2014-09-07 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A


2014-09-07 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A
Glenelg Catholic Parish
September 7th 2014
Deacon Pat Edwards
My Dad had a rather dismissive attitude towards Fathers’ Day. He was strongly
of the view that it was the Mums who carried the large percentage of the demanding
and stressful work in parenting and the focus should be entirely on them. For him,
Fathers’ Day was a distraction from that strongly held view. To a degree, he was right.
Research shows that fathers generally, spend less than a quarter of the time alone with
their children that mothers do. Whilst social norms have changed markedly over the
past 50 years, it seems that many of us, especially children, view Mum as the nurturer,
the comforter, the one we turn to in times of trouble.
But healthy parenting is never the role of one parent only; it is a result of a
cooperative partnership of both a father and a mother. That is why the Church so often
speaks of the role of parents, and not of mothers and fathers individually. Nevertheless,
there is really no such thing as a ‘parent’ in the abstract. In real life parents are always
either a mother or a father, and it is recognised that mothers have different ways of
parenting to fathers; “Viva la difference” we might all say! So as we take time to reflect
on fatherhood, whether it be as father, grandfather or great-grandfather, how can we
complement our spouses and partners in this privileged role of parenting? These are
some reflections. Our example by the way we live is paramount. We can convey this by
displaying the joy of life in all that we do. Whether it be in mundane activities such as
shaving and working in the garden; in our work and play, we make clear our joyful
gratitude for all that God has given us. This same joy should be shown in the way we
worship, listen and respond to God’s word, in prayer and Christian service. We make
family a priority; every opportunity is taken to do things together as a family - meals,
holidays and sharing. And as fathers, allow ourselves to learn from our children, our
grandchildren and our great-grandchildren. The truth is they can teach us much. So let
us leave ourselves open to their influence to change our thinking and beliefs.
Fathers’ Day reinforces how blessed we are, how much we are surrounded by
grace through our children. And let us be conscious of those single parent families,
where mothers or fathers grapple with the task of being both to their children. We
might ask who are they in our parish community and in what ways can we support
them? There is much to reflect on. To all Dads, and in deference to my Dad,
Happy Fathers’ Day!
Child Protection Sunday
As part of National Child Protection Week, Child Protection Sunday will be
celebrated on 14th September 2014. As a parish we look forward to sharing this
special day with children & families acknowledging the importance of creating a safe
& supportive environment where children and young people can be free from harm.
Please remember in your prayers ...
Adelphine Pinto-Lobo, Tom McVeigh,
Mary O’Grady, Fr Janez Tretjak,
Fr Chris Kean, Joan O’Callaghan, Milton
Castle, John Sexton, Bernard Connolly, Molly
Sears, Faustus Syrus, Ray Lennox, Ronnie
Bastow and Peter Forgan.
Joe Parker, John Samuel
Turner, Dominic Hanna, James & Margaret
(Peggy) Campbell, Roger Parnis, Ljerka-Lee
Family, Jonny Alfeldi, Vinko Bosnich, Ivan
Farcich, Italo Dall’Armi, Stephanie Wallace,
Joe Piscioneri, Sheila Mary McNally, Eileen
Barter, Michael & Mavis Cunningham, Owen
Magner, Maria & Peter Rudko, Pauline
Meaney, Gerry & Paul Moran, Cate & Monica
McCabe, Gloria Foody, Betty Waites, Reg
Taylor, Frank Purcell and Giuseppe Gagliardi.
Noreen McCann, Leah Beale, Ray
Coleman, Eileen Temple, Glennis Hughes,
Vinay Fernandes, Raymond & Ruby Sheaffer,
Patrick Moore, Eileen MacGuire, Jim Kerslake
and Chantelle Alvaro.
(If you know any of the sick people are now
better could you please notify the office).
Thank you.
St Dom’s Centre
This week we farewell Enid Fernando who
returns to her family in Sri Lanka. We wish
her God’s blessing and hope she comes
back to us soon.
Monday Sept 22nd.
Bookings for Kaurna Walk are now due.
Cost of bus plus entrance fee is $25. Lunch
at Marion Hotel at own expense. Bus
leaves at 10.45am.
St Dom’s will be closed during the week
from Mon Sept 8th—Mon Sept 15th as
Sr Pat will be on a Retreat at Seven Hills.
Garage Sale, 8 Cowper St, Glenelg.
Sat 11th Oct. 8—12.30 am. Proceeds to St
Dom’s & Aid to the Church in need. More
details: June 8295 1132, Anne 8294 5757
Ruth/John 8294 5458. Donations
welcomed (no electrical items or furniture).
To Acting Principal at St Mary’s Memorial
School, Dan Cowan, who is taking Nat
Izzo’s place as he is taking some long
service leave. Thanks for your leadership,
Congratulations & Welcome……….
To Ava Newbold and her parents
Ben and Kelly. Ava will be baptised this weekend and we wish her
God’s blessing.
Thank you………
$1027 was collected for the East Timor
Sponsorship Program.
Thank you……….
For all your generous donations for the
care packages for the homeless.
Volunteers needed……..
If you are able to help out with counting
please contact the Parish Office.
Parish Pastoral Council recommendations…
Please lodge your recommendation forms
in the white box in the church foyer.
Beadnall BEC invites parishioners to join us
today after 9.15 am mass at OLOG for a
Morning Tea to celebrate Father’s Day.
