The Bottom Line - Shawano Country


The Bottom Line - Shawano Country
The Bottom Line
A Publication of the Shawano Country Chamber of Commerce
Melissa Olsen
KerberRose S.C.
Kristy Hesse
KI Bonduel
Char Larsen
Premier Investment
Kathy Hansen
Body Essentials
Jon Aumann
Edward Jones
Tammy Brzeczkowski
Dynamic Designs Unlimited
Gary Cumberland
Shawano School District
Donna Hobscheid
Coldwell Banker
Hilgenberg Realtors
Chad Kary
Results Broadcasting
Trish Kieckhafer
Stone Creations
Gina Patzer
Premier Community Bank
Roger Pescinski
BMO Harris Bank
Sally Jo Stevens
Best Western Wittenberg
John Van Ooyen
Frontier Communications
Mary White
Nueske’s Applewood
Smoked Meats
Nancy J. Smith, IOM
Patti J. Peterson
Michelle Maroszek
Michelle Heling, and
Sharon Woiak-Meisner
Wendy Crawford
September ♦ 2016
The Golden Cone Receives
Vision 2017 Grants
Pizza and ice cream is a combination enjoyed by many people. Bart and Sue Mattson
have created that combination—in their case
frozen custard—at 1063 E. Green Bay Street
in Shawano. That’s the location of the
Mattsons’ first business Papa Murphy’s
Pizza which they opened in 2014. This summer they opened The Golden Cone within
the same building. “The Golden Cone just
seemed to be the perfect complement to our
Papa Murphy’s business. We felt Shawano
needed a place to get high quality frozen
custard,” said Bart Mattson. The Golden
Cone has received façade and interior grants
totaling $7,500 through Shawano Country
Vision 2017. The matching grants were
awarded to help cover costs for the buildout . Improvements included updating electrical, plumbing and HVAC, lighting, and
new signage. “These grants allowed us to do
things the rights way which will improve our
chance for success,” added Mattson. The
Golden Cone employs 15 part-time workers
and specializes in cones, sundaes, smoothies,
and shaved ice.
According to Dennis Heling, chief economic
development officer for Shawano County
Economic Progress, in order for a business to
increase sales they can work to get more
customers and/or encourage customers to
purchase additional products. This project
will accomplish both. “The decision to add a
complementary business was a smart one for
the Mattsons. Papa Murphy’s has established
a loyal customer base. Adding The Golden
Cone has the potential to increase sales per
customer and also attract new customers,”
said Heling.
Since 2013, 43 grants totaling $125,000 have
been awarded to small businesses through
the Vision 2017 Façade and Interior Grant
programs. This has stimulated total capital
investment of over $995,000. Grants have
been awarded to businesses throughout Shawano County in the communities of Tigerton, Wittenberg, Gresham, Eland, Bonduel,
and Shawano.
Any employer or entrepreneur operating in
Shawano or Menominee Counties can apply
for Shawano Country Vision 2017 grant
programs. To determine if your project or
business development idea is eligible contact
Dennis Heling at 715 -526-5839, or Nancy Smith at
Pictured left to right; Owners Sue and Bart Mattson and
Dennis Heling, Shawano County Economic Progress Inc.
Chief Economic Development Officer
Shawano Country Vision 2017 is a five-year economic development plan strategically designed to
address various needs of area businesses and communities. The plan’s overall goal is to spur capital
investment and grow the economy by implementing specific action steps in key areas, including
business expansion, attraction and recruitment;
tourism/retail development, workforce issues, and
community development.
This plan was initiated four years ago by the board
of directors of Shawano County Economic Progress Inc. and the Shawano Country Chamber of
Commerce to proactively tackle economic challenges including several plant closures, job losses,
and lower than average per capita income. It serves
as one resource for future growth and prosperity
and a stronger economic climate for Shawano and
Menominee Counties.
September 7 , 2016
First Wednesday of every month,
8 a.m. – 9 a.m.
Glas Coffeehouse, Shawano
Reservations not required, but appreciated
“Coffee Connections is a valuable networking
opportunity and lots of fun. Every time I go,
I have met someone new and learned
about something in our community.
It's fun to watch people from different
areas of the community come together
and realize they can help each other.”
Donna Hobscheid,
Coldwell Banker
Hilgenberg Realtors
The 27th Annual Shawano Country Chamber
Homecoming Parade will
be held on Friday, September 30 at 6 p.m. with
lineup on Elizabeth
Street beginning at 5
p.m. Parade participants
are reminded to enter the staging area off of Lincoln
Street. The parade route starts at the corner of Elizabeth and Main Street, proceeds north on Main Street
turning left at Green Bay Street, left on Washington
and ending at the old Franklin School property.
This year’s parade theme is “Out of this World.”
pleased to coordinate
and present this parade in cooperation
with Shawano High
School. We thank all
our parade sponsors
for making it possible.
Entries are currently being accepted for the parade.
Participants are encouraged to decorate their entries
with the “Out of this World” theme. Trophies will be
awarded for the Best of the Parade, Business Entry,
Club /Organization Entry, High School Entry, and Kindergarten through 8th Grade School Entry. To include
your entry in the parade, call the Chamber today at
(715) 524-2139 or stop by the Chamber office, 1263 S.
Main St., Shawano to pick up an entry form.
The Shawano Country Chamber of Commerce presents
“ A Passion for Service” ®
Bill Drury is a man with a passion. He is on a mission to help businesses create lifetime loyal customers. On Thursday, November 3rd he will present "A
Passion for Service" -How to Win Customers and
Reduce Lost Sales.
In this action-packed 1/2 day workshop Drury will
share proven strategies and techniques to help everyone in the company win customers and reduce lost
sales. On November 3rd there will be identical morning (8 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.) and afternoon (1:00 p.m. –
Bill Drury
4:30 p.m.) presentations of the workshop allowing
employers to send half their people in the morning and half in the afternoon.
From 1985 till 1990, customer service expert Drury was the National Training
Consultant for the Zig Ziglar Corporation. He speaks, trains, and travels extensively, and has proven to be one of the most effective and entertaining speakers
in the industry.
Subjects Bill will cover include: who really signs your paycheck; staying motivated; making a great first impression; creating a vision for service; communicating respect to every customer; personalizing your service; listening; handling
the irate customer; overcoming stress and burnout; handling the ten most difficult customers.
Some disturbing service facts:
FACT: 96% of unhappy customers never complain about discourtesy,
but 91% of them will not buy again from a business that offended them.
FACT: Customers who encounter poor service tell an average of 11
other people about their bad experience.
