28 October 2010. The administrative case has
been up for decision since 31 July 2008.
The two cases stemmed from
a sexual harassment case, UP vs Mark
Dominic Bautista, in which I was the victim of sexual harassment. Dean Lisa Grace
Bersales, testified in favor of the respondent (and therefore against UP), and the
UP Diliman Legal Office through its Chief
Legal Counsel Atty. Ida May La’O the very
same office who filed and found that there
exist probable cause or that there is a prima facie case that the crime charged
was indeed committed filed a Motion
to dismiss immediately approved by the
next higher official Chancellor Sergio S.
Cao of Diliman, and hastily too, on the
last day of the hearing investigation. The
dismissal was predicated on the (false, it
was later established) testimony of the defense witness Dean Bersales. I appealed
the dismissal and succeeded in having it
reopened by President Roman and having
Chancellor Cao inhibited from participating in the investigation. Mark Dominic
Bautista was convicted after three and a
half years, during which time I suffered
persecution, character defamation and
loss of employment, all because Dean
Bersales championed the perpetrator
of the sexual harassment and Chancellor Cao chose to coddle Dean Bersales.
My letter to President Roman, appealing
for a more comprehensive decision and
seeking disciplinary action against Dean
Bersales and Chancellor Cao, explains
Chancellor Cao’s culpability in the injustice perpetrated against me. I also attach,
in the interest of completeness and full
disclosure, President Roman’s reply to my
appeal. I fully expect President Roman to
come to the defense of Chancellor Cao,
even champion his election to the UP presidency. In this you can be certain that her
efforts are not altruistic: President Roman
is, after all, co-respondent in the two cases I filed with the Ombudsman. I offer to
provide you other documents should you
think further substantiation is necessary.
I pray that God grant the
Board of Regents the wisdom not to
choose Chancellor Cao as the next UP
President. The country’s premier university deserves, nay needs, a leader
whose moral acuity is unimpeachable.
grabe kalurky eto.
Pwede ka ng endorser ng sanitary
napkin teh! habang feel na feel mo ang
hangin under your skirt. Ang hindi mo
alam may fanboy ka na sa likod mo! Harhar! Enyweyz sabi nga nila ‘be fresh, be
confident, be carefree!’
effin’ butt to the public!
Nakikipagtalbugan ka ba sa mga hubo’t
hubad na estatwa sa tabi mo teh? Ay naku
tehka, dala na ba yan ng mataas na tuition
at hindi ka na makabili ng maong na magkakasya sa’yo at pati panty ata ay wala ka
na! O iyan ba ang uso ngayon, kapag wala
kang maipakitang cleavage sa harap ay at
least may ipapakita kang cleavage sa likod.
Taray diba!?
Kaya mga teh mag-iingat na sa susunod
dahil ang buhay ay parang pag-ibig! char~
haha u’lolz
Kitakits sa mga susunod na issue at
baka ikaw na ang susunod na Bida!
Same School. Same Paper. Same Page.
Shame Faces.
dalampasigan! Afraid!!! Ajejejeeje.
Hindi pa nadala si ateh, may revival
ng loss of common sense siya again.
Writer to Ateh: Alam mo ba yung
Ateh: Yup, dressing sa salad.
Ay ateh. Kailan ba masarap na
dressing ang ‘very short impressionistic piece’ sa literature??! Naku ateh,
don’t mix your letters with your food.
Whew!!! Sarap tumawa pag
stressed na at nasa verge ng nervous
breakdown. Pero pansamantala lang
ang libang, at kailangan nang harapin
ang malagim na acads. Po dat, gotta
rush mga mare at magkita na lang
ulit tayo sa magulong enrolment next
sem!!! Babooosh.
Sincerely yours,
Ms. Myra Espiritu Villamin
Former Senior Lecturer 3 of Statistics
Tehtehmon edehshun
iomaighads may higads! Katengkateh na naman ang dila ko sa
paghahatid ng nakakalurkeng mga
pangyayari sa atingnapakamahal na campus. Pero bago ang lahat, kamusta naman
ang second week niyo ng second sem
mga teh? Ba’t parang Christmas break na
ata ang nasa isip niyo eh katatapos lang
ng sem break? Parang ako :D char~ Well
enyweyz ‘wag muna kayong magsaya dahil hindi pa tapos ang halloween hanggat
di pa kayo nakakagraduate sa mga terror
niyong prof. Muwahahaha!
