Bok Tower Gardens
Bok Tower Gardens
bok tower gardens mission statement To share Edward Bok’s gift of a beautiful and serene garden with music, architecture, and nature so that all who visit will be inspired by his vision: Wherever your lives may be cast, make you the world a bit better or more beautiful because you have lived in it. vision statement To offer visitors a unique experience in a world-class garden where one can find beauty, peace, and inspiration. institutional goals 1. We are committed to promoting our distinctiveness as a large public garden, preserving and sharing the legacy of Edward Bok, and serving as a worldwide source of valued and authoritative information. 2. We are committed to stewardship of the environment through our programs and our practices. 3. We are committed to delivering a high quality of presentation in our core areas of horticulture, conservation, and music, and by exceeding constituent expectations in our customer service, visitor amenities, and programming. annual report 2013 | bok tower gardens 4. We are committed to promoting and maintaining our relevance in the community in which we operate, among our peers, and among those who attend and support us. 5. We are committed to building long-term financial sustainability by becoming more efficient and strategic financially to ensure the achievement of institutional objectives. From Bok Tower Gardens’ Long Range Fundamental Plan 2011-2015 i table of contents editor Joan Thomas annual report 2013 | table of contents From the President 1 Board of Directors 3 Administrative Staff 4 Volunteers 6 Cumulative Lifetime Donors 8 The Edward Bok Society 8 Preserve the Legacy, Steward the Future 9 photography Annual Supporters 11 Share the Gift Annual Fund Donors 17 In-Kind Donors 19 Reciprocal Partners 20 Corporate, Foundation & Grant Support 20 Honor Memorials 21 Financials 22 Chad Baumer Michael Potthast Staff & Volunteers design Randy Rupert ii from the president Beyond Our Borders Garden borders define and contain the landscape. This year we have sought to go beyond our borders by incorporating native Florida ecosystem plantings and agriculture into new garden areas to give a better sense of place and connectedness to our region. We are also planning educational programs that that will go beyond our borders to connect with new audiences both here and throughout the State. Design Most notably was the work we began in early 2013 with landscape architect Thomas Woltz and his team at Nelson Byrd Woltz to design the garden projects in Phase I of our award-winning Master Plan. In 2013, this plan received the highest award from the Florida chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA)–the Frederic B. Stresau Award. This year-and-a-half design process has pushed the boundaries of our garden both figuratively and literally with plans for a Children’s Garden, Kitchen Garden, Pollinator Garden and Florida Wild Garden, as well as a new circulation path that will provide better access for all. Education We also began to put a finer point on our new educational partnership with the University of Florida Institute for Food & Agricultural Science Extension Service. Dr. Cynthia Klemmer was hired as our new Director of Education in September and has been working to create a program called Gardens for Life. This educational outreach program will bring edible gardening to schools and communities in a multicounty region. Florida Extension Service staff will have office space at the Gardens to provide technical, administrative and logistical support to schools and communities. We will also be offering more educational opportunities on site to our members and visitors. The Carillon Geert D’hollander, our fourth Carillonneur to serve in 84 years, completed his first season with us in 2012-2013. He is truly a musician who recognizes no borders when it comes to carillon music. From his innovative arrangements and new carillon compositions to instructing students, Geert is bringing a new level of excellence to the carillon program. This summer, he traveled extensively to perform and conduct master workshops in the U.S. and Europe. annual report 2013 | from the president The Gardens & Conservation “Beyond our borders” was definitely the mantra for our horticulture and conservation staff this year. New plantings expanded our palette of native and blooming plants. A path on the Tower Lawn was reopened after many decades to give visitors a closer view of the brass door. Our behind-thescenes projects included expanding the nursery to begin growing hard-to-find varieties of plants for the future garden expansion. We experimented with bio-char and vermiculture to improve the soil in planting beds around the Visitor Center, and published three research articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Our dedicated conservation team expanded their reach this year with rare plant introductions at four different sites around the State, inluding the first population introduction of a critically-endangered plant onto private lands. The type of research our team is conducting on the microhabitats of rare plants has seldom been done so as to push the boundaries of understanding of what these plants need to survive. Spring 2013 saw the opening of our new 1.5-mile Preserve Trail and picnic shelter along the entrance road, and an outdoor classroom was built next to the Lake Wales 1 High School on the Bok Tower Gardens Preserve. Interpretive signs and wildflower plantings attracted many visitors to this trail to explore beyond the borders of the historic core garden. Visitation for 20122013 remained strong at 149,226, and memberships reached 4,407 households. Retail Services & Marketing Attendance for our events, programs, and Pinewood Estate tours exceeded all expectations this year. Visitation to Pinewood Estate doubled in 2012-2013, and education programs more than doubled in participation to 3,802 students. The Boktoberfest Plant Sale reached a record high of 7,934 attendees, and our wedding rental revenue exceeded $70,000. We also saw many more tour groups this year – attendance rose from 5,574 to 6,225 people. Our Blue Palmetto Café and Tower & Garden Gift Shop set a new revenue record again this year by grossing $1.14 million. We released the Rizzoli Press publication Bok Tower Gardens: America’s Taj Mahal in time for Edward Bok’s 150th birthday. I was honored to co-author this book with architect and artist Kenneth Treister, featuring photographs by Dan Forer. The marketing department continued to innovate and extend to the furthest reaches of cyberspace. Among this year’s highlights was the unveiling of a new website with fresh, “responsive design” technology, which automatically adjusts the layout to the mobile phone or device it is being viewed on. We increased our investments in social media marketing and secured grants from Visit Central Florida to promote and advertise several of our major events. People, Events & Programs Our passionate corps of 375 volunteers donated 48,034 hours of work in all areas of our operations. We could not accomplish all that we do without this incredible volunteer staff. Our Board of Directors have stepped up the to the leadership role in our design planning and fund raising efforts, which is making our future garden expansion a reality. you know, was wellknown for challenging the status quo and pushing the boundaries of conventional thought. As we enter our 85th year as a public garden, the board, staff and I are honored to be stewards and visionaries of Edward Bok’s legacy. We invite you, our supporters and friends, to join us in continuing to push beyond the borders of the Gardens. Concert Under the Stars found its audience this year by pushing the musical genre boundaries to feature an eclectic mix of “jazz grass” and Americana music. Philanthropy Our vision for the Gardens to stay relevant and sustainable can’t be achieved without reaching beyond our borders to inspire philanthropy. Staff traveled from Miami to Maine to cultivate support for the future and to cultivate support for our $12 million Preserve the Legacy, Steward the Future campaign. We have made many new friends and revived many former friendships in our travels, which bodes well for our future. David Price, President In October 2012, I accepted the DutchAmerican Heritage Award on behalf of Edward W. Bok for his contributions to this country. Edward Bok, as many of annual report 2013 | from the president 2 friends of the