FACT: 68% of customers who stop doing business with a company do
so because of perceived indifference -- nobody cares.
Presented by:
FACT: Courting new business can cost up to five times more than
strengthening relationships with current clients.
We've heard fantastic feedback about this program!
Your investment is only $109 each ($99 each if you send
more than one attendee) if you register by October 6. Late
registrations are $129/$119. Call the Chamber at 715-524
-2139, email, or fill out the enclosed form to reserve your spot!
Since beginning his professional speaking career in 1985, Drury has given
over 1000 workshops. His lively presentations, tapes and videos have made
him a recognized leader in the field of client communications. He received
his B.A. degree in English Literature from California State University at
Hayward. He went on to complete five years of graduate communications/
pastoral training at Dallas Theological Workshop. From 1985 till 1989 he
was National Training Consultant for the Zig Ziglar Corporation.
Drury is noted for his humorous and enthusiastic presentations. He is someone who believes learning must be fun to be productive. His presentation
will enhance your organization's ability to compete in the rapidly changing
business world of today.
"...Bill has conducted over three hundred workshops for the Zig Ziglar Corporation -- we always got good reviews. He knows what he is talking about.
He has an excellent style of delivery. Your people and your company will be
better off after hearing Bill Drury."-Zig Ziglar
November 5, 2016
The Gathering
2600 E. Richmond St., Shawano
Doors open: 5 p.m.
6 p.m.
7 p.m.
Reserved Tickets available Sept. 13
Shawano County Chamber
1263 S. Main Street, Shawano
Tickets are limited!
This event is a fundraiser for
Leadership Shawano County.
Members in the News
Coldwell Banker Hilgenberg Realtors
named Jim Zierden as Associate of the
month for June and July for providing
top quality service to their buyers and
KerberRose accounting firm is very
pleased to announce that Scott Chicoine has joined the Firm as their Firm
Administrator. Chicoine will play a
key role in shaping and leading the firm
in its strategic direction as the company
embarks on its next phase of
growth. Chicoine has more than 20
years of executive-level leadership
experience within the financial industry. A Fox Cities native, Chicoine has
contributed his time and talent to numerous local organizations such as:
Cub Scouts, Pop Warner, Junior
Achievement, United Way of the Fox
Cities and is also an active member of
the Oshkosh Rotary Southwest.
2016 marks the 25th year in business for
Bayland Buildings, Inc. Not many
startups can rest their hat on a successful 25 years still going strong. Steve
Ambrosius serves as Founder, President, and CEO today. Over the past 25
years Bayland has had the privilege to
be a part of creating so many amazing
buildings. Bayland has continued to
make a positive impact to society by
creating the spaces people work, play,
stay, and create their own successes.
Stockbridge-Munsee Tribal Council
recently donated $62,000 to the Bad
River Lake Superior Chippewa Community for disaster relief. The Bad
River area was in dire need of assistance after millions of dollars of damage
occurred from heavy rains and flooding
in Northern Wisconsin in July. StockUnity Assistant Medical Director
bridge-Munsee Tribal Council moved
Ronald Manning, MD, HMDC, was
at the last meeting to allocate the rerecently granted the Hospice Medical
maining balance of their Aid to Local
Director Certified credential by the
Government to the Bad River CommuHospice
with Certification
was recognized
This past July, Monica Vick of ShaBrenda
wano was among thirteen leaders cele- for his commitment to improving the
2016 marked an incredible milestone
brated as graduates of Leadership Wis- quality of life by displaying profesfor the Shawano Ski Sharks. In 1976,
consin. Vick joins over 400 alumni sional competency in the hospice inthe concept of bringing a water ski
across the state who have invested in dustry. As Assistant Medical Director
show team to Shawano became a reality
their capacity to create positive change with Unity Hospice, Dr. Manning’s,
when the originator, Jerry Olson, asin their organizations, communities and focus is primarily on administrative
sembled a team, and started the ShaWisconsin. Vick works at Cooperative medicine and coordination of the hoswano Ski Sharks located at the BamInternational Resources International. pice care team. Prior to joining Unity,
boo Bar on Shawano Lake. In July the
As part of their two-year educational Dr. Manning spent time with Prevea
Shawano Ski Sharks celebrated their
journey Vick and her peers studied Health in Green Bay and with Holy
40 anniversary with a special Alumni
issues such as healthcare, education, Family Memorial in Manitowoc.
Show inviting past members back to the
agriculture, energy and changing demoski with the team.
graphics. In addition, they traveled to Coldwell Banker Hilgenberg RealThe Shawano Sheriff’s Office recog- Washington D.C. to study federal pol- tors congratulates Jim Zierden and
nized Detective Jesse Sperberg as icy, and to North Dakota to look at how John Koeller for being recognized in
employee of the month for August. the natural resource extraction industry the top 101 real estate agents in WisSperberg works on Internet Crimes there connects to Wisconsin’s economy consin for the 2016 REAL Trends
against Children and has been instru- and larger national energy issues. America’s Best Real Estate Agents list.
mental in solving recent cases. He also
assists with accident reconstruction, The Rotary Club of Shawano recently Shawano Woman’s Club recently
computer forensics, the special response made several donations to local organi- donated $1,100 to the Shawano
team and dive team for the Sheriff’s zations. Shawano Pathways received a County Historical Society. The
donation of $300, Safe Haven received Money was raised through the club’s
a donation of $250 and Shawano City- plant sale during the Rhubarb Fest at
Sacred Heart Catholic School has County Library received a $500 dona- Heritage Park. Shawano Woman’s
added a new multi-dimensional face for tion from the Rotary Club.
Club also made a donation of $350 to
its youngest students starting the 2016Backpacks for Kids for school supplies.
2017 school year. The Three-year-old The Rotary Club of Shawano recently
Preschool Program, Little Blessings, named the new club officers. Tom Northcentral Technical College is
has added an exciting new face, Mrs. Aumann, Sgt. At Arms; Dave Zellin- expanding their Wittenberg campus.
Stacey Dickmann. Mrs. Stacey brings ger, Immediate Past President; Dr. Their Genesee Street location will be
with her years of preschool teaching Katie Mead, Director; Amy Thusius, almost doubled in size. The work is
experience and a contagious energy for Program Chair; Monica Vick, Vice anticipated to be finished in time for
children, her faith, learning and for President; and Chris Marcks, Presi- the fall semester.
Sacred Heart Catholic School.