Kaya bago kayo masindak sa mga
nagkakapalan niyong readings ay basahin niyo muna ang mga nakakakatehng
chikalulz ngayong week.
Ateh #1: One day, isang araw habang ako’y naglalakad sa kahabaan ng
AS nakita ko itong si Manong Taho na
may pinipiktyuran gamit ang kanyang
cellphone from the AS steps. Aba’y
akala ko nama’y may naispatan siyang
artista o may bagong tayong sculptyursi
Abuevs sa harap ng AS. So ako naman
bilang Queen Echoseras ng campus eh
napasilip sa ginagawa ni Manong. O_O
Whoa! oo!yun na yon! mali ako ng inaakala. Mukhang nakita na ni Manong
ang heaven sa ilalim ng palda ni ateh~ ay
Ateh #2: Eto namang si ateh number
two with her boy prend are having fun
fun palakad sa may CHK. Hanggang ang
kanilang fun fun moment ay naging funny talaga. Itong si lalake ay binirong itulak si ateh sa may pond (oo may pond sa
CHK! try niyo hanapin kapag umuulan).
At ayan na-shoot si ateh sa pond parang
basketball lang. Ayun nga lang hindi Koi
fishda angnagwelcome sa’yo teh kundi
mga palakang kokak! Ay na’ko kung ako
sa’yo teh palitan mo na yang boy prend
mo at humalik ng isang palaka! char~
Ateh #3: Habang nagliliwaliw ang
inyong lingkod sa Kolehiyo ng Pinong
Arteh (taray ng Tagalog! nosebleed!)
Aba’y syempre FA na FA ako!(Feeling
Artist! char~) Itong si atech dyosmeh as
in napa-OH MY GEE~ GEE~ GEE~
ako at napasayaw ng ‘Gee’ ng ‘di oras.
Phew! Ay grabe lang she’s showin’ off her
Lab nuts,
Echoserang Palaka Sa mismong office
ng Kulengot, may naganap na unforgivable lapse in common sense. Dahil feeling artsy-fartsy ang inyong mga lingkod,
kwentuhan galore kami tungkol sa mg fave
na libro. Sabi ng isa,”Bet ko talaga yung
Kafka on the Shore, ang sublime.” Sagot
ang isang widang na ate, ‘’CAFGU on the
shore? Tungkol san yun? ‘ Ay ateh!! MInsan maglinis tayo ng tenga ha!! Kahiya naman sa mga CAFGU na gumagala sa mga
Philippine Collegian
Huwebes , 18 Nobyembre 2010
Fill Marka
in the blank
Pen and Ink Wash
2010June 2010
malawakang diaspora at digmaang
pandaigdig. Habang isinisiwalat ng
globalisasyon ang mito ng pag-unlad,
urbanisasyon at kosmopolitanisasyon
sa ilalim ng sistemang liberalismo,
lalong tumitindi ang tunggalian sa
pagitan ng third world at first world.
Kanais-nais ang panahon, sikta
ng umiiral na aparato; ngunit sa
pahinang ito, iba ang pagsasamapa
sa mundo.
Joan Cordero
or the first time in history, an
Asian nation has hosted the
Group of 20 countries (G20)
summit. In preparation for
the summit last November 11-12,
South Korean authorities were on red
alert, deploying 50, 000 policemen and
banning demonstrations within two
kilometers of the summit site. Protesters joining anti-globalization rallies
were arrested while 5,000 foreigners
were barred from entering the country.
Among them were seven Filipino activists who, despite having the necessary
documents, were deported without
any explanation. The activists were invited to the alternative summit hosted
by the Korean Confederation of Trade
“Our experience ... unmasks the
pretensions of the G20 Summit to
work for greater global fiscal stability,
and reveals its disregard for peoples’
human rights and dignity,” claims Maria Lorena Macabuag of Migrant Forum- Asia in a statement. Indeed, the
harsh security measures only show that
for South Korea (SK), it does not matter whether the delegates really represent the interests of the people, for any
dissenting opinion is equivalent to a
breach of peace and should not be tolerated.
As the first developing country to
host the G20 conference, the South
Korean government claims that SK will
represent the interests of other developing countries. Yet, it was the civil society leaders from Asian countries who
were excluded from the discussions
during the Seoul Summit, according to
Put People First, a Korean-based progressive group.In the end, people were
left with no choice but to stage their
own summit.