gardens The Board of Directors, together with staff, deepened our relationships with our Friends locally and throughout the State as we began to grow “beyond our borders” in our philanthropy. We celebrated many new gifts this year for our education and cultural programs, as well as for our Preserve the Legacy, Steward the Future campaign. Our media, program and community partners and volunteers all continue to grow in number. Whether the gifts are of time or treasure, it is truly a fruitful time for giving to the Gardens, and we have you to thank. Michael Aloian Board of Directors Michael Aloian, Chair President, Charlotte State Bank Trust Department Tampa, FL Cindy Alexander, Vice Chair Community Volunteer, Lake Wales, FL Tomas J. Bok, Ph.D., Treasurer President, Cambridge Analytics LLC Somerville, MA The achievements of an organization are the results of the combined effort of each individual. Frank M. Hunt II, Secretary Chairman of the Board, Hunt Bros. Cooperative Lake Wales, FL - Vince Lombardi Board Members J. F. Bryan IV The Bryan Group - Jacksonville, FL William G. Burns Retired - Lake Wales, FL Emeritus Members Louise B. Adams Lake Wales, FL J. Shepard Bryan Jr. Attorney - Holland & Knight LLP - Atlantic Beach, FL Nancy J. Davis President & CEO - McArthur Management Company - Miami, FL John Germany Attorney - Holland & Knight LLP - Tampa, FL Robert Graham Senator - U. S. Senate - Miami, FL M. Lewis Hall Jr. Partner/Attorney - Hall & Hedrick - Coral Gables, FL Paul Collins Retired - PJC Partners - London Frank Driscoll President/CEO - Driscoll Group - Winston-Salem, NC Derek Dunn-Rankin President - Sun Coast Media Group, Inc. - Charlotte Harbor, FL Chip Elfner President - Mountain Lake Corporation - Lake Wales, FL Robin Gibson Senior Partner - Gibson Law Firm - Lake Wales, FL L. Evans Hubbard Chairman of the Board - A. Friends’ Foundation Trust - Orlando, FL Heather Jordan-Holmes CEO/President - The Omnia Group, Inc. - Tampa Joan Wellhouse Newton Chairman Emeritus - Regency Centers Corporation - Jacksonville, FL annual report 2013 | friends of the gardens | board of directors Richard D. Wood, Jr. Retired - Wawa, Inc. - Wawa, PA 3 Administrative Staff Administration & Finance David Price Nicole Stewart Carlos Borja Rose Young Stephen Jolley Larry Blackwelder President Executive Assistant/Human Resources Manager Receptionist (p) Controller Accountant Money Courier (p) Carillon Services Geert D’hollander Director, Carillon Services Joy Banks Librarian (p) Horticulture Greg Kramer Joseph Hanus Nassor Williamson Nicole Sharp Scott Gabbard Candy Bowman Jon Foerster Connie Miller Kelly Christain John Arnett Bruce Sleisher Darrell Jones James Carcano Gloria Denise Tullis Katrina Noland Director of Horticulture Administrative Assistant (p) Mechanic Nursery Manager Garden Supervisor Garden Supervisor II Gardener Supervisor Gardener Gardener Gardener Gardener Gardener Gardener Groundskeeper Land Steward Conservation & Endangered Plant Program Cheryl Peterson Glen R. Bupp Cynthia Campbell Juliet Rynear Conservation Program Manager Rare Plant Curator (t) Rare Plant Curator (t) Tian Zia Conservation Intern (t) Rare Plant Specialist (t) Visitor Services & Programs Jennifer Beam Elyse Gerstenecker Justice Mary Ann Drapp Lisa Allen Doshia Wagner Patricia Wustefeld Rita Horton William Brewner Joe DiRienzo Pirjo Restina Charles Dewey Wolford Donna Hodurski Stephanie Eckstein Sharra Reynolds Director of Visitor Services & Programs Visitor Services & Volunteer Manager Wedding & Rental Coordinator Adult Education Coordinator (p) Assistant Education Coordinator (p) Pinewood Estate Coordinator (p) Pinewood Estate Coordinator Assistant (t»pt) Pinewood Estate Caretaker (p) Gate Attendant (p»ft) Gate Attendant (p) Gate Attendant (t»pt) Weekend/Holiday Manager (p) Weekend/Holiday Information Host (p) Gate Attendant (p) Rachel Henderson Reservations & Information Desk Coordinator Education Dr. Cynthia D. Klemmer Director of Education Wendy Wolford Education Coordinator annual report 2013 | friends of the gardens | administrative staff 4 Retail Services Sandra Sue Dent Director of Retail Services blue palmetto café Cory Reynolds Joseph Carani Meghan Rigsby Matthew Fulwood Jessica Dyal Jessica Taylor Katrina Reynolds Tanika Burley Aviance Thompson Rebecca Bowlin Kayla Croft Shannon Troutt Amiee Martinez Shannon Golden Mary York Glen Sprout Patrick Huff Tanika Burley Michelle Gay Jena Jolley Café Services Manager, Chef Café Host (s+p) Sous Chef Café Host (s+p) Café Host (s+p) Café Host (p) Café Host (s+p) Café Host (s+p) Café Host (p) Café Host (s+p) Café Host (s+p) Café Host (p) Café Host (s+p) Café Host (s+p) Café Host (s+p) Café Host (s+p) Café Host (s+p) Café Host (p) Café Host (s+p) Café Host (s+p) tower & garden gift shop Teresa Hayes Sean O’Leary Sylvia Mills Hayley Ghent Susan Paetzold Katherine Trantham Tina Heckler John Thomas Cheryl Waters Susan Lee Kathleen McDermott Assistant Manager Gift Shop Host (p) Gift Shop Host (p) Gift Shop Host (s+p) Gift Shop Host (p) Gift Shop Host (p) Gift Shop Host (s+p) Gift Shop Host (p) Gift Shop Host (p) Plant Shop Host Gift Shop Host (p) Development & Membership Joan Thomas, CFRE Rhonda Todd Marilyn Richey Emily Nettnin Earle Kristin Gamache Holly Hughes Christine Foley Autumn Beyer Director of Development & Membership Special Projects Assistant (t) Development Manager Membership Associate (s+p) Membership Associate (s+p) Development & Membership Assistant Membership Associate (s+p) Membership Associate (s+p) Marketing & Public Relations Brian Ososky Martin Corbin Director of Marketing & Public Relations Graphic Designer Facilities & Operations Christopher Lutton Stella Swanson Larry Brake John Anderson John Seymour C. Michael Manis Enrique Quintero Garcia Jeffrey Starai Director of Facilities & Operations Visitor Center Custodian Facilities & Operations Assistant After-Hours Custodian Facilities & Operations Assistant p part-time • f full-time • Building Maintenance Technician Tower Maintenance Technician Weekend/Holiday Custodian (p) s seasonal • t temporary • + dual-status • » transitioned annual report 2013 | friends of the gardens | administrative staff 5 Volunteers For the period October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013, our 375 volunteers donated 48,034 hours worth $1,063,467. In addition to those below, we acknowledge the Ridge Rangers who have undertaken projects near the Gardens to help preserve the Lake Wales Ridge ecosystem, as well as the Earth Day Environmental Partners and Fairchild Challenge volunteers who assisted with specific educational programs at the Gardens. Listed below are those who completed 50-plus volunteer hours in this past fiscal year. Johnnie Adams, 206 Carla Calvert, 119 Jeanne Gayhart, 205 Patricia Jones, 720 William Adams, 211 James Carley, 150 Donald Gill, 452 Iris Karickhoff, 122 David Albertson, 239 Belva Carley, 154 Lynne Grady, 226 Marvin Karickhoff, 310 James Anderson, 152 Barbara Cassidy, 200 Brenda Gregory, 69 Eileen Katz, 54 Susan Banta, 95 J Chandler, 111 Bill Gregory, 102 Shirley Keller, 100 James Barber, 64 Marjorie Chandler, 126 Mary Grindol, 224 Jim Kellermann, 538 Louise Barber, 64 Carl Crenshaw, 55 Sylvia Griner, 55 Rose Kellermann, 595 Cindy Barney, 71 Andy Cubit, 69 Ronald Gruener, 68 Jim Kendall, 232 Gayle Barnum, 382 Paul Dawson, 85 Dale Gruhn, 318 Susan Kendall, 260 Diane Bauman, 255 Kay Dawson, 110 Margaret Haddon, 209 Peter Kessler, 391 Lois Bice, 328 Diana Dean, 66 Halle Hahn, 96 Mary Koloze, 57 Dianna Bishop, 68 Richard Diener, 194 Kenneth Hall, 211 Anne Kynast, 230 George Blackstone, 338 Jean Donaldson, 108 Lynn Hamel, 541 Debbie Lane, 363 Jim Blenkhorn, 270 Roberta Douglass, 58 Cathy Hammel, 115 Cristopher Leshnick, 92 Jere Blenkhorn, 273 Edwin Douglass, 253 Donna Hammel, 250 Al Lewis, 98 Tom Boerger, 202 Lois Duel, 61 Patricia Hancock, 71 Sarah Lingwall, 874 JoAnn Bohart, 86 Joyce Duncklee, 919 Kathleen Hargett, 104 Carol Livezey, 320 MaryLynn Brady, 144 Barbara Dutcher, 87 Merry Hart, 238 Ralph Ludwick, 140 Beverly Brady, 700 Jackie Ellis, 77 Dana Harvey, 113 Judith Luko, 164 Donna Brown, 76 Carol Engwall, 153 Alice Hearn, 116 Dianne Macko, 67 Dale Brown, 240 Jeanne Evans, 179 Jane Henderson, 259 Jeanie Madaus, 68 Linda Brown, 265 William Evans, 210 Linda Herrick, 59 Dick Madaus, 81 Wilma Brucker, 51 Kent Faughander, 265 Shirley Hertzog, 219 Sandra Madden, 89 Val Brucker, 167 Rebecca Faughander, 469 Joanne Hittner, 213 Nancy March, 163 Marjola Burdeshaw, 68 Joann Fischer, 82 Michael