KELLER, Planners, Architects,
Builders, is building a 5,194 square
foot liquid load-out building for United
Cooperative - Auroraville under the
direction of Keller Project Managers,
Cory Vande Wettering and Tony Pullara and Architect, Rob Lindstrom.
United Cooperative is located at
W2018 State Road 21 in Berlin, construction began in July and is expected
to be completed in September, 2016.
Advanced Physical Therapy and
Sports Medicine is pleased to announce Emily Teetzen, DPT and Jamie Mursau, PTA are now certified
in LVST Big Program. LSVT is a nationally recognized program focusing
on BIG movements for those with
Parkinson’s to manage the disease and
increase independence. Research has
reported improved motor functioning
when following this treatment regime.
Sessions are 4 consecutive days/week
for 4 weeks totaling 16- 1 hour sessions.
Kris Bahr is the new part time program/admin manager for the Wolf
River District Junior Achievement
Office. Bahr works out of the Northeast Wisconsin Technical College in
Many adults and children in our community don’t always have enough food,
especially nutritious food, to eat. The
members of the F.R.E.S.H. Project
coalition – Shawano and Menominee
Counties, UW Extension, the HoChunk Nation’s Pac Haci community, and the Stockbridge-Munsee
Community – are working together to
change that and they are looking for
your help. Through an online survey,
the information gathered will help
create a better future for our children,
adults, and families in our community.
The survey can be found at https://
SID=SV_8nZ7ZrVLf6zBLKd or for a
paper copy call 715-526-2321.
Wittenberg Networking Event
to Include Helping Businesses
Get Found on Google
Can your customers find you on
Google?? If your business
doesn’t show up on their
search, they can’t do business
with you!
The Shawano Country Chamber and Wittenberg Area Chamber of Commerce will present a
free networking event on Thursday, October 13, 6:30 – 7:30
p.m. at The Best Western Wittenberg, W17267 Red Oak
Lane. Attendees will get an opportunity to network, enjoy
complimentary snacks and refreshments sponsored by
Thrivent Financial-The Pinnacle Team, and learn how to Put
Your Business On the Map (How to Claim Your Free Google
For reservations call
Did you know… 20% of searches are related to finding a
place or the location of a business? Considering the millions
of searches every day, this is a great opportunity for your
business. Google is a robust tool that can be used in many
ways to increase your business’s traffic and sales.
Claiming your business on Google is a great place to start
and allows you to control the details displayed in Google
searches such as your business hours, location, reviews and
images. We will walk you through the process of claiming
your business on Google. Bring your laptop if you have one.
Topics Covered:
Being found on Google
Making sure your business information is complete and up-to-date
Obtaining Google My Business Account access,
ownership and verification
See how your business looks when people search
for it on Google
Robertson Ryan and Associates at The Wallrich
Agency hosted the August Business Connection.
Attendees toured the office and enjoyed musical
entertainment and delicious treats.
The Chamber presented a certificate to Wallrich
Agency for their 90 years of membership.
Caspar Wallrich was one of the founding
members of the Chamber.
Ed Grys won the Chamber Ambassadors’ Pot of Gold.
Thanks for hosting a great event!
Next Business
September 20, 2016
5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Hosted By:
The War Bonnet
Bar & Grill
N926 Hwy. 47/55
RSVP by calling:
(715) 524-2139
Changes to Leadership
Steering Committee Announced
Joining the Leadership Shawano County Steering Committee is Mark Flunker, Executive Director/Site Supervisor for Wolf River Habitat for Humanity in Shawano
and Menominee Counties. He joins existing Steering
Committee members: Todd Buettner-Shawano Housing
Authority; Wendy Crawford-Program Coordinator; Dana
Kulas-Nueske’s Applewood Smoked Meats; Karissa
Kunschke-CRI; Jay Moynihan-UW Extension Shawano
County; Lesley Nemetz-City of Shawano; Nancy SchultzUW Extension Shawano County; Nancy Smith-Shawano
Country Chamber and Dana Usky-Little Rapids
Leadership Shawano County
Announces Class Seventeen:
Jodi Anderson
Value Added Distributors
Kris Bahr
Bob Boda
Karla Braun
Jennifer Christianson Nueske’s Applewood Smoked Meats
Michael Hammond
Hammond Farms & Greenhouse
Matt Hendricks
City of Shawano
Kim Ihrke
EXIT Elite Realty
Robert Koepp
Shawano Municipal Utilities
Mandy Kostreva
Lucas McMahon
Aaron Milavitz
Premier Community Bank
American Car Care Center
Lori Muller
EXIT Elite Realty
Lisa Risen
Stuart Russ
Shawano School District
Travis Schardt
Little Rapids Corporation
Sarah Verg
Kris Wondra
Bonduel Elementary School
Ashley Zaddock
CoVantage Credit Union
CRI Leadership Alumni
Fundraiser Held
Leadership Shawano County alumni from CRI hosted a
“Spelling Bee” themed fundraiser on August 3. Lunch
and a competitive spelling bee offered some fun while
raising $800 for the Leadership Shawano County program. While keeping with the literacy theme, this group
collected 335 books which were donated to ThedaCare’s
Reach out and Read program, which provides a book to
all pediatric patients from ages birth to five.
This comprehensive
guide features recreation and attractions
available in Shawano
Me n o m i n e e
Counties and includes
a listing of area hotels, motels, cottages, resorts, campgrounds, restaurants
and retail outlets. The guide will also contain area maps,
and 2017 calendar of events.
Due to the volume of requests,
sport shows and distribution locations,
we will print 65,000 again for 2017!
Include your business!
Contact Patti Peterson
at (715)524-2139 or
Beans and Books Coffeehouse LLC 1235 E. Green Bay Street,
recently became a member of the Shawano Country Chamber.
Pictured (l. to r.) Ambassador Lisa Meisner, Tourism Manager Patti
Peterson, Ambassador Scott Parson, Beans and Books owner Karen
Benishek, Ambassadors Tammy Brzeczkowski and Michael Johnston
and Executive Director Nancy Smith.
River Valley Church located at 131 N. Franklin Street
Shawano, was recently welcomed as a new member.
Pictured (l. to r.) Jake Smith, Youth Associate Pastor
and Ambassador Laura Hoppe.
River Valley Church
Jake Smith, Youth/Associate Pastor
131 N. Franklin Street • P.O. Box 92
Shawano, WI 54166-0092
Phone: (715)524-4129 •
River Valley Church is an Assemblies of God church that
offers contemporary services geared toward young
families with something for all ages. Sunday services
are 9 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. with weekday connection
groups and youth and kids services on Wednesday
nights. Stop on by—all are welcome!