Children’s Liturgy Leaders
A training session for Leaders of Children
Liturgy has been organised for:
Tuesday 30th September from 6.30 pm at
Plympton in the John the Baptist Centre.
You are most welcome to attend.
Carmen Balales from Catholic Education
will present this session and explore Godly
play with children. If you do wish to
attend this session please RSVP to Orla at
the Parish Office by September 18th.
Meetings for the Coming Week
9 Sept
PFC meeting
Feast Days during the Week
Monday 8th—The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin
Saturday 13th—St John Chrysostom
Entrance Hymn
GA 846—All are Welcome
Let us build a house where love can dwell
And all can safely live, A place where saints
and children tell How hearts learn to forgive.
Built of hopes and dreams and visions, Rock
of faith and vault of grace; Here the love of
Christ shall end divisions:
All are welcome, all are welcome, all are
welcome in this place.
Let us build a house where prophets speak,
And words are strong and true, Where all
God’s children dare to seek To dream God’s
reign anew. Here the cross shall stand as
witness And as symbol of God’s grace; Here
as one we claim the faith of Jesus:
Let us build a house where love is found In
water, wine and wheat: A banquet hall on
holy ground, Where peace and justice meet.
Here the love of God, through Jesus, Is
revealed in time and space; As we share in
Christ the feast that frees us:
Catholic Charities 2014 Appeal
September 2014
Please support our 2014 Appeal. Please
pick up a brochure from the church
foyer during September or make a
donation today to:
Catholic Charities Appeal
Reply Paid 912, Adelaide SA 5001.
For more information please call
Annie O’Neill on 8210 8157 or visit
Loretto College
Mary Ward Mass & Morning Tea
Sunday 14th September, 10 am.
Old scholars, current students, parents,
family members, college staff invited to
attend. Please contact 0413 011 345 or
8334 4200 for more information.
Archbishops Awards 2014
Nominations have now opened. For
more info. regarding nomination
categories & nomination forms, visit
Nominations close 27th Oct.
Contact Robyn Carroll on 8210 8220.
Flyer in church foyer.
Liturgy Roster 14 September 2014
6.00pm OLOV
10.30am OLOV
5.00pm OLOV
9.15am OLOG
S Krupsky
Ministers P Novak
B Selth
J Coonan
M Partridge
H Fox
A Rollond
C Youil
A Parnis
M Lamming
Z Fudge
M Camacho
P Maloney
C Quigley
S Bolton
B Patton
R Knolder
A Charlton
M Caston
M Leverington
S Hallion
G Hallion
Int. L Crabb
J Campbell
A Parnis
A Ainscough
B Greenfield
V Cornthwaithe
J O’Callaghan
C Fairweather
J Janzso
K O’Brien
Children’s Liturgy
OLOV Linen Roster:
R Turner
Counters - Monday: C & R Coleman
OLOV Altar Society: J Janzso & M Seman
OLOG: Year 2/3s
Our Lady of Victories
13/15 High Street, Glenelg
In today’s Gospel, Christ assures us that Our Lady of Grace
whenever two or three gather in his name, 38 Beadnall Terrace, Glengowrie
he is with them. So we can know that he is
Vigil & Sunday Masses
here with us today.
Glenelg 6.00 pm Vigil, 10.30 am, 5.00 pm
First Reading: Ezekiel 33:7-9
Glengowrie 9.15 am
If you have not warned the wicked man,
Weekday Masses Glenelg
then I will hold you responsible for his
Monday Mass
12.00 noon
Tuesday Mass
Psalm: Psalm 94:1-2, 6-9
Wednesday Mass
O that today you would listen to his voice!
Thursday Mass
Harden not your hearts.
Second Reading: Romans 13:8-10
Love is the fulfilment of the Law.
Gospel Acclamation: 2 Corinthians 5:19
Alleluia, alleluia! God was in Christ, to
reconcile the world to himself; and the
Good News of reconciliation he has
entrusted to us. Alleluia!
Gospel: Matthew 18:15-20
If your brother or sister listens to you, you
will have won that person back.
Communion Antiphon: John 8:12
I am the light of the world, says the Lord;
whoever follows me will not walk in
darkness, but will have the light of life.
Processional: RS 846
All are Welcome.
Psalm : GA 55
If today you hear God’s voice, harden not
your heart.
Gospel Acclamation: GA 141
Prep of Gifts : GA 213
Communion 1: GA 490
Prayer of St. Francis.
Communion 2: GA 523
We are many parts.
Recessional: GA 476
The Voice of God.
10.00 am
12.00 noon
12.00 noon
12.00 noon
10.30 am
11.00 am
Friday Mass
Saturday Mass
Parish Priest:
Fr Anthony Kain
Pat Edwards
Pastoral Associate: Orla Wright
Coordinator of the Elderly:
Sr. Patricia Henschke OP 8295 7687
St. Dominic's Care Centre:
17 High Street, Glenelg 8295 7687
Youth Ministry:
Open Mon, Wed - Friday, 9am—2pm
Parish Secretary:
Araceli Hunt
17 High Street, Glenelg SA 5045
Phone: 8294 1888 Fax: 8295 1149
Email: glenelgcp@bigpond.com
Directors of Music:
OLOV Leanne Earl
OLOG Kate Crocker
Parish Pastoral Council:
Chairperson: Kathleen Dodgson