Hittner, 255 Barbara Marksbury, 82 Lynn Burdeshaw, 91 Jerome Fischer, 90 David Hodurski, 297 Audrey Marshall, 424 Dorothy Burger, 428 Jeanne Foster, 106 Shirley Holloway, 58 Kathy Matteson, 303 Thomas Burrows, 224 Jeffery Fredin, 62 Shirley Hopp, 367 Marian Mazur, 84 Robert Burt, 340 Doris Freedman, 99 Duane Hull, 652 Rick Mazur, 88 Elaine Butterfield, 171 Victoria Garman, 79 Donald Jones, 376 Carmen McCarty, 103 annual report 2013 | friends of the gardens | volunteers 6 Volunteers (continued) Virginia McGrath, 99 Mary Rezek, 111 Norma Stwalley, 78 Birdie Wolford, 162 James McNamara, 130 Ed Rezek, 119 David Stwalley, 84 Gloria Wurth, 101 Sharon Miller, 283 Barbara Rhen, 65 Curtis Summers, 53 Barbara Wustefeld, 214 Albert Miner, 288 Linda Richards, 111 Donald Suter, 60 Becky Wynkoop, 90 Dianne Miner, 511 Donna Richert, 100 Ann Suter, 143 Gloria Zeigler, 137 Betty Montgomery, 51 Kermit Richert, 118 Mariela Taggett, 51 William Zeigler, 137 Mary Neal, 257 Nancy Robinson, 62 Betty Taylor, 60 Joyce Nelson, 65 Janet Robinson, 154 Suzanne Threadgould, 65 Pete NeSmith, 257 Cynthia Rowland, 106 William Tierney, 62 JoRene Nevitt, 186 Jane Saks, 89 Carolyn Todd, 121 Ronald Nordman, 68 Carolyn Sand, 416 Paul Todd, 346 Ted Odle, 597 Norma Schaffer, 75 Verena Tonon, 54 Gwen Odle, 607 William Schaffer, 80 Dennis Tuggey, 377 Eleanor O’Neal, 84 Sara Schilg, 71 Dave Turner, 71 Paul O’Neill, 334 Wendy Schwendler, 54 Kathelia Turner, 141 Donald Onsager, 131 Richard Schwendler, 129 Shirley Ussery, 104 Linda Osborne, 153 John Scott, 110 Alice Van Asdale, 79 George Osborne, 230 Janet Seitz, 206 Gayle Van Asdale, 81 Jeanette Padgett, 218 Thomas Seitz Sr., 212 Edwena Van Deree, 181 Elana Parker, 51 Gwendolyn Seliga, 1500 Ralph Van Deree, 247 Kimber Pepper, 50 Gail Shearn, 203 Mark Vickers, 207 Mae Peterson, 148 August Sheets, 64 Ruth Wagner, 92 Nancy Pladziewicz, 84 Anne Sheets, 401 Betty Wagner, 245 Kim Potter, 74 Mitchell Sheets, 1009 Elizabeth Webber, 52 Donna Potter, 172 Barbara Shields, 111 Bob Webber, 73 Shelba Powell, 166 Celia Siemsen, 267 Mary Weimer, 233 Fred Powell, 175 Nicholas Smith, 132 Kay Weiss, 332 Robert Propes, 88 Langston Spell, 53 Nora White, 91 Norma Putnam, 53 James Spence, 56 Eileen Whitman, 53 Devon Quintana, 91 Kathi Spence, 62 Michael Wilkins, 111 Frances Rae, 83 Terry Spinos, 61 Laura Williams, 233 Marilyn Randolph, 91 Allan Stanford, 84 Mary Windisch, 257 Mickey Reed, 219 Geraldine Stevens, 125 Judith Winter, 51 Rebecca Reeves, 100 Joyce Stombaugh, 70 Becky Wolf, 163 Kenneth Reid, 143 David Street, 284 Joseph Wolf, 511 Carole Reid, 162 Anne Stuart, 454 Irene Wolf, 627 annual report 2013 | friends of the gardens | volunteers 7 Donors Your support is important to us and is much appreciated. If we have unintentionally omitted, misspelled or misrepresented your name on any of these lists, please accept our apology and call 863.734.1233 to help us correct our records. Cumulative Lifetime Donors Bok Tower Gardens gratefully acknowledges individuals, organizations and foundations that have made cumulative gifts and pledge commitments of more than $100,000 to the Gardens as of September 30, 2013. The generous support provided by these donors over the years is critical to the development and success of Bok Tower Gardens. Edward W. Bok, Founder Mrs. Ruth Hubbard A. Friends’ Foundation Trust J.N. McArthur Foundation Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Bryan IV Mr. and Mrs. L. Patton Kline State of Florida – Division of Historical Resources Mr. and Mrs. William G. Burns Mr. and Mrs. H.F. “Gerry” Lenfest The Marion Stephenson Estate Center for Plant Conservation Mr. Henry McCance Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Stokes Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Collins Mrs. Joan Wellhouse Newton Ting Tsung and Wei Fon Chao Foundation Mrs. Ruth Conn The Abby and George O’Neill Family Mr. and Mrs. A. Bronson Thayer The George R. Cooley Estate U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Mr. and Mrs. Francois de Saint Phalle Polk County Board of County Commissioners -Tourist Development Council Mr. and Mrs. Frank Driscoll State of Florida The Olga Hernandez Estate State of Florida – Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Mr. and Mrs. L. Evans Hubbard State of Florida – Division of Cultural Affairs Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Wood Jr. The Edward Bok Society Honoring the extraordinary gift of Edward W. Bok, a growing number of friends support Bok Tower Gardens through their wills or other planned gifts to ensure the continuation of Edward Bok’s commitment to excellence. The Edward Bok Society was established to thank and recognize friends and members who wish to offer their support through deferred gifts to special programs, the carillon, the endowment or to the permanent asset of the Gardens. Ms. H. Abigail Bok Mr. and Mrs. John B. Goodwin Gwen and Joseph Seliga Curtis Bok and Sharon Bailey-Bok Mr. P. Timothy Hartsfield Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan A. Shaw Ms. Linda L. Browning Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Hoppe Mr. Rick T. Short Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Bryan IV Mrs. Ruth M. Hubbard Mrs. Dorothy Suchner Mr. and Mrs. William G. Burns Mrs. Lois E. King Mrs. Joan A. Thomas Mrs. Ruth F. Conn Mr. David Lingard Ms. Cindy Turner Martha T. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Little Ken Endline Mr. Charles Eric Matheny Ms. Carol First Mrs. Marilyn Newell Mr. and Mrs. Clifford C. Freund Enid Curtis Bok Okun Mrs. Jeanne Gayhart Mr. and Mrs. David M. Price annual report 2013 | friends of the gardens | donors 8 Preserve the Legacy, Steward the Future We honor and recognize the following individuals and organizations who are helping us realize our Master Plan vision with a special gift to this capital campaign. This list reflects gifts and gift commitments made from the beginning of the Capital Campaign through March 31, 2014. visionaries circle - gold State of Florida visionaries circle - silver William and Margaret Burns Mr. and Mrs. Paul Collins visionaries circle – bronze Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Bryan IV Mr. L. Patton Kline The Abby and George O’Neill Family Ms. Ruth F. Conn Marguerite and Gerry Lenfest Robert G. and Patricia K. Stokes Mr. and Mrs. François de Saint Phalle Mr. Henry McCance Ting Tsung and Wei Fong Chao Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Driscoll David M. Milton Charitable Trust Jeanette and Richard D. Wood Robert and Eugenie Birch Mr. and Mrs. William M. Friedrich Mr. Richard Littleton Derek and Sissela Bok G. Arnold Haynes Mr. Julien L. McCall Mr. and Mrs. Tomas Bok Jahna Foundation Inc. Mosaic Company Foundation Clark Nikdel Powell Kline Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. A. Bronson Thayer Frank and Carol Drake Marguerite and Gerry Lenfest Mrs. Walter H. Trumbull Ms. Catherine Cotter and Mr. John Finneran Mr. Clifford W. Mayhall leadership circle – gold leadership circle – silver Anonymous A. Friends’ Foundation Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Alexander Kim and Steve Bepler Claudia Conn Mr. Gordon Henderson Donald and Patricia Jones Heather L. and Clark Jordan-Holmes Estate of Elizabeth Anne Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Owen John and Mary Wight leadership circle – bronze Anonymous Mr. George Eichleay Mountain Lake Corporation Michael and Dena Aloian Mrs. William Gray Mr. and Mrs. John Oster Steve and Lynda Buck Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Hunt II David and Catherine Price Pat and Nancy Cain Sandy and Hugh Lowenstein Edward and Ann Probert Martha T. Edwards Mr. Boris E. Meditch Ronald D. Risner Anonymous (2) Ms. Jennifer P. Beam J. Davis and Barbara Connor John R. and Sarah Alexander Elizabeth W. Brine Mr. Derek Dunn-Rankin The Martin Andersen-Gracia Andersen Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Curtis F. Brockelman Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Elfner III CapTrust Financial Advisors Mr. Geert D’hollander stewardship circle - gold Nick and Lindsay Baker annual report 2013 | friends of the gardens | donors 9 Preserve the Legacy, Steward the Future (continued) stewardship circle - gold (continued) Mr. John Germany Christopher and Amy Lutton Robert P. and Nancy J. Sullivan Robin and Jean Gibson Paul R. Melichar Joan A. and John R. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hodurski Clement and Betz Newbold The Frances Updike Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hollis Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Rogers Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Updike Jack and MaryLee Hollis Gwen and Joseph Seliga Andrea and Joshua Webb The Estate of Theresa Hollowell Mitchell V. Sheets Mary K. Windisch Emil and Marilyn Jahna Mr. and Mrs. W. Stevens Sheppard Steve and Robin Jolley Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Snyder Jr. stewardship circle - silver Anonymous Ms. Christine Foley Ellen and George Needham Fund Mr. Larry Blackwelder Orion W. Fraiser Edward P. Roberts Stuart and Linda Boyd Mrs. Rita DiJoseph Horton Thomas and Janet Seitz Jim and Belva Carley Mr. and Mrs. Adam N. Justice Joseph J. Seliga Sandra Sue Dent Lanier Upshaw Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Sleisher Julie Diaz-Nichols Mr. and Mrs. Hugh F. Leahy Chip Thullbery John and Emily Earle Mr. Clifford M. Manis Rhonda K. and Steven W. Todd Carol A. Engwall Ruth V. Marchione Foundation stewardship circle - bronze Anonymous (3) Mr. Joseph DiRienzo Paul and Carol Livezey Mrs. Lisa Allen Jerry and Joyce Duncklee Mr. and Mrs. Frank Manning Jim and Wanda Anderson Jessica Dyal Donald McBeth John Anderson Neville Dyer Ginny McGrath Stacey Bacon Fiduciary Trust Company Cassandra McLaughlin Jim and Susie Bell Joanne and Jerry Fischer Connie Miller Ms. Victoria N. Bailey and Mr. Donald Fink Mr. Jon Foerster Sylvia Mills Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Flaglor Danielle Montero Scott Gabbard Jeff Myers Joe and Tracy Hanus The Noland Family The Heckler Family Ted and Gwen Odle Rachel Henderson Marc and Sue Paetzold Mike and Debra Howell Natalie Palka Cassie Jacoby Marcia Pennington Darrell Jones Carmen Pineda Shirley H. Keller Mr. Enrique Quintero Jim and Rose Kellerman Allen and Violet Remp Mr. Greg Kramer Pirjo H. Restina Ms. Susan H. Lee Cory Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Jeff and Joy Banks Autumn D. Beyer Jason Bleers Mr. Tom L. Boerger Carlos Borja Candy Bowman Mr. Larry Brake Mr. Bill Brewner Cynthia C. Campbell Josh and Stacey Crum Ms. Patricia P. Dalglish Paul and Kay Dawson annual report 2013 | friends of the gardens | donors 10 Preserve the Legacy, Steward the Future (continued) stewardship circle - bronze (continued) Katrina Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Sichler Bob and Liz Webber Bill Schaffer Nicole L. Stewart Dewey Wolford Swanny Seirup Dick Stouffer Katie Worthington Gwen C. Seliga Mr. and Mrs. Curtis I. Summers Dr. Mamoru Yoshida Mr. John Seymour Ann Suter Ms. Rose Young James and Nicole Sharp Ms. Stella Swanson Cheryl D. Sheplee Mrs. Hayley Taylor Annual Supporters We gratefully acknowledge the following individuals, corporations, and foundations that made unrestricted annual gifts through membership and other programs to support Bok Tower Gardens between October 1, 2012 and September 30, 2013. * denotes Tower Key Society 20+ Year Member individual donors honorary lifetime members Ms. Suzy Boychuk Mrs. Ruth M. Hubbard* Mr. Milford Myhre* Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Driscoll* Mr. and Mrs. Duane M. Hull* Mr. and Mrs. Ted T. Odle Sara and Dale Fair* Mrs. Carolyn Kibler* Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan A. Shaw Mr. Harold E. Glenn* Mr. L. Patton Kline* Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Sullivan* Mr. and Mrs. L. Evans Hubbard* Mrs. Helen D. Morrison* chairman’s council Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Bepler Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Collins Mr. and Mrs. George F. Eichleay Mr. and Mrs. William G. Burns Mrs. Ruth F. Conn* Dr. Harold Pontious* Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Bryan IV* Mr. Julien L. McCall* Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Wood Jr. Ms. Nancy J. Davis Ms. Linda A. Peterson* Mr. G. Arnold Haynes Mr. and Mrs. John W. Wight Jr. president’s council bok tower club Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Alexander Mr. Rodrigo Garcia and Dr. Robert Heglar Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Hunt II* Mr. and Mrs. John R. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Robin Gibson* Mr. and Mrs. James A. Jahna Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Birch Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Giordano Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Jenkins Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alan F. Blanchard Mrs. William H. Gray Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Jones Mr. and Mrs. J. Shepard Bryan Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hill Griffin IV Mr. John Joyce and Mrs. Lisbet Joyce Ms. Gloria Dana Mr. and Mrs. James G. Guerdon* Mr. Boris E. Meditch Mr. and Mrs. James F. Doyle Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Hackl* Mr. and Mrs. James R. Mitchell Dr. and Mrs. Frank D. Drake* Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Hargett Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Tom Dryden Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hollis Mrs. Mary M. Pugliese and Mr. David J. Pugliese Mr. and Mrs. Derek Dunn-Rankin Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Hoover annual report 2013 | friends of the gardens | donors Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Stokes 11 Annual Supporters (continued) bok tower club (continued) Mr. and Mrs. Glenn P. Strehle Mr. and Mrs. A. Bronson Thayer sponsor Ms. H. Abigail Bok* Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Foley Ms. Sondra McLouth Prof. Derek C. Bok and Dr. Sissela A. Bok Ms. Halle B. Hahn Mr. and Mrs. John Oster III Mr. C. Harvey Bradley Ms. Marsha Harmony Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Rossi Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Broderick Mr. and Mrs. Jack M. Hollis Mr. Scott Stieler and Ms. Melissa LaCasse Mrs. Millie N. Brown Mr. and Mrs. G. Ellis Hunt* Mr. Jack A. Tafel Dr. Danielle M. Christiano Mr. and Mrs. Al Judy Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Webb Dr. Jim Christoph Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kovacs Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Young Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Elfner III Ms. Joan Kunzelmann Mrs. Carol Felker Mrs. Sandy Lowenstein patron Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Horace F. Herndon* Ms. Marilyn P. Rinker Mr. and Mrs. Mark Armstrong* Mr. William O. Horrell and Ms. Theresa Huston Mr. and Mrs. Douglas P. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. M. Hunt Berryman Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Bogue Jr. Mr. Robert LeRoy Booth Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bostick Mr. and Mrs. Curtis F. Brockelman Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Brown Mr. and Mrs. David W. Brown Ms. Teresa Bruckner Mrs. Michelle Chandler-Raley and Mr. Lindsay Raley Mrs. Gloria G. Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Stewart W. Hurst* Mr. and Mrs. C. David Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Max E. Linton* Mr. Richard S. Littleton Ms. Mary Ann McCoy* Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. McCutcheon Mr. and Mrs. J. Marion Moorman Dr. and Mrs. Richard Clapp Mr. and Mrs. John Motis Ms. Claudia G. Conn Dr. and Mrs. David C. Neal Mr. and Mrs. Dave Connor Ms. Robin Neel and Mr. Tim Prince Mr. and Mrs. William K. Davis Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Clement B. Newbold Jr.* Mrs. Dale Fisher* Mr. and Mrs. Clark Nobil Mr. Orion W. Fraiser* Mr. and Mrs. Dean Nourie Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Frueh Mr. George D. O’Neill Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Garner Mr. and Mrs. George D. O’Neill Sr.* Mr. James M. Gillies Mr. and Mrs. Brian Peddie Mr. Paul C. Good Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Phillipp Mrs. Jeanne B. Grumme* Mr. Dwayne K. Prifogle and Mr. James D. Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Alan Harding Mr. and Mrs. William A. Heink Mr. Gordon D. Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Ray Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Larry P. Robinson Ms. Elizabeth J. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Dane Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Gene Roth Dr. and Mrs. Willis F. Sage Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Sichler III Mr. and Mrs. David C. Sinclair Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Strouse* Mr. and Mrs. Neil L. Thompson Mr. Paul Lints and Ms. Nancy Town Mr. James Towne Mr. Arthur Ubbens Mr. James Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wagoner* Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Walker Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Whitman Mr. Wayne L. Whittingham Ms. Freda V. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Wilshere Judge and Mrs. Michael Raiden* Mr. and Mrs. Lee F. Rathbun* annual report 2013 | friends of the gardens | donors 12 Annual Supporters (continued) donor (continued) Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Abels Dr. Amada S. Bouffard Mr. and Mrs. Jason Cimini Gen. and Mrs. James A. Abrahamson Mr. and Mrs. Lewis E. Bowlby Ms. TJ Coburn* Mr. Brian D. Ackley and Dr. Lori Shank Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bradish Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Collina Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Adams* Ms. MaryLynn Brady Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Cook Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Terry Brinkman Mr. and Mrs. Matt Cook Ms. Rebecca Afonso and Mr. William Afonso Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Broadaway Mr. and Mrs. Russell L. Cook* Mr. and Mrs. John Brown Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Charles Costello Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Brown* Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Coutu Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brown Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Cove Ms. Bonita Brown and Mr. Willie Quarles Mrs. Jacqueline Crawford and Mr. Jeffrey Haller Ms. Joyce L. Ahles and Ms. Ann M. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Allan Mr. Charles B. Allen* Mr. and Mrs. William P. Allman* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Alvord Mrs. Helen A. Andersen* Ms. Carol A. Anderson and Ms. Ingrid Lee Mr. and Mrs. Leander H. Anske Jr. Mr. G. T. Aydelotte Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Baker Ms. Shirley K. Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Banta Ms. Jean Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Tom Barrett Dr. and Mrs. William J. Barringer Mr. and Mrs. Mercer B. Barrows Mrs. Delores A. Barton Dr. and Mrs. John Beck Mr. Christopher Bellows and Mrs. Anne Bellows Mr. and Mrs. John Buhlman Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bunce Mr. and Mrs. James D. Bunch Mr. and Mrs. Lynn E. Burdeshaw* Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Burke Mr. and Mrs. William Burkholder Mrs. and Mr. Kay Burklund Mr. Douglas P. Burton* Mr. and Mrs. Bert Buttriss Dr. and Mrs. George W. Butz III Mr. William Byerly and Mr. David Denton Mr. and Mrs. August Byllott Mr. and Mrs. Luke P. Cain Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Pat Cain* Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Calkins Mr. Robert L. Callison Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Bender Mr. and Mrs. Roger B. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. V. Paul Benner* Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Carey Ms. Charlene Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Carlos Mrs. Nancy C. Benz Mr. Eric Carrier and Mr. Greg Brackett Mr. and Mrs. David M. Bernella Dr. and Mrs. Eduardo L. Casingal* Mrs. Ann C. Berry Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Castillo III Dr. Mary K. Beyrer Mr. and Mrs. Angelo A. Catani Mr. and Mrs. Scott Blackburn Mr. and Mrs. Dick Chandley* Mr. David Blackmore Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd R. Chase Curtis Bok and Sharon Bailey-Bok* Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Cheek Mr. and Mrs. Ray Borglund Jr.* Mrs. Janet E. Christianson* annual report 2013 | friends of the gardens | donors Mr. and Mrs. L. David Crews Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Crisp Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Croom Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Cummins Mr. and Mrs. Galen Custard Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Daniel Mr. and Mrs. Brian Davis Mr. and Mrs. Grant Davis Mr. Robert E. Davis Mr. Randy Dease and Ms. Claudia D. Blum Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Deedrick Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Deitelbaum Mr. and Mrs. Stuart P. Denton Mr. and Mrs. James S. Devlin Mr. and Mrs. David W. Dey Mr. John DeYoung Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dickey Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Dickinson Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Dommer Mr. and Mrs. Dayl Donahey Mr. and Mrs. William A. Drasdo* Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Drew Mr. and Mrs. Jerry T. Duncklee Mr. and Mrs. George Dunlap Mr. and Mrs. Max Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Dyer Mr. and Mrs. J. Dixon Earley 13 Annual Supporters (continued) donor (continued) Ms. N. Karen Edmonds and Ms. Delores E. Giannettini Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Goatley Mr. and Mrs. Mike Henry Mr. and Mrs. Amos G. Gona Mr. and Mrs. Imre Herczeg Mrs. Sally L. Gore* Dr. and Mrs. Steven Hewett Mr. Edward Gorrill Mr. and Mrs. Erik G. Hielscher Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Gover Mr. and Mrs. Thomas X. Hietpas Mr. and Mrs. Joe Emery Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Graham Mr. and Mrs. Elmer C. Hill* Ms. Carol Emery Ms. Sandra J. Graham Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Hilton Ken Endline and Mary Endline Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Grandy Mrs. Donna E. Hodurski Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Engel Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gregg Ms. Theresa Hollowell Mr. and Mrs. Edward Enz* Mr. John A. Greiner and Ms. Rosella Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hood Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Edwards Jr. Ms. Sibyl J. Edwards Mr. Charles R. Elmquist and Ms. Betty J. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Edward Esteve Dr. and Mrs. Edward E. Etheredge Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Evans Mr. and Mrs. William C. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Dostie Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Faiks Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Utah Farris Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E. Fauber Ms. Lark M. Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Flagg Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Flaglor Mr. and Mrs. John J. Fletcher Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Floyd Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Griffith Mrs. Mary A. Griffiths* Dr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Griner Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Guequierre Mr. and Mrs. Erlin G. Guevara Mr. and Mrs. John Gustafson Mr. and Mrs. Gale F. Guyer Mrs. Nancy Haight Ms. Carol S. Hall* Mr. and Mrs. James D. Hamil Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Hammond Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Hoppe Mr. and Mrs. James H. Horton* Dr. and Mrs. David Housel Mr. and Mrs. Michael Howell Ms. Nancy H. Hoyt* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Hudzinski Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Hughes Dr. and Mrs. Robert Hulen* Mr. and Mrs. Herman E. Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Hunt III Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hunter Dr. Harry R. Hurst Ms. Mary A. Hyser Mr. Paul J. Flynn* Mr. James Ruddle and Mrs. A. Carol Hanaway-Ruddle Mrs. Elizabeth W. Folk Mr. and Mrs. James Hancock Ms. Cheryl L. Isaac Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Francis Mr. and Mrs. Marty R. Hancock* Mr. and Mrs. Trygve A. Ivesdal Mr. and Mrs. John B. Frederick Dr. J. Richard Hankins Mr. and Mrs. George P. Jackson* Mr. Darren W. Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Ted H. Hankins Mr. and Mrs. John Janusz Mr. and Mrs. George Fryling Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Hanrahan* Dr. and Mrs. William G. Jeffrey Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Gabbard Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hanzek Mr. Arthur F. Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Gadsden Mr. and Mrs. Chris A. Hartman Mr. and Mrs. Wayne C. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Galke Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Hasse* Ms. Barbara B. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Francisco Garcia Mrs. Jane C. Hawkins Ms. Peggy Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Herbert B. Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Spencer G. Hay Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Jolley Mr. and Mrs. Paul Garfold Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Haynes Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Jordan-Holmes Mrs. Jeanne M. Gayhart Mrs. Betty Henderson and Mrs. Phyllis H. Smith Ms. Bonnie S. Judkins and Ms. Barbara Hartman Ms. Jeri Henderson Mr. J. Steve Junkins and Mrs. Judith ClineJunkins Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gillooley Mrs. Martha K. Gleason and Ms. Julie B. Gleason Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Henry annual report 2013 | friends of the gardens | donors Mr. and Mrs. Ed Irmler 14 Annual Supporters (continued) donor (continued) Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Maddock Mrs. Jodie Moyer and Mr. Franklin Weaver Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Kelsey Mr. and Mrs. Richard Maffett Mr. and Mrs. Wendell B. Mullis Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kendrick Mr. and Mrs. David A. Mager Mrs. Robin H. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Sean Maloney Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Nalker Mr. Sam Kipe Ms. Mary C. Ison and Ms. Claire Maltese Dr. and Mrs. James A. Nelson* Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kirk Mr. and Mrs. Alan Mann Mr. and Mrs. Dean Nelson* Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Knox Ms. Nancy March Mrs. Marilyn Newell* Mr. Ryan Kordek and Mrs. Chanda Bennett-Kordek Ms. Anne Marcure and Dr. Paul Finnerty Dr. and Mrs. Seifollah Nikdel* Ms. Karen Kovach and Mr. Charles McNally Mr. Francis C. Marsano Mr. and Mrs. Max E. Norman Mr. and Mrs. Leon C. Marsh Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Nottingham Dr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Krezenski Ms. Jane Martin and Mr. Weslie Santiago Mr. Edward La Fleur Mr. and Mrs. John Mastropietro Mrs. Marisha Nowak and Mr. Samuel S. Thayer Rev. and Mrs. Hugh Lackey Mr. and Mrs. John Matteson Mr. and Mrs. James Lahrman Dr. and Mrs. Michael R. Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Laird Ms. Hailey Matthews and Mr. John Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. James L. Lambert Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Oakman* Mr. and Mrs. Gary Okrepkie Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Olsen Mrs. Esther Ormsby Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd May Mr. and Mrs. C. William Ouellette Jr. Mrs. Winifred McAllister-Rewis Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ousley* Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. McCord Mr. and Mrs. Alan Oyler Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. McCullough Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Edward L. Pan Mr. and Mrs. Bill L. McElveen Mr. and Mrs. J. Clyde Parlier* Mrs. Catherine R. Layne Mrs. Lorie McKnight and Ms. Tammy Lamb Dr. Daniel T. Parnassa Mr. and Mrs. John Layton Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. McMicken Mr. and Mrs. C. Bruce Leavitt Mr. and Mrs. Wayne D. McNutt Mr. and Mrs. William E. Leggett Mr. and Mrs. Oswald G. Mechsner Dr. and Mrs. George D. Leidel Mr. and Mrs. Vince Mee Mr. Cecil D. Lettis and Mr. Michael A. Tobin Dr. and Mrs. Murray J. Miller* Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Lang Mr. and Mrs. John R. Larr Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Larson Drs. Walter and Isabella Laude* Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lawler Mr. and Mrs. Rock A. LeVasseur Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Lilly* Mrs. Linda L. Lindsay Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Lingwall Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Little Mr. and Mrs. Peter Littleton Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Lukas Ms. Karyn L. Luke and Ms. Judith Luke Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Luther Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Miller Ms. Diana Miller and Mr. Kevin Kane Mr. and Mrs. Jim Milner Mrs. Stephanie A. Molly Mr. and Mrs. James A. Monahan Dr. and Mrs. John W. Moore* Col. and Mrs. Sam P. Morgan Jr. Mr. Charles Morgan and Ms. Patti C. James Mr. and Mrs. Colon W. Morris Dr. and Mrs. George D. Lyle Mr. Anthony G. Morrow and Mrs. Janet K. Morrow Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Mack Dr. and Mrs. James G. Moyer Jr. annual report 2013 | friends of the gardens | donors Mr. and Mrs. Darren Patton Ms. Pamela J. Patton Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Philley Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Pierce Mr. Mark Polanskas and Mrs. Mary Robey Mr. and Mrs. Lansing W. Poole* Dr. and Mrs. H. Leonard Porter III* Mr. and Mrs. Fred Powell Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Pratt Mrs. Joan M. Pratt Mr. and Mrs. Dick Prince Mr. and Mrs. James H. Puckett Mr. Carlton N. Putnam Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Quam Jr.* Ms. Virginia Rader Mr. and Mrs. George Rankin 15 Annual Supporters (continued) donor (continued) Ms. Anna M. Rappaport and Mr. Peter Plumley Mr. and Mrs. Lance Raybould Mrs. Diane K. Reece Mr. and Mrs. John A. Reed Mrs. Barbara C. Reeves* Mr. and Mrs. Richard Reid Mr. and Mrs. Allen R. Remp Ms. Lisanne L. Renner and Mr. Adam S. Grace* Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Schwendler Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph E. Swider Mr. and Mrs. Stephen N. Sczur Jr. Mr. Robert J. Sylvia Mrs. Jo W. Seaton* Dr. Bob Taylor and Dr. Billye Taylor* Mr. and Mrs. Larry A. Seckel Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Taylor Mrs. Swanny Seirup Mr. David C. Taylor Rev. and Mrs. Thomas C. Seitz Sr.* Mrs. Sharon Thames and Mrs. Shayne Edwards Ms. Gwendolyn C. Seliga Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin N. Selser Mrs. Robert J. Shaw* Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rensing Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Sheely Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Repke Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson Mr. Todd Ribardo and Ms. Arlene Hudson Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Richard Ms. Deborah L. Sipes and Mr. Bill Dawson* Mr. and Mrs. John B. Richards Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Sirbaugh Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rigel Mr. and Mrs. Scott S. Sisson Mr. and Mrs. Randolph V. Rines Mr. Barry A. Haase and Mrs. Alicia S. Slater-Haase Mr. B. Earle Roberts* Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Clyde H. Thompson* Mr. Edwin W. Thompson Jr.* Mr. Alfred C. Thullbery Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Tiencken Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Tilghman Ms. Patricia Titer and Mr. Scott Cassidy Mr. and Mrs. Larry Tonjes Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tortorella Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Troupe Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Sledge Mr. and Mrs. William R. Trull Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Smelser Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Trumbull* Nanette N. Rodgers Mr. and Mrs. C. David Smith* Mr. and Mrs. Champ Tunno Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rodrigue Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Smith Mr. Roy J. Tyson and Ms. Jami Lewis Ms. Linda L. Rogers and Mr. Thomas E. Martin Mr. Joe Smith and Ms. Janeen Smith Mr. and Mrs. Ray Van de Mark Mr. and Mrs. Peter Snay Ms. Gloria J. Van Dyke and Mr. James H. Bovy Ms. Karen D. Robinson and Ms. Jean Samson Mrs. Lawanda L. Ross* Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rothman Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Roubos Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Ruthven Mr. and Mrs. Glenn S. Ryburn Ms. Kay Rynear and Ms. Donna Hill Ms. Barbara R. Salvin Dr. and Mrs. James L. Sanders Mrs. Heather L. Sanders and Mrs. Valerie J. Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sobierajski Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Southern Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sparks Mr. and Mrs. Gary Spohn Ms. Willa Stauffer Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Steckert Mr. and Mrs. Bill Steele Mr. and Mrs. Keith Steverson Mr. and Mrs. Lester I. Stewart Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Julian A. Vault Mr. and Mrs. Keith H. Wadsworth Mr. Gregory Wagner Mr. Vincent Waloga Mr. and Mrs. Carl Walters Mr. and Mrs. William H. Walters Dr. and Mrs. Joe Warren Mrs. Lynne M. Warsaw Mr. and Mrs. James Sanford Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Stine Mrs. Nanette Watson and Ms. Quortni Watson Mr. Richard Schafer and Ms. Marcia Gantz Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Stoeckle Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Weber Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Schaffer Ms. Rita M. Strempack and Ms. Antoinette M. Stitt Dr. Dorothy A. Wedge Mrs. Helen Schmidt and Ms. Diane Boczkowski Mr. and Mrs. Albert D. Stuart Mr. and Mrs. Damon Welch Ms. Carol H. Schofield Carole L. Sustak Mrs. Elizabeth Wernsing and Mrs. E. Paige Singletary Mr. and Mrs. John W. Schumacher Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas M. Swaika Mr. and Mrs. David M. West annual report 2013 | friends of the gardens | donors 16 Annual Supporters (continued) donor (continued) Ms. Barbara H. Weyrauch Mr. Jim Wilder and Ms. Lisa O’Neill Mrs. Betty Wojcik Mr. and Mrs. Curtis W. Wheeler* Mr. and Mrs. G. Earl Williams Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Woods Mr. Howard M. White Mr. and Mrs. James C. Williams* Mr. and Mrs. John Wu Mr. and Mrs. Denis E. Wickham Ms. Margaret L. Williams Mr. and Mrs. William Wyse Mrs. June C. Wiggins* Ms. Shirley C. Wingfield companies, foundations & organizations GasLog Ltd David M. Milton Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. Robin Gibson WAWA J.N. McArthur Foundation Share the Gift Annual Fund Donors The Share the Gift Fund helps Bok Tower Gardens give back to the community. Gifts support low- and no-cost youth education programs and help us establish partnerships with local service organizations whose clients benefit greatly from visiting the Gardens. We thank the following individuals and institutions for their support between October 1, 2012 and September 30, 2013. individuals Gen. and Mrs. James A. Abrahamson Mr. and Mrs. Terry Brinkman Ms. Abigail Adams-Cheatham Mr. Darin Briskman and Ms. Vickie J. Gray Ms. Rebecca Afonso and Mr. William Afonso Ms. Joyce L. Ahles and Ms. Ann M. Davis Mr. and Mrs. John R. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Duane A. Aller Mr. and Mrs. Kurt A. Anderson Ms. Amanda Angel Mrs. Ada M. Ash Curtis Bok and Sharon Bailey-Bok Ms. Helen M. Bell Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Biemer Ms. Holly Bird and Mr. Robert Carr Ms. Patricia A. Brown and Ms. Barbara A. Carmody Ms. Barbara J. Cassidy Mrs. Carol Chandler Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cherny Mr. and Mrs. Norbert R. Christel Mr. and Mrs. Robert Christie Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Clevenger Ms. TJ Coburn Ms. Joan Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Collina Ms. Sallyann Deveau Ms. Dayle Dierks Ms. Jinya D’India and Mr. Anthony Hignett Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Driscoll Mr. and Mrs. Jerry T. Duncklee Ms. Shauna M. Dunn Mr. Evan C. Earle Mr. and Mrs. William E. Emerson Dr. and Mrs. Edward E. Etheredge Sara and Dale Fair Mr. and Mrs. Martin C. Corbin Ms. Catherine A. Cotter and Mr. John G. Finneran Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Cove Mrs. Dale Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Joe A. Cramp Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fitzsimmons Mr. Beaufort Cranford Rev. and Mrs. Leighton J. Foss Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bourdette Mr. Chris Cremeans and Mrs. Kimberly Cremeans Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Foster Mr. and Mrs. Terence P. Boyle Mrs. Irma A. Dartez Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bradish Mr. and Mrs. Colin Davis Dr. and Mrs. Roy Z. Braunstein Ms. Arabella M. Decker Mr. and Mrs. Jim Blenkhorn Prof. Derek C. Bok and Dr. Sissela A. Bok Ms. Victoria Bok and Mr. Dick Jones Mr. and Ms. Larry Borsani annual report 2013 | friends of the gardens | donors Mr. and Mrs. John C. Frankenfield Mr. Robert Freeman and Ms. Pat Teece Mr. and Mrs. William A. Futch 17 Share the Gift Annual Fund Donors (continued) individuals (continued) Mr. Jose Garcia Mr. and Mrs. George Langenderfer Jr. Ms. Debbie Perry Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Geehr Mrs. Mary Kay Langford Mrs. and Dr. Andrea Pesut Ms. Andrea Gelfuso and Mr. Kenneth Wick Ms. Sherrill Latour Mr. and Mrs. D. Currey Pettus Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Gerlitz Mr. and Mrs. Steve Layten Mr. and Mrs. George J. Pinkerton Mr. John F. Germany Ms. Susan H. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Pontynen Mrs. Sally L. Gore Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. LeShay Mr. and Mrs. Dick Prince Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Griggs Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Probert Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Guerra Sr. Mr. Talbot P. Lewis Wen-Jen Rairdon Ms. Carol E. Haines Ms. Margaret M. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Rampi Mr. and Mrs. John P. Hamel Mr. Jack Ley and Mr. John Lasco Mrs. Diane K. Reece Mr. John Hart Ms. Jan H. Liles Mr. and Mrs. James L. Reed Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Haynes Sr. Mr. and Mrs. David A. Little Ms. Alma J. Heidenreich Mr. Richard S. Littleton Ms. Lisanne L. Renner and Mr. Adam S. Grace Mr. and Mrs. Scott Henderson Ms. Ashley Lowe Mr. and Mrs. Horace F. Herndon Ms. Karyn L. Luke and Ms. Judith Luke Mr. Barney M. Herndon Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Malott Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hofmann Ms. Joyce Matevia Ms. Theresa Hollowell Mr. Glenn McCollum and Ms. Doris Knupp Dr. and Mrs. David Housel Mrs. Gloria G. Hunt Mr. and Mrs. G. Ellis Hunt Ms. Allison Hunt and Mr. Wayne Watters Mrs. Charlotte D. James Mr. Glenn A. Jenks and Ms. Faith P. Getchell Ms. Pirjo H. Restina Mr. and Mrs. Bill Richard Mr. and Mrs. Gary F. Richards Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Richey Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Rogers Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Froilan Rosado Ms. Mary Ann McCoy Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Schuster Mrs. Tara L. McGraw Mrs. Swanny Seirup Dr. Thomas C. McLaughlin Mrs. Nancy M. Sell and Ms. Sue Murray Mr. and Mrs. C. Roger Meeker Mrs. Bonita L. Shafie and Mr. Leon Puterbaugh Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Meyer Ms. Sandra L. Miller Rev. Mitchell V. Sheets Mr. and Mrs. Robert Silhan Mr. and Mrs. David W. Johnson Dr. and Mrs. David Misch Mr. and Mrs. David L. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. James A. Monahan Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Jolley Ms. Denise M. Moose Ms. Ruth Ann Jolley Dr. and Mrs. David C. Neal Mrs. Nancy D. Kahler Mr. and Mrs. Dean Nelson Ms. Arleen Keiber Mr. Dale Nettnin Ms. Susan L. Smith and Ms. Katelyn E. Gray Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Robert Niemeyer Mr. Thomas J. Smith Mr. William Kent Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Nopar Mr. and Mrs. Garrett E. Snipes Mr. Nelson R. Kimball Mr. Paul O’Neill and Ms. Diane O. Bauman Mr. Marvin P. Socha and Mr. Daniel O’Neal Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Owen Mr. Gary Sokolow Ms. Miriam Pain Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Southern Ms. Susan R. Parker Dr. Phil Spears Ms. Donna Pearce Mr. and Mrs. Lester I. Stewart Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kochman Mr. and Mrs. James M. Krenisky Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Krouson Rev. and Mrs. Hugh Lackey Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Lang annual report 2013 | friends of the gardens | donors Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Slattery Mr. and Mrs. Dale L. Smith Mrs. Theresa Smith Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Smith 18 Share the Gift Annual Fund Donors (continued) individuals (continued) Mr. and Mrs. David E. Street Mr. Danny Underwood Mr. Michael Williams Mr. and Mrs. Dale Stubbs Mr. Ismael Veliz Jr. Mrs. Patricia M. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Gus Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Verschoor Mrs. Mary K. Windisch Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Suter Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Victor Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W Winter Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph E. Swider Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Wagner Mrs. Peggy Wnek Mrs. Jane W. Terry Ms. Virginia Walker Mrs. Freddie T. Wright Mrs. Sharon Thames and Mrs. Shayne Edwards Ms. Laura Webb Mr. Marion T. Yongue Mr. George F. Weber Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Young Mr. and Mrs. Milan G. Weerts Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Zaorski Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Todd Mr. Harry S. Westcott and Mrs. Gerd Noyes Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Zimmerman Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tonjes Ms. Ursula N. Whitmire Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tortorella Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wilkins Mr. and Mrs. Larry Umstadter Charles Willard Mr. and Mrs. John R. Thomas Rev. Marion F. Thullbery Mr. and Mrs. Brian A. Zuckerman companies, foundations & organizations Allstate Foundation Schools Association Inc. Macy’s Foundation AT&T Foundation JBT Corporation The Boeing Company Gift Matching Office Caterpillar Matching Gift Program Ladies of Grace UCC Florida Coalition of Christian Private Lake Wales Medical Center In-Kind Donors Thank you for joining us in support Bok Tower Garden’s mission: To share Edward Bok’s gift of a beautiful and serene garden with music, architecture and nature so that all who visit will be inspired by his vision. individuals Estate of Hazel M. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Val Brucker Ms. Gwendolyn C. Seliga Mr. James G. Anderson Mr. Dave Halasz Mr. and Mrs. A. Bronson Thayer Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bellar Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Jones Ms. Cheryl Waters Bob Evans Restaurant Davidson of Dundee International House of Pancakes BSD Galleries Diana Dean Lake Wales Country Club Bunting, Tripp and Ingley, LLP Florida’s Natural Growers Lake Wales Family YMCA Chalet Suzanne Restaurant and Inn Gallery and Frame Shop Lake Wales Little Theatre Cliff’s True Value Hardware Garden Club of Lake Wales Ledger Media Group Cornerstone Catering Golden Nails Crazy Fish Restaurant Hall Communications Lori Draper’s Furniture, Gifts and Accessories Cute as a Button Imperial Lanes companies annual report 2013 | friends of the gardens | donors Mayer Jewelers 19 In-Kind Donors (continued) companies (continued) MOSI Tampa Bay Lightning The Lakeland Center One of a Kind Tampa Bay Rays The Oasis Spa Publix Super Markets, Inc. Terrie Lobb Catering, Inc. Tractor Supply Company Ringling Museum of Art The Dali Museum WEDU Sea World The Florida Aquarium WUSF Sun Coast Media The Garden Artist Reciprocal Partners We are thankful and honored to be reciprocal partners with other gardens and museums across the state. Members of Bok Tower Gardens receive free and discounted admission to attractions, museums and gardens throughout the state of Florida and more than 300 participating public gardens throughout the United States. Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Museum Kanapaha Botanical Gardens Appleton Museum of Art Leepa-Rattner Museum of Art Art and History Museums – Maitland McKee Botanical Garden Bailey-Matthew Shell Museum Mennello Museum of American Art Beaches Museum & History Center Mote Marine Laboratory Calusa Nature Center & Planetarium Museum of Arts and Sciences Central Florida Zoo & Botanical Garden Museum of Fine Arts Clearwater Marine Aquarium M.O.S.I. Museum of Science and Industry Elliott Museum Naples Botanical Gardens Explorations V Children’s Museum Orange County Regional History Center Fantasy of Flight Palm Beach Zoo Florida Aquarium Polk Museum of Art Florida Holocaust Museum Pier Aquarium Great Explorations Children’s Museum South Florida Museum G. Wiz The Science Museum St. Augustine Lighthouse and Museum Historic Spanish Point Tampa Bay History Center Historic Pensacola Village Tampa Museum of Art Historic Stranahan House Vero Beach Museum of Art Jacksonville Maritime Heritage Center Corporate, Foundation & Grant Support As the Gardens continues to promote a culture of philanthropy, businesses, corporations and sources of grant funding are just as crucial as gifts given by individual donors. We focus on partnerships that can become long-term relationships and continue to add new partners every year. Allen & Company Mortgage Corp CapTrust Financial Advisors Florida Tourism Industry Marketing Group American Public Gardens Association Center for Plant Conservation Florida Wildflower Foundation Camp Rosalie Citizen’s Bank & Trust Florida’s Natural Growers Captain Fred’s Airboat Tours Duke Energy Garden Party Florals annual report 2013 | friends of the gardens | donors 20 Corporate, Foundation & Grant Support (continued) Imperial Lanes Lake Wales Medical Center Lanier Upshaw Lori Draper’s Furniture and Accessories Manning & Napier Advisors, LLC Nettle Creek Polk County BoCC – Tourist Development Council State of Florida – Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services TECO Energy Foundation, Inc. State of Florida – Division of Cultural Affairs The Apothecary Shop State of Florida – Division of Historic Preservation State of Florida – Florida Forest Service Tapping the Vine Terrie Lobb Catering, Inc. The Chanticleer Foundation Tucker Paving US Fish and Wildlife Service Veterinary Healthcare Associates Target Walmart Foundation Publix Super Markets Charities TD Bank Seaside Sisters of Florida TD Charitable Foundation Water’s Edge Retirement Community Honor Memorials Here at Bok Tower Gardens, we are glad to honor the memories of those who always radiated a deep-seated passion for the continuing beauty of our Gardens. in memory of Mr. Rawson Atwood in memory of David Hodurski Mrs. Joan Kunzelmann Ms. Kristy Cornejo in memory of Margaret and Rawson Atwood Mr. and Mrs. Bill Funk Ms. Denise M. Moose Hon. John R. Atwood Ms. Gwendolyn C. Seliga in memory of Delores Chaulk in memory of Betty Pontious Ms. Susie Nolan Dr. Harold Pontious in memory of Robert Finta Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Karickhoff in memory of Anita Francis Ms. Sharon Tollin annual report 2013 | friends of the gardens | donors 21 financials Statement of Financial Position financial year ending September 30th, 2013 Assets Cash $ 2,073,524 Receivables $ 97,669 Restaurant and gift shop inventories $ 336,067 Prepaid expenses and deposits $ 76,705 Property and equipment (net) $ 9,288,627 Long-term investments, including designated/restricted for endowments $ 38,445,975 Other assets $ 66,699 Total assets $ 50,385,266 Accounts payable and accrued expenses $ 312,202 Total Liabilites $ 312,202 Unrestricted $ 42,610,288 Temporarily restricted $ 1,429,461 Permanently restricted $ 6,033,315 Total Net Assets $ 50,073,064 Liabilities & Net Assets liabilities net assets annual report 2013 | friends of the gardens | financials 22 Statement of Activities financial year ending September 30th, 2013 Revenue & Support Expenses 23% 20% admission, programs, rentals. contributions, grants. 33% retail, marketing, visitor services. 42% 27% investments. programs. 17% administration. 7% memberships. 20% 8% fundraising, membership. other revenue. Revenue & Support Expenses Investment return: dividends and interest $ 979,990 Horticultural and grounds maintenance $ 942,280 Admissions $ 796,870 Endangered plant program $ 248,399 Food and retail services $ 1,138,379 Carillon $ 198,050 Visitor services $ 517,901 Pinewood Estate and gardens $ 153,881 Membership $ 421,614 Visitor services $ 524,261 Contributions $ 721,048 Food and retail services $ 1,036,168 Grants $ 427,781 Educational programs $ 133,034 Miscellaneous $ 171,722 Development and membership $ 281,447 Total Revenue $ 5,175,305 Fundraising, capital campaign $ 192,139 Facilities and operations $ 395,040 Communications $ 349,595 Administrative $ 975,073 Depreciation $ 326,848 Total Expenses $ 5,756,215 Net Asset Fluctuation Decrease in net assets $ (580,910) Net realized and unrealized gains – investments $ 3,777,947 The Statement of Financial Position and the Statement of Activities Net assets – beginning of year $ 46,876,027 which are part of this annual report were summarized from the audited Net assets – end of year $ 50,073,064 financial statements. A copy of the auditied financial statements with accompanying notes, which were audited by Bunting, Tripp & Ingley, LLP, is available upon request to the Foundation. The Foundation’s 990PF return is also available upon request, as provided by law. annual report 2013 | friends of the gardens | financials 23