Tyler Dillenburg of Cruise Planners was
recently welcomed as a new member
Pictured (l. to r.) Ambassador Laura Hoppe
and Tyler Dillenburg.
Cruise Planners
Tyler Dillenburg
Phone: (715)851-3789
Cruise Planners offers land cruises, land tours,
and completely packaged vacations. Tickets to
sporting events and concerts, and so much
more. Tyler can help you with any of your
travel needs and is always available for business. He can’t wait to help make your travel
dreams a reality!
The Well is a place for students grades 6-12 to hang
out in a safe, healthy environment designed specifically
for them. With live music, a fully functioning snack bar,
intentional adult leaders, and relevant message--the
Well hopes to make a difference in the lives of the students of Shawano. The Well will be starting up for the
2016-2017 school year on Wednesday September 7th.
The Well meets every Wednesday with doors opening at
5:30 at 136 S Main Street. Visit for
more information.
Sept. 7
Coffee Connections
Glas Coffeehouse
511 N. Main St., Shawano
8:00-9:00 a.m.
RSVP: 715-524-2139
Sept. 15 Eat, Walk & Talk
Like a Professional
Presented by Shawano Area
Young Professionals (SAYPRO)
Open to the public.
Cotton Patch Supper Club
W4890 Lake Dr., Shawano
5:30-8:00 p.m.
$20 SAYPRO Members
$25 Non-members
RSVP: 715-853-6581 or*
After 65 years at their previous location, Knope Heating &
Air Conditioning has moved into their newly constructed
facility at 1473 E. Green Bay Street in Shawano.
Sept. 20 Business Connection
Sponsored by:
The War Bonnet Bar & Grill
N926 Hwy. 47/55, Keshena
5:00—6:30 p.m.
RSVP: 715-524-2139*
Sept. 30 Fall Parade & Homecoming
6 p.m., theme: “Out of this World”
Trophies: Best of Parade,
Business Entry, Club/Organization Entry,
High School Entry, K through 8th
Grade Entry, 715-524-2139
*Reservations required
Eat, Walk, & Talk
Like a Professional
Shawano Area Young Professionals (SAYPRO) presents this informative and entertaining evening on how
to Eat, Walk & Talk like a Professional on Thursday,
September 15, 5:30 – 8:00 p.m. at Cotton Patch Supper Club. The cost per person (for SAYPRO members)
is $20. Non-members are also welcome at $25 per
person. The cost includes three-course meal, speaker,
tax and gratuity. Chef Jeff from Fox Valley Technical
College will enlighten attendees with his knowledge
and humor. Reservations and tickets are required.
Tickets are available at CoVantage Credit Union until
September 8 or contact Karissa Kunschke at 715-8536581 or This event is open to
the public!
Photo by Jeff Vele, Mohican News
Ground was broken for a new Stockbridge Munsee Community elderly services center following a tribal blessing on Friday, July 29 th. The project is
over 7,200 square feet, consisting of multipurpose space for daily dining
services and hosting occasional community events. Other key features include a large stone fireplace separating a lounge and large seating area, a
commercial grade kitchen, professional meeting areas and a covered driveup/drop off area. The new building will connect two existing elderly apartments and is meant to replace the current forty-year-old elderly center. The
center will provide the elderly community with daily meal services, socialization, educational and health safety events, registration for benefits and will
greatly enhance the quality of life as a centralized area of activities for the
tribal elders. Bayland Buildings, Inc. is the general contractor for the project.
Construction is expected to be complete in the winter of 2016.
1263 S. Main Street • Shawano, WI 54166
715/524-2139 •
Shawano Country Chamber of Commerce Business Connection
Join Us - Tuesday, September 20th 5-6:30pm
War Bonnet Bar & Grill
and Native Gifts
Tuesday, September 20th Shawano Country Chamber of Commerce Business Connection
Sample our Fry Bread - Prizes include: Beaded Earrings, Gift Certificates, War Bonnet Shirts, Wild Rice Pizza
Please RSVP to the Shawano Country Chamber of Commerce
War Bonnet Bar & Grill
Featuring Native American Entrees - along with a full menu
Wild Rice Pizza, Wild Rice Burgers, Fry Bread,
Indian Tacos, Buffalo Burgers, Duck Tenders
Friday Fish, Broasted Chicken, Steaks, Salads, Burgers
A Unique Collection of Native American Gifts
Jewelry Paintings Carvings Wild Rice Furs
Antlers Antiques Greeting Cards & More
Located 2 Miles North of the Casino
N926 St. Hwy 47/55 Keshena, WI 54135 715-799-4413
2nd Annual
Saturday October 8, 20 16
7 p.m. to 10 p.m. • Deer Camp & Pavilion
N4096 HWY K, Shawano, WI 54166
50/50 Raffle
Free Appetizers
$ 1 Beer
Last year over 120+
participants and 12 sponsors
All proceeds raised help
support SAYPRO (Shawano
Area Young Professionals),
a local non-profit organization
offering young professionals
educational, social
and community involvement
Sponsor Information
I would like to be:
_____ Round Sponsor @ $100
Company logo will be displayed during one round of trivia on
question slides and answer sheets
_____ Event Sponsor @ $250
Company logo will be displayed in pre-event advertising on website,
Facebook page and flyers as well as throughout the event.
Team Registration
$ 120/team of 8 or $ 15/individual
Please pre-register, as space is limited,
by contacting Karissa Kunschke at or 715-853-6581.
Shawano Area Young Professionals
Make checks payable to SAYPRO and mail to the Shawano Country Chamber of Commerce,
P.O. Box 38, 1263 S Main St, Shawano, WI 54166. Payment due by September 24, 2016.
Company logos should be emailed to Questions? Call 715-853-6581.
Thursday, November 3, 2016
Two Identical Sessions to Choose From:
8 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. or 1 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
"...Bill has conducted
over three hundred
workshops for the
Zig Ziglar Corporation
-- we always got good
reviews. He knows
what he is talking
about. He has an
excellent style of
delivery. Your people
and your company will
be better off after
hearing Bill Drury."
—Zig Ziglar
Shawano Country Chamber of Commerce - Jeff Mace Conference Room
In this action-packed 1/2 day workshop Bill Drury will share proven strategies and
techniques to help everyone in your company win customers and reduce lost sales.
