oll ospectsof lhe componenlsrequiredlo Eyrisis ihe resuhoÍ on intenseperiodoÍ ocouslicdevelopmentencompossing mokethisloudspeoker rongespeciol. Pioneering workwilh our flogshiphi-Íispeoker,Kingdom(GoldenSoundAwordin Jopon), developmenÍol TD ond mosi recentlythe occloimedDimensionronge (Dimension '12 Europeonhigh end component in wide bondwidthloudspeoker o{ the yeor 2001), hos givenTonnoyleodingedge experience technology.By incorporotingthis knowledgeond experliseinto Eyriso siriking combinotionof visuolelegonceond ocousticexcellencehos been ochieved. The TonnoyWIDEBAN D'" HighFrequency unit,fittedto oll Eyris models,useso tiioniumdome of 2S-micronextendinghigh {requencyresponseto 44kïz. Thiskeycomponentof the wide bondwidthsystemnot onlyollowssupremely occurotefine detoilresolution of high frequencies but olsoeffectively enhonces throughout the listeningexperience the entirefrequencyronge. 7ry @ t <a- \ í \ + \ The double-venteddesignguoronteessmoothsnd detoiledhigh frequencyreproductionwithoutsibilonce or horshnessby eliminotingdiophrogmoir compression. 7 The oll new Eyrisbossdriveremployscone moteriols corefullyselectedfrom multi fibre poper pulp mixes; chosenfor fost,tight, bosswith superbfronsientresponse ond noturol,open midrongequolities.The very high level of lineor cone excursionollows increosedboss power output with excellenttronsienibehoviourof oll power levels. The slim ond elegonthigh rigiditycobinetdesign,is ovoiloblein o choiceo{ two sumptuousreol wood veneer options;sycomoreto complimentthe most modern of décor or Americonwolnutto coordinotewith more troditionolfurniturestyles.Floor-stonding modelsore suppliedwith four high rigidityspikedextendingfeei for increosedsofety,stobilityond effectivecouplingto the floor. All Eyrismodelsore mogneticollyshieldedto eliminote colour-fringingeffectswhen plocedcloseto televisions. qP With o choiceof two floor- @ O sfondingdesigns, one bookshelf model, o reor effectsond o centrechonnelspeoker,this rongewill sotisfythe requirement for eithertwo chonnelor multi chonnelhi-fi or home theofre systems. A wide choicefor differentopplicotions in o voriety of room sizes. {--a} t: re B R E A K I N GS O U N D B A R R I E R S . Modern progromme moteriol ond sources(e.g. SACD / DVDA)hove driven the requirementfor loudspeokers wifh extendedfrequencybondwidth performonce.Alwoysot the forefront of oudio evolution,Tonnoy hos been developing iust such wide bondwidth loudspeokertechnologyover mony yeors. Music contoinsironsient inÍormotion ond rich hormonics beyond the ronge of humon heoring {or pure tones. Evenboss noteshove leoding edge tronsientsreoching30kHz. The TonnoyEyrisWIDEBAND'" high frequencyunit will occurotelyreproducethe leoding edge of individuolnofesollowingthe listenerto experiencethe entire bondwidth informoiion of instruments. Extendedwide bondwidth frequencyresponseto 44k{z ensuresphose lineoritywithin the ourol Írequency bond by ensuringoptimum time ond tronsientresponses,not only resolvingthe fine detoil of high frequencies but olso effeciivelyenhoncingthe listeningexperienceihroughoutthe entirefrequencyronge.Wide dispersion chorocterisiicsond lineor off-oxistime ond frequencyresponsescombine to reduce the effectsof listening r o o m o b s o r p t i o nv o r i o t i o n s . RESEARCH. SCIENTIFIC Musico/ instrumentshove energy up fo ond beyond lA)kHz, buf con we perceiveit? monitoring broinwoveoctiviiyon sublectsexposedto wide bondwidth moteriol lo óOkHz hove Reseorchers conducledcontrolledexperimenls.By corefulmonitoringond noting subiectivescoresunder blind conditions, it wos discoveredthot the listenerswere indeed respondingto the ultrosoniccomponentsin the music. Furtherexperimenfshove deducedthot profoundlydeof subiectsrely on ultrosonicdetectionin their discriminotionof speechond tones.Theseteslsconcludedthe mechonismwos through bone conduction, proboblyto o smoll orgon in the inner eor colledlhe soccule,which is effectively wired to the cochleo,the o r g o n r e s p o n s i b l feo r h e o r i n go s w e k n o w i t . HOW DOESIT SOUND? The proof os olwoysis in the listening;whoteverthe source- vinyl, compoct disc or the lotesfSACD / DVDA technology.All of the technicolfeoturesond ottentionto deloil combine in the Eyrismodelsto provide i n c r e d i b l ew i d e b o n d d e t o i lf o r t h e u l t i m o t em u s i c o e l xpenence. "' The odditionof o TonnoyWTDEBAND High Frequencyunil reducesihe high frequenryphoseerror by moving the low poss roll off point much higher,typicolly-ódb @ 44k1z, -'l8db @ l00kHz. Reseorch conlinuesinto ihe ociuol mechonismof the perceplionof sound obove 20kHz, but it con be cleorlyshown '" thot the oddition of o WI D E BAN