“To be boasting of SK’s position as
an international leader and at the same
time trampling on the human rights of
Dibuho ni Marian Rios
Disenyo ni Patricia Basmayor
Philippine Collegian
Huwebes, 18 Nobyembre 2010
Eagle’s eye
The G20 and the US- South Korea Relations
people from developing countries is
self-contradictory and completely deceitful,” asserts Put People First.
The G20, formed in 1999 in Washington D.C., supersedes the Group
of Eight (G8) namely UK, Canada,
France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the
US as the main drivers of global economic coordination. To level the playing field, emerging- market economies
like South Africa, Brazil, India and SK,
among others were added to the G8.
Today, the G20 accounts for around
85 percent of global economic output,
80 percent of world trade and twothirds of the world’s population. It was
formed to craft economic policies that
will help prevent the 1997 Asian financial crisis from recurring.
The G20 also prioritizes the IMFWB reform in order to “create balance
of global economic power.” These institutions are created after World War
2 to rebuild the economies of the Allied forces particularly US and Britain.
They seek maintenance of their economies’ powers and lend money to wartorn countries.
While the participation of developing countries creates an illusion of fairness, it is evident that the economies
of these countries were bound to the
whims of the superpower US, says historian James Matray.
US, along with European nations,
pushed for the elimination of import
tariffs and quotas in poor nations to
“promote trade as a tool for development in poor and marginalized countries,” asserts Kimberly Elliott, a trade
specialist at Washington think tank
Center for Global Development. To
date, the Obama administration is
urging the SK government to sign the
Free Trade Agreement. Of course, this
agreement is beneficial only for US,
and it is not the first of this kind. History reveals that US-South Korean relations play a crucial role in the expansion of US’ economic power.
Relations between SK and US began in the 1940’s, when SK finally
reveals that
play a crucial
role in the
expansion of
US’ economic
earned its independence from Japan
after 35 years of occupation. At that
time, the US allied itself with increasingly competitive countries like Japan.
The US controlled SK while China
maintained a stronghold in North Korea (NK).
The US government saw China as a
threat to its economy which depended
heavily on free trade. In an attempt to
loosen China’s grip on NK, the US
trained SK both in terms of education and the military. During the three
years of US’ occupation, the American government subsidized military
trainings inside and outside of SK .
For South Koreans, entering the military became the fastest route to attain
social distinction, as the traditional
Korean society highly regards power
and respect, writes Kim Hakjoon, former Presidential Spokesperson of SK.
However, since only five percent of the
Gross National Product was alloted
for the country’s military budget then,
the US saw this as a reason to remain in
SK soil, providing the military subsidy
the South Korean government could
not give, he adds.
US did not stop at military aid. In
1990’s, studies showed that 85 percent
of South Koreans actually considered
studying in US. US offered various educational assistance programs whose
real intention is to “deepen Korean acquaintance with American society and
stimulate American understanding of
Korean society and civilization,” thus
imposing American cultural capital on
the Koreans, explains Kim.
By then, South Korean economy
became heavily dependent on U.S. aid.
The large majority of its exports were
for two main markets, US and Japan,
with total exportation growth rate from
60 percent to 75 percent in the period of 1960s-1970s. As the seventh
largest trading partner, SK poured
nearly $20 billion into US trade revenues. It has been the second-largest
export market, source of imports, and
supplier of foreign direct investment.
When US finally granted Korea its
independence in 1948, another US ally
was created. “SK can no longer refuse
US demands to join military operations in other foreign countries and SK
has been in a difficult
position,” says Jeong
Se-Yun, former minister of Unification of South
Korea. For instance, with the
help of SK, US established a
military regime that counterattacked China and NK.
Clearly, the SK-US relations
speak of how one country has
served as a mere instrument
for the other’s economic and political
agenda. By barring the entry of activists, SK has only showed how it has
served the superpower by shutting off
invectives against its attempts to retain
economic supremacy.True enough, the
country has unveiled the nature of the
G20 summit: the discussions have no
room for the interests of the people. q
Kim, Hyun-Dong. (1990). Korea and the
United States. Seoul Computer Press: Republic
of Korea.
Lee, Sang- Dawn. (2002). Little brother,
small brother. Lexington Books: USA.