Topics to be covered include:
Who really signs your paycheck
Staying motivated
Making a great first impression
Creating a vision for service
Communicating respect to every
Personalizing your service
Listening; handling the irate
Overcoming stress and burnout
Handling the ten most difficult
Since beginning his professional speaking career in 1985, Drury has given over
1000 workshops. His lively presentations, tapes and videos have made him a
recognized leader in the field of client communications. From 1985 - 1990, Drury
was the National Training Consultant for the Zig Ziglar Corporation. He speaks,
trains, and travels extensively, and has proven to be one of the most
effective and entertaining speakers in the industry.
Presented by the Shawano Country Chamber of Commerce in partnership
with Gold Sponsors Menominee Casino Resort and North Star Mohican Casino.
Fill out the information to
the right and mail with
check or fax/email by
October 24th to:
Shawano Country
Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 38,
Shawano WI 54166
Phone: 715-524-2139
Fax: 715-524-3127
Business Name
Contact Number
Attendee Name
_____ AM
_____ PM
Attendee Name
_____ AM
_____ PM
Attendee Name
_____ AM
_____ PM
Early Bird Member Registration (Before Oct. 6): _______ x $________ = ____________
$109/person ($99 if sending more than one attendee)
Member Registration (After Oct. 6):
_______ x $________ = ____________
$129/person ($119 if sending more than one attendee)
Non-Member Registration: $149/person
______ Please Invoice me
_______ x $________ = ____________
Total: _____________
2016 Fall Parade Sign-Up
Friday, September 30, 2016
Line-up at 5:00 p.m. - on Elizabeth St.
(Enter Off Lincoln St.)
Parade Starts 6:00 p.m.
Name of Business/Organization_________________________________________
Person to Contact____________________________________________________
Description of Entry__________________________________________________
Size of Entry________________________________________________________
Music [
] Yes
No [
Horses / Animals [
] Yes
No [
Mail: Shawano Country Chamber of Commerce
1263 S. Main Street • PO Box 38, Shawano, WI 54166-0038
Phone: 715-524-2139 Fax: 715-524-3127 • E-mail:
Parade Theme:
The Shawano Hawks play the Waupaca Comets for Homecoming.
Parade Route: Starting at the corner of Elizabeth and Main Streets,
proceeding north on Main Street, turning left at Green Bay St., turning left
on Washington St., and ending at the old Franklin School Property.
Please return by Monday, September 20, 2016
saYPro Presents this informative and entertaining
evening on how to Eat, Walk & Talk like a Professional!
Share Your
Shawano Country Events…
2017 Shawano Country Visitor Guide Event(s) Form
Business/Organization: _____________________________________________
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Limit 25 words per event. Include title, time, description, and contact information for each
event. The event must be open to the General Public. If you have more events to share,
please send an additional sheet.
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Return this completed form to the….
Shawano Country Chamber Office, 1263 S. Main St., Shawano
on or before Friday, October 14, 2016.
Event listings are subject to editing. Event forms must be
approved by the Visitor Guide Committee
to be published in the 2017 Guide.
Mail: Shawano Country Tourism Council, PO Box 38, Shawano, WI 54166-0038
Fax: 715-524-3127 or E-mail:
Questions can be directed to Patti Peterson at 715-524-2139.
September 2016
North Star Mohican Casino Resort presents “Doty Island Railroad”, 4 p.m.,
Free, on the gaming floor, 21 or older, 715-787-3110,
135 Annual Shawano County Fair: games, rides, Farm Tractor Pull,
demolition derby, Shawano Speedway championship night, bingo, livestock
auction, entertainment, live music at President’s Park. Shawano County
Fairgrounds, Shawano 715-526-7069,
North Star Mohican Casino Resort presents: “Count’s 77” Featuring Danny
Koker “The Count”, The Count brings his band to the Event Center for one
big show, Show 8 p.m., Advanced tickets $15, Day of Show $20, must be 21
or older, 715-787-3110,
Classic’s Restaurant & Lounge presents: “Eddie Biebel”, W6026 Lake Drive,
Shawano,, 715-524-8711
22 Annual Wolfman Triathlon: the three legs include a downriver paddle
race on the Wolf River, a 13-mile off-road bike race, and a 3.5-mile rugged
trail run, after-race entertainment “The Brothers Burn Mountain”,, e-mail to:
Fall Market Themed Basket Making: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., A 5 hour workshop
making your own Fall themed basket, $45 members, $50 non-members,
materials included, RSVP by 9/6, Navarino Nature Center, 715-758-6999
J&H Game Farm “Free Youth & Ladies Day of Outdoor Activities”: free to all
ladies and kids age 18 and under, shooting, archery, rock wall, food & door
prizes, registration 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., W5810 J&H Road, Shiocton, west of
Navarino off Hwy. 156,, 715-758-8134
Gresham Farm Heritage Day sponsored by the Gresham FFA Alumni and
the Gresham FFA Chapter: 11 a.m. Parade down Main Street, food and
refreshments available, Tractor/Machinery pull, Children’s activities, Farming
Demonstrations, Pie Auction, Toy Tractor give-a-ways and drawings,
Gresham, 715-787-3211, ext. 333
Daddy D’s Productions “An Evening on Broadway”: 7 p.m., tickets $20,
available at the Shawano Country Chamber of Commerce, Clintonville
Chamber of Commerce, or at, Mielke Arts
Center, 5649 Airport Rd., Shawano, 715-526-2525
Classic’s Restaurant & Lounge presents: “LIzardz”, W6026 Lake Drive,
Shawano,, 715-524-8711
Custom & Classics Car Show: 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., Shawano County Park on
Shawano Lake, sponsored by the Custom & Classics Car Club, Shawano,
Awards, Raffles, Food & Drink available, contact,
Shawano City-County Library Learning Lab: 9 a.m., using Facebook,
128 S. Sawyer St., Shawano 715-526-3829 ext. 123
North Star Mohican Casino Resort presents: “Scotty Meyer”, 2 p.m.,
free show, on the gaming floor, must be 21 or older, 715-787-3110
Wolf River Builders Association General Membership Meeting:5:45 p.m. to
8 p.m, Spinning Wheel, Shawano, RSVP required, 715-853-2310
ThedaCare Medical Center-Shawano Auxiliary $6 Jewelry & More Sale:
8 a.m. to 5 p.m., great savings on fashion jewelry, scarves, gadgets and
more, Open to the public, all proceeds support the Auxiliary’s projects,
Hospital lobby, 100 County Rd. B, Shawano
Country Farm Tractor Pull: 6:30 p.m., Shawano Speedway 990 E. Green
Bay St., Shawano, 866-715-6532 or
Menominee Casino Resort presents: “BBI” 8:30 p.m., free in the lounge,, 715-799-3600
Choose to Move 5K: 6 p.m., course runs through fairground & on Mountain
Bay Trail, for more information contact, 715-524-1488
Fireworks over the Fair: Fireworks at 9:30 p.m., Shawano Speedway 990 E.
