:.1t.' fz //.6 . , ,:.if.t i j,, .11rr.:"{Il. , ::::5 'a:::ari :liirrlr t:1rt, r,:t.:l -:ii:ll:l .'... '. il t,i iP{,t .,r'1 ti'J t it-*. i4it i- *{ '.'&; i rl r# 'ir' ,€.. 1 i. :i:tl ::i-: ,:r:.. 9* SUGGESTED YARNS rUA* PATTERN BOTTOM OF PURSE Group # I 4 textures: ribbon, lodder, multi-textured. boucle Yorns ore worked 4 stronds held togeiher vds PAILLETTE l0 yds XANADU 220 vds ATHENA 220 DREAM 220yds Group # 2 ribbon Yorns ore worked 2 stronds held FLUTTER Met 220 LIBERTY yds 220yds Needles # l0 - 10.5 Circulor Rows I -8: Knit B rows in gorter stitch Do not iurn ot the end of row B Row 9: Pickup stitches os follows: 3 stitches on short edge, l4 stitches on long edge, 3 stitches on short edge 14 stitches on remoining long edge 1 2 textures: fur or eyelosh & Cost on 14 stitches with Group # 2yorns fofo/ = 34 sfs together Begin knitting in rounds. You moy need to pullthe cord of the circulor needle out os you begin knitting, but os you continue ihe pottern you will be increosing stitches so it will not be necessory 29" Ploce morker io show sfort of round. Additionol Moleriols % yd silk lining fobric Knit l-cord or Broided yorn & fobric RoundlO: Knit oround. strip Chonge io GROUP # I YARNS (you ore now knitting the body of the purse) is no gouge ossociofed with this pottern. lts depe ndont on the need/e size you choose. Nofe * lncreoses ore worked by knitting or Size I0 - 10.5 is suggesfed for o smoll to medium size purling in the front ond bock of fhe sfitch. fote, Size I I mokes o lorge fote. Ihere size is Yorns Atheno Dreom Flutter Met Liberty Poillette Xonodu Round l: Knit l, Pud l, oround. Yorn Colorwoy Numbers ** Pink 36 33 2 6 131 139 . 4 4 5 B 2O3 201 Red Brown 47 3 ]35 9 l0 B42B B/ue 34 4 l3B 8 ll 204 Round 2: increose in eoch stitch oround. fofo/= 68 sis Round 3: Knit 2, Purl2 oround. Round 4: * Kl. Knit in the front ond bock of the next stitch, P'1, Purl in front ond bock of next stitch *, Repeot from * to * totol=l?2sts Rounds 5 & 6: Knit 3. Purl 3 oround. Round 7: * K2, knit in front ond bock of next stitch, * P2, Put in front ond bock of next stitch *. * 136 sfs totol= reoeot from to Nofe: Advonced kniffers voried sequences for o unioue look. Try mixing yorns in more Rounds 8-9-l O: Knit 4, Purl4 oround. @*U;,t FINISHING Round I l: * K3, knit in front ond bock of the next stitch, P3, purl in front ond bock of next stitch *. Reoeot from * to * tofol=170 sfs Rounds l2-'13-14-15: Knit 5, Purl 5 oround. Round Relurn to GROUP #l YARNS for top of purse Knit 12 rounds ond roll over for o cuff effect. MAKE LINING 16: Fold fobric lining in holf moking o doubled piece of fobric. Loy purse * K4, knit in front ond bock of next stitch, P4, purl in front ond bock of next stitch * fotol=204 sfs repeot from * to *. over the fobric. Cut fobric 2" beyond the perimeter of the purse. Do not press. 17-18-19-20-21: Knit 6, Purl 6 oround. Sew o gothering stitch olong the edge just obove the cutting line. Ploce inside the purse ond gother to fit. Stitch to purse by hond olong the top only. Allow 2" of the ruffled Rounds Nofe * Decreoses ore worked by or purling 2 stitches fogefher knitting Round 22: * K4, K2tog, P4, P2 tog *, repeot totol= 170 from * to * edge to extend obove the top of the ourse. sfs Rounds 23-24-25-26 Knit 5, Purl5 oround Round ICORD HANDTE 27: * * K3, K2 tog, P3, P2 tog *, repeot fotol= 136 from * to Choose one of the firmer yorns ond cost 4 stitches onto o double pointed needle. sfs * Knit 4 * do not turn, slide to end of the needle ond reoeot from * to * until desired length. Sew to ends of purse ond finish with o yorn tossel. sts With some fobric used to line the purse, 2B-29-3O: oround Rounds Knit 4, Purl 4 Round 3l: * K2, K2Iog, P2, P2 tog *, from * to * MAKE HANDTES Choose lcord or Broided repeot totol= 102 32-33: oround' Round 34: * Kl, K2 tog, P1 , P2tog *, repeot tofo/= 68 sls from * to * Rounds BRAIDED HANDLE cut l" wide strips olong ony stroight edge = opprox 9 yds of 1" wide strips Knit 3' ourl 3 35: Round Knit 2, Purl 2 oround for lost row. serect 2 of the firmer purse yorns. With 2 stronds of yorn ond fobric strips held together, broid to the desired length. Sew to ends of bog ond ottoch o tossel. Optionol: Sew in beoded loops, tossels olong the too os desired. ** Slore somp/e ond cover photogroph knitted in Red co/orwoy