D HF unit will betterpreservethe hormonicrelotionshipbetween instruments. To illustrotethis the iroce below showsthe phoseerror ol 20kHz ond 44kHz roll off points. There is cleorlylessphoseerror - not just o high frequencies,but olso os low os 5kHz. Additionof o TonnoyWIDEBAND* v I * highfrequencyunitgiveslessphoseerror híghfrequency unil 52 With IWIDEBAND" highfrequency Sl Withouf WIDEBAND" unit 50k r00k Frequency Hz The technology utilised in Eyris DC models is derived from our superior engineering knowledge following Tannoy’s long-term association with the audio and film industry. Intensive research and development has produced an updated and highly refined version of the famous Tannoy Dual Concentric™, co-incident point source drive unit. The benefits of wide bandwidth formats are clearly recognised by audio enthusiasts and recording professionals worldwide. Tannoy WIDEBAND™ technology, present in the high performance Tannoy SuperTweeter™ incorporated into all Eyris DC models, delivers breath-taking dynamics, detail and sound staging. The substantially built Eyris DC cabinet is comprehensively braced to ensure that the highest level of structural rigidity produces optimum acoustic performance. Elegantly styled and beautifully handcrafted, these loudspeakers use only the finest components and real wood veneers to deliver eye catching sound. EYRIS DC3 HI-FI LOUDSPEAKER SYSTEM THE NEW EYRIS DC DUAL CONCENTRICTM The new Tannoy Eyris DC series combines the core element of sound quality with the equally essential ingredients of cutting edge technology and contemporary aesthetics. EYRIS DC3 EYRIS DCC 20-150w 110w 325w 88dB 8 39Hz-51kHz 20-175w 125w 375w 89dB 8 34Hz-51kHz 20-175w 125w 375w 89dB 8 36Hz-51kHz 25mm (1") 25-micron titanium dome, neodymium magnet system 25mm (1") 25-micron titanium dome, neodymium magnet system 25mm (1") 25-micron titanium dome, neodymium magnet system Dual Concentric™ high frequency 25mm (1") 25-micron titanium dome, neodymium magnet system 25mm (1") 25-micron titanium dome, neodymium magnet system 25mm (1") 25-micron titanium dome, neodymium magnet system Dual Concentric™ Low frequency 175mm (7") Multi fibre paper pulp cone 1 x 175mm (7") Multi fibre paper pulp cone 1 x 175mm (7") Multi fibre paper pulp cone 1 x 175mm (7") Multi fibre paper pulp cone 1 x 175mm (7") Multi fibre paper pulp cone 1 x 175mm (7") Multi fibre paper pulp ABR Yes Yes Yes 1st order LF @ 1.8kHz, 1st order HF @1.8kHz and 3rd order HF @ 16kHz 1st order LF @ 1.8kHz, 1st order HF @1.8kHz, 3rd order HF @ 16kHz and 2nd order LLF @ 250Hz 1st order LF @ 1.8kHz, 1st order HF @1.8kHz, 3rd order HF @ 16kHz and 2nd order LLF @ 250Hz Reflex 460 x 196 x 260 (181/8 x 7 3/4 x 10 1/4 ) 12 9 (19.8) Sycamore, American Walnut or Black Ash real wood veneer Reflex 278.5 x 600 x 260 (11 x 23 5/8 x 10 1/4 ) 23 22.5 (49.5) Sycamore, American Walnut or Black Ash real wood veneer Reflex (ABR) 1023 x 196 x 260 (40 3/4 x 7 3/4 x 10 1/4 ) 19 21 (46.2) Sycamore, American Walnut or Black Ash real wood veneer PERFORMANCE Recommended amplifier power- Watts RMS Continuous power handling - Watts RMS Peak power handling - Watts Sensitivity @ 2.83V/ 1m Nominal impedance - Ohms Frequency response - 6dB DRIVE UNITS SuperTweeter™ high frequency Low frequency Shielded CROSSOVER Crossover type & frequency CABINET Enclosure type Dimensions - inc grille H x W x D mm (inch) Volume - litres Weight kg (lbs) Finish options TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS EYRIS DC1 EYRIS DC HOME CINEMA-DC3 / DC1/ DCC Three sumptuous real wood veneer finishes are offered. Sycamore provides the fresh contemporary look, American walnut coordinates with more traditional furnishings, while Black Ash blends in seamlessly with a wide range a broad range of décor styles. EYRIS DC HOME CINEMA This superb collection of unique loudspeakers will exceed the expectations of the most discerning audiophiles and home cinema enthusiasts alike. Real musical agility, together with the scale, dynamics and detail accuracy essential to reproduce the most demanding of modern film soundtracks, is delivered to a specification unparalleled at its price. Tannoy United Kingdom T: +44 (0) 1236 420199 F: +44 (0) 1236 428230 E: enquiries@tannoy.com Tannoy North America T: (519) 745 1158 F: (519) 745 2364 E: inquiries@tannoyna.com 6483 0840 For use as a wall mounted A/V rear effects speaker, the Eyris DC1 is provided with fixing inserts on the rear panel for an OmniMount™ style wall bracket. Tannoy also manufacturers premium quality Dual Concentric™ equipped inwall speakers for low profile, flush mounted rear effects installations.
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