Green Bay St., Shawano, 866-715-6532 or
Classic Car Show at the Fair: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., classic cars for all to enjoy,
swap meet Sunday, 10 am to 4 pm, The Crawford Center, 255 Waukechon
Rd., Shawano
Farmer Gene’s Campground Labor Day Weekend: “The Hits” live in the bar,
N11301 Kinney Lake Rd., Marion, 715-754-5900,
Pine Grove Campground Labor Day Weekend: N5999 Campground Rd.,
Shawano, 715-787-4555,
River’s Edge Camping & Tubing Labor Day Weekend: Saturday Duck races,
Sunday Washoo & Ladderball games, W7615 County Rd. F, Shiocton,
Annie’s Campground Labor Day Challenge Weekend: blind-folded golf,
cart obstacle course, and more, W12505 Roosevelt Rd., Gresham,
Enduro Races: 7 p.m., Shawano Speedway 990 E. Green Bay St.,
Shawano, 866-715-6532 or
Club FR - Drifters, racing at US Air Motorsports, W5901 County Rd. BE,
Shawano,, 715-524-9231
Amish Community Consignment Auction: quilts, furniture, crafts, antiques,
tools and more, 8:30 a.m., N4310 Hill Road, Bonduel, 715-758-8881
10 Annual Cloverleaf Lakes Triathlon: registration and packet pick up 7
a.m. to 8:30 a.m. at Rustic Resort. Race starts 9 a.m., swim in Pine Lake.
Bike country roads and Run around Grass, Round, and Pine Lake. 2 water
stations, well marked and volunteers throughout the course.
Stock Car Races-Championship Night: 6 p.m., Shawano Speedway 990 E.
Green Bay St., Shawano, 866-715-6532 or
Classic’s Restaurant & Lounge presents: “Revolution Band” W6026 Lake
Drive, Shawano, 715-524-8711,
Menominee Casino Resort presents: “Clay Underwood” 8:30 p.m., free in
the lounge, 715-799-3600
Menominee Casino Resort presents: “Whiskey Rebellion” Sunday 8:30 p.m.
to 1 a.m., Monday 3 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., free in the lounge,, 715-799-3600
Leadership Steering Committee: 7:30 a.m., Jeff Mace Conference
Room, Shawano Country Chamber of Commerce, Shawano,
St. James Lutheran Church presents a contemporary worship service under
the grandstand, Shawano County Fairgrounds, 10 a.m., please join us, all
are welcome; 715-524-4815
Spectator Eliminator, Tag Race, and Trailer Races: Three great events in
one show, afternoon of family fun, 1:00 p.m., Shawano Speedway 990 E.
Green Bay St., Shawano, 866-715-6532 or
Eat, Walk and Talk Like a Professional: Guest speaker “Chef Jeff” from
FVTC, 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m., Includes a 3 course meal, speaker, tax and
gratuity, $20 per SAYPRO Member, $25 Non-SAYPRO Member, Cotton
Patch Supper Club, W4890 Lake Dr., Shawano, tickets available at
CoVantage Credit Union, by phone 715-853-6581, or email at
Labor Day – Chamber of Commerce Office Closed
Ambassador meeting: Noon, Location TBD, Shawano 715-524-2139
Demolition Derby: 1 p.m., Shawano Speedway 990 E. Green Bay St.,
Shawano, 866-715-6532 or
LO206 Cup racing will be held at US Air Motorsports, W5901 County Rd.
BE, Shawano,, 715-524-9231
Shawano Memory Café: Caring for someone with memory problems? First
Tuesday of every month, 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., all are welcome, Glas
Coffeehouse, 511 N. Main St., Shawano, 920-327-8187
Pine Grove Campground 1 Halloween Weekend: Pumpkin carving, haunted
house, trick or treating, and costume competition, N5999 Campground Rd.,
Shawano, 715-787-4555,
North Star Mohican Casino Resort presents: “Cookee & Dennis”, 2 p.m.,
free show, on the gaming floor, must be 21 or older, 715-787-3110,
Annie’s Campground Color Me Fall Weekend: Corn Maze, pumpkin patch,
and hay rides, W12505 Roosevelt Rd., Gresham, 715-787-3632,
Sacred Heart Catholic School: Gym Re-Dedication Ceremony and Ribbon
Cutting, 4 p.m., held in conjunction with the Home Volleyball Opener, 124 E.
Center St., Shawano, 715-526-5328
Classic’s Restaurant & Lounge presents: “Dana Erlandson”, W6026 Lake
Drive, Shawano,, 715-524-8711
Safeguard Your Business from Disaster: “Weather Awareness”, National
Weather Service presents about severe weather, 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.,
Shawano Four Seasons Resort, Shawano,
Walls of Wittenberg Fall Show “A Decisive Slice of Time”, by Hans Schmitt:
9 Annual Juried Art Show continues on Sat and Sun., through 10/9 from
11 a.m. to 3 p.m., WOWSPACE, 114 Vinal St., downtown Wittenberg
Coffee Connections: 8 a.m. to 9 a.m., Business networking and idea
sharing over a great cup of coffee, Glas Coffeehouse, 511 N. Main St.,
Shawano, 715-524-2139 or
J&H Game Farm’s 100 All Rabbit Fun Shoot, Open to all, 100 clay rabbit
targets, W5810 J&H Road, Shiocton, west of Navarino off Hwy. 156,, 715-758-8134
Fall Volunteer Training Day at Navarino Nature Center: 9 a.m., Want to help
at the nature center, mark your calendar for this training session, Navarino
Nature Center, 715-758-6999,
Timber Management on Navarino Wildlife Area: Presented by DNR Forester
Steve Kaufman & Wildlife Biologist Kay Brockman-Mederas, Navarino
Nature Center, 715-758-6999,
14 Annual Bonduel Founder’s Day: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., arts & crafts, food,
music, Fire and Police Departments, and Bonduel Archives open houses, for
vendor information call 715-851-6198,
Bonduel Community Archives Founder’s Day Chili Dump: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.,
108 S. First St., Bonduel, 715-758-2687
Fall Mushroom Hike: 9 a.m., join fungus enthusiast, Matt Welter on a hike
through the woods looking for fall mushrooms, $10 per person, Navarino
Nature Center, 715-758-6999,
Classic’s Restaurant & Lounge presents: “The Bluecollars Blues Band”,
W6026 Lake Drive, Shawano,, 715-524-8711
Menominee Casino Resort presents: “Passion”, 8:30 p.m., free in the
lounge,, 715-799-3600
Shawano City-County Library Learning Lab: 9 a.m., borrowing eBooks,
128 S. Sawyer St., Shawano 715-526-3829 ext. 123
Farmer Gene’s Campground October Fest Weekend: N11301 Kinney Lake
Rd., Marion, 715-754-5900,
Annie’s Campground Halloween Weekend: Haunted Corn Maze, pumpkin
patch, Costume contest, W12505 Roosevelt Rd., Gresham, 715-787-3632,
Chamber Board of Directors meeting: 7:30 a.m., Jeff Mace Conference
Room, Shawano Country Chamber of Commerce, 715-524-2139
SAYPRO Steering Committee: 12 p.m., Jeff Mace Conference Room,
Shawano Country Chamber of Commerce, Shawano, 715-524-2139
Business Connection hosted by War Bonnet Bar & Grill, 5 p.m. to
6:30 p.m., Open house and networking opportunity, N926 Hwy 47/55,
Keshena, 715-524-2139
ROADS 5 Annual Candlelight Remembrance Gathering: 5:30 p.m. to
7:30 p.m., the Remembrance Gathering welcomes anyone whose life has
been touched by depression, mental illness or suicide, refreshments
provided after program, Heritage Park, Shawano, 715-853-9409
North Star Mohican Casino Resort presents: “Kenny James Duo”, 2 p.m.,
free show, on the gaming floor, must be 21 or older, 715-787-3110
ThedaCare at Home Presents: “A.W.A.K.E. (Alert Wellness And Keeping
Energetic) Sleep Mask Style Show, 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., light
refreshments will be served, The Gathering, 2600 E. Richmond St.,
Shawano, 920-830-6877 or 800-236-2236,
Safeguard Your Business from Disaster: “Crime Prevention”, local law
enforcement present ways to make your business less vulnerable to crime,
7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., Shawano Four Seasons Resort, Shawano,
Shawano City-County Library Learning Lab: 9 a.m., using Word 2013,
128 S. Sawyer St., Shawano 715-526-3829 ext. 123
Zion Lutheran Church presents: “Laugh Out Loud” with Jan Struck, a
Christian Humorist, 6:30 p.m., Free event, everyone is welcome, for all ages,
Celebrate the ministry of the church with laughter, gratitude and true joy,
refreshments to follow, 1254 S. Union St., Shawano, 715-526-2017
Menominee Casino Resort presents: “Risque”, 8:30 p.m., free in the lounge,, 715-799-3600
29-10/2 Box in the Woods Theatre Guild Presents: “Runningmates”, Thurs., Fri.,
Sat., 7 p.m, Sun. 2 p.m., Tickets $12, Students $7, available at the Shawano
Country Chamber of Commerce, Clintonville Chamber of Commerce,
or at Mielke Arts Center, 5649 Airport Rd.,
Shawano, 715-526-2525
29-10/2 28th Annual Caroline Colorama Fall Trail Ride: Wisconsin’s largest trail ride:
Thurs. and Fri. dance, Sat. trail ride 10 a.m. to noon, lunch on trail, Horseshoe Tournament noon, vendors, Horse Drawn Wagon Rides, craft fair, food
stands, and bake sale, dance 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m., Sun. Lions Pancake
Breakfast 7-10:30 a.m., trail ride 9:30 a.m., lunch on trail, parade 1 p.m.,
auction following parade, Fur Traders Rendezvous all weekend, campsites
715-851-5799, vendors 715-754-5762,
Fall Homecoming Parade: 6 p.m., Theme: “Out of this World”, Parade
Route: The parade will start at the corner of Elizabeth and Main St.,
proceed north on Main St. turning left at Green Bay St., turning left on
Washington St., and ending at the old Franklin School Property.
Trophies: Best of Parade, Business Entry, Club/Organization Entry,
High School Entry, K through 8 Grade Entry, 715-524-2139
31-10/1 Menominee Casino Resort presents: “PastMasters”, 8:30 p.m., free in the
lounge,, 715-799-3600
31-10/2 Annie’s Campground Oktoberfest!: Schlemmer Hammer, Yodeling and other
traditional contests, W12505 Roosevelt Rd., Gresham, 715-787-3632,
The 6 Annual “Shawano Country Miles of Art” is a fall celebration of the arts
and nature throughout Shawano. The event will include free self-guided
tours on Sat. & Sun. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., of area artists’ studios, Walls of
Wittenberg murals, Shawano Country Barn Quilts, Gresham Community
Quilts, combined with colorful fall drives. Most of these studios are open only
for this event, providing a unique opportunity to meet the artists and
purchase their work. For more information visit or
Facebook: Shawano Miles of Art Tour
Walls of Wittenberg Fall Show “A Decisive Slice of Time”, by Hans Schmitt:
9 Annual Juried Art Show continues on Sat and Sun., through 10/9 from
11 a.m. to 3 p.m., WOWSPACE, 114 Vinal St., downtown Wittenberg, join
us for Miles of Art Tour on 10/1 and 10/2, with expanded hours 10 a.m.
to 5 p.m.
Menominee Heritage Day and Lumberjack Breakfast: Lumberjack Breakfast
8 a.m., $8 Adults, $6 Elders and Children (under 10), Children under 2 are
free, Raffles, drawings, silent auction, and art vendors, Menominee Logging
Camp Museum just north of Keshena, 715-799-5258
Navarino Nature Center’s 27th Annual Fundraising Banquet: Social Hour
6 p.m., dinner 7 p.m., $45 per person or $80 per couple, The Gathering,
2600 E. Richmond Street, Shawano, Contact Navarino Nature Center at
Annie’s Campground Halloween Weekend II: Haunted Corn Maze, pumpkin
patch, Costume contest, W12505 Roosevelt Rd., Gresham, 715-787-3632,
Pine Grove Campground 1 Halloween Weekend: Pumpkin carving, haunted
house, trick or treating, and costume competition, N5999 Campground Rd.,
Shawano, 715-787-4555,
11 Annual Shawano Octoberfest: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., free live music, family
activities, petting zoo, German food, Vendors, and sidewalk sales,
Downtown Shawano,, 715-853-3775
Tigerton Annual Horse Trail Ride: Open Ride, food, beverages, vendors,
raffle, Karaoke Friday and Saturday nights, campsite available, horse
(coggins required), Embarrass River ATV Park, 1100 Quad Park Ln.,
Tigerton, for more information call 715-508-0097
Bonduel Fall Colors Festival: 6-10 p.m., live music by “Rocker” in the park,
Village Park Pavilion, Bonduel
7th Annual Harvestfest Flea Market & Vintage and Collector Car Show: Sun.
7 a.m. - 3 p.m., trophies & plaques, pumpkin carving, kids coloring corner,
music, antiques, bargains, fleas and fun. Shawano County Fairgrounds, 990
E. Green Bay St., Shawano, Zurko Midwest Promotions, 715-526-9769,
North Star Mohican Casino Resort presents: “Gabriel Iglesias – Fluffy
Breaks Even Tour”, Show 7:30 p.m. Tickets $75, VIP Meet & Greet Package
available, in The Event Center, must be 21 or older, 715-787-3110
Menominee Casino Resort presents: “Lorrie Morgan”, 8 p.m., Doors open at
7 p.m., General admission $25 receive $5 Free2Play, Five Clans Ballroom,
800-343-7778 ext. 4024,
Classic’s Restaurant & Lounge presents: “Three Drag Pass”, W6026 Lake
Drive, Shawano, 715-524-8711,
Walls of Wittenberg Fall Show “A Decisive Slice of Time”, by Hans Schmitt:
9 Annual Juried Art Show continues on Sat and Sun., through 10/9 from
11 a.m. to 3 p.m., WOWSPACE, 114 Vinal St., downtown Wittenberg
4 Annual “Bike the Barn Quilts Ride”: scenic routes, varying from 5-70
miles will showcase these beautiful 8’x8’ quilt squares with the fall colors.
Family friendly, SAG wagons, maps, snacks and incentives, 715-524-2139,
Ongoing Events~
Everflow Farm & Orchard: Open daily, fresh produce, apples starting mid August,
W3945 Landstad Rd., Bonduel, for more info. call 715-758-8366 or 715-851-9089,
Free Tea Classes Now through November: Every Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. and
1:30 p.m. Call to sign up, space is limited, ANEW Emporium, 103 South Main St.,
Shawano, 715-201-1111,
Cotton Patch Wine In The Woods: Every Wednesday, Wine & local cheese, Bottle
of wine and large cheese board, $15, W4890 Lake Dr., Shawano, 715-745-2101
Highway 29 Flea Market & Craft Show: (Weather Permitting) Saturdays and
Sundays, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., free parking & admission, W9821 State Hwy 29, near mile
marker 218 west of Shawano, 715-524-5747
Voyageur Canoe Trip on the Wolf: 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.., Canoe from Hwy
CCC to Hwy 156 on the Wolf River. $15 members, $20 non-members,
RSVP by 8/2, Navarino Nature Center, 715-758-6999,
The Kehtekaewak ‘They Eat Food’ Farmers Market: Every Thursday thru Sept. 29,
12 p.m. to 6 p.m., All are welcome, produce, handmade products, College of
Menominee Nation, N172 St. Hwy. 47/55, Keshena, 715-799-6226, ext. 3154
“Taste of Tigerton – Applefest”: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., apple pie contest,
vendors, food, demonstrations, buy apples from Apple Orchards, Tigerton
Community Park at the corner of Beech & Pine Streets, call 715-535-2110 or
email for a booth
Menominee Indian Reservation Bus Tours: Every Saturday & Sunday at 9 a.m.
and 2 p.m. Tour includes waterfalls, pristine forest, wildlife, native culture and history
of the Menominee people., 2.5 hours, $30, War Bonnet, N926 St. Hwy. 47/55,
Keshena, call for reservations 715-799-4413
River’s Edge Camping & Tubing Chili Dump/Season End Meeting: Bring a
bowl of your favorite Chili & any campground suggestions, W7615 County
Rd. F, Shiocton, 715-752-3344,
Classic’s Restaurant & Lounge presents: “Augie’s Blues Experiment”,
W6026 Lake Drive, Shawano, 715-524-8711,
St. Jakobi Potato Pancake Dinner: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., $8 Adults, $5 Children
(6-12), 5 and under Free, Family Style all you can eat, carry outs available,
W8089 County Road A, Shawano, 715-524-4347
North Star Mohican Casino Resort presents: “The Mighty Weasels”, 2 p.m.,
free show, on the gaming floor, must be 21 or older, 715-787-3110
Porter's Patch FARMTOBERFEST- Our Fall Family Farm Fun Adventure starts
September 17th & 18th and runs every weekend from 11am to 4pm, weather
permitting. Fun activities in the Little & Big Pumpkin Villages are Check Point Chaos
in our Corn Maze, Scenic Relaxing Hay Ride, search The Pumpkin Patch, Pumpkin
Bowling, Pumpkin Toss, Tug o' War, Pumpkin Painting, Old Fashion Water Pump
Races, Corn Cob Chuck, Scare Crow making, Round Bale Hay Play, Pumpkin
Checkers, Tic Tac Toe, and Pumpkin Twister. The Farm Store will be stocked with 5
different Squash, Pie Pumpkins, Corn Stalks, Ornamental Corn, Straw Bales, Gourds,
all sizes of Pumpkins and friendly Fall Farm Guides to assist you. Visit for additional info. W4314 State Hwy 156 Bonduel (Navarino)
715-758-8162 or 715-584-2070
Community Dinner: 5:30 p.m., join us for food and conversation, First
Presbyterian Church, 100 Presbyterian St, Shawano,
Shawano City-County Library Learning Lab: 9 a.m., using Pinterest,
128 S. Sawyer St., Shawano 715-526-3829 ext. 123
Zion Lutheran Church Blood Drive: 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., Partnering with Dairy
Queen, receive a free coupon for your donation, 1254 S. Union St.,
Shawano, call for appointments 715-526-2017
Zion Lutheran’s Annual Salad Supper: 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., 1254 S. Union
Street, Shawano, for more information call 715-526-2445
Shawano Farmers Market: Saturdays thru Oct. 8, 8 a.m. to noon, Franklin
Park, 235 S. Washington St., Shawano, 715-851-9834,
Shawano Sports Park: Mini Golf, Batting Cages, Go-Karts, daily 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.,
1056 E. Green Bay St., Shawano, 715-524-3849,
Twig’s Beverage Sundrop Museum & Gift Shop: Tues.-Fri. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.,
Saturday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., closed Sunday and Monday, Scheduled tours available,
920 S. Franklin St., Shawano, 715-526-5031,
Zurko 46 Annual Flea Market: Through Oct. 3: Sun., 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., Shawano
County Fairgrounds, 990 E. Green Bay St., 715